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"tribeid":511458691,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":599307424,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":734528456,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":214554656,"tribe":"Tribe of nekopep" "tribeid":321520662,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":271862786,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":633286797,"tribe":"Tribe of hunter1234567890" "tribeid":615369374,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":14351927,"tribe":"Tribe of The Drone" "tribeid":209187566,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":586223909,"tribe":"Tribe of ććć" "tribeid":266097662,"tribe":"Tribe of Magestral" "tribeid":271821037,"tribe":"Tribe of Byuis" "tribeid":277968551,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":474572888,"tribe":"Tribe of azam" "tribeid":772502529,"tribe":"Tribe of tigga" "tribeid":34560454,"tribe":"Tribe of Trey" "tribeid":687181037,"tribe":"Tribe of GOD" "tribeid":997943188,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":953060523,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":857765361,"tribe":"Tribe of Baba grill" "tribeid":347348744,"tribe":"Tribe of 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"tribeid":730789630,"tribe":"Tribe of Адольф" "tribeid":604407854,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":776755354,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":446671605,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간" "tribeid":720512170,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":370824837,"tribe":"Tribe of DANON" "tribeid":748176465,"tribe":"Tribe of THEURLU" "tribeid":954815460,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":511639819,"tribe":"Tribe of BIG RUSSIAN BOSS" "tribeid":362668422,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":800716374,"tribe":"Tribe of The_Rami10" "tribeid":17465325,"tribe":"Tribe of huila" "tribeid":777131336,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":354179487,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":207093514,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":626705472,"tribe":"Tribe of Yveliani" "tribeid":560251068,"tribe":"Tribe of kirchnerista" "tribeid":659311831,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":865917021,"tribe":"Tribe of alex" "tribeid":757215922,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":782410657,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":12923701,"tribe":"Tribe of iColt" "tribeid":331599971,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":460791306,"tribe":"Tribe of straawb" "tribeid":170859316,"tribe":"Tribe of Bellike" "tribeid":431116526,"tribe":"Tribe of 5345" "tribeid":717121643,"tribe":"Tribe of shawty" "tribeid":219047211,"tribe":"Tribe of Bob" "tribeid":40367626,"tribe":"Tribe of grez" "tribeid":344249473,"tribe":"Tribe of pipo" "tribeid":634407181,"tribe":"Tribe of human" "tribeid":422603776,"tribe":"Tribe of popi" "tribeid":523265156,"tribe":"Tribe of Guy Man" "tribeid":845501964,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":387270468,"tribe":"Tribe of cian" "tribeid":1507000030,"tribe":"Tribe of ZlinKii logs":["Day 26290, 08:30:52: ZlinKii was added to the Tribe! Day 26290, 15:13:11: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 26290, 17:44:39: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26290, 18:05:13: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26290, 18:22:41: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26290, 18:50:00: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 8 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 26378, 12:38:27: Tribemember ZlinKii - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.8x!"] "tribeid":1506471797,"tribe":"Tribe of Azi logs":["Day 23150, 07:42:04: Azi was added to the Tribe! Day 23150, 07:43:29: Liam was added to the Tribe by Azi! Day 23150, 20:30:58: Azi Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 23150, 22:51:23: Azi Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 7 (Mesopithecus)! Day 23151, 01:10:51: Azi Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 23151, 01:28:14: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) was killed by Azi - Lvl 75 (Tribe of Azi)! Day 23151, 01:28:14: Your Tribe killed Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) (Tribe of Azi)! Day 23151, 09:14:22: Tribemember Liam - Lvl 32 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 125! Day 23151, 09:39:02: Tribemember Liam - Lvl 32 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 23151, 10:10:42: Tribemember Liam - Lvl 32 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 23316, 16:30:16: Your [Azi]Pete - Lvl 9 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 23732, 04:11:52: [All] Berry Bertha - Lvl 38 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23751, 14:09:48: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23751, 14:10:04: Tribemember Liam - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24028, 16:09:12: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24028, 16:09:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24116, 07:13:29: Tribemember Azi - Lvl 76 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70!"] "tribeid":1502906869,"tribe":"peanut butter logs":["Day 24607, 18:27:31: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 24608, 07:04:28: Maria Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 24608, 09:52:52: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 45 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 24610, 02:05:44: Maria Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 58 (Megalodon)! Day 24610, 05:38:53: Mr Rex claimed 'Mikhi - Lvl 69 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24610, 06:36:51: Mr Rex claimed 'L9awad frayo - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24610, 08:12:50: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 24610, 21:44:57: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 47 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 54! Day 24611, 04:34:41: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24611, 04:37:07: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24611, 06:26:28: Mr Rex Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 80 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 24611, 07:12:40: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24611, 07:36:18: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24611, 17:43:22: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24611, 23:58:36: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 24612, 03:29:17: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 24612, 06:09:21: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24612, 07:44:55: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24612, 08:32:33: Mr Rex claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24612, 09:27:12: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.2x! Day 24612, 20:30:06: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24613, 00:26:59: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 24613, 01:45:19: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24613, 10:59:15: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 24627, 14:06:47: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 24628, 22:40:18: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 24631, 21:26:39: Maria Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 81 (Direwolf)! Day 24631, 23:01:49: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 24632, 23:54:28: Maria Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 134 (Direwolf)! Day 24633, 07:24:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 14 (Pelagornis)! Day 24635, 13:14:33: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 13:18:17: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 13:20:10: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 13:31:54: Mr Rex demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24635, 14:12:54: Mr Rex demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 24635, 15:46:22: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 15:48:19: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 15:54:51: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:13:04: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:15:42: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:19:52: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:21:01: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:22:57: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:24:04: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:24:53: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:27:22: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:28:35: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:37:40: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:39:12: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24635, 16:40:27: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:41:49: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:43:14: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:44:04: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:53:06: Mr Rex demolished a 'Wooden Hatchframe'! Day 24635, 16:55:31: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24635, 16:56:57: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:33:24: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:34:59: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:36:29: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:40:22: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:41:42: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:43:13: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:44:12: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:45:09: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24635, 17:46:04: Mr Rex demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24636, 17:34:39: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 24637, 00:53:09: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 24637, 04:03:33: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 24637, 16:00:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku)! Day 24637, 17:08:44: Maria Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku)! Day 24638, 14:03:34: Mr Rex claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 44 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 24638, 16:20:37: Maria Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 29 (Megatherium)! Day 24638, 21:17:36: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 44 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 50! Day 24639, 09:40:40: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 85 was killed by Mr Rex - Lvl 63 (peanut butter)! Day 24639, 09:40:40: Your Tribe killed Maria - Lvl 85 (peanut butter)! Day 24639, 13:52:11: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24639, 14:25:26: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 40! Day 24639, 14:31:49: Your Elsamaren - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 40! Day 24651, 17:52:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 24651, 19:54:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 24651, 20:02:31: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 24652, 17:54:11: Mr Rex Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 24652, 19:10:27: Mr Rex Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 141 (Sarco)! Day 24653, 20:45:37: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24653, 22:29:08: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24654, 05:32:07: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 24654, 06:38:02: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 15! Day 24654, 07:43:27: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 15! Day 24654, 11:52:57: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24654, 12:35:37: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24658, 00:00:30: Your Mikhi - Lvl 76 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 24658, 00:09:40: Mr Rex Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 36 (Mammoth)! Day 24658, 02:37:59: Maria Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 52 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24658, 06:54:10: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 91 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 130! Day 24658, 07:50:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 89 (Sarco)! Day 24658, 12:44:10: Your Whiterose 2.0 - Lvl 67 (Raptor) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 125! Day 24658, 12:51:39: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 68 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 125! Day 24658, 20:03:25: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 69 was killed by a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 40! Day 24658, 22:54:15: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 91 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 24659, 10:31:29: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 69 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 24659, 13:58:49: Mr Rex Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 13 (Daeodon)! Day 24659, 15:14:47: Maria Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 118 (Daeodon)! Day 24659, 15:44:45: Maria Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 66 (Daeodon)! Day 24659, 20:56:22: Your Furtrude - Lvl 45 (Mammoth) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 30! Day 24659, 20:59:19: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 70 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 24660, 00:27:23: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 24660, 03:07:31: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 70 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 24660, 03:39:25: Your Boss man - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 24660, 05:42:59: Your Sashanarcy - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 85! Day 24660, 05:44:56: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 70 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 85! Day 24660, 07:58:57: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 70 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 85! Day 24660, 11:38:35: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 24673, 16:19:26: Mr Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 24674, 21:32:51: Mr Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 24675, 16:17:45: Mr Rex Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 59 (Argentavis)! Day 24676, 15:11:58: Mr Rex Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 78 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24676, 16:13:23: Mr Rex Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 82 (Yutyrannus)! Day 24677, 08:35:38: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24677, 14:08:59: Mr Rex Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 7 (Brontosaurus)! Day 24678, 22:25:32: Your Paul Mudd - Lvl 25 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 24678, 22:25:32: Paul Mudd - Lvl 25 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 24679, 14:34:09: Maria Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 22 (Tapejara)! Day 24679, 17:57:55: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 24680, 14:08:04: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 24694, 00:37:10: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24697, 07:04:08: Your Janstar - Lvl 190 (Sarco) was killed! Day 24697, 07:06:08: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 80 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 24697, 10:10:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 82 (Mammoth)! Day 24697, 10:37:42: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 24697, 11:07:38: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 80 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 24697, 14:08:58: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 24698, 08:30:43: Maria Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis)! Day 24699, 00:04:41: Maria claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 120 (Ovis)'! Day 24699, 00:06:15: Your Baby Ovis - Lvl 120 (Ovis) was killed by Maria - Lvl 102 (peanut butter)! Day 24699, 00:06:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Ovis - Lvl 120 (Ovis) (peanut butter)! Day 24699, 12:06:34: Mr Rex Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 14 (Direwolf)! Day 24699, 13:40:27: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 81 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 65! Day 24699, 17:04:23: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 81 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 65! Day 24699, 17:33:10: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 24699, 18:37:05: Mr Rex Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 29 (Direwolf)! Day 24700, 01:47:34: Mr Rex Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 127 (Direwolf)! Day 24700, 01:51:14: Mr Rex Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 127 (Direwolf)! Day 24700, 06:46:08: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 24700, 10:05:34: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 24700, 17:26:19: Your Nyein - Lvl 115 (Direwolf) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 24700, 18:38:42: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24700, 22:22:35: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24701, 00:32:19: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 24701, 01:55:56: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24701, 04:10:16: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 24701, 04:41:30: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 24701, 05:03:19: Mr Rex claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 154 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 24701, 05:37:28: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24701, 05:58:26: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24701, 06:07:02: Your Weapon - Lvl 159 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 24708, 23:25:46: Maria Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 141 (Direwolf)! Day 24725, 12:23:52: Mr Rex Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 48 (Sarco)! Day 24725, 19:24:21: Mr Rex Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 12 (Sabertooth)! Day 24726, 16:56:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 24727, 10:40:12: Maria Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 24729, 12:10:49: Maria demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 24731, 12:03:26: Mr Rex Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 24731, 12:04:01: Mr Rex Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 67 (Sabertooth)! Day 24733, 10:38:40: Your Sabrina - Lvl 121 (Sarco) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 24733, 12:13:01: Maria Tamed a Manta - Lvl 22 (Manta)! Day 24733, 12:47:26: Your Manta - Lvl 22 (Manta) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 24734, 00:27:09: Maria Tamed a Manta - Lvl 89 (Manta)! Day 24742, 16:33:10: Maria uploaded a Pteranodon: Egg Stealer - Lvl 93 Day 24745, 01:54:18: Maria downloaded a dino: Egg Stealer - Lvl 82 Day 24745, 01:55:00: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 24745, 05:46:40: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 24745, 05:55:09: Thunder was added to the Tribe by Maria! Day 24745, 06:00:53: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 24745, 06:32:41: Your Big Man - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 24745, 06:37:35: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 85 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 125! Day 24745, 09:43:57: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 24745, 18:41:39: Mr Rex uploaded a Pteranodon: Egg Thief - Lvl 88 Day 24745, 19:11:24: Maria uploaded a Pteranodon: Egg Stealer - Lvl 91 Day 24745, 23:30:45: Maria uploaded a Pteranodon: Scarlett - Lvl 200 Day 24746, 00:41:11: Mr Rex uploaded a Argentavis: Argchie - Lvl 87 Day 24747, 17:11:05: Maria downloaded a dino: Scarlett - Lvl 191 Day 24747, 17:22:06: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24747, 18:54:08: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24750, 16:17:39: Maria demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 24750, 16:18:29: Maria demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 24750, 16:25:34: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24750, 16:27:19: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24750, 16:28:07: Maria demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24750, 16:28:50: Maria demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24750, 16:29:19: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:29:46: Maria demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24750, 16:30:18: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:30:43: Maria demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24750, 16:31:09: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:31:22: Maria demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:32:02: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:32:11: Maria demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:32:49: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:33:27: Maria demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24750, 16:34:00: Thunder demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24751, 07:12:22: Your Wondo - Lvl 50 (Tapejara) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 24751, 08:08:31: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 59 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 24751, 19:53:43: Maria Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 187 (Tapejara)! Day 24751, 20:16:44: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 24769, 18:00:09: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24772, 18:55:52: Maria Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)! Day 24775, 02:48:20: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24775, 09:39:53: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24775, 16:53:08: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 69 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 24775, 18:32:00: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 69 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 24776, 03:22:55: Thunder demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 24776, 11:32:32: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed by Thunder - Lvl 70 (peanut butter)! Day 24776, 11:32:32: Your Tribe killed Maria - Lvl 108 (peanut butter)! Day 24776, 15:43:12: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 108 was killed by Thunder - Lvl 70 (peanut butter)! Day 24776, 15:43:12: Your Tribe killed Maria - Lvl 108 (peanut butter)! Day 24778, 13:20:26: Maria claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 136 (Direwolf)'! Day 24778, 15:30:14: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 87 was killed by a Pteranodon - Lvl 15! Day 24778, 16:08:02: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 88 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 24778, 17:26:12: Thunder claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 145 (Direwolf)'! Day 24778, 18:07:33: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 88 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 70! Day 24778, 18:56:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 24778, 20:09:48: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 73 was killed by Maria - Lvl 108 (peanut butter)! Day 24778, 20:09:48: Your Tribe killed Thunder - Lvl 73 (peanut butter)! Day 24779, 08:43:07: Thunder claimed 'Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 87 (Daeodon)'! Day 24779, 09:01:19: Maria claimed 'Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 87 (Daeodon)'! Day 24779, 19:18:02: Thunder demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 24793, 11:27:16: Maria claimed 'Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 93 (Daeodon)'! Day 24793, 14:54:10: Your Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 93 (Daeodon) was killed by Maria - Lvl 108 (peanut butter)! Day 24793, 14:54:10: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 93 (Daeodon) (peanut butter)! Day 24794, 14:08:07: Maria Tamed a Chalicotherium - Lvl 67 (Chalicotherium)! Day 24794, 14:20:03: Maria froze Chalicotherium - Lvl 67 (Chalicotherium) Day 24794, 15:25:11: Maria Tamed a Chalicotherium - Lvl 119 (Chalicotherium)! Day 24794, 15:28:34: Maria froze Chalicotherium - Lvl 119 (Chalicotherium) Day 24795, 00:39:17: Maria claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 24795, 01:30:12: Maria Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)! Day 24795, 01:36:34: Maria froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 24796, 11:32:37: Maria claimed 'Baby Chalicotherium - Lvl 110 (Chalicotherium)'! Day 24796, 19:15:54: Juvenile Chalicotherium - Lvl 110 (Chalicotherium) starved to death! Day 24796, 23:53:18: Maria Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 134 (Allosaurus)! Day 24797, 00:01:59: Maria froze Allosaurus - Lvl 134 (Allosaurus) Day 24798, 07:24:27: Maria claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24798, 07:28:03: Maria froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) Day 24798, 13:08:06: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 78 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 40! Day 24803, 19:39:09: Thunder claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 30 (Kairuku)'! Day 24803, 20:53:17: Your Baby Kairuku - Lvl 30 (Kairuku) was killed! Day 24803, 20:53:17: Baby Kairuku - Lvl 30 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 24813, 16:48:57: Your Lumity - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 40! Day 24816, 06:42:19: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 114 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 40! Day 24816, 09:57:55: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 79 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 24816, 11:47:15: Your Steel - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 110! Day 24816, 11:59:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 21 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 24816, 12:17:56: Thunder froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 21 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 24816, 14:53:55: Thunder Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)! Day 24816, 14:56:57: Thunder froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 24816, 15:32:08: Thunder froze Daeodon - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) Day 24816, 15:51:38: Thunder froze Phat Basturd - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) Day 24816, 16:08:07: Thunder froze Phat Basturd - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) Day 24816, 16:40:55: Thunder froze Phat Basturd - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) Day 24816, 19:35:22: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 80 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 110! Day 24816, 21:27:15: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 80 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 45! Day 24817, 07:13:32: Thunder Tamed a Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)! Day 24817, 07:26:38: Thunder froze Rihanna - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 24817, 10:25:47: Thunder Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 7 (Doedicurus)! Day 24817, 10:33:57: Thunder froze Dick - Lvl 7 (Doedicurus) Day 24818, 14:13:36: Maria Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 142 (Dire Bear)! Day 24818, 14:23:04: Maria froze aaaae - Lvl 142 (Dire Bear) Day 24821, 23:12:12: Your Phat Basturd - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 24828, 17:33:37: Thunder froze Rihanna - Lvl 173 (Rex) Day 24828, 19:32:27: Thunder froze Rihanna - Lvl 173 (Rex) Day 24845, 09:48:43: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 24887, 16:51:31: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 24888, 20:18:37: Maria Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 106 (Carnotaurus)! Day 24888, 21:12:05: Maria froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 106 (Carnotaurus) Day 25121, 20:28:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 25139, 10:45:15: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25139, 10:45:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25146, 02:04:14: Daeodon - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 25272, 08:37:40: ddddddddddddd - Lvl 47 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25297, 12:00:28: Pogo - Lvl 47 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 25324, 07:38:50: Doug - Lvl 102 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 25334, 21:58:43: Oswalkd - Lvl 76 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 25364, 10:24:47: Rescue Team 2.0 - Lvl 194 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25364, 12:40:33: Edward - Lvl 47 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 25364, 12:40:48: Steve 2.0 - Lvl 66 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 25393, 12:09:36: Philip - Lvl 73 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25529, 13:10:42: Tribemember Mr Rex - Lvl 88 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 25551, 16:09:20: Mrs MILF - Lvl 51 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25564, 22:37:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25596, 18:01:13: Pull-mon-my-dick - Lvl 26 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 25664, 00:15:57: da - Lvl 155 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 25664, 01:01:36: Mr DILF - Lvl 55 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25668, 21:24:54: Osmeralda - Lvl 311 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 25668, 21:39:54: Tom - Lvl 96 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 25676, 13:42:03: Natsuri - Lvl 50 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 25711, 21:03:04: Girlboss - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25711, 21:19:40: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chad - Lvl 122 (Chalicotherium)'! Day 25711, 21:22:04: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chepper - Lvl 67 (Chalicotherium)'! Day 25711, 21:22:44: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Adrian - Lvl 146 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25711, 21:24:31: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rihanna - Lvl 179 (Rex)'! Day 25711, 21:25:20: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yvonne - Lvl 122 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25711, 21:26:15: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alice - Lvl 144 (Allosaurus)'! Day 25711, 21:26:50: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 106 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 25711, 21:27:22: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pain in the ass to get - Lvl 213 (Tapejara)'! Day 25711, 21:30:17: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mekanic - Lvl 73 (Sarco)'! Day 25711, 21:30:47: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Angelica - Lvl 123 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25711, 21:35:23: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tiny - Lvl 48 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 25711, 21:36:14: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 121 (Mammoth)'! Day 25711, 21:36:58: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizzy - Lvl 137 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 25711, 21:37:45: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megamind - Lvl 75 (Megatherium)'! Day 25711, 21:38:08: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metolly - Lvl 129 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 25711, 21:38:54: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 25711, 21:39:30: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diakko 2.0 - Lvl 196 (Iguanodon)'! Day 25711, 21:40:02: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dick - Lvl 15 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25711, 21:43:18: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shitpig - Lvl 109 (Phiomia)'! Day 25711, 21:49:44: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Athena - Lvl 108 (Manta)'! Day 25711, 21:56:32: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mogo - Lvl 107 (Megalodon)'! Day 25711, 22:09:22: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gravis - Lvl 140 (Argentavis)'! Day 25711, 22:10:04: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canary - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)'! Day 25711, 22:10:57: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 25711, 22:12:21: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)'! Day 25711, 22:14:06: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bofa - Lvl 96 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 25711, 22:15:12: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 67 (Sabertooth)'! Day 25711, 22:15:48: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 19 (Sabertooth)'! Day 25711, 22:16:28: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)'! Day 25711, 22:20:58: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 179 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:21:29: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimori - Lvl 162 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:21:50: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Midori - Lvl 192 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:22:14: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mave - Lvl 164 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:22:37: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maple - Lvl 164 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:23:00: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roxica - Lvl 163 (Direwolf)'! Day 25711, 22:23:23: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Harlivy - Lvl 66 (Direwolf)'! Day 25712, 17:02:49: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 25712, 22:24:39: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Seargent Lexi - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25713, 00:22:49: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scarlett - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Beer Barrel' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25875, 14:51:25: Hum - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25908, 16:19:31: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS Cutie Putie (Raft)'! Day 25973, 11:34:25: Tribemember Thunder - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 25973, 11:46:58: Tribemember Maria - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 26066, 15:06:53: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1502820533,"tribe":"Tribe of tweetkimbo logs":["Day 22738, 11:12:14: tweetkimbo was added to the Tribe! Day 22738, 11:13:02: Satoshi was added to the Tribe by tweetkimbo! Day 22738, 11:58:25: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22738, 14:17:42: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 20 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 22738, 14:38:47: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 20 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.8x! Day 22738, 22:30:44: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 18 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 22739, 01:18:59: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 36 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22739, 06:44:56: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 36 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 10! Day 22762, 08:29:42: Tribemember Satoshi - Lvl 68 was killed by tweetkimbo - Lvl 62 (Tribe of tweetkimbo)! Day 22762, 08:29:42: Your Tribe killed Satoshi - Lvl 68 (Tribe of tweetkimbo)! Day 22762, 13:09:05: Tribemember tweetkimbo - Lvl 62 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 22763, 18:35:47: tweetkimbo froze wyverio - Lvl 291 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22763, 21:06:38: Satoshi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23344, 09:44:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1501749041,"tribe":"Tribe of Homosexual logs":["Day 42056, 01:42:16: Homosexual was added to the Tribe! Day 42056, 01:47:10: Ashli was added to the Tribe by Homosexual! Day 42056, 02:01:45: Tribemember Homosexual - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 42056, 03:41:23: Tribemember Homosexual - Lvl 6 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 55! Day 42056, 06:40:57: Ashli demolished a 'Wood Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 42056, 11:05:35: Ashli Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 119 (Dodo)! Day 42056, 11:47:36: Tribemember Ashli - Lvl 27 was killed by Homosexual - Lvl 18 (Tribe of Homosexual)! Day 42056, 11:47:36: Your Tribe killed Ashli - Lvl 27 (Tribe of Homosexual)! Day 42056, 21:15:38: Tribemember Ashli - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 42057, 01:37:38: Ashli Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 77 (Dimorphodon)! Day 42202, 07:28:18: Tribemember Ashli - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 42351, 13:58:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42502, 02:39:38: Your shithead - Lvl 124 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 42637, 17:37:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42637, 17:37:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42637, 17:37:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42747, 13:57:52: Dorkodon - Lvl 77 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 43439, 03:28:35: Human - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1500522274,"tribe":"SEXY MEN logs":["Day 19014, 20:16:48: Midge was added to the Tribe! Day 19014, 21:27:23: The King was added to the Tribe by Midge! Day 19014, 22:10:45: Tribemember Midge - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 19014, 22:11:44: Tribemember The King - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 19015, 00:18:14: Tribemember The King - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 19015, 10:33:03: Tribemember The King - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 19015, 11:26:55: Tribemember The King - Lvl 21 was killed by Midge - Lvl 37 (SEXY MEN)! Day 19015, 11:26:55: Your Tribe killed The King - Lvl 21 (SEXY MEN)! Day 19015, 11:54:41: Tribemember The King - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19015, 12:43:33: Tribemember The King - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 19015, 12:58:30: Human was added to the Tribe by Midge! Day 19015, 17:14:10: Tribemember The King - Lvl 43 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 19015, 18:22:54: Tribemember The King - Lvl 43 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 25! Day 19015, 21:49:28: Tribemember The King - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 19016, 00:03:57: Tribemember The King - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.8x! Day 19016, 02:50:08: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 19016, 03:15:09: Tribemember Midge - Lvl 57 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19016, 04:52:02: Tribemember Midge - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 19016, 05:07:06: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 19016, 06:23:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 19016, 07:22:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 19016, 08:44:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 85! Day 19016, 08:57:55: Tribemember Midge - Lvl 60 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 19016, 11:56:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 19173, 01:10:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19314, 15:50:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22213, 09:31:15: Tribemember Midge - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1496882592,"tribe":"Tribe of yohateman logs":["Day 26453, 18:03:14: yohateman was added to the Tribe! Day 26453, 20:16:33: Tribemember yohateman - Lvl 9 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 26622, 05:56:00: Tribemember yohateman - Lvl 10 was killed!"] "tribeid":1496231153,"tribe":"Tribe of Bern logs":["Day 38470, 16:24:18: Bern was added to the Tribe! Day 38470, 16:57:28: Bern demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38470, 18:41:00: Bern demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38471, 00:49:24: pedro was added to the Tribe by Bern! Day 38471, 06:19:57: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 21 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 75! Day 38471, 06:23:06: Tribemember pedro - Lvl 14 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 80! Day 38471, 06:57:26: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 21 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 80! Day 38471, 07:54:31: Tribemember pedro - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 38471, 09:08:02: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 38471, 11:48:05: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 23 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 38471, 12:59:06: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 23 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 38471, 14:30:34: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 24 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 38471, 14:52:52: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 24 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 140! Day 38471, 17:27:47: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 5! Day 38471, 19:03:33: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 140! Day 38471, 19:54:57: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by pedro - Lvl 17 (Tribe of Bern)! Day 38471, 19:54:57: Your Tribe killed Bern - Lvl 25 (Tribe of Bern)! Day 38471, 23:08:55: Tribemember pedro - Lvl 19 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 70! Day 38471, 23:13:02: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 70! Day 38472, 01:43:45: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38472, 02:03:37: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 25 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38472, 07:55:37: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 38472, 07:58:49: Tribemember pedro - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 38472, 09:16:27: Tribemember Bern - Lvl 26 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 10! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38765, 16:10:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39050, 13:57:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39050, 13:57:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39050, 13:57:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39229, 20:17:47: Tribemember pedro - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1496099309,"tribe":"Tribe of Schmiggles logs":["Day 20531, 22:17:11: Schmiggles was added to the Tribe! Day 20531, 22:24:25: Maven was added to the Tribe by Schmiggles! Day 20532, 11:12:50: Maven demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20532, 11:14:29: Maven demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20532, 11:16:16: Maven demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20532, 11:17:13: Maven demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20532, 11:18:10: Maven demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20532, 18:44:02: Maven demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 20533, 04:29:56: Tribemember Schmiggles - Lvl 26 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 85! Day 20533, 06:35:58: Schmiggles demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 20533, 13:11:56: Tribemember Maven - Lvl 28 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 21125, 10:10:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21125, 10:10:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22297, 22:59:37: Tribemember Maven - Lvl 28 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18! Day 22297, 23:01:08: Tribemember Schmiggles - Lvl 28 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18!"] "tribeid":1492459486,"tribe":"Tribe of jaxs logs":["Day 27883, 10:37:36: jaxs froze cyraxs - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28297, 17:47:18: jaxs froze cyraxs - Lvl 172 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28865, 12:30:11: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 28865, 16:28:43: jaxs froze Shenlong - Lvl 212 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29549, 07:58:31: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 29549, 08:33:17: jaxs froze Mushu - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29876, 06:39:44: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 29876, 06:58:51: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 29876, 07:34:22: jaxs froze Shenlong - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30250, 13:21:51: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 198 (Ravager) Day 30250, 14:26:16: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 30250, 14:56:34: jaxs froze Bahamut - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30432, 11:38:52: jaxs froze your mum - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 30432, 13:07:49: jaxs froze Woody - Lvl 299 (Castoroides) Day 30432, 13:35:26: jaxs froze Shenlong - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30738, 21:23:48: jaxs froze Hope - Lvl 252 (Parasaur) Day 30738, 22:20:30: jaxs froze Venom - Lvl 365 (Poison Wyvern) Day 30882, 03:44:45: jaxs froze Star - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 31260, 01:32:59: jaxs froze Vnrera - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31565, 21:48:13: jaxs froze Hope - Lvl 252 (Parasaur) Day 31565, 22:19:39: jaxs froze Jack - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 31917, 10:27:01: jaxs froze Hope - Lvl 253 (Parasaur) Day 31917, 10:55:21: jaxs froze Jack - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 32580, 14:30:48: jaxs froze Hope - Lvl 253 (Parasaur) Day 32580, 15:05:39: jaxs froze hoth - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 33089, 08:58:03: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 33089, 09:07:43: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 33089, 09:26:28: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 33089, 09:42:00: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 33089, 09:58:56: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 33089, 10:00:23: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 33838, 09:32:53: xmossy - Lvl 79 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whack chan - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33966, 12:53:17: Redoubt - Lvl 171 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 33967, 18:20:46: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creamery - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 33967, 18:36:55: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hope - Lvl 253 (Parasaur)'! Day 33967, 18:38:18: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COLGATE - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33967, 18:39:21: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tod - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33967, 18:39:57: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King - Lvl 218 (Parasaur)'! Day 33967, 18:40:29: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33967, 19:07:32: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 195 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33967, 19:09:36: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie Watts - Lvl 186 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33968, 00:59:32: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bort chan - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 33968, 01:00:50: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pogcopter-Death Rebirth² - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 33968, 01:02:58: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charcoal - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 33968, 01:04:49: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cam - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 33968, 01:06:39: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tallon - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 33968, 03:24:05: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tan - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33968, 03:24:30: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33968, 03:25:11: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bella - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33968, 03:28:52: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33968, 03:31:11: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Pretender - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34266, 19:15:51: jaxs froze Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1491517007,"tribe":"Tribe of starjamin logs":["Day 28081, 12:15:37: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 28081, 12:20:11: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 28081, 12:23:30: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) Day 28081, 14:49:29: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus) Day 28081, 14:52:39: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus) Day 28081, 14:55:26: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 28086, 07:56:17: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 28087, 06:27:11: starjamin froze Maewing - Lvl 67 (Maewing) Day 28131, 15:09:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 52 (Spino)! Day 28131, 15:18:28: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 52 (Spino) Day 28132, 06:53:58: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 56 (Spino) Day 28132, 08:08:42: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 59 (Spino) Day 28132, 20:54:03: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 28133, 05:15:15: starjamin claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28133, 05:42:00: starjamin claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28133, 12:24:22: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 59 (Spino) Day 28133, 12:29:08: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 135 (Rex) Day 28133, 12:33:15: starjamin froze Stars Bird - Lvl 160 (Argentavis) Day 28133, 12:47:55: starjamin froze Beths Bird - Lvl 62 (Argentavis) Day 28133, 12:59:20: starjamin froze Maewing - Lvl 72 (Maewing) Day 28133, 13:04:19: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 251 (Griffin) Day 28176, 05:48:11: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 28176, 05:48:11: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 28177, 21:26:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 35 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28178, 01:25:13: starjamin froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 35 (Tek Raptor) Day 28178, 01:40:12: starjamin Tamed a Spino - Lvl 128 (Spino)! Day 28178, 01:52:01: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 128 (Spino) Day 28178, 06:05:58: starjamin claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 28178, 06:12:14: starjamin froze Baby Spino - Lvl 82 (Spino) Day 28181, 15:08:11: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 82 (Spino) Day 28181, 15:11:16: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 132 (Spino) Day 28181, 15:14:09: starjamin froze Spino - Lvl 104 (Spino) Day 28181, 15:23:05: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 260 (Griffin) Day 28292, 07:40:50: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 179 (Rex) Day 28292, 10:07:39: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 277 (Griffin) Day 28296, 23:45:12: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 28296, 23:51:02: starjamin froze Pteranodon - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon) Day 28297, 00:18:50: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 28301, 07:28:38: starjamin froze Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 28301, 08:11:47: starjamin downloaded a dino: femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 234 Day 28301, 08:12:25: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28301, 08:18:33: starjamin froze femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 28301, 08:22:23: starjamin downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 313 Day 28301, 08:26:19: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 28301, 08:28:33: starjamin downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 265 Day 28301, 08:32:04: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) Day 28301, 08:35:21: starjamin downloaded a dino: stars owl - Lvl 141 Day 28301, 08:40:34: starjamin froze stars owl - Lvl 141 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28301, 08:43:49: starjamin downloaded a dino: Griffin - Lvl 136 Day 28301, 08:47:30: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 136 (Griffin) Day 28301, 08:50:30: starjamin downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 160 Day 28301, 08:54:05: starjamin froze Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) Day 28301, 09:39:43: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 28301, 13:15:12: starjamin froze Maewing - Lvl 72 (Maewing) Day 28301, 14:01:17: starjamin froze Maewing - Lvl 72 (Maewing) Day 28301, 15:47:32: starjamin froze femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 28301, 15:50:23: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 28301, 15:53:23: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 28301, 15:56:16: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) Day 28301, 16:06:13: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 136 (Griffin) Day 28301, 16:09:11: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 28301, 16:11:58: starjamin froze stars owl - Lvl 141 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28301, 16:17:08: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 28301, 16:26:16: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 28301, 16:29:20: starjamin froze Stars Bird - Lvl 160 (Argentavis) Day 28301, 16:33:31: starjamin froze Mkinney - Lvl 283 (Argentavis) Day 28301, 22:26:13: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 28315, 08:28:40: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28315, 08:35:40: starjamin froze stars owl - Lvl 172 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28315, 08:39:08: starjamin froze 36S Male - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28315, 08:42:49: starjamin froze Female Breed till male s - Lvl 197 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28315, 08:46:19: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) Day 28315, 08:51:04: starjamin froze femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 28315, 08:53:54: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 28315, 09:14:06: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 28315, 09:26:38: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 313 (Therizinosaur) Day 28315, 12:06:49: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 28316, 19:40:16: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 28316, 19:50:51: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 172 (Griffin) Day 28318, 06:44:04: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 313 (Therizinosaur) Day 28318, 20:10:29: starjamin demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 28318, 21:35:48: starjamin froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28319, 10:59:45: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 28319, 15:17:51: starjamin froze Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) Day 28319, 15:20:54: starjamin froze Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) Day 28319, 15:32:46: starjamin froze Pteranodon - Lvl 48 (Pteranodon) Day 28320, 06:37:20: starjamin froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28320, 23:32:05: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28320, 23:36:14: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28320, 23:37:17: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28321, 03:57:21: starjamin froze Snow Owl - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 28321, 04:02:03: starjamin froze stars owl - Lvl 177 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28321, 05:38:46: starjamin claimed 'lassie - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28321, 08:21:58: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 313 (Therizinosaur) Day 28321, 08:28:14: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 28321, 08:55:19: Nikemya2000 froze stars owl - Lvl 177 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28321, 10:22:20: starjamin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 10:25:22: starjamin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 10:28:34: Nikemya2000 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 10:41:52: starjamin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 10:47:00: starjamin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 10:53:01: starjamin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 13:52:57: starjamin froze Female Breed till male s - Lvl 197 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 13:56:30: starjamin froze 36S Male - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 14:00:00: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28321, 14:33:55: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 28321, 15:24:32: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 174 (Griffin) Day 28321, 18:19:58: Nikemya2000 froze stars weight bird - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 28322, 10:35:09: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 28323, 08:32:52: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28323, 08:38:33: starjamin froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 08:49:25: Nikemya2000 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 08:51:47: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28323, 08:54:47: starjamin froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 08:56:02: Nikemya2000 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 09:02:40: Nikemya2000 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 09:07:20: Nikemya2000 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28323, 09:14:13: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 244 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28323, 09:25:58: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 313 (Therizinosaur) Day 28323, 09:29:20: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 28323, 09:54:48: starjamin froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 177 (Griffin) Day 28323, 11:26:44: starjamin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 28323, 11:38:47: starjamin unclaimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 28323, 11:42:02: starjamin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 28323, 11:51:12: starjamin froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 28323, 12:21:46: starjamin unclaimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 28323, 13:10:46: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 28337, 00:11:25: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 28337, 00:48:26: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 28337, 06:47:57: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 177 (Griffin) Day 28339, 03:15:29: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28339, 08:39:53: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 244 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28339, 08:49:40: Nikemya2000 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 192 (Doedicurus) Day 28339, 09:45:24: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 188 (Griffin) Day 28339, 20:01:47: Nikemya2000's 'Peter Griffin - Lvl 188 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28339, 23:31:19: Nikemya2000 froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 28340, 01:39:32: Nikemya2000 froze Clifford - Lvl 278 (Griffin) Day 28341, 07:23:51: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 25 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28341, 07:26:56: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 25 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28341, 17:02:11: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28341, 17:22:24: Nikemya2000 froze Female Breed till male s - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28342, 21:24:55: starjamin claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 28342, 21:34:12: starjamin froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28342, 21:50:20: starjamin froze Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 25 (Rock Drake) Day 28342, 22:33:42: starjamin froze 36S Male - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28342, 22:37:58: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28343, 10:19:04: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28344, 03:40:58: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 25 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 03:45:28: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 25 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 04:40:51: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 26 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 04:47:08: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 26 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 05:25:49: starjamin froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28344, 05:31:05: starjamin froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28344, 05:35:29: starjamin froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28344, 05:40:09: starjamin froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28344, 07:44:52: starjamin claimed 'h40 - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28344, 09:00:10: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 31 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 09:09:48: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 26 (Rock Drake) Day 28344, 09:12:24: starjamin unclaimed 'h40 - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28344, 12:10:11: starjamin unclaimed 'stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 28344, 12:14:40: starjamin claimed 'stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 28344, 12:55:00: starjamin unclaimed 'stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 28344, 13:22:12: starjamin claimed 'stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 28344, 13:25:36: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28347, 08:23:37: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28347, 08:48:34: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28362, 05:57:55: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28362, 06:15:15: starjamin froze Baby high health - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 28362, 06:28:04: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 110 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28362, 06:33:25: starjamin froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 110 (Rock Drake) Day 28362, 08:36:04: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 57 (Rock Drake) Day 28364, 01:16:36: starjamin downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 Day 28364, 01:17:20: starjamin downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 82 Day 28364, 06:11:49: starjamin froze Adolescent breed pair - Lvl 110 (Rock Drake) Day 28364, 06:17:17: starjamin froze Adolescent high health breed - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 28364, 11:14:00: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28365, 06:21:49: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 144 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28365, 06:25:17: starjamin froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 144 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 08:21:44: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28365, 09:26:06: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28365, 09:29:37: starjamin froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 09:59:09: starjamin froze high health breed - Lvl 152 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 10:02:55: starjamin froze breed pair - Lvl 110 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 10:07:35: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 57 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 10:54:37: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 11:34:24: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 12:29:14: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 12:33:13: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 12:52:55: starjamin froze femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 28365, 14:55:29: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 15:46:10: starjamin claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 28365, 15:52:00: starjamin claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 28365, 15:54:38: starjamin froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 15:57:23: starjamin froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 28365, 21:52:56: starjamin froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 144 (Rock Drake) Day 28365, 22:12:07: starjamin froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 28366, 00:18:22: starjamin claimed 'pammy - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28366, 00:50:38: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 28366, 02:56:00: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28366, 02:57:48: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28366, 03:03:17: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 03:07:06: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 03:11:15: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 04:13:08: starjamin unclaimed 'pammy - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28366, 06:13:54: starjamin claimed 'pammy - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28366, 06:18:12: starjamin froze pammy - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 08:36:05: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 15:12:28: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 15:18:03: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28366, 15:43:50: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28366, 19:36:07: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28367, 01:52:29: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28367, 01:56:27: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28367, 02:03:26: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28368, 04:21:02: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 28368, 04:25:16: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 28368, 05:59:01: starjamin downloaded a dino: Gacha - Lvl 61 Day 28368, 05:59:26: starjamin downloaded a dino: Gacha - Lvl 82 Day 28368, 06:00:01: starjamin downloaded a dino: Mammoth - Lvl 242 Day 28368, 06:00:32: starjamin downloaded a dino: Gacha - Lvl 83 Day 28368, 06:01:02: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28368, 06:02:08: starjamin downloaded a dino: FuckFace - Lvl 306 Day 28368, 06:06:11: starjamin froze FuckFace - Lvl 306 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 28368, 06:13:28: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha) Day 28368, 06:17:30: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 61 (Gacha) Day 28368, 06:22:22: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 28368, 06:26:46: starjamin froze Mammoth - Lvl 242 (Mammoth) Day 28368, 06:30:01: starjamin downloaded a dino: stars wyvern - Lvl 199 Day 28368, 06:34:50: starjamin froze Peter Griffin 2.0 - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 28368, 07:09:31: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha) Day 28368, 07:24:37: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha) Day 28368, 09:10:42: starjamin froze Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf) Day 28368, 09:13:28: starjamin froze Hevan - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf) Day 28368, 09:41:26: starjamin froze Hevan - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf) Day 28368, 09:46:12: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 61 (Gacha) Day 28368, 10:10:13: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 87 (Gacha) Day 28368, 10:27:56: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha) Day 28368, 10:55:53: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 87 (Gacha) Day 28368, 12:33:48: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake) Day 28368, 12:37:52: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 144 (Rock Drake) Day 28368, 12:40:57: starjamin froze Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 28368, 14:42:18: starjamin froze giga slayer - Lvl 315 (Therizinosaur) Day 28368, 15:11:46: starjamin froze Stars main - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 28368, 15:16:34: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28368, 15:22:27: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 219 (Shadowmane) Day 28368, 18:30:51: starjamin claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 28368, 18:55:09: starjamin froze Baby Terry :) - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 28369, 06:02:05: starjamin froze Juvenile Barney is a dinosaur - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 28369, 15:25:35: starjamin froze Juvenile Barney is a dinosaur - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 28369, 23:22:16: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 199 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28381, 15:37:21: starjamin froze Barney is a dinosaur - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 28382, 00:32:19: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28382, 01:32:28: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28382, 06:04:21: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28405, 23:48:45: Parasaur - Lvl 48 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28410, 23:16:21: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 42 (Deinonychus) Day 28410, 23:59:38: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 51 (Deinonychus) Day 28411, 00:39:53: starjamin froze Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 28411, 01:28:25: starjamin unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28411, 01:31:23: starjamin unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 51 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28411, 06:35:45: starjamin Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 28411, 06:47:46: starjamin unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28411, 16:02:40: starjamin froze Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 28411, 16:18:51: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28412, 01:14:35: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 05:54:32: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28412, 05:55:55: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28412, 05:59:18: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 06:02:06: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 06:05:12: starjamin froze pammy - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 06:08:20: starjamin froze Stars main - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 06:19:03: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 19:18:18: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 19:22:37: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28412, 19:31:04: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 01:02:08: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 01:17:44: starjamin froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 06:42:42: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 06:55:33: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 07:10:32: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 07:14:50: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 14:47:58: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 14:57:51: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 22:00:03: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 22:03:51: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 22:20:31: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28413, 22:29:12: starjamin froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28414, 02:48:18: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28414, 02:59:39: starjamin claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28414, 03:13:34: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 28414, 03:29:19: starjamin froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 28414, 05:32:40: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28414, 11:01:54: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 14:06:55: starjamin froze Peter Griffin 2.0 - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 28414, 15:28:40: starjamin froze NightHawk - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 15:31:28: starjamin froze Mr squark - Lvl 84 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 15:34:48: starjamin froze Mkinney - Lvl 283 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 15:37:37: starjamin froze Stars Bird - Lvl 160 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 16:10:46: starjamin froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 28414, 16:31:46: starjamin froze female breed pair - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28414, 16:34:30: starjamin froze female breed pair - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 28414, 16:53:14: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28414, 17:50:51: starjamin froze 36S Male - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28414, 18:57:35: starjamin froze Breed Male - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 28509, 14:17:29: Nikemya2000 froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28509, 14:32:12: Nikemya2000 froze stars wyvern - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28510, 06:23:15: Nikemya2000 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28532, 10:44:02: starjamin demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 28532, 11:07:51: starjamin demolished a 'Artifact Pedestal (Locked) '! Day 28532, 11:11:13: starjamin demolished a 'Artifact Pedestal (Locked) '! Day 28534, 02:37:26: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 28534, 03:32:55: starjamin froze stars weight bird - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 28534, 05:27:05: starjamin froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28534, 05:32:24: starjamin downloaded a dino: [G2] Hay - Lvl 200 Day 28534, 05:32:59: starjamin downloaded a dino: Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 Day 28534, 05:33:23: starjamin downloaded a dino: HeavySpeed - Lvl 265 Day 28534, 05:33:45: starjamin downloaded a dino: Staro - Lvl 30 Day 28534, 05:34:40: starjamin downloaded a dino: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 246 Day 28534, 05:44:39: starjamin froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 246 (Andrewsarchus) Day 28534, 05:52:54: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: [G2] Hay - Lvl 200 Day 28534, 05:54:16: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 Day 28534, 05:55:23: starjamin uploaded a Astrodelphis: Staro - Lvl 30 Day 28534, 06:01:38: starjamin froze HeavySpeed - Lvl 265 (Astrodelphis) Day 28534, 06:46:44: starjamin downloaded a dino: [G2] Hay - Lvl 200 Day 28534, 06:50:37: starjamin froze [G2] Hay - Lvl 200 (Astrodelphis) Day 28534, 06:52:56: starjamin downloaded a dino: Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 Day 28534, 06:57:53: starjamin froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 (Astrodelphis) Day 28534, 06:59:32: starjamin downloaded a dino: Staro - Lvl 30 Day 28534, 07:03:15: starjamin froze Staro - Lvl 30 (Astrodelphis) Day 28535, 06:47:24: starjamin downloaded a dino: Farmer - Lvl 162 Day 28552, 12:40:15: Nikemya2000 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28556, 07:48:11: starjamin froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 186 (Fjordhawk) Day 28556, 10:39:31: starjamin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 145 (Yutyrannus) Day 28621, 11:53:56: Nikemya2000 froze stars wyvern - Lvl 252 (Ice Wyvern) Day 28707, 06:17:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28967, 06:12:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28975, 00:11:45: the grinch - Lvl 82 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 29138, 13:52:55: Monke - Lvl 164 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[G2] Hay - Lvl 393 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29169, 11:43:52: Tek Raptor - Lvl 53 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 29169, 11:44:16: Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29243, 11:17:56: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Farmer - Lvl 164 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:18:41: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:19:52: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:20:46: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:26:32: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:27:52: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:28:41: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trey - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:29:26: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:30:01: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:30:38: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:31:52: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Staro - Lvl 72 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29243, 11:32:29: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HeavySpeed - Lvl 265 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29243, 11:37:29: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29243, 11:37:59: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29243, 11:41:13: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 247 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 29243, 12:10:21: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal)'! Day 29243, 13:21:18: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 309 (Maewing)'! Day 29243, 15:53:50: Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29253, 02:16:27: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 113 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky - Lvl 269 (Castoroides)'! Day 29253, 02:24:17: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 113 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29253, 02:34:20: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 113 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terrys chocolate orange - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29263, 11:04:32: Parasaur - Lvl 45 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 29263, 12:04:03: Zax - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Zax) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29359, 20:13:32: starjamin claimed 'Pinky - Lvl 269 (Castoroides)'! Day 29360, 05:58:20: starjamin froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29360, 06:12:42: starjamin froze Stars main - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 29957, 05:47:21: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30018, 04:47:29: Triceratops - Lvl 116 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 30181, 19:56:38: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30440, 22:18:58: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30440, 22:21:30: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 101 (Sabertooth)'! Day 30440, 22:23:34: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30440, 22:24:04: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 76 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30440, 22:24:25: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky - Lvl 269 (Castoroides)'! Day 30524, 05:40:30: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30911, 20:11:21: Tribemember Nikemya2000 - Lvl 75 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 30911, 20:41:42: Tribemember starjamin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1491514118,"tribe":"Che Bella Tribù logs":["Day 41764, 07:49:01: NanoBastardo was added to the Tribe! Day 41796, 18:04:17: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 137 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 45201, 06:45:45: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 137 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 1.0x!"] "tribeid":1490800223,"tribe":"Tribe of TheMentalZz logs":["Day 24941, 14:04:43: TheMentalZz was added to the Tribe! Day 24941, 17:23:34: TheMentalZz froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25249, 10:28:05: TheMentalZz claimed 'f/w stam - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 25249, 10:38:27: TheMentalZz froze f/w stam - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 25249, 18:24:38: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 276 (Maewing) Day 25318, 12:09:18: TheMentalZz froze Female 0 (35w) - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 25318, 13:53:18: TheMentalZz froze Female 0 (35w) - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 25318, 16:57:24: TheMentalZz froze Female 0 (35w) - Lvl 342 (Argentavis) Day 26006, 09:23:23: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 26137, 00:56:42: TheMentalZz froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1489829179,"tribe":"Otter Tribe logs":["Day 24182, 04:58:18: Danny was added to the Tribe! Day 24182, 04:59:19: El Hench was added to the Tribe by Danny! Day 24182, 13:32:51: El Hench claimed 'Baby arg - Lvl 64 (Argentavis)'! Day 24182, 14:47:58: El Hench demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24183, 16:11:59: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 95 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24183, 16:54:10: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 95 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.8x! Day 24183, 17:20:19: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 95 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24183, 17:22:46: Thiccums was added to the Tribe by Danny! Day 24183, 18:24:38: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 24184, 09:17:23: Thiccums Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24184, 10:06:35: Thiccums Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24184, 11:55:40: Your POOP - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Thiccums - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24184, 11:55:40: Your Tribe killed POOP - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24184, 11:56:43: Your Piss - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 130! Day 24184, 12:15:16: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 24184, 13:47:27: Thiccums Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24184, 14:38:03: Thiccums Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24185, 02:46:05: Thiccums claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 55 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 24185, 13:04:38: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 24185, 16:40:57: Danny Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 24185, 17:25:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)! Day 24186, 14:19:14: El Hench Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24187, 03:48:24: Danny claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24187, 03:49:29: Danny claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24187, 03:50:47: Danny claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24187, 21:20:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 24188, 14:53:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 65 (Phiomia)! Day 24190, 22:27:53: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 24190, 23:58:00: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 24191, 06:33:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 22 (Megaloceros)! Day 24191, 08:12:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 22 (Megaloceros)! Day 24191, 09:30:20: Thiccums uploaded a Megaloceros: Megaloceros - Lvl 22 Day 24191, 09:31:50: Thiccums uploaded a Megaloceros: Megaloceros - Lvl 22 Day 24191, 14:44:36: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 65 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 30! Day 24191, 17:14:19: Thiccums downloaded a dino: Megaloceros - Lvl 22 Day 24191, 17:14:41: Thiccums downloaded a dino: Megaloceros - Lvl 22 Day 24202, 22:16:59: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 24204, 14:44:13: Your Diarrhea - Lvl 55 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:44:13: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:44:13: Your shit - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:44:13: Your Baby arg - Lvl 102 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:44:14: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 67 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:45:00: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:45:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:45:35: Your Cemento - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:46:06: Your THIS PIECE OF SH** - Lvl 198 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:46:38: Your Groundy - Lvl 26 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:48:40: Your PISS - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24204, 14:48:40: Your Alpha Killer - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24207, 04:25:08: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 24207, 05:27:58: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 24207, 15:55:24: Thiccums froze Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia) Day 24207, 16:02:39: Thiccums froze Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia) Day 24207, 16:07:50: Danny froze Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) Day 24207, 16:15:54: Thiccums froze snoowy - Lvl 25 (Megaloceros) Day 24207, 16:19:00: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 24207, 16:28:19: Thiccums froze Danny long nose - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon) Day 24207, 17:23:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) was killed by Danny - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24207, 17:23:18: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon)! Day 24207, 17:48:47: Danny froze Danny long nose - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon) Day 24208, 09:17:45: Danny Tamed an Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter)! Day 24208, 16:52:27: Danny Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 142 (Castoroides)! Day 24208, 17:10:13: Danny froze Barry - Lvl 142 (Castoroides) Day 24210, 12:53:02: Danny demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 24211, 08:31:59: Danny Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 119 (Doedicurus)! Day 24211, 09:30:59: Danny froze Doedicurus - Lvl 120 (Doedicurus) Day 24212, 14:28:50: Danny Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 97 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 24212, 15:02:06: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 97 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 24212, 23:20:11: Danny Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 24213, 01:18:46: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 24224, 21:17:52: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 70! Day 24225, 03:09:59: Danny Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 126 (Megalodon)! Day 24225, 03:30:41: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon) Day 24225, 04:39:35: Danny froze Megalodon - Lvl 127 (Megalodon) Day 24225, 20:19:19: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 24226, 00:19:38: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 24226, 02:25:36: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 65! Day 24226, 04:26:52: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 24226, 05:10:13: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 24226, 12:05:05: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 24226, 14:58:57: Danny Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 112 (Megatherium)! Day 24226, 20:03:21: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 24227, 00:13:15: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24227, 04:27:52: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24227, 04:30:31: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24227, 08:53:11: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24227, 13:06:51: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 118 (Megatherium) Day 24227, 15:00:05: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 118 (Megatherium) Day 24227, 16:35:13: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24227, 16:39:00: Danny Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 24227, 18:08:27: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 24227, 20:25:25: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 118 (Megatherium) Day 24227, 22:00:59: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 222 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 04:22:02: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 120 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 04:27:11: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 08:32:12: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 24228, 08:46:20: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 08:49:09: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 123 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 09:00:10: El Hench froze cemento - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 24228, 09:12:21: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 123 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 09:19:46: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 09:24:39: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 123 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 09:26:01: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24228, 21:48:55: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24229, 00:06:35: Your Megalodon - Lvl 145 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 24229, 02:27:03: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24229, 03:14:12: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 24229, 05:39:23: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24229, 08:54:58: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 24229, 09:11:15: Danny Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 24229, 13:52:41: Your Tribe Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 52 (Anglerfish)! Day 24229, 14:11:29: Danny froze swimmer - Lvl 227 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 24229, 15:11:35: El Hench froze Baby arg - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 24229, 16:02:30: Your [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 24229, 16:13:55: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 98 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 24229, 17:28:50: El Hench froze cemento - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 24230, 00:56:21: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 137 (Doedicurus) Day 24230, 05:20:40: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 153 (Doedicurus) Day 24230, 16:38:40: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24230, 17:09:56: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 126 (Megatherium) Day 24230, 19:00:46: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 24230, 19:03:13: El Hench froze cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon) Day 24230, 19:07:01: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 24230, 19:14:01: El Hench froze cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon) Day 24230, 21:11:14: El Hench froze cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon) Day 24230, 21:46:36: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 175 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 00:54:36: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 190 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 01:06:05: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 04:06:52: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 06:00:05: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 06:00:36: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 07:40:43: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 07:45:43: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 08:30:30: El Hench froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 24231, 08:39:04: Danny froze Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 24232, 22:14:44: El Hench froze Barry - Lvl 162 (Castoroides) Day 24232, 23:29:37: El Hench froze Barry - Lvl 163 (Castoroides) Day 24233, 00:47:32: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus) Day 24233, 01:59:28: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus) Day 24233, 14:15:05: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus) Day 24233, 15:31:27: El Hench froze Doedicurus - Lvl 166 (Doedicurus) Day 24234, 05:30:49: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 24234, 16:27:21: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 24234, 18:53:41: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 24237, 01:18:03: Danny Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 24237, 01:44:33: Danny unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)'! Day 24237, 01:52:40: Danny claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)'! Day 24237, 02:12:12: Your Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) was killed by Danny - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24237, 02:12:12: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24237, 09:26:40: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24237, 10:20:19: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24237, 11:23:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 24237, 11:45:13: Danny froze Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 24237, 21:03:03: Danny Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 24237, 23:08:19: Danny uploaded a Argentavis: FINALLY - Lvl 202 Day 24238, 01:56:55: Danny downloaded a dino: FINALLY - Lvl 193 Day 24238, 05:31:15: Danny froze FINALLY - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 24247, 02:38:52: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 24247, 05:51:32: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 332 (Megatherium) Day 24247, 07:20:26: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24247, 07:40:09: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24247, 08:33:46: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24252, 20:49:09: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 24253, 09:39:15: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 24253, 22:11:17: Danny claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24256, 20:38:10: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 205 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24258, 07:34:14: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24259, 22:01:42: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 121 was killed by Storm Eunice - Lvl 210 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 24259, 22:01:42: Your Tribe killed Danny - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24259, 22:01:57: Your sonic - Lvl 163 (Triceratops) was killed by Storm Eunice - Lvl 210 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 24259, 22:01:57: Your Tribe killed sonic - Lvl 163 (Triceratops) (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24260, 02:01:56: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 210 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24260, 15:49:52: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 24272, 02:30:23: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 121 was killed by Storm Eunice - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 24272, 02:30:23: Your Tribe killed Danny - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Danny)! Day 24272, 13:31:13: Danny Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 24272, 14:18:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium)! Day 24273, 00:52:31: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 24273, 08:55:19: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24273, 13:37:36: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 24273, 13:54:19: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 24275, 01:23:40: Danny Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 215 (Tek Raptor)! Day 24275, 03:58:33: Danny froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 215 (Tek Raptor) Day 24275, 05:08:22: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 229 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24275, 08:40:04: Danny Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 24275, 12:55:53: Danny Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 24275, 13:21:50: Danny froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 239 (Tek Raptor) Day 24276, 02:12:13: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 24276, 22:25:48: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 24277, 03:30:46: Danny froze NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 24277, 03:44:27: Your NATIONAL LUNG CHAMPION - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 325! Day 24277, 03:44:31: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 122 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 410! Day 24277, 04:48:37: Danny froze Bad F - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 24277, 09:12:01: Danny froze Bad F - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) Day 24277, 09:22:41: Danny froze Bad F - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) Day 24277, 09:28:13: Danny froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 24278, 16:40:00: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24279, 02:00:37: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24279, 11:17:34: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24280, 07:23:49: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 24280, 10:44:16: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24281, 15:55:34: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24281, 16:20:14: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24282, 06:58:06: Your FRED - Lvl 14 (Otter) was killed! Day 24282, 06:58:06: FRED - Lvl 14 (Otter) starved to death! Day 24282, 18:38:22: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 24295, 05:28:13: Danny froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24305, 10:48:56: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 24305, 13:09:07: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 24305, 13:17:44: Your Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) was killed by Danny - Lvl 122 (Otter Tribe)! Day 24305, 13:17:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) (Otter Tribe)! Day 24308, 01:11:38: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 201 (Megatherium)'! Day 24308, 01:13:42: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 153 (Megatherium)'! Day 24308, 01:15:55: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 24308, 01:19:38: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 169 (Megatherium)'! Day 24308, 01:23:20: Danny claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)'! Day 24308, 01:59:49: Danny froze Baby boss 1 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium) Day 24308, 02:12:34: Your Baby Megatherium - Lvl 153 (Megatherium) was killed by Danny - Lvl 122 (Otter Tribe)! Day 24308, 02:12:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Megatherium - Lvl 153 (Megatherium) (Otter Tribe)! Day 24308, 02:45:38: Danny froze Baby Boss 2 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 24333, 10:41:53: Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 169 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 24333, 10:42:22: Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 201 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24696, 02:35:06: steve the beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 24722, 10:33:22: steve the beetle 2 - Lvl 36 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24897, 03:29:03: snoowy - Lvl 36 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 24934, 15:07:30: Danny's 'Baby boss 1 - Lvl 218 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25013, 22:33:56: The Spiffing Squid - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 72 (Anglerfish)'! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25040, 20:52:35: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 25062, 13:22:10: Groundy - Lvl 44 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 25177, 10:11:23: Midir - Lvl 122 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Storm Eunice - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25177, 13:33:41: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 35H - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:48:22: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 0/0 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:51:22: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:55:15: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 35H - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:59:30: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 35H - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 14:03:39: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 35H - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 14:10:19: Penta - Lvl 123 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 35H - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 25249, 15:01:23: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 25249, 15:08:50: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FINALLY 37W 33S 32H 29D - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 25249, 15:12:37: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 179 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25249, 15:42:47: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F 37H 33D - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 25249, 15:43:11: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 33H 35M - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 25270, 18:38:29: Diarrhea - Lvl 55 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25412, 05:49:02: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bad F - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)'! Day 25412, 05:51:29: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium)'! Day 25412, 06:10:26: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barry - Lvl 179 (Castoroides)'! Day 25412, 06:12:50: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:15:44: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'THIS PIECE OF SH** - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25412, 06:17:40: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:19:50: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:26:18: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Danny long nose - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:28:23: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby arg - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)'! Day 25412, 12:53:28: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia)'! Day 25412, 13:18:24: CaS - Lvl 153 (Tree Huggers Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame '49W M - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26683, 12:54:08: Tribemember Thiccums - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 27727, 02:29:20: Tribemember El Hench - Lvl 114 was killed!"] "tribeid":1485381104,"tribe":"Awkward logs":["Day 30203, 19:13:06: Alexxe claimed 'Plesiosaur - Lvl 149 (Plesiosaur)'! Day 30203, 19:57:05: Alexxe froze Plesiosaur - Lvl 149 (Plesiosaur) Day 30203, 20:32:53: Alexxe uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 164 Day 30389, 07:00:38: Alexxe froze FFA - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 30767, 14:09:52: Alexxe froze FFA - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31081, 20:59:13: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31401, 19:36:16: Alexxe claimed '8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 214 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31401, 19:49:04: Alexxe claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31401, 19:54:01: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 19:54:47: Alexxe claimed '5HM - Lvl 290 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 19:56:51: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 19:58:04: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 19:59:13: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:00:13: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:02:28: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:05:13: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:06:19: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:07:22: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:09:05: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:10:20: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:11:53: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:14:27: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:16:27: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31401, 20:20:29: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 82 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31401, 20:29:18: Alexxe claimed 'Green - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31401, 20:36:26: Alexxe claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31401, 20:39:53: Alexxe claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 235 (Mammoth)'! Day 31401, 21:30:51: Alexxe claimed 'Polymers - Lvl 228 (Gacha)'! Day 31401, 21:31:56: Alexxe claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 31401, 21:49:28: Alexxe claimed 'Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 31401, 21:55:02: Alexxe claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 31401, 23:29:17: Alexxe claimed 'Tell - Lvl 29 (Compy)'! Day 31402, 01:00:55: Tribemember Alexxe - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 31402, 03:36:59: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:04:13: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:07:19: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:10:12: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:15:36: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:19:14: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:20:08: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:22:45: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:24:22: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:30:14: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:47:30: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:52:13: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:53:24: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:55:33: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 04:56:41: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 05:04:01: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 05:09:00: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 05:09:55: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 05:19:04: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 05:20:24: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 06:24:41: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 07:48:44: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31402, 07:50:59: Alexxe claimed 'Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 31402, 08:15:41: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31402, 08:26:34: Alexxe froze 5HM - Lvl 290 (Tek Rex) Day 31402, 08:36:34: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31402, 09:14:30: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31402, 12:32:03: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops) Day 31402, 12:48:07: Alexxe unclaimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 31402, 12:58:53: Alexxe froze Polymers - Lvl 228 (Gacha) Day 31402, 20:26:31: Alexxe froze Polymers - Lvl 228 (Gacha) Day 31402, 20:54:55: Alexxe demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 31402, 21:23:02: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops) Day 31402, 21:53:10: Alexxe froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31423, 00:48:39: Alexxe froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31423, 01:08:49: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31423, 02:02:21: Alexxe claimed '1MM - Lvl 253 (Megatherium)'! Day 31423, 02:10:49: Alexxe froze 1MM - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 31423, 02:46:18: Alexxe froze Polymers - Lvl 228 (Gacha) Day 31423, 02:52:27: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops) Day 31423, 03:06:04: Alexxe froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 320 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31423, 03:12:32: Alexxe froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31423, 03:43:49: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 03:50:02: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 04:59:49: Alexxe froze 5HM - Lvl 290 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:34:46: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:38:36: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:42:14: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:46:08: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:50:50: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 05:55:01: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:01:41: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:05:33: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:09:49: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:13:11: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:16:50: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:20:41: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:24:38: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:28:35: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:32:17: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:35:52: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:39:29: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:45:41: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:49:59: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:53:39: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 06:57:22: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:01:05: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:06:07: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:09:51: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:13:54: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:18:21: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:22:47: Alexxe froze 5HM - Lvl 290 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:28:17: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:33:03: Alexxe froze Breeding F - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:36:53: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:40:39: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:46:52: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:51:06: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:55:06: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 07:59:11: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 31423, 11:41:38: Alexxe froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31423, 13:06:03: Alexxe froze Base - Lvl 96 (Sinomacrops) Day 31423, 13:10:51: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31424, 13:01:05: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:09:13: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 13:19:20: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:23:51: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 13:24:33: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:30:13: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 13:31:01: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:36:43: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 13:39:36: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:43:02: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 13:44:05: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 13:47:35: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 14:54:49: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:16:02: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:19:45: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:20:37: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:24:11: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:24:55: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:28:22: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:29:12: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:32:43: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:34:11: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:37:44: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 15:43:01: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:44:21: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 15:59:02: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 16:07:33: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 16:22:18: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 257 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 16:56:13: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 257 (Megatherium) Day 31424, 17:02:50: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 257 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 17:11:36: Alexxe unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 257 (Megatherium)'! Day 31424, 17:57:49: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops) Day 31471, 09:01:03: Alexxe demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 31471, 10:30:46: Alexxe froze {A} - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 31472, 23:41:53: Tribemember Gremlin - Lvl 113 was killed by Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward)! Day 31472, 23:41:53: Your Tribe killed Gremlin - Lvl 113 (Awkward)! Day 31473, 04:40:24: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31520, 05:34:34: Alexxe froze {A} - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 31520, 05:45:42: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 295 (Sinomacrops) Day 31621, 10:35:56: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 31621, 10:40:35: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31887, 16:13:35: Your Tell - Lvl 29 (Compy) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 75! Day 31896, 18:23:19: Alexxe claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31896, 18:25:56: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31896, 22:56:07: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31896, 23:03:26: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 32199, 08:58:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32522, 13:31:53: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32522, 13:33:08: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 32522, 13:38:56: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 184 (Megatherium)'! Day 32588, 20:34:30: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Green - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 32588, 20:36:00: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 97 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32588, 20:37:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 235 (Mammoth)'! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32767, 02:10:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33051, 00:07:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33074, 15:48:26: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33155, 05:15:31: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 33155, 05:19:40: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 351 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33155, 11:19:04: Alexxe claimed 'Alan - Lvl 140 (Allosaurus)'! Day 33155, 11:24:22: Alexxe froze Alan - Lvl 140 (Allosaurus) Day 33155, 14:51:32: Alexxe claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 197 (Raptor)'! Day 33155, 14:51:57: Alexxe claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 156 (Raptor)'! Day 33155, 15:11:40: Alexxe froze Raptor - Lvl 156 (Raptor) Day 33155, 15:17:07: Alexxe froze Raptor - Lvl 197 (Raptor) Day 33155, 16:05:59: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 272 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 33155, 19:32:12: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 300 (Sinomacrops) Day 33155, 19:40:24: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33176, 04:02:38: Alexxe claimed 'Tekki - Lvl 229 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:04:20: Alexxe claimed 'SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:05:37: Alexxe claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 24 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 33176, 04:06:15: Alexxe claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 33176, 04:07:17: Alexxe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 51 (Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:07:59: Alexxe claimed 'tek - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:08:51: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 51 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:09:38: Alexxe claimed 'Spino XI - Lvl 151 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:10:30: Alexxe claimed 'Spino VI - Lvl 151 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:11:42: Alexxe claimed 'BABBU'S BIG BASTARD - Lvl 206 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:12:24: Alexxe claimed 'Spino IV - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:13:08: Alexxe claimed 'Spino II - Lvl 155 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:13:51: Alexxe claimed 'Spino III - Lvl 122 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:14:26: Alexxe claimed 'spino I - Lvl 158 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:15:48: Alexxe claimed 'Spino X - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:16:45: Alexxe claimed 'Spino VII - Lvl 113 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:17:51: Alexxe claimed 'Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 33176, 04:27:52: Alexxe claimed 'Spino VIII - Lvl 108 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:29:40: Alexxe claimed 'Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:33:21: Alexxe claimed 'BITEY - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33176, 04:33:51: Alexxe claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 204 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:35:51: Alexxe claimed 'Spino V - Lvl 97 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:43:26: Alexxe claimed 'Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf)'! Day 33176, 04:44:04: Alexxe claimed 'Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf)'! Day 33176, 04:45:07: Alexxe claimed 'Dodo Supreme - Lvl 131 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:46:06: Alexxe claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:47:37: Alexxe claimed 'Toby - Lvl 414 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:48:40: Alexxe claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33176, 04:49:26: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 04:49:54: Alexxe claimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33176, 04:50:21: Alexxe claimed 'aaaa - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:50:52: Alexxe claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 150 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:51:16: Alexxe claimed 'terry - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:51:45: Alexxe claimed 'stoner - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33176, 04:53:37: Alexxe claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:54:17: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 04:56:57: Alexxe claimed 'MAKE ME KIBBLE DOG - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:58:57: Alexxe claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33176, 05:06:24: Alexxe claimed 'DADDY - Lvl 205 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 05:07:47: Alexxe claimed 'Thatchy - Lvl 141 (Megaloceros)'! Day 33176, 05:13:56: Alexxe claimed 'Andy 3 - Lvl 124 (Maewing)'! Day 33176, 05:16:12: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:17:20: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:18:17: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:19:13: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:19:32: Alexxe claimed 'Yellow feetsies - Lvl 339 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:20:10: Alexxe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 09:59:16: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 33176, 10:06:43: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 33176, 12:14:49: Alexxe froze Toby - Lvl 414 (Argentavis) Day 33176, 18:51:05: Alexxe uploaded a Sinomacrops: Captain Flaps - Lvl 359 Day 33176, 18:55:30: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33177, 11:26:33: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 11:30:18: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 11:34:46: Alexxe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 33177, 11:38:56: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 11:42:56: Alexxe claimed 'Rusty - Lvl 315 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33177, 11:56:09: Alexxe froze MAKE ME KIBBLE DOG - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 33177, 11:59:58: Alexxe froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur) Day 33177, 12:05:22: Alexxe froze Argentavis - Lvl 150 (Argentavis) Day 33177, 12:12:21: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 12:18:31: Alexxe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33177, 12:35:22: Alexxe froze DADDY - Lvl 205 (Argentavis) Day 33177, 12:41:22: Alexxe froze Andy 3 - Lvl 124 (Maewing) Day 33177, 12:47:11: Alexxe froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur) Day 33177, 12:50:54: Alexxe froze Dodo Supreme - Lvl 131 (Therizinosaur) Day 33177, 12:59:27: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 13:04:01: Alexxe froze Yellow feetsies - Lvl 339 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 13:08:33: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 13:23:42: Alexxe froze Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 33177, 13:44:10: Alexxe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 24 (Yutyrannus) Day 33177, 13:51:19: Alexxe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus) Day 33177, 13:58:10: Alexxe froze Tekki - Lvl 229 (Tek Rex) Day 33177, 14:11:55: Alexxe froze BITEY - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo) Day 33177, 14:34:40: Alexxe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 204 (Tek Rex) Day 33177, 14:45:47: Alexxe froze BABBU'S BIG BASTARD - Lvl 206 (Spino) Day 33177, 14:51:41: Alexxe froze spino I - Lvl 158 (Spino) Day 33177, 15:01:42: Alexxe froze Spino II - Lvl 155 (Spino) Day 33177, 15:06:19: Alexxe froze Spino III - Lvl 122 (Spino) Day 33177, 15:12:22: Alexxe froze Spino V - Lvl 97 (Spino) Day 33177, 15:24:04: Alexxe froze Spino VI - Lvl 151 (Spino) Day 33177, 15:29:47: Alexxe froze Spino XI - Lvl 151 (Spino) Day 33177, 18:15:19: Alexxe froze terry - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 33177, 18:21:18: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 33177, 18:27:30: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33177, 18:51:22: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33177, 22:03:00: Alexxe froze terry - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 33219, 17:03:57: Alexxe uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 272 Day 33219, 17:18:29: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 33219, 17:50:32: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33274, 21:18:08: Alexxe claimed 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 250 (Parasaur)'! Day 33274, 22:51:17: Alexxe froze Captain Flaps - Lvl 342 (Sinomacrops) Day 33274, 22:57:00: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33275, 00:57:49: Tribemember Alexxe - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 33275, 05:52:37: Alexxe froze FIRE - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33275, 06:08:47: Alexxe froze 8474H. 282M 1HM - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 33842, 15:06:02: Rex - Lvl 51 (Rex) starved to death! Day 33957, 08:18:39: Thatchy - Lvl 141 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 33957, 08:27:32: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:28:50: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VII - Lvl 113 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:29:35: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VIII - Lvl 108 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:32:00: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:32:46: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tek - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:33:27: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino X - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:34:22: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 51 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:35:05: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 33957, 08:36:36: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IV - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 11:01:07: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aaaa - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)'! Day 33957, 11:02:50: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stoner - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33957, 11:03:22: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33957, 11:03:52: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rusty - Lvl 315 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33957, 11:16:01: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf)'! Day 33957, 11:28:08: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf)'! Day 33967, 14:48:17: NorthOfYou - Lvl 52 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 250 (Parasaur)'! Day 34446, 08:32:01: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1484577820,"tribe":"Tribe of ShambolicGenius logs":["Day 30515, 13:49:09: ShambolicGenius was added to the Tribe! Day 30515, 18:15:38: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 1.1x! Day 30515, 19:51:14: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 0.9x! Day 30537, 07:26:56: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 17 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 40! Day 30538, 15:23:36: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 25 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 30538, 17:06:10: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 26 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 30538, 17:30:28: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 26 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 30538, 18:15:39: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 26 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 30538, 19:36:34: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 26 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 30538, 19:40:09: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30539, 06:37:22: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 41 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 30539, 07:06:51: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 41 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 30539, 21:33:37: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 30540, 00:08:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 30540, 00:33:00: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 42 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 30540, 12:06:58: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 30540, 21:58:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 30602, 09:42:19: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 30602, 14:12:05: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 48 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 30602, 14:24:43: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 48 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 30602, 15:26:07: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 48 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 30602, 18:51:57: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 49 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 30602, 22:03:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 30602, 22:10:24: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 49 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 30604, 13:42:57: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 30604, 20:52:10: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 59 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 120! Day 30605, 10:38:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 30605, 10:59:39: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 121 (Argentavis)! Day 30605, 11:55:54: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 30605, 12:17:48: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:19:38: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:21:55: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:23:09: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:24:01: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:25:52: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:28:00: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 30605, 12:40:41: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 30605, 12:43:56: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 30605, 12:45:19: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 30608, 21:54:11: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 30608, 22:31:30: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 30608, 22:33:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 30608, 23:24:17: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 30609, 05:53:00: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 30609, 08:10:01: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 30609, 08:12:19: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 30609, 08:13:26: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 30609, 08:14:21: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 30609, 08:21:37: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 30609, 08:51:07: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 30609, 12:53:52: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 30609, 12:55:49: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 30609, 12:57:20: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 30609, 13:03:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 30622, 00:33:26: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 30622, 03:13:11: ShambolicGenius demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 30623, 02:04:24: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 30623, 16:44:06: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 30630, 14:28:31: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 30630, 15:14:01: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 79 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 80! Day 30630, 18:22:01: Tribemember ShambolicGenius - Lvl 79 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 31190, 01:06:35: Your Argentavis - Lvl 143 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 31208, 13:19:53: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31208, 13:19:53: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32097, 04:06:54: Your Triceratops - Lvl 157 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1483919288,"tribe":"Babbu's greasy tribe logs":["Day 32098, 17:12:12: Your cumtruck - Lvl 86 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:12:12: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:12:12: Your Dodo - Lvl 60 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:13:05: Your Dodo - Lvl 58 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:13:58: Your Shag Box - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:14:51: Your Dodo - Lvl 47 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:15:20: Your cum man - Lvl 58 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 17:16:48: Your Dodo - Lvl 68 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32098, 19:46:03: AngryBabbu froze Spino V - Lvl 97 (Spino) Day 32098, 19:49:58: AngryBabbu froze DADDY - Lvl 205 (Argentavis) Day 32098, 19:53:13: AngryBabbu froze Rex - Lvl 51 (Rex) Day 32098, 19:59:08: AngryBabbu froze Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus) Day 32098, 20:03:28: AngryBabbu froze Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf) Day 32098, 20:09:34: AngryBabbu froze Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf) Day 32098, 20:18:11: AngryBabbu froze TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo) Day 32098, 20:25:25: AngryBabbu froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 32098, 21:22:51: Your Dusty - Lvl 135 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 32098, 22:00:39: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:01:51: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:02:59: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:03:55: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:05:38: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:07:28: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:09:57: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:21:31: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:22:53: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:24:22: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:25:42: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:26:43: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:28:09: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32098, 22:29:42: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:31:00: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:32:18: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:33:34: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32098, 22:37:13: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:38:18: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:39:19: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:40:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:47:14: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:48:23: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:49:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:50:40: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:51:52: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:52:47: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:54:38: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:55:35: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:56:34: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:57:34: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 22:58:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:00:09: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:05:27: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 32098, 23:06:35: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:07:38: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:08:40: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:10:40: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:11:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:12:51: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:13:50: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:15:17: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:16:39: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:17:33: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:18:53: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:19:53: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:20:53: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:21:50: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:22:54: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:23:51: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:25:06: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:28:50: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:30:16: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:31:43: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 32098, 23:33:56: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32098, 23:35:51: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:37:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:39:16: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:40:57: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:42:43: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:43:56: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:44:58: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:45:59: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:47:06: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:48:07: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:49:15: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 32098, 23:54:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:55:40: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:57:02: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32098, 23:58:24: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:00:21: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:01:28: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:02:40: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:03:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:04:51: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:05:52: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:06:49: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:07:58: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:08:57: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:09:52: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:13:04: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32099, 00:14:03: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32099, 00:15:08: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 00:16:07: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:17:42: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:19:38: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:20:39: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:21:36: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:25:03: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:26:02: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:27:03: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:28:04: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:30:15: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:33:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 00:54:48: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 00:56:16: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 00:58:33: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:00:34: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 32099, 01:01:50: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:03:43: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:05:14: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:06:21: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:07:27: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:08:30: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:09:33: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:11:56: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:12:56: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:14:03: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:15:15: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:16:28: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:20:03: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:21:11: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:22:20: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:23:27: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:24:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:25:38: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:26:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:27:36: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:29:56: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:31:05: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:32:13: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:33:14: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:34:17: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 32099, 01:36:21: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 01:37:43: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 01:39:37: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 01:43:57: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 01:44:58: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 32099, 01:50:18: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 01:52:52: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 01:56:29: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 01:57:41: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 02:01:02: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32099, 02:08:24: AngryBabbu demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32099, 08:23:55: Grog claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32099, 08:25:27: Grog claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32099, 12:03:35: Grog froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 32099, 13:44:14: Grog froze fk me - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 32111, 07:26:49: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 32146, 01:19:37: AngryBabbu claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32146, 06:46:37: AngryBabbu froze Baby SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) Day 32146, 11:25:53: AngryBabbu froze Juvenile SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) Day 32147, 16:07:32: AngryBabbu froze Adolescent SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) Day 32246, 15:50:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32246, 15:50:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32351, 07:23:04: AngryBabbu froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 32358, 15:25:43: Your Bat food - Lvl 78 (Phiomia) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 32368, 07:30:08: Your Doedi I - Lvl 136 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 32388, 14:50:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32388, 14:50:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32388, 14:50:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32520, 19:48:41: Shitto - Lvl 69 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32520, 19:48:45: side bitch 2 - Lvl 102 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 32520, 19:49:26: andy 2 - Lvl 79 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32640, 04:36:08: ROLLER OF SHIT - Lvl 113 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32648, 18:05:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32696, 02:44:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32696, 02:44:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32711, 12:50:15: Daeodon - Lvl 97 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 32711, 12:50:41: Grog's 'Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32891, 07:43:47: Tribemember AngryBabbu - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 32891, 09:20:47: Tribemember Grog - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32917, 23:12:15: wolf - Lvl 91 (the banwith bandit) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lusty - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 32917, 23:31:37: wolf - Lvl 91 (the banwith bandit) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trusty - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 32945, 07:58:51: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Busty - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33043, 04:03:11: Desmodus - Lvl 69 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33145, 07:07:59: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33176, 03:53:22: God IV - Lvl 264 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 33176, 04:02:38: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tekki - Lvl 229 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:04:20: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:05:37: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 24 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 33176, 04:06:15: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 33176, 04:07:17: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 51 (Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:07:59: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tek - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:08:51: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 51 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:09:38: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino XI - Lvl 151 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:10:30: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VI - Lvl 151 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:11:42: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BABBU'S BIG BASTARD - Lvl 206 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:12:24: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IV - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:13:08: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino II - Lvl 155 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:13:51: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino III - Lvl 122 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:14:26: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spino I - Lvl 158 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:15:48: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino X - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:16:45: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VII - Lvl 113 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:17:51: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 33176, 04:27:52: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VIII - Lvl 108 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:29:40: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:33:21: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BITEY - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33176, 04:33:51: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 204 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33176, 04:35:51: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino V - Lvl 97 (Spino)'! Day 33176, 04:43:26: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf)'! Day 33176, 04:44:04: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf)'! Day 33176, 04:45:07: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo Supreme - Lvl 131 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:46:06: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:47:37: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toby - Lvl 414 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:48:40: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33176, 04:49:26: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 04:49:54: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33176, 04:50:21: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aaaa - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:50:52: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 150 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:51:16: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'terry - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 04:51:45: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stoner - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33176, 04:53:37: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:54:17: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 04:56:57: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAKE ME KIBBLE DOG - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33176, 04:58:57: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33176, 05:06:24: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DADDY - Lvl 205 (Argentavis)'! Day 33176, 05:07:47: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thatchy - Lvl 141 (Megaloceros)'! Day 33176, 05:13:56: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andy 3 - Lvl 124 (Maewing)'! Day 33176, 05:16:12: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:17:20: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:18:17: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:19:13: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:19:32: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yellow feetsies - Lvl 339 (Megatherium)'! Day 33176, 05:20:10: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 33177, 11:42:56: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rusty - Lvl 315 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33255, 18:58:50: H-Rex - Lvl 99 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ababa (Raft)'! Day 33263, 13:55:07: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33468, 19:57:22: Tribemember DERBYSHIREN - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30! Day 33468, 22:22:49: je transforme le caca - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33666, 17:48:17: Pete - Lvl 26 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Don - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33728, 09:27:32: Your Crusty - Lvl 202 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 70! Day 33736, 18:25:02: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33795, 23:12:52: Your Shitter - Lvl 54 (Phiomia) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 33957, 11:04:40: Human - Lvl 86 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Musty - Lvl 278 (Raptor)'! Day 34053, 02:58:50: Barry - Lvl 116 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 34762, 02:23:06: F1 bis - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 42105, 18:20:29: Tribemember Grog - Lvl 113 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1483867685,"tribe":"LOVE PVE! logs":["Day 28274, 21:44:59: Nate5tar was added to the Tribe! Day 28274, 22:28:05: Tribemember Nate5tar - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 28275, 00:48:44: Tribemember Nate5tar - Lvl 4 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.1x! Day 28275, 06:38:59: Tribemember Nate5tar - Lvl 73 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 28676, 13:36:50: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 28763, 04:24:20: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 28766, 13:09:14: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 28784, 08:51:43: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 28792, 09:41:27: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 294 (Maewing) Day 28814, 15:38:04: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 297 (Maewing) Day 28954, 23:58:50: Nate5tar froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1483231736,"tribe":"wayne crosbys rejects logs":["Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24435, 10:21:15: Tribemember Benjani - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24520, 12:28:47: moschops bitch - Lvl 47 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24684, 05:47:15: Tribemember BAKER - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24846, 23:34:35: clever girl - Lvl 129 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 24852, 03:19:13: spikey time - Lvl 72 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 24853, 22:14:12: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'the business - Lvl 241 (Spino)'! Day 24853, 22:18:53: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Mamma - Lvl 291 (Spino)'! Day 24853, 22:24:07: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 58 (Rex)'! Day 24853, 22:24:09: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stink - Lvl 80 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24853, 22:32:29: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rexy - Lvl 161 (Rex)'! Day 24853, 22:34:02: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertha - Lvl 192 (Rex)'! Day 24853, 22:43:51: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bean - Lvl 196 (Castoroides)'! Day 24853, 22:44:33: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'frogeye - Lvl 113 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 24853, 22:46:02: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deirdre - Lvl 93 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24853, 22:50:55: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 24853, 23:03:29: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Claw - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24853, 23:03:41: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'radgey - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 24853, 23:04:19: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 106 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24853, 23:07:29: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Storm - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 24854, 02:27:37: Hollow - Lvl 77 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 113 (Megalodon)'! Day 24854, 06:15:31: Hollow - Lvl 78 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24854, 07:04:19: Hollow - Lvl 78 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolo - Lvl 138 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24859, 04:38:58: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 145 (Parasaur)'! Day 24859, 05:40:47: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zeus - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25163, 02:33:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25446, 22:06:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25446, 22:06:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25918, 21:33:07: McKill'em - Lvl 77 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 25929, 12:13:39: Arnold - Lvl 56 (Raptor) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1482875168,"tribe":"Admirable Tribe logs":["Day 22346, 12:00:43: Chillie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 22346, 12:02:01: Chillie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 22346, 12:03:26: Chillie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 22346, 12:05:02: Chillie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 22346, 12:06:07: Chillie demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 22346, 23:57:21: Chillie froze Doedicurus - Lvl 274 (Doedicurus) Day 22347, 00:26:00: Chillie froze Castoroides - Lvl 104 (Castoroides) Day 22347, 00:52:01: Chillie froze Donald - Lvl 278 (Maewing) Day 22347, 00:56:52: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22347, 01:15:32: Chillie froze SpeedyGonWeightski - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 22359, 17:26:20: Your SpeedyGonWeightski - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 65! Day 22359, 17:39:09: Tribemember Chillie - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 22359, 20:35:57: Chillie froze bread - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) Day 22360, 23:42:12: Chillie claimed 'Carrier - Lvl 293 (Argentavis)'! Day 22361, 00:38:08: Iona added 'Admirable Tribe' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 22361, 03:02:06: Chillie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 22361, 03:04:38: Chillie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 22361, 03:07:10: Chillie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)'! Day 22361, 03:19:24: Chillie froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22361, 03:25:33: Chillie froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22361, 03:30:28: Chillie froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22361, 09:49:04: Chillie claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 22361, 09:54:27: Chillie froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 22361, 10:00:42: Chillie claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 22361, 10:06:59: Chillie froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22361, 10:18:06: Chillie claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 22361, 10:23:35: Chillie froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22361, 10:55:18: Chillie claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22361, 11:06:33: Chillie froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22361, 12:39:01: Chillie froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 22361, 13:31:13: Chillie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 22361, 13:33:55: Chillie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 22361, 13:45:59: Chillie claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22361, 13:50:37: Chillie froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22361, 16:49:41: Chillie claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 22361, 16:52:44: Chillie froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 22362, 02:30:29: Chillie froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22362, 09:09:50: Chillie froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 22362, 09:49:33: Chillie froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22362, 12:36:39: Chillie froze breed - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) Day 22362, 13:28:22: Chillie froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22362, 13:51:35: Chillie froze Adolescent breed M - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22362, 14:46:40: Chillie froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22362, 15:04:18: Chillie froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 22362, 17:14:03: Chillie froze breed M - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22362, 19:10:27: Chillie froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 22362, 23:36:55: Chillie froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22362, 23:52:19: Chillie froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22362, 23:59:23: Chillie froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22363, 00:59:03: Chillie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 265 Day 22363, 06:02:37: Chillie froze Blue - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 22363, 06:27:52: Chillie froze Castoroides - Lvl 120 (Castoroides) Day 22363, 07:00:27: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane) Day 22363, 07:06:46: Chillie froze imprint M - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 22363, 12:46:48: Chillie froze imprint M - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 22363, 19:52:45: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22363, 19:57:43: Chillie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22363, 20:06:01: Chillie froze Sonic - Lvl 277 (Doedicurus) Day 22364, 01:58:32: Chillie froze Castoroides - Lvl 121 (Castoroides) Day 22364, 02:10:54: Chillie froze Moschops - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22366, 21:24:45: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane) Day 22366, 22:13:31: Chillie froze imprint M - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 22367, 11:49:58: Chillie froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22367, 21:34:16: Chillie froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22368, 00:17:02: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 22368, 03:53:30: Chillie froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22368, 06:50:16: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22368, 11:12:47: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22369, 12:19:19: Chillie froze Blue - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 22370, 01:45:29: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22371, 01:56:21: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 197 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22371, 08:37:55: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22371, 10:28:51: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 22371, 10:32:30: Chillie froze SpeedyGonWeightski 1.0 - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 22371, 10:36:39: Chillie froze Moschops - Lvl 294 (Moschops) Day 22371, 10:40:14: Chillie froze Castoroides - Lvl 124 (Castoroides) Day 22371, 10:44:27: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22371, 10:55:43: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22371, 11:00:06: Chillie froze Donald - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 22371, 11:05:25: Chillie froze breed - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane) Day 22371, 11:09:26: Chillie froze breed M - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 22384, 16:21:14: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22385, 00:47:24: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 22385, 14:31:29: Tribemember Chillie - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 22385, 15:28:50: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22385, 15:33:07: Chillie froze imprint M - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 22389, 01:40:05: Chillie froze Zara - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 22438, 08:18:04: Chillie froze SpeedyGonWeightski 1.0 - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 22438, 09:33:24: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22867, 13:51:47: Chillie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23054, 01:43:38: Chillie's 'imprint M - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23197, 09:05:27: Chillie's 'Donald - Lvl 282 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23452, 06:41:45: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23731, 10:05:48: 's 'Blue - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23731, 10:05:48: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23731, 15:47:21: Tribemember Chillie - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24028, 16:09:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26781, 13:41:57: Tribemember Chillie - Lvl 119 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1480618734,"tribe":"Brilliance logs":["Day 32842, 02:26:41: Boutansha was added to the Tribe! Day 32843, 14:39:44: Tribemember Boutansha - Lvl 96 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32844, 03:51:27: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 32865, 04:26:14: Boutansha demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 32865, 04:27:03: Boutansha demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 32865, 09:17:45: Boutansha claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:18:10: Boutansha claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:18:29: Boutansha claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:21:20: Boutansha claimed 'Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32865, 09:21:52: Boutansha claimed '35hp 45melee - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 32865, 09:22:48: Boutansha claimed '35 45 - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 32865, 18:00:24: Tribemember Boutansha - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33736, 18:25:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33736, 18:25:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33835, 08:31:20: seppe - Lvl 79 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 08:48:18: Human - Lvl 80 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35 45 - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33835, 08:48:57: Human - Lvl 80 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35hp 45melee - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33835, 09:00:37: seppe - Lvl 79 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 09:01:23: seppe - Lvl 79 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 09:14:12: Human - Lvl 80 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)'! Day 33835, 09:24:50: seppe - Lvl 79 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33835, 09:46:52: Human - Lvl 80 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34044, 08:58:22: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34715, 09:18:59: Tribemember Boutansha - Lvl 102 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1480089566,"tribe":"Tribe of rustyboy logs":["Day 35409, 02:35:11: rustyboy was added to the Tribe! Day 35409, 02:52:27: Tribemember rustyboy - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35795, 07:05:12: Dilophosaur - Lvl 23 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 42961, 01:33:20: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1478773273,"tribe":"compoosies logs":["Day 23974, 17:58:53: shronk the artisan was added to the Tribe! Day 23974, 18:02:49: weezer was added to the Tribe by shronk the artisan! Day 23974, 18:57:29: weezer Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 23975, 00:36:20: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 23975, 01:33:08: Tribemember shronk the artisan - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 23975, 11:42:01: Your dave - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23975, 11:43:58: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 18 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 23984, 18:06:29: Your gretta - Lvl 51 (Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 23984, 18:15:57: Tribemember shronk the artisan - Lvl 21 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 23987, 15:13:10: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 24021, 00:25:09: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 24021, 18:33:02: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 24022, 11:52:41: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 31 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 24022, 12:29:55: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 31 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 35! Day 24023, 00:20:05: weezer Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 67 (Iguanodon)! Day 24023, 05:30:12: shronk the artisan Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 125 (Iguanodon)! Day 24090, 17:13:08: shronk the artisan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 24091, 07:17:53: shronk the artisan claimed 'Iggle Piggle - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:19:42: shronk the artisan claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:20:18: shronk the artisan claimed 'Penny - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:21:46: shronk the artisan claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 197 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 24091, 07:22:41: shronk the artisan claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 24091, 07:41:50: shronk the artisan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 24091, 07:52:27: shronk the artisan claimed 'Matt - Lvl 269 (Managarmr)'! Day 24091, 08:29:51: shronk the artisan claimed 'Tekky - Lvl 202 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 24091, 08:32:56: shronk the artisan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 298 (Argentavis)'! Day 24091, 09:09:03: shronk the artisan claimed 'Black/silica pearl - Lvl 64 (Gacha)'! Day 24091, 09:25:52: shronk the artisan claimed 'Oil - Lvl 98 (Gacha)'! Day 24091, 09:28:13: shronk the artisan claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium)'! Day 24091, 09:31:55: shronk the artisan claimed 'Foxtrot - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:32:20: shronk the artisan claimed 'Echo - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:33:17: shronk the artisan claimed 'Delta - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:46:21: shronk the artisan claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 190 (Megatherium)'! Day 24091, 11:54:59: shronk the artisan claimed 'Goober - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24110, 14:55:52: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 51 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24110, 16:28:02: Tribemember shronk the artisan - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24110, 18:09:29: Benis was added to the Tribe by shronk the artisan! Day 24110, 21:45:25: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 24111, 03:59:30: Tribemember shronk the artisan - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 24111, 09:27:34: shronk the artisan froze Iggle Piggle - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 24112, 13:27:37: shronk the artisan claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24112, 13:35:22: shronk the artisan froze Baby STAN! - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24112, 18:01:07: shronk the artisan froze Baby STAN! - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24112, 18:25:31: shronk the artisan froze Baby STAN! - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24160, 05:02:30: Your Black/silica pearl - Lvl 139 (Gacha) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 24160, 05:18:07: Your Oil - Lvl 102 (Gacha) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 24226, 07:16:43: Foxtrot - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 24254, 06:17:47: Megatherium - Lvl 190 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24264, 10:26:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24264, 10:26:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24264, 10:26:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24291, 14:38:53: Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24292, 10:09:10: Foxtrot - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 24321, 12:35:16: Delta - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24414, 03:36:33: Tribemember shronk the artisan - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 24414, 05:54:52: Tribemember Benis - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 24688, 15:44:33: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Matt - Lvl 275 (Managarmr)'! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24698, 19:20:42: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Penny - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:27:04: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goober - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:27:34: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gavin - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:30:08: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 24698, 19:30:31: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'maggy - Lvl 149 (Iguanodon)'! Day 24698, 19:30:59: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 208 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 24698, 19:32:11: Spoof - Lvl 52 (Gang Shiet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 122 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 24699, 13:13:20: Steve - Lvl 78 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tekky - Lvl 209 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 24700, 11:49:18: Steve - Lvl 78 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggle Piggle - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24700, 11:59:48: Steve - Lvl 78 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis)'! Day 24701, 06:47:50: Steve - Lvl 80 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Echo - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24702, 12:08:03: Steve - Lvl 81 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fred - Lvl 86 (Iguanodon)'! Day 24726, 16:15:49: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium)'! Day 24844, 04:46:01: henry - Lvl 98 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26212, 02:31:08: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 51 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 37138, 16:48:03: Tribemember weezer - Lvl 51 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1478180570,"tribe":"Ashtar Confederacy logs":["Day 41319, 05:13:56: Lydia was added to the Tribe! Day 41319, 05:53:57: Mostly Harmless tribe was merged in by Pops! Day 41319, 05:53:57: Pops was added to the Tribe by Lydia! Day 41319, 05:54:03: Pops was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lydia! Day 41319, 09:10:09: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 09:57:24: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:01:11: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:17:43: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:19:22: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:26:21: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:30:07: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:41:59: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:42:08: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:47:51: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:49:34: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:53:24: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:55:03: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 10:57:53: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:00:04: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:10:44: Lydia froze Calgacus - Lvl 177 (R-Reaper King) Day 41319, 11:20:25: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:24:10: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:27:59: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:33:05: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 11:36:45: Pops froze Bodecia - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41319, 11:42:30: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 12:01:36: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 12:04:40: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 12:10:20: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 41319, 12:48:54: Pops froze Bodecia - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41319, 14:00:29: Pops froze Bodecia - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41319, 14:09:30: Lydia froze Calgacus - Lvl 177 (R-Reaper King) Day 41328, 09:03:14: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 360 (Voidwyrm) Day 41328, 10:14:57: Lydia froze Lars - Lvl 359 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41328, 22:20:49: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 70! Day 41328, 23:57:24: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 70! Day 41329, 02:49:12: Lydia froze Shadow - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 41329, 03:06:31: Lydia froze Immy - Lvl 357 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41329, 09:00:31: Lydia froze Shadow - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 41329, 12:32:37: Lydia froze Shadow - Lvl 374 (Shadowmane) Day 41329, 14:10:01: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 41341, 11:39:10: Lydia claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 41341, 13:28:01: Lydia froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 16:46:54: Lydia froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 20:20:35: Lydia froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 41354, 04:03:01: Lydia froze Lightning Wyvern [Clone] - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41390, 15:45:00: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 15:49:14: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 15:50:35: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 15:57:23: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:05:32: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:09:51: Lydia froze Calgacus - Lvl 180 (R-Reaper King) Day 41390, 16:12:31: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:16:17: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:17:52: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:22:50: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:32:30: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:32:51: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:36:22: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:40:48: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:47:52: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:52:55: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 16:56:42: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 17:00:43: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 17:06:40: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 17:11:56: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 17:16:05: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 41390, 17:40:02: Lydia froze Hairy Rex - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) Day 41391, 12:38:36: Pops claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 41391, 22:06:44: Pops froze Lars - Lvl 359 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 41392, 00:56:32: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 41392, 01:54:59: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 41392, 02:08:34: Pops claimed 'bobbie - Lvl 171 (Parasaur)'! Day 41392, 02:18:30: Pops froze bobbie - Lvl 171 (Parasaur) Day 41392, 12:54:36: Pops froze Big Girl - Lvl 321 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41414, 20:13:24: Lydia claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 122 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 41414, 20:16:16: Lydia froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 122 (Basilosaurus) Day 41415, 10:13:43: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 40! Day 41415, 18:57:03: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 41415, 21:56:27: Pops froze Anglerfish - Lvl 204 (Anglerfish) Day 41416, 01:24:38: Pops froze Auntie Bella - Lvl 280 (Basilosaurus) Day 41416, 02:42:04: Lydia froze Immy - Lvl 360 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41416, 03:09:05: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 342 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41426, 08:17:04: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41426, 16:47:19: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 41426, 18:16:52: Pops froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 41426, 18:38:54: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41426, 20:32:02: Pops claimed 'cha cha - Lvl 99 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41427, 00:36:46: Lydia uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadow - Lvl 376 Day 41427, 01:14:48: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 342 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41428, 11:07:25: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 41431, 18:38:54: Lydia claimed 'bingo - Lvl 92 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41431, 18:43:37: Lydia claimed 'Spino - Lvl 286 (Spino)'! Day 41431, 18:52:29: Lydia uploaded a Spino: Spino - Lvl 286 Day 41431, 18:54:35: Lydia uploaded a Tek Stryder: bingo - Lvl 92 Day 41431, 18:57:37: Lydia claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 41 (Allosaurus)'! Day 41431, 19:02:13: Lydia claimed 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41431, 19:24:27: Lydia uploaded a Tek Stryder: booya - Lvl 108 Day 41431, 19:51:32: Lydia unclaimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 41 (Allosaurus)'! Day 41457, 07:21:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 193 (Dodo)! Day 41472, 23:12:55: Lydia uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 193 Day 41473, 00:23:42: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 41473, 00:47:29: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41483, 02:26:03: Lydia claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 41 (Allosaurus)'! Day 41483, 02:42:55: Lydia uploaded a Allosaurus: Allosaurus - Lvl 41 Day 41483, 19:44:10: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41483, 20:48:07: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41483, 21:58:54: Lydia claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 41484, 16:11:35: Lydia froze Argentavis - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) Day 41497, 19:57:29: Lydia claimed 'Floating Love (Raft)'! Day 41497, 20:33:38: Your Floating Love (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41497, 21:44:37: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 125 | 0.8x! Day 41498, 00:25:16: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 45! Day 41498, 00:47:13: Lydia claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41498, 02:00:50: Lydia claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus)'! Day 41498, 02:29:02: Lydia claimed 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 69 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41498, 02:53:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41498, 03:55:18: Lydia uploaded a Tropeognathus: Tropeognathus - Lvl 69 Day 41498, 04:02:37: Lydia uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 254 Day 41498, 04:23:22: Lydia claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41498, 04:26:59: Lydia claimed '2세 - Lvl 29 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 41498, 08:08:35: Lydia uploaded a Ichthyornis: 2세 - Lvl 29 Day 41498, 08:25:07: Lydia uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 212 Day 41498, 09:14:43: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41498, 10:53:45: Lydia claimed 'Ying - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 41498, 13:13:16: Lydia claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 140 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41498, 13:50:18: Lydia unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 140 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41498, 14:23:58: Lydia claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41498, 14:53:04: Lydia claimed 'gold - Lvl 29 (Hesperornis)'! Day 41498, 15:24:00: Lydia uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 177 Day 41498, 16:04:28: Lydia uploaded a Argentavis: Ying - Lvl 222 Day 41498, 19:02:14: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 75! Day 41499, 07:19:05: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 41499, 10:08:05: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 112 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 125! Day 41509, 17:10:33: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 41509, 17:37:04: Lydia froze Hairy Rex - Lvl 306 (Yutyrannus) Day 41509, 22:18:39: Lydia - Lvl 112 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 41509, 22:21:03: Lydia added 'Tribe of Overdrive' Tribe to The Empire Alliance! Day 41510, 01:47:13: Your Calgacus - Lvl 189 (R-Reaper King) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 41510, 02:17:10: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 41510, 03:01:27: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:07:39: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:09:52: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:14:21: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:18:49: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:23:53: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:25:24: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:28:55: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:33:24: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:40:08: Pops froze Ryder - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:44:00: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:50:22: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:54:54: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 03:59:27: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 04:04:03: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 04:10:52: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 04:39:18: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 41510, 04:40:03: Lydia froze Hairy Rex - Lvl 306 (Yutyrannus) Day 41510, 05:30:34: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41510, 05:33:54: Lydia froze LydiaMane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 41510, 06:45:41: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41534, 01:21:42: Tribe of Overdrive tribe was merged in by Overdrive! Day 41534, 01:21:42: Overdrive was added to the Tribe by Lydia! Day 41534, 05:11:35: Overdrive froze (COA) Female - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 08:40:45: Overdrive froze Tek Cave - Lvl 126 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 13:00:25: Northius G2 was added to the Tribe by Lydia! Day 41534, 13:27:19: Lydia froze Star Man Is God - Lvl 126 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 13:30:44: Overdrive froze Fang - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 18:25:38: Lydia froze Star Man Is God - Lvl 126 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 18:25:41: Overdrive froze Fang - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 18:25:44: Pops froze All Hail The Mighty Star - Lvl 224 (Desmodus) Day 41534, 23:05:48: Tribemember Pops - Lvl 142 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 41534, 23:13:19: Your Otter - Lvl 375 (Otter) was killed by a Defense Unit - Lvl 124! Day 41535, 06:47:18: Lydia froze Star Man Is God - Lvl 126 (Desmodus) Day 41535, 07:43:14: Overdrive froze Fang - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 41535, 07:55:08: Overdrive froze Tarka - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 41535, 08:02:04: Overdrive froze Kurwa - Lvl 345 (Otter) Day 41535, 08:12:18: Lydia froze All Hail The Mighty Star - Lvl 224 (Desmodus) Day 41535, 09:55:49: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 379 (Voidwyrm) Day 41535, 09:55:54: Overdrive froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 489 (Voidwyrm) Day 41560, 00:13:04: Lydia froze Lydia Tek Cave - Lvl 139 (Desmodus) Day 41560, 00:17:54: Pops froze Pops Tek Cave - Lvl 224 (Desmodus) Day 41560, 17:07:36: Lydia froze Otter [Clone] - Lvl 171 (Otter) Day 41560, 17:12:10: Lydia froze Lydia Tek Cave - Lvl 140 (Desmodus) Day 41560, 18:07:04: Lydia froze Otter [Clone] - Lvl 170 (Otter) Day 41560, 18:12:51: Pops froze Otter [Clone] - Lvl 171 (Otter) Day 41560, 18:27:54: Lydia froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 379 (Voidwyrm) Day 41560, 18:33:13: Lydia froze Otter [Clone] - Lvl 170 (Otter) Day 41629, 15:41:41: Pops froze Sneezy - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 18:10:08: Pops froze Grumpy - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 18:16:05: Pops froze Sneezy - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 18:20:40: Pops froze Dopey - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 18:24:59: Lydia froze Immy - Lvl 369 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41629, 18:25:40: Pops froze Bashful - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 18:48:02: Lydia froze Pain - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:26:53: Lydia froze Hairy Rex - Lvl 323 (Yutyrannus) Day 41629, 23:32:09: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:32:47: Pops froze Dopey - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:38:04: Pops froze Sneezy - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:38:58: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:43:09: Pops froze Sleepy - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:46:41: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:53:25: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:59:19: Pops froze Bashful - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 41629, 23:59:59: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:07:04: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:10:09: Pops froze Grumpy - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:13:10: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:18:20: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:23:45: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:29:15: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:34:13: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:39:10: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:50:45: Pops froze Pain - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 00:58:53: Lydia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 41630, 01:40:27: Lydia froze Calgacus - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 41630, 02:53:15: Pops froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 41707, 19:42:01: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41820, 06:55:55: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 132 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 41820, 14:15:36: Lydia claimed 'Polly - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41820, 14:51:34: Lydia uploaded a Hesperornis: gold - Lvl 29 Day 42163, 04:08:58: Lydia uploaded a Pteranodon: Polly - Lvl 231 Day 42335, 17:27:43: Lydia claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42335, 18:51:50: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 42364, 19:41:12: Your bobbie - Lvl 184 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 42429, 20:52:05: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 42725, 22:59:46: Northius G2 claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)'! Day 42725, 23:28:11: Northius G2 froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 42726, 01:04:27: Northius G2 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42726, 01:14:07: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 02:04:06: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 02:18:21: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 04:39:54: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 04:57:55: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 05:20:17: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 06:51:17: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 08:50:30: Northius G2 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42726, 11:05:02: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 11:28:41: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 11:43:54: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 13:16:22: Northius G2 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42726, 15:22:15: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 16:02:53: Northius G2 claimed 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 38 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 42726, 16:08:13: Northius G2 froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 38 (Mosasaurus) Day 42726, 16:24:54: Northius G2 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane) Day 42726, 16:51:12: Northius G2 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 43353, 14:44:25: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 104 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43792, 06:36:00: Tribe of salsi tribe was merged in by salsi! Day 43792, 06:36:00: salsi was added to the Tribe by Pops! Day 43792, 09:26:00: Northius G2 claimed 'Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)'! Day 43792, 09:29:01: Northius G2 froze Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 43792, 11:00:54: Pops froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 43792, 13:51:13: Northius G2 uploaded a Sarco: Sarco - Lvl 217 Day 43792, 14:00:14: Northius G2 froze Managarmr - Lvl 342 (Managarmr) Day 43815, 11:01:46: salsi froze Lightning Wyvern [Clone] - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 44948, 19:34:51: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44972, 15:45:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45010, 22:09:19: Tribemember Lydia - Lvl 132 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 45106, 12:47:13: Overdrive was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lydia! Day 45106, 12:48:08: Northius G2 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lydia! Day 45106, 12:48:46: salsi was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lydia!"] "tribeid":1475196857,"tribe":"Idk logs":["Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21803, 03:37:12: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 21803, 03:39:23: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 227 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21803, 03:40:17: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21803, 03:42:31: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 208 (Castoroides)'! Day 21803, 03:43:19: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21803, 03:44:56: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 21803, 03:46:06: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22162, 21:53:47: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22213, 08:15:32: Wolf - Lvl 68 (Silent Wolf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 22215, 01:20:06: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 109 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1474515970,"tribe":"Pve Beeps logs":["Day 18699, 06:22:53: Beep was added to the Tribe! Day 18699, 06:24:18: Reynix was added to the Tribe by Beep! Day 18699, 06:25:10: Tribemember Beep - Lvl 4 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 18708, 19:23:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 18708, 19:40:10: Tribemember Beep - Lvl 41 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 19065, 17:20:27: Tribemember Reynix - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 19769, 10:32:03: Human - Lvl 11 (gang gang ca$h money) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS WHEREUAT (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1472687925,"tribe":"Tribe of Ginge logs":["Day 14998, 04:00:15: Ginge was added to the Tribe! Day 14998, 04:03:41: Dwarfie was added to the Tribe by Ginge! Day 14998, 04:07:56: Ashe was added to the Tribe by Ginge! Day 14998, 06:11:08: Tribemember Ashe - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 125 | 0.9x! Day 14998, 08:09:51: Ginge demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 14998, 08:57:45: Tribemember Ashe - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 14998, 10:15:02: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 14998, 10:29:41: Dwarfie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14998, 10:49:41: Dwarfie demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 14998, 10:50:44: Dwarfie demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 14998, 11:18:12: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 14998, 11:26:38: Tribemember Ashe - Lvl 8 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 45! Day 14998, 11:33:40: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 14998, 11:56:02: Tribemember Dwarfie - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 14998, 12:04:36: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 14998, 12:54:25: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 24 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 15237, 17:10:26: Your 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15237, 17:10:28: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 15237, 17:10:32: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 15237, 17:10:36: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15237, 17:10:38: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15237, 18:09:00: Tribemember Dwarfie - Lvl 21 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 15237, 18:10:47: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 18710, 16:11:36: Ashe was removed from the Tribe! Day 18710, 18:22:43: Ashe was added to the Tribe by Ginge! Day 18711, 07:17:01: Da baby? was added to the Tribe by Ginge! Day 18711, 08:43:21: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 40 was killed by Da baby? - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Ginge)! Day 18711, 08:43:21: Your Tribe killed Ginge - Lvl 40 (Tribe of Ginge)! Day 18714, 13:06:05: Tribemember Da baby? - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18714, 13:28:47: Tribemember Ashe - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1471595416,"tribe":"Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN logs":["Day 14036, 20:09:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 402 (Snow Owl) Day 14041, 06:56:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 14041, 07:25:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilisk - Lvl 152 (Basilisk) Day 14041, 07:52:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 14041, 10:42:19: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 14041, 10:44:11: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 14041, 11:22:02: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 14041, 11:24:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko14 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 11:29:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 11:40:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon6 - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 14041, 11:42:57: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon3 - Lvl 307 (Rex) Day 14041, 11:44:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 11:46:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 11:48:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko 8 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 11:50:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 14041, 12:29:45: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'tekwagon5 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14041, 12:32:27: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14041, 13:52:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 286 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 14041, 13:54:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko 8 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 14:02:07: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14041, 14:05:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 14:07:46: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 14:09:00: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'tekwagon5 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14041, 14:10:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 14:12:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko14 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 14041, 14:19:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 14041, 14:22:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon6 - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 14041, 14:24:22: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'rexwagon3 - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 14041, 14:25:46: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 14041, 14:47:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 286 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 14041, 14:53:46: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Basilisk - Lvl 28 (Basilisk)'! Day 14041, 14:58:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 14041, 15:20:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 14096, 19:26:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 14125, 14:22:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 14233, 20:12:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 14347, 23:47:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 15033, 03:44:42: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15033, 03:44:42: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17059, 19:52:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 415 (Snow Owl) Day 17327, 06:13:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 17327, 18:14:41: MushroomKing was added to the Tribe by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 17327, 18:16:39: MushroomKing was promoted to a Tribe Admin by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 17327, 19:23:47: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 19:26:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko 10 - Lvl 462 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 19:28:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 19:33:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 19:39:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Jyty - Lvl 344 (Yutyrannus) Day 17327, 20:00:01: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 17327, 20:00:37: Your teko - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 17327, 20:01:30: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 445 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 17327, 20:01:59: Your Knight Series No 1M - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 17327, 20:07:20: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 17327, 20:56:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:02:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:06:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:10:46: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Flexer Vol.2 - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:20:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Flexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:24:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:27:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:48:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 428 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:54:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze NotRealFlexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 21:58:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze qrchuck - Lvl 348 (Yutyrannus) Day 17327, 22:02:15: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 22:05:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Jyty - Lvl 344 (Yutyrannus) Day 17327, 22:10:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series NO 16M - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 22:15:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 22:20:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko 10 - Lvl 462 (Tek Rex) Day 17327, 22:48:50: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 17327, 23:29:23: MushroomKing froze Snow Owl - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 17355, 08:52:29: MushroomKing froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 17355, 09:49:51: MushroomKing froze Snow Owl - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 17355, 15:52:30: MushroomKing froze Doedicurus - Lvl 315 (Doedicurus) Day 17355, 16:04:04: MushroomKing froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 312 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17355, 17:39:09: MushroomKing froze Snow Owl - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 17700, 21:58:09: Meatball - Lvl 145 (Tribe of Arms2) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gringler - Lvl 382 (Argentavis)'! Day 17710, 10:08:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17710, 10:08:22: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17878, 06:50:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17878, 06:50:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17878, 06:50:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17878, 06:50:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18045, 22:18:09: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18080, 13:39:09: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18080, 14:00:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18080, 23:21:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 18081, 00:12:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 18081, 00:16:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18091, 15:05:14: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Howard - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18091, 15:06:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Howard - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) Day 18091, 16:39:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18091, 20:06:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18091, 20:13:56: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Fang - Lvl 211 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18091, 20:15:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 211 (Sabertooth) Day 18091, 20:24:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18092, 02:16:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Spino - Lvl 181 (Spino) Day 18092, 08:22:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18092, 08:58:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18092, 09:24:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18092, 09:32:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 216 (Sabertooth) Day 18092, 09:49:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Howard - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 18092, 10:02:55: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Tribe Of Sticks And Dung Tribe. Day 18092, 10:04:39: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Tribe Of Sticks And Dung Tribe. Day 18092, 10:05:07: SIMPLE HUMAN added 'Tribe Of Sticks And Dung' Tribe to sabercats Alliance! Day 18092, 11:55:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18092, 13:38:53: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 90 (Carbonemys)'! Day 18092, 13:42:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Carbonemys - Lvl 108 (Carbonemys) Day 18092, 14:36:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18094, 12:52:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 18094, 13:05:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 18094, 13:13:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth) Day 18094, 17:44:19: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18096, 19:23:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fang - Lvl 218 (Sabertooth) Day 18097, 00:02:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18097, 10:41:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18097, 10:54:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 18097, 10:56:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 18120, 20:59:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18121, 15:30:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18122, 07:11:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 18122, 07:25:09: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18122, 07:26:04: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tiki Tribe. Day 18122, 07:34:51: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tiki Tribe. Day 18122, 07:48:04: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tiki Tribe. Day 18122, 07:48:45: SIMPLE HUMAN added 'Tribe of Tiki' Tribe to sabercats Alliance! Day 18122, 09:30:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 18122, 11:14:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Flexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 18122, 11:23:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze NotRealFlexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 18122, 11:27:02: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 18122, 11:29:15: SIMPLE HUMAN froze qrchuck - Lvl 349 (Yutyrannus) Day 18122, 11:33:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze qrchuck - Lvl 349 (Yutyrannus) Day 18122, 11:34:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 18122, 11:41:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 18122, 11:43:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Ma Boi 1[MAXED] - Lvl 427 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18122, 13:29:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Ma Boi 1[MAXED] - Lvl 427 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18122, 15:10:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18127, 04:10:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze ElementALL - Lvl 334 (Astrodelphis) Day 18127, 04:31:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze ElementALL - Lvl 334 (Astrodelphis) Day 18127, 05:25:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Male vida 24 - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18127, 05:48:36: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'AnkyLOLsaurio - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18127, 05:55:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPIDERMAN - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 18127, 06:18:50: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18148, 02:55:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18148, 11:56:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18148, 12:53:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 335 (Managarmr) Day 18148, 15:48:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 18150, 07:38:28: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Cosmic chaos Tribe. Day 18150, 07:39:48: SIMPLE HUMAN added 'Cosmic chaos' Tribe to sabercats Alliance! Day 18150, 08:56:05: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii v2.0 - Lvl 420 (Snow Owl) Day 18150, 09:22:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 18154, 06:23:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18154, 07:23:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze speed boiii v2.0 - Lvl 420 (Snow Owl) Day 18155, 03:18:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18155, 06:17:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18155, 06:34:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 335 (Managarmr) Day 18178, 08:39:29: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 52 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 18178, 09:28:43: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 52 (Mesopithecus) was killed! Day 18178, 09:28:43: Mesopithecus - Lvl 52 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 18178, 10:00:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18197, 06:26:09: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18206, 00:52:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18206, 01:58:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Ma Boi 1[MAXED] - Lvl 428 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18206, 05:18:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18206, 08:23:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18222, 07:29:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Ma Boi 1[MAXED] - Lvl 428 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18222, 11:42:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18222, 13:23:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18222, 13:27:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 18233, 18:42:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18233, 19:19:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18262, 09:36:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18415, 12:57:20: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18459, 09:04:02: Benedy was added to the Tribe by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 18459, 11:48:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18459, 11:48:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18459, 11:48:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18459, 11:55:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18459, 11:55:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18459, 11:55:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18459, 12:34:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 336 (Managarmr) Day 18459, 14:29:14: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18459, 14:36:01: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 18459, 16:47:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18459, 17:23:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18459, 17:45:37: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed by SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN)! Day 18459, 17:45:37: Your Tribe killed Benedy - Lvl 97 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN)! Day 18459, 18:27:03: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18459, 18:33:38: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 18459, 18:40:11: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18459, 19:19:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18459, 20:08:46: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18459, 20:12:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18459, 20:54:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18459, 21:08:01: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 18459, 22:25:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 00:42:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 03:33:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 05:29:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 05:45:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 06:06:20: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 was killed! Day 18460, 06:45:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 06:50:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 07:08:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 07:24:19: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 07:33:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 08:49:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 09:07:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 18460, 09:32:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18460, 09:34:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18460, 10:34:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 336 (Managarmr) Day 18469, 05:48:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 417 (Snow Owl) Day 18469, 05:57:50: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18574, 06:43:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Maewing - Lvl 299 (Maewing) Day 18574, 09:48:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 248 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18574, 19:41:18: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 52 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18574, 19:46:05: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 52 (Therizinosaur) Day 18574, 21:04:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 248 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18574, 23:54:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 248 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18575, 07:07:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18621, 20:37:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18621, 22:18:36: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 127 (Daeodon)! Day 18621, 22:25:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Daeodon - Lvl 127 (Daeodon) Day 18622, 00:56:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18622, 06:12:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with Peace And Ark Tribe. Day 18622, 08:18:00: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18622, 08:26:13: Your NotRealFlexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18622, 08:40:21: Your Flexer - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18622, 09:29:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze qrchuck - Lvl 349 (Yutyrannus) Day 18622, 09:38:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 18622, 11:51:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18622, 12:20:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18622, 15:26:42: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 132 (Daeodon)'! Day 18622, 17:11:55: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 7 (Daeodon)! Day 18622, 17:15:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Daeodon - Lvl 7 (Daeodon) Day 18622, 17:47:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18622, 20:39:16: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium)! Day 18622, 21:36:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium) Day 18622, 21:42:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18622, 23:43:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18623, 01:41:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18623, 02:06:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18643, 17:53:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18643, 20:56:53: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 18 (Sarco)! Day 18643, 21:15:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Sarco - Lvl 18 (Sarco) Day 18644, 00:56:11: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 23 (Sarco)! Day 18644, 01:01:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Sarco - Lvl 23 (Sarco) Day 18644, 06:19:30: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 134 (Sarco)! Day 18644, 06:27:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Sarco - Lvl 134 (Sarco) Day 18644, 06:58:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18644, 08:51:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18644, 11:45:53: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 67 (Sabertooth)! Day 18644, 11:54:15: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Sabertooth - Lvl 67 (Sabertooth) Day 18644, 13:32:56: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 18644, 13:58:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis) Day 18644, 15:04:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18644, 15:57:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18644, 20:49:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze [MAXED] alpha boi - Lvl 436 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18644, 23:02:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 18690, 14:00:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze ElementALL - Lvl 334 (Astrodelphis) Day 18796, 08:53:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18937, 15:07:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19237, 09:09:06: Lavender - Lvl 115 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spinster - Lvl 171 (Spino)'! Day 19326, 10:32:44: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 70! Day 19326, 11:52:35: Benedy was added to the Tribe by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 19326, 12:59:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 19326, 22:59:53: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 104 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 19326, 23:07:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 104 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19326, 23:26:03: Benedy froze Violet - Lvl 280 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19326, 23:48:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giga [Maxed] - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19327, 00:14:07: Benedy froze Blueberry - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 19327, 00:31:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 19345, 04:43:18: Your Aberrant Otter - Lvl 44 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 19348, 09:41:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 19348, 13:11:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 376 (Basilosaurus) Day 19348, 13:39:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 19839, 13:53:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 20171, 20:13:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Phoenix - Lvl 216 (Phoenix) Day 20550, 14:48:20: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 449 (Snow Owl) Day 20550, 21:31:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Violet - Lvl 284 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20550, 21:53:46: Benedy froze Lucifer - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 20551, 00:13:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 449 (Snow Owl) Day 20551, 02:05:09: Benedy froze Pearl - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 20551, 02:42:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Violet - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20551, 03:50:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Violet - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20551, 09:11:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Violet - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20551, 14:13:18: Benedy froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 449 (Snow Owl) Day 20551, 19:26:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series No 5M - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:33:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 451 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:35:38: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:37:50: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:41:25: Benedy froze Knight Series No 2F - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:42:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 385 (Yutyrannus) Day 20551, 19:47:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:51:10: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 461 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 19:58:22: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:35:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Flexer Vol.2 - Lvl 466 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:41:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:46:22: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:50:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:53:36: Benedy froze Knight Series NO 16M - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 20:59:47: Benedy froze teko 10 - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 21:06:29: Benedy froze Chosen F 1 - Lvl 473 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 21:07:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Yukidarumonnus - Lvl 375 (Yutyrannus) Day 20551, 21:12:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze cHOSEN F 2 - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 21:17:28: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 20551, 21:57:16: Benedy froze Blueberry - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 20551, 22:04:57: Benedy froze Lucifer - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 20551, 22:15:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 449 (Snow Owl) Day 20551, 22:24:52: Benedy froze Pearl - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 20691, 14:29:18: dia added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20691, 17:52:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 451 (Tek Rex) Day 20691, 17:58:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series NO 16M - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 20691, 23:58:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series NO 16M - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 00:09:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 451 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 00:37:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series NO 16M - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 07:24:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Knight Series No 5M - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 07:34:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 08:59:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 450 (Snow Owl) Day 20692, 09:01:51: Benedy froze Blueberry - Lvl 325 (Snow Owl) Day 20860, 02:47:53: Benedy froze Pearl - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 20860, 03:11:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 450 (Snow Owl) Day 20860, 06:00:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 450 (Snow Owl) Day 20860, 07:21:56: Benedy froze Lucifer - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 21136, 11:16:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rock Drake - Lvl 356 (Rock Drake) Day 21851, 18:46:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 451 (Snow Owl) Day 22551, 03:09:48: irobits - Lvl 121 (i keep receiving stuff) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23013, 09:57:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23918, 08:10:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 453 (Snow Owl) Day 23926, 07:22:04: Pishta2 was added to the Tribe by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 23926, 13:16:39: Tribemember Pishta2 - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 23926, 14:35:55: Tribemember Pishta2 - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 23926, 16:35:16: Tribemember Pishta2 - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24140, 11:25:43: Tribemember Pishta2 - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 65! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25342, 04:33:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 04:50:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 06:02:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25342, 07:12:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 07:20:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 25342, 09:26:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25342, 10:14:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 12:53:14: Benedy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25342, 14:26:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25342, 15:04:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 421 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25342, 17:07:57: Benedy froze Alexia* - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 25342, 17:41:58: Benedy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 347 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25342, 19:07:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 19:33:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25342, 20:10:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 421 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25342, 20:27:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25342, 22:33:09: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25342, 23:22:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25343, 00:56:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 25343, 04:20:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 25343, 06:57:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25343, 12:41:16: Benedy froze Alexia* - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 25343, 15:24:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 466 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 15:46:35: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Nigerian Hulk Tribe. Day 25343, 15:47:47: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Nigerian Hulk Tribe. Day 25343, 15:49:30: SIMPLE HUMAN added 'Tribe of Nigerian Hulk' Tribe to sabercats Alliance! Day 25343, 18:11:50: Your Boss - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 25343, 18:13:10: Your Boss - Lvl 465 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 25343, 18:32:30: Your Boss - Lvl 461 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 25343, 18:35:57: Your Boss - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 25343, 19:35:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Boss - Lvl 493 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:39:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Boss - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:43:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:47:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Boss - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:49:09: Benedy froze Boss - Lvl 467 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:53:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:54:31: Benedy froze Boss - Lvl 442 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 19:59:08: Benedy froze Boss - Lvl 473 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 20:03:58: Benedy froze Boss - Lvl 456 (Rex) Day 25343, 20:10:06: Benedy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 25343, 20:11:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Jyty - Lvl 382 (Yutyrannus) Day 25343, 20:20:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Jyty - Lvl 382 (Yutyrannus) Day 25343, 21:11:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 457 (Snow Owl) Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 31330, 17:43:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 31330, 18:56:24: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 31330, 23:33:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 32305, 17:06:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 465 (Snow Owl) Day 32307, 08:28:57: Benedy froze Blueberry - Lvl 372 (Snow Owl) Day 32307, 09:33:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 465 (Snow Owl) Day 32585, 11:19:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 466 (Snow Owl) Day 32585, 12:34:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 435 (Shadowmane) Day 32585, 13:14:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 466 (Snow Owl) Day 34264, 01:48:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 468 (Snow Owl) Day 34264, 01:55:02: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 34264, 02:03:50: SIMPLE HUMAN froze TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo) Day 34264, 04:11:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 437 (Shadowmane) Day 34264, 05:03:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 468 (Snow Owl) Day 34264, 06:06:05: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 437 (Shadowmane) Day 34264, 06:41:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 468 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1463016822,"tribe":"Tribe of Shadow logs":["Day 29069, 06:14:09: ShadowV1 was added to the Tribe! Day 29069, 10:55:53: ShadowV1 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 29069, 11:59:30: Night Hawk was added to the Tribe by ShadowV1! Day 29069, 14:07:52: Night Hawk Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 56 (Parasaur)! Day 29070, 03:04:53: Tribemember Night Hawk - Lvl 14 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 29070, 03:04:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29070, 03:18:37: Tribemember ShadowV1 - Lvl 22 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 120! Day 29070, 08:55:18: Tribemember Night Hawk - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 29070, 09:02:05: Tribemember ShadowV1 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 29078, 04:08:59: Tribemember ShadowV1 - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 29126, 07:30:11: Your Parasaur - Lvl 66 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 120! Day 29126, 07:37:07: Your Parasaur - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29778, 19:15:01: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 30017, 08:00:36: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1!"] "tribeid":1462049469,"tribe":"Hallo Eduardo logs":["Day 27652, 20:19:29: Hallo Eduardo was added to the Tribe! Day 27652, 20:42:34: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27738, 23:34:54: Your F023 - Lvl 285 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 10! Day 27909, 19:43:45: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 20:09:49: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 20:51:38: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 22:38:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 22:54:51: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 23:04:08: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 23:10:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 23:36:36: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 23:45:13: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 27909, 23:54:55: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 00:00:45: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 00:08:34: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 02:04:15: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 294 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 03:26:51: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 04:30:42: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 287 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 04:39:02: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 06:27:11: Hallo Eduardo froze M003 - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 06:34:34: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 09:03:26: Hallo Eduardo froze Kampf - Lvl 286 (Therizinosaur) Day 27910, 09:16:37: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 27910, 09:45:56: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 27912, 00:46:05: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby Fight F - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27912, 00:51:38: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27912, 01:31:20: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27912, 08:12:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 27912, 12:54:31: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27912, 13:01:53: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27912, 17:52:47: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby Fight F - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27912, 18:17:16: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 294 (Daeodon) Day 27913, 11:22:33: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27913, 11:27:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27913, 23:37:26: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent Boss Base - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 27913, 23:43:41: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Fight F - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 27914, 00:00:17: Hallo Eduardo froze M006 - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28394, 07:42:13: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 28394, 08:53:33: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 09:16:28: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 09:42:20: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 09:54:32: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 10:14:15: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 10:52:20: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 11:26:38: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 12:01:02: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 12:12:41: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 12:34:51: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28394, 13:59:38: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 28394, 14:17:23: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:18:30: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:19:20: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:20:10: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:21:00: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:21:47: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:22:32: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:23:20: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:24:09: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:24:59: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 28394, 14:44:17: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:45:19: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Bee: Giant Bee - Lvl 5 Day 28394, 14:46:34: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:48:22: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:49:10: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:50:00: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:50:43: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:51:25: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:52:14: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:52:53: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 14:54:07: Hallo Eduardo uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 28394, 17:17:05: Hallo Eduardo froze 003 - Lvl 195 (Maewing) Day 28394, 18:39:21: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur) Day 28394, 18:47:02: Hallo Eduardo froze 003 - Lvl 195 (Maewing) Day 28735, 09:15:10: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 09:45:12: Hallo Eduardo froze 003 - Lvl 300 (Maewing) Day 28735, 10:24:25: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 11:22:07: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 12:24:20: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 12:57:45: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 14:47:38: Hallo Eduardo froze Reaper 2 - Lvl 306 (Reaper King) Day 28735, 15:18:41: Hallo Eduardo froze Reaper 2 - Lvl 307 (Reaper King) Day 28735, 15:50:26: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 19:06:00: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 19:39:34: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 19:57:55: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 20:43:55: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 21:03:23: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 21:21:01: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28735, 21:37:01: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 50! Day 28736, 00:48:36: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28736, 02:51:51: Your F FIGHT - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 28736, 07:02:12: Hallo Eduardo froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 309 (Basilosaurus) Day 28736, 07:54:36: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28736, 10:31:01: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28736, 15:01:04: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drops - Lvl 271 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28742, 00:49:16: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drops - Lvl 294 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28744, 07:41:37: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28744, 07:59:49: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28834, 22:53:07: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drops - Lvl 352 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28835, 03:42:42: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28835, 04:42:50: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 28835, 17:20:10: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28835, 23:45:00: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28836, 00:09:53: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 310 (Tusoteuthis) Day 28836, 02:11:09: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 05:05:27: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 05:45:39: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 06:09:28: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 06:43:09: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 235! Day 28836, 08:45:09: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 09:43:14: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28836, 10:14:08: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 330 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 15:29:32: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 16:16:51: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 17:00:53: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 17:36:04: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 17:58:56: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 18:15:08: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28849, 18:18:25: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 245! Day 28849, 23:21:03: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 01:38:04: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 02:17:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 02:31:00: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 03:24:18: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 05:15:51: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 14:07:23: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28850, 14:49:56: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 18:11:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 331 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 19:46:20: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 331 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 20:09:01: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 331 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 20:28:18: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28850, 21:18:37: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28851, 04:08:18: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28857, 13:30:05: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 336 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28858, 02:47:40: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28858, 05:07:14: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 336 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28858, 07:04:40: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 336 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28858, 08:04:14: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 347 (Therizinosaur) Day 28858, 08:55:13: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 349 (Therizinosaur) Day 28858, 10:14:37: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 349 (Therizinosaur) Day 28858, 10:44:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 28858, 12:58:49: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 28858, 14:46:43: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 336 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28858, 17:34:21: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 260! Day 28858, 22:24:22: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 50! Day 28859, 05:12:48: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28859, 05:27:31: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 28859, 07:17:01: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28859, 07:56:26: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28859, 11:42:17: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 339 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28859, 12:54:34: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28859, 15:02:19: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28859, 15:17:33: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:17:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 28860, 04:20:49: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 28860, 06:03:26: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28860, 06:06:20: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28860, 06:11:19: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28860, 07:31:35: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 177 (Maewing) Day 28860, 10:05:17: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28878, 17:10:39: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 342 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28878, 18:37:11: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 342 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28878, 18:47:27: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 342 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28878, 19:19:16: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 343 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28878, 20:31:58: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28878, 20:38:29: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28879, 06:48:15: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 80! Day 28879, 08:37:02: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 343 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 09:10:21: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 344 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 09:25:52: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 344 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 10:10:38: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 11:22:22: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 12:30:05: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28879, 15:24:18: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 18:27:53: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 20:18:05: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28879, 20:40:35: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28880, 17:48:15: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28880, 17:54:08: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28880, 18:00:58: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28880, 18:14:31: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28880, 23:44:17: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28881, 05:11:46: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28881, 05:19:18: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28881, 05:48:22: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28881, 05:52:59: Hallo Eduardo froze Juvenile M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28881, 21:30:54: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28882, 05:59:42: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent Drops - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28882, 21:42:00: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28882, 21:54:32: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28882, 22:14:38: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28883, 04:12:43: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28883, 14:47:41: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28883, 20:15:58: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28884, 03:19:37: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28884, 03:28:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28884, 03:32:20: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28884, 03:36:31: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28884, 03:51:23: Hallo Eduardo froze Adolescent F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28902, 15:58:46: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 280 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28902, 19:11:34: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 296 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28903, 18:32:11: Hallo Eduardo froze Drops - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28903, 19:11:05: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drops - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 00:00:40: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 00:21:55: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 00:44:03: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 04:35:33: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 05:37:21: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28904, 12:28:42: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 12:53:46: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 299 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 13:47:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28904, 13:52:28: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 28984, 14:29:10: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 28984, 14:44:38: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 28984, 17:03:46: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 29005, 23:17:12: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:17:12: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:17:12: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:17:12: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 363 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:18:26: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:19:44: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 29005, 23:19:50: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:19:50: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:20:58: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29005, 23:21:09: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:31:03: Your M001 - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29005, 23:31:45: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29006, 01:00:38: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29477, 00:12:27: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29477, 05:18:50: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 29489, 21:51:25: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 29490, 05:42:36: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29490, 11:15:19: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29490, 13:02:15: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29490, 13:23:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29490, 16:58:49: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 29498, 02:34:51: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 29498, 05:50:04: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29498, 15:20:01: Hallo Eduardo froze 001 - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 29498, 20:43:49: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 368 (Tusoteuthis) Day 29499, 01:58:05: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 29499, 06:23:14: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 29499, 09:36:48: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 29499, 11:16:03: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29499, 12:06:35: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29499, 13:13:54: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29516, 09:37:20: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29516, 15:15:41: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29516, 18:43:33: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29516, 22:43:58: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29517, 03:17:37: Hallo Eduardo froze M Supply Drops Dm29 - Lvl 415 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29517, 03:30:37: Hallo Eduardo demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 29517, 03:35:03: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29522, 04:19:45: Hallo Eduardo froze F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 29522, 04:25:24: Hallo Eduardo froze M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 29522, 04:31:20: Hallo Eduardo froze M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 29522, 09:54:38: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 294 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 303 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your Kermit - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 303 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 287 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your F HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 294 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29522, 09:58:16: Your M HP Boss Dm55 - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 29548, 06:19:56: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 06:24:31: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 06:59:54: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 07:04:03: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 08:03:08: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 08:06:52: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 08:58:39: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 09:12:58: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 12:38:39: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 12:44:43: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 29548, 13:00:51: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 13:05:57: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 13:46:06: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 13:51:24: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 14:14:25: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 14:22:18: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 29548, 14:25:04: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 80! Day 29548, 19:45:42: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 19:49:48: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 20:29:14: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 20:35:12: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29548, 20:54:11: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29548, 21:00:26: Hallo Eduardo froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30688, 13:53:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30688, 13:53:17: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30712, 05:33:19: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1461180217,"tribe":"Tribe of SpiritD logs":["Day 20663, 22:53:44: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 20664, 20:43:10: SpiritD claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 115 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20664, 21:51:15: SpiritD unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 115 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20665, 14:28:01: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 171 (Rex)'! Day 20667, 09:19:34: SpiritD demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 20668, 09:40:17: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 172 (Allosaurus)! Day 20670, 18:56:36: SpiritD Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 20671, 02:35:48: SpiritD Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 20671, 14:04:13: SpiritD demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 20671, 14:08:11: SpiritD demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 20671, 14:40:10: SpiritD demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 20676, 21:11:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20686, 05:17:29: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 20693, 20:52:19: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 20693, 21:04:14: SpiritD unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)'! Day 20713, 00:22:23: SpiritD froze LIL Gray 192 - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 20713, 09:00:40: SpiritD claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 20713, 12:01:32: SpiritD froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 242 (Lystrosaurus) Day 20713, 15:08:26: SpiritD unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20713, 15:47:43: SpiritD unclaimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 23 (Pelagornis)'! Day 20713, 16:09:35: SpiritD unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)'! Day 20713, 16:44:45: SpiritD froze Parasaur - Lvl 195 (Parasaur) Day 20713, 16:49:26: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20715, 19:34:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 224 (Triceratops)! Day 20736, 00:42:43: SpiritD Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 20736, 12:18:43: SpiritD Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 171 (Phiomia)! Day 20737, 01:42:01: SpiritD Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 173 (Triceratops)! Day 20737, 02:06:10: SpiritD froze Triceratops - Lvl 173 (Triceratops) Day 20738, 08:04:07: SpiritD Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 142 (Dimorphodon)! Day 20738, 18:49:06: SpiritD Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20738, 18:53:40: SpiritD froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur) Day 20761, 08:20:43: Your Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 20761, 10:11:59: SpiritD Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal)! Day 20761, 10:16:54: SpiritD froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 20762, 00:08:35: SpiritD Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)! Day 20762, 00:43:17: SpiritD froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 20765, 01:48:24: SpiritD froze Quetzal - Lvl 35 (Quetzal) Day 20766, 01:57:13: Tribemember SpiritD - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20766, 05:15:59: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20766, 05:17:41: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 20766, 06:18:52: SpiritD Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 134 (Quetzal)! Day 20766, 06:21:02: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20766, 06:24:48: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20766, 06:29:33: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20766, 14:10:22: SpiritD froze S217 2G Finny - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 20766, 16:21:52: SpiritD unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)'! Day 20767, 00:18:48: SpiritD Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 12 (Oviraptor)! Day 20767, 14:54:35: SpiritD Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 101 (Oviraptor)! Day 20767, 23:03:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)! Day 20780, 15:09:08: SpiritD froze Phiomia - Lvl 85 (Phiomia) Day 20780, 15:40:22: SpiritD unclaimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 85 (Phiomia)'! Day 20780, 15:50:08: SpiritD claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 85 (Phiomia)'! Day 20781, 12:27:44: SpiritD froze Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 20782, 19:31:27: SpiritD Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 150 (Megatherium)! Day 20782, 20:14:31: SpiritD froze Megatherium - Lvl 150 (Megatherium) Day 20783, 02:35:28: SpiritD froze Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 20785, 06:54:24: SpiritD unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)'! Day 20790, 11:49:12: SpiritD Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 164 (Beelzebufo)! Day 20790, 11:54:48: SpiritD froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 164 (Beelzebufo) Day 20811, 09:08:16: SpiritD Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 203 (Megatherium)! Day 20811, 09:12:52: SpiritD froze Megatherium - Lvl 203 (Megatherium) Day 20811, 17:18:29: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 146 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20811, 17:47:38: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis)'! Day 20813, 08:59:06: SpiritD froze Phiomia - Lvl 104 (Phiomia) Day 20813, 11:07:43: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 20813, 17:49:08: SpiritD Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 20813, 17:57:07: SpiritD Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 20813, 18:00:58: SpiritD froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 20813, 19:50:27: Your Phiomia - Lvl 104 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 20814, 13:50:16: SpiritD unclaimed 'Pteranodon a002 - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20814, 17:21:35: SpiritD Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 20814, 17:25:41: SpiritD froze Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo) Day 20814, 18:12:42: SpiritD Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 164 (Dodo)! Day 20815, 20:05:18: SpiritD Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal)! Day 20815, 22:24:17: SpiritD froze Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal) Day 20815, 22:30:52: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20815, 22:39:41: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20826, 19:46:39: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 49 (Dodo)'! Day 20826, 19:55:17: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo)'! Day 20826, 19:57:08: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo)'! Day 20830, 14:48:58: SpiritD froze Direwolf - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 20831, 15:30:22: SpiritD Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 20832, 03:43:34: SpiritD froze Direwolf - Lvl 258 (Direwolf) Day 20833, 02:14:31: SpiritD Tamed a Hesperornis - Lvl 32 (Hesperornis)! Day 20833, 02:20:06: SpiritD froze Hesperornis - Lvl 32 (Hesperornis) Day 20851, 12:44:24: SpiritD froze Allosaurus - Lvl 236 (Allosaurus) Day 20851, 16:55:23: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 20929, 18:59:03: SpiritD froze Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 20945, 11:11:26: SpiritD claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 20946, 07:24:19: Tribemember SpiritD - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 20947, 15:26:10: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20947, 15:27:51: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20949, 01:50:54: SpiritD demolished a 'Wood Elevator Track'! Day 20949, 07:52:42: SpiritD froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20949, 20:21:17: SpiritD froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20949, 22:55:03: SpiritD demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20974, 11:34:12: SpiritD Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku)! Day 20974, 11:36:45: SpiritD Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku)! Day 20974, 11:38:37: SpiritD froze Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) Day 20974, 11:52:14: SpiritD froze Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) Day 20974, 13:01:57: SpiritD Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 119 (Kairuku)! Day 21007, 06:58:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21209, 14:15:50: Hesperornis - Lvl 52 (Hesperornis) starved to death! Day 21232, 01:12:08: Quetzal - Lvl 82 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 21250, 17:26:06: Ovis - Lvl 36 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21378, 13:44:34: Kairuku - Lvl 23 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 21378, 13:44:41: Dodo - Lvl 49 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 21462, 00:46:37: Kairuku - Lvl 23 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 21519, 10:11:16: Procoptodon - Lvl 74 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 21519, 10:11:27: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 21519, 10:11:46: Dung Beetle - Lvl 83 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 21525, 07:28:42: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21525, 07:28:42: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21553, 03:20:38: Dodo - Lvl 73 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 21553, 03:30:56: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 270 (Quetzal)'! Day 21553, 03:53:33: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 196 (Quetzal)'! Day 21553, 04:50:05: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 108 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 21553, 05:04:04: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 21553, 05:13:44: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)'! Day 21553, 05:21:05: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 21553, 05:39:03: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 239 (Parasaur)'! Day 21553, 05:46:02: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S207 No Healing - Lvl 274 (Daeodon)'! Day 21554, 18:45:18: Dung Beetle - Lvl 68 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 21554, 18:46:29: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S217 2G Finny - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:49:15: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S217 Finny - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:53:56: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S-Fluffy - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 19:04:35: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 19:13:33: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LIL Gray 192 - Lvl 309 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 20:09:18: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 20:40:59: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 261 (Direwolf)'! Day 21554, 20:45:34: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 252 (Direwolf)'! Day 21554, 21:07:15: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 128 (Kairuku)'! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21627, 19:59:40: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 261 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:00:19: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:01:27: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 233 (Triceratops)'! Day 21627, 20:02:38: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 224 (Triceratops)'! Day 21627, 20:04:15: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame '138 Castoro - Lvl 205 (Castoroides)'! Day 21627, 20:04:41: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 210 (Phiomia)'! Day 21627, 20:05:24: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelz164 Bufo - Lvl 182 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 21627, 20:06:08: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 123 (Oviraptor)'! Day 21627, 20:06:50: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:08:06: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:08:53: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 170 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21627, 20:09:39: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Theri149 - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21627, 20:10:27: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:11:27: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S206 Mega - Lvl 257 (Megatherium)'! Day 21627, 20:14:01: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 235 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21627, 20:14:27: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21627, 20:15:30: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 268 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 21627, 20:17:47: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21627, 20:19:24: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame '134 Castoro - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)'! Day 21627, 20:22:53: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 253 (Ovis)'! Day 21627, 20:23:37: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S-Swift 224 - Lvl 290 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 21627, 20:25:21: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 168 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 21627, 20:28:12: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 174 (Dodo)'! Day 21627, 20:29:09: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo)'! Day 21627, 20:29:41: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo)'! Day 21627, 20:30:27: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 94 (Dodo)'! Day 21628, 04:06:01: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 240 (Allosaurus)'! Day 21832, 14:40:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21843, 16:50:12: Savage - Lvl 122 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 187 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21879, 21:52:02: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22250, 20:17:05: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 276 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 22552, 10:53:23: Tribemember SpiritD - Lvl 121 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1460292830,"tribe":"Tribe of Tiki logs":["Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20747, 17:42:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21473, 20:57:14: Tribemember Judy - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 21473, 21:06:43: Tribemember Jackie - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 21473, 21:13:05: Tribemember Hulksteen 8.0 - Lvl 108 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 21473, 21:22:41: Tribemember the powerfull samwise - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 21473, 21:29:26: Tribemember CptCaveman - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 21491, 02:56:30: Tribemember Chrizzly - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 24260, 12:45:39: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 102 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'River Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1458296875,"tribe":"Hound logs":["Day 26309, 12:40:00: Hound was added to the Tribe! Day 26309, 12:58:49: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 26309, 14:42:20: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 115! Day 26309, 18:01:04: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26309, 18:04:14: Your Maewing - Lvl 283 (Maewing) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 26309, 19:55:00: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26309, 21:58:40: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26309, 23:36:16: Hound removed 'Hound' Tribe from awe Alliance! Day 26309, 23:39:56: Hound - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Frequencerz Tribe. Day 26309, 23:42:19: Hound added 'Frequencerz' Tribe to aaa Alliance! Day 26310, 00:17:09: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26310, 03:54:00: Hound uploaded a R-Snow Owl: Unwanted - Lvl 336 Day 26333, 09:19:07: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 228 (Maewing) Day 26333, 10:51:20: Hound froze Unwanted - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26333, 14:39:20: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 26358, 17:58:25: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 237 (Maewing) Day 26712, 22:31:35: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 320 (Maewing) Day 26735, 08:48:33: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 35066, 12:48:17: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 203 (Maewing) Day 35234, 16:48:33: Hound removed 'Frequencerz' Tribe from aaa Alliance! Day 35234, 16:48:33: Hound removed 'Frequencerz' Tribe from aaa Alliance! Day 35234, 16:50:20: Hound - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Ashtar Command Tribe. Day 35234, 18:26:22: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 251 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 35234, 19:20:28: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 35234, 20:01:03: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 153 (Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 35234, 20:18:33: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 35234, 20:53:12: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 321 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 35234, 22:07:09: Hound froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 35234, 22:27:01: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 35295, 02:27:30: Your Triceratops - Lvl 234 (Triceratops) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 35295, 02:29:16: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 35295, 06:23:19: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 35361, 16:56:09: Hound claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35362, 00:16:22: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35363, 01:28:18: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35363, 07:48:46: Hound froze Stripe - Lvl 325 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 35363, 10:49:40: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35363, 23:21:03: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35364, 00:56:57: Hound - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Ashtar Command Tribe. Day 35364, 00:58:23: Hound - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Ashtar Command Tribe. Day 35364, 01:00:10: Hound added 'Ashtar Command' Tribe to aaa Alliance! Day 35364, 01:36:28: Hound unclaimed 'Support 2 - Lvl 350 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 35364, 02:50:42: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 315 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:00:57: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 267 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:01:01: Your Mammoth - Lvl 172 (Mammoth) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:04:49: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 267 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:09:52: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:09:52: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 298 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:28:51: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 03:31:20: Your Raider 11 - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 35364, 04:03:59: Your 36h 41m - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35364, 05:41:36: Hound froze 36h 41m - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 05:50:24: Hound froze Raider 9 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 05:59:20: Hound froze Raider 6 - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 06:02:48: Hound froze Raider 12 - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 06:07:48: Hound froze Supp 3 - Lvl 359 (Yutyrannus) Day 35364, 06:16:19: Hound froze 36h 41m mut 1 - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 06:19:47: Hound froze Raider 3 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 35364, 06:30:44: Hound claimed 'Support 2 - Lvl 350 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 35364, 06:35:10: Hound froze Support 2 - Lvl 350 (Yutyrannus) Day 35364, 07:15:58: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35392, 19:02:20: NanoBastardo added 'Hound' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 35393, 00:33:30: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 35393, 00:40:12: Hound froze Supp 3 - Lvl 359 (Yutyrannus) Day 35414, 20:18:09: Hound claimed 'Battle Megalo - Lvl 444 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 35415, 01:50:17: Hound unclaimed 'Battle Megalo - Lvl 445 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 35415, 05:00:36: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 35434, 07:05:18: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 35439, 12:33:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 35440, 00:02:37: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 35440, 05:55:40: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 242 (Desmodus) Day 35440, 06:26:06: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 35456, 02:47:59: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 35456, 13:26:39: NanoBastardo added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 35456, 16:06:33: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 35457, 03:24:39: Hound froze Otter - Lvl 138 (Otter) Day 35458, 11:39:08: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 35461, 04:42:39: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 35461, 05:04:02: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1455260990,"tribe":"Tribe 974762 logs":["Day 14888, 23:06:42: Asto was added to the Tribe! Day 14888, 23:07:49: Pedro was added to the Tribe by Asto! Day 14888, 23:43:59: Asto froze Inferno - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 04:32:59: Your 10560H - 361M Male - Lvl 304 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 14889, 04:34:28: Your Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 14889, 05:34:04: Pedro froze Inferno - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 05:35:26: Asto froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 223 (Yutyrannus) Day 14889, 05:38:46: Asto froze 8140H - 295M - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 14889, 05:41:50: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 222 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 05:47:37: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 05:50:34: Asto froze Rex - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 14889, 05:54:24: Asto froze 9680H - 349M - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 14889, 05:57:54: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 06:02:31: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 06:03:58: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 06:05:41: Asto froze Megatherium - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 14889, 06:20:03: Asto froze Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 15050, 20:01:36: Asto froze kana - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15397, 05:11:30: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20690, 09:49:23: Asto claimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 10:31:41: Asto unclaimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 13:37:08: dia added 'Tribe of Asto' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20691, 02:03:48: Asto claimed 'strawberry - Lvl 152 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 20691, 14:29:18: dia added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20691, 18:05:53: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 00:06:47: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 07:23:34: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 07:51:37: Asto froze Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 20692, 08:06:32: Asto froze Off 1 - Lvl 296 (Managarmr) Day 20718, 22:06:07: Asto froze Off 1 - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 20865, 18:40:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21307, 10:33:22: Aimee - Lvl 122 (the raiders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'strawberry - Lvl 152 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 13:54:52: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1451326966,"tribe":"Owocki logs":["Day 16896, 14:37:49: Owocowyka was added to the Tribe! Day 16896, 18:58:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 16896, 21:07:34: Tribemember Owocowyka - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 16897, 04:46:22: Arkadia was added to the Tribe by Owocowyka! Day 16897, 05:51:04: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 11 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 16897, 09:52:21: Arkadia demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 16897, 14:37:47: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 34 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 70! Day 16897, 15:10:13: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 34 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 70! Day 16897, 15:57:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 112 (Parasaur)! Day 16897, 16:02:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 16897, 17:33:20: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 36 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 70! Day 16897, 19:09:44: Owocowyka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon)! Day 16897, 19:52:38: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 37 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16897, 20:08:23: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 37 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16897, 20:15:18: Your Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16898, 13:25:19: Owocowyka Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16898, 13:40:24: Arkadia Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 58 (Dimorphodon)! Day 16898, 14:05:31: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 14:05:56: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 14:06:52: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 14:07:58: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 14:08:40: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 14:09:13: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:30:48: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 16898, 15:31:41: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:32:14: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:32:44: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:33:19: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:33:46: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:34:14: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:34:40: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:35:36: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 15:36:27: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16898, 16:27:51: Owocowyka claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16898, 17:17:09: Your Dimadonna - Lvl 62 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 16898, 18:29:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 7 (Stegosaurus)! Day 16899, 09:41:30: Arkadia Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 16899, 13:22:34: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 55 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 16899, 14:36:13: Owocowyka Tamed a Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)! Day 16899, 17:42:07: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 56 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 16899, 18:15:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 16899, 18:44:27: Owocowyka Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 44 (Mesopithecus)! Day 16907, 07:49:34: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 134 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 16907, 10:13:09: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 16907, 10:42:18: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16907, 10:42:52: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16907, 10:44:08: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16907, 10:44:39: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16907, 10:45:12: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16907, 14:52:15: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16907, 15:09:16: Owocowyka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16907, 15:20:59: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 16907, 21:46:30: Tribemember Owocowyka - Lvl 66 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 16912, 01:03:26: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16912, 07:51:19: Arkadia Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo)! Day 16912, 10:30:27: Your dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 16912, 14:23:56: Arkadia Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 16912, 18:46:59: Arkadia Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 27 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16922, 14:30:20: Owocowyka claimed '150-Abe - Lvl 242 (Mammoth)'! Day 16922, 16:01:21: Tribemember Owocowyka - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 16922, 16:27:43: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 16922, 20:31:48: Owocowyka claimed 'Dr. Hoo - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16935, 05:50:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus)! Day 16936, 09:54:41: Owocowyka demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 16936, 11:01:05: Owocowyka demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 16936, 14:30:20: Owocowyka demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 16936, 14:30:56: Owocowyka demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 16936, 16:00:10: Your chujek - Lvl 28 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 16952, 13:15:39: Your Ptysio - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 16952, 13:20:31: Your Wioletka - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 16952, 13:24:21: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 24 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 16952, 14:22:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 16952, 15:38:23: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wall Sign'! Day 16952, 15:39:20: Owocowyka demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 16952, 15:42:35: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wall Sign'! Day 16952, 16:41:20: Owocowyka demolished a 'Wall Sign'! Day 17013, 19:07:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17098, 19:14:34: Tribemember Arkadia - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 17154, 23:47:09: fiutek - Lvl 44 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 17232, 00:34:56: Dr. Hoo - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17278, 13:39:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17351, 15:12:57: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 102 (Rex)'! Day 17351, 15:15:39: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150-Abe - Lvl 263 (Mammoth)'! Day 17351, 15:16:49: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 97 (Parasaur)'! Day 17351, 15:20:38: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 78 (Raptor)'! Day 17351, 15:20:52: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 99 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17351, 16:02:02: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17521, 12:28:31: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 17521, 14:08:44: Tribemember Owocowyka - Lvl 90 was killed! Day 17529, 15:51:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17696, 10:52:55: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22693, 21:04:15: Owocowyka was removed from the Tribe! Day 22693, 21:04:15: Tribe Owner was changed to Arkadia!"] "tribeid":1450559461,"tribe":"G Tribe logs":["Day 17474, 18:28:00: Georgie was added to the Tribe! Day 17497, 06:27:30: Georgie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17497, 06:51:36: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:52:01: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:52:26: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:52:53: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:53:14: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:53:38: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:54:03: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:54:25: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17497, 06:55:07: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17510, 17:34:34: Your Chalicotherium - Lvl 67 (Chalicotherium) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 17511, 05:21:11: Georgie Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 17511, 16:21:25: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 17526, 23:08:29: Your Godspeed - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 17526, 23:55:46: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 17527, 06:53:55: Georgie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 17527, 10:29:43: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 17527, 10:31:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 17527, 10:31:43: Your Godspeed V2 - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 15! Day 17527, 10:32:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 17527, 10:32:20: Your Tricerachops - Lvl 58 (Triceratops) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 35! Day 17527, 13:20:44: Georgie Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 17527, 16:30:44: Georgie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 17527, 17:44:38: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 17534, 16:33:03: Georgie claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17534, 18:25:47: Georgie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 17534, 20:20:05: Georgie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 17534, 23:01:37: Georgie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 119 (Dodo)! Day 17536, 14:13:23: Georgie claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 17536, 23:22:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 17548, 06:03:15: Georgie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17548, 07:01:43: Georgie Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 26 (Doedicurus)! Day 17551, 09:47:23: Georgie Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 82 (Beelzebufo)! Day 17551, 15:42:46: Georgie Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 104 (Mesopithecus)! Day 17563, 14:08:03: Georgie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 17566, 08:22:29: Georgie Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 134 (Sarco)! Day 17579, 00:59:55: Georgie Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 74 (Therizinosaur)! Day 17592, 11:53:11: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 93 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 85! Day 17605, 10:43:37: Georgie Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 104 (Megalodon)! Day 17610, 07:01:56: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17610, 07:02:39: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 07:03:40: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 07:04:06: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 07:06:20: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17610, 07:06:56: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17610, 07:09:11: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 17610, 07:10:34: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 17610, 07:11:04: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 17610, 07:11:46: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 17610, 07:12:38: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 17610, 07:16:18: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 07:17:01: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 07:17:31: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17610, 09:39:12: Georgie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 17610, 10:01:57: Georgie Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 17610, 10:08:30: Your Dodo-1 - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by Georgie - Lvl 96 (G Tribe)! Day 17610, 10:08:30: Your Tribe killed Dodo-1 - Lvl 37 (Dodo) (G Tribe)! Day 17610, 16:04:58: Georgie Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys)! Day 17610, 17:13:49: Georgie Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 52 (Carbonemys)! Day 17610, 19:30:50: Georgie Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 89 (Carbonemys)! Day 17618, 02:51:12: Your Challenger - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 17618, 19:51:23: Georgie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17623, 11:58:15: Georgie Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth)! Day 17623, 12:03:40: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 17623, 12:04:23: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 17623, 12:04:57: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 17623, 12:05:27: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 17623, 12:05:51: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 17623, 12:06:21: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 17623, 12:07:01: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 17623, 12:07:36: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 17623, 12:08:01: Georgie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 17623, 12:08:30: Georgie demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 17623, 20:20:30: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 17659, 12:59:15: Your Shit Bird - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 17693, 09:42:50: Ball - Lvl 65 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17710, 10:08:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17746, 08:29:00: Your Jaws - Lvl 104 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 10! Day 17752, 09:32:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17808, 08:15:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17808, 08:15:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17889, 10:53:51: Turtle-2 - Lvl 9 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 17916, 19:35:45: Dodo 1 - Lvl 72 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17970, 17:47:29: Dodo 2 - Lvl 124 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17976, 04:02:48: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17976, 04:02:48: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17976, 04:02:48: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17995, 18:32:23: 123 - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Croco - Lvl 155 (Sarco)'! Day 17995, 18:35:59: 123 - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Cheesy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F22 - Lvl 146 (Raptor)'! Day 18001, 05:48:36: Tricerachops - Lvl 56 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 18001, 08:50:20: Turtle-1 - Lvl 34 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 18012, 16:50:20: Turtle-Male - Lvl 55 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 18052, 18:20:32: Gribbit - Lvl 99 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 18054, 06:51:38: Bob - Lvl 104 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 18091, 20:13:56: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fang - Lvl 211 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18092, 13:38:53: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 141 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 90 (Carbonemys)'! Day 18096, 18:27:44: Carl - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Carl) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Claws - Lvl 93 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 18122, 18:04:44: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 97 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18165, 18:57:06: Jackie - Lvl 79 (Tribe of Tiki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 18311, 15:03:16: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23567, 15:00:57: Tribemember Georgie - Lvl 97 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1450400402,"tribe":"Tribe of Mordecai logs":["Day 29117, 08:42:15: Mordecai was added to the Tribe! Day 29117, 08:46:28: Big Shaq was added to the Tribe by Mordecai! Day 29117, 10:38:52: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 10:45:04: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 10:45:43: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 10:52:12: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 11:03:15: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 11:16:42: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 11:22:04: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 11:30:03: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 11:50:04: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 12:12:54: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 12:39:17: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:09:47: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:13:19: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:39:15: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:39:54: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:41:40: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:45:37: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 13:52:14: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 14:00:24: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 14:27:04: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 14:38:19: Mordecai demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29117, 16:51:52: Big Shaq Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 29118, 07:53:05: Big Shaq Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 29118, 10:15:09: Mordecai Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 74 (Mesopithecus)! Day 29118, 14:36:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 81 (Triceratops)! Day 29118, 21:48:31: Mordecai demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 29118, 22:13:04: Mordecai demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 29118, 22:16:35: Mordecai demolished a 'Bed'! Day 29118, 22:21:05: Mordecai demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29118, 22:23:43: Mordecai demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29118, 22:58:37: Mordecai demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29118, 22:59:30: Mordecai demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29118, 23:05:39: Mordecai demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29118, 23:06:32: Mordecai demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29118, 23:37:29: Mordecai demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29118, 23:38:34: Mordecai demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29118, 23:56:43: Mordecai demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 29119, 23:16:01: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29119, 23:26:59: Tribemember Mordecai - Lvl 74 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29119, 23:28:13: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29119, 23:30:09: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29119, 23:31:13: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29119, 23:43:13: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 17 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29119, 23:51:35: Tribemember Big Shaq - Lvl 54 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29119, 23:56:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29119, 23:56:08: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 00:03:33: Tribemember Mordecai - Lvl 74 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29120, 00:14:05: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 00:14:09: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 00:15:19: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 00:18:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 00:19:51: Tribemember Mordecai - Lvl 74 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 29120, 00:26:48: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29120, 01:49:01: Tribemember Big Shaq - Lvl 54 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 29282, 22:16:55: Your Triceratops - Lvl 98 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 5! Day 29290, 12:41:49: Jack - Lvl 78 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30370, 11:57:05: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34410, 19:09:14: Tribemember Mordecai - Lvl 74 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1449160799,"tribe":"Tribe of Rampage logs":["Day 35788, 15:33:03: Rampage was added to the Tribe! Day 35788, 23:24:54: Tribemember Rampage - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 36024, 02:08:57: Titanoboa - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 36050, 23:02:38: Sarco - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 36085, 13:12:27: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36085, 13:12:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36458, 07:11:19: Titanoboa - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 36477, 07:55:01: Sarco - Lvl 30 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36479, 04:26:59: Tribemember Rampage - Lvl 30 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 36488, 09:34:38: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36488, 09:34:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37202, 15:04:56: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1449017759,"tribe":"Tribe of Bad Jack logs":["Day 36289, 18:26:06: Bad Jack was added to the Tribe! Day 36289, 18:33:56: weewoo was added to the Tribe by Bad Jack! Day 36289, 20:38:22: Bad Jack demolished a 'SHIT MYSELF (Sleeping Bag)'! Day 36290, 01:26:02: Bad Jack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 36290, 05:29:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur)! Day 36290, 12:15:09: Bad Jack demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 36290, 13:28:48: Your Parasaur - Lvl 30 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 14:03:25: Tribemember Bad Jack - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 14:29:14: weewoo Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 36290, 16:26:57: Your Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 16:30:47: Tribemember weewoo - Lvl 28 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 16:41:14: Your will - Lvl 29 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 17:06:36: Tribemember weewoo - Lvl 28 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 22:13:56: Tribemember Bad Jack - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 22:18:10: Tribemember weewoo - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 22:36:31: Tribemember weewoo - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36290, 23:01:35: weewoo was removed from the Tribe! Day 36630, 13:03:01: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36630, 13:03:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36915, 01:41:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36915, 01:41:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1448848115,"tribe":"Bangarang logs":["Day 28272, 06:40:05: Bangarang was added to the Tribe! Day 28272, 06:44:02: Bangarang was added to the Tribe by Bangarang! Day 28272, 12:31:50: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 62 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 72! Day 28272, 12:50:18: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 28272, 12:51:36: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 66 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 28272, 14:09:25: Bangarang Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 44 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28272, 14:51:10: Bangarang Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28273, 07:36:37: Bangarang Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 28273, 08:02:34: Bangarang Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 28273, 12:40:22: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 28273, 17:44:09: Bangarang Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 79 (Triceratops)! Day 28273, 17:47:49: Bangarang demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28273, 21:30:16: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 28273, 22:15:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 28569, 06:19:43: Birb - Lvl 21 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 28696, 16:03:50: Spiderman - Lvl 18 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28744, 12:53:44: Koopa - Lvl 72 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 28784, 06:11:17: Dexter - Lvl 46 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29327, 11:22:36: Human - Lvl 80 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29327, 11:23:20: Human - Lvl 80 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Green Goblin - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)'! Day 29570, 00:07:10: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 68 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 29570, 00:24:29: Tribemember Bangarang - Lvl 69 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 80!"] "tribeid":1448203837,"tribe":"Tribe of Venus logs":["Day 18416, 10:14:24: Venus was added to the Tribe! Day 18416, 10:15:27: extinct116 was added to the Tribe by Venus! Day 18416, 15:01:19: Venus Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 18416, 15:07:46: Venus froze tegos - Lvl 89 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 18416, 15:11:46: Venus froze Teky - Lvl 443 (Tek Rex) Day 18416, 15:38:58: Venus Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 18416, 15:56:54: Venus Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 18416, 17:13:29: Venus froze bidhu - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus) Day 18416, 17:38:33: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18416, 19:48:57: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18429, 13:19:22: extinct116 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 18429, 14:08:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 18441, 02:14:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 18441, 03:05:21: ThundurBlazE was added to the Tribe by Venus! Day 18441, 05:15:06: extinct116 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18441, 05:21:18: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18441, 07:20:00: Tribemember extinct116 - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 18441, 10:32:02: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18441, 11:12:25: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by Buzzby - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Venus)! Day 18441, 11:12:25: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Venus)! Day 18441, 11:32:18: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18441, 12:20:14: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18441, 13:19:02: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18441, 13:23:30: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18441, 13:44:44: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18507, 09:45:58: Your lyst - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 18507, 09:50:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 18507, 09:51:07: Your RAPTOR 1 - Lvl 18 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 18507, 09:51:40: Your dilo mama - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 18563, 18:51:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18648, 11:25:46: extinct116 froze 123 - Lvl 25 (Parasaur) Day 18648, 13:49:08: extinct116 uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 165 Day 18785, 06:58:53: Your jolu - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 18916, 19:54:27: Venus froze eras - Lvl 135 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19062, 16:55:32: Venus froze Tarigidadhaa - Lvl 155 (Therizinosaur) Day 19063, 01:45:32: Venus froze Tarigidadhaa - Lvl 155 (Therizinosaur) Day 19063, 01:50:00: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19063, 13:26:42: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19063, 13:40:42: Venus froze Tarigidadhaa - Lvl 155 (Therizinosaur) Day 19063, 13:49:15: Venus froze mada - Lvl 290 (Gigantopithecus) Day 19063, 15:01:11: Venus froze GEnius - Lvl 254 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19089, 19:19:58: Venus froze bhosdika - Lvl 274 (Basilosaurus) Day 19089, 23:26:11: Venus froze bhosdika - Lvl 275 (Basilosaurus) Day 19089, 23:44:18: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19090, 04:54:46: Venus froze bhosdika - Lvl 276 (Basilosaurus) Day 19090, 08:47:04: Venus froze bhanchod - Lvl 84 (Otter) Day 19090, 08:56:54: Venus froze Indigo - Lvl 135 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19090, 14:07:38: Venus froze Indigo - Lvl 135 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19090, 18:01:19: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19090, 18:33:41: Venus froze Baagh - Lvl 235 (Sabertooth) Day 19090, 18:42:27: Venus froze Indigo - Lvl 135 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19090, 19:28:01: Your Baagh - Lvl 235 (Sabertooth) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 90! Day 19090, 19:34:11: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 90! Day 19091, 00:19:41: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 19091, 02:30:37: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 19091, 05:13:01: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19091, 08:25:38: Venus froze eras - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19091, 09:12:44: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19091, 09:23:04: Venus froze Laila - Lvl 279 (Rock Drake) Day 19091, 10:38:28: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19091, 11:35:18: Venus froze bhanchod - Lvl 86 (Otter) Day 19091, 11:43:43: Venus froze eras - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19104, 11:57:24: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 12:59:04: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 14:57:21: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 17:11:05: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 20:05:19: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 20:29:29: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 21:45:26: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 23:25:36: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19104, 23:52:07: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 01:23:50: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 06:35:46: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 07:20:42: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 08:04:13: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 09:13:41: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 09:56:09: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 10:43:47: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 11:32:41: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 19105, 13:22:41: Venus froze bhanchod - Lvl 91 (Otter) Day 19105, 13:36:53: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane) Day 19108, 00:45:11: Venus froze gloryhole - Lvl 183 (Yutyrannus) Day 19108, 01:05:02: Venus froze gloryhole - Lvl 183 (Yutyrannus) Day 19109, 20:53:38: Your Edd - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 19109, 20:53:44: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 19109, 20:54:33: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 19109, 20:54:54: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 19109, 20:56:52: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 19109, 21:12:27: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 100! Day 19109, 21:17:33: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 100! Day 19109, 21:36:56: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 100! Day 19110, 01:09:06: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:14:48: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:19:30: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 424 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:21:03: extinct116 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:24:18: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:25:49: extinct116 froze Ed - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:28:55: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:43:23: extinct116 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 01:50:55: extinct116 froze Dr.Suar - Lvl 282 (Daeodon) Day 19110, 01:56:49: Venus froze gloryhole - Lvl 186 (Yutyrannus) Day 19110, 02:06:08: extinct116 froze Eddy - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 19110, 03:09:23: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 19110, 03:57:40: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 19154, 16:25:07: Venus froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 19159, 09:19:11: Bitan was added to the Tribe by Venus! Day 19159, 09:42:10: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19159, 12:22:15: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19159, 13:56:16: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19159, 16:07:33: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 19159, 16:35:39: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 45! Day 19159, 18:00:52: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 19162, 04:36:48: extinct116 downloaded a dino: CHOMU - Lvl 309 Day 19162, 04:44:23: extinct116 froze CHOMU - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19162, 05:11:46: extinct116 froze CHOMU - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19162, 22:46:35: extinct116 froze CHOMU - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19174, 00:34:37: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19174, 01:50:42: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19174, 05:59:44: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 19184, 02:45:36: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19184, 19:03:34: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19184, 19:21:21: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 19185, 00:10:38: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19185, 00:52:29: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19185, 00:56:38: Bitan froze Indigo - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19185, 03:56:21: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 20! Day 19185, 06:27:18: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19185, 07:30:21: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19185, 07:30:53: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19185, 07:50:27: Venus froze Indigo - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19185, 08:23:45: Venus froze Indigo - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19197, 22:37:28: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19198, 01:42:35: extinct116 froze CHOMU - Lvl 326 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19198, 07:30:08: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 10:26:23: extinct116 froze H fem - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 11:42:21: extinct116 froze H fem - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:27:20: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 12:27:45: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19198, 14:56:31: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19198, 15:53:26: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 15:54:37: extinct116 froze H fem - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 16:11:16: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19198, 18:50:41: extinct116 froze H fem - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 19:54:53: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19198, 20:02:52: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 20:32:13: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 22:17:28: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 19198, 23:07:09: extinct116 froze H fem - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 02:49:53: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 19199, 03:56:43: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 19199, 10:09:11: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 19199, 10:51:26: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 19199, 11:47:33: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19199, 17:25:52: Venus froze LOL - Lvl 306 (Tusoteuthis) Day 19199, 18:17:15: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 19201, 04:14:29: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19201, 07:39:35: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19201, 08:37:03: Bitan uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 139 Day 19202, 01:52:45: Venus froze Gigabyte - Lvl 90 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19202, 02:26:55: Bitan downloaded a dino: Indigo - Lvl 107 Day 19202, 02:48:51: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 211 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19202, 02:52:49: Bitan froze Indigo - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19202, 03:01:46: Venus froze Gigabyte - Lvl 90 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19202, 04:52:34: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 211 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19202, 11:59:01: Bitan froze Indigo - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19202, 15:08:35: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:13:59: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:16:55: extinct116 froze Buzzby - Lvl 211 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19202, 15:17:39: Venus froze H male - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:25:30: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:36:25: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:39:53: Venus froze Rancor - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 19202, 15:43:44: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:46:59: Venus froze M fem - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:50:49: Venus froze HA fem - Lvl 431 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 15:54:56: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:07:29: Venus froze M male - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:12:36: Venus froze M male - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:18:06: Venus froze Abbey - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:24:18: Venus froze Rangor - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 19202, 16:28:02: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:40:15: Venus froze HM male - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:53:49: Venus froze Great HM fem - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 16:57:33: Venus froze M male - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 19202, 17:01:10: Venus froze gloryhole - Lvl 187 (Yutyrannus) Day 19202, 17:40:28: Venus froze Dr.Suar - Lvl 283 (Daeodon) Day 19202, 18:20:28: Bitan froze Shadowmane - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 19202, 18:22:58: Bitan uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 139 Day 19224, 18:43:17: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 19227, 03:09:11: extinct116 froze Ravager - Lvl 340 (Ravager) Day 19227, 05:49:15: Your Dolly - Lvl 200 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 280! Day 19227, 05:49:52: Tribemember extinct116 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 19227, 06:54:07: Venus froze bhosdika - Lvl 300 (Basilosaurus) Day 19245, 07:41:01: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 19245, 08:15:09: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 19245, 14:24:52: Venus froze bhosdika - Lvl 303 (Basilosaurus) Day 19245, 14:30:40: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19245, 22:46:27: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 00:02:24: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 00:45:21: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 03:25:48: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 04:10:03: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 04:33:22: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 05:59:56: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 06:41:47: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19246, 23:17:47: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19247, 04:40:47: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19247, 05:23:38: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 19248, 02:43:31: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19248, 02:49:54: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 19248, 03:02:48: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 19248, 04:16:53: Venus froze CHOMU - Lvl 328 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19248, 10:14:33: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19248, 10:27:57: Venus froze CHOMU - Lvl 328 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19248, 12:38:24: Venus froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19248, 17:50:20: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 19248, 23:46:05: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 19249, 02:10:50: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 19250, 07:59:04: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 19255, 17:56:42: Venus claimed 'Freaky's Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19255, 18:01:18: Venus froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19256, 13:06:22: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 19256, 13:17:39: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 19272, 03:27:12: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 19274, 23:45:39: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 19275, 03:16:29: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 19324, 16:51:12: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 352 (Shadowmane) Day 19325, 21:03:22: Venus froze Smokey - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 19326, 01:13:09: Tribemember extinct116 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 19326, 08:30:06: Tribemember extinct116 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19326, 10:03:09: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 10:08:01: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19326, 10:13:25: Venus froze Rangor - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 19326, 10:19:44: Venus froze Great HM fem - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 10:27:52: Venus froze HM fem - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 10:36:03: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 10:46:52: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 10:53:57: Venus froze H male - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:06:31: Venus froze Eddy - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:07:27: Bitan froze Smokey - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 19326, 11:11:11: Venus froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:19:21: Venus froze HA fem - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:22:27: Venus froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:25:36: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:30:12: Venus froze M male - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:35:29: Venus froze great M, H fem - Lvl 424 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:40:15: Venus froze Great H, M fem - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 11:52:56: Venus froze Abbey - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 12:01:44: Venus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 12:07:32: Venus froze Rancor - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 19326, 12:10:37: Venus froze M male - Lvl 429 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 12:18:42: Venus froze gloryhole - Lvl 207 (Yutyrannus) Day 19326, 12:35:37: Venus froze Dr.Suar - Lvl 302 (Daeodon) Day 19326, 12:53:25: Venus froze Abbey - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 19326, 13:06:09: Venus froze Dr.Suar - Lvl 302 (Daeodon) Day 19342, 16:28:49: Venus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 19342, 17:06:50: Bitan froze Shadowmane - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 19365, 05:17:56: Venus froze Abbey - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 19365, 10:22:35: Bitan froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 19365, 10:34:53: Bitan froze GIGABYTE - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19365, 11:00:53: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19365, 11:11:05: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed by Venus - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Venus)! Day 19365, 11:11:05: Your Tribe killed Bitan - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Venus)! Day 19365, 23:18:31: Venus froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 19367, 04:49:43: Bitan froze Jolt - Lvl 316 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19367, 15:18:53: Venus froze H male - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 19367, 15:28:18: Venus froze Great HM fem - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 19367, 15:34:29: Venus froze HA fem - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 19367, 16:45:32: Venus froze HM fem - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 19367, 17:05:38: Venus froze Abbey - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 19367, 20:50:17: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 19367, 23:09:36: Venus froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 19368, 06:41:56: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19368, 07:02:31: Venus froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 19368, 09:03:27: Venus froze Rangor - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 19368, 09:32:54: Venus froze Rangoon - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 19368, 09:54:49: Venus froze Rangoon - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 19368, 12:34:20: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 19368, 12:37:56: Your Eddy - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 12:41:46: Your Abbey - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 12:48:13: Your great M, H fem - Lvl 424 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 12:49:11: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 12:51:58: Your HM Fem - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 12:54:01: Your H male - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:00:00: Your M male - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 19368, 13:00:09: Your HM fem - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:01:14: Your M male - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:02:11: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:06:02: Your Great H, M fem - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:09:51: Your HA fem - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:11:29: Your H fem - Lvl 428 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 19368, 13:12:29: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:14:19: Your Great HM fem - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:15:15: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:18:49: Your Freaky's Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:19:56: Your Leutinant - Lvl 208 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:20:08: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 122 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:26:46: Tribemember Bitan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19368, 13:28:46: Your Dr.Suar - Lvl 303 (Daeodon) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 19368, 18:42:58: Venus froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 19369, 12:03:52: Tribemember ThundurBlazE - Lvl 41 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 19369, 14:05:40: Venus froze My gurrrrrrl - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 19375, 08:12:54: Your Smokey - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 19440, 07:09:10: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19440, 17:43:07: Venus froze GIGABYTE 2 - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19440, 19:37:52: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19507, 07:14:48: Venus froze Jolt - Lvl 319 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19507, 12:24:03: Venus froze Zombozo - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19507, 21:22:43: Venus froze TerraByte - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19508, 03:30:20: Venus froze TerraByte - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19508, 07:29:25: Venus froze Zombozo - Lvl 295 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19534, 19:04:05: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 19534, 21:15:57: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20700, 12:28:34: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1447326002,"tribe":"Tribe of Parfy logs":["Day 19683, 10:59:52: Parfy was added to the Tribe! Day 19683, 11:06:01: TheGamersGirl was added to the Tribe by Parfy! Day 19683, 11:34:55: Parfy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 70 (Dodo)! Day 19683, 11:40:40: Parfy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19683, 12:43:12: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 19683, 16:40:39: Parfy Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 19683, 17:57:48: TheGamersGirl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 19683, 18:24:28: TheGamersGirl Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 10 (Dodo)! Day 19683, 18:44:38: Parfy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 51 (Dodo)! Day 19683, 19:20:30: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 12 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 19683, 19:24:13: Your Pet - Lvl 10 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 19683, 19:25:32: Your Dodo - Lvl 51 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 19683, 19:34:05: Your PET - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 19683, 19:40:42: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 12 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 19683, 19:43:37: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 19684, 02:40:25: Your Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 19684, 02:43:17: Your EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Lvl 75 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 19684, 04:16:05: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 19684, 06:45:20: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 11 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.8x! Day 19684, 07:04:44: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 11 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 75! Day 19684, 07:21:17: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 19684, 08:54:31: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 19684, 13:00:11: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 19 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 19684, 21:07:58: TheGamersGirl Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 55 (Phiomia)! Day 19684, 22:50:10: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 19684, 23:10:16: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 19685, 07:37:18: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 19685, 09:46:41: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 19685, 13:10:19: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 19685, 13:25:57: Parfy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 58 (Parasaur)! Day 19685, 18:06:37: TheGamersGirl Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 19 (Parasaur)! Day 19685, 21:10:35: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 24 was killed by Parfy - Lvl 35 (Tribe of Parfy)! Day 19685, 21:10:35: Your Tribe killed TheGamersGirl - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Parfy)! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19868, 13:49:17: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19868, 14:08:46: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19868, 14:22:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 19868, 14:54:34: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 19868, 14:54:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 19977, 03:31:42: Tribemember Parfy - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 19977, 03:37:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 19984, 19:01:56: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19984, 19:09:52: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19984, 19:10:09: Tribemember TheGamersGirl - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 19984, 19:10:31: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20010, 02:22:33: Parasaur - Lvl 19 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 20013, 23:06:37: Your Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 40! Day 20018, 15:02:57: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20018, 17:06:28: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 35! Day 20218, 21:35:24: Your Benny Boy - Lvl 58 (Phiomia) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.9x! Day 20289, 11:39:05: Wheeljack - Lvl 43 (Hukanas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1444595063,"tribe":"Tribù di io logs":["Day 26306, 01:12:23: Hayabusa4k was added to the Tribe! Day 26306, 01:18:30: Sicchio2317 was added to the Tribe by Hayabusa4k! Day 26306, 01:25:59: NanoBastardo added 'Tribù di io' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 26306, 13:19:19: Hayabusa4k claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 26306, 13:31:59: Sicchio2317 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 26306, 15:30:41: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 17 (Dodo)! Day 26309, 01:54:09: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 22 (Pelagornis)! Day 26310, 10:25:11: Your il mio primo dodo - Lvl 17 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 26311, 19:43:55: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 26312, 06:31:17: Tribemember Hayabusa4k - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 26312, 07:19:19: Tribemember Sicchio2317 - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 26312, 09:26:51: Tribemember Sicchio2317 - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 26312, 12:53:31: Tribemember Sicchio2317 - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 26335, 19:43:52: Hayabusa4k froze hayabusina - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 26336, 12:55:36: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)! Day 26336, 13:02:04: Hayabusa4k froze non l oso - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 26336, 18:25:10: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 26336, 18:29:33: Hayabusa4k froze sda - Lvl 7 (Triceratops) Day 26336, 20:11:34: Hayabusa4k froze non l oso - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 26360, 15:46:31: Hayabusa4k froze sda - Lvl 7 (Triceratops) Day 26360, 16:14:06: Hayabusa4k claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 313 (Mammoth)'! Day 26360, 17:27:28: Hayabusa4k froze sda - Lvl 7 (Triceratops) Day 26360, 17:33:15: Hayabusa4k froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26360, 19:56:38: Hayabusa4k unclaimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 313 (Mammoth)'! Day 26361, 04:07:36: Hayabusa4k demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26361, 04:08:49: Hayabusa4k demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26361, 04:09:57: Hayabusa4k demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26410, 02:35:09: Your tommaso - Lvl 33 (Pelagornis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26473, 23:16:23: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 26474, 00:48:36: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 95 (Pelagornis)! Day 26474, 21:16:18: Hayabusa4k claimed 'Tek Triceratops - Lvl 251 (Tek Triceratops)'! Day 26474, 21:18:59: Hayabusa4k claimed 'Tek Triceratops - Lvl 260 (Tek Triceratops)'! Day 26475, 04:49:52: Hayabusa4k Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 26475, 09:14:05: Hayabusa4k froze tek - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26487, 00:47:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26735, 01:33:52: ciao bro - Lvl 29 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 26786, 07:25:02: sda - Lvl 7 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 26801, 18:15:13: ddodododoododododoododod - Lvl 18 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 27068, 16:40:44: tek - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27089, 16:33:18: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Triceratops - Lvl 251 (Tek Triceratops)'! Day 27089, 16:34:05: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Triceratops - Lvl 267 (Tek Triceratops)'! Day 27089, 16:34:37: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27089, 16:35:21: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hayabusina - Lvl 308 (Argentavis)'! Day 27089, 16:35:57: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'non l oso - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 27089, 16:50:04: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sicchiolino - Lvl 307 (Argentavis)'! Day 27089, 16:56:44: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tommaso2 - Lvl 97 (Pelagornis)'! Day 27089, 17:03:07: Tribemember Sicchio2317 - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 27089, 17:05:37: Tribemember Hayabusa4k - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 27089, 17:48:52: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27360, 04:23:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27502, 01:37:40: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27643, 18:43:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1443707590,"tribe":"cave dweller logs":["Day 33564, 06:32:30: Xantium froze Harry otter - Lvl 401 (Otter) Day 33564, 08:16:02: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33567, 11:37:29: Xantium downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 42 Day 33567, 11:49:56: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33567, 13:01:15: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33611, 04:34:58: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33611, 06:43:34: Xantium froze Baby HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33611, 08:50:25: Xantium froze Baby HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33611, 10:16:37: Xantium froze Delicate Harvesting - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 33611, 16:22:41: Xantium froze Juvenile HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33611, 23:57:42: Xantium froze Juvenile HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33612, 00:02:25: Xantium froze Juvenile HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33612, 00:07:50: Xantium froze Juvenile HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33612, 08:53:45: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 33612, 09:26:57: Xantium froze Juvenile HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:08:20: Xantium froze Adolescent HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:12:47: Xantium froze Adolescent HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:16:44: Xantium froze Adolescent HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:22:28: Xantium froze Adolescent HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:38:41: Xantium froze Delicate Harvesting - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 33613, 04:43:07: Xantium froze 39 melee - Lvl 342 (Desmodus) Day 33613, 04:51:00: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33613, 06:00:31: Xantium froze Adolescent HP STAM MELEE WEIGHT - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 33702, 16:30:14: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33703, 05:57:30: Xantium claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33703, 09:51:36: Xantium froze 48 Melee (MUTAGEN) - BRE - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33703, 10:55:46: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33703, 11:23:30: Xantium froze 48 Melee (MUTAGEN) - BRE - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33703, 12:23:52: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33731, 06:41:52: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33731, 06:55:06: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:00:32: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:05:30: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:14:22: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:21:22: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:26:49: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:33:50: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:39:13: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:43:59: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:50:11: Xantium froze Fighter - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 07:57:15: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 08:02:25: Xantium froze FIGHTER - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 08:08:40: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 08:14:26: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 08:19:50: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 09:15:52: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33731, 11:45:02: Xantium froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 372 (Yutyrannus) Day 33731, 14:35:56: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33731, 14:54:31: Xantium froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 372 (Yutyrannus) Day 33731, 18:00:57: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:05:06: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33731, 18:10:17: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:14:20: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:19:46: Xantium froze Fighter - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:24:12: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:28:19: Xantium froze FIGHTER - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:33:12: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:36:40: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:40:48: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:45:03: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33731, 18:49:29: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 18:54:09: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33731, 18:57:40: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 19:03:37: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 19:07:49: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 19:11:33: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 19:15:38: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) Day 33731, 19:21:31: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33731, 19:25:02: Xantium froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 372 (Yutyrannus) Day 33731, 20:08:02: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33799, 03:08:20: Xantium - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33799, 03:11:51: Xantium - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 33799, 03:13:20: Xantium - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 33799, 03:14:17: Xantium added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to alpha destroyers Alliance! Day 33799, 03:19:18: Xantium - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33799, 03:21:50: Xantium - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33799, 03:22:47: Xantium added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to alpha destroyers Alliance! Day 33799, 06:43:19: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33799, 06:48:21: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 06:54:54: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:00:05: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33799, 07:06:24: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:11:54: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:17:54: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:22:06: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:27:12: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:36:10: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:43:03: Xantium froze Rex - Lvl 388 (Rex) Day 33799, 07:49:02: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:53:51: Xantium froze Fighter - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:58:12: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 08:03:25: Xantium froze fighter - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 08:07:47: Xantium froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 372 (Yutyrannus) Day 33799, 08:13:05: Xantium froze FIGHTER - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 09:02:27: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33799, 22:22:36: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33799, 22:36:25: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 327 (Thylacoleo) Day 33800, 00:32:10: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33800, 02:21:45: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 33800, 04:23:59: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33800, 04:49:32: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 33800, 05:31:18: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33800, 06:46:59: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33800, 08:57:19: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33800, 09:56:32: Xantium froze Harry otter - Lvl 402 (Otter) Day 33800, 10:01:17: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33820, 05:24:18: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 06:18:51: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33820, 07:16:46: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33820, 10:22:44: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 10:39:05: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 33820, 10:55:43: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 11:25:47: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 33820, 13:00:14: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 13:12:13: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 33820, 13:37:21: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 14:33:29: Xantium froze Chungus - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 33820, 14:52:02: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33820, 15:39:11: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33821, 16:37:04: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33821, 17:07:18: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33821, 18:55:53: Xantium froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33821, 19:51:41: Xantium froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33822, 02:16:19: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33822, 06:55:52: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33822, 14:14:07: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 284 (Basilosaurus) Day 33822, 15:37:29: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33822, 17:18:52: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 284 (Basilosaurus) Day 33823, 01:21:43: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33823, 02:00:12: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33894, 10:27:16: Xantium froze 39 melee - Lvl 342 (Desmodus) Day 33894, 10:58:53: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 332 (Thylacoleo) Day 33894, 16:43:59: Xantium froze 39 melee - Lvl 342 (Desmodus) Day 33894, 17:03:44: Xantium froze Stan - Lvl 332 (Thylacoleo) Day 33894, 17:26:40: World barrier destroyed 'Xantium - Lvl 114' at X=316460.750 Y=-62807.547 Z=62415.250! Day 33894, 17:26:41: World barrier destroyed 'Harry otter - Lvl 402' at X=316455.406 Y=-62822.797 Z=62496.828! Day 33894, 17:53:20: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33894, 20:11:58: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 33894, 21:41:14: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33895, 01:16:14: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 33895, 17:49:18: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33895, 18:33:40: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 33896, 05:34:09: Xantium demolished a 'Tek Teleporter'! Day 33897, 03:42:50: Xantium froze (WILD) 35 Melee - Lvl 319 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33897, 04:42:49: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 33936, 02:17:01: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 286 (Basilosaurus) Day 33936, 06:16:37: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 287 (Basilosaurus) Day 33936, 06:43:35: Xantium froze Jade - Lvl 430 (Voidwyrm) Day 34115, 07:53:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34115, 07:53:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34487, 06:14:46: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34551, 14:58:44: Lonwé - Lvl 97 (Shadow Pack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 34864, 10:28:57: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36654, 06:32:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36654, 06:32:51: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36938, 17:57:51: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37446, 06:30:36: Lord Purple - Lvl 126 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 42 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38385, 01:53:15: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1442803112,"tribe":"Tribe of Boy logs":["Day 44338, 19:43:53: Boy was added to the Tribe! Day 44338, 19:47:26: Tribe of Schlarbo tribe was merged in by Schlarbo! Day 44338, 19:47:26: Schlarbo was added to the Tribe by Boy! Day 44339, 01:40:59: Schlarbo claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Parasaur)'! Day 44339, 02:46:54: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 44339, 03:00:12: Your Baby Squilliam - Lvl 8 (Parasaur) was killed! Day 44339, 03:00:12: Baby Squilliam - Lvl 8 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 44339, 03:18:55: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 44339, 04:05:31: Boy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 78 (Dodo)! Day 44339, 04:34:34: Boy claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 40 (Parasaur)'! Day 44339, 05:08:59: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 44339, 06:11:56: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 44339, 07:16:01: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 44339, 08:41:03: Tribemember Boy - Lvl 54 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 44339, 08:49:10: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 11 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 5! Day 44361, 02:11:04: Juvenile Brunget - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 44367, 20:30:44: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 44367, 21:41:05: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 44367, 23:02:38: Schlarbo Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 12 (Dilophosaur)! Day 44368, 02:27:24: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 44461, 08:10:05: Your Quadet - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 44484, 23:01:03: Your Quad - Lvl 14 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 44484, 23:09:33: Your Blingo - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 44519, 21:12:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44662, 22:21:16: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44662, 22:21:16: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44662, 22:21:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44679, 09:45:20: Your Cum - Lvl 12 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 44692, 20:57:50: Your Coochie - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 44948, 19:34:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44948, 19:34:51: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45025, 12:57:45: Tribemember Schlarbo - Lvl 13 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1442754801,"tribe":"BingShiling logs":["Day 22127, 22:56:03: ZigaZaga06 was added to the Tribe! Day 22128, 00:07:48: Max was added to the Tribe by ZigaZaga06! Day 22128, 06:39:48: Tribemember ZigaZaga06 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 22128, 08:17:31: Tribemember Max - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 22128, 09:42:14: Tribemember Max - Lvl 58 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 22128, 11:01:21: Tribemember Max - Lvl 58 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 22128, 11:43:14: Tribemember ZigaZaga06 - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 65! Day 22128, 12:55:07: Tribemember Max - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 22128, 13:23:19: Tribemember Max - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 22439, 18:05:59: Monty - Lvl 86 (Moschops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1441609548,"tribe":"Tribe of coochieman logs":["Day 26003, 09:06:50: coochieman was added to the Tribe! Day 26003, 09:11:16: cnz was added to the Tribe by coochieman! Day 26003, 09:59:20: Tribemember coochieman - Lvl 4 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 26003, 10:05:49: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 26003, 12:52:45: coochieman Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26004, 00:16:07: cnz Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 14 (Phiomia)! Day 26004, 00:48:25: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 14 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 26004, 00:52:29: Your BigBoy - Lvl 14 (Phiomia) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 26004, 01:01:08: Tribemember coochieman - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 26004, 02:05:18: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 26004, 07:06:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 111 (Dilophosaur)! Day 26004, 08:12:51: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 95! Day 26004, 09:23:04: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 26004, 09:38:18: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 26004, 09:46:45: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 26004, 10:02:52: coochieman Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 26004, 10:24:29: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 75! Day 26004, 10:37:16: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 26004, 12:40:43: coochieman Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 26004, 13:00:36: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 26004, 15:09:50: Tribemember cnz - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 26080, 06:25:52: Tribemember coochieman - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 26260, 21:00:08: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 21 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 26260, 21:36:24: Your JEETnSKEET - Lvl 26 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 26261, 01:16:59: Your Parasaur - Lvl 31 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 26298, 01:56:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26298, 01:56:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26298, 01:56:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26403, 15:54:23: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 116 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1441478134,"tribe":"Oeils logs":["Day 22509, 14:51:58: Noisette was added to the Tribe! Day 22509, 14:59:03: Urizen was added to the Tribe by Noisette! Day 22509, 20:22:06: Noisette Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 22509, 20:42:27: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 75! Day 22509, 21:43:12: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 75! Day 22509, 23:45:02: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 22510, 01:18:00: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 13 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 45! Day 22510, 01:56:54: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 13 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 22525, 07:44:21: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 19 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 22525, 18:42:56: Noisette Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 21 (Iguanodon)! Day 22526, 07:11:16: Noisette Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 22526, 17:02:21: Your Souryma - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 22526, 19:35:37: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30! Day 22526, 20:13:48: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 22526, 21:31:16: Noisette Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 21 (Iguanodon)! Day 22526, 21:38:33: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 22526, 22:44:54: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 22526, 23:25:29: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 22527, 00:25:54: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.0x! Day 22527, 01:46:59: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 22527, 02:09:34: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22527, 02:33:58: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22527, 04:30:12: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 22527, 05:50:18: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 22527, 09:21:23: Noisette Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 22527, 09:44:36: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 22527, 11:14:17: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 22527, 12:54:10: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 22527, 16:52:51: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22527, 21:12:56: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22527, 21:38:50: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 22527, 22:09:09: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22527, 23:10:03: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22528, 01:36:04: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22528, 05:32:20: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22528, 07:03:37: Your colten - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30! Day 22594, 12:54:52: Your Fufu - Lvl 48 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22594, 13:13:36: Your Souryma 2 - Lvl 25 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22645, 08:35:55: Your Asuka - Lvl 31 (Triceratops) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 22675, 12:20:30: Tribemember Urizen - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 22682, 18:38:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22745, 07:56:21: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22753, 15:35:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23878, 21:55:15: Tribemember Noisette - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1441395653,"tribe":"Tribe of Raven logs":["Day 18461, 07:22:42: Velvetkitten froze Vel <3 - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18461, 07:45:04: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 18474, 00:15:53: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 18474, 01:29:41: Velvetkitten froze Vel <3 - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18474, 06:49:41: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 18474, 07:19:02: Velvetkitten Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (Thylacoleo)! Day 18474, 07:21:50: Velvetkitten froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (Thylacoleo) Day 18474, 07:37:35: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Raven)! Day 18474, 07:37:35: Your Tribe killed Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (Thylacoleo) (Tribe of Raven)! Day 18474, 08:05:15: Velvetkitten froze Vel <3 - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18474, 10:21:49: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 18474, 10:36:31: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 18503, 19:10:58: Raven claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18504, 01:17:57: Raven froze Shadowmane - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 18504, 14:24:02: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18504, 19:31:31: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 19:36:03: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 19:41:02: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 19:45:57: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 19:51:05: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 19:55:39: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:01:26: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:06:33: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:11:34: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:16:19: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:21:44: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 20:29:57: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 22:39:36: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 18504, 22:43:33: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 18505, 07:05:32: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 18505, 16:11:18: Velvetkitten froze FEMALE WHITE BODY - Lvl 244 (Yutyrannus) Day 18506, 07:48:00: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) Day 18506, 08:22:38: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18506, 11:42:38: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 338 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 11:47:15: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 352 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 12:13:24: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18506, 13:12:31: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:17:27: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:22:17: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:27:42: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:33:32: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:38:48: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:44:40: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:49:44: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 106 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:54:28: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 13:59:28: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 14:04:31: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 14:09:34: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 14:15:09: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 14:34:56: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 18506, 14:54:41: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18506, 15:55:06: Velvetkitten froze Gingers - Lvl 360 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 15:58:52: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 354 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 19:23:47: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 18506, 20:47:16: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 352 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 20:52:42: Velvetkitten froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 20:58:20: Velvetkitten froze Gingers - Lvl 360 (Thylacoleo) Day 18506, 21:07:52: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 354 (Thylacoleo) Day 18507, 22:27:45: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 354 (Thylacoleo) Day 18508, 08:24:13: Velvetkitten froze FEMALE WHITE BODY - Lvl 247 (Yutyrannus) Day 18508, 13:01:32: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18508, 19:29:26: Raven froze ® Minted - Lvl 324 (Allosaurus) Day 18508, 20:32:59: Velvetkitten froze FEMALE WHITE BODY - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) Day 18509, 15:02:00: Velvetkitten Tamed an Otter - Lvl 44 (Otter)! Day 18510, 08:28:37: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 18510, 09:50:39: Raven froze ® Minted - Lvl 324 (Allosaurus) Day 18510, 10:41:57: Velvetkitten froze Otter - Lvl 49 (Otter) Day 18511, 02:54:54: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 18512, 03:30:51: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18513, 07:45:52: Your 'Tent (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 18530, 08:29:34: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 18530, 10:34:28: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 18550, 05:40:32: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18552, 02:27:37: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18557, 06:32:12: Raven Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 59 (Hyaenodon )! Day 18557, 06:41:58: Raven froze Hyaenodon - Lvl 59 (Hyaenodon ) Day 18557, 10:13:34: Raven Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 207 (Hyaenodon )! Day 18557, 10:32:50: Raven uploaded a Hyaenodon : Hyaenodon - Lvl 207 Day 18557, 10:39:37: Raven uploaded a Hyaenodon : Hyaenodon - Lvl 59 Day 18557, 11:10:47: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18558, 22:37:38: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18558, 23:04:22: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18560, 10:01:29: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:06:59: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:12:16: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:17:23: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:22:06: Raven froze Ginger - Lvl 338 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:27:21: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 253 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:33:23: Raven froze Ginger - Lvl 360 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:42:34: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 286 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:47:54: Raven froze Gingers - Lvl 361 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:51:40: Raven froze Ginger - Lvl 352 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 10:55:56: Raven froze Ginger - Lvl 354 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 11:02:08: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 11:07:34: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 286 (Thylacoleo) Day 18560, 11:35:46: Raven froze ® Minted - Lvl 324 (Allosaurus) Day 18560, 11:51:18: Raven froze ® FODDER - Lvl 400 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18560, 11:58:28: Raven froze ® Fodder - Lvl 393 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18560, 12:08:32: Raven froze ® Fodder - Lvl 393 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18560, 15:00:03: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18561, 06:27:34: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18567, 13:03:17: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 306 (Griffin) Day 18575, 05:19:05: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 286 (Thylacoleo) Day 18575, 05:28:11: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo) Day 18575, 13:19:36: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18578, 01:01:42: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) was killed by a DodoRex - Lvl 1! Day 18578, 01:02:40: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus) was killed by a DodoRex - Lvl 1! Day 18578, 01:03:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) was killed by a DodoRex - Lvl 1! Day 18578, 01:40:33: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 02:27:52: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 299 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 02:31:49: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 02:36:30: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 283 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 02:42:24: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 02:48:22: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 18578, 04:24:22: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18579, 04:48:17: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18579, 14:38:11: Raven claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18579, 16:59:10: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18580, 09:09:38: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18581, 02:38:03: Raven claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 160 (Zomdodo)'! Day 18581, 02:44:31: Raven claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 20 (Zomdodo)'! Day 18581, 03:01:57: Raven froze Zomdodo - Lvl 160 (Zomdodo) Day 18581, 04:27:24: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 18581, 04:34:21: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 04:38:49: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 04:44:41: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 04:52:14: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 04:56:08: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 05:01:56: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 05:06:49: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 05:11:42: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 05:16:30: Raven froze Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 18581, 05:27:06: Raven froze Zomdodo - Lvl 20 (Zomdodo) Day 18581, 07:06:18: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18581, 07:43:37: Raven froze ® Twit Tawoo - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 18583, 01:13:32: Raven unclaimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 354 (Managarmr)'! Day 18583, 03:59:24: Raven froze ® Managarmr - Lvl 352 (Managarmr) Day 18583, 05:13:54: Raven froze ® Snowy - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 18583, 05:15:36: Raven claimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18583, 05:28:12: Raven unclaimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18583, 05:34:48: Raven froze ® Raven's Booty - Lvl 97 (Purlovia) Day 18583, 08:44:08: Raven froze ® Snowy - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 18584, 19:53:32: Raven froze Shadowmane - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 18598, 02:16:53: Beaverly - Lvl 51 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 18725, 19:50:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18946, 09:03:27: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 476 (Shadowmane) Day 19023, 02:56:13: Stonie - Lvl 123 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 19070, 22:03:51: Coco - Lvl 32 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 19077, 14:57:13: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 481 (Shadowmane) Day 19086, 23:36:03: Velvetkitten froze Brian Griffin - Lvl 315 (Griffin) Day 19095, 04:14:43: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 481 (Shadowmane) Day 19097, 00:52:34: Raven froze ® Managarmr - Lvl 352 (Managarmr) Day 19098, 07:53:23: Raven froze ® 34/42 - Lvl 413 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19098, 08:46:38: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 481 (Shadowmane) Day 19235, 13:37:54: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 489 (Shadowmane) Day 19324, 13:21:41: Pearl - Lvl 94 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 19375, 02:22:58: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 19375, 04:48:25: Tribe of Small Child tribe was merged in by Small Child! Day 19375, 04:48:25: Small Child was added to the Tribe by Raven! Day 19375, 09:31:48: Lilith added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19375, 12:18:31: Raven claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)'! Day 19375, 14:00:03: Small Child froze h40/m40 - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19375, 16:41:21: Lilith added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19375, 18:19:09: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 461 (Shadowmane) Day 19375, 18:33:31: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 461 (Shadowmane) Day 19375, 18:36:55: Small Child froze Runaround - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 19375, 18:44:19: Small Child froze FODDER - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex) Day 19376, 04:36:12: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 490 (Shadowmane) Day 19376, 07:57:45: Raven unclaimed '® Mint - Lvl 352 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19376, 08:06:38: Raven froze ® White - Lvl 328 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 08:11:22: Raven froze ® Yellow Line - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 08:16:04: Raven froze ® Grey/Brown - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:16:06: Raven froze ® Grey/Brown - Lvl 410 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:20:16: Raven froze ® Black Line - Lvl 419 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:27:13: Raven froze ® Red Line - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:33:31: Raven froze ® Pink Line - Lvl 424 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:37:56: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 14 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:42:02: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 74 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 09:48:03: Raven froze ® Green Line - Lvl 268 (Thylacoleo) Day 19376, 10:57:24: Lilith added 'The Lads' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19379, 22:24:34: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 19448, 22:43:20: Raven claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19448, 22:48:43: Raven froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 19448, 22:50:30: Raven claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19448, 22:54:33: Raven froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 19448, 23:03:10: Raven claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19448, 23:20:00: Raven froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo) Day 19448, 23:47:22: Raven froze ® Mynx - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane) Day 19451, 14:12:13: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 19501, 17:59:04: Raven unclaimed 'Baby GLOW - Lvl 222 (Featherlight)'! Day 19515, 23:23:52: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 65! Day 19525, 18:18:57: Raven claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 246 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 18:26:32: Raven claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 232 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 18:34:24: Raven claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 237 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 18:49:03: Raven froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 246 (Direwolf) Day 19525, 18:52:38: Raven froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 232 (Direwolf) Day 19525, 18:56:08: Raven froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 237 (Direwolf) Day 19525, 18:57:14: Raven claimed '® Bravo - Lvl 395 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 19:13:01: Raven claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 264 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 19:20:03: Raven unclaimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 264 (Direwolf)'! Day 19525, 20:24:40: Raven froze ® Bravo - Lvl 395 (Direwolf) Day 19570, 17:18:17: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 19571, 01:17:13: Small Child froze Shadowmane - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 03:29:34: Small Child claimed '252g - Lvl 409 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 19571, 11:52:43: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 460 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 11:56:59: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 461 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 12:06:23: Small Child unclaimed '252g - Lvl 409 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 19571, 12:07:14: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 460 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 12:15:29: Small Child froze Shadowmane - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 12:17:50: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 460 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 12:24:31: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 461 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 12:33:19: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 448 (Tek Rex) Day 19571, 12:38:46: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 445 (Tek Rex) Day 19571, 12:54:13: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 445 (Tek Rex) Day 19571, 12:59:31: Raven froze BOSS - Lvl 448 (Tek Rex) Day 19571, 14:04:40: Small Child froze Shadowmane - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 19571, 16:57:07: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19936, 06:50:26: Teri - Lvl 124 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 20126, 04:59:54: Small Child froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 310 (Basilosaurus) Day 20126, 07:18:04: Small Child Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 179 (Dodo)! Day 20126, 07:30:30: Small Child froze Dodo - Lvl 179 (Dodo) Day 20126, 11:33:12: Small Child Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 119 (Carbonemys)! Day 20126, 12:07:05: Tribemember Small Child - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 20126, 15:07:06: Small Child froze Carbonemys - Lvl 119 (Carbonemys) Day 20126, 18:30:25: Small Child froze Webster - Lvl 346 (Bloodstalker) Day 20146, 18:02:31: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leaf - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20146, 18:03:42: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 20146, 18:05:18: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gaurd Dog - Lvl 234 (Raptor)'! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20244, 18:05:48: Small Child Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 20244, 18:12:48: Small Child froze Melee - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 20244, 20:31:00: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20245, 02:25:35: Small Child claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 20245, 03:49:28: Small Child unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 20245, 04:36:59: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20245, 06:45:14: Small Child froze Fenrir - Lvl 301 (Managarmr) Day 20245, 06:52:41: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 352 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20245, 07:26:33: Small Child froze 44M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 20245, 07:28:01: Small Child claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium)'! Day 20245, 07:46:55: Small Child froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 20253, 05:20:30: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20337, 06:55:42: Small Child froze Nala - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 20337, 07:37:34: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20337, 07:44:42: Small Child claimed 'boss fight 2.1 - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20337, 10:34:17: Small Child froze Fenrir - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 20337, 12:00:25: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20337, 12:24:38: Small Child froze Fenrir - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 20337, 12:34:08: Small Child was removed from the Tribe! Day 20401, 18:19:03: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20571, 15:13:40: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 20572, 03:57:08: The Lads tribe was merged in by Boyle! Day 20572, 03:57:08: Boyle was added to the Tribe by Raven! Day 20572, 04:02:24: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 20572, 06:51:50: Boyle demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 08:44:02: Raven demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 20572, 08:44:59: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 08:45:56: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 08:48:23: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 08:49:55: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 08:51:33: Raven demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 08:59:25: Raven froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20572, 09:04:05: Raven froze Otter - Lvl 195 (Otter) Day 20572, 09:12:48: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 09:13:55: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 09:14:51: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 09:16:14: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Vertical'! Day 20572, 09:18:01: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:19:13: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:20:53: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 09:27:58: Raven froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 20572, 09:31:17: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:32:23: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:33:19: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:34:32: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:35:40: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:36:43: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:37:44: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:38:59: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:43:46: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:45:14: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:50:14: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 09:53:00: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 11:10:17: Raven demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 20572, 12:06:00: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:07:02: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:08:21: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:09:18: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:10:18: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:11:27: Raven demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 20572, 12:12:39: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 12:18:18: Raven froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 20572, 12:22:29: Raven froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 20572, 12:44:44: Raven uploaded a Exo-Mek: Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 Day 20572, 12:45:54: Raven uploaded a Exo-Mek: Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 Day 20572, 13:00:47: Raven demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 20572, 13:01:49: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:02:52: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:03:43: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:04:45: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:05:38: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:06:32: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:07:26: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:08:20: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:09:14: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:10:07: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:11:26: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:15:02: Raven demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20572, 13:58:30: Raven demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 20572, 14:00:18: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:01:39: Raven demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:02:48: Raven demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:03:57: Raven demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:05:48: Raven demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:06:56: Raven demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:07:51: Raven demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 20572, 14:11:16: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Intersection'! Day 20572, 14:12:15: Raven demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 20572, 15:00:20: Tribe of Small Child tribe was merged in by Small Child! Day 20572, 15:00:20: Small Child was added to the Tribe by Raven! Day 20572, 18:37:48: Raven froze Raven Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 20573, 01:17:19: Raven uploaded a Exo-Mek: Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 Day 20573, 01:18:26: Raven uploaded a Exo-Mek: Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 Day 20573, 01:22:45: Raven demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 20573, 01:23:48: Raven demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 20573, 01:24:58: Raven demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 20573, 03:22:12: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 20713, 12:42:09: Raven claimed 'X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 214 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 12:50:49: Raven claimed 'danny - Lvl 229 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 12:54:26: Raven claimed 'marge - Lvl 383 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 17:17:35: Raven froze Health - Lvl 202 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 20713, 17:25:57: Raven claimed 'Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 229 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 17:30:20: Raven froze Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 229 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 20713, 17:36:30: Raven claimed 'Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 222 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 17:40:28: Raven froze Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 222 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 20713, 17:46:40: Raven claimed 'Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 197 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 17:50:55: Raven froze Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 197 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 20713, 17:55:50: Raven unclaimed 'danny - Lvl 229 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 17:59:15: Raven unclaimed 'marge - Lvl 383 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20713, 18:03:17: Raven unclaimed 'X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 214 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 20747, 17:42:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20785, 10:46:13: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 20802, 13:34:29: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 20802, 14:59:29: Velvetkitten froze Pink - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 20802, 15:31:41: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 20948, 17:50:42: Your Judasz - Lvl 227 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 20971, 14:22:38: Small Child froze Cave - Lvl 339 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 20972, 17:25:01: Your Szatan To Gej - Lvl 251 (Sarco) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 20975, 22:48:26: Boyle froze red thunder - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20975, 23:49:46: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 21564, 05:50:58: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 21589, 22:34:50: dia - Lvl 176 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21589, 22:39:42: dia - Lvl 176 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21591, 11:54:24: dia - Lvl 176 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame '® Raven's Booty - Lvl 123 (Purlovia)'! Day 21672, 16:58:14: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 21752, 03:18:20: Grzmociur - Lvl 210 (Paraceratherium) starved to death! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21914, 02:21:14: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 21914, 03:51:22: Velvetkitten froze Chompy - Lvl 354 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21914, 04:26:18: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 21915, 07:36:59: Velvetkitten froze Chompy - Lvl 357 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21915, 09:42:24: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 21915, 18:07:04: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21915, 18:12:00: Velvetkitten claimed 'Yaneli-Daz - Lvl 400 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 21916, 01:00:12: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:06:55: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:13:05: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:19:45: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:28:09: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:37:28: Velvetkitten unclaimed 'Yaneli-Daz - Lvl 400 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 21916, 01:44:09: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 440 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 01:52:49: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 05:21:31: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21957, 11:37:11: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 21957, 20:25:29: Velvetkitten froze Geralt - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane) Day 21957, 21:03:25: Velvetkitten was removed from the Tribe! Day 22231, 05:04:44: Raven froze ® Plop - Lvl 362 (Snow Owl) Day 22765, 10:40:50: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 22910, 22:20:39: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 475 (Shadowmane) Day 23024, 18:01:11: Birb - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 23073, 00:37:14: Small Child froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 365 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23073, 03:14:08: Small Child froze Maddy - Lvl 397 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23287, 00:58:10: Raven froze ® Phantom - Lvl 414 (Rock Drake) Day 23292, 04:44:40: Raven froze ® Ice Jumper - Lvl 374 (Managarmr) Day 23502, 19:58:12: Tasha added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 20:04:09: Tasha added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23524, 06:17:52: Tasha added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23530, 00:51:25: Fatty McIrish - Lvl 122 (Whats the Craic Lads') claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24797, 15:50:58: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 25359, 10:12:19: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 492 (Shadowmane) Day 25700, 11:02:54: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from tester Alliance! Day 27205, 19:34:44: Raven froze ® Plop - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 29687, 01:58:01: Boyle froze Peeping Tom - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 29687, 12:04:18: Boyle froze Peeping Tom - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 29687, 14:39:36: Boyle froze Peeping Tom - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 29687, 15:10:24: Boyle froze Ripper - Lvl 239 (R-Reaper King) Day 29687, 15:15:52: Boyle was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1441284553,"tribe":"Tribe of William logs":["Day 37416, 19:02:49: William was added to the Tribe! Day 37416, 20:14:12: William Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 37416, 21:40:52: Big-guette was added to the Tribe by William! Day 37417, 10:04:03: Tribemember William - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 37417, 10:55:45: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 11 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 37417, 12:33:56: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 12 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 37417, 14:08:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 104 (Parasaur)! Day 37417, 20:03:07: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37417, 20:11:35: Tribemember William - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37418, 12:31:42: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 18 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 135! Day 37418, 12:43:07: Tribemember William - Lvl 25 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 135! Day 37418, 12:49:46: Tribemember William - Lvl 25 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 37418, 13:33:19: Tribemember William - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 37418, 13:40:07: Your Crest - Lvl 45 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 37418, 13:41:33: Brontosaurus - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37418, 13:41:33: Brontosaurus - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37418, 13:41:33: Brontosaurus - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37422, 10:35:06: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 37422, 10:36:44: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 37422, 13:58:21: William demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37422, 14:53:46: William demolished a 'Bed'! Day 37441, 09:46:18: William Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 37441, 12:06:54: William Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur)! Day 37441, 16:42:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 37441, 17:56:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 107 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 37442, 05:20:55: Chalicotherium - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 37442, 12:28:18: Your Tribe Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 201 (Ichthyornis)! Day 37513, 15:28:44: Tribemember William - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 37513, 16:14:25: William Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 37513, 18:29:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 44 (Triceratops)! Day 37513, 18:52:48: William Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 29 (Sarco)! Day 37516, 15:42:51: Tribemember William - Lvl 50 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 37516, 17:49:18: William Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)! Day 37516, 21:04:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)! Day 37519, 02:10:19: Tribemember William - Lvl 52 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 37519, 04:43:44: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 37519, 05:38:37: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 37519, 06:39:01: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 37519, 08:29:47: William Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 7 (Brontosaurus)! Day 37519, 13:20:39: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 37561, 07:19:46: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 9 (Dimorphodon) was killed by William - Lvl 60 (Tribe of William)! Day 37561, 07:19:46: Your Tribe killed Dimorphodon - Lvl 9 (Dimorphodon) (Tribe of William)! Day 37566, 03:12:20: William Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 37566, 03:14:34: William Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 37566, 03:40:25: William Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 37566, 13:11:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 22 (Diplodocus)! Day 37566, 20:30:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)! Day 37566, 22:28:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 82 (Pachy)! Day 37567, 04:19:49: William Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 123 (Brontosaurus)! Day 37567, 09:10:37: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)! Day 37567, 18:28:28: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 37583, 09:16:38: William claimed 'Uber - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37583, 22:32:50: Your Argentavis - Lvl 16 (Argentavis) was killed by William - Lvl 64 (Tribe of William)! Day 37583, 22:32:50: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 16 (Argentavis) (Tribe of William)! Day 37583, 23:27:25: William Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 37606, 21:33:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 37658, 07:47:48: Tek Radar - Lvl 112 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 37967, 11:25:30: William froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 21 (Brontosaurus) Day 38110, 14:04:59: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 38290, 07:25:35: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38290, 07:25:35: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38470, 14:03:55: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 38470, 14:29:45: Your perry the croc - Lvl 39 (Sarco) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 35! Day 38471, 02:13:26: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 38471, 11:21:58: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 29 (Diplodocus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 38556, 05:47:01: MamaEgg - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 38565, 18:32:15: Ente - Lvl 32 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ArgenTravis - Lvl 103 (Argentavis)'! Day 38565, 18:49:45: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pachy - Lvl 82 (Pachy)'! Day 38565, 19:11:41: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 38565, 19:20:55: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ParaMount - Lvl 117 (Parasaur)'! Day 38565, 19:24:40: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 120 (Raptor)'! Day 38565, 19:45:38: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 147 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 38565, 20:28:21: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38565, 21:01:09: Ente - Lvl 33 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 145 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 38568, 12:23:06: NakedGrandma - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops)'! Day 38585, 14:52:51: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 91 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)'! Day 38586, 03:55:16: mass - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goldy - Lvl 217 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38705, 07:41:34: William's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 21 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38729, 11:40:59: Uber - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 38972, 06:58:30: Human - Lvl 5 (Tribe of alfie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)'! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39244, 21:53:33: Tribemember Big-guette - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 39244, 21:54:27: Tribemember William - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 39570, 14:16:16: Eris - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 142 (Dimorphodon)'!"] "tribeid":1435671050,"tribe":"Phonky Tribu logs":["Day 32334, 06:06:37: Johnny Bravo was added to the Tribe! Day 32334, 07:28:31: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 99 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 32334, 08:19:33: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 32334, 11:12:38: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 32334, 11:23:24: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32334, 19:42:04: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 32334, 19:45:34: Johnny Bravo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 32335, 01:47:38: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Parasaur)! Day 32335, 09:50:38: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 32335, 13:26:49: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon)! Day 32335, 18:42:02: Johnny Bravo froze F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 32336, 04:04:12: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 32336, 05:19:41: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 32336, 11:49:16: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 32336, 12:00:00: Johnny Bravo froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 32336, 12:10:42: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Chicken Little - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 32336, 12:16:12: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 32336, 16:24:12: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 32336, 16:46:55: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 32336, 16:57:47: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Bed'! Day 32336, 17:00:10: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32336, 20:16:34: Johnny Bravo froze Argentavis - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 32338, 11:39:32: Johnny Bravo unclaimed 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32338, 11:43:51: Johnny Bravo downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 70 Day 32339, 08:39:17: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 80! Day 32339, 14:48:03: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 31 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 32339, 17:16:48: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 32340, 09:51:02: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 32345, 09:52:37: Johnny Bravo downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 76 Day 32346, 00:22:38: Johnny Bravo Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 29 (Basilosaurus)! Day 32346, 00:43:06: Johnny Bravo froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 29 (Basilosaurus) Day 32348, 08:56:49: Your Triceratops - Lvl 231 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 32348, 09:00:07: Your Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 32351, 12:37:45: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 32356, 01:22:47: Johnny Bravo downloaded a dino: Gryphon - Lvl 223 Day 32356, 01:29:47: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 32356, 03:49:25: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 32356, 08:09:19: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 76 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 32356, 13:40:47: Johnny Bravo demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32357, 01:18:48: Johnny Bravo froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 32385, 22:51:47: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 32386, 00:49:16: Johnny Bravo froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 32386, 00:55:38: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 32387, 07:37:19: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 32400, 21:24:27: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 01:47:14: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 01:48:15: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 01:50:38: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 01:51:28: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 01:57:19: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 03:12:19: Johnny Bravo unclaimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 03:23:08: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32401, 03:34:52: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex) was killed by Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 (Phonky Tribu)! Day 32401, 03:34:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex) (Phonky Tribu)! Day 32401, 07:06:09: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32401, 07:09:33: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32401, 07:20:23: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32401, 20:56:23: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 32407, 05:33:16: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 32407, 05:45:07: Johnny Bravo froze Gryphon - Lvl 239 (Griffin) Day 32407, 19:20:40: Johnny Bravo froze F Breeder - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 32407, 23:57:07: Johnny Bravo froze Chicken Little - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 32408, 00:11:05: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 111 Day 32408, 00:12:14: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Tek Rex: Odetari - Lvl 348 Day 32408, 00:13:18: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Therizinosaur: F Breeder - Lvl 310 Day 32408, 00:14:04: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Griffin: Gryphon - Lvl 240 Day 32408, 00:34:44: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 259 Day 32430, 19:41:29: Johnny Bravo froze ISAIF - Lvl 247 (Griffin) Day 32449, 11:46:45: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 11:51:52: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 11:55:48: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 12:29:41: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 12:51:34: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 12:56:14: Johnny Bravo froze F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 32449, 13:13:01: Johnny Bravo froze 43DMG M OG - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 32449, 13:16:36: Johnny Bravo froze 48H F OG - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 32449, 13:19:23: Johnny Bravo froze 40ST 48F 47WE M OG - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 32449, 13:23:44: Johnny Bravo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 32449, 14:12:08: Johnny Bravo uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 282 Day 32449, 14:15:26: Johnny Bravo froze ISAIF - Lvl 249 (Griffin) Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32987, 11:04:07: Your Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33042, 00:55:36: Argentavis's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 33140, 20:41:06: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 33140, 20:50:35: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33141, 06:01:34: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 29 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 33300, 11:01:58: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 33354, 11:53:14: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 14:15:40: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 33354, 14:19:56: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 33354, 14:24:31: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 33354, 18:55:59: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 19:00:35: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 19:03:56: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 19:07:18: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 19:10:33: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33354, 19:18:21: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 33354, 19:45:23: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Tapejara - Lvl 224 (Tapejara) Day 33354, 19:49:38: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Tapejara - Lvl 224 (Tapejara) Day 33354, 19:52:57: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Tapejara - Lvl 224 (Tapejara) Day 33354, 19:56:14: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Tapejara - Lvl 224 (Tapejara) Day 33355, 01:04:50: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33355, 06:26:23: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33355, 10:56:13: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 04:47:04: Adolescent Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 33372, 17:44:22: Johnny Bravo froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 33372, 17:52:05: Johnny Bravo froze Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 33372, 17:54:46: Johnny Bravo froze Tapejara - Lvl 224 (Tapejara) Day 33372, 18:00:18: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 18:03:26: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 18:06:29: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 18:14:32: Johnny Bravo froze Ezekiel - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 18:24:49: Johnny Bravo froze Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33372, 18:33:54: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 286 (R-Reaper King) Day 33372, 19:28:16: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 33373, 03:43:49: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King) Day 33373, 03:56:11: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 33373, 05:06:56: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King) Day 33373, 06:07:22: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King) Day 33373, 06:20:16: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 304 (Maewing) Day 33373, 06:39:33: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King) Day 33373, 07:23:40: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 308 (Maewing) Day 33415, 06:35:40: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33415, 08:48:41: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33415, 08:50:21: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33415, 08:52:35: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33415, 09:39:27: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King) Day 33415, 13:17:31: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33415, 17:46:54: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33415, 17:52:42: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33415, 22:51:16: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 04:23:48: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 04:28:49: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 04:46:34: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 13:42:49: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 13:45:49: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 13:48:45: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 14:00:47: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33416, 14:10:47: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33417, 02:11:50: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 300 (R-Reaper King) Day 33418, 23:24:30: Tribemember Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33419, 01:53:31: Johnny Bravo froze BBNB - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 33420, 03:11:56: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33420, 03:20:41: Johnny Bravo froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33420, 03:32:47: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33420, 04:18:32: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33445, 10:59:46: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33445, 11:01:54: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33445, 11:03:05: Johnny Bravo claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 33445, 15:30:16: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33445, 15:33:32: Johnny Bravo froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 12:07:55: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 12:11:06: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 12:14:25: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 12:20:25: Johnny Bravo froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:07:37: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:10:28: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:13:15: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:15:59: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:18:41: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:21:28: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:28:10: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:33:52: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:46:13: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33446, 19:50:35: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 304 (R-Reaper King) Day 33446, 19:53:47: Johnny Bravo froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 175 (Yutyrannus) Day 33464, 23:30:00: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33465, 09:00:57: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:04:55: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:07:40: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:13:24: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:16:10: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:18:53: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:23:31: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:26:18: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:29:01: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 09:33:49: Johnny Bravo froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 33465, 11:06:05: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 33465, 16:42:16: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33466, 02:58:03: Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 33466, 02:59:42: Johnny Bravo - Lvl 112 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 33466, 03:01:08: Johnny Bravo added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to Kokow Alliance! Day 33466, 06:04:31: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:07:20: Johnny Bravo froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus) Day 33466, 06:13:47: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:16:41: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:28:01: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:35:25: Johnny Bravo froze Freddie Dredd - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:38:12: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:40:55: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:43:34: Johnny Bravo froze WARF - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 33466, 06:47:58: Johnny Bravo froze WARM - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 33468, 08:45:14: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (R-Velonasaur) Day 33468, 08:48:59: Johnny Bravo froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (R-Velonasaur) Day 33468, 09:25:02: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33468, 10:45:37: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33468, 21:23:22: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33468, 22:01:08: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 33469, 06:05:50: Johnny Bravo froze breeder - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 06:08:34: Johnny Bravo froze Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 06:11:41: Johnny Bravo froze Ezekiel - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 06:14:24: Johnny Bravo froze breeder - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 06:18:24: Johnny Bravo froze Odetari - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 33469, 06:21:32: Johnny Bravo froze 8 Grand at 8 to 1 - Lvl 304 (R-Reaper King) Day 33469, 06:45:30: Johnny Bravo froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 34068, 01:00:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34635, 12:52:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1435052769,"tribe":"Tribe of Vesuvion logs":["Day 11284, 16:01:08: Lorgar froze Juvenile Typhon - Lvl 182 (Daeodon) Day 11284, 16:33:31: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11284, 16:35:49: Lorgar claimed 'Noobius - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 11284, 16:38:06: Lorgar unclaimed 'Noobius - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 11284, 21:35:31: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11286, 11:34:47: Lorgar froze Rock Basher - Lvl 265 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11286, 11:48:37: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11290, 13:56:20: Vesuvion froze Baphomet - Lvl 230 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11299, 17:44:08: Triceratops - Lvl 15 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 11299, 20:57:16: Lorgar froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 82 (Mosasaurus) Day 11301, 05:52:36: Lorgar froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (Yutyrannus) Day 11301, 05:53:58: Lorgar froze Adolescent Yutyrannus - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 11302, 02:13:53: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 29 (Oviraptor) was killed! Day 11302, 02:13:53: Oviraptor - Lvl 29 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 11302, 03:54:32: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 11302, 22:41:52: Lorgar froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11305, 01:17:54: Lorgar demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 11305, 06:20:21: Lorgar froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 250 (Thorny Dragon) Day 11305, 09:02:14: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11308, 04:39:43: Lorgar froze Breeder - Lvl 111 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11308, 21:48:36: Lorgar froze Umma - Lvl 301 (Lystrosaurus) Day 11308, 22:21:49: Lorgar froze fidel castro - Lvl 180 (Castoroides) Day 11308, 22:35:03: Lorgar froze Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides) Day 11309, 03:47:20: Lorgar demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 11309, 03:49:27: Lorgar demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 11309, 03:53:14: Lorgar demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 11309, 05:15:22: Lorgar froze Oviraptor - Lvl 106 (Oviraptor) Day 11309, 05:24:00: Lorgar froze Oviraptor - Lvl 106 (Oviraptor) Day 11309, 09:28:32: Lorgar froze 217 Melee - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 11309, 09:29:56: Lorgar froze 202 Food - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 11309, 09:47:26: Lorgar froze 202 Food - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) Day 11309, 09:55:38: Lorgar froze 217 Melee - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 11309, 12:36:28: Lorgar claimed 'Noobius - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 11309, 12:38:18: Lorgar unclaimed 'Noobius - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 11309, 12:41:21: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11314, 11:25:37: Tom - Lvl 177 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 11314, 12:25:10: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11318, 11:17:56: Lorgar froze Parroty Costa - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 11318, 12:43:33: Lorgar unclaimed 'Parroty Costa - Lvl 105 (Argentavis)'! Day 11318, 14:10:51: Lorgar froze Fecal - Lvl 143 (Dung Beetle) Day 11318, 14:46:02: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11321, 08:21:23: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11324, 20:56:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11324, 20:56:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11329, 12:59:21: The Hig - Lvl 168 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 11329, 22:46:56: Lorgar froze Poopie - Lvl 70 (Dung Beetle) Day 11330, 00:18:48: Lorgar froze Typhon - Lvl 199 (Daeodon) Day 11330, 05:20:07: Lorgar Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 11330, 05:21:51: Lorgar froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 11330, 06:37:29: Lorgar Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 11330, 06:39:12: Lorgar froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 11330, 09:57:28: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11330, 20:02:51: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina) Day 11330, 20:04:20: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 187 (Achatina) Day 11330, 20:06:38: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 79 (Achatina) Day 11330, 20:08:56: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 89 (Achatina) Day 11331, 00:12:28: Lorgar Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 179 (Achatina)! Day 11331, 00:18:15: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 179 (Achatina) Day 11331, 04:35:52: Lorgar Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina)! Day 11331, 04:49:53: Lorgar froze Achatina - Lvl 194 (Achatina) Day 11331, 06:59:48: Lorgar froze Centurio Prior - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 11363, 09:08:26: Lorgar froze Boring - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 11363, 09:20:35: Lorgar froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11363, 09:22:04: Lorgar froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11363, 09:39:44: Lorgar froze Nails - Lvl 295 (Thylacoleo) Day 11363, 09:41:38: Lorgar froze Berocca - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 11363, 09:50:41: Lorgar froze Marina - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus) Day 11363, 09:52:07: Lorgar froze Theodosius - Lvl 184 (Yutyrannus) Day 11363, 09:53:29: Lorgar froze Milonia - Lvl 235 (Yutyrannus) Day 11363, 09:54:56: Lorgar froze Vesta - Lvl 275 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 09:57:52: Lorgar froze Allosaurus - Lvl 270 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 09:59:18: Lorgar froze Allosaurus - Lvl 258 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 10:00:42: Lorgar froze Allosaurus - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 10:02:55: Lorgar froze Allosaurus - Lvl 253 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 10:04:22: Lorgar froze Allosaurus - Lvl 259 (Allosaurus) Day 11363, 10:08:05: Lorgar froze Tek Rex - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex) Day 11363, 10:53:30: Lorgar froze Dire Bear - Lvl 182 (Dire Bear) Day 11363, 10:58:37: Lorgar froze Sinuhe - Lvl 244 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 11363, 11:00:09: Lorgar froze Tiamat - Lvl 252 (Beelzebufo) Day 11363, 11:01:40: Lorgar froze Procoptodon - Lvl 105 (Procoptodon) Day 11363, 11:03:17: Lorgar froze Raptor - Lvl 222 (Raptor) Day 11363, 11:06:33: Lorgar froze Isocrates - Lvl 207 (Sabertooth) Day 11363, 11:07:58: Lorgar froze Catch of the Day - Lvl 142 (Megalania) Day 11363, 11:10:03: Lorgar froze Phiomia - Lvl 88 (Phiomia) Day 11363, 11:11:31: Lorgar froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 133 (Megalosaurus) Day 11363, 11:13:19: Lorgar froze Vengeance - Lvl 272 (Bloodstalker) Day 11363, 11:15:22: Lorgar froze Basher - Lvl 174 (Dire Bear) Day 11363, 11:33:06: Lorgar froze Cleopatra - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur) Day 11363, 11:35:32: Lorgar froze Atlas - Lvl 257 (Paraceratherium) Day 11363, 11:37:51: Lorgar froze Marathon - Lvl 186 (Megatherium) Day 11363, 12:34:15: Lorgar froze Castelo Branco - Lvl 276 (Pteranodon) Day 11363, 12:35:38: Lorgar froze Adrianople (130) - Lvl 178 (Tapejara) Day 11363, 12:38:33: Lorgar froze Snow1 - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 11363, 12:45:04: Lorgar froze Procoptodon - Lvl 127 (Procoptodon) Day 11363, 13:33:01: Lorgar froze F1 - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) Day 11363, 15:16:04: Lorgar froze Toof - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 11363, 15:34:04: Lorgar froze Codeye - Lvl 128 (Ichthyornis) Day 11363, 15:36:11: Lorgar froze Bogeye - Lvl 112 (Ichthyornis) Day 11363, 15:38:33: Lorgar froze Codson - Lvl 75 (Ichthyornis) Day 11363, 16:15:29: Lorgar froze Xiphos - Lvl 276 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:17:29: Lorgar froze Sarissa - Lvl 308 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:19:53: Lorgar froze Livius - Lvl 280 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:22:22: Lorgar froze Epaminondas - Lvl 281 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:23:51: Lorgar froze Granicus - Lvl 279 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:25:17: Lorgar froze Gaugamela - Lvl 284 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:29:17: Lorgar froze Hypaspist - Lvl 276 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:30:46: Lorgar froze Hannibal - Lvl 275 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:32:11: Lorgar froze Issus - Lvl 278 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:33:36: Lorgar froze Pater - Lvl 260 (Direwolf) Day 11363, 16:35:22: Lorgar froze Gaia - Lvl 231 (Direwolf) Day 11369, 11:35:51: Lorgar froze Claudius - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 11369, 11:40:14: Lorgar froze Iset - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:42:52: Lorgar froze Nefertari - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:44:23: Lorgar froze Ahura - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:46:43: Lorgar froze Menkheperre - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:50:47: Lorgar froze Amenhotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:52:49: Lorgar froze Tiaa - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:54:55: Lorgar froze Ahti - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:57:52: Lorgar froze Akhenaten (H mut) - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 11:59:24: Lorgar froze Tutankhamun II - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:04:13: Lorgar froze Sobekneferu - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:05:37: Lorgar froze Thutmose I - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:07:06: Lorgar froze Meritamen - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:09:27: Lorgar froze Ankhsenamun - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:11:10: Lorgar froze Ahmes - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:12:46: Lorgar froze Khufu - Lvl 212 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:20:05: Lorgar froze Hotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 12:24:00: Lorgar froze Lilith - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 11369, 13:00:55: Lorgar froze Milonia - Lvl 236 (Yutyrannus) Day 11369, 13:03:52: Lorgar froze Marina - Lvl 221 (Yutyrannus) Day 11369, 13:42:51: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11369, 16:41:59: Lorgar froze Nefertari - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:43:26: Lorgar froze Lilith - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 11369, 16:48:55: Lorgar froze Khufu - Lvl 212 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:50:23: Lorgar froze Tutankhamun II - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:51:54: Lorgar froze Ahmes - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:56:33: Lorgar froze Ankhsenamun - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:58:02: Lorgar froze Menkheperre - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 16:59:32: Lorgar froze Marina - Lvl 221 (Yutyrannus) Day 11369, 17:04:35: Lorgar froze Sobekneferu - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:06:06: Lorgar froze Claudius - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 11369, 17:09:17: Lorgar froze Ahura - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:10:41: Lorgar froze Iset - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:12:06: Lorgar froze Hotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:13:28: Lorgar froze Amenhotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:16:49: Lorgar froze Meritamen - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 11369, 17:19:02: Lorgar froze Thutmose I - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 00:26:50: Lorgar froze Claudius - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 11370, 03:50:15: Lorgar froze Ahmes - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 03:54:07: Lorgar froze Khufu - Lvl 212 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 04:00:52: Lorgar froze Akhenaten (H mut) - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 04:04:29: Lorgar froze Nefertari - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 04:08:32: Lorgar froze Tiaa - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 04:23:37: Lorgar froze Amenhotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11370, 05:05:32: Your Iset - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:07:57: Your Sobekneferu - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:22:19: Your Meritamen - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:47:00: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Tutankhamun II - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Hotep - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Claudius - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Marina - Lvl 222 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Ahura - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Ahti - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Menkheperre - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Ankhsenamun - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Thutmose I - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Lilith - Lvl 243 (Rex) was killed! Day 11370, 05:48:49: Your Typhon - Lvl 210 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 11370, 07:28:08: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11375, 05:06:23: Naram-Sin - Lvl 181 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 11381, 02:39:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11381, 02:39:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11392, 10:04:31: Ramesses - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 11400, 14:16:14: Tri - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 11423, 06:28:32: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11437, 07:12:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11437, 07:12:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11465, 08:30:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11465, 08:30:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11487, 00:53:49: Boris - Lvl 148 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 11494, 08:22:12: Your Biggy - Lvl 258 (Mosasaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 11495, 08:26:33: Lorgar froze Angus McFife - Lvl 258 (Tek Quetzal) Day 11495, 09:56:02: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11498, 10:10:08: Your Matey - Lvl 167 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 11498, 12:08:02: Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 11508, 06:56:06: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11514, 18:14:48: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11514, 19:09:32: Lady - Lvl 82 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11514, 19:14:16: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 11514, 20:21:14: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 75! Day 11525, 06:24:29: Rosa - Lvl 251 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 11535, 08:49:19: Achatina - Lvl 79 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 11545, 19:10:10: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11545, 19:10:10: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11553, 06:40:25: Dodo - Lvl 94 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11562, 20:56:08: Omma - Lvl 110 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 11570, 13:19:02: Kairuku - Lvl 42 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11571, 06:06:57: Kairuku - Lvl 114 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11571, 16:00:37: Kairuku - Lvl 50 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11571, 18:28:37: Kairuku - Lvl 42 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11571, 18:28:45: Lucky - Lvl 94 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11579, 13:55:55: Oviraptor - Lvl 14 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 11583, 08:38:31: Tusoteuthis - Lvl 232 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 11597, 18:16:34: Whitey - Lvl 91 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11598, 05:26:15: Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 11603, 17:24:43: Dufus - Lvl 103 (Friendly Dodos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perf Female - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 11612, 23:18:50: Triceratops - Lvl 77 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 11624, 12:04:17: Toughy - Lvl 142 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11635, 16:59:08: Kairuku - Lvl 52 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11646, 08:43:33: Meaty - Lvl 178 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11652, 09:13:23: F2 - Lvl 37 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 11665, 18:43:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 11670, 20:17:45: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11670, 20:17:45: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11670, 20:17:45: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11670, 20:17:45: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11670, 20:17:45: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11680, 07:56:32: Cap'n Balls - Lvl 73 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 11702, 16:13:17: M Melee - Lvl 165 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 11704, 19:57:05: SleepyHollow - Lvl 123 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '187 Melee - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 11706, 15:53:04: Ovis - Lvl 185 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 11706, 16:08:09: Ovis - Lvl 185 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 11712, 16:01:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11712, 16:01:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11712, 16:01:01: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11712, 16:01:01: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11712, 16:01:01: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11719, 04:05:17: KONANOS - Lvl 122 (Friendly Dodos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Weight1 - Lvl 154 (Rex)'! Day 11726, 05:02:13: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11727, 14:27:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11727, 14:27:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 13:08:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 14:44:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 16:00:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 16:02:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 16:02:56: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11728, 16:03:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11729, 16:10:43: F1 - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 11730, 16:10:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11730, 16:10:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11730, 16:10:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:29: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11731, 06:27:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11733, 12:21:12: Globus - Lvl 122 (Friendly Dodos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)'! Day 11734, 14:43:23: Little Eggy - Lvl 39 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 11746, 17:57:03: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11746, 23:32:20: Kairuku - Lvl 82 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11748, 14:48:24: Dung Beetle - Lvl 152 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 11772, 23:03:35: Kairuku - Lvl 142 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11773, 01:32:23: Kairuku - Lvl 115 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11774, 19:55:20: Greeny - Lvl 136 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11775, 08:22:34: Normaly - Lvl 105 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11799, 11:27:31: Pink's Girl - Lvl 61 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 11820, 12:18:35: Crane - Lvl 186 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 11836, 07:27:52: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nineveh - Lvl 205 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11836, 07:27:57: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow1 - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11836, 07:28:14: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ku Rainbowdottir - Lvl 165 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:28:16: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rothbartlet - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11836, 07:29:17: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lilo - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:29:20: ProXXeN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shark Wahlberg - Lvl 291 (Megalodon)'! Day 11836, 07:29:28: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AngieCosta - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:29:51: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rainbow Pink - Lvl 33 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:30:03: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:31:20: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Princess Arty - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:31:37: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stress Bird - Lvl 247 (Pelagornis)'! Day 11836, 07:32:14: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropicana - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:32:23: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 93 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:33:32: ProXXeN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basi - Lvl 355 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 11836, 07:33:48: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KF3 F1 - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:34:33: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KF1 F1 - Lvl 210 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:35:28: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropsdottir - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:41:22: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 123 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:42:07: ProXXeN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Muscovite - Lvl 156 (Baryonyx)'! Day 11836, 07:42:29: ProXXeN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Biotite - Lvl 134 (Baryonyx)'! Day 11836, 07:44:38: ProXXeN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 11836, 07:46:12: Shay - Lvl 70 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ku Rainbowson - Lvl 165 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 07:46:57: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Atlas - Lvl 257 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 11836, 07:47:17: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cleopatra - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11836, 07:47:53: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marathon - Lvl 186 (Megatherium)'! Day 11836, 07:50:38: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cassor - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 11836, 07:52:31: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Germanicus - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 11836, 07:56:28: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 169 (Triceratops)'! Day 11836, 07:57:47: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 11836, 07:58:01: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 11836, 07:58:41: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame '3 mutation breeder - Lvl 156 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11836, 08:00:53: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 162 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11836, 08:02:42: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thutmose II - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11836, 08:04:19: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Average (202) - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11836, 08:20:52: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)'! Day 11836, 08:24:10: ElecTroN - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fidel castro - Lvl 180 (Castoroides)'! Day 11836, 09:08:36: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lost Boy - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 09:12:24: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky Rainbow Princess - Lvl 157 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 09:45:50: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sebek-Khu - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 11836, 18:20:22: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boring - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11836, 18:50:09: KoRaBelNi(Evolved) - Lvl 122 (MOMO) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Umma - Lvl 316 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 0/2 S2 - Lvl 223 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 1/1 - Lvl 219 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 0/0 - Lvl 219 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 0/0 - Lvl 253 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 1/0 Stam - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Stud Male 1/0 S1 - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Female 0/0 - Lvl 219 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:39:51: 's 'Stud Male 0/0 - Lvl 253 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:50:23: 's 'Angus McFife - Lvl 258 (Tek Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:51:45: 's 'Osbert - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:51:45: 's 'Eadric - Lvl 259 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:51:45: 's 'Cynewulf - Lvl 262 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:51:45: 's 'Aethelred - Lvl 232 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:51:45: 's 'Aethelstan - Lvl 198 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:52:07: 's 'Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 05:52:07: 's 'Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11837, 07:44:12: Lorgar froze Nimrud - Lvl 323 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11837, 12:34:32: Tribemember Melphina - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11837, 16:37:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11856, 17:43:04: Greety - Lvl 123 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 11861, 14:40:09: Tribemember Gorgutz - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 11861, 17:45:06: Tribemember Kittymcvity - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12009, 17:03:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12009, 17:03:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12009, 17:03:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12009, 17:03:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12051, 12:07:30: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Small Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12191, 03:01:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12193, 17:09:16: Strangey - Lvl 143 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 12329, 08:17:19: Kiyohime - Lvl 98 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 106 (Oviraptor)'! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12358, 14:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15586, 10:20:44: Melphina was removed from the Tribe! Day 23879, 21:56:26: Nigerian Hulk - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Nigerian Hulk) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1434056650,"tribe":"R.E.C.O logs":["Day 39301, 14:05:33: dzadzakiller claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 62 (Ovis)'! Day 39301, 18:25:48: Your Ovis - Lvl 34 (Ovis) was killed by dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 (R.E.C.O)! Day 39301, 18:25:48: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 34 (Ovis) (R.E.C.O)! Day 39302, 10:01:35: dzadzakiller froze Argentiwis 6 - Lvl 131 (Argentavis) Day 39302, 21:13:41: dzadzakiller Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 143 (Kairuku)! Day 39303, 01:50:01: dzadzakiller Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 143 (Kairuku)! Day 39303, 03:48:40: dzadzakiller froze 100 - Lvl 144 (Kairuku) Day 39303, 03:54:34: dzadzakiller froze 100 - Lvl 144 (Kairuku) Day 39325, 01:09:12: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39325, 01:10:42: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39325, 01:24:01: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39325, 01:25:27: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39325, 01:27:04: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39325, 01:29:46: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39326, 07:45:18: dzadzakiller froze 100 - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 39326, 07:55:55: dzadzakiller froze 100 - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 39326, 10:28:44: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis) Day 39326, 10:32:37: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 100 (Ovis) Day 39326, 10:40:58: dzadzakiller froze aw - Lvl 184 (Ovis) Day 39326, 10:49:02: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis) Day 39326, 10:52:59: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 51 (Ovis) Day 39326, 10:58:13: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 80 (Ovis) Day 39335, 15:56:38: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 15:58:23: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 15:59:43: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:04:38: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:07:07: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:08:18: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:11:59: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:12:54: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:14:02: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39335, 16:23:10: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 39346, 05:16:07: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) '! Day 39346, 06:16:39: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 06:18:42: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 06:20:28: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 06:21:57: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 08:58:02: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 39346, 09:27:24: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 09:28:36: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 09:30:52: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 09:35:54: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39346, 09:48:36: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 16:32:26: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 16:41:24: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 16:42:44: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 19:36:19: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 19:37:36: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39346, 19:39:25: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39348, 14:01:42: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 39348, 14:20:18: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 39348, 14:44:06: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 39348, 16:22:24: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Greenhouse Door Frame'! Day 39349, 00:03:17: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 39349, 00:19:53: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 39349, 00:24:34: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 39349, 00:46:08: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 39349, 00:49:33: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 39349, 00:52:43: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 39349, 01:54:29: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 39349, 03:29:22: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 39349, 04:49:17: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:52:06: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:53:43: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:55:15: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:57:13: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:58:31: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 04:59:48: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:01:05: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:02:35: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:03:53: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:05:08: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:06:31: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:07:45: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:08:58: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:10:10: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:14:20: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:15:37: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:16:57: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:17:59: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:19:00: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:19:59: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:22:35: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:35:10: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:36:16: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:37:15: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:39:18: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 05:40:31: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 06:08:56: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 06:09:53: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 06:10:56: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 06:11:58: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 39349, 06:33:42: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39349, 06:35:49: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39349, 06:37:12: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 39405, 02:17:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39443, 09:48:08: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 39490, 16:35:39: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 39728, 00:45:27: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 39729, 02:20:04: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 39747, 03:07:10: dzadzakiller claimed 'Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39768, 02:02:17: dzadzakiller Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 25 (Sabertooth)! Day 39768, 02:34:50: dzadzakiller Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 67 (Sabertooth)! Day 39768, 05:11:52: dzadzakiller Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)! Day 39768, 05:52:53: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 39768, 06:37:20: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 39768, 11:19:30: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 39768, 11:56:51: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor)! Day 39776, 15:23:25: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 115! Day 39776, 15:45:06: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 115! Day 39776, 22:57:08: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)! Day 39799, 16:59:32: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 39800, 01:02:27: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 39823, 15:50:18: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 35! Day 39838, 14:51:48: dzadzakiller Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 39844, 07:07:19: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 39844, 07:52:04: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 39845, 13:45:44: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39846, 01:48:20: dzadzakiller Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 161 (Achatina)! Day 39857, 11:39:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 29 (Rex)! Day 39865, 18:41:12: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39865, 23:43:11: Your Ovis - Lvl 79 (Ovis) was killed by dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 (R.E.C.O)! Day 39865, 23:43:11: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 79 (Ovis) (R.E.C.O)! Day 39866, 04:13:21: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 39866, 13:58:06: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex)! Day 39870, 20:18:22: Your Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) was killed by dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 (R.E.C.O)! Day 39870, 20:18:22: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) (R.E.C.O)! Day 39871, 00:19:36: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 105! Day 39871, 11:29:48: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 157 (Rex)! Day 39913, 09:58:05: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 39913, 12:49:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 39916, 21:40:50: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 39916, 22:05:03: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 39917, 00:22:49: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39917, 00:22:49: Your Tribe killed dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 (R.E.C.O)! Day 39917, 11:18:24: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 39929, 12:12:30: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 39929, 12:19:19: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor)! Day 39929, 12:44:38: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39940, 20:47:35: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 39941, 20:17:45: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 39965, 17:33:49: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 164 (Ovis)! Day 39976, 04:54:50: dzadzakiller froze 90 - Lvl 157 (Rex) Day 39976, 05:14:15: dzadzakiller froze Pusia - Lvl 134 (Rex) Day 39976, 05:25:50: dzadzakiller froze X-10 - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 39976, 05:38:58: dzadzakiller froze xxx - Lvl 90 (Rex) Day 39976, 05:46:11: dzadzakiller froze X-20 - Lvl 130 (Rex) Day 39976, 05:52:03: dzadzakiller froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 39976, 06:33:48: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 55 (Rex) Day 39976, 06:46:56: dzadzakiller froze 105 - Lvl 177 (Rex) Day 39976, 06:54:05: dzadzakiller froze Lilia - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 39976, 07:21:54: dzadzakiller froze Kentrosaurus - Lvl 90 (Kentrosaurus) Day 39976, 07:26:27: dzadzakiller froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 105 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 39988, 18:16:22: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)! Day 39989, 09:50:07: dzadzakiller froze Sabertooth - Lvl 50 (Sabertooth) Day 39989, 09:56:05: dzadzakiller froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 39989, 10:27:08: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39989, 10:32:15: dzadzakiller froze Doedicurus - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus) Day 39989, 10:35:26: dzadzakiller froze OBIBOK - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39989, 10:40:35: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 78 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39989, 11:04:03: dzadzakiller froze 95 - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 39989, 11:12:01: dzadzakiller froze www - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus) Day 39989, 11:15:29: dzadzakiller froze Dini Malinowy - Lvl 91 (Stegosaurus) Day 39989, 11:18:52: dzadzakiller froze DINO Allozaur - Lvl 157 (Allosaurus) Day 39989, 11:28:48: dzadzakiller froze OBIBOK 2 - Lvl 97 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39989, 11:40:04: dzadzakiller froze OBIBOK 2 - Lvl 97 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39989, 11:43:09: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor) Day 39989, 12:03:51: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 106 (Ovis) Day 39989, 12:07:02: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 91 (Ovis) Day 39989, 12:10:15: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 164 (Ovis) Day 39989, 12:14:09: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 90 (Ovis) Day 39989, 12:19:45: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis) Day 39989, 12:28:10: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 42 (Raptor) Day 39989, 12:54:20: dzadzakiller froze 50 - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth) Day 39989, 12:57:19: dzadzakiller froze 50 - Lvl 99 (Sabertooth) Day 39989, 13:01:25: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 143 (Raptor) Day 39989, 13:04:59: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 160 (Raptor) Day 39989, 13:19:41: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 84 (Raptor) Day 39989, 13:56:56: dzadzakiller froze Argentawis 3 - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 39989, 14:04:17: dzadzakiller froze 115 - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 39989, 14:08:55: dzadzakiller froze Argentiwis 5 - Lvl 96 (Argentavis) Day 39989, 14:26:04: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 39989, 14:29:08: dzadzakiller froze Argentiwis 6 - Lvl 140 (Argentavis) Day 39990, 08:40:10: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 40009, 17:55:01: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 52 (Ovis)! Day 40023, 05:58:41: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 40023, 06:01:26: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 40034, 04:58:31: dzadzakiller Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 125 (Tek Raptor)! Day 40034, 08:28:27: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 40079, 12:56:38: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 22 (Ovis)! Day 40079, 15:17:29: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40079, 15:18:54: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40079, 15:20:31: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40079, 15:21:36: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40079, 15:23:53: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40079, 15:25:01: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 40138, 11:50:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40233, 08:00:52: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40509, 18:01:12: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40889, 01:46:40: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 41114, 01:35:53: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 41114, 01:49:06: dzadzakiller demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 42 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Argentiwis 6 - Lvl 140 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Argentiwis 5 - Lvl 96 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '50 - Lvl 73 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Argentawis 3 - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '115 - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 160 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '50 - Lvl 99 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 106 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 90 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 91 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 164 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '95 - Lvl 148 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'OBIBOK 2 - Lvl 97 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Dini Malinowy - Lvl 91 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'DINO Allozaur - Lvl 157 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'www - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 78 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'OBIBOK - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Sabertooth - Lvl 50 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 105 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Kentrosaurus - Lvl 90 (Kentrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Rex - Lvl 55 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '150 - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'X-20 - Lvl 130 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'X-10 - Lvl 148 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'xxx - Lvl 90 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Pusia - Lvl 134 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Argentawis 2 - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '100 - Lvl 178 (Kairuku)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's '100 - Lvl 178 (Kairuku)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 51 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 63 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'aw - Lvl 184 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 100 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 19:21:37: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 80 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42484, 22:31:39: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42485, 22:11:50: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 10! Day 42486, 18:22:28: dzadzakiller Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 42486, 18:36:17: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42486, 19:35:56: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42487, 03:45:36: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42487, 08:06:23: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42606, 06:15:05: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 42606, 08:50:22: dzadzakiller froze 140 ON - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 42628, 22:28:19: dzadzakiller froze Lilia - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 42639, 16:31:40: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 42639, 17:10:21: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 42639, 18:37:20: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 42639, 20:59:00: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 42648, 09:20:46: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 42649, 20:24:02: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex)! Day 42649, 21:52:18: dzadzakiller froze 95 - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 42650, 04:30:08: dzadzakiller claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 154 (Rex)'! Day 42650, 07:18:41: dzadzakiller claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 118 (Rex)'! Day 42650, 11:04:05: dzadzakiller claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 150 (Rex)'! Day 42652, 07:04:16: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 42652, 10:16:41: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42674, 05:01:00: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 59 (Rex)! Day 42674, 05:07:43: dzadzakiller froze 40 - Lvl 59 (Rex) Day 42674, 17:02:54: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42674, 18:59:26: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42675, 06:59:50: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42675, 14:33:44: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 228 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42675, 19:21:02: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 228 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42676, 18:00:57: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 155 (Rex) Day 42676, 18:16:50: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 163 (Rex) Day 42721, 16:42:12: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 82 (Ovis)! Day 42760, 15:00:50: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 228 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42760, 17:54:26: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 229 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42772, 16:49:40: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 42773, 00:01:22: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 42783, 12:28:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 141 (Carnotaurus)! Day 42788, 03:18:47: dzadzakiller froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 141 (Carnotaurus) Day 42788, 12:58:35: dzadzakiller Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 14 (Ovis)! Day 42788, 14:04:51: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 14 (Ovis) Day 42789, 04:52:12: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 42789, 05:24:31: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 42789, 08:48:30: dzadzakiller Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 12 (Dimorphodon)! Day 42794, 18:52:20: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 42795, 09:23:50: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 229 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42795, 14:02:48: dzadzakiller claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42795, 14:07:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 42795, 18:21:04: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42796, 09:15:08: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)! Day 42796, 09:24:18: dzadzakiller froze 95 - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 42805, 12:09:51: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)! Day 42805, 12:23:05: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 42805, 14:20:55: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42805, 22:11:57: dzadzakiller froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42806, 08:19:46: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 42806, 08:25:32: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 59 (Raptor)! Day 42806, 08:35:26: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 42806, 09:02:25: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 42811, 10:19:04: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)! Day 42820, 11:49:42: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 125! Day 42820, 13:25:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)! Day 42820, 14:13:53: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 42820, 14:49:32: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 42820, 14:55:48: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 42820, 16:47:14: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)! Day 42820, 17:15:05: dzadzakiller froze 125-2480-284 - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 42841, 01:35:35: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 42841, 01:40:16: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 42841, 02:11:27: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 42841, 02:23:29: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 42841, 02:40:18: dzadzakiller Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 21 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 42841, 03:11:45: dzadzakiller Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 12 (Sabertooth)! Day 42841, 03:54:15: dzadzakiller Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)! Day 42841, 03:58:18: dzadzakiller Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 42841, 04:33:34: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) Day 42841, 04:37:45: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor) Day 42841, 04:42:19: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor) Day 42841, 04:47:56: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor) Day 42841, 04:52:23: dzadzakiller froze dwa - Lvl 215 (Raptor) Day 42841, 04:57:44: dzadzakiller froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 21 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 42841, 05:05:36: dzadzakiller froze ssssssssd - Lvl 12 (Sabertooth) Day 42841, 05:10:23: dzadzakiller froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 42841, 11:27:25: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 42841, 11:49:54: dzadzakiller froze 130-2480-320 - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 42841, 12:34:10: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 03:03:31: dzadzakiller claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 42843, 09:03:09: dzadzakiller froze 130-2480-320 - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 09:22:11: dzadzakiller froze 140 ON - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 09:26:09: dzadzakiller froze 115 -2900-290 - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 09:29:23: dzadzakiller froze 145 - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 09:32:47: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 09:52:36: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 42843, 09:56:57: dzadzakiller froze 95 - Lvl 171 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:01:54: dzadzakiller froze 1 Lilia - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:08:25: dzadzakiller froze 95-5000-230 - Lvl 150 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:30:54: dzadzakiller froze 90 - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:34:05: dzadzakiller froze 105 - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:37:30: dzadzakiller froze Rex - Lvl 163 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:42:14: dzadzakiller froze 95 - Lvl 159 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:49:19: dzadzakiller froze 40 - Lvl 88 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:53:11: dzadzakiller froze Lilia - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 42843, 10:59:42: dzadzakiller froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 157 (Carnotaurus) Day 42843, 11:04:58: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor) Day 42843, 11:09:41: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 30 (Raptor) Day 42843, 11:32:26: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 99 (Ovis) Day 42843, 11:36:09: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 68 (Ovis) Day 42843, 11:44:18: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 25 (Ovis) Day 42843, 11:47:25: dzadzakiller froze Ovis - Lvl 100 (Ovis) Day 42843, 11:54:02: dzadzakiller froze Trener - Lvl 200 (Lystrosaurus) Day 42843, 11:57:43: dzadzakiller froze TRENER 1 - Lvl 237 (Lystrosaurus) Day 42843, 12:01:07: dzadzakiller froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 149 (Tek Raptor) Day 42843, 12:04:54: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 166 (Raptor) Day 42843, 12:08:44: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 101 (Raptor) Day 42843, 12:18:24: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 122 (Raptor) Day 42843, 12:25:08: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:42:30: dzadzakiller froze Angel - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:50:20: dzadzakiller froze 125-2480-284 - Lvl 189 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:54:10: dzadzakiller froze 90 - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:57:36: dzadzakiller froze 100 - Lvl 182 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 13:06:07: dzadzakiller froze Argentavis - Lvl 173 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 17:06:15: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 67 (Raptor) Day 42843, 17:10:03: dzadzakiller froze Raptor - Lvl 150 (Raptor) Day 42844, 00:00:16: dzadzakiller froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 17 (Dimorphodon) Day 42948, 08:51:21: dzadzakiller froze Achatina - Lvl 217 (Achatina) Day 42948, 08:58:51: dzadzakiller froze 138 MLODY - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43376, 04:18:40: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43661, 13:03:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43661, 13:03:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43661, 13:03:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43910, 07:46:18: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 43940, 06:50:00: Tribemember dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 44176, 23:39:01: dzadzakiller Tamed a Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)! Day 44177, 10:59:28: dzadzakiller froze 105 - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 44177, 11:09:12: dzadzakiller froze 110 - Lvl 168 (Rex) Day 44464, 03:49:53: dzadzakiller Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 44651, 19:52:18: dzadzakiller froze Achatina - Lvl 279 (Achatina) Day 44651, 20:59:54: dzadzakiller froze 95-5000-230 - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 44651, 21:52:55: dzadzakiller froze 90 - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 44651, 22:45:33: dzadzakiller froze Lilia - Lvl 285 (Rex)"] "tribeid":1433578624,"tribe":"Tribe of WHite mALe1 logs":["Day 38137, 11:11:59: WHite mALe was added to the Tribe! Day 38137, 11:14:06: Tribe of Human1 tribe was merged in by Human! Day 38137, 11:14:06: Human was added to the Tribe by WHite mALe! Day 38137, 12:57:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 38137, 13:12:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 38137, 13:58:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 38137, 13:59:46: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 38137, 14:46:31: Fawn was added to the Tribe by WHite mALe! Day 38137, 18:46:54: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 38137, 19:07:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 38137, 19:09:10: Tribemember Fawn - Lvl 67 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 38137, 20:35:22: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 67 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 95! Day 38137, 21:44:02: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 67 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 38137, 23:55:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 38137, 23:56:53: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 38138, 01:10:32: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 38138, 02:10:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 38138, 05:32:09: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 38138, 06:09:25: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 38138, 06:22:16: Tribemember Fawn - Lvl 68 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 38138, 06:29:59: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 68 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 38138, 07:00:30: Tribemember Fawn - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 38138, 12:37:10: Fawn demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 38138, 12:38:32: Fawn demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38138, 12:41:53: Fawn demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38138, 13:00:00: Fawn was promoted to a Tribe Admin by WHite mALe! Day 38138, 13:05:07: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by WHite mALe! Day 38138, 13:40:14: Tribemember WHite mALe - Lvl 68 was killed by Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1)! Day 38138, 13:40:14: Your Tribe killed WHite mALe - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1)! Day 38138, 18:46:34: Fawn claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:00:20: Fawn claimed 'INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:00:41: Fawn claimed 'HUGO - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:00:56: Fawn claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:11:31: Fawn claimed 'Odin - Lvl 290 (Sabertooth)'! Day 38138, 19:13:10: Fawn claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:15:08: Fawn claimed 'aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:15:55: Fawn claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 250 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:16:22: Fawn claimed 'RAPPER - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:18:05: Fawn claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 304 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:19:37: Fawn claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 253 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:20:08: Fawn claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:26:34: Human claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops)'! Day 38290, 07:25:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38432, 11:39:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39269, 10:41:23: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 39269, 10:51:31: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RAPPER - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 11:12:42: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 11:23:37: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 11:27:57: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 11:52:26: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Odin - Lvl 290 (Sabertooth)'! Day 39269, 11:57:02: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 250 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:01:12: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:05:30: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:18:25: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 12:23:42: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 253 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:27:38: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 304 (Raptor)'! Day 39310, 07:08:09: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39569, 15:55:27: Tribemember Fawn - Lvl 68 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 39572, 17:42:02: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops)'! Day 39745, 01:03:00: 인간 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HUGO - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39810, 16:35:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 69 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1430405875,"tribe":"Tribe of EL PAPI logs":["Day 19095, 11:32:50: EL PAPI was added to the Tribe! Day 19095, 11:41:30: Humano was added to the Tribe by EL PAPI! Day 19267, 11:31:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19267, 11:31:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19448, 12:18:33: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 19448, 12:20:05: Tribemember EL PAPI - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1425640525,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 40264, 16:50:59: 인간 froze 트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 141 (Tropeognathus) Day 40264, 17:18:10: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 40264, 20:40:28: 인간 froze Managarmr - Lvl 181 (Managarmr) Day 40264, 21:28:03: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 195! Day 40264, 21:49:09: 인간 froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 40264, 21:55:16: 인간 froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 40264, 21:56:12: 인간 froze Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 40264, 22:59:18: Your 섀도우메인 - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 195! Day 40264, 23:29:18: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 40264, 23:39:15: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 195! Day 40264, 23:55:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 02:31:50: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 40265, 02:49:26: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 02:52:50: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 02:52:50: Your 맹맹맹 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 03:02:07: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 03:07:58: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 04:16:15: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 195! Day 40265, 04:21:01: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 40265, 04:21:01: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 40265, 21:37:48: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40265, 22:24:32: 인간 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 40268, 17:05:32: 인간 froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 201 (Tusoteuthis) Day 40287, 19:10:45: 수현 claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr)'! Day 40288, 09:05:26: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40288, 18:50:35: 인간 froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 40288, 23:23:17: 인간 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40289, 10:09:43: 인간 froze 좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 40310, 13:28:00: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 40310, 14:19:39: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 40310, 14:23:51: 인간 froze Daeodon - Lvl 186 (Daeodon) Day 40310, 14:28:27: 인간 froze 울리 라 - Lvl 275 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40310, 14:36:33: 인간 froze 아이스고드름 - Lvl 131 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 40310, 14:41:23: 인간 froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 102 (Mosasaurus) Day 40310, 14:45:45: 인간 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 119 (Basilosaurus) Day 40310, 14:51:17: 인간 froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 128 (Ice Wyvern) Day 40310, 14:56:18: 인간 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 85 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 40310, 15:14:36: 인간 froze Daeodon - Lvl 140 (Daeodon) Day 40310, 15:20:17: 인간 froze 나몰빼미 - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 40310, 15:26:40: 인간 froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 201 (Tusoteuthis) Day 40310, 15:33:41: 인간 froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus) Day 40310, 15:41:57: 인간 froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus) Day 40310, 15:46:52: 인간 froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha) Day 40310, 15:52:46: 인간 froze 울리 라이노 - Lvl 250 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40310, 16:00:48: 인간 froze Unicorn - Lvl 116 (Unicorn) Day 40310, 16:04:09: 인간 claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 16:06:23: 인간 claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 65 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 16:12:31: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 65 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 16:16:43: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 18:03:00: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 18:04:50: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 65 (Achatina)'! Day 40310, 21:05:41: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 40310, 22:55:24: 인간석기 froze 울리 라이노 - Lvl 250 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40310, 23:04:30: 인간 claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr)'! Day 40310, 23:06:10: 인간 claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr)'! Day 40310, 23:27:50: 인간 froze Baby wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40310, 23:36:32: 인간석기 froze Baby 가르마 컷 - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40311, 01:03:17: 인간석기 froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 40311, 05:52:05: Your Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 65 (Achatina) was killed! Day 40311, 05:52:05: Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 65 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 40311, 05:52:25: Your Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina) was killed! Day 40311, 05:52:25: Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 93 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 40313, 23:32:04: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40314, 05:17:52: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40314, 05:22:59: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40314, 05:27:41: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40314, 09:58:03: 수현 froze Juvenile 개씹사기종자 - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40314, 11:58:08: 수현 froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 40314, 14:31:12: 수현 froze Adolescent 개씹사기종자 - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40314, 21:06:27: 수현 froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 40330, 07:40:44: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 5! Day 40330, 10:03:25: 수현 froze Managarmr - Lvl 174 (Managarmr) Day 40330, 17:52:38: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40330, 18:02:17: 수현 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40334, 16:14:42: 인간 claimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 40334, 16:19:21: 인간 froze Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40334, 16:42:25: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 40334, 17:03:55: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Woolly Rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 40334, 17:09:16: 인간 froze Baby wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40334, 17:15:41: 인간 froze Baby wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40334, 17:22:05: 인간 froze Baby wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40334, 17:42:05: 인간 froze Baby wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40334, 22:50:27: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Tropeognathus - Lvl 59 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 40334, 23:02:34: 인간석기 froze Baby 아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 59 (Tropeognathus) Day 40335, 04:28:57: 인간석기 froze Juvenile 가르마 컷 - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40335, 09:29:06: 인간석기 froze Juvenile 가르마 컷 - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40335, 09:46:11: 인간석기 froze Juvenile 아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 59 (Tropeognathus) Day 40335, 12:43:07: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40335, 12:44:13: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40335, 12:45:29: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40335, 13:20:16: 수현 froze Juvenile wc - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40335, 13:21:39: 인간 froze Juvenile 가르마 컷 - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40335, 13:34:01: 인간 froze Juvenile 아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 59 (Tropeognathus) Day 40335, 17:15:39: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40335, 22:32:42: 인간 froze Juvenile 셋째 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 03:37:23: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 03:43:03: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 04:39:54: 인간 froze Adolescent 둘째 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 04:44:19: 수현 froze Adolescent 첯째 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 04:51:05: 수현 froze Adolescent 첯째 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 04:56:43: 수현 froze Adolescent 첯째 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 19:25:27: 인간 froze 셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 19:28:36: 인간 froze 둘째 태훈브리딩 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 40336, 23:52:37: 인간 froze 셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 10:37:47: 인간 froze 셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 10:42:58: 인간 froze 둘째 태훈브리딩 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 14:35:08: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40337, 14:36:58: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40337, 14:37:57: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40337, 19:21:27: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 19:26:52: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 20:07:16: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 20:10:38: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40337, 20:13:42: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40356, 22:12:12: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40357, 01:13:51: 인간 froze Baby 나쁘지않아 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40357, 05:52:33: 인간 froze Juvenile 나쁘지않아 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40357, 19:14:24: 인간 froze 울리 라 - Lvl 285 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40357, 19:17:47: 인간 froze 이노 - Lvl 219 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40357, 19:23:43: 인간 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 40357, 19:27:27: 인간 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 40357, 19:33:49: 인간 froze Moschops - Lvl 96 (Moschops) Day 40357, 19:36:46: 인간 froze Moschops - Lvl 159 (Moschops) Day 40357, 19:39:46: 인간 froze Moschops - Lvl 47 (Moschops) Day 40357, 19:44:05: 인간 froze 울리 라이노 - Lvl 258 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40357, 19:50:23: 인간 froze 나몰빼미 - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 40357, 19:53:57: 인간 froze Megatherium - Lvl 189 (Megatherium) Day 40357, 19:57:25: 인간 froze Baryonyx - Lvl 167 (Baryonyx) Day 40357, 20:00:24: 인간 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 40357, 20:22:18: 인간 froze Quetzal - Lvl 147 (Quetzal) Day 40357, 20:26:22: 인간 froze Quetzal - Lvl 117 (Quetzal) Day 40357, 20:54:07: 인간 froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 198 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40358, 00:42:49: 인간 froze Juvenile 나쁘지않아 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40358, 05:35:44: 인간 froze Adolescent 나쁘지않아 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40358, 15:45:44: 인간 froze Adolescent 나쁘지않아 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40359, 12:23:30: 수현 claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40359, 12:55:02: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40359, 17:47:53: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40359, 20:53:59: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40359, 21:00:24: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40360, 04:33:46: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40360, 09:14:52: 수현 froze Juvenile 섹스머신 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40360, 16:45:22: 인간 froze Juvenile 섹스머신 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40360, 18:28:40: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40360, 18:37:01: 수현 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40375, 13:39:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40375, 13:39:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40381, 05:35:10: Achatina - Lvl 71 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 40382, 01:23:21: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40382, 04:27:39: 인간석기 froze 코인 떡상 대기중 - Lvl 237 (Woolly Rhino) Day 40382, 06:02:30: Your Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 78 (Managarmr) was killed by 인간석기 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 40382, 06:02:30: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 78 (Managarmr)! Day 40382, 07:12:47: 인간석기 froze Juvenile 변종 - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40382, 10:26:25: 인간 froze Juvenile 변종 - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 40382, 13:59:17: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by Ice Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 40382, 13:59:17: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 40382, 14:11:01: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by Ice Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 40382, 14:11:01: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 40382, 14:24:05: 인간 froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Ice Wyvern) Day 40383, 05:48:15: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40383, 07:06:21: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)'! Day 40383, 07:11:16: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 07:15:31: 인간 froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 07:22:28: 인간 froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 07:26:52: 인간 froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 19:32:20: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 276 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 19:46:09: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 40383, 19:50:57: 인간 froze 변종 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 40383, 21:13:29: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40383, 21:20:03: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40383, 21:34:22: 수현 froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 40384, 11:50:35: 인간 froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 136 (Yutyrannus) Day 40384, 12:58:18: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40384, 13:05:14: 수현 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40384, 17:13:56: 수현 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40395, 22:35:54: 수현 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 40396, 00:06:14: 수현 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 40396, 03:38:56: 수현 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 40396, 04:06:00: 수현 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40396, 18:58:56: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40399, 15:06:19: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40399, 16:09:20: 인간 downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 252 Day 40399, 16:16:18: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 40399, 19:55:57: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40399, 23:38:00: 인간 froze Juvenile 나이스 - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 40400, 00:24:22: 인간 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 40402, 02:31:13: 인간 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 40402, 13:57:06: 인간 froze Quetzal - Lvl 117 (Quetzal) Day 40402, 14:00:07: 인간 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl) Day 40402, 14:09:19: 인간 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 40402, 14:12:30: 인간 froze 나몰빼미 - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 40402, 15:13:48: 인간 froze Megatherium - Lvl 189 (Megatherium) Day 40402, 15:33:45: 인간 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 250 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 40402, 16:21:20: 인간 froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 40410, 23:55:22: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 40411, 00:23:40: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 40411, 03:25:42: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40411, 04:15:02: 인간 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 40421, 19:19:32: 인간 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 40421, 20:49:10: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 40421, 22:33:55: 인간 froze 젠이츠 남친 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 40421, 22:42:42: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 40422, 18:32:56: 인간 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 40422, 18:34:26: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 40422, 18:46:43: 인간 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 40423, 00:15:10: 인간석기 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 40548, 09:18:11: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr)'! Day 40548, 10:18:49: 인간 froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40548, 10:28:40: 인간 froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) Day 40548, 11:43:27: 인간 froze Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 40548, 12:15:52: Your Canoe (Canoe) was destroyed! Day 40548, 13:19:10: 인간 froze 가르마 컷 - Lvl 250 (Managarmr) Day 40591, 14:05:59: Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 173 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 40636, 10:39:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40636, 10:39:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40636, 10:39:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40636, 10:39:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40660, 05:12:32: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40690, 18:08:12: 인간석기 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 40690, 18:21:48: 인간석기 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 40690, 20:46:26: 인간석기 Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 65 (Ichthyornis)! Day 40690, 21:48:02: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 40690, 21:48:02: Your 하늘을 나는 도도새 - Lvl 65 (Ichthyornis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 40690, 22:35:40: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 40690, 22:43:04: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 40690, 23:00:18: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 40691, 00:03:43: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 40691, 00:07:39: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 40691, 00:14:38: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 40714, 15:09:20: 인간석기 Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 29 (Ichthyornis)! Day 40714, 17:37:11: 인간석기 Tamed a Hesperornis - Lvl 29 (Hesperornis)! Day 40714, 23:24:52: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 40784, 14:27:16: Otter - Lvl 32 (Otter) starved to death! Day 40785, 13:47:28: Achatina - Lvl 193 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 40786, 01:59:01: Your Sarco - Lvl 28 (Sarco) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 10! Day 40945, 13:47:00: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40945, 13:47:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40969, 09:46:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40969, 09:46:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40993, 06:06:39: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40993, 06:06:39: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41017, 01:24:06: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41017, 01:24:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41207, 16:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41207, 16:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41207, 16:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41207, 16:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41317, 06:51:22: Pachy - Lvl 14 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 41319, 21:08:05: Moschops - Lvl 117 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 41319, 21:08:21: Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) starved to death! Day 41319, 21:08:23: Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) starved to death! Day 41319, 21:09:24: Managarmr - Lvl 66 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41341, 01:37:09: 나몰빼미 - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 41341, 01:47:21: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 01:50:22: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 01:53:37: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wc - Lvl 219 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 01:58:39: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 02:01:28: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus)'! Day 41341, 02:02:38: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41341, 02:06:07: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '가르마 컷 - Lvl 267 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 02:14:48: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 76 (Phiomia)'! Day 41341, 02:38:42: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 02:43:21: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 02:45:23: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '첯째 브리딩 금지 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 03:04:47: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 41341, 03:38:18: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 78 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41341, 03:48:53: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41341, 04:55:53: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 41341, 05:30:24: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 05:33:10: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 06:15:02: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41362, 05:07:27: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:17:55: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:18:19: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '아디다스 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:18:47: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:19:18: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '나쁘지않아 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:19:49: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '둘째 태훈브리딩 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:20:55: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:21:47: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:25:59: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 166 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41362, 05:34:34: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:35:45: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '피자 도우 - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:36:43: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame '섹스머신 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:38:18: Blaku - Lvl 96 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr)'! Day 41391, 12:38:36: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 41498, 02:00:50: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus)'! Day 41498, 02:29:02: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 69 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41498, 04:23:22: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41498, 04:26:59: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame '2세 - Lvl 29 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 41498, 12:54:25: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 41498, 13:11:20: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 41498, 13:13:16: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 140 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41498, 14:23:58: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41498, 14:53:04: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gold - Lvl 29 (Hesperornis)'! Day 41507, 18:17:05: Blaku - Lvl 104 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 41507, 18:17:29: Blaku - Lvl 104 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41507, 18:22:04: Blaku - Lvl 104 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 41517, 05:45:22: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41707, 19:42:01: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41784, 21:35:31: liz - Lvl 78 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ghgbtghthgb - Lvl 151 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 41784, 21:36:31: liz - Lvl 78 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'killock - Lvl 226 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41875, 04:35:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41928, 11:42:32: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GILES - Lvl 275 (Raptor)'! Day 41938, 10:52:38: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '울리 라이노 - Lvl 268 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 41938, 11:24:57: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42036, 03:38:11: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42036, 03:44:48: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42036, 05:39:13: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '개씹사기종자 - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42036, 05:42:13: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '좋은종자 - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42036, 05:43:05: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42036, 05:46:44: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 23:10:43: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 119 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 42726, 16:02:53: Northius G2 - Lvl 152 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 38 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 42783, 22:53:43: ph3on1x - Lvl 116 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)'!"] "tribeid":1422435154,"tribe":"Crusader logs":["Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32577, 18:10:27: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32711, 17:51:10: Microraptor - Lvl 140 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 32865, 09:17:45: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:18:10: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:18:29: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 32865, 09:21:20: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 32865, 09:21:52: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35hp 45melee - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 32865, 09:22:48: Boutansha - Lvl 101 (Brilliance) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35 45 - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 34907, 20:53:35: Dung Beetle - Lvl 242 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 35222, 19:22:20: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 271 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38495, 10:52:06: Tribemember Nutty - Lvl 114 was killed!"] "tribeid":1422022788,"tribe":"Tribe of Kuzato logs":["Day 29005, 11:05:22: Kuzato was added to the Tribe! Day 29005, 11:47:15: Porcupine Pete was added to the Tribe by Kuzato! Day 29005, 15:03:52: Tribemember Kuzato - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 29843, 20:42:12: Tribemember Porcupine Pete - Lvl 26 was killed!"] "tribeid":1419363335,"tribe":"Allright Tribe logs":["Day 20570, 12:33:00: Allright was added to the Tribe! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20865, 18:40:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20900, 13:21:43: Tribemember Allright - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 21737, 23:21:27: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1418759941,"tribe":"The Old People logs":["Day 37879, 08:46:34: Mr.X was added to the Tribe! Day 37880, 09:03:45: Mr.X unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 66 (Moschops)'! Day 37881, 13:35:08: Blue was added to the Tribe by Mr.X! Day 37881, 14:00:31: Blue was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Mr.X! Day 37881, 20:32:51: J.Wick was added to the Tribe by Blue! Day 37882, 06:12:56: Mr.X froze My Horse - Lvl 233 (Equus) Day 37906, 08:08:48: Mr.X froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38527, 09:20:32: Your Mercy's Gaff 2.0 (Raft) was destroyed!"] "tribeid":1413092965,"tribe":"Sexy Boys logs":["Day 20689, 00:26:17: Dalton343 was added to the Tribe! Day 20689, 09:30:55: Dalton343 froze Star Light - Lvl 243 (R-Reaper King) Day 20689, 10:17:19: Dalton343 froze Jet Engine - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 20690, 07:05:41: Dalton343 claimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 08:38:20: Dalton343 unclaimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 09:41:00: Dalton343 claimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 09:45:49: Dalton343 unclaimed 'doctor owl - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20690, 12:35:17: dia added 'Sexy Boys' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20690, 13:02:15: dia added 'Tree Huggers Island' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20690, 13:24:14: dia added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20690, 13:37:08: dia added 'Tribe of Asto' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20690, 14:22:36: Dalton343 claimed 'no10 - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20690, 14:37:04: Dalton343 unclaimed 'no10 - Lvl 436 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20690, 20:42:17: Dalton343 froze Reaps - Lvl 313 (R-Reaper King) Day 20690, 20:50:24: Dalton343 froze Red Boi - Lvl 240 (R-Reaper King) Day 20690, 21:02:52: Dalton343 froze Star Light - Lvl 294 (R-Reaper King) Day 20691, 10:49:22: Dalton343 froze Coked up Platypus - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 20691, 14:29:18: dia added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 20691, 18:03:19: Dalton343 froze Star Light - Lvl 296 (R-Reaper King) Day 20691, 18:12:20: Dalton343 froze Reaps - Lvl 314 (R-Reaper King) Day 20691, 19:31:47: Dalton343 froze Red Boi - Lvl 242 (R-Reaper King) Day 20692, 07:33:21: Dalton343 froze Star Light - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King) Day 20692, 09:12:22: Dalton343 unclaimed 'Coked up Platypus - Lvl 270 (Maewing)'! Day 20692, 09:21:58: Dalton343 froze Jet Engine - Lvl 263 (Maewing) Day 21211, 00:14:50: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 1 - Lvl 350 (Rex) Day 21211, 00:41:05: Dalton343 froze Jet Engine - Lvl 322 (Maewing) Day 21211, 20:49:01: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 1 - Lvl 351 (Rex) Day 21212, 02:56:56: Dalton343 - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 21212, 02:59:15: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Cool Kids Alliance! Day 21212, 04:51:24: Dalton343 froze Mercy - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 21212, 05:22:32: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 5 - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 21212, 05:33:06: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 21212, 05:45:53: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21212, 06:01:02: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21212, 06:09:20: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 4 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21212, 07:11:27: dia added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 21213, 01:50:46: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 1 - Lvl 351 (Rex) Day 21213, 01:54:42: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:00:20: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 5 - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:07:43: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:17:46: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 4 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:29:18: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:37:12: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 5 - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:45:57: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 21213, 02:54:02: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 5 - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 21213, 03:08:48: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 21213, 03:17:46: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 4 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21213, 03:24:56: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21213, 05:49:25: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 1 - Lvl 351 (Rex) Day 21213, 05:54:52: Dalton343 froze Mercy - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 21213, 06:21:54: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 21328, 16:12:17: Dalton343 froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 278 (Mosasaurus) Day 21329, 04:42:30: Dalton343 froze GigaChad - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21329, 06:11:54: Dalton343 froze GigaChad - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21329, 14:59:52: Dalton343 froze Ice Queen - Lvl 255 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21350, 11:27:48: Dalton343 froze Ice Queen - Lvl 255 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21351, 16:29:19: Dalton343 - Lvl 137 requested an Alliance with Savages Tribe. Day 21351, 16:32:34: Dalton343 added 'Savages' Tribe to Cool Kids Alliance! Day 21351, 19:15:06: Your Boss Fighter 14 - Lvl 340 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:15:42: Your Boss Fighter 4 - Lvl 353 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:18:35: Your Boss Fighter 5 - Lvl 343 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21351, 19:23:46: Your Boss Fighter 15 - Lvl 321 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:26:04: Your Boss Fighter 12 - Lvl 341 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:27:17: Your Boss Fighter 13 - Lvl 340 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:33:46: Your Boss Fighter 11 - Lvl 322 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21351, 19:39:16: Your Boss Fighter 10 - Lvl 351 (Rex) was killed! Day 21351, 19:50:28: Your Boss Fighter 3 - Lvl 353 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21351, 19:57:38: Your Boss Fighter 9 - Lvl 353 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21351, 20:36:52: Your Boss Fighter 16 - Lvl 349 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21351, 21:50:08: Dalton343 froze RexyGed - Lvl 357 (Rex) Day 21351, 21:57:18: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 7 - Lvl 343 (Rex) Day 21351, 22:05:27: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 8 - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 21351, 22:13:50: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 6 - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 21351, 22:23:31: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 21351, 23:43:22: Dalton343 froze Ice Queen - Lvl 255 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21351, 23:49:05: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 21619, 16:35:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21890, 10:15:13: Dalton343 froze GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin) Day 21987, 06:42:00: Aditzu added 'Sexy Boys' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21987, 07:58:06: Dalton343 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 21987, 08:08:38: Your Schmuk - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by Dalton343 - Lvl 137 (Sexy Boys)! Day 21987, 08:08:38: Your Tribe killed Schmuk - Lvl 141 (Dodo) (Sexy Boys)! Day 21987, 11:22:56: Dalton343 unclaimed 'GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin)'! Day 21987, 11:38:25: Dalton343 claimed 'GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin)'! Day 21987, 11:45:35: Dalton343 claimed 'Otter [Clone] - Lvl 126 (Otter)'! Day 21987, 12:19:52: Aditzu added 'Savages' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21988, 08:55:26: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 6 - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 21988, 12:10:37: Aditzu added 'Fluffy Kittens' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21988, 12:50:32: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 6 - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:39:44: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 6 - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:44:57: Dalton343 froze Boss Fighter 2 - Lvl 362 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:49:22: Dalton343 froze RexyGed - Lvl 375 (Rex) Day 21989, 06:37:16: Dalton343 froze GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin) Day 22276, 13:50:39: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 22281, 06:29:36: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22811, 11:16:42: Dalton343 froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 299 (Bloodstalker) Day 23391, 16:45:03: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23975, 15:51:31: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23975, 15:51:31: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23975, 15:51:31: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25700, 11:00:36: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 13:33:49: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance!"] "tribeid":1412461782,"tribe":"Los Pollos Hermanos logs":["Day 22792, 05:59:55: Aeinzel was added to the Tribe! Day 22792, 11:58:37: Aeinzel Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 22793, 00:09:12: Aeinzel claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22793, 04:07:46: Aeinzel claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22793, 13:58:58: Quandale Dingle was added to the Tribe by Aeinzel! Day 22793, 14:01:27: Quandale Dingle was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Aeinzel! Day 22793, 15:57:19: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 22794, 01:36:35: Quandale Dingle Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus)! Day 22794, 05:38:07: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 22794, 07:19:32: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 22794, 12:46:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22794, 12:46:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22794, 13:14:53: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 22794, 21:25:02: Aeinzel froze Adolescent SugarBean - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22794, 21:31:36: Aeinzel froze Adolescent SugarBean - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22796, 02:46:49: Your SugarBean - Lvl 96 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 60! Day 22797, 02:18:31: Aeinzel demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 22797, 02:19:26: Aeinzel demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 22797, 02:29:05: Aeinzel demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22797, 04:27:50: Aeinzel demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 22797, 04:28:39: Aeinzel demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 22797, 05:13:02: Aeinzel demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 22797, 05:15:09: Aeinzel demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 22797, 05:59:32: Aeinzel demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 22808, 13:13:55: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 50 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 75! Day 22808, 19:36:06: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 10! Day 22808, 20:27:15: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 22808, 22:05:28: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 22808, 23:09:47: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 22809, 00:16:43: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 22809, 03:01:42: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 22809, 06:39:36: Quandale Dingle Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 163 (Mesopithecus)! Day 22809, 11:36:57: Quandale Dingle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 22809, 19:45:35: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 88 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 40! Day 22809, 19:50:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22809, 19:50:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22809, 19:50:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22809, 19:50:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22809, 19:50:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22809, 23:46:42: Quandale Dingle uploaded a Pteranodon: Terry - Lvl 67 Day 22810, 12:40:02: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 90 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 22810, 13:23:12: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 90 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 22811, 04:51:24: Quandale Dingle downloaded a dino: Made In Heaven - Lvl 136 Day 22811, 04:52:14: Quandale Dingle downloaded a dino: Stone Free - Lvl 135 Day 22838, 00:32:29: Tribemember Quandale Dingle - Lvl 68 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 22838, 01:09:38: Quandale Dingle was removed from the Tribe! Day 22838, 04:07:22: Kermit was added to the Tribe by Aeinzel! Day 22840, 05:22:58: Tribemember Kermit - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 22886, 16:34:43: Your Patricia! - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23309, 01:46:25: Tribemember Aeinzel - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 23310, 06:48:36: Your Mojo - Lvl 163 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23707, 15:08:02: MOMO - Lvl 59 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1410814219,"tribe":"Tribe of Duke logs":["Day 24064, 00:45:55: Duke was added to the Tribe! Day 24064, 00:48:02: Bravoc1 was added to the Tribe by Duke! Day 24064, 02:17:41: Bravoc1 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Duke! Day 24064, 02:21:28: BigBunda was added to the Tribe by Bravoc1! Day 24064, 02:22:40: BigBunda was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Duke! Day 24064, 11:50:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24064, 12:05:57: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 24064, 18:30:18: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 19 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 125! Day 24064, 18:30:31: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 28 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 24064, 18:31:02: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 19 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 125! Day 24064, 21:36:22: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 24064, 21:58:33: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 20 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 24064, 22:17:15: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 20 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 0.8x! Day 24064, 22:50:29: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 24064, 22:51:09: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.9x! Day 24064, 23:47:06: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24065, 00:59:55: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 24065, 18:46:27: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 38 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 24065, 19:39:54: Duke demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 24065, 23:30:16: BigBunda Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus)! Day 24066, 01:41:55: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 40 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 24066, 01:46:56: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 59 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 24066, 02:26:10: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 59 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 24066, 02:54:20: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 40 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24066, 02:59:36: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 59 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 24079, 09:29:32: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 24079, 14:17:37: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 31 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 24086, 12:05:02: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 24086, 12:43:10: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 60 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 24086, 20:07:40: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 24086, 20:22:04: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 24086, 20:59:01: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 24086, 21:33:27: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 43 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 24086, 21:44:40: Your Peggy Sue - Lvl 30 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 25! Day 24103, 01:48:16: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 43 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 60! Day 24104, 19:58:00: Bravoc1 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)! Day 24104, 23:08:18: Bravoc1 claimed 'Bird - Lvl 85 (Argentavis)'! Day 24105, 07:38:43: Bravoc1 claimed 'haythoum - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24106, 04:54:32: Bravoc1 froze haythoum - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24106, 05:04:26: Bravoc1 froze Bird - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 24106, 09:33:44: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 56 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 50! Day 24106, 12:15:21: Bravoc1 Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 24107, 15:07:06: Soru was added to the Tribe by Bravoc1! Day 24107, 17:08:04: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24107, 17:46:19: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24107, 18:43:15: Tribemember Soru - Lvl 66 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 15! Day 24108, 12:58:16: Duke Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur)! Day 24109, 08:20:04: Bravoc1 claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 145 (Megatherium)'! Day 24109, 08:23:55: Bravoc1 froze Megatherium - Lvl 145 (Megatherium) Day 24109, 08:34:44: Bravoc1 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24109, 08:36:10: Bravoc1 claimed 'Roxy - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:37:59: Bravoc1 claimed 'Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 24109, 08:39:27: Bravoc1 claimed 'Yamza - Lvl 191 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:41:06: Bravoc1 claimed 'Woods - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24109, 08:42:25: Bravoc1 claimed 'Woody - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24109, 08:43:40: Bravoc1 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24109, 08:56:02: Bravoc1 claimed 'R kid - Lvl 191 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:56:55: Bravoc1 claimed '3-1 pool F - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 12:14:13: Bravoc1 froze Woods - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur) Day 24109, 13:40:06: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 75! Day 24109, 16:59:27: Bravoc1 froze Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops) Day 24110, 05:40:23: Bravoc1 froze Craig - Lvl 358 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24110, 19:16:39: Duke demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 24110, 19:48:52: Duke demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 24110, 22:34:29: Soru uploaded a Argentavis: 3-1 pool F - Lvl 253 Day 24111, 06:39:03: Duke was removed from the Tribe! Day 24111, 06:39:03: Tribe Owner was changed to Bravoc1! Day 24111, 10:55:08: Soru downloaded a dino: 3-1 pool F - Lvl 244 Day 24111, 16:11:39: Soru claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 54 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24111, 16:12:19: Soru claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 81 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24111, 16:12:46: Soru claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 83 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24178, 08:01:28: Your Bird - Lvl 110 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 24182, 00:58:40: Your Megatherium - Lvl 193 (Megatherium) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 24182, 02:45:20: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 87 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 24182, 05:39:12: Your R kid - Lvl 191 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24195, 01:40:47: Your Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24264, 10:26:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24293, 10:13:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24514, 03:59:36: Your Roxy - Lvl 183 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24586, 06:20:08: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24586, 06:59:20: Your Yamza - Lvl 191 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24586, 11:42:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 58 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24694, 03:07:13: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Craig - Lvl 358 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24694, 03:59:05: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 185 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24694, 05:42:48: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woods - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24694, 05:48:35: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 24694, 06:30:59: Tribemember Bravoc1 - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 24694, 07:06:04: Tribemember Soru - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 24694, 07:43:52: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 24694, 07:59:14: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KFC - Lvl 139 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24694, 12:36:05: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '3-1 pool F - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 24695, 11:05:20: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 83 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24695, 11:11:39: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 81 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24695, 11:13:09: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 54 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35675, 08:07:12: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 42 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 65! Day 35675, 08:51:25: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 35675, 09:23:38: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 42 was killed!"] "tribeid":1409198456,"tribe":"Sanctuary logs":["Day 19206, 18:06:24: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:07:17: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:08:14: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:09:14: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:12:14: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:13:04: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:13:57: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:14:52: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:15:53: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19206, 18:16:54: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19207, 08:33:20: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19207, 08:40:20: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19207, 10:48:13: Oriana froze Doedicurus - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus) Day 19207, 11:34:37: Oriana froze bargy - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 19209, 03:10:06: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19209, 05:04:29: Oriana froze bargy - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 19209, 20:49:54: Oriana demolished a 'Adobe Fence Foundation'! Day 19210, 22:09:18: Oriana froze bargy - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 19233, 09:47:49: Oriana demolished a 'Adobe Door (Locked) '! Day 19233, 09:53:52: Oriana demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 19233, 09:55:04: Oriana demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 19233, 09:56:18: Oriana demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 19233, 19:38:30: Oriana demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19233, 20:05:40: Oriana demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19233, 20:07:38: Oriana demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19235, 11:08:00: Oriana demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19235, 11:08:55: Oriana demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19236, 04:09:46: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 19249, 03:43:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon)! Day 19249, 23:57:49: Oriana froze Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) Day 19252, 01:18:55: Oriana froze Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Reinforced Adobe Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Reinforced Adobe Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19985, 13:34:15: Oriana's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20399, 01:14:19: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24797, 15:39:18: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 24797, 15:50:58: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 25700, 11:03:55: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 26266, 08:21:38: sir elias quinn added 'Tek Tribe' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26335, 20:46:17: sir elias quinn added 'Frequencerz' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26383, 19:26:04: Josh added 'The Stream City' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26402, 04:17:51: Josh removed 'Tribe of Human' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 26740, 06:02:40: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 60! Day 26740, 11:08:57: Oriana claimed 'babi feeder - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26740, 11:23:22: Oriana froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 26740, 17:30:01: Oriana claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 142 (Mammoth)'! Day 26740, 18:50:08: Oriana froze Batfood - Lvl 474 (Moschops) Day 26741, 01:01:51: Oriana claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26741, 02:07:59: Oriana froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 26742, 10:56:24: Oriana claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)'! Day 26754, 13:17:34: Oriana froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 126 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26756, 20:17:38: Oriana Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 59 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 26756, 23:11:04: Oriana froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 59 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 26757, 12:22:18: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 63 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 26757, 13:31:05: Oriana froze Doedicurus - Lvl 62 (Doedicurus) Day 26757, 15:47:08: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26759, 11:34:47: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26763, 16:15:09: Oriana froze Batfood - Lvl 474 (Moschops) Day 26764, 16:14:05: Oriana demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26779, 07:23:58: Oriana froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 140 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26780, 03:58:22: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26780, 15:49:42: Oriana claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26780, 16:16:37: Oriana froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26780, 21:00:04: Oriana froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26780, 21:08:18: Oriana froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26781, 08:04:18: Oriana froze Juvenile Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26781, 08:47:56: Oriana froze Juvenile Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26781, 21:53:07: Oriana froze Juvenile Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26781, 21:59:01: Oriana froze Juvenile Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26781, 22:04:20: Oriana froze Juvenile Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26783, 03:19:38: Oriana froze Adolescent Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26783, 03:24:46: Oriana froze Adolescent Ashley - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26784, 11:13:20: Oriana froze babi feeder - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 26784, 12:29:17: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26784, 13:14:19: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26784, 16:39:14: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26802, 21:02:54: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26802, 22:53:13: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26803, 03:06:04: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26803, 05:36:44: Oriana Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 26803, 06:24:34: Oriana froze babi feeder - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 26803, 08:33:16: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26805, 11:10:31: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26805, 20:34:07: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26805, 22:19:07: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26806, 20:02:36: Oriana froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 148 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26806, 22:05:05: Oriana froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 150 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26807, 10:11:17: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 26807, 13:53:52: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26878, 09:58:43: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26878, 14:13:59: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26879, 12:01:08: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26879, 13:31:22: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26881, 16:05:59: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26896, 07:02:38: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26896, 10:35:17: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26896, 12:37:19: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26898, 15:27:53: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26899, 18:42:09: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26902, 13:24:10: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26904, 04:44:04: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26904, 18:40:43: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26905, 02:49:39: Oriana downloaded a dino: Ashley - Lvl 243 Day 26905, 02:54:59: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26905, 03:39:28: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26917, 02:32:51: Oriana froze Skye - Lvl 416 (Argentavis) Day 26922, 14:27:44: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26922, 15:51:08: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26925, 10:14:35: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26939, 12:14:02: Oriana froze Ashley - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27113, 00:29:16: Oriana froze Doedicurus - Lvl 84 (Doedicurus) Day 27113, 00:33:10: Oriana froze Mammoth - Lvl 204 (Mammoth) Day 27113, 00:36:49: Oriana froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 151 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27407, 11:08:18: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27407, 11:08:18: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27407, 11:08:18: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27407, 11:08:18: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27407, 11:08:18: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27690, 12:35:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27990, 14:13:52: 's 'Mammoth - Lvl 204 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27990, 14:13:52: 's 'babi feeder - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27990, 14:55:32: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 27990, 16:22:22: Alexxe - Lvl 121 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stinker - Lvl 171 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27997, 23:05:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31402, 01:50:40: Tribemember Oriana - Lvl 126 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1408879226,"tribe":"CLAN MCGREGOR logs":["Day 35318, 10:35:41: IAN MCGREGOR was added to the Tribe! Day 35318, 10:43:10: NanoBastardo added 'CLAN MCGREGOR' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 35319, 06:10:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze Battle Yuty - Lvl 305 (Yutyrannus) Day 35321, 01:08:26: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Battle Megalo - Lvl 444 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 35321, 04:09:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze Battle Megalo - Lvl 444 (Megalosaurus) Day 35360, 05:22:21: Your Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35915, 22:58:21: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 41632, 23:56:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41776, 11:24:24: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41849, 04:41:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41887, 05:14:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41887, 11:30:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 41887, 17:14:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 42084, 15:01:56: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 42176, 16:03:22: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 29 (Megalosaurus)! Day 42176, 16:08:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 29 (Megalosaurus) Day 42176, 19:33:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 43614, 17:25:55: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus)"] "tribeid":1407345392,"tribe":"Tribe of Digarret logs":["Day 24248, 08:52:21: Digarret was added to the Tribe! Day 24248, 08:57:31: Insky1735 was added to the Tribe by Digarret! Day 24248, 10:25:44: Insky1735 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24248, 12:23:27: Tribemember Insky1735 - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.8x! Day 24248, 12:43:33: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 17 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 24248, 18:31:23: Insky1735 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 24248, 21:18:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 24413, 01:02:54: Tribemember Digarret - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 24493, 04:56:22: Your Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 5! Day 24518, 04:25:01: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24707, 15:47:18: Tribemember Insky1735 - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1406282687,"tribe":"House of Dyason logs":["Day 14958, 07:20:12: Jenufa was added to the Tribe! Day 14958, 07:22:04: Catya was added to the Tribe by Jenufa! Day 14958, 07:30:57: MistaRose added 'Tribe of Jenufa' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:36:35: MistaRose added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:37:01: MistaRose added 'Ugg' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:03:21: MistaRose added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:23:50: MistaRose added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 10:50:19: Jenufa froze Brex - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 14958, 11:01:54: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 14958, 14:34:58: Jenufa froze Brex - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 14958, 15:03:21: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 14958, 15:05:20: Catya froze TT19 - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 15:14:13: Jenufa froze Brex - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 14958, 15:14:30: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 05:44:41: Your hfhf - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15224, 05:45:14: Your fdafda - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15224, 05:46:16: Your Wordy - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15224, 05:48:23: Your Alpha - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15224, 05:53:11: Your fbds - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15224, 05:54:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15224, 05:57:03: Your GUGU - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15224, 06:52:32: Jenufa froze Deinonychus - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) Day 15224, 06:54:16: Catya froze fda - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) Day 15224, 06:55:57: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 07:15:14: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 08:28:14: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 08:28:18: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 11:36:07: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 12:19:07: Jenufa froze Itsy - Lvl 333 (Thylacoleo) Day 15279, 12:20:38: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 247 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15279, 13:28:04: Jenufa froze Manwell - Lvl 329 (Mantis) Day 15279, 17:11:07: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15279, 17:21:14: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 345 (Thylacoleo) Day 15279, 17:38:47: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 15279, 18:19:38: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 18:27:28: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 19:11:55: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 252 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15279, 19:13:32: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 15279, 20:22:02: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 20:25:33: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 21:58:25: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 15279, 21:59:18: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15279, 22:12:46: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 333 (Thylacoleo) Day 15279, 23:13:26: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15279, 23:53:58: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 255 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15280, 00:40:42: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 00:50:12: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 00:55:47: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 15280, 01:37:46: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15280, 01:38:31: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 256 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15280, 02:04:05: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 15280, 03:23:55: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 15280, 05:45:28: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 257 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15280, 05:58:12: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 15280, 06:25:00: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 258 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15280, 06:26:59: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15280, 06:43:25: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 345 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 06:51:19: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 15280, 07:17:34: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15280, 07:34:04: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 346 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 07:37:56: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 08:30:50: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 346 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 08:47:57: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 08:58:08: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 346 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 09:18:54: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 336 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 10:37:12: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 261 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15280, 10:40:29: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 15280, 10:48:15: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 337 (Thylacoleo) Day 15280, 11:51:29: Catya froze Brex - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 15280, 11:56:49: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 15280, 12:15:20: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 316 (Snow Owl) Day 15280, 12:23:51: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 15321, 14:14:16: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 15321, 15:54:05: Tribemember Jenufa - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15321, 16:46:14: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 348 (Thylacoleo) Day 15321, 19:00:35: Jenufa claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 15321, 19:06:45: Jenufa froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 236 (Basilosaurus) Day 15321, 19:37:58: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 264 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15321, 20:10:43: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 304 (Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 03:41:28: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 348 (Thylacoleo) Day 15322, 04:42:59: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 15322, 06:49:48: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 271 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 06:52:01: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 348 (Thylacoleo) Day 15322, 07:06:58: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 271 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 07:18:04: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 309 (Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 10:01:51: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 283 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 10:10:57: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 310 (Basilosaurus) Day 15322, 11:07:26: Jenufa froze Manwell - Lvl 329 (Mantis) Day 15322, 12:45:08: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 15322, 13:24:39: Jenufa Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 5 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 15322, 13:31:36: Jenufa unclaimed 'Ankles - Lvl 5 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 15322, 13:50:28: Jenufa Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)! Day 15322, 14:02:13: Jenufa unclaimed 'Pterry - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15322, 14:49:07: Jenufa Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)! Day 15322, 14:54:40: Jenufa unclaimed 'Pteral - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15322, 15:13:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 16 (Stegosaurus)! Day 15322, 16:06:30: Jenufa unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 17 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 15322, 16:13:40: Jenufa froze Manwell - Lvl 329 (Mantis) Day 15322, 16:45:18: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 339 (Thylacoleo) Day 15322, 16:52:11: Catya froze Itsy - Lvl 339 (Thylacoleo) Day 15322, 16:55:58: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 15322, 16:57:12: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 15349, 17:05:57: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 273 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15349, 18:26:24: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 319 (Snow Owl) Day 15349, 18:36:00: Catya froze Owliver - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 15349, 21:08:04: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15349, 21:26:55: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15349, 23:40:53: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 319 (Snow Owl) Day 15349, 23:50:14: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 00:25:01: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 00:54:36: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 319 (Snow Owl) Day 15350, 02:31:32: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 03:25:48: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 05:07:32: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 05:46:13: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15350, 08:10:29: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 15350, 08:15:28: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 319 (Snow Owl) Day 15350, 10:02:41: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 313 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15350, 10:16:29: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 326 (Basilosaurus) Day 15350, 11:07:22: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 15350, 11:24:16: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 319 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 04:34:29: Jenufa froze nop - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 04:52:24: Catya froze D8 - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 05:18:36: EcStAsY added 'House of Dyason' Tribe to dragon fun Alliance! Day 15364, 06:31:21: Your Doggy - Lvl 186 (Rex) was killed! Day 15364, 06:33:33: Your D3 - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:34:11: Your D5 - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15364, 06:34:15: Your D7 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:36:05: Your lmn - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:36:22: Tribemember Catya - Lvl 124 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:37:28: Your D6 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:38:14: Your jkl - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:40:48: Your def - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:41:10: Your D4 - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:41:35: Your M1 - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15364, 06:41:51: Your Toby - Lvl 336 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 06:53:29: Your D9 - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15364, 07:50:32: Jenufa froze Hero - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 07:51:03: Catya froze F2 - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 07:53:09: Jenufa froze D2 - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 07:57:11: Jenufa froze Heroine - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 08:10:49: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 08:16:55: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 08:35:43: Jenufa froze Owliver - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 15391, 18:07:29: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 282 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15391, 18:14:41: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 282 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15391, 18:35:25: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 282 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15391, 19:07:15: Your Owliver - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 15391, 20:04:11: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15392, 06:03:05: Jenufa froze Giganto - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15392, 06:33:39: Your Giganto - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 15392, 08:26:21: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 09:03:55: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15392, 09:51:19: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 10:09:07: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 19:43:22: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15419, 16:44:31: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 15419, 16:46:35: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15419, 19:31:21: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 313 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15419, 19:56:56: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 327 (Basilosaurus) Day 15419, 20:04:32: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15419, 23:12:05: Jenufa froze Hero - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 15419, 23:22:02: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15420, 04:17:29: Jenufa froze Hero - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 15420, 09:18:09: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15420, 09:20:24: Catya froze Basil - Lvl 337 (Basilosaurus) Day 15420, 09:20:45: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15420, 09:24:45: Jenufa froze Hero - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 15420, 10:35:01: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 287 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15420, 11:00:13: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15420, 11:06:50: Jenufa froze Byron - Lvl 351 (Thylacoleo) Day 15420, 11:54:15: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 15420, 11:58:06: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15433, 13:09:38: Jenufa froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 15433, 13:51:05: Jenufa claimed 'Otter - Lvl 117 (Otter)'! Day 15433, 14:42:31: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 164 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 15:36:21: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 168 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 16:48:46: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 171 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 17:20:20: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 176 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 18:23:32: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 178 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 19:57:46: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 21:00:35: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15433, 22:23:24: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 03:06:59: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 03:57:16: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 04:47:06: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 05:32:19: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 05:47:53: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 06:00:51: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 06:29:10: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 06:44:56: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15434, 08:12:43: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 08:35:37: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15434, 08:37:18: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15434, 09:10:17: Jenufa froze Otter - Lvl 117 (Otter) Day 15447, 18:47:32: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 15447, 19:59:44: Your kkk - Lvl 196 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15447, 20:06:30: Your F2 - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15447, 21:14:36: Jenufa froze hij - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:23:02: Jenufa froze D2 - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:25:45: Catya froze F4 - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:27:55: Jenufa froze F2 - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:32:57: Jenufa froze nop - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:35:19: Catya froze Yuri-X - Lvl 248 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15447, 21:47:01: Catya froze D1 - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:50:40: Jenufa froze Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:51:14: Catya froze D8 - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:55:49: Jenufa froze Hero - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 22:01:30: Jenufa froze Heroine - Lvl 232 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 22:01:37: Catya froze klm - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 22:10:17: Catya froze F8 - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 23:50:04: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 15447, 23:53:01: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 15448, 00:20:28: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 15448, 00:46:27: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 15448, 04:53:35: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 05:57:49: Your Brex - Lvl 318 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15476, 09:01:02: Jenufa froze Orex - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 15476, 09:35:26: Jenufa froze Orex - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 15476, 10:47:52: Catya froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 10:50:03: Jenufa froze Snowy - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 10:50:50: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 11:53:20: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 11:54:53: Jenufa froze BesOttered - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 15476, 12:03:16: Catya froze Bowlnarn - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 12:06:05: Catya froze Slippery - Lvl 76 (Otter) Day 15489, 19:53:17: Your Trex or Treat - Lvl 306 (Rex) was killed! Day 15490, 06:51:07: Jenufa froze Lrex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 15490, 06:52:50: Jenufa froze Mrex - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15490, 07:33:48: Jenufa froze Liverdon - Lvl 325 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 07:47:56: Catya froze Snowy - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 07:55:17: Jenufa froze OverseeRex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 15490, 09:13:40: Jenufa froze PrOwl - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 09:25:57: Catya froze OverseeRex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 15490, 09:28:41: Catya froze Bowlnarn - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 15:33:04: Jenufa unclaimed 'Mrex - Lvl 303 (Rex)'! Day 15572, 16:12:52: Catya was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Jenufa! Day 15572, 16:15:15: Marsbar was added to the Tribe by Catya! Day 15572, 17:43:30: Catya froze Drex - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:45:07: Jenufa froze Crex - Lvl 364 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:46:38: Catya froze Rex - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:50:06: Jenufa claimed 'Mrex - Lvl 303 (Rex)'! Day 15572, 17:51:20: Jenufa froze Mrex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:53:28: Catya froze Frex - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:54:35: Jenufa froze Jrex - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:56:22: Jenufa froze OverseeRex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 15572, 17:56:31: Catya froze Lrex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 15572, 18:00:26: Jenufa froze Srex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 15572, 18:04:34: Jenufa froze Jrex - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 15572, 18:10:49: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 18:10:52: Jenufa froze Snowy - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 18:12:58: Jenufa froze bOwel - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 15655, 19:11:15: Jenufa froze Snowy - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 15655, 19:12:57: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 15655, 19:43:31: Jenufa froze Sir Giggles - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15655, 19:44:47: Catya froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 323 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15655, 20:59:17: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 15655, 21:40:08: Catya froze Liverdon - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 16178, 07:06:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16178, 07:06:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16178, 07:06:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16242, 08:13:57: Catya claimed 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 08:15:54: Catya froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 16242, 08:18:08: Catya claimed 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 08:20:14: Catya froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 16242, 08:22:54: Catya claimed '[F] 159 - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 08:25:11: Catya froze [F] 159 - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 16242, 08:40:13: Catya claimed '[M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco)'! Day 16242, 08:43:02: Catya froze [M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 16242, 08:48:11: Catya claimed '[F] 146 - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 08:49:33: Catya froze [F] 146 - Lvl 146 (Argentavis) Day 16242, 08:54:59: Catya claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16242, 08:57:25: Catya froze Doedicurus - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus) Day 16242, 09:00:50: Catya claimed '[F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 09:03:20: Catya froze [F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 16242, 09:05:00: Catya claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 16242, 09:07:33: Catya froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Tek Parasaur) Day 16242, 09:13:40: Catya claimed '[M] 187 breeder - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 09:16:14: Catya froze [M] 187 breeder - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 16242, 09:31:04: Catya claimed 'Base 250 F - Lvl 286 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 16242, 09:33:33: Catya froze Base 250 F - Lvl 286 (Tek Parasaur) Day 16242, 09:37:56: Catya claimed 'Cobbler - Lvl 176 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 09:42:48: Catya froze Cobbler - Lvl 176 (Carbonemys) Day 16242, 09:45:00: Catya claimed 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 09:46:24: Catya froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 16242, 10:53:35: Catya froze Mine - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 16242, 11:09:19: Catya claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern 2 - Lvl 156 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:14:36: Catya claimed 'Good Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:18:01: Catya froze Good Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:23:53: Catya froze Ember Crystal Wyvern 2 - Lvl 156 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:24:30: Catya claimed 'Good Ember Crystal Wyver - Lvl 192 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:26:16: Catya froze Good Ember Crystal Wyver - Lvl 192 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:30:30: Catya claimed 'Decent Pteranodon 3 - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16242, 11:32:10: Catya froze Decent Pteranodon 3 - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 16242, 11:35:41: Catya claimed 'Poison Wyvern 1 - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:37:28: Catya froze Poison Wyvern 1 - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:39:57: Catya claimed 'Good Poison Wyvern 2 - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:41:50: Catya froze Good Poison Wyvern 2 - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:42:37: Catya claimed 'Good Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:45:54: Catya froze Good Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:48:34: Catya claimed 'Blood Wyvern 4 - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:50:21: Catya froze Blood Wyvern 4 - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16242, 11:51:28: Catya claimed 'Blood Wyvern 5 - Lvl 189 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:52:57: Catya froze Blood Wyvern 5 - Lvl 189 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16242, 13:24:22: Catya froze Mine - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 18040, 18:08:46: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1404773939,"tribe":"A Tribe Called Quest logs":["Day 23327, 16:53:38: Goof froze Ratio - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23334, 10:18:18: Goof froze Tumeric - Lvl 193 (Basilosaurus) Day 23334, 15:07:59: Goof claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 23334, 23:10:37: Goof unclaimed 'Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 23334, 23:36:01: Goof claimed 'Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 23334, 23:44:53: Goof unclaimed 'Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 23335, 00:51:29: Goof claimed 'Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 23335, 01:01:09: Your Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex) was killed by Goof - Lvl 123 (A Tribe Called Quest)! Day 23335, 01:01:09: Your Tribe killed Juvenile lol - Lvl 180 (Rex) (A Tribe Called Quest)! Day 23335, 12:29:32: Goof froze Managarmr - Lvl 217 (Managarmr) Day 23335, 12:34:24: Goof froze Managarmr - Lvl 217 (Managarmr) Day 23335, 14:25:46: Goof froze Spoon - Lvl 285 (Spino) Day 23335, 15:27:23: Goof froze Spoon - Lvl 285 (Spino) Day 23335, 16:48:45: Goof froze Spoon - Lvl 285 (Spino) Day 23335, 17:27:32: Goof froze Spoon - Lvl 285 (Spino) Day 23335, 23:18:03: Goof froze Spoon - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 23358, 11:14:52: Your Dimetrodon - Lvl 119 (Dimetrodon) was killed! Day 23358, 11:14:52: Dimetrodon - Lvl 119 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 23358, 19:45:54: Goof froze ELE DUST - Lvl 54 (Gacha) Day 23359, 00:03:48: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23359, 02:40:55: Goof froze Sigma - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) Day 23477, 19:55:26: ELE DUST - Lvl 54 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23531, 16:11:49: Dookie - Lvl 128 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23540, 07:57:30: Poly - Lvl 95 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23540, 15:21:54: Tribemember Goof - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23542, 18:33:28: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 23627, 14:06:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23627, 14:06:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23660, 19:52:30: Therizinosaur - Lvl 47 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23683, 12:07:30: Obi/Silica - Lvl 105 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23714, 10:41:35: Bozo - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23714, 10:44:34: Perry - Lvl 250 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 23715, 01:11:14: Your Argentavis - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23755, 07:43:26: Dime - Lvl 68 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 23755, 07:45:26: Dimetrodon - Lvl 97 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 23755, 07:45:29: Dimetrodon - Lvl 102 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23856, 01:21:15: Therizinosaur - Lvl 43 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23866, 06:28:27: Stegosaurus - Lvl 110 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 23873, 03:45:27: Therizinosaur - Lvl 98 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23922, 11:49:54: Therizinosaur - Lvl 24 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23922, 11:50:16: Therizinosaur - Lvl 19 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23923, 08:38:11: Omega - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23925, 14:25:55: Therizinosaur - Lvl 19 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 23972, 05:19:23: Ratio - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23972, 05:22:52: Quarter - Lvl 132 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 23972, 05:22:57: Therizinosaur - Lvl 48 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24022, 08:21:52: Therizinosaur - Lvl 19 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24028, 16:09:12: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24066, 07:05:37: BeaverBoii - Lvl 132 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 24091, 07:17:53: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggle Piggle - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:19:42: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:20:18: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Penny - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24091, 07:21:46: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 197 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 24091, 07:22:41: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 24091, 07:41:50: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 24091, 07:52:27: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Matt - Lvl 269 (Managarmr)'! Day 24091, 08:29:51: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tekky - Lvl 202 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 24091, 08:32:56: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 298 (Argentavis)'! Day 24091, 09:09:03: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black/silica pearl - Lvl 64 (Gacha)'! Day 24091, 09:25:52: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oil - Lvl 98 (Gacha)'! Day 24091, 09:28:13: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium)'! Day 24091, 09:31:55: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Foxtrot - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:32:20: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Echo - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:33:17: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delta - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24091, 09:46:21: shronk the artisan - Lvl 60 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 190 (Megatherium)'! Day 24091, 11:54:59: shronk the artisan - Lvl 61 (compoosies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goober - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24107, 05:59:07: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '39H - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 24107, 06:44:13: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tumeric - Lvl 193 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 24107, 06:49:55: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)'! Day 24107, 07:14:06: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24107, 07:37:01: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poo Creator 2 - Lvl 58 (Phiomia)'! Day 24107, 08:28:48: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Penny - Lvl 143 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 24107, 08:33:20: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '43M!! - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24107, 08:44:34: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eeee - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 24139, 15:33:49: swalsp - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24141, 22:14:06: Benjani - Lvl 121 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zeus - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24208, 01:34:42: Oviraptor - Lvl 89 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24426, 08:08:33: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:11:33: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame '37 weight - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:37:14: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pp - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:56:24: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame '39M - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 09:04:14: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 09:15:57: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24426, 09:40:03: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 151 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24426, 10:09:39: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nickel - Lvl 193 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 24426, 10:32:25: Bacon - Lvl 39 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poo Creator 1 - Lvl 50 (Phiomia)'! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1404688312,"tribe":"Tribe of Brewskii logs":["Day 24798, 00:28:20: Brewskii was added to the Tribe! Day 24798, 00:34:48: CaS added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 08:04:09: Brewskii froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 269 (R-Daeodon) Day 24798, 08:17:01: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 08:21:41: Brewskii froze BOSS 1 - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 20:45:02: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 21:15:52: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 24820, 21:22:46: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 00:44:00: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 24821, 08:18:50: Brewskii froze BOSS 1 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 19:52:07: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 23:58:02: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 24822, 00:06:01: Brewskii froze Ollie - Lvl 193 (Otter) Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26896, 04:08:55: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 348 (Griffin) Day 26899, 01:47:29: Tribemember Brewskii - Lvl 146 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 105! Day 26899, 05:28:37: Tribemember Brewskii - Lvl 146 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 26899, 07:30:34: Brewskii claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane)'! Day 26899, 08:01:15: Brewskii unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane)'! Day 26899, 08:44:52: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 348 (Griffin) Day 26899, 08:53:21: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 327 (Fjordhawk) Day 26899, 19:29:55: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 348 (Griffin) Day 26977, 17:04:31: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 349 (Griffin) Day 26977, 17:12:00: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 330 (Fjordhawk) Day 26978, 05:17:26: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 349 (Griffin) Day 26978, 05:26:16: Brewskii froze baba - Lvl 330 (Fjordhawk) Day 26991, 00:40:52: Brewskii froze Griffo - Lvl 349 (Griffin) Day 27281, 04:24:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1402175060,"tribe":"dampoe logs":["Day 28415, 23:38:27: tjue was added to the Tribe! Day 28415, 23:40:08: Poeperdje simon was added to the Tribe by tjue! Day 28416, 05:43:31: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 28416, 07:34:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 28416, 07:44:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 28416, 10:29:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 28416, 12:41:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 28416, 15:42:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 28428, 19:43:10: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 33 was killed by tjue - Lvl 86 (dampoe)! Day 28428, 19:43:10: Your Tribe killed Poeperdje simon - Lvl 33 (dampoe)! Day 28429, 02:19:23: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 28429, 18:10:15: tjue demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28457, 07:18:26: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 28457, 10:41:34: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 28509, 01:42:11: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 28509, 02:42:26: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 130! Day 28509, 17:38:09: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 224 Day 28509, 17:38:44: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 217 Day 28509, 17:39:10: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 209 Day 28509, 17:39:35: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 202 Day 28509, 17:40:09: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 217 Day 28509, 17:40:34: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 217 Day 28509, 17:40:57: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 202 Day 28509, 17:41:22: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 209 Day 28509, 17:41:52: tjue downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 209 Day 28509, 19:32:18: Poeperdje simon Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 28510, 05:50:26: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed by tjue - Lvl 96 (dampoe)! Day 28510, 05:50:26: Your Tribe killed Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 (dampoe)! Day 28510, 05:57:24: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed by tjue - Lvl 96 (dampoe)! Day 28510, 05:57:24: Your Tribe killed Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 (dampoe)! Day 28510, 07:09:13: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 28510, 07:30:38: Tribemember Poeperdje simon - Lvl 77 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 85! Day 28510, 09:09:14: tjue demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28510, 09:09:28: tjue demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28532, 02:03:36: Poeperdje simon claimed 'Copper - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28532, 05:09:57: tjue froze WEIGHT - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 28532, 05:29:43: tjue froze HEALTH - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 28532, 05:33:02: tjue froze STAM - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 28532, 05:36:25: tjue froze MELEE - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 28532, 07:38:47: tjue uploaded a Maewing: johansen gewichtheffing - Lvl 234 Day 28532, 09:27:14: Poeperdje simon froze Zandnieren - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 28825, 10:42:22: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28825, 10:42:22: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28825, 10:42:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 19:40:23: Kermit de ni - Lvl 12 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 28900, 07:08:45: Your GORE KANKER RAT - Lvl 221 (Maewing) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 5! Day 28906, 20:48:12: Your Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 28975, 16:08:18: vliegbert okselpruim - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29069, 16:23:01: megiel langico - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29112, 20:52:12: Robotzwans Erik - Lvl 61 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 29125, 23:11:25: Monke - Lvl 164 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Copper - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29132, 14:24:38: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29134, 16:06:01: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'regina - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 29134, 16:25:52: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)'! Day 29279, 13:31:57: slaaf van het systeem - Lvl 41 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 29403, 07:53:05: Stofhandelaar Jorritgang - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29415, 05:15:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29415, 05:15:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29415, 05:15:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31550, 18:22:29: DonyBoi - Lvl 21 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1402061692,"tribe":"People's Tribe logs":["Day 36760, 15:55:21: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 15:56:12: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:00:35: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:09:42: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:13:29: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:17:19: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:21:02: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:21:31: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:22:21: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:23:48: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:25:16: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:26:12: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36760, 16:32:11: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:35:49: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:40:40: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:44:50: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:49:13: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 16:52:52: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36760, 17:14:09: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36761, 04:44:12: Damirox froze OWLIK - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 36802, 03:26:32: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:30:26: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:34:16: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:38:52: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:50:28: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:54:24: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 03:58:18: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:03:01: Damirox froze 1/20 HP - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:06:51: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:10:31: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:14:23: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:20:40: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:24:16: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:28:39: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 04:40:50: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:02:54: Damirox froze 1/20 HP - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:06:47: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:10:21: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:15:08: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:18:14: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:21:26: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:24:18: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:27:37: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:30:37: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 05:39:10: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 36802, 05:39:10: Your Tribe killed Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)! Day 36802, 05:44:24: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:03:40: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:06:34: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:30:01: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:30:42: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:32:18: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:35:11: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:38:12: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:40:58: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:46:31: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:50:21: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:51:17: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:55:06: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 06:56:40: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 06:59:30: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 07:04:26: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 07:07:09: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 07:08:29: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 07:11:09: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 07:43:07: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 07:45:50: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 07:46:18: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 07:49:06: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 07:49:20: Damirox claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)'! Day 36802, 07:52:32: Damirox froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36802, 12:26:44: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 36809, 19:48:27: Misha froze F 10/20 HP - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 36810, 00:41:58: Misha claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36810, 00:50:48: Misha froze Baby F 10/20 HP - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 36810, 03:35:09: Misha froze M Poly 2 - Lvl 98 (Gacha) Day 36810, 23:51:01: Juvenile F 10/20 HP - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 36811, 01:08:03: Misha froze F Poly 2 - Lvl 298 (Gacha) Day 36811, 01:18:25: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 242 (Snow Owl) Day 36811, 01:22:53: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 36811, 01:27:05: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 36811, 01:32:42: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 36811, 01:39:14: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 341 (Snow Owl) Day 36811, 01:54:59: Misha froze F Clay/Oil - Lvl 307 (Gacha) Day 36811, 02:01:31: Misha froze M Clay/Oil - Lvl 279 (Gacha) Day 36830, 06:02:20: Damirox claimed 'Star Man Is Back - Lvl 46 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36830, 06:40:59: Damirox froze Star Man Is Back - Lvl 46 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36830, 11:57:13: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:00:13: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:03:44: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:06:51: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:09:44: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:12:29: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:15:41: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:25:14: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:28:18: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:31:19: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 12:34:36: Damirox froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 36830, 14:43:42: Damirox froze Doda Elektroda Zrobi Lod - Lvl 113 (Dodo) Day 36879, 11:13:41: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37093, 04:50:06: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 37204, 19:12:55: Damirox froze Xara - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 19:28:23: Damirox froze M Poly 2 - Lvl 104 (Gacha) Day 37204, 19:42:11: Damirox froze F Poly 2 - Lvl 301 (Gacha) Day 37204, 19:45:32: Damirox froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 19:50:15: Damirox froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 19:53:10: Damirox froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 19:56:22: Damirox froze Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 20:03:43: Damirox froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37204, 20:06:36: Damirox froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 37223, 13:04:59: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37223, 13:04:59: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37223, 13:04:59: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37382, 12:36:23: Dani - Lvl 105 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37584, 06:01:45: Misha froze M 2/20 STAM - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 37584, 06:05:05: Misha froze M 8/20 DMG - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 37584, 06:08:29: Misha froze F 10/20 HP - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 37584, 06:12:21: Misha froze F 10/20 HP - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 37584, 06:15:52: Misha froze M BASE - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 37584, 06:29:44: Misha froze Megaloceros - Lvl 346 (Megaloceros) Day 37584, 06:40:19: Misha froze TURRET 6 - Lvl 296 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 06:52:17: Misha froze TURRET 7 - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 07:20:15: Misha froze TURRET 3 - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 07:25:46: Misha froze TURRET 1 - Lvl 212 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 07:53:00: Misha froze Nietoperek - Lvl 231 (Desmodus) Day 37584, 08:02:58: Misha froze TURRET 4 - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 08:14:36: Misha froze TURRET 2 - Lvl 234 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 08:32:02: Misha froze TURRET 5 - Lvl 251 (Velonasaur) Day 37584, 09:02:52: Misha froze Nietoperek - Lvl 231 (Desmodus) Day 37584, 19:56:18: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 37584, 22:29:13: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 37737, 09:14:44: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 37804, 10:39:43: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 37816, 09:17:47: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38256, 14:08:20: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 38578, 18:17:10: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 39009, 17:19:00: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane) Day 39230, 10:43:40: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane) Day 39244, 06:48:32: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 39244, 11:52:44: Misha froze ZapaSowa - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 39245, 04:42:03: Misha claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 121 (Mammoth)'! Day 39245, 04:55:06: Misha claimed 'Round Trip - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 05:13:49: Misha claimed 'Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus)'! Day 39245, 05:37:11: Misha froze Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus) Day 39245, 06:36:57: Misha claimed 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 06:38:25: Misha claimed 'Mustard - Lvl 255 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 07:19:08: Misha claimed 'healer - Lvl 321 (Daeodon)'! Day 39245, 08:02:03: Misha claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 08:12:20: Misha claimed 'in loving mammory - Lvl 312 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 08:28:17: Misha claimed 'Nickolas - Lvl 273 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 39245, 08:53:23: Misha froze Nickolas - Lvl 273 (Dung Beetle) Day 39245, 08:55:12: Damirox claimed 'Absinthe - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 08:58:09: Misha froze Mustard - Lvl 255 (Poison Wyvern) Day 39245, 09:06:50: Misha froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 39245, 09:11:01: Misha froze in loving mammory - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 39245, 09:15:11: Misha froze Mammoth - Lvl 121 (Mammoth) Day 39245, 09:19:56: Misha froze healer - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) Day 39245, 09:24:36: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane) Day 39245, 09:29:59: Damirox claimed 'Diserano - Lvl 312 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 09:43:15: Damirox claimed 'Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 09:59:49: Misha unclaimed 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 10:00:10: Damirox claimed 'magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 10:12:43: Damirox claimed 'Metal Slave - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39245, 10:16:52: Damirox claimed 'Big Red - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:26:35: Misha claimed 'Chip - Lvl 223 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:28:00: Damirox claimed 'blue - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:35:16: Misha froze Diserano - Lvl 312 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 39245, 10:45:17: Misha froze Chip - Lvl 223 (Sinomacrops) Day 39245, 10:58:50: Misha claimed 'Sky - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 11:03:50: Misha froze Sky - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops) Day 39245, 11:19:09: Misha claimed 'Laura - Lvl 241 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 11:24:00: Misha froze Laura - Lvl 241 (Sinomacrops) Day 39245, 11:45:25: Misha froze Metal Slave - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 39245, 11:58:35: Damirox claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 12:05:25: Misha claimed 'DaddyGotCash - Lvl 119 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 12:10:56: Damirox claimed 'The Scaley Torch - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 12:11:04: Misha froze DaddyGotCash - Lvl 119 (Sinomacrops) Day 39245, 12:22:41: Misha froze Round Trip - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 39245, 12:26:55: Misha claimed 'Archie - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 12:33:37: Damirox claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 12:38:32: Damirox claimed 'Patrick Bamford - Lvl 94 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 12:47:04: Misha froze magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 39245, 12:47:45: Your Patrick Bamford - Lvl 94 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 39245, 12:47:45: Patrick Bamford - Lvl 94 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 39245, 13:04:04: Damirox claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 13:24:20: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 146 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 13:34:04: Misha froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 39245, 13:38:26: Misha claimed 'SaddleBags - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 13:49:32: Misha froze SaddleBags - Lvl 198 (Argentavis) Day 39245, 13:49:53: Damirox claimed 'Very Lucky - Lvl 230 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 13:57:00: Misha claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 13:58:40: Misha claimed 'girly - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 14:03:39: Damirox claimed 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:06:01: Damirox claimed 'Roxanne - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:06:41: Misha claimed 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:09:53: Misha unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:14:43: Damirox claimed 'Bitch - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:15:21: Misha claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 14:19:24: Misha unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 14:22:15: Damirox claimed 'rabbit 1 - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:25:14: Misha claimed 'bingo - Lvl 85 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:28:51: Damirox claimed 'cha cha - Lvl 37 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:30:48: Damirox claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:31:23: Misha unclaimed 'bingo - Lvl 85 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:32:59: Damirox claimed 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:36:26: Damirox claimed 'rabbits crap - Lvl 96 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39245, 14:37:01: Misha unclaimed 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:40:26: Misha claimed 'Slag1 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:45:50: Misha unclaimed 'Slag1 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:57:31: Damirox claimed 'Doedi - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 39245, 15:00:05: Damirox claimed 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:00:54: Damirox claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:03:58: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 226 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:05:30: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 161 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:06:17: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 188 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:07:35: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 208 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:08:24: Damirox claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 134 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:09:16: Damirox claimed 'soldier - Lvl 218 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:09:30: Misha claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:09:57: Damirox claimed 'back up meg - Lvl 145 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:15:23: Misha claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 172 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:19:23: Misha claimed 'for eggs - Lvl 211 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 15:26:54: Damirox claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:28:24: Damirox claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:29:39: Damirox claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 108 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:31:07: Damirox claimed 'main male - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:32:18: Damirox claimed 'main female - Lvl 174 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:40:01: Damirox claimed 'Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 15:41:09: Damirox claimed 'Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 15:45:18: Damirox claimed 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 16:00:23: Damirox claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:01:10: Damirox claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:01:45: Damirox claimed 'new breeding male - Lvl 145 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:03:38: Damirox claimed 'eggs - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 16:06:57: Damirox claimed 'new male 41hp - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 16:09:00: Misha claimed 'Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 39245, 16:14:45: Damirox claimed 'Lil C - Lvl 264 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 16:17:44: Damirox claimed 'SheHe2.0 - Lvl 210 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 16:35:43: Misha claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 193 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 16:41:40: Misha claimed 'KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 16:50:54: Misha claimed 'spiderfood 2 - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 17:06:15: Damirox froze The Scaley Torch - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 39245, 17:09:05: Damirox froze Absinthe - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 39245, 17:13:16: Misha claimed 'Listerine - Lvl 288 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 17:23:50: Damirox unclaimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 17:26:42: Misha froze Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 39245, 17:26:42: Damirox unclaimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 17:30:14: Damirox unclaimed 'new breeding male - Lvl 145 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 17:31:02: Misha froze Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus) Day 39245, 17:36:07: Damirox unclaimed 'eggs - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 17:40:12: Misha froze main female - Lvl 174 (Desmodus) Day 39245, 17:45:57: Damirox unclaimed 'rabbits crap - Lvl 96 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39245, 18:00:55: Damirox unclaimed 'Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 18:05:57: Misha unclaimed 'Lil C - Lvl 264 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 18:07:03: Damirox unclaimed 'Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 18:08:05: Misha unclaimed 'SheHe2.0 - Lvl 210 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 18:13:07: Misha unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 18:17:18: Misha unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:20:24: Misha unclaimed 'Roxanne - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:22:30: Misha unclaimed 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:23:36: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 146 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 18:25:29: Misha unclaimed 'spiderfood 2 - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:25:36: Damirox claimed 'Donald Dump - Lvl 93 (Phiomia)'! Day 39245, 18:27:58: Misha unclaimed 'KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:28:28: Damirox unclaimed 'Donald Dump - Lvl 93 (Phiomia)'! Day 39245, 18:36:15: Damirox unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 193 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 18:39:58: Damirox unclaimed 'Very Lucky - Lvl 230 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 18:45:12: Misha unclaimed 'girly - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 18:47:43: Misha unclaimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 18:51:57: Misha unclaimed 'rabbit 1 - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 18:54:16: Misha unclaimed 'cha cha - Lvl 37 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 18:57:06: Misha unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 19:02:22: Misha unclaimed 'new male 41hp - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 19:06:57: Misha unclaimed 'Listerine - Lvl 288 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 19:10:41: Misha unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 172 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 19:12:57: Misha unclaimed 'for eggs - Lvl 211 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 19:16:39: Misha unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 19:22:46: Misha unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 19:47:33: Damirox claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 19:50:36: Damirox unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 19:55:37: Misha unclaimed 'Doedi - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 39245, 19:58:59: Misha unclaimed 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 20:00:46: Damirox claimed 'Doedi - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 39245, 20:04:32: Damirox unclaimed 'Doedi - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 39245, 20:10:57: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 161 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:13:42: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 226 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:18:00: Misha unclaimed 'back up meg - Lvl 145 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:23:23: Damirox unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 20:27:30: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 188 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:30:33: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 134 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:33:20: Damirox unclaimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 208 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:38:48: Misha unclaimed 'soldier - Lvl 218 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 20:44:08: Misha unclaimed 'main male - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 20:46:53: Misha unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 108 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 20:50:47: Misha unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 21:08:11: Misha unclaimed 'Big Red - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 21:11:32: Misha unclaimed 'blue - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 21:51:35: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 39246, 01:37:02: Misha froze Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus) Day 39246, 01:43:14: Misha froze healer - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) Day 39246, 06:10:32: Damirox froze Griffin - Lvl 277 (Griffin) Day 39246, 06:14:19: Damirox froze Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon) Day 39246, 06:21:32: Damirox froze Archie - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39832, 10:10:00: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39840, 06:03:45: Merlin - Lvl 53 (Lost Souls) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BASE 11 - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake)'! Day 39840, 10:04:16: Merlin - Lvl 54 (Lost Souls) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39841, 03:52:49: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 04:12:12: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 04:22:28: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 04:32:36: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 04:36:37: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 04:43:39: Judge Pickles - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F BASE - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39841, 21:47:26: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane) Day 40147, 07:17:20: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 40390, 05:23:10: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 40815, 20:13:19: Damirox froze Rocky Balboa - Lvl 290 (Rock Drake) Day 40834, 19:06:30: Damirox froze Rocky Balboa - Lvl 364 (Rock Drake) Day 40835, 07:11:13: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 40960, 17:37:57: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 41208, 13:16:41: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 398 (Shadowmane) Day 41698, 22:16:33: M Element - Lvl 304 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 41752, 13:59:55: Misha froze F Element [Clone] - Lvl 251 (Gacha) Day 41752, 14:10:02: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 41752, 14:12:51: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 41752, 14:16:46: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 41752, 14:19:42: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 41752, 14:22:25: Misha froze Gacha Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 41753, 01:12:47: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 42435, 23:29:30: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 42787, 07:50:45: Damirox froze Saber - Lvl 320 (Sabertooth) Day 43125, 00:31:54: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 43503, 21:27:33: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 43913, 19:20:51: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 43952, 17:15:36: Damirox froze Shadio - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 43952, 19:56:46: Damirox froze OWLIK - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 43953, 09:38:31: Damirox froze Damirox [Clone] - Lvl 270 (Otter) Day 43953, 10:41:33: Damirox froze Metal Slave - Lvl 298 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43953, 11:16:13: Damirox froze Metal Slave - Lvl 298 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43953, 12:34:15: Damirox froze Metal Slave - Lvl 298 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43953, 12:55:21: Damirox froze Metal Slave - Lvl 298 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43953, 17:13:45: Damirox froze OWLIK - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1401570928,"tribe":"Ark Addict logs":["Day 37406, 05:49:03: Gunjack was added to the Tribe! Day 37406, 05:50:21: LeeBoy was added to the Tribe by Gunjack! Day 37406, 10:16:30: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 57 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 37406, 10:27:47: Tribemember LeeBoy - Lvl 12 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 37406, 20:00:27: LeeBoy demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 37406, 20:02:52: LeeBoy demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 37406, 20:03:44: LeeBoy demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 37412, 17:25:30: Gunjack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 37416, 10:37:59: Gunjack downloaded a dino: Triceratops - Lvl 223 Day 37416, 10:41:32: Gunjack downloaded a dino: Equus - Lvl 224 Day 37416, 10:42:11: Gunjack downloaded a dino: Equus - Lvl 155 Day 37416, 10:42:15: LeeBoy demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37416, 10:42:49: Gunjack downloaded a dino: Equus - Lvl 214 Day 37416, 11:31:02: Gunjack claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 37417, 02:07:24: Your Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Parasaur) was killed by Gunjack - Lvl 86 (Ark Addict)! Day 37417, 02:07:24: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Parasaur) (Ark Addict)! Day 37418, 20:55:23: LeeBoy was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Gunjack! Day 37418, 22:14:54: Gunjack uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 141 Day 37419, 00:39:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 37427, 08:56:07: Gunjack downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 217 Day 37427, 09:07:25: Gunjack uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 223 Day 37427, 10:20:35: Donbay was added to the Tribe by LeeBoy! Day 37427, 12:39:21: Gunjack uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 223 Day 37427, 12:40:34: Gunjack uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 233 Day 37427, 14:26:16: Your Equus - Lvl 155 (Equus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 45! Day 37427, 15:33:45: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 37427, 18:51:46: Gunjack uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 234 Day 37427, 18:53:04: Gunjack uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 226 Day 38244, 12:58:00: Gunjack claimed 'argi - Lvl 356 (Argentavis)'! Day 38244, 13:15:26: Gunjack froze argi - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 38244, 13:22:38: Gunjack claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 89 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 38244, 13:31:01: Gunjack froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 89 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38244, 13:32:52: Gunjack claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 338 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 38244, 13:56:27: Gunjack claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 38244, 14:32:05: Gunjack claimed 'lys - Lvl 118 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 38244, 14:39:04: Your lys - Lvl 118 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 14:39:04: Your Tribe killed lys - Lvl 118 (Lystrosaurus) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 14:41:34: Your Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 14:41:34: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 17:18:34: Gunjack claimed 'Qu - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:19:47: Gunjack claimed 'Through - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:20:30: Gunjack claimed 'Trafalgar - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:21:02: Gunjack claimed 'Phobos - Lvl 263 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:21:59: Gunjack claimed 'Rupert - Lvl 112 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:22:32: Gunjack claimed 'Mouse - Lvl 277 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:23:20: Gunjack claimed 'Gauche - Lvl 212 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:24:32: Gunjack claimed 'Kingston - Lvl 267 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:25:13: Gunjack claimed 'Minnie - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)'! Day 38244, 17:25:52: Gunjack claimed 'Vessel - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:26:58: Gunjack claimed 'Gijon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:27:39: Gunjack claimed 'remmy - Lvl 90 (Megatherium)'! Day 38244, 17:28:25: Gunjack claimed ':Colon: - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:29:24: Gunjack claimed 'OREO - Lvl 275 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:29:46: Gunjack claimed 'Olow - Lvl 286 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:31:03: Gunjack claimed 'Jet 2 Holidays - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:31:53: Gunjack claimed 'Plum - Lvl 86 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:32:56: Gunjack claimed 'Tacky - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:33:31: Gunjack claimed 'Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:34:53: Gunjack claimed 'Rio - Lvl 144 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 38244, 17:36:18: Gunjack claimed 'Teddy bear - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:37:28: Gunjack claimed 'Melon - Lvl 166 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:49:51: Gunjack claimed 'Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 38244, 17:50:29: Gunjack claimed 'Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis)'! Day 38244, 17:57:13: Your Plum - Lvl 86 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 17:57:13: Your Tribe killed Plum - Lvl 86 (Pulmonoscorpius) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 17:57:13: Your Teddy bear - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 17:57:13: Your Tribe killed Teddy bear - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 17:57:20: Your Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 17:57:20: Your Tribe killed Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 17:57:34: Your Melon - Lvl 166 (Raptor) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 17:57:34: Your Tribe killed Melon - Lvl 166 (Raptor) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 17:59:27: Your Jet 2 Holidays - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 17:59:27: Your Tribe killed Jet 2 Holidays - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:03:30: Your Minnie - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:03:30: Your Tribe killed Minnie - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:03:44: Your Vessel - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:03:44: Your Tribe killed Vessel - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:08:10: Your Gijon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38244, 18:15:19: Your Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:15:19: Your Tribe killed Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:17:47: Your Rio - Lvl 144 (Dimorphodon) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:17:47: Your Tribe killed Rio - Lvl 144 (Dimorphodon) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:36:43: Your remmy - Lvl 90 (Megatherium) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:36:43: Your Tribe killed remmy - Lvl 90 (Megatherium) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:38:57: Your Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:38:57: Your Tribe killed Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:44:20: Your Tacky - Lvl 227 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:44:20: Your Tribe killed Tacky - Lvl 227 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:48:43: Your Rupert - Lvl 112 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38244, 18:54:37: Your OREO - Lvl 275 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:54:37: Your Tribe killed OREO - Lvl 275 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 18:56:55: Your Qu - Lvl 232 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 18:56:55: Your Tribe killed Qu - Lvl 232 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 19:07:05: Your Mouse - Lvl 277 (Raptor) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 19:07:05: Your Tribe killed Mouse - Lvl 277 (Raptor) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 19:42:00: Your Through - Lvl 251 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 19:42:00: Your Tribe killed Through - Lvl 251 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 19:55:46: Your Phobos - Lvl 263 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 19:55:46: Your Tribe killed Phobos - Lvl 263 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 20:00:58: Your Gauche - Lvl 212 (Raptor) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 20:00:58: Your Tribe killed Gauche - Lvl 212 (Raptor) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 20:07:30: Your Kingston - Lvl 267 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 20:07:30: Your Tribe killed Kingston - Lvl 267 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 20:09:06: Your Olow - Lvl 286 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 20:09:06: Your Tribe killed Olow - Lvl 286 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 20:32:59: Your Trafalgar - Lvl 210 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 20:32:59: Your Tribe killed Trafalgar - Lvl 210 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38244, 20:36:15: Your :Colon: - Lvl 244 (Rex) was killed by Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 38244, 20:36:15: Your Tribe killed :Colon: - Lvl 244 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38245, 02:42:27: Gunjack froze Toothless - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38245, 10:31:31: Gunjack froze Toothless - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38341, 21:31:48: Gunjack froze Toothless - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38437, 14:04:01: Gunjack claimed 'Lego Dog - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex)'! Day 38437, 14:08:47: Gunjack froze Lego Dog - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 38437, 14:13:03: Gunjack claimed 'Bartholomew - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 38437, 14:16:30: Gunjack froze Bartholomew - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38437, 14:48:26: Gunjack claimed 'Rexypoo - Lvl 152 (Rex)'! Day 38437, 14:57:53: Your Bartholomew - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Ole - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 38437, 14:57:53: Your Tribe killed Bartholomew - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 38437, 14:58:54: Your Rexypoo - Lvl 152 (Rex) was killed by Ole - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 38437, 14:58:54: Your Tribe killed Rexypoo - Lvl 152 (Rex) (Ark Addict)! Day 38437, 15:12:01: Your Lego Dog - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) was killed by Ole - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 38437, 15:12:01: Your Tribe killed Lego Dog - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex)! Day 38437, 17:07:57: Gunjack froze Ole - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38601, 23:42:29: LeeBoy froze Dr.evil - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38728, 17:45:21: Tek Stryder's 'argi - Lvl 356 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39084, 18:50:33: Tek Stryder's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 89 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39567, 18:16:27: bell - Lvl 68 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 342 (Tek Stryder)'!"] "tribeid":1400289291,"tribe":"Tribe of Booty logs":["Day 19169, 02:26:01: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19169, 09:01:26: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19169, 10:37:22: Pappy froze Argy Weight - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 19169, 13:57:22: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19170, 03:55:24: Pappy froze Pappa TkRx - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19186, 22:16:56: Feel My Hijack froze Sunny-D - Lvl 261 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19198, 06:00:21: Pappy claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19198, 06:08:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 19198, 08:02:18: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 08:29:02: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 09:10:53: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 09:38:41: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 10:30:21: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 10:54:11: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 11:09:46: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 11:22:57: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:01:33: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:04:20: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:07:07: Pappy froze Momma Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:10:39: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:14:45: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:18:21: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:22:34: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:26:18: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:30:26: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:34:01: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 12:37:37: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 17:22:46: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 17:50:13: Pappy froze Baby test - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 18:03:43: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 18:26:34: Pappy froze Baby Test 2 - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 18:48:41: Your Baby test - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19198, 18:48:41: Your Tribe killed Baby test - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19198, 20:11:24: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 20:25:09: Pappy froze Baby Test 3 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 20:34:15: Your Baby Test 3 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19198, 20:34:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Test 3 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19198, 20:42:21: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 21:11:21: Your Baby Test 4 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19198, 21:11:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Test 4 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19198, 22:07:45: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 22:21:39: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 22:35:21: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19198, 22:38:48: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19198, 23:30:04: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:15:48: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:26:59: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:37:21: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:40:52: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:46:44: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:54:05: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 06:58:45: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 07:05:26: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 07:09:03: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 10:19:48: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 10:23:44: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 10:27:27: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 10:47:14: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 10:55:21: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 11:10:03: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 11:47:16: Pappy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19199, 12:00:33: Pappy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19199, 12:22:30: Pappy froze Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19199, 15:01:14: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 15:36:14: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 17:59:06: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19199, 18:02:25: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 18:02:52: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19199, 18:05:30: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 18:14:06: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19199, 18:16:59: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 19:33:39: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 19:42:04: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 19:50:31: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19199, 21:22:48: Pappy froze Juvenile +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19200, 01:14:48: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 01:27:46: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 01:40:42: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 01:46:56: Pappy froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 02:17:02: Pappy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19200, 02:20:24: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:25:39: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:27:30: Pappy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19200, 02:31:12: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:36:13: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:39:33: Pappy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19200, 02:43:11: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:47:25: Pappy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19200, 02:50:50: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:56:19: Pappy froze G2 Momma Doad - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 02:57:09: Pappy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19200, 03:00:24: Pappy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 03:10:16: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 05:19:14: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 05:55:44: Pappy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl)'! Day 19200, 06:10:24: Pappy froze Baby test 1 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 06:10:40: Pappy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl)'! Day 19200, 06:20:07: Pappy froze Baby test 2 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 06:38:38: Your Baby test 2 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19200, 06:38:38: Your Tribe killed Baby test 2 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19200, 06:42:10: Pappy froze Baby test 1 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 06:54:20: Pappy froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 07:05:17: Pappy froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 07:23:46: Pappy froze G2 Pappa Owl - Lvl 164 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 07:53:43: Pappy froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 07:56:40: Pappy froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 08:05:26: Pappy froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 08:08:19: Pappy froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 08:17:38: Pappy froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 08:24:02: Pappy froze Juvenile +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19200, 09:30:42: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 19200, 09:38:18: Pappy froze G2 Pappa Owl - Lvl 164 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 09:41:36: Pappy froze G1 Momma Owl - Lvl 168 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 09:44:36: Pappy froze G1 Pappa Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 09:49:07: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 19200, 09:54:37: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 19200, 09:57:24: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 19200, 10:01:33: Pappy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 10:18:57: Pappy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 113 (Doedicurus) Day 19200, 11:02:50: Your Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 19200, 11:43:25: Pappy froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 11:46:39: Pappy froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 12:08:57: Pappy froze Juvenile test 1 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 19200, 15:11:25: Pappy froze G1 Momma Magma - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 19200, 15:14:31: Pappy froze G1 Pappa Magma - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 19200, 16:10:54: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 16:14:09: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 16:44:25: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRX New Momma - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19200, 17:35:20: Pappy froze Adolescent +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19200, 17:40:42: Pappy froze Adolescent +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19200, 20:55:14: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 01:48:06: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 02:00:28: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 02:47:30: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 02:55:08: Pappy froze Adolescent TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 05:46:58: Pappy froze TkRX New Momma - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 05:59:37: Pappy froze TkRX New Momma - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 08:51:31: Pappy froze TkRx Boss - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 08:54:42: Pappy froze TkRx Boss - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 09:03:40: Pappy froze Adolescent +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19201, 09:10:07: Pappy froze TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 09:14:32: Pappy froze TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 09:21:38: Pappy froze TkRx Boss - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 13:39:41: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19201, 14:03:17: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19201, 14:13:00: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19201, 14:13:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19223, 10:23:36: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 133 was killed by Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19223, 10:23:36: Your Tribe killed Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19223, 10:23:36: Your Otter - Lvl 139 (Otter) was killed by Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19223, 10:23:36: Your Tribe killed Otter - Lvl 139 (Otter) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19223, 10:53:19: Pappy froze Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19223, 13:17:44: Pappy froze Snw OwlM G2 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 19223, 19:12:28: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19223, 19:23:12: Pappy froze Baby test 1 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 19223, 19:29:19: Your Baby test 1 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) was killed by Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois)! Day 19223, 19:29:19: Your Tribe killed Baby test 1 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) (Tribe of Booty)! Day 19223, 19:34:55: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19223, 19:59:31: Pappy froze Baby test 1 - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19223, 20:14:48: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19223, 20:28:15: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19223, 20:33:53: Pappy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19223, 20:37:19: Pappy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 19234, 22:50:24: Feel My Hijack froze Sunny-D - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19237, 05:01:20: Feel My Hijack froze Cave Dweller - Lvl 246 (Baryonyx) Day 19237, 07:13:30: Your Cave Dweller - Lvl 251 (Baryonyx) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 80! Day 19237, 10:03:36: Feel My Hijack froze Sunny-D - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19246, 09:32:04: Pappy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex) Day 19246, 20:20:17: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 19247, 02:23:14: Your G1 Momma Owl - Lvl 168 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 19250, 14:20:55: Pappy froze Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19250, 18:08:59: Pappy unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19251, 02:35:41: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19252, 04:48:58: Pappy froze G1 Momma Magma - Lvl 185 (Magmasaur) Day 19252, 05:13:57: Pappy froze Argy Weight - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 19252, 05:20:37: Pappy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19252, 06:00:28: Pappy froze +2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19252, 06:04:07: Pappy downloaded a dino: Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 Day 19252, 06:07:51: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19252, 08:58:20: Pappy froze G1 Momma Magma - Lvl 195 (Magmasaur) Day 19253, 10:56:52: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19253, 14:42:57: Pappy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 19255, 14:14:02: Your Sunny-D - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 19255, 14:16:42: Tribemember Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19256, 07:49:10: Pappy froze Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 19257, 20:53:22: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 19257, 22:41:02: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - M - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 22:49:41: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 22:53:52: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 22:57:36: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 23:01:22: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 23:09:27: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 23:13:59: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 23:36:51: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - M - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 19257, 23:44:05: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - M - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:00:31: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:13:49: Feel My Hijack froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 253 (Yutyrannus) Day 19258, 00:17:44: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:35:09: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - M - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:41:16: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:46:22: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - M - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:50:17: Feel My Hijack froze Boss Rex - F - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 00:57:02: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 01:04:54: Feel My Hijack froze Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 19258, 01:35:44: Feel My Hijack froze White Knight - Lvl 267 (R-Daeodon) Day 19258, 03:13:37: Feel My Hijack froze Next-Day Delivery - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19258, 04:54:05: Feel My Hijack froze Next-Day Delivery - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19302, 08:06:40: Pappy froze 1G Pappa Giga - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19305, 06:07:50: Feel My Hijack claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19305, 06:20:17: Feel My Hijack froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19305, 06:20:34: Feel My Hijack claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19305, 06:21:20: Feel My Hijack claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19305, 06:25:26: Feel My Hijack froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19305, 06:31:50: Feel My Hijack froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 199 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19305, 07:01:18: Feel My Hijack froze Optimus Prime - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19324, 17:55:08: Pappy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19324, 17:58:11: Pappy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19325, 10:47:01: Pappy froze 1G Pappa Giga - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19325, 13:32:09: Pappy froze Baby G2 Papa Giga - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19325, 13:36:00: Pappy froze Baby G2 Papa Giga - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19326, 07:13:43: Pappy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19326, 07:17:30: Pappy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19341, 21:31:33: Pappy froze G2 Papa Giga - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19341, 21:44:39: Pappy froze Adolescent G2 F Giga - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19343, 14:18:37: Pappy froze G2 Papa Giga - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19343, 14:26:25: Pappy froze 1G F Giga - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19344, 01:23:11: Pappy froze G2 F Giga - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19344, 01:28:18: Pappy froze G2 F Giga - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19345, 18:47:40: Pappy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19345, 18:53:38: Pappy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19370, 17:46:06: Pappy froze 1G Pappa Giga - Lvl 271 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19371, 02:38:51: Pappy froze 1G F Giga - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19371, 02:45:23: Pappy froze 0G F Giga - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19422, 23:09:37: G1 Pappa Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 19467, 09:45:46: G2 Pappa Owl - Lvl 164 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19538, 01:00:10: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19538, 08:31:45: Your 'Plant Species X' was destroyed! Day 19583, 11:07:28: Doedicurus - Lvl 113 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19882, 00:58:57: Zealous - Lvl 96 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame '+2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20098, 19:23:38: Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 20126, 03:31:06: G2 Momma Owl - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20134, 12:36:45: Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20199, 02:42:06: 219 - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 20199, 02:42:09: Snow Owl - Lvl 153 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20240, 20:37:32: G1 M Giga - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 20240, 20:38:18: Snw OwlM G2 - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20255, 16:15:57: Bulbdog - Lvl 54 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 20255, 19:33:51: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'G1 Momma Magma - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur)'! Day 20255, 19:34:35: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20255, 19:35:03: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20255, 19:35:22: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Element Dust F - Lvl 166 (Gacha)'! Day 20255, 19:36:08: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha B Pearl - Lvl 183 (Gacha)'! Day 20255, 19:38:06: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20255, 19:38:35: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20255, 19:41:31: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argy Weight - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 20255, 19:42:12: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20255, 19:43:39: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 285 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20255, 19:44:09: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20255, 19:51:44: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Old Papa Tek Rex 1 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 19:52:47: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mamma Yuti - Lvl 222 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 20255, 19:55:05: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20255, 19:56:54: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20255, 20:09:52: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 144 (Phiomia)'! Day 20255, 20:53:43: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Momma Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 20:54:50: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TkRX New Momma - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 20:55:32: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 285 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 20:56:36: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tk RxF +1W - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 20:57:20: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pappa TkRx - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 20:58:04: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tec Rex Female DMG - Lvl 228 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20255, 22:23:19: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 325 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20256, 06:35:17: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 143 (Oviraptor)'! Day 20256, 08:01:07: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 82 (Diplodocus)'! Day 20256, 08:43:54: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 70 (Mammoth)'! Day 20256, 11:52:06: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'G2 Pappa Doed - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20256, 11:52:30: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20257, 06:34:19: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 06:36:26: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 06:49:18: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 06:57:41: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 06:58:21: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 06:59:41: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 09:12:32: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20257, 13:52:23: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20257, 13:53:25: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'G2 Momma Doad - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20277, 18:54:20: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 18:59:03: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 19:55:02: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 19:55:26: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 19:55:54: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:08:20: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eggs - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:08:45: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:09:29: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:17:29: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:17:52: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:18:19: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eggs - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:31:24: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:40:22: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eggs - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:45:28: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:50:25: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 20:57:02: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:00:31: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 116 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:07:24: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eggs - Lvl 186 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:08:07: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:13:31: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 93 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:15:19: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:29:12: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:31:10: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:33:32: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:36:16: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:47:21: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 21:54:29: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 22:11:40: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 22:12:14: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 22:14:56: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 22:25:54: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20277, 23:08:18: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 212 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20277, 23:08:50: Penetrololinator - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 54 (Triceratops)'! Day 20300, 09:29:02: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20312, 17:15:04: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'New Papa Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20312, 18:15:08: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20312, 18:44:37: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pappy Deinon - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 18:48:19: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 18:59:28: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 20:30:21: Zealous - Lvl 121 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20394, 17:17:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20473, 18:31:27: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20499, 19:36:51: Dung Beetle - Lvl 80 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20574, 00:45:08: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 186 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 20577, 16:49:43: Bob. - Lvl 85 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20600, 14:46:08: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 20639, 20:42:46: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Momma Wyvern 2 - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20639, 21:22:32: Tribemember Feel My Hijack - Lvl 28 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 20842, 05:44:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20842, 05:44:51: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20842, 05:44:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20842, 05:44:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21125, 10:10:38: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21158, 11:18:40: NanoBastardo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 267 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 21159, 03:18:24: Tribemember Pappy - Lvl 133 was killed!"] "tribeid":1398691300,"tribe":"Z Fighters logs":["Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36749, 01:07:11: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36754, 12:43:20: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37263, 08:11:29: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37263, 11:13:41: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 382 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37442, 20:21:39: chi-chi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 424 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37450, 09:09:44: ArticWolf added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to Ally Alliance! Day 37450, 18:05:19: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37451, 14:50:56: chi-chi froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 493 (Tek Rex) Day 37451, 15:11:41: chi-chi froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 37451, 15:59:03: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 382 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 37451, 16:51:12: chi-chi froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 424 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37685, 13:54:47: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37685, 14:02:33: chi-chi froze Otter - Lvl 266 (Otter) Day 39310, 07:08:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39310, 07:08:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39310, 07:08:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39310, 07:08:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39595, 06:58:30: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40262, 06:04:46: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 400 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 43933, 00:33:41: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 43933, 00:41:52: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 43933, 00:41:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)! Day 43933, 06:09:39: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 230 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 43933, 06:09:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 230 (Tek Rex)! Day 43933, 07:08:36: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 43933, 07:16:02: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43933, 08:12:30: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 43933, 08:13:35: chi-chi claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 43933, 08:19:57: chi-chi froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops) Day 44190, 14:50:14: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44190, 15:00:12: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 44190, 15:00:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 44190, 15:45:27: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44190, 15:52:58: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 44190, 15:52:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 44190, 17:54:58: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 44190, 18:04:19: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44190, 18:19:32: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44220, 18:51:15: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44220, 19:32:57: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 44220, 19:38:35: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 44220, 19:38:35: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 44220, 22:20:29: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 44220, 22:56:04: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44220, 23:12:49: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1397812304,"tribe":"Tribe of AbuAli34 logs":["Day 18292, 02:08:45: AbuAli34 was added to the Tribe! Day 18292, 05:13:23: AbuAli34 froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 18292, 07:48:09: AbuAli34 froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 18292, 10:50:39: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18293, 01:38:34: AbuAli34 Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)! Day 18293, 13:45:04: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18293, 13:51:06: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18293, 13:51:55: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18293, 13:57:44: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 18293, 14:15:39: AbuAli34 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18295, 05:22:27: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 77 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 18295, 12:24:48: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 18295, 17:11:48: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 18295, 22:24:10: AbuAli34 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18296, 06:17:04: AbuAli34 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 174 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18296, 13:33:11: AbuAli34 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 61 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 18296, 18:05:13: AbuAli34 Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 18306, 11:55:18: AbuAli34 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 18306, 21:33:12: AbuAli34 Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 17 (Tek Raptor)! Day 18306, 22:29:00: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 17 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 18307, 09:34:23: AbuAli34 Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18309, 01:45:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 179 (Triceratops)! Day 18321, 19:39:10: AbuAli34 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 67 (Castoroides)! Day 18322, 02:27:28: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 18322, 03:55:47: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 18322, 05:41:12: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 65 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 18322, 05:42:48: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 18322, 05:59:40: Your Raptor - Lvl 102 (Raptor) was killed! Day 18322, 06:21:37: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 5! Day 18322, 10:43:30: AbuAli34 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 18322, 11:17:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 18323, 11:11:06: AbuAli34 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 18324, 13:19:05: AbuAli34 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 71 (Argentavis)! Day 18335, 21:36:49: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 97 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 18335, 23:10:40: Tribemember AbuAli34 - Lvl 97 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 18337, 21:09:10: AbuAli34 uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 94 Day 18423, 08:19:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18470, 18:39:35: Your Triceratops - Lvl 115 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 18540, 06:25:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18540, 06:25:46: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18600, 09:45:30: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 56 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 18736, 02:03:28: Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 18753, 12:05:18: Doedicurus - Lvl 45 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 18807, 11:57:04: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 88 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18807, 11:57:32: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 111 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 18807, 11:58:32: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 18807, 11:59:04: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 82 (Castoroides)'! Day 18807, 12:00:18: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 53 (Phiomia)'! Day 18807, 12:01:02: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18807, 12:01:44: Lee - Lvl 81 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 225 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 18819, 15:49:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18819, 15:49:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18819, 15:49:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18904, 06:52:06: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 169 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 19102, 03:37:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19102, 03:37:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19102, 03:37:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19385, 12:16:03: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19936, 11:45:30: Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1396488507,"tribe":"Whats the Craic Lads' logs":["Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24531, 15:13:57: eggy - Lvl 159 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24559, 10:38:59: Kira049 - Lvl 104 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24647, 20:12:17: Fatty McIrish's 'rexy - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24657, 17:55:13: poobear - Lvl 197 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 24678, 10:26:55: Tribemember Fatty McIrish - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24678, 11:29:35: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'babyargy6 trips - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 24710, 07:53:47: stoned 1 - Lvl 102 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24766, 05:38:10: ssssssssssssssssssssssss - Lvl 182 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 24766, 05:38:14: STINKER - Lvl 89 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 24815, 22:49:03: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 154 (Megaloceros)'! Day 24815, 22:49:49: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 148 (Castoroides)'! Day 24815, 22:51:58: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 24815, 22:53:20: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'babyargy2 - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 24815, 22:54:05: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Babyargy2 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 24815, 22:59:35: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'argy4 - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 24815, 23:07:46: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24815, 23:08:45: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'shad - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'breedertekrexmale - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'tekrex - Lvl 226 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 154 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'Baby twin petra1 - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'GreenMachine - Lvl 226 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'Baby Babyargy4 - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'Baby babyargy5 trips - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25103, 16:51:08: 's 'Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1396263939,"tribe":"Tribe of J-D logs":["Day 22459, 22:33:24: J-D was added to the Tribe! Day 22459, 22:34:18: Kill was added to the Tribe by J-D! Day 22460, 18:15:20: J-D Tamed a Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex)! Day 22460, 18:23:55: J-D froze Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex) Day 22460, 20:08:00: J-D froze Blue - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22460, 21:29:01: Kill froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23060, 16:46:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23344, 09:44:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1394467675,"tribe":"The New Warren logs":["Day 35477, 23:51:24: GeoTheRabbitGod was added to the Tribe! Day 35478, 00:03:15: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 1 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 5! Day 35500, 02:21:02: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 35500, 04:34:12: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 12 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 35500, 10:56:02: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 20 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 60! Day 35500, 17:04:03: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 22 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 60! Day 35501, 06:04:45: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 29 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 35501, 19:00:11: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 89 (Tek Rex)! Day 35502, 06:30:28: Tanah was added to the Tribe by GeoTheRabbitGod! Day 35502, 09:32:50: Tanah Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 35503, 16:08:10: Tribemember Tanah - Lvl 17 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 35503, 16:10:12: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 35503, 16:36:42: Tribemember Tanah - Lvl 17 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 35503, 16:42:39: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 40 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 35503, 17:27:09: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 35503, 18:01:44: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 35503, 18:19:05: Your Aboru - Lvl 13 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 35503, 20:28:07: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 28 (Pachy)! Day 35505, 11:40:18: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35505, 11:41:20: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35505, 11:42:27: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35505, 11:46:36: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35505, 11:47:55: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 11:49:07: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:10:38: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35505, 12:31:29: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:32:24: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:33:18: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:34:10: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:35:00: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:35:48: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:36:29: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:37:13: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:38:14: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:53:26: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 35505, 12:54:27: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 35505, 12:55:52: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:56:40: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:57:29: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 12:58:17: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35505, 16:27:14: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35505, 16:28:07: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35505, 16:28:53: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35505, 16:29:36: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35505, 17:46:20: Tribemember Tanah - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 120! Day 35505, 22:07:44: Your Pochi - Lvl 38 (Pachy) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 35506, 01:48:59: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 179 (Triceratops)! Day 35506, 06:13:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35506, 19:42:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 35506, 19:42:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 35506, 19:42:04: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35506, 20:09:44: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 35507, 07:25:59: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 134 (Stegosaurus)! Day 35507, 14:18:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 74 (Sarco)! Day 35507, 19:22:29: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 58 (Pachy)! Day 35524, 16:01:59: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 35525, 07:11:08: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 63 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35548, 08:26:28: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 65 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35548, 08:39:53: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 65 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 35549, 12:36:31: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 35550, 09:29:22: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Compy - Lvl 12 (Compy)! Day 35571, 11:29:09: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35595, 11:43:29: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 90 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 35596, 00:11:13: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 35596, 15:58:23: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis)! Day 35597, 08:18:43: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:19:30: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:20:19: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:21:02: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:22:33: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:23:23: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 08:24:13: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35597, 10:47:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 164 (Raptor)! Day 35599, 05:17:44: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 35599, 05:22:26: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 35695, 09:29:38: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 5 (Doedicurus)! Day 35702, 08:38:24: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 35702, 08:39:19: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 35762, 16:35:47: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 149 (Allosaurus)! Day 35763, 21:13:10: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'bob - Lvl 299 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35763, 21:33:36: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35771, 20:01:57: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 202 (Diplocaulus)! Day 35772, 03:30:08: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 03:51:03: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 03:52:30: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 03:53:36: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 03:54:48: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 03:56:01: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35772, 04:10:59: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35785, 20:03:12: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35807, 10:56:03: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 175 (Iguanodon)! Day 35808, 08:26:25: Sarco - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wooden Chair'! Day 35834, 22:56:44: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 35836, 02:34:22: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 134 (Megalania)! Day 35836, 12:06:44: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 35836, 12:08:06: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 35836, 20:13:23: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 35848, 19:13:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35857, 14:41:36: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 438 (Argentavis)'! Day 35858, 10:43:06: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 212 (Thylacoleo)! Day 35858, 10:56:36: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35858, 10:57:35: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 35881, 23:23:11: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 127 (Megalodon)! Day 35882, 09:53:30: Tribemember Tanah - Lvl 65 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 70! Day 35882, 23:17:16: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 108 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 35883, 09:42:25: Tanah Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 37 (Quetzal)! Day 35883, 12:24:57: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 108 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 110! Day 35883, 12:29:45: Tribemember Tanah - Lvl 65 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 110! Day 35925, 16:54:31: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo)! Day 35926, 08:34:58: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 35926, 23:13:24: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 35926, 23:17:11: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 35949, 13:35:21: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 196 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 35961, 14:25:08: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35961, 21:25:40: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'BIRDY - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 35961, 21:27:29: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'SONNYS REX - Lvl 435 (Rex)'! Day 35961, 21:30:58: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 212 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35961, 21:38:41: GeoTheRabbitGod unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 212 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35961, 23:08:44: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 120! Day 35962, 03:37:45: Allosaurus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 35983, 17:57:05: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 35983, 18:58:04: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 0.9x! Day 35983, 19:15:51: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35998, 13:16:42: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 209 (Diplocaulus)! Day 35998, 19:27:21: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 57 (Megalodon)'! Day 35998, 19:28:13: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 57 (Megalodon)'! Day 36000, 02:18:30: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36000, 23:03:41: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36024, 06:48:25: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 36025, 19:07:09: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36026, 01:42:43: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 36026, 01:44:06: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 36026, 01:53:59: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 36066, 18:47:04: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 36067, 06:28:24: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Argentavis: Bek - Lvl 254 Day 36077, 18:12:04: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Argentavis: Slime - Lvl 439 Day 36078, 08:40:11: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Mossy - Lvl 147 Day 36078, 08:40:44: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Bo - Lvl 9 Day 36078, 08:41:25: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Flutter - Lvl 76 Day 36078, 12:29:33: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 156 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 36078, 12:30:21: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 66 (Dodo)'! Day 36078, 16:17:43: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 36080, 10:04:39: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 149 (Raptor)! Day 36089, 19:23:19: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 36090, 07:19:15: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 127 (Daeodon)! Day 36090, 10:03:05: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 36090, 12:12:17: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36090, 19:07:48: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36091, 15:05:30: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36091, 21:01:49: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Uranus - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36091, 21:08:33: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Uranus - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36091, 21:14:54: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Uranus - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36092, 17:35:58: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Uranus - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36094, 00:58:40: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 25! Day 36094, 01:16:09: Your Tirnoq - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 25! Day 36094, 02:10:26: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 25! Day 36094, 07:33:51: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 48 (Oviraptor)! Day 36114, 19:40:24: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 164 (Iguanodon)! Day 36139, 19:24:00: Carnotaurus - Lvl 80 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 36139, 19:41:01: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)! Day 36139, 21:52:05: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 70! Day 36140, 15:43:26: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 212 (Allosaurus)'! Day 36140, 15:44:11: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 212 (Allosaurus)'! Day 36141, 10:48:32: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 36162, 20:40:08: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)! Day 36165, 10:18:05: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed by Uranus - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36165, 10:18:05: Your Tribe killed GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 (The New Warren)! Day 36165, 10:18:08: Your Bo - Lvl 24 (Jerboa) was killed by Uranus - Lvl 161 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 36165, 10:18:08: Your Tribe killed Bo - Lvl 24 (Jerboa) (The New Warren)! Day 36165, 15:50:38: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Coca Cola - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 36165, 22:47:25: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Coca Cola - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 36166, 21:33:51: Tanah claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 36167, 05:32:41: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Roxanne - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 36167, 08:17:49: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Uranus - Lvl 161 Day 36167, 08:29:12: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Argentavis: Argo - Lvl 208 Day 36168, 19:10:30: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Bo III - Lvl 1 Day 36168, 19:25:38: Tanah downloaded a dino: Bronja - Lvl 1 Day 36168, 23:27:47: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36169, 09:39:46: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Gaia - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36169, 14:19:06: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Gaia - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36169, 18:57:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 36170, 06:27:28: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Gaia - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36170, 20:18:18: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Gaia - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36192, 22:58:43: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 36328, 05:11:16: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Gaia - Lvl 277 Day 36330, 08:09:28: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Argo - Lvl 187 Day 36330, 08:10:07: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Gaia - Lvl 260 Day 36330, 11:50:10: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 36330, 13:19:44: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 36330, 13:22:04: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 36331, 19:15:03: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Demeter - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 36332, 06:36:38: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 36332, 10:06:39: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Persephone - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 36332, 10:53:49: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Demeter - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 36332, 14:53:52: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Adolescent Persephone - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 36332, 15:38:15: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Telemachus - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 36594, 08:12:10: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36594, 08:13:22: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36594, 08:13:44: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36594, 09:36:16: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36594, 11:32:03: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36594, 16:33:29: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Lymantria: Flutter - Lvl 107 Day 36594, 16:39:24: GeoTheRabbitGod uploaded a Jerboa: Jerbie - Lvl 21 Day 36596, 08:12:37: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Flutter - Lvl 96 Day 36596, 08:13:08: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Jerbie - Lvl 21 Day 36636, 03:42:02: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36636, 05:40:22: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36636, 08:23:23: GeoTheRabbitGod froze HardMode - Lvl 79 (Quetzal) Day 36636, 08:35:37: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Aether - Lvl 127 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36636, 16:44:59: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36636, 16:45:57: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36666, 07:11:22: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36666, 07:11:34: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36666, 07:11:46: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36666, 07:11:56: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36666, 07:12:07: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36691, 06:22:44: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 36691, 06:32:32: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 36691, 20:40:06: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Neptune - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 36691, 22:51:39: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 37 (Ovis)! Day 36692, 02:53:33: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 97 (Ovis)! Day 36692, 07:39:58: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36692, 09:08:25: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Juvenile Pluto - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 36692, 09:41:08: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 36692, 09:44:20: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 36692, 10:43:19: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed by GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 (The New Warren)! Day 36692, 10:43:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)! Day 36692, 13:44:26: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 36692, 13:48:07: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 36692, 14:25:33: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 (The New Warren)! Day 36692, 14:25:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)! Day 36692, 18:17:57: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 36692, 18:20:44: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 36692, 18:55:45: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed by GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 (The New Warren)! Day 36692, 18:55:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)! Day 36692, 20:06:13: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 36692, 22:15:11: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 23 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 36693, 22:25:08: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Pluto - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 36729, 15:30:14: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Neptune - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 36731, 20:15:45: GeoTheRabbitGod downloaded a dino: Boef - Lvl 48 Day 36739, 22:00:01: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 36739, 22:38:38: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 36827, 16:28:44: Buta - Lvl 163 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 36827, 19:44:25: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 36872, 08:31:16: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36872, 12:27:27: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 36896, 23:49:44: Juvenile Rex Inferi - Lvl 207 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36919, 09:30:04: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36919, 09:30:28: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36919, 09:30:57: GeoTheRabbitGod demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36919, 12:03:54: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Neptune - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 36919, 15:27:59: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Pluto - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 36919, 16:34:57: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Telemachus - Lvl 268 (Thylacoleo) Day 36919, 16:52:04: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Gwahanol - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 36919, 17:12:06: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Cakar - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus) Day 36919, 17:25:07: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Sabre - Lvl 157 (Ravager) Day 36919, 17:33:18: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Crafanc - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus) Day 36919, 17:46:25: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 36930, 01:14:04: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Rex Inferi - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 36930, 08:58:42: GeoTheRabbitGod Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 36930, 16:30:31: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 120! Day 36931, 03:31:10: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 81 (Ovis)'! Day 36945, 16:40:53: Juvenile Cauliflower - Lvl 81 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 37133, 21:30:57: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 65 (Ovis)'! Day 37133, 21:33:09: GeoTheRabbitGod claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 65 (Ovis)'! Day 37142, 07:42:01: Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 65 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 37142, 07:42:04: Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 65 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 37155, 15:20:05: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Eadar - Lvl 249 (Allosaurus) Day 37155, 16:24:54: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Telemachus - Lvl 310 (Thylacoleo) Day 37155, 17:26:52: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Crafanc - Lvl 238 (Deinonychus) Day 37155, 17:30:30: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Cakar - Lvl 243 (Deinonychus) Day 37155, 17:47:55: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Roxanne - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 37155, 17:51:43: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Proserpina - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 37155, 17:57:40: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Ceres - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 37155, 18:03:20: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Cú Chulainn - Lvl 62 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37155, 19:24:16: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Rex Inferi - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37155, 23:14:01: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Rex Inferi - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 37155, 23:22:18: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Rex Inferi - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 37156, 01:55:00: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Gaia - Lvl 299 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37156, 02:21:15: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Slime Jr - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 37156, 10:37:34: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37156, 12:44:30: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37156, 14:23:32: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37156, 15:02:16: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 37156, 15:23:23: Your Telemachus - Lvl 311 (Thylacoleo) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 37156, 16:15:40: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 37156, 16:47:03: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Slime Jr - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 37156, 18:27:48: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 37156, 18:56:38: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Richard - Lvl 220 (Raptor) Day 37156, 20:40:03: Tribemember GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37156, 21:18:14: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Richard - Lvl 220 (Raptor) Day 37236, 16:51:22: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Gaia - Lvl 303 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37371, 09:44:35: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Cú Chulainn - Lvl 114 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37393, 13:44:23: Your Red - Lvl 72 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 37469, 20:52:23: Duck - Lvl 84 (Hesperornis) starved to death! Day 37522, 20:59:28: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankya - Lvl 100 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37541, 02:14:44: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Mars - Lvl 437 (Rex) Day 37541, 02:27:52: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Mars - Lvl 437 (Rex) Day 37541, 02:33:26: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Polyphemus - Lvl 299 (Thylacoleo) Day 37541, 04:00:41: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Bob The Big Baller - Lvl 302 (Doedicurus) Day 37541, 12:37:15: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Stevosaurus - Lvl 196 (Stegosaurus) Day 37541, 12:54:38: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Gwahanol - Lvl 302 (Allosaurus) Day 37541, 13:00:42: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Alan - Lvl 269 (Allosaurus) Day 37541, 13:06:30: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Alexa - Lvl 207 (Allosaurus) Day 37541, 13:12:17: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Aether - Lvl 135 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37541, 13:23:07: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Aether - Lvl 135 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37541, 13:27:29: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Sabre - Lvl 223 (Ravager) Day 37541, 13:35:25: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Newton - Lvl 253 (Diplocaulus) Day 37541, 13:42:08: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Tomato - Lvl 57 (Ovis) Day 37541, 13:46:06: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Potato - Lvl 117 (Ovis) Day 37541, 13:52:52: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Flutter - Lvl 113 (Lymantria) Day 37685, 13:40:27: Mini Meg - Lvl 74 (Megalodon) starved to death! Day 37804, 13:38:03: GeoTheRabbitGod froze Gaia - Lvl 319 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37901, 08:08:54: Bronja - Lvl 15 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 37901, 08:08:56: HardMode - Lvl 86 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 37901, 08:11:08: Boano - Lvl 63 (Compy) starved to death! Day 38016, 11:13:44: Dimorphodon - Lvl 106 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 38054, 18:57:29: Gastroddle - Lvl 46 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38085, 08:25:07: Charlie Jameson - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 38085, 08:44:41: Froddle - Lvl 49 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38096, 13:18:00: Doddle - Lvl 42 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38137, 22:12:13: Jerbie - Lvl 33 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 38137, 22:12:29: Boef - Lvl 56 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 38138, 01:00:29: Your Sarky - Lvl 135 (Sarco) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38417, 16:58:31: Dungy Burungy - Lvl 72 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 38417, 17:52:15: Yoddle - Lvl 84 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38417, 19:03:34: Doggo - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 38538, 06:57:44: Baby Baller - Lvl 62 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 38556, 08:46:02: Lime - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38632, 18:59:48: Blegg - Lvl 63 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 38849, 06:32:39: Pochi II - Lvl 115 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38860, 12:56:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39084, 18:59:36: KOSA - Lvl 116 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mega 2 - Lvl 180 (Megalodon)'! Day 39084, 19:58:51: KOSA - Lvl 116 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cole - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39084, 20:17:45: KOSA - Lvl 116 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coca Cola - Lvl 285 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39183, 19:04:49: Mary - Lvl 174 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 39268, 18:32:37: Johnson - Lvl 114 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venus - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 39268, 19:26:58: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rover - Lvl 160 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39268, 20:06:41: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vi - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 39268, 20:07:26: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argo - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 39268, 20:59:10: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyla - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39268, 21:05:06: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Isaac - Lvl 252 (Diplocaulus)'! Day 39268, 21:17:23: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pepsi - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39269, 06:27:09: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39270, 17:32:03: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mossy - Lvl 181 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39270, 17:46:50: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aboru II - Lvl 242 (Triceratops)'! Day 39270, 17:57:07: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ana - Lvl 204 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39270, 18:02:14: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ignacius - Lvl 227 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39270, 18:06:20: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tauros - Lvl 283 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39270, 19:11:31: Bong - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Elizabeth - Lvl 225 (Raptor)'! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39563, 13:46:23: bell - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lamy - Lvl 183 (Megalania)'! Day 39563, 13:57:12: bell - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Henry - Lvl 240 (Raptor)'! Day 39563, 14:01:04: bell - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Matilda - Lvl 189 (Raptor)'! Day 39567, 19:07:33: bell - Lvl 68 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Petra - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39567, 19:36:24: bell - Lvl 68 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mega Terrance - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39567, 21:21:27: bell - Lvl 68 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SplashCarrot - Lvl 103 (Megalodon)'! Day 39567, 21:31:57: bell - Lvl 68 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carrot Pie - Lvl 103 (Megalodon)'! Day 39581, 09:41:24: bell - Lvl 72 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 40178, 18:49:35: Peter - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1394435064,"tribe":"Of Light logs":["Day 15210, 02:04:52: Ray froze Rays Ride - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 03:06:00: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 03:57:52: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 194 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 04:01:43: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 204 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 04:05:58: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 04:59:25: Antman was added to the Tribe by EcStAsY! Day 15210, 05:15:16: Antman froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 15210, 06:10:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15210, 06:38:23: Tribemember Antman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 15210, 07:03:05: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 07:06:14: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 07:07:41: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 07:09:06: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 194 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 07:13:50: EcStAsY froze Rays Ride - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 15210, 07:28:34: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 15210, 07:40:56: Ray froze I see you,,,, - Lvl 326 (Snow Owl) Day 15210, 08:04:10: Antman froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 15307, 17:31:55: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 15307, 18:20:16: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 18:30:16: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 15307, 18:48:39: Ray froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15307, 18:48:55: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 19:17:00: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 19:36:57: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 21:19:01: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 21:29:01: Ray froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15307, 22:18:48: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15307, 23:22:01: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 15308, 05:22:39: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (Snow Owl) Day 15308, 05:32:55: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (Snow Owl) Day 15321, 12:44:58: EcStAsY froze X-Rex - Lvl 311 (X-Rex) Day 15321, 14:32:13: EcStAsY froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 322 (Basilosaurus) Day 15321, 15:22:50: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15321, 17:42:55: EcStAsY froze X-Rex - Lvl 332 (X-Rex) Day 15321, 19:12:29: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15321, 19:17:38: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15322, 01:49:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15322, 01:51:03: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15322, 02:01:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 232 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15322, 02:34:25: Your X-Rex - Lvl 311 (X-Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15322, 02:37:11: Your X-Rex - Lvl 333 (X-Rex) was killed! Day 15322, 02:37:13: Your X-Rex - Lvl 344 (X-Rex) was killed! Day 15322, 02:39:49: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15322, 02:41:50: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 15322, 03:35:59: EcStAsY froze Rays Ride - Lvl 228 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 03:40:43: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 03:48:25: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 03:55:16: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 04:11:29: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 245 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 04:32:41: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 219 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 04:39:43: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 04:53:47: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 05:00:31: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 15322, 05:13:23: EcStAsY froze X-Rex - Lvl 350 (X-Rex) Day 15322, 05:57:14: EcStAsY froze old alpha - Lvl 375 (Yutyrannus) Day 15322, 06:02:49: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 04:56:59: EcStAsY - Lvl 144 requested an Alliance with Salty Sea Dogs Tribe. Day 15364, 05:01:22: EcStAsY added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to dragon fun Alliance! Day 15364, 05:15:27: EcStAsY - Lvl 144 requested an Alliance with House of Dyason Tribe. Day 15364, 05:17:42: EcStAsY - Lvl 144 requested an Alliance with House of Dyason Tribe. Day 15364, 05:18:36: EcStAsY added 'House of Dyason' Tribe to dragon fun Alliance! Day 15364, 05:23:30: Antman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15364, 05:26:09: Antman was removed from the Tribe by EcStAsY! Day 15364, 05:28:53: Antman was added to the Tribe by EcStAsY! Day 15364, 07:23:24: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 07:25:02: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 228 (Deinonychus) Day 15364, 07:27:22: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 07:59:54: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 08:06:13: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 15364, 08:17:25: Antman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15391, 13:27:24: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 15391, 18:11:10: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 16:21:51: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15392, 16:24:13: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15392, 16:30:44: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 19:59:20: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15392, 20:02:52: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15392, 20:18:10: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 15392, 20:41:37: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 05:20:37: Antman froze Katie - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 15393, 05:50:41: Your X-Rex - Lvl 350 (X-Rex) was killed! Day 15393, 06:20:46: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:20:55: EcStAsY froze am - Lvl 333 (X-Rex) Day 15393, 06:22:26: Ray froze G2 007 (300) - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:22:35: EcStAsY froze X-Rex - Lvl 311 (X-Rex) Day 15393, 06:24:42: Ray froze G2 002 (300) - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:24:47: EcStAsY froze Yukidarumonnus - Lvl 326 (Yutyrannus) Day 15393, 06:26:14: Ray froze G2 011 (300) - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:28:42: Ray froze G2 013 (300) - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:32:40: Ray froze G2 012 (300) - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:34:31: Ray froze G2 003 (300) - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:35:38: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 06:35:56: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:37:26: Ray froze G2 014 (300) - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:42:51: Ray froze G2 004 (300) - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 06:52:16: Antman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15393, 08:14:44: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 08:26:42: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 08:29:01: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 10:14:49: EcStAsY froze teko14 - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 10:16:17: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15393, 11:44:51: Tribemember Ray - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 15393, 11:47:11: Your Ferox - Lvl 138 (Ferox) was killed by a Defense Unit - Lvl 124! Day 15393, 19:11:56: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 19:30:13: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 19:52:29: EcStAsY froze Ferox - Lvl 286 (Ferox) Day 15393, 20:07:37: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 15393, 22:23:20: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15403, 14:20:51: Ray froze Modliszka - Lvl 309 (Mantis) Day 15416, 18:36:55: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15447, 14:41:19: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15447, 21:09:36: Antman froze antman - Lvl 253 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:14:54: Ray froze Rays Sunday Dinner - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:44:10: Antman froze Firestarter - Lvl 229 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15447, 23:37:22: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15475, 14:07:21: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15475, 14:26:34: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15475, 19:55:46: Ray froze G2 006 (300) - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 15476, 10:56:59: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 11:27:07: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15476, 12:10:52: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 15489, 15:20:47: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 15489, 15:27:00: Antman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15489, 17:51:45: Tribemember Ray - Lvl 138 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 620! Day 15489, 18:43:41: Ray unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex)'! Day 15489, 19:25:36: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 15489, 19:31:24: EcStAsY froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15489, 19:44:57: EcStAsY froze Chosen F 1 - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 06:49:28: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 06:51:08: Ray froze Chosen F 1 - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 06:52:40: Ray froze Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 06:52:50: EcStAsY froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 360 (Yutyrannus) Day 15490, 07:28:41: EcStAsY froze cHOSEN F 2 - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 07:32:19: EcStAsY froze Knight Series No 5M - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 08:59:36: EcStAsY froze Chosen F 1 - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 09:01:15: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 09:01:24: Ray froze G2 008 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 09:04:38: Ray froze G2 016 (283) - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 09:08:58: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 09:43:37: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 10:11:00: EcStAsY froze Blboy - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 15490, 10:11:33: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 15545, 20:19:12: Ray froze Jarmo - Lvl 354 (Yutyrannus) Day 15546, 01:29:53: Ray froze G2 008 (300) - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 15546, 01:38:19: Ray froze G2 012 (300) - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15546, 01:44:20: Ray froze G2 009 (300) - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 15546, 01:48:40: Ray froze G2 010 (300) - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 15546, 02:43:11: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 322 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 02:52:02: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 02:58:19: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 03:07:24: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 03:37:22: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 03:48:28: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 308 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 04:00:25: Ray froze Female 0 - Lvl 312 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 04:08:22: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 15546, 05:16:49: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 15546, 07:24:43: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 15571, 21:05:02: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 02:39:28: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 05:40:21: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 05:46:26: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 06:55:42: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 07:36:56: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 09:30:38: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 09:32:46: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 09:37:16: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 09:50:28: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 15:33:16: Antman claimed 'Mrex - Lvl 303 (Rex)'! Day 15572, 17:40:28: Antman unclaimed 'Mrex - Lvl 303 (Rex)'! Day 15572, 18:11:33: Antman froze Firestarter - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15572, 18:52:33: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15572, 19:34:25: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 325 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:36:55: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:39:59: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 329 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:42:49: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:45:37: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 304 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:48:18: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:54:25: Ray froze Female 0 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 19:57:58: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 20:00:30: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 304 (Megatherium) Day 15572, 20:05:01: Ray froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 345 (Yutyrannus) Day 15572, 20:09:30: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15573, 00:21:20: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15573, 05:04:51: Ray froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 343 (Beelzebufo) Day 15573, 05:52:47: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15582, 07:53:39: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15582, 07:56:26: Ray unclaimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 343 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15582, 09:55:31: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 350 (Megatherium) Day 15582, 11:38:25: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 350 (Megatherium) Day 15582, 11:53:09: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 350 (Megatherium) Day 15582, 11:57:24: Ray claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 345 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15582, 12:40:16: Ray froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 345 (Beelzebufo) Day 15582, 13:12:05: Ray claimed 'Swag Man - Lvl 253 (Megatherium)'! Day 15582, 13:16:01: Ray froze Swag Man - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 15582, 13:47:25: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 15614, 06:54:21: Ray froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 375 (Beelzebufo) Day 15614, 07:32:30: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 337 (Snow Owl) Day 15695, 22:49:17: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 15696, 18:37:03: kokow22 added 'High Commander' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 15696, 18:51:07: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 15696, 22:29:38: Antman froze Firestarter - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15696, 23:29:38: Zenalis added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15696, 23:40:15: Zenalis added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15697, 00:07:49: Bengelchen added 'Of Light' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 01:50:07: Antman froze Firestarter - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15697, 02:33:20: Zenalis added 'Impulse' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15697, 02:52:54: Bengelchen added 'Impulse' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 14:48:38: Ray froze G3 (303) 001 - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 15:12:50: Antman froze no6 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 15:40:08: Antman froze Firestarter - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15697, 15:42:00: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 15:48:38: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 15787, 09:52:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15821, 06:22:39: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 15834, 18:35:40: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 353 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 00:46:22: Ray froze G1 Army 009 - Lvl 357 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 01:53:04: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 02:01:03: Ray froze G1 Army 012 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 02:08:04: Ray froze G1 Army 005 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 03:09:40: Ray froze G1 Army 014 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 04:26:03: Ray froze G1 Army 010 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 04:35:58: Ray froze G1 Army 008 - Lvl 345 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 04:50:05: Ray froze G1 Army 004 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 04:56:35: Ray froze G1 Army 016 - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:02:40: Ray froze G1 Army 003 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:11:25: Ray froze G1 Army 011 - Lvl 361 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:15:44: Ray froze G1 Army 015 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:18:03: Ray froze G1 Army 019 - Lvl 352 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:20:46: Ray froze G1 Army 013 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:24:33: Ray froze G1 Army 001 - Lvl 353 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:26:12: Ray froze G1 Army 006 - Lvl 357 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:30:04: Ray froze G1 Army 007 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 05:37:23: Ray froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 347 (Yutyrannus) Day 15835, 05:41:43: Ray froze G1 Army 018 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 06:54:16: Ray claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15835, 06:58:36: Ray claimed 'HSOFWM - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15835, 07:11:39: Ray froze HSOFWM - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15835, 07:13:02: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15835, 10:25:06: Ray froze Meat your DOOOOOOOOM - Lvl 319 (Thylacoleo) Day 15835, 11:23:48: Ray froze G1 Army 002 - Lvl 354 (Megatherium) Day 15835, 13:49:38: Ray froze My best friend - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 15835, 14:24:37: Ray froze HSOFWM - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15835, 14:26:02: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15835, 14:33:14: Ray froze My best friend - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 00:09:40: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 03:14:02: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 07:18:25: Tribemember Ray - Lvl 162 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 15850, 07:32:44: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 08:19:08: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 08:22:46: Your Thoglet - Lvl 276 (Beelzebufo) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 275! Day 15850, 08:36:54: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15850, 09:42:11: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15850, 09:52:30: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15850, 10:40:34: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 15850, 10:43:42: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 15865, 06:40:14: Ray froze Meat your DOOOOOOOOM - Lvl 319 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 06:43:53: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 07:48:12: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 08:24:53: Tribe of Raven tribe was merged in by Raven! Day 15865, 08:24:53: Raven was added to the Tribe by Ray! Day 15865, 08:32:26: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 08:51:08: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 347 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 12:59:04: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 349 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 12:59:10: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 313 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 13:31:38: Raven froze ® Big Burtha - Lvl 334 (Aberrant Spino) Day 15865, 15:36:27: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 15:39:57: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 322 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 15:45:01: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 322 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 15:46:15: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 15:52:42: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 323 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 16:13:15: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 16:16:46: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 323 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 17:23:32: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 323 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 17:37:12: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 324 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 17:37:58: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 18:19:34: Raven froze ® Ginger - Lvl 351 (Thylacoleo) Day 15865, 18:21:33: Ray froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 330 (Thylacoleo) Day 15866, 05:29:37: Raven froze ® Big Burtha - Lvl 337 (Aberrant Spino) Day 15866, 09:13:29: Ray unclaimed 'G1 Army 015 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium)'! Day 15866, 10:40:42: Raven froze ® Big Burtha - Lvl 337 (Aberrant Spino) Day 15866, 12:43:27: Ray claimed 'G1 Army 015 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium)'! Day 15866, 15:23:14: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 15866, 16:50:28: Ray froze G1 Army 007 - Lvl 361 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 16:55:40: Ray froze G1 Army 016 - Lvl 351 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 17:01:01: Ray froze G1 Army 003 - Lvl 359 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 17:02:48: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl) Day 15866, 17:07:42: Raven froze Mini Mike Scarf - Lvl 305 (Otter) Day 15866, 17:12:14: Ray froze G1 Army 006 - Lvl 360 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 17:16:51: Ray froze G1 Army 011 - Lvl 364 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 17:20:41: Ray froze G1 Army 010 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 17:29:26: Ray froze G1 Army 014 - Lvl 361 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 18:21:56: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 15866, 19:07:33: Ray froze G1 Army 018 - Lvl 360 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 19:12:26: Ray froze G1 Army 008 - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 19:18:01: Ray froze G1 Army 013 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:15:58: Ray froze G1 Army 001 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:17:29: Ray froze G1 Army 015 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:18:56: Ray froze G1 Army 005 - Lvl 360 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:20:33: Ray froze G1 Army 004 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:22:22: Ray froze G1 Army 002 - Lvl 357 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:41:20: Ray froze G1 Army 009 - Lvl 360 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 20:52:17: Ray froze G1 Army 019 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 21:13:38: Ray froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 347 (Yutyrannus) Day 15866, 21:24:58: Ray froze G1 Army 012 - Lvl 359 (Megatherium) Day 15866, 22:21:12: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 15867, 01:25:59: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 337 (Snow Owl) Day 15894, 04:14:39: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 15894, 07:05:22: Ray froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 385 (Beelzebufo) Day 15894, 07:30:55: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 15894, 07:32:22: Ray froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 385 (Beelzebufo) Day 15912, 22:15:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15962, 04:57:44: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 16004, 16:43:17: Raven claimed 'Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 241 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 16004, 18:14:39: Raven unclaimed 'Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 241 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 16004, 19:04:17: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 10:30:09: Raven demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 16018, 11:44:27: Raven froze ® Plop the baby Barn Owl - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 12:01:42: Raven froze ® WD40 - Lvl 448 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 12:06:14: Raven was removed from the Tribe! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16115, 09:17:27: Ray froze I see you,,,, - Lvl 367 (Snow Owl) Day 16115, 10:51:31: Ray froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 341 (Basilosaurus) Day 16115, 11:09:11: Ray froze I see you,,,, - Lvl 367 (Snow Owl) Day 16227, 04:18:51: Ray froze Jade's Mana - Lvl 315 (Managarmr) Day 16276, 22:04:47: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 16387, 10:05:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16394, 15:33:20: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 16394, 20:01:23: Ray froze Cave Kitty 4 - Lvl 351 (Thylacoleo) Day 16394, 20:05:50: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 16477, 07:06:53: Natsu - Lvl 41 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16526, 18:49:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16638, 09:48:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16703, 15:18:39: Ray froze oh please weight....... - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 16815, 16:54:34: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 16837, 18:51:42: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 16837, 18:54:06: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 16837, 20:29:34: Ray froze G1 Army 015 - Lvl 398 (Megatherium) Day 16837, 20:51:43: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 16838, 01:17:31: Ray froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 16871, 10:59:20: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 362 (Snow Owl) Day 16871, 12:54:26: Ray froze Cave Kitty 4 - Lvl 383 (Thylacoleo) Day 16871, 16:30:25: Ray - Lvl 166 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16871, 16:31:37: Ray - Lvl 166 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16871, 16:31:48: Ray added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to dragon fun Alliance! Day 16871, 17:59:16: Ray froze G1 Army 001 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:01:48: Ray froze G1 Army 012 - Lvl 359 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:08:08: Ray froze G1 Army 002 - Lvl 357 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:13:52: Ray froze Megatherium - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:20:16: Ray froze G1 Army 004 - Lvl 382 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:24:44: Ray froze G1 Army 019 - Lvl 355 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 18:58:30: Ray froze G1 Army 008 - Lvl 372 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 19:01:47: Ray froze G1 Army 013 - Lvl 358 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 19:07:35: Ray froze G1 Army 017 - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 19:09:59: Ray froze G1 Army 007 - Lvl 384 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 19:19:22: Ray froze G1 Army 014 - Lvl 361 (Megatherium) Day 16871, 19:47:48: Ray froze Rays birdie - Lvl 362 (Snow Owl) Day 17222, 18:41:15: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17222, 18:41:15: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17557, 13:51:00: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18040, 18:07:16: EcStAsY - Lvl 169 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 18040, 18:08:46: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 18040, 23:51:05: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 413 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18041, 02:24:29: EcStAsY claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 413 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18041, 05:58:34: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 292 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18041, 06:26:20: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 291 (Deinonychus) Day 18041, 06:35:03: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 289 (Deinonychus) Day 18041, 06:38:04: EcStAsY froze Rays Ride - Lvl 297 (Deinonychus) Day 18041, 06:39:45: EcStAsY froze Deinonychus - Lvl 299 (Deinonychus) Day 18041, 06:42:59: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 413 (Snow Owl) Day 18213, 18:19:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18213, 18:19:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19375, 09:22:17: Lilith added 'Of Light' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19375, 09:31:48: Lilith added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19375, 10:06:43: EcStAsY - Lvl 181 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 19375, 11:52:06: EcStAsY Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 19375, 11:59:02: EcStAsY froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 19375, 12:12:29: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)'! Day 19375, 16:41:21: Lilith added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 19375, 18:42:05: EcStAsY froze Reaper King - Lvl 389 (Reaper King) Day 19375, 18:49:03: EcStAsY froze The One - Lvl 419 (Snow Owl) Day 19376, 10:57:24: Lilith added 'The Lads' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 19:58:12: Tasha added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 20:04:09: Tasha added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23524, 06:17:52: Tasha added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1392783695,"tribe":"Just Us logs":["Day 14664, 07:09:53: Flash was added to the Tribe! Day 14664, 13:39:19: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 14664, 23:17:41: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 14665, 01:55:53: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 14665, 09:07:02: Flash Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon)! Day 14665, 11:25:20: Flash claimed 'Flashetta - Lvl 205 (Argentavis)'! Day 14665, 12:21:21: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 36 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 14665, 12:51:29: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 36 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 14666, 15:54:37: Flash Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 14675, 16:16:05: Flash demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14675, 17:38:44: Flash demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 14675, 17:41:38: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:43:12: Flash demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 14675, 17:49:04: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:54:51: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:55:43: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:56:20: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:56:50: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14675, 17:57:15: Flash demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14679, 13:01:18: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 74 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 14682, 08:20:02: Flash Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 29 (Stegosaurus)! Day 14683, 12:26:42: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 14694, 17:36:48: Flash froze Iguanodon - Lvl 33 (Iguanodon) Day 14696, 19:09:03: Flash Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 29 (Tapejara)! Day 14696, 19:11:01: Flash froze flappy - Lvl 29 (Tapejara) Day 14696, 19:52:59: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 95 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 14696, 19:53:34: Your flappy - Lvl 30 (Tapejara) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 14696, 20:22:27: Flash claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 14698, 01:10:48: Flash Tamed a Rex - Lvl 140 (Rex)! Day 14698, 01:23:13: Flash froze Many Teeth - Lvl 140 (Rex) Day 14705, 07:33:04: Flash claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 27 (Allosaurus)'! Day 14705, 07:34:20: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 27 (Allosaurus) Day 14705, 07:44:30: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 53 (Allosaurus) Day 14706, 07:00:42: Flash claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14706, 09:28:09: Flash froze Baby sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14706, 09:31:40: Flash froze Baby sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14706, 09:34:14: Flash froze Baby sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14706, 11:48:18: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14706, 13:13:46: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14706, 20:00:28: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:14:44: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:22:49: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:29:32: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:36:26: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:41:13: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:46:12: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:50:43: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 01:57:30: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 02:02:25: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 06:14:33: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 06:17:44: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 06:19:38: Flash froze Juvenile sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 08:33:18: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 08:37:08: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 10:51:03: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 10:53:59: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:11:46: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:14:00: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:16:47: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:18:39: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:20:25: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:22:25: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 13:07:21: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 15:09:34: Flash unclaimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 43 (Iguanodon)'! Day 14707, 15:21:24: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 17:36:19: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 17:38:19: Flash froze Adolescent sparky - Lvl 169 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14707, 20:02:35: Flash froze Speedy - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 14707, 20:30:58: Flash unclaimed 'Speedy - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 14708, 08:48:03: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 14708, 09:00:19: Your Marcele - Lvl 44 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 14708, 09:23:27: Flash froze Flashetta - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 14708, 15:44:17: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 95 (Allosaurus) Day 14708, 15:45:59: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 52 (Allosaurus) Day 14713, 16:05:23: Flash Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14713, 16:09:09: Flash froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) Day 14713, 16:09:54: Flash Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)! Day 14713, 16:17:36: Flash froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur) Day 14714, 15:47:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 14714, 15:59:09: Flash froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 14714, 17:24:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 44 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 14714, 17:27:27: Flash froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 44 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 14714, 18:29:53: Flash froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 44 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 14801, 08:49:50: Flash claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 164 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14801, 08:51:31: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 164 (Snow Owl) Day 14801, 08:53:11: Flash claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14801, 08:57:31: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl) Day 14801, 14:52:40: Flash claimed 'Juvenile Otter - Lvl 49 (Otter)'! Day 14801, 15:03:10: Flash froze Juvenile Otter - Lvl 49 (Otter) Day 14801, 16:09:54: Flash froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 86 (Dilophosaur) Day 14801, 16:15:13: Flash froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur) Day 14801, 16:21:29: Flash froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 57 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 14801, 16:23:52: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 95 (Allosaurus) Day 14801, 16:26:50: Flash froze Allosaurus - Lvl 52 (Allosaurus) Day 14801, 16:30:00: Flash froze Many Teeth - Lvl 175 (Rex) Day 14801, 16:34:07: Flash froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 14801, 16:35:47: Flash froze whips - Lvl 47 (Stegosaurus) Day 14801, 17:05:29: Flash claimed 'Baby Tapejara - Lvl 115 (Tapejara)'! Day 14801, 18:39:25: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl) Day 14801, 18:41:35: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl) Day 14802, 03:12:51: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 174 (Snow Owl) Day 14802, 03:34:34: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14802, 03:43:57: Flash froze Flashetta - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 14802, 03:58:17: Flash froze Otter - Lvl 53 (Otter) Day 14802, 04:14:31: Flash froze Juvenile My Kryptonite - Lvl 115 (Tapejara) Day 14811, 09:39:04: Flash froze My Kryptonite - Lvl 115 (Tapejara) Day 14811, 11:29:45: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14813, 09:41:00: Flash Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 127 (Sabertooth)! Day 14813, 09:45:46: Flash froze TEETH - Lvl 127 (Sabertooth) Day 14813, 11:41:43: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14813, 13:51:39: Flash froze TEETH - Lvl 135 (Sabertooth) Day 14813, 18:02:33: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 195 (Snow Owl) Day 14815, 07:35:28: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14815, 10:48:31: Flash froze Flashetta - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 14815, 15:36:20: Flash Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon)! Day 14815, 15:40:19: Flash froze Megs1 - Lvl 134 (Megalodon) Day 14815, 16:06:51: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 14815, 19:14:17: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14907, 16:26:18: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 14907, 16:50:42: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (Snow Owl) Day 14907, 18:40:57: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14925, 23:32:17: Flash froze Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 14925, 23:36:17: Flash froze Sparky - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15121, 21:47:58: Otter - Lvl 89 (Otter) starved to death! Day 15158, 20:00:43: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15376, 13:38:54: whips - Lvl 78 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15577, 11:23:17: Your General - Lvl 242 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 15675, 13:30:57: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15675, 13:30:57: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16057, 07:55:57: Anurama - Lvl 142 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21652, 02:20:24: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1389737850,"tribe":"Top Tree Trundred logs":["Day 43628, 15:45:02: THE MAN froze Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 43628, 15:50:43: THE MAN froze lee - Lvl 41 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43630, 12:09:35: THE MAN Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur)! Day 43630, 12:16:59: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur) Day 43630, 12:47:02: THE MAN demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 43630, 12:48:04: THE MAN demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 43630, 12:48:56: THE MAN demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 43630, 15:20:03: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur) Day 43643, 08:42:00: THE MAN demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 43643, 17:17:43: THE MAN Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 43643, 17:53:36: THE MAN Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 43643, 19:13:11: THE MAN froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 105 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 43643, 22:50:53: THE MAN froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 107 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 43644, 00:28:06: Blonke Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 43644, 00:50:56: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 43644, 01:31:02: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 43644, 02:41:15: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 43644, 06:26:46: THE MAN Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)! Day 43644, 06:48:44: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 43644, 06:52:10: THE MAN froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 109 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 43644, 08:33:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 141 (Phiomia)! Day 43644, 11:22:56: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 43644, 14:31:06: Blonke Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 74 (Quetzal)! Day 43644, 16:46:52: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 43645, 02:02:05: Blonke Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 10 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 43645, 02:34:28: Blonke Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 17 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 43645, 06:03:11: THE MAN froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 19 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 43645, 09:41:21: Blonke Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 59 (Moschops)! Day 43645, 13:19:55: Blonke Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 43645, 13:22:44: Blonke Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 44 (Dimorphodon)! Day 43645, 15:35:16: THE MAN Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 43645, 16:20:45: Blonke claimed 'Baby Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 43645, 20:50:27: Blonke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 43645, 21:19:09: Blonke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 43645, 21:26:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 43645, 23:09:16: Your Juvenile Diddy Bait - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed! Day 43645, 23:09:16: Juvenile Diddy Bait - Lvl 16 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 43646, 01:39:22: Blonke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 31 (Dodo)'! Day 43646, 03:22:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 22 (Phiomia)! Day 43646, 14:48:19: Blonke claimed 'Baby Phiomia - Lvl 94 (Phiomia)'! Day 43646, 16:42:13: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 43646, 17:24:18: Blonke Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 6 (Parasaur)! Day 43646, 18:56:40: Blonke Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 16 (Pachy)! Day 43646, 19:26:00: Your Juvenile Phiomia - Lvl 94 (Phiomia) was killed! Day 43646, 19:26:00: Juvenile Phiomia - Lvl 94 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 43647, 01:36:50: THE MAN Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)! Day 43647, 01:56:33: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 43647, 03:40:56: Your Parasaur - Lvl 9 (Parasaur) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 43647, 03:48:09: Your Submissive Male - Lvl 44 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 43647, 07:59:23: THE MAN demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 43647, 12:47:29: THE MAN Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur)! Day 43647, 12:51:43: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur) Day 43647, 14:30:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 16 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 43647, 18:16:21: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43647, 18:17:07: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43648, 03:03:26: THE MAN froze Deku Midoriya, PLUS ULTR - Lvl 149 (Phiomia) Day 43648, 09:04:29: Your Pachy - Lvl 16 (Pachy) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 43648, 09:09:13: Your Phiomia - Lvl 26 (Phiomia) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 43648, 09:11:00: Your Dodo - Lvl 35 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 43648, 11:02:14: Your wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 46 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 15! Day 43650, 18:03:58: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur) Day 43650, 19:01:38: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 84 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43651, 02:46:33: Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 84 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 43651, 14:46:41: Your eeeeeee - Lvl 98 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 65! Day 43651, 15:33:43: Blonke Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 43651, 15:36:12: Blonke Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 43651, 17:01:53: THE MAN claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 105 (Triceratops)'! Day 43651, 17:04:11: THE MAN claimed 'Deamon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43651, 17:10:14: THE MAN froze Deamon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 43651, 17:13:11: THE MAN froze Triceratops - Lvl 105 (Triceratops) Day 43651, 17:56:06: Blonke Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 148 (Parasaur)! Day 43651, 18:51:36: THE MAN claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 43651, 19:34:34: THE MAN claimed 'Slipgator - Lvl 155 (Sarco)'! Day 43651, 19:49:56: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 223 (Basilosaurus) Day 43651, 23:27:57: Blonke Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 51 (Iguanodon)! Day 43652, 02:43:32: Blonke Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 43652, 06:20:10: Blonke Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 178 (Dimorphodon)! Day 43652, 13:17:30: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 253 (Basilosaurus) Day 43652, 14:11:09: THE MAN froze 39M - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43652, 14:14:57: THE MAN froze 39M - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43652, 14:21:10: THE MAN froze 39M - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43652, 17:49:49: THE MAN froze 39M - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43652, 19:07:08: THE MAN froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 125 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 43653, 01:09:48: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 43653, 05:04:43: Your Triceratops - Lvl 9 (Triceratops) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 15! Day 43653, 13:16:38: THE MAN demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 43653, 16:14:21: Juvenile Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 43653, 18:29:54: Your rEDSKIN - Lvl 24 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 43654, 00:41:18: Your Deamon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 43654, 01:29:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 43654, 05:24:57: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 253 (Basilosaurus) Day 43656, 04:00:40: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 43656, 05:13:20: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 43656, 05:49:11: Your Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 43656, 05:58:14: Your Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 32 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 43656, 06:26:24: THE MAN froze Rockwell - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 43656, 12:43:28: THE MAN downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 219 Day 43656, 12:46:21: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 43656, 19:41:55: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 257 (Basilosaurus) Day 43671, 15:18:22: Tribemember THE MAN - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 43671, 21:17:04: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 74 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43672, 01:23:57: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 74 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 110 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43672, 01:23:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 74 (Therizinosaur) (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43672, 03:20:01: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 77 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43672, 03:33:23: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 77 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 110 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43672, 03:33:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 77 (Therizinosaur) (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43672, 07:08:07: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43672, 07:09:09: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43672, 08:11:15: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 43672, 18:42:55: Your Moschops - Lvl 80 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 43672, 19:52:49: Your lee - Lvl 61 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 43673, 00:54:22: Your poopy - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 43673, 01:17:24: Your cc - Lvl 63 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 43673, 06:35:47: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 43673, 07:27:17: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 132 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 43673, 07:28:38: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 43673, 07:32:31: THE MAN froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops) Day 43673, 07:35:27: THE MAN froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 132 (Sinomacrops) Day 43673, 09:27:48: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 43673, 11:53:46: THE MAN froze Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 43673, 12:16:44: THE MAN claimed 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 43673, 12:19:31: THE MAN claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:26:43: THE MAN claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:31:20: THE MAN claimed 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 43673, 12:35:18: THE MAN claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:43:27: THE MAN claimed 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:51:24: THE MAN froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus) Day 43673, 14:45:31: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43673, 14:48:50: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 43673, 14:52:43: THE MAN froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 43673, 14:57:37: THE MAN froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis) Day 43673, 15:19:47: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 43673, 22:28:28: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 189 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43674, 04:11:03: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 43674, 08:49:35: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43674, 19:45:21: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 43674, 21:45:44: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43675, 10:53:30: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur) Day 43675, 10:56:30: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur) Day 43675, 11:31:18: Your E Junior - Lvl 40 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 43676, 21:54:51: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 43677, 16:40:00: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43677, 18:31:57: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43678, 07:36:13: THE MAN froze 35H 33S 30W - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 43678, 10:12:02: THE MAN froze 35H 33S 30W - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 43678, 11:21:46: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 43678, 11:30:05: THE MAN froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 182 (Sinomacrops) Day 43678, 17:18:59: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 43678, 19:25:38: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43678, 20:54:31: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43679, 02:22:29: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 43679, 12:06:58: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 43680, 00:03:24: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 151 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 43680, 00:03:24: Sinomacrops - Lvl 151 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 43680, 05:00:48: THE MAN froze Gasbags - Lvl 147 (Gasbags) Day 43680, 06:41:35: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 43680, 19:28:02: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 43680, 21:38:16: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43680, 23:37:14: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43681, 05:46:15: THE MAN froze Slipgator - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 43681, 13:21:32: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 43681, 14:31:34: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43681, 15:55:16: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43690, 13:51:20: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 94 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 43691, 05:05:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 43691, 05:48:44: Blonke Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 19 (Brontosaurus)! Day 43691, 23:20:12: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 96 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 43692, 01:33:42: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 97 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 95! Day 43692, 10:07:45: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 43692, 11:05:49: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43692, 12:27:46: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43692, 13:24:49: THE MAN froze King Crimson - Lvl 109 (Moschops) Day 43692, 14:21:33: THE MAN froze King Crimson - Lvl 110 (Moschops) Day 43692, 19:28:56: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43692, 19:44:43: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43693, 13:18:09: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 132 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 43693, 13:18:51: Dilophosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43693, 13:18:51: Dilophosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43693, 13:19:59: Dilophosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43693, 13:20:54: Dilophosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 43693, 13:41:31: Your nuh uh - Lvl 178 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 43693, 14:25:29: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43693, 21:21:58: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43693, 21:26:24: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43693, 21:31:07: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43694, 03:18:09: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43694, 04:50:11: THE MAN froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43694, 12:38:36: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43694, 12:42:14: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43694, 15:36:44: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43697, 12:22:22: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43697, 12:38:09: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 43697, 13:37:19: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43697, 14:45:03: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43697, 16:57:44: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43697, 17:01:18: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43697, 22:39:47: THE MAN froze King Crimson - Lvl 110 (Moschops) Day 43698, 00:05:39: THE MAN froze King Crimson - Lvl 110 (Moschops) Day 43698, 03:39:28: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43698, 03:44:38: THE MAN froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43698, 12:27:13: Blonke froze Jeremy Clarkson - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops) Day 43698, 13:35:32: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43698, 13:58:01: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 43698, 15:27:47: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 208 (Therizinosaur) Day 43698, 16:50:58: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 43698, 23:01:32: Blonke froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 164 (Sinomacrops) Day 43698, 23:12:16: Blonke froze Rockwell - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 43698, 23:31:53: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43701, 14:52:32: THE MAN froze Dead Internet Theory - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 43701, 22:35:58: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 43703, 03:28:47: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43703, 03:30:20: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 43703, 03:55:20: THE MAN froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43703, 13:54:47: THE MAN froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43703, 13:58:29: THE MAN froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 15:20:15: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 19:47:47: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 19:51:33: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 19:54:35: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 19:58:02: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 20:01:38: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 20:05:30: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 20:09:04: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43704, 20:12:27: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43705, 02:01:09: THE MAN froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43722, 14:49:53: THE MAN froze 35H 33S 30W - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43722, 14:53:00: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 02:43:11: THE MAN froze Dead Internet Theory - Lvl 243 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 04:30:01: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43723, 04:31:37: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43723, 04:32:46: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43723, 04:41:07: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43723, 04:53:45: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 05:00:17: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 05:13:46: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 05:23:26: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 112 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43723, 05:23:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur)! Day 43723, 05:40:13: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) Day 43723, 11:35:05: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 98 was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 112 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43723, 11:35:05: Your Tribe killed Blonke - Lvl 98 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43723, 13:30:37: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 43723, 14:02:50: Blonke froze Baby Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43723, 15:26:42: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43723, 15:31:28: Blonke froze Baby Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43723, 15:45:05: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 43723, 16:18:12: Blonke froze ss - Lvl 40 (Brontosaurus) Day 43723, 16:24:28: Blonke froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 187 (Brontosaurus) Day 43723, 16:53:34: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43723, 17:55:29: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43723, 21:02:44: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 43724, 01:56:04: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 02:08:14: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 04:14:05: Blonke froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 187 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 08:18:09: Blonke froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 190 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 11:50:11: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 11:53:56: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 12:38:06: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 13:46:36: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43724, 13:53:12: Blonke froze Juvenile Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43725, 07:06:32: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 165 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 43725, 07:06:32: Sinomacrops - Lvl 165 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 43725, 11:14:10: Blonke froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 194 (Brontosaurus) Day 43725, 20:25:50: Blonke froze Adolescent Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43725, 20:31:51: Blonke froze Adolescent Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43725, 20:36:55: Blonke froze Adolescent Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43725, 20:54:11: Blonke froze Adolescent Brontosaurus - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 43726, 06:04:55: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) Day 43726, 06:10:47: THE MAN froze good melee/hp male - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43726, 17:15:02: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43726, 17:27:00: THE MAN froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43727, 01:10:11: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 43727, 02:21:18: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43727, 04:10:19: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43727, 14:11:16: THE MAN Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 43727, 14:16:55: THE MAN froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 104 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43727, 18:34:57: THE MAN froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 117 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43728, 04:16:44: THE MAN froze King Crimson - Lvl 118 (Moschops) Day 43728, 06:47:26: THE MAN froze Dead Internet Theory - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 43728, 07:13:21: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 43728, 14:02:40: THE MAN froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 119 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43728, 19:17:28: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 43728, 20:26:25: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43728, 21:40:38: THE MAN froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus) Day 43728, 22:42:20: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 43729, 08:44:08: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing)'! Day 43729, 15:03:46: THE MAN claimed 'Snake - Lvl 191 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 43729, 15:08:08: THE MAN froze Snake - Lvl 191 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43729, 19:10:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus)! Day 43729, 19:19:48: THE MAN froze Snake - Lvl 191 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43729, 19:22:29: THE MAN froze Doedicurus - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus) Day 43729, 22:34:27: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 55! Day 43730, 10:27:21: THE MAN demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 43730, 19:52:34: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 43730, 23:35:47: THE MAN froze Parasaur - Lvl 148 (Parasaur) Day 43731, 06:27:13: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43731, 06:30:22: THE MAN froze Dead Internet Theory - Lvl 246 (Therizinosaur) Day 43731, 07:12:08: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43732, 06:45:58: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing)'! Day 43743, 01:00:35: Juvenile Blonkes Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 43743, 09:17:45: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43743, 09:19:47: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 189 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43743, 09:22:09: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 189 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 112 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43743, 09:22:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 189 (Therizinosaur) (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43743, 09:24:30: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 112 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43743, 09:24:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43743, 23:26:10: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43744, 04:42:03: Your Baby perfcet female - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 43744, 04:42:03: Baby perfcet female - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 43744, 07:26:03: Your Slipgator - Lvl 171 (Sarco) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 43749, 19:23:51: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 43752, 16:43:40: THE MAN froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops) Day 43752, 16:49:26: THE MAN froze Jeremy Clarkson - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops) Day 43752, 17:58:41: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 43752, 18:06:14: THE MAN froze Doedicurus - Lvl 123 (Doedicurus) Day 43752, 18:15:58: THE MAN froze Deftones - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 43752, 18:36:16: THE MAN froze Yabujin - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 43753, 17:15:42: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 236 (Maewing) Day 43754, 06:09:59: THE MAN froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops) Day 43754, 06:22:42: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 43768, 10:41:57: Turret - Lvl 148 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 43768, 14:19:19: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43768, 14:20:10: THE MAN claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43768, 15:34:19: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur) was killed by THE MAN - Lvl 112 (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43768, 15:34:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur) (Top Tree Trundred)! Day 43768, 17:10:46: THE MAN froze Gasbags - Lvl 171 (Gasbags) Day 43768, 17:37:48: THE MAN froze Archangel Gabriel - Lvl 254 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43772, 16:33:43: Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 187 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 43772, 19:04:41: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43772, 19:57:19: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 43831, 16:19:09: THE MAN froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 211 (Sinomacrops) Day 43831, 16:52:06: THE MAN froze Archangel Gabriel - Lvl 312 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 43834, 13:04:01: THE MAN froze 39M - Lvl 247 (Therizinosaur) Day 43834, 13:06:56: THE MAN froze 35H 33S 30W - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 43834, 13:09:41: THE MAN froze good melee/hp male - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur) Day 43834, 13:15:24: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 43834, 13:18:11: THE MAN froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) Day 43834, 13:52:28: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 43854, 20:06:13: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 43854, 21:09:20: THE MAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 220 (Managarmr) Day 43859, 03:32:16: THE MAN froze Managarmr - Lvl 227 (Managarmr) Day 43862, 08:40:24: THE MAN froze Gasbags - Lvl 203 (Gasbags) Day 43908, 22:28:39: THE MAN froze Shaun - Lvl 251 (Managarmr) Day 43909, 00:15:42: Tribemember THE MAN - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 215! Day 43909, 00:28:44: Blonke froze Deftones - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 43909, 02:25:08: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 43909, 07:35:08: THE MAN uploaded a Argentavis: Rockwell - Lvl 293 Day 43909, 07:35:42: THE MAN uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 243 Day 43909, 07:39:32: Blonke froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 43923, 13:57:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43932, 23:55:08: Your Jeremy Clarkson - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 195! Day 43959, 22:14:01: THE MAN froze Deftones - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 43960, 01:39:17: THE MAN froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis) Day 43960, 01:49:28: THE MAN froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis) Day 43960, 01:58:34: THE MAN froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus) Day 43960, 02:36:04: THE MAN froze Ice King - Lvl 284 (Managarmr) Day 43960, 02:40:42: THE MAN froze Icarus - Lvl 246 (Sinomacrops) Day 44029, 19:07:19: THE MAN froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44329, 13:23:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44344, 22:37:25: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 133 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 44344, 23:48:07: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44583, 04:25:51: King Crimson - Lvl 118 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 44615, 07:41:42: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44615, 07:41:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44615, 07:41:42: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44615, 07:41:42: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44873, 08:13:48: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp/stam male - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 08:41:35: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 08:49:34: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 09:04:36: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)'! Day 44873, 09:11:21: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 16 (Triceratops)'! Day 44885, 09:50:15: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 52 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 44887, 18:27:28: Tobster - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deku Midoriya, PLUS ULTR - Lvl 165 (Phiomia)'! Day 44887, 18:32:29: Tobster - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John Pork - Lvl 112 (Quetzal)'! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44901, 05:17:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44919, 06:58:08: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'es - Lvl 69 (Castoroides)'! Day 44919, 07:20:01: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pt - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44919, 07:27:39: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flappy - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44939, 19:50:38: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 257 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44939, 19:55:55: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44939, 20:16:44: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 45115, 06:09:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1382793362,"tribe":"Tribe of Darkfoxx logs":["Day 20781, 16:52:21: Darkfoxx was added to the Tribe! Day 20789, 08:25:43: Tribemember Darkfoxx - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 20789, 17:59:30: Darkfoxx Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur)! Day 20790, 19:19:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 112 (Carnotaurus)! Day 20791, 11:38:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 20791, 12:21:54: Darkfoxx Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 112 (Sabertooth)! Day 20800, 08:46:24: Your Parasaur - Lvl 48 (Parasaur) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 70! Day 20800, 08:59:11: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 120 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 70! Day 20800, 14:58:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 111 (Raptor)! Day 20801, 15:08:49: Darkfoxx demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 20802, 12:04:03: Darkfoxx uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 90 Day 20802, 14:42:23: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)! Day 20802, 22:59:27: Darkfoxx downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 90 Day 20803, 05:15:35: Darkfoxx froze Raptor - Lvl 115 (Raptor) Day 20803, 05:22:41: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 20803, 13:35:18: Darkfoxx froze Sabertooth - Lvl 123 (Sabertooth) Day 20803, 13:39:18: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 20803, 13:44:35: Darkfoxx froze Pteranodon - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 20810, 15:40:10: Darkfoxx Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 20810, 15:47:14: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops) Day 20810, 16:59:03: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops) Day 20810, 18:11:13: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 81 (Triceratops) Day 20811, 22:07:47: Darkfoxx Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 134 (Megatherium)! Day 20811, 22:14:01: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 134 (Megatherium) Day 20812, 03:22:13: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 134 (Megatherium) Day 20812, 09:51:17: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 88 (Triceratops) Day 20812, 11:32:30: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 20814, 03:18:46: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 20829, 22:43:13: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 20830, 06:39:55: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 195 (Megatherium) Day 20830, 08:25:09: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 216 (Megatherium) Day 20830, 12:07:57: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 20836, 05:54:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)! Day 20836, 09:50:37: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 116 (Triceratops) Day 20836, 12:52:35: Darkfoxx froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 20836, 13:26:12: Darkfoxx froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 20836, 14:19:55: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) Day 20836, 16:25:58: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 20849, 10:06:17: Darkfoxx froze H46 S35 O19 F32 W39 M49 - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 20849, 10:13:10: Darkfoxx froze Megatherium - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 20849, 10:15:59: Darkfoxx froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 51 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20849, 16:03:02: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 20849, 22:02:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 20850, 06:03:00: Darkfoxx froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 20850, 07:06:55: Darkfoxx froze melee 65 - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 20850, 07:52:00: Darkfoxx froze H46 S35 O19 F32 W39 M49 - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 20850, 09:46:48: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 20857, 01:55:46: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 116 (Triceratops) Day 20857, 04:11:25: Darkfoxx froze Triceratops - Lvl 130 (Triceratops) Day 20857, 16:25:33: Darkfoxx froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 69 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20857, 19:23:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 20857, 20:32:16: Darkfoxx froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 20858, 00:16:07: Darkfoxx froze Melee 360 F - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 20858, 00:19:55: Darkfoxx froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 20858, 02:11:50: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 20858, 03:05:47: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 20858, 20:45:36: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 20859, 03:39:02: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 20875, 00:39:35: Darkfoxx froze Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 20908, 06:19:28: Your Raptor - Lvl 164 (Raptor) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 75! Day 20983, 15:14:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21455, 13:28:17: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21761, 15:05:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21761, 15:05:50: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22044, 14:18:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1381295562,"tribe":"Tribe of Battlefox logs":["Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17303, 16:39:03: Tribemember Battlefox - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17652, 11:09:15: Quagmire froze Lord Varys - Lvl 436 (Snow Owl) Day 21189, 22:15:38: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1379729749,"tribe":"Tribe of Tiago logs":["Day 20271, 00:24:49: Tiago was added to the Tribe! Day 20271, 00:28:02: Fragzzz was added to the Tribe by Tiago! Day 20271, 05:51:19: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 70 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 20271, 05:54:10: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 70 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 20271, 16:21:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20271, 17:35:51: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 110! Day 20271, 18:51:59: Tiago Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 20271, 20:09:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 20271, 20:57:23: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 71 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 75! Day 20272, 09:32:39: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 20272, 09:57:27: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 72 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 20272, 15:33:57: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20272, 16:06:02: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20272, 16:06:35: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 20272, 17:36:31: Tiago uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 68 Day 20273, 18:24:20: Tiago downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 Day 20273, 18:24:55: Tiago downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 68 Day 20295, 04:35:27: Tiago uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 142 Day 20295, 15:48:07: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20295, 15:51:32: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 76 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 20295, 16:07:18: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 73 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 20295, 17:06:29: Tiago downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 128 Day 20295, 17:06:58: Tiago downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 Day 20295, 17:07:26: Tiago downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 27 Day 20296, 16:25:06: Fragzzz Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 59 (Argentavis)! Day 20296, 22:25:28: Fragzzz Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 97 (Argentavis)! Day 20297, 05:22:33: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 20297, 16:15:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus)! Day 20297, 18:15:06: Fragzzz Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 171 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 20298, 00:44:15: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 81 was killed by Fragzzz - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Tiago)! Day 20298, 00:44:15: Your Tribe killed Tiago - Lvl 81 (Tribe of Tiago)! Day 20298, 06:29:09: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 20298, 09:38:56: Your Argentavis - Lvl 65 (Argentavis) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 10! Day 20298, 09:44:40: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 76 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 150! Day 20298, 17:23:43: Tiago uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 106 Day 20298, 17:38:35: Tiago uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 174 Day 20298, 18:24:33: Tribemember Fragzzz - Lvl 76 was killed by Tiago - Lvl 81 (Tribe of Tiago)! Day 20298, 18:24:33: Your Tribe killed Fragzzz - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Tiago)! Day 20606, 02:04:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20734, 11:22:07: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 45 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 20810, 03:56:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 20810, 04:11:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 20889, 10:37:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20900, 08:19:15: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20900, 08:20:25: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20900, 08:22:09: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 27 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21089, 22:16:46: Tyrone - Lvl 116 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 41 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21172, 15:30:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21172, 15:30:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21172, 15:30:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22149, 13:51:30: Tribemember Tiago - Lvl 81 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1378472915,"tribe":"Nova logs":["Day 22720, 11:50:53: Eleshell was added to the Tribe! Day 22720, 17:01:00: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22720, 17:06:16: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22720, 17:12:09: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22720, 17:16:22: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22720, 22:31:43: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22721, 04:20:11: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22721, 09:04:51: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22721, 14:36:38: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22721, 18:19:47: Eleshell Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 22721, 19:15:03: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:14:25: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:17:43: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:20:50: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:24:41: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:30:01: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22722, 09:33:30: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22723, 18:42:30: Eleshell Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 172 (Therizinosaur)! Day 22742, 00:32:05: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22742, 00:36:07: Eleshell froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22742, 22:52:52: Eleshell froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 05:10:39: Eleshell froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 05:14:47: Eleshell froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 05:18:14: Eleshell froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 09:47:07: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 09:50:27: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 09:53:46: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 09:56:53: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 10:00:00: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 14:26:52: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 14:30:04: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22743, 19:05:26: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22744, 06:31:51: Eleshell froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22744, 17:52:16: Eleshell froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 103 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22787, 13:50:52: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 22787, 14:05:36: Tribemember Eleshell - Lvl 107 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 22809, 04:44:36: Eleshell demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 22810, 10:27:28: Eleshell Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (Thylacoleo)! Day 22810, 10:36:31: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 22810, 10:45:22: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 22810, 10:46:28: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 22810, 11:02:56: Eleshell froze Argentavis - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 22810, 17:21:53: Eleshell froze Lioness - Lvl 225 (Thylacoleo) Day 22812, 03:27:29: Eleshell claimed 'Mongo - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 22812, 04:03:48: Eleshell froze Mongo - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 22812, 05:18:45: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22812, 05:21:46: Eleshell froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22812, 07:06:20: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus)'! Day 22812, 07:13:59: Eleshell froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22812, 14:10:02: Eleshell froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22812, 14:23:15: Eleshell froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22812, 19:35:27: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22812, 19:47:13: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 01:23:52: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 01:28:15: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 06:24:40: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 06:28:13: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 06:31:43: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 06:35:13: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 06:38:23: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 06:47:59: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 06:51:33: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 06:55:10: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 06:58:19: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 07:01:59: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 07:05:25: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 07:08:24: Eleshell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 13:04:14: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 17:31:08: Eleshell froze Adolescent Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) Day 22813, 17:39:49: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 19:44:48: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22813, 20:32:55: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22814, 01:52:25: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 22814, 01:54:15: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 22814, 01:56:02: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 01:56:50: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 01:57:49: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 01:59:33: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:01:27: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:02:18: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:04:07: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:05:51: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:07:00: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:08:37: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:09:32: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:10:24: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:12:06: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:13:00: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:13:45: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:16:16: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:17:06: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 02:18:25: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 06:23:49: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22814, 07:56:54: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 22814, 07:58:03: Eleshell demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 22814, 08:00:43: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:02:15: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:03:32: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:04:15: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:04:57: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:06:55: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:07:40: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:08:59: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:09:41: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 08:10:24: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22814, 10:55:07: Eleshell froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22814, 17:48:18: Eleshell froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 22814, 20:29:25: Eleshell - Lvl 115 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Steve Tribe. Day 22814, 20:32:46: Eleshell - Lvl 115 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Steve Tribe. Day 22814, 20:33:44: Eleshell added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to Nova Twins Alliance! Day 22814, 22:04:39: Eleshell froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 22815, 05:31:13: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:32:10: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:33:13: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:34:00: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:34:56: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:35:56: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:36:45: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:37:38: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:38:22: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:39:16: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:40:06: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:41:00: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:41:52: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:42:40: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:43:37: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:44:28: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:45:19: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:46:08: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:52:37: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:53:32: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:54:20: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:55:17: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:56:10: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:57:13: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:58:04: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:58:48: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 05:59:38: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 06:00:31: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 06:01:22: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 06:02:10: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 06:02:58: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22815, 09:15:32: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 22815, 09:19:14: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22815, 17:04:18: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 22815, 17:04:18: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 22815, 22:23:13: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 22815, 22:30:50: Eleshell froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22815, 23:28:03: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 22815, 23:33:00: Eleshell froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22816, 01:56:31: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22816, 01:57:40: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22816, 01:58:41: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22816, 02:12:13: Eleshell demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22816, 09:27:52: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22816, 09:31:25: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22816, 09:44:32: Eleshell froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22816, 09:48:43: Eleshell froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22816, 09:51:55: Eleshell froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22816, 14:20:43: Eleshell froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22816, 18:58:22: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22816, 19:01:36: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22817, 00:56:08: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22817, 01:01:18: Eleshell froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 22817, 06:25:19: Eleshell froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22817, 11:20:39: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22817, 15:47:46: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22817, 15:51:30: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 01:59:55: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 02:04:45: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 02:09:09: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 07:19:09: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 07:23:21: Eleshell froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 22818, 13:25:22: Eleshell froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22819, 00:06:31: Eleshell froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22833, 14:14:01: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 22833, 14:17:07: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 14:34:54: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:33:48: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:37:33: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:41:14: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:44:41: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:49:25: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 19:53:21: Eleshell froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22833, 23:18:22: Eleshell Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 164 (Brontosaurus)! Day 22834, 06:46:29: Eleshell froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22834, 06:51:33: Eleshell froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22834, 06:55:24: Eleshell froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22834, 06:58:49: Eleshell froze Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 01:57:49: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 02:02:15: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 02:06:58: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:24:19: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:27:38: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:30:40: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:34:30: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:38:40: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:42:23: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 07:46:14: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 16:56:37: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22835, 16:59:55: Eleshell froze Adolescent Ice Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22853, 05:57:17: Eleshell froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22854, 10:06:14: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22854, 10:12:01: Eleshell froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22854, 12:32:00: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22854, 12:35:22: Eleshell froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22854, 13:18:54: Eleshell froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22854, 18:17:13: Eleshell froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22854, 19:20:07: Eleshell claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 22854, 19:22:58: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22854, 21:33:50: Eleshell froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern) Day 22855, 07:02:20: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:05:57: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:09:50: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:13:19: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:17:15: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:20:39: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 07:24:11: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22855, 11:39:24: Eleshell froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 92 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23496, 13:19:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 23496, 13:21:08: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 23496, 13:22:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23496, 13:28:16: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lioness - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 23496, 13:33:16: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23496, 13:37:16: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mongo - Lvl 312 (Argentavis)'! Day 23496, 13:38:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 23496, 13:39:28: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 23496, 13:41:02: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 156 (Pelagornis)'! Day 23502, 11:08:25: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 204 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23502, 11:18:18: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trixie - Lvl 128 (Triceratops)'! Day 23502, 11:22:30: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24345, 16:20:38: Aramart - Lvl 98 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24346, 11:48:43: Tribemember Eleshell - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 29495, 20:54:32: Eleshell Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur)! Day 29650, 21:17:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30382, 10:51:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30606, 18:15:06: Tribemember Eleshell - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 32005, 03:44:11: Pain - Lvl 63 (Therizinosaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1378190220,"tribe":"[Companions of ARK] logs":["Day 14779, 17:04:44: Muzzy was added to the Tribe! Day 14779, 17:17:10: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 1 - Lvl 244 (Otter) Day 14779, 17:20:12: Muzzy froze [COA] Weight Lifter - Lvl 297 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14806, 15:44:26: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14806, 16:58:27: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 8 - Lvl 304 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14806, 17:19:16: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14806, 18:12:04: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 8 - Lvl 316 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14806, 19:24:59: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14806, 19:54:27: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 8 - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14806, 23:43:25: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 8 - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14807, 00:41:36: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 1 - Lvl 249 (Otter) Day 14807, 00:47:03: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14820, 07:16:35: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14820, 09:41:18: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 3 - Lvl 322 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14820, 11:12:56: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14820, 11:54:29: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 3 - Lvl 329 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14820, 12:30:50: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14820, 12:53:31: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 3 - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14820, 15:01:51: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 1 - Lvl 250 (Otter) Day 14820, 15:03:45: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 12:43:54: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 13:17:44: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 3 - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14889, 14:18:38: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 15:05:55: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 3 - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14889, 15:44:24: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14889, 15:46:10: Muzzy froze [COA] OTTER 5 - Lvl 312 (Otter) Day 14938, 22:22:13: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14939, 02:25:51: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14939, 05:32:42: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 9 - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14939, 05:51:55: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14939, 06:25:20: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 9 - Lvl 331 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14939, 08:16:53: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14939, 08:19:23: Muzzy froze [COA] OTTER 5 - Lvl 314 (Otter) Day 14955, 09:33:41: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14955, 10:13:52: Muzzy froze [COA] FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 14955, 10:33:39: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14955, 10:35:40: Muzzy froze [COA] OTTER 5 - Lvl 325 (Otter) Day 14955, 11:56:36: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14955, 12:29:14: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 1 - Lvl 372 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14955, 12:39:14: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14955, 13:08:59: Muzzy froze [COA] KILLER 1 - Lvl 372 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14955, 13:22:55: Muzzy froze Daeodon - Lvl 217 (Daeodon) Day 14955, 13:25:41: Muzzy froze [COA] FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 14955, 13:46:20: Muzzy froze [COA] OTTER 5 - Lvl 325 (Otter) Day 14955, 13:47:43: Muzzy froze [COA] BloodFire - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14956, 10:37:11: Muzzy claimed '[COA] FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14956, 11:07:55: Muzzy froze [COA] FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 14956, 20:19:05: Muzzy froze [COA] OTTER 5 - Lvl 325 (Otter) Day 14956, 20:20:35: Muzzy froze [COA] Weight Lifter - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15114, 10:25:33: Muzzy froze [COA] Weight Lifter - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15114, 15:20:00: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 3 - Lvl 316 (Baryonyx) Day 15114, 15:57:24: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 3 - Lvl 316 (Baryonyx) Day 15114, 15:58:51: Muzzy froze [COA] Muzzy's - Lvl 333 (Otter) Day 15114, 16:02:11: Muzzy froze [COA] Weight Lifter - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15260, 14:17:43: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 322 (Baryonyx) Day 15260, 22:23:36: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 2 - Lvl 337 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 04:17:20: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 326 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 04:24:56: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 4 - Lvl 322 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 04:39:01: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 5 - Lvl 319 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 08:40:32: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 328 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 09:04:33: Muzzy froze [COA] Muzzy's - Lvl 336 (Otter) Day 15261, 09:07:34: Muzzy froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 328 (Baryonyx) Day 15261, 09:09:02: Muzzy froze [COA] Weight Lifter - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15439, 05:19:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15954, 19:18:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15954, 19:18:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20336, 22:47:18: Muzzy froze Boss M - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 20336, 23:08:29: Muzzy was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1377635716,"tribe":"Tribe of Peppermint logs":["Day 19471, 14:39:27: Peppermint was added to the Tribe! Day 19471, 14:40:28: Duke was added to the Tribe by Peppermint! Day 19471, 14:43:05: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 14:44:22: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 14:53:22: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 15:06:26: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 15:59:06: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 16:01:09: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 16:06:40: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 16:56:29: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 16:57:58: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 17:47:28: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 18:30:46: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 19:07:37: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 19:30:38: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 20:37:39: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 20:40:55: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 21:22:21: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 21:24:23: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 22:10:54: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 22:12:40: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 19471, 23:29:15: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:19:28: Peppermint froze Arc Guard - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:23:26: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:26:37: Duke froze [BS] Byleth - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:27:04: Peppermint froze Arc Guard - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:30:21: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 19472, 06:31:43: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 19536, 21:31:07: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 08:40:43: Saif Smallman was added to the Tribe by Peppermint! Day 19543, 12:38:53: Peppermint froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 323 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19543, 12:43:20: Peppermint froze Arc tanky fuck - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 19543, 12:47:01: Peppermint froze Arc Guard - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 12:49:19: Duke froze [BS] Byleth - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 12:52:32: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 12:54:33: Saif Smallman froze Arc - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 12:56:22: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 19543, 13:03:05: Duke froze [BS] Blue - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 19782, 02:14:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19838, 19:15:34: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19838, 19:29:36: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19838, 19:44:49: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19838, 20:09:41: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19838, 20:31:00: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19838, 20:46:05: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 00:23:46: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 12:10:29: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 12:37:09: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 16:52:55: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 18:13:46: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19839, 18:23:10: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19840, 00:08:04: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19840, 00:43:59: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19840, 02:56:44: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 19840, 06:27:00: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 20010, 19:38:55: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 20010, 20:33:33: Peppermint froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 265 (R-Megatherium) Day 20010, 21:00:42: Peppermint froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 265 (R-Megatherium) Day 20010, 22:31:52: Peppermint froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 274 (R-Megatherium) Day 20011, 01:35:17: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 20011, 03:36:40: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 20011, 06:28:15: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 20011, 06:40:26: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 20011, 07:20:14: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 20011, 07:46:38: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 20024, 15:58:47: Duke froze [BS] R-Pidge eye - Lvl 259 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20024, 20:59:37: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 123 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 20025, 00:17:42: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 20025, 01:22:47: Duke froze [BS] Uber - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 20025, 05:55:06: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 123 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 20! Day 20025, 07:47:29: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 20025, 08:49:00: Duke froze [BS] Simba - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 20025, 09:11:02: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 123 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 20! Day 20025, 11:00:08: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 20025, 13:31:10: Duke froze [BS] Zylo - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 20026, 02:24:00: Tribemember Peppermint - Lvl 123 was killed by Arc - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of Peppermint)! Day 20026, 02:24:00: Your Tribe killed Peppermint - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Peppermint)! Day 20026, 05:20:05: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20026, 09:22:12: Peppermint froze Arc - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20026, 15:14:08: Duke froze [BS] Screech - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20027, 05:44:16: Tasha was added to the Tribe by Peppermint! Day 20027, 06:47:07: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 254 (R-Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20027, 06:47:49: Your Pure dam - Lvl 246 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:51:36: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 227 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:54:23: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 254 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:55:24: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 243 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:56:23: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 245 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:57:24: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 246 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 06:59:07: Your [BS] R-Bobber - Lvl 257 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:01:49: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 245 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:03:38: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 122 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:04:37: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 267 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:05:38: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 217 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:08:30: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 277 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:13:17: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 242 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:32:41: Your [BS] R-Food mut - Lvl 254 (R-Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20027, 07:32:54: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 229 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:33:55: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 265 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 07:41:13: Your R-Megatherium - Lvl 240 (R-Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20027, 07:53:37: Your [BS] R-Sid - Lvl 247 (R-Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 08:03:34: Your Arc - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 08:16:29: Tribemember Duke - Lvl 123 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20027, 08:30:19: Tribemember Peppermint - Lvl 123 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20027, 09:42:48: Peppermint uploaded a R-Snow Owl: [BS] R-Pidge eye - Lvl 263 Day 20027, 10:19:54: Duke uploaded a R-Megatherium: R-Megatherium - Lvl 219 Day 20027, 10:21:05: Duke uploaded a Shadowmane: [BS] Zylo - Lvl 386 Day 20125, 20:25:20: Duke froze [BS] R-Candycane - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20141, 08:51:34: Duke claimed 'Uterus Annus - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 20141, 08:59:01: Duke claimed 'Bear - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake)'! Day 20141, 09:02:01: Duke froze Bear - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 20141, 09:08:31: Duke froze Uterus Annus - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus) Day 20141, 09:17:49: Duke claimed 'RUNT - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake)'! Day 20141, 09:19:18: Duke claimed 'Mc G - Lvl 264 (Rock Drake)'! Day 20141, 09:22:14: Duke claimed 'FLERMUIS - Lvl 219 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20141, 09:39:21: Duke froze Mc G - Lvl 264 (Rock Drake) Day 20141, 09:47:18: Duke froze RUNT - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake) Day 20141, 10:00:14: Duke froze FLERMUIS - Lvl 219 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20141, 10:06:07: Duke claimed 'BRUCE - Lvl 173 (Megalodon)'! Day 20141, 10:35:16: Duke claimed 'Quesedilla - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20141, 10:39:48: Duke unclaimed 'Quesedilla - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20141, 11:11:28: Duke claimed 'Drill Bit - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20141, 11:15:03: Duke unclaimed 'Drill Bit - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20141, 11:15:41: Duke claimed 'Elizabeth II - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 20141, 11:21:40: Duke unclaimed 'Elizabeth II - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 20141, 11:22:17: Duke claimed 'Rek Tex - Lvl 181 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20141, 11:25:21: Duke unclaimed 'Rek Tex - Lvl 181 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20141, 11:27:52: Duke claimed 'Mammy - Lvl 281 (Mammoth)'! Day 20141, 11:36:02: Duke froze Mammy - Lvl 281 (Mammoth) Day 20141, 12:12:17: Duke uploaded a Mammoth: Mammy - Lvl 281 Day 20141, 12:22:01: Duke claimed 'Choc's Dragon - Lvl 200 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20141, 12:48:07: Duke uploaded a Ember Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 200 Day 20141, 13:12:38: Duke froze BRUCE - Lvl 173 (Megalodon) Day 20141, 14:00:04: Duke uploaded a R-Snow Owl: [BS] R-Candycane - Lvl 321 Day 20182, 18:03:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20190, 03:44:11: Peppermint froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20190, 04:35:24: Duke froze [BS] R-Candycane - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20212, 12:40:19: Duke claimed 'Baby 2 - Lvl 154 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 20212, 12:42:36: Duke froze Baby 2 - Lvl 154 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20212, 13:38:44: Duke claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 153 (Baryonyx)'! Day 20212, 13:39:48: Duke claimed 'Betta Dad - Lvl 168 (Baryonyx)'! Day 20212, 13:49:05: Duke froze Betta Dad - Lvl 168 (Baryonyx) Day 20212, 13:54:27: Duke froze Baryonyx - Lvl 153 (Baryonyx) Day 20212, 14:20:25: Duke claimed '145 Wild Male - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 14:22:05: Duke claimed 'Yellow Dad - Lvl 299 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 14:24:18: Duke claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 82 (Oviraptor)'! Day 20212, 14:26:27: Duke claimed 'XMen - Lvl 169 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 14:29:08: Duke claimed '2nd Gen Mam - Lvl 255 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 14:34:22: Duke claimed '140 mam - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:36:46: Duke claimed 'Mam Wild - Lvl 179 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:39:03: Duke claimed '1st Gen Mam A - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:40:36: Duke claimed '1st Gen Dad A - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:42:18: Duke claimed '1st Gen Mam B - Lvl 165 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:43:39: Duke claimed '1st Gen Mam A - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:49:10: Duke unclaimed '140 mam - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:51:37: Duke unclaimed '1st Gen Mam A - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:54:21: Duke unclaimed '1st Gen Mam B - Lvl 165 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:56:56: Duke unclaimed '1st Gen Dad A - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 14:59:13: Duke unclaimed '1st Gen Mam A - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 15:02:45: Duke unclaimed 'Mam Wild - Lvl 179 (Rex)'! Day 20212, 15:21:00: Duke unclaimed 'Yellow Dad - Lvl 299 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 15:24:10: Duke unclaimed '145 Wild Male - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 15:28:08: Duke unclaimed 'XMen - Lvl 169 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 15:30:31: Duke unclaimed '2nd Gen Mam - Lvl 255 (Megatherium)'! Day 20212, 15:33:46: Duke unclaimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 82 (Oviraptor)'! Day 20212, 20:13:09: Duke froze [BS] R-Candycane - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1375792981,"tribe":"Queeen Bee logs":["Day 25437, 16:27:08: Queeen Bee was added to the Tribe! Day 25541, 13:25:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26037, 23:47:55: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1374909170,"tribe":"Scotland logs":["Day 35382, 11:31:47: Doyle was added to the Tribe! Day 35382, 21:25:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35383, 01:50:19: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35383, 03:28:22: Doyle Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 54 (Dodo)! Day 35383, 04:59:19: Doyle demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35383, 07:01:01: Your Zen - Lvl 54 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 35383, 09:13:45: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35383, 09:13:48: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 15 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 35383, 09:25:27: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35383, 09:25:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35383, 10:03:40: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 15 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 35383, 12:05:12: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 18 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 35383, 18:24:42: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 35383, 22:12:33: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 35384, 02:18:59: Tribemember Doyle - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1371452217,"tribe":"Tribe of Stomatik logs":["Day 35902, 05:51:55: Stomatik was added to the Tribe! Day 35902, 05:56:50: dora was added to the Tribe by Stomatik! Day 35902, 07:15:19: Tribemember Stomatik - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 35902, 08:58:49: Tribemember dora - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 35902, 10:33:54: Stomatik Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 35930, 11:20:00: Tribemember Stomatik - Lvl 6 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 65! Day 36120, 16:35:34: Мосп - Lvl 67 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 36204, 00:34:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37923, 16:39:20: Tribemember dora - Lvl 1 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80!"] "tribeid":1371002576,"tribe":"Tribe of Vexo logs":["Day 24267, 14:19:57: Vexo was added to the Tribe! Day 24267, 14:25:08: HarveylMT was added to the Tribe by Vexo! Day 24267, 17:43:51: Tribemember HarveylMT - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 24267, 20:55:24: Tribemember HarveylMT - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 24267, 23:49:32: Vexo Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 81 (Thylacoleo)! Day 24268, 00:16:24: Vexo uploaded a Thylacoleo: Thylacoleo - Lvl 81 Day 24268, 18:31:51: Vexo Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 163 (Thylacoleo)! Day 24268, 20:16:48: Vexo uploaded a Thylacoleo: Thylacoleo - Lvl 163 Day 24268, 23:51:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24269, 02:16:10: Vexo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 24269, 02:54:36: Vexo Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 17 (Thylacoleo)! Day 24269, 05:21:43: Vexo uploaded a Thylacoleo: Thylacoleo - Lvl 18 Day 24269, 05:26:22: Vexo uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 202 Day 24325, 07:08:47: Tribemember HarveylMT - Lvl 18 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24603, 04:59:13: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 Day 24603, 04:59:44: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 227 Day 24603, 05:00:18: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 8 - Lvl 241 Day 24603, 05:01:02: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 230 Day 24603, 05:01:46: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 1 - Lvl 227 Day 24603, 05:02:33: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 212 Day 24603, 05:03:12: Vexo downloaded a dino: BroodKiller 2 - Lvl 195 Day 24603, 09:34:52: Vexo froze BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 24603, 13:40:06: Vexo froze BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 24603, 17:31:10: Vexo froze BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 24603, 19:47:26: Vexo froze 1st Born - Lvl 191 (Rock Drake) Day 24603, 20:01:11: Vexo froze 1st Born - Lvl 191 (Rock Drake) Day 24603, 20:09:15: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24603, 20:53:51: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24902, 18:40:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25395, 11:41:02: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 230 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 11:43:35: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 11:44:11: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 1 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 11:45:07: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 8 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 11:46:23: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 2 - Lvl 195 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 11:52:48: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium)'! Day 25395, 12:24:52: Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)'!"] "tribeid":1370570627,"tribe":"Tribe of Smek logs":["Day 20214, 06:33:00: Smek was added to the Tribe! Day 20214, 07:03:15: Nytrix was added to the Tribe by Smek! Day 20214, 12:45:13: Nytrix was removed from the Tribe! Day 20214, 12:57:54: Nytrix was added to the Tribe by Smek! Day 20214, 13:33:25: Nytrix was removed from the Tribe! Day 20214, 15:00:33: Tribe of Nytrix tribe was merged in by Nytrix! Day 20214, 15:00:33: Nytrix was added to the Tribe by Smek! Day 20215, 03:25:24: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20215, 03:25:24: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20215, 03:33:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20215, 03:41:57: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 42 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 20215, 04:29:10: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 35 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 20215, 04:52:25: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 35 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 0.9x! Day 20215, 05:19:59: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 35 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 60! Day 20215, 08:29:00: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 35 was killed by Smek - Lvl 42 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20215, 08:29:00: Your Tribe killed Nytrix - Lvl 35 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20215, 08:39:04: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 20215, 18:59:51: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 42 was killed by Nytrix - Lvl 36 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20215, 18:59:51: Your Tribe killed Smek - Lvl 42 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20215, 19:52:39: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 20216, 02:09:40: Smek Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 20216, 04:40:42: Nytrix demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 20216, 06:03:47: Smek Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 20337, 01:37:51: Tyrone was added to the Tribe by Smek! Day 20337, 02:45:59: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 16 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 20337, 03:02:34: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 48 was killed by Tyrone - Lvl 16 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20337, 03:02:34: Your Tribe killed Smek - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20337, 07:41:08: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 45 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 20337, 07:59:02: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 45 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 20337, 10:05:32: Smek Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 14 (Iguanodon)! Day 20337, 10:51:42: Nytrix Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon)! Day 20337, 11:34:21: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 20 was killed by Smek - Lvl 50 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20337, 11:34:21: Your Tribe killed Tyrone - Lvl 20 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20337, 13:46:02: Your Iggy - Lvl 18 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 40! Day 20337, 17:20:37: Smek Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)! Day 20337, 20:38:04: Tyrone Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon)! Day 20338, 06:36:30: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 20338, 06:45:25: Smek Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 168 (Sarco)! Day 20338, 06:50:12: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 21 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 20338, 07:04:35: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 0.9x! Day 20338, 10:09:34: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 20338, 11:24:29: Smek Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 20338, 11:35:45: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 1.0x! Day 20338, 14:53:46: Tyrone Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 29 (Pelagornis)! Day 20339, 00:30:33: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 20339, 04:48:17: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed by Smek - Lvl 57 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20339, 04:48:17: Your Tribe killed Tyrone - Lvl 31 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20339, 07:07:02: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed by Smek - Lvl 57 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20339, 07:07:02: Your Tribe killed Tyrone - Lvl 31 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20339, 10:10:24: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 20339, 11:58:11: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 20339, 13:12:36: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 71 (Argentavis)! Day 20339, 19:48:00: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 20340, 17:14:57: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 20354, 03:36:41: Your ITS A DOLPHIN - Lvl 15 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 110! Day 20358, 18:45:37: Nytrix demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 20358, 20:40:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20358, 20:40:33: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20358, 20:40:33: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20358, 20:40:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20358, 20:40:37: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20358, 20:42:31: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20359, 19:22:14: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 64 was killed by Nytrix - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20359, 19:22:14: Your Tribe killed Smek - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Smek)! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20483, 15:12:22: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 31 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20644, 16:49:30: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 20645, 13:08:49: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 20645, 17:59:49: Nytrix claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 39 (Triceratops)'! Day 20645, 18:14:22: Nytrix claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 124 (Carbonemys)'! Day 20645, 18:15:58: Nytrix claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 94 (Raptor)'! Day 20645, 18:16:20: Nytrix claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 74 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20645, 18:16:58: Nytrix claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 143 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20646, 04:16:04: Smek froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20658, 22:46:26: Nytrix froze Aanky overdrive - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20659, 01:15:31: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 20659, 03:22:28: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 20659, 06:33:17: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 68 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 20659, 06:38:43: Your Philips wordonton - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 20659, 09:17:23: Smek froze Lola - Lvl 196 (Sarco) Day 20659, 14:28:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20659, 16:16:30: Nytrix froze Aanky overdrive - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20659, 20:48:50: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 20659, 23:27:44: Smek Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 108 (Argentavis)! Day 20659, 23:35:43: Smek froze Lola - Lvl 197 (Sarco) Day 20660, 00:22:36: Smek froze Aanky overdrive - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20662, 00:29:08: Nytrix demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20662, 00:31:15: Nytrix demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 20662, 11:06:56: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 20662, 11:14:12: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 20662, 11:14:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 20662, 11:15:26: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 20662, 11:15:52: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 20662, 11:19:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 20662, 13:12:32: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 80! Day 20662, 16:03:15: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 20662, 20:25:00: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 100! Day 20663, 05:26:20: Your The crow - Lvl 48 (Pelagornis) was killed! Day 20663, 05:26:20: The crow - Lvl 48 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 20749, 12:13:40: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 20749, 12:22:06: Tribemember Smek - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20818, 14:21:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20828, 12:47:34: Triceratops - Lvl 39 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 20832, 11:22:29: terry the twit - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20983, 15:14:03: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21209, 11:01:05: Dilophosaur - Lvl 74 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 21234, 13:31:31: Carbonemys - Lvl 124 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21267, 01:06:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21322, 17:28:52: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argos - Lvl 117 (Argentavis)'! Day 21322, 17:36:24: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paston - Lvl 105 (Parasaur)'! Day 21322, 17:43:49: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argon - Lvl 102 (Argentavis)'! Day 21322, 17:48:20: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aanky overdrive - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 21322, 17:55:00: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 110 (Raptor)'! Day 21322, 18:04:45: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lola - Lvl 197 (Sarco)'! Day 21322, 18:22:28: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggy 2.0 - Lvl 158 (Iguanodon)'! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21572, 08:17:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21587, 10:40:05: Dilophosaur - Lvl 143 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 21733, 18:52:47: VAH - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23324, 08:40:54: TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24727, 18:05:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24751, 00:36:17: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 69 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5!"] "tribeid":1369127090,"tribe":"Nate Higgers logs":["Day 42587, 10:33:34: UnKnown was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1367668553,"tribe":"BBM logs":["Day 28664, 15:55:45: LUNA.MS was added to the Tribe! Day 28664, 16:33:03: Desmond was added to the Tribe by LUNA.MS! Day 28664, 18:34:43: Tribemember Desmond - Lvl 3 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.8x! Day 28664, 19:27:33: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 96 Day 28664, 20:40:44: LUNA.MS uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 96 Day 28664, 20:53:07: LUNA.MS downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 96 Day 28664, 22:40:01: LUNA.MS uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 97 Day 28967, 06:12:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1367441440,"tribe":"Tribe of Titanic logs":["Day 28956, 11:10:32: Titanic was added to the Tribe! Day 28956, 11:11:31: Johnson was added to the Tribe by Titanic! Day 28956, 14:11:15: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 28956, 17:28:38: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 28957, 00:02:28: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 28957, 08:26:45: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 28957, 10:40:29: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 24 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 28957, 11:52:07: Johnson Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 28957, 14:18:58: Titanic Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops)! Day 28957, 20:31:58: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 29108, 23:06:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29253, 04:07:59: Your Triceratops - Lvl 56 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 29253, 04:12:27: Your Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 29253, 04:14:29: Tribemember Johnson - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 29253, 04:15:39: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 31362, 09:25:32: Tribemember Titanic - Lvl 141 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24!"] "tribeid":1366342822,"tribe":"bobs on the beach logs":["Day 22484, 06:57:14: irobits was added to the Tribe! Day 22484, 08:34:09: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22484, 13:24:26: irobits - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Z Fighters Tribe. Day 22484, 13:36:55: irobits - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Z Fighters Tribe. Day 22484, 13:39:16: irobits added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss aliance Alliance! Day 22484, 18:09:05: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 22484, 23:37:01: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22485, 01:01:05: irobits unclaimed 'R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 22485, 05:48:29: irobits claimed 'R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 22485, 05:54:36: irobits froze R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22485, 12:45:12: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22485, 13:13:33: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22502, 05:57:08: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 22502, 19:59:06: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 226 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22503, 02:40:07: Tribemember irobits - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22503, 03:17:13: Tribemember irobits - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 22503, 06:35:40: irobits froze Pteranodon - Lvl 324 (Pteranodon) Day 22503, 06:45:23: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 226 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22503, 11:06:56: irobits froze R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22504, 03:57:57: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 228 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22504, 20:54:25: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22505, 03:07:39: irobits Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 22505, 12:31:27: irobits Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22505, 12:37:56: irobits froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22505, 22:28:32: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 137 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 22506, 06:04:57: irobits froze archie - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 22506, 06:12:56: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 22506, 10:05:30: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 22506, 10:44:22: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22506, 16:39:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 14 (Stegosaurus)! Day 22506, 18:36:39: irobits removed 'Z Fighters' Tribe from boss aliance Alliance! Day 22506, 18:36:39: irobits removed 'Z Fighters' Tribe from boss aliance Alliance! Day 22506, 19:53:02: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 22525, 02:16:10: irobits froze breeding wyvern - Lvl 231 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22525, 02:19:25: Sodee was added to the Tribe by irobits! Day 22525, 02:41:29: irobits froze Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 100 (Rock Drake) Day 22525, 06:11:14: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 18 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 22525, 12:29:33: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 22525, 14:56:51: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 22525, 18:30:02: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:33:33: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:33:33: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:33:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:33:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:33:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 22525, 18:35:19: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 22525, 20:12:51: irobits froze Rock Drake - Lvl 241 (Rock Drake) Day 22532, 07:11:41: Your R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 60! Day 22550, 09:24:23: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 22550, 17:19:13: irobits froze newshadow8 - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 22550, 17:29:37: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 22550, 19:43:34: irobits froze tape - Lvl 38 (Tapejara) Day 22550, 20:30:46: irobits froze tape - Lvl 38 (Tapejara) Day 22550, 23:05:20: irobits froze Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 22551, 02:20:05: irobits froze Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 22551, 02:31:08: irobits froze archie - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 22551, 03:09:48: irobits claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22551, 21:13:20: Sodee froze may - Lvl 56 (Maewing) Day 22552, 03:53:02: irobits demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22552, 04:10:17: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 35 was killed by irobits - Lvl 121 (bobs on the beach)! Day 22552, 04:10:17: Your Tribe killed Sodee - Lvl 35 (bobs on the beach)! Day 22552, 06:21:07: Tribemember Sodee - Lvl 35 was killed by irobits - Lvl 121 (bobs on the beach)! Day 22552, 06:21:07: Your Tribe killed Sodee - Lvl 35 (bobs on the beach)! Day 22553, 10:35:23: irobits froze shadow17 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 22553, 11:39:34: irobits froze rockie - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22713, 07:39:08: Agent P - Lvl 58 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 22743, 16:57:56: Human was added to the Tribe by irobits! Day 22810, 21:01:29: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 14 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 22824, 11:17:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23048, 10:26:19: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23048, 10:29:42: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23048, 10:29:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23048, 12:15:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 23048, 13:00:57: Tribemember irobits - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23069, 15:34:46: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23142, 18:27:46: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23311, 05:54:23: Tribemember irobits - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 50! Day 23311, 07:27:22: Tribemember irobits - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23311, 15:33:02: irobits froze archie - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 23311, 16:12:09: irobits uploaded a Shadowmane: shadow17 - Lvl 313 Day 23391, 16:45:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23391, 16:45:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23901, 09:15:11: Alex - Lvl 111 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SKiLLz Thyla M - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 23901, 09:37:46: Alex - Lvl 111 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fishcat - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24064, 09:53:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1365338104,"tribe":"Guardian logs":["Day 21423, 08:01:27: GreenLune was added to the Tribe! Day 21424, 07:36:54: GreenLune froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 21424, 21:29:39: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 21424, 22:41:27: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 21424, 23:05:37: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 00:10:19: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 01:34:03: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 03:22:08: Tribemember GreenLune - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 21425, 08:54:55: GreenLune froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21425, 09:29:01: GreenLune froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 231 (R-Direwolf) Day 21425, 10:20:33: GreenLune froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 231 (R-Direwolf) Day 21425, 10:23:26: GreenLune froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21425, 11:07:06: GreenLune froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21425, 13:26:00: GreenLune froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21425, 13:29:15: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 13:50:39: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 14:04:34: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 15:26:05: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 16:36:58: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 17:25:34: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 17:29:47: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21425, 19:30:45: GreenLune froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21425, 21:15:42: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 00:29:16: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 08:08:04: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 08:30:11: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 09:07:43: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 09:30:29: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 09:52:13: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 12:35:46: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 13:11:29: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 13:42:28: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 15:28:49: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 16:09:58: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 16:22:00: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 19:25:48: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 19:56:42: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 21426, 20:29:16: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 21427, 00:55:31: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 21427, 04:51:33: GreenLune froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 21427, 05:02:06: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 21469, 20:59:40: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 21469, 23:45:15: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 21469, 23:49:05: GreenLune froze Luniria - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 21469, 23:53:05: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 21487, 21:23:07: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 21487, 21:27:14: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 21487, 21:32:32: GreenLune froze Luniria - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 21488, 02:35:27: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 10:55:45: GreenLune froze Juvenile Améthyste - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 15:38:32: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 15:44:03: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 15:48:59: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 19:58:01: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 20:02:26: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 20:06:19: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 20:09:57: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21493, 20:16:53: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 02:03:46: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 02:08:56: GreenLune froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 04:41:58: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 05:15:15: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 11:18:43: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 15:44:51: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 21494, 18:39:52: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 21519, 17:38:57: GreenLune Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 22 (Yutyrannus)! Day 21519, 17:46:13: GreenLune froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 22 (Yutyrannus) Day 21520, 00:49:54: GreenLune froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 34 (Yutyrannus) Day 21520, 05:37:20: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 21520, 05:40:27: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 21520, 05:43:23: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21520, 18:49:30: GreenLune claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21520, 19:47:47: GreenLune claimed 'DONT CRYO 2!!! - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21520, 19:58:44: GreenLune froze DONT CRYO 2!!! - Lvl 283 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21520, 20:02:43: GreenLune claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21520, 20:07:31: GreenLune unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21520, 21:48:55: Tribemember GreenLune - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 21520, 22:41:13: GreenLune froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 21520, 23:34:20: GreenLune claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 21521, 00:10:43: GreenLune froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21521, 00:34:10: GreenLune claimed 'Eli´s Black Sky - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 21521, 00:51:21: GreenLune froze Eli´s Black Sky - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21521, 00:57:53: GreenLune froze Eilina - Lvl 291 (Shadowmane) Day 21521, 06:50:21: GreenLune froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21521, 07:46:12: GreenLune froze Eilina - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 05:48:49: GreenLune froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 34 (Yutyrannus) Day 21522, 05:51:38: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 05:54:34: GreenLune froze Améthyste - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 05:57:38: GreenLune froze Aslan - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:00:34: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:03:27: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:06:49: GreenLune froze Artémis - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:10:33: GreenLune froze Nöra - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:13:49: GreenLune froze Arès - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:17:10: GreenLune froze Illo - Lvl 336 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:49:35: GreenLune froze Andromède - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:52:46: GreenLune froze Luniria - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:56:14: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 06:59:43: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 07:03:13: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 07:26:34: GreenLune froze Emeraude - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 07:29:55: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 07:33:38: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 07:54:14: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 21522, 08:25:56: GreenLune froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21537, 22:27:28: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 00:56:39: GreenLune froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21538, 16:27:09: GreenLune froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Ice Wyvern) Day 21538, 17:07:18: GreenLune froze Hâti - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 17:11:52: GreenLune froze Sköll - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 17:48:54: GreenLune froze Eilina - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 17:52:02: GreenLune froze Nöra - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:03:37: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:09:40: GreenLune froze Alära - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:12:43: GreenLune froze Arès - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:17:19: GreenLune froze Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:22:57: GreenLune froze Gaïa - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 18:28:12: GreenLune froze Löra - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 20:50:31: GreenLune froze Artémis - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 21538, 23:35:19: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 56 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21538, 23:35:23: Tribemember GreenLune - Lvl 124 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Artémis - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Illo - Lvl 336 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Eilina - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Luniria - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Nöra - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Sköll - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Emeraude - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Arès - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Andromède - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Löra - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Améthyste - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Aslan - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Gaïa - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Hâti - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21538, 23:40:06: Your Alära - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21815, 12:37:51: Nougatine - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 22117, 17:36:24: Iona - Lvl 123 (Average Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jade - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane)'! Day 22117, 17:37:41: Iona - Lvl 123 (Average Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 22117, 17:49:29: Iona - Lvl 123 (Average Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 22624, 06:57:23: Tribemember GreenLune - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1361062021,"tribe":"Tribe of Renton logs":["Day 39558, 05:56:22: Renton was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1361010785,"tribe":"The Knights Templars logs":["Day 24583, 03:39:33: Irish was added to the Tribe! Day 24583, 03:43:47: Human was added to the Tribe by Irish! Day 24583, 07:09:29: Tribemember Irish - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 24583, 09:24:05: Tribemember Irish - Lvl 7 was killed by Human - Lvl 8 (Hunt of the Dino)! Day 24583, 09:24:05: Your Tribe killed Irish - Lvl 7 (Hunt of the Dino)! Day 24583, 09:27:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 24583, 09:32:29: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 24583, 11:05:24: Tribemember Irish - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 125! Day 24583, 12:00:18: Human was added to the Tribe by Irish! Day 24583, 14:15:45: Tribemember Irish - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 24583, 22:00:22: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24584, 00:23:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 24584, 03:28:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25012, 17:41:05: Tribemember Irish - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1359740270,"tribe":"Durandalon logs":["Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39642, 16:02:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41414, 20:13:24: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 122 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 42518, 12:23:28: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1358266895,"tribe":"Tribe of conallTSW logs":["Day 39795, 20:04:05: conallTSW was added to the Tribe! Day 39795, 20:06:26: Malkie was added to the Tribe by conallTSW! Day 39795, 23:35:57: Tribemember Malkie - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 39795, 23:41:41: Your DildoBird - Lvl 61 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 40337, 19:32:49: Tribemember conallTSW - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1342078336,"tribe":"Monkey Hangers logs":["Day 20300, 09:29:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20300, 09:29:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20301, 13:30:45: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-60 Inprint - Lvl 175 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20301, 13:32:15: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeder F - Lvl 133 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20301, 13:34:17: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M-80 Inprint - Lvl 171 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20301, 13:36:00: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-100 inprint - Lvl 169 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20301, 13:39:01: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mufasa - Lvl 240 (Sabertooth)'! Day 20301, 13:40:42: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 176 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20301, 14:02:57: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M-87 Main - Lvl 204 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:03:31: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-98 - Lvl 196 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:04:06: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-87 - Lvl 194 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:05:42: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 155 (Baryonyx)'! Day 20301, 14:07:31: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M-80 - Lvl 197 (Argentavis)'! Day 20301, 14:08:02: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-80 - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 20301, 14:15:59: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 279 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20301, 14:16:46: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 130 (Terror Bird)'! Day 20301, 14:22:55: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 145 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20301, 14:28:16: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M-33 Inprint - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:28:57: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-Noinprint 2# - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:29:28: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-65 - Lvl 222 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:30:05: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:31:03: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red Mist - Lvl 206 (Baryonyx)'! Day 20301, 14:31:26: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:32:21: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 188 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:33:12: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 182 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:33:43: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-No inprint - Lvl 155 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:34:41: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Dmg - Lvl 204 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:39:28: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 190 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:40:45: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F-55 Inprint - Lvl 196 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20301, 14:46:15: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 196 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20350, 21:37:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20350, 21:41:33: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20470, 07:56:53: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Period - Lvl 179 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Terror Bird - Lvl 160 (Terror Bird)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Terror Bird - Lvl 172 (Terror Bird)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Snappy - Lvl 207 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 253 (Paraceratherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 229 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 12 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Snapz - Lvl 221 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 182 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 174 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 165 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 174 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Terror Bird - Lvl 118 (Terror Bird)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Breed M - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 189 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 08:35:50: 's 'Breed - Lvl 158 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20470, 10:57:21: Drumunsta demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 20470, 10:58:24: Drumunsta demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 20470, 11:08:26: Drumunsta demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 20470, 11:12:03: Drumunsta demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 20470, 11:21:38: Drumunsta demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 20470, 11:22:50: Drumunsta demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 21054, 12:35:02: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21627, 13:07:22: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21628, 22:59:36: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1341849991,"tribe":"Tribe of DJURA1998666 logs":["Day 42501, 10:20:01: DJURA1998666 was added to the Tribe! Day 42501, 10:25:25: Tribe of F0zTaRiaN tribe was merged in by F0zTaRiaN! Day 42501, 10:25:25: F0zTaRiaN was added to the Tribe by DJURA1998666! Day 42501, 17:50:46: F0zTaRiaN demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 42502, 05:08:15: Tribemember F0zTaRiaN - Lvl 24 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 42502, 05:52:44: Tribemember DJURA1998666 - Lvl 24 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 42502, 05:55:59: Tribemember F0zTaRiaN - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 42502, 07:12:13: F0zTaRiaN was removed from the Tribe! Day 42502, 07:16:56: DJURA1998666 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1340815918,"tribe":"Tribe of crab logs":["Day 31099, 05:21:32: crab was added to the Tribe! Day 31099, 05:22:55: Mike Oxlong was added to the Tribe by crab! Day 31099, 05:38:02: Mike Oxlong unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31099, 14:09:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon)! Day 31099, 16:28:51: Mike Oxlong Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 31100, 03:01:38: Tribemember Mike Oxlong - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 31100, 06:02:26: Your Ichthyornis - Lvl 60 (Ichthyornis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31100, 13:08:51: Tribemember Mike Oxlong - Lvl 30 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 45! Day 31100, 19:49:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 31100, 21:04:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 31100, 21:56:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon)! Day 31101, 04:09:27: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31101, 14:03:29: crab Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 215 (Dodo)! Day 31101, 16:07:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 31101, 16:17:19: crab Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 31101, 18:26:57: crab Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 52 (Pegomastax)! Day 31101, 20:21:36: Tribemember Mike Oxlong - Lvl 38 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31102, 12:38:03: crab Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 52 (Moschops)! Day 31105, 12:14:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 31105, 12:20:17: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 31105, 13:18:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 31105, 16:47:40: crab Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)! Day 31105, 22:09:34: Tribemember crab - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 31106, 09:59:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 82 (Pachy)! Day 31107, 00:42:13: crab Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 14 (Brontosaurus)! Day 31126, 12:47:24: Mike Oxlong Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 89 (Triceratops)! Day 31126, 17:25:10: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 45 (Iguanodon)'! Day 31126, 19:15:17: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops)'! Day 31126, 20:09:40: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 158 (Parasaur)'! Day 31127, 11:54:24: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31129, 02:24:16: Mike Oxlong Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 31148, 09:26:29: crab Tamed a Compy - Lvl 44 (Compy)! Day 31148, 11:03:08: crab claimed 'Baby Iguanodon - Lvl 49 (Iguanodon)'! Day 31148, 13:01:31: crab claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31148, 16:10:56: crab claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 71 (Triceratops)'! Day 31148, 19:57:00: crab claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 158 (Parasaur)'! Day 31149, 09:21:22: crab Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor)! Day 31149, 09:36:52: Your Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 20! Day 31173, 09:21:12: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31173, 09:22:37: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31173, 09:24:16: Mike Oxlong claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31174, 12:19:44: Tribemember crab - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 31174, 12:29:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 31174, 15:55:26: Tribemember crab - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 31175, 05:07:48: crab claimed 'Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31175, 05:10:41: crab claimed 'Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 97 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31175, 13:49:33: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 147 (Iguanodon)! Day 31175, 20:36:41: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 147 (Iguanodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 31176, 00:50:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31176, 00:50:54: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31176, 00:52:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31177, 00:58:56: Jonathan was added to the Tribe by crab! Day 31177, 07:15:43: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 31177, 07:18:03: Tribemember crab - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 31177, 07:51:44: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 31177, 10:23:53: Jonathan claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 69 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31177, 11:24:39: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 31177, 16:36:52: crab Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)! Day 31196, 19:47:01: crab Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 56 (Beelzebufo)! Day 31197, 02:25:15: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 31197, 05:51:01: Tribemember crab - Lvl 72 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 31197, 14:48:51: Jonathan froze doris - Lvl 61 (Beelzebufo) Day 31197, 16:54:36: crab demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 31197, 17:09:52: crab demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 31197, 17:11:53: crab demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 31197, 17:14:28: crab demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 31197, 18:43:28: Tribemember crab - Lvl 72 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31197, 21:07:00: Jonathan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 31198, 05:11:23: BERYLLIUME was added to the Tribe by crab! Day 31198, 08:36:17: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 8 was killed by crab - Lvl 73 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31198, 08:36:17: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 8 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31198, 11:14:12: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 11 was killed by crab - Lvl 74 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31198, 11:14:12: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 11 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31198, 13:28:33: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 12 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 31198, 15:27:03: Mike Oxlong demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31198, 15:57:02: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 31198, 16:11:39: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 15 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31199, 01:18:57: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 21 was killed by crab - Lvl 74 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31199, 01:18:57: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 21 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31199, 02:41:42: crab demolished a 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) '! Day 31199, 09:18:47: BERYLLIUME Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31199, 09:50:31: BERYLLIUME Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 59 (Carbonemys)! Day 31199, 11:28:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 6 (Carbonemys)! Day 31199, 11:50:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys)! Day 31199, 12:07:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31199, 12:07:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31199, 12:07:03: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31199, 12:10:22: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 31199, 12:10:22: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31199, 13:33:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 65 (Raptor)! Day 31199, 15:25:51: Your Greg - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 31199, 15:29:39: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 31199, 15:46:10: Your Richard - Lvl 63 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 31199, 16:02:30: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 31199, 16:24:11: BERYLLIUME demolished a 'Wardrums'! Day 31199, 16:28:58: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 26 was killed by crab - Lvl 75 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31199, 16:28:58: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 26 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31199, 20:15:16: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 26 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31199, 20:45:02: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 6 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 80! Day 31200, 04:29:29: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 28 was killed by Mike Oxlong - Lvl 83 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31200, 04:29:29: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 28 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31200, 04:52:02: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 28 was killed by crab - Lvl 76 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31200, 04:52:02: Your Tribe killed BERYLLIUME - Lvl 28 (Tribe of crab)! Day 31200, 05:30:39: Your Moschops - Lvl 41 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 31337, 18:45:46: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 50 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31337, 21:31:45: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 15 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31337, 21:37:35: Tribemember crab - Lvl 76 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31406, 19:41:37: Mike Oxlong Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis)! Day 31429, 11:18:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 31429, 11:19:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 31429, 11:19:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 120! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31674, 21:33:43: Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 31690, 22:24:38: Dodo - Lvl 69 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 31738, 12:30:38: Dilophosaur - Lvl 46 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 31738, 12:48:04: lucy - Lvl 63 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 31742, 18:13:17: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 31810, 13:08:34: Your lois - Lvl 159 (Dodo) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 31830, 00:21:59: good - Lvl 107 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 31884, 17:21:36: perry - Lvl 47 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 31904, 11:07:59: Pachy - Lvl 99 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 31904, 11:08:34: frank - Lvl 213 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 31944, 10:04:35: big boi - Lvl 46 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 32002, 16:57:03: Raptor - Lvl 80 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 32022, 02:47:00: Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32033, 17:43:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32033, 17:43:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32033, 17:43:45: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32033, 17:43:45: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32033, 17:43:45: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32038, 08:07:18: Your PT m 2 - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 115! Day 32038, 08:41:30: Your Raptor - Lvl 47 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 115! Day 32038, 08:43:27: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 53 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 115! Day 32048, 17:57:46: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 64 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 75! Day 32048, 18:06:48: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 72 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 75! Day 32065, 17:16:02: Iguanodon - Lvl 70 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 32066, 01:19:31: Your Dodo - Lvl 243 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 32066, 03:57:17: Your gertrude - Lvl 91 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 32135, 19:38:15: Triceratops - Lvl 96 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 32230, 22:54:50: beefy - Lvl 82 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 32246, 15:50:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32293, 23:48:30: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32305, 05:30:01: Iguanodon - Lvl 110 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 32324, 22:51:30: Triceratops - Lvl 98 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 32355, 05:26:42: Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32380, 12:24:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 32380, 21:02:18: jeanie - Lvl 75 (Shopkeeps) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 32406, 06:54:00: Your Parasaur - Lvl 166 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 32449, 09:59:52: Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32473, 05:33:12: big bird - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 32495, 07:31:19: steggie - Lvl 104 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 32542, 16:03:36: Tribemember Mike Oxlong - Lvl 93 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 45! Day 32542, 17:10:14: Your Cranium - Lvl 137 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 32582, 05:28:07: Triceratops - Lvl 118 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 32611, 03:07:01: Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 32615, 06:33:54: hi - Lvl 69 (Compy) starved to death! Day 32616, 17:29:45: Tribemember Mike Oxlong - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 32664, 05:51:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 32664, 05:52:09: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 32664, 05:57:40: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 32664, 06:02:25: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 94 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 32746, 09:54:59: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 32779, 10:47:11: pt - Lvl 117 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 33044, 13:08:20: doris - Lvl 93 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 33121, 14:54:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33276, 14:15:23: HimathyJr - Lvl 44 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33323, 09:05:13: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33767, 11:21:03: seppe - Lvl 46 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33862, 07:41:33: Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34293, 11:46:08: Tribemember BERYLLIUME - Lvl 29 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1338606402,"tribe":"BB4L logs":["Day 22994, 16:45:09: Hiwapi froze Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor) Day 22994, 17:05:08: Hiwapi froze Clawrius - Lvl 212 (Thylacoleo) Day 22994, 17:14:24: Hiwapi froze Saberina - Lvl 243 (Sabertooth) Day 22994, 17:21:08: Hiwapi froze Sabrina - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth) Day 22994, 17:29:28: Hiwapi froze Stameed - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 22994, 17:33:19: Hiwapi froze Sabrina - Lvl 265 (Sabertooth) Day 22994, 17:41:11: Hiwapi froze Stameight - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 22994, 18:00:59: Hiwapi froze Julius - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo) Day 22994, 18:09:01: Hiwapi froze Reddie - Lvl 188 (Argentavis) Day 22994, 18:32:31: Hiwapi froze Raptorinos - Lvl 212 (Raptor) Day 22996, 12:38:09: Your Crippling Depression - Lvl 23 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23013, 09:57:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23037, 01:19:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23037, 01:19:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23037, 01:19:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23060, 16:46:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Large Bear Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23285, 04:45:40: Tarje - Lvl 17 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23297, 02:55:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23514, 04:42:59: swalsp - Lvl 108 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Birdess - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23540, 07:29:56: Tribemember Hiwapi - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23593, 08:54:13: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tuggle - Lvl 329 (Bulbdog)'! Day 23593, 09:20:23: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23593, 09:29:09: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Treek - Lvl 235 (Bulbdog)'! Day 23618, 16:48:31: Qempher - Lvl 77 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23659, 20:07:43: Tribemember Zerhathos - Lvl 93 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 23708, 20:30:59: Eggy - Lvl 48 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23872, 19:31:12: Tribemember Hiwapi - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23952, 19:42:39: Tribemember Hiwapi - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24566, 07:56:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25044, 18:31:41: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1337800581,"tribe":"MeatMoo logs":["Day 28221, 12:36:19: Meat was added to the Tribe! Day 28221, 14:47:48: ThiccBitch was added to the Tribe by Meat! Day 28221, 15:24:09: ThiccBitch Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28221, 16:58:54: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 28221, 17:48:46: Meat Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28221, 18:03:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 57 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28221, 18:32:08: Meat Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28221, 23:13:00: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 16 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 145! Day 28222, 02:42:46: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 28222, 03:44:40: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 28222, 11:20:37: Meat Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 28222, 12:47:40: Your Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 28222, 15:48:18: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 28222, 17:45:42: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 28222, 18:42:00: Meat demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 28222, 18:44:43: Meat demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 28222, 19:02:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 28272, 06:15:23: Meat claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 64 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 28272, 08:04:23: Meat Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)! Day 28272, 08:50:41: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 28272, 12:18:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 22 (Iguanodon)! Day 28272, 12:39:06: ThiccBitch Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon)! Day 28272, 12:57:19: Meat Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 23 (Raptor)! Day 28272, 20:19:23: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 26 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 75! Day 28272, 23:21:46: Meat Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28273, 00:56:57: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 28 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 28273, 01:45:58: Meat claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 20 (Raptor)'! Day 28273, 03:35:15: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 28 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 28273, 06:31:28: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 37 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 55! Day 28273, 10:21:19: Your Muffin - Lvl 41 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 55! Day 28273, 13:05:39: Meat Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 14 (Sarco)! Day 28273, 13:12:52: Your The pink one - Lvl 14 (Sarco) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 28273, 14:30:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 59 (Sarco)! Day 28274, 13:26:25: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 46 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 28274, 19:56:38: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 28275, 15:11:54: Meat Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 14 (Pachy)! Day 28275, 17:30:39: Meat Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 37 (Iguanodon)! Day 28275, 19:00:22: Your throwaway - Lvl 15 (Pachy) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 28276, 05:14:18: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 53 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 80! Day 28276, 05:50:48: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 54 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 45! Day 28276, 08:00:52: Your Captain Crunch - Lvl 81 (Sarco) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 10! Day 28276, 08:57:24: Your Violet <3 - Lvl 41 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 65! Day 28276, 08:57:24: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 54 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 65! Day 28276, 14:38:14: Your prancer - Lvl 24 (Raptor) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 28277, 03:30:42: Tribemember Meat - Lvl 54 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 28277, 06:00:23: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28277, 06:07:05: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 41 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 60! Day 28423, 15:16:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28423, 15:16:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28565, 11:02:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28565, 11:02:00: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28578, 05:53:15: Asshole - Lvl 72 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28578, 06:57:26: Your AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - Lvl 37 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28616, 15:56:53: bingus - Lvl 31 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 28646, 05:47:44: Bing Chilling - Lvl 69 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28696, 17:15:16: Glimpo - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28934, 20:04:01: Your boober - Lvl 70 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 40! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29290, 13:01:07: Quandale Dingle - Lvl 217 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 29406, 02:21:19: Tribemember ThiccBitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1337654609,"tribe":"Tribe of Darkness logs":["Day 18601, 08:10:37: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Robbie - Lvl 89 Day 18601, 08:15:05: Fallenangel unclaimed 'Robbie - Lvl 89 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18601, 12:58:39: Fallenangel uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 18601, 14:06:56: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 18601, 15:51:08: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 18602, 17:34:30: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18603, 01:19:33: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 92 Day 18614, 12:33:00: Fallenangel froze Draco - Lvl 269 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18616, 07:33:24: Fallenangel froze Charizard - Lvl 252 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18616, 21:34:39: Fallenangel froze Draco - Lvl 270 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18616, 21:45:12: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 271 Day 18616, 21:46:22: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Shadowmane - Lvl 219 Day 18616, 21:47:15: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 219 Day 18616, 21:48:13: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 18616, 21:51:09: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 18616, 21:58:45: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 18616, 22:12:57: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Charizard - Lvl 249 Day 18617, 10:13:35: Fallenangel froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 18617, 17:29:36: Fallenangel froze Charizard - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18737, 20:10:08: Fallenangel froze Dark Claw - Lvl 300 (R-Reaper King) Day 18737, 21:57:19: Fallenangel froze Abe - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 18737, 22:02:14: Fallenangel froze GraySkull - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 18737, 22:08:24: Fallenangel froze Index - Lvl 283 (R-Reaper King) Day 18738, 11:35:49: Your Abe - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 18738, 15:32:39: Fallenangel froze GraySkull - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 18738, 16:48:57: Fallenangel froze Breeder Female One - Lvl 316 (Ovis) Day 18739, 19:39:18: Lilith removed 'Rex Offenders' Tribe from Fallen Alliance! Day 18740, 01:44:41: Fallenangel froze Index - Lvl 286 (R-Reaper King) Day 18740, 01:50:07: Fallenangel froze Dark Claw - Lvl 304 (R-Reaper King) Day 18740, 20:22:07: Fallenangel froze T-800 - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 18749, 10:47:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18759, 01:12:29: Punkin - Lvl 103 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 18787, 09:45:26: Fallenangel uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 93 Day 18788, 06:16:01: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 336 (Voidwyrm) Day 18789, 16:57:30: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: DOOMGUY - Lvl 93 Day 18808, 06:00:45: Fallenangel uploaded a Tek Stryder: DOOMGUY - Lvl 93 Day 18808, 12:04:23: Fallenangel froze Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) Day 18808, 12:50:37: Fallenangel froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 340 (Voidwyrm) Day 18972, 13:34:48: Fallenangel froze Acha - Lvl 115 (Achatina) Day 18999, 02:09:18: Fallenangel froze Dark Tooth - Lvl 449 (Tek Rex) Day 18999, 22:10:47: Fallenangel froze Index - Lvl 287 (R-Reaper King) Day 19000, 05:09:15: Fallenangel froze Index - Lvl 287 (R-Reaper King) Day 19000, 06:22:51: Fallenangel froze SIN - Lvl 285 (Poison Wyvern) Day 19002, 17:13:07: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: Index - Lvl 291 Day 19100, 23:28:13: Fallenangel froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 19100, 23:58:20: Fallenangel froze GraySkull - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 19101, 00:02:04: Fallenangel froze Sanke - Lvl 129 (Allosaurus) Day 19101, 00:10:17: Fallenangel froze BASE FEM - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 19138, 01:31:03: Fallenangel froze Dark Claw - Lvl 305 (R-Reaper King) Day 19138, 09:01:25: Fallenangel uploaded a R-Giganotosaurus: weight mutation - Lvl 331 Day 19138, 09:22:11: Tribemember Fallenangel - Lvl 121 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 55! Day 19138, 11:55:32: Fallenangel downloaded a dino: weight mutation - Lvl 331 Day 19138, 11:57:11: Fallenangel uploaded a Voidwyrm: Voidwyrm - Lvl 355 Day 19139, 10:40:01: Fallenangel froze weight mutation - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19139, 11:16:56: Could not find Spawn Location for TekWyvern, Destroying... Day 19265, 04:50:13: Fallenangel froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19265, 06:13:32: Fallenangel froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19265, 06:30:28: Fallenangel froze Moby - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 19265, 16:11:04: Fallenangel froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King) Day 19476, 02:47:20: Gacha - Lvl 167 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 19777, 11:52:10: Fallenangel froze Dark Claw - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 19800, 00:44:25: THE CLAW - Lvl 112 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Small Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20075, 11:20:04: Fallenangel froze Pteranodon - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) Day 20075, 11:20:54: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 92 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 20075, 11:23:23: Fallenangel froze Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 20075, 12:12:08: Fallenangel froze NEW MALE - Lvl 350 (Pteranodon) Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20499, 23:51:34: Chit - Lvl 76 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 20528, 19:08:42: Dung Beetle - Lvl 78 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 20547, 13:57:13: Lucky - Lvl 156 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Adobe Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Dragon Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Wood Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20657, 05:36:13: BONES - Lvl 340 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 20663, 16:52:03: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voidwyrm - Lvl 358 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 20663, 16:58:21: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charizard - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20663, 17:02:33: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T-800 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20663, 17:03:30: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20663, 17:04:05: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane (baseF) - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 20663, 17:21:44: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 306 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20663, 17:33:04: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argent (2M M) - Lvl 372 (Argentavis)'! Day 20663, 17:36:04: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Index - Lvl 292 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20663, 17:37:09: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20663, 17:37:47: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Debra - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20663, 18:29:09: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SIN - Lvl 285 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 20663, 18:34:23: Jesus - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 102 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20663, 20:41:06: Jesus - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 328 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20663, 21:11:45: Jesus - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pipy - Lvl 232 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20663, 21:13:17: Jesus - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eggy - Lvl 149 (Oviraptor)'! Day 20679, 18:43:46: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M150 - Lvl 301 (Triceratops)'! Day 20679, 19:01:17: Aditzu - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Staple - Lvl 247 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 20781, 17:32:48: Dung Beetle - Lvl 137 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 20825, 07:07:11: Space-Monkey - Lvl 7 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20827, 17:59:39: Tip Toe - Lvl 135 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 20836, 17:54:01: SKiLLz - Lvl 133 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Bomb - Lvl 109 (Phiomia)'! Day 20854, 10:11:15: Tribemember Fallenangel - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20983, 15:14:03: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21355, 03:46:15: Boom added 'Tribe of Jesus' Tribe to BOSSFIGHT Alliance! Day 21525, 07:28:42: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25848, 18:02:42: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1336885091,"tribe":"Tribe of Ian logs":["Day 31265, 12:15:36: Ian was added to the Tribe! Day 31265, 12:16:44: Chimlo was added to the Tribe by Ian! Day 31265, 12:58:07: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 31265, 13:06:29: Tribemember Ian - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 31265, 16:18:42: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 42 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 31265, 16:42:35: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 31265, 17:02:05: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 42 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 145! Day 31265, 20:02:32: Chimlo Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 31265, 20:29:36: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 5! Day 31265, 20:36:35: Your Dick 1 - Lvl 25 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 5! Day 31265, 22:38:24: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 44 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 145! Day 31265, 23:08:52: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 44 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 31421, 10:55:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31500, 15:39:01: Tribemember Ian - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 31844, 11:39:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31844, 11:39:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31907, 19:40:11: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 32971, 22:54:45: Tribemember Chimlo - Lvl 45 was killed!"] "tribeid":1336495556,"tribe":"Salty Sea Dogs logs":["Day 31152, 07:30:01: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 77 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:31:20: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:32:05: Daz claimed 'Nerva - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:33:55: Daz claimed 'Tarquinius Priscus - Lvl 281 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:35:33: Daz claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 126 (Triceratops)'! Day 31152, 07:36:44: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:37:22: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:38:23: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:39:07: Daz claimed 'Radkouille - Lvl 206 (Raptor)'! Day 31152, 07:39:34: Daz claimed 'Pausanias - Lvl 278 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 31152, 07:41:03: Daz claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 225 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 31152, 07:41:38: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 71 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 07:42:59: Daz claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31152, 07:43:58: Daz claimed 'Marauder - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 31152, 07:44:56: Daz claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 197 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31152, 07:45:46: Daz claimed 'Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31152, 07:47:06: Daz claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 274 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 31152, 09:16:58: Daz claimed 'Wildcat - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31152, 12:21:54: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31173, 16:07:06: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 31173, 16:07:12: Raptor - Lvl 88 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 31173, 16:07:16: Sara - Lvl 69 (Rex) starved to death! Day 31174, 05:40:54: Wildcat - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 31175, 16:27:06: Daz claimed 'Weight - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 31175, 16:35:17: Daz claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 142 (Castoroides)'! Day 31175, 16:37:27: Daz claimed 'Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)'! Day 31175, 16:38:10: Daz claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 180 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31175, 16:38:33: Daz claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 199 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31175, 16:39:36: Daz claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 239 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 31175, 16:42:23: Daz claimed 'Big Bird - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 31175, 17:12:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31175, 23:54:39: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31176, 06:13:36: Daz claimed 'Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 366 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 31176, 08:30:59: Daz unclaimed 'Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 366 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 31176, 13:34:36: Daz unclaimed 'WC127 - Lvl 338 (Manta)'! Day 31176, 14:10:51: Daz claimed 'WC127 - Lvl 338 (Manta)'! Day 31176, 16:46:50: Daz froze WC127 - Lvl 338 (Manta) Day 31176, 17:41:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31176, 23:06:13: Daz unclaimed 'Stam mut - Lvl 385 (Ravager)'! Day 31176, 23:09:02: Daz claimed 'Ravager - Lvl 461 (Ravager)'! Day 31177, 07:30:44: Daz froze Ravager - Lvl 461 (Ravager) Day 31177, 14:56:56: Daz Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 217 (Mesopithecus)! Day 31177, 19:43:53: Daz Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 179 (Beelzebufo)! Day 31177, 19:52:17: Daz froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 179 (Beelzebufo) Day 31177, 21:30:29: Daz unclaimed 'Ravager - Lvl 461 (Ravager)'! Day 31177, 21:35:47: Daz claimed 'Stam mut - Lvl 426 (Ravager)'! Day 31177, 23:06:25: Daz froze Stam mut - Lvl 426 (Ravager) Day 31178, 03:01:53: Daz froze Stam mut - Lvl 426 (Ravager) Day 31178, 03:36:46: Daz froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 217 (Mesopithecus) Day 31178, 03:56:22: Daz froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 217 (Mesopithecus) Day 31219, 10:58:37: Christie - Lvl 162 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 31219, 10:58:40: Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 31221, 12:26:25: Daz froze Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 426 (Ravager) Day 31222, 21:22:20: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 31222, 21:31:07: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 31222, 22:34:08: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31223, 01:20:17: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 02:08:12: Daz - Lvl 192 requested an Alliance with SILENT SECTA Tribe. Day 31223, 02:15:19: Daz - Lvl 192 requested an Alliance with SILENT SECTA Tribe. Day 31223, 02:17:58: Daz added 'SILENT SECTA' Tribe to Old Gits Alliance! Day 31223, 07:22:28: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 411 (Desmodus) Day 31223, 20:34:15: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 21:09:52: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 31224, 03:33:17: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 447 (Otter) Day 31224, 06:20:18: Daz froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 225 (R-Reaper King) Day 31224, 06:54:32: Daz froze Reaper King - Lvl 225 (Reaper King) Day 31224, 23:24:03: Pausanias - Lvl 278 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 31265, 16:09:39: Your Manfred - Lvl 133 (Mammoth) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 31265, 21:48:15: Your Locéa - Lvl 110 (Megaloceros) was killed! Day 31265, 22:04:20: Your Oxyn - Lvl 132 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 31290, 08:47:14: Therizinosaur - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 31432, 12:14:34: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 130 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 31432, 12:15:20: Roccea - Lvl 124 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 31432, 16:10:48: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31504, 00:46:04: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 123 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 31528, 22:55:27: Radkouille - Lvl 206 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 31589, 05:56:22: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31738, 14:28:55: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 31781, 17:10:35: Your Raptor - Lvl 162 (Raptor) was killed by Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 31781, 17:10:35: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 162 (Raptor) (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 31781, 22:15:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31921, 11:17:46: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32042, 08:03:46: Tek Raptor - Lvl 225 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 32061, 06:28:45: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32119, 12:49:46: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 12:55:29: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 13:01:22: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 594 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 16:57:30: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 17:01:50: Daz froze Boss #2 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 17:09:48: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 17:19:13: Daz froze 333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 23:02:10: Daz froze Dribbler [Daz] - Lvl 429 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32119, 23:59:33: Daz unclaimed '333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 00:04:26: Daz unclaimed '380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 06:18:02: Daz froze Dribbler [Daz] - Lvl 429 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32120, 16:30:37: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 594 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 16:40:28: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 16:53:42: Daz claimed '333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 16:58:42: Daz froze 333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 17:01:34: Daz claimed '380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 17:04:24: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 17:11:40: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 17:17:33: Daz froze Boss #2 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 17:23:01: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:21:53: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 594 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:26:00: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:29:58: Daz froze 333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:34:15: Daz froze Boss #2 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:38:52: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:42:56: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 14:48:16: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 592 (Tek Rex) Day 32166, 16:19:27: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 448 (Otter) Day 32261, 11:00:19: Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) starved to death! Day 32320, 09:00:39: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32522, 13:31:53: Daz claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32522, 13:33:08: Daz claimed 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 32522, 13:38:56: Daz claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 184 (Megatherium)'! Day 32522, 15:43:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 552 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32686, 10:06:03: Dung Beetle - Lvl 214 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32686, 12:10:06: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 552 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32773, 16:51:38: Triceratops - Lvl 126 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 32803, 19:17:47: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 32977, 17:51:07: Castoroides - Lvl 142 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 32977, 19:48:19: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 563 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33084, 20:37:04: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 563 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33140, 13:42:59: Rex - Lvl 77 (Rex) starved to death! Day 33323, 09:05:13: Daz claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33323, 12:06:37: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 566 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33323, 13:25:47: Daz froze 211 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 33468, 10:25:58: Tek Raptor - Lvl 274 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 33608, 14:35:11: Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) starved to death! Day 33608, 16:30:15: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 568 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33775, 23:52:20: Weight - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 33790, 02:03:11: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 569 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33790, 11:49:58: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 569 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33919, 01:48:54: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 570 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33919, 23:30:49: Daz froze Boss #9 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33919, 23:35:50: Daz froze 333 Bindy [Daz] - Lvl 544 (Tek Rex) Day 33919, 23:41:46: Daz froze Boss #6 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33919, 23:47:01: Daz froze Boss #4 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33919, 23:52:17: Daz froze GirlRex Boss #13 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 00:03:34: Daz froze Boss #11 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 00:08:48: Daz froze Boss #10 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 00:14:14: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 584 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 04:54:16: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 570 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33920, 09:54:31: Daz froze SirealLight - Lvl 350 (Magmasaur) Day 33920, 10:00:26: Daz froze Boss #11 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 16:10:55: Your GirlRex Boss #13 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 33920, 17:45:08: Daz froze SirealLight - Lvl 356 (Magmasaur) Day 33920, 18:38:01: Daz froze 333 Bindy [Daz] - Lvl 544 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 18:52:06: Daz froze Boss #11 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 18:57:23: Daz froze Boss #10 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 19:04:22: Daz froze Boss #9 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 19:10:26: Daz froze Boss #6 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 19:17:13: Daz froze Boss #4 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 19:26:04: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 584 (Tek Rex) Day 33920, 21:24:37: Daz froze - Lvl 345 (Magmasaur) Day 33920, 23:04:48: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 570 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33921, 00:26:33: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 448 (Otter) Day 33964, 06:10:43: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 570 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33964, 07:59:50: Daz froze 333 Bindy [Daz] - Lvl 544 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:03:49: Daz froze Boss #11 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:08:01: Daz froze Boss #10 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:12:16: Daz froze Boss #6 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:16:21: Daz froze Boss #9 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:20:20: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 584 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:24:24: Daz froze Boss #4 [Daz] - Lvl 529 (Tek Rex) Day 33964, 08:29:26: Daz froze SirealLight - Lvl 356 (Magmasaur) Day 33964, 11:06:55: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 570 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33965, 06:01:25: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 449 (Dinopithecus) Day 33965, 06:50:19: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 448 (Otter) Day 34036, 06:47:50: Big Bird - Lvl 131 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 34204, 16:15:51: Vindex - Lvl 219 (Rex) starved to death! Day 34244, 09:27:19: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 180 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 34412, 21:34:44: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 573 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34478, 20:07:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 195 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 34551, 11:42:50: Tarquinius Priscus - Lvl 281 (Rex) starved to death! Day 34575, 10:52:05: Bobby - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 34601, 17:02:59: Doedicurus - Lvl 199 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 34601, 17:15:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34601, 18:27:30: Daz froze 211 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 34601, 20:12:31: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34646, 18:00:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 15! Day 34720, 03:49:17: Daz claimed '230 - Lvl 310 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 34720, 08:28:25: Daz froze 230 - Lvl 415 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34721, 01:29:22: Daz froze 230 - Lvl 415 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34721, 02:11:58: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 [Clone] - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 34721, 05:07:17: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34782, 02:26:21: Daz froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 436 (Direwolf) Day 34782, 06:26:46: Daz froze Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Ravager) Day 34782, 13:52:47: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 440 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 34782, 19:15:41: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34783, 13:54:40: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 441 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 34783, 16:25:22: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 34783, 22:12:49: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 [Clone] - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 34784, 03:53:55: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34784, 13:56:56: Daz froze Dribbler [Daz] - Lvl 429 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34785, 13:53:47: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 34785, 17:21:46: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 443 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 34785, 18:40:26: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 448 (Otter) Day 34785, 19:10:07: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34818, 03:36:13: Daz froze Baby HSOFWM SP41 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34818, 05:12:40: Daz froze 267 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 267 (R-Velonasaur) Day 34818, 05:17:15: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 34818, 06:09:05: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 34818, 06:13:45: Daz froze Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 34818, 08:50:38: Daz froze Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 34818, 08:54:52: Daz froze 253 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 253 (Velonasaur) Day 34842, 03:04:23: Daz froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34842, 03:09:50: Daz froze Baby HSOFWM SP41 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34842, 06:55:38: Daz claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf)'! Day 34842, 06:58:37: Daz froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 34842, 07:09:02: Daz froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 35045, 21:51:14: Daz froze Baby Imp 319 [Daz] - Lvl 319 (Mantis) Day 35045, 21:57:29: Daz froze Baby Imp 319 [Daz] - Lvl 319 (Mantis) Day 35046, 03:47:40: Daz claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf)'! Day 35046, 03:58:00: Daz froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 35046, 04:11:44: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35046, 23:25:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35055, 10:21:48: Daz froze 288 0/16 M72 - Lvl 288 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35055, 10:27:31: Daz froze 288 0/16 M72 - Lvl 288 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35055, 15:42:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35055, 17:31:07: Daz froze 288 0/16 M72 - Lvl 486 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35055, 17:50:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35056, 14:33:23: Daz froze 211 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 35057, 01:26:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35066, 23:41:30: Your 288 0/16 M72 - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 43 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 35066, 23:44:23: Daz claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 43 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 35067, 07:06:39: Daz froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 43 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35067, 07:18:48: Daz froze 300 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 504 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35067, 07:59:44: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35067, 10:51:44: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 443 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 35067, 15:19:21: Daz froze 272 W36 - Lvl 272 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35067, 15:23:49: Daz froze Mut S38 - Lvl 266 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35067, 15:58:07: Daz froze Mut H43 - Lvl 266 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35075, 14:41:18: Daz uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 Day 35075, 14:44:00: Daz uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 184 Day 35075, 16:05:36: Daz froze Juvenile Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 35075, 18:47:57: Daz claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf)'! Day 35075, 18:56:52: Daz froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 35076, 05:03:43: Daz froze Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 445 (Ravager) Day 35288, 22:57:34: Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) starved to death! Day 35375, 22:23:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35410, 03:24:20: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35429, 15:11:57: Nerva - Lvl 278 (Rex) starved to death! Day 35623, 22:33:25: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 579 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35665, 12:40:14: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 197 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35665, 12:41:28: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35665, 12:42:40: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 71 (Rex)'! Day 35665, 12:46:21: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex)'! Day 35665, 12:58:59: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35665, 15:08:10: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marauder - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 35665, 16:04:49: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 35665, 16:05:33: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 35675, 09:26:14: Tiny - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35812, 15:16:30: Your Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 15:19:43: Your Dodo - Lvl 251 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 15:23:29: Your Dodo - Lvl 230 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 15:26:27: Your Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 17:00:48: Your Fiber - Lvl 163 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 17:03:20: Your Dodo - Lvl 198 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35812, 17:11:37: Your Kairuku - Lvl 309 (Kairuku) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 70! Day 35815, 04:50:00: HSO--M - Lvl 333 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 35815, 14:41:09: Your Dodo - Lvl 287 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10! Day 35816, 08:15:38: Your Dodo - Lvl 274 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 5! Day 35816, 08:29:29: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 133 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 5! Day 35816, 08:31:05: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 163 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 5! Day 35836, 15:21:31: HSO--M - Lvl 334 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 35873, 13:58:52: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35873, 16:29:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35879, 10:11:47: Brontosaurus - Lvl 246 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 35974, 13:07:34: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 35994, 22:14:50: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35995, 15:12:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35996, 12:08:12: Daz froze 300 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 504 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35996, 13:33:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36143, 16:24:37: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36163, 06:59:34: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36372, 05:50:54: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36549, 04:58:00: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 36549, 05:07:32: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 617 (Tek Rex) Day 36549, 05:18:17: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 617 (Tek Rex) Day 36549, 05:30:21: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36952, 23:22:37: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37144, 09:18:06: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 584 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37331, 14:01:32: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 584 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37541, 20:02:20: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 584 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37644, 23:44:45: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 37872, 15:50:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38080, 22:44:13: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38330, 18:28:15: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 586 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38593, 18:25:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 586 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38849, 04:17:13: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 39042, 07:22:30: Daz claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 89 (Griffin)'! Day 39042, 07:27:32: Daz froze Griffin - Lvl 89 (Griffin) Day 39042, 11:06:29: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 39319, 01:18:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 39322, 21:59:22: Daz unclaimed 'Gasbags - Lvl 246 (Gasbags)'! Day 39323, 01:13:50: Daz claimed 'Gasbags - Lvl 246 (Gasbags)'! Day 39323, 01:21:23: Daz froze Gasbags - Lvl 246 (Gasbags) Day 39324, 06:44:15: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 39490, 19:42:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 39845, 19:07:53: Daz claimed 'Archangel - Lvl 374 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39846, 00:54:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40212, 07:52:54: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40212, 11:39:47: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40523, 13:27:02: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40903, 14:54:42: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41151, 04:27:29: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41151, 08:53:57: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41151, 09:37:20: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41530, 09:39:50: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41562, 23:49:24: Your HSOF-M - Lvl 330 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 41602, 17:14:37: Daz froze Rider [Daz] - Lvl 382 (Deinonychus) Day 41602, 17:22:23: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41602, 17:27:19: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41602, 17:32:21: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41602, 17:37:31: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41602, 17:49:26: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41602, 23:54:25: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41603, 00:45:29: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41603, 03:39:34: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 03:50:45: Daz froze Rider [Daz] - Lvl 382 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 04:09:39: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41603, 06:55:03: Your 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 41603, 07:51:00: Daz froze Rider [Daz] - Lvl 382 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 08:38:50: Daz froze 225 Chomper [Daz] #6 [Clone] - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 41603, 08:48:20: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 08:55:20: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 09:01:36: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 12:13:04: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41904, 18:41:17: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 596 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42200, 15:09:06: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42200, 16:59:48: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 42200, 17:04:16: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 42200, 17:08:40: Daz froze 169 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 380 (Deinonychus) Day 42200, 18:11:04: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42243, 21:32:57: Daz froze Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 447 (Ravager) Day 42244, 05:05:37: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42244, 06:42:00: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42245, 13:23:00: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42245, 16:18:05: Daz froze Boss #7 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 16:29:08: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 591 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 16:38:27: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 591 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 16:45:34: Daz froze Boss #3 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 19:00:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42245, 21:50:31: Daz froze Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 447 (Ravager) Day 42245, 22:32:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42246, 02:25:35: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 489 (Terror Bird) Day 42246, 03:08:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42246, 03:34:44: Daz froze Blacky [Daz] - Lvl 418 (Otter) Day 42246, 16:31:30: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42246, 16:57:19: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42246, 21:12:32: Daz froze 290 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 489 (Terror Bird) Day 42246, 21:58:38: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42247, 00:54:07: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42247, 07:30:34: Daz froze 338 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 489 (Argentavis) Day 42247, 10:01:14: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 591 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 11:02:55: Daz froze Boss #7 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 11:08:45: Daz froze Boss #3 [Daz] - Lvl 527 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 11:15:23: Daz froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 591 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 12:06:20: Daz froze 225 Shadow [Daz] - Lvl 396 (Reaper King) Day 42247, 12:46:05: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42247, 13:14:10: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42293, 03:22:48: Daz froze WC258 NTS - Lvl 258 (Voidwyrm) Day 42293, 17:33:26: Daz claimed 'Baby R-Gasbags - Lvl 215 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 42293, 17:44:59: Daz froze Baby Daz - Lvl 215 (R-Gasbags) Day 42294, 05:10:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42294, 17:08:35: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 446 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 42294, 19:00:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42603, 23:58:53: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42604, 07:30:57: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42604, 15:11:47: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 15:49:11: Daz froze 230 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 392 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42604, 17:54:31: Daz claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42604, 17:58:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) was killed by Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 42604, 17:58:37: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) (Salty Sea Dogs)! Day 42604, 19:48:37: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42605, 18:54:41: Daz froze 225 Shadow [Daz] - Lvl 396 (Reaper King) Day 42605, 19:10:37: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42605, 19:46:35: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 617 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 19:50:57: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 640 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 21:24:49: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 640 (Tek Rex) Day 42606, 06:20:39: Daz froze Blacky [Daz] - Lvl 418 (Otter) Day 42606, 08:55:11: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42606, 13:25:15: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42606, 13:34:24: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42606, 15:42:16: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42606, 15:49:06: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42606, 17:27:47: Daz froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42606, 17:33:48: Daz froze 264 Speedy [Daz] - Lvl 475 (Giganotosaurus) Day 42606, 19:13:37: Daz froze 439 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 617 (Tek Rex) Day 42606, 19:36:30: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 43153, 02:43:03: Daz froze 441 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 640 (Tek Rex) Day 43153, 06:10:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 598 (R-Snow Owl) Day 43536, 06:41:48: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 598 (R-Snow Owl) Day 44093, 16:49:16: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 604 (R-Snow Owl) Day 44584, 16:42:43: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 604 (R-Snow Owl) Day 45072, 06:07:33: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 604 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1335527705,"tribe":"Tribe of Viper logs":["Day 30912, 12:55:43: Viper was added to the Tribe! Day 31216, 09:02:55: Pteranodon - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 31338, 19:15:22: Tribemember Viper - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31500, 19:48:46: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 48 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:49:33: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 92 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:50:23: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:50:46: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 88 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:51:27: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 58 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:54:06: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyr Son of Forg - Lvl 62 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31500, 19:56:42: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 76 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:57:12: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shit Brick - Lvl 118 (Phiomia)'! Day 31557, 01:56:16: lil'fatty - Lvl 77 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 31617, 08:28:51: Bot Aimz - Lvl 30 (Tribe of BotZ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argos - Lvl 144 (Argentavis)'! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1328421282,"tribe":"Recnac logs":["Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17613, 11:01:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17613, 11:01:55: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1328176641,"tribe":"Beginner Squad logs":["Day 18504, 20:50:03: Freaky (Beginner) was added to the Tribe! Day 18505, 07:32:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Skeletal Trike - Lvl 20! Day 18505, 07:35:15: Your Para - Lvl 32 (Parasaur) was killed by a Skeletal Trike - Lvl 20! Day 18505, 07:35:56: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 25 was killed by a Skeletal Trike - Lvl 20! Day 18505, 07:38:53: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18505, 07:40:14: Your Fattie - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Skeletal Trike - Lvl 20! Day 18505, 07:41:34: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18506, 06:36:08: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 18506, 14:52:13: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 18506, 15:05:38: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18506, 16:10:31: sprxy_eu was added to the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18507, 01:57:23: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 18507, 12:45:16: Hazzaboi123 was added to the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18507, 13:13:23: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 50 (Raptor)! Day 18507, 15:38:43: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 18507, 15:40:40: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18507, 15:56:50: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 18507, 16:49:19: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 8 was killed by a Skeletal Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 18507, 22:33:16: Freaky (Beginner) froze Death Note - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 18528, 14:57:22: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 18 was killed by Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 9 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 14:57:22: Your Tribe killed sprxy_eu - Lvl 18 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 16:17:36: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 9 was killed by sprxy_eu - Lvl 18 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 16:17:36: Your Tribe killed Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 9 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 17:02:32: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 10 was killed by sprxy_eu - Lvl 19 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 17:02:32: Your Tribe killed Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 10 (Beginner Squad)! Day 18528, 20:00:38: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 204 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18528, 20:25:54: sprxy_eu was removed from the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18528, 20:27:08: Hazzaboi123 was removed from the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18528, 20:46:16: Freaky (Beginner) unclaimed 'Hazzas tech parasaur - Lvl 204 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18528, 21:02:01: Freaky (Beginner) unclaimed 'Seth's Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur)'! Day 18528, 22:18:43: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18529, 04:59:58: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 18529, 09:47:32: sprxy_eu was added to the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18529, 09:55:19: sprxy_eu was removed from the Tribe by Freaky (Beginner)! Day 18529, 19:55:04: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 18529, 20:15:45: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 18529, 20:33:51: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 18529, 21:01:42: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 18529, 21:53:44: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 18530, 00:21:55: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 18530, 04:23:53: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 18530, 16:19:57: Freaky (Beginner) froze PT - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon) Day 18531, 02:53:51: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)! Day 18531, 03:51:44: Your pt - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 18531, 04:36:22: Your PT - Lvl 60 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 40! Day 18531, 12:19:24: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 18531, 14:22:35: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 18531, 15:23:04: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 18531, 16:13:42: Freaky (Beginner) froze PT - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 18531, 18:22:26: Freaky (Beginner) froze PT - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon) Day 18531, 20:20:58: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 18532, 16:48:41: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 18532, 17:04:05: Freaky (Beginner) froze Anky - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18532, 17:24:29: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 18550, 15:52:56: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 18550, 16:00:39: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 18550, 17:28:27: Freaky (Beginner) Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 20 (Argentavis)! Day 18550, 18:55:36: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 18551, 06:13:20: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 18551, 10:23:47: Freaky (Beginner) unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18552, 03:25:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18552, 03:45:02: Freaky (Beginner) froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur) Day 18552, 04:40:46: Freaky (Beginner) froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur) Day 18574, 17:19:38: Freaky (Beginner) demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18574, 19:38:57: Freaky (Beginner) froze Rapstar - Lvl 67 (Raptor) Day 18574, 19:46:54: Freaky (Beginner) froze Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur) Day 18575, 01:16:44: Freaky (Beginner) froze Freaky's Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 18575, 01:22:04: Freaky (Beginner) froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 142 (Therizinosaur) Day 18601, 21:59:03: Your Rapstar - Lvl 67 (Raptor) was killed by a Skeletal Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 18754, 00:22:22: Tribemember Freaky (Beginner) - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18874, 14:17:40: Your Anky - Lvl 92 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 70! Day 18998, 18:26:49: Your Parasaur - Lvl 143 (Parasaur) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 19061, 08:36:43: Your PT - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 19255, 17:56:42: Venus - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Venus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Freaky's Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 19345, 23:59:39: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argie - Lvl 35 (Argentavis)'! Day 19347, 10:52:27: Monke - Lvl 159 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19456, 06:25:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19456, 06:25:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1327545803,"tribe":"Tribe of Evelynn logs":["Day 36507, 20:34:49: Evelynn was added to the Tribe! Day 36507, 23:48:04: Evelynn demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36508, 00:18:13: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 278 (Bloodstalker) Day 36508, 06:27:55: Your Basilosaurus - Lvl 301 (Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 280! Day 36508, 07:27:25: Evelynn froze Speedy - Lvl 282 (Basilosaurus) Day 36508, 08:56:14: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 310 (Rock Drake) Day 36508, 11:05:26: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 310 (Rock Drake) Day 36508, 12:16:55: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 278 (Bloodstalker) Day 36517, 08:49:23: Evelynn froze Big Time Killer - Lvl 218 (Velonasaur) Day 36517, 09:45:35: Evelynn froze Big Time Killer - Lvl 218 (Velonasaur) Day 36517, 11:01:04: Evelynn froze Big Time Killer - Lvl 226 (Velonasaur) Day 36517, 14:01:32: Evelynn froze Big Time Killer - Lvl 231 (Velonasaur) Day 36517, 14:48:20: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 36517, 16:08:16: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 36517, 17:53:27: Evelynn froze Snowy - Lvl 201 (Snow Owl) Day 36517, 21:46:51: Evelynn claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 237 (Mantis)'! Day 36517, 21:54:53: Evelynn froze Mantis - Lvl 237 (Mantis) Day 36517, 22:08:39: Evelynn claimed 'Ferry - Lvl 231 (Anglerfish)'! Day 36517, 22:11:44: Evelynn froze Ferry - Lvl 231 (Anglerfish) Day 36517, 22:12:51: Evelynn claimed 'Anglerfish - Lvl 201 (Anglerfish)'! Day 36517, 22:28:38: Evelynn claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36517, 22:29:59: Evelynn claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36517, 22:34:34: Evelynn froze Mantis - Lvl 237 (Mantis) Day 36517, 22:44:38: Evelynn unclaimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36517, 22:48:14: Evelynn unclaimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36517, 23:04:34: Evelynn claimed 'Equus - Lvl 206 (Equus)'! Day 36517, 23:09:02: Evelynn froze Equus - Lvl 206 (Equus) Day 36517, 23:15:47: Evelynn claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 261 (Dire Bear)'! Day 36517, 23:33:49: Evelynn unclaimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 261 (Dire Bear)'! Day 36518, 01:51:39: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 01:52:10: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 01:55:58: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 01:57:38: Evelynn claimed 'Ms Whyte - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 01:58:56: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 01:59:43: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:01:14: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:01:54: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:02:45: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:03:39: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:06:15: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:07:55: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:08:42: Evelynn claimed 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 36518, 02:18:15: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Anglerfish - Lvl 196 (Anglerfish)'! Day 36518, 02:23:20: Evelynn froze Baby Anglerfish - Lvl 196 (Anglerfish) Day 36518, 04:26:17: Evelynn uploaded a Equus: Equus - Lvl 206 Day 36518, 04:34:43: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 36527, 18:52:56: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 36527, 19:00:22: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe! Day 37094, 03:46:09: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ferry - Lvl 231 (Anglerfish)'! Day 37094, 03:47:25: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 201 (Anglerfish)'! Day 37099, 18:06:22: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:07:17: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:08:15: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ms Whyte - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:08:46: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:09:10: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:10:43: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:12:10: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:13:09: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:15:04: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:16:17: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:16:48: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:17:41: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 37099, 18:19:21: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1326834241,"tribe":"Tribe of hhggbb logs":["Day 31229, 22:03:14: hhggbb was added to the Tribe! Day 31230, 00:55:49: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 31 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 31230, 04:53:46: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 42171, 01:38:51: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 42171, 05:32:25: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 42171, 06:15:52: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 125 | 0.9x! Day 42171, 08:55:58: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 42171, 12:03:11: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 44716, 17:27:51: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 44873, 18:44:33: Tribemember hhggbb - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1323565390,"tribe":"Motley Crew logs":["Day 17062, 17:11:33: Savage_MF was added to the Tribe! Day 17062, 17:12:12: Brock was added to the Tribe by Savage_MF! Day 17062, 17:15:00: Brock was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Savage_MF! Day 17062, 17:40:55: Brock froze Flapper - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 17062, 22:33:29: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 260 (Direwolf) Day 17062, 22:38:27: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 293 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 05:53:18: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 263 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 06:30:16: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 263 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 07:08:01: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 297 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 09:40:46: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 265 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 10:54:19: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 267 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 13:28:13: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 268 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 13:31:04: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 302 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 17:29:41: Brock froze Lagertha - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 17:31:00: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 303 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 21:21:09: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 131 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 15! Day 17063, 21:49:02: Savage_MF froze Lagertha - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 17063, 23:32:04: Tribemember Savage_MF - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 17064, 01:39:51: Your Flapper - Lvl 263 (Maewing) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 17064, 02:08:46: Brock froze Rock Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 17064, 03:26:07: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 131 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 17064, 05:52:24: Tribemember Savage_MF - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 70! Day 17064, 06:39:57: Brock froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 157 (Beelzebufo) Day 17064, 09:56:12: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 17064, 10:00:46: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 17064, 10:18:59: Brock froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 17064, 10:27:12: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 17064, 13:32:17: Savage_MF froze Milky way - Lvl 275 (Pteranodon) Day 17064, 14:02:44: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 17064, 14:17:59: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 131 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 17064, 14:50:57: Savage_MF froze Ghost - Lvl 352 (Snow Owl) Day 17064, 15:39:15: Brock froze Kage - Lvl 262 (Rock Drake) Day 17064, 15:42:56: Brock froze Rock Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 17064, 16:00:58: Brock froze Crimson Torpedo - Lvl 350 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17064, 16:22:29: Brock froze Rock Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 17064, 16:39:15: Brock froze Roadrunner - Lvl 242 (Raptor) Day 17064, 16:44:12: Brock froze Maewing Imp - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 17064, 16:55:46: Savage_MF froze Pout - Lvl 276 (Maewing) Day 17418, 01:31:10: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17585, 12:21:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17585, 12:21:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17585, 12:21:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17623, 14:36:42: Mini Hulk - Lvl 67 (ROUND MEN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 224 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 23841, 03:22:35: Brock claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23841, 03:30:55: Brock unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23841, 07:01:52: Brock froze Maewing - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 23841, 10:23:47: Brock froze Maewing - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 23913, 01:55:17: Brock froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 143 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23913, 02:45:13: Brock froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 23913, 13:42:49: Brock froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 143 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23913, 16:02:40: Brock froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 23913, 16:09:33: Brock froze CHOCO ORANGE 2.O - Lvl 250 (R-Direwolf) Day 23913, 16:16:13: Brock froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 226 (Beelzebufo) Day 23913, 16:48:41: Brock froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 23913, 16:54:52: Brock froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 226 (Beelzebufo) Day 23913, 17:29:18: Brock froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 227 (Beelzebufo) Day 23913, 19:34:51: Brock froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 23913, 19:40:00: Brock froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 240 (Beelzebufo) Day 23913, 19:50:41: Brock froze CHOCO ORANGE 2.O - Lvl 250 (R-Direwolf) Day 23913, 20:15:06: Brock froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 143 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24217, 19:11:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35525, 14:37:11: Brock claimed 'Rock Drake [Clone] - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35525, 14:40:06: Brock froze Rock Drake [Clone] - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 35525, 15:02:36: Brock froze Big Momma - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 35604, 15:38:36: Your Rex - Lvl 300 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35604, 15:38:40: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 137 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 35604, 17:38:14: Brock uploaded a Rock Drake: Neytiri - Lvl 319 Day 35690, 14:53:29: Brock claimed 'Unicorn [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Unicorn)'! Day 35690, 15:02:01: Brock froze Unicorn [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Unicorn) Day 35690, 15:20:00: Brock froze Unicorn [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Unicorn) Day 35690, 15:24:14: Brock froze Big Momma - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 36387, 00:53:28: Brock froze Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 36718, 05:55:36: Brock froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1323268803,"tribe":"Tribe of Glob logs":["Day 25956, 23:09:56: Glob was added to the Tribe! Day 25956, 23:21:51: Juicepop was added to the Tribe by Glob! Day 25957, 05:05:28: Tribemember Juicepop - Lvl 6 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 35! Day 25957, 07:14:58: Tribemember Glob - Lvl 9 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 1.1x! Day 25957, 09:17:51: Tribemember Glob - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 0.9x! Day 26358, 16:42:58: Tribemember Juicepop - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1322520916,"tribe":"Tribe of Survivor logs":["Day 28599, 00:48:44: Survivor was added to the Tribe! Day 28599, 00:49:47: JAMIE was added to the Tribe by Survivor! Day 28599, 01:51:22: Tribemember JAMIE - Lvl 1 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 130! Day 28599, 06:01:30: Tribemember JAMIE - Lvl 1 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 28599, 06:09:51: Tribemember Survivor - Lvl 22 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 28599, 07:40:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28600, 10:20:45: Survivor Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops)! Day 28600, 20:06:11: Survivor Tamed an Otter - Lvl 96 (Otter)! Day 28601, 04:57:05: Survivor Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)! Day 28602, 01:37:21: Survivor Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 117 (Iguanodon)! Day 28603, 15:54:51: Survivor Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis)! Day 28605, 02:45:43: Survivor Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)! Day 28606, 17:28:46: Survivor Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 190 (Sabertooth)! Day 28607, 23:52:59: Survivor Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 28624, 14:03:47: Tribemember Survivor - Lvl 88 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 28766, 06:54:14: Otter - Lvl 105 (Otter) starved to death! Day 28778, 04:24:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28862, 22:38:14: Tribemember JAMIE - Lvl 1 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 60! Day 28919, 23:37:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28934, 18:27:06: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 233 (Sabertooth) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29139, 13:57:37: Dung Beetle - Lvl 73 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 29227, 03:31:00: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29280, 11:17:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 29289, 05:31:58: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 29289, 05:34:30: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 183 (Triceratops)'! Day 29289, 05:35:32: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 129 (Iguanodon)'! Day 29289, 05:44:56: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29289, 05:45:55: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 128 (Argentavis)'! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29664, 06:09:44: Tribemember Survivor - Lvl 93 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1322161728,"tribe":"The Lonely Ranger logs":["Day 33655, 23:40:23: Lord Purple was added to the Tribe! Day 33656, 04:25:28: offe added 'The Lonely Ranger' Tribe to BOSS Alliance! Day 33656, 04:31:41: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33656, 08:53:35: offe added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to BOSS Alliance! Day 33657, 07:03:23: Your M Boss 5 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 33657, 09:23:42: Lord Purple froze M Boss 15 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 09:32:51: Lord Purple froze M Boss 8 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 09:50:35: Lord Purple froze M BOSS 9 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 14:23:58: Lord Purple froze F Boss 10 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 15:03:23: Lord Purple froze M Boss 12 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 15:25:18: Lord Purple froze M Boss 4 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 15:31:29: Lord Purple froze M Boss 1 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 16:19:52: Lord Purple froze F Boss 13 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 16:27:45: Lord Purple froze M Boss 6 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 18:18:56: Lord Purple froze M Boss 3 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 18:26:42: Lord Purple froze M Boss 11 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 18:31:47: Lord Purple froze M Boss 15 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 18:37:39: Lord Purple froze M Boss 2 - Lvl 467 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 19:53:32: Lord Purple froze M Boss 7 - Lvl 468 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 19:58:21: Lord Purple froze Pumba - Lvl 291 (Daeodon) Day 33657, 20:06:52: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 33657, 22:43:09: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33918, 14:27:11: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34251, 11:46:28: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 34959, 11:33:15: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 34959, 12:00:38: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 35266, 00:25:06: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35971, 09:29:58: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36644, 15:31:52: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36645, 00:13:36: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36645, 00:49:18: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36645, 05:19:15: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36645, 06:48:40: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36645, 11:32:37: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36645, 17:36:50: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36645, 19:53:47: Lord Purple claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36645, 20:02:52: Lord Purple claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 261 (Dire Bear)'! Day 36645, 20:30:27: Lord Purple claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis)'! Day 36645, 20:31:56: Lord Purple claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 235 (Ovis)'! Day 36645, 20:48:39: Lord Purple claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 119 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 36645, 21:29:20: Lord Purple unclaimed 'Mantis - Lvl 236 (Mantis)'! Day 36645, 22:07:14: Lord Purple froze Dire Bear - Lvl 261 (Dire Bear) Day 36645, 22:10:57: Lord Purple froze Ovis - Lvl 235 (Ovis) Day 36645, 22:27:10: Lord Purple froze Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis) Day 36645, 22:33:44: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36645, 22:44:55: Lord Purple uploaded a Dire Bear: Dire Bear - Lvl 261 Day 36645, 22:46:42: Lord Purple uploaded a Ovis: Ovis - Lvl 235 Day 36645, 22:48:29: Lord Purple uploaded a Ovis: Ovis - Lvl 238 Day 36646, 11:32:12: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36646, 11:40:17: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36665, 13:53:58: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 119 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 36690, 02:46:05: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 36690, 05:51:48: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36690, 07:49:07: Lord Purple froze M W46 - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis) Day 36690, 18:24:33: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 429 (Shadowmane) Day 36690, 21:09:45: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36691, 01:09:21: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 36691, 01:42:36: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36692, 04:18:06: Lord Purple froze M W46 - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis) Day 36692, 04:58:25: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36692, 07:21:16: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 36692, 07:34:46: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36692, 08:13:41: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 36692, 18:38:33: Lord Purple claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 247 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 36692, 18:44:35: Lord Purple froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 247 (Sinomacrops) Day 36692, 18:52:45: Lord Purple claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 36693, 03:41:18: Lord Purple froze M W46 - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis) Day 36693, 06:51:20: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36693, 10:21:18: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 36693, 10:47:46: Lord Purple froze M W46 - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis) Day 36693, 11:52:05: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 36693, 12:14:40: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36693, 13:07:07: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37144, 23:54:14: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37145, 01:40:11: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 37145, 02:19:33: Lord Purple Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 37145, 03:14:23: Lord Purple Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 37145, 03:21:44: Lord Purple Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 37145, 06:30:19: Lord Purple Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 37145, 06:39:22: Lord Purple froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 37145, 09:49:09: Lord Purple unclaimed 'Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)'! Day 37145, 12:17:37: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37145, 13:24:20: Lord Purple demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 37145, 13:29:19: Lord Purple froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 37145, 13:32:57: Lord Purple demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 37145, 13:34:24: Lord Purple demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 37145, 13:38:21: Lord Purple froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 37145, 13:42:26: Lord Purple froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 37145, 13:52:01: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 37163, 22:37:59: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 37190, 05:27:57: Lord Purple froze F H36 - Lvl 360 (Aberrant Otter) Day 37190, 08:00:03: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37190, 08:49:58: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37190, 13:22:06: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyer - Lvl 441 (Shadowmane) Day 37190, 13:40:21: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37190, 18:54:31: ArticWolf added 'The Lonely Ranger' Tribe to Ally Alliance! Day 37191, 00:52:31: Your M Boss 2 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 01:41:20: Your M Boss 6 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 01:49:04: Your M Boss 1 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 04:40:03: Your M Boss 4 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 05:06:37: Your M Boss 5 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 05:23:47: Your M Boss 7 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 05:42:45: Your M Boss 3 - Lvl 486 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37191, 17:06:59: Your MoonFire - Lvl 449 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Defense Unit - Lvl 124! Day 37191, 19:28:40: Your Dreamfyer - Lvl 441 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Defense Unit - Lvl 124! Day 37192, 01:08:33: Tribemember Lord Purple - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 37192, 01:11:20: Your F H36 - Lvl 360 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 37192, 06:13:22: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37192, 19:59:44: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37312, 19:31:05: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 324 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37336, 02:12:37: Lord Purple froze M W46 - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis) Day 37421, 05:20:43: Lord Purple froze Pip - Lvl 329 (Tapejara) Day 37443, 08:30:47: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 376 (Shadowmane) Day 37445, 18:15:34: Lord Purple froze Pip - Lvl 345 (Tapejara) Day 37446, 06:30:36: Lord Purple claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 42 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 37446, 07:25:11: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 382 (Shadowmane) Day 37446, 07:55:37: Lord Purple unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 42 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 37446, 21:58:15: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 37447, 14:10:49: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane) Day 37447, 14:17:08: Lord Purple froze Scarfe - Lvl 281 (Aberrant Otter) Day 37447, 15:57:26: Lord Purple froze Pip - Lvl 345 (Tapejara) Day 37451, 01:44:00: Lord Purple froze F Boss 2 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 11:39:05: Lord Purple froze F Boss 13 - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 11:43:12: Lord Purple froze F Boss 5 - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 11:47:12: Lord Purple froze F Boss 12 - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 13:54:31: Lord Purple froze M Boss 3 - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:00:04: Lord Purple froze F Boss 1 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:04:50: Lord Purple froze M Boss 6 - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:13:46: Lord Purple froze PussInBoots - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:21:39: Lord Purple froze F Boss 7 - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:27:19: Lord Purple froze F Boss 9 - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 14:36:36: Lord Purple froze F Boss 10 - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 37451, 19:25:24: Lord Purple froze Scarfe - Lvl 282 (Aberrant Otter) Day 37451, 20:26:39: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37452, 18:12:57: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37548, 19:22:02: Lord Purple froze M H - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 37548, 20:39:42: Lord Purple claimed 'Bley - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37548, 20:46:39: Lord Purple claimed 'Red Belly - Lvl 262 (Rex)'! Day 37548, 21:06:00: Lord Purple claimed 'Long Neck Mcjohn - Lvl 129 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37548, 21:14:43: Lord Purple unclaimed 'Bley - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37548, 21:20:40: Lord Purple froze Red Belly - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37548, 22:33:43: Lord Purple froze Long Neck Mcjohn - Lvl 129 (Brontosaurus) Day 37548, 22:40:59: Lord Purple unclaimed 'Long Neck Mcjohn - Lvl 129 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37549, 01:30:57: Lord Purple froze Pip - Lvl 348 (Tapejara) Day 37808, 14:33:15: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37808, 15:22:50: Lord Purple froze Robin - Lvl 280 (Sinomacrops) Day 38395, 02:02:32: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 39060, 17:20:43: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40517, 20:55:03: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1321803692,"tribe":"Tribe of tribore logs":["Day 31364, 10:10:45: tribore was added to the Tribe! Day 31364, 10:14:06: Zestilicious was added to the Tribe by tribore! Day 31364, 18:33:30: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 31364, 18:55:48: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 31364, 19:31:46: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 51 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 31364, 19:50:16: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 27 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 31364, 19:57:04: Zestilicious claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31364, 20:11:18: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 56 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 31364, 21:16:15: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 56 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 31364, 21:53:04: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 31365, 00:03:03: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 56 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 31365, 00:31:33: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 56 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 31365, 00:31:56: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 28 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 31365, 02:33:58: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 28 was killed by tribore - Lvl 56 (Tribe of tribore)! Day 31365, 02:33:58: Your Tribe killed Zestilicious - Lvl 28 (Tribe of tribore)! Day 31365, 10:28:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 31365, 11:07:28: tribore Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 31365, 23:14:08: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 60 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 31366, 05:13:31: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 31366, 05:31:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon)! Day 31366, 09:50:27: Your cyberspunk 2077 - Lvl 12 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 31366, 11:18:17: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 31366, 11:34:28: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 61 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 55! Day 31366, 11:53:01: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 61 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 31386, 18:22:09: tribore claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus)'! Day 31386, 22:39:21: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 62 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 31386, 23:28:17: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 62 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 31389, 16:38:56: Juvenile princess - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus) starved to death! Day 31390, 15:32:10: Zestilicious Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 27 (Carnotaurus)! Day 31390, 19:39:41: tribore claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus)'! Day 31390, 19:40:47: tribore claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus)'! Day 31390, 23:23:20: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31390, 23:25:18: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31390, 23:27:01: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31390, 23:28:42: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31390, 23:30:48: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31391, 02:19:53: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 31391, 02:21:43: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31391, 02:23:24: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 31391, 16:42:24: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 31391, 16:44:06: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 31391, 17:23:26: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 31404, 00:10:36: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 31404, 00:13:46: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 31404, 00:24:19: Zestilicious demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 31404, 07:53:41: Zestilicious Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon)! Day 31404, 14:32:22: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by Zestilicious - Lvl 63 (Tribe of tribore)! Day 31404, 14:32:22: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of tribore)! Day 31404, 14:43:49: Zestilicious Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon)! Day 31404, 17:31:00: tribore uploaded a Pteranodon: cupcake - Lvl 81 Day 31405, 22:15:16: tribore downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 104 Day 31405, 22:16:07: tribore downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 111 Day 31408, 11:59:52: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 31408, 12:47:10: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 31408, 13:30:31: Zestilicious demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 31408, 22:25:46: Your Argentavis - Lvl 41 (Argentavis) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 31408, 23:22:32: Tribemember tribore - Lvl 94 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 31426, 06:46:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31426, 09:31:14: tribore froze twinkle toes - Lvl 329 (Allosaurus) Day 31705, 06:42:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32010, 02:14:23: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32010, 02:14:23: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32073, 01:45:00: nigga - Lvl 33 (Tribe of Kratos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32165, 01:13:17: Pro body - Lvl 5 (Tribe of Pro body) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 112 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32293, 23:48:30: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32293, 23:48:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32293, 23:48:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32305, 09:54:33: Tribemember Zestilicious - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 32601, 11:05:36: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1318433821,"tribe":"Tribe of GIGA CHAD logs":["Day 24408, 09:55:43: GIGA CHAD was added to the Tribe! Day 24408, 10:12:28: Giga chad big foot was added to the Tribe by GIGA CHAD! Day 24408, 13:09:46: GIGA CHAD demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 24416, 06:35:51: Tribemember GIGA CHAD - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 24473, 03:12:14: Your ROAR - Lvl 6 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24713, 14:25:25: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24713, 14:25:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24770, 09:55:21: Tribemember Giga chad big foot - Lvl 11 was killed!"] "tribeid":1313923529,"tribe":"The island slideshow logs":["Day 12284, 01:54:16: AmberSpectre was added to the Tribe! Day 12284, 06:50:17: DuoMog added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 13:56:50: AmberSpectre froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 83 (Yutyrannus) Day 12381, 13:33:44: AmberSpectre froze Grace (58) - Lvl 68 (Procoptodon) Day 12381, 13:41:03: DuoMog added 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 14:10:31: DuoMog added 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 14:54:32: DuoMog added 'Friendly Dodos' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12382, 18:50:08: AmberSpectre froze Napoleon - Lvl 245 (Daeodon) Day 12382, 18:56:24: AmberSpectre froze Grace (58) - Lvl 70 (Procoptodon) Day 14232, 04:47:45: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Broodmother Alliance! Day 16046, 01:38:55: AmberSpectre froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 286 (X-Argentavis) Day 16046, 07:09:47: AmberSpectre froze Fluffy(127) - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 16046, 07:45:33: AmberSpectre froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 286 (X-Argentavis) Day 16046, 10:40:08: ViceFusion added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:11:54: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of The Hidden lake' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:17:58: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 14:35:01: ViceFusion added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16047, 00:06:18: AmberSpectre froze X-Otter - Lvl 241 (X-Otter) Day 16047, 00:31:35: AmberSpectre froze Fluffy(127) - Lvl 169 (Yutyrannus) Day 16047, 02:43:40: AmberSpectre froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 286 (X-Argentavis) Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16576, 01:02:32: AmberSpectre froze Snow Owl - Lvl 201 (Snow Owl) Day 16576, 06:37:34: AmberSpectre unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16576, 07:27:47: AmberSpectre claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16576, 07:55:01: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16576, 07:58:16: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16576, 08:00:02: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16576, 08:00:10: AmberSpectre added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 16576, 08:02:22: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tesco's Finest Tribe. Day 16576, 08:03:20: AmberSpectre added 'Tesco's Finest' Tribe to DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 16576, 09:55:45: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 09:57:18: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16576, 09:58:29: AmberSpectre added 'The river city' Tribe to DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 16576, 10:00:39: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 10:02:22: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 10:04:34: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 10:05:48: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 10:08:16: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 10:10:52: AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with A Long Ride Tribe. Day 16576, 11:53:45: AmberSpectre froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 364 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16576, 13:47:11: Tribemember AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16576, 14:29:11: Tribemember AmberSpectre - Lvl 136 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.8x! Day 16576, 16:21:18: AmberSpectre froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 311 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 16576, 18:55:51: AmberSpectre froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 311 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 16576, 20:03:15: AmberSpectre froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 364 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16576, 20:46:20: AmberSpectre froze Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 16728, 21:10:38: Amaxione was added to the Tribe by AmberSpectre! Day 16729, 03:54:53: Amaxione froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) Day 16729, 04:00:37: Amaxione froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 107 (Snow Owl) Day 16729, 04:41:44: Amaxione froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 107 (Snow Owl) Day 16729, 04:45:44: Amaxione froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) Day 16729, 04:55:42: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 107 (Snow Owl) was killed by Bella - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) (The island slideshow)! Day 16729, 04:55:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 107 (Snow Owl) (The island slideshow)! Day 16729, 04:55:55: Your Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) was killed by Bella - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) (The island slideshow)! Day 16729, 04:55:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) (The island slideshow)! Day 16729, 06:27:52: AmberSpectre claimed 'Bean v2 - Lvl 135 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16729, 06:29:42: AmberSpectre froze Bean v2 - Lvl 135 (Snow Owl) Day 16729, 07:48:33: Amaxione froze Bella - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16729, 07:58:09: AmberSpectre froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 325 (Yutyrannus) Day 16729, 17:12:22: Amaxione froze Bella - Lvl 177 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16729, 18:52:52: Amaxione froze Bean v2 - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16770, 18:52:34: Amaxione froze Snow Owl - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 16778, 23:22:00: Amaxione claimed 'Valfem Two - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16778, 23:31:10: Amaxione froze Valfem Two - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 16779, 01:32:02: Amaxione froze Snow Owl - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 17044, 14:17:47: AmberSpectre froze Jade - Lvl 374 (Yutyrannus) Day 17044, 16:40:36: AmberSpectre froze Jade - Lvl 374 (Yutyrannus) Day 17083, 10:49:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24797, 15:50:58: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance!"] "tribeid":1311620913,"tribe":"Tribe of Adam logs":["Day 18805, 04:37:42: Adam was added to the Tribe! Day 18805, 04:58:32: Lidolina was added to the Tribe by Adam! Day 18805, 13:55:49: Adam demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 18805, 20:25:31: Lidolina demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18808, 00:08:58: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 00:18:55: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 00:21:18: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 00:27:14: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18808, 01:02:02: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 18808, 01:04:26: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 01:07:12: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 18808, 01:10:32: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 01:12:47: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18808, 02:20:40: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18808, 02:23:01: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18808, 02:24:59: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18808, 02:28:51: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18808, 02:37:27: Lidolina demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18808, 05:41:27: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 18808, 05:42:55: Lidolina demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 18808, 06:44:42: Lidolina demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18808, 07:37:18: Lidolina demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18808, 07:42:17: Lidolina demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18808, 12:37:17: Lidolina demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18808, 12:39:12: Lidolina demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18808, 14:25:36: Lidolina demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18808, 18:50:06: Lidolina demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 18808, 19:34:57: Lidolina demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 18810, 13:55:01: Adam demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18810, 17:04:12: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 86 (Parasaur)! Day 18810, 23:07:38: Adam demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18810, 23:09:32: Adam demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18834, 22:46:15: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 18835, 21:02:33: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 43 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 18835, 21:22:59: Your Morgó - Lvl 92 (Parasaur) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 18880, 02:14:33: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 20 (Parasaur)! Day 18880, 06:05:19: Lidolina unclaimed 'Szunyesz - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)'! Day 18881, 01:17:30: Lidolina claimed 'Szunyesz - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)'! Day 18943, 22:08:01: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 18943, 22:51:48: Lidolina unclaimed 'Lolita - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)'! Day 18943, 23:00:46: Lidolina claimed 'Lolita - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)'! Day 18949, 23:40:02: Lidolina Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 15 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18950, 00:55:24: Lidolina unclaimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 15 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18950, 01:00:03: Lidolina claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 15 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19085, 00:01:13: Your Silver - Lvl 38 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 19085, 05:26:26: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 61 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 105! Day 19085, 05:46:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 19138, 08:17:15: Lidolina unclaimed 'kék - Lvl 48 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19138, 08:18:46: Lidolina claimed 'kék - Lvl 48 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 19138, 08:53:23: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 23 was killed by Lidolina - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 19138, 08:53:23: Your Tribe killed Adam - Lvl 23 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 19138, 09:09:00: Your kék - Lvl 48 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 19138, 09:14:28: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19138, 09:15:12: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 19138, 09:15:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 19138, 09:19:31: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 62 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19138, 09:28:19: Your Szunyesz - Lvl 62 (Parasaur) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19138, 09:28:19: Your Lolita - Lvl 63 (Parasaur) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19138, 13:12:16: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 6 (Parasaur)! Day 19138, 18:56:09: Adam Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 27 (Triceratops)! Day 19202, 10:40:24: Lidolina Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19203, 07:43:31: Your Cookie - Lvl 7 (Parasaur) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19203, 07:44:04: Your Drake - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Lidolina - Lvl 65 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 19203, 07:44:04: Your Tribe killed Drake - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Adam)! Day 19203, 07:48:57: Your Trike - Lvl 28 (Triceratops) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19203, 08:01:59: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 65 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19205, 11:00:06: Lidolina Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19205, 22:54:24: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 19206, 07:12:11: Your nYAFI - Lvl 32 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 19324, 20:33:33: Lidolina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 19479, 19:32:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19542, 12:45:10: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 19542, 12:56:23: Tribemember Lidolina - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 19607, 20:57:16: NYAMNYAM - Lvl 47 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19838, 17:53:14: Sziamiau - Lvl 30 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1306363199,"tribe":"toelickers logs":["Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34375, 09:31:34: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34588, 06:27:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34588, 06:27:58: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34647, 21:53:21: xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parker - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34659, 05:17:06: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34659, 05:17:06: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34659, 05:17:06: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34659, 05:17:06: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35395, 05:57:28: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nom - Lvl 185 (Megalodon)'! Day 35581, 09:11:00: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38659, 05:41:40: Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 276 (Baryonyx)'!"] "tribeid":1303462995,"tribe":"Tribe of Cressy logs":["Day 25524, 15:10:42: Cressy was added to the Tribe! Day 25524, 15:11:46: louis was added to the Tribe by Cressy! Day 25524, 16:17:47: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 25524, 18:43:58: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 25524, 20:17:41: Louis was added to the Tribe by Cressy! Day 25524, 20:48:56: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 25524, 22:44:43: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 29 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 25524, 22:53:11: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 25525, 00:44:25: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 25525, 02:14:15: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 25525, 02:37:14: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 34 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 25525, 04:09:17: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 25525, 04:34:51: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 34 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 70! Day 25525, 05:20:00: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 41 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 25525, 08:19:51: Tribemember Cressy - Lvl 50 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40! Day 25525, 08:21:30: Tribemember Louis - Lvl 48 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1301750932,"tribe":"KAOS1 logs":["Day 23378, 23:54:39: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 23378, 23:57:21: Bob was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 23379, 00:27:57: Bob downloaded a dino: worse than the other - Lvl 168 Day 23379, 09:16:19: Fruj froze Wiggler - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23379, 09:19:38: Bob uploaded a Fire Wyvern: worse than the other - Lvl 200 Day 23404, 15:38:50: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23406, 13:43:19: Bob froze worse than the other - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1300859632,"tribe":"Coldnwet logs":["Day 34198, 03:20:06: NorthOfYou claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 16 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 34198, 03:21:43: NorthOfYou claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 25 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 34211, 20:19:11: NorthOfYou froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 21 (Lystrosaurus) Day 34211, 20:38:44: NorthOfYou froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 27 (Lystrosaurus) Day 34211, 23:37:24: NorthOfYou froze Spider3 - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 34211, 23:47:58: NorthOfYou froze Spider2 - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 34212, 00:12:34: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 34212, 00:29:05: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 34212, 00:50:29: NorthOfYou froze White Terror - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 34212, 01:06:43: NorthOfYou froze spider1 - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 34212, 01:17:55: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 34212, 01:47:12: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 34212, 01:57:18: NorthOfYou froze bone - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 34216, 19:40:43: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 25 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.8x! Day 34217, 10:03:51: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 34217, 10:40:03: NorthOfYou froze Spider5 - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 34217, 10:57:54: NorthOfYou froze spider4 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 34218, 04:34:57: NorthOfYou froze Spider8 - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 34218, 09:47:47: NorthOfYou froze Spider9 - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 34218, 13:17:08: NorthOfYou froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 34221, 11:54:57: NorthOfYou froze Charlie Watts - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus) Day 34221, 19:22:41: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 34221, 19:36:39: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 34222, 21:12:57: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 34222, 21:21:22: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 34222, 21:31:17: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 34222, 21:47:34: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 34222, 23:00:23: NorthOfYou froze spider7 - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 34223, 03:06:15: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 34223, 03:57:13: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 34223, 04:28:48: NorthOfYou froze Spider6 - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 34223, 04:33:52: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 34223, 04:39:01: NorthOfYou froze Gustavo - Lvl 281 (Yutyrannus) Day 34223, 04:56:03: NorthOfYou froze Spider3 - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 34223, 05:15:27: NorthOfYou froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 34223, 07:12:47: NorthOfYou froze Gustavo - Lvl 281 (Yutyrannus) Day 34223, 08:52:53: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 34223, 09:14:45: NorthOfYou froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 34223, 14:42:45: NorthOfYou froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 34223, 18:03:03: Your spider1 - Lvl 276 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 34223, 18:03:49: Your Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:05:55: Your bone - Lvl 249 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:06:40: Your Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 34223, 18:09:33: Your Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:10:32: Your Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:10:32: Your Spider9 - Lvl 255 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:12:11: Your Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:12:11: Your Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:12:11: Your spider7 - Lvl 255 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:14:41: Your Spider5 - Lvl 250 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:14:41: Your Spider3 - Lvl 271 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:17:10: Your Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:20:15: Your Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:20:44: Your Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 34223, 18:21:18: Your Spider8 - Lvl 271 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:23:12: Your Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 34223, 18:24:48: Your Spider2 - Lvl 262 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:25:58: Your spider4 - Lvl 254 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 34223, 18:34:45: Your Gustavo - Lvl 281 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34223, 18:35:30: Tribemember NorthOfYou - Lvl 112 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34320, 03:03:33: Lardass - Lvl 139 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 34333, 08:03:44: uhha fatty - Lvl 82 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 34458, 07:06:43: Perry - Lvl 141 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 34485, 08:19:26: Berry-Picker-4000 - Lvl 159 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 34603, 20:45:14: four - Lvl 32 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 34625, 17:13:21: CUz - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus) starved to death! Day 34693, 05:56:22: Pops - Lvl 25 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tree (Motorboat)'! Day 34907, 22:52:17: Pure aryan - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Pretender - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35102, 06:10:34: get tekked - Lvl 59 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 35102, 06:32:44: Steve - Lvl 142 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BLUD2446 - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35163, 23:58:19: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex)'! Day 35164, 00:15:03: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexie - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 35164, 00:54:26: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cloaca - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 35164, 03:52:54: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyler - Lvl 274 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 35164, 04:17:02: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35164, 21:38:30: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F DAMAGE - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35182, 15:17:40: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BBM - Lvl 293 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:24:05: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:30:35: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bane of arthropods V - Lvl 301 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:35:41: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pumba - Lvl 259 (Daeodon)'! Day 35182, 15:40:21: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dorito - Lvl 194 (Tapejara)'! Day 35182, 15:48:49: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sweet Watermelon - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35182, 15:53:33: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hope - Lvl 254 (Parasaur)'! Day 35182, 16:02:24: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:05:55: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie Watts - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:07:20: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:19:51: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Turkie - Lvl 309 (Argentavis)'! Day 35182, 16:44:36: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 250 (Rex)'! Day 35182, 16:53:28: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 292 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 16:54:10: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Capybara - Lvl 291 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 16:54:59: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:07:06: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:12:28: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino)'! Day 35182, 17:17:46: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:18:17: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:19:21: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium)'! Day 35187, 06:57:36: Shlup - Lvl 118 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 35198, 00:24:32: Star Man - Lvl 100 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35205, 11:02:09: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 47 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35205, 11:05:11: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DestroyerOfGGalaxies - Lvl 207 (Triceratops)'! Day 35217, 11:36:33: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:49:51: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spider6 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:51:03: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:52:06: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'White Terror - Lvl 273 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:55:08: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:55:43: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cobbly - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 11:57:49: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 12:04:45: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'caver1 - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 12:06:30: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'caver2 - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 12:10:41: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyson - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:11:12: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sugglenuts - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35217, 12:11:55: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cam - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:13:29: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:15:00: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charcoal - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:15:32: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'oneB - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:18:40: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'oneC - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:19:15: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wieght - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:19:52: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'oneA - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:21:51: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tod - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35217, 12:23:26: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creamery - Lvl 219 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:25:04: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pheonix - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 12:26:30: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'attack - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 35217, 14:33:29: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 35217, 15:50:57: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tan - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 15:54:25: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 15:54:51: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COLGATE - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 15:55:10: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 15:57:23: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blyat!! - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 15:58:10: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bella - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 16:03:37: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35217, 16:11:01: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stop - Lvl 187 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 16:11:39: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ALANNNN - Lvl 218 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 16:13:02: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 135 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 16:14:08: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'one! - Lvl 119 (Raptor)'! Day 35217, 16:15:37: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'two - Lvl 79 (Parasaur)'! Day 35217, 16:17:17: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 263 (Parasaur)'! Day 35217, 16:18:10: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King - Lvl 218 (Parasaur)'! Day 35218, 18:43:31: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 70 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35218, 18:52:46: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 31 (Dodo)'! Day 35218, 18:54:01: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 55 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35218, 18:55:54: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 56 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Juvenile Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Velvet - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Caramel - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Child eater - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Asian - Lvl 189 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Teddy - Lvl 266 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'Eminance in the shadow - Lvl 229 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35291, 22:15:57: 's 'minty - Lvl 243 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35872, 11:53:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36268, 18:18:57: Tribemember NorthOfYou - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 36464, 16:14:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36464, 16:14:19: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36464, 16:14:19: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36464, 16:14:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1300417727,"tribe":"Tek Tribe logs":["Day 26787, 00:16:42: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:21:35: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:26:09: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:33:42: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:42:40: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:48:38: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 00:53:42: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:01:07: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:05:42: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:13:27: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:17:38: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:21:43: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:26:30: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:36:56: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:41:01: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:45:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:53:14: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 01:58:22: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:07:44: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:14:09: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:22:12: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:38:01: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:43:34: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:48:12: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 02:52:34: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:00:53: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:05:19: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:11:40: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:16:59: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:20:57: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 03:27:19: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 05:29:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 05:33:28: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 05:39:02: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 05:42:21: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 05:46:36: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 06:20:08: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 06:24:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 06:42:59: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 06:51:28: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 07:08:27: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 07:14:29: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 07:57:26: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:00:38: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:03:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:06:36: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:25:52: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:33:16: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:36:32: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:39:38: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:42:59: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:47:37: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 08:50:52: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 10:00:36: Xantium froze Delicate Harvesting - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 10:31:57: Xantium froze Delicate Harvesting - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 10:40:05: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 10:50:05: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 11:29:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 11:40:25: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 11:47:42: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:06:25: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:09:58: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:15:14: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:19:32: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:24:59: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:37:43: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:44:39: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:48:37: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:51:44: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:54:43: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 12:57:57: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 13:09:21: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 13:15:34: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 13:25:44: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 13:43:21: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 13:56:50: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:01:25: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:04:45: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:08:29: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:12:43: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:15:51: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:27:22: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 14:30:41: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 15:01:36: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 15:04:51: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 15:10:45: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 15:37:20: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 15:40:23: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 16:46:01: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 16:49:30: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 16:52:37: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 16:58:55: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:24:06: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:29:53: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:42:21: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:46:03: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:49:28: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:53:43: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 17:59:12: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:04:24: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:07:34: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:10:52: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:14:19: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:17:50: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:29:56: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:46:14: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 18:50:45: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:03:51: Xantium froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:16:21: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:19:53: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:23:03: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:27:35: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:42:33: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 19:48:02: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 20:02:05: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 20:08:50: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26787, 20:17:09: Xantium froze Adolescent Theri Army - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:00:48: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:05:16: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:11:35: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:16:51: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:23:11: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:28:23: Xantium froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:32:57: Xantium froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:37:37: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:44:14: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 17:48:46: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:06:17: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:10:27: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:14:57: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:19:35: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:24:30: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:29:51: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:34:11: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:39:28: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:45:01: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 261 (Therizinosaur) Day 26789, 18:51:55: Xantium froze Delicate Harvesting - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 26792, 11:58:23: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26792, 12:26:26: Xantium froze Mega Byte - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26792, 12:41:58: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26792, 13:17:19: Xantium froze Mega Byte - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26792, 14:41:01: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26854, 11:01:31: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26855, 06:43:26: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 26855, 13:34:47: Xantium froze Theri Army - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 26855, 16:05:01: Xantium froze Good Mel - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 26857, 01:45:44: Xantium Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania)! Day 26857, 01:51:47: Xantium froze Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania) Day 26857, 05:09:07: Xantium Tamed a Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania)! Day 26857, 05:15:15: Xantium froze Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 26857, 07:20:50: Xantium froze Megalania - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 26857, 07:24:05: Xantium froze Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania) Day 26858, 18:40:46: Xantium froze Mr Operable - Lvl 346 (Baryonyx) Day 26877, 12:20:14: Xantium claimed 'weight moi cunt - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 12:28:28: Xantium froze weight moi cunt - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 26877, 12:48:57: Xantium claimed 'sulllly - Lvl 270 (Megatherium)'! Day 26877, 12:56:55: Xantium froze sulllly - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 26877, 13:11:48: Xantium claimed 'heavy cunt no touch - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:17:47: Xantium unclaimed 'heavy cunt no touch - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:21:57: Xantium claimed 'ratty catty likes scatty - Lvl 237 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26877, 13:26:11: Xantium unclaimed 'ratty catty likes scatty - Lvl 237 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26877, 13:36:32: Xantium claimed 'good boi stamina - Lvl 143 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:39:19: Xantium froze good boi stamina - Lvl 143 (Argentavis) Day 26877, 13:56:20: Xantium claimed 'gen 6 neek - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:59:51: Xantium froze gen 6 neek - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 26877, 15:08:55: Xantium claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 109 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 15:12:25: Xantium froze Allosaurus - Lvl 109 (Allosaurus) Day 26877, 15:19:00: Xantium claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 105 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 15:41:12: Xantium unclaimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 105 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 15:59:22: Xantium claimed 'rat rape - Lvl 136 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 16:01:51: Xantium unclaimed 'rat rape - Lvl 136 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 16:02:32: Xantium claimed 'big boy roy 50 4 - Lvl 203 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 16:05:21: Xantium froze big boy roy 50 4 - Lvl 203 (Allosaurus) Day 26877, 16:14:12: Xantium claimed 'sobes t dead beat dad - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 17:10:31: Xantium claimed 'heavy cunt no touch - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 19:01:14: Xantium uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 Day 26877, 19:02:30: Xantium uploaded a Argentavis: sobes t dead beat dad - Lvl 277 Day 26877, 19:03:24: Xantium uploaded a Argentavis: heavy cunt no touch - Lvl 173 Day 26949, 18:36:00: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26949, 20:31:25: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 26949, 21:37:44: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 26949, 23:01:55: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 26950, 01:47:13: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27089, 07:56:42: Xantium froze Juvenile 45M Female - Lvl 220 (Otter) Day 27147, 15:41:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27209, 03:21:17: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27212, 00:56:48: Xantium froze Juvenile 42 stam 43 melee - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 27212, 01:04:32: Xantium froze Juvenile 42 stam 43 melee - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 27212, 15:26:31: Xantium froze Juvenile 42 stam 43 melee - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 27304, 22:20:53: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27304, 23:32:55: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27305, 23:06:37: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 27306, 06:59:19: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 27306, 08:01:43: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 27306, 16:50:27: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27307, 01:04:19: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 27307, 06:45:14: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 27307, 09:38:23: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 27350, 15:43:32: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 27350, 16:26:06: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 27354, 16:08:10: Xantium froze Gen 2 - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) Day 27354, 16:34:59: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27354, 16:35:56: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27354, 16:38:08: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27354, 16:40:21: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 27525, 11:34:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27525, 11:34:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27532, 14:38:23: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 27532, 14:39:42: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27955, 08:01:27: DuoMog - Lvl 172 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 33 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28032, 08:51:46: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 28032, 08:53:25: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 08:54:17: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 28032, 08:56:49: Xantium demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 28032, 08:59:41: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:00:35: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:01:54: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:02:47: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:25:24: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:26:21: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:27:08: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:27:53: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:29:26: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:30:26: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:31:17: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:32:29: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:34:02: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:35:08: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:36:36: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:38:01: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:39:02: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:40:00: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:41:01: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:42:39: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 09:43:19: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:52:03: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:53:17: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:54:11: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:55:36: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:56:18: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:57:49: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 09:59:30: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:00:33: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:02:21: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 10:03:15: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:04:08: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 10:05:26: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:06:30: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 10:07:26: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 28032, 10:09:05: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:10:08: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:11:38: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:14:03: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:15:44: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:17:25: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:18:26: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:19:32: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:21:50: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:25:27: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:26:19: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:27:34: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:28:31: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:29:40: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:30:28: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:31:42: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:32:49: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:34:05: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:36:49: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:39:00: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:40:01: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:40:50: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 10:43:04: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:44:00: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:45:15: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 28032, 10:46:35: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 28032, 10:47:33: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 28032, 10:48:22: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:49:22: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:50:18: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:51:15: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:52:14: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:55:01: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 10:57:54: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 28032, 11:02:33: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 11:03:16: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 11:04:07: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 11:05:31: Xantium demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28032, 15:06:07: Xantium froze 34hp 35mel - Lvl 216 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28470, 21:24:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28618, 03:47:23: Blue - Lvl 60 (Tribe Of The Lost) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28919, 23:37:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29139, 18:08:54: Monke - Lvl 164 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29203, 12:11:15: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29687, 15:30:03: Daz added 'Bobby Boucher' Tribe to Old Gits Alliance!"] "tribeid":1299067030,"tribe":"KAOS1 logs":["Day 27556, 09:10:02: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 31148, 03:21:22: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80!"] "tribeid":1298260151,"tribe":"The Lads logs":["Day 20208, 18:36:03: Boyle froze Football - Lvl 203 (Doedicurus) Day 20208, 19:42:24: Boyle froze Good Mam - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20208, 20:08:52: Boyle claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20208, 20:11:48: Boyle froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20208, 20:12:39: Boyle claimed 'chopper - Lvl 273 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20208, 20:14:53: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 273 (Therizinosaur) Day 20208, 20:18:06: Boyle froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20208, 20:20:55: Boyle claimed 'FrakenBear - Lvl 196 (Dire Bear)'! Day 20208, 20:24:03: Boyle froze FrakenBear - Lvl 196 (Dire Bear) Day 20208, 20:25:09: Boyle claimed 'Trucker - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 20208, 20:33:15: Boyle froze Trucker - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 20208, 21:23:43: Boyle froze Cap Planet - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20208, 21:33:41: Boyle claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20208, 21:37:39: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20209, 00:10:27: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:15:26: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:19:47: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:24:51: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:31:21: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:35:42: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 00:43:21: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20209, 02:39:16: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20209, 02:45:23: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20209, 02:49:30: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20209, 03:23:41: Boyle froze Good Mam - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20209, 05:19:23: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 05:22:09: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 05:27:47: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20209, 06:46:33: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20209, 06:49:39: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 20:22:05: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 21:11:57: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 21:18:36: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 21:24:41: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 22:03:48: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20216, 23:50:30: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20216, 23:53:46: Your Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20216, 23:53:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus) (The Lads)! Day 20217, 00:02:39: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20217, 00:20:01: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20217, 00:24:45: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20217, 01:48:57: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20219, 12:56:06: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20219, 13:53:13: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20219, 13:57:31: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20219, 14:02:27: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20219, 14:05:38: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 00:13:21: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 00:19:35: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 00:29:38: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 06:38:32: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 06:41:40: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 06:45:46: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 06:49:33: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 06:53:16: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 16:20:48: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:24:11: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:27:03: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:30:04: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:33:10: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:44:15: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 16:55:23: Boyle froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 18:36:33: Boyle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 20:59:26: Boyle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 20220, 21:05:08: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 21:11:49: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20220, 21:17:11: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 01:18:34: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 20221, 04:30:40: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 04:35:38: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 04:40:20: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 04:45:53: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 06:01:41: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 06:06:14: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 06:10:13: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 06:13:44: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 06:17:36: Boyle froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20221, 11:19:00: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 20221, 11:21:44: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20222, 04:47:44: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20222, 04:54:58: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20222, 05:45:24: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 20222, 15:16:24: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 20222, 15:23:32: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20222, 15:26:19: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20222, 15:37:00: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20225, 07:42:22: Boyle claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 20225, 09:38:33: Your Mantis - Lvl 57 (Mantis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20225, 09:38:33: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 57 (Mantis)! Day 20225, 10:07:39: Your Mantis - Lvl 74 (Mantis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20225, 10:07:39: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 74 (Mantis)! Day 20225, 10:13:28: Your Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20225, 10:13:28: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 82 (Mantis)! Day 20225, 10:39:35: Boyle demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 20225, 12:17:51: Boyle froze Juvenile Teddy - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino) Day 20226, 19:02:08: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 218 (Otter) Day 20241, 14:20:23: Boyle claimed 'Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20241, 14:41:44: Boyle froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 20241, 17:03:41: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 257 (Mantis) Day 20241, 17:06:33: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 20242, 10:53:50: Boyle claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis)'! Day 20242, 12:27:06: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20242, 12:27:53: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20242, 12:57:19: Boyle froze 45h 37m - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 20242, 13:06:45: Boyle froze 51 stam - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 20242, 18:38:15: Boyle froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20242, 18:50:11: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20242, 22:46:17: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20242, 22:50:58: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20242, 22:55:19: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20242, 22:59:43: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20242, 23:03:56: Boyle froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 04:18:07: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl) Day 20243, 06:24:18: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 06:27:44: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 06:31:03: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 06:34:22: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 06:37:40: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20243, 08:55:16: Boyle froze Adolescent Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus) Day 20243, 08:59:58: Boyle froze Adolescent Allosaurus - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus) Day 20243, 09:13:29: Boyle froze Adolescent Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus) Day 20243, 11:51:53: Boyle froze BlueBell - Lvl 272 (Moschops) Day 20243, 12:22:03: Boyle froze BlueBell - Lvl 272 (Moschops) Day 20243, 12:24:44: Boyle froze Adolescent Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis) Day 20249, 04:34:46: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20249, 08:34:33: Boyle claimed 'Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl)'! Day 20249, 08:42:54: Boyle froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 20249, 08:45:03: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20249, 08:45:03: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl)! Day 20250, 07:39:46: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 07:42:36: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 08:16:22: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 09:17:04: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 09:20:42: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 11:59:53: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 12:16:45: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20250, 12:36:09: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20250, 12:42:25: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 211 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20250, 12:59:11: Boyle froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 211 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 13:08:26: Boyle froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:03:14: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:09:16: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:12:09: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 211 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:14:50: Boyle froze wild f 1 - Lvl 194 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:17:38: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:23:33: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:27:24: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 17:58:33: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 18:13:55: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 211 (Allosaurus) Day 20250, 20:22:07: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 20250, 22:02:00: Boyle froze lob - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 20251, 20:34:31: Boyle Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 53 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20253, 03:45:18: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20253, 05:20:30: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20262, 19:28:28: Boyle claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 163 (Otter)'! Day 20262, 19:44:44: Your Baby Otter - Lvl 163 (Otter) was killed! Day 20262, 19:44:44: Baby Otter - Lvl 163 (Otter) starved to death! Day 20262, 21:14:43: Boyle claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20262, 21:16:21: Boyle claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20262, 21:29:50: Boyle froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20262, 21:40:18: Boyle froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20263, 06:07:11: Boyle claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo)'! Day 20263, 07:39:45: Boyle froze Mantis - Lvl 220 (Mantis) Day 20263, 07:47:58: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 223 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20264, 07:09:35: Boyle froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20264, 07:15:17: Boyle froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20264, 07:18:48: Boyle froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20264, 19:47:14: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 20264, 19:51:43: Boyle froze lob - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 20273, 03:58:11: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20273, 08:25:41: Boyle froze Juvenile perf male - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20292, 14:50:02: Boyle froze male 1 {snowman} - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20292, 15:03:38: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 223 (Allosaurus) Day 20292, 15:17:24: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20292, 15:18:39: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20311, 17:40:43: Adolescent Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) starved to death! Day 20311, 17:40:43: Adolescent perf male - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) starved to death! Day 20311, 23:22:01: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20311, 23:23:44: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20312, 03:43:40: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20312, 03:48:32: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20336, 22:29:50: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20338, 15:08:32: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20338, 20:45:54: Boyle froze lob - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) Day 20340, 06:51:10: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 211 (Allosaurus) Day 20342, 08:03:19: Boyle froze Bubblegum - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20342, 08:38:32: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) Day 20344, 09:50:51: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) Day 20344, 09:54:43: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 20344, 10:35:27: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 16:11:48: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 16:16:36: Boyle froze Bubblegum - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 16:20:29: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 16:23:15: Boyle froze baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:00:47: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:08:47: Boyle froze baby 1 - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:12:14: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:15:18: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:18:10: Boyle froze stripe - Lvl 182 (Snow Owl) Day 20344, 17:33:53: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) Day 20345, 05:18:42: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:22:29: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:25:34: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:28:14: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:31:28: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:34:21: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:39:30: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 05:43:44: Boyle froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 20345, 07:01:52: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 07:05:02: Boyle froze Bubblegum - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 07:09:45: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 07:14:37: Boyle froze baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 07:18:22: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) Day 20345, 07:39:12: Boyle froze baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 07:58:45: Boyle froze baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 20345, 11:57:03: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 234 (Otter) Day 20356, 17:14:53: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20356, 17:15:34: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20356, 18:17:18: Boyle froze base224 - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 20356, 18:24:06: Boyle froze 225base - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 20356, 18:38:10: Boyle froze health - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 20356, 18:42:00: Boyle froze stam - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 20356, 23:49:17: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20357, 00:02:22: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20357, 00:31:17: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20357, 00:39:02: Boyle froze Juvenile Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20357, 01:44:28: Boyle unclaimed '225base - Lvl 289 (Rex)'! Day 20357, 01:47:19: Boyle unclaimed 'base224 - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 20357, 08:16:41: Boyle Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20357, 08:52:20: Boyle Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20357, 10:06:47: Boyle Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20357, 10:08:36: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 20357, 10:49:22: Boyle Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20357, 11:09:06: Boyle Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 20357, 13:14:31: Boyle claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20357, 13:15:28: Boyle claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20357, 13:17:08: Boyle claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20357, 13:21:51: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20357, 13:24:29: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20357, 13:27:09: Boyle froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20357, 20:16:54: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 20357, 20:22:14: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 20357, 20:35:24: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 20358, 13:21:00: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20358, 13:23:44: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20358, 13:52:34: Boyle froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20358, 14:00:10: Boyle froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 20358, 14:45:31: Boyle claimed 'Baby Bulbdog - Lvl 247 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20358, 16:12:38: Boyle claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20359, 06:18:06: Boyle froze BlueBell - Lvl 287 (Moschops) Day 20362, 17:41:24: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 20367, 07:26:31: Boyle froze smee - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 20367, 07:29:18: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 236 (Otter) Day 20367, 07:31:57: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 147 (Otter) Day 20377, 15:07:19: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 53 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 20503, 14:14:49: Boyle claimed 'Baby Bulbdog - Lvl 246 (Bulbdog)'! Day 20503, 20:24:17: Boyle froze Mammoth - Lvl 273 (Mammoth) Day 20523, 00:59:29: Your Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 20523, 08:58:10: Your Gaurd Dog - Lvl 234 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 20545, 08:22:31: Boyle claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 207 (Ovis)'! Day 20545, 08:49:43: Your Baby Ovis - Lvl 207 (Ovis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20545, 08:49:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Ovis - Lvl 207 (Ovis) (The Lads)! Day 20545, 09:41:41: Your Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20545, 09:41:41: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 31 (Ovis)! Day 20545, 13:19:49: Boyle claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20545, 21:31:14: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20545, 21:38:22: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 20545, 21:38:54: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20546, 19:23:16: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 20546, 19:38:34: Boyle froze lob - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) Day 20546, 23:53:58: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 03:08:56: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 05:33:44: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 06:13:02: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 06:22:11: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 06:38:21: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 20547, 12:03:08: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 12:51:22: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 13:27:07: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 15:14:17: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 16:52:44: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 18:01:42: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20547, 19:35:58: Boyle froze Otter - Lvl 236 (Otter) Day 20547, 20:57:24: Boyle froze otty - Lvl 369 (Otter) Day 20552, 01:03:02: Boyle froze male w&s - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 20552, 01:07:19: Boyle froze health - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 20552, 02:14:25: Boyle froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) Day 20552, 02:18:00: Boyle froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 20552, 02:25:25: Boyle froze HSWM1 [Clone] - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 20552, 02:34:39: Boyle froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) Day 20569, 07:44:40: Papiez - Lvl 232 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 20571, 14:09:31: Boyle demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20571, 14:12:25: Boyle froze ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20571, 14:32:09: Boyle demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20571, 14:35:21: Boyle froze ee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20571, 14:37:11: Boyle demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20571, 14:39:41: Boyle froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20571, 14:49:54: Boyle demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 20571, 14:52:17: Boyle froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 20571, 15:15:20: Boyle froze male w&s - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 20571, 15:18:16: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:21:11: Boyle froze female 1 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:23:57: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:26:58: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:37:37: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:40:55: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:47:24: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:50:30: Boyle froze Allosaurus - Lvl 235 (Allosaurus) Day 20571, 15:54:20: Boyle froze weight - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 20571, 16:01:15: Boyle froze stam - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 20571, 16:11:26: Boyle froze Squid Dinner v2 - Lvl 263 (Carbonemys) Day 20571, 16:15:18: Boyle froze Maewing - Lvl 276 (Maewing) Day 20571, 16:36:13: Boyle froze MEG1 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 20571, 16:48:05: Boyle froze Ovis - Lvl 207 (Ovis) Day 20571, 16:50:59: Boyle froze Ovis - Lvl 208 (Ovis) Day 20571, 18:12:40: Boyle froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 229 (Beelzebufo) Day 20571, 18:15:23: Boyle froze Miner - Lvl 300 (Ankylosaurus) Day 20571, 18:20:57: Boyle froze Basil - Lvl 132 (Moschops) Day 20571, 18:23:54: Boyle froze Equus - Lvl 217 (Equus) Day 20571, 18:27:35: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 96 (Gacha) Day 20571, 18:30:17: Boyle froze Gacha - Lvl 226 (Gacha) Day 20571, 18:34:47: Boyle froze BbyBackBtch - Lvl 89 (Oviraptor) Day 20571, 18:38:59: Boyle froze Bulbdog - Lvl 246 (Bulbdog) Day 20571, 18:41:47: Boyle froze Bulbdog - Lvl 247 (Bulbdog) Day 20571, 18:44:28: Boyle froze Bulbdog - Lvl 285 (Bulbdog) Day 20571, 18:51:50: Boyle froze Bulbdog - Lvl 296 (Bulbdog) Day 20571, 18:58:34: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20571, 19:01:23: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20571, 19:08:28: Boyle froze Rock Elemental - Lvl 89 (Rock Elemental) Day 20571, 19:15:13: Boyle froze chopper - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 20571, 19:18:31: Boyle froze Megatherium - Lvl 44 (Megatherium) Day 20571, 22:21:41: Boyle froze Shadow - Lvl 246 (Moschops) Day 20571, 22:49:59: Boyle froze baby 2 - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:01:35: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:06:45: Boyle froze Bubblegum - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:10:45: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:14:18: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:17:51: Boyle froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 20571, 23:29:28: Boyle froze Mojo - Lvl 108 (Mesopithecus) Day 20571, 23:37:49: Your Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:37:49: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 20571, 23:38:23: Your Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:38:23: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 20571, 23:44:34: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:44:34: Your Tribe killed Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:47:29: Your HSWM2 alpha [Clone] - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:47:29: Your Tribe killed HSWM2 alpha [Clone] - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:48:14: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:48:14: Your Tribe killed Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:49:21: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20571, 23:49:21: Your Tribe killed Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:03:46: Boyle froze pooper - Lvl 201 (Phiomia) Day 20572, 00:32:08: Boyle froze Best Pt - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon) Day 20572, 00:36:41: Boyle froze Pteranodon - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon) Day 20572, 00:39:26: Your Bby for trap 2 - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:39:26: Your Tribe killed Bby for trap 2 - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:43:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:43:56: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:46:35: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:46:35: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 00:56:20: Boyle froze P~Head - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20572, 01:22:01: Boyle froze Dilo v5 - Lvl 208 (Dilophosaur) Day 20572, 01:33:34: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 01:33:34: Your Tribe killed Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo)! Day 20572, 01:46:42: Boyle froze dias - Lvl 337 (Thylacoleo) Day 20572, 01:51:35: Boyle froze thrston - Lvl 376 (Thylacoleo) Day 20572, 01:55:10: Boyle froze pink pantheress - Lvl 358 (Thylacoleo) Day 20572, 01:58:57: Boyle froze orig - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) Day 20572, 02:03:23: Your Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:03:23: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:03:59: Your Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:03:59: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 20572, 02:04:32: Your Dodo - Lvl 79 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:04:32: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 79 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:05:04: Your Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:05:04: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:06:10: Your Dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:06:10: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:08:54: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:08:54: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:09:26: Your Dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:09:26: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 76 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:09:59: Your Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:09:59: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 02:25:25: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20572, 02:43:23: Boyle froze Leaf - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20572, 02:46:57: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20572, 02:50:38: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20572, 02:54:40: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20572, 03:01:44: Boyle froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20572, 03:12:31: Your Pooperrrr - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 03:12:31: Your Tribe killed Pooperrrr - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 03:16:44: Your Pewp - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads)! Day 20572, 03:16:44: Your Tribe killed Pewp - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) (The Lads)! Day 20572, 03:57:08: Boyle was removed from the Tribe! Day 21212, 07:11:27: dia added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 23502, 19:58:12: Tasha added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 20:04:09: Tasha added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23524, 06:17:52: Tasha added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1297846614,"tribe":"Tribe of making and more logs":["Day 44622, 17:36:45: making and more was added to the Tribe! Day 44622, 17:52:33: making and more was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1292363865,"tribe":"The river city logs":["Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32530, 13:33:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32999, 10:16:47: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 33594, 19:08:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34032, 16:12:12: NorthOfYou - Lvl 78 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Atlantis Lifes (Motorboat)'! Day 34035, 04:14:14: NorthOfYou - Lvl 85 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tree (Motorboat)'! Day 34540, 22:34:46: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34540, 22:34:46: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34611, 20:42:00: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34895, 16:33:20: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35260, 05:47:36: Mini Elias 1 was added to the Tribe by Sir Elias Quinn ! Day 35378, 21:58:01: Sir Elias Quinn froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35500, 22:15:51: Sir Elias Quinn froze Charcoal - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35904, 07:04:51: Tribemember Josh - Lvl 100 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 20! Day 35904, 07:56:12: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 7 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 20! Day 36448, 00:38:58: Sir Elias Quinn froze Charcoal - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37185, 18:25:43: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37185, 18:26:26: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37185, 18:30:54: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40742, 07:09:35: Tribemember Geizigerüberlebender - Lvl 56 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 35! Day 41318, 10:44:00: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 78 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 41338, 11:18:55: Wolfgang Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo)! Day 41338, 11:59:55: Wolfgang Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 41338, 13:46:25: Blaku froze mika - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 41338, 13:50:49: Your Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo) was killed by Wolfgang - Lvl 63 (The river city)! Day 41338, 13:50:49: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo) (The river city)! Day 41338, 14:35:59: Blaku froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41338, 18:07:32: Blaku froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41338, 18:21:09: Wolfgang froze mika - Lvl 77 (Dodo) Day 41338, 18:29:12: Wolfgang froze mika - Lvl 77 (Dodo) Day 41339, 22:45:25: Blaku claimed 'cuellito - Lvl 110 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 41339, 22:46:33: Blaku claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 242 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 22:47:07: Blaku claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 306 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 22:51:03: Blaku claimed 'cup - Lvl 343 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41339, 22:54:35: Blaku claimed 'chep - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41339, 22:57:15: Blaku claimed 'tetica - Lvl 188 (Megalania)'! Day 41339, 23:00:46: Blaku claimed 'srek - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41339, 23:01:14: Blaku claimed 'Rex - Lvl 47 (Rex)'! Day 41339, 23:02:01: Blaku claimed 'ms tea - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41339, 23:02:50: Blaku claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 87 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 41339, 23:03:22: Blaku claimed 'Matilda - Lvl 195 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 23:05:12: Blaku claimed 'fly good - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41339, 23:27:10: Blaku claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr)'! Day 41339, 23:36:27: Blaku froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41340, 00:45:02: Blaku claimed 'rapper - Lvl 251 (Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:45:35: Blaku claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:46:05: Blaku claimed 'Spino - Lvl 110 (Spino)'! Day 41340, 00:51:49: Blaku claimed 'yukita - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41340, 00:54:20: Blaku claimed 'TEKKAS - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:55:14: Blaku claimed 'Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)'! Day 41340, 05:28:35: Blaku claimed 'Rex - Lvl 126 (Rex)'! Day 41340, 05:31:22: Blaku claimed 'vip - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 05:34:47: Wolfgang claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 07:10:28: Wolfgang claimed 'cuki - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 07:55:56: Wolfgang claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 131 (Triceratops)'! Day 41340, 08:00:04: Wolfgang claimed 'timon - Lvl 180 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 41340, 10:55:09: Tribemember Wolfgang - Lvl 66 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 65! Day 41340, 13:04:07: Tribemember Wolfgang - Lvl 66 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 41340, 13:04:07: Your Tribe killed Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city)! Day 41341, 01:47:21: Wolfgang claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 01:50:22: Wolfgang claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 01:53:37: Wolfgang claimed 'wc - Lvl 219 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 01:58:39: Wolfgang claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 02:01:28: Wolfgang claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus)'! Day 41341, 02:02:38: Wolfgang claimed '트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41341, 02:06:07: Wolfgang claimed '가르마 컷 - Lvl 267 (Managarmr)'! Day 41341, 02:14:48: Wolfgang claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 76 (Phiomia)'! Day 41341, 02:38:42: Wolfgang claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 02:43:21: Wolfgang claimed '좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 02:45:23: Wolfgang claimed '첯째 브리딩 금지 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 03:04:47: Wolfgang claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 41341, 03:38:18: Wolfgang claimed '아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 78 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 41341, 04:43:10: Blaku froze 첯째 브리딩 금지 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 04:49:33: Blaku froze 좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 04:58:09: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr) Day 41341, 05:02:41: Blaku froze wc - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 41341, 05:30:24: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 05:33:10: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41341, 06:15:02: Wolfgang claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41341, 07:55:04: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 07:58:59: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 08:01:52: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 08:12:34: Blaku froze Argentavis - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 41341, 08:40:30: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 08:44:58: Blaku froze 아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 78 (Tropeognathus) Day 41341, 08:53:42: Blaku froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 41341, 08:58:31: Blaku froze 트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus) Day 41341, 09:05:47: Blaku unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41341, 09:29:56: Blaku froze 첯째 브리딩 금지 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 09:33:54: Blaku froze 좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 41341, 17:36:26: Wolfgang demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 41357, 17:12:56: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr) Day 41357, 17:42:36: Blaku froze 첯째 브리딩 금지 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 41357, 17:47:29: Blaku froze 좋아보이는 종자 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 41357, 18:00:04: Blaku froze wc - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 41357, 18:41:10: Blaku froze Argentavis - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 41358, 14:24:51: Blaku froze 아몰라 전투기 - Lvl 78 (Tropeognathus) Day 41362, 04:27:51: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 41362, 05:07:27: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:15:39: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 41362, 05:17:55: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:18:19: Blaku claimed '아디다스 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:18:47: Blaku claimed '셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:19:18: Blaku claimed '나쁘지않아 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:19:49: Blaku claimed '둘째 태훈브리딩 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:20:55: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:21:47: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:25:59: Blaku claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 166 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41362, 05:34:34: Blaku claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:35:45: Blaku claimed '피자 도우 - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:36:43: Blaku claimed '섹스머신 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane)'! Day 41362, 05:38:18: Blaku claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr)'! Day 41362, 05:42:20: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 41362, 05:56:35: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 41362, 05:59:18: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 41362, 06:24:01: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 41362, 06:47:44: Blaku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 41483, 12:08:37: Your fly good - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 41483, 14:13:49: Your Matilda - Lvl 195 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 41483, 14:29:05: Blaku uploaded a Tek Stryder: cup - Lvl 343 Day 41483, 15:01:41: Blaku froze cuellito - Lvl 110 (Brontosaurus) Day 41483, 15:05:12: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 41483, 15:48:32: Blaku froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 166 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41483, 16:51:25: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 262 (Managarmr) Day 41498, 13:28:31: Your Phiomia - Lvl 76 (Phiomia) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 41507, 18:15:27: Blaku froze wc - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 41507, 18:17:05: Blaku claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 41507, 18:17:29: Blaku claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 41507, 18:20:11: Blaku claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 140 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41507, 18:22:04: Blaku claimed 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 41507, 18:47:16: Blaku froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 41507, 19:08:04: Blaku froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 41507, 19:12:50: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr) Day 41508, 07:11:23: Blaku froze Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr) Day 41911, 00:14:22: srek - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 42084, 16:25:47: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42084, 16:33:30: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 115 (Spino)'! Day 42084, 16:40:14: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 42084, 16:54:12: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr)'! Day 42084, 17:04:28: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tetica - Lvl 188 (Megalania)'! Day 42084, 17:24:51: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame '트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 42091, 22:45:27: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '섹스머신 - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:46:51: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '피자 도우 - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:48:18: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 125 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42091, 22:49:18: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42091, 22:51:37: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '둘째 태훈브리딩 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:52:44: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:55:22: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '나쁘지않아 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:56:35: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '셋째 공용브리딩 - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 22:58:22: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '아디다스 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42091, 23:05:04: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 42091, 23:07:49: Human - Lvl 111 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 140 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42097, 17:08:25: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame '가르마 컷 - Lvl 267 (Managarmr)'! Day 42098, 07:39:20: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 87 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 42098, 08:23:58: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yukita - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 42124, 08:21:18: ms tea - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 42203, 14:57:16: Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42213, 19:21:05: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 42213, 19:22:59: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 47 (Rex)'! Day 42213, 19:24:29: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)'! Day 42213, 19:26:05: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 307 (Raptor)'! Day 42213, 19:26:23: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 42213, 19:27:22: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor)'! Day 42213, 19:28:11: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TEKKAS - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 42213, 19:28:54: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42213, 19:29:29: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cuki - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42213, 19:30:15: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42213, 19:31:34: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 126 (Rex)'! Day 42213, 19:35:38: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'chep - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42213, 19:36:24: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42213, 19:37:00: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 131 (Triceratops)'! Day 42213, 19:37:55: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'vip - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42213, 20:09:57: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'timon - Lvl 180 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 42214, 00:17:10: FullWinter - Lvl 112 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rapper - Lvl 252 (Raptor)'! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42434, 04:16:17: Tribemember Wolfgang - Lvl 67 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 5!"] "tribeid":1291655082,"tribe":"Trikru logs":["Day 19450, 20:38:34: Inmate was added to the Tribe! Day 19451, 03:20:33: Inmate unclaimed 'Strike - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19451, 04:57:35: Inmate claimed 'Strike - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19451, 07:57:38: Inmate claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19451, 08:05:18: Inmate froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19451, 09:59:47: Inmate downloaded a dino: Compy - Lvl 149 Day 19451, 10:39:11: Inmate unclaimed 'Compy - Lvl 149 (Compy)'! Day 19451, 14:40:23: Inmate froze Strike - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19997, 07:16:17: Inmate froze Neytini - Lvl 274 (Shadowmane) Day 19997, 15:09:29: Inmate froze Bulbdog - Lvl 85 (Bulbdog) Day 19997, 15:15:23: Inmate froze Nomad - Lvl 290 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19997, 21:15:10: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 52 (Kairuku)! Day 19997, 21:36:51: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 52 (Kairuku) Day 19997, 23:18:18: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 44 (Kairuku)! Day 19997, 23:23:36: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 44 (Kairuku) Day 19998, 03:16:48: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku)! Day 19998, 03:46:48: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 22 (Kairuku)! Day 19998, 03:56:03: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 22 (Kairuku) Day 19998, 04:05:19: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku) Day 19998, 10:25:56: Inmate froze Nomad - Lvl 290 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20001, 04:13:54: Inmate unclaimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20001, 07:51:31: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku)! Day 20001, 07:55:12: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 08:23:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku)! Day 20001, 08:36:57: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 22 (Kairuku)! Day 20001, 08:43:19: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 22 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 08:50:02: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 09:38:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku)! Day 20001, 09:42:46: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 09:47:24: Inmate Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku)! Day 20001, 09:52:54: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 15:52:29: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 22 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 16:17:19: Inmate froze Bulbdog - Lvl 80 (Bulbdog) Day 20001, 16:45:36: Inmate Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 20001, 16:53:08: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 16:56:51: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 17:01:08: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 29 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 17:05:05: Inmate froze Kairuku - Lvl 74 (Kairuku) Day 20001, 17:28:40: Inmate froze Ajax - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 20002, 04:21:24: Inmate froze Bulbdog - Lvl 86 (Bulbdog) Day 20002, 04:40:25: Inmate froze Nomad - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20300, 09:29:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1286227243,"tribe":"Yolo Bois logs":["Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20347, 13:21:32: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20624, 12:20:17: Tribemember Asbel - Lvl 150 was killed! Day 20624, 12:37:03: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:37:03: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:37:03: 's 'Adolescent Hotwings - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 339 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'King Yolo - Lvl 351 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 325 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Medium Gurl - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Giga Cuddles - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Golden wings - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 25 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'Acnologia - Lvl 318 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20624, 12:47:04: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20765, 09:30:07: Tribemember Klinqy - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1285617176,"tribe":"MaD4MutZ logs":["Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32715, 00:39:36: LOKI claimed '95 - Lvl 178 (Argentavis)'! Day 32715, 04:19:09: LOKI uploaded a Argentavis: 95 - Lvl 204 Day 32723, 00:38:18: Tribemember LOKI - Lvl 134 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1285310712,"tribe":"Tribe of Bilbo Baggins logs":["Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35113, 19:05:55: Damirox - Lvl 105 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 35113, 19:06:35: Damirox - Lvl 105 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 35113, 19:07:35: Damirox - Lvl 105 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 35113, 19:23:57: Damirox - Lvl 105 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 171 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35113, 19:24:29: Damirox - Lvl 105 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'teky boi - Lvl 140 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 35113, 20:31:51: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 35113, 20:42:54: Misha - Lvl 112 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 216 (Castoroides)'! Day 35182, 20:53:54: Alexi - Lvl 120 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 35182, 21:28:40: Tribemember Bilbo Baggins - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35199, 01:05:14: Star Man - Lvl 100 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35320, 19:55:06: Star Man - Lvl 113 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35320, 20:00:39: Star Man - Lvl 113 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35320, 20:09:26: Star Man - Lvl 113 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35347, 05:42:26: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARTHER BUGGINS - Lvl 210 (Arthropluera)'! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35391, 16:52:16: Star Man - Lvl 113 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 166 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35525, 13:13:15: Tribemember shara west - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1283833119,"tribe":"No Tames Allowed logs":["Day 18233, 14:29:13: NiBanNeko was added to the Tribe! Day 18233, 14:31:00: Tribe of Rrran but on ep tribe was merged in by Rrran but on epic! Day 18233, 14:31:00: Rrran but on epic was added to the Tribe by NiBanNeko! Day 18233, 14:32:11: Rrran but on epic was promoted to a Tribe Admin by NiBanNeko! Day 18233, 15:27:42: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 18234, 06:45:03: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 18234, 08:23:31: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18251, 22:14:25: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 35 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 18252, 01:40:54: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 36 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 70! Day 18257, 01:07:01: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 36 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 18257, 02:49:11: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 36 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 18257, 03:46:33: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 36 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 18292, 14:18:43: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 40 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 18315, 20:58:35: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 17 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 18331, 16:12:58: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 45 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 18331, 21:38:06: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18331, 21:39:45: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18331, 21:41:20: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18332, 01:23:14: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 50 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 35! Day 18332, 03:45:38: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 50 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 35! Day 18414, 14:42:58: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18414, 14:44:50: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18414, 15:40:17: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18414, 15:41:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18414, 17:49:45: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18414, 17:50:19: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18414, 17:53:11: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 18414, 17:54:04: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18414, 17:54:46: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18414, 17:55:23: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18419, 12:24:24: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 57 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 18425, 12:03:20: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18425, 12:23:43: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18425, 12:24:52: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18425, 14:20:23: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 18426, 05:44:15: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18426, 09:46:17: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 26 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 15! Day 18426, 13:58:13: NiBanNeko demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18540, 06:25:46: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18706, 01:18:51: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 18735, 07:56:22: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18735, 08:12:50: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18735, 08:13:56: Your 'Raft Bed One (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 18735, 08:19:47: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18735, 08:35:01: Tribemember Rrran but on epic - Lvl 37 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10! Day 19013, 00:16:59: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19013, 01:14:00: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 19013, 01:50:42: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 19013, 23:32:22: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 10! Day 19014, 00:09:01: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 45! Day 19014, 10:11:17: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19014, 10:14:19: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 19014, 10:31:07: NiBanNeko claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19014, 10:34:27: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 19025, 20:00:40: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19047, 12:46:52: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 19047, 13:00:31: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 19047, 16:19:52: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 200! Day 19179, 17:20:19: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 290! Day 19179, 18:47:41: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19179, 20:16:40: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 110! Day 19185, 01:34:20: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 190! Day 19232, 16:43:52: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 30! Day 19232, 19:20:21: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 180! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20027, 02:15:01: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 5! Day 20606, 02:04:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21234, 16:12:50: wildy - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft One (Raft)'! Day 22727, 13:34:49: Mart - Lvl 123 (Dominion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft Two (Raft)'! Day 24944, 01:27:20: Tribemember NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1281225489,"tribe":"Carsonator logs":["Day 22411, 07:07:58: Boonana was added to the Tribe! Day 22411, 17:23:40: Boonana Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 22411, 19:07:13: Your Dequacious bingletoe - Lvl 28 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 22462, 01:24:34: Boonana Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 59 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 22463, 13:21:55: Boonana Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 22487, 06:58:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 22487, 12:56:58: Boonana Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Parasaur)! Day 22487, 13:03:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 149 (Parasaur)! Day 22653, 00:59:48: Your Brandon - Lvl 51 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 22753, 15:35:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22753, 15:35:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23003, 19:15:41: Your Ben - Lvl 69 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 23003, 19:15:41: Ben - Lvl 69 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 23170, 21:45:37: Boonana Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 23190, 18:33:44: Boonana Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 43 (Tek Raptor)! Day 23190, 20:56:20: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23190, 20:57:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23191, 15:39:04: Your ben - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 1.0x! Day 23195, 15:41:00: Boonana Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)! Day 23196, 07:34:55: Boonana Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 23196, 09:57:20: Boonana Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 23212, 19:48:52: Boonana demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23241, 17:19:13: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 23242, 16:13:57: Boonana Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)! Day 23284, 12:10:41: Boonana Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23292, 04:55:02: Boonana Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23292, 10:42:26: Boonana Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23317, 21:27:24: Your d1ck - Lvl 163 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 23334, 16:09:31: Boonana claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 23334, 16:10:34: Boonana claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 23334, 16:11:13: Boonana claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 23426, 18:06:37: Boonana Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 104 (Sarco)! Day 23455, 08:32:22: Boonana Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 157 (Megalodon)! Day 23476, 02:28:48: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23477, 00:38:16: Boonana Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23477, 00:42:06: Boonana froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23477, 03:30:15: Boonana Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23477, 03:40:58: Boonana froze F1 - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23477, 06:01:30: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23477, 07:09:25: Boonana froze Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 23477, 08:22:25: Your Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur) was killed! Day 23477, 08:22:25: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 23477, 11:15:33: Boonana Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23477, 11:23:00: Boonana froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23477, 13:05:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23477, 13:50:24: Boonana froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23477, 14:02:35: Boonana Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23477, 14:17:05: Boonana froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23477, 20:00:47: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23477, 20:01:34: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23477, 20:02:34: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23477, 20:03:34: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23478, 07:02:59: Boonana froze max - Lvl 161 (Megalodon) Day 23478, 21:04:38: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 102 (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:04:38: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:14:59: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 102 (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:14:59: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:15:51: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 102 (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:15:51: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:18:42: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 102 (Carsonator)! Day 23478, 21:18:42: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23493, 05:54:12: Boonana froze Aram shariff - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 23493, 05:58:38: Boonana froze Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 23493, 06:04:20: Boonana froze Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 23493, 09:04:05: Boonana froze max - Lvl 166 (Megalodon) Day 23493, 09:20:06: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23494, 12:31:24: Boonana demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 23495, 00:52:50: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23495, 00:54:02: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23519, 01:41:33: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 106 (Carsonator)! Day 23519, 01:41:33: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23519, 03:02:34: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 106 (Carsonator)! Day 23519, 03:02:34: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23519, 03:33:03: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 132 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23519, 03:34:47: Boonana claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 23520, 14:44:57: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 23520, 19:09:08: Boonana claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23521, 04:56:08: Boonana Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 250 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23521, 05:34:53: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 132 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 107 (Carsonator)! Day 23521, 05:34:53: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 132 (Tek Parasaur) (Carsonator)! Day 23526, 13:21:53: Boonana Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 23526, 13:25:47: Boonana froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 23526, 18:07:25: Boonana Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 23526, 18:17:02: Boonana froze eeew - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 23527, 02:52:15: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 23527, 02:55:04: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 23527, 02:56:11: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 23527, 03:26:36: Boonana Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 23527, 23:47:51: Boonana froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 23528, 06:36:19: Boonana froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 23539, 19:53:52: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 23539, 19:54:44: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 23539, 19:55:56: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 23539, 19:56:40: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 23540, 05:50:43: Your Parasaur - Lvl 203 (Parasaur) was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 50! Day 23540, 07:57:37: Boonana froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 23540, 08:01:34: Boonana froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 23540, 08:07:57: Boonana froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 23540, 15:10:51: Boonana froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 23540, 20:07:17: Boonana froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 23542, 02:19:22: Your weee - Lvl 303 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23542, 02:19:22: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 113 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23542, 18:17:37: leg day was added to the Tribe by Boonana! Day 23542, 21:24:09: Your gay lord - Lvl 53 (Dodo) was killed by leg day - Lvl 8 (Carsonator)! Day 23542, 21:24:09: Your Tribe killed gay lord - Lvl 53 (Dodo) (Carsonator)! Day 23542, 21:27:34: Tribemember leg day - Lvl 8 was killed by Boonana - Lvl 116 (Carsonator)! Day 23542, 21:27:34: Your Tribe killed leg day - Lvl 8 (Carsonator)! Day 23546, 08:39:24: Your BEN - Lvl 80 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Boonana - Lvl 116 (Carsonator)! Day 23546, 08:39:24: Your Tribe killed BEN - Lvl 80 (Ankylosaurus) (Carsonator)! Day 23546, 23:57:16: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 23547, 00:00:05: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 23547, 01:07:08: Boonana claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 23547, 15:00:53: Boonana froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 23548, 01:03:24: Boonana froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 10:22:23: Boonana demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23553, 13:33:22: Boonana froze Argentavis 5 - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 13:37:41: Boonana froze Argentavis 5 - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 13:41:33: Boonana froze Argentavis 2 - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 13:45:31: Boonana froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 113 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23553, 13:53:35: Boonana froze Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 13:57:16: Boonana froze Brandick - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:00:50: Boonana froze Argentavis 9 - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:04:52: Boonana froze Argentavis 3 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:08:36: Boonana froze Argentavis 1 - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:12:13: Boonana froze Argentavis - Lvl 241 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:15:41: Boonana froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 14:24:09: Boonana froze Pteranodon - Lvl 84 (Pteranodon) Day 23553, 14:27:57: Boonana froze spike - Lvl 60 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23553, 14:32:41: Boonana froze Parasaur - Lvl 73 (Parasaur) Day 23553, 14:36:11: Boonana froze Lenard - Lvl 87 (Tek Raptor) Day 23553, 14:46:58: Boonana froze propa - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon) Day 23553, 14:56:49: Boonana froze william - Lvl 129 (Sarco) Day 23553, 15:03:56: Boonana froze eeew - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 23553, 15:07:28: Boonana froze DA KING - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 23566, 16:29:09: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 23567, 20:48:06: Boonana Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 59 (Phiomia)! Day 23618, 11:44:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 194 (Mammoth)! Day 23618, 15:23:59: Boonana froze Mammoth - Lvl 194 (Mammoth) Day 23638, 23:32:08: Boonana Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys)! Day 23638, 23:40:34: Boonana froze Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys) Day 23677, 10:33:05: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23708, 15:25:02: Boonana demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 23828, 23:51:13: Your Brandon - Lvl 231 (Mammoth) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 1.0x! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23873, 12:43:09: Boonana demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23873, 13:14:57: Boonana demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 23873, 13:19:02: Boonana demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23873, 15:20:12: Boonana demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 23873, 15:21:24: Boonana demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 23873, 16:26:35: Boonana demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 23873, 16:30:44: Boonana demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 23873, 17:44:54: Boonana demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 23873, 17:58:52: Boonana demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 23873, 18:23:12: Boonana demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 23873, 18:44:30: Boonana demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23873, 19:05:20: Boonana demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23873, 19:22:11: Boonana demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 23873, 19:29:35: Boonana demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 23873, 19:37:18: Boonana demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23873, 19:40:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23873, 20:12:37: Boonana froze cheeky - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) Day 23873, 20:18:18: Boonana froze Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia) Day 23873, 20:22:14: Boonana froze Carbonemys - Lvl 27 (Carbonemys) Day 23873, 20:27:53: Boonana froze Spike2Good - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23873, 20:35:08: Boonana froze F6 - Lvl 111 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 20:40:49: Boonana froze F5 - Lvl 129 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 20:46:12: Boonana froze F7 - Lvl 49 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 20:52:04: Boonana froze F3 - Lvl 277 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 20:56:30: Boonana froze F4 - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 21:01:45: Boonana froze M1 the seggster - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 21:06:15: Boonana froze M2 - Lvl 186 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23873, 21:15:21: Boonana froze F2 - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur) Day 23877, 00:35:02: MrIncredible was added to the Tribe by Boonana! Day 23877, 19:33:36: Boonana demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 23877, 19:47:49: Boonana demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 23878, 07:02:57: Boonana froze Spike2Good - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23878, 12:25:03: man like kai was added to the Tribe by Boonana! Day 23878, 14:42:47: Boonana froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 113 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23878, 15:36:35: Tribemember man like kai - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 23878, 18:14:54: Boonana froze eeew - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 23878, 18:19:38: Boonana froze DA KING - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 23878, 18:35:17: Tribemember man like kai - Lvl 12 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23878, 18:51:34: Tribemember man like kai - Lvl 12 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23879, 06:20:39: Tribemember man like kai - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 23897, 19:02:28: Boonana froze Argentavis 3 - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 23897, 19:06:17: Boonana froze Argentavis 9 - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 23897, 19:11:28: Boonana froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 23897, 19:17:27: Boonana froze Brandick - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 23921, 09:28:07: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 23964, 21:43:29: Boonana Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 202 (Mammoth)! Day 23964, 21:53:11: Boonana froze Clark - Lvl 202 (Mammoth) Day 24018, 12:24:08: Boonana froze BEN - Lvl 218 (Mammoth) Day 24018, 12:28:49: Boonana froze Argentavis 5 - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 24018, 12:34:32: Boonana froze Teddett - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 24067, 09:00:44: Boonana froze BEN - Lvl 258 (Mammoth) Day 24067, 10:38:55: Boonana froze M2 - Lvl 203 (Tek Parasaur) Day 24067, 10:44:26: Boonana froze Phiomia - Lvl 127 (Phiomia) Day 24067, 10:57:31: Boonana froze Charles - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24346, 10:49:37: Boonana froze BEN - Lvl 297 (Mammoth) Day 24346, 13:54:47: Boonana froze BEN - Lvl 297 (Mammoth) Day 24346, 16:23:17: Boonana froze Phiomia - Lvl 156 (Phiomia) Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24612, 08:32:33: Mr Rex - Lvl 50 (peanut butter) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24750, 18:01:15: Boonana froze Phiomia - Lvl 156 (Phiomia) Day 24950, 03:18:02: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25311, 03:12:22: Tribemember leg day - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25364, 08:19:31: Tribemember MrIncredible - Lvl 27 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 25386, 02:47:12: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cutie Patootie - Lvl 328 (Argentavis)'! Day 25386, 02:48:52: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis 1 - Lvl 325 (Argentavis)'! Day 25386, 02:50:01: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'do do do do - Lvl 333 (Argentavis)'! Day 25386, 02:51:36: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charles - Lvl 332 (Argentavis)'! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25672, 19:06:10: Tribemember man like kai - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 25677, 03:25:31: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 25915, 02:55:56: Tribemember Boonana - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1278766607,"tribe":"Granja Tribe logs":["Day 15053, 11:42:19: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 11:46:52: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 12:26:56: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 12:32:21: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 12:34:57: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 12:50:58: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 12:53:01: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:13:55: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:16:29: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:19:53: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:22:11: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:39:44: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:41:40: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:44:32: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:48:11: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:50:11: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:54:59: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 14:58:18: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 15:00:56: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 15:02:50: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 15:05:20: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 15:07:12: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 15:27:37: Diogossauro froze REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 15053, 15:54:41: Diogossauro froze TEK REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 16:21:16: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 16:23:13: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 16:26:18: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 306 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 16:52:43: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 16:54:34: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 17:01:00: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 17:03:44: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 17:07:34: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 17:09:29: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 17:22:43: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 18:44:56: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 306 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 18:57:00: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 18:59:14: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:01:34: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:03:25: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:11:57: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:26:29: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:29:00: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:30:58: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 19:35:59: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 21:33:11: Diogossauro froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:04:13: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:15:10: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:19:54: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:27:35: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:43:24: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 15053, 23:53:43: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 00:06:56: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 00:22:34: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 00:32:41: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 00:40:26: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 00:58:17: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 01:10:48: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 01:23:44: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 01:53:07: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 02:05:34: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 15054, 02:45:53: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15074, 20:40:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15074, 20:40:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15074, 20:40:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15089, 17:38:45: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:12:53: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:14:22: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:15:50: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:48:10: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:49:38: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:55:39: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 18:57:11: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:15:25: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:17:07: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:18:49: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:44:51: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:47:41: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 19:49:09: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 20:12:22: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 20:13:50: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 15089, 22:40:23: Diogossauro froze TEK REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 11:07:54: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 17:49:57: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 17:52:16: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 17:53:55: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:16:29: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:22:27: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:26:56: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:30:30: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:41:43: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:43:27: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 18:57:11: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 19:03:38: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 19:06:59: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 19:25:35: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 19:29:49: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 15091, 19:32:32: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 15106, 11:52:42: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) Day 15106, 11:59:26: Diogossauro froze Magmi - Lvl 188 (Magmasaur) Day 15106, 12:51:38: Diogossauro froze Magmi - Lvl 188 (Magmasaur) Day 15106, 15:04:45: Diogossauro demolished a 'Utility/Structure Bluepr (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 15106, 15:48:16: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 15123, 11:42:15: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15123, 13:11:46: Diogossauro froze Yutyrannus 1 - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 15123, 14:35:02: Diogossauro froze Yutyrannus 1 - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 15123, 18:06:18: Diogossauro claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 15123, 18:10:46: Diogossauro froze Baby Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 01:52:03: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 15124, 02:10:58: Diogossauro froze Baby Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 02:26:52: Diogossauro froze Baby Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 06:14:28: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 15124, 06:30:09: Diogossauro froze Baby Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 06:59:39: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 4 - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 15124, 08:55:08: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 09:02:44: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 13:12:24: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 13:15:05: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 15:51:14: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 15:55:50: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Yuty boss - Lvl 173 (Yutyrannus) Day 15124, 16:09:44: Diogossauro froze TEK REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 401 (Tek Rex) Day 15124, 16:27:58: Diogossauro froze Daeodon - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 15125, 09:46:34: Daz added 'Granja Tribe' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15125, 10:06:28: Diogossauro claimed 'mary - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15125, 12:23:37: Daz added 'Tribe of SKiLLz' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15125, 15:15:44: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 15125, 16:08:14: Diogossauro unclaimed 'mary - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15125, 16:19:07: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 246 (Snow Owl) Day 15144, 20:21:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15164, 16:49:29: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 8 - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) Day 15164, 18:03:52: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 12:12:58: Diogossauro claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15167, 16:36:13: Diogossauro unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15167, 17:56:12: Diogossauro froze Daeodon - Lvl 286 (Daeodon) Day 15167, 18:10:37: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:17:36: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:24:08: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:30:14: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:35:34: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:40:27: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 18:56:46: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:02:09: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:06:22: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:10:12: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:15:56: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:18:21: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:28:52: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:41:50: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:45:58: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 19:52:00: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 20:15:57: Diogossauro froze TEK REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 20:17:25: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 4 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 15167, 20:18:54: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 5 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 15172, 19:59:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15189, 19:24:54: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 4 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 15189, 19:30:24: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 15189, 19:34:42: Diogossauro froze Daeodon - Lvl 292 (Daeodon) Day 15190, 00:05:15: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 15190, 09:54:26: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15190, 10:12:31: Diogossauro froze Daeodon - Lvl 292 (Daeodon) Day 15191, 17:52:46: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 122 was killed by Good Poison Wyvern 3 - Lvl 299 (Poison Wyvern) (Granja Tribe)! Day 15191, 17:52:46: Your Tribe killed Diogossauro - Lvl 122 (Granja Tribe)! Day 15191, 18:33:43: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 15191, 21:05:33: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 15191, 21:10:07: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 15191, 23:46:57: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 15191, 23:58:04: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 4 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 00:26:16: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 05:48:53: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 05:53:28: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 07:32:50: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 08:41:36: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 09:05:35: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 09:08:13: Diogossauro froze TEK REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 10:57:39: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 12:29:03: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 14:44:55: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 14:50:03: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 15:16:06: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 16:13:52: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 15192, 20:05:00: Diogossauro froze Good Tek Rex 5 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 15194, 12:49:35: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 15194, 13:17:11: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 15194, 13:51:22: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 15220, 11:24:30: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 15249, 16:25:48: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 15305, 01:50:24: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 15305, 06:44:30: Diogossauro froze MELEE Saber 2 - Lvl 313 (Sabertooth) Day 15305, 07:02:40: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 15305, 07:52:50: Diogossauro froze MELEE Saber 2 - Lvl 313 (Sabertooth) Day 15305, 08:34:15: Diogossauro froze MELEE Saber 2 - Lvl 313 (Sabertooth) Day 15305, 08:41:07: Diogossauro froze HP Saber 2 - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 15305, 09:06:52: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 15305, 09:41:52: Diogossauro froze HP Saber 2 - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 15391, 14:28:48: Ichtyosaurus 1 - Lvl 169 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 15391, 14:54:51: Tribemember RMBLopes - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15432, 18:14:05: Diogossauro froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 15449, 00:54:58: Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15502, 12:47:13: Daz added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15517, 05:54:21: \"Meh\" Pteranodon 1 - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 15544, 07:20:24: Human - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15593, 09:46:22: Pixie - Lvl 95 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15593, 09:53:19: Pixie - Lvl 95 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15604, 07:15:23: Eve - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15614, 09:18:54: Giganotosaurus 1 - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 15653, 05:17:04: Crafting Gacha 1 - Lvl 199 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 15653, 05:53:14: 's 'Stone Farm 3 - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'REX ALPHA MALE - Lvl 229 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Rex 9 - Lvl 340 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Rex 1 - Lvl 304 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Tek Rex 1 - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Tek Rex 2 - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Tek Rex 6 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Tek Rex 7 - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Tek Rex 6 - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 112 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 2 - Lvl 177 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 6 - Lvl 138 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 3 - Lvl 229 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 3 - Lvl 213 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Rex 6 - Lvl 231 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 12 - Lvl 173 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 5 - Lvl 170 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Rex 4 - Lvl 250 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Good Rex 5 - Lvl 245 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 3 - Lvl 208 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 12 - Lvl 213 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Decent Rex 1 - Lvl 181 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Bad Tek Rex 1 - Lvl 109 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 125 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 88 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 127 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 125 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Rex - Lvl 97 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:55:20: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:57:43: 's 'Hunk of Junk - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:57:43: 's 'Good Tek Rex 8 - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:57:43: 's 'Good Tek Rex 7 - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 05:57:43: 's 'Good Tek Rex 9 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15653, 06:14:50: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 15653, 06:24:43: Diogossauro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 15653, 08:29:47: Diogossauro froze Metal Farm 1 - Lvl 180 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15653, 08:43:04: Diogossauro froze Metal Farm 1 - Lvl 180 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15877, 02:27:44: Tribemember Asdi - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 15881, 12:59:48: Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15893, 07:55:17: Lightness - Lvl 203 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 16242, 10:14:10: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MELEE Saber 2 - Lvl 313 (Sabertooth)'! Day 16242, 10:17:22: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 293 (Daeodon)'! Day 16242, 10:25:34: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 10:32:22: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Poison Wyvern 3 - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:00:24: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Blood Crystal 1 - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:06:05: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Wyvern 3 - Lvl 279 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:09:19: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern 2 - Lvl 156 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:10:53: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame '\"Meh\" Tropical Crystal W - Lvl 114 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:14:36: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Lightning Wyvern 1 - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:24:30: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Ember Crystal Wyver - Lvl 192 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:28:08: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:30:30: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Decent Pteranodon 3 - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16242, 11:35:41: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern 1 - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:39:57: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Poison Wyvern 2 - Lvl 261 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:42:37: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Lightning Wyvern 2 - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:48:34: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Wyvern 4 - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:49:58: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Decent Pteranodon 1 - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16242, 11:51:28: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Wyvern 5 - Lvl 189 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16242, 11:51:31: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Decent Pteranodon 2 - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16247, 20:02:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16247, 20:02:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16415, 09:15:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16447, 01:27:45: Your Good Basilosaurus 1 - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 16448, 21:04:40: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16463, 13:22:33: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 16463, 15:47:40: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16475, 10:33:22: Diogossauro froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16673, 07:45:57: Diogossauro froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 08:28:34: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 10:25:25: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 10:42:06: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 11:23:13: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 11:25:49: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 11:40:27: Diogossauro froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 383 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16673, 11:46:44: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 12:23:28: Diogossauro froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 16673, 12:37:40: Diogossauro froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 383 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16798, 19:30:46: dia removed 'The river city' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18414, 15:40:17: NiBanNeko - Lvl 52 (No Tames Allowed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1278028926,"tribe":"Team Andy logs":["Day 37424, 08:36:42: Soyto was added to the Tribe! Day 37424, 09:03:12: andu was added to the Tribe by Soyto! Day 37424, 12:54:10: Your lilo - Lvl 12 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 37424, 14:42:01: Soyto Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 37424, 16:39:42: Soyto Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 37424, 17:12:57: andu Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 56 (Dodo)! Day 37424, 22:49:52: Soyto Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 97 (Parasaur)! Day 37424, 23:18:14: Soyto Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 37424, 23:42:16: Tribemember andu - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 37425, 03:45:10: andu was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Soyto! Day 37425, 06:40:28: andu claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 31 (Dodo)'! Day 37425, 07:03:50: andu claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Parasaur)'! Day 37425, 13:14:05: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 13 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 37425, 18:30:23: Tribemember Soyto - Lvl 21 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 37425, 18:47:25: Tribemember Soyto - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 37425, 22:26:39: Tribemember Soyto - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 37425, 23:22:19: andu demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 37426, 10:52:29: Soyto demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 37426, 14:22:14: andu demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 37426, 19:39:14: Soyto demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 37427, 02:07:34: Your Lilo - Lvl 19 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 37427, 04:00:37: andu claimed 'Bird Thing - Lvl 122 (Argentavis)'! Day 37427, 05:27:31: andu claimed 'Titan Killer - Lvl 210 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 37444, 15:49:54: andu Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo)! Day 37444, 18:48:54: andu claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 42 (Dodo)'! Day 37444, 18:52:37: andu claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 102 (Dodo)'! Day 37445, 06:53:59: andu claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 86 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 37445, 08:41:24: Your Juvenile lollit - Lvl 86 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 37445, 08:41:24: Juvenile lollit - Lvl 86 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 37446, 20:11:12: Tribemember andu - Lvl 37 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 115 | 1.0x! Day 37447, 01:00:19: Tribemember andu - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 37490, 07:11:14: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 120! Day 37519, 12:23:26: andu claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 56 (Dodo)'! Day 37519, 16:37:33: andu claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 81 (Parasaur)'! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37816, 09:17:47: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37816, 09:17:47: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37816, 09:17:47: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37826, 02:10:10: Your jack - Lvl 42 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37826, 02:14:58: Your lol - Lvl 72 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37826, 02:18:37: Your Dodo - Lvl 56 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37826, 02:23:03: Your tick - Lvl 102 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37826, 02:24:15: Your Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37827, 16:22:40: Your titi - Lvl 100 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37827, 16:30:11: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37840, 19:04:52: Tribemember andu - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38019, 07:08:51: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38019, 07:08:53: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38019, 07:15:17: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38019, 07:23:47: Your Parasaur - Lvl 81 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 38019, 07:25:24: Tribemember Soyto - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 38019, 07:26:40: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 38019, 07:30:37: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38109, 22:12:23: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird Thing - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)'! Day 38113, 00:49:50: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 85 (Tribe of bxne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Titan Killer - Lvl 210 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 38314, 15:34:16: Jeyda - Lvl 112 (Ardent) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 114 (Parasaur)'! Day 38314, 15:52:24: Jeyda - Lvl 112 (Ardent) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 85 (Parasaur)'! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38435, 06:44:05: drish - Lvl 18 (Племя игрока drish) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38694, 13:02:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1277874103,"tribe":"stefanies fans logs":["Day 37270, 12:10:25: stefanie was added to the Tribe! Day 37270, 13:16:37: stefanie Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 37270, 15:36:01: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 37270, 16:16:49: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 23 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 37270, 19:31:26: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 37283, 20:23:19: stefanie was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1276554497,"tribe":"Sweggles logs":["Day 35718, 07:16:40: KG was added to the Tribe! Day 35718, 07:18:30: RinaldsS was added to the Tribe by KG! Day 35718, 11:00:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35718, 13:27:28: KG Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 35718, 14:05:48: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 35718, 15:34:33: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 35718, 19:55:48: RinaldsS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 35718, 20:47:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)! Day 35719, 03:13:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35720, 08:21:20: Your Pong - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 35724, 19:23:14: Your Bing Chilling - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 20! Day 35725, 00:27:57: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 00:29:01: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 00:33:02: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 00:34:16: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 00:36:29: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 00:40:14: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35725, 16:43:42: RinaldsS demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35725, 21:26:31: RinaldsS Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 35726, 10:54:13: RinaldsS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 35727, 08:56:37: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 08:57:40: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 08:58:28: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 08:59:26: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 09:00:16: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 09:01:03: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 09:01:49: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:04:58: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:06:43: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:08:05: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:09:38: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:10:21: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:11:02: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:11:45: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:13:09: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:13:50: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:14:45: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:16:09: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:17:11: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:19:15: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:22:30: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:29:15: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:33:51: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:36:15: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 10:37:09: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:47:07: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:47:50: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:48:33: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:49:17: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:50:00: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:50:43: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:51:24: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:52:07: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:52:45: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:53:23: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:54:02: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:54:42: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:55:19: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:55:57: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:56:35: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:58:14: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 11:59:50: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:02:15: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:03:04: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:03:47: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:04:27: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:05:06: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:05:46: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:06:30: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:07:13: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:28:00: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:28:39: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:29:19: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:29:58: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:30:39: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:31:27: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:32:05: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:32:43: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:34:09: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:34:50: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:35:31: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35727, 12:36:11: RinaldsS demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35733, 19:46:20: KG claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 86 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35734, 02:06:52: KG demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 35734, 06:56:07: KG Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 163 (Mesopithecus)! Day 35734, 19:25:02: KG Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 35735, 19:26:32: KG Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 104 (Moschops)! Day 35735, 22:09:08: KG demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35744, 14:38:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35976, 04:42:00: Dog - Lvl 135 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 36085, 13:12:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36085, 13:12:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36085, 13:12:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36171, 06:15:42: Your Snitch - Lvl 96 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36208, 22:18:39: Rok man - Lvl 43 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 36376, 06:45:10: THE GOD OF THE ARK - Lvl 196 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 36384, 04:03:37: Ard - Lvl 120 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36417, 12:55:12: Johnson - Lvl 104 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Calipso - Lvl 114 (Argentavis)'! Day 36461, 08:09:56: Your Flying dude - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 36461, 16:28:59: Isla - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Isla) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Titan Killer - Lvl 170 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 36606, 19:53:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36810, 01:59:32: Tribemember RinaldsS - Lvl 89 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 36810, 02:08:07: Tribemember KG - Lvl 68 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 36962, 11:24:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1274920669,"tribe":"Tribe of Always_Me logs":["Day 28406, 01:28:11: Always_Me was added to the Tribe! Day 28406, 02:45:59: Tribemember Always_Me - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 28406, 06:28:31: Tribemember Always_Me - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 28407, 17:52:56: Always_Me Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus)! Day 28409, 03:13:01: Always_Me Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 28 (Raptor)! Day 28409, 04:54:31: Always_Me Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Parasaur)! Day 28409, 16:29:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 47 (Sarco)! Day 28409, 17:42:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 28409, 18:17:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 28707, 06:17:45: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28707, 06:17:45: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28707, 06:17:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28792, 07:33:19: Mesopithecus - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 29028, 17:42:06: Raptor - Lvl 55 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 29073, 03:28:14: Raptor - Lvl 42 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 29123, 21:53:23: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 50 (Sarco)'! Day 29123, 21:54:58: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29123, 21:56:50: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 131 (Parasaur)'! Day 29331, 19:57:14: Tribemember Always_Me - Lvl 53 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1274909024,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 29027, 10:59:09: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 29027, 11:04:40: Tribe of Zephyr tribe was merged in by Zephyr! Day 29027, 11:04:40: Zephyr was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 29027, 11:06:29: Zephyr was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human! Day 29027, 17:21:57: Zephyr Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29027, 18:49:17: Zephyr Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29027, 19:52:41: Tribemember Zephyr - Lvl 12 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.8x! Day 29027, 20:18:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 29050, 16:43:23: Zephyr Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)! Day 29050, 18:39:56: Zephyr demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 29050, 22:30:36: Zephyr Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Parasaur)! Day 29050, 23:53:41: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29053, 17:33:25: Your Moschops - Lvl 13 (Moschops) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 29145, 21:54:26: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 20 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 29146, 00:20:03: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 29146, 00:59:01: Your Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 29220, 09:57:33: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 29345, 07:03:59: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29345, 07:03:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29403, 20:53:54: Tribemember Zephyr - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 29529, 06:12:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1273792832,"tribe":"Galilisama logs":["Day 23314, 01:34:08: Zedroos was added to the Tribe! Day 23314, 06:08:49: nigga balls was added to the Tribe by Zedroos! Day 23314, 06:16:48: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23314, 06:30:49: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 4 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 23314, 06:52:13: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 7 was killed by nigga balls - Lvl 4 (Galilisama)! Day 23314, 06:52:13: Your Tribe killed Zedroos - Lvl 7 (Galilisama)! Day 23314, 20:18:01: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 23314, 20:38:56: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.9x! Day 23314, 22:51:15: nigga balls claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23315, 07:10:50: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 16 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 23315, 08:24:38: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 16 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 23333, 23:26:24: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 16 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 23334, 08:53:37: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 19 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 08:55:56: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23334, 09:03:50: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 19 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 09:22:56: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 23334, 09:28:45: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x! Day 23334, 09:43:42: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 10! Day 23334, 09:46:37: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 23334, 10:52:03: nigga balls Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 23334, 11:36:58: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23334, 13:06:46: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.1x! Day 23334, 13:37:43: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 14:51:24: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 15 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 65! Day 23334, 16:08:39: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 17:02:29: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 20:24:57: Zedroos Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 201 (Carbonemys)! Day 23334, 20:43:50: Your lil nas x - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by nigga balls - Lvl 17 (Galilisama)! Day 23334, 20:43:50: Your Tribe killed lil nas x - Lvl 52 (Dodo) (Galilisama)! Day 23334, 22:07:35: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 23334, 22:52:27: Your Tutle Head - Lvl 202 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 23334, 22:54:42: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 23334, 23:32:56: nigga balls Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 23335, 05:57:47: nigga balls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23335, 20:55:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 23336, 03:24:23: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23336, 03:29:10: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23336, 11:39:16: BogoSchnitzels was added to the Tribe by Zedroos! Day 23336, 16:35:06: Zedroos claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 24 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23336, 17:00:37: nigga balls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23336, 17:02:00: nigga balls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23336, 17:03:47: nigga balls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23336, 23:53:47: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 16 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 23337, 09:49:00: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 20 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 23337, 12:59:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 72 (Carbonemys)! Day 23337, 16:19:47: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 23351, 09:33:50: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 42 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 23351, 10:19:26: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 42 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 23354, 11:56:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon)! Day 23354, 14:14:57: Zedroos Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 85 (Pteranodon)! Day 23355, 00:38:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23355, 09:41:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23355, 14:06:02: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 28 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 23355, 15:38:04: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 36 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 23355, 17:31:48: nigga balls Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23355, 17:54:34: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 23355, 18:15:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 13 (Stegosaurus)! Day 23355, 18:37:58: nigga balls Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23355, 19:06:40: nigga balls Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 23356, 04:37:41: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 95! Day 23356, 06:39:20: Your Baby Dbaby - Lvl 79 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 80! Day 23356, 06:41:11: BogoSchnitzels Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 14 (Brontosaurus)! Day 23356, 11:06:45: BogoSchnitzels Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23356, 14:02:22: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 42 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 30! Day 23356, 16:26:39: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 42 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 90! Day 23356, 19:46:31: BogoSchnitzels Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 23356, 23:42:23: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:42:23: Your dudu faruk - Lvl 14 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23356, 23:51:53: Your 'Refining Forge (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:52:31: Your Kebab - Lvl 30 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23356, 23:55:53: Your 'Wardrums' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:55:53: Your ENEMY AC130 ABOVE!! - Lvl 60 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23356, 23:57:51: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:57:51: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:57:51: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:57:51: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 23356, 23:59:41: Tribemember nigga balls - Lvl 43 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 23357, 10:13:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon)! Day 23359, 09:53:52: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23359, 09:55:01: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23359, 09:59:20: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23359, 10:01:07: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23359, 10:04:08: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Window (Locked) '! Day 23359, 10:05:27: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23359, 10:06:28: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23359, 10:10:05: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 23359, 10:19:49: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 23359, 10:21:19: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 23359, 10:22:17: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 23359, 10:23:51: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 23359, 10:25:13: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 23359, 12:08:19: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 58 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 130! Day 23359, 13:49:47: Your 9/11 PLANE - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 23359, 13:54:49: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 23359, 13:55:27: Your Flying Turtle Head - Lvl 99 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 23359, 15:10:33: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23360, 00:48:42: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23360, 00:50:05: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23360, 00:51:31: nigga balls demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23360, 06:23:20: bigga balls Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 73 (Dodo)! Day 23360, 07:48:09: Zedroos Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 23360, 10:06:32: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 23360, 12:54:32: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 38 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23360, 13:00:44: Your Flying Turtle Head 2 - Lvl 69 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23360, 15:02:41: Your ENEMY AC130 ABOVE! - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 10! Day 23360, 21:45:10: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 40 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 56 (Galilisama)! Day 23360, 21:45:10: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 40 (Galilisama)! Day 23360, 23:07:22: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 56 was killed by BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23360, 23:07:22: Your Tribe killed bigga balls - Lvl 56 (Galilisama)! Day 23360, 23:27:19: Zedroos Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 80 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 23361, 00:02:42: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 56 was killed by BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 00:02:42: Your Tribe killed bigga balls - Lvl 56 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 01:47:46: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 56 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 01:47:46: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 02:21:12: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 02:21:12: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 02:39:37: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 02:39:37: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 05:03:14: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 57 was killed by BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 05:03:14: Your Tribe killed bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 05:19:17: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 05:19:17: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 05:23:53: Zedroos Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 29 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 23361, 09:47:37: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 09:47:37: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 10:23:22: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed by bigga balls - Lvl 57 (Galilisama)! Day 23361, 10:23:22: Your Tribe killed BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 (Galilisama)! Day 23381, 09:55:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23381, 13:54:41: Zedroos Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23381, 16:03:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 23381, 19:40:25: Your lizzo - Lvl 48 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 23383, 19:21:22: Your dudu faruk 2.0 - Lvl 76 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 23383, 19:37:34: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 23383, 19:53:06: Your Turtle Head - Lvl 48 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 45! Day 23384, 01:47:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 23384, 11:14:01: Zedroos demolished a 'Wood Window (Locked) '! Day 23384, 11:17:13: Zedroos demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 23385, 12:54:55: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 23385, 12:55:25: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 23385, 12:55:28: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23404, 18:25:04: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23406, 13:58:32: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 29 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 10! Day 23407, 02:19:23: Zedroos Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 28 (Triceratops)! Day 23408, 01:54:09: Your James Charles - Lvl 44 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 40! Day 23408, 05:42:02: bigga balls demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 23428, 19:52:55: Zedroos Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 23432, 03:49:00: Your trike - Lvl 28 (Triceratops) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 35! Day 23432, 12:08:50: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 62 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 23432, 16:10:39: Your lizzo ugly sister - Lvl 88 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 23446, 16:21:54: Zedroos Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 23446, 19:02:39: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 23446, 21:20:19: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 75 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 5! Day 23447, 12:19:40: Zedroos claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 64 (Argentavis)'! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23497, 04:37:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 68 (Triceratops)! Day 23497, 15:18:40: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 101 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 23513, 11:34:10: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 77 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 23521, 09:32:40: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 79 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 23521, 09:42:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 11 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 23523, 18:28:27: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 80 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.9x! Day 23603, 22:25:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23615, 01:53:47: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 23621, 07:51:32: Tribemember Zedroos - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 23621, 08:12:24: Tribemember BogoSchnitzels - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23722, 03:16:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23760, 13:39:38: Daddy Noel - Lvl 156 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23822, 16:42:59: I'm a Stegosaurus! - Lvl 40 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 23854, 19:17:46: Kaprosuchus - Lvl 11 (Kaprosuchus) starved to death! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23864, 04:32:36: Your Tek Tek - Lvl 106 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 23914, 00:42:21: Your GAWK GAWK 9000 - Lvl 41 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23950, 17:10:46: Tribemember bigga balls - Lvl 62 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 24104, 23:08:18: Bravoc1 - Lvl 50 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird - Lvl 85 (Argentavis)'! Day 24123, 05:15:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24123, 05:15:37: Your 'Multi Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24140, 06:47:16: BAKER - Lvl 121 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 47 (Argentavis)'! Day 24182, 13:32:51: El Hench - Lvl 86 (Tribe of Danny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby arg - Lvl 64 (Argentavis)'! Day 24254, 06:17:24: Triceratops - Lvl 92 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24406, 08:35:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24413, 23:40:25: BaNaVoBe - Lvl 12 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argie - Lvl 97 (Argentavis)'! Day 24415, 02:38:04: BaNaVoBe - Lvl 25 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plz Dont Die - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24424, 16:13:20: Khan - Lvl 26 (Gajalaka Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24429, 23:42:25: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1272898172,"tribe":"Tribe of boobs logs":["Day 35101, 14:04:40: boobs was added to the Tribe! Day 35101, 14:10:49: Bryan was added to the Tribe by boobs! Day 35101, 16:41:39: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 5 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 35101, 16:44:31: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 5 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 35101, 17:29:51: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 35101, 17:31:29: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x! Day 35101, 18:19:53: Bryan Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 35101, 18:46:09: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Bryan - Lvl 6 (Tribe of boobs)! Day 35101, 18:46:09: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of boobs)! Day 35101, 18:49:58: Bryan Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 11 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35101, 19:53:29: Your Meg - Lvl 11 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 35102, 01:56:35: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 18 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 35102, 03:15:02: Bryan Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 35102, 03:40:37: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 23 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 35102, 04:03:11: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35102, 05:45:38: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 35102, 07:14:43: Your Murderer - Lvl 14 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 35102, 07:36:09: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35102, 08:16:12: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 35102, 08:39:24: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 35102, 08:58:31: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 35102, 11:15:26: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 35102, 11:45:58: boobs Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 28 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35102, 18:02:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35103, 00:29:32: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 35103, 01:06:49: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 30 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 35103, 07:50:46: boobs Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)! Day 35103, 08:22:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 35250, 11:42:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35296, 11:51:07: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 35296, 12:32:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 35296, 12:34:43: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35386, 05:08:18: Your Jeramia - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35410, 06:34:24: Your pablo - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 35427, 18:14:27: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 28 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 35432, 20:14:19: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35432, 20:14:21: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35432, 20:19:46: Tribemember boobs - Lvl 35 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 35432, 20:27:24: Tribemember Bryan - Lvl 34 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1267120529,"tribe":"Tribe of jonny logs":["Day 24776, 02:24:37: jonny was added to the Tribe! Day 24776, 02:27:16: Jayden Robinson was added to the Tribe by jonny! Day 24776, 06:50:48: Tribemember Jayden Robinson - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 24776, 07:42:52: Jayden Robinson Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 24776, 08:31:37: Jayden Robinson Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 64 (Dodo)! Day 24776, 09:24:45: Your Dodo - Lvl 64 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.9x! Day 24776, 10:48:22: Tribemember jonny - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 15! Day 24776, 11:15:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 32 (Parasaur)! Day 24776, 11:22:13: Your Ruby - Lvl 18 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 24776, 11:23:57: Tribemember Jayden Robinson - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 24776, 13:01:13: Your Parasaur - Lvl 32 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 24795, 22:07:27: Tribemember jonny - Lvl 10 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5!"] "tribeid":1265611723,"tribe":"Tribe of Oscar logs":["Day 16908, 13:15:08: Oscar was added to the Tribe! Day 16908, 13:16:37: Harry was added to the Tribe by Oscar! Day 16908, 15:44:30: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 9 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 60! Day 16908, 16:01:25: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 60! Day 16908, 21:49:51: Oscar claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 91 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16909, 03:52:14: Oscar Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 16909, 09:14:59: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 25 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 16909, 10:37:56: Oscar Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 59 (Triceratops)! Day 16922, 14:07:38: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 35 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 35! Day 16922, 16:38:53: Harry Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 47 (Castoroides)! Day 16925, 10:56:04: Oscar Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 16925, 11:07:18: Oscar froze Ptera Daccy - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) Day 16925, 13:22:14: Oscar claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16925, 14:09:11: Oscar froze Baby Mini PT - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) Day 16925, 15:45:56: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 16935, 23:40:01: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 16935, 23:40:35: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16937, 06:25:44: Oscar Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus)! Day 16937, 06:30:41: Oscar froze Dough Dick - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus) Day 16937, 07:47:35: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 47 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 16937, 07:58:55: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 50 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 65! Day 16937, 12:43:26: Oscar claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16937, 12:45:58: Oscar froze Baby Pterry - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 16938, 00:51:51: Oscar froze Adolescent Pterry - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 16938, 00:56:00: Oscar froze Adolescent Pterry - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 16939, 03:53:22: Oscar Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 16939, 07:36:24: Oscar Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 16939, 08:02:54: Oscar froze Archie - Lvl 153 (Argentavis) Day 16939, 08:09:36: Oscar froze Pterry - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) Day 16941, 21:59:16: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 16942, 13:08:58: Oscar Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 112 (Therizinosaur)! Day 16942, 13:15:28: Oscar froze Scratcher - Lvl 112 (Therizinosaur) Day 16942, 23:27:58: Oscar claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16943, 07:28:27: Oscar froze Juvenile Anky - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16943, 08:40:26: Oscar froze Juvenile Anky - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16949, 06:06:40: Oscar claimed 'Otter - Lvl 210 (Otter)'! Day 16949, 08:18:32: Oscar claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16949, 12:08:09: Oscar claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16949, 12:08:45: Oscar claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16949, 12:09:13: Oscar claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16949, 12:10:52: Oscar froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 16949, 12:12:43: Oscar froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 16949, 12:14:17: Oscar froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 16949, 15:49:48: Oscar froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 16949, 21:03:30: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 16950, 02:52:49: Oscar froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 16950, 20:56:55: Oscar froze Sargentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 16952, 16:58:49: Oscar froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16952, 17:08:09: Oscar froze Pterry - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 16952, 17:45:04: Oscar froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 15:52:05: Oscar claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 152 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16953, 15:55:03: Oscar froze Baby mini boi - Lvl 152 (Snow Owl) Day 16954, 08:52:16: Oscar froze Adolescent Flappa - Lvl 152 (Snow Owl) Day 16956, 15:27:38: Your Otter - Lvl 212 (Otter) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16960, 11:12:24: sandwich was added to the Tribe by Oscar! Day 16960, 15:54:02: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 122 was killed by Oscar - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Oscar)! Day 16960, 15:54:02: Your Tribe killed sandwich - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Oscar)! Day 16960, 16:41:27: Oscar Tamed a Spino - Lvl 52 (Spino)! Day 16960, 16:56:56: Oscar froze Spiny - Lvl 53 (Spino) Day 16960, 17:45:16: Oscar Tamed a Spino - Lvl 6 (Spino)! Day 16960, 17:51:28: Oscar froze Spinasauraus - Lvl 6 (Spino) Day 16961, 03:27:19: Oscar claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 43 (Spino)'! Day 16961, 03:38:48: Oscar demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 16961, 03:39:56: Oscar demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 16961, 03:45:16: sandwich froze Baby Tiny Spiney - Lvl 43 (Spino) Day 16961, 18:10:41: Oscar froze Adolescent Tiny Spiney - Lvl 43 (Spino) Day 16961, 20:39:18: Oscar froze Adolescent Tiny Spiney - Lvl 43 (Spino) Day 16961, 23:59:57: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 16962, 03:17:27: Oscar froze Sargentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 16962, 10:11:32: Tribemember sandwich - Lvl 122 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 16962, 10:15:40: Tribemember Oscar - Lvl 76 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 16962, 11:50:23: sandwich froze Sargentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 16964, 17:07:33: Oscar claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 192 (Argentavis)'! Day 16964, 20:18:09: Oscar froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 192 (Argentavis) Day 16965, 06:31:10: sandwich froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 192 (Argentavis) Day 16965, 08:03:01: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 191 (Maewing) Day 16965, 08:18:50: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 191 (Maewing) Day 16965, 08:20:08: Oscar froze Flappa - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl) Day 16966, 17:25:21: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 16966, 18:59:23: sandwich demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16966, 18:59:51: sandwich demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16966, 19:00:13: sandwich demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 16966, 19:00:37: sandwich demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 16966, 19:02:16: sandwich demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16978, 19:19:20: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16978, 22:50:47: Oscar froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 192 (Argentavis) Day 16979, 13:58:18: Oscar claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 152 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16979, 16:36:38: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 16979, 21:27:04: Oscar froze Juvenile Fluffer - Lvl 152 (Snow Owl) Day 16980, 10:14:22: sandwich demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16980, 10:17:38: sandwich demolished a 'Refining Forge (Unlocked) '! Day 16980, 10:50:19: sandwich demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 16980, 11:18:45: sandwich demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 16980, 11:26:56: sandwich demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 16980, 11:41:15: sandwich demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16980, 11:42:18: sandwich demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16980, 11:55:54: sandwich demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16980, 12:27:40: sandwich demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 16980, 12:28:17: sandwich demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16992, 16:16:29: Your Mini PT - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 16993, 08:36:14: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 16993, 10:29:01: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 16994, 05:44:21: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16994, 07:39:33: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16994, 08:21:36: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16994, 10:17:14: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 16994, 13:10:11: Oscar froze Tyrant - Lvl 197 (Rex) Day 16994, 13:13:28: Oscar froze Spiny - Lvl 74 (Spino) Day 16994, 13:17:54: Oscar froze Spinasauraus - Lvl 28 (Spino) Day 16994, 13:23:08: Oscar froze Tiny Spiney - Lvl 64 (Spino) Day 16994, 13:29:36: Oscar froze Sargentavis - Lvl 281 (Argentavis) Day 16994, 13:33:46: Oscar froze Manny - Lvl 170 (Managarmr) Day 16994, 13:40:12: Oscar froze Crystal Meth - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16994, 14:11:54: Oscar froze Fluffer - Lvl 172 (Snow Owl) Day 16994, 14:58:40: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 242 (Maewing) Day 16995, 11:01:49: sandwich froze Damn - Lvl 92 (Castoroides) Day 16995, 11:04:30: sandwich froze Anky - Lvl 172 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16995, 11:08:27: sandwich froze Mike The Trike - Lvl 110 (Triceratops) Day 16995, 11:11:29: sandwich froze Black Pearl/Blue Gem - Lvl 153 (Gacha) Day 16995, 11:13:50: sandwich froze Obsidian/Crystal - Lvl 204 (Gacha) Day 16995, 11:20:17: sandwich froze Fanta - Lvl 184 (Snow Owl) Day 16995, 11:23:12: sandwich froze Snowy - Lvl 168 (Snow Owl) Day 16995, 11:26:03: sandwich froze Flappa - Lvl 196 (Snow Owl) Day 16995, 11:29:26: sandwich froze fat flying slug - Lvl 236 (R-Gasbags) Day 16995, 11:44:14: sandwich froze Dough Dick - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) Day 16995, 12:01:16: sandwich froze Perry - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 16996, 04:19:40: Your Pterry - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16996, 15:44:55: Your Beta - Lvl 184 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 16996, 19:31:49: Your Alpha - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 17058, 01:07:37: Maewing - Lvl 88 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 17083, 10:49:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17118, 09:27:25: flying shrek - Lvl 97 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 17156, 10:08:22: Tribemember Harry - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 17167, 03:32:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17234, 22:58:17: Your Terry - Lvl 137 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 17234, 23:37:24: Your Ptera Daccy - Lvl 58 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 17337, 04:25:18: Radar - Lvl 111 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scratcher - Lvl 153 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17337, 04:51:38: Radar - Lvl 111 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 199 (Argentavis)'! Day 17337, 05:16:25: Radar - Lvl 111 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 17337, 05:20:00: Radar - Lvl 111 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delta - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17337, 13:10:40: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phillip - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17682, 14:36:54: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22885, 13:30:21: Harry was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1264084845,"tribe":"Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022 logs":["Day 23213, 15:04:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 was added to the Tribe! Day 23213, 19:07:46: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 23213, 22:19:40: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 60! Day 23214, 06:06:47: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 66 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 5! Day 24609, 18:46:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24609, 19:06:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24609, 19:25:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24609, 19:46:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24609, 19:58:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24609, 21:08:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24609, 22:57:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 24609, 23:10:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 272 (Fjordhawk) Day 24610, 00:04:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1263592819,"tribe":"Lost Souls logs":["Day 26881, 13:51:08: Merlin was added to the Tribe! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27605, 21:07:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27955, 09:37:44: Tribemember Merlin - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 39840, 04:07:16: Merlin claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39840, 06:03:45: Merlin claimed 'BASE 11 - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake)'! Day 39840, 10:04:16: Merlin claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39840, 17:11:41: Merlin claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39840, 17:15:39: Merlin claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40423, 01:34:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40435, 19:28:43: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40435, 19:33:28: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40435, 19:38:47: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40458, 06:59:42: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 88 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 115 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 40458, 11:14:39: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 88 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake)'! Day 40707, 16:24:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40707, 16:24:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41736, 14:53:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 45133, 17:48:06: Tribemember Merlin - Lvl 54 was killed!"] "tribeid":1263320237,"tribe":"Companions of Ark logs":["Day 23902, 17:41:44: Muzzy froze (COA) SEA FIGHTER 4 - Lvl 320 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23902, 17:46:44: Muzzy froze (COA) SEA FIGHTER 2 - Lvl 289 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23902, 17:54:06: Muzzy froze (COA) SEA FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 320 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23902, 17:58:21: Muzzy froze (COA) SEA FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 289 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23902, 18:08:07: Muzzy froze (COA) SEA FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 284 (Tusoteuthis) Day 23902, 18:29:53: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23949, 02:37:38: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23949, 13:14:29: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23949, 18:33:00: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23950, 03:13:22: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23950, 09:24:12: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23950, 13:03:36: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23950, 17:21:16: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23950, 17:32:42: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 23950, 21:43:10: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23964, 02:45:07: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23964, 07:10:37: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23964, 17:10:53: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23964, 17:34:25: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23964, 19:10:49: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23964, 20:08:41: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23964, 22:24:04: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23965, 04:07:55: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23965, 08:11:41: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23965, 12:36:37: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23965, 22:07:05: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 23965, 23:26:39: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23965, 23:50:33: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23966, 01:00:45: Muzzy froze Breeding Female - Lvl 384 (Ravager) Day 23966, 05:08:13: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 23966, 06:15:41: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23974, 13:28:00: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 23974, 14:17:59: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23974, 17:47:14: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 23975, 01:54:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23975, 03:43:39: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 23975, 04:52:19: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23975, 07:00:42: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23976, 04:51:28: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23988, 04:22:02: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23988, 07:02:30: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23990, 14:34:35: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23991, 06:13:04: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23991, 06:59:32: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23991, 07:35:29: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23991, 08:22:50: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23991, 10:45:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23991, 14:43:56: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23991, 17:08:48: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23991, 17:52:16: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23991, 18:07:40: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23996, 05:32:47: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23996, 07:47:11: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23996, 10:35:11: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23996, 10:40:25: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 9 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 23996, 10:44:48: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23996, 10:48:18: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 20 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 23996, 20:20:53: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23996, 20:35:22: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23996, 22:58:51: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 8 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 23997, 00:09:06: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23997, 04:37:13: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23997, 05:02:46: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23997, 07:32:22: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23997, 18:36:58: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24002, 02:48:35: CaS froze (COA) 6930HP 337.5MD - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 24002, 08:13:11: CaS froze (COA) 6930HP 337.5MD - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 24126, 15:14:22: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24126, 15:37:52: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24126, 17:12:30: Muzzy froze [COA] HP200 - 328DMG - Lvl 353 (Otter) Day 24126, 18:05:45: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 396 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24160, 08:52:30: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 349 (Daeodon) Day 24160, 08:59:04: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 9 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 24405, 18:59:33: CaS froze CAS - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 24405, 19:15:52: CaS froze (COA) 6930HP 337.5MD - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 24492, 15:14:47: CaS froze Beautiful Girl - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24492, 16:31:54: CaS froze (COA) Arena Fighter 20 - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 24630, 11:10:35: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 333 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24658, 20:46:05: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24659, 08:55:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24659, 15:29:02: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24659, 18:53:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24660, 05:41:23: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24660, 12:51:35: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24660, 20:52:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24678, 23:23:12: CaS froze CAS - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 24679, 02:26:34: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24679, 13:05:52: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24680, 04:17:27: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 375 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24705, 00:06:48: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 305 (Astrodelphis) Day 24705, 12:34:31: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 3 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 24705, 18:34:33: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 20 - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane) Day 24705, 18:37:15: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 305 (Astrodelphis) Day 24705, 18:41:17: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24706, 23:59:41: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 305 (Astrodelphis) Day 24729, 11:00:10: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24729, 16:17:47: Muzzy froze (COA) Arena Fighter 15 - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 24729, 16:41:56: CaS froze (COA) 6930HP 319.9MD - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 24729, 18:29:16: Muzzy froze Spot - Lvl 390 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24729, 19:45:49: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 340 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24794, 00:57:24: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24794, 02:45:02: CaS froze Pinky Toes - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 24794, 05:43:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24794, 14:54:40: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24794, 21:26:20: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 385 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24795, 11:07:32: CaS froze Pinky Toes - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 24796, 09:39:50: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 306 (Astrodelphis) Day 24796, 09:47:31: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24796, 09:49:08: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 385 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24797, 03:52:55: Muzzy froze Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus) Day 24797, 04:44:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24797, 10:06:33: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 414 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24797, 10:24:55: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 306 (Astrodelphis) Day 24797, 16:19:15: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Stonghold Tribe. Day 24797, 16:20:56: CaS added 'Stonghold' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 16:25:21: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 24797, 16:32:21: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 24797, 16:39:24: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 24797, 16:42:13: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 24797, 16:42:55: CaS added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 16:52:54: Muzzy froze (COA) Buffer - Lvl 326 (Yutyrannus) Day 24797, 18:51:35: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 24797, 18:52:54: CaS added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 19:31:37: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 24797, 19:33:12: CaS added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 00:32:22: CaS - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Brewskii Tribe. Day 24798, 00:34:48: CaS added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 07:59:33: CaS froze Gold Feet - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 08:21:31: CaS froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 8 - Lvl 497 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 09:41:25: CaS froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 17 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 12:46:03: CaS froze [COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 349 (Daeodon) Day 24798, 14:15:38: CaS froze (COA) Cas REX 2 - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 16:27:41: CaS froze Keeper - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24814, 00:03:12: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24814, 16:46:15: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24815, 06:07:21: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24815, 06:13:33: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24816, 08:35:20: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24816, 09:13:11: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24819, 11:51:33: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24819, 21:29:12: Muzzy froze (COA) 6930HP 319.9MD - Lvl 374 (Shadowmane) Day 24820, 04:51:36: Muzzy froze (COA) Cas REX 2 - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 04:57:41: Muzzy froze Gold Feet - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 05:01:57: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 12 - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 05:08:48: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 2 - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 05:16:57: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 15:50:02: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 15:53:13: Muzzy froze Gold Feet - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 15:57:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Cas REX 2 - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 16:00:15: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 16:05:03: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:17:50: Muzzy froze [COA] Breeding Female - Lvl 349 (Daeodon) Day 24820, 18:21:34: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:24:28: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:28:58: Muzzy froze (COA) Cas REX 2 - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:32:07: Muzzy froze Gold Feet - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:42:40: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:46:09: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 12 - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 18:51:14: Muzzy froze Muzzy's Fenrir - Lvl 319 (Fenrir) Day 24820, 21:15:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's Bloodfire - Lvl 415 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24820, 21:36:04: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 375 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24821, 10:12:07: Muzzy froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24821, 20:41:25: Muzzy froze Gold Feet - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 20:44:54: CaS froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 21:09:58: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 21:14:05: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 477 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 21:21:01: Muzzy froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 12 - Lvl 485 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 23:21:41: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 306 (Astrodelphis) Day 24822, 03:57:16: CaS froze Otto - Lvl 331 (Otter) Day 24822, 04:55:54: CaS froze Otter - Lvl 322 (Otter) Day 24822, 06:29:44: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 375 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24822, 06:55:19: CaS froze (COA) 6930HP 319.9MD - Lvl 374 (Shadowmane) Day 25412, 05:49:02: CaS claimed 'Bad F - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)'! Day 25412, 05:51:29: CaS claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium)'! Day 25412, 05:53:41: CaS claimed 'F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium)'! Day 25412, 06:10:26: CaS claimed 'Barry - Lvl 179 (Castoroides)'! Day 25412, 06:12:50: CaS claimed '[D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:15:44: CaS claimed 'THIS PIECE OF SH** - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25412, 06:17:40: CaS claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:19:50: CaS claimed 'cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:26:18: CaS claimed 'Danny long nose - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 06:28:23: CaS claimed 'Baby arg - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)'! Day 25412, 08:10:15: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25412, 12:34:53: CaS froze [D] Fat for a PT - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 25412, 12:40:46: CaS froze THIS PIECE OF SH** - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25412, 12:48:32: CaS froze Barry - Lvl 179 (Castoroides) Day 25412, 12:53:28: CaS claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia)'! Day 25412, 12:57:05: CaS froze Phiomia - Lvl 68 (Phiomia) Day 25412, 13:10:37: CaS froze Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) Day 25412, 13:16:06: CaS froze cemento - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon) Day 25412, 13:18:24: CaS claimed '49W M - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25412, 13:22:33: CaS froze 49W M - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 25412, 13:29:45: CaS froze Danny long nose - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) Day 25412, 13:40:36: CaS froze Baby arg - Lvl 110 (Argentavis) Day 25412, 15:03:59: CaS froze F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium) Day 25412, 15:08:37: CaS froze Megatherium - Lvl 89 (Megatherium) Day 25412, 15:12:27: CaS froze Bad F - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) Day 25412, 18:46:54: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 377 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25744, 08:14:02: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25790, 03:38:36: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 378 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26263, 15:56:28: CaS froze Sunset - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26360, 06:10:40: Muzzy froze (COA) Muzzy's - Lvl 349 (Desmodus) Day 26641, 16:04:21: sir elias quinn added 'Companions of Ark' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 26641, 16:19:36: sir elias quinn added 'Frequencerz' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 26642, 03:08:29: CaS froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 2 - Lvl 502 (Tek Rex) Day 26642, 04:07:40: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26642, 05:17:54: CaS - Lvl 158 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Meerkats Tribe. Day 26642, 05:24:59: CaS - Lvl 158 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Meerkats Tribe. Day 26642, 05:26:57: CaS added 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 26642, 07:33:12: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26642, 07:51:06: sir elias quinn added 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 26642, 11:04:30: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26733, 15:14:12: Muzzy froze (COA) Buffer - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 26733, 15:18:11: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 18 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:21:30: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 4 - Lvl 278 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:24:55: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 5 - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:28:14: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 12 - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:31:45: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 17 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:35:34: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 8 - Lvl 243 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:43:58: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 9 - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:46:58: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 13 - Lvl 251 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:50:17: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 14 - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:53:10: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 2 - Lvl 292 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 15:58:26: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 18 - Lvl 238 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:01:54: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 6 - Lvl 289 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:05:56: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 1 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:17:27: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 11 - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:20:35: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 16 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:23:25: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 3 - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:26:09: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 15 - Lvl 248 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:29:00: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 10 - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 26733, 16:32:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Boss Arena 7 - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 26736, 01:37:00: Muzzy froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 407 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26736, 07:18:20: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 368 (Astrodelphis) Day 26776, 07:38:29: Muzzy froze [COA] Otter 4 - Lvl 385 (Otter) Day 26895, 16:39:59: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26895, 20:13:33: CaS froze Wild Fire - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 26895, 20:19:16: CaS froze Strawberry Fields - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 26896, 04:29:22: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26897, 09:38:38: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 366 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26897, 12:45:15: CaS froze Wild Fire - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 26897, 12:53:40: CaS froze Strawberry Fields - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 26897, 16:46:16: CaS froze [COA] KILLER 15 - Lvl 311 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26897, 16:58:57: CaS froze [COA] KILLER 17 - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26897, 17:09:12: CaS froze [COA] KILLER 10 - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26898, 15:48:39: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 368 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26898, 15:55:28: CaS froze [COA] KILLER 15 - Lvl 311 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26899, 18:31:14: CaS froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE - Lvl 370 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27276, 01:06:41: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 397 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27298, 22:30:04: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 397 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27774, 01:08:12: CaS froze Wanted - Lvl 376 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28177, 13:30:12: CaS froze CaS CoA - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 28177, 15:59:11: CaS froze Sky Dancer - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28177, 19:55:31: CaS froze Cas2 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 28177, 20:33:46: CaS froze CaS CoA - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 28453, 12:07:09: Muzzy froze {COA} KING - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 28453, 12:11:30: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 378 (Astrodelphis) Day 28453, 12:15:45: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 353 (Otter) Day 28541, 19:06:56: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28541, 19:06:56: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28541, 19:06:56: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28907, 10:43:46: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29872, 07:25:12: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30391, 18:52:06: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30722, 18:58:00: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 398 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31891, 18:15:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32452, 17:41:25: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 399 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32779, 05:52:37: Muzzy claimed 'gacha - Lvl 285 (Gacha)'! Day 32779, 06:02:48: Muzzy unclaimed 'gacha - Lvl 285 (Gacha)'! Day 32779, 08:03:23: Muzzy froze (COA) SKY FIGHTER - Lvl 390 (Astrodelphis) Day 32779, 08:13:03: Muzzy froze (COA) Breeding Female 2 - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35084, 21:17:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35084, 21:17:47: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35084, 21:17:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35084, 21:17:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42699, 06:19:20: Muzzy was removed from the Tribe by CaS! Day 42699, 07:21:33: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1263121440,"tribe":"Loner logs":["Day 18953, 11:30:37: Turkey-Man was added to the Tribe! Day 18953, 20:51:27: Turkey-Man froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 18975, 23:12:17: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 90 was killed! Day 18976, 10:41:12: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 90 was killed! Day 18976, 21:27:22: Your Starter Bird - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 18992, 17:26:19: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 18999, 05:14:33: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 19022, 17:41:59: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 19023, 00:44:14: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 100 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 19023, 06:58:44: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 19023, 08:10:21: Turkey-Man Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis)! Day 19024, 06:19:51: Your Megalodon - Lvl 121 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 19024, 06:30:28: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 19024, 06:54:44: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 100 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 19024, 12:30:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 26 (Megalodon)! Day 19024, 12:58:16: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 19024, 15:31:09: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 100 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 80! Day 19024, 17:26:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 19024, 19:19:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 187 (Megalodon)! Day 19024, 22:32:49: Turkey-Man Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 14 (Basilosaurus)! Day 19025, 11:34:17: Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19039, 15:13:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex)! Day 19045, 16:51:12: Your Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex) was killed! Day 19045, 21:57:55: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 19047, 00:44:08: Turkey-Man Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 82 (Castoroides)! Day 19047, 00:50:09: Turkey-Man froze Castoroides - Lvl 82 (Castoroides) Day 19048, 18:34:20: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 19049, 02:29:55: Your Megalodon - Lvl 30 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 190! Day 19049, 02:39:28: Your Basilosaurus - Lvl 32 (Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 200! Day 19049, 02:47:49: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 107 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 290! Day 19057, 21:40:51: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 19058, 08:31:30: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 19058, 14:00:19: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 109 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 45! Day 19061, 10:44:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 44 (Dire Bear)! Day 19062, 01:09:57: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 44 (Dire Bear) was killed! Day 19062, 05:08:02: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 19062, 09:40:15: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 19062, 11:30:38: Turkey-Man Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19064, 08:11:06: Turkey-Man Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 19064, 10:48:27: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 19064, 12:47:34: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 19064, 14:48:13: Turkey-Man Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19064, 17:04:17: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 19064, 18:00:05: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 19064, 19:36:54: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 19065, 10:01:10: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 19065, 10:51:17: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 19065, 12:31:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 193 (Megalodon)! Day 19065, 13:15:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 82 (Megalodon)! Day 19065, 15:06:13: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 20! Day 19065, 16:21:12: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 45! Day 19065, 16:48:32: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 113 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 45! Day 19065, 17:24:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 62 (Megalodon)! Day 19065, 19:43:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 19065, 23:26:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 112 (Megalodon)! Day 19066, 06:04:12: Turkey-Man Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)! Day 19066, 06:27:35: Turkey-Man Tamed an Electrophorus - Lvl 29 (Electrophorus)! Day 19070, 15:50:35: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 117 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 105! Day 19070, 20:56:45: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 117 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 19070, 21:40:38: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 117 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 19070, 22:05:04: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 117 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 19071, 08:52:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 191 (Spino)! Day 19071, 09:23:30: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 191 (Spino) Day 19071, 18:15:10: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 19092, 18:15:18: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 125! Day 19094, 14:51:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 119 (Rex)! Day 19094, 21:37:18: Turkey-Man froze Rex - Lvl 123 (Rex) Day 19094, 21:50:41: Turkey-Man Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 127 (Castoroides)! Day 19095, 02:52:38: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19095, 05:58:15: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 19105, 09:33:32: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino) Day 19105, 16:30:11: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino) Day 19106, 04:15:34: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19127, 19:01:22: Turkey-Man froze Megalodon - Lvl 85 (Megalodon) Day 19127, 20:32:43: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 19128, 14:08:17: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 214 (Spino) Day 19164, 22:40:22: Your Electrophorus - Lvl 53 (Electrophorus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 19212, 16:50:21: Turkey-Man Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 59 (Basilosaurus)! Day 19213, 09:21:08: Turkey-Man froze Spino - Lvl 227 (Spino) Day 19213, 09:55:34: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 190! Day 19213, 11:47:20: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 19245, 08:41:27: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19254, 17:11:02: Turkey-Man demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 19254, 17:12:07: Turkey-Man demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 19254, 17:12:58: Turkey-Man demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 19371, 22:41:45: STFU - Lvl 97 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19385, 12:16:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19385, 12:16:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19385, 12:16:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19385, 12:16:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19574, 03:14:16: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19574, 03:14:16: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19860, 08:04:13: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 262 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 08:22:17: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 233 (Spino)'! Day 19860, 08:41:06: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 09:05:55: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 147 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 09:14:00: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 48 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 09:20:58: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Braces - Lvl 118 (Castoroides)'! Day 19860, 09:26:48: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 155 (Castoroides)'! Day 19860, 09:38:58: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 220 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 10:18:47: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 95 (Megalodon)'! Day 19860, 10:42:58: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 19860, 10:48:26: Lilith - Lvl 130 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Right Wing Bird - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 19871, 16:46:44: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rescue Argy - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 19871, 16:47:10: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 19871, 16:48:54: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19871, 16:51:03: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anger Management - Lvl 107 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19871, 16:52:13: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex)'! Day 19871, 16:53:00: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock and Stone - Lvl 207 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19871, 16:53:56: Zealous - Lvl 94 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creepy Uncle - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19876, 09:29:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19910, 14:17:47: Zappie - Lvl 97 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 107 (Argentavis)'! Day 19937, 16:27:40: Your Megalodon - Lvl 46 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 45! Day 20135, 14:53:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20159, 05:25:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20191, 02:59:44: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 79 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 20227, 19:22:35: Tribemember Turkey-Man - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20440, 21:01:34: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21914, 06:05:05: Megalodon - Lvl 144 (Megalodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1262676903,"tribe":"Peoples Front of Judea logs":["Day 19533, 13:02:12: Jesus was added to the Tribe! Day 19533, 14:02:31: Tribemember Jesus - Lvl 16 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 25! Day 19535, 03:44:57: Tribemember Jesus - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20700, 12:28:34: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1262564302,"tribe":"Tribe of ShanChan logs":["Day 44485, 03:47:25: ShanChan was added to the Tribe! Day 44485, 04:22:25: Ethereal was added to the Tribe by ShanChan! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45024, 08:49:44: Tribemember Ethereal - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 45067, 13:40:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45067, 13:40:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1261320585,"tribe":"Tribe of The Hidden lake logs":["Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16821, 11:34:13: Tsang's 'Sacrifice - Lvl 290 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16855, 03:49:28: Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 16910, 06:28:37: Tribemember human covid - Lvl 69 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 16910, 09:01:04: Tribemember Tsang - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Reinforced Giant Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17135, 10:02:44: Your POOP MACHINE - Lvl 151 (Phiomia) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 40! Day 18715, 05:57:46: Tribemember Dinklebot - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 18716, 20:27:35: Dinklebot was removed from the Tribe! Day 18716, 20:27:35: Tribe Owner was changed to Tsang! Day 24797, 15:50:58: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 26778, 11:38:27: Tribe Owner was changed to Malin!"] "tribeid":1260645825,"tribe":"Dominion logs":["Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23770, 07:10:19: Tribemember Mart - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23770, 07:46:30: swalsp - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Element Dust 194 - Lvl 238 (Gacha)'! Day 23841, 03:22:35: Brock - Lvl 131 (Motley Crew) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23854, 18:54:50: Peggy - Lvl 279 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 23944, 01:40:24: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24066, 00:04:41: swalsp - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 42 (Oviraptor)'! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24117, 13:05:08: Benjani - Lvl 113 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 96 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Tek Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24726, 17:43:37: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 91 (Carbonemys)'! Day 24726, 17:51:18: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 57 (Carbonemys)'! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28589, 02:25:27: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28683, 14:21:44: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1260602970,"tribe":"Katt logs":["Day 25914, 19:53:01: Katt was added to the Tribe! Day 25914, 20:42:36: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 20:43:29: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 20:51:11: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 20:52:03: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 21:17:56: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 21:18:53: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 21:59:23: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:00:18: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:01:09: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:01:59: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:02:48: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:03:41: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:04:33: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:05:28: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:06:21: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:14:05: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:15:00: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:15:57: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:36:54: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:38:04: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:38:55: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:39:47: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:40:34: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:41:22: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:50:27: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25914, 22:51:15: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 01:25:03: Tribemember Katt - Lvl 19 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 135! Day 25915, 09:50:53: Katt demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 25915, 11:15:13: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:15:46: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:16:38: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:17:20: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:18:23: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:23:40: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:27:17: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:28:04: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 11:34:09: Katt demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 25915, 13:32:09: Katt demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 25915, 15:17:02: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25915, 21:39:16: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25916, 02:34:06: Katt demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 25916, 02:41:10: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25916, 02:44:51: Katt demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 25916, 02:45:57: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25916, 02:51:56: Katt demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 25916, 02:53:14: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25916, 02:56:44: Katt demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 25916, 03:01:10: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25916, 03:20:03: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 03:21:03: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 03:22:29: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 03:24:53: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 03:27:03: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 07:57:29: Tribemember Katt - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 25916, 09:32:02: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:32:51: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:33:32: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:34:13: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:35:19: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:35:33: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:36:53: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 09:37:36: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 12:34:44: Tribemember Katt - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 25916, 13:03:06: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 25916, 14:47:23: Katt demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 26510, 15:52:10: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26510, 15:52:10: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26510, 15:52:10: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26510, 15:52:10: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26542, 20:53:46: Tribemember Katt - Lvl 48 was killed!"] "tribeid":1254921650,"tribe":"Tribu de juanj logs":["Day 22644, 18:52:23: juanj was added to the Tribe! Day 22644, 19:21:22: Your Parasaur - Lvl 63 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 22644, 19:23:10: Tribemember juanj - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 22645, 03:48:52: juanj Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22645, 17:21:42: juanj Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 22646, 01:11:16: Tribemember juanj - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 22800, 20:39:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22942, 12:20:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23660, 12:33:31: Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23715, 12:39:27: Dilophosaur - Lvl 84 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1254346707,"tribe":"Tribe of Blet logs":["Day 42431, 22:38:21: Blet was added to the Tribe! Day 42431, 22:41:50: Axellin was added to the Tribe by Blet! Day 42432, 02:17:37: Tribemember Blet - Lvl 34 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 42432, 05:14:30: Tribemember Blet - Lvl 34 was killed by Axellin - Lvl 17 (Tribe of Blet)! Day 42432, 05:14:30: Your Tribe killed Blet - Lvl 34 (Tribe of Blet)! Day 43304, 16:00:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43304, 16:00:13: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43304, 16:00:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43455, 09:52:23: Tribemember Axellin - Lvl 17 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10! Day 43455, 09:53:35: Tribemember Blet - Lvl 34 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1253108947,"tribe":"NasevaNimi logs":["Day 28384, 03:07:20: Mustachio was added to the Tribe! Day 28384, 03:08:02: FarmariRauno was added to the Tribe by Mustachio! Day 28384, 03:32:52: Tribemember FarmariRauno - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30! Day 28385, 00:56:30: Mustachio demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 28385, 14:33:48: Mustachio Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28385, 16:15:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 28386, 03:07:01: Mustachio Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 28386, 07:36:37: FarmariRauno Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 28386, 15:05:22: FarmariRauno Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 28387, 03:45:02: FarmariRauno Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 156 (Pteranodon)! Day 28387, 21:38:46: FarmariRauno Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 106 (Pteranodon)! Day 28388, 00:12:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)! Day 28388, 03:09:43: Mustachio demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28388, 06:18:06: Mustachio claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28389, 10:47:52: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28389, 13:46:04: FarmariRauno unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28389, 13:52:03: FarmariRauno claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28390, 01:03:03: Tribemember FarmariRauno - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 28401, 05:39:22: FarmariRauno claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28990, 20:01:33: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29001, 09:53:42: Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29093, 08:07:30: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 84 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 29117, 00:58:31: Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 29266, 16:13:30: Ryan - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kana2 - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29266, 16:26:38: Ryan - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kolmipyara - Lvl 158 (Triceratops)'! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29410, 02:12:24: Kana1 - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29431, 11:38:23: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Siitoskana - Lvl 106 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29431, 11:38:50: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29431, 11:39:34: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'siitoskana2 - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29431, 11:53:23: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29520, 13:56:00: Tribemember FarmariRauno - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 30770, 20:26:29: Tribemember Mustachio - Lvl 72 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1252667116,"tribe":"Tribe of Zeus logs":["Day 17090, 21:45:44: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) Day 17090, 21:50:05: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 17090, 21:55:57: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17090, 22:00:09: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 17090, 22:04:51: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17090, 22:06:51: Laco claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon)'! Day 17090, 22:12:02: Laco froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon) Day 17090, 22:13:14: Laco claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 236 (Megalodon)'! Day 17090, 22:19:59: Laco froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 236 (Megalodon) Day 17090, 22:24:11: Laco froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 236 (Megalodon) Day 17090, 22:25:16: Laco claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 17090, 22:30:36: Laco froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17090, 22:33:15: Laco claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 17090, 22:39:07: Laco froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17090, 23:30:14: Laco froze pocket giga - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17103, 06:06:12: Your base male - Lvl 221 (Ravager) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 17103, 14:23:46: Laco froze Achatina - Lvl 94 (Achatina) Day 17103, 14:25:32: Laco froze Achatina - Lvl 144 (Achatina) Day 17103, 14:27:30: Laco froze Achatina - Lvl 153 (Achatina) Day 17103, 14:47:50: Laco froze Brenda - Lvl 178 (Dung Beetle) Day 17103, 20:33:41: Your Ravager - Lvl 85 (Ravager) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 17103, 23:31:46: Laco froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17103, 23:37:53: Laco froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 00:23:49: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 04:26:31: Laco froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 05:41:02: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 07:36:15: Laco froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17104, 07:54:44: Laco froze Juvenile Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17104, 08:18:06: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 09:43:17: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 09:45:25: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 10:11:41: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 10:13:57: Laco froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 11:59:18: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 13:54:40: Laco froze Adolescent breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 14:56:16: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 16:09:24: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 16:17:45: Laco froze Adolescent breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 16:19:49: Laco froze Adolescent breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 16:26:54: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 17:10:13: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 17:12:43: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 17:14:30: Laco froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 20:59:16: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 21:10:59: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 21:18:19: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 21:28:40: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 21:36:13: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 21:53:29: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 22:17:41: Laco froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17104, 23:36:51: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 23:40:54: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 23:45:49: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17104, 23:51:10: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 00:14:05: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 05:15:46: Laco froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 05:18:49: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 07:28:34: Laco froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 07:38:30: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 10:23:05: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 10:24:42: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 11:06:51: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 219 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 11:08:43: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 222 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 11:10:17: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 11:13:01: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 11:38:59: Laco froze tank water cave - Lvl 216 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17105, 11:43:53: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 233 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17105, 11:45:53: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 220 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17105, 11:48:52: Laco froze big man - Lvl 210 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17105, 11:50:47: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 11:54:47: Laco froze pocket giga - Lvl 371 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17105, 13:16:36: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:18:19: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:20:02: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:21:37: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 222 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:25:55: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:27:29: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 219 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:29:05: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:30:38: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 231 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 13:32:41: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 227 (Megalodon) Day 17105, 14:34:25: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 14:36:04: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 15:07:55: Laco froze Dark soul_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17105, 15:12:02: Laco froze Deruk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17105, 15:30:36: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 15:35:26: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 16:51:53: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus) Day 17105, 16:53:28: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 17131, 19:15:49: Laco froze big man - Lvl 210 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17131, 19:17:27: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 220 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17131, 19:19:37: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 233 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17131, 19:39:49: Laco froze healer - Lvl 190 (Daeodon) Day 17131, 19:41:24: Laco froze Daeodon - Lvl 231 (Daeodon) Day 17131, 23:09:23: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 269 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 01:10:39: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 313 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 01:26:50: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 254 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 02:51:04: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 272 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 02:57:04: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 287 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 03:03:09: Laco froze big man - Lvl 290 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 05:14:57: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 289 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 06:49:26: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 17132, 08:17:16: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 282 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:36:31: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 265 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:45:42: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 307 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:47:20: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 300 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:48:53: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 288 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:51:27: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 282 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:53:07: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 265 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:55:08: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 275 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:57:11: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 291 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 10:59:12: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 282 (Megalodon) Day 17132, 11:00:49: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 254 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 11:02:22: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 272 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 11:03:52: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 287 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 11:06:36: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 269 (Basilosaurus) Day 17132, 11:08:32: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 313 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 11:10:19: Laco froze big man - Lvl 290 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 11:11:54: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 289 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17132, 11:28:54: Laco froze healer - Lvl 190 (Daeodon) Day 17132, 11:38:21: Laco froze Daeodon - Lvl 231 (Daeodon) Day 17132, 11:40:46: Laco froze pocket giga - Lvl 371 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17132, 12:14:20: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 228 (Otter) Day 17139, 06:32:40: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17139, 06:32:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17144, 16:53:42: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 295 (Megalodon) Day 17144, 16:58:25: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 282 (Megalodon) Day 17144, 17:01:57: Laco froze water cave tank - Lvl 293 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17144, 17:04:31: Laco froze breeder - Lvl 290 (Megalodon) Day 17144, 17:13:56: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 304 (Megalodon) Day 17144, 18:11:41: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 270! Day 17145, 00:07:06: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 17145, 06:56:36: Laco froze Megalodon - Lvl 310 (Megalodon) Day 17145, 06:59:50: Laco froze water cave - Lvl 288 (Megalodon) Day 17145, 07:02:18: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 299 (Basilosaurus) Day 17145, 07:05:00: Laco froze big man - Lvl 293 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17145, 07:09:04: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 288 (Basilosaurus) Day 17145, 07:11:57: Laco froze armorteus - Lvl 318 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17145, 07:54:34: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 276 (Basilosaurus) Day 17145, 08:10:44: Laco froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 266 (Basilosaurus) Day 17145, 08:14:42: Laco froze Beast_Myst - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake) Day 17147, 05:04:44: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 229 (Otter) Day 17147, 05:45:51: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17155, 15:25:37: Laco claimed 'Robo Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17155, 15:28:20: Laco claimed 'Robo Pateish - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17155, 15:30:16: Laco claimed 'Stegen - Lvl 57 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 17155, 15:32:25: Laco claimed 'Terry - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17155, 15:34:54: Laco claimed 'Diplodocus - Lvl 9 (Diplodocus)'! Day 17155, 15:36:00: Laco claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)'! Day 17156, 15:55:29: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17158, 09:00:25: Laco froze Robo Pateish - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 17158, 09:04:33: Laco froze Robo Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 17158, 09:18:31: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17158, 09:21:40: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17158, 09:24:28: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 142 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17158, 09:27:43: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 127 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17158, 09:30:15: Laco froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 82 (Tusoteuthis) Day 17160, 18:58:39: Laco froze claw - Lvl 270 (Mantis) Day 17160, 19:01:04: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 17160, 19:02:41: Laco froze pray - Lvl 291 (Mantis) Day 17160, 19:04:18: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17160, 19:33:01: Laco claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis)'! Day 17160, 19:34:11: Laco claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 201 (Mantis)'! Day 17160, 19:34:54: Laco claimed 'Baby Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis)'! Day 17160, 19:49:31: Your Baby Mantis - Lvl 201 (Mantis) was killed by Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 17160, 19:49:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Mantis - Lvl 201 (Mantis) (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 17160, 19:51:54: Laco froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17160, 19:53:24: Laco froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17160, 20:09:34: Your Baby Mantis - Lvl 211 (Mantis) was killed by Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 17160, 20:09:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Mantis - Lvl 211 (Mantis) (Tribe of Zeus)! Day 17160, 20:42:43: Laco froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17161, 00:59:13: Laco froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17161, 05:29:36: Laco froze Juvenile Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17173, 11:51:03: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17173, 16:52:30: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17173, 16:55:01: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis) Day 17215, 06:00:25: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 317 (Mantis) Day 17215, 06:11:01: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 222 (Mantis) Day 17215, 06:40:41: Laco froze farming oil - Lvl 216 (Dunkleosteus) Day 17215, 07:24:17: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17236, 17:26:45: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17236, 17:26:45: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17236, 17:26:45: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17236, 17:26:45: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17242, 14:10:24: Diplodocus - Lvl 9 (Diplodocus) starved to death! Day 17243, 14:28:14: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17256, 03:37:17: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 235 (Otter) Day 17256, 03:43:49: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17283, 21:04:55: Stegen - Lvl 57 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 17298, 09:53:02: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 323 (Mantis) Day 17298, 11:20:15: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 323 (Mantis) Day 17298, 11:53:05: Laco froze Allosaurus - Lvl 320 (Allosaurus) Day 17298, 14:26:31: Laco froze cave thyla 2 - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 17298, 18:03:01: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 17298, 19:29:55: Laco froze [COA] Sea Fighter 1 - Lvl 330 (Baryonyx) Day 17298, 20:46:09: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 17298, 21:32:33: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 17298, 21:53:47: Laco froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 17298, 23:09:58: Laco froze Otter - Lvl 235 (Otter) Day 17304, 08:13:47: Terry - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17306, 11:35:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17307, 12:37:05: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 17339, 13:56:55: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17341, 20:21:53: Laco froze Dumbo - Lvl 327 (Mammoth) Day 17341, 22:47:04: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 20 (Oviraptor) was killed! Day 17341, 22:47:04: Oviraptor - Lvl 20 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 17342, 00:06:15: Laco froze Mantis - Lvl 222 (Mantis) Day 17342, 10:34:05: Laco froze Ark Angel - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 10:46:21: Laco claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 10:50:26: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 10:50:44: Laco claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 10:53:48: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 10:55:30: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 10:55:57: Laco claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 10:57:59: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 10:58:26: Laco claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 23 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 11:01:36: Laco froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 23 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 11:02:56: Laco claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 11:06:15: Laco froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 23 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 11:07:38: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 11:09:29: Laco claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 34 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 11:11:51: Laco froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 34 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17342, 11:12:18: Laco claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17342, 11:14:33: Laco froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17353, 18:52:17: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17356, 16:13:03: Laco froze jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus) Day 17357, 03:06:17: Laco froze Sucker - Lvl 140 (Bloodstalker) Day 17363, 23:21:36: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 17369, 08:52:12: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 17396, 13:00:11: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 17418, 01:31:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17559, 08:43:02: CHUCKY - Lvl 93 (WILLY OF THE BIG) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kingy_Myst - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17559, 08:51:35: CHUCKY - Lvl 93 (WILLY OF THE BIG) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cuperk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17559, 09:01:19: CHUCKY - Lvl 93 (WILLY OF THE BIG) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spoile_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17579, 06:14:49: LilConqueror - Lvl 122 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Edgy King_Myst - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17608, 01:02:34: NeO - Lvl 121 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Golden shrike_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17618, 18:59:13: Frosty - Lvl 241 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17655, 05:10:50: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17655, 05:10:50: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17655, 05:10:50: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17662, 14:26:07: bigfoot - Lvl 254 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 17687, 22:58:05: Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 17695, 13:41:47: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 17720, 09:43:35: Achatina - Lvl 94 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 17738, 09:38:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17752, 09:32:38: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17786, 13:36:04: Ob Crystal Wood Thatch F - Lvl 256 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17820, 19:15:14: Brenda - Lvl 211 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 17820, 20:45:06: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The rock - Lvl 206 (Rock Elemental)'! Day 17820, 20:59:42: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 17820, 21:17:06: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'weight female - Lvl 299 (Ravager)'! Day 17820, 21:29:16: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vanessa_Myst - Lvl 256 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17820, 21:50:25: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 134 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 17820, 21:58:52: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 127 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 17820, 22:04:59: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 219 (Mantis)'! Day 17820, 22:25:07: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrone - Lvl 245 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17820, 22:36:43: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 365 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17820, 22:44:04: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 364 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17820, 23:01:16: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 115 (Oviraptor)'! Day 17821, 00:19:49: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jumpy - Lvl 186 (Procoptodon)'! Day 17821, 00:22:39: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 134 (Procoptodon)'! Day 17821, 00:56:29: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17821, 01:29:30: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 216 (Ravager)'! Day 17821, 02:30:17: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp attack - Lvl 201 (Ravager)'! Day 17821, 02:36:37: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 295 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 17821, 10:42:40: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Danny G/ Family 2 - Lvl 196 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17821, 10:45:12: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bob - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17821, 10:59:55: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 212 (Ravager)'! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Zipline Anchor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17822, 08:02:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17830, 06:02:18: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:02:46: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:03:01: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:03:12: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:03:23: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:03:36: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:04:11: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:04:26: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:04:37: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:05:01: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 219 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:05:15: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:05:26: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:05:54: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:06:09: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:06:22: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:06:33: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:06:49: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:07:08: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:07:51: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Screamer_Myst - Lvl 191 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 17830, 06:08:13: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'beat the odds - Lvl 247 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 17830, 06:08:28: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'your mum - Lvl 189 (Rex)'! Day 17830, 06:08:44: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex Offender - Lvl 174 (Rex)'! Day 17830, 06:08:53: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'raptor - Lvl 185 (Raptor)'! Day 17830, 06:09:05: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rexy - Lvl 155 (Rex)'! Day 17830, 06:09:38: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 242 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 17830, 06:10:09: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'speed thyla 2 - Lvl 321 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 17830, 06:11:00: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17830, 06:16:31: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 262 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 17830, 06:23:56: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:24:12: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:24:29: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:24:41: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:24:53: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:25:06: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:25:43: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:25:54: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:26:14: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:26:30: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:26:52: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:27:36: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:27:48: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:28:03: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:28:23: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 06:29:39: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 07:09:08: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dido - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17859, 17:01:26: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17859, 17:03:00: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17859, 17:11:13: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'base female - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17859, 17:24:34: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 156 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 17:29:26: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 147 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 17:40:03: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 132 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 17:54:37: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 186 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 18:01:08: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 170 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 18:08:59: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 128 (Achatina)'! Day 17859, 18:13:46: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 139 (Achatina)'! Day 17878, 06:50:30: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 251 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Cargo 1 - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Jefferson - Lvl 146 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 149 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Anky: stone edition - Lvl 243 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'mrs crab - Lvl 307 (Karkinos)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Mammoth - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Anglerfish - Lvl 74 (Anglerfish)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'farming oil - Lvl 216 (Dunkleosteus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 275 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 202 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Dunkleosteus - Lvl 191 (Dunkleosteus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:41:45: 's 'Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Asterix - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 220 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Attack - Lvl 206 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 320 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'boss fight - Lvl 318 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Kutta - Lvl 120 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 34 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'he's died again save me - Lvl 369 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'cave thyla - Lvl 221 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Kiki - Lvl 82 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 09:51:02: 's 'Pixie_Myst - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17991, 14:25:04: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kev - Lvl 63 (Phiomia)'! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18151, 06:02:36: Otter - Lvl 241 (Otter) starved to death! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18205, 16:19:41: SKiLLz - Lvl 133 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jet fighter - Lvl 235 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 18287, 09:02:41: TinTin - Lvl 64 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 18460, 16:26:50: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20736, 11:06:50: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 24821, 19:31:47: Tribemember Laco - Lvl 122 was killed!"] "tribeid":1250904800,"tribe":"Tribe of K3NDOV logs":["Day 22253, 14:12:31: K3NDOV was added to the Tribe! Day 22253, 14:13:56: BingBong was added to the Tribe by K3NDOV! Day 22253, 15:27:33: Tribemember BingBong - Lvl 2 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 22253, 16:55:14: Tribemember BingBong - Lvl 5 was killed by K3NDOV - Lvl 7 (Tribe of K3NDOV)! Day 22253, 16:55:14: Your Tribe killed BingBong - Lvl 5 (Tribe of K3NDOV)! Day 22253, 21:12:08: Tribemember BingBong - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 22254, 09:04:48: BingBong demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 22254, 18:52:37: Tribemember BingBong - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 22446, 12:51:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22911, 09:39:44: Tribemember BingBong - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 22911, 09:41:03: Tribemember K3NDOV - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1247858973,"tribe":"Tribe of Arms2 logs":["Day 16949, 18:04:29: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 16949, 18:09:32: Meatball froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 137 (Basilosaurus) Day 16949, 18:42:27: Arms froze Oobie - Lvl 297 (Astrodelphis) Day 16949, 19:30:47: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 16949, 19:36:56: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16949, 19:50:57: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 16949, 22:26:30: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16949, 22:30:43: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 16950, 00:29:53: jp froze Red Leader - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 16950, 01:34:03: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 02:47:35: Meatball froze Seabreeze - Lvl 259 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16950, 04:12:55: jp froze Red Leader - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 16950, 04:59:01: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16950, 05:08:17: frokner froze Idir - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16950, 05:37:45: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 06:01:06: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 06:17:08: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 06:18:45: jp froze Griff - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 06:34:58: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16950, 06:36:54: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 336 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16950, 06:57:55: jp froze Griff - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 06:58:08: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 07:03:54: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 07:30:52: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16950, 09:37:14: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 11:11:37: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 16950, 11:11:42: Your Otter - Lvl 198 (Otter) was killed! Day 16950, 12:49:26: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 295! Day 16950, 13:10:40: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 180! Day 16950, 13:35:03: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 14:18:36: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 180! Day 16950, 15:19:59: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 15:20:51: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 15:40:58: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Yeti - Lvl 205! Day 16950, 15:55:47: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 245! Day 16950, 15:56:45: Meatball froze Griff - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 16:22:48: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 16:34:17: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 16:36:47: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 17:09:14: jp froze Griff - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 17:12:53: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 18:07:22: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 185! Day 16950, 18:17:33: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 18:23:44: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 18:24:29: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 18:25:08: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 16950, 18:34:22: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 18:38:47: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 295! Day 16950, 18:45:26: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 225! Day 16950, 18:51:37: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 295! Day 16950, 19:01:26: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 220! Day 16950, 19:01:53: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16950, 19:02:35: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 295! Day 16950, 19:13:52: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 245! Day 16950, 19:32:17: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 180! Day 16950, 19:43:42: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 240! Day 16950, 19:44:32: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 240! Day 16950, 19:52:03: Meatball froze Griff - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 20:15:24: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 200! Day 16950, 20:22:39: Meatball froze Mira - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 20:38:12: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 200! Day 16950, 20:43:50: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 200! Day 16950, 21:18:57: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane) Day 16950, 22:46:29: Meatball froze Gregg - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 00:36:02: Meatball froze Frappe - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16951, 02:05:05: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 361 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 06:36:40: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 170! Day 16951, 06:43:07: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 180! Day 16951, 06:58:37: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 16951, 07:15:20: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 90! Day 16951, 07:17:29: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 100! Day 16951, 07:48:24: Your Mira - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 180! Day 16951, 07:57:55: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 16951, 08:22:36: Your Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 180! Day 16951, 08:47:48: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16951, 09:05:46: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 16951, 09:38:22: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16951, 09:54:16: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dunkleosteus - Lvl 170! Day 16951, 10:08:56: Arms froze Griff - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 11:11:31: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 110! Day 16951, 11:35:21: Arms froze Gregg - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 12:21:19: Tribemember frokner - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 110! Day 16951, 12:48:07: Arms froze Gregg - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 12:48:16: Meatball froze Bazoo - Lvl 212 (Baryonyx) Day 16951, 12:56:48: jp froze Griff - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 13:04:01: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 13:09:14: Meatball froze Bassie - Lvl 149 (Basilosaurus) Day 16951, 13:13:05: Meatball froze Frappe - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16951, 13:16:06: Arms froze Griff - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 13:17:00: Meatball froze snuggles - Lvl 90 (X-Otter) Day 16951, 14:27:55: Meatball froze Seabreeze - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 14:28:46: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 14:44:08: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16952, 01:09:03: jp froze Red Leader - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 16952, 02:05:32: Tribemember jp - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 16952, 14:38:33: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16952, 16:27:34: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 16952, 16:45:53: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16952, 17:09:16: jp froze Adolescent Clean Girl - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 16952, 18:07:10: Meatball froze Juicy - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 16952, 19:53:04: Arms froze Crocodile Loki - Lvl 315 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 20:05:05: Meatball froze Bazoo - Lvl 304 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 20:08:00: jp froze jp's bitch - Lvl 293 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 21:33:52: jp froze jp's bitch - Lvl 293 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 21:54:57: jp froze jp's bitch - Lvl 293 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 23:10:37: Arms froze Crocodile Loki - Lvl 319 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 23:27:00: Meatball froze Bazoo - Lvl 307 (Baryonyx) Day 16952, 23:36:46: Meatball froze Juicy - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 16952, 23:43:42: Meatball froze HOOT HOOT - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16952, 23:49:31: Meatball froze Frappe - Lvl 335 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16953, 00:19:04: Meatball froze snuggles - Lvl 90 (X-Otter) Day 16953, 00:52:15: Meatball froze Seabreeze - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 00:55:16: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 01:08:48: jp froze Adolescent Clean Girl - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 02:13:15: Arms froze Merited Master of Sport - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 02:28:59: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 03:39:35: jp froze Adolescent Clean Girl - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 05:52:04: jp claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 109 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16953, 06:25:46: jp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 109 (Brontosaurus) Day 16953, 08:01:48: jp froze Clean Girl - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 08:04:14: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 10:20:08: Arms froze 17 - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 16953, 16:13:06: jp froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 314 (R-Daeodon) Day 16953, 18:37:59: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 19:09:51: Meatball froze Hooterz - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16953, 20:19:16: Your 03 - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16953, 20:19:24: Your 13 - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16953, 20:23:03: Your 15 - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16953, 20:35:38: Your 04 - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16953, 20:38:00: Your 11 - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16953, 20:46:06: Your 14 - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 16954, 00:13:46: Meatball froze Bunny Foo Foo - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 16954, 01:27:25: jp froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 316 (R-Daeodon) Day 16954, 01:37:45: Meatball froze 07 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 01:49:49: Meatball froze 05 - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 01:55:21: Meatball froze 09 - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 02:17:55: Meatball froze 16 - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 02:47:18: jp froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 316 (R-Daeodon) Day 16954, 03:20:44: Meatball froze 08 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 03:30:46: Meatball froze 12 - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 03:43:18: Meatball froze 02 - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 04:25:51: Meatball froze 10 - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 04:32:01: Meatball froze 06 - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 04:39:24: frokner froze Mira - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 05:15:36: Meatball froze Hooterz - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16954, 05:24:36: Meatball froze 01 - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 06:45:52: Arms froze Greensun - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 16954, 07:01:49: Arms froze 在在 - Lvl 362 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16954, 15:34:38: frokner uploaded a Shadowmane: Mira - Lvl 303 Day 16966, 07:33:04: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17052, 17:01:12: jp froze Clean Girl - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 17074, 06:52:25: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17121, 13:25:54: jp froze needstam - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17121, 15:40:58: jp froze needstam - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17145, 07:23:24: Arms froze Crocodile Loki - Lvl 326 (Baryonyx) Day 17145, 07:27:30: frokner froze Barry - The Sequel - Lvl 289 (Baryonyx) Day 17145, 07:38:32: Arms froze Crocodile Loki - Lvl 326 (Baryonyx) Day 17145, 07:40:01: Arms froze Eustace - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 17145, 07:51:49: frokner froze nils - Lvl 346 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17189, 08:23:25: Meatball froze Squiggles - Lvl 322 (Bloodstalker) Day 17189, 11:36:42: Meatball froze Squiggles - Lvl 322 (Bloodstalker) Day 17250, 16:07:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17262, 07:12:31: jp froze Alucard er - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17262, 09:50:07: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17262, 10:06:50: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17262, 11:54:10: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17262, 13:13:19: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17271, 14:38:53: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17272, 01:55:41: Meatball froze Hootz - Lvl 342 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17272, 08:23:25: Meatball froze Hootz - Lvl 342 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17272, 08:27:42: Meatball froze Juicyfruit - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 17272, 08:29:05: Meatball froze Bubbie - Lvl 284 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 17272, 12:16:10: Meatball froze Bubbie - Lvl 291 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 17272, 13:08:00: Meatball froze Bubbie - Lvl 291 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 17272, 13:11:38: Meatball froze Juicyfruit - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 17272, 14:36:34: Tribemember Meatball - Lvl 140 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 17272, 19:21:48: Meatball froze Bubbie - Lvl 295 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 17272, 19:35:05: Meatball froze Juicyfruit - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 17272, 19:49:46: Meatball froze Hootz - Lvl 342 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17273, 09:56:55: Your Bubbie - Lvl 295 (X-Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 270! Day 17273, 19:12:34: Meatball froze Hootz - Lvl 342 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17273, 19:14:03: Meatball froze Juicyfruit - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17273, 19:39:23: Tribemember Meatball - Lvl 140 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 60! Day 17273, 23:07:44: Meatball froze nuzzles - Lvl 108 (X-Otter) Day 17273, 23:12:35: Meatball froze Sunshine - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17362, 07:54:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17445, 21:21:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17627, 10:29:58: Your 'Wardrums' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17700, 21:58:09: Meatball claimed 'gringler - Lvl 382 (Argentavis)'! Day 17700, 23:42:33: Meatball froze gringler - Lvl 382 (Argentavis) Day 17700, 23:47:26: Meatball froze Argentavis - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 17700, 23:59:24: Meatball froze Argentavis - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 17701, 00:31:01: Meatball froze gringler - Lvl 382 (Argentavis) Day 17794, 08:35:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17829, 23:09:48: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Idir - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 17830, 01:40:34: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tom Anks - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17830, 02:12:20: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 175 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17830, 02:17:47: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Agent Travis - Lvl 48 (Argentavis)'! Day 17830, 02:33:55: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'All-Capone - Lvl 236 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17830, 02:40:49: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Connor Mcsteggor - Lvl 94 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 17830, 02:47:38: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentina - Lvl 120 (Argentavis)'! Day 17830, 02:54:54: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Denver - Lvl 109 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 17830, 03:09:38: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone Mlone - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus)'! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17836, 07:34:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17839, 17:16:09: Meatball claimed 'krokusnoot - Lvl 205 (Triceratops)'! Day 17839, 17:29:10: Meatball uploaded a Triceratops: krokusnoot - Lvl 222 Day 17841, 16:52:04: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 384 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17941, 04:46:15: Meatball froze Deinonychus - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) Day 17941, 04:55:38: Meatball downloaded a dino: Aquamarine - Lvl 263 Day 17941, 06:18:15: Meatball uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 392 Day 17982, 00:04:47: Daz - Lvl 176 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 229 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18004, 01:42:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18037, 13:12:37: Meatball claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18037, 14:28:14: Meatball froze Cheeto - Lvl 361 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18171, 15:53:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18250, 14:46:04: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 18287, 09:51:34: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18287, 09:55:31: TinTin - Lvl 64 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19184, 09:04:03: Meatball claimed 'Fodder - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19184, 11:47:07: Meatball uploaded a Shadowmane: Fodder - Lvl 284 Day 20153, 19:56:59: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 20496, 22:22:50: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 20647, 19:20:56: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 20808, 10:17:37: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 20971, 15:31:35: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 21139, 15:30:41: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) Day 21303, 22:45:06: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 21489, 05:09:08: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 21489, 05:54:07: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 21633, 08:12:15: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 21804, 05:13:25: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22035, 22:14:17: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22194, 00:24:57: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22317, 17:38:45: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22578, 02:20:26: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22737, 12:01:19: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 22970, 03:09:12: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 23193, 11:06:33: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 23334, 12:04:37: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 23615, 10:35:05: Meatball froze Pteranodonald - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 23949, 21:47:34: Meatball froze Aquamarine - Lvl 415 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24566, 06:28:11: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1247723456,"tribe":"D4RK logs":["Day 22273, 19:07:42: APOLLO was added to the Tribe! Day 22274, 01:58:09: Wolfz was added to the Tribe by APOLLO! Day 22274, 02:01:46: Wolfz was promoted to a Tribe Admin by APOLLO! Day 22274, 09:02:01: Tribemember APOLLO - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 22422, 21:51:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22564, 16:27:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1247032656,"tribe":"Tribe of Gunga Ginga logs":["Day 24488, 10:53:01: Gunga Ginga was added to the Tribe! Day 24488, 10:55:25: FartSmeller was added to the Tribe by Gunga Ginga! Day 24488, 23:18:04: Gunga Ginga froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 210 (Basilosaurus) Day 24489, 01:20:12: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24489, 06:09:44: FartSmeller Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 164 (Basilosaurus)! Day 24489, 06:21:47: FartSmeller froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 164 (Basilosaurus) Day 24489, 06:23:40: Gunga Ginga froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 256 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 24489, 06:32:20: Gunga Ginga froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 211 (Basilosaurus) Day 24489, 06:46:03: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24490, 04:40:20: Your Basilosaurus - Lvl 261 (Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 170! Day 24490, 05:58:34: Tribemember FartSmeller - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 24490, 08:27:20: Gunga Ginga froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 243 (Basilosaurus) Day 24490, 08:35:04: Tribemember FartSmeller - Lvl 121 was killed by Rai - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 24490, 08:35:04: Your Tribe killed FartSmeller - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Gunga Ginga)! Day 24490, 09:02:30: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24529, 10:15:23: Gunga Ginga claimed 'LM9AWAD - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24529, 10:19:15: Gunga Ginga unclaimed 'LM9AWAD - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24529, 10:23:43: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 282 (Basilosaurus) Day 24529, 16:35:04: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 290 (Basilosaurus) Day 24530, 05:51:29: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 309 (Basilosaurus) Day 24530, 06:05:14: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24540, 22:06:30: Gunga Ginga claimed 'LM9AWAD - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24540, 22:08:22: Gunga Ginga claimed 'Dqhdohi - Lvl 206 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 24540, 22:09:36: FartSmeller claimed 'L9awad - Lvl 29 (Rex)'! Day 24540, 22:18:20: FartSmeller froze L9awad - Lvl 29 (Rex) Day 24541, 03:48:56: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 311 (Basilosaurus) Day 24541, 03:58:06: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 282 (Basilosaurus) Day 24541, 14:53:00: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 322 (Basilosaurus) Day 24541, 14:53:12: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 333 (Basilosaurus) Day 24541, 15:23:50: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24556, 23:19:38: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 328 (Basilosaurus) Day 24556, 23:33:22: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 343 (Basilosaurus) Day 24557, 07:53:00: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus) Day 24557, 07:55:03: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 370 (Basilosaurus) Day 24557, 08:27:43: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24559, 08:21:05: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 24559, 08:57:20: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 373 (Basilosaurus) Day 24559, 12:32:26: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 24559, 12:40:54: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 373 (Basilosaurus) Day 24559, 13:30:38: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24560, 17:47:41: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 353 (Basilosaurus) Day 24560, 17:49:59: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 375 (Basilosaurus) Day 24560, 19:15:56: Your L9awad - Lvl 29 (Rex) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 24560, 21:33:41: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 353 (Basilosaurus) Day 24560, 21:34:11: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 375 (Basilosaurus) Day 24560, 22:10:58: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 24561, 23:26:41: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 357 (Basilosaurus) Day 24561, 23:44:56: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 381 (Basilosaurus) Day 24562, 03:44:05: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 381 (Basilosaurus) Day 24562, 03:46:16: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 358 (Basilosaurus) Day 24562, 04:13:47: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 24563, 09:27:13: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 358 (Basilosaurus) Day 24563, 16:12:25: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 24563, 16:31:03: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 24564, 12:06:58: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 381 (Basilosaurus) Day 24564, 12:07:45: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 361 (Basilosaurus) Day 24564, 15:58:26: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24564, 16:06:00: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 383 (Basilosaurus) Day 24564, 16:28:35: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 24565, 10:49:04: FartSmeller froze Poop - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 24565, 12:37:21: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24565, 12:41:21: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 383 (Basilosaurus) Day 24565, 17:14:53: FartSmeller froze Retard - Lvl 384 (Basilosaurus) Day 24565, 17:15:26: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24565, 17:45:42: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24577, 04:00:45: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24577, 08:52:25: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24577, 12:12:04: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24577, 12:41:05: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24582, 20:08:06: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24583, 02:06:34: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 24583, 02:31:21: Gunga Ginga froze Peter - Lvl 288 (Griffin) Day 24625, 00:34:43: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 24625, 05:33:21: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 24625, 06:01:05: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24627, 10:14:19: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 24627, 13:52:17: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 367 (Basilosaurus) Day 24627, 14:19:52: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24630, 01:28:01: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 368 (Basilosaurus) Day 24630, 06:04:50: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 368 (Basilosaurus) Day 24630, 06:38:28: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24705, 18:26:27: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 53 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 24743, 22:20:40: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 375 (Basilosaurus) Day 24744, 04:36:49: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 376 (Basilosaurus) Day 24744, 05:03:44: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24744, 18:50:02: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 19:03:14: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 19:29:55: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 19:38:42: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 19:47:34: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 20:03:45: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 20:55:42: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 21:15:19: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 22:08:53: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 22:34:59: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 22:53:18: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 23:13:24: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24744, 23:38:50: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 24745, 00:12:56: Gunga Ginga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 24745, 05:32:40: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 376 (Basilosaurus) Day 24745, 09:52:45: Gunga Ginga froze Moby - Lvl 378 (Basilosaurus) Day 24745, 10:18:31: Gunga Ginga froze Rai - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25109, 21:54:02: Dqhdohi - Lvl 206 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25395, 19:15:56: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LM9AWAD - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1244848665,"tribe":"Misfits logs":["Day 26470, 23:02:24: Richard was added to the Tribe! Day 26471, 02:38:03: Tribemember Richard - Lvl 10 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 50! Day 26715, 10:13:55: Richard claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26715, 16:26:07: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26715, 22:22:41: Richard Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 26716, 05:17:48: Tribemember Richard - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 26716, 09:56:16: Richard Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 26716, 13:59:06: Richard Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 26717, 17:10:44: Richard Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 26718, 11:26:52: Richard Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26718, 11:35:29: Richard froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26735, 18:51:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26763, 00:46:41: Richard Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 26763, 00:51:07: Richard froze Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis) Day 26786, 08:43:39: Richard Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 26786, 09:00:31: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus) Day 26786, 13:23:58: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 33 (Doedicurus) Day 26786, 19:42:20: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus) Day 26787, 05:33:25: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 41 (Doedicurus) Day 26787, 09:05:52: Richard demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 26787, 09:09:31: Richard demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 26787, 13:17:59: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus) Day 26788, 03:25:29: Richard froze Doedicurus - Lvl 45 (Doedicurus) Day 26806, 23:48:32: Richard froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26807, 17:45:54: Tribemember Richard - Lvl 81 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 35! Day 26901, 10:38:27: Tribemember Richard - Lvl 86 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 40! Day 26927, 01:02:18: Richard froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 26927, 01:52:57: Richard froze Pteranodon - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 26927, 03:02:22: Richard froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 26927, 04:32:51: Richard Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon)! Day 27207, 17:06:38: Richard froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27637, 09:19:14: Richard claimed 'Smithy - Lvl 414 (Argentavis)'! Day 27823, 16:56:04: Ream - Lvl 43 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28527, 14:40:47: Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 31202, 04:04:50: Richard claimed 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 31202, 04:09:32: Your Sex (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31816, 13:45:39: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)'! Day 31816, 13:46:05: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smithy - Lvl 414 (Argentavis)'! Day 31816, 13:48:10: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 190 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31816, 13:49:25: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31816, 13:50:10: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31816, 13:50:29: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31816, 13:51:16: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 31816, 13:52:09: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 228 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 31816, 14:02:46: AngryBabbu - Lvl 50 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 45 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31816, 18:34:30: Tribemember Richard - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 31896, 18:23:19: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1237538545,"tribe":"techies top logs":["Day 23897, 11:39:08: leshaigraet was added to the Tribe! Day 23897, 11:43:31: Mataex was added to the Tribe by leshaigraet! Day 23900, 14:56:58: Tribemember Mataex - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23901, 15:25:45: Tribemember leshaigraet - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1236485025,"tribe":"Tribe of Badger logs":["Day 12089, 09:53:10: Badger was added to the Tribe! Day 12089, 09:54:10: Seress was added to the Tribe by Badger! Day 12089, 10:26:35: Songoku was added to the Tribe by Badger! Day 12089, 10:40:55: Seress claimed 'BM1 - Lvl 334 (Megatherium)'! Day 12089, 10:49:08: Scully84 added 'Tribe of Badger' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12089, 10:57:13: Seress was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Badger! Day 12089, 10:57:41: Songoku was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Badger! Day 12089, 10:59:04: Blanko was added to the Tribe by Songoku! Day 12089, 10:59:45: Blanko was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Songoku! Day 12089, 11:24:20: Songoku froze peter griffen - Lvl 253 (Griffin) Day 12089, 11:25:14: Blanko claimed 'BM 5 (H) - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)'! Day 12089, 11:38:20: Badger claimed 'BM 3 - Lvl 360 (Megatherium)'! Day 12089, 11:43:42: Songoku claimed 'BM 12 - Lvl 366 (Megatherium)'! Day 12089, 11:50:52: Songoku froze BM 12 - Lvl 366 (Megatherium) Day 12089, 13:27:33: Songoku froze peter griffen - Lvl 253 (Griffin) Day 12089, 13:35:32: Seress froze Bad Breath - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12089, 13:42:12: Badger froze Emeraldeye - Lvl 296 (Argentavis) Day 16271, 00:26:09: Songoku froze Clap - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16271, 00:53:23: Songoku froze Clap - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16271, 01:15:42: Songoku froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (Thylacoleo) Day 16271, 02:46:39: Tribemember Songoku - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 16271, 08:42:36: Songoku froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (Thylacoleo) Day 16271, 10:47:31: Songoku froze shen long - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 16384, 17:28:47: Songoku froze Thunder - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16384, 18:08:58: Tribemember Songoku - Lvl 124 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 395! Day 16384, 19:10:03: Songoku froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 356 (Thylacoleo) Day 16384, 19:26:20: Tribemember Songoku - Lvl 124 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 285! Day 16385, 03:01:08: Songoku froze Glider - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 16385, 05:19:46: Songoku froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 356 (Thylacoleo) Day 16385, 05:34:43: Songoku froze velon - Lvl 262 (Velonasaur) Day 16385, 06:09:00: Songoku was removed from the Tribe! Day 16568, 14:57:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16734, 20:12:31: Osas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 356 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16735, 16:08:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16966, 16:11:23: Josh - Lvl 125 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thunder - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20619, 08:21:25: Badger froze Wy - Lvl 221 (Ice Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1235589145,"tribe":"Tribe of NIFFO logs":["Day 19754, 11:59:39: NIFFO was added to the Tribe! Day 19754, 12:05:22: Human was added to the Tribe by NIFFO! Day 19754, 12:43:38: M1LKY was added to the Tribe by NIFFO! Day 19754, 13:35:47: Tribemember M1LKY - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 19754, 16:04:32: Tribemember NIFFO - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 19816, 05:19:25: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 66 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 20153, 19:51:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 24414, 20:06:27: Tribemember M1LKY - Lvl 60 was killed!"] "tribeid":1232037167,"tribe":"Tribe of Lowkey logs":["Day 28462, 12:48:07: Lowkey was added to the Tribe! Day 28462, 12:55:22: Xejr was added to the Tribe by Lowkey! Day 28462, 16:03:54: Tribemember Xejr - Lvl 70 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 28462, 16:58:48: Tribemember Xejr - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 28462, 18:39:34: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 40! Day 28462, 18:49:26: Tribemember Lowkey - Lvl 91 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 40! Day 28462, 23:24:18: Tribemember Lowkey - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1231811986,"tribe":"Side Tracked logs":["Day 18259, 18:16:14: BloWn36 froze Good Fodder - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 18259, 18:19:30: BloWn36 froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18259, 18:20:38: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 18259, 18:23:48: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18259, 18:33:42: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18259, 18:35:57: Mianthra froze Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 18259, 18:38:39: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 18259, 18:41:44: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18259, 18:50:18: Mianthra froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 18259, 18:53:46: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 18259, 18:56:26: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 01:03:27: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 279 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18260, 01:33:11: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 01:43:14: NeO froze Good Fodder - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 01:48:38: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 01:55:02: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:00:19: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:05:46: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:10:38: NeO froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:15:32: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:46:38: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 02:54:35: NeO froze Good Fodder - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 04:25:10: NeO froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 18260, 04:57:43: NeO froze Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 18260, 05:01:47: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 05:07:54: BloWn36 froze YelloBelly - Lvl 363 (R-Reaper King) Day 18260, 06:01:11: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 18260, 06:31:37: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 18260, 06:34:54: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 337 (Rex) Day 18260, 07:02:42: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 18260, 07:04:27: NeO froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 18260, 08:28:37: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 12:57:56: BloWn36 froze PinkBelly - Lvl 294 (R-Reaper King) Day 18260, 16:14:41: NeO froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 16:52:22: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 17:02:00: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 17:03:30: BloWn36 froze YelloBelly - Lvl 363 (R-Reaper King) Day 18260, 17:06:05: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 17:09:28: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 17:14:17: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 18:07:26: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 18260, 18:36:25: BloWn36 froze YelloBelly - Lvl 363 (R-Reaper King) Day 18260, 18:47:18: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18260, 18:50:11: BloWn36 froze YelloBelly - Lvl 363 (R-Reaper King) Day 18260, 19:50:40: BloWn36 froze PingYou - Lvl 288 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18260, 20:00:12: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18261, 09:22:35: NeO demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18262, 05:49:16: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 05:52:47: Tribemember Mianthra - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18262, 09:36:19: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18262, 09:53:56: NeO froze Good Fodder - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 09:59:35: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:02:53: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:04:22: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:07:05: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:09:14: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:11:59: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:12:14: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:16:04: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:19:43: NeO froze Good Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:22:28: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:23:57: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:46:56: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 10:50:04: NeO froze Rex - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 18262, 10:52:15: NeO froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 18262, 10:55:16: NeO froze Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 18262, 10:57:33: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 18262, 10:59:56: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 18262, 11:05:59: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 337 (Rex) Day 18262, 11:07:53: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 18262, 11:12:11: NeO froze Piggee 1 - Lvl 310 (Daeodon) Day 18262, 11:21:09: NeO froze draconis - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18262, 12:07:11: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 18262, 13:01:49: Mianthra uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Ghost - Lvl 285 Day 18272, 21:59:31: Your Drain - Lvl 82 (Megalania) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18272, 21:59:31: Your Tribe killed Drain - Lvl 82 (Megalania) (Side Tracked)! Day 18273, 09:25:03: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 292 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18286, 11:44:22: Mianthra froze Stinky - Lvl 196 (Megalania) Day 18286, 11:47:09: Mianthra froze Drain 2 - Lvl 74 (Megalania) Day 18286, 11:51:59: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18286, 12:03:09: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 120 (Megalania)'! Day 18286, 12:04:02: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 120 (Megalania) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:04:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 120 (Megalania) (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:15:46: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino)'! Day 18286, 12:16:55: Your Baby Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:16:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino) (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:22:33: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 117 (Spino)'! Day 18286, 12:23:01: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 99 (Spino)'! Day 18286, 12:24:02: Your Baby Spino - Lvl 99 (Spino) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:24:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Spino - Lvl 99 (Spino) (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:25:18: Your Baby Spino - Lvl 117 (Spino) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:25:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Spino - Lvl 117 (Spino) (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 12:29:05: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino)'! Day 18286, 12:30:01: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino)'! Day 18286, 12:31:26: Mianthra froze Baby Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) Day 18286, 12:37:06: Mianthra froze Baby Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) Day 18286, 13:45:56: Mianthra demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 18286, 16:56:54: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 152 (Megalania)'! Day 18286, 16:59:25: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 152 (Megalania) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18286, 16:59:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 152 (Megalania) (Side Tracked)! Day 18287, 05:29:39: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18288, 09:37:16: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18288, 09:41:14: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18288, 09:44:18: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 352 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 10:16:52: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 10:24:37: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 10:42:29: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 10:54:56: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 11:52:30: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 12:59:48: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 13:07:44: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 13:12:36: NeO froze Minni Rat - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) Day 18288, 13:21:13: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 155! Day 18288, 13:26:29: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 13:37:39: Mianthra froze Minni Rat - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 18288, 13:48:59: Mianthra froze Minni Rat - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 18288, 13:50:24: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 14:02:35: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 14:21:40: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 15:28:43: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 249 (R-Reaper King) Day 18288, 16:34:15: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 16:36:25: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18288, 18:04:36: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 18:19:47: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 18288, 18:43:53: NeO froze Minni Rat - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) Day 18288, 19:09:21: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18288, 19:23:19: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18288, 19:29:09: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18288, 19:30:26: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18290, 23:04:00: Your Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) was killed by NeO - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked)! Day 18290, 23:04:00: Your Tribe killed Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) (Side Tracked)! Day 18290, 23:33:20: Your Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) was killed by NeO - Lvl 123 (Side Tracked)! Day 18290, 23:33:20: Your Tribe killed Spino - Lvl 90 (Spino) (Side Tracked)! Day 18291, 09:08:10: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18291, 16:58:09: NeO froze Brutus - Lvl 319 (R-Reaper King) Day 18292, 10:06:51: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18292, 20:33:48: Mianthra froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) Day 18292, 22:27:01: Tribemember Mianthra - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18292, 23:57:38: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 18293, 00:37:05: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 18293, 00:46:23: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 18293, 00:59:03: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 339 (Rex) Day 18293, 01:05:47: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 18293, 01:20:00: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 18293, 02:01:53: Mianthra froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 18293, 02:10:16: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:16:10: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:21:34: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:29:16: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:37:20: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:52:23: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 02:58:13: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:04:00: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:10:04: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:21:44: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:28:31: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:35:07: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:41:02: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 03:43:15: NeO froze Brutus - Lvl 319 (R-Reaper King) Day 18293, 11:55:21: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 25! Day 18293, 12:15:49: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 25! Day 18293, 13:19:25: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18293, 13:21:57: NeO froze Good Fodder - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:23:07: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:26:57: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:28:46: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:31:19: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:33:40: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:37:07: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:39:58: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:43:00: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:46:07: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:48:40: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:50:51: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:52:38: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 13:54:27: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 18293, 13:58:52: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 18293, 14:05:29: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 18293, 14:09:06: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 18293, 14:11:53: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 18293, 14:14:00: Mianthra froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 18293, 14:16:31: Mianthra froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) Day 18293, 14:19:16: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 14:23:57: Mianthra froze rigal - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18293, 15:07:15: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 297 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18293, 16:07:42: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 18293, 16:49:25: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 303 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18293, 16:52:01: Mianthra froze Piggee 1 - Lvl 313 (Daeodon) Day 18293, 17:08:34: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18293, 17:24:20: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18300, 09:15:28: Mianthra froze Drain 2 - Lvl 74 (Megalania) Day 18300, 09:27:19: Mianthra froze Stinky - Lvl 201 (Megalania) Day 18300, 09:29:12: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18300, 17:53:16: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 147 (Megalania)'! Day 18300, 17:56:08: Mianthra froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 147 (Megalania) Day 18300, 20:16:48: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18300, 21:32:40: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18300, 23:14:47: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18301, 01:25:47: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18301, 03:16:12: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King) Day 18301, 13:22:34: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 291 (R-Reaper King) Day 18301, 13:26:11: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18301, 19:03:10: Mianthra claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 194 (Megalania)'! Day 18301, 19:04:48: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 194 (Megalania) was killed by Mianthra - Lvl 125 (Side Tracked)! Day 18301, 19:04:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 194 (Megalania) (Side Tracked)! Day 18302, 10:26:16: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:34:24: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:38:32: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:42:17: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:47:57: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:51:22: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:54:52: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 12:59:19: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:02:03: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:04:55: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:09:16: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:14:54: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:19:03: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 13:24:01: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:27:14: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:30:27: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:32:40: Mianthra froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:36:16: Mianthra froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) Day 18302, 13:43:31: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:46:52: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:49:25: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 18302, 13:51:33: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:12:07: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:14:37: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:16:35: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:18:32: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:20:32: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:22:47: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:24:47: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:31:07: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:35:56: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:37:45: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:39:43: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:41:33: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 16:46:22: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 18302, 16:49:30: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 18302, 16:52:35: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 18302, 16:54:55: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 18302, 16:56:39: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 18302, 16:59:01: Mianthra froze Gooder Fodder - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 18302, 17:01:28: Mianthra froze Fast boi - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18302, 17:33:32: Mianthra froze Piggee 1 - Lvl 314 (Daeodon) Day 18302, 20:04:24: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:06:40: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:15:11: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:16:44: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:18:13: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:22:19: NeO froze Fodder - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:24:04: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 18302, 20:28:49: NeO froze Good fodder - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 18303, 11:56:09: NeO froze Green Mint - Lvl 299 (R-Reaper King) Day 18303, 21:38:35: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18303, 22:12:42: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18303, 23:18:51: Mianthra froze Ghost - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18316, 17:41:11: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18316, 18:01:58: Mianthra froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 218 (Megalodon) Day 18316, 18:11:33: Mianthra froze Boat - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus) Day 18317, 08:15:32: Mianthra froze Boat - Lvl 300 (Basilosaurus) Day 18321, 19:36:21: Mianthra froze Drain [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18321, 20:12:28: Mianthra froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 233 (R-Reaper King) Day 18321, 20:19:45: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18329, 19:07:10: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18329, 19:57:09: NeO froze Pinky - Lvl 305 (R-Reaper King) Day 18329, 20:02:56: Mianthra froze Skiff - Lvl 234 (Megalodon) Day 18329, 21:53:28: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18332, 20:18:53: BloWn36 froze BlueBelly - Lvl 250 (R-Reaper King) Day 18332, 20:36:08: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 18332, 20:41:50: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 18332, 20:47:19: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 18332, 20:52:40: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 18332, 20:57:54: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 18332, 21:03:10: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 18333, 07:04:11: Mianthra froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 285 (Yutyrannus) Day 18333, 09:27:13: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 09:40:23: Your Piggee 1 - Lvl 315 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 18333, 09:40:45: Your Good fodder - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18333, 09:40:54: Your Good fodder - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18333, 09:43:45: Your Fodder - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18333, 09:43:45: Your Good fodder - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18333, 10:00:39: Your Good fodder - Lvl 318 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 10:19:25: Your Fodder - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 18333, 10:25:59: Tribemember NeO - Lvl 123 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 120! Day 18333, 10:29:34: Your Fodder - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 10:38:50: Your Fodder - Lvl 343 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 10:55:03: Your Good fodder - Lvl 337 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 10:55:09: Your Gooder Fodder - Lvl 320 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 10:55:21: Your Fodder - Lvl 311 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 18333, 11:24:26: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 18333, 11:28:37: BloWn36 froze BlueBelly - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 18333, 11:59:49: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 18333, 12:04:53: Mianthra froze Good Fodder - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 18333, 12:06:53: Mianthra froze Good fodder - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 18333, 12:09:16: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 18333, 12:17:19: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 285 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18333, 14:02:48: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18334, 09:09:38: Mianthra froze Fast boi - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18334, 10:51:07: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 263 (R-Reaper King) Day 18334, 10:54:19: Mianthra froze Fast boi - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18334, 17:46:28: BloWn36 froze PingYou - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18334, 20:09:51: BloWn36 froze PingYou - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18359, 19:14:53: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18440, 11:49:28: Mianthra froze Megalania - Lvl 147 (Megalania) Day 18440, 11:51:58: Mianthra froze Drain - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18440, 11:53:44: Mianthra froze Drain [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18440, 11:55:32: Mianthra froze Stinky - Lvl 201 (Megalania) Day 18440, 11:57:36: Mianthra froze Drain 2 - Lvl 74 (Megalania) Day 18440, 11:59:49: Mianthra froze Drain [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18440, 12:01:36: Mianthra froze Drain [Clone] - Lvl 29 (Megalania) Day 18485, 06:58:11: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 335 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 09:58:11: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 13:21:15: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 14:37:13: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 15:43:37: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 15:56:21: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 18:33:33: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 18:45:32: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18485, 19:06:37: NeO froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18485, 19:11:00: NeO froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18485, 19:12:38: NeO froze draconis II - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18485, 19:14:24: NeO froze GiGaKiLLer - Lvl 336 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:17:23: NeO froze Yellah - Lvl 284 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18515, 15:24:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18575, 21:56:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18576, 05:48:31: NeO froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18576, 17:49:31: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 21:23:18: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 21:25:27: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 21:32:35: Mianthra froze Fairy fart - Lvl 234 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 21:41:58: NeO froze tweety - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18576, 21:42:27: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 264 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 22:05:23: Mianthra froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 22:24:33: NeO froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 22:59:27: Mianthra froze rigal - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18576, 23:03:07: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18576, 23:05:01: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18577, 08:44:30: NeO froze bob - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18577, 15:31:09: NeO Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 18577, 15:39:54: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18577, 16:04:07: NeO froze Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon) Day 18577, 16:10:38: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18577, 19:11:22: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 278 (R-Reaper King) Day 18577, 19:19:34: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18577, 21:03:09: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18578, 01:25:34: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 324 (R-Reaper King) Day 18578, 04:14:12: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18578, 08:28:55: NeO froze bob - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18578, 11:55:16: Mianthra froze rigal - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18578, 12:08:31: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18580, 01:12:17: NeO froze Yellah - Lvl 288 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18580, 18:49:00: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 279 (R-Reaper King) Day 18581, 02:38:12: Mianthra claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 50 (Zomdodo)'! Day 18581, 02:53:15: Mianthra froze Zomdodo - Lvl 50 (Zomdodo) Day 18581, 03:15:39: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 18581, 03:43:09: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 279 (R-Reaper King) Day 18581, 03:49:04: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18581, 03:53:49: Mianthra froze Fairy fart - Lvl 234 (R-Reaper King) Day 18581, 04:19:19: Mianthra froze Maletie - Lvl 375 (Shadowmane) Day 18581, 06:54:30: Mianthra froze Yellah - Lvl 288 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18592, 18:41:00: Mianthra froze Fodder - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 18592, 19:20:50: Mianthra froze Dead Red - Lvl 300 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18598, 08:36:50: NeO froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 332 (R-Reaper King) Day 18598, 10:28:49: NeO froze Yellah - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18602, 01:06:16: Mianthra froze Green meanie - Lvl 306 (R-Reaper King) Day 18602, 04:56:04: Mianthra froze Fast boi - Lvl 320 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18602, 06:02:29: NeO froze Yellah - Lvl 290 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18615, 17:51:08: Mianthra froze Fairy fart - Lvl 237 (R-Reaper King) Day 18615, 18:07:52: Mianthra froze Gingeruts - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18808, 10:59:49: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19184, 09:04:03: Meatball - Lvl 145 (Tribe of Arms2) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fodder - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane)'! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19829, 05:53:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20112, 01:55:36: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1230403349,"tribe":"Adverse logs":["Day 31362, 05:25:27: Buce was added to the Tribe! Day 31362, 09:36:43: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 28 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31362, 12:16:26: Akane was added to the Tribe by Buce! Day 31362, 20:17:20: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 31362, 22:01:41: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 31362, 23:32:04: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 19 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 130! Day 31363, 04:55:49: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 20 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 31363, 05:54:25: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 31363, 06:28:06: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 20 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 07:48:31: Akane claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31363, 10:32:43: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 20 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 10:36:42: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 32 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 11:14:43: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 32 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x! Day 31363, 12:36:29: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 13:28:26: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 14:05:39: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 32 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 14:20:15: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 14:39:07: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 14:52:53: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 16:04:46: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 32 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 17:10:56: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by Buce - Lvl 33 (Adverse)! Day 31363, 17:10:56: Your Tribe killed Akane - Lvl 21 (Adverse)! Day 31363, 17:14:24: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 33 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 18:00:46: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 33 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 18:11:04: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 31363, 18:31:00: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 21 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 31363, 22:12:55: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 31363, 22:23:17: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 22 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 31363, 22:30:58: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 31364, 01:38:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 35 (Tek Raptor)! Day 31364, 02:16:43: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 23 was killed by Buce - Lvl 34 (Adverse)! Day 31364, 02:16:43: Your Tribe killed Akane - Lvl 23 (Adverse)! Day 31364, 04:49:38: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 31364, 04:51:50: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 38 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 31364, 05:02:53: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 31364, 08:00:49: Buce Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 186 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31364, 08:05:12: Buce Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 134 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31364, 09:46:42: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 24 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 31364, 11:15:21: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 24 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31364, 12:20:38: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31364, 14:06:44: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 25 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 31364, 15:11:05: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31364, 16:08:49: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 25 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 31364, 16:46:01: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31364, 17:34:56: Your dada - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 31364, 17:46:16: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 25 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.0x! Day 31364, 17:58:46: Akane claimed 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 238 (Parasaur)'! Day 31364, 19:39:45: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 31364, 19:48:50: Your Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 70! Day 31364, 22:49:07: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31364, 23:57:15: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 26 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31365, 00:11:20: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31365, 00:35:23: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 115! Day 31365, 03:37:06: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 31365, 03:40:18: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 31365, 04:59:53: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31365, 06:31:24: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 31365, 11:04:34: Akane Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 134 (Dimorphodon)! Day 31365, 15:38:18: Akane Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31365, 18:27:14: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 31 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 31365, 20:22:18: Akane Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31365, 22:13:45: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 31366, 00:26:45: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 34 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 31366, 07:30:16: Akane Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon)! Day 31366, 09:00:20: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 5! Day 31366, 09:20:32: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 31366, 09:39:14: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 31366, 11:42:21: Akane Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)! Day 31366, 12:02:21: Akane Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon)! Day 31366, 18:29:34: Akane Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 126 (Dimorphodon)! Day 31366, 21:59:53: Akane Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 36 (Therizinosaur)! Day 31377, 22:50:24: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 42 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 95! Day 31378, 00:23:19: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 42 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 20! Day 31378, 02:52:03: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 43 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 5! Day 31378, 04:44:54: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 43 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 95! Day 31378, 06:13:53: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 43 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31379, 06:18:50: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31379, 20:05:44: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 31379, 20:57:42: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31379, 21:29:13: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 31379, 22:33:40: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 31380, 00:08:18: Akane Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 31380, 00:59:07: Akane Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31380, 09:32:00: Akane Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31380, 13:05:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 31380, 13:32:26: Akane Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 31381, 01:38:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 31381, 01:40:35: Your Raptor - Lvl 21 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31381, 01:42:39: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 20 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31381, 01:47:12: Your heroinomano - Lvl 49 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31382, 01:18:04: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 64 was killed by Akane - Lvl 50 (Adverse)! Day 31382, 01:18:04: Your Tribe killed Buce - Lvl 64 (Adverse)! Day 31382, 12:44:16: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 57 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 1.1x! Day 31434, 03:39:59: Akane froze Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 31434, 05:34:50: Akane Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 14 (Oviraptor)! Day 31434, 05:44:10: Akane froze Oviraptor - Lvl 14 (Oviraptor) Day 31434, 08:22:25: Akane Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 13 (Oviraptor)! Day 31434, 08:29:45: Akane froze Oviraptor - Lvl 13 (Oviraptor) Day 31434, 09:06:38: Akane froze [Retired] - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 31453, 04:22:05: Akane froze Cocaine Addict - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 31453, 07:44:09: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 31463, 00:33:52: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 31526, 05:50:42: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 15 (Dodo) Day 31526, 05:55:19: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 31526, 05:59:47: Buce froze dada - Lvl 147 (Dodo) Day 31526, 06:04:43: Buce froze BUUbu - Lvl 48 (Lystrosaurus) Day 31526, 08:47:36: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 08:51:20: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 08:59:03: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo) Day 31526, 09:03:15: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo) Day 31526, 10:12:11: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 10:17:15: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo) Day 31526, 11:41:23: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 11:50:48: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) Day 31526, 12:28:40: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 12:35:32: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 31526, 13:05:00: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 13:08:19: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 31526, 13:44:29: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 13 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 13:49:17: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 13 (Dodo) Day 31526, 14:15:13: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 14:18:32: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 31526, 15:23:23: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 15:28:16: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 31526, 15:57:10: Buce Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 31526, 16:06:26: Buce froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 31526, 16:44:19: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 31752, 13:31:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31820, 19:03:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31849, 06:38:32: Buce froze the floor is lava - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31853, 10:33:28: Akane froze Hayate Gotoku - Lvl 295 (Astrodelphis) Day 31853, 16:44:13: Akane froze Carcha chetao backup - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 31853, 18:40:06: Akane froze STAMINAMAN A - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 31853, 18:45:18: Akane froze Carcha chetao backup - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 31853, 19:35:23: Akane froze STAMINAMAN A - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 31853, 22:15:24: Buce froze the floor is lava - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31854, 09:07:59: Akane froze Hayate Gotoku - Lvl 295 (Astrodelphis) Day 31854, 12:15:57: Akane froze STAMINAMAN A - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 31855, 05:52:39: Buce froze Basiliabu - Lvl 254 (Basilosaurus) Day 31855, 06:51:39: Akane froze STAMINAMAN A - Lvl 273 (Snow Owl) Day 31855, 08:30:26: Buce froze the floor is lava - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31855, 10:29:14: Buce froze cria 1 - Lvl 260 (Dinopithecus) Day 31855, 10:50:46: Buce froze cria 1 - Lvl 260 (Dinopithecus) Day 31855, 16:29:42: Buce froze cria 1 - Lvl 260 (Dinopithecus) Day 31855, 17:31:48: Buce froze the floor is lava - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31855, 19:39:35: Akane froze Army 7 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:41:56: Buce froze Army 3 - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:43:09: Akane froze Army 1 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:48:13: Akane froze Army 17 - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:48:56: Buce froze Buce's Butanero - Lvl 338 (Yutyrannus) Day 31855, 19:51:55: Akane froze Army 4 - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:53:41: Buce froze Army 11 - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:58:59: Buce froze Army 8 - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 19:59:46: Akane froze Hugo boss 1 - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) Day 31855, 20:03:30: Buce froze Army 14 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:04:51: Akane froze Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:09:38: Buce froze Army 6 - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:13:23: Akane froze Army 15 - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:15:52: Buce froze Army 12 - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:16:51: Akane froze Army 2 - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:19:34: Buce froze Army 12 - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:20:32: Akane froze Army 16 - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 31855, 20:23:37: Buce froze Army 10 - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32435, 22:13:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32496, 18:25:52: Dilophosaur - Lvl 32 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32496, 18:25:58: Muertini - Lvl 43 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32743, 10:33:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32801, 08:53:02: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 55 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 32801, 08:53:38: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 55 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32801, 08:56:20: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cocainomana - Lvl 154 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 32801, 09:00:39: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alachofa rosa - Lvl 137 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 32801, 10:22:30: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 250 (Parasaur)'! Day 33003, 16:18:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33089, 10:44:12: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33155, 17:27:05: Raptor - Lvl 85 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 33182, 20:03:20: Dilophosaur - Lvl 155 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 33256, 15:28:01: dodo - Lvl 32 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 33511, 21:32:37: Vhalla - Lvl 73 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 155 (Raptor)'! Day 33825, 10:29:10: Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 33918, 22:29:59: Dilophosaur - Lvl 216 (Dilophosaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1229826999,"tribe":"Tribe of Nala logs":["Day 19160, 12:56:00: Nala was added to the Tribe! Day 19160, 12:57:02: Edu was added to the Tribe by Nala! Day 19161, 18:48:00: Nala froze Luna - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19161, 18:50:36: Edu froze Crystal Moon light mane - Lvl 97 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19456, 06:25:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19531, 17:49:43: Nala froze Luca - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 19554, 20:17:17: Nala claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19555, 00:25:01: Nala froze Misty - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 19584, 02:20:43: Nala froze Yui - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 19677, 03:44:51: Nala froze Salty - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21306, 12:12:25: Aimee - Lvl 122 (the raiders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1228227528,"tribe":"Tribe of Northius G2 logs":["Day 40766, 02:56:35: Northius G2 was added to the Tribe! Day 40766, 03:12:20: Northius G2 froze Royal(James) - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40766, 06:17:02: Northius G2 froze Royal(James) - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40766, 10:57:53: Donald Trump was added to the Tribe by Northius G2! Day 40766, 14:37:19: Donald Trump froze crystal 2 - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40766, 15:56:25: Donald Trump froze crystal 2 - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40766, 17:01:32: Northius G2 froze Royal(James) - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40766, 17:15:34: Northius G2 froze Royal(James) - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40767, 02:45:58: Northius G2 froze Royal(James) - Lvl 262 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 41534, 12:19:40: Donald Trump was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Northius G2! Day 41534, 12:21:03: Northius G2 was removed from the Tribe! Day 41534, 12:21:03: Tribe Owner was changed to Donald Trump! Day 41630, 00:07:33: Your Otter - Lvl 226 (Otter) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 42028, 23:11:17: Donald Trump froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42029, 11:02:17: Donald Trump uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 201 Day 42725, 22:59:46: Northius G2 - Lvl 149 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)'! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1226160421,"tribe":"Tribe of kokow22 logs":["Day 26855, 14:22:25: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 14:25:56: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 14:30:20: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 14:37:23: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 14:49:55: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 14:56:18: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 15:02:25: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 15:06:52: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 15:14:51: Alsuperhero1 froze Tiny Tina - Lvl 411 (Rex) Day 26855, 15:18:34: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 15:28:46: Alsuperhero1 froze 2.0 Boss - Lvl 405 (Rex) Day 26855, 16:05:00: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27124, 00:54:09: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29093, 13:19:42: Monke Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 29095, 18:25:00: Tribe of H-Rex tribe was merged in by H-Rex! Day 29095, 18:25:00: H-Rex was added to the Tribe by Monke! Day 29095, 19:17:50: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 27 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 65 | 0.9x! Day 29095, 19:59:57: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 27 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x! Day 29097, 04:40:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 29097, 11:05:26: H-Rex demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 29097, 19:15:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 12 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 29097, 19:27:43: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 29098, 07:57:46: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 29098, 09:10:09: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 65! Day 29098, 09:47:33: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 29098, 11:57:02: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 49 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 29098, 14:34:08: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 49 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 40! Day 29098, 16:07:05: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 29098, 20:01:06: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 29098, 21:41:50: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 40! Day 29100, 00:15:51: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 53 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 29100, 01:01:01: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 53 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 120! Day 29100, 12:12:29: Monke demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 29100, 18:21:34: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 109 (Dodo)! Day 29100, 18:38:38: Your Forgs son - Lvl 109 (Dodo) was killed by H-Rex - Lvl 55 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29100, 18:38:38: Your Tribe killed Forgs son - Lvl 109 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29100, 20:03:06: Monke Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 29100, 23:28:06: Your Lil forg - Lvl 40 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Monke - Lvl 160 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29100, 23:28:06: Your Tribe killed Lil forg - Lvl 40 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29101, 06:29:41: Monke Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 112 (Carbonemys)! Day 29101, 14:14:38: Monke Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 29102, 13:24:27: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 29102, 16:14:40: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 29102, 18:02:32: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 29102, 18:22:26: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 29102, 22:00:50: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 29102, 23:16:16: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 60! Day 29103, 06:12:48: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 29103, 07:06:02: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 29103, 10:50:59: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 100! Day 29103, 12:13:22: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 29103, 13:01:53: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 29103, 14:56:43: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 29103, 15:48:33: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 29103, 19:32:56: Your Miraidon - Lvl 41 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by H-Rex - Lvl 63 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29103, 19:32:56: Your Tribe killed Miraidon - Lvl 41 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29103, 22:40:02: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 29104, 02:02:01: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 29104, 06:55:26: Your Forg Slayer of Gods Rule - Lvl 249 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 29104, 07:07:59: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 29116, 09:41:03: Your sa - Lvl 29 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 29117, 04:46:07: H-Rex Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 58 (Parasaur)! Day 29117, 20:34:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 29118, 04:03:15: Monke froze Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 61 (Parasaur) Day 29118, 04:11:45: Monke froze Jesus Son of Forg - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon) Day 29118, 04:50:12: Monke froze Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 61 (Parasaur) Day 29118, 06:01:24: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 29118, 14:41:31: Monke froze Hermes son of FORG - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) Day 29118, 15:45:49: Monke froze Hermes son of FORG - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) Day 29119, 19:05:08: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 29119, 19:36:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 29119, 19:37:03: Your Dildo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x! Day 29119, 19:44:15: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 68 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x! Day 29119, 19:55:20: Monke froze Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops) Day 29119, 20:14:36: Monke froze turl - Lvl 125 (Carbonemys) Day 29119, 22:32:16: Monke Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 186 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 29119, 22:39:18: Monke froze Vibrator - Lvl 186 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29120, 00:14:58: Monke froze Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 72 (Parasaur) Day 29120, 00:58:03: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 29120, 01:40:47: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 162 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 29120, 02:45:29: Your turl - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 29120, 05:03:37: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 11 (Dodo)! Day 29120, 05:54:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 29120, 06:18:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29120, 07:27:23: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 49 (Dodo)'! Day 29120, 17:41:26: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)'! Day 29120, 18:32:16: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 29120, 22:37:57: Monke froze Adolescent Dildo 6 - Lvl 59 (Dodo) Day 29122, 01:33:08: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 61 (Dodo)'! Day 29122, 05:55:28: Monke demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 29122, 06:21:32: Monke demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 29122, 06:22:26: Monke demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 29122, 06:23:20: Monke demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 29122, 07:08:34: Monke froze Adolescent Mutated Dildo - Lvl 61 (Dodo) Day 29122, 07:12:49: Monke froze Adolescent Mutated Dildo - Lvl 61 (Dodo) Day 29122, 13:49:07: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 113 (Dodo)'! Day 29123, 10:56:48: Monke froze Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 76 (Parasaur) Day 29123, 12:36:38: Monke froze Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) Day 29123, 14:27:34: Monke froze He Has 3 Penises - Lvl 24 (Triceratops) Day 29123, 15:11:41: Monke froze He Has 3 Penises - Lvl 25 (Triceratops) Day 29125, 23:11:25: Monke claimed 'Copper - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29125, 23:15:19: Monke froze Copper - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29126, 05:35:02: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 138 (Maewing) Day 29127, 00:22:26: Your Dildo 6 - Lvl 65 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 29127, 01:09:23: Your Dildo 3 - Lvl 57 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 29127, 01:24:02: Your Dildo 8 - Lvl 117 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 29127, 02:55:26: Your He Has 3 Penises - Lvl 25 (Triceratops) was killed! Day 29138, 07:22:57: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)'! Day 29138, 07:25:40: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo)'! Day 29138, 09:59:59: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 29138, 13:52:55: Monke claimed '[G2] Hay - Lvl 393 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29138, 13:59:15: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 141 (Maewing) Day 29138, 20:19:41: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 29139, 09:58:18: Your Dildo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 29139, 12:57:35: Monke froze Jesus son of Forg - Lvl 393 (Astrodelphis) Day 29139, 13:06:53: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 146 (Maewing) Day 29139, 16:07:48: Your Dildo 4 - Lvl 44 (Dodo) was killed! Day 29139, 16:38:04: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 29139, 17:38:11: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 72 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 29139, 18:08:54: Monke claimed 'Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 29139, 18:51:15: Monke froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 29139, 19:29:53: Monke froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 29139, 20:47:32: Your dildo 10 - Lvl 27 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 30! Day 29139, 22:44:39: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 29140, 04:14:09: Your dildo 9 - Lvl 59 (Dodo) was killed! Day 29140, 07:59:57: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 73 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 29140, 09:09:57: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 29140, 10:08:32: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 147 (Maewing) Day 29140, 10:20:54: H-Rex froze Vibrator - Lvl 208 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29140, 10:27:40: Monke froze Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 147 (Maewing) Day 29140, 10:42:33: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 79 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 29140, 10:46:44: Your Zeus Son of Forg - Lvl 81 (Parasaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 29140, 11:42:18: H-Rex froze Vibrator - Lvl 208 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29140, 18:59:03: Monke claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29140, 19:19:48: H-Rex claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 60 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29141, 14:47:39: Monke Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 29141, 15:51:58: Monke froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 38 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 29141, 21:08:14: Monke Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 139 (Megalodon)! Day 29141, 22:05:04: Monke froze Jaws - Lvl 139 (Megalodon) Day 29142, 00:32:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 29142, 01:05:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon)! Day 29142, 01:09:25: Monke Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 17 (Tek Raptor)! Day 29142, 01:32:13: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) Day 29142, 02:08:21: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 29142, 03:47:46: Monke froze Gift for aiden - Lvl 19 (Tek Raptor) Day 29142, 04:08:19: Monke froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) Day 29142, 05:47:20: H-Rex froze Jesus son of Forg - Lvl 393 (Astrodelphis) Day 29142, 06:03:02: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 29142, 06:20:30: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 29142, 12:17:27: Monke Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)! Day 29142, 15:08:50: Monke froze Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) Day 29142, 17:22:12: Monke froze Gnaws - Lvl 22 (Tek Raptor) Day 29142, 23:17:48: H-Rex froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 29143, 06:16:26: Monke claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29143, 10:47:42: Your dildo 2# - Lvl 26 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29143, 10:47:42: Your Tribe killed dildo 2# - Lvl 26 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29143, 13:37:41: Your DILDO 5 - Lvl 139 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29143, 13:37:41: Your Tribe killed DILDO 5 - Lvl 139 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29143, 15:34:41: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 29143, 15:40:06: Monke froze fodder - Lvl 52 (Dodo) Day 29143, 15:53:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 29143, 16:10:54: Monke froze fodder 2 - Lvl 24 (Dodo) Day 29143, 16:24:58: Your fodder - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29143, 16:24:58: Your Tribe killed fodder - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 11:50:20: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 11:54:48: Monke froze fodder - Lvl 44 (Dodo) Day 29144, 12:08:24: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 12:14:20: Monke froze Fodder - Lvl 24 (Dodo) Day 29144, 12:45:24: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 12:50:14: Monke froze fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 29144, 13:09:07: Your Fodder - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 13:09:07: Your Tribe killed Fodder - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 13:49:44: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 13:49:46: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 14:09:26: Monke froze Fodder - Lvl 7 (Dodo) Day 29144, 14:12:12: Monke froze Fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 29144, 14:14:09: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 14:16:13: Your Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 14:16:13: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 14:51:26: Your Fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 14:51:26: Your Tribe killed Fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 15:27:27: Your Good lad - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 15:27:27: Your Tribe killed Good lad - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 15:58:33: Your fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 15:58:33: Your Tribe killed fodder - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 15:58:58: Your fodder - Lvl 44 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 15:58:58: Your Tribe killed fodder - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 16:00:47: Your Fodder - Lvl 7 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 16:00:47: Your Tribe killed Fodder - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 17:52:07: Monke claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo)'! Day 29144, 18:04:34: Your Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 18:04:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 18:38:44: Your IShowSpeed - Lvl 97 (Mesopithecus) was killed by H-Rex - Lvl 87 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 18:38:44: Your Tribe killed IShowSpeed - Lvl 97 (Mesopithecus) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 18:45:02: Your Mutated Dildo - Lvl 80 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 18:45:02: Your Tribe killed Mutated Dildo - Lvl 80 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 19:44:14: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 29144, 19:46:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29144, 19:46:33: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29147, 09:32:16: H-Rex froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 29147, 09:51:44: Your Vibrator - Lvl 218 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by H-Rex - Lvl 88 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 29147, 09:51:44: Your Tribe killed Vibrator - Lvl 218 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 29148, 06:35:30: H-Rex froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 29148, 11:11:53: Your Gnaws - Lvl 22 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 29148, 12:17:51: Monke froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29148, 15:26:58: H-Rex froze God Son of Forg - Lvl 101 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29148, 16:00:46: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 38 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 29148, 18:59:02: H-Rex froze God Son of Forg - Lvl 101 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29149, 02:29:12: Your Dildophosaur - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 29149, 07:50:48: H-Rex froze God Son of Forg - Lvl 102 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29169, 09:50:36: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 29169, 13:23:24: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 29169, 14:22:43: Your God Son of Forg - Lvl 118 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 29169, 21:25:35: H-Rex froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 29169, 21:38:34: H-Rex froze Tyr Son of Forg - Lvl 62 (Rock Drake) Day 29169, 22:16:24: H-Rex froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 29289, 05:31:58: Monke claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 29289, 05:34:30: Monke claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 183 (Triceratops)'! Day 29289, 05:35:32: Monke claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 129 (Iguanodon)'! Day 29289, 05:44:56: Monke claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29289, 05:45:55: Monke claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 128 (Argentavis)'! Day 29289, 07:35:51: H-Rex froze Tickle Chimkin - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 29289, 07:45:59: Monke froze Triceratops - Lvl 183 (Triceratops) Day 29289, 07:49:18: Monke froze Iguanodon - Lvl 129 (Iguanodon) Day 29289, 07:53:07: Monke froze Ares son of Forg - Lvl 329 (Rex) Day 29289, 09:43:22: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 29297, 23:50:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29438, 17:59:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29438, 17:59:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29438, 17:59:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29521, 08:12:07: Your Rocky - Lvl 160 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29665, 20:28:38: Bob the Babysitter - Lvl 154 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 29783, 16:58:42: Barny - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 29886, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29886, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29886, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29886, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30018, 11:14:46: Daniells - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaws - Lvl 153 (Megalodon)'! Day 30018, 12:55:25: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed! Day 30018, 13:29:12: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ares son of Forg - Lvl 329 (Rex)'! Day 30156, 07:17:55: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 30156, 07:21:41: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 30156, 07:31:14: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fly Guy - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30156, 08:23:29: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30156, 09:25:33: Your he has 3333 penises - Lvl 186 (Triceratops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30169, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30453, 08:17:12: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30911, 12:30:56: Viper - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30911, 12:49:38: Viper - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyr Son of Forg - Lvl 62 (Rock Drake)'! Day 30911, 12:57:31: Viper - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argos - Lvl 132 (Argentavis)'! Day 31081, 16:53:36: Your Friendboat (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31202, 04:04:50: Richard - Lvl 88 (Misfits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 31589, 16:08:09: Your Sex (Canoe) was destroyed! Day 31589, 16:17:15: Your Peel off your skin (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33255, 16:48:58: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 33255, 17:53:56: Monke demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33255, 17:54:47: Monke demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33255, 17:55:45: Monke demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33255, 17:56:36: Monke demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33255, 18:58:50: H-Rex claimed 'ababa (Raft)'! Day 33255, 19:21:55: Monke claimed 'asd - Lvl 79 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 33255, 19:41:43: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 70! Day 33256, 04:29:58: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed! Day 33256, 09:19:12: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 33256, 09:22:10: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 33256, 09:25:26: Your Dildo - Lvl 26 (Dodo) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 33256, 11:11:39: Monke Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 33256, 11:42:51: Your watermelon dildo - Lvl 75 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 75! Day 33256, 14:02:40: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 33256, 15:45:20: Your Shit Head - Lvl 7 (Dodo) was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 33256, 15:49:41: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33256, 15:54:09: Your Danny Davito - Lvl 97 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 33256, 17:34:40: H-Rex claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33256, 19:27:38: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 33256, 20:14:44: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 33256, 20:54:55: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed! Day 33256, 21:56:22: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed! Day 33257, 02:09:54: H-Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 33257, 03:29:10: Your Shit Head - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55! Day 33257, 03:58:20: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 45! Day 33257, 05:03:55: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 15! Day 33257, 05:07:10: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 60! Day 33257, 06:28:11: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 33257, 06:33:48: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 15! Day 33257, 07:11:17: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 33257, 07:12:48: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 30! Day 33257, 07:43:52: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 33257, 08:31:29: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 33271, 07:16:50: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 33272, 12:18:34: Tribemember Monke - Lvl 165 was killed! Day 33277, 06:17:26: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 33278, 06:14:25: H-Rex demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33278, 06:15:59: H-Rex demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33279, 11:49:03: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 33279, 12:22:05: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 33279, 12:55:40: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 33279, 13:24:00: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 33279, 15:26:23: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 33279, 17:46:02: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 100 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 33280, 07:54:09: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 33280, 15:17:03: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 19 (Dodo)! Day 33280, 16:58:09: H-Rex Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 33281, 02:45:16: Your Bed - Lvl 21 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 33281, 03:41:37: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 33281, 05:52:43: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 33281, 12:43:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 33281, 13:57:56: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 6 (Dodo)! Day 33281, 14:27:45: H-Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 33281, 14:43:39: H-Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon)! Day 33281, 19:22:05: H-Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 33281, 23:38:27: H-Rex claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 19 (Dodo)'! Day 33281, 23:41:35: H-Rex claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 19 (Dodo)'! Day 33282, 10:11:33: Your Hed - Lvl 19 (Dodo) was killed! Day 33282, 11:41:20: Your Red - Lvl 19 (Dodo) was killed! Day 33282, 15:19:59: Your Led - Lvl 6 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 30! Day 33298, 14:48:18: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 101 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 33298, 15:03:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 33328, 12:20:18: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 33328, 13:06:42: H-Rex claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33328, 18:32:49: Your Airbus A380 - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 33329, 18:46:09: Your wide-body aircraft - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 33329, 19:58:32: Your Triceratops - Lvl 39 (Triceratops) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 33329, 20:42:00: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 33330, 05:26:43: H-Rex Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 33330, 05:43:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 33330, 07:32:02: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 125 | 1.0x! Day 33330, 14:41:06: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 33330, 15:23:38: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 33330, 17:06:22: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 33330, 19:33:59: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 33330, 21:26:44: H-Rex Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)! Day 33331, 02:22:48: H-Rex Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 33344, 23:47:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 117 (Triceratops)! Day 33345, 10:00:57: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 104 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33345, 10:44:44: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 104 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33345, 11:19:42: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 104 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33346, 10:07:32: Your Boeing 747 - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) was killed by H-Rex - Lvl 104 (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 33346, 10:07:32: Your Tribe killed Boeing 747 - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of kokow22)! Day 33346, 12:29:49: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 105 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 33346, 13:49:27: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 105 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 33346, 15:07:16: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 105 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 90! Day 33349, 15:25:31: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 173 (Iguanodon)! Day 33349, 17:08:47: H-Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 33379, 01:22:34: H-Rex demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 33440, 03:09:40: Your Zues - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 33657, 09:27:05: Jamal - Lvl 40 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 33702, 11:09:55: Your Qed - Lvl 30 (Dodo) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 75! Day 33797, 18:25:51: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33797, 20:30:21: Monke froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 353 (X-Argentavis) Day 33799, 01:54:10: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 203 (Maewing) Day 33799, 03:14:17: Xantium added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to alpha destroyers Alliance! Day 33799, 03:22:47: Xantium added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to alpha destroyers Alliance! Day 33799, 06:45:27: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 473 (Therizinosaur) Day 33799, 10:32:57: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 203 (Maewing) Day 33799, 21:00:44: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 33799, 21:55:19: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33799, 23:44:11: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 33800, 06:01:29: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33800, 06:22:44: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33800, 06:26:21: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 33863, 08:36:21: Bear - Lvl 31 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 33891, 11:54:55: Your Ss. EX (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33891, 12:02:21: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33983, 17:26:58: Your Carny - Lvl 43 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 65 | 1.0x! Day 33989, 12:22:49: vegan - Lvl 44 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 34039, 15:44:07: Koyote - Lvl 41 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 34128, 11:02:41: Your Iggy - Lvl 179 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x! Day 34176, 22:49:31: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was destroyed! Day 34176, 23:31:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34263, 22:54:36: Charles - Lvl 131 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 34292, 07:57:02: Ted - Lvl 38 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 34304, 10:59:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34304, 10:59:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34623, 21:40:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34623, 21:41:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34623, 21:43:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34623, 21:43:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 34663, 23:11:01: Yed - Lvl 86 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 35211, 00:51:10: Tribemember H-Rex - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 35386, 14:43:26: Your Dildophosaur - Lvl 203 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.1x! Day 35427, 18:27:44: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone 2.0 - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35456, 01:42:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 35456, 07:05:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone 2.0 - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35456, 12:00:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Spiderbat - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 35456, 12:59:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone 2.0 - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35456, 13:26:39: NanoBastardo added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 35456, 16:05:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Spiderbat - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 35457, 05:15:41: Alsuperhero1 uploaded a X-Otter: X-Otter - Lvl 397 Day 35457, 05:19:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone 2.0 - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1224599316,"tribe":"Telibevert logs":["Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39322, 04:05:33: Zara froze Cheeky Chicken - Lvl 631 (Therizinosaur) Day 39322, 08:45:36: Zara demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 39322, 08:46:30: Zara demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 39322, 09:57:57: Zara demolished a 'Metal Water Intake Pipe'! Day 39322, 16:26:10: LeoGetz froze ZaRiper 30 36 - Lvl 444 (R-Reaper King) Day 39322, 19:05:49: Zara demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39322, 19:08:01: Zara demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39322, 19:08:51: Zara demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39322, 19:09:42: Zara demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39322, 19:14:38: Zara froze Cheeky Chicken - Lvl 631 (Therizinosaur) Day 39322, 22:00:22: LeoGetz claimed 'Gasbags - Lvl 246 (Gasbags)'! Day 39322, 22:16:49: LeoGetz unclaimed 'Gasbags - Lvl 246 (Gasbags)'! Day 39323, 02:42:29: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 406 (Snow Owl) Day 39323, 03:49:19: Zara froze Cukker - Lvl 406 (Snow Owl) Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40494, 05:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1224069738,"tribe":"The Viking's logs":["Day 25465, 03:34:15: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 25465, 06:52:43: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25465, 13:55:13: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 25466, 05:57:12: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by Hollow - Lvl 96 (The Viking's)! Day 25466, 05:57:12: Your Tribe killed Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's)! Day 25507, 04:19:12: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 25534, 07:57:34: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 261 (Spino) Day 25612, 07:48:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25672, 13:15:02: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 92 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 25745, 20:29:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 138 (Microraptor)! Day 25869, 14:14:34: Moshi - Lvl 43 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25919, 16:37:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26033, 05:51:22: Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon) starved to death! Day 26045, 09:32:01: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 1 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)'! Day 26045, 09:37:29: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium)'! Day 26045, 09:44:49: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)'! Day 26045, 09:52:29: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 8 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium)'! Day 26049, 13:02:25: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 18 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 115! Day 26054, 03:41:22: Tribemember Hollow - Lvl 96 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 26055, 21:03:06: Your Holly - Lvl 122 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26095, 21:24:40: Sammie froze Cindy - Lvl 89 (Megalodon) Day 26095, 21:41:37: Sammie froze Lenny - Lvl 152 (Megalodon) Day 26095, 21:49:50: Sammie froze Loafy - Lvl 89 (Megalodon) Day 26095, 22:03:04: Sammie froze Tiger - Lvl 179 (Megalodon) Day 26095, 22:23:35: Sammie froze BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 26095, 22:51:02: Sammie froze BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 26095, 23:31:47: Sammie froze stink - Lvl 96 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26132, 14:17:26: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26178, 03:37:18: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 26227, 05:11:04: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26227, 05:11:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26227, 05:11:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26924, 18:07:39: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'stink - Lvl 96 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Cindy - Lvl 89 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Lenny - Lvl 152 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Loafy - Lvl 89 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 248 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Tiger - Lvl 179 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Spino - Lvl 256 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Spino - Lvl 220 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Flame - Lvl 106 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'the business - Lvl 252 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Big Mamma - Lvl 292 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'White Chocolate - Lvl 220 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'rexy - Lvl 181 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'SharpTooth - Lvl 205 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Rex - Lvl 166 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Rex - Lvl 58 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 206 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Speedy I - Lvl 102 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Leo - Lvl 394 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Twinkle Toes II - Lvl 144 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'The Claw - Lvl 192 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Butt Nugget - Lvl 109 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27116, 10:55:37: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27304, 03:06:07: Sammie uploaded a Shadowmane: Ocean - Lvl 293 Day 27305, 16:04:15: Hollow uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lil miss Zeus - Lvl 171 Day 27305, 16:33:56: Hollow downloaded a dino: Lil miss Zeus - Lvl 171 Day 27305, 22:27:03: Sammie downloaded a dino: Ocean - Lvl 293 Day 27306, 09:54:12: Sammie froze Ocean - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 27306, 09:58:47: Hollow froze Lil miss Zeus - Lvl 171 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27306, 11:40:05: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 27306, 11:49:26: Sammie froze Ocean - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 27306, 11:53:01: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 27323, 07:23:24: Sammie froze radgey - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 27323, 07:42:32: Sammie froze Bean - Lvl 215 (Castoroides) Day 27323, 08:02:15: Sammie froze Bean - Lvl 215 (Castoroides) Day 27323, 08:07:11: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27323, 08:15:16: Sammie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 329 (Ankylosaurus) Day 27323, 09:56:31: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27515, 12:09:23: Sammie claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 27515, 12:53:15: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 0.8x! Day 27515, 15:07:56: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27516, 22:16:31: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 27608, 10:10:59: Sammie Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon)! Day 27608, 10:14:58: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon) Day 27608, 14:03:46: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon) Day 27608, 18:56:21: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 27608, 20:10:27: Sammie froze 1 Mutation W - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) Day 27608, 21:09:49: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino) Day 27608, 23:45:44: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 27609, 01:18:56: Sammie froze 1 Mutation W - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) Day 27609, 03:21:23: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 27609, 05:25:00: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 27609, 05:31:12: Sammie froze Storm - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 27609, 10:18:29: Sammie Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 34 (Dimetrodon)! Day 27609, 10:24:19: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 34 (Dimetrodon) Day 27609, 12:25:22: Sammie froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon) Day 27609, 13:22:04: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27611, 22:09:38: Sammie froze Moe - Lvl 28 (Tek Quetzal) Day 27611, 23:34:46: Sammie claimed '! L A L L U ! - Lvl 196 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27611, 23:43:08: Sammie froze ! L A L L U ! - Lvl 196 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27611, 23:58:10: Sammie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27612, 00:24:01: Sammie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 229 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27612, 01:57:14: Sammie uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 231 Day 27612, 01:59:42: Sammie uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 229 Day 27612, 02:01:44: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27903, 09:37:09: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27916, 06:04:41: Sammie froze Pollina - Lvl 83 (Dimorphodon) Day 27916, 06:08:19: Sammie froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 48 (Dimorphodon) Day 27916, 08:48:54: Sammie froze Feather - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus) Day 27916, 14:58:48: Sammie claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27916, 15:02:49: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) Day 27916, 15:08:11: Sammie claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27916, 15:11:36: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 27916, 17:34:37: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27917, 12:53:59: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27917, 18:04:41: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 269 Day 27961, 15:24:04: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27961, 18:53:09: Sammie froze Karl - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 28057, 07:08:18: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28362, 09:24:18: Sammie froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 105 (Yutyrannus) Day 28362, 11:35:53: Sammie froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 106 (Therizinosaur) Day 28362, 14:55:54: Sammie froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 105 (Yutyrannus) Day 28362, 15:05:36: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28556, 04:39:05: Dung Beetle - Lvl 112 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 28683, 14:21:44: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28691, 07:42:00: Dung Beetle - Lvl 119 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 28767, 15:57:31: Delilah - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28791, 23:28:17: Kairuku - Lvl 14 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 28814, 15:24:55: Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 28814, 15:24:55: Floss - Lvl 58 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 28864, 10:29:54: Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 28937, 00:04:50: Jack the II - Lvl 139 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 28937, 03:25:40: Dato II - Lvl 44 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28943, 14:25:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28945, 14:19:26: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino)'! Day 28945, 14:38:12: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexington the III - Lvl 323 (Rex)'! Day 28945, 14:41:31: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robocop - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex)'! Day 28945, 14:59:36: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bucky - Lvl 197 (Castoroides)'! Day 28945, 15:03:09: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Army - Lvl 236 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28945, 15:06:38: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deirdre - Lvl 151 (Doedicurus)'! Day 28945, 15:07:03: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Don - Lvl 94 (Carbonemys)'! Day 28945, 15:13:07: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 2 - Lvl 222 (Megatherium)'! Day 28945, 15:14:26: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TinkyWinky - Lvl 113 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 28945, 15:15:32: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pterry the 1st - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28945, 15:17:54: Nutty - Lvl 113 (Crusader) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Microraptor - Lvl 140 (Microraptor)'! Day 28957, 19:26:56: Mesopithecus - Lvl 59 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29250, 17:23:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29265, 14:47:05: Sammie downloaded a dino: 44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 233 Day 29265, 16:59:51: Sammie uploaded a Phiomia: Pewp Machine - Lvl 71 Day 29265, 18:22:30: Sammie uploaded a Fire Wyvern: 44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 233 Day 30063, 01:53:10: Sammie claimed 'Caraxes - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30063, 01:57:37: Sammie froze Caraxes - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30063, 02:11:55: Sammie claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 281 (Baryonyx)'! Day 30063, 02:15:21: Sammie froze Baryonyx - Lvl 281 (Baryonyx) Day 30063, 02:33:18: Sammie claimed 'U-tronaptor - Lvl 291 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 30063, 02:43:06: Sammie froze U-tronaptor - Lvl 291 (Tek Raptor) Day 30064, 17:19:58: Sammie froze U-tronaptor - Lvl 291 (Tek Raptor) Day 30064, 17:34:02: Sammie uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 200 Day 30156, 07:17:55: Sammie claimed 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 30156, 07:21:41: Sammie claimed 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 30156, 07:31:14: Sammie claimed 'Fly Guy - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30156, 07:34:42: Sammie froze Fly Guy - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) Day 30156, 08:23:29: Sammie claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30156, 08:46:05: Sammie froze Fly Guy - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon) Day 30156, 08:58:21: Sammie froze River - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 30156, 10:40:35: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 289 Day 30179, 19:31:04: Sammie froze Blaze - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30181, 19:56:38: Sammie claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 30181, 19:59:36: Sammie froze Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor) Day 30182, 04:56:29: Sammie froze Blaze - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30462, 10:24:55: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 277 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31001, 23:12:43: jopie - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 31001, 23:15:23: jopie - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sex (Raft)'! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31323, 20:34:47: Savage - Lvl 162 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31386, 15:47:59: Sammie froze Blaze - Lvl 302 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34458, 21:53:12: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35268, 22:50:25: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39517, 23:01:00: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41846, 11:03:10: Sammie claimed 'Razor - Lvl 134 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41846, 11:07:07: Sammie froze Razor - Lvl 134 (Tek Raptor) Day 41847, 03:03:50: Sammie claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41847, 03:09:02: Sammie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon) Day 41847, 08:57:42: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42035, 13:37:12: Sammie froze Griffy - Lvl 305 (Griffin) Day 42054, 19:15:22: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 42084, 16:25:47: Sammie claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42084, 16:29:54: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane) Day 42084, 16:33:30: Sammie claimed 'Spino - Lvl 115 (Spino)'! Day 42084, 16:36:07: Sammie froze Spino - Lvl 115 (Spino) Day 42084, 16:40:14: Sammie claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr)'! Day 42084, 16:44:54: Sammie froze Managarmr - Lvl 195 (Managarmr) Day 42084, 16:54:12: Sammie claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr)'! Day 42084, 16:58:15: Sammie froze Managarmr - Lvl 194 (Managarmr) Day 42084, 17:04:28: Sammie claimed 'tetica - Lvl 188 (Megalania)'! Day 42084, 17:24:51: Sammie claimed '트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 42084, 23:52:58: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 318 Day 42124, 08:30:44: Sammie froze tetica - Lvl 193 (Megalania) Day 42124, 08:34:17: Sammie froze 트로..그뭐.. 전투기 - Lvl 152 (Tropeognathus) Day 42124, 08:47:32: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1209932421,"tribe":"Upper Command logs":["Day 33179, 20:39:41: Lui was added to the Tribe! Day 33180, 05:43:10: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33180, 07:25:08: Lui demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33180, 07:26:36: Lui demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33180, 07:27:35: Lui demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33180, 11:16:52: Your asd - Lvl 150 (Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 5! Day 33180, 22:04:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Parasaur)! Day 33181, 11:51:00: Tribemember Lui - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33181, 12:06:39: Tribemember Lui - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33181, 12:31:32: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 129 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 0.9x! Day 33181, 12:43:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33181, 12:44:09: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33181, 13:21:07: Your Depo - Lvl 188 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33181, 13:27:06: Tribemember Lui - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33181, 15:19:09: Tribemember Lui - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33181, 16:25:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 33181, 20:14:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 33182, 14:15:48: Lui Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 112 (Triceratops)! Day 33183, 03:42:58: Lui claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 03:46:03: Lui claimed 'baskin - Lvl 281 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 03:48:18: Lui claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis)'! Day 33183, 03:51:17: Lui claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 191 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33183, 03:57:07: Lui claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 04:06:56: Lui claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur)'! Day 33183, 05:18:13: Lui claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis)'! Day 33183, 05:29:18: Lui claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 56 (Tapejara)'! Day 33183, 05:34:43: Lui claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 33334, 13:07:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33787, 18:44:35: Human - Lvl 44 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 118 (Triceratops)'! Day 33799, 00:43:16: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur)'! Day 33799, 00:48:10: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 191 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33799, 00:57:34: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baskin - Lvl 282 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 18:10:44: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 18:13:50: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 18:18:36: Siness - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Siness) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33895, 16:35:16: Renegade - Lvl 122 (Gajalaka Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 56 (Tapejara)'! Day 34013, 07:58:08: NorthOfYou - Lvl 70 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)'! Day 34013, 08:01:54: NorthOfYou - Lvl 70 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis)'! Day 34013, 08:23:15: NorthOfYou - Lvl 70 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shlup - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34068, 01:00:59: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34351, 17:41:49: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1209801986,"tribe":"Tribe of nareex logs":["Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27040, 23:03:49: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jeremy - Lvl 217 (Tek Rex)'! Day 27040, 23:06:57: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zbir 2 - Lvl 304 (Megatherium)'! Day 27040, 23:08:06: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZBIR 4 - Lvl 306 (Megatherium)'! Day 27040, 23:08:46: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 107 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 27040, 23:13:50: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baba 2 - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 23:15:38: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gérare pack M - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 27040, 23:17:02: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tk78 - Lvl 258 (Triceratops)'! Day 27040, 23:17:53: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pokra - Lvl 239 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 27040, 23:18:37: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grokéké - Lvl 279 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 27040, 23:19:28: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame '50 cc - Lvl 239 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 27040, 23:20:27: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Foufoune - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 23:20:50: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baba - Lvl 241 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 23:21:30: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pipi - Lvl 71 (Kairuku)'! Day 27040, 23:22:10: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Loupette - Lvl 235 (Direwolf)'! Day 27040, 23:23:05: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BMW M8 Competiion - Lvl 329 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 23:23:30: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pierre - Lvl 94 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 27040, 23:25:41: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gertrude - Lvl 159 (Raptor)'! Day 27040, 23:26:21: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 218 (Parasaur)'! Day 27040, 23:27:25: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lacoste - Lvl 171 (Sarco)'! Day 27040, 23:28:45: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anusa - Lvl 273 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 27040, 23:29:34: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Radkouille - Lvl 205 (Raptor)'! Day 27040, 23:30:58: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flaman rose - Lvl 195 (Pelagornis)'! Day 27040, 23:31:23: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Enculosaure - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27040, 23:32:07: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spartasus Jr. - Lvl 326 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 23:41:01: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZBIR 1 - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 27040, 23:42:47: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zbir 6 - Lvl 315 (Megatherium)'! Day 27040, 23:45:54: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Merdo - Lvl 65 (Phiomia)'! Day 27040, 23:47:50: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gillou - Lvl 306 (Megatherium)'! Day 27040, 23:49:36: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Steak - Lvl 144 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 27040, 23:54:40: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Erika - Lvl 282 (Megatherium)'! Day 27041, 00:00:02: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Waly - Lvl 242 (Megalodon)'! Day 27041, 00:00:34: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spiderman - Lvl 270 (Megalodon)'! Day 27041, 00:05:50: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dunk - Lvl 218 (Dunkleosteus)'! Day 27041, 00:15:39: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baguette - Lvl 154 (Baryonyx)'! Day 27041, 00:27:10: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BMW M3 Compétition - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 27041, 00:27:38: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentine - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 27041, 00:30:09: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zbir 3 - Lvl 307 (Megatherium)'! Day 27041, 01:01:01: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marine - Lvl 263 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 27041, 01:12:16: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marguerite - Lvl 339 (Megatherium)'! Day 27041, 01:20:59: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 27041, 01:40:59: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ddd - Lvl 104 (Kairuku)'! Day 27041, 02:13:13: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Braguette - Lvl 175 (Baryonyx)'! Day 27041, 04:27:53: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zbir 5 - Lvl 315 (Megatherium)'! Day 27041, 04:28:43: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZBIR 7 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium)'! Day 27041, 04:47:29: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Liza - Lvl 68 (Diplodocus)'! Day 27058, 14:09:57: Delfino - Lvl 96 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 27058, 14:42:36: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mamy - Lvl 150 (Mammoth)'! Day 27089, 11:28:51: Kira049 - Lvl 139 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27089, 11:35:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33036, 10:20:05: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 33036, 11:53:08: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 10! Day 33036, 11:55:06: Tribemember nareex - Lvl 121 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 10! Day 34035, 18:48:17: Tribemember Neters - Lvl 121 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 35! Day 34037, 11:48:02: nareex froze Walid L'électricien - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34037, 17:15:02: Neters froze Pigeon Royal - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1209757570,"tribe":"Tribe of spring logs":["Day 37900, 18:07:59: spring was added to the Tribe! Day 37901, 13:30:44: spring Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 38219, 05:26:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38564, 16:40:23: Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38789, 10:17:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38789, 10:17:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38789, 10:17:38: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39186, 19:06:54: Triceratops - Lvl 41 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 39243, 10:26:48: Tribemember spring - Lvl 53 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1209680262,"tribe":"Tribe of TiiteAnge logs":["Day 32922, 04:57:06: TiiteAnge was added to the Tribe! Day 33370, 22:38:04: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1208606863,"tribe":"Kaczuchy logs":["Day 19701, 17:21:51: Kaczuchax was added to the Tribe! Day 19702, 01:42:49: Kaczuchax uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 243"] "tribeid":1208567794,"tribe":"Tribe of Mrs Kettlewell logs":["Day 36742, 16:59:17: Mrs Kettlewell was added to the Tribe! Day 36742, 17:00:33: Sexy Black Man was added to the Tribe by Mrs Kettlewell!"] "tribeid":1207038856,"tribe":"BeardedCaveMen logs":["Day 43794, 11:56:46: UncleAlbert29 was added to the Tribe! Day 43794, 16:14:14: SaltyFox was added to the Tribe by UncleAlbert29! Day 43794, 17:51:46: Tribemember SaltyFox - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 43794, 19:42:24: UncleAlbert29 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 43794, 19:45:38: UncleAlbert29 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 43818, 14:44:20: UncleAlbert29 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 43818, 15:41:47: SaltyFox Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 111 (Raptor)! Day 43818, 17:33:10: Tribemember SaltyFox - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 43818, 19:40:33: Tribemember UncleAlbert29 - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 43818, 19:56:10: Your (Unc)Craptor - Lvl 35 (Raptor) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 43819, 00:11:55: Tribemember SaltyFox - Lvl 37 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 43819, 09:48:33: Tribemember UncleAlbert29 - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 43819, 11:17:30: Tribemember UncleAlbert29 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 43819, 14:30:52: Tribemember UncleAlbert29 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 43819, 16:15:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 43819, 19:21:59: UncleAlbert29 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 43942, 19:23:35: Your rex - Lvl 125 (Raptor) was killed! Day 44401, 01:10:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44401, 01:10:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44401, 01:10:50: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44401, 01:10:50: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44816, 15:07:14: battyman - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon)'! Day 45025, 12:44:11: Scringle - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS ShitBox (Raft)'! Day 45025, 13:10:23: Tribemember UncleAlbert29 - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 45025, 13:23:53: Tribemember SaltyFox - Lvl 38 was killed!"] "tribeid":1206201046,"tribe":"the banwith bandit logs":["Day 28955, 01:43:46: wolf was added to the Tribe! Day 28955, 20:49:11: wolf Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 28959, 07:41:13: wolf demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28959, 08:51:49: wolf demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28959, 08:52:35: wolf demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28959, 08:53:27: wolf demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28959, 18:40:21: wolf Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 14 (Brontosaurus)! Day 28987, 17:11:16: wolf Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 29457, 20:17:49: Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 29604, 01:05:30: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29768, 07:18:41: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29809, 13:29:37: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 33 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 29872, 18:54:51: Sarco - Lvl 34 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 29894, 02:49:26: Brontosaurus - Lvl 32 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30872, 16:10:46: Pteranodon - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 31244, 16:38:27: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 175 (Argentavis)'! Day 32883, 10:26:43: wolf demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 32883, 10:29:21: wolf demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32883, 10:30:42: wolf demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 32883, 10:31:45: wolf demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 32894, 02:09:18: wolf demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 32894, 02:10:33: wolf demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 32894, 02:15:12: wolf demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 32894, 02:23:11: wolf demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 32894, 02:27:53: wolf demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 32894, 22:33:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 32895, 01:28:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 80 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 32895, 09:42:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 32917, 23:12:15: wolf claimed 'Lusty - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 32917, 23:31:37: wolf claimed 'Trusty - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 32942, 08:57:25: YuY was added to the Tribe by wolf! Day 32950, 01:19:02: wolf Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 80 (Pelagornis)! Day 32950, 06:25:07: Tribemember YuY - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 32950, 08:19:45: Tribemember YuY - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 32950, 13:59:22: Tribemember YuY - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 32950, 19:36:25: wolf Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 44 (Therizinosaur)! Day 32999, 01:45:46: wolf Tamed a Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino)! Day 33012, 03:29:23: wolf demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 33012, 03:31:25: wolf demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 33012, 07:54:15: wolf Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon)! Day 33020, 13:51:08: wolf Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)! Day 33046, 16:45:29: Tribemember wolf - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 33192, 13:50:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33310, 21:02:30: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33334, 13:07:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33334, 13:07:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33639, 21:30:27: Wunt - Lvl 121 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BEZOS JEFF - Lvl 106 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 33639, 21:31:58: Wunt - Lvl 121 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lusty - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 33639, 21:34:48: Wunt - Lvl 121 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trusty - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 33639, 21:40:17: Wunt - Lvl 121 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 85 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33640, 01:01:14: Wunt - Lvl 121 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 106 (Pelagornis)'! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33792, 21:23:35: seppe - Lvl 64 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33796, 18:28:12: Tribemember YuY - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34079, 13:57:16: NorthOfYou - Lvl 104 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis)'! Day 34079, 13:59:24: NorthOfYou - Lvl 104 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 117 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34079, 14:01:13: NorthOfYou - Lvl 104 (Coldnwet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 187 (Spino)'! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35380, 23:16:52: Tribemember wolf - Lvl 102 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 60! Day 41246, 02:36:27: Tribemember wolf - Lvl 102 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 75! Day 41247, 16:54:17: wolf Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 41248, 17:57:24: wolf Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 41276, 10:39:17: wolf demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 41276, 10:40:43: wolf demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 41276, 10:41:56: wolf demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 41312, 15:56:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 133 (Tapejara)! Day 41319, 13:02:11: wolf Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 7 (Brontosaurus)! Day 41320, 01:07:12: wolf Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 41320, 06:22:08: wolf Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 41320, 08:49:51: wolf Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 41391, 09:50:56: wolf claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis)'! Day 41391, 09:51:25: wolf claimed 'Bird Thing - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)'! Day 41684, 00:19:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41871, 08:11:52: Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 41872, 06:57:53: Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 42010, 19:53:14: Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42173, 08:12:09: Xantiem - Lvl 59 (Xantiem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 149 (Tapejara)'! Day 42173, 08:18:46: Xantiem - Lvl 59 (Xantiem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 42173, 08:24:05: Xantiem - Lvl 59 (Xantiem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 30 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 42208, 19:50:32: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42260, 16:01:02: Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42280, 10:05:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42566, 05:33:17: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42839, 01:57:22: Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42934, 09:51:46: Bird Thing - Lvl 125 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 44361, 05:15:38: Tribemember wolf - Lvl 107 was killed!"] "tribeid":1204307180,"tribe":"Tribe of Jamie logs":["Day 28950, 21:04:06: Jamie was added to the Tribe! Day 28953, 20:10:18: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 28959, 21:59:42: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 21 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28959, 22:55:32: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28960, 03:21:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 28978, 21:56:02: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 49 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 28979, 01:15:40: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 49 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 29100, 21:26:30: Your Paris - Lvl 45 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 29118, 16:17:33: Your Ana - Lvl 26 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 29132, 14:24:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29594, 05:38:03: Human - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andy - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 30348, 17:41:20: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 49 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 30440, 21:31:31: Pterry - Lvl 78 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 30967, 00:06:32: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1201217619,"tribe":"Kingdom of Midnight logs":["Day 40742, 17:29:34: Rupert was added to the Tribe! Day 40744, 02:08:19: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 40744, 04:31:08: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 40750, 19:29:47: Rupert Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 40764, 12:16:59: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)! Day 40765, 04:45:21: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 40797, 01:49:14: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40799, 13:27:13: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40799, 13:29:46: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40815, 12:44:16: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40815, 15:56:57: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40822, 15:32:07: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40823, 00:42:43: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40823, 00:45:12: Rupert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40845, 14:38:19: Tribe of Nova tribe was merged in by Nova! Day 40845, 14:38:19: Nova was added to the Tribe by Rupert! Day 40846, 04:46:11: Nova was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Rupert! Day 40846, 17:50:40: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 40846, 22:58:47: Nova claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 38 (Dodo)'! Day 40854, 19:34:58: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40855, 15:03:20: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 17 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 40857, 20:51:47: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 40857, 22:44:05: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 96 (Dodo)! Day 40859, 14:54:31: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 27 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 65! Day 40860, 17:55:57: Nova Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 40861, 12:02:39: Nova Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 40861, 18:19:02: Your Trixie - Lvl 23 (Triceratops) was killed! Day 40864, 03:02:17: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 34 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 75! Day 40864, 08:45:33: Nova Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 112 (Triceratops)! Day 40867, 07:22:19: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 34 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 40867, 15:37:41: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40868, 02:26:01: Your Gizmo - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 40868, 11:58:08: Rupert Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 40870, 11:00:57: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 40891, 14:09:36: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40892, 09:56:57: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 156 (Dodo)! Day 40912, 09:44:14: Nova demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 40914, 02:39:34: Nova Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 199 (Carbonemys)! Day 40916, 11:19:18: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 40916, 11:21:48: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 40916, 18:11:03: Nova Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 30 (Oviraptor)! Day 40917, 13:45:20: Nova Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 89 (Castoroides)! Day 40917, 21:05:22: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon)! Day 40940, 10:13:42: Nova Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 101 (Pelagornis)! Day 40940, 14:00:52: Rupert Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 71 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40941, 13:32:36: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40959, 21:01:03: Nova Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 40962, 17:53:03: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40963, 12:31:07: Nova claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 104 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 40963, 19:11:09: Rupert claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40965, 21:40:39: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 7 (Sarco)! Day 40980, 20:29:10: Nova Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 126 (Carbonemys)! Day 40980, 23:34:17: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40981, 07:46:09: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 31 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40983, 04:12:54: Your Ottawa - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 40984, 00:15:31: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 143 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40986, 21:44:04: Nova Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus)! Day 40988, 08:18:11: Rupert Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 51 (Dilophosaur)! Day 40990, 19:29:33: Nova Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 133 (Pteranodon)! Day 41010, 01:01:25: Nova Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)! Day 41012, 08:22:43: Rupert Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 52 (Brontosaurus)! Day 41012, 20:59:09: Nova claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41033, 12:51:17: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 104 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41033, 19:16:13: Nova claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 135 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41036, 02:41:21: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41036, 07:24:08: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41037, 02:28:30: Nova Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41037, 06:53:23: Nova claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 148 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41037, 13:50:08: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41037, 21:26:17: Nova Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 35 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 41038, 00:16:59: Nova froze Tequila - Lvl 35 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 41039, 07:19:41: Nova froze Rubble - Lvl 44 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41040, 18:10:36: Nova froze Charger - Lvl 231 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41052, 10:50:44: Nova froze BluRay - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41053, 03:05:50: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 80 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 75! Day 41055, 22:30:40: Nova Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 29 (Ichthyornis)! Day 41060, 16:01:39: Nova Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 37 (Stegosaurus)! Day 41060, 17:07:30: Rupert froze Daiquiri - Lvl 37 (Stegosaurus) Day 41062, 10:16:47: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41081, 14:32:41: Nova Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 41081, 15:42:28: Rupert froze Flipper - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 41081, 15:49:43: Nova Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 41081, 16:59:28: Rupert froze Splash - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 41082, 04:28:34: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41083, 06:54:51: Rupert Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 36 (Pelagornis)! Day 41086, 10:35:09: Your Micro - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Nova - Lvl 90 (Kingdom of Midnight)! Day 41086, 10:35:09: Your Tribe killed Micro - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur) (Kingdom of Midnight)! Day 41103, 08:25:27: Nova claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41104, 23:00:06: Nova was demoted from Tribe Admin by Rupert! Day 41105, 14:17:59: Rupert demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 41106, 08:06:17: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon)! Day 41106, 08:39:56: Rupert froze Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon) Day 41108, 17:43:09: Nova claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 137 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41108, 17:59:41: Rupert claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 137 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41108, 20:10:34: Rupert claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41108, 20:15:17: Nova claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 135 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 41130, 12:27:41: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41130, 14:06:03: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41132, 01:12:30: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41132, 11:40:29: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 190 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41133, 08:31:15: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41134, 19:13:29: Nova Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 178 (Pelagornis)! Day 41156, 07:51:11: Rupert Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41193, 12:12:59: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 197 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41194, 01:16:13: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 41200, 18:11:07: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41200, 18:49:51: Nova froze Diamond - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41201, 15:11:00: Nova Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 41202, 06:54:30: Nova Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 179 (Phiomia)! Day 41227, 03:51:07: Rupert Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 41227, 05:47:10: Rupert froze Vultron - Lvl 135 (Argentavis) Day 41227, 17:59:56: Rupert Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 52 (Argentavis)! Day 41227, 18:32:37: Nova froze Toastie - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) Day 41228, 04:27:10: Nova Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 41250, 02:55:46: Rupert claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 84 (Argentavis)'! Day 41250, 03:02:40: Nova claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis)'! Day 41251, 08:06:57: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41251, 11:15:05: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41268, 11:45:05: Rupert downloaded a dino: Dung Beetle - Lvl 206 Day 41271, 13:14:34: Rupert downloaded a dino: fent - Lvl 213 Day 41271, 13:59:44: Rupert downloaded a dino: Ares - Lvl 242 Day 41271, 14:10:26: Rupert downloaded a dino: Thanatos - Lvl 271 Day 41271, 14:12:14: Rupert downloaded a dino: El Dorado - Lvl 173 Day 41271, 16:58:56: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 74 (Sarco)! Day 41272, 12:29:02: Nova Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 22 (Ichthyornis)! Day 41273, 07:30:03: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 49 (Megalodon)! Day 41273, 07:49:11: Rupert froze Megalodon - Lvl 49 (Megalodon) Day 41275, 22:26:42: Rupert downloaded a dino: Dung Beetle - Lvl 146 Day 41275, 22:30:33: Rupert downloaded a dino: Dung Beetle - Lvl 146 Day 41276, 00:22:23: Rupert downloaded a dino: Dung Beetle - Lvl 228 Day 41276, 00:26:49: Rupert downloaded a dino: Dung Beetle - Lvl 236 Day 41276, 00:30:23: Rupert downloaded a dino: Draedon - Lvl 251 Day 41276, 00:31:46: Rupert downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 225 Day 41276, 15:29:51: Nova froze Spud - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 41276, 15:33:35: Rupert froze Russett - Lvl 179 (Phiomia) Day 41313, 14:25:52: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41315, 19:06:29: Nova Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 35 (Castoroides)! Day 41319, 14:31:22: Your Splash - Lvl 56 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.1x! Day 41321, 14:48:27: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 41321, 17:09:49: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon)! Day 41321, 17:43:33: Nova froze Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon) Day 41327, 21:28:10: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 23 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41328, 04:00:07: Nova froze USB - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41328, 13:38:41: Nova Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 41328, 14:50:05: Nova froze Psychedelic - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) Day 41328, 19:14:36: Nova Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 41328, 19:27:45: Nova froze LSD - Lvl 141 (Parasaur) Day 41329, 07:32:47: Nova froze Tequila - Lvl 73 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 41329, 07:43:34: Nova froze Daiquiri - Lvl 74 (Stegosaurus) Day 41329, 08:23:48: Nova froze Daiquiri - Lvl 74 (Stegosaurus) Day 41329, 10:29:22: Nova froze Flipper - Lvl 67 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 41340, 10:45:33: Nova froze Psychedelic - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) Day 41340, 10:54:55: Nova froze LSD - Lvl 141 (Parasaur) Day 41341, 03:23:15: Rupert froze Psychedelic - Lvl 54 (Pteranodon) Day 41341, 15:03:03: Rupert froze Tangerine - Lvl 80 (Megalodon) Day 41341, 15:34:01: Rupert froze Lime - Lvl 88 (Megalodon) Day 41341, 16:52:44: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 41343, 21:21:13: Nova Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 94 (Carbonemys)! Day 41344, 04:17:42: Nova Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 51 (Ichthyornis)! Day 41364, 06:45:37: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41364, 08:28:03: Nova froze Dusk - Lvl 222 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41366, 08:06:29: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41367, 20:05:38: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 53 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41367, 22:34:52: Rupert froze Ironman - Lvl 53 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41369, 12:10:49: Nova Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 41370, 10:22:10: Rupert uploaded a Argentavis: Hawk - Lvl 267 Day 41370, 10:25:10: Rupert uploaded a Argentavis: Eagle - Lvl 254 Day 41384, 17:07:31: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo)! Day 41391, 07:01:13: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41391, 08:44:43: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41391, 10:32:25: Nova froze rename me - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) Day 41391, 10:39:38: Nova froze rename me - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus) Day 41391, 12:52:08: Triceratops - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 41391, 16:54:03: Nova Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 89 (Triceratops)! Day 41391, 17:42:23: Nova froze trippy - Lvl 89 (Triceratops) Day 41392, 03:57:12: Nova Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 111 (Carbonemys)! Day 41392, 04:52:10: Nova froze rename me - Lvl 111 (Carbonemys) Day 41411, 07:26:40: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41411, 08:37:30: Nova froze Ironlady - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41412, 21:50:36: Nova Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 112 (Moschops)! Day 41415, 22:00:31: Nova Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 123 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 41415, 22:35:49: Nova froze wish - Lvl 123 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 41416, 08:02:38: Rupert Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 22 (Basilosaurus)! Day 41416, 08:58:15: Nova froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 22 (Basilosaurus) Day 41456, 14:13:30: Nova Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 41458, 08:20:31: Nova Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 42 (Oviraptor)! Day 41460, 02:22:15: Nova Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 98 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 41460, 08:38:40: Nova Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41460, 23:08:35: Nova froze Margarita - Lvl 98 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 41460, 23:40:22: Nova froze tina - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41461, 18:09:01: Nova Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41461, 20:13:01: Nova froze Sniper - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur) Day 41462, 18:03:14: Nova Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 41509, 20:31:10: Nova Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 149 (Moschops)! Day 41511, 08:57:11: Rupert Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 17 (Quetzal)! Day 41511, 17:39:28: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 41512, 05:33:09: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41512, 06:34:31: Nova froze 150 M base 1 - Lvl 222 (Tek Parasaur) Day 41514, 02:42:43: Rupert Tamed a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Kentrosaurus)! Day 41514, 02:54:03: Rupert froze Kentrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Kentrosaurus) Day 41514, 03:58:42: Nova Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)! Day 41514, 04:18:44: Rupert froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 41514, 09:43:56: Nova Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 41561, 14:29:50: Rupert downloaded a dino: Sherbet Dip - Lvl 131 Day 41578, 11:58:39: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 6 (Sarco)! Day 41578, 15:39:17: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41578, 16:30:24: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41579, 23:51:38: Nova Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 14 (Stegosaurus)! Day 41581, 06:02:26: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 41581, 06:02:29: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Unlocked) '! Day 41581, 06:02:29: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Unlocked) '! Day 41581, 06:02:29: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Unlocked) '! Day 41581, 06:02:29: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 41581, 06:03:59: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 41581, 06:03:59: Brontosaurus - Lvl 5 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Unlocked) '! Day 41633, 01:29:32: Nova Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41653, 21:24:46: Nova froze Sachel - Lvl 6 (Sarco) Day 41669, 10:29:22: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 177 (Sarco)! Day 41670, 11:31:57: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 67 (Megalodon)! Day 41670, 11:51:20: Nova froze Mid meg - Lvl 67 (Megalodon) Day 41670, 23:06:27: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 41671, 00:02:52: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 200 (Megalodon)! Day 41671, 00:51:04: Nova froze big Meg - Lvl 200 (Megalodon) Day 41671, 07:54:31: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 13 (Megalodon)! Day 41671, 08:22:35: Nova froze low but colourful - Lvl 13 (Megalodon) Day 41700, 07:12:15: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41700, 08:23:13: Nova froze fun name needed - Lvl 14 (Stegosaurus) Day 41701, 11:32:59: Nova Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41703, 12:45:44: Nova claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 84 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41773, 20:02:21: Brontosaurus - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 41773, 20:08:35: Brontosaurus - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 41773, 20:08:35: Brontosaurus - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 41825, 08:45:56: Nova Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 41825, 09:57:20: Your Tuna - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by Nova - Lvl 101 (Kingdom of Midnight)! Day 41825, 09:57:20: Your Tribe killed Tuna - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) (Kingdom of Midnight)! Day 41843, 19:37:40: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 82 (Megalodon)! Day 41843, 20:02:11: Nova froze July - Lvl 82 (Megalodon) Day 41844, 02:11:58: Nova Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 14 (Pelagornis)! Day 41848, 04:15:17: Nova downloaded a dino: Winnie - Lvl 106 Day 41848, 04:43:39: Rupert downloaded a dino: Paddington - Lvl 201 Day 41848, 05:13:38: Nova froze Winnie - Lvl 106 (Dire Bear) Day 41848, 05:20:39: Nova froze Paddington - Lvl 201 (Dire Bear) Day 41868, 23:40:38: Nova Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 41871, 03:35:42: Nova downloaded a dino: Equus - Lvl 70 Day 41871, 03:37:27: Nova downloaded a dino: Crunchie - Lvl 192 Day 41871, 04:19:17: Nova froze Equus - Lvl 70 (Equus) Day 41871, 16:46:43: Nova Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)! Day 41894, 05:31:46: Your July - Lvl 136 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 80! Day 41894, 05:50:59: Your Mid meg - Lvl 152 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 45! Day 42109, 17:17:16: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 34 (Megalodon)! Day 42203, 21:06:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 52 (Megalodon)! Day 42204, 01:48:21: Rupert froze Megalodon - Lvl 52 (Megalodon) Day 42370, 17:16:58: Nova claimed 'Jenny LongLegs - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42370, 17:46:59: Nova claimed 'FartFace - Lvl 100 (Phiomia)'! Day 42370, 18:35:23: Rupert claimed 'Painful - Lvl 176 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42370, 20:09:14: Nova claimed 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 42371, 00:54:06: Nova claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42371, 02:45:36: Nova claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 42371, 06:39:06: Rupert claimed 'WaterMelon - Lvl 187 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 42371, 09:49:33: Rupert froze FartFace - Lvl 100 (Phiomia) Day 42490, 00:51:25: Nova Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 17 (Tek Raptor)! Day 42490, 01:42:46: Nova froze Rapbot - Lvl 17 (Tek Raptor) Day 42490, 06:21:01: Rupert Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 14 (Mesopithecus)! Day 42491, 01:43:53: Nova Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 153 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 42629, 17:57:48: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 42631, 07:18:07: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 42631, 18:28:03: Nova Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 48 (Basilosaurus)! Day 42631, 19:34:25: Nova froze Glitch - Lvl 48 (Basilosaurus) Day 42632, 11:17:05: Nova uploaded a Dung Beetle: Doodie - Lvl 168 Day 42632, 11:28:29: Nova uploaded a Dung Beetle: Turd - Lvl 252 Day 42788, 15:52:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 66 (Megalodon)! Day 42788, 16:56:04: Nova froze Megalodon - Lvl 66 (Megalodon) Day 42788, 20:29:08: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 80 (Megalodon)! Day 42788, 21:02:53: Nova froze mid meg - Lvl 80 (Megalodon) Day 42789, 07:57:34: Nova Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Parasaur)! Day 43132, 21:53:25: Rupert froze Low colour - Lvl 11 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43132, 22:25:00: Rupert froze Solder - Lvl 99 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43132, 22:51:23: Rupert froze Mojito - Lvl 153 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 43132, 23:13:31: Rupert froze Boulder - Lvl 115 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43132, 23:39:27: Rupert froze Pebbles - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43133, 02:25:01: Rupert froze DarkWeb - Lvl 142 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43456, 11:10:23: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 138 (Sarco)! Day 43456, 23:50:09: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) destroyed your 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 43607, 18:33:54: Rupert Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 81 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 43704, 14:25:12: Rupert Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 43705, 09:12:49: Nova Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 102 (Argentavis)! Day 43705, 13:36:01: Rupert froze Skylar - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 43705, 23:19:25: Rupert Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 43706, 00:42:21: Rupert froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus) Day 43706, 07:02:59: Nova Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 43706, 08:07:08: Rupert froze Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 43706, 11:57:32: Rupert Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 43706, 12:05:16: Rupert Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 59 (Argentavis)! Day 43706, 13:13:41: Rupert froze Bird Bait - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) Day 43706, 15:34:00: Rupert froze Blue Capped Redcoat - Lvl 59 (Argentavis) Day 43706, 15:40:22: Rupert froze Peeping Tina - Lvl 37 (Argentavis) Day 43706, 18:59:21: Nova Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 43706, 19:42:27: Rupert froze RAVE - Lvl 14 (Triceratops) Day 43894, 11:29:24: Rupert Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 112 (Moschops)! Day 43939, 09:50:58: Tribemember Rupert - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 43939, 10:57:57: Tribemember Nova - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 44226, 06:30:00: Nova claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 153 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44226, 06:40:28: Nova claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 153 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 44226, 11:47:08: Nova claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44228, 14:04:04: Nova Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 44228, 14:28:57: Nova froze Clockwork Orange - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 44917, 01:42:03: Nova Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 67 (Sarco)! Day 44919, 06:58:08: Nova claimed 'es - Lvl 69 (Castoroides)'! Day 44919, 07:20:01: Nova claimed 'pt - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44919, 07:27:39: Nova claimed 'flappy - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44919, 12:19:24: Nova Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon)! Day 44919, 19:54:17: Nova Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 44920, 00:12:34: Rupert froze TANGO - Lvl 37 (Megalodon) Day 44920, 01:07:48: Rupert froze Kensi - Lvl 22 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44920, 01:32:58: Rupert froze es - Lvl 69 (Castoroides) Day 44920, 11:47:09: Nova Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 67 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 44920, 13:06:50: Rupert froze Choco Lemon - Lvl 67 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 44921, 23:28:03: Rupert Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 44 (Megalodon)! Day 44922, 05:21:16: Rupert froze Megalodon - Lvl 44 (Megalodon) Day 44922, 11:54:48: Nova claimed '[MT] Charcoal - Lvl 64 (Spino)'! Day 44922, 11:58:43: Nova claimed '[MT] River Monster - Lvl 122 (Spino)'! Day 44922, 12:05:43: Nova claimed '[MT] Delta - Lvl 177 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:06:24: Nova claimed '[MT] Echo - Lvl 25 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:11:40: Nova claimed '[MT] Speedy - Lvl 20 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:27:07: Nova claimed '[MT] Horns - Lvl 129 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 44922, 12:41:23: Nova claimed '[MT] Maverick - Lvl 204 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:53:54: Nova claimed '[MT] Spotty - Lvl 38 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:00:20: Nova claimed '[MT] Clifford - Lvl 28 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:02:46: Nova claimed '[MT] Collector - Lvl 16 (Triceratops)'! Day 44922, 13:06:12: Nova claimed '[MT] Bluey - Lvl 182 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:20:02: Nova claimed '[MT] Pumpkin - Lvl 97 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:24:54: Nova claimed '[MT] Phoenix - Lvl 20 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 13:34:58: Nova claimed 'urhmmmm - Lvl 29 (Dodo)'! Day 44922, 14:58:33: Nova claimed 'idk - Lvl 47 (Dodo)'! Day 44923, 00:47:53: Nova uploaded a Carnotaurus: [MT] Horns - Lvl 129 Day 44923, 00:50:31: Nova uploaded a Triceratops: [MT] Collector - Lvl 16 Day 44923, 00:53:40: Nova uploaded a Phiomia: [MT] Bluey - Lvl 182 Day 44923, 00:55:43: Nova uploaded a Dodo: idk - Lvl 47 Day 44923, 00:57:43: Nova uploaded a Dodo: urhmmmm - Lvl 29 Day 44923, 00:59:28: Nova uploaded a Phiomia: [MT] Pumpkin - Lvl 97 Day 44923, 01:01:08: Nova uploaded a Phiomia: [MT] Clifford - Lvl 28 Day 44923, 01:03:24: Nova uploaded a Raptor: [MT] Delta - Lvl 177 Day 44923, 01:05:47: Nova uploaded a Spino: [MT] Charcoal - Lvl 64 Day 44923, 02:12:17: Nova uploaded a Phiomia: [MT] Spotty - Lvl 38 Day 44923, 02:58:54: Nova uploaded a Raptor: [MT] Maverick - Lvl 204 Day 44923, 03:00:12: Nova uploaded a Raptor: [MT] Speedy - Lvl 20 Day 44923, 03:02:48: Nova uploaded a Raptor: [MT] Echo - Lvl 25 Day 44923, 03:04:17: Nova uploaded a Raptor: [MT] Phoenix - Lvl 20 Day 44923, 07:15:44: Rupert froze [MT] River Monster - Lvl 122 (Spino) Day 44923, 14:46:58: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Collector - Lvl 16 Day 44923, 14:49:12: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Horns - Lvl 129 Day 44923, 14:52:12: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Bluey - Lvl 182 Day 44923, 14:52:28: Rupert froze [MT] Collector - Lvl 16 (Triceratops) Day 44923, 14:53:47: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Pumpkin - Lvl 97 Day 44923, 14:58:01: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Spotty - Lvl 38 Day 44923, 15:00:11: Rupert froze [MT] Horns - Lvl 129 (Carnotaurus) Day 44923, 15:00:23: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Clifford - Lvl 28 Day 44923, 15:09:21: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Delta - Lvl 177 Day 44923, 15:10:16: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Maverick - Lvl 204 Day 44923, 15:11:35: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Speedy - Lvl 20 Day 44923, 15:13:13: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Echo - Lvl 25 Day 44923, 15:14:29: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Phoenix - Lvl 20 Day 44923, 15:22:26: Nova downloaded a dino: idk - Lvl 47 Day 44923, 15:23:14: Nova downloaded a dino: urhmmmm - Lvl 29 Day 44923, 15:24:21: Nova downloaded a dino: [MT] Charcoal - Lvl 64 Day 44923, 15:30:12: Rupert froze [MT] Delta - Lvl 177 (Raptor) Day 44923, 15:35:43: Rupert froze [MT] Phoenix - Lvl 20 (Raptor) Day 44923, 15:42:11: Rupert froze [MT] Spotty - Lvl 38 (Phiomia) Day 44923, 15:51:56: Rupert froze [MT] Maverick - Lvl 204 (Raptor) Day 44923, 15:57:37: Rupert froze [MT] Speedy - Lvl 20 (Raptor) Day 44923, 16:05:46: Rupert froze [MT] Echo - Lvl 25 (Raptor) Day 44923, 16:14:40: Rupert froze [MT] Clifford - Lvl 28 (Phiomia) Day 44923, 18:11:39: Rupert froze [MT] Bluey - Lvl 182 (Phiomia) Day 44923, 18:17:31: Rupert froze [MT] Pumpkin - Lvl 97 (Phiomia) Day 44923, 18:23:31: Rupert froze [MT] Charcoal - Lvl 64 (Spino) Day 45130, 13:15:06: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 45130, 16:53:46: Nova Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 196 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 45131, 08:22:51: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 45131, 09:19:41: Nova Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 37 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 45133, 08:01:37: Nova froze Pride - Lvl 196 (Tek Parasaur) Day 45133, 08:15:07: Nova froze Pink Panther - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) Day 45133, 10:31:09: Nova Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 14 (Phiomia)! Day 45133, 11:01:51: Nova froze Sweet Potato - Lvl 14 (Phiomia) Day 45133, 17:23:32: Rupert demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 45133, 17:25:30: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 45133, 17:27:13: Rupert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 45134, 09:15:28: Nova claimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45135, 08:43:11: Nova claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 45135, 10:54:52: Nova froze Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1200900916,"tribe":"cumberlandites logs":["Day 37210, 21:34:55: yami claimed 'Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 37210, 21:52:49: yami froze Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 37210, 22:51:26: yami claimed 'edwerd - Lvl 102 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 37210, 23:06:46: yami unclaimed 'edwerd - Lvl 106 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 37214, 01:32:33: yami claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)'! Day 37214, 06:50:57: yami froze Baby Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37214, 06:56:17: yami froze Baby Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37214, 23:03:22: yami froze Juvenile Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37234, 07:37:33: yami froze Juvenile Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37234, 19:36:56: yami froze Adolescent Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37235, 14:29:17: yami froze Adolescent Indominus - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37235, 16:19:50: pengin claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 37235, 20:55:31: pengin froze Adolescent Judah - Lvl 184 (Direwolf) Day 37235, 22:32:55: pengin froze Juvenile Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37236, 08:53:48: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37236, 09:38:40: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37236, 12:50:58: pengin claimed 'edwerd - Lvl 106 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 37236, 13:03:43: pengin froze Lucy - Lvl 106 (Therizinosaur) Day 37236, 20:04:26: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37236, 21:29:51: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37236, 23:37:08: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37237, 01:35:27: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37237, 05:24:18: pengin froze Rumple - Lvl 203 (Raptor) Day 37237, 05:57:52: pengin froze Kingston - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 37237, 06:25:28: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37237, 07:34:50: pengin froze Stimberry - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 37237, 08:14:28: pengin froze bREXit - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 37237, 09:17:50: pengin froze Indominus - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 37237, 10:37:48: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37237, 12:44:09: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37237, 14:07:23: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37237, 16:09:51: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37237, 17:35:28: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 100! Day 37237, 19:57:37: yami froze Yuno - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 37237, 20:21:56: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37237, 21:21:28: pengin froze Adolescent Phobos - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 37238, 00:56:56: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 37238, 01:13:27: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 105 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 37238, 04:02:25: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37238, 11:12:24: yami Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus)! Day 37238, 11:16:33: yami froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 37238, 11:57:56: pengin froze Phobos - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 37238, 12:53:39: pengin froze bREXit - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 37238, 14:38:25: pengin froze bREXit - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 37238, 18:06:50: pengin demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 37238, 18:57:08: yami froze KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 37238, 19:00:51: yami froze Indominus - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 37239, 00:19:05: pengin froze Phobos - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 37239, 00:29:23: yami froze Indominus - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 37239, 02:02:04: pengin froze Stimberry - Lvl 174 (Rex) Day 37239, 02:06:14: pengin froze Kingston - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 37239, 03:51:27: Your Maki - Lvl 211 (Raptor) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 03:52:52: Your Rumple - Lvl 203 (Raptor) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:02:00: Your Fluffy - Lvl 154 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:04:25: Your Demon - Lvl 228 (Direwolf) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:04:25: Your Judah - Lvl 188 (Direwolf) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:13:07: Your Slushy - Lvl 100 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:26:04: Your Indominus - Lvl 229 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 37239, 04:38:35: Your Stimberry - Lvl 174 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37239, 04:49:48: Your bREXit - Lvl 264 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37253, 10:14:03: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 37254, 16:43:41: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 37254, 16:43:41: Your Tribe killed pengin - Lvl 111 (cumberlandites)! Day 37255, 12:15:53: pengin Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 37255, 12:39:04: yami froze bukatunge - Lvl 228 (Sarco) Day 37255, 13:03:47: pengin froze Olifant - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 37255, 14:18:16: yami froze Yuno - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 37255, 15:41:12: pengin Tamed a Rex - Lvl 172 (Rex)! Day 37255, 16:04:59: pengin froze Qu - Lvl 172 (Rex) Day 37255, 17:20:23: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 37255, 19:42:37: yami froze bukatunge - Lvl 228 (Sarco) Day 37256, 03:38:28: pengin froze Lucy - Lvl 108 (Therizinosaur) Day 37256, 08:20:50: pengin claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 185 (Rex)'! Day 37256, 08:29:24: yami claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 37256, 09:52:40: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37256, 10:05:40: yami froze Plum - Lvl 78 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37256, 12:29:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 50 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 37256, 12:49:14: pengin froze Baby Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37256, 12:56:23: yami froze Baby Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37256, 13:00:01: yami froze Baby Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37256, 13:51:40: yami froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 51 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37256, 15:56:57: pengin claimed 'Baby Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 37256, 17:33:19: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:34:10: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:38:07: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:42:40: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:43:54: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:47:14: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:52:33: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:54:07: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 17:55:14: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:12:53: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:13:58: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:16:05: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:17:17: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:23:41: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:24:39: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:25:38: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:27:24: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 18:28:23: pengin demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 37256, 19:11:55: pengin unclaimed 'Mrs baa - Lvl 42 (Megaloceros)'! Day 37256, 19:12:37: pengin claimed 'Mrs baa - Lvl 42 (Megaloceros)'! Day 37256, 20:46:35: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37256, 23:00:46: yami Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 37256, 23:25:06: pengin froze Juvenile Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37256, 23:30:40: pengin froze Juvenile Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37257, 03:14:02: pengin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)'! Day 37257, 03:21:41: pengin froze Baby Chuddy - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 37257, 04:39:32: yami froze Juvenile Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37257, 04:55:21: yami froze Juvenile Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37257, 05:24:43: pengin froze Juvenile Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37257, 05:35:21: pengin froze Juvenile Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37257, 05:38:24: pengin froze Adolescent Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37260, 09:30:34: yami froze Adolescent Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37260, 09:35:22: yami froze Adolescent Through - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 37279, 23:45:23: Your Mrs baa - Lvl 48 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 37280, 08:11:46: yami claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)'! Day 37280, 08:13:17: yami claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 37280, 12:38:45: yami froze Baby OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37280, 12:43:08: yami froze Baby OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37280, 12:46:25: yami froze Baby OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37280, 17:06:18: yami froze Juvenile :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37280, 17:09:51: yami froze Juvenile :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37280, 22:15:44: yami froze Juvenile OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37280, 22:22:17: yami froze Juvenile OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37281, 04:22:55: yami froze Juvenile OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37281, 07:51:19: yami Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 14 (Oviraptor)! Day 37281, 08:43:14: yami froze Juvenile :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37281, 09:07:35: yami froze Juvenile OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37281, 09:11:58: yami froze Juvenile OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37281, 13:12:32: yami froze Adolescent :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37281, 13:16:12: yami froze Adolescent :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37281, 18:08:30: yami froze Adolescent OREO - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37281, 18:24:38: yami froze Adolescent :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37305, 08:13:10: yami froze Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37305, 11:37:54: pengin claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 37305, 11:48:46: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by yami - Lvl 113 (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 11:48:46: Your Tribe killed pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 13:47:13: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:47:13: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:47:13: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 13:48:01: Triceratops - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37305, 14:16:16: yami froze Adolescent :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37305, 14:19:33: yami froze Chelsea - Lvl 43 (Moschops) Day 37305, 16:45:56: Your Wafty - Lvl 252 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 115! Day 37305, 17:49:34: pengin froze Adolescent Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37305, 17:55:07: pengin froze Adolescent Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37305, 18:02:14: pengin demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37305, 18:11:35: pengin claimed 'Baby Dimorphodon - Lvl 135 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37305, 18:14:46: pengin claimed 'Baby Dimorphodon - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37305, 18:43:49: pengin claimed 'Baby Dimorphodon - Lvl 120 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37305, 19:43:23: pengin unclaimed 'Juvenile Pen - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37305, 19:44:51: pengin claimed 'Juvenile Pen - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37305, 19:53:36: Your Baby Paintbrush - Lvl 120 (Dimorphodon) was killed by pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 19:53:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Paintbrush - Lvl 120 (Dimorphodon) (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 19:54:26: Your Juvenile Pen - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon) was killed by pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 19:54:26: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Pen - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon) (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 19:57:17: Your Juvenile Pencil - Lvl 135 (Dimorphodon) was killed by pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 19:57:17: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Pencil - Lvl 135 (Dimorphodon) (cumberlandites)! Day 37305, 20:36:11: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37305, 20:55:46: pengin froze Juvenile Tacky - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 37306, 00:34:39: pengin froze Adolescent Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37306, 08:24:57: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 90! Day 37306, 08:37:30: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 90! Day 37306, 13:03:43: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37306, 15:18:32: pengin froze Adolescent Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37306, 15:22:03: pengin froze Adolescent Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37306, 15:26:39: pengin froze Adolescent Tacky - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 37306, 16:18:06: yami Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 134 (Yutyrannus)! Day 37306, 16:22:37: yami froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 134 (Yutyrannus) Day 37306, 21:58:56: yami froze Juvenile Chuddy - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 37307, 07:29:50: yami Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 37307, 07:33:21: yami froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 37307, 10:28:35: pengin froze Adolescent Tacky - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 37307, 12:00:52: pengin froze bukatunge - Lvl 232 (Sarco) Day 37307, 12:38:14: pengin froze bukatunge - Lvl 232 (Sarco) Day 37307, 12:51:41: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37307, 12:51:41: Your Tribe killed yami - Lvl 113 (cumberlandites)! Day 37307, 14:34:31: pengin froze Yuno - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 37307, 17:04:06: yami froze Vessel - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 37307, 17:08:47: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 37307, 19:19:20: yami Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 37307, 19:31:26: pengin froze Yuno - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) Day 37307, 23:32:19: Your Dolph - Lvl 145 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 40! Day 37307, 23:35:10: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 270! Day 37307, 23:55:31: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 190! Day 37308, 00:42:19: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37308, 02:56:08: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37308, 03:05:27: Your bukatunge - Lvl 234 (Sarco) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 260! Day 37308, 10:21:23: yami Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 37308, 15:11:48: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 17 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 290! Day 37308, 20:05:09: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37329, 12:03:18: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37329, 13:46:18: pengin froze Jet 2 Holidays - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 37329, 13:51:34: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37329, 13:59:58: pengin froze Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37329, 15:07:45: pengin froze Trafalgar - Lvl 185 (Rex) Day 37329, 15:13:47: pengin froze Olow - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 37329, 15:39:53: pengin froze Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 139 (Yutyrannus) Day 37329, 15:47:59: pengin froze Lucy - Lvl 112 (Therizinosaur) Day 37329, 15:54:54: pengin froze :Colon: - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:00:47: yami froze Qu - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:01:28: pengin froze Pluto - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 37329, 21:16:21: pengin froze Teddy bear - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37329, 21:17:30: yami froze Qu - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:20:35: pengin froze Phobos - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:24:00: yami froze KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:25:23: pengin froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 37329, 21:30:55: yami froze Kingston - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:49:16: pengin froze Through - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 37329, 21:56:46: pengin froze Raptonite - Lvl 218 (Raptor) Day 37329, 22:05:05: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37329, 23:35:21: pengin froze Phobos - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37330, 00:40:10: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37330, 01:20:34: yami froze Rupert - Lvl 112 (Raptor) Day 37330, 01:29:05: yami froze Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 37330, 02:18:24: pengin froze Raptonite - Lvl 218 (Raptor) Day 37330, 02:37:28: yami froze Lucy - Lvl 112 (Therizinosaur) Day 37330, 02:52:50: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37330, 05:00:25: pengin froze Adolescent Tacky - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 37330, 08:24:38: pengin froze Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 139 (Yutyrannus) Day 37330, 08:31:04: pengin froze Olow - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 37330, 08:42:32: pengin froze :Colon: - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 37330, 12:19:25: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 14:04:31: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 14:24:08: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 14:44:43: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37330, 14:59:10: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37330, 16:37:26: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 17:40:38: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 18:33:20: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 37330, 19:52:46: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37330, 23:24:18: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by yami - Lvl 113 (cumberlandites)! Day 37330, 23:24:18: Your Tribe killed pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37331, 01:35:43: Your Pluto - Lvl 269 (Direwolf) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x! Day 37331, 02:26:03: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 37331, 03:22:33: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 05:00:35: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37331, 06:23:53: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 06:53:43: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 08:17:38: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 08:24:33: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 08:33:16: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 09:03:39: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 09:43:22: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 37331, 10:03:47: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 37332, 00:30:22: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 37332, 00:32:29: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37332, 03:55:10: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37332, 11:25:36: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37332, 12:03:02: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37332, 13:20:01: yami froze Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo) Day 37332, 15:57:50: yami froze OREO - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 37332, 15:59:23: pengin froze Tacky - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:06:56: yami froze :Colon: - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:07:34: pengin froze Trafalgar - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:14:12: pengin froze Phobos - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:33:07: pengin froze Qu - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:46:30: pengin froze Olow - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 37332, 16:51:51: yami froze Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 146 (Yutyrannus) Day 37332, 16:57:18: yami froze Through - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 37332, 19:46:46: yami froze Juvenile Chuddy - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 37332, 20:25:09: yami froze Phobos - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37332, 20:38:20: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37332, 21:28:01: yami froze :Colon: - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 37332, 23:17:27: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37333, 01:05:40: pengin froze Chicken Little - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 37333, 07:45:34: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37333, 10:56:19: Your Lucy - Lvl 114 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 37333, 10:57:24: Your Juvenile Chuddy - Lvl 22 (Moschops) was killed! Day 37333, 10:57:24: Juvenile Chuddy - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 37333, 12:09:37: pengin froze Olow - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:10:31: yami froze OREO - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:14:10: pengin froze Tacky - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:17:05: yami froze Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 154 (Yutyrannus) Day 37333, 12:19:43: pengin froze KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:25:47: yami froze Through - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:28:23: pengin froze Kingston - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:31:28: yami froze :Colon: - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:35:18: pengin froze Qu - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:36:15: yami froze Phobos - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 37333, 12:39:01: pengin froze Trafalgar - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 37378, 07:53:47: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37389, 10:51:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37399, 10:49:08: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 20 (Oviraptor) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 37402, 10:27:21: Your Porky - Lvl 225 (Phiomia) was killed! Day 37421, 11:12:34: Your Fruity - Lvl 176 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 25! Day 37426, 06:16:06: yami froze KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 37426, 09:28:34: yami froze KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 37426, 09:55:05: Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37426, 09:55:05: Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37426, 09:55:05: Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37426, 09:55:05: Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37426, 09:55:05: Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 37426, 14:58:42: yami froze Phobos - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 37426, 15:00:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 29 (Megatherium)! Day 37426, 15:23:19: yami froze remmy - Lvl 29 (Megatherium) Day 37430, 08:44:14: yami froze remmy - Lvl 33 (Megatherium) Day 37430, 09:47:40: yami froze Grey - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 37430, 10:26:32: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37430, 14:22:55: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37430, 15:03:04: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 37430, 15:59:05: yami froze remmy - Lvl 82 (Megatherium) Day 37436, 19:37:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37447, 13:05:00: yami Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 37447, 13:18:51: yami froze Bye Bye - Lvl 22 (Triceratops) Day 37448, 03:26:52: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by yami - Lvl 113 (cumberlandites)! Day 37448, 03:26:52: Your Tribe killed pengin - Lvl 112 (cumberlandites)! Day 37448, 08:00:43: Tribemember pengin - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 435! Day 37448, 22:14:43: Your Eurofighter Typhoon - Lvl 147 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 37478, 15:28:20: Your Rusty - Lvl 94 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37602, 17:53:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37602, 17:53:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37611, 21:37:27: Chelsea - Lvl 56 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37713, 17:34:17: Dildo - Lvl 57 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37745, 07:26:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37816, 09:17:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37879, 01:35:52: Mr.X - Lvl 43 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mercy's Gaff 2.0 (Raft)'! Day 37911, 04:08:46: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38018, 11:07:03: stefanie - Lvl 113 (OnlyFans - ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flappy Bird - Lvl 239 (Argentavis)'! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38061, 10:45:17: yami's 'Bye Bye - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38189, 13:14:31: Sandra - Lvl 114 (OnlyFans - ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 38203, 10:14:31: KOSA - Lvl 115 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 38203, 10:21:04: KOSA - Lvl 115 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 10:22:46: KOSA - Lvl 115 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grey - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 10:59:37: KOSA - Lvl 115 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 157 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 38203, 11:11:36: KOSA - Lvl 115 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis)'! Day 38204, 08:21:04: KOSA - Lvl 116 (High Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slimer - Lvl 180 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 38244, 17:18:34: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Qu - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:19:47: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Through - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:20:30: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trafalgar - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:21:02: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phobos - Lvl 263 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:21:59: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rupert - Lvl 112 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:22:32: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mouse - Lvl 277 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:23:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gauche - Lvl 212 (Raptor)'! Day 38244, 17:24:32: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kingston - Lvl 267 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:25:13: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Minnie - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)'! Day 38244, 17:25:52: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vessel - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:26:58: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gijon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:27:39: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'remmy - Lvl 90 (Megatherium)'! Day 38244, 17:28:25: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame ':Colon: - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:29:24: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OREO - Lvl 275 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:29:46: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Olow - Lvl 286 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:31:03: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jet 2 Holidays - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38244, 17:31:53: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plum - Lvl 86 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:32:56: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tacky - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 38244, 17:33:31: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plum pudding model - Lvl 45 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:34:53: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rio - Lvl 144 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 38244, 17:36:18: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Teddy bear - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38244, 17:37:28: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melon - Lvl 166 (Raptor)'! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38315, 00:41:23: 's 'Raptonite - Lvl 218 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38337, 15:44:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38460, 15:33:57: Shoe - Lvl 126 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38658, 03:14:00: Tribemember yami - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1200880173,"tribe":"Tribe of Venus logs":["Day 19750, 09:14:48: Venus was added to the Tribe! Day 19750, 09:15:43: Human was added to the Tribe by Venus! Day 19750, 11:02:39: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 19820, 03:16:48: Tribemember Venus - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 19858, 15:04:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1199547491,"tribe":"Love Chasers <3 logs":["Day 30304, 02:33:56: Tess <3 was added to the Tribe! Day 30304, 02:42:34: Sadie <3 was added to the Tribe by Tess <3! Day 30304, 15:35:01: Tess <3 froze Tess's Sis - Lvl 297 (Maewing) Day 30304, 15:44:26: Sadie <3 froze Sadie's Daddy - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 30459, 11:19:11: Tess <3 froze [Breeder] Tess's Circle - Lvl 300 (Managarmr) Day 30459, 21:24:38: Tess <3 froze Rowan - Lvl 273 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30459, 23:27:19: Tess <3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 30459, 23:45:35: Tribemember Tess <3 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 30460, 03:36:07: Tess <3 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 30460, 03:45:02: Tribemember Tess <3 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 30460, 04:01:11: Tess <3 froze Rowan - Lvl 273 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 30460, 04:42:10: Tess <3 froze [Breeder] Tess's Circle - Lvl 300 (Managarmr) Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30759, 11:11:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1196570048,"tribe":"Benji logs":["Day 26596, 23:04:35: Benji was added to the Tribe! Day 26597, 01:28:25: Tribemember Benji - Lvl 11 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 26597, 02:51:11: Tribemember Benji - Lvl 11 was killed!"] "tribeid":1191934607,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 18712, 13:14:10: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 18712, 13:14:56: Fork was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 18712, 15:54:06: Fork Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 18712, 22:07:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 18713, 00:15:26: Your Doo Doo - Lvl 33 (Dodo) was killed by Fork - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human)! Day 18713, 00:15:26: Your Tribe killed Doo Doo - Lvl 33 (Dodo) (Tribe of Human)! Day 18713, 02:22:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 18713, 02:23:11: Tribemember Fork - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 18713, 04:21:12: Tribemember Fork - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 18713, 05:22:07: Tribemember Fork - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.8x! Day 18713, 05:42:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 18713, 07:32:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 15 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 18713, 15:14:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 18713, 15:35:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 18713, 22:19:38: Human Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 80 (Phiomia)! Day 18714, 04:02:00: Tribemember Fork - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 18717, 15:48:46: Your Ericheat - Lvl 30 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18867, 00:06:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19048, 08:07:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19485, 10:04:12: Tribemember Fork - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 19570, 21:17:07: Perry - Lvl 83 (Phiomia) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1190556187,"tribe":"Lives On Scrap logs":["Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21415, 16:53:03: Daemonia - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21470, 04:06:48: STONE BIDEN - Lvl 155 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'Baby Girl - Lvl 199 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'O38/S33/H30 - Lvl 199 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'Daeodon - Lvl 235 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'BatWings - Lvl 244 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'Chalicotherium - Lvl 224 (Chalicotherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:17:40: 's 'Betty - Lvl 266 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/F51 - Mutated st - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'gaidys - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/F51 - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/F - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/F - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M/H - Lvl 188 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/W42 - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M58/H51/W - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'M48/S40/H39 - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's '150 Wild - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'Old Papa Tek Rex 1 - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21672, 08:19:00: 's 'Pappa TkRx - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21690, 15:53:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21690, 15:53:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21690, 15:53:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21690, 15:53:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25087, 10:54:24: Kazkas - Lvl 292 (Dimorphodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1188242704,"tribe":"Tribe of Grot logs":["Day 20173, 00:38:48: Grot was added to the Tribe! Day 20173, 00:52:14: Tribe of Ash tribe was merged in by Ash! Day 20173, 00:52:14: Ash was added to the Tribe by Grot! Day 20173, 23:13:57: Ash demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 20174, 08:05:34: Sergei was added to the Tribe by Grot! Day 20174, 13:17:07: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 15! Day 20174, 13:38:56: Grot demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 20174, 14:16:08: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 16 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 20174, 16:51:39: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 17 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 5! Day 20174, 20:21:57: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 17 was killed by Sergei - Lvl 15 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20174, 20:21:57: Your Tribe killed Ash - Lvl 17 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20174, 20:39:49: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 17 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 20174, 20:53:04: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 20174, 21:04:12: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 20174, 21:20:05: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 20174, 21:50:56: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 20174, 22:17:08: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 20174, 22:59:24: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.9x! Day 20175, 02:38:39: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 28 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 20175, 03:03:23: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 28 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 35! Day 20175, 05:22:30: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 24 was killed by Sergei - Lvl 21 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20175, 05:22:30: Your Tribe killed Ash - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20175, 15:18:42: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20176, 00:54:34: Grot Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 130 (Triceratops)! Day 20176, 09:55:48: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 20176, 22:10:58: Grot demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 20190, 08:03:28: Ash Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 67 (Diplodocus)! Day 20191, 13:08:10: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 20289, 21:27:35: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 53 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 20289, 22:46:29: Sergei demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 20289, 22:50:24: Sergei demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 20290, 03:34:07: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20290, 03:37:52: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20292, 21:53:05: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 53 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 20292, 22:54:59: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 20292, 23:49:19: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 20293, 06:49:11: Sergei demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 20293, 09:14:57: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 20293, 09:26:28: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 20293, 09:30:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 20293, 18:26:19: Sergei Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20293, 18:31:29: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20293, 21:54:47: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20293, 23:51:48: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20294, 00:04:38: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20294, 00:37:19: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20294, 00:38:39: Sergei demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20294, 02:20:38: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 20294, 03:15:30: Sergei demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 20294, 03:17:09: Sergei demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 20294, 06:03:39: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 20294, 06:14:35: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 20294, 09:22:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 20294, 09:33:21: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 20294, 10:13:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 20304, 09:32:27: Grot demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 20304, 09:33:49: Grot demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 20304, 09:35:30: Grot demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20304, 09:36:21: Grot demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20304, 09:38:15: Grot demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20304, 09:39:14: Grot demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20304, 09:40:33: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20304, 09:41:47: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20304, 09:43:57: Grot demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 20304, 09:45:06: Grot demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 20304, 09:48:34: Grot demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20304, 09:50:06: Grot demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 20304, 09:50:59: Grot demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 20304, 09:53:27: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20304, 09:54:26: Grot demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 20304, 09:59:48: Grot demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20304, 10:00:43: Grot demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 20304, 10:01:44: Grot demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 20304, 10:02:41: Grot demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 20304, 10:05:01: Grot demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20304, 10:06:12: Grot demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 20304, 11:48:32: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 56 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 20305, 17:45:54: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 20305, 18:10:18: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 20306, 04:48:13: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 20306, 06:29:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 44 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20306, 08:01:34: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 62 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 20306, 08:14:59: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 62 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 20306, 08:33:55: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 20306, 15:30:26: Grot Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 20306, 19:39:57: Grot Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 74 (Carnotaurus)! Day 20307, 00:06:57: Sergei Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)! Day 20307, 02:33:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 20307, 04:53:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20307, 05:52:27: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20307, 05:54:40: Grot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 20308, 03:31:12: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 68 was killed by Grot - Lvl 68 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20308, 03:31:12: Your Tribe killed Sergei - Lvl 68 (Tribe of Grot)! Day 20308, 04:14:41: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 20308, 05:23:56: Grot Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)! Day 20309, 06:45:50: Grot Tamed a Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)! Day 20311, 05:21:07: Grot demolished a 'Electric Cable Vertical'! Day 20312, 03:05:49: Grot froze Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) Day 20312, 10:24:36: Grot froze BAWWR - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 20323, 23:02:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20450, 15:32:01: Grot froze BAWWR - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 20497, 13:23:57: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 20497, 14:04:36: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 20696, 08:28:12: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 20715, 04:29:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 20715, 04:34:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 40! Day 20720, 14:17:42: Your waybig - Lvl 73 (Diplodocus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 20720, 15:35:18: Your Triceratops - Lvl 168 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 15! Day 20720, 15:35:53: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 20720, 15:40:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 20720, 19:25:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 115! Day 20720, 21:42:24: Your BAWWR - Lvl 177 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 20761, 10:52:45: Your Craptor - Lvl 95 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 20792, 23:15:59: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 93 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 20793, 23:12:41: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 45 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20918, 21:50:11: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 20919, 05:27:36: Tribemember Sergei - Lvl 70 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 21019, 13:18:09: Tribemember Grot - Lvl 95 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 5! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21153, 12:00:59: Iona - Lvl 85 (Tribe of Iona) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 21330, 07:02:50: Chis93 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 146 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21330, 09:54:46: Your Horny - Lvl 93 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 21337, 17:11:27: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21384, 22:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22440, 19:37:19: Maggy T - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Maggy T) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1187850562,"tribe":"Martini Enjoyers logs":["Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38670, 19:44:22: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40219, 15:40:01: Tribemember Maso - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1186696126,"tribe":"Tate fans logs":["Day 32240, 13:13:07: Pigeon was added to the Tribe! Day 32251, 18:48:13: Pigeon claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32251, 18:49:34: Pigeon claimed 'Male stud - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32251, 18:50:21: Pigeon claimed 'Mamy - Lvl 196 (Mammoth)'! Day 32251, 18:52:10: Pigeon claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:52:31: Pigeon claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:52:51: Pigeon claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:53:09: Pigeon claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:53:31: Pigeon claimed '22 18 32 - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:55:28: Pigeon claimed '149 31stam - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:55:55: Pigeon claimed '22 18 32 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:56:21: Pigeon claimed '22hp 18melee - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:56:42: Pigeon claimed '22hp 18 melee - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32251, 18:58:36: Pigeon claimed '[227] Speed - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 32251, 18:59:34: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 18:59:59: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 19:00:27: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 19:00:46: Pigeon claimed '39hp 42melee - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 19:01:31: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 19:01:58: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32251, 19:03:34: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:03:59: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:04:28: Pigeon claimed '37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:05:39: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:06:17: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:06:40: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:07:27: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:08:05: Pigeon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 32251, 19:10:07: Pigeon claimed '[224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 32251, 19:11:20: Pigeon claimed 'Deirdre - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32251, 19:13:04: Pigeon claimed 'Pokebol - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32251, 19:13:29: Pigeon claimed 'Army - Lvl 239 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32251, 19:13:53: Pigeon claimed 'Bucky - Lvl 207 (Castoroides)'! Day 32251, 19:14:19: Pigeon claimed 'Neon Beaver - Lvl 261 (Castoroides)'! Day 32251, 19:16:28: Pigeon claimed 'Loupette - Lvl 266 (Direwolf)'! Day 32251, 19:50:33: Pigeon claimed '[227] Weight - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 32251, 20:10:28: Pigeon claimed '44hp 40 melee base M - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:11:09: Pigeon claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:11:28: Pigeon claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:11:52: Pigeon claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:13:02: Pigeon claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:13:18: Pigeon claimed '44hp 40 melee base F - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32251, 20:13:39: Pigeon claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32254, 09:07:13: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:10:39: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:13:50: Pigeon froze 37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:18:24: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:26:09: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:29:02: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:32:09: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:36:10: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 32254, 09:57:19: Pigeon froze Mamy - Lvl 196 (Mammoth) Day 32254, 10:10:54: Pigeon froze [224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 32254, 10:50:15: Pigeon froze [224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 32254, 10:54:30: Pigeon froze 149 31stam - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 10:58:20: Pigeon froze 22 18 32 - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:01:28: Pigeon froze 22 18 32 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:04:25: Pigeon froze 22hp 18melee - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:07:21: Pigeon froze 22hp 18 melee - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:10:47: Pigeon froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:13:58: Pigeon froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 11:17:24: Pigeon froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 32254, 19:58:16: Pigeon froze Loupette - Lvl 275 (Direwolf) Day 32254, 20:03:37: Pigeon froze Army - Lvl 239 (Doedicurus) Day 32254, 20:06:43: Pigeon froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32254, 20:09:42: Pigeon froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32254, 20:12:19: Pigeon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32254, 20:14:38: Pigeon froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32254, 20:17:43: Pigeon froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32254, 20:21:30: Pigeon froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32254, 20:26:00: Pigeon claimed '42melee - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 32254, 20:31:22: Pigeon froze 42melee - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 32254, 20:40:15: Pigeon froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 32254, 20:44:31: Pigeon froze 44hp 40 melee base F - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 32254, 20:57:20: Pigeon froze 44hp 40 melee base M - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 32254, 21:01:16: Pigeon froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 32254, 21:06:11: Pigeon froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 32254, 21:12:11: Pigeon froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 32284, 17:16:34: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32284, 17:29:18: Pigeon froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32284, 17:36:58: Pigeon froze 37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 32356, 19:20:54: Tribemember Pigeon - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32890, 11:50:51: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 11:55:27: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:00:27: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:07:20: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:12:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:17:06: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:22:28: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '39hp 42melee - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:30:55: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:08:40: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:16:22: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:23:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:28:20: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:36:57: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:43:12: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:48:55: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:59:59: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '44hp 40 melee base M - Lvl 264 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:06:55: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:07:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:08:32: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:09:05: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '44hp 40 melee base F - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:09:23: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:11:17: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Army - Lvl 239 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32890, 14:11:38: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Loupette - Lvl 275 (Direwolf)'! Day 32890, 14:18:45: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '149 31stam - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:19:10: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '22 18 32 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:19:29: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '22hp 18melee - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:20:06: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:20:38: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:21:52: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:23:03: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '22hp 18 melee - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:24:41: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male stud - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32890, 14:27:55: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 32890, 14:29:46: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mamy - Lvl 197 (Mammoth)'! Day 32890, 14:30:33: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pokebol - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32890, 14:31:39: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[227] Weight - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 32890, 14:38:13: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[227] Speed - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 32890, 14:41:07: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame '22 18 32 - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:43:07: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:44:03: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32890, 14:52:11: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Neon Beaver - Lvl 262 (Castoroides)'! Day 32890, 15:14:28: Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fly - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32890, 15:23:33: Stenhouse - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bucky - Lvl 208 (Castoroides)'! Day 33089, 03:43:17: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '42melee - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 33089, 04:17:32: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 248 (Allosaurus)'! Day 33141, 06:40:19: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 272 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33168, 21:13:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33179, 18:51:10: Lui - Lvl 79 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 118 (Carbonemys)'! Day 33179, 18:51:41: Lui - Lvl 79 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'asd - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)'! Day 33255, 19:21:55: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'asd - Lvl 79 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33452, 19:15:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33799, 16:13:13: Dumbledork - Lvl 94 (Corp) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deirdre - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus)'!"] "tribeid":1185762695,"tribe":"Dino Dudes logs":["Day 22594, 08:54:32: Nalite was added to the Tribe! Day 22594, 09:18:13: Ginge was added to the Tribe by Nalite! Day 22594, 16:45:28: Nalite Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 116 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22594, 20:15:57: Nalite demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 22595, 08:38:05: Ginge Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur)! Day 22595, 09:47:40: Nalite Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22595, 17:19:06: Nalite Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 22595, 18:11:22: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 22 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 22595, 18:24:20: Your Perry - Lvl 71 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 22595, 19:04:12: Your Barry - Lvl 123 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 22596, 07:17:25: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22596, 07:53:20: Nalite claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22596, 08:06:29: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 29 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x! Day 22596, 10:08:23: Your Steven - Lvl 33 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22596, 16:35:48: Nalite Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 14 (Iguanodon)! Day 22596, 16:50:34: Your Iggy - Lvl 14 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 22596, 18:27:14: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 37 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 22596, 19:41:30: Nalite Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 22597, 14:11:15: Ginge Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 22598, 14:29:25: Ginge demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22598, 14:31:27: Ginge demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22598, 14:34:15: Ginge demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22603, 06:54:06: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 55 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 22603, 07:14:05: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 55 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 22603, 19:40:22: Nalite demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 22604, 13:57:10: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22604, 14:02:36: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 66 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 22604, 14:07:10: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 22604, 14:26:06: Your Steve - Lvl 53 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22604, 16:45:37: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 65 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 90! Day 22604, 18:45:33: Ginge Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 22604, 19:38:59: Nalite Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 22623, 08:06:23: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 65 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 90! Day 22623, 09:12:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 22671, 17:38:44: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 66 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 22672, 00:57:18: Ginge Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 22672, 15:14:46: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 22673, 09:21:10: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 68 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 22673, 09:53:03: Nalite Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 11 (Argentavis)! Day 22673, 10:33:44: Your McStabb'em - Lvl 68 (Raptor) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 22673, 18:31:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 22688, 14:56:24: Nalite Tamed a Rex - Lvl 14 (Rex)! Day 22689, 01:02:52: Nalite Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 22692, 03:33:11: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 22692, 06:29:29: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 22692, 08:20:05: Kira was added to the Tribe by Nalite! Day 22692, 13:07:09: Nalite Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 22692, 20:56:39: Tribemember Kira - Lvl 12 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 50! Day 22693, 13:42:17: Kira Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur)! Day 22694, 03:23:57: Nalite Tamed a Rex - Lvl 28 (Rex)! Day 22694, 07:50:16: Nalite claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)'! Day 22694, 09:41:05: Your Baby Barney Jr - Lvl 22 (Rex) was killed! Day 22694, 09:41:05: Baby Barney Jr - Lvl 22 (Rex) starved to death! Day 22722, 09:34:39: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 75 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 40! Day 22722, 17:18:06: Nalite claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)'! Day 22722, 23:07:58: Your Juvenile Baby Bird - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) was killed by Nalite - Lvl 76 (Dino Dudes)! Day 22722, 23:07:58: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Baby Bird - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) (Dino Dudes)! Day 22723, 15:19:27: Nalite Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22736, 02:17:58: Nalite Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 35 (Doedicurus)! Day 22736, 07:11:34: Nalite claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 26 (Rex)'! Day 22744, 04:48:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 14 (Brontosaurus)! Day 22744, 13:37:59: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 80 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22931, 09:12:07: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 85 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 22931, 10:26:03: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 85 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 130! Day 22931, 11:50:23: Tribemember Kira - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 22932, 10:18:10: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 87 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 22932, 14:53:37: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 87 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 22932, 15:33:50: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 87 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 10! Day 22932, 16:41:42: Ginge Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)! Day 22932, 16:45:45: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 87 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 23005, 01:17:15: DooDoo - Lvl 31 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 23084, 08:04:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23174, 10:08:37: Lucky - Lvl 44 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23314, 22:51:15: nigga balls - Lvl 13 (Galilisama) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23475, 09:58:55: Danii - Lvl 56 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 23475, 09:58:59: bird - Lvl 31 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 23533, 01:09:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23533, 01:09:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23547, 06:20:08: Goku - Lvl 122 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 206 (Castoroides)'! Day 23547, 06:32:29: Goku - Lvl 122 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flappy - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 23568, 18:25:12: McFly'em - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23617, 21:21:09: Bigh Spine - Lvl 28 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 23661, 10:50:53: Pteranodon - Lvl 62 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23686, 08:53:29: Raptor - Lvl 109 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23828, 15:08:01: Benjani - Lvl 70 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'McKill'em - Lvl 77 (Raptor)'! Day 23828, 15:08:31: Benjani - Lvl 70 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arnold - Lvl 56 (Raptor)'! Day 23828, 15:10:32: Benjani - Lvl 70 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Spikes - Lvl 128 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 23847, 23:33:48: Chomp - Lvl 37 (Rex) starved to death! Day 23847, 23:35:42: Paraguay - Lvl 69 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 23963, 02:01:22: Steve - Lvl 140 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barney - Lvl 41 (Rex)'! Day 24153, 08:18:01: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Miss Bites - Lvl 48 (Rex)'! Day 24751, 17:59:20: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 73 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24752, 05:24:42: Tribemember Kira - Lvl 36 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24795, 00:28:13: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 87 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 28766, 13:37:26: Nalite was removed from the Tribe! Day 28766, 13:37:26: Tribe Owner was changed to Ginge! Day 28787, 02:35:40: Ginge was removed from the Tribe! Day 28787, 02:35:40: Tribe Owner was changed to Kira!"] "tribeid":1182223034,"tribe":"kawaii demons logs":["Day 33985, 16:16:26: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 33985, 18:16:07: Human unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33985, 19:35:06: Human was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 33986, 05:01:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 33986, 15:53:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon)! Day 33986, 17:01:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 33986, 17:08:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 30! Day 33986, 18:33:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 33986, 18:50:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 5 (Pteranodon)! Day 33986, 22:05:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed by a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 33987, 06:41:03: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 20 (Carbonemys)! Day 33987, 07:44:03: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 33987, 08:12:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 33987, 09:16:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 24 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 33987, 09:19:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 33987, 11:07:28: Human unclaimed 'spazzer - Lvl 21 (Carbonemys)'! Day 33987, 11:08:06: Human claimed 'spazzer - Lvl 21 (Carbonemys)'! Day 33987, 11:23:26: Human unclaimed 'spazzer 2 - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33987, 11:24:20: Human claimed 'spazzer 2 - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33987, 14:05:39: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 149 (Carbonemys)! Day 33987, 14:31:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 33987, 19:45:44: Your spazzer 2 - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 33987, 21:07:42: Your spazzer - Lvl 25 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 33987, 21:16:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 46 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 34006, 10:50:00: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 34008, 12:03:49: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 16 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 35! Day 34008, 19:43:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)! Day 34008, 23:19:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 130! Day 34009, 02:04:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 80! Day 34009, 04:59:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 34009, 07:06:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 63 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 34009, 07:45:15: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 34009, 09:18:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 34009, 11:08:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 52 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130! Day 34009, 12:08:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 135! Day 34009, 12:30:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 52 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 25! Day 34009, 12:34:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 34009, 13:34:46: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130! Day 34009, 14:08:57: Human claimed 'three - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34009, 21:09:40: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34010, 03:57:23: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 34010, 04:38:00: Your three - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 40! Day 34010, 04:48:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 34010, 07:48:52: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 34010, 16:00:34: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) was killed by Human - Lvl 63 (kawaii demons)! Day 34010, 16:00:34: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) (kawaii demons)! Day 34010, 22:10:03: Human Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 88 (Castoroides)! Day 34011, 09:26:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 34011, 09:31:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 34011, 10:35:54: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 34032, 04:33:55: Human claimed 'Pogcopter-Death Rebirth² - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 34032, 07:16:15: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 34033, 00:07:33: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 164 (Raptor)! Day 34033, 07:16:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34036, 11:29:34: Your FAV SPAZZY TURTLE - Lvl 162 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 34037, 14:00:55: Your erika - Lvl 64 (Triceratops) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 34177, 00:32:17: Your Terry - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34219, 13:19:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 18 (Triceratops)! Day 34219, 13:43:44: Human Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)! Day 34220, 11:17:34: Human claimed 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 34220, 11:18:16: Human claimed 'Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex)'! Day 34220, 11:18:46: Human claimed 'Rex - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 34220, 11:22:01: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 160 (Raptor)'! Day 34220, 19:40:14: Human demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34220, 19:41:06: Human demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34220, 19:42:00: Human demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 34221, 02:29:06: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 68 (Carbonemys)! Day 34221, 06:52:13: Human Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)! Day 34221, 12:08:16: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 119 (Carbonemys)! Day 34221, 13:11:43: Human unclaimed 'crackhead - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 34221, 13:12:29: Human claimed 'crackhead - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 34221, 13:21:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by Human - Lvl 74 (kawaii demons)! Day 34221, 13:21:20: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 68 (kawaii demons)! Day 34221, 14:04:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by Human - Lvl 74 (kawaii demons)! Day 34221, 14:04:53: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 68 (kawaii demons)! Day 34293, 17:11:07: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 55! Day 34293, 17:28:06: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 55! Day 34361, 18:46:31: erereere - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34411, 03:18:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34517, 07:19:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34534, 11:56:48: crack addict (like me) - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 34697, 10:58:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 68 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 34721, 13:48:47: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 34736, 21:36:49: Perry - Lvl 117 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 34747, 22:57:57: rarere - Lvl 19 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34841, 21:55:00: Triceratops - Lvl 18 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 34904, 16:56:22: Raptor - Lvl 160 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 34906, 09:33:55: Lonwé - Lvl 100 (Shadow Pack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:42:26: Lonwé - Lvl 100 (Shadow Pack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:44:11: Lonwé - Lvl 100 (Shadow Pack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:45:42: Lonwé - Lvl 100 (Shadow Pack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tallon - Lvl 185 (Argentavis)'! Day 34933, 13:36:09: barbie - Lvl 68 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35108, 13:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35171, 18:04:40: Star Man - Lvl 88 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35188, 09:13:12: Exo - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pogcopter-Death Rebirth² - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 35192, 10:49:52: Beeeedle - Lvl 124 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rriggity - Lvl 190 (Raptor)'! Day 35234, 11:33:53: ken - Lvl 119 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 35362, 07:14:02: ant - Lvl 24 (Tribe of ant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35700, 13:02:41: Human claimed 'rex - Lvl 72 (Rex)'! Day 35701, 14:01:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 35719, 18:25:41: Human Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 50 (Triceratops)! Day 35720, 01:09:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 35720, 01:53:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 123 (Carbonemys)! Day 35720, 10:58:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 10! Day 35788, 19:33:04: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 123 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 35865, 08:05:08: Tribemember Human - Lvl 72 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 36117, 21:56:33: rex - Lvl 72 (Rex) starved to death! Day 36245, 03:26:28: Your Tralicia - Lvl 56 (Triceratops) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 35! Day 36298, 19:08:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36298, 19:08:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1181901003,"tribe":"Moronic logs":["Day 37356, 03:02:39: bxne was added to the Tribe! Day 37356, 06:58:04: King1nTheNorth was added to the Tribe by bxne! Day 37357, 13:44:14: bxne Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 37449, 16:17:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 44 (Tek Raptor)! Day 37545, 16:25:50: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 37924, 06:40:32: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon)! Day 37924, 19:47:22: Tribemember bxne - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 37925, 15:29:32: Triceratops - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Ramp'! Day 37925, 20:19:44: bxne Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 141 (Triceratops)! Day 37925, 20:31:02: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 37925, 20:48:14: bxne demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 37926, 11:07:40: bxne demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 37941, 16:08:24: bxne Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 37995, 18:58:12: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 38042, 22:21:36: King1nTheNorth claimed 'BMW M5 F90 - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38043, 14:04:48: bxne Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 38084, 11:37:05: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 38113, 00:49:50: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Titan Killer - Lvl 210 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 38114, 08:16:14: bxne Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 97 (Iguanodon)! Day 38114, 12:35:50: bxne Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 148 (Raptor)! Day 38129, 05:27:14: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Maxmillen - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38129, 05:32:27: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Negation - Lvl 312 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38185, 18:07:00: bxne Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 38375, 11:30:48: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)! Day 38376, 17:50:02: bxne Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 38585, 14:52:51: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)'! Day 38724, 15:06:41: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 145 (Argentavis)'! Day 38943, 20:33:49: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 195 (Baryonyx)! Day 39016, 13:45:44: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Onix - Lvl 193 (Raptor)'! Day 39016, 13:47:01: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Delta - Lvl 169 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 13:47:39: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Cyclone - Lvl 203 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 14:35:52: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Viper - Lvl 165 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 15:02:58: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Iggy - Lvl 106 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39016, 15:12:37: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Batman - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39016, 21:05:05: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Dave - Lvl 183 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39016, 21:06:33: King1nTheNorth claimed '[J] Horns - Lvl 188 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39016, 21:09:32: King1nTheNorth claimed 'lois - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39016, 21:14:57: King1nTheNorth unclaimed 'lois - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39128, 03:02:35: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Ray - Lvl 268 (Raptor)'! Day 39128, 03:30:38: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Pat - Lvl 77 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39128, 04:05:30: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39128, 15:21:55: King1nTheNorth Tamed an Oviraptor - Lvl 112 (Oviraptor)! Day 39202, 15:19:14: Tribemember King1nTheNorth - Lvl 95 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 35! Day 39206, 11:25:39: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 178 (Dodo)! Day 39266, 06:40:22: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 39266, 07:51:42: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 07:52:56: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 144 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 07:55:50: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 124 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 07:57:46: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 07:59:28: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 144 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 08:00:58: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo)'! Day 39266, 08:09:49: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 185 (Dodo)'! Day 39392, 13:55:55: bxne demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39432, 22:06:57: Your Dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:06:57: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:14:39: Your Is that a donkey? - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:14:39: Your Tribe killed Is that a donkey? - Lvl 37 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:18:54: Your Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:18:54: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:25:46: Your Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39432, 22:25:46: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39433, 03:56:21: Your Is that a dodo? - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39433, 03:56:21: Your Tribe killed Is that a dodo? - Lvl 37 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39433, 04:13:07: Your there's the horse - Lvl 59 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 96 (Moronic)! Day 39433, 04:13:07: Your Tribe killed there's the horse - Lvl 59 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 39916, 14:53:43: Tribemember King1nTheNorth - Lvl 97 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 40437, 00:17:03: King1nTheNorth Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 148 (Iguanodon)! Day 40454, 17:51:23: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 160 (Dodo)'! Day 40454, 18:08:53: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 93 (Dodo)'! Day 40454, 23:31:22: Your Adolescent Dodo - Lvl 93 (Dodo) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 98 (Moronic)! Day 40454, 23:31:22: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Dodo - Lvl 93 (Dodo) (Moronic)! Day 40597, 18:00:06: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 169 (Dodo)'! Day 40597, 18:09:34: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 160 (Dodo)'! Day 40597, 19:36:50: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 160 (Dodo) was killed! Day 40597, 19:36:50: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 160 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 40597, 21:08:05: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 169 (Dodo) was killed! Day 40597, 21:08:05: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 169 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 40739, 16:17:18: Your Tank 390 - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 40! Day 40739, 16:17:49: Your Teddy - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 40! Day 40786, 04:19:01: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 176 (Dodo)'! Day 40786, 04:33:27: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 195 (Dodo)'! Day 40786, 06:54:30: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Nala - Lvl 114 (Sabertooth)'! Day 40813, 10:28:11: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 172 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40858, 21:57:47: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 224 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 40912, 09:10:15: King1nTheNorth Tamed an Otter - Lvl 134 (Otter)! Day 40913, 02:46:47: King1nTheNorth Tamed an Otter - Lvl 140 (Otter)! Day 40935, 03:55:00: King1nTheNorth froze Maewing [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Maewing) Day 40935, 18:55:14: King1nTheNorth froze R-Reaper King [Clone] - Lvl 198 (R-Reaper King) Day 40936, 15:20:27: King1nTheNorth froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 95 (Desmodus) Day 41032, 02:46:18: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 88 (Dimetrodon)! Day 41032, 02:57:54: King1nTheNorth froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 88 (Dimetrodon) Day 41078, 08:41:33: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41080, 09:47:44: bxne Tamed a Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino)! Day 41102, 16:44:12: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41103, 02:08:10: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 155 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41103, 02:13:33: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Tek Raptor - Lvl 164 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41103, 04:31:04: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 175 (Raptor)'! Day 41103, 04:32:49: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor)'! Day 41103, 07:41:38: Your Adolescent baby 2 - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 101 (Moronic)! Day 41103, 07:41:38: Your Tribe killed Adolescent baby 2 - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41103, 09:17:15: King1nTheNorth froze Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 175 (Raptor) Day 41103, 14:06:25: King1nTheNorth Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 148 (Raptor)! Day 41103, 14:15:59: King1nTheNorth unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 148 (Raptor)'! Day 41103, 14:20:38: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 148 (Raptor)'! Day 41103, 14:24:51: King1nTheNorth unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 148 (Raptor)'! Day 41103, 19:00:19: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 175 (Raptor) Day 41103, 19:17:02: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Tek Raptor - Lvl 155 (Tek Raptor) Day 41121, 20:58:38: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 176 (Raptor)'! Day 41121, 21:00:06: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor)'! Day 41121, 21:01:29: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor)'! Day 41121, 21:06:31: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 41121, 21:14:36: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor)'! Day 41122, 09:04:03: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41122, 11:16:49: Your Juvenile baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 101 (Moronic)! Day 41122, 11:16:49: Your Tribe killed Juvenile baby 2 - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41122, 17:14:31: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor) Day 41148, 19:20:35: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41174, 09:24:28: Juvenile baby 2 - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 41174, 12:28:10: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41174, 12:34:16: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41193, 11:26:11: Juvenile baby 3.2 - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 41197, 17:21:34: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41197, 19:47:11: Your baby 1 - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 101 (Moronic)! Day 41197, 19:47:11: Your Tribe killed baby 1 - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41198, 06:12:39: King1nTheNorth froze Reaper [Clone] - Lvl 213 (R-Reaper King) Day 41289, 15:20:50: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41289, 16:23:41: Your Baby baby 204 - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) was killed by bxne - Lvl 79 (Moronic)! Day 41289, 16:23:41: Your Tribe killed Baby baby 204 - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41290, 06:43:28: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41290, 07:37:34: Your Baby baaby 219 - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) was killed by bxne - Lvl 79 (Moronic)! Day 41290, 07:37:34: Your Tribe killed Baby baaby 219 - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41290, 08:01:48: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41290, 08:44:23: Your Baby baby 225 - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by bxne - Lvl 79 (Moronic)! Day 41290, 08:44:23: Your Tribe killed Baby baby 225 - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41403, 22:24:01: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:25:10: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:26:13: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 181 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:29:45: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 178 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:30:46: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:32:02: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 190 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 22:33:35: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor)'! Day 41403, 23:38:02: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 178 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41403, 23:38:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 178 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41403, 23:49:12: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 181 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41403, 23:49:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 181 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41404, 01:28:33: Your Finally - Lvl 178 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41404, 01:28:33: Your Tribe killed Finally - Lvl 178 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41404, 02:02:50: Your Raptor - Lvl 176 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41404, 02:02:50: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 176 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41404, 02:17:01: Your Raptor - Lvl 175 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41404, 02:17:01: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 175 (Raptor)! Day 41404, 02:30:21: Your Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 103 (Moronic)! Day 41404, 02:30:21: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41404, 13:45:05: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 41404, 13:49:01: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) Day 41404, 13:55:07: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 41404, 14:07:22: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 41404, 14:13:07: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor) Day 41404, 14:18:47: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 41404, 18:50:56: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor) Day 41405, 04:33:10: Your Derrick - Lvl 221 (Dilophosaur) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41405, 04:33:10: Your Tribe killed Derrick - Lvl 221 (Dilophosaur) (Moronic)! Day 41405, 05:39:09: Your Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41405, 05:39:09: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor)! Day 41405, 06:07:09: Your Ghost - Lvl 268 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41405, 06:07:09: Your Tribe killed Ghost - Lvl 268 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41405, 15:45:59: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor)'! Day 41405, 15:47:49: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor)'! Day 41405, 15:49:10: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 41405, 20:15:22: King1nTheNorth froze Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) Day 41406, 07:17:43: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 41406, 11:48:26: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 41406, 11:55:05: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) Day 41406, 12:00:18: King1nTheNorth froze Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 211 (Raptor) Day 41406, 13:00:19: Your Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41406, 13:00:19: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor)! Day 41499, 22:15:57: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41499, 22:57:59: Your Juvenile babay - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by bxne - Lvl 79 (Moronic)! Day 41499, 22:57:59: Your Tribe killed Juvenile babay - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 41669, 16:48:51: King1nTheNorth claimed 'boss 8 - Lvl 421 (Rex)'! Day 41669, 16:56:17: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Boss 6 - Lvl 365 (Rex)'! Day 41669, 21:06:51: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:13:25: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:16:59: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:20:47: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 192 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:23:14: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 177 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:26:08: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:29:06: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:31:30: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 21:34:37: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor)'! Day 41669, 22:20:47: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 177 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41669, 22:20:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 177 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41669, 22:22:14: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41669, 22:22:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:36:23: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:36:23: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:37:52: Your Baby Raptor - Lvl 192 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:37:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Raptor - Lvl 192 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:40:55: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic)! Day 41669, 23:40:55: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41670, 01:53:19: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 105 (Moronic)! Day 41670, 01:53:19: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41670, 02:48:50: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 105 (Moronic)! Day 41670, 02:48:50: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41670, 02:56:18: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 105 (Moronic)! Day 41670, 02:56:18: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41670, 03:00:56: Your Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 105 (Moronic)! Day 41670, 03:00:56: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) (Moronic)! Day 41903, 09:26:12: bxne claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41903, 10:37:48: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) was killed by King1nTheNorth - Lvl 107 (Moronic)! Day 41903, 10:37:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) (Moronic)! Day 42208, 19:50:32: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42566, 05:33:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42705, 10:59:44: Monty - Lvl 110 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 42852, 06:24:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42852, 06:24:00: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42872, 08:37:30: Oliver - Lvl 170 (Otter) starved to death! Day 44910, 22:08:50: King1nTheNorth claimed 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 196 (Paraceratherium)'!"] "tribeid":1177079244,"tribe":"Tribe of YOMAMA,HAHAHAHA logs":["Day 19816, 16:09:59: YOMAMA,HAHAHAHAH was added to the Tribe! Day 19816, 16:11:10: Helikopter was added to the Tribe by YOMAMA,HAHAHAHAH! Day 19816, 16:54:15: Helikopter demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19816, 16:54:57: Helikopter demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19816, 16:55:48: Helikopter demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19816, 17:15:52: Helikopter demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19816, 17:42:44: YOMAMA,HAHAHAHAH demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 19816, 17:44:00: YOMAMA,HAHAHAHAH demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 19816, 22:45:00: Helikopter demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 19816, 22:46:32: Helikopter demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 19816, 22:47:55: Helikopter demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 19817, 07:12:26: Tribemember Helikopter - Lvl 45 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19817, 07:31:15: Tribemember Helikopter - Lvl 46 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 19817, 08:56:08: Helikopter Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 19826, 01:46:52: Doedicurus - Lvl 65 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20362, 23:26:44: Helikopter Helikopter - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20394, 17:17:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20394, 17:17:50: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22910, 08:41:54: Tribemember YOMAMA,HAHAHAHAH - Lvl 67 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 22981, 12:42:17: Tribemember Helikopter - Lvl 46 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1174517094,"tribe":"Dominion of DomInARK logs":["Day 26734, 14:46:43: DomInARK was added to the Tribe! Day 26735, 01:53:03: Tribemember DomInARK - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 26735, 02:16:22: Tribemember DomInARK - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 65!"] "tribeid":1174510474,"tribe":"Hukanas logs":["Day 20027, 08:47:55: Wheeljack was added to the Tribe! Day 20027, 13:07:24: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 16 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 20027, 14:50:12: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 20027, 16:16:53: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 20027, 16:53:33: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 20027, 17:47:25: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 20027, 18:19:38: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 20027, 18:30:48: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 20027, 18:48:54: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 19 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 20080, 19:46:27: Wheeljack Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo)! Day 20217, 11:52:42: Wheeljack Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 150 (Pegomastax)! Day 20217, 18:08:09: Wheeljack demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 20218, 05:33:40: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 20218, 18:01:01: Wheeljack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 20220, 17:20:22: Wheeljack Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 20289, 11:39:05: Wheeljack claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20337, 08:27:04: Wheeljack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 20359, 12:12:50: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 53 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 20359, 12:17:14: Your Red Alert - Lvl 32 (Parasaur) was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 20360, 03:00:59: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20360, 03:02:53: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20360, 03:08:03: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20364, 09:59:55: Wheeljack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 20365, 01:13:38: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20365, 01:15:29: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20365, 01:17:47: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20365, 01:31:50: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20365, 01:33:54: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20365, 01:35:35: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 20377, 06:50:20: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20377, 06:54:47: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 65 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 20415, 20:59:47: Wheeljack Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20415, 22:44:15: Wheeljack unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Parasaur)'! Day 20417, 23:27:40: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 20417, 23:29:17: Wheeljack demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 20439, 16:25:05: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 70 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 20439, 19:26:57: Wheeljack Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 20440, 11:26:28: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 20499, 08:23:19: Red Alert - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 20527, 18:53:11: Wheeljack Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 20804, 10:20:45: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 21096, 07:34:09: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 81 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 21096, 08:57:19: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 81 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 21096, 09:36:04: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 81 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 1.0x! Day 22098, 15:01:07: Natalina - Lvl 49 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22339, 14:40:32: Megatron - Lvl 113 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22352, 06:18:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22352, 06:18:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22352, 06:18:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22352, 06:18:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22386, 02:27:29: Big One - Lvl 83 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 22386, 03:10:34: Tribemember Wheeljack - Lvl 87 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 22386, 04:29:59: A Tree - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red Alert - Lvl 108 (Parasaur)'! Day 22386, 04:40:55: A Tree - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mirage - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22386, 04:46:33: A Tree - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gears - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 22386, 04:57:49: A Tree - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jazz - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22464, 12:29:10: Your Jon - Lvl 194 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 65!"] "tribeid":1174055724,"tribe":"TootsieWombles logs":["Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21263, 10:02:09: fuzzy - Lvl 89 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 21284, 05:50:10: punch bag - Lvl 104 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21432, 06:29:20: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23502, 19:58:12: Tasha added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 20:04:09: Tasha added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23524, 06:17:52: Tasha added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to boss fights Alliance!"] "tribeid":1172012539,"tribe":"The Carrot Farmers logs":["Day 18308, 17:35:01: NoMoreCarrots was added to the Tribe! Day 18308, 19:01:19: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 18308, 19:11:49: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 6 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 18309, 02:08:58: giveMecarrots was added to the Tribe by NoMoreCarrots! Day 18309, 13:06:08: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 18309, 14:05:43: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 32 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 18309, 15:05:46: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 33 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 18310, 22:02:33: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 18311, 08:02:17: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 18313, 19:05:21: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 41 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 18313, 22:45:22: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 42 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 70! Day 18314, 18:59:16: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 18315, 04:41:18: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 43 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 18315, 08:37:29: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 48 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 18315, 09:22:10: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 18315, 10:30:56: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 49 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 18315, 12:48:15: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 50 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 25! Day 18317, 18:31:19: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 51 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 18317, 19:11:08: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 18317, 19:43:29: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 18317, 19:46:02: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 18317, 20:51:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 18317, 22:35:06: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 18317, 23:04:07: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 18318, 00:08:25: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)! Day 18318, 03:29:29: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 25 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18318, 03:37:35: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 63 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18318, 03:39:10: Your Parasaur - Lvl 120 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18318, 05:34:25: Your Parasaur - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18318, 05:36:46: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 18318, 07:50:03: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 18318, 08:22:06: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 97 (Pegomastax)! Day 18318, 08:59:39: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 18318, 10:54:45: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 56 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 140! Day 18318, 12:09:51: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)! Day 18318, 12:28:47: giveMecarrots Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 18318, 13:15:05: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 164 (Phiomia)! Day 18318, 23:47:21: NoMoreCarrots uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 87 Day 18319, 12:58:08: NoMoreCarrots downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 199 Day 18319, 12:58:27: NoMoreCarrots downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 208 Day 18319, 12:58:44: NoMoreCarrots downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 88 Day 18319, 14:06:10: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18319, 15:44:37: NoMoreCarrots demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 18320, 07:02:47: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18335, 08:30:06: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 61 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 18337, 19:37:51: giveMecarrots Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 164 (Parasaur)! Day 18338, 05:27:26: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 18338, 15:39:37: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 18338, 16:23:25: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18338, 16:25:16: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18338, 17:18:00: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 18338, 17:29:25: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 18338, 18:04:18: NoMoreCarrots demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18339, 00:17:25: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 18339, 00:35:17: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 63 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 18342, 11:50:06: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18342, 11:51:38: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18342, 11:53:00: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18342, 11:55:31: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18343, 06:23:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 70 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18343, 06:23:26: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18343, 06:26:49: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 70 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18343, 06:26:49: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18343, 18:43:16: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 18344, 03:04:37: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 18344, 12:59:26: NoMoreCarrots demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18344, 20:42:22: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 18344, 21:35:26: Tribemember NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 78 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 18346, 15:11:29: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 18363, 22:21:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 164 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18371, 06:38:50: NoMoreCarrots froze Kims Flier - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon) Day 18371, 19:57:43: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon) Day 18372, 02:38:57: NoMoreCarrots downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 217 Day 18372, 03:08:39: NoMoreCarrots froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 18372, 11:37:20: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18372, 12:52:53: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18372, 14:32:15: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18372, 14:35:18: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by NoMoreCarrots - Lvl 93 (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18372, 14:35:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) (The Carrot Farmers)! Day 18373, 18:52:28: NoMoreCarrots Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 18373, 18:56:10: NoMoreCarrots froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18391, 17:29:06: Your Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 18410, 13:55:30: NoMoreCarrots demolished a 'Refining Forge (Unlocked) '! Day 18410, 13:57:42: NoMoreCarrots demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18410, 16:34:21: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 18410, 17:15:44: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 18413, 10:12:45: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18419, 16:48:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 172 (Raptor)! Day 18419, 18:11:48: NoMoreCarrots froze Raptor - Lvl 172 (Raptor) Day 18420, 00:37:49: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)! Day 18420, 00:42:38: NoMoreCarrots froze Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor) Day 18420, 04:03:07: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor)! Day 18420, 04:10:13: NoMoreCarrots froze Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor) Day 18420, 07:16:05: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 184 (Raptor)'! Day 18420, 13:53:56: NoMoreCarrots claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 96 (Raptor)'! Day 18420, 17:30:00: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 18420, 17:31:38: NoMoreCarrots froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Tek Parasaur) Day 18421, 02:23:44: NoMoreCarrots Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)! Day 18431, 19:40:06: NoMoreCarrots froze Kims Flier - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon) Day 18450, 04:00:09: Tribemember giveMecarrots - Lvl 87 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 18725, 19:50:29: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18798, 00:24:14: Mesopithecus - Lvl 56 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 18905, 12:14:41: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18905, 12:14:41: Raptor - Lvl 45 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 18975, 09:26:21: Lil Bastard - Lvl 135 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19008, 07:37:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 07:27:32: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19079, 07:33:12: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sirShitalot - Lvl 200 (Parasaur)'! Day 19079, 07:34:47: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 174 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19079, 07:42:48: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19079, 07:44:42: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19079, 07:49:38: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 19079, 07:55:05: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19079, 08:05:37: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 172 (Raptor)'! Day 19079, 08:06:05: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 19079, 08:16:53: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19114, 16:42:03: Matty - Lvl 45 (Scout Regiment) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 96 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:42:45: Matty - Lvl 45 (Scout Regiment) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia)'! Day 19114, 16:44:36: Matty - Lvl 45 (Scout Regiment) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:47:42: Matty - Lvl 45 (Scout Regiment) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19291, 01:57:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19442, 13:29:49: Boyle - Lvl 121 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19442, 13:38:08: Boyle - Lvl 121 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 00:10:40: Fruj - Lvl 69 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 00:21:21: Herald - Lvl 11 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 00:42:04: Fruj - Lvl 69 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 00:57:10: Herald - Lvl 11 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 01:10:49: Fruj - Lvl 69 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 01:28:22: Fruj - Lvl 69 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19472, 01:37:13: Herald - Lvl 11 (Kaos) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19587, 15:19:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19587, 15:19:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19587, 15:19:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23518, 05:35:58: Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1170510245,"tribe":"Tribe of seppe logs":["Day 33745, 11:35:23: seppe was added to the Tribe! Day 33745, 11:38:20: Human was added to the Tribe by seppe! Day 33745, 11:44:03: seppe claimed 'Giga N- - Lvl 66 (Parasaur)'! Day 33745, 14:37:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 10! Day 33746, 06:36:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 28 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 33746, 11:23:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 28 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33746, 12:34:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 75! Day 33746, 14:07:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 33746, 14:25:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 5! Day 33746, 15:37:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 33746, 15:59:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 30! Day 33746, 16:50:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 33767, 11:21:03: seppe claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33767, 23:54:39: Human demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33767, 23:56:07: Human demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33768, 02:05:26: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:07:58: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:09:08: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:10:40: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:11:41: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:12:42: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:13:48: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:18:51: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:19:59: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:22:40: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:23:37: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:24:59: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:26:17: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:27:24: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:31:10: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:38:05: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:39:02: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:39:56: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:41:53: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:44:18: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:46:16: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 02:47:19: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 03:58:05: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 03:59:13: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 04:00:45: seppe demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 33768, 10:54:11: seppe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33769, 00:41:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 33769, 03:31:45: seppe demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 33769, 05:20:10: Tribemember Human - Lvl 41 was killed by seppe - Lvl 53 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33769, 05:20:10: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 41 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33769, 06:14:31: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 53 was killed by Human - Lvl 41 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33769, 06:14:31: Your Tribe killed seppe - Lvl 53 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33769, 09:17:05: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 171 (Raptor)'! Day 33769, 10:42:47: seppe demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 33769, 11:35:12: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33769, 13:42:47: Wunt added 'Tribe of seppe' Tribe to corp Alliance! Day 33774, 19:38:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 33774, 22:41:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 60! Day 33775, 02:30:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 33786, 23:45:13: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (Snow Owl) Day 33787, 16:30:07: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33787, 16:30:13: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 33787, 18:44:35: Human claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 118 (Triceratops)'! Day 33787, 18:57:40: seppe demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33787, 19:23:03: seppe froze Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops) Day 33788, 10:11:20: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 59 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 33788, 15:58:47: seppe claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33788, 16:01:27: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33788, 18:48:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 33788, 23:42:25: Human claimed 'argie - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 33788, 23:44:50: Human claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33788, 23:48:42: Human claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 33788, 23:59:29: Human claimed 'CORRRRRRRRR - Lvl 299 (Argentavis)'! Day 33789, 00:04:50: seppe claimed 'ANKYL BREAKER - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33789, 00:08:02: Human claimed 'TEKKAS - Lvl 171 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:08:20: Human claimed 'BRUNO - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 00:08:31: Human claimed 'BEST MALE BREEDER - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 00:08:46: Human claimed 'INSANE2 - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 00:08:58: Human claimed 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 139 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 33789, 00:11:20: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:12:27: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 00:12:56: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 182 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:17:24: Human claimed 'Odin - Lvl 279 (Sabertooth)'! Day 33789, 00:18:11: Human claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:18:25: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:18:40: Human claimed '235 - Lvl 307 (Sabertooth)'! Day 33789, 00:23:14: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 220 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:23:31: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 00:24:03: Human claimed 'PARRY - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 01:34:06: seppe claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 01:40:13: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 222 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 01:53:57: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 02:02:57: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 180 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 02:07:31: Human claimed 'RAPPER - Lvl 247 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 02:45:36: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 03:55:41: seppe froze 235 - Lvl 307 (Sabertooth) Day 33789, 04:33:13: seppe froze ANKYL BREAKER - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33789, 06:13:13: seppe froze 235 - Lvl 307 (Sabertooth) Day 33789, 06:34:32: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 06:37:47: Human claimed 'aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 06:38:00: Human claimed 'INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 06:40:43: Human claimed 'HUGO - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33789, 07:04:46: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 33789, 07:40:15: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 33789, 07:44:04: Human claimed 'C- BEAST - Lvl 247 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 07:59:56: Human froze C- BEAST - Lvl 315 (Raptor) Day 33789, 08:42:46: seppe froze Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 33789, 09:41:02: Human froze 235 - Lvl 307 (Sabertooth) Day 33789, 10:47:27: seppe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 33789, 11:33:53: Human unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 304 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 11:34:21: seppe unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 242 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 11:42:00: Human unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 253 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 11:42:00: seppe unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 250 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 11:46:43: Human unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 11:47:41: seppe unclaimed 'RAPPER - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 33789, 17:30:34: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 60 was killed by Human - Lvl 51 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33789, 17:30:34: Your Tribe killed seppe - Lvl 60 (Tribe of seppe)! Day 33791, 19:15:24: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 19:22:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 20:48:19: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:18:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 60! Day 33791, 21:18:32: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:28:22: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:28:22: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:34:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:34:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:46:27: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33791, 21:51:03: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 33791, 22:24:06: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33792, 11:08:20: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33792, 21:23:35: seppe claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33810, 11:46:59: 's 'C- BEAST - Lvl 315 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 33810, 14:18:52: Human froze 235 - Lvl 309 (Sabertooth) Day 33810, 14:55:35: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 33813, 06:44:59: Human claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 36 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33813, 06:50:23: Human claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33813, 09:31:39: Your Baby black bird - Lvl 36 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 33813, 09:31:39: Baby black bird - Lvl 36 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 33813, 17:27:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 33815, 18:38:56: Human Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 57 (Therizinosaur)! Day 33815, 19:06:32: Human froze edwerd - Lvl 57 (Therizinosaur) Day 33816, 11:32:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 99 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 60! Day 33818, 03:05:11: seppe claimed 'Lola - Lvl 261 (Allosaurus)'! Day 33818, 07:33:11: seppe froze Lola - Lvl 270 (Allosaurus) Day 33818, 07:44:23: Human froze edwerd - Lvl 77 (Therizinosaur) Day 33818, 08:18:16: seppe froze Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 33818, 08:24:30: seppe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 33818, 10:47:25: seppe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 33818, 13:44:50: Human froze edwerd - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur) Day 33818, 14:31:22: Human froze edwerd - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur) Day 33818, 18:45:24: seppe froze Lola - Lvl 270 (Allosaurus) Day 33818, 22:05:06: Human froze edwerd - Lvl 80 (Therizinosaur) Day 33834, 00:40:32: seppe froze Lola - Lvl 270 (Allosaurus) Day 33834, 01:58:17: seppe froze Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 33834, 03:17:37: Human froze 235 - Lvl 310 (Sabertooth) Day 33835, 02:03:52: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex)'! Day 33835, 05:35:12: seppe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon)! Day 33835, 08:31:20: seppe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 08:35:03: seppe froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 33835, 08:48:18: Human claimed '35 45 - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33835, 08:48:57: Human claimed '35hp 45melee - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33835, 09:00:37: seppe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 09:01:23: seppe claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 33835, 09:01:31: Human froze 35hp 45melee - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 33835, 09:13:06: seppe froze Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 33835, 09:14:12: Human claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)'! Day 33835, 09:20:46: seppe froze 35 45 - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 33835, 09:24:50: seppe claimed 'Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 33835, 09:42:52: seppe froze Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33835, 09:46:52: Human claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33835, 10:06:45: Human froze 35 45 - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 33835, 11:14:55: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 33835, 11:18:01: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 33835, 11:22:38: Human froze 35hp 45melee - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 33835, 14:56:20: seppe froze Lola - Lvl 272 (Allosaurus) Day 33842, 09:33:33: Your Raptor - Lvl 181 (Raptor) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 33842, 14:07:31: seppe froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 33843, 09:28:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus)! Day 33843, 10:17:42: seppe froze bronto - Lvl 68 (Brontosaurus) Day 33843, 10:36:45: seppe froze 235 - Lvl 310 (Sabertooth) Day 33843, 10:40:42: seppe froze INSANE2 - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon) Day 33843, 10:44:10: seppe froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 261 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 33866, 09:39:37: ANKYL BREAKER - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 33884, 13:43:19: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:52: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 17:01:55: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33891, 08:51:14: seppe demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33891, 08:52:23: seppe demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33891, 08:53:14: seppe demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33891, 08:54:04: seppe demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33891, 08:56:00: seppe demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33936, 14:05:51: seppe froze edwerd - Lvl 87 (Therizinosaur) Day 33936, 14:14:35: seppe froze 35 45 - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 33936, 14:18:15: seppe froze 35hp 45melee - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 33937, 01:11:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 102 (Dimorphodon)! Day 33957, 08:27:32: Human claimed 'Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:28:50: Human claimed 'Spino VII - Lvl 113 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:29:35: Human claimed 'Spino VIII - Lvl 108 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:32:00: Human claimed 'SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:32:46: Human claimed 'tek - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:33:27: Human claimed 'Spino X - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 08:34:22: Human claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 51 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33957, 08:35:05: Human claimed 'Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 33957, 08:36:36: Human claimed 'Spino IV - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 33957, 11:01:07: Human claimed 'aaaa - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)'! Day 33957, 11:02:50: Human claimed 'stoner - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33957, 11:03:22: Human claimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33957, 11:03:52: Human claimed 'Rusty - Lvl 315 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33957, 11:04:40: Human claimed 'Musty - Lvl 278 (Raptor)'! Day 33957, 11:16:01: Human claimed 'Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf)'! Day 33957, 11:28:08: Human claimed 'Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf)'! Day 33957, 11:34:36: Human unclaimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33957, 11:44:05: Human unclaimed 'stoner - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33957, 11:46:46: Human unclaimed 'aaaa - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)'! Day 33957, 11:59:52: Human froze Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino) Day 33962, 10:40:42: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 51 (Tek Rex) Day 33962, 10:47:03: Human froze tek - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex) Day 33962, 11:32:42: Human claimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33962, 11:35:51: Human claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 247 (Raptor)'! Day 33985, 17:55:36: Human claimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33985, 17:58:33: Human unclaimed 'TOOTHY TWO - Lvl 106 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 33985, 19:18:43: Human unclaimed 'Giga N- - Lvl 79 (Parasaur)'! Day 34036, 08:32:22: Spino VII - Lvl 113 (Spino) starved to death! Day 34115, 07:53:33: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34115, 07:53:33: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34524, 16:36:49: Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34527, 14:15:37: Human's 'Spino IX - Lvl 139 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34553, 20:44:13: TIMO - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34591, 12:12:35: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35hp 45melee - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 34591, 12:16:58: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame '35 45 - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 34591, 12:20:56: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium)'! Day 34591, 12:48:28: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lola - Lvl 281 (Allosaurus)'! Day 34591, 13:08:50: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34591, 13:15:11: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'argie - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 34591, 13:27:49: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CORRRRRRRRR - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 34647, 17:32:54: xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium)'! Day 34673, 19:05:06: BEST MALE BREEDER - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34697, 10:53:00: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34697, 10:53:44: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)'! Day 34697, 11:01:33: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 229 (Megatherium)'! Day 34698, 15:11:41: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BRUNO - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34698, 15:17:47: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 102 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 34715, 11:47:53: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tipi - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 34715, 12:00:17: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bronto - Lvl 75 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 34715, 12:01:19: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'edwerd - Lvl 87 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 34734, 10:15:50: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VIII - Lvl 108 (Spino)'! Day 34734, 10:17:05: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino X - Lvl 82 (Spino)'! Day 34734, 10:17:20: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yoshi - Lvl 299 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 34734, 10:18:08: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHITTO - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34734, 10:19:32: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IV - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 34734, 10:39:04: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 34734, 10:40:03: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lupin - Lvl 276 (Direwolf)'! Day 34734, 10:42:27: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Musty - Lvl 278 (Raptor)'! Day 34734, 10:47:02: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voldy - Lvl 255 (Direwolf)'! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34801, 02:45:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35127, 14:55:54: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Enculosaure - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35218, 16:14:47: Star Man - Lvl 110 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'vault - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35428, 17:40:03: Your Raptor - Lvl 247 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 35433, 14:09:16: ant - Lvl 65 (Tribe of ant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hurricane - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35960, 17:31:22: Len - Lvl 113 (Len's World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35960, 18:22:05: Len - Lvl 113 (Len's World) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35960, 18:51:09: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 38111, 14:48:32: Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 38138, 18:46:34: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:00:20: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:00:41: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HUGO - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:00:56: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:11:31: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Odin - Lvl 290 (Sabertooth)'! Day 38138, 19:13:10: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 38138, 19:15:08: Fawn - Lvl 68 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38138, 19:26:34: Human - Lvl 69 (Tribe of WHite mALe1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops)'! Day 39572, 17:07:33: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 306 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:19:47: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PARRY - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39572, 17:21:32: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:49:41: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TEKKAS - Lvl 171 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39572, 18:12:30: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39610, 10:03:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 87 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1168403551,"tribe":"The Empire logs":["Day 43542, 21:18:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43566, 17:22:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43566, 17:22:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43566, 17:22:20: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43566, 17:22:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43629, 02:15:25: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:16:35: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:16:50: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:18:13: Joshy claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:18:55: Joshy claimed 'PM - H43 S42 M44 [Clone] - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:20:24: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:21:00: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:21:51: Joshy claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:27:45: Joshy claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 43629, 02:32:26: Joshy claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43629, 02:54:29: Joshy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 43629, 03:02:26: Joshy claimed 'wyvern food - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43629, 03:07:20: Joshy claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 03:09:01: Joshy claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis)'! Day 43629, 03:09:25: Joshy claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 243 (Ovis)'! Day 43629, 03:09:59: Joshy claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 236 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 43629, 03:17:42: Joshy claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal)'! Day 43629, 03:18:47: Joshy claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal)'! Day 43629, 03:22:09: Joshy claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 181 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 43629, 03:51:12: Joshy claimed '288% melee - Lvl 212 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 04:13:42: Joshy froze wyvern food - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 43629, 04:17:36: Joshy froze Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus) Day 43629, 04:22:44: Joshy froze Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis) Day 43629, 04:26:49: Joshy froze Ovis - Lvl 243 (Ovis) Day 43629, 04:36:10: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 04:51:30: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 04:57:43: Joshy froze PM - H43 S42 M44 [Clone] - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:06:39: Joshy froze Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal) Day 43629, 05:16:15: Joshy froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 43629, 05:18:56: Joshy claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43629, 05:22:54: Joshy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 296 (Doedicurus) Day 43629, 05:25:46: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:28:32: Joshy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:31:22: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:34:21: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:38:16: Joshy froze PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 43629, 05:41:47: Joshy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 43629, 06:01:37: Joshy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 43629, 06:05:21: Joshy froze 288% melee - Lvl 212 (Desmodus) Day 43629, 06:07:14: Joshy claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 06:15:55: Joshy froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 43629, 06:30:12: Joshy claimed 'H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:30:29: Joshy claimed 'H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:30:46: Joshy claimed 'S-660 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:34:05: Joshy froze S-660 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino) Day 43629, 06:34:43: Joshy claimed '24H 45S 32M - Lvl 207 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:37:04: Joshy froze 24H 45S 32M - Lvl 207 (Woolly Rhino) Day 43629, 06:40:11: Joshy froze H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino) Day 43629, 06:42:50: Joshy froze H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino) Day 43629, 06:54:04: Joshy froze crunch's - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 43852, 03:10:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43852, 03:10:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43852, 03:10:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43939, 13:17:22: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 104 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44091, 08:40:31: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44091, 08:40:31: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44138, 23:26:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44138, 23:26:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44138, 23:26:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44138, 23:26:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44138, 23:26:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44154, 18:46:58: crunch's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 44424, 20:24:23: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44448, 16:35:36: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44448, 16:35:36: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44734, 10:16:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44938, 19:26:12: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 153 (Tek Rex)'! Day 44938, 23:58:08: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 181 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44939, 00:15:18: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 326 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 44939, 00:44:21: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 00:52:54: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rex army - Lvl 332 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 01:19:25: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1 mele mutation - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:11:24: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:32:07: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:50:37: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:01:19: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:15:30: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:18:59: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:24:27: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:32:42: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:35:53: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 04:41:21: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 313 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 04:42:37: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 05:05:18: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 245 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44939, 05:08:52: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 280 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44939, 06:17:27: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 213 (Spino)'! Day 44939, 06:28:25: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 164 (Spino)'! Day 44939, 07:44:54: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 77 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 44939, 07:47:34: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 07:50:07: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 08:04:19: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 09:10:05: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 44939, 09:20:09: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 312 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 09:33:48: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 09:39:38: Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 104 (Megalodon)'! Day 44939, 10:16:21: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 44939, 10:25:13: bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'crunch's - Lvl 339 (Argentavis)'! Day 45025, 23:19:19: Scringle - Lvl 63 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 61 (Phiomia)'! Day 45025, 23:21:50: Scringle - Lvl 63 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 79 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 45026, 00:03:33: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 167 (Spino)'! Day 45026, 00:04:19: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 153 (Spino)'! Day 45026, 00:04:59: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino)'! Day 45026, 00:17:41: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:19:06: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:20:20: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:21:40: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:23:00: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:23:33: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:25:25: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:28:12: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:29:43: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:30:15: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:31:06: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:31:44: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:32:33: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:34:31: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 00:35:29: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'breeder female - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:08:10: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:09:12: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:10:30: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:11:41: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rex army - Lvl 306 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:40:47: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 45026, 01:45:59: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 01:48:15: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 203 (Triceratops)'! Day 45026, 02:09:12: Scringle - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45026, 05:08:44: Tribemember crunch - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 45026, 05:28:25: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 45026, 06:39:37: Dimorphodon - Lvl 80 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45043, 17:29:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45067, 13:40:31: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45077, 21:44:58: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:01:21: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hello mate - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 45077, 22:04:54: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 72 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 45077, 22:07:00: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 171 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 45077, 22:11:46: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:17:40: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:21:23: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:22:47: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:25:26: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:29:10: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:39:30: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:40:34: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:44:20: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:45:11: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:47:59: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 304 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:49:03: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '1.2k - 1.2k - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:51:12: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:52:01: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45077, 22:57:00: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops)'! Day 45077, 23:04:22: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:06:11: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:07:37: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:08:35: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:10:28: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:11:22: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:15:50: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:18:39: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:22:31: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:24:35: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:28:46: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:30:17: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:31:37: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45077, 23:33:36: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45078, 00:24:41: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45078, 00:34:29: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus)'! Day 45078, 00:39:57: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'thingy - Lvl 196 (Raptor)'! Day 45078, 00:50:50: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 157 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 45078, 00:52:12: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 129 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 45078, 00:56:02: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 149 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 45078, 00:56:57: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 143 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 45078, 00:57:39: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 158 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 45078, 01:07:30: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 45078, 01:43:37: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 104 (Phiomia)'! Day 45078, 01:53:30: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45078, 01:58:11: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45078, 01:59:44: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 45078, 02:17:19: yogi - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 244 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 45130, 00:56:08: Human - Lvl 67 (Tribe of M2) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1168367524,"tribe":"Tribe of Bright Soul logs":["Day 37157, 15:43:38: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 37158, 15:15:43: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37158, 22:32:12: Human demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37161, 12:32:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 47 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 37226, 15:41:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 72 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 37226, 22:22:43: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 44 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37226, 23:48:13: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37911, 04:08:46: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37911, 04:08:46: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38085, 11:38:04: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38285, 09:16:16: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 291 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38540, 00:49:29: Bright was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 38540, 15:56:32: Bright claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 38540, 23:57:50: Bright froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38541, 00:09:28: Bright froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 151 (Sinomacrops) Day 38679, 22:13:16: Bright froze t2 - Lvl 302 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39548, 04:09:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39548, 04:09:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39548, 04:09:09: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40486, 00:23:43: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41341, 11:39:10: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1166978410,"tribe":"360 logs":["Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31773, 12:32:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32074, 01:10:28: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 146 was killed! Day 32074, 03:17:03: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 33703, 05:57:30: Xantium - Lvl 114 (swampside waters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1165701721,"tribe":"Island Bosses !! logs":["Day 16005, 07:54:48: ViceFusion was added to the Tribe! Day 16005, 07:55:40: Wyvern Eater was added to the Tribe by ViceFusion! Day 16005, 07:59:31: Wyvern Eater was promoted to a Tribe Admin by ViceFusion! Day 16005, 08:46:40: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16005, 09:09:37: Wyvern Eater froze H-Uno - Lvl 302 (Megalodon) Day 16005, 14:53:44: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16005, 16:02:01: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16005, 16:53:05: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16005, 17:12:38: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16005, 19:19:49: Wyvern Eater froze H-Uno - Lvl 303 (Megalodon) Day 16005, 19:56:59: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 02:10:11: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 04:32:43: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 384 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 06:45:27: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16006, 10:33:51: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 10:49:38: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16006, 11:35:11: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 12:17:02: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16006, 12:35:22: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16006, 15:35:44: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16006, 15:41:52: ViceFusion froze 185 - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16014, 16:47:03: Wyvern Eater claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 73 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 16:47:32: Wyvern Eater claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 73 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 16:50:50: Wyvern Eater froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 73 (Megalania) Day 16014, 16:52:12: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 73 (Megalania) was killed by Wyvern Eater - Lvl 125 (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 16:52:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 73 (Megalania) (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 16:57:59: Wyvern Eater claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 49 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 16:59:14: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 49 (Megalania) was killed by Wyvern Eater - Lvl 125 (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 16:59:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 49 (Megalania) (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 17:01:49: Wyvern Eater claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 117 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 17:03:32: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 117 (Megalania) was killed by Wyvern Eater - Lvl 125 (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 17:03:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 117 (Megalania) (Island Bosses !!)! Day 16014, 17:21:29: ViceFusion claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 30 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 17:22:41: ViceFusion claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 37 (Megalania)'! Day 16014, 17:26:39: ViceFusion froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 30 (Megalania) Day 16014, 18:14:50: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 37 (Megalania) was killed! Day 16014, 18:14:50: Baby Megalania - Lvl 37 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 16014, 18:28:40: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16014, 19:14:16: ViceFusion set to Rank Group recruites! Day 16014, 19:14:51: ViceFusion set to Rank Group Admins! Day 16014, 19:14:58: ViceFusion set to Rank Group Admins! Day 16014, 19:15:22: Wyvern Eater set to Rank Group Admins! Day 16014, 21:36:13: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16018, 09:52:38: Wyvern Eater froze 185 - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16018, 11:00:53: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with CyberTribe Tribe. Day 16018, 11:01:58: ViceFusion added 'CyberTribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 11:27:14: julie was added to the Tribe by ViceFusion! Day 16018, 11:27:42: julie set to Rank Group recruites! Day 16018, 11:28:00: julie set to Rank Group Admins! Day 16018, 11:28:15: julie was promoted to a Tribe Admin by ViceFusion! Day 16018, 11:37:14: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Of Light Tribe. Day 16018, 11:57:21: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Of Light Tribe. Day 16018, 12:06:31: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Roxanne Tribe. Day 16018, 12:07:28: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Roxanne' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:09:22: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Raven Tribe. Day 16018, 12:10:04: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:58:26: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Impulse Tribe. Day 16018, 12:59:08: ViceFusion added 'Impulse' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 14:11:27: Wyvern Eater froze Rosetta - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16018, 19:22:17: Your Rider8 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16018, 19:42:23: ViceFusion froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 388 (Yutyrannus) Day 16018, 19:43:10: Wyvern Eater froze Rider7 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:44:48: ViceFusion froze Rider2 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:45:45: Wyvern Eater froze Legion6 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:48:02: ViceFusion froze Rider5 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:49:53: Wyvern Eater froze Rider3 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:51:06: ViceFusion froze Rider5 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 20:01:14: ViceFusion froze Rider7 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 20:09:41: ViceFusion froze Rider3 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 20:12:36: ViceFusion froze Rider11 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 20:13:07: Wyvern Eater froze Rosetta - Lvl 445 (Rex) Day 16018, 20:19:15: Wyvern Eater froze Legion6 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 20:23:14: Wyvern Eater froze Rider - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 21:12:23: ViceFusion froze Rider4 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 23:22:26: Wyvern Eater froze 185 - Lvl 340 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16018, 23:30:03: Wyvern Eater froze ViceM - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16018, 23:49:45: Wyvern Eater froze Snow Owl - Lvl 399 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 03:01:47: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16019, 03:05:46: julie claimed 'ICEY - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16019, 03:32:44: ViceFusion froze Noctowl - Lvl 371 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 03:38:51: julie froze ICEY - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 04:22:11: ViceFusion froze Noctowl - Lvl 371 (Snow Owl) Day 16019, 09:11:42: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16019, 11:55:26: ViceFusion froze 37dmg 39weight - Lvl 349 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16019, 12:13:41: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16019, 12:43:53: ViceFusion froze 37dmg 39weight - Lvl 352 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16019, 15:30:16: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16019, 17:46:14: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 325 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16046, 07:31:21: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16046, 07:40:41: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16046, 07:57:53: ViceFusion froze ViceM - Lvl 398 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16046, 08:45:45: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16046, 09:36:34: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Sanctuary Tribe. Day 16046, 09:37:58: ViceFusion added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 09:39:55: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16046, 09:47:14: Wyvern Eater froze Dottie - Lvl 452 (Rex) Day 16046, 10:11:33: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16046, 10:38:23: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of The Hidden lake Tribe. Day 16046, 10:39:23: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with The island slideshow Tribe. Day 16046, 10:40:08: ViceFusion added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 10:40:57: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Raven Tribe. Day 16046, 10:43:15: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Raven Tribe. Day 16046, 11:11:00: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of The Hidden lake Tribe. Day 16046, 11:11:54: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of The Hidden lake' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:17:01: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 16046, 11:17:58: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 14:22:49: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 16046, 14:33:57: ViceFusion - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Duo Tribe Tribe. Day 16046, 14:35:01: ViceFusion added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 15:03:54: julie claimed 'X-Otter - Lvl 201 (X-Otter)'! Day 16046, 15:10:42: ViceFusion froze X-Otter - Lvl 201 (X-Otter) Day 16046, 16:41:31: ViceFusion claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16046, 16:43:26: ViceFusion claimed 'Mr SKiLLz Tek - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16046, 16:43:49: ViceFusion claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16046, 16:44:11: ViceFusion claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16046, 22:16:11: Wyvern Eater froze Dottie - Lvl 452 (Rex) Day 16046, 22:17:27: ViceFusion froze VICE - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:16:17: ViceFusion froze Legion10 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:21:28: ViceFusion froze Legion5 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:28:30: ViceFusion froze Mr SKiLLz Tek - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:34:06: ViceFusion froze Rider4 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:40:11: ViceFusion froze Legion8 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16046, 23:57:52: ViceFusion froze Legion4 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 00:21:21: ViceFusion froze Legion1 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 00:30:46: ViceFusion froze Tek Rex - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 00:52:40: ViceFusion froze Vice - Lvl 283 (Otter) Day 16047, 00:58:13: ViceFusion froze Tek Rex - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 01:34:43: ViceFusion froze Legion4 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 01:39:47: ViceFusion froze Legion1 - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 05:38:20: ViceFusion froze Speedy - Lvl 327 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16047, 07:41:18: ViceFusion froze Otter - Lvl 394 (Otter) Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16237, 04:06:01: Wyvern Eater froze Streak - Lvl 378 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16270, 15:29:17: Wyvern Eater froze redruM - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16311, 09:53:55: ViceFusion froze Vice - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 16985, 23:59:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17334, 09:47:08: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1162456250,"tribe":"Ratniks logs":["Day 31429, 10:24:19: Me was added to the Tribe! Day 31752, 13:31:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31752, 13:31:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31782, 18:26:57: Tribemember Me - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30! Day 40740, 17:24:06: Me Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 126 (Parasaur)! Day 40765, 05:00:58: Me demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40765, 05:01:50: Me demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40765, 10:59:37: Tribemember Me - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 40765, 19:15:21: Me Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 40765, 19:32:44: Me Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 37 (Raptor)! Day 40765, 22:23:34: Your 2nd Infantry Brigade - Lvl 100 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 40766, 00:24:15: Me Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 80 (Tek Raptor)! Day 40766, 08:24:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 41064, 16:41:50: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41315, 07:18:56: 1st Assault Brigade - Lvl 44 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 41374, 15:52:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41374, 15:52:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41795, 19:41:03: wakka - Lvl 59 (Tribe of wakka) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1st Motorized Brigade - Lvl 140 (Parasaur)'! Day 41795, 19:42:10: wakka - Lvl 59 (Tribe of wakka) claimed your auto-decayed tame '2nd Assault Brigade - Lvl 86 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41795, 20:03:49: wakka - Lvl 59 (Tribe of wakka) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41922, 19:13:46: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41946, 15:30:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41957, 02:11:07: Tribemember Me - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1161365312,"tribe":"Peace And Ark logs":["Day 18275, 12:17:03: Riddick claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium)'! Day 18275, 12:18:18: Riddick claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 18275, 12:19:48: Riddick claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 18275, 12:21:48: Riddick claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)'! Day 18275, 12:22:53: Riddick claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 18275, 12:29:37: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:32:30: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:35:37: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:39:20: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:40:48: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:42:43: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:47:46: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:50:33: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 12:55:56: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 204 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 16:20:17: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 16:30:32: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 18:16:26: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 204 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 18:54:15: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18275, 18:56:30: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 06:51:13: Riddick froze Procoptodon - Lvl 259 (Procoptodon) Day 18276, 06:54:03: Riddick froze Procoptodon - Lvl 267 (Procoptodon) Day 18276, 16:32:14: Riddick froze WM 7 - Lvl 257 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 17:57:35: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:05:32: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 222 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:12:51: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:21:51: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:29:31: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 274 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:40:24: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 18:48:22: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 19:16:17: Riddick froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 19:28:30: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 18276, 19:46:35: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 18277, 05:44:01: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18277, 07:40:56: Riddick froze Procoptodon - Lvl 260 (Procoptodon) Day 18277, 07:42:58: Riddick froze Procoptodon - Lvl 268 (Procoptodon) Day 18277, 08:08:52: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18277, 08:12:22: Riddick froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 18278, 10:40:39: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 18278, 10:43:42: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18278, 10:46:43: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18278, 10:49:11: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 200 (Megatherium) Day 18278, 10:56:00: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 18278, 11:00:47: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 276 (Maewing) Day 18278, 15:03:13: Riddick froze Chlamydia - Lvl 313 (Pteranodon) Day 18278, 15:05:22: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 416 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18283, 08:38:28: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 3 (Jerboa) Day 18283, 08:42:15: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 3 (Jerboa) Day 18283, 08:49:23: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 18283, 08:51:42: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 18283, 08:54:24: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 18283, 08:57:25: Riddick froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 18288, 11:51:26: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18288, 11:55:24: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18288, 13:21:16: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18288, 13:24:03: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18288, 16:44:24: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18288, 16:47:40: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18288, 17:02:38: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18288, 17:05:13: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18292, 21:51:28: Riddick froze Rahan - Lvl 18 (Jerboa) Day 18292, 22:01:11: Riddick froze Rahan - Lvl 18 (Jerboa) Day 18293, 12:00:21: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18294, 15:23:59: Riddick froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 328 (Mosasaurus) Day 18295, 13:43:17: Riddick froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 330 (Mosasaurus) Day 18295, 20:01:50: Riddick froze Demis Roussos - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 18295, 20:05:00: Riddick froze Fat Mama - Lvl 286 (Daeodon) Day 18295, 20:08:54: Riddick froze WM 1 - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:10:44: Riddick froze WM 12 - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:13:26: Riddick froze WM 10 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:16:13: Riddick froze WM 9 - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:18:21: Riddick froze WM 8 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:21:53: Riddick froze WM 7 - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:23:46: Riddick froze WM 6 - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:29:34: Riddick froze WM 5 - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:47:25: Riddick froze WM 4 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 20:51:32: Riddick froze WM 3 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:06:03: Riddick froze WM 2 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:10:59: Riddick froze WM 18 - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:16:05: Riddick froze WM 17 - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:22:08: Riddick froze WM 16 - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:27:14: Riddick froze WM 15 - Lvl 229 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:33:33: Riddick froze WM 14 - Lvl 242 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:38:24: Riddick froze WM 13 - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 21:42:46: Riddick froze WM 11 - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 18295, 22:01:39: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 77 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18295, 22:06:15: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 47 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18295, 22:10:29: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 226 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18295, 22:17:03: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 145 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18298, 13:42:26: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 226 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18305, 07:09:08: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18305, 07:49:11: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18307, 07:29:26: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18308, 18:59:22: Riddick unclaimed 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 18308, 19:03:47: Riddick unclaimed 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)'! Day 18309, 05:38:43: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18321, 01:41:06: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 421 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18335, 07:22:32: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 245 (Basilosaurus) Day 18335, 14:31:46: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 246 (Basilosaurus) Day 18335, 20:13:37: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 18336, 08:31:45: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 425 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18346, 19:29:04: Riddick froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 18347, 05:42:53: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18352, 12:16:11: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 246 (Basilosaurus) Day 18352, 14:03:31: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 216 (Tropeognathus) Day 18363, 18:56:04: Riddick claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18363, 18:59:37: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18364, 07:25:34: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 190 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18364, 07:29:08: Riddick froze Bobby - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 18364, 08:09:59: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 237 (Tropeognathus) Day 18365, 16:06:10: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 94 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18365, 19:44:12: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 437 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18366, 05:21:24: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 240 (Tropeognathus) Day 18377, 06:01:54: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 232 (Tropeognathus) Day 18377, 06:26:14: Riddick unclaimed 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 232 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 18377, 06:41:52: Riddick unclaimed 'Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18377, 07:58:26: Riddick claimed 'Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18377, 07:59:56: Riddick claimed 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 232 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 18377, 08:07:56: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 233 (Tropeognathus) Day 18377, 08:13:30: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 426 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18377, 10:26:23: Jackie added 'Peace And Ark' Tribe to Peace ark and Ti Alliance! Day 18377, 12:08:40: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 233 (Tropeognathus) Day 18377, 12:36:02: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 438 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18377, 15:15:38: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 233 (Tropeognathus) Day 18379, 20:52:13: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 438 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18380, 06:50:48: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 239 (Tropeognathus) Day 18390, 10:44:54: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 439 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18390, 11:24:21: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 439 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18395, 16:57:04: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 253 (Tropeognathus) Day 18416, 13:13:28: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 443 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18416, 14:10:08: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 443 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18416, 23:12:23: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 96 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 18417, 06:11:10: Riddick Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18417, 06:12:39: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18417, 13:41:37: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 443 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18417, 15:43:43: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 282 (Tropeognathus) Day 18426, 22:43:47: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18427, 05:32:26: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18427, 06:01:51: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18427, 07:10:57: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18427, 08:21:17: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 283 (Baryonyx) Day 18427, 10:21:59: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18427, 12:31:02: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 285 (Baryonyx) Day 18427, 18:48:42: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 289 (Baryonyx) Day 18427, 19:27:08: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 289 (Baryonyx) Day 18428, 15:45:17: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 18429, 02:01:44: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 444 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18429, 05:22:32: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 284 (Tropeognathus) Day 18430, 04:02:56: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 305 (Deinonychus) Day 18430, 04:21:29: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 18430, 06:17:49: Riddick claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18430, 06:18:44: Riddick claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18430, 06:19:37: Riddick claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18430, 06:21:10: Riddick froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 18430, 06:23:14: Riddick froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 18430, 06:24:59: Riddick froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 18430, 07:34:57: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 18430, 07:37:33: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 18430, 07:40:11: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) Day 18430, 08:25:29: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 444 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18430, 15:06:17: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 285 (Tropeognathus) Day 18430, 16:08:26: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 285 (Tropeognathus) Day 18441, 05:26:39: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 444 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18441, 05:56:32: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 287 (Tropeognathus) Day 18458, 10:52:29: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18459, 14:56:26: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 18463, 19:01:31: Riddick froze WM 16 - Lvl 287 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:09:06: Riddick froze WM 13 - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:12:15: Riddick froze WM 11 - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:15:22: Riddick froze WM 1 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:19:21: Riddick froze WM 12 - Lvl 287 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:24:14: Riddick froze WM 17 - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:28:18: Riddick froze WM 18 - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:32:06: Riddick froze WM 2 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:35:34: Riddick froze WM 3 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:38:59: Riddick froze WM 4 - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:47:19: Riddick froze WM 5 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:49:49: Riddick froze WM 6 - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:54:14: Riddick froze WM 7 - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 19:59:04: Riddick froze WM 7 - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 20:02:12: Riddick froze WM 9 - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 20:10:13: Riddick froze WM 8 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 20:52:38: Riddick froze WM 14 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 18463, 21:16:36: Riddick froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 18463, 21:29:29: Riddick froze Fat Mama - Lvl 297 (Daeodon) Day 18464, 01:54:19: Riddick froze WM 10 - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 02:37:13: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 164 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18464, 02:42:11: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 240 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18464, 02:46:51: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 61 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18464, 02:51:29: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 34 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18464, 05:30:52: Riddick froze WM 15 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:12:12: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:23:03: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:26:40: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:34:33: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:43:22: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:45:49: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 07:59:47: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 08:12:57: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 08:23:30: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 08:26:33: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 08:29:06: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 08:58:30: Riddick froze bob lucky - Lvl 226 (Otter) Day 18464, 09:23:07: Riddick froze super mama 1 / 2 - Lvl 204 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 09:29:12: Riddick froze Daddy Sugar 1 / 2 - Lvl 257 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 09:31:58: Riddick froze Super Mama 1 / 2 - Lvl 208 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 12:15:57: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18464, 18:09:58: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 18464, 19:05:33: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18464, 19:51:30: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18472, 14:38:52: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 291 (Tropeognathus) Day 18477, 13:54:41: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18483, 12:43:32: Riddick claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 223 (Baryonyx)'! Day 18483, 12:45:30: Riddick froze Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 223 (Baryonyx) Day 18483, 14:31:02: Riddick froze Aberrant Paraceratherium - Lvl 229 (Aberrant Paraceratherium) Day 18486, 14:36:56: Your 'Dino Leash (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18486, 14:58:02: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 18486, 15:05:47: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 18494, 08:43:23: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 18494, 09:39:00: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 445 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18501, 13:07:22: Riddick Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 18502, 17:50:28: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 446 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18504, 19:08:51: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 446 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18509, 15:49:17: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 446 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18535, 06:19:06: Riddick froze Bobby - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 18535, 07:32:46: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18535, 08:20:09: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 198 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18535, 09:04:32: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 446 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18535, 12:33:04: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18535, 15:13:09: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18542, 18:01:28: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 247 (Basilosaurus) Day 18543, 18:50:33: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus) Day 18545, 21:40:47: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 18545, 23:12:19: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 446 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18556, 09:25:29: Riddick claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 149 (Gacha)'! Day 18556, 11:21:58: Riddick unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 149 (Gacha)'! Day 18556, 11:24:09: Riddick claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 149 (Gacha)'! Day 18557, 15:46:30: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 447 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18559, 19:54:10: Riddick froze Gacha - Lvl 152 (Gacha) Day 18559, 21:16:32: Riddick unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 152 (Gacha)'! Day 18559, 23:45:30: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 447 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18574, 13:08:43: Riddick froze Rasta Rocket - Lvl 293 (Tropeognathus) Day 18574, 14:23:19: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus) Day 18574, 14:40:47: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 240 (Lystrosaurus) Day 18574, 15:12:53: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 263 (Tropeognathus) Day 18574, 15:20:52: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 267 (Tropeognathus) Day 18574, 15:25:59: Riddick froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 253 (Tropeognathus) Day 18574, 15:39:25: Riddick froze Alice - Lvl 427 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18574, 19:14:43: Riddick froze Gacha - Lvl 221 (Gacha) Day 18574, 19:19:52: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 18574, 19:24:47: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 346 (Snow Owl) Day 18574, 19:30:13: Riddick froze Snow Owl - Lvl 384 (Snow Owl) Day 18574, 21:20:14: Riddick froze Franky Flash - Lvl 267 (Bulbdog) Day 18575, 00:54:32: Riddick froze Rasta Rocket - Lvl 293 (Tropeognathus) Day 18575, 03:12:01: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 447 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18582, 22:08:06: Riddick froze Pink Skylord - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18598, 04:20:20: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18621, 02:04:11: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 18621, 15:51:05: Riddick froze Sizzla - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 18621, 16:09:09: Riddick froze Shaggy - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 18621, 16:13:06: Riddick froze Sizzla - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 18622, 04:38:14: Riddick froze Bounty Killer - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 18622, 04:48:42: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 255 (Basilosaurus) Day 18622, 08:19:53: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18645, 04:48:31: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 18649, 04:20:30: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 249 (Basilosaurus) Day 18649, 04:56:32: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 18649, 06:10:10: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18655, 20:00:13: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 297 (Basilosaurus) Day 18656, 09:07:58: Riddick froze Poseidon - Lvl 297 (Basilosaurus) Day 18656, 09:55:26: Riddick froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 310 (Paraceratherium) Day 18663, 16:40:49: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18674, 09:53:42: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 448 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18700, 04:50:57: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18721, 20:15:27: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18728, 00:12:43: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 18728, 05:14:53: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 18728, 05:38:44: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 18728, 05:56:31: Riddick Tamed a Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 217 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 06:00:05: Riddick Tamed a Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 202 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 06:05:21: Riddick Tamed a Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 195 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 06:11:53: Riddick Tamed a Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 60 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 06:24:19: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 195 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 06:29:56: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 202 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 06:45:15: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 217 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 06:56:48: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 60 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 07:19:13: Riddick Tamed a Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 60 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 07:23:50: Riddick Tamed an Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 15 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 07:44:29: Riddick Tamed an Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 37 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 07:55:08: Riddick Tamed an Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 15 (Kairuku)! Day 18728, 08:08:58: Riddick froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 60 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 08:15:20: Riddick froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 15 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 08:21:16: Riddick froze Kairuku - Lvl 37 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 08:28:07: Riddick froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 15 (Kairuku) Day 18728, 08:39:25: Riddick froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 18728, 12:17:51: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18743, 09:32:01: Riddick froze Kevin - Lvl 317 (Maewing) Day 18743, 12:25:24: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18778, 15:33:05: Riddick froze Lutan Fyah - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 18778, 21:12:35: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 449 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18835, 05:20:27: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18894, 01:43:14: Parasaur - Lvl 115 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 18894, 09:10:58: Riddick froze Nereus - Lvl 256 (Basilosaurus) Day 18894, 13:33:37: Riddick froze Nereus - Lvl 257 (Basilosaurus) Day 18895, 18:40:54: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18904, 03:48:29: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 450 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18913, 17:15:03: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 18913, 18:15:58: Riddick froze Fanny hauling - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 18913, 18:30:53: Riddick froze Nereus - Lvl 257 (Basilosaurus) Day 18913, 18:58:35: Riddick froze Megalodon - Lvl 293 (Megalodon) Day 18913, 19:40:12: Riddick froze Green death - Lvl 290 (Deinonychus) Day 18913, 20:20:51: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 305 (Deinonychus) Day 18913, 20:59:00: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 285 (Deinonychus) Day 18914, 11:34:40: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 451 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18932, 05:10:08: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 451 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18957, 03:04:17: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 451 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18964, 07:01:34: Riddick froze Demis Roussos - Lvl 307 (Yutyrannus) Day 18964, 07:44:05: Riddick froze Britney Spear - Lvl 317 (Yutyrannus) Day 18964, 10:22:31: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19007, 15:27:28: Riddick froze Nereus - Lvl 260 (Basilosaurus) Day 19007, 20:46:56: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 19009, 06:00:52: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19022, 09:29:43: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19042, 16:29:36: Robin Sparkels - Lvl 171 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 19066, 18:10:08: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 452 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19139, 01:34:25: Riddick froze Stevy onder jr - Lvl 252 (Otter) Day 19139, 02:23:20: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 296 (Baryonyx) Day 19139, 02:32:08: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 314 (Baryonyx) Day 19139, 02:53:28: Riddick froze Baryonyx - Lvl 289 (Baryonyx) Day 19139, 04:11:22: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19179, 17:09:07: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19201, 10:49:55: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 115 (Dodo) Day 19201, 11:30:27: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 108 (Lystrosaurus) Day 19201, 11:47:26: Riddick froze Rahan - Lvl 62 (Jerboa) Day 19201, 12:33:38: Riddick froze Bamby - Lvl 62 (Jerboa) Day 19201, 13:05:29: Riddick froze Bao - Lvl 63 (Jerboa) Day 19201, 13:14:02: Riddick froze Roger Watts - Lvl 265 (Bulbdog) Day 19201, 13:32:04: Riddick froze Dasy - Lvl 265 (Bulbdog) Day 19201, 13:41:57: Riddick froze Megatherium - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 19201, 13:48:04: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 100 (Lystrosaurus) Day 19201, 13:53:15: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 235 (Doedicurus) Day 19201, 14:01:27: Riddick froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19201, 14:12:36: Riddick froze Jumbo - Lvl 244 (Mammoth) Day 19201, 14:26:00: Riddick froze Bobby - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 19201, 14:31:53: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 375 (Pteranodon) Day 19201, 14:37:26: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 375 (Pteranodon) Day 19201, 14:53:00: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 14:59:57: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:07:00: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:12:28: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:20:24: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:26:12: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:31:56: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:39:41: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:46:24: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 15:53:25: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 16:00:01: Riddick froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 250 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 19201, 16:13:39: Riddick froze Sizzla - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 19201, 16:23:02: Riddick froze Alpha F1 - Lvl 227 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 16:31:49: Riddick froze Shaggy - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 19201, 16:38:22: Riddick froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 353 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 19201, 16:45:53: Riddick froze Charlie - Lvl 125 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 16:52:58: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 16:59:56: Riddick froze Alpha M1 - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 17:08:58: Riddick froze Alpha F2 - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 17:15:56: Riddick froze Alpha F3 - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 17:21:58: Riddick froze Felix - Lvl 290 (Thylacoleo) Day 19201, 17:30:04: Riddick froze Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus) Day 19201, 17:42:22: Riddick froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 296 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 19201, 18:11:08: Riddick froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 186 (Lystrosaurus) Day 19201, 20:58:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19263, 03:56:00: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 453 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19458, 09:18:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 454 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19458, 10:45:12: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 454 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19758, 15:41:11: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19758, 15:41:11: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19758, 15:41:11: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19891, 12:53:28: Riddick froze Eilif - Lvl 457 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20760, 03:50:59: plod - Lvl 77 (Tribe of plod) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21054, 12:35:02: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1159894848,"tribe":"LutzTollerHusky logs":["Day 25143, 18:02:11: Husky froze Megalodon - Lvl 142 (Megalodon) Day 25143, 21:40:56: Husky froze Megalodon - Lvl 192 (Megalodon) Day 25144, 17:18:05: Husky Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 205 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 25144, 17:28:07: Husky froze M/205 - Lvl 205 (Woolly Rhino) Day 25144, 19:46:45: Husky froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 122 (Brontosaurus) Day 25144, 21:44:55: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25146, 05:00:13: Gollum froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25146, 05:05:39: Gollum froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25146, 08:17:24: Husky froze Twitter - Lvl 207 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25146, 11:30:17: Husky claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25146, 11:37:38: Husky froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25146, 14:36:51: Gollum froze Gollum-Wyvren - Lvl 72 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25147, 00:24:54: Tribemember Gollum - Lvl 113 was killed by [Husky] - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 25147, 00:24:54: Your Tribe killed Gollum - Lvl 113 (LutzTollerHusky)! Day 25147, 02:05:45: Tribemember Gollum - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 25147, 05:22:33: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25149, 12:44:21: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 179 (Griffin) Day 25149, 13:11:55: Husky froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 179 (Griffin) Day 25152, 16:23:46: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 25152, 18:19:49: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 25152, 18:30:36: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 25152, 19:24:22: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 25152, 20:01:17: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 01:28:06: Lutz froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25153, 01:32:02: Lutz froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25153, 01:37:35: Lutz froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25153, 05:41:54: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 07:35:37: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 08:05:22: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 08:38:33: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 11:29:37: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25153, 12:49:37: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 14:03:45: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 14:44:21: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 15:05:09: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 15:51:34: Lutz froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25153, 17:57:47: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 18:41:14: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 19:11:16: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) Day 25153, 20:24:04: Lutz froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25154, 01:52:18: Lutz froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25154, 09:27:28: Lutz froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25154, 12:46:21: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25154, 18:03:09: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25154, 19:23:01: Lutz froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25155, 00:42:13: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/203 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 00:46:26: Lutz froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 238 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 00:55:33: Lutz froze F/187 - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:00:15: Lutz froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:04:56: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:09:46: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:15:41: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/177 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:21:14: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:26:45: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:31:50: Lutz froze Müll 1st gen - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:36:33: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:41:23: Lutz froze [Gollum] 1st gen | F/160 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:46:08: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:50:29: Lutz froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 01:55:29: Lutz froze F/112 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 02:00:45: Lutz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 25155, 05:55:25: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25155, 06:41:05: Husky froze Twitter - Lvl 208 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25155, 09:07:05: Your BetaBait - Lvl 162 (Daeodon) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25155, 09:20:54: Your Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25155, 09:23:33: Your F/187 - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25155, 10:29:30: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 266 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:33:11: Lutz froze F/112 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:36:26: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/177 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:40:25: Lutz froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:47:39: Lutz froze Müll 1st gen - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:51:50: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/203 - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 10:58:20: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:01:51: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:05:10: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:08:31: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25155, 11:08:53: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:12:43: Lutz froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:16:40: Lutz froze [Gollum] 1st gen | F/160 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:20:20: Lutz froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25155, 11:24:39: Lutz froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 241 (Yutyrannus) Day 25155, 11:25:39: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 162 (Daeodon) Day 25155, 13:31:45: Lutz froze Martins Auto - Lvl 99 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25167, 10:34:20: Husky froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 122 (Brontosaurus) Day 25167, 10:43:15: Husky froze Twitter - Lvl 208 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25167, 10:53:44: Husky froze Martins Auto - Lvl 99 (Fire Wyvern) Day 25167, 11:40:37: Husky Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 25167, 11:46:45: Husky froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 25167, 13:47:12: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 25167, 17:03:00: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 171 (Daeodon) Day 25168, 07:08:17: Husky froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 241 (Yutyrannus) Day 25168, 07:15:11: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25170, 17:46:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 25170, 17:55:22: Lutz Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25170, 17:59:19: Lutz froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) Day 25221, 01:28:25: StrawberryMocha was added to the Tribe by Husky! Day 25221, 05:56:04: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed by [Husky] - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 25221, 05:56:04: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25221, 09:07:26: Your F/112 - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:12:13: Your [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:14:01: Your [Husky] 1st gen | 128 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:16:01: Your GammaBait - Lvl 190 (Daeodon) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:27:45: Your F/127 - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:37:00: Your [Husky] 1st gen | F/170 - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:52:00: Your Müll 1st gen - Lvl 237 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 09:56:53: Your [Gollum] 1st gen | F/160 - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 10:00:39: Your [Lutz] 1st gen | F/177 - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 10:11:58: Your [Lutz] 1st gen | M/203 - Lvl 274 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 25221, 11:19:15: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:25:08: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 278 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:29:52: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/166 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:33:23: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:37:03: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:40:59: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:44:47: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:52:30: Husky froze 1st gen | F/124 - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 25221, 11:56:20: Husky froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 244 (Yutyrannus) Day 25221, 12:00:15: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 25226, 20:28:26: Raptor - Lvl 58 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 25226, 21:25:56: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed by [Husky] - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 25226, 21:25:56: Your Tribe killed Husky - Lvl 121 (LutzTollerHusky)! Day 25226, 22:33:18: Husky froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 25227, 04:44:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 134 (Daeodon)! Day 25227, 05:51:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 134 (Daeodon)! Day 25227, 07:02:44: Husky froze Daeodon - Lvl 134 (Daeodon) Day 25227, 07:11:54: Husky froze Daeodon - Lvl 134 (Daeodon) Day 25227, 07:56:20: Lutz claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25227, 08:01:32: Lutz claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25227, 08:04:46: Lutz claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25227, 08:07:57: Husky claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25227, 08:23:46: Husky froze Baby [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25227, 08:46:33: Lutz froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 25227, 08:57:05: Lutz froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25227, 09:01:30: Lutz froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25227, 10:17:58: Husky froze BetaBait - Lvl 137 (Daeodon) Day 25227, 14:00:42: Husky claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 136 (Daeodon)'! Day 25227, 14:09:50: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 138 (Daeodon) Day 25227, 14:15:09: Husky froze Baby 1st gen - Lvl 136 (Daeodon) Day 25227, 22:15:52: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 110 | 1.1x! Day 25228, 02:59:04: Husky Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 25228, 04:33:39: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25237, 06:10:22: Husky froze Adolescent [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25237, 10:42:49: Husky froze Adolescent [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25237, 21:57:45: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 25240, 19:02:24: Husky froze BetaBait - Lvl 162 (Daeodon) Day 25241, 06:55:00: Husky Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 164 (Daeodon)! Day 25241, 07:02:21: Husky froze Daeodon - Lvl 164 (Daeodon) Day 25241, 07:52:25: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 162 (Daeodon) Day 25242, 07:49:44: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 07:58:32: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/166 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 08:12:58: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 10:37:18: Husky froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 244 (Yutyrannus) Day 25242, 10:46:00: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 163 (Daeodon) Day 25242, 10:52:08: Husky froze [Husky] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 10:55:38: Husky froze 194 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 10:59:24: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:05:10: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:08:44: Husky froze 1st gen | F/124 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:13:26: Husky froze [Husky] 2nd gen | F/153 - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:18:36: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:23:46: Husky froze Müll - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:27:10: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | F/176 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:30:44: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 11:38:03: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 25242, 16:23:20: Husky Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 7 (Mesopithecus)! Day 25242, 23:06:09: Tribemember StrawberryMocha - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 15! Day 25243, 01:42:54: Husky froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25243, 07:16:44: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 25243, 07:21:44: Husky froze 194 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 25243, 07:28:08: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 25243, 07:32:59: Husky froze 1st gen | F/124 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 25243, 07:37:16: Husky froze [Husky] 2nd gen | F/153 - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 25243, 08:54:07: Husky froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus) Day 25243, 10:04:30: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 164 (Daeodon) Day 25243, 13:08:43: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | F/176 - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 25244, 11:05:03: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 08:07:58: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 08:12:23: Husky froze Müll - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 09:08:44: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/166 - Lvl 243 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 12:29:15: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 12:46:37: Husky froze [Husky] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 16:57:03: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 25245, 17:03:59: Husky froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25245, 18:04:13: Husky froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25245, 18:07:41: Husky froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25245, 23:41:37: Husky froze boeing 747 - Lvl 211 (Quetzal) Day 25246, 01:50:21: Husky froze Taunus Wunderland - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25246, 04:07:11: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 252 (Megatherium) Day 25246, 14:10:05: Husky froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25246, 14:13:50: Husky froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25246, 14:17:19: Husky froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25246, 18:49:18: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) Day 25246, 18:55:11: Husky froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25247, 02:41:21: Husky froze Twitter - Lvl 213 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25248, 07:12:12: Your Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25248, 11:54:36: Husky froze Juvenile [Cutie] Nate - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 25248, 18:44:51: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25248, 18:49:46: Husky froze [Cutie] BadDragon - Lvl 83 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25248, 20:38:59: StrawberryMocha froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 25248, 20:46:26: StrawberryMocha froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 25249, 05:57:40: Husky froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 25249, 11:20:36: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 25249, 12:07:16: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 25249, 12:33:50: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 25249, 14:29:30: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 25249, 15:38:01: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25261, 06:12:05: Your [Cutie] Nate - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 130! Day 25261, 07:00:47: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25261, 07:38:37: Husky froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 25261, 13:49:13: Husky Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 119 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 25261, 21:13:14: Husky Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 25261, 21:22:39: Husky froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 25261, 22:07:42: StrawberryMocha froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate.2 - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25261, 22:15:41: StrawberryMocha froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate.2 - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25261, 22:20:41: StrawberryMocha froze Adolescent [Cutie] Nate.2 - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 25262, 01:23:28: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 145 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 70! Day 25262, 12:50:06: Husky froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 122 (Brontosaurus) Day 25264, 02:38:11: Husky froze [Cutie] BadDragon - Lvl 127 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25264, 02:46:01: Husky froze [Husky] - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25264, 02:51:01: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) Day 25264, 02:55:18: Husky froze [Cutie] Nate.2 - Lvl 106 (Deinonychus) Day 25264, 03:08:00: Husky froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 163 (Brontosaurus) Day 25266, 18:17:22: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 18:26:12: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 18:41:52: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 19:51:00: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 19:54:27: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 19:57:36: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25266, 20:00:51: Husky froze Adolescent [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25267, 09:23:32: Husky froze Doedicurus - Lvl 160 (Doedicurus) Day 25268, 05:27:07: Husky froze boeing 747 - Lvl 212 (Quetzal) Day 25268, 05:30:57: Husky froze Taunus Wunderland - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25268, 10:09:42: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 25268, 11:36:15: Husky froze Doedicurus - Lvl 160 (Doedicurus) Day 25268, 14:35:02: Husky claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)'! Day 25268, 14:39:45: StrawberryMocha claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)'! Day 25268, 16:42:49: Husky froze [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 161 (Megatherium) Day 25268, 20:26:06: Husky demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 25269, 00:28:32: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 00:38:35: Husky froze Juvenile [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 00:44:04: Husky froze Juvenile [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 00:54:33: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 06:45:14: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 07:02:05: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 07:08:07: Husky froze Juvenile [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 07:16:51: Husky froze boeing 747 - Lvl 212 (Quetzal) Day 25269, 08:36:05: Husky froze Taunus Wunderland - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25269, 14:51:20: Husky froze Juvenile [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 20:12:32: Husky froze Adolescent [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25269, 21:30:55: Husky froze Adolescent [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25272, 09:56:48: Husky demolished a 'Base (Bed)'! Day 25273, 02:47:37: Your [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 25273, 02:51:50: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 25273, 04:27:02: Husky froze [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25273, 04:33:13: Husky froze [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25273, 13:08:31: StrawberryMocha was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Husky! Day 25273, 13:23:48: DodoBrain was demoted from Tribe Admin by Husky! Day 25273, 13:24:18: Gollum was demoted from Tribe Admin by Husky! Day 25273, 13:25:40: StrawberryMocha was demoted from Tribe Admin by Husky! Day 25291, 21:56:36: Husky Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 25291, 22:15:36: Husky froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25292, 00:57:43: Husky froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25292, 10:03:03: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 25292, 13:26:45: StrawberryMocha claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)'! Day 25292, 15:24:53: Husky froze [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 193 (Megatherium) Day 25292, 18:01:26: Husky froze Baby [Cutie] Floof 4th gen | - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 25298, 19:48:00: Lutz froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25298, 19:51:41: Lutz froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25298, 19:55:05: Lutz froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25298, 19:59:59: Lutz froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25299, 03:08:06: Husky froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 25299, 18:37:47: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 25299, 19:35:58: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 25310, 16:43:00: Husky claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25310, 17:01:22: Husky froze Baby [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 25310, 20:35:54: Husky froze Juvenile [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 25311, 08:12:23: Husky Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 136 (Castoroides)! Day 25311, 08:33:19: Husky froze Biebes - Lvl 136 (Castoroides) Day 25311, 19:45:20: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 25423, 07:10:35: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25432, 06:23:50: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 25572, 04:59:11: Hodenkobold was added to the Tribe by Husky! Day 25572, 10:59:35: Hodenkobold claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25572, 11:36:41: Your [Husky] monkey - Lvl 38 (Mesopithecus) was killed! Day 25572, 11:36:41: [Husky] monkey - Lvl 38 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 25572, 12:39:45: Husky claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 156 (Megatherium)'! Day 25572, 12:40:44: Hodenkobold claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 156 (Megatherium)'! Day 25572, 12:56:01: Husky froze Baby [Husky] 4th gen | M/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 13:01:53: Husky froze Baby [Modrige] 4th gen |M 156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 15:49:03: Husky froze [Husky] BadChick - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 25572, 16:14:09: Husky froze Baby [Modrige] 4th gen |M 156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 16:44:32: Hodenkobold froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 20:29:30: Hodenkobold froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 22:58:36: Husky froze [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 25572, 23:03:58: Husky froze [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:34:08: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/197 - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:38:34: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:39:08: Hodenkobold froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/170 - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:43:12: Husky froze 1st gen | F/124 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:47:40: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 03:52:41: Husky froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 260 (Yutyrannus) Day 25573, 04:00:19: Husky froze [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:04:47: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | F/176 - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:09:30: Husky froze [Husky] 2nd gen | F/153 - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:21:11: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 300 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:25:44: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/166 - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:30:49: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:37:36: Husky froze [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:42:02: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 25573, 04:49:39: Husky froze 194 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 04:56:26: Husky froze Müll - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 05:01:03: Husky froze [Husky] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 05:51:06: Hodenkobold froze Juvenile [Modrige] 4th gen |M 156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 05:59:18: Hodenkobold froze Juvenile [Modrige] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25573, 06:19:12: Hodenkobold froze Juvenile [Modrige] 4th gen |M 156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 06:23:53: Hodenkobold froze Juvenile [Modrige] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25573, 12:09:11: Tribemember Hodenkobold - Lvl 76 was killed by [Husky] - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 25573, 12:09:11: Your Tribe killed Hodenkobold - Lvl 76 (LutzTollerHusky)! Day 25573, 13:10:01: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 25573, 14:02:41: Husky froze Adolescent [Ratte] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25573, 14:07:49: Husky froze Juvenile [Ratte] 4th gen | M/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 03:56:14: Husky froze GammaBait - Lvl 230 (Daeodon) Day 25577, 04:01:53: Husky froze [Husky] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:07:12: Husky froze 194 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:12:43: Husky froze [Cutie] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:18:01: Husky froze 1st gen | F/124 - Lvl 240 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:23:09: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | M/177 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:28:54: Husky froze [Lutz] 3rd gen | F/156 - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:34:12: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | 124 - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:39:12: Husky froze [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:44:28: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | F/176 - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:51:00: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 300 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 04:55:53: Husky froze [Husky] 2nd gen | F/153 - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 05:01:28: Husky froze [Lutz] 1st gen | F/166 - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 05:06:45: Husky froze [Lutz] 2nd gen | M/176 - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 25577, 08:57:44: Husky unclaimed 'Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin)'! Day 25577, 09:08:54: Husky claimed 'Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin)'! Day 25577, 09:15:12: Husky unclaimed 'Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin)'! Day 25577, 09:20:08: Husky claimed 'Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin)'! Day 25577, 10:21:24: DerNette was added to the Tribe by Husky! Day 25577, 16:13:05: Husky froze boeing 747 - Lvl 225 (Quetzal) Day 25577, 16:47:18: Husky froze Taunus Wunderland - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25577, 21:34:23: DerNette claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25578, 02:13:29: DerNette froze Sage Moonblood - Lvl 331 (Therizinosaur) Day 25578, 08:10:32: Husky froze [Husky] 3rd gen | M/176 - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) Day 25578, 08:43:26: Husky froze [Husky] 4th gen | M/166 - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 25578, 09:07:45: Hodenkobold froze Adolescent [Ratte] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25578, 09:12:31: Hodenkobold froze Adolescent [Ratte] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25578, 09:36:47: DerNette froze Juvenile [Netter] Dr. Sirius Nett - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25578, 09:37:53: Hodenkobold froze Juvenile [Ratte] 4th gen | M/156 - Lvl 156 (Megatherium) Day 25578, 09:43:12: Hodenkobold froze Adolescent [Ratte] - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25697, 02:24:25: Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25720, 17:03:17: Zeitlupe - Lvl 72 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 25737, 23:44:38: TobiAufCrack - Lvl 104 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25933, 11:24:54: Zeitlupe 2.0 - Lvl 65 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 26024, 05:33:30: Tribemember DerNette - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 26132, 14:17:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26156, 06:21:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26161, 13:54:04: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stewie Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin)'! Day 26161, 14:02:09: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Husky] - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26161, 14:03:05: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Cutie] BadDragon - Lvl 140 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26161, 14:04:07: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Lutz] Martins Auto - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26161, 14:06:01: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trisomie21 - Lvl 156 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 26161, 14:08:08: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26161, 14:08:36: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Cutie] Nate.2 - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26161, 14:16:09: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Steroiden Tobi - Lvl 168 (Dodo)'! Day 26161, 14:26:58: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Welcome light! - Lvl 311 (Glowtail)'! Day 26238, 19:12:51: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Lutz] 1st gen | M/198 - Lvl 266 (Megatherium)'! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26682, 08:23:10: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 26682, 08:32:26: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Taunus Wunderland - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 160 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Gollum-Wyvren - Lvl 72 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 163 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Ankatrin - Lvl 101 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's '[Lutz] 1st gen | F/198 - Lvl 300 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Müll - Lvl 254 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 10:47:38: 's 'Baby [Cutie] Floof 4th gen | - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26730, 21:28:29: Tribemember Lutz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 26730, 22:46:46: Tribemember Hodenkobold - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 26731, 05:39:44: Tribemember Husky - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26731, 06:08:13: Tribemember StrawberryMocha - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 26731, 06:26:00: Tribemember Gollum - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 26731, 07:22:44: Tribemember DodoBrain - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29381, 20:59:53: Zax - Lvl 62 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1158852356,"tribe":"Tribe of Speed logs":["Day 34933, 14:34:15: Speed was added to the Tribe! Day 34933, 14:37:27: nig was added to the Tribe by Speed! Day 34933, 14:38:36: nig was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Speed! Day 34933, 15:13:16: Tribemember nig - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 34933, 15:21:36: nig was removed from the Tribe! Day 34933, 16:46:04: nig was added to the Tribe by Speed! Day 34933, 17:25:49: Tribemember nig - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 34933, 17:33:16: nig was removed from the Tribe! Day 35164, 19:48:35: Tribemember Speed - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1158736937,"tribe":"Zagubiona Pogarda logs":["Day 24727, 19:06:04: Penta was added to the Tribe! Day 24727, 19:14:22: Midir was added to the Tribe by Penta! Day 24727, 19:47:59: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 258 (Griffin) Day 24730, 22:24:48: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 24731, 03:04:34: Midir Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 24731, 03:09:51: Midir froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 24731, 03:58:42: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 24733, 04:44:46: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 24775, 15:49:42: Midir froze Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 24775, 15:53:26: Midir froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24775, 15:57:31: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 25150, 16:13:05: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 25177, 10:11:23: Midir claimed 'Storm Eunice - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 25177, 10:15:33: Midir froze Storm Eunice - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25177, 13:33:41: Penta claimed 'M 35H - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:34:02: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 309 (Griffin) Day 25177, 13:39:29: Penta froze M 35H - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 13:48:22: Penta claimed 'M 0/0 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:50:44: Penta froze M 0/0 - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 13:51:22: Penta claimed 'F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:53:45: Penta froze F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 13:55:15: Penta claimed 'F 35H - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 13:57:33: Penta froze F 35H - Lvl 206 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 13:59:30: Penta claimed 'F 35H - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 14:01:52: Penta froze F 35H - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 14:03:39: Penta claimed 'F 35H - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 14:05:53: Penta froze F 35H - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 14:10:19: Penta claimed 'F 35H - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 14:12:31: Penta froze F 35H - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) Day 25177, 14:15:14: Penta unclaimed 'F 38D - Lvl 195 (Megatherium)'! Day 25177, 15:04:19: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 25177, 15:07:27: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 25224, 02:50:46: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 25224, 03:15:33: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 25224, 06:27:30: Your Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 25224, 06:32:32: Your F 35H - Lvl 246 (Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 25224, 08:34:29: Penta froze Guilty Crown - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:37:18: Penta froze Lili - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:40:06: Penta froze Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:42:52: Penta froze Mutacja w hp - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:45:39: Penta froze Emperor - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:48:29: Penta froze Darkstar - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:51:20: Penta froze Darkeater - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 08:57:21: Penta froze Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 09:00:59: Penta froze Emilia - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 09:08:53: Penta froze Pojemnik - Lvl 321 (Yutyrannus) Day 25224, 09:21:07: Penta froze Judasz - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 25224, 09:27:53: Penta froze Guilty Crown - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 25224, 10:40:03: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 25224, 10:42:24: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 25225, 11:01:05: Your M 0/0 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 25225, 23:52:15: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 25226, 00:38:09: Your F 35H - Lvl 206 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 25226, 00:53:58: Your F 35H - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 25226, 01:15:26: Your M 35H - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 25226, 03:55:42: Your Megatherium - Lvl 279 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 25226, 04:12:21: Your F 35H - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 25226, 04:28:10: Penta froze Guilty Crown - Lvl 382 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:29:45: Midir froze Guilty Crown - Lvl 382 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:30:20: Penta froze Emilia - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:33:51: Midir froze Mutacja w hp - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:34:17: Penta froze Emperor - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:38:26: Midir froze Inbred Priscilla - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:42:10: Midir froze Darkeater - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:42:59: Penta froze Greatcat Sif - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:45:47: Penta froze Dungeater nito - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:47:25: Midir froze Guardian of the mushroom - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:56:40: Penta froze Darkstar - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 05:59:58: Penta froze Toothless discharge - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:03:04: Midir froze Queelag arachnophillia - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:03:23: Penta froze Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:06:35: Penta froze Mutacja w Hp gen II - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:06:53: Midir froze Anus of the Abyss - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:11:21: Penta froze Artorias the flaccid arm - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 25226, 06:11:24: Midir froze Pojemnik - Lvl 321 (Yutyrannus) Day 25262, 07:09:30: Penta froze Mutacja w Hp gen II - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 04:25:57: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 315 (Griffin) Day 25266, 10:41:13: Midir froze Guardian of the mushroom - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:44:36: Midir froze Emilia - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:48:07: Midir froze Artorias the flaccid arm - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:48:21: Penta froze Guilty Crown - Lvl 382 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:51:06: Penta froze Dungeater nito - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:52:02: Midir froze Shadowmane - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 10:55:30: Midir froze BIOMUTANT - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:04:16: Penta froze Queelag arachnophillia - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:07:00: Penta froze Anus of the Abyss - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:09:46: Penta froze Emperor - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:14:06: Penta froze Inbred Priscilla - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:16:42: Midir froze Konsumpcjonizm - Lvl 195 (Daeodon) Day 25266, 11:25:09: Penta froze Mutacja w hp - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:26:15: Midir froze Pojemnik - Lvl 326 (Yutyrannus) Day 25266, 11:28:03: Penta froze Darkstar - Lvl 282 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:29:50: Midir froze Greatcat Sif - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:30:56: Penta froze Mutacja w Hp gen II - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:33:30: Midir froze Darkeater - Lvl 262 (Shadowmane) Day 25266, 11:35:07: Penta froze Toothless discharge - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 25268, 03:20:42: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 25268, 03:24:09: Midir downloaded a dino: Ewenement - Lvl 171 Day 25268, 18:58:41: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 25269, 07:54:16: Midir froze Mech - Lvl 317 (Maewing) Day 25269, 08:23:15: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 25271, 22:08:51: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 25290, 09:59:52: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 25290, 10:30:29: Midir froze Explorer - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 25290, 12:20:38: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 327 (Griffin) Day 25293, 22:19:12: Midir froze Mech - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 25294, 06:19:08: Midir uploaded a Tek Stryder: Ewenement - Lvl 175"] "tribeid":1156173900,"tribe":"Ardent logs":["Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39939, 11:23:49: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 40029, 11:17:55: mrs peabottom the 2nd - Lvl 46 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40209, 14:29:51: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40937, 05:35:12: Dodo - Lvl 104 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:09:26: patricha the patchy - Lvl 85 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:09:28: my dad is dead - Lvl 43 (Carnotaurus) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:09:30: mr trikey - Lvl 54 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:09:59: Dodo - Lvl 112 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:10:02: Carbonemys - Lvl 77 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 41315, 04:10:49: Stegosaurus - Lvl 94 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 41820, 14:30:50: the pink one - Lvl 94 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 41820, 14:30:56: spiky fucker - Lvl 54 (Carnotaurus) starved to death! Day 41953, 23:27:05: mrs peabottom - Lvl 150 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 41953, 23:38:00: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'shit anky - Lvl 93 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41953, 23:39:51: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spiky fucker number 2 - Lvl 21 (Spino)'! Day 41953, 23:42:36: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bob - Lvl 95 (Sarco)'! Day 41953, 23:52:25: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Onion - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 41954, 00:05:09: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pickle The 2nd - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)'! Day 41954, 00:05:58: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pickle The 4th. - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)'! Day 41954, 00:09:45: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poop Machine - Lvl 73 (Phiomia)'! Day 41954, 00:26:08: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'samuel (peas stego) - Lvl 131 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 41954, 00:31:22: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'beans (bia's.) - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys)'! Day 41954, 00:35:25: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lanky ass - Lvl 139 (Iguanodon)'! Day 41954, 00:50:38: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pea 1 - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41954, 00:57:26: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 196 (Carbonemys)'! Day 41954, 01:03:18: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 244 (Triceratops)'! Day 41954, 01:09:46: FullWinter - Lvl 101 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 112 (Iguanodon)'! Day 42431, 00:57:13: Tribemember Jeyda - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 5! Day 42434, 19:53:03: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pickle The 3rd - Lvl 161 (Argentavis)'! Day 42527, 11:08:00: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Onion The 2nd (TWIN) - Lvl 154 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1155721578,"tribe":"Until the wheels come of logs":["Day 22885, 02:08:59: erasedandrew was added to the Tribe! Day 22886, 23:49:19: erasedandrew Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 22887, 00:47:24: erasedandrew Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 22888, 08:29:35: erasedandrew Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 22888, 12:08:56: erasedandrew demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22888, 12:09:57: erasedandrew demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22888, 12:10:47: erasedandrew demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22888, 12:11:40: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:12:37: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:13:25: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:14:06: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:14:57: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:16:10: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:17:00: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:17:37: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:19:48: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 22888, 12:20:41: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 22888, 12:21:39: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 22888, 12:23:35: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 22888, 12:24:25: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 22888, 12:25:22: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 22888, 12:26:10: erasedandrew demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 22888, 12:29:09: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23096, 16:48:55: Fibre Bitch - Lvl 34 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23503, 02:11:34: Tribemember erasedandrew - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 23593, 20:09:19: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky Wangs - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23776, 08:43:58: Robin - Lvl 44 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr Roboto - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1151507309,"tribe":"Tribe of Chief_ logs":["Day 25244, 18:49:52: Chief_ was added to the Tribe! Day 25244, 18:50:39: Human was added to the Tribe by Chief_! Day 25244, 18:59:33: Tribemember Chief_ - Lvl 3 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 25244, 23:59:43: Tribemember Chief_ - Lvl 14 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 25245, 06:37:35: Tribemember Chief_ - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 25245, 07:18:09: Tribemember Chief_ - Lvl 38 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x!"] "tribeid":1150659279,"tribe":"The Boys logs":["Day 23972, 22:40:39: w0mble was added to the Tribe! Day 23972, 22:41:35: BeadyH was added to the Tribe by w0mble! Day 23972, 22:45:03: BeadyH was promoted to a Tribe Admin by w0mble! Day 23973, 00:56:19: BeadyH demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23973, 03:03:42: Tribemember BeadyH - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 23973, 03:27:32: Sonny was added to the Tribe by w0mble! Day 23973, 03:30:16: Sonny was promoted to a Tribe Admin by w0mble! Day 23973, 03:48:05: Tribemember BeadyH - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 23973, 07:40:29: Finnian was added to the Tribe by w0mble! Day 23973, 07:42:50: Finnian was promoted to a Tribe Admin by w0mble! Day 23973, 15:07:35: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23973, 15:07:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23973, 18:33:07: w0mble demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 23973, 21:59:59: Sonny demolished a 'Rope Ladder'! Day 23974, 01:33:23: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23974, 01:36:05: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23974, 01:38:33: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23986, 03:31:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23986, 04:01:13: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 23986, 04:19:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23986, 05:26:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23986, 08:14:50: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23986, 08:23:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23986, 08:28:40: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 23986, 08:31:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23986, 08:34:00: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23986, 08:34:58: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23987, 03:22:52: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23987, 03:28:08: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23987, 19:14:11: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 23987, 23:22:59: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23987, 23:32:32: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 00:26:01: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 01:20:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23988, 01:25:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23988, 01:26:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23988, 06:10:56: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 06:21:36: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 06:23:55: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 07:47:26: Sonny demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23988, 07:58:57: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 23988, 08:18:17: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23988, 18:00:34: Finnian Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 36 (Carbonemys)! Day 23988, 18:32:00: Your Carby - Lvl 36 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 23988, 18:37:40: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 23 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 23988, 19:12:56: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 23 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 23988, 19:31:35: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 23988, 19:33:52: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23988, 19:38:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23988, 19:41:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23988, 19:45:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23988, 20:13:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23988, 20:17:53: Your 'Finnian's Bed (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 23988, 20:19:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 23988, 20:21:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 23988, 20:22:02: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23988, 23:44:50: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 23992, 09:11:04: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23992, 17:08:36: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 23992, 18:16:50: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 23992, 19:17:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 23992, 19:20:21: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 23993, 05:35:17: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 05:37:17: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 10:03:05: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 10:11:21: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 10:27:30: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23993, 10:31:47: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23993, 10:40:16: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 10:43:30: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 23993, 11:06:14: Sonny demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23993, 11:10:09: Sonny demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23993, 16:15:20: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 23993, 16:16:49: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24015, 01:10:20: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 24016, 12:33:05: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24016, 13:40:53: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 13:41:51: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 14:37:53: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 14:38:49: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 14:48:00: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 14:48:48: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 15:39:16: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 16:13:37: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 16:17:23: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 16:18:37: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 16:21:02: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24016, 16:33:38: w0mble demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 24017, 07:21:13: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 24017, 09:21:58: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 24017, 09:24:24: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 43 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 24017, 09:25:33: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24017, 09:26:34: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 24018, 03:32:44: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 0.8x! Day 24018, 13:58:25: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 45 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 24018, 14:05:41: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24018, 14:05:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24021, 16:09:50: Sonny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 24021, 16:22:45: Sonny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 24021, 20:57:09: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 24021, 23:42:18: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 48 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 24062, 22:00:29: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24062, 22:27:43: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24062, 23:07:13: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 24062, 23:34:42: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24065, 15:22:50: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 39 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24065, 16:35:42: Tribemember BeadyH - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 24069, 07:23:20: Finnian demolished a 'Wooden Chair'! Day 24079, 18:45:23: Finnian demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 24080, 00:47:16: Finnian demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 24080, 04:15:55: Finnian demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 24082, 15:38:57: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 48 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 30! Day 24082, 16:09:39: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 48 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 24086, 07:52:58: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 58 was killed by Finnian - Lvl 49 (The Boys)! Day 24086, 07:52:58: Your Tribe killed Sonny - Lvl 58 (The Boys)! Day 24086, 11:09:35: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 45 was killed by Finnian - Lvl 49 (The Boys)! Day 24086, 11:09:35: Your Tribe killed w0mble - Lvl 45 (The Boys)! Day 24087, 07:14:28: Sonny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 24087, 16:28:21: Finnian demolished a 'Bed'! Day 24103, 11:57:53: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 24105, 06:40:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24105, 06:40:47: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24105, 06:40:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24106, 09:31:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 44 (Carnotaurus)! Day 24106, 16:47:07: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 24109, 01:01:33: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24110, 07:04:55: Sonny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 24117, 08:26:28: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24133, 14:58:44: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 64 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 24135, 15:31:08: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 24135, 15:32:21: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 24135, 15:33:42: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 24135, 15:34:57: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24135, 16:14:13: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24135, 16:18:09: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24135, 16:19:39: Sonny demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24154, 14:53:24: Sonny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 24154, 18:35:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24154, 19:40:49: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24181, 08:50:40: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24181, 08:50:40: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24372, 08:52:19: w0mble Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 24390, 02:37:59: Your Bob - Lvl 21 (Dodo) was killed! Day 24390, 02:37:59: Bob - Lvl 21 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24390, 07:17:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 112 (Parasaur)! Day 24390, 20:41:59: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24390, 20:43:29: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 24390, 20:47:09: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24390, 20:50:13: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24390, 20:52:17: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24390, 20:53:48: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24390, 20:55:56: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24390, 20:57:19: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 02:22:38: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 02:25:31: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 02:27:00: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 02:28:58: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 24391, 02:31:30: w0mble demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 24391, 02:32:50: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 24391, 02:33:58: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 02:35:24: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 24391, 03:57:52: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24391, 03:59:07: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24391, 04:00:57: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24391, 04:12:18: w0mble demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 24391, 04:34:35: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24393, 02:52:43: w0mble Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 201 (Pachy)! Day 24393, 05:25:27: w0mble Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur)! Day 24393, 06:57:35: w0mble Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24393, 10:03:07: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24393, 15:10:02: w0mble Tamed a Compy - Lvl 104 (Compy)! Day 24393, 16:07:52: w0mble Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 188 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 24393, 22:26:05: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24393, 22:28:55: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24393, 22:29:56: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24410, 18:16:40: Finnian claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 21 (Dodo)'! Day 24410, 19:44:42: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 24412, 13:10:00: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 65 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 24412, 13:48:17: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 24436, 05:38:36: Your Flippy - Lvl 23 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 125! Day 24439, 15:48:38: w0mble demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 24440, 01:26:27: w0mble Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24440, 04:41:15: w0mble Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)! Day 24460, 14:47:38: Your Benji - Lvl 55 (Otter) was killed! Day 24460, 14:47:38: Benji - Lvl 55 (Otter) starved to death! Day 24484, 12:53:32: w0mble froze Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 24495, 23:00:16: Your Clank - Lvl 212 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24533, 12:26:32: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 76 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24534, 19:40:49: Your Sausage with legs - Lvl 138 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24534, 19:41:18: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24534, 22:40:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24534, 22:45:48: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24540, 10:39:18: Tribemember Finnian - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 24560, 07:19:23: Your Dense - Lvl 224 (Pachy) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 24642, 14:39:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24683, 23:07:10: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 24797, 17:58:22: Your Karen - Lvl 66 (Dodo) was killed! Day 24797, 17:58:22: Karen - Lvl 66 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24797, 19:25:08: w0mble demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 24797, 20:25:39: w0mble froze Flem - Lvl 123 (Dilophosaur) Day 24797, 21:42:57: Your Bob - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 24798, 00:09:22: w0mble froze Flem - Lvl 124 (Dilophosaur) Day 24798, 07:45:09: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24798, 07:46:31: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 24798, 11:21:16: Tribemember w0mble - Lvl 85 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24825, 06:51:39: Betty - Lvl 33 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24845, 11:28:11: Sarah - Lvl 49 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24874, 01:06:23: Sally - Lvl 50 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25204, 19:57:57: Your Flem - Lvl 124 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 25269, 18:00:12: freds375 - Lvl 55 (fred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cranky - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25486, 10:27:28: Compy - Lvl 131 (Compy) starved to death! Day 25534, 12:49:40: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25534, 12:49:57: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25534, 15:30:20: Tribemember BeadyH - Lvl 17 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25939, 12:06:11: Tribemember Sonny - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 25967, 00:24:00: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1147987892,"tribe":"The Breed logs":["Day 6481, 06:36:46: Kail froze Bulbdog - Lvl 67 (Bulbdog) Day 6481, 06:38:18: Kail froze Bulbdog - Lvl 86 (Bulbdog) Day 6481, 06:39:54: Kail froze Bulbdog - Lvl 65 (Bulbdog) Day 6493, 17:15:00: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 6493, 17:15:00: Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 6498, 05:28:42: Kail froze Smoke - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 6522, 15:43:37: Kail froze Dir-Wof-76a - Lvl 310 (Direwolf) Day 6648, 12:52:58: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 6648, 12:54:51: Kail froze as - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 6648, 12:56:43: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 6648, 12:58:31: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 6664, 14:15:38: Dodo - Lvl 6 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 6668, 12:29:42: BubiMae was added to the Tribe by Kail! Day 6673, 16:10:44: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 6677, 14:13:46: Tek Raptor - Lvl 22 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 6690, 10:11:48: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 39 (Mesopithecus) was killed! Day 6690, 10:11:48: Mesopithecus - Lvl 39 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 6690, 10:12:15: Kail froze Spino - Lvl 102 (Spino) Day 6690, 10:14:14: Kail froze sparta - Lvl 96 (Spino) Day 6690, 10:15:57: Kail froze GEN 1 - Lvl 211 (Spino) Day 6690, 10:17:42: Kail froze Spino - Lvl 77 (Spino) Day 6690, 10:19:25: Kail froze GEN 1 - Lvl 211 (Spino) Day 6691, 04:23:02: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 6691, 04:23:02: Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 6691, 04:28:11: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 46 (Carbonemys) Day 6691, 04:32:07: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys) Day 6691, 04:36:08: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) Day 6691, 04:39:54: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 37 (Carbonemys) Day 6691, 04:44:16: Kail froze Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys) Day 6691, 05:03:16: Kail froze Shaielle - Lvl 91 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:08:37: Kail froze Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:12:46: Kail froze Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:15:49: Kail froze Triceratops - Lvl 179 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:17:31: Kail froze Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:19:17: Kail froze Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops) Day 6691, 05:51:46: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo) Day 6691, 07:03:55: Kail froze Oviraptor - Lvl 74 (Oviraptor) Day 6691, 07:09:46: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 6691, 07:11:16: Kail froze Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo) Day 6691, 07:18:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 6691, 07:18:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 6691, 07:21:44: Kail froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 278 (Tek Quetzal) Day 6691, 07:23:21: Kail froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 278 (Tek Quetzal) Day 6691, 08:15:10: Kail froze Vulture - Lvl 110 (Vulture) Day 6691, 08:16:47: Kail froze M 0-0 - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 6691, 08:22:08: Kail froze F 0-0 - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 6691, 08:23:36: Kail froze F 0-0 imprinted same sta - Lvl 179 (Vulture) Day 6691, 08:29:39: Kail froze boy - Lvl 204 (Vulture) Day 6691, 08:48:04: Kail froze Snow's - Lvl 162 (Rock Drake) Day 6691, 08:54:52: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 6692, 17:19:30: Kail froze Hay - Lvl 189 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:28:54: Kail froze Jasmine - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:30:44: Kail froze [P] featherman - Lvl 191 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:32:18: Kail froze Cracker - Lvl 162 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:33:53: Kail froze Dragg - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:36:59: Kail froze Spikey - Lvl 134 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 17:46:42: Kail froze Mad - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 17:49:22: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 17:51:13: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 17:53:10: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 17:55:46: Kail froze Tron - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 17:57:37: Kail froze pop - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 18:02:55: Kail froze beamer - Lvl 137 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 18:04:25: Kail froze Pteranodon - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 6692, 18:08:53: Kail froze Argent - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 18:11:41: Kail froze Sephy argent - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 6692, 18:46:44: Kail froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 96 (Therizinosaur) Day 6692, 18:49:23: Kail froze Rainbow - Lvl 30 (Therizinosaur) Day 6692, 18:51:24: Kail froze Aberrant Equus - Lvl 232 (Aberrant Equus) Day 6692, 18:52:55: Kail froze Aberrant Equus - Lvl 293 (Aberrant Equus) Day 6692, 22:01:43: Lylah was added to the Tribe by Kail! Day 6692, 23:03:20: Kail froze Theriza - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 6692, 23:07:25: Kail froze Bucki's chicken - Lvl 267 (Therizinosaur) Day 6693, 03:54:59: Lylah froze Mama Medusa - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6693, 05:02:06: Lylah froze Mama Medusa - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6693, 11:09:33: Kail froze Arcturus - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 11:11:03: Kail froze Lyndon - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 11:13:39: Kail froze Ruby - Lvl 79 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 11:16:25: Kail froze Fred - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 11:30:24: Kail froze Olivia - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 11:33:48: Kail froze Buck - Lvl 240 (Brontosaurus) Day 6693, 11:36:00: Kail froze Scuttle-Butt - Lvl 269 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 6693, 11:39:28: Kail froze Linux - Lvl 176 (Tek Raptor) Day 6693, 11:41:20: Kail froze Eliza - Lvl 280 (Tek Raptor) Day 6693, 11:47:31: Kail froze Slice - Lvl 265 (Raptor) Day 6693, 11:52:59: Kail froze Slice - Lvl 265 (Raptor) Day 6693, 11:54:34: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 79 (Raptor) Day 6693, 11:56:25: Kail froze Tekko - Lvl 198 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 6693, 11:58:05: Kail froze Rocksteady - Lvl 243 (Doedicurus) Day 6693, 12:00:45: Kail froze Hyperion - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 6693, 12:08:19: Lylah froze Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 6693, 12:14:20: Kail froze Jesse - Lvl 61 (Iguanodon) Day 6693, 12:17:09: Kail froze Terror Bird - Lvl 192 (Terror Bird) Day 6693, 12:17:30: Lylah froze Helios - Lvl 208 (Rex) Day 6693, 12:19:00: Kail froze V2 - Lvl 65 (Dilophosaur) Day 6693, 12:22:16: Lylah froze Tethys - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 6693, 12:22:18: Kail froze Mega Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 6693, 12:24:49: Lylah froze Rexy - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 6693, 12:25:19: Kail froze Scyth - Lvl 253 (Raptor) Day 6693, 12:29:55: Lylah froze Phoebe - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 6693, 12:32:12: Kail froze Lime - Lvl 81 (Iguanodon) Day 6693, 12:33:43: Kail froze Lemon - Lvl 66 (Iguanodon) Day 6693, 12:35:22: Kail froze Lemonade - Lvl 59 (Iguanodon) Day 6693, 12:38:29: Kail froze Jefferson - Lvl 38 (Triceratops) Day 6693, 12:40:22: Kail froze Ramses - Lvl 262 (Ovis) Day 6693, 12:44:35: Lylah froze Razor - Lvl 268 (Raptor) Day 6693, 12:44:52: Kail froze Moe - Lvl 34 (Carbonemys) Day 6693, 12:47:34: Kail froze Uncle Ankie - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6693, 12:48:28: Lylah froze Thalia - Lvl 220 (Raptor) Day 6693, 12:50:45: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 (Dilophosaur) Day 6693, 12:52:38: Lylah froze Erika - Lvl 95 (Raptor) Day 6693, 12:53:36: Kail froze Gop - Lvl 91 (Terror Bird) Day 6693, 12:55:33: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 148 (Dilophosaur) Day 6693, 12:56:42: Lylah froze Rhode - Lvl 103 (Raptor) Day 6693, 12:58:24: Lylah froze Emmaline - Lvl 228 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:00:08: Lylah froze Forrest - Lvl 147 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:02:36: Lylah froze Slash - Lvl 288 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:03:25: Kail froze Andra - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:05:00: Kail froze Morana - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:06:09: Lylah froze Clobber - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6693, 13:06:42: Kail froze Hala - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:08:17: Lylah froze Doedicurus - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus) Day 6693, 13:09:19: Kail froze Antares - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:09:59: Lylah froze Camilla - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur) Day 6693, 13:11:27: Lylah froze Greenwoode - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur) Day 6693, 13:16:26: Kail froze Daren - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:17:59: Kail froze Raine - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:19:27: Lylah froze Tootha - Lvl 244 (Sabertooth) Day 6693, 13:20:11: Kail froze Dirty Girl - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:21:26: Lylah froze MANTAS - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 6693, 13:21:40: Kail froze Karissa - Lvl 239 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:23:22: Kail froze Betelgeuse - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 13:26:20: Lylah froze Baloo - Lvl 100 (Dire Bear) Day 6693, 13:34:04: Lylah froze Raptor - Lvl 91 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:36:56: Kail froze Level Buddy - Lvl 136 (Lystrosaurus) Day 6693, 13:39:07: Lylah froze Byte - Lvl 209 (Tek Raptor) Day 6693, 13:42:52: Lylah froze Lily - Lvl 35 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:44:29: Lylah froze Adrian - Lvl 238 (Raptor) Day 6693, 13:49:49: Lylah froze Lilac - Lvl 144 (Dodo) Day 6693, 13:54:03: Lylah froze Caspain - Lvl 61 (Dimorphodon) Day 6693, 14:04:02: Lylah froze Busch - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) Day 6693, 14:05:50: Lylah froze Gardenia - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) Day 6693, 14:07:46: Lylah froze Sally - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 6693, 14:10:27: Lylah froze George - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:17:26: Lylah froze Aster - Lvl 295 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:19:04: Lylah froze Argentavis - Lvl 40 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:20:57: Lylah froze Polaris - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:22:40: Lylah froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:26:48: Lylah froze Boyakasha - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:28:13: Lylah froze Marie - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 14:36:20: Lylah froze Tony - Lvl 165 (Thylacoleo) Day 6693, 14:47:04: Kail froze Smoke - Lvl 200 (Rock Drake) Day 6693, 19:45:42: Lylah froze Harriet - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 6693, 20:13:39: Lylah froze Zombie - Lvl 126 (Microraptor) Day 6693, 20:27:02: Lylah froze Mama Medusa - Lvl 220 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6696, 15:18:13: Kail froze Big Rim Job - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus) Day 6696, 15:24:21: Kail froze Big Martha - Lvl 303 (Brontosaurus) Day 6696, 15:27:30: Kail froze Big Bob - Lvl 124 (Brontosaurus) Day 6696, 15:32:49: Kail froze Big Barb - Lvl 307 (Brontosaurus) Day 6696, 15:36:39: Kail froze Morellatops - Lvl 177 (Morellatops) Day 6696, 15:45:48: Kail froze Francis - Lvl 234 (Tek Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:47:19: Kail froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 93 (Tek Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:51:55: Kail froze Kenishi - Lvl 72 (Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:53:19: Kail froze bobbly - Lvl 70 (Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:54:44: Kail froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:56:23: Kail froze Ultramarine - Lvl 70 (Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:57:57: Kail froze Turii - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) Day 6696, 15:59:44: Kail froze Parasaur - Lvl 85 (Parasaur) Day 6696, 16:08:55: Kail froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 111 (Thorny Dragon) Day 6696, 16:10:27: Kail froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 121 (Thorny Dragon) Day 6696, 16:12:27: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 166 (Castoroides) Day 6696, 16:13:55: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 242 (Castoroides) Day 6696, 16:15:20: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 71 (Castoroides) Day 6696, 16:16:48: Kail froze Castoroides - Lvl 185 (Castoroides) Day 6696, 16:18:41: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 283 (Doedicurus) Day 6696, 16:23:13: Kail froze Edd - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 6696, 16:24:47: Kail froze Eddy - Lvl 205 (Doedicurus) Day 6696, 16:26:19: Kail froze Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 6696, 16:28:18: Kail froze Nazz - Lvl 205 (Doedicurus) Day 6696, 16:30:09: Kail froze Blood Diamond - Lvl 240 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 05:44:22: Kail froze [2] - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 05:46:25: Kail froze Mine Spike - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 05:49:58: Kail froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 156 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 05:52:03: Kail froze Flint - Lvl 189 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 05:57:17: Kail froze Feather Lite - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 6706, 06:01:55: Kail froze Ravager - Lvl 261 (Ravager) Day 6706, 06:10:44: Kail froze Irish Queen - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6706, 06:13:25: Kail froze Monica - Lvl 268 (Mammoth) Day 6706, 06:16:52: Kail froze Red Breeder - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex) Day 6706, 06:18:54: Kail froze Red Breeder - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex) Day 6706, 06:22:39: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 6706, 06:24:07: Kail froze Direwolf - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) Day 6706, 06:29:01: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 173 (Dilophosaur) Day 6706, 06:30:30: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) Day 6706, 06:34:11: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:35:50: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:38:23: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:40:57: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:47:11: Kail froze w140 easter - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:49:22: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 100 (Rex) Day 6706, 06:55:47: Kail froze Spino - Lvl 115 (Spino) Day 6706, 06:58:24: Kail froze Spino - Lvl 63 (Spino) Day 6706, 07:00:56: Kail froze Spino - Lvl 94 (Spino) Day 6706, 07:03:05: Kail froze Chomper - Lvl 136 (Spino) Day 6706, 07:16:03: Kail froze Raul - Lvl 89 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6706, 07:19:40: Kail froze Totashi - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6706, 07:23:03: Kail froze Ice Lander - Lvl 278 (Ice Wyvern) Day 6706, 07:28:26: Kail froze Mistletoe - Lvl 188 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6706, 07:46:15: Kail froze Beast - Lvl 232 (Phiomia) Day 6706, 07:48:03: Kail froze Iguanodon - Lvl 71 (Iguanodon) Day 6706, 07:53:59: Kail froze Jenny 2 - Lvl 124 (Carnotaurus) Day 6706, 07:55:32: Kail froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 49 (Carnotaurus) Day 6711, 13:50:24: Kail froze Mura - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6711, 13:54:57: Kail froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur) Day 6711, 13:56:32: Kail froze Kentrosaurus - Lvl 71 (Kentrosaurus) Day 6711, 13:58:33: Kail froze Ombre - Lvl 106 (Kentrosaurus) Day 6711, 14:04:04: Kail froze (M) Breeding No LEVEL - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 6711, 14:05:35: Kail froze (F) Breeding No LEVEL - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 6711, 14:07:09: Kail froze (F) Breeding - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 6711, 14:08:42: Kail froze (F) Breeding - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 6711, 14:12:18: Kail froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 52 (Dimorphodon) Day 6711, 14:13:55: Kail froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 175 (Mesopithecus) Day 6711, 14:18:22: Kail froze Jerboa - Lvl 42 (Jerboa) Day 6711, 14:33:45: Kail froze Sun - Lvl 57 (Lystrosaurus) Day 6711, 14:35:38: Kail froze Nicklous - Lvl 186 (Lystrosaurus) Day 6711, 14:37:06: Kail froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 221 (Lystrosaurus) Day 6711, 14:38:35: Kail froze Dagger - Lvl 78 (Lystrosaurus) Day 6711, 14:57:33: Kail froze Black Lizard - Lvl 224 (Diplodocus) Day 6711, 15:01:50: Kail froze Diplo - Lvl 247 (Diplodocus) Day 6711, 15:05:40: Kail froze Sabertooth - Lvl 89 (Sabertooth) Day 6711, 15:11:02: Kail froze Ford - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 6711, 15:12:31: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 256 (Thylacoleo) Day 6711, 15:13:56: Kail froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo) Day 6711, 15:17:16: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 130 (Raptor) Day 6711, 15:19:18: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 154 (Raptor) Day 6711, 15:20:51: Kail froze Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 6711, 15:30:09: Kail froze Tesla - Lvl 159 (Raptor) Day 6711, 15:54:40: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 300 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 15:56:13: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 242 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 15:58:39: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 6711, 16:00:56: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 287 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 16:02:22: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 300 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 16:09:09: Kail froze Michelle - Lvl 70 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 16:11:58: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 305 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 16:23:48: Kail froze Allosaurus - Lvl 305 (Allosaurus) Day 6711, 16:26:54: Kail froze Miss Piggy - Lvl 232 (Daeodon) Day 6711, 16:28:25: Kail froze ZzZ - Lvl 39 (Kaprosuchus) Day 6711, 16:30:42: Kail froze Pachy - Lvl 115 (Pachy) Day 6711, 16:32:37: Kail froze Moschops - Lvl 279 (Moschops) Day 6711, 16:50:16: Kail froze Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex) Day 6711, 17:47:07: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 213 Day 6711, 17:47:43: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 187 Day 6711, 17:48:17: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: SnowFluffy - Lvl 203 Day 6711, 17:49:01: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 212 Day 6711, 17:49:50: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 102 Day 6711, 17:50:52: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 170 Day 6711, 17:51:33: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 221 Day 6711, 17:52:09: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Dir-Wof-76b - Lvl 285 Day 6711, 17:52:44: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Dir-Wof-76d - Lvl 286 Day 6711, 17:53:21: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Snows's Wolf - Lvl 150 Day 6711, 17:54:04: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 230 Day 6711, 17:55:08: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Dir-Wof-76e - Lvl 265 Day 6711, 17:56:35: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 190 Day 6711, 18:08:53: Kail uploaded a Direwolf: Direwolf - Lvl 233 Day 6711, 18:29:24: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76f - Lvl 155 Day 6711, 18:29:52: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: red - Lvl 85 Day 6711, 18:30:24: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 208 Day 6711, 18:30:52: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76b - Lvl 256 Day 6711, 18:31:26: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sephy Saber - Lvl 285 Day 6711, 18:31:58: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 205 Day 6712, 00:58:04: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76a - Lvl 255 Day 6712, 00:59:33: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76c - Lvl 255 Day 6712, 01:01:01: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Jay Jay - Lvl 219 Day 6712, 01:02:15: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Level 234 - Lvl 234 Day 6712, 01:03:24: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Level 218 - Lvl 218 Day 6712, 01:04:51: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76e - Lvl 270 Day 6712, 01:06:14: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sa-Ber-76d - Lvl 291 Day 6712, 01:07:25: Kail uploaded a Sabertooth: Sephy Saber - Lvl 291 Day 6712, 03:37:18: Kail uploaded a Dung Beetle: Grin 3 - Lvl 187 Day 6712, 03:38:48: Kail uploaded a Dung Beetle: Grin 4 - Lvl 277 Day 6712, 03:40:04: Kail uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 158 Day 6712, 03:41:18: Kail uploaded a Dung Beetle: Grin 1 - Lvl 82 Day 6712, 03:42:33: Kail uploaded a Dung Beetle: Grin 2 - Lvl 277 Day 6712, 05:17:10: Kail uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 215 Day 6712, 11:07:43: Your Cinnamon - Lvl 144 (Direwolf) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 6734, 11:28:05: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 94 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 6734, 11:28:05: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 94 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 6734, 13:14:01: Kail uploaded a Brontosaurus: Big Betty - Lvl 283 Day 6835, 08:51:39: Kail froze Bret (W) - Lvl 287 (Ravager) Day 6905, 23:13:49: Kail froze Breed - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 6905, 23:19:31: Kail froze Breed - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 6907, 05:22:44: Kail uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Lander - Lvl 289 Day 6920, 08:26:13: Kail downloaded a dino: Willow - Lvl 308 Day 6920, 13:44:01: Kail froze Willow - Lvl 308 (Yutyrannus) Day 6920, 17:42:36: Luxy was added to the Tribe by Kail! Day 6920, 17:45:02: Luxy claimed 'Bred 7 - Lvl 369 (Megatherium)'! Day 6920, 17:49:52: Luxy claimed 'Bred 2 - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 6920, 18:48:28: Kail unclaimed 'Bred 2 - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 6920, 18:50:54: Kail unclaimed 'Bred 7 - Lvl 369 (Megatherium)'! Day 6920, 19:01:36: Kail froze Willow - Lvl 308 (Yutyrannus) Day 6920, 19:40:23: Kail froze Mistletoe - Lvl 224 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6920, 23:10:02: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 6932, 14:09:24: Your Turbo - Lvl 164 (Direwolf) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 7015, 18:44:19: Luxy froze Arctic - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 7035, 10:23:15: Pollux Silverwind was added to the Tribe by Kail! Day 7035, 10:32:26: Kail froze Smoke - Lvl 207 (Rock Drake) Day 7089, 15:32:16: Luxy froze Arctic - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 7104, 04:39:58: Luxy froze Arctic - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 7275, 10:25:27: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7387, 20:18:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7387, 20:18:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7387, 20:18:34: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:42:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:42:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:42:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:42:12: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7444, 06:42:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7458, 07:38:33: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7545, 09:18:00: Sleepy Hollow - Lvl 127 (Tribe of Sleepy Hollow) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 221 (Direwolf)'! Day 7556, 10:38:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7611, 17:14:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7625, 18:49:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7635, 07:38:28: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 7635, 07:40:28: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft Raft Raft Raft Raft (Raft)'! Day 7635, 07:47:12: Kloppy - Lvl 152 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ishtar's Dreams (Raft)'! Day 7653, 23:40:10: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7780, 16:41:59: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7822, 22:12:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7822, 22:12:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7822, 22:12:38: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7822, 22:12:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7822, 22:12:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8027, 08:03:55: Sleepy Hollow - Lvl 127 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9438, 06:37:48: Kail froze Snow's - Lvl 163 (Rock Drake) Day 9737, 04:20:46: Tribemember Ink - Lvl 137 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 10801, 15:39:07: Luxy froze Orange imprinted - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 10802, 06:29:07: Luxy froze Orange imprinted - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 10907, 08:59:44: Luxy froze Azue - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 10984, 12:13:38: Luxy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 10996, 03:43:24: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 11010, 17:33:03: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 11010, 19:39:15: Luxy claimed 'Yellow Yolo - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11010, 20:05:54: Luxy unclaimed 'Yellow Yolo - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11010, 20:07:47: Luxy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 11010, 22:09:40: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 11025, 11:35:51: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 11082, 15:38:32: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 11178, 11:05:32: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 11193, 14:20:40: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 11509, 09:28:24: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 11509, 09:36:28: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 11509, 11:09:26: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 11509, 11:13:39: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 11509, 12:05:07: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 11509, 12:07:32: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 11509, 12:44:10: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 11509, 12:49:39: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 11509, 13:25:19: Kail froze Voilet - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 11651, 00:30:59: Luxy froze Percy - Lvl 248 (Snow Owl) Day 11651, 11:06:15: Kail froze Sheri (B) - Lvl 373 (Ravager) Day 11651, 11:08:49: Kail froze Dopey - Lvl 452 (Tek Rex) Day 11651, 11:29:16: Kail froze Spare Argent - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 11651, 13:02:12: Luxy froze Percy - Lvl 248 (Snow Owl) Day 11651, 22:43:14: Luxy froze Percy - Lvl 248 (Snow Owl) Day 11793, 01:38:11: Luxy froze Azure - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 11823, 17:03:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11964, 10:11:38: Luxy froze Azure - Lvl 376 (Snow Owl) Day 12020, 08:52:26: Luxy froze Esme - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12020, 09:27:17: Luxy froze Esme - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12061, 16:33:53: Luxy froze Azure - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 12158, 09:14:57: Luxy froze Malcolm X - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 12229, 09:41:31: Luxy froze Bobby - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 12229, 10:57:38: Luxy froze Bobby - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 12256, 02:39:09: Luxy was removed from the Tribe! Day 19497, 21:40:41: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19497, 21:50:42: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 00:49:12: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 04:34:58: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 06:45:35: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 07:51:44: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 10:33:05: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 12:21:26: Kail Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 19498, 14:09:21: Kail froze Voilet - Lvl 348 (Rock Drake) Day 19498, 14:43:33: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 15:00:13: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 15:09:38: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 15:12:40: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 15:17:39: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 15:20:42: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 15:28:45: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 15:32:51: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 15:45:33: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 15:48:39: Kail froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 19498, 15:59:08: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 16:00:08: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 16:01:18: Kail demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 19498, 16:22:56: Kail uploaded a Rock Drake: Voilet - Lvl 348 Day 19498, 16:40:39: Kail uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 19498, 16:41:56: Kail uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 19498, 16:43:43: Kail uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7"] "tribeid":1147375332,"tribe":"IGP logs":["Day 40079, 10:33:10: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 40079, 10:43:34: Fruj claimed 'big boy - Lvl 142 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40079, 10:48:32: Fruj unclaimed 'big boy - Lvl 142 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40079, 11:49:24: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 40079, 13:14:14: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 40079, 16:19:34: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 35 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 100! Day 40079, 18:50:50: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 66 was killed!"] "tribeid":1146481495,"tribe":"Tribe of Flyerbek logs":["Day 35295, 04:00:12: Flyerbek was added to the Tribe! Day 35295, 04:02:59: Tribe of sony tribe was merged in by sony! Day 35295, 04:02:59: sony was added to the Tribe by Flyerbek! Day 35295, 08:31:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35295, 11:12:20: SlenderJigga was added to the Tribe by Flyerbek! Day 35295, 11:40:36: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 35295, 14:33:27: Tribemember sony - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 35295, 17:08:26: Flyerbek demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35295, 18:01:35: sony Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 35295, 20:38:38: Your SKYE - Lvl 7 (Dodo) was killed by Flyerbek - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35295, 20:38:38: Your Tribe killed SKYE - Lvl 7 (Dodo) (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35296, 03:07:32: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 17 was killed by sony - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35296, 03:07:32: Your Tribe killed SlenderJigga - Lvl 17 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35296, 05:09:07: Flyerbek demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35296, 05:12:26: Flyerbek demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35296, 05:18:26: Flyerbek demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35296, 05:20:31: Flyerbek demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35296, 07:28:25: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 35296, 07:37:37: Tribemember sony - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 35296, 08:16:01: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 35296, 14:22:31: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35296, 14:23:47: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35296, 14:24:37: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35296, 14:25:21: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35296, 17:29:48: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 35296, 21:51:17: Flyerbek demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35296, 22:58:59: Flyerbek demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 35297, 02:00:10: sony Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 35297, 04:48:27: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 30 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 35297, 06:19:27: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 30 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 35297, 07:39:02: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35297, 09:05:43: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 35297, 15:17:10: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 35297, 17:08:11: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 33 was killed by sony - Lvl 32 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35297, 17:08:11: Your Tribe killed SlenderJigga - Lvl 33 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35317, 10:04:42: Flyerbek demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35317, 16:44:07: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 45 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35317, 16:50:20: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:50:20: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:52:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:52:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:52:09: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:54:09: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 45 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35317, 16:57:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35317, 16:59:27: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35318, 01:53:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35318, 05:51:51: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35318, 05:51:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 35318, 05:52:21: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 48 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35318, 10:12:57: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 49 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 35318, 10:32:29: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 49 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 120 | 1.0x! Day 35318, 22:10:09: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35319, 00:08:14: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 05:49:38: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 59 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 35319, 06:44:26: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 59 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 35319, 07:32:04: sony Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 35319, 09:47:00: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 09:49:25: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 09:50:37: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 09:51:44: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 11:57:38: Flyerbek demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35319, 12:34:34: sony Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35319, 13:30:44: sony Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35319, 13:33:08: Flyerbek claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 35319, 13:33:13: sony Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 52 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35319, 13:47:19: Flyerbek claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35319, 13:47:48: Flyerbek claimed 'one! - Lvl 119 (Raptor)'! Day 35319, 14:01:46: Flyerbek claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 35319, 14:04:51: Flyerbek claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 207 (Triceratops)'! Day 35319, 14:22:56: Your SKYE 3 - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 80! Day 35319, 14:23:22: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 35319, 14:26:12: Your SKYE 2 - Lvl 52 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 80! Day 35319, 17:51:34: SlenderJigga claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 72 (Triceratops)'! Day 35319, 19:47:59: sony Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 53 (Parasaur)! Day 35320, 04:34:47: Your SKYE - Lvl 27 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 40! Day 35320, 04:37:52: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 34 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 40! Day 35320, 06:31:44: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 34 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 35320, 07:39:41: Your JOHN JACKSON - Lvl 92 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35320, 07:44:50: Your BIG CART HORSE - Lvl 56 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35320, 08:08:46: Tribemember sony - Lvl 35 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35320, 08:55:32: Your CartHorse - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 35320, 17:59:08: Your Skye V2 - Lvl 30 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 35320, 21:19:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 126 (Stegosaurus)! Day 35321, 11:49:52: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 35321, 13:46:16: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 35321, 21:05:52: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 35321, 22:34:36: sony Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 35321, 23:17:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 58 (Diplodocus)! Day 35322, 01:42:14: sony claimed 'Rex - Lvl 435 (Rex)'! Day 35322, 05:12:21: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 35322, 06:22:28: NanoBastardo added 'Tribe of Flyerbek' Tribe to Average Allies Alliance! Day 35322, 06:44:48: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35322, 07:34:09: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 35322, 08:52:56: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 35322, 09:10:34: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 35322, 09:13:44: Tribemember sony - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 35322, 09:28:11: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 64 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 35322, 12:10:06: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 44 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 35322, 12:54:38: sony claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis)'! Day 35322, 13:12:27: sony froze Baby NanoB - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 35322, 15:20:12: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 65! Day 35322, 16:36:27: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 35338, 06:51:43: NanoB - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 35340, 06:25:00: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 50 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 75! Day 35340, 07:50:36: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 35341, 17:51:39: Your Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 35342, 01:11:39: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 35342, 04:25:09: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 53 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 40! Day 35342, 07:30:34: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 35342, 08:23:22: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 53 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 75! Day 35342, 09:23:52: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 53 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35342, 10:36:30: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 54 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 35342, 15:24:26: Flyerbek demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35342, 18:59:34: Your Raptor - Lvl 20 (Raptor) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 1.1x! Day 35343, 01:21:16: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 54 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35343, 05:12:05: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 35343, 05:20:17: sony claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis)'! Day 35343, 05:57:21: sony froze Baby BIRDY - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 35343, 07:10:07: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 55 was killed by sony - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35343, 07:10:07: Your Tribe killed SlenderJigga - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35343, 07:14:48: sony froze Baby BIRDY - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 35343, 10:18:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 27 (Doedicurus)! Day 35343, 23:25:41: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35344, 13:37:26: sony Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 44 (Triceratops)! Day 35344, 13:44:54: sony Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 35344, 22:31:37: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 35345, 02:40:17: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 35345, 19:38:29: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 35345, 20:45:54: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 35345, 21:05:33: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 35345, 23:25:42: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 35346, 05:21:43: Flyerbek was demoted from Tribe Admin by sony! Day 35346, 05:29:06: Flyerbek was promoted to a Tribe Admin by sony! Day 35347, 14:33:31: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 135! Day 35361, 22:34:35: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 110! Day 35361, 22:38:11: Your Horny 4 Porny - Lvl 67 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 110! Day 35361, 22:40:47: Your Horny - Lvl 64 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 110! Day 35361, 23:22:19: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35362, 07:44:39: SlenderJigga Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 19 (Iguanodon)! Day 35362, 10:54:34: Your Penis - Lvl 21 (Iguanodon) was killed by SlenderJigga - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35362, 10:54:34: Your Tribe killed Penis - Lvl 21 (Iguanodon) (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35362, 13:50:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops)! Day 35362, 17:24:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35362, 20:50:10: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 35362, 23:31:00: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 70 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 35363, 06:42:51: Your Tech Support - Lvl 22 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 35363, 09:34:38: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 70 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 35363, 11:35:43: SlenderJigga Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 35363, 19:55:00: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 71 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 105! Day 35364, 17:01:18: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 76 was killed by sony - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35364, 17:01:18: Your Tribe killed SlenderJigga - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Flyerbek)! Day 35365, 02:56:39: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35365, 02:56:39: Your 'Base (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 35365, 05:14:39: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 77 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 65! Day 35365, 05:55:55: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 77 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 65! Day 35365, 08:13:36: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 35365, 10:10:33: Onix was added to the Tribe by sony! Day 35365, 10:31:06: jimmy sav was added to the Tribe by sony! Day 35365, 11:53:23: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 1 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 35! Day 35365, 14:14:57: sony froze BIRDY - Lvl 239 (Argentavis) Day 35365, 15:53:29: Flyerbek Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 35365, 18:48:28: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 35365, 22:44:07: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 35366, 03:03:45: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 35366, 07:14:39: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 35366, 09:38:53: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 35366, 09:43:25: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 84 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 35366, 10:23:01: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 23 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 54! Day 35366, 10:58:40: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 45! Day 35366, 11:04:19: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 35366, 11:57:46: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 35366, 15:18:14: sony claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35366, 15:55:44: sony froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus) Day 35366, 16:02:32: sony Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)! Day 35366, 16:50:37: jimmy sav demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 35366, 19:40:51: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 31 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 35366, 23:34:49: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 35367, 07:03:00: SlenderJigga claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 124 (Argentavis)'! Day 35367, 07:27:48: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35367, 09:15:14: Your Baby Seagull - Lvl 124 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 35367, 09:15:14: Baby Seagull - Lvl 124 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 35367, 18:02:57: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35367, 22:59:24: sony Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur)! Day 35367, 23:15:12: sony froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur) Day 35379, 21:34:50: Your one! - Lvl 138 (Raptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 35385, 10:22:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35385, 19:06:59: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 35471, 19:44:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35519, 07:17:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35519, 07:17:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35637, 18:51:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35655, 02:55:41: Your Double Ended Dildo - Lvl 87 (Triceratops) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 105! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35908, 10:29:44: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35961, 21:25:40: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 (The New Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BIRDY - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 35961, 21:27:29: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 (The New Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SONNYS REX - Lvl 435 (Rex)'! Day 35961, 21:30:58: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 112 (The New Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 212 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36071, 05:01:09: Human - Lvl 112 (the creed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pigeon - Lvl 32 (Argentavis)'! Day 36093, 09:50:09: sony's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36183, 20:02:58: FeeFee - Lvl 114 (Cheezits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 58 (Diplodocus)'! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36286, 02:43:17: Tribemember Flyerbek - Lvl 86 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 36289, 06:54:19: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 120! Day 36317, 11:44:33: W4YN3 - Lvl 104 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 42 (Argentavis)'! Day 36431, 18:51:10: Tribemember sony - Lvl 63 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 36431, 18:55:13: Tribemember SlenderJigga - Lvl 82 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 36434, 05:19:38: Tribemember jimmy sav - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36483, 16:20:52: DinoFodder - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Rock On) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)'! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36559, 11:08:02: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36559, 11:08:02: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37189, 11:11:29: Tribemember Onix - Lvl 17 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 37516, 16:08:23: Stegosaurus - Lvl 141 (Stegosaurus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1146238062,"tribe":"Tribe of Henne logs":["Day 34737, 08:12:25: Henne was added to the Tribe! Day 34737, 14:37:45: Henne claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 107 (Daeodon)'! Day 34738, 10:10:32: Henne claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis)'! Day 34738, 10:18:42: Henne claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 34739, 17:53:38: Henne froze Adolescent Bernie - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 34740, 09:28:55: Henne froze Baby fg - Lvl 74 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34740, 15:17:36: Henne claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34741, 08:22:49: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus) Day 34741, 08:31:10: Henne froze Roddy - Lvl 46 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34741, 19:03:55: Henne froze Blotto II - Lvl 46 (Daeodon) Day 34741, 19:12:17: Henne froze Ruby - Lvl 107 (Daeodon) Day 34741, 19:18:10: Henne froze Jenny - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 34742, 02:35:07: Henne demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 34758, 09:34:54: Henne claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34758, 14:32:07: Henne claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 35 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34758, 14:40:06: Henne claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 65 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34758, 17:10:58: Henne claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 63 (Gacha)'! Day 34759, 15:51:32: Henne froze Mini - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 34759, 22:40:26: Henne Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 59 (Sabertooth)! Day 34759, 23:49:29: Henne froze Smoke - Lvl 59 (Sabertooth) Day 34760, 14:46:57: Juvenile Gayle - Lvl 63 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 34761, 19:54:10: Henne froze Smoke - Lvl 59 (Sabertooth) Day 34762, 13:56:05: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus) Day 34762, 20:39:53: Henne froze Olly - Lvl 139 (Otter) Day 34762, 21:47:16: Your Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 20! Day 34762, 21:51:07: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 34763, 01:06:53: Henne froze Jenny - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) Day 34763, 01:18:47: Henne froze Ruby - Lvl 107 (Daeodon) Day 34763, 04:34:26: Henne froze Mo - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 04:38:37: Henne froze Tango - Lvl 237 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 34763, 04:54:59: Henne froze Tango - Lvl 237 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 34763, 04:58:59: Henne froze Mo - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 05:07:08: Henne froze bo - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 05:14:07: Henne froze Shona - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 06:24:15: Henne froze Stan - Lvl 330 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 06:31:04: Henne froze Jo - Lvl 274 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 09:38:52: Henne froze Bernie - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 34763, 13:30:29: Henne froze Stan - Lvl 330 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 14:22:56: Henne froze Stan - Lvl 330 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 19:23:41: Henne froze bo - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 19:29:40: Henne froze Shona - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 19:35:56: Henne froze Mo - Lvl 218 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 19:41:48: Henne froze Tango - Lvl 237 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 34763, 23:19:48: Henne froze Jo - Lvl 275 (Direwolf) Day 34763, 23:34:11: Henne froze Tango - Lvl 237 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 34764, 07:34:35: Henne froze Bernie - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 34765, 19:27:08: Henne froze Adolescent Eva - Lvl 178 (Rex) Day 34765, 19:37:07: Henne froze Adolescent Eva - Lvl 178 (Rex) Day 34765, 19:47:17: Henne froze Adolescent Eva - Lvl 178 (Rex) Day 34765, 20:35:11: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 91 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34765, 20:48:04: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 91 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34765, 21:52:39: Your Adolescent Eva - Lvl 178 (Rex) was killed! Day 34765, 21:52:39: Adolescent Eva - Lvl 178 (Rex) starved to death! Day 34765, 23:01:44: Henne froze Baby edghvjhsa - Lvl 91 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 01:55:00: Henne froze Sienna - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 34766, 02:05:45: Henne froze Yupo - Lvl 167 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 02:28:06: Henne froze Bru - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 03:29:08: Henne froze Adolescent Zak - Lvl 132 (Rex) Day 34766, 07:04:07: Henne froze Bru - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 12:19:36: Henne froze Luther - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 34766, 12:23:34: Henne froze Herbert - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 34766, 12:30:42: Henne froze yo - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 34766, 12:47:43: Henne froze Millie - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 34766, 12:56:47: Henne froze Cara - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 34766, 13:06:09: Henne froze Copper - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 34766, 13:22:52: Henne froze Coco - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 34766, 13:29:56: Henne froze Ivor - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 34766, 13:36:05: Henne froze Mina - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 34766, 14:10:04: Henne froze Jenny - Lvl 237 (Daeodon) Day 34766, 14:13:46: Henne froze Daisy - Lvl 176 (Yutyrannus) Day 34766, 17:18:56: Henne froze Tina - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 34766, 17:33:00: Henne froze Juvenile Vicky - Lvl 91 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 17:37:18: Henne froze Juvenile Shelly - Lvl 91 (Tek Rex) Day 34766, 20:54:30: Henne froze Bernie - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 34767, 01:09:45: Your Daisy - Lvl 176 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 34767, 01:09:45: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 34783, 02:13:29: Ruby - Lvl 144 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 34787, 18:48:46: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 95! Day 34787, 20:15:08: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 34788, 04:38:11: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 34788, 12:45:58: Henne froze Bernie - Lvl 244 (Argentavis) Day 34789, 17:10:43: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 40! Day 34791, 04:52:11: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34791, 05:27:54: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34791, 05:57:52: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34791, 06:14:22: Henne froze Jayda - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 34791, 06:21:30: Henne froze Nacho - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 34791, 11:30:45: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 53 (Desmodus)'! Day 34791, 12:37:50: Henne froze Janie - Lvl 44 (Desmodus) Day 34791, 12:45:27: Henne froze Baby Vince - Lvl 53 (Desmodus) Day 34791, 13:33:15: Henne froze Juvenile Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34791, 13:41:34: Henne froze Juvenile Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34791, 14:35:33: Henne froze Juno - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane) Day 34791, 14:44:42: Henne froze Mini - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 34791, 14:48:17: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 34791, 14:58:09: Henne froze Terry - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 34791, 15:03:31: Henne froze Greta - Lvl 31 (Gacha) Day 34791, 16:27:27: Henne froze Gogs - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 34791, 18:30:26: Henne froze Juvenile Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34791, 19:48:42: Henne froze Juvenile Gigi - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34792, 06:28:04: Henne froze Juvenile Vince - Lvl 53 (Desmodus) Day 34792, 15:20:14: Henne froze Adolescent Gigi - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34792, 16:18:45: Henne froze Adolescent Gigi - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34792, 18:46:11: Henne froze Adolescent Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34793, 04:01:21: Henne froze Adolescent Vince - Lvl 53 (Desmodus) Day 34793, 10:03:02: Henne froze Adolescent P. Fiji - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34793, 16:50:15: Henne froze Blotto II - Lvl 102 (Daeodon) Day 34793, 17:59:13: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 34795, 10:08:57: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 34813, 17:40:10: Henne unclaimed 'Foley - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 34813, 17:46:18: Henne unclaimed 'Ziki - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 17:52:45: Henne unclaimed 'Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 18:17:58: Henne unclaimed 'P. Puri - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 18:27:18: Henne unclaimed 'P. Tiki - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 18:31:40: Henne unclaimed 'P. Fiji - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 18:56:47: Henne claimed 'P. Fiji - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 18:59:34: Henne froze P. Fiji - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 19:10:10: Henne froze Gigi - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 20:12:48: Henne unclaimed 'Bernie - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 34813, 20:19:12: Henne froze Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 20:29:03: Henne froze Tammy - Lvl 159 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 20:34:25: Henne froze Mike - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 34813, 20:39:56: Henne froze Zak - Lvl 156 (Rex) Day 34813, 20:51:25: Henne froze Martha - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 34813, 20:55:29: Henne froze Gerry - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 34813, 21:00:27: Henne froze Senna - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 34813, 21:16:56: Henne froze Bella - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 34813, 21:21:33: Henne froze gerty - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 34813, 21:30:50: Henne claimed 'Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 21:35:31: Henne froze Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 21:38:09: Henne claimed 'Ziki - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34813, 21:46:58: Henne froze Ziki - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34813, 22:56:05: Henne froze Chicco - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 34813, 23:01:04: Henne froze Janie - Lvl 47 (Desmodus) Day 34813, 23:24:48: Henne froze Lana - Lvl 55 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34813, 23:57:02: Henne froze Fred - Lvl 97 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34814, 00:04:48: Henne unclaimed 'Mini - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34814, 00:09:54: Henne unclaimed 'Roddy - Lvl 97 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34814, 00:16:39: Henne unclaimed 'Sara - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34814, 00:21:31: Henne unclaimed 'Vince - Lvl 58 (Desmodus)'! Day 34814, 00:27:12: Henne unclaimed 'Boho - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 34814, 00:32:01: Henne unclaimed 'Dave - Lvl 142 (Desmodus)'! Day 34814, 00:35:53: Henne unclaimed 'Lena - Lvl 85 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34814, 00:51:04: Henne unclaimed 'Gemma - Lvl 82 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 34943, 00:28:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35061, 07:22:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35094, 19:14:02: Olly - Lvl 139 (Otter) starved to death! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35399, 15:54:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35685, 05:31:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35967, 07:22:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35990, 23:57:12: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36092, 21:50:46: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 36275, 03:46:04: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36275, 03:46:04: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36275, 03:46:04: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36329, 10:37:59: Johnson - Lvl 97 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1142671123,"tribe":"Mostly Harmless logs":["Day 34693, 06:49:57: Pops was added to the Tribe! Day 34694, 05:13:30: Pops Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 34700, 13:05:25: Pops demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 34700, 18:20:56: Pops Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 34700, 20:26:31: Pops uploaded a Carbonemys: Carbonemys - Lvl 28 Day 34700, 20:28:17: Pops uploaded a Pteranodon: Easy 85-126 - Lvl 126 Day 34700, 20:29:52: Pops uploaded a Pteranodon: Easy 25 - Lvl 110 Day 35295, 18:16:37: jasmin - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 35316, 05:03:58: Pinkshinyultrablast - Lvl 9 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35872, 11:53:01: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41319, 05:53:57: Pops was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1142267439,"tribe":"tribe of leeds lufc logs":["Day 26786, 07:04:07: callum was added to the Tribe! Day 26799, 20:35:44: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 26799, 21:08:42: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 26799, 22:43:35: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 26799, 23:04:09: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 26802, 23:54:25: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 26803, 03:35:18: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 26803, 06:55:07: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 26803, 07:27:35: Tribemember callum - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26803, 17:50:24: callum Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 26813, 05:33:26: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 26826, 00:59:20: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 26826, 04:39:34: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 26826, 05:45:05: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 26826, 07:06:18: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 26826, 08:45:50: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 26826, 10:03:03: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 26826, 11:03:12: Tribemember callum - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 26826, 17:30:33: callum demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 26826, 17:31:46: callum demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26826, 17:32:30: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:33:27: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:34:26: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:35:35: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:36:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:37:16: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:38:44: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:39:34: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:40:15: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:41:01: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 17:41:43: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26826, 18:26:30: callum demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 26826, 18:46:49: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 26827, 07:58:34: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26827, 07:59:34: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26827, 11:09:30: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26827, 11:10:16: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26827, 11:11:06: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26832, 03:50:51: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 45! Day 26832, 04:47:27: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 26832, 05:17:49: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 26832, 06:39:23: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 26832, 08:04:26: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26832, 08:51:02: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 26832, 09:08:40: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26832, 09:29:48: Tribemember callum - Lvl 72 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 26833, 16:29:32: Tribemember callum - Lvl 73 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 40! Day 26833, 17:22:17: Tribemember callum - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 26833, 19:12:22: Tribemember callum - Lvl 73 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 26833, 20:39:54: Tribemember callum - Lvl 73 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 26834, 05:17:58: Tribemember callum - Lvl 74 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 26834, 06:05:46: Tribemember callum - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 26834, 06:50:41: Tribemember callum - Lvl 74 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 26834, 21:33:23: Tribemember callum - Lvl 75 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26834, 23:07:21: Tribemember callum - Lvl 75 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 26848, 23:41:26: Tribemember callum - Lvl 75 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 26849, 03:16:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26849, 03:17:26: Tribemember callum - Lvl 75 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 26854, 09:35:51: Tribemember callum - Lvl 75 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 26854, 11:02:42: callum Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 26855, 04:05:59: Your big lass - Lvl 91 (Triceratops) was killed by callum - Lvl 78 (tribe of leeds lufc)! Day 26855, 04:05:59: Your Tribe killed big lass - Lvl 91 (Triceratops) (tribe of leeds lufc)! Day 26876, 00:34:41: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 00:36:58: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 00:38:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 00:39:48: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 00:40:58: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 01:00:35: callum demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 26876, 01:07:53: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 26876, 01:21:55: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:23:10: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:24:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:25:30: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:26:44: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:27:53: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:29:01: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:30:19: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:31:56: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26876, 01:55:09: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 01:56:33: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:00:37: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:01:47: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:02:46: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:03:52: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:05:07: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:29:47: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:31:16: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:32:19: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:33:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:34:57: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26876, 02:36:13: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26899, 06:19:28: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 06:20:31: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 06:21:24: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 06:22:12: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 06:23:12: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 19:30:41: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26899, 19:31:21: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26903, 08:16:24: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 26903, 08:55:32: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 26903, 09:26:11: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 25! Day 26903, 09:31:43: Your W/HEALTH FEMAIL - Lvl 100 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 26903, 09:43:52: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26903, 10:17:34: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 26903, 17:22:32: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 26903, 18:00:55: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 26903, 19:11:46: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 15! Day 26903, 19:19:01: Tribemember callum - Lvl 83 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 25! Day 26919, 05:28:16: Tribemember callum - Lvl 86 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 26919, 06:34:14: Tribemember callum - Lvl 86 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 26919, 12:05:10: Tribemember callum - Lvl 86 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 26919, 15:23:20: Tribemember callum - Lvl 86 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 26920, 14:49:09: callum Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 149 (Stegosaurus)! Day 26920, 16:20:05: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 105! Day 26920, 16:35:37: Your r lass - Lvl 150 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 105! Day 26920, 16:36:39: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 105! Day 26920, 18:58:03: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Skeletal Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26920, 19:16:10: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 25! Day 26920, 20:28:08: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 26920, 21:16:47: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Skeletal Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26920, 22:13:55: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 25! Day 26920, 22:29:59: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 85! Day 26920, 23:01:44: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 26920, 23:21:28: Tribemember callum - Lvl 87 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26923, 20:44:53: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 26923, 21:06:07: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 105! Day 26923, 21:28:13: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 26923, 22:12:24: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 26923, 22:25:49: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 26923, 22:42:42: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 26923, 23:06:28: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 26923, 23:07:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 115 (Stegosaurus)! Day 26923, 23:29:31: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 26924, 00:14:00: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 105! Day 26924, 02:05:06: Tribemember callum - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 26924, 19:55:34: callum demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 26924, 19:58:10: callum demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 26924, 21:16:41: Tribemember callum - Lvl 93 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 70! Day 26931, 13:36:32: Tribemember callum - Lvl 94 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 26931, 14:59:22: Tribemember callum - Lvl 94 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 26931, 17:26:30: Tribemember callum - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 26931, 19:49:45: Tribemember callum - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 26932, 03:15:53: Tribemember callum - Lvl 94 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 26933, 14:37:23: callum Tamed a Rex - Lvl 127 (Rex)! Day 26933, 16:59:03: callum Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 104 (Argentavis)! Day 26934, 04:16:55: callum demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26934, 07:17:35: Your 'Scarecrow' was destroyed! Day 26934, 07:17:35: Your 'Scarecrow' was destroyed! Day 26944, 19:52:39: callum Tamed a Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)! Day 26949, 05:34:39: Tribemember callum - Lvl 102 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 65! Day 26950, 01:28:27: callum Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 97 (Doedicurus)! Day 26952, 15:00:39: Your shes my lady - Lvl 158 (Rex) was killed by a Skeletal Rex - Lvl 75! Day 26953, 01:06:03: Tribemember callum - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26953, 02:14:14: Tribemember callum - Lvl 107 was killed by a Skeletal Stego - Lvl 10! Day 26953, 12:18:18: callum demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 26953, 12:19:22: callum demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 26953, 12:56:04: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 12:57:46: callum demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 26953, 12:59:20: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:00:17: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:01:17: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:17:25: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:18:14: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:19:02: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:24:49: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:26:41: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:29:01: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:30:25: callum demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 26953, 13:46:37: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:48:05: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:48:52: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:49:58: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:51:00: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:55:00: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:57:12: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 13:57:54: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:00:40: callum demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 26953, 14:01:31: callum demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:09:29: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:10:23: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:22:22: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:23:12: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:24:28: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:25:22: callum demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26953, 14:28:28: callum demolished a 'Water Tank (Locked) '! Day 26953, 14:30:11: callum demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 26953, 14:31:26: callum demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 26953, 14:32:30: callum demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 26953, 14:42:29: callum demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 26953, 14:43:23: callum demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 26953, 15:41:18: callum demolished a 'Headstone'! Day 26953, 15:42:07: callum demolished a 'Headstone'! Day 26953, 19:15:38: callum uploaded a Rex: rexy boy - Lvl 189 Day 26953, 19:16:42: callum uploaded a Argentavis: heavy one - Lvl 121 Day 26953, 19:17:40: callum uploaded a Stegosaurus: always a keeper - Lvl 134 Day 26953, 19:18:45: callum uploaded a Doedicurus: stoney - Lvl 103 Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27614, 04:52:46: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1140733460,"tribe":"Happy Little Accidents logs":["Day 21307, 09:47:34: BeachBobRoss was added to the Tribe! Day 21307, 09:53:15: the raiders tribe was merged in by blankoo! Day 21307, 09:53:15: blankoo was added to the Tribe by BeachBobRoss! Day 21307, 09:55:03: the raiders tribe was merged in by SwarthyHero! Day 21307, 09:55:03: SwarthyHero was added to the Tribe by BeachBobRoss! Day 21307, 11:53:06: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21307, 11:56:44: BeachBobRoss froze 202 - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 21307, 13:55:19: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21307, 14:12:04: the raiders tribe was merged in by Aimee! Day 21307, 14:12:04: Aimee was added to the Tribe by BeachBobRoss! Day 21307, 16:29:54: Your Wardrobe - Lvl 203 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:30:58: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:31:04: Your imprint test - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:32:44: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:35:39: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:42:37: Your Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:48:20: Your BossRex5 - Lvl 271 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:56:24: Your BossRex3 - Lvl 295 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 16:56:24: Your Base CP 3639 needed - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 17:04:49: Your Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 17:28:26: Your Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 17:33:07: Your BossRex2 - Lvl 340 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 17:33:44: Your Boss2 - Lvl 276 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 21307, 17:58:58: Your Gen1 - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:04:41: Your R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:06:25: Your R-Reaper King - Lvl 256 (R-Reaper King) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:08:01: Your R-Reaper King - Lvl 255 (R-Reaper King) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:12:26: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 123 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 21307, 18:12:34: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:13:36: Tribemember SwarthyHero - Lvl 111 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 21307, 18:19:39: Your Boss4 - Lvl 280 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:19:58: Tribemember BeachBobRoss - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:28:02: Your pumba - Lvl 287 (Daeodon) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21307, 18:28:37: Tribemember Aimee - Lvl 122 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 21307, 18:59:13: Tribemember SwarthyHero - Lvl 111 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 21307, 19:46:25: Tribemember blankoo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 10! Day 21307, 21:25:32: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21307, 22:41:27: Aimee froze strawberry - Lvl 152 (Mesopithecus) Day 21307, 22:52:36: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21307, 22:56:08: Aimee froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21308, 01:33:07: blankoo froze tantoo - Lvl 363 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21462, 01:10:54: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21462, 22:30:09: BeachBobRoss Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 191 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 21462, 22:40:58: BeachBobRoss froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 191 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21462, 23:41:49: BeachBobRoss froze Golden - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops) Day 21462, 23:49:08: BeachBobRoss froze Val - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22044, 14:18:51: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22044, 14:18:51: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22044, 14:18:51: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22328, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22635, 13:50:00: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22645, 16:44:02: barthalan - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29822, 15:24:30: blankoo froze toto - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29959, 07:06:25: blankoo froze toto - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1140727420,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 26288, 11:44:35: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 26288, 19:19:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 26288, 19:58:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 26292, 22:21:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1138524992,"tribe":"les migrants de Chine logs":["Day 39653, 04:25:08: MermoudBG was added to the Tribe! Day 39653, 09:08:24: Thyumi was added to the Tribe by MermoudBG! Day 39653, 09:53:05: Tribemember Thyumi - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 39653, 12:26:56: Tribemember Thyumi - Lvl 7 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 39653, 14:49:08: Thyumi was promoted to a Tribe Admin by MermoudBG! Day 39808, 16:48:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39840, 15:10:19: Tribemember MermoudBG - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 39950, 22:13:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1136600930,"tribe":"LoneWolf logs":["Day 20018, 09:24:23: deadman was added to the Tribe! Day 20019, 07:49:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 20019, 15:55:30: deadman uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 123 Day 20040, 12:29:17: deadman froze Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon) Day 20048, 18:45:21: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 220 (Griffin) Day 20052, 09:05:00: deadman froze Griffin - Lvl 225 (Griffin) Day 20120, 09:24:59: deadman froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20207, 18:20:50: deadman froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20470, 17:33:57: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 20470, 19:42:21: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 105 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 20470, 19:43:05: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 90! Day 20470, 22:47:40: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 20470, 23:18:06: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 20471, 01:29:47: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 20471, 03:04:16: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 20471, 04:17:29: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 60! Day 20471, 04:55:37: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 20471, 07:40:54: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 25! Day 20471, 08:08:11: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 25! Day 20471, 08:37:53: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 20471, 09:53:18: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 20471, 10:16:33: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 20471, 10:31:10: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 20471, 11:17:51: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 20471, 11:47:59: deadman uploaded a Sinomacrops: Sinomacrops - Lvl 54 Day 20471, 11:49:02: deadman uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 223 Day 20475, 08:10:17: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 20475, 08:54:59: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 20475, 09:39:30: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 20475, 10:15:57: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 52 (Sinomacrops) Day 20475, 10:21:13: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 20476, 06:53:30: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 20476, 07:56:05: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 10:24:32: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 14:11:10: Your Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 20476, 15:08:07: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:17:37: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:23:31: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:35:25: deadman froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 20476, 15:40:30: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:46:43: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:51:26: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 15:56:13: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:04:00: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 299 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:09:36: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:15:32: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 268 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:22:16: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:30:06: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:34:53: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:42:44: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:47:46: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 16:52:20: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 17:00:33: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 272 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 17:05:10: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 20476, 17:44:00: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 20476, 18:31:49: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 20771, 09:22:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20848, 03:07:18: deadman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20848, 04:16:48: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 20965, 18:02:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 224 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20965, 18:56:46: deadman froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 224 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20965, 20:37:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20965, 20:55:08: deadman froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20965, 22:31:07: deadman Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 159 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20965, 22:35:40: deadman froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 159 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20966, 08:28:57: deadman froze Manafaka - Lvl 318 (Managarmr) Day 20966, 08:47:10: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 21114, 19:01:08: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 21128, 06:14:44: deadman froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 296 (Tusoteuthis) Day 21128, 17:23:28: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 21129, 09:31:49: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 150 (Sinomacrops) Day 21129, 10:57:06: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 278 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 21129, 11:27:32: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 21129, 11:31:11: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 278 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 21129, 11:41:47: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 21129, 12:35:23: deadman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 332 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21176, 06:56:36: deadman froze Argentavis - Lvl 295 (Argentavis) Day 21176, 07:58:21: deadman froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 21176, 08:02:49: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 21176, 14:16:21: Your Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) was killed by Fire Bolt - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 21176, 14:16:21: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 21176, 15:15:49: Your Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) was killed by Fire Bolt - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 21176, 15:15:49: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis)! Day 21176, 17:04:27: deadman froze Moschops - Lvl 246 (Moschops) Day 21176, 17:18:51: deadman froze Fire Bolt - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21176, 21:40:04: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 150 (Sinomacrops) Day 21577, 13:27:02: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 21577, 14:39:56: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 21577, 21:58:02: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 21577, 23:09:12: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 162 (Sinomacrops) Day 21578, 00:14:35: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 21578, 16:09:25: deadman froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 162 (Sinomacrops) Day 21579, 09:17:38: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 239 (Maewing) Day 21579, 12:09:17: deadman froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 333 (Yutyrannus) Day 21607, 14:19:09: Tribemember deadman - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 21608, 07:44:46: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 21609, 00:38:30: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 21609, 02:37:49: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 21609, 07:21:10: deadman froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 21609, 13:17:34: deadman claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 21609, 13:27:46: deadman unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 163 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 21610, 12:49:28: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 21610, 16:22:34: deadman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 347 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21611, 04:15:11: deadman froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 21612, 05:41:04: deadman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 347 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21612, 17:52:00: deadman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 349 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22210, 06:27:36: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22341, 09:48:05: deadman's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 349 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22341, 09:48:05: deadman's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 322 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 22777, 07:20:33: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1136287056,"tribe":"the creed logs":["Day 36184, 14:11:32: coon - Lvl 229 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 36233, 19:06:20: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 36235, 00:23:46: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 36235, 03:27:06: Human froze PETER - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon) Day 36235, 07:42:45: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 279 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36235, 15:11:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 36235, 16:15:00: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 36235, 18:50:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 36235, 21:43:42: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 36235, 23:34:30: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 36236, 03:54:39: Human froze PETER - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon) Day 36236, 04:24:46: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 36236, 06:20:16: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 36236, 11:16:24: Human froze ME ME - Lvl 124 (Stegosaurus) Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36264, 05:00:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 65! Day 36281, 06:46:13: Human froze PETER - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon) Day 36282, 17:07:47: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 36286, 01:59:54: Your Simon - Lvl 119 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 36308, 15:29:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 36308, 16:50:49: Human froze PETER - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 36308, 19:22:50: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 36308, 20:31:53: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) Day 36309, 14:05:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 69 (Carnotaurus)! Day 36309, 16:46:50: Human froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 69 (Carnotaurus) Day 36309, 18:25:05: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 71 (Carnotaurus) Day 36309, 20:49:19: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 73 (Carnotaurus) Day 36382, 01:45:19: Human froze Bird - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon) Day 36382, 18:09:56: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 130 (Carnotaurus) Day 36405, 19:09:01: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) Day 36405, 22:59:31: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 36405, 23:32:10: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon) Day 36406, 01:47:31: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 118 (Pteranodon) Day 36446, 05:46:20: jim bob froze jps - Lvl 195 (Sinomacrops) Day 36477, 23:04:26: Tango - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 36606, 19:53:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36713, 19:44:01: BOLLUX - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Igloo4Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'phoenix - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 36732, 17:58:09: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 130 (Carnotaurus) Day 36733, 18:54:45: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus) Day 36735, 15:21:16: Human froze Jeffery - Lvl 181 (Griffin) Day 36756, 08:33:47: Human froze Simie - Lvl 308 (Sinomacrops) Day 36756, 16:46:49: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) Day 36785, 11:39:07: Human froze Draednought - Lvl 348 (Griffin) Day 36786, 16:05:28: Chalicotherium - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 36786, 16:13:47: Triceratops - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36786, 16:28:14: Triceratops - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36787, 11:25:10: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 36787, 11:41:21: Human froze Simie - Lvl 337 (Sinomacrops) Day 36832, 03:16:23: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 36832, 04:12:16: Your Simie - Lvl 339 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 36832, 04:51:09: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 36832, 16:27:45: Your PETER 2 - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 36832, 20:45:00: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36891, 09:11:18: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36891, 09:11:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36950, 19:18:06: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 36968, 08:28:44: Your eggey - Lvl 145 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 25! Day 36998, 04:19:07: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 36998, 04:57:19: Human froze PETER - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) Day 36998, 11:19:03: Human froze PETER - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) Day 36998, 22:26:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 36999, 01:40:15: Human froze PETER 1 - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon) Day 37000, 21:47:42: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37000, 22:11:08: Human froze jps - Lvl 227 (Sinomacrops) Day 37018, 06:45:48: Human froze PETER - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon) Day 37018, 07:25:01: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37018, 07:58:59: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37038, 05:15:44: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 37038, 06:00:10: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon) Day 37038, 11:03:18: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 17 (Pteranodon) Day 37039, 00:44:51: Human froze PETER - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon) Day 37039, 01:29:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon)! Day 37039, 01:59:01: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 37039, 07:43:24: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37039, 08:01:04: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37045, 20:36:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37045, 22:01:37: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 37046, 08:37:10: Human froze PETER - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon) Day 37046, 23:13:11: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37047, 05:57:24: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37059, 21:55:57: Human Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 32 (Iguanodon)! Day 37059, 22:12:15: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 32 (Iguanodon) Day 37061, 04:05:36: Your GEMMA - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 37061, 05:54:01: Human froze PETER - Lvl 133 (Pteranodon) Day 37068, 06:36:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 128 (Pteranodon)! Day 37068, 08:05:33: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 128 (Pteranodon) Day 37068, 10:17:13: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 54 (Iguanodon) Day 37068, 13:41:02: Human Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 7 (Iguanodon)! Day 37068, 16:42:14: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 7 (Iguanodon) Day 37069, 21:57:00: Human froze PETER - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon) Day 37070, 04:43:14: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37070, 05:33:03: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37084, 09:39:09: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 128 (Pteranodon) Day 37084, 17:16:46: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37085, 10:18:07: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) Day 37109, 23:10:29: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon) Day 37110, 09:17:21: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 87 (Iguanodon) Day 37110, 19:46:25: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon)! Day 37110, 21:02:42: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 37111, 02:35:49: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 37112, 10:41:40: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37112, 16:01:06: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon) Day 37113, 01:08:05: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon) Day 37113, 01:42:21: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37113, 01:57:25: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37118, 07:15:46: Human froze jps - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 37137, 15:01:07: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37137, 15:08:33: Human froze jps - Lvl 229 (Sinomacrops) Day 37139, 21:27:26: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) Day 37139, 23:51:09: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 95 (Iguanodon) Day 37140, 05:47:24: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 68 (Iguanodon) Day 37140, 12:45:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 37140, 15:03:34: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon) Day 37142, 04:33:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37142, 05:34:15: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 37142, 06:02:00: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 37142, 07:51:34: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 37142, 10:55:34: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37161, 09:31:51: jim bob froze Sir Francise Drake - Lvl 315 (Rock Drake) Day 37161, 09:39:58: jim bob froze jps - Lvl 229 (Sinomacrops) Day 37161, 09:53:38: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37164, 07:22:35: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 08:13:58: Human froze PETER 1 - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 10:45:15: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 73 (Iguanodon) Day 37164, 10:49:21: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 73 (Iguanodon) Day 37164, 10:53:16: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 99 (Iguanodon) Day 37164, 11:02:52: Human froze PETER - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 11:07:34: Human froze PETER 1 - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 11:26:52: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 11:31:33: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 37164, 11:40:16: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon) Day 37165, 05:23:06: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 73 (Iguanodon) Day 37165, 06:11:21: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 99 (Iguanodon) Day 37177, 09:17:48: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 99 (Iguanodon) Day 37177, 13:05:34: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon) Day 37177, 13:57:04: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon) Day 37178, 03:02:25: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 75 (Iguanodon) Day 37178, 03:07:31: Human froze gemma 1 - Lvl 101 (Iguanodon) Day 37178, 03:28:16: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) Day 37178, 03:33:38: Human froze GEMMA 2 - Lvl 109 (Pteranodon) Day 37188, 21:59:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 37189, 00:33:09: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) Day 37189, 10:49:04: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37202, 08:04:57: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 37211, 16:43:17: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37256, 11:32:49: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 87 (Iguanodon) Day 37257, 16:19:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37257, 17:44:15: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 37258, 01:45:02: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37370, 19:48:36: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37402, 15:15:35: Human froze jps - Lvl 232 (Sinomacrops) Day 37402, 15:24:10: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 359 (Argentavis) Day 37442, 02:30:39: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 104 (Iguanodon) Day 37443, 12:52:03: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 37448, 14:25:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 25! Day 37448, 20:12:36: Human froze PETER 2 - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 37449, 07:00:47: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 37473, 19:23:40: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 37494, 01:36:28: Human froze HO-HO - Lvl 105 (Iguanodon) Day 37494, 01:42:18: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 37497, 09:04:25: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 37589, 14:09:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37608, 12:00:20: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 360 (Argentavis) Day 37679, 08:01:55: jim bob froze Lighter - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37679, 08:18:13: jim bob froze jps - Lvl 236 (Sinomacrops) Day 37852, 01:35:22: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 361 (Argentavis) Day 37899, 06:09:17: Human froze DAISY - Lvl 208 (Carnotaurus) Day 37900, 14:38:15: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 361 (Argentavis) Day 37919, 04:40:18: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 343 (Rock Drake) Day 37919, 04:44:13: Camron froze Rockolena - Lvl 334 (Rock Drake) Day 37919, 06:44:07: Camron claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37919, 06:48:18: Camron froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake) Day 37919, 16:50:10: Camron froze Juvenile Rocksan - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake) Day 37920, 08:56:38: Camron froze Brutus - Lvl 343 (Ankylosaurus) Day 37920, 08:59:44: Camron froze Rockolena - Lvl 334 (Rock Drake) Day 37920, 09:03:13: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 343 (Rock Drake) Day 37920, 09:07:51: Camron froze Sir Francise Drake - Lvl 334 (Rock Drake) Day 37921, 00:03:32: Camron froze the prehistoric flash - Lvl 353 (Carnotaurus) Day 37921, 05:29:10: Camron froze DEDE - Lvl 232 (Daeodon) Day 37921, 09:36:55: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 343 (Rock Drake) Day 37921, 09:43:10: Camron froze Adolescent Rocksan - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake) Day 37921, 10:02:04: Camron froze jps - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 37921, 11:10:49: Human Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 103 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37921, 12:22:00: Human froze STEG - Lvl 103 (Carnotaurus) Day 37921, 14:49:43: Human Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 7 (Iguanodon)! Day 37921, 17:06:36: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 7 (Iguanodon) Day 37970, 04:51:19: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 37970, 05:45:40: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon) Day 37970, 06:10:44: Human froze Golde - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 37971, 17:27:32: Human froze Simon 2 - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 37971, 17:54:44: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 361 (Argentavis) Day 38042, 05:01:22: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 361 (Argentavis) Day 38042, 06:21:47: Human froze Simon 2 - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 38061, 18:40:29: Camron froze Rocksan - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake) Day 38061, 21:39:50: Camron froze Rocky - Lvl 343 (Rock Drake) Day 38061, 21:45:13: Camron froze jps - Lvl 240 (Sinomacrops) Day 38509, 14:06:31: Tribemember Camron - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38509, 14:41:25: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38509, 14:46:45: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38647, 04:39:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38708, 15:42:28: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 362 (Argentavis) Day 38708, 16:15:51: Human froze Simon 2 - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 38708, 16:52:22: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon) Day 38708, 17:20:25: Human froze STEG - Lvl 103 (Carnotaurus) Day 38729, 02:12:32: Human froze Simon 2 - Lvl 239 (Sinomacrops) Day 38729, 03:40:07: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) Day 38729, 04:11:21: Human froze PETER 3 - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) Day 38729, 07:20:25: Human froze GEMMA - Lvl 9 (Iguanodon) Day 38729, 18:12:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38730, 00:01:57: Human froze Simon 2 - Lvl 240 (Sinomacrops) Day 38730, 12:28:00: Human froze Draednought - Lvl 364 (Griffin) Day 38751, 04:48:36: Human froze jps - Lvl 240 (Sinomacrops) Day 38752, 05:25:05: Human froze Frosty - Lvl 362 (Argentavis) Day 38847, 17:14:50: drish - Lvl 100 (Племя игрока drish) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scalple - Lvl 306 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Single Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39333, 23:14:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39618, 23:14:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39898, 02:46:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 39898, 03:01:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 39925, 09:16:19: rebecca - Lvl 159 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39927, 06:16:41: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40065, 08:03:31: 인간석기 - Lvl 106 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GILES - Lvl 274 (Raptor)'! Day 40065, 12:14:56: Tribemember jim bob - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 40065, 12:23:27: 인간석기 - Lvl 106 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 305 (Raptor)'! Day 40079, 10:43:34: Fruj - Lvl 27 (IGP) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big boy - Lvl 142 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40304, 10:36:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41197, 15:36:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75!"] "tribeid":1136204320,"tribe":"Tribe of Toasty logs":["Day 36826, 17:19:06: Toasty was added to the Tribe! Day 36826, 18:48:51: Tribemember Toasty - Lvl 5 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 36826, 20:52:08: Tribemember Toasty - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 36827, 03:03:15: Tribe of Caro tribe was merged in by Caro! Day 36827, 03:03:15: Caro was added to the Tribe by Toasty! Day 36827, 17:28:40: Toasty Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95 (Dilophosaur)! Day 36852, 14:36:06: Your Oscar - Lvl 49 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 36852, 14:45:25: Your chico - Lvl 135 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 36880, 11:30:14: Spino - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 36880, 11:34:33: Tribemember Toasty - Lvl 17 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 36880, 11:51:20: Your McToast - Lvl 99 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 36967, 21:11:25: Your Frida - Lvl 26 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36967, 21:12:46: Your Jefke - Lvl 31 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36967, 21:32:30: Tribemember Caro - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 37043, 19:29:27: Your Linde - Lvl 31 (Dodo) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 38005, 21:41:37: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1135488153,"tribe":"SILENT SECTA logs":["Day 31223, 20:09:40: General froze BOSS - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:15:29: General froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:43:48: PEPSI froze BOSS - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:48:20: General froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:48:48: PEPSI froze BOSS - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:55:08: PEPSI froze BX - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 20:55:42: General froze BOSS - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 21:00:36: PEPSI froze BOSS - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 21:04:44: General froze BOSS - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 21:09:27: PEPSI froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31223, 21:28:01: General froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31224, 04:24:41: PEPSI froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31224, 06:18:39: PEPSI froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31224, 08:27:04: PEPSI froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31224, 08:59:50: PEPSI froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31224, 23:01:20: PEPSI froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31242, 16:47:47: PEPSI froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31247, 11:39:41: PEPSI froze S theri - Lvl 399 (Therizinosaur) Day 31247, 12:00:05: PEPSI froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31247, 12:23:25: PEPSI demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 31247, 14:54:37: General Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 37 (Achatina)! Day 31247, 15:00:42: General froze Achatina - Lvl 37 (Achatina) Day 31247, 15:09:35: General froze GNRL - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 31247, 15:30:01: General Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina)! Day 31247, 15:54:08: General froze Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina) Day 31247, 17:26:33: General Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 52 (Achatina)! Day 31247, 17:31:07: General froze Achatina - Lvl 52 (Achatina) Day 31247, 18:14:22: General froze GNRL - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 31307, 02:11:46: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 31437, 16:04:02: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 31437, 16:14:13: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 31437, 16:25:50: HUSH froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 31437, 16:52:10: HUSH froze Desmodus - Lvl 290 (Desmodus) Day 31437, 17:14:18: HUSH froze Machin - Lvl 165 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:17:08: HUSH froze Thomas - Lvl 205 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:20:00: HUSH froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 113 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:23:33: HUSH froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 108 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:27:54: HUSH froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 218 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:34:15: HUSH froze James - Lvl 232 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:37:19: HUSH froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 63 (Dung Beetle) Day 31437, 17:40:55: HUSH froze Phiomia - Lvl 212 (Phiomia) Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31492, 10:05:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31508, 17:34:05: HUSH Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 52 (Argentavis)! Day 31508, 18:42:45: HUSH froze Argentavis - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) Day 31508, 18:46:15: HUSH froze YELLOW M - Lvl 162 (Argentavis) Day 31508, 18:49:36: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 399 (Shadowmane) Day 31508, 20:00:40: HUSH froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31509, 07:32:57: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 312 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31509, 09:40:28: HUSH froze BD - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31516, 01:29:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31531, 20:39:54: HUSH froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 22 (Thylacoleo) Day 31531, 20:45:31: HUSH froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 14 (Thylacoleo) Day 31531, 21:43:21: HUSH froze H92 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 31531, 21:54:34: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31531, 21:58:49: HUSH froze GNRL - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 31531, 22:03:20: HUSH froze HEALA - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 31531, 22:07:17: HUSH froze MULA - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 31531, 22:12:24: HUSH froze MBX - Lvl 509 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 22:16:02: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 22:20:44: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 22:24:55: HUSH froze BX - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 22:29:18: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 22:33:21: HUSH froze BX - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:06:54: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:10:29: HUSH froze BX - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:14:19: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:17:59: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:21:40: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:25:09: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:29:09: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:32:47: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31531, 23:36:26: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 31532, 00:11:37: HUSH froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 14 (Thylacoleo) Day 31532, 00:16:33: HUSH froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo) Day 31532, 00:23:17: HUSH froze Deinonychus - Lvl 245 (Deinonychus) Day 31532, 00:29:15: HUSH froze Shadowmane - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 31532, 00:34:19: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 312 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31532, 00:38:28: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 31532, 00:44:30: HUSH froze Megatherium - Lvl 334 (Megatherium) Day 31532, 00:48:31: HUSH froze Megatherium - Lvl 332 (Megatherium) Day 31532, 00:52:10: HUSH froze Megatherium - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 31532, 00:55:51: HUSH froze Deinonychus - Lvl 246 (Deinonychus) Day 31532, 01:41:43: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 31532, 01:45:24: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 31532, 01:49:32: HUSH froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 31532, 01:55:03: HUSH froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 31532, 01:59:18: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 31532, 02:29:06: HUSH froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 222 (Fjordhawk) Day 31797, 04:18:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31811, 06:28:35: AngryBabbu - Lvl 19 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 36 (Triceratops)'! Day 31844, 11:39:55: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31907, 22:10:50: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31947, 13:44:14: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32000, 18:32:17: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 32000, 18:50:12: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 32000, 19:55:16: Your Megatherium - Lvl 360 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 19:55:16: Your Megatherium - Lvl 359 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 19:58:03: Your Megatherium - Lvl 359 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:14:26: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:17:13: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:18:20: Your BOSS - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:19:13: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:22:00: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:23:02: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:23:02: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:28:53: Your BOSS - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:34:59: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:36:19: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:36:19: Your BOSS - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:42:36: Your BOSS - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:43:52: Your BOSS - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:53:15: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 20:55:51: Your BOSS - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 21:00:10: Your Megatherium - Lvl 362 (Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 32000, 21:04:40: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 32000, 21:47:11: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 114 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32000, 22:28:15: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32001, 00:19:09: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 32001, 00:22:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 32001, 00:27:37: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 32001, 02:56:03: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32002, 07:41:38: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 07:47:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 07:53:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:00:16: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:16:36: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:22:01: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:28:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:35:49: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:41:29: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 08:47:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:22:04: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:27:36: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:33:31: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:39:24: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:45:15: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:51:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 09:57:26: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:04:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:10:49: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:20:27: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:39:18: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:42:10: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:47:28: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:51:09: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 10:54:18: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 32002, 11:09:57: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32002, 13:46:24: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32003, 01:37:56: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32003, 02:04:47: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32003, 02:18:08: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32003, 04:20:22: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32003, 05:03:24: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32003, 05:23:51: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32027, 03:13:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 07:25:22: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 07:28:16: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 07:31:02: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 07:54:38: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 07:57:27: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:01:28: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:05:08: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:08:30: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:12:08: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:15:29: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:28:47: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:31:35: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:34:37: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:38:06: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:40:53: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:44:22: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:47:26: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:50:47: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:55:38: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 08:58:37: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 32048, 09:16:32: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 44 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:18:54: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:21:05: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 60 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:23:25: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 61 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:25:40: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 53 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:27:36: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 67 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:32:04: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 44 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 09:34:34: HUSH claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 57 (Megalania)'! Day 32048, 10:24:46: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 10:51:01: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 11:23:47: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 11:49:55: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 12:44:32: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 13:23:39: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32048, 15:18:34: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 15:43:57: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 60 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 67 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 61 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 57 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 53 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32048, 16:03:30: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 44 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 32049, 01:34:16: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32049, 05:51:46: HUSH froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 347 (Basilosaurus) Day 32049, 06:05:00: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32049, 12:15:29: HUSH froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 32050, 08:34:32: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 32070, 09:07:18: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 32070, 10:34:49: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32071, 02:11:40: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32071, 03:17:30: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32071, 04:46:29: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32071, 08:55:58: HUSH froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 32071, 12:27:00: HUSH unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus)'! Day 32071, 16:50:36: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32071, 20:28:20: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32093, 13:27:34: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:30:22: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:33:11: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:36:12: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:40:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:44:03: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:47:03: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:54:20: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 13:57:17: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:00:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:09:44: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:12:32: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:15:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:18:44: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:21:41: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:24:31: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:27:52: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:30:47: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:33:48: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:36:54: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 32093, 14:59:05: HUSH froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 306 (Yutyrannus) Day 32093, 15:03:00: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32109, 10:43:58: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32109, 16:56:09: HUSH froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 353 (Basilosaurus) Day 32110, 10:40:45: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 241 (Magmasaur) Day 32110, 10:50:09: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32118, 08:48:02: HUSH froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32118, 17:55:51: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 17:58:43: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 18:01:34: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 18:04:25: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 18:51:58: HUSH froze Equus - Lvl 308 (Equus) Day 32118, 18:56:02: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 18:59:06: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:02:22: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:07:57: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:14:56: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:18:38: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:28:24: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:39:10: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 19:44:16: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32118, 20:17:07: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32119, 02:10:14: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 32119, 11:49:57: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32119, 14:04:29: HUSH froze Equus - Lvl 252 (Equus) Day 32119, 16:54:11: HUSH froze Equus - Lvl 252 (Equus) Day 32119, 18:48:34: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32119, 19:57:22: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32119, 21:59:48: HUSH froze GNRL - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 32119, 23:06:41: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32120, 00:01:27: HUSH claimed '333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 00:07:55: HUSH froze 333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 00:26:17: HUSH claimed '380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 00:38:29: HUSH froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 02:48:27: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32120, 06:15:24: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32120, 15:32:17: HUSH froze Equus - Lvl 253 (Equus) Day 32120, 15:44:12: HUSH froze 333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 15:48:01: HUSH froze 380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex) Day 32120, 16:25:07: HUSH unclaimed '380 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 580 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32120, 16:30:03: HUSH unclaimed '333 Borg [Daz] - Lvl 537 (Tek Rex)'! Day 32265, 16:32:18: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 32265, 17:40:17: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 32265, 22:29:03: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 293 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 19 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32265, 22:31:46: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 19 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32265, 22:36:11: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 19 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32265, 23:14:35: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 32282, 16:09:48: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 344 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32307, 23:06:37: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 32307, 23:10:16: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 32328, 02:32:30: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32329, 04:33:03: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32329, 04:45:08: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 95 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32332, 13:44:58: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 347 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32332, 14:23:12: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 95 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32333, 05:15:28: HUSH froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 306 (Yutyrannus) Day 32333, 20:33:51: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 32333, 20:41:44: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 32333, 21:14:14: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 32333, 21:21:03: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 32333, 21:28:11: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 32333, 21:34:58: HUSH froze BOSS - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 32353, 07:58:41: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32353, 08:42:45: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32353, 09:01:49: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 95 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32376, 22:19:47: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 96 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32400, 19:54:46: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 13:57:57: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 15:43:18: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 16:01:44: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 16:13:04: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 249 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32425, 22:03:03: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 31 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32425, 22:11:37: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 31 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32425, 22:16:37: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 31 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32425, 22:32:02: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32425, 23:58:49: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 200 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 103 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32426, 00:00:45: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 103 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32426, 00:05:12: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 103 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32426, 01:00:58: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 249 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 46 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32426, 01:03:00: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 46 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32426, 01:07:44: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 46 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32426, 02:40:36: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 200 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 44 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32426, 02:43:29: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 44 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32426, 02:47:36: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 44 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32426, 07:31:52: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32446, 14:15:55: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 316 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32446, 14:39:47: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 97 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32469, 18:50:43: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 316 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32469, 19:18:16: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32493, 11:54:21: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32493, 12:07:15: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32496, 11:55:44: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32496, 14:06:18: HUSH froze 0% - Lvl 243 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32496, 14:11:10: HUSH froze 0% - Lvl 220 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32496, 14:16:35: HUSH froze 0% - Lvl 245 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32496, 14:24:48: HUSH froze 0% - Lvl 243 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32496, 14:32:02: HUSH froze 0% - Lvl 243 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32496, 14:37:58: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32497, 03:40:45: Your 0% - Lvl 245 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 8 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32497, 03:46:07: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 8 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32497, 03:50:43: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 8 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32497, 06:51:29: Your 0% - Lvl 243 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 21 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32497, 06:54:20: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 21 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32497, 06:58:11: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 21 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32497, 08:07:59: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32497, 16:49:58: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32498, 01:16:52: HUSH Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 32498, 01:26:57: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32498, 01:31:16: HUSH froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Tek Quetzal) Day 32498, 02:38:00: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32540, 19:42:06: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 166 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32611, 06:23:48: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 169 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32648, 18:05:56: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32659, 05:03:23: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32659, 20:33:06: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32683, 00:09:04: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32770, 05:09:39: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 353 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32770, 05:21:10: HUSH froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 117 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32773, 15:43:31: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32773, 18:13:48: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 140 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32885, 09:14:40: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32885, 09:14:40: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32885, 09:14:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32956, 09:00:10: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32956, 09:00:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33041, 11:47:06: HUSH froze Megalania - Lvl 44 (Megalania) Day 33066, 07:03:24: HUSH froze Magmasaur - Lvl 255 (Magmasaur) Day 33085, 10:24:27: Your Megalania - Lvl 68 (Megalania) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33085, 10:39:25: HUSH froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33729, 02:41:04: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33940, 17:57:39: HUSH uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 170 Day 33940, 18:31:17: HUSH froze Shadowmane - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 33990, 05:13:49: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 375 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34413, 16:01:45: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34413, 20:04:57: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34413, 20:45:57: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34414, 02:26:37: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34414, 06:30:31: HUSH froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 34414, 07:23:40: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34414, 08:28:56: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34414, 09:24:34: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34414, 12:10:58: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34646, 19:13:26: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 34647, 02:09:23: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 34647, 02:36:43: Your Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 47 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 34647, 02:40:39: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 47 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 34647, 02:53:24: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 47 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35472, 04:04:13: Wang Chan - Lvl 102 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS Cutie Putie (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1134751664,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve1 logs":["Day 24610, 19:35:53: Steve was added to the Tribe! Day 24610, 20:08:50: Steve Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon)! Day 24623, 09:58:08: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 74 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 24623, 10:33:11: Steve claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24623, 23:41:55: Steve Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 24695, 08:05:11: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 24698, 03:54:11: Your Pete - Lvl 124 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 24699, 13:13:20: Steve claimed 'Tekky - Lvl 209 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 24700, 11:49:18: Steve claimed 'Iggle Piggle - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24700, 11:59:48: Steve claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis)'! Day 24701, 06:47:50: Steve claimed 'Echo - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24702, 12:08:03: Steve claimed 'fred - Lvl 86 (Iguanodon)'! Day 24814, 06:13:00: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25299, 00:14:12: Your fred - Lvl 118 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 25754, 05:30:03: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25754, 05:30:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25754, 05:30:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25762, 21:37:33: Echo - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 25858, 11:01:38: Your Iggle Piggle - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 75! Day 25858, 11:59:44: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25858, 11:59:44: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 26005, 11:00:49: Pete - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26093, 08:18:32: Peti - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26526, 02:53:44: Adam - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Adam) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 26526, 03:11:16: Adam - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Adam) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26542, 06:48:43: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toxin - Lvl 245 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26620, 21:57:25: Tekky - Lvl 217 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 26690, 13:15:57: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26706, 21:18:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26752, 11:01:33: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1134031368,"tribe":"Tribe of Ginger logs":["Day 27963, 16:06:09: Ginger was added to the Tribe! Day 27964, 02:32:35: Ginger Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27964, 12:00:25: Ginger Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 27964, 13:50:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 27964, 16:36:44: Ginger Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27964, 22:48:27: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 27964, 23:00:11: Ginger demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 27965, 09:29:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 52 (Carbonemys)! Day 27965, 12:03:11: Ginger demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 27965, 12:04:18: Ginger demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 27965, 22:08:13: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 40 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 27965, 22:22:04: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 40 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40! Day 27965, 23:12:54: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 40 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 27966, 00:14:47: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 40 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 27966, 00:53:16: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 27966, 06:39:18: Ginger claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27967, 12:54:35: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 12:55:26: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 12:56:45: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 12:57:29: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 12:58:31: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 12:59:35: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 13:00:32: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 13:06:28: Ginger demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 27967, 13:08:41: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27968, 09:31:37: Ginger Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 59 (Brontosaurus)! Day 27968, 09:36:02: Ginger Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 27978, 11:57:17: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 27978, 21:04:50: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 66 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 27979, 03:05:13: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 66 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 27979, 06:21:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 27984, 16:37:23: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 76 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28036, 14:42:11: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 28038, 17:27:39: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 28038, 17:31:25: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 75 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28281, 18:28:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28365, 07:32:27: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 28443, 05:44:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 51 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 28589, 02:25:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28589, 02:25:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28589, 02:25:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28602, 09:20:16: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 61 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 63 (Carbonemys)'! Day 29143, 06:16:26: Monke - Lvl 165 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1133943828,"tribe":"Shadow Pack logs":["Day 34222, 20:03:33: Lonwé was added to the Tribe! Day 34222, 20:10:58: purplepixie was added to the Tribe by Lonwé! Day 34223, 01:40:34: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 01:48:49: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 02:56:31: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 03:01:32: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 03:09:16: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 03:11:08: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34223, 03:13:31: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34224, 20:57:36: Lonwé demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 34225, 14:30:37: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34225, 14:30:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34225, 23:05:10: Lonwé Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 34227, 14:25:18: purplepixie Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 34227, 16:07:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)! Day 34228, 02:32:15: purplepixie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 34228, 03:33:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 34251, 18:33:05: Lonwé Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 34265, 06:16:27: Lonwé Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 34266, 17:10:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 5! Day 34267, 05:03:47: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)! Day 34293, 02:44:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34293, 02:44:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34293, 02:48:23: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34293, 02:48:23: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34293, 02:48:23: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34341, 02:00:06: Lonwé Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)! Day 34342, 10:37:12: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:37:12: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:37:12: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:37:12: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:37:15: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:39:18: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:40:46: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:40:46: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:42:20: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:42:20: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:43:39: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:44:58: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:44:58: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:44:58: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 10:44:58: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34342, 11:33:08: Your sarah - Lvl 81 (Triceratops) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 35! Day 34342, 11:55:58: Tribemember purplepixie - Lvl 67 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 34342, 12:45:03: Tribemember purplepixie - Lvl 67 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 34342, 13:40:40: Tribemember purplepixie - Lvl 67 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 34363, 06:59:06: purplepixie Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 34366, 13:46:39: purplepixie Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 34367, 03:39:52: purplepixie Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus)! Day 34551, 14:58:44: Lonwé claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 34553, 10:15:15: Lonwé Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 141 (Megalodon)! Day 34553, 17:41:52: Lonwé froze Megalodon - Lvl 141 (Megalodon) Day 34575, 00:05:06: Tribemember purplepixie - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 34695, 07:13:16: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 34906, 09:33:55: Lonwé claimed 'Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:42:26: Lonwé claimed 'Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:44:11: Lonwé claimed 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 34906, 09:45:42: Lonwé claimed 'Tallon - Lvl 185 (Argentavis)'! Day 34906, 14:46:32: Lonwé froze Tallon - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 34906, 15:05:34: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 34906, 15:12:11: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 34906, 15:47:02: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 35067, 09:03:22: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 35067, 09:10:25: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 35067, 09:16:34: Lonwé froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 35067, 09:22:36: Lonwé froze Megalodon - Lvl 141 (Megalodon) Day 35067, 09:45:01: Lonwé froze Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 35067, 09:54:23: Lonwé froze Pteranodon - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) Day 35067, 10:04:41: Lonwé froze Tallon - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 35067, 10:12:47: Lonwé froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 128 (Ankylosaurus) Day 35067, 10:32:11: Lonwé froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 168 (Ankylosaurus) Day 35068, 22:05:45: Lonwé froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35729, 02:25:36: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 35729, 02:31:09: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 35729, 04:24:11: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35729, 04:44:39: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rocky - Lvl 86 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35729, 05:44:38: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 35729, 05:47:59: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 160 (Triceratops)'! Day 35739, 10:13:05: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'patricia - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35739, 10:29:56: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sophia - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 35739, 10:57:09: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'miss 1st xp - Lvl 98 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 35938, 22:36:44: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 168 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35938, 22:36:44: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35938, 22:36:44: 's 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35938, 22:57:15: Tribemember purplepixie - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 35938, 23:29:04: Tribemember Lonwé - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1133861833,"tribe":"lil egg man logs":["Day 37729, 01:09:55: wee eggy was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1131542749,"tribe":"Tribe of storm logs":["Day 31830, 22:35:16: storm was added to the Tribe! Day 31830, 22:36:39: Susan was added to the Tribe by storm! Day 32259, 00:22:21: SID - Lvl 28 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 32412, 07:21:58: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32412, 07:21:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32719, 17:56:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32719, 17:56:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32779, 19:45:42: Tribemember Susan - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 32779, 19:49:40: Tribemember storm - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 33003, 16:18:56: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1130822386,"tribe":"Shakedown logs":["Day 22582, 13:49:50: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 13:55:05: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 274 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 13:59:13: Shakexion froze Megs - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:03:17: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:14:51: Shakexion froze BB2 - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:19:41: bootha195 froze Moss - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 22582, 14:21:01: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:27:15: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:27:18: bootha195 froze BB2 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:31:01: bootha195 froze BB2 - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:34:26: Shakexion froze Kyle - Lvl 309 (Yutyrannus) Day 22582, 14:35:19: bootha195 froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 22582, 14:40:47: Shakexion froze bb2 - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 22582, 14:44:35: Shakexion froze bb3 - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 22582, 14:47:16: bootha195 froze bb3 - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 22582, 14:51:00: Shakexion froze bb2 - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 22582, 16:29:43: bootha195 froze bb3 - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 22583, 09:10:35: bootha195 demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 22583, 12:17:37: bootha195 froze Moss - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 22583, 12:48:11: Shakexion froze Cami - Lvl 264 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22583, 14:08:34: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 301 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22584, 04:24:32: Savage added 'Shakedown' Tribe to Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 04:35:21: Savage added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 07:49:17: Shakexion froze Megs - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 07:53:36: Shakexion froze BB2 - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:01:36: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:10:57: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:20:22: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 304 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:32:20: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:49:11: Shakexion froze BB2 - Lvl 267 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 08:52:41: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 09:05:13: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 09:10:51: bootha195 froze Moss the BOSS - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 22584, 09:10:58: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 09:17:34: bootha195 froze BB2 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 09:22:31: bootha195 froze bb3 - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 22584, 09:35:48: Fatty McIrish removed 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe from Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 09:36:39: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 09:51:17: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 263 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 10:03:02: Shakexion froze Kyle - Lvl 310 (Yutyrannus) Day 22584, 10:09:28: Shakexion froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 22584, 10:18:08: Shakexion froze Cami - Lvl 264 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22600, 22:15:01: bootha195 demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 22600, 23:58:09: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 308 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22601, 07:20:23: bootha195 froze tickle chicken - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 22601, 08:21:26: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 309 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22601, 13:05:57: bootha195 froze SPINO-PITHCUS - Lvl 268 (Spino) Day 22671, 15:48:42: bootha195 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Shakexion! Day 22671, 15:58:47: Shakexion froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22671, 16:09:49: Mann tribe was merged in by Mann! Day 22671, 16:09:49: Mann was added to the Tribe by bootha195! Day 22671, 16:20:58: Mann tribe was merged in by Abi! Day 22671, 16:20:58: Abi was added to the Tribe by bootha195! Day 22671, 17:00:38: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 6 was killed by Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22671, 17:00:38: Your Tribe killed Abi - Lvl 6 (Shakedown)! Day 22671, 18:01:02: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 22671, 21:44:48: bootha195 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 22671, 23:50:53: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 22672, 01:09:55: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 12 was killed by Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 01:09:55: Your Tribe killed Abi - Lvl 12 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 02:43:22: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed by Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 02:43:22: Your Tribe killed bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 03:19:07: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 12 was killed by Mann - Lvl 35 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 03:19:07: Your Tribe killed Abi - Lvl 12 (Shakedown)! Day 22672, 06:13:23: Mann froze DooDoo - Lvl 103 (Dodo) Day 22672, 07:57:51: bootha195 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 22672, 08:48:46: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 309 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22672, 12:10:23: Shakexion froze Cami - Lvl 267 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22673, 05:39:08: Shakexion froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 22676, 03:09:46: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 22686, 09:26:13: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 27 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 75! Day 22686, 09:47:45: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 39 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 22696, 19:35:24: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 39 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 35! Day 22696, 19:51:01: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 22696, 20:38:48: bootha195 froze Moss the BOSS - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 22696, 23:34:01: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 40 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 22697, 01:50:42: Mann Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 22697, 02:33:06: bootha195 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 22697, 02:40:12: bootha195 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 22697, 08:37:40: Shakexion demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 22697, 08:38:56: Shakexion demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 22697, 08:41:35: Shakexion demolished a 'spawn here (Bed)'! Day 22697, 11:03:10: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 22697, 12:50:32: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 22697, 13:14:34: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed by Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22697, 13:14:34: Your Tribe killed bootha195 - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22697, 14:14:11: Shakexion froze Cami - Lvl 270 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22697, 17:44:03: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 49 was killed by Shakexion - Lvl 123 (Shakedown)! Day 22697, 17:44:03: Your Tribe killed Mann - Lvl 49 (Shakedown)! Day 22697, 19:36:16: bootha195 froze Sarco - Lvl 234 (Sarco) Day 22698, 07:41:01: Shakexion froze Cami - Lvl 270 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22698, 09:13:06: Mann Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 22698, 11:25:48: Abi froze Ruby - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 11:34:06: Abi froze Ruby - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 14:28:13: Mann froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 14:34:20: Shakexion froze Doris - Lvl 312 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 14:35:33: bootha195 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 14:36:40: Abi froze Ruby - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 17:22:55: Mann froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 17:22:59: Shakexion froze Doris - Lvl 313 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 17:35:45: Abi froze Ruby - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 17:37:50: bootha195 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 18:07:38: Shakexion froze Doris - Lvl 315 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 18:10:47: bootha195 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 299 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22698, 20:17:42: Abi froze Abi's Ride wink wink - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22699, 10:11:59: bootha195 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 22699, 10:16:37: bootha195 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 22699, 17:18:10: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 22699, 23:56:20: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 310 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22700, 02:47:29: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 10! Day 22700, 03:35:22: bootha195 froze Serana - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22700, 05:18:13: bootha195 froze bb2 - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 22700, 05:32:37: bootha195 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 22741, 16:32:03: Sasha - Lvl 233 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 22789, 19:57:40: bootha195 froze Char - Lvl 310 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22933, 17:17:18: PorkChop - Lvl 50 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23049, 00:06:23: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23060, 16:46:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23428, 00:30:00: Abi's 'Abi's Ride wink wink - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23451, 22:54:15: DooDooTwo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24066, 20:25:29: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorny Dragon - Lvl 286 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 24066, 20:26:24: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gingers Suck - Lvl 274 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 24066, 20:29:51: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock N Roll - Lvl 326 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24209, 15:07:00: Tribemember Mann - Lvl 64 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 24269, 07:22:02: Tribemember Abi - Lvl 50 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44722, 05:48:22: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 44722, 06:33:35: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 44722, 06:58:12: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 44722, 09:26:48: Tribemember Shakexion - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 44933, 03:53:09: Shakexion froze X-Otter - Lvl 111 (X-Otter) Day 44933, 03:57:21: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44938, 01:39:42: Shakexion froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 232 (Astrodelphis) Day 44938, 09:37:03: Shakexion froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 232 (Astrodelphis) Day 44938, 09:42:03: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44938, 11:21:23: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44938, 17:57:10: bootha195 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 44938, 18:07:07: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44938, 19:06:04: bootha195 froze Metal GEAR Soldier MK1 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 44938, 19:26:12: bootha195 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 153 (Tek Rex)'! Day 44938, 23:23:23: Shakexion froze Donka Donk - Lvl 176 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44938, 23:58:08: Shakexion claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 181 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 44939, 00:15:18: bootha195 claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 326 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 44939, 00:20:36: bootha195 froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 326 (Beelzebufo) Day 44939, 00:40:16: bootha195 unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 153 (Tek Rex)'! Day 44939, 00:44:21: bootha195 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 00:52:54: bootha195 claimed 'rex army - Lvl 332 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 01:19:25: Shakexion claimed '1 mele mutation - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 01:36:38: bootha195 froze rex army - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 44939, 01:43:33: Shakexion froze 1 mele mutation - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 44939, 02:11:24: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:20:10: Shakexion froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 44939, 02:32:07: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:48:28: Shakexion froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 44939, 02:50:37: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 02:58:12: Shakexion froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 44939, 03:01:19: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:12:46: Shakexion froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 44939, 03:15:30: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:18:59: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:24:27: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:32:42: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 03:35:53: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 04:41:21: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 313 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 04:42:37: Shakexion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 05:05:18: Shakexion claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 245 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44939, 05:08:52: Shakexion claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 280 (Sabertooth)'! Day 44939, 05:10:10: bootha195 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 44939, 05:23:35: bootha195 froze Rex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 44939, 05:35:18: bootha195 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 44939, 06:15:24: bootha195 froze Rex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 44939, 06:17:27: Shakexion claimed 'Spino - Lvl 213 (Spino)'! Day 44939, 06:28:25: Shakexion claimed 'Spino - Lvl 164 (Spino)'! Day 44939, 06:52:09: bootha195 froze Rex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 44939, 06:56:22: bootha195 froze Spino - Lvl 221 (Spino) Day 44939, 07:47:34: bootha195 claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 07:50:07: Shakexion claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 08:04:19: Shakexion claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 08:23:27: bootha195 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 44939, 08:37:19: bootha195 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 44939, 08:56:18: bootha195 froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 273 (R-Megatherium) Day 44939, 09:20:09: bootha195 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 312 (Rex)'! Day 44939, 09:27:16: bootha195 froze Rex - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 44939, 09:33:48: bootha195 claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 09:38:43: bootha195 unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 44939, 09:39:38: Shakexion claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 104 (Megalodon)'! Day 44939, 10:06:43: bootha195 froze Megalodon - Lvl 104 (Megalodon) Day 44939, 10:16:21: bootha195 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 44939, 10:25:13: bootha195 claimed 'crunch's - Lvl 339 (Argentavis)'! Day 44939, 10:30:30: bootha195 unclaimed 'crunch's - Lvl 339 (Argentavis)'! Day 44939, 10:50:06: Shakexion unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 44939, 11:16:44: bootha195 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 44939, 13:08:42: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44939, 17:28:33: Shakexion froze Donka Donk - Lvl 178 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 44939, 19:50:38: Shakexion claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 257 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44939, 19:55:55: Shakexion claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44939, 20:05:17: bootha195 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 262 (Basilosaurus) Day 44939, 20:13:55: bootha195 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 44939, 20:16:44: Shakexion claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 44939, 20:25:34: bootha195 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus) Day 44940, 04:57:45: bootha195 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 44940, 04:58:41: Shakexion froze X-Otter - Lvl 88 (X-Otter) Day 44940, 05:22:03: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 44940, 08:43:10: Shakexion froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1130709127,"tribe":"New logs":["Day 12202, 20:35:19: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12246, 20:11:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12312, 16:33:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Carbonemys - Lvl 273 (Carbonemys) Day 12312, 16:43:44: SZAMAN JANEK froze Doedicurus - Lvl 212 (Doedicurus) Day 12312, 16:51:16: SZAMAN JANEK froze Doedicurus - Lvl 230 (Doedicurus) Day 12312, 17:06:03: SZAMAN JANEK froze Carbonemys - Lvl 273 (Carbonemys) Day 12312, 17:07:41: SZAMAN JANEK froze 145 - Lvl 265 (Triceratops) Day 12312, 19:52:50: SZAMAN JANEK froze Red Equals Fast - Lvl 321 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12312, 19:54:22: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12312, 19:56:16: SZAMAN JANEK froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12312, 19:59:19: SZAMAN JANEK froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12312, 20:03:04: SZAMAN JANEK froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12312, 20:14:45: SZAMAN JANEK froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 12312, 20:18:43: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 12312, 20:22:58: SZAMAN JANEK froze Argentavis - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Plant Species X' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12663, 07:31:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12663, 07:31:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12663, 07:31:43: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12663, 07:31:43: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12672, 01:14:13: OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 12672, 01:33:58: OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 252 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 12673, 16:02:38: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex)'! Day 12673, 16:02:55: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame '138 - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12673, 16:03:06: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame '110 - Lvl 202 (Spino)'! Day 12673, 16:12:14: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 189 (Daeodon)'! Day 12673, 16:20:02: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame '135 - Lvl 232 (Phiomia)'! Day 12699, 10:23:36: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 273 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 15:20:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12996, 18:45:38: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12996, 18:45:38: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13229, 03:14:56: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 13299, 10:22:24: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 13299, 10:42:42: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 13299, 12:27:30: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 13299, 13:47:44: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 13299, 14:03:19: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 13299, 14:22:51: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 13353, 00:51:51: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.2x! Day 13382, 18:49:54: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 13383, 08:37:50: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 10! Day 13383, 09:35:47: Kl0cuch12 was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 13383, 09:46:14: Kumpel13 was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 13383, 10:17:22: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 5 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 13383, 10:19:12: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 13383, 11:03:19: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 6 was killed by Kumpel13 - Lvl 5 (New)! Day 13383, 11:03:19: Your Tribe killed Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 6 (New)! Day 13383, 11:27:07: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 13383, 11:36:07: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 6 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 15! Day 13383, 12:30:17: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 13383, 13:07:47: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 13383, 13:13:48: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 13383, 13:23:27: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 7 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 125! Day 13383, 13:23:46: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 13383, 13:45:52: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 7 was killed by Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 7 (New)! Day 13383, 13:45:52: Your Tribe killed Kumpel13 - Lvl 7 (New)! Day 13383, 13:54:36: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 35! Day 13383, 14:03:23: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 7 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 50! Day 13383, 14:26:16: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 7 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 40! Day 13383, 14:34:59: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 7 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 13383, 16:18:15: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 75! Day 13383, 16:24:56: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 11 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 75! Day 13383, 17:04:24: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 13383, 17:20:30: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 13383, 17:29:28: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 13 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 13383, 17:51:52: Szymon Ozug was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 13383, 18:29:16: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 was killed by Kumpel13 - Lvl 13 (New)! Day 13383, 18:29:16: Your Tribe killed Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 (New)! Day 13383, 18:36:10: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 13383, 18:41:36: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 35! Day 13383, 18:52:08: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 was killed by Kumpel13 - Lvl 13 (New)! Day 13383, 18:52:08: Your Tribe killed Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 (New)! Day 13383, 18:59:29: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 7 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 13383, 19:14:19: Kumpel13 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 13383, 19:16:35: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 13383, 19:29:55: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 13383, 20:00:38: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 15 was killed by Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 (New)! Day 13383, 20:00:38: Your Tribe killed Kumpel13 - Lvl 15 (New)! Day 13383, 20:08:18: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 15 was killed by Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 (New)! Day 13383, 20:08:18: Your Tribe killed Kumpel13 - Lvl 15 (New)! Day 13383, 20:41:49: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 was killed by Kumpel13 - Lvl 15 (New)! Day 13383, 20:41:49: Your Tribe killed Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 (New)! Day 13384, 00:52:38: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 was killed by Kumpel13 - Lvl 17 (New)! Day 13384, 00:52:38: Your Tribe killed Szymon Ozug - Lvl 8 (New)! Day 13384, 01:00:40: Tribemember Kumpel13 - Lvl 17 was killed by Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 20 (New)! Day 13384, 01:00:40: Your Tribe killed Kumpel13 - Lvl 17 (New)! Day 13384, 04:39:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)! Day 13384, 05:25:13: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 13391, 00:05:22: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 164 (Dodo)! Day 13487, 09:10:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13546, 16:30:55: Your Kurwa Dodo - Lvl 20 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 13547, 06:26:26: Your Dodo - Lvl 164 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 13547, 08:13:42: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 13547, 08:22:04: Tribemember Szymon Ozug - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 13547, 08:45:42: Tribemember Kl0cuch12 - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 13570, 11:29:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13743, 17:43:16: shadow - Lvl 22 (yeet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13743, 17:45:32: shadow - Lvl 22 (yeet) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14124, 17:48:39: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 14124, 18:16:15: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14124, 19:49:26: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 14124, 21:23:13: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 14125, 07:57:14: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14125, 07:57:58: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14125, 07:58:16: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 14125, 18:18:20: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14134, 05:38:28: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'rex#5 - Lvl 105 (Rex)'! Day 14134, 05:41:51: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Rex - Lvl 102 (Rex)'! Day 14134, 05:45:45: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'big roar - Lvl 120 (Rex)'! Day 14134, 06:05:05: SZAMAN JANEK froze big roar - Lvl 121 (Rex) Day 14134, 06:13:30: SZAMAN JANEK froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 14134, 06:16:13: SZAMAN JANEK froze Triceratops - Lvl 23 (Triceratops) Day 14134, 07:53:06: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 14134, 08:37:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 14134, 10:04:04: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14134, 10:26:01: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 14134, 12:14:44: Your Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (Snow Owl) was killed! Day 14134, 12:14:44: Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14134, 13:16:50: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14134, 14:14:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 14134, 15:40:14: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (Snow Owl) Day 14136, 08:51:29: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14152, 14:04:28: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14153, 14:42:17: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 208 (Doedicurus)! Day 14161, 00:30:06: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14161, 09:57:05: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 125! Day 14161, 13:34:58: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 14161, 17:05:33: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 14161, 18:29:04: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 14161, 18:59:55: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 14162, 06:17:31: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) Day 14162, 06:46:55: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14162, 09:06:39: SZAMAN JANEK froze Doedicurus - Lvl 220 (Doedicurus) Day 14162, 09:14:36: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14162, 11:59:14: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14162, 14:01:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Rex - Lvl 153 (Rex) Day 14162, 14:22:33: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 14162, 14:22:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 14162, 14:33:00: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 14162, 16:22:31: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 14162, 18:34:00: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 14163, 05:43:04: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14163, 06:07:43: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 14163, 06:44:33: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 125! Day 14163, 07:42:40: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14163, 10:01:22: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14163, 12:35:11: SZAMAN JANEK froze big roar - Lvl 123 (Rex) Day 14163, 15:37:47: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14163, 18:58:41: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 03:18:18: SZAMAN JANEK froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14164, 06:04:37: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 06:23:30: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 06:25:02: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 15:08:03: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 18:10:13: SZAMAN JANEK froze Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops) Day 14164, 18:43:28: SZAMAN JANEK froze Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops) Day 14164, 18:45:42: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14164, 18:51:32: SZAMAN JANEK froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14164, 19:17:54: SZAMAN JANEK froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14164, 19:49:14: SZAMAN JANEK froze Triceratops - Lvl 56 (Triceratops) Day 14164, 19:52:02: SZAMAN JANEK froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14164, 20:31:42: SZAMAN JANEK unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14180, 19:49:27: SZAMAN JANEK froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14181, 08:25:28: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14181, 10:55:40: SZAMAN JANEK froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:06:42: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:08:54: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:10:49: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:12:41: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:18:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 11:49:22: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 16:02:45: Your Triceratops - Lvl 69 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 35! Day 14181, 16:08:10: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14181, 16:11:44: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 16:14:04: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14181, 20:01:17: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (Snow Owl) Day 14182, 06:35:44: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 14182, 06:53:33: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 14182, 07:02:30: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 14182, 13:07:02: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 14182, 20:11:56: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14182, 20:13:13: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14183, 05:43:03: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 14183, 10:08:15: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 14183, 10:18:08: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 14183, 10:20:12: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14183, 10:27:07: SZAMAN JANEK froze Doedicurus - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 14191, 16:43:37: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14191, 19:42:10: SZAMAN JANEK froze Doedicurus - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) Day 14192, 08:46:41: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14210, 15:07:49: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14211, 07:42:19: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 14217, 11:28:47: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14217, 11:39:40: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 1.1x! Day 14217, 23:42:56: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 14218, 05:16:36: SZAMAN JANEK froze Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 14595, 21:22:22: RMBLopes - Lvl 80 (Granja Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 244 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14595, 21:24:18: RMBLopes - Lvl 80 (Granja Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rex#5 - Lvl 149 (Rex)'! Day 14595, 21:25:41: RMBLopes - Lvl 80 (Granja Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big roar - Lvl 123 (Rex)'! Day 14671, 11:52:04: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 14732, 07:51:34: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14907, 05:21:40: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15950, 14:07:58: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 16521, 05:11:18: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 16521, 16:04:02: Szymon Ozug was removed from the Tribe! Day 16521, 19:43:24: Tribe of Wersow tribe was merged in by Wersow! Day 16521, 19:43:24: Wersow was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16521, 19:47:48: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 9 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 16521, 20:02:56: eluwina was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16521, 23:19:02: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 113 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16521, 23:32:11: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 16521, 23:38:17: Tribemember eluwina - Lvl 10 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16521, 23:42:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16522, 00:12:26: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 113 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16522, 01:01:42: Tribemember eluwina - Lvl 10 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 16522, 06:37:49: Tribemember eluwina - Lvl 15 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16522, 06:39:45: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16522, 06:39:45: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 16522, 06:46:25: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 113 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 16522, 06:49:27: Tribemember eluwina - Lvl 15 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 16522, 07:03:16: Tribemember eluwina - Lvl 15 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 16531, 10:20:15: Kl0cuch12 was removed from the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16531, 10:21:27: Kumpel13 was removed from the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16531, 10:21:54: Groniek was removed from the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16531, 12:50:59: Cetamine Warrior was added to the Tribe by SZAMAN JANEK! Day 16531, 13:46:37: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 12 (New)! Day 16531, 13:46:37: Your Tribe killed SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 (New)! Day 16531, 13:47:32: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 12 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 16531, 14:19:57: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 16531, 14:40:06: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 16531, 14:58:21: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.8x! Day 16531, 15:13:45: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 16531, 15:20:49: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 16533, 07:23:46: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 16535, 08:57:54: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 1.0x! Day 16535, 14:41:40: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops)! Day 16535, 19:49:49: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 16535, 19:54:19: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 16535, 20:12:57: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 35 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16535, 22:28:39: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16535, 23:10:33: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16536, 02:38:00: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 16536, 03:55:54: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16536, 04:21:19: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 36 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16536, 05:16:50: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16536, 12:32:24: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 38 was killed by SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 (New)! Day 16536, 12:32:24: Your Tribe killed Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 38 (New)! Day 16536, 12:53:44: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 16536, 13:37:56: Cetamine Warrior Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 132 (Therizinosaur)! Day 16536, 13:52:24: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 120! Day 16536, 18:45:25: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 16537, 01:03:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 16537, 02:20:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 16537, 02:37:22: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 16537, 03:33:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon)! Day 16545, 02:32:43: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 16545, 02:54:14: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 16545, 03:05:58: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 16545, 03:24:41: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 16545, 10:03:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 16545, 17:27:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 16545, 18:32:54: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 16546, 20:15:04: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 16546, 23:19:29: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 16547, 09:43:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 16547, 14:54:48: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 16547, 14:57:29: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon) Day 16547, 17:25:12: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16547, 18:02:43: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16547, 18:43:03: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16547, 19:38:02: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 34 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16547, 20:57:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 45! Day 16548, 05:10:43: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 16548, 07:27:02: SZAMAN JANEK froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 07:31:15: SZAMAN JANEK froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 08:54:11: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 09:02:36: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 09:50:30: Cetamine Warrior Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 18 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16548, 14:44:52: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 16:22:18: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16548, 17:12:59: SZAMAN JANEK froze 135 - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 16548, 19:32:31: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16556, 11:08:24: Your Farmer BOB - Lvl 18 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16558, 12:14:59: SZAMAN JANEK froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16558, 17:12:36: SZAMAN JANEK froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16558, 18:44:18: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 79 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 110! Day 16559, 07:38:57: Cetamine Warrior froze Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 16559, 07:47:11: Cetamine Warrior froze Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) Day 16559, 07:49:17: Cetamine Warrior froze 135 - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) Day 16559, 08:14:14: Cetamine Warrior froze Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon) Day 16559, 23:01:09: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16559, 23:12:37: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16559, 23:14:44: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16559, 23:27:58: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16560, 00:20:40: SZAMAN JANEK claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16560, 00:58:44: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 16560, 01:00:18: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 16560, 01:14:43: SZAMAN JANEK demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 16560, 02:40:17: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 81 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 16560, 03:24:47: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 81 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 16560, 09:10:37: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 09:13:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 09:14:49: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 09:56:59: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 11:55:05: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 11:57:01: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 11:58:49: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 12:00:42: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 12:19:41: Cetamine Warrior demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 16560, 12:32:19: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 12:54:16: SZAMAN JANEK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 16560, 13:00:05: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 14:19:54: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 14:21:44: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 15:00:25: SZAMAN JANEK froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 15:48:22: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 17:24:53: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 17:33:46: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 17:53:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 16560, 18:07:13: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 19:31:49: SZAMAN JANEK froze KACPI S - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) Day 16560, 20:10:43: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 20:13:05: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 22:51:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 22:55:57: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16560, 23:01:37: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 02:28:06: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 07:50:28: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 08:39:31: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 08:41:28: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 08:50:55: SZAMAN JANEK froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16561, 12:40:29: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16562, 12:37:41: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 16562, 19:58:21: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16562, 20:00:22: SZAMAN JANEK froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16562, 20:57:59: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 109 (Lightning Wyvern) (New)! Day 16562, 20:57:59: Your Tribe killed Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 (New)! Day 16563, 00:43:20: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 16563, 03:20:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) (New)! Day 16563, 03:20:01: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon) (New)! Day 16563, 05:10:02: SZAMAN JANEK Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16563, 05:15:28: SZAMAN JANEK froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16563, 06:09:27: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 16563, 06:59:33: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 45! Day 16563, 07:35:12: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 16563, 08:11:23: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 16563, 09:54:42: SZAMAN JANEK froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16563, 12:39:30: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) (New)! Day 16563, 12:39:30: Your Tribe killed SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 (New)! Day 16563, 13:46:12: SZAMAN JANEK froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16564, 05:41:54: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 112 (Lightning Wyvern) (New)! Day 16564, 05:41:54: Your Tribe killed Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 (New)! Day 16576, 12:47:19: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 16576, 13:56:15: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 16576, 13:56:41: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 16652, 06:36:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16735, 16:08:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16904, 22:39:04: Tribemember Cetamine Warrior - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 16904, 22:42:58: Tribemember Wersow - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 16905, 01:31:41: LilConqueror - Lvl 111 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16905, 02:02:53: LilConqueror - Lvl 111 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 112 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16906, 16:39:09: FioraSimp - Lvl 70 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16908, 10:13:09: FioraSimp - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 67 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16908, 10:15:30: FioraSimp - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KACPI S - Lvl 203 (Triceratops)'! Day 16910, 12:38:37: FioraSimp - Lvl 82 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16911, 02:36:19: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 16912, 04:58:55: Your Piko Diko - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 16938, 13:34:07: jaxs - Lvl 110 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17250, 16:07:33: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23634, 13:46:57: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 80! Day 23634, 14:25:53: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 23638, 21:04:50: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 23652, 14:56:51: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23652, 18:41:55: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23663, 04:15:07: Tribemember SZAMAN JANEK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1130675282,"tribe":"... logs":["Day 22980, 18:00:17: Coltm1911 downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 217 Day 22980, 18:03:26: Coltm1911 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 22993, 07:24:00: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 22993, 07:27:47: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 22993, 08:03:30: Coltm1911 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (Velonasaur) Day 22993, 08:38:26: Coltm1911 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (Velonasaur) Day 23003, 14:54:01: Coltm1911 demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 23003, 17:28:35: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 15! Day 23003, 17:43:36: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 305 (Tek Rex) Day 23003, 20:41:20: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 23003, 23:30:49: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 23004, 03:37:30: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 23004, 09:08:50: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 23004, 15:50:53: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)'! Day 23004, 15:53:17: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 232 (Megatherium)'! Day 23004, 17:59:36: Coltm1911 froze Baby dont feed - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 23004, 18:07:30: Coltm1911 froze Baby dont feed - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 23004, 18:41:48: Your Baby dont feed - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) was killed! Day 23004, 18:41:48: Baby dont feed - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 23004, 22:27:12: Your Juvenile dont feed - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) was killed! Day 23004, 22:27:12: Juvenile dont feed - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 23117, 03:51:15: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 282 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23117, 08:38:12: Coltm1911 froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 23118, 17:31:15: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23118, 18:08:37: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23119, 04:55:00: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23119, 07:14:46: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 265 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23119, 09:50:58: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 265 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23119, 12:02:38: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23119, 18:31:45: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 204 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23119, 21:57:01: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 286 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23119, 22:02:24: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 204 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23143, 16:01:21: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 205 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23144, 16:08:03: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23144, 21:46:40: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23145, 15:19:55: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23145, 16:33:03: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23158, 23:27:28: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23159, 15:12:33: Coltm1911 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23159, 23:49:12: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23160, 00:45:55: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23160, 02:58:09: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23160, 03:39:41: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23160, 13:05:13: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23162, 02:00:03: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23162, 13:12:03: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23162, 14:00:53: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23162, 18:53:53: Coltm1911 froze Argentavis - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 23163, 17:38:30: Coltm1911 downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 224 Day 23163, 17:42:13: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23163, 21:03:15: Coltm1911 froze Argentavis - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 23164, 11:25:48: Coltm1911 downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 224 Day 23164, 11:28:42: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23164, 14:48:41: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23165, 16:28:13: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23165, 16:32:38: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23165, 18:53:32: Tyrone froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 23165, 18:58:51: Tyrone froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 23165, 21:24:14: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23166, 00:24:31: Tyrone froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 23166, 00:58:06: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23166, 03:06:02: Tyrone froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 23166, 03:36:52: Coltm1911 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23166, 09:53:07: Coltm1911 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23167, 05:05:04: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 286 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23168, 07:52:00: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23168, 11:58:57: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 23168, 12:06:12: Coltm1911 downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 254 Day 23168, 12:09:15: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 16:27:56: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 16:43:13: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 17:00:00: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23239, 17:05:28: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23239, 20:03:01: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23239, 20:03:30: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23239, 20:05:34: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23239, 20:12:13: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 20:19:45: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 20:29:29: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 20:37:03: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex) Day 23239, 21:03:23: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23239, 22:48:28: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 23239, 22:56:43: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 23327, 05:59:38: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 286 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23327, 19:14:48: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23327, 19:17:36: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23328, 01:38:22: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23328, 02:01:59: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23371, 23:21:01: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23465, 09:06:12: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23465, 09:21:47: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23473, 01:04:55: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23473, 01:11:55: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 23473, 01:14:16: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23473, 01:23:01: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 23473, 01:26:19: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23473, 01:30:15: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 23473, 02:16:18: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 16:33:35: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23488, 16:37:04: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 16:41:34: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23488, 16:44:31: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 16:51:04: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 17:10:49: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23488, 17:13:52: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 17:25:51: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23488, 17:28:39: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23488, 17:39:50: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23488, 17:42:49: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 23492, 12:12:22: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23492, 12:12:29: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23509, 10:04:23: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23546, 05:02:38: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23546, 06:08:32: Coltm1911 unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23546, 09:39:36: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23546, 09:44:48: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 23549, 12:57:39: Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23568, 07:52:04: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23568, 07:55:01: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23568, 09:59:52: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23568, 10:02:52: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 23568, 10:10:15: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23568, 10:13:05: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) Day 23568, 10:32:08: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23568, 10:35:02: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23568, 10:42:00: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23568, 10:44:51: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 23568, 23:19:50: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23568, 23:38:22: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23569, 00:37:53: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 23569, 00:37:53: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23569, 05:24:19: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23569, 07:11:45: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23570, 08:00:24: Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23584, 19:32:23: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23584, 22:33:51: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23585, 03:23:44: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23585, 03:35:47: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23585, 03:43:51: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23585, 03:48:40: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23585, 18:18:16: Your Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 23585, 18:18:16: Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 23637, 06:05:48: Coltm1911 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus) Day 23657, 07:08:06: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23657, 14:14:55: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23657, 14:17:52: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23657, 14:30:55: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23657, 16:15:32: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23745, 18:02:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23755, 10:33:47: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23755, 11:20:24: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23755, 16:44:04: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 288 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23756, 14:32:58: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 14:36:26: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 14:57:06: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 15:00:05: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 15:09:17: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 15:12:09: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 15:17:22: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 15:30:59: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 15:31:54: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 15:35:38: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 15:43:53: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 16:00:05: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 16:02:55: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 16:10:28: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 16:18:53: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23756, 16:21:42: Coltm1911 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 23756, 19:52:24: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23756, 19:59:19: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23756, 20:14:51: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23757, 00:03:18: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23757, 05:47:56: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23757, 07:39:15: Your Juvenile done't bread - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 23757, 07:39:15: Juvenile done't bread - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 23757, 15:12:54: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23758, 00:54:23: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23758, 01:00:28: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23758, 06:29:16: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23758, 07:37:14: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23759, 03:27:53: Coltm1911 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23760, 17:41:50: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 23760, 17:47:06: Coltm1911 froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23760, 18:49:53: Coltm1911 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur) Day 23760, 19:27:11: Coltm1911 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur) Day 23760, 21:03:23: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 23760, 21:09:38: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 23760, 21:24:11: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23761, 01:32:44: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 01:37:09: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 01:42:17: Coltm1911 froze throw away - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 01:47:39: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 01:52:07: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 02:09:40: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 23761, 11:07:06: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23783, 19:54:05: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23783, 20:25:30: Coltm1911 froze Baby melee +1 - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 23784, 06:06:18: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 06:23:42: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23784, 06:35:09: Coltm1911 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23784, 06:41:12: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23784, 06:49:27: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23784, 06:53:15: Coltm1911 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 23784, 06:58:25: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 260 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:02:21: Coltm1911 froze Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops) Day 23784, 07:08:49: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:15:39: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:21:01: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 236 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:27:04: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:32:43: Coltm1911 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur) Day 23784, 07:37:24: Coltm1911 froze food mutation - Lvl 234 (Megatherium) Day 23784, 07:45:55: Coltm1911 froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 23784, 15:58:52: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23784, 20:29:06: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23785, 02:28:40: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23785, 02:46:18: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23797, 15:22:03: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23797, 19:52:57: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23798, 06:55:51: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23798, 07:06:00: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23798, 07:23:00: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23799, 03:33:23: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23799, 08:21:40: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23799, 19:45:56: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 235 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23801, 16:32:48: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 238 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23801, 18:43:52: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 238 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23802, 16:58:40: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 241 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23803, 07:35:36: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 242 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23803, 08:54:13: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 242 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23804, 09:40:56: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 256 (Tek Rex) Day 23804, 10:01:33: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 23804, 10:21:48: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 23805, 07:59:30: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23805, 14:26:27: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23805, 14:46:31: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23805, 15:54:06: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23806, 22:06:28: Coltm1911 Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 164 (Yutyrannus)! Day 23806, 22:17:45: Coltm1911 froze fluffy rex - Lvl 164 (Yutyrannus) Day 23807, 03:39:47: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23807, 08:36:28: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23807, 13:06:05: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23807, 17:41:40: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23808, 04:40:54: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23808, 09:21:04: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23808, 09:58:03: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 233 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23821, 05:38:55: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23821, 14:26:50: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 260 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23821, 18:15:38: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23828, 06:12:11: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 23828, 20:05:48: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23829, 05:53:00: Coltm1911 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 23829, 05:56:20: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23829, 06:56:46: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23900, 15:42:08: Coltm1911 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23910, 13:03:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23925, 23:53:56: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23926, 02:25:57: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23926, 07:48:28: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23926, 18:09:43: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23936, 06:40:32: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23936, 16:03:22: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 02:51:12: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 08:05:06: Coltm1911 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 12:41:42: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 12:46:54: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 14:42:15: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23937, 19:12:42: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23938, 00:51:36: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23938, 01:04:52: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23938, 10:59:33: Coltm1911 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23939, 14:56:02: Coltm1911 demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 23940, 00:44:10: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 23940, 01:08:06: Coltm1911 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24013, 16:15:35: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 249 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24013, 21:56:08: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 255 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24107, 12:37:34: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24108, 01:29:16: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24108, 13:47:40: Coltm1911 unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 24108, 14:00:56: Coltm1911 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 24108, 21:05:57: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24109, 04:29:39: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 24109, 05:11:23: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24109, 06:06:35: Coltm1911 froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 24109, 06:13:53: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24198, 12:20:14: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24198, 13:07:20: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24198, 13:26:22: Coltm1911 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24302, 06:20:38: Mesopithecus - Lvl 120 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 24400, 23:46:09: Snow Owl - Lvl 123 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 24457, 22:34:03: Dodo - Lvl 189 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24489, 21:19:17: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 24574, 10:51:31: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 24635, 12:44:18: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 24635, 12:44:21: Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24685, 03:13:28: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24703, 21:23:29: Dodo - Lvl 243 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24755, 21:11:22: Dodo - Lvl 275 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24775, 15:34:10: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:37:23: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24775, 15:41:12: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:41:50: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:42:59: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:43:31: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'throw away - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:44:11: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:44:44: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:50:01: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:54:29: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 15:55:02: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24775, 15:57:06: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fluffy rex - Lvl 188 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24775, 15:57:52: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 24775, 15:58:47: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24775, 15:59:41: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:00:18: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:00:50: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:02:53: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:07:42: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:08:10: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:08:35: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:08:57: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:09:28: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'don't breed - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:11:05: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 279 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 24775, 16:11:52: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium)'! Day 24775, 16:12:41: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'melee +1 - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24775, 16:15:12: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 327 (Argentavis)'! Day 24775, 16:21:09: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 236 (Triceratops)'! Day 24775, 16:21:59: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24775, 16:27:30: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24775, 20:17:21: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 235 (Megatherium)'! Day 24784, 13:34:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24784, 13:34:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24919, 14:48:19: Coltm1911's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24973, 18:22:09: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25121, 20:50:44: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25121, 23:28:06: Tribemember Coltm1911 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1129292109,"tribe":"High Commander logs":["Day 15679, 19:10:28: Zenalis was added to the Tribe! Day 15692, 20:08:13: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 314 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15692, 21:07:01: Zenalis froze Senpai Of The Woods - Lvl 349 (Therizinosaur) Day 15693, 00:37:31: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15693, 02:06:51: Zenalis froze Senpai Of The Woods - Lvl 349 (Therizinosaur) Day 15693, 08:13:15: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15693, 08:18:37: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15693, 09:58:38: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 136 was killed! Day 15693, 10:51:31: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 136 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 85! Day 15693, 11:26:53: Zenalis froze [TD]Dr.Snow - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 15693, 11:46:06: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 320 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15693, 12:13:47: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15693, 13:17:51: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15693, 14:19:46: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15693, 15:10:04: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 323 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15693, 15:14:17: Zenalis froze [TD]Oni-chan - Lvl 351 (Otter) Day 15693, 15:45:07: Zenalis froze [TD]Dr.Snow - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 15693, 17:32:04: Zenalis froze [TD]Dr.Snow - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 15693, 18:52:12: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15693, 19:08:37: Zenalis froze [TD]Dr.Snow - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 15693, 19:19:44: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15695, 12:23:51: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15695, 14:09:24: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15695, 17:07:30: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15695, 19:41:48: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15695, 20:08:23: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 353 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 07:35:50: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 07:53:47: Zenalis froze [TD]Demon King - Lvl 297 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15696, 08:38:36: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 11:18:10: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 15:56:35: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 16:42:57: Zenalis froze [TD]Oni-chan - Lvl 351 (Otter) Day 15696, 18:37:03: kokow22 added 'High Commander' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 15696, 18:59:28: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15696, 23:12:51: Bengelchen added 'High Commander' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15696, 23:27:44: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Of Light Tribe. Day 15696, 23:29:38: Zenalis added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15696, 23:30:27: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 15696, 23:37:01: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 15696, 23:40:15: Zenalis added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15696, 23:51:15: Bengelchen added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 00:07:49: Bengelchen added 'Of Light' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 01:16:29: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Impulse Tribe. Day 15697, 01:41:03: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Impulse Tribe. Day 15697, 02:31:15: Zenalis - Lvl 136 requested an Alliance with Impulse Tribe. Day 15697, 02:33:20: Zenalis added 'Impulse' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15697, 02:52:54: Bengelchen added 'Impulse' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 06:34:59: Zenalis froze [TD]Demon King - Lvl 297 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15697, 07:11:28: Zenalis claimed 'Yutti - Lvl 362 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 15697, 07:54:50: Zenalis froze [TD]Oni-chan - Lvl 351 (Otter) Day 15697, 10:02:11: Zenalis froze (13-TEK) Purrster - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 10:23:12: Zenalis froze (18-TEK) Bonk - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 10:45:37: Zenalis froze (11-TEK) Weirdo - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:11:24: Zenalis froze (10-TEK) Titi - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:18:14: Zenalis froze (8-TEK) Octopussi - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:20:16: Zenalis froze (5-TEK) FlammenWerfer - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:22:20: Zenalis froze Yutti - Lvl 362 (Yutyrannus) Day 15697, 17:24:54: Zenalis froze (16-TEK) SwampMonster - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:27:18: Zenalis froze (7-TEK) Qiqi - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:29:12: Zenalis froze (9-TEK) Neein - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:31:13: Zenalis froze (17-TEK) Chonk - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:33:13: Zenalis froze (1-TEK) Huanito - Lvl 426 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:36:11: Zenalis froze (15-TEK) Noiceu - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 17:40:44: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15697, 17:43:32: Zenalis froze (20-TEK) ImDont - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 18:47:46: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15697, 18:49:49: Zenalis froze [TD]Oni-chan - Lvl 351 (Otter) Day 15697, 19:20:50: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 354 (Managarmr) Day 15881, 11:50:48: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 360 (Managarmr) Day 15971, 07:30:44: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 370 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15971, 07:37:12: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 360 (Managarmr) Day 15971, 08:43:02: Zenalis Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 15971, 08:55:00: Zenalis froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 370 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 15971, 09:53:18: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 360 (Managarmr) Day 15971, 10:34:06: Zenalis froze Cementing Paste - Lvl 304 (Beelzebufo) Day 15971, 10:36:07: Zenalis froze [TD]Dr.Snow - Lvl 382 (Snow Owl) Day 15971, 10:58:52: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 12:08:05: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 12:38:58: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 12:48:26: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 13:56:36: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 14:38:57: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 15:53:12: Zenalis froze MegaFaggot - Lvl 371 (Megatherium) Day 15971, 21:51:20: Zenalis froze [TK]Manager - Lvl 360 (Managarmr) Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16085, 18:48:08: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16085, 19:01:10: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16086, 00:09:48: Zenalis froze X-2DMG - Lvl 283 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 16086, 00:46:10: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16086, 01:19:27: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16086, 11:48:44: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16086, 13:59:56: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr) Day 16086, 14:42:15: Your [EX]Specimen 2 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16086, 14:42:49: Your (16-TEK) SwampMonster - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16086, 14:43:10: Your [EX]Speciment 1 - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16086, 14:43:55: Your [EX]Specimen 4 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16086, 15:01:32: Your (15-TEK) Noiceu - Lvl 424 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16086, 15:01:59: Your (5-TEK) FlammenWerfer - Lvl 427 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16086, 15:05:30: Your (13-TEK) Purrster - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16086, 15:32:54: Zenalis froze [EX]Specimen 3 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 16086, 15:38:32: Zenalis froze Yutti - Lvl 362 (Yutyrannus) Day 16128, 07:40:05: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 329 (Managarmr) Day 16280, 12:44:03: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 333 (Managarmr) Day 16280, 13:09:16: Zenalis froze [TD] Hawk - Lvl 355 (Argentavis) Day 16280, 13:50:34: Zenalis Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx)! Day 16280, 13:58:23: Zenalis froze Baryonyx - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx) Day 16280, 14:04:03: Zenalis froze Baryonyx - Lvl 224 (Baryonyx) Day 16280, 14:05:52: Zenalis froze [TD]Managarmr - Lvl 333 (Managarmr) Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16814, 19:02:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25676, 08:57:49: Zenalis Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 25676, 09:02:45: Zenalis froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 25676, 11:45:30: Zenalis uploaded a Managarmr: Managarmr - Lvl 273 Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25910, 12:22:38: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1128275183,"tribe":"tribe of the pro logs":["Day 25405, 03:20:18: lars was added to the Tribe! Day 25405, 08:39:19: lars - Lvl 8 requested an Alliance with Tribe of The Noob Tribe. Day 25405, 08:42:06: lars added 'Tribe of The Noob' Tribe to bigbootybois Alliance! Day 26044, 10:45:19: Tribemember lars - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1115959731,"tribe":"Tribe of Meerkats logs":["Day 26642, 05:12:10: Timmy was added to the Tribe! Day 26642, 05:26:57: CaS added 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 26642, 07:51:06: sir elias quinn added 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 26642, 13:10:10: Timmy froze Terry - Lvl 317 (Pteranodon) Day 26898, 16:15:17: Timmy was removed from the Tribe! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27653, 01:53:33: Fjordhawk - Lvl 104 (Fjordhawk) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1115710719,"tribe":"Tribe of Big Boy logs":["Day 26501, 21:20:07: Big Boy was added to the Tribe! Day 26501, 21:33:39: giga chad was added to the Tribe by Big Boy! Day 26502, 00:11:59: Tribemember giga chad - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26502, 01:06:30: Tribemember giga chad - Lvl 8 was killed by Big Boy - Lvl 6 (Tribe of Big Boy)! Day 26502, 01:06:30: Your Tribe killed giga chad - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Big Boy)! Day 26502, 01:45:20: Tribemember Big Boy - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 26652, 08:43:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26987, 13:55:36: Tribemember giga chad - Lvl 8 was killed by a Skeletal Bronto - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1115353713,"tribe":"The Chonk Lords logs":["Day 28268, 14:51:15: Big Chonk was added to the Tribe! Day 28297, 12:18:14: Tribemember Big Chonk - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1115185225,"tribe":"haythem cab logs":["Day 22314, 21:27:06: haythem was added to the Tribe! Day 22315, 06:36:52: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22315, 07:00:51: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 22315, 11:20:33: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 22334, 21:54:52: haythem froze haythoum - Lvl 356 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22335, 12:23:01: haythem froze haythoum - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22361, 15:52:30: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 16:17:00: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22361, 16:52:09: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 17:04:33: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22361, 17:16:42: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 18:02:45: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22361, 18:18:56: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 18:33:50: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22361, 19:19:13: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 20:57:05: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 22:33:56: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22361, 23:19:28: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22361, 23:44:22: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22362, 00:18:34: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22362, 05:23:01: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22409, 14:36:10: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 22409, 17:00:33: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22409, 17:06:14: haythem froze 9wiy - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 01:29:38: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 22410, 01:30:51: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 22410, 02:38:24: haythem froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 302 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22410, 02:46:57: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 02:53:13: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:05:33: haythem froze ro3b - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:11:08: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:18:04: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:24:32: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:39:58: haythem froze 9wiy - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:52:56: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 03:58:58: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:06:12: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:21:38: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:32:07: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:38:20: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:45:50: haythem froze 9wiy - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:51:19: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 04:57:15: haythem froze Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 22410, 08:52:07: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 22760, 11:06:14: Tek Rex - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 22810, 23:13:20: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 23070, 02:47:15: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 23372, 15:05:20: haythem froze haythem - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24105, 07:38:43: Bravoc1 - Lvl 53 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'haythoum - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24332, 11:50:45: MACA - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 24332, 11:55:48: MACA - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 324 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24332, 20:15:10: MACA - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 328 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24516, 18:03:58: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 390 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 24559, 06:52:53: Kira049 - Lvl 104 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9ziy - Lvl 319 (Sarco)'! Day 24559, 07:31:11: Kira049 - Lvl 104 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '2222 - Lvl 348 (Sarco)'!"] "tribeid":1115162197,"tribe":"Chungoise logs":["Day 24065, 09:53:03: Decker was added to the Tribe! Day 24065, 13:26:37: Minted was added to the Tribe by Decker! Day 24065, 14:31:27: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:32:17: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:33:03: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:33:54: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:34:44: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:35:32: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:36:20: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 14:37:34: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:32:15: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:33:03: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:33:46: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:34:36: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:35:20: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:36:01: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:36:53: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 15:37:42: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 16:01:29: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 16:02:10: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 16:02:53: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 16:03:39: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 16:08:10: HULK HORNY was added to the Tribe by Decker! Day 24065, 17:49:04: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:49:30: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:50:25: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:51:02: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:51:42: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:52:21: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:53:00: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:53:41: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:54:22: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 17:55:06: Minted demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 18:47:17: Tribemember HULK HORNY - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 24065, 20:07:02: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24065, 23:06:51: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 21 was killed by Minted - Lvl 23 (Chungoise)! Day 24065, 23:06:51: Your Tribe killed Decker - Lvl 21 (Chungoise)! Day 24066, 00:11:23: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 21 was killed by Minted - Lvl 24 (Chungoise)! Day 24066, 00:11:23: Your Tribe killed Decker - Lvl 21 (Chungoise)! Day 24066, 00:13:49: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 24066, 01:10:32: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 24066, 01:41:03: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 24 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 150! Day 24066, 03:17:14: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 24066, 05:02:30: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24066, 06:04:52: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 24066, 07:06:41: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.1x! Day 24066, 07:51:18: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 48! Day 24066, 08:46:06: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.1x! Day 24066, 08:55:43: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 24066, 09:32:49: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 24066, 10:35:43: Tribemember HULK HORNY - Lvl 12 was killed by Decker - Lvl 23 (Chungoise)! Day 24066, 10:35:43: Your Tribe killed HULK HORNY - Lvl 12 (Chungoise)! Day 24066, 13:47:55: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 24 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 45! Day 24066, 17:03:20: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:04:36: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:05:36: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:06:44: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:08:03: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:11:48: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:12:57: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:13:55: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:26:30: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:28:19: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:29:15: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:40:24: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:41:21: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 17:48:29: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:10:10: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:12:11: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:13:10: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:14:11: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:15:10: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:16:08: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:17:11: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:18:17: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:20:25: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:21:23: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:33:43: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:34:38: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:36:17: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:37:13: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 18:38:15: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:48:08: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:49:43: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:50:36: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:51:33: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:53:11: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:54:09: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:55:05: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:55:59: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:57:31: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:58:23: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 19:59:20: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 20:00:14: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 20:01:11: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 20:02:10: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 20:03:07: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 20:04:51: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:07:56: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:09:08: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:10:25: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:11:41: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:12:49: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:13:58: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:15:29: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 21:16:51: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:42:48: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:44:06: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:45:17: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:47:39: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:48:53: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:50:13: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:51:23: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:52:36: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:53:46: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:55:00: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:56:10: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:57:17: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:58:25: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24066, 23:59:34: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 00:00:46: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 00:01:56: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 00:03:06: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 00:04:21: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 00:05:43: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:44:50: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:46:18: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:47:40: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:48:46: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:49:51: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:50:54: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:51:58: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:53:01: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:53:56: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:54:53: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:55:54: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:56:55: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:58:02: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 01:59:16: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:00:24: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:01:38: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:02:39: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:03:40: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:04:47: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:06:01: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:30:22: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:31:15: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:32:16: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:33:15: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:34:46: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:35:47: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:37:01: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:38:15: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:51:22: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:53:52: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:55:01: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 02:56:00: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 03:05:45: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 03:07:01: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 03:12:34: Decker demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 24067, 03:22:05: Minted Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 28 (Dilophosaur)! Day 24067, 06:51:37: Minted was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Decker! Day 24067, 07:58:56: Minted demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 24067, 09:22:58: Minted demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 24067, 09:24:02: Minted demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 24067, 10:49:41: Minted demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 24067, 19:25:59: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 24067, 19:33:07: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 24067, 21:12:22: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 24067, 21:20:42: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 24067, 22:45:07: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 40 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 85! Day 24067, 22:50:17: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 42 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 24067, 23:25:43: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 40 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 90! Day 24068, 00:53:26: kebob was added to the Tribe by Decker! Day 24068, 02:07:56: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 40 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 24068, 02:44:46: kebob was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Decker! Day 24068, 07:35:49: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 14 was killed by Decker - Lvl 41 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 07:35:49: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 14 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 08:03:57: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 41 was killed by Minted - Lvl 44 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 08:03:57: Your Tribe killed Decker - Lvl 41 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 08:58:03: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 14 was killed by Minted - Lvl 44 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 08:58:03: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 14 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 10:06:43: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 44 was killed by kebob - Lvl 15 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 10:06:43: Your Tribe killed Minted - Lvl 44 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 10:14:02: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 44 was killed by kebob - Lvl 15 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 10:14:02: Your Tribe killed Minted - Lvl 44 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 12:20:08: Your George - Lvl 36 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 12:56:22: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by Decker - Lvl 42 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 12:56:22: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 16 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 12:59:46: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 13:04:34: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 44 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 13:23:41: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 42 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 24068, 13:29:42: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 44 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 14:04:59: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 14:19:28: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by Minted - Lvl 44 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 14:19:28: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 16 (Chungoise)! Day 24068, 14:35:44: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 14:46:37: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 15:04:09: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 16:07:06: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 24068, 16:39:38: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 17:22:31: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 17:37:47: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 17:48:00: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10! Day 24068, 17:58:45: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 16 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 24068, 18:26:50: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 19:13:50: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 17 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 19:52:36: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 19:54:56: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 17 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 24068, 23:08:02: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 24068, 23:15:10: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 24068, 23:26:14: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 24069, 01:36:33: kebob Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 12 (Parasaur)! Day 24069, 03:32:48: Minted Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 24069, 04:51:19: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 19 was killed by Minted - Lvl 45 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 04:51:19: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 19 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 10:23:05: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 23 was killed by Decker - Lvl 43 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 10:23:05: Your Tribe killed kebob - Lvl 23 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 10:28:39: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 24069, 12:15:16: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 48 was killed by Decker - Lvl 43 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 12:15:16: Your Tribe killed Minted - Lvl 48 (Chungoise)! Day 24069, 12:20:00: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 24069, 13:43:23: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 24083, 19:44:42: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 24083, 20:35:42: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24083, 21:26:01: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24083, 22:01:07: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 24083, 22:02:35: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 49 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 24083, 22:57:02: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 24083, 23:44:38: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 49 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 24084, 00:00:16: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 60! Day 24084, 00:51:23: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 24084, 01:44:38: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 24084, 02:29:36: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 24084, 03:17:18: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 44 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 24084, 05:56:52: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 24084, 08:26:51: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 24084, 08:40:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 24084, 08:43:53: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 33 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 24084, 09:26:25: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 45 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 24084, 10:16:59: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 45 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24084, 12:16:02: kebob Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 24084, 12:26:56: kebob Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 24084, 12:46:28: Minted Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)! Day 24084, 23:32:50: Minted Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 24085, 04:03:38: kebob claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)'! Day 24085, 15:17:13: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 50 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24085, 18:53:40: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24085, 20:50:18: Minted demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 24085, 23:15:59: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24085, 23:30:43: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 50 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 24086, 04:52:24: Minted claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 129 (Raptor)'! Day 24086, 12:55:34: kebob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 24086, 13:39:04: kebob Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 24086, 14:06:34: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 24086, 14:53:16: Minted Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 113 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 24087, 03:19:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 24087, 07:18:01: Decker claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24087, 07:22:48: Decker claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24087, 12:35:34: Minted Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 24088, 02:44:04: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 03:03:02: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 24088, 04:37:45: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 09:00:13: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 09:44:31: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 24088, 09:49:51: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 24088, 10:44:03: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 11:36:24: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 24088, 12:30:27: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 13:20:57: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 14:07:08: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 24088, 14:54:38: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24088, 15:40:56: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24088, 22:14:39: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 24088, 23:15:58: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 24089, 02:39:26: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 24089, 03:15:42: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 24089, 05:57:11: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 55! Day 24089, 06:13:02: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 24089, 06:28:55: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 58 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 24094, 07:04:51: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 59 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 24094, 07:10:07: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 62 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 24094, 07:18:02: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 59 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 24094, 08:01:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 24094, 08:07:06: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 08:41:30: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 09:32:36: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 24094, 09:33:45: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24094, 10:05:25: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 10:29:01: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24094, 10:33:37: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 10:47:02: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 63 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 11:07:23: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 24094, 11:39:23: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 60 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 24095, 13:14:03: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 24095, 13:16:50: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 24095, 16:58:01: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 24095, 17:10:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 24095, 17:12:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 24095, 17:18:27: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 64 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 24095, 19:38:39: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 67 was killed by Decker - Lvl 65 (Chungoise)! Day 24095, 19:38:39: Your Tribe killed Minted - Lvl 67 (Chungoise)! Day 24111, 22:27:59: kebob Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 28 (Megalodon)! Day 24111, 23:17:34: Your Megatorn - Lvl 28 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 24111, 23:30:58: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 58 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 24157, 05:54:20: Rolling Ball was added to the Tribe by Minted! Day 24157, 07:30:55: Tribemember Rolling Ball - Lvl 6 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24157, 07:46:19: Your Jerome - Lvl 161 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 24157, 08:39:41: Tribemember Rolling Ball - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 24157, 09:03:46: Tribemember Rolling Ball - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 120! Day 24204, 19:00:00: HULK HORNY was promoted to a Tribe Admin by kebob! Day 24205, 05:54:53: Tribemember HULK HORNY - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 24205, 08:05:41: kebob Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 20 (Megalodon)! Day 24205, 12:40:30: HULK HORNY Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 13 (Megalodon)! Day 24206, 00:57:35: kebob demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 24206, 11:33:24: Tribemember Rolling Ball - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24229, 21:24:50: Your Cutie - Lvl 24 (Megalodon) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 50! Day 24250, 01:27:30: Tribemember kebob - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24359, 00:16:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24500, 22:01:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24628, 01:07:48: SHIT - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 24722, 09:32:29: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 24725, 14:44:58: BIG FLYING FUCK - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24725, 15:28:44: Tribemember Decker - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 24725, 15:41:46: Tribemember Minted - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 24725, 15:47:11: Tribemember HULK HORNY - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 24784, 13:34:10: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24848, 22:53:52: Craptor - Lvl 51 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 24848, 22:54:02: Joe Vibin - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25011, 19:16:28: steve - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Sbeve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Romainian - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25011, 19:19:07: Your Sir Sharkausaurus The Se - Lvl 18 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25111, 17:45:50: don - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25249, 06:46:51: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mig-15Bis \"Fagot\" - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25249, 06:47:36: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John F. Kennedy - Lvl 98 (Raptor)'! Day 25249, 06:47:55: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rapetor - Lvl 166 (Raptor)'! Day 25249, 06:48:35: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NEW FUCKINN PARASAUR BAB - Lvl 132 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 25249, 06:50:00: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'teran - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25526, 07:53:13: Debora - Lvl 157 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 25860, 17:19:00: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quandale - Lvl 146 (Raptor)'! Day 25860, 18:24:04: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'George - Lvl 235 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 26003, 07:12:52: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1111873137,"tribe":"Word Bearers logs":["Day 15678, 11:53:34: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 332 (Megatherium) Day 15678, 13:37:27: Lorgar froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 196 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15678, 13:54:33: Lorgar froze MALE 31H 41S 41M - Lvl 308 (Velonasaur) Day 15678, 13:58:29: Lorgar froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 196 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15678, 14:38:10: Lorgar froze PERFET F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 15678, 14:38:56: Lorgar claimed 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15678, 14:43:08: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 15678, 14:44:45: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 15678, 14:49:03: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 15678, 14:51:57: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 15678, 14:54:26: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 15678, 15:05:17: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 15678, 15:07:12: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 15678, 15:10:35: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 15678, 15:14:35: Lorgar froze PERFECT F - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 15678, 19:21:01: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 333 (Megatherium) Day 15679, 01:34:39: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15679, 12:47:14: Lorgar Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 74 (Dimetrodon)! Day 15679, 12:51:50: Lorgar froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 74 (Dimetrodon) Day 15679, 12:54:53: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 333 (Megatherium) Day 15679, 14:33:02: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.8x! Day 15679, 16:13:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx)! Day 15679, 17:28:14: Lorgar Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 127 (Dimetrodon)! Day 15679, 17:34:50: Lorgar froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 127 (Dimetrodon) Day 15679, 17:41:58: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15679, 17:46:04: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 333 (Megatherium) Day 15680, 11:39:47: Lorgar froze [M] 187 - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 15680, 11:41:11: Lorgar froze [F] 119 - Lvl 119 (Argentavis) Day 15680, 12:14:39: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15681, 02:26:17: Lorgar Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus)! Day 15681, 02:42:02: Lorgar froze [F] 209 - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 15691, 18:51:33: Lorgar froze [M] 127 - Lvl 127 (Dimetrodon) Day 15691, 18:54:14: Lorgar froze [F] 74 - Lvl 74 (Dimetrodon) Day 15693, 08:30:22: Lorgar Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 15693, 08:36:55: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15693, 08:39:53: Lorgar froze [F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15693, 13:05:37: Lorgar Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)! Day 15693, 13:10:50: Lorgar froze [M] 183 - Lvl 183 (Argentavis) Day 15694, 09:29:47: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 15694, 17:15:14: Lorgar froze Malcador - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 15694, 18:10:57: Lorgar Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15694, 18:13:04: Lorgar froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 15694, 21:17:31: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 15694, 21:40:28: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 15695, 10:51:20: Lorgar froze Malcador - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 15695, 11:06:18: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 15695, 17:16:14: Lorgar Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 142 (Sarco)! Day 15695, 17:21:22: Lorgar froze [M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 15695, 18:57:44: Lorgar froze [M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 15695, 20:14:34: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 101 (Baryonyx)'! Day 15695, 20:22:41: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 188 (Sarco)'! Day 15696, 02:15:31: Lorgar froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 188 (Sarco) Day 15696, 02:22:09: Lorgar froze Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 101 (Baryonyx) Day 15697, 09:32:18: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 212 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 15699, 11:47:00: Lorgar froze Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 101 (Baryonyx) Day 15699, 18:34:42: Lorgar froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 188 (Sarco) Day 15700, 06:35:44: Lorgar Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 198 (Megalodon)! Day 15700, 06:43:05: Lorgar froze Megalodon - Lvl 198 (Megalodon) Day 15700, 09:21:10: Lorgar froze [M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 15700, 09:34:52: Lorgar froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 247 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15700, 09:54:06: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 179 (Megalodon)'! Day 15700, 09:59:14: Lorgar froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 179 (Megalodon) Day 15700, 10:07:19: Lorgar froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15713, 01:00:13: Lorgar froze [M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 15713, 03:50:18: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 179 (Sarco)'! Day 15713, 03:52:09: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 148 (Sarco)'! Day 15713, 03:56:37: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 148 (Sarco)'! Day 15713, 03:58:25: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 150 (Sarco)'! Day 15713, 04:33:11: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 15713, 04:42:03: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)'! Day 15713, 04:43:33: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 15713, 04:44:41: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 15713, 06:21:35: Lorgar froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 06:23:28: Lorgar froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 133 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 06:25:59: Lorgar froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 06:56:22: Lorgar froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 179 (Sarco) Day 15713, 07:14:42: Lorgar froze Juvenile Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon) Day 15713, 07:16:27: Lorgar froze Juvenile Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon) Day 15713, 07:18:14: Lorgar froze Juvenile Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon) Day 15713, 07:26:03: Lorgar froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 179 (Megalodon) Day 15713, 10:01:22: Lorgar froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 10:04:52: Lorgar froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 10:07:05: Lorgar froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 15713, 11:27:24: Lorgar froze Adolescent [M] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 11:31:38: Lorgar froze Adolescent [F] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 11:33:37: Lorgar froze Adolescent [F] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 11:35:24: Lorgar froze Adolescent [F] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 13:48:38: Lorgar froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 150 (Sarco) Day 15713, 13:50:34: Lorgar froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 150 (Sarco) Day 15713, 15:56:11: Lorgar froze Adolescent [M] 179 - Lvl 179 (Sarco) Day 15713, 18:01:45: Lorgar froze [M] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 18:05:52: Lorgar froze [F] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco) Day 15713, 18:36:30: Lorgar froze [F] 127 - Lvl 131 (Dimetrodon) Day 15727, 04:58:15: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 15727, 05:19:15: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 215 (Sarco) Day 15727, 05:23:38: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 193 (Sarco) Day 15727, 07:02:03: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 215 (Sarco) Day 15727, 09:48:06: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 340 (Megatherium) Day 15727, 12:39:59: Lorgar Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 15727, 12:43:47: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15727, 13:15:15: Lorgar froze Malcador - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 15727, 14:35:27: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 201 (Sarco) Day 15727, 14:47:57: Lorgar Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15727, 14:49:58: Lorgar froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 22 (Dung Beetle) Day 15727, 15:26:22: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 223 (Sarco) Day 15727, 16:10:36: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 225 (Sarco) Day 15727, 17:38:15: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15727, 17:39:46: Lorgar froze [F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15727, 17:46:01: Lorgar froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15739, 16:44:50: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 192 (Sarco)'! Day 15739, 16:46:02: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 179 (Sarco)'! Day 15739, 16:48:28: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 139 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 15739, 16:51:02: Lorgar froze Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 139 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15739, 16:53:48: Lorgar froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 179 (Sarco) Day 15739, 16:55:35: Lorgar froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 192 (Sarco) Day 15739, 18:03:51: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15739, 18:05:54: Lorgar froze [F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15739, 18:18:09: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 15739, 18:21:06: Lorgar froze Baby Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15739, 18:44:00: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Dimetrodon - Lvl 127 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 15739, 21:51:27: Lorgar claimed 'Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 189 (Megalodon)'! Day 15739, 23:47:30: Lorgar froze Juvenile [F] 159 - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15740, 00:20:21: Lorgar froze Juvenile Dimetrodon - Lvl 127 (Dimetrodon) Day 15740, 01:11:25: Lorgar froze Megalodon - Lvl 188 (Megalodon) Day 15740, 06:33:01: Your Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 189 (Megalodon) was killed by an Anglerfish - Lvl 95! Day 15740, 07:00:36: Lorgar froze Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) Day 15740, 07:14:08: Lorgar froze Adolescent [F] 192 mutant - Lvl 192 (Sarco) Day 15740, 09:59:36: Lorgar froze Adolescent [F] 159 - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15740, 11:56:33: Lorgar froze [F] 192 mutant - Lvl 192 (Sarco) Day 15740, 12:04:47: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 162 (Sarco) Day 15740, 12:28:37: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 180 (Sarco) Day 15740, 19:51:40: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 340 (Megatherium) Day 15741, 06:58:10: Lorgar Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 194 (Mosasaurus)! Day 15741, 07:04:49: Lorgar froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 194 (Mosasaurus) Day 15752, 23:55:59: Lorgar froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 194 (Mosasaurus) Day 15753, 02:11:14: Lorgar froze [F] 194 - Lvl 208 (Mosasaurus) Day 15753, 06:54:52: Lorgar froze Baryonyx - Lvl 153 (Baryonyx) Day 15791, 15:29:08: Lorgar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 139 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15791, 16:46:11: Lorgar froze [F] 209 - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 15791, 16:54:55: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15791, 17:55:45: Lorgar froze Berry - Lvl 205 (Carbonemys) Day 15791, 18:23:30: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 193 (Carbonemys)'! Day 15791, 18:24:22: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 92 (Baryonyx)'! Day 15791, 18:27:45: Lorgar froze Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 193 (Carbonemys) Day 15791, 18:35:41: Lorgar froze Berry - Lvl 205 (Carbonemys) Day 15791, 19:03:40: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15791, 19:08:54: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15791, 20:01:12: Lorgar froze Cassiopeia - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 15791, 21:37:18: Your Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 92 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 15791, 21:37:18: Juvenile Baryonyx - Lvl 92 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 15791, 22:05:46: Lorgar froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 279 (Stegosaurus) Day 15792, 01:08:03: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 242 (Sarco) Day 15792, 02:02:52: Lorgar froze Carbonemys - Lvl 221 (Carbonemys) Day 15792, 05:27:01: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 15792, 06:29:04: Lorgar froze Carbonemys - Lvl 244 (Carbonemys) Day 15792, 07:19:29: Lorgar froze 140F - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 15792, 07:33:17: Lorgar froze [F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx) Day 15792, 09:41:18: Lorgar Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 15792, 09:44:00: Lorgar froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) Day 15792, 10:34:40: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 15792, 10:45:57: Lorgar froze Baby Billy Jnr - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus) Day 15792, 11:45:23: Lorgar Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 22 (Pachy)! Day 15792, 11:46:51: Lorgar froze Pachy - Lvl 22 (Pachy) Day 15793, 07:47:23: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 12:04:16: Lorgar froze Malcador - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 15793, 12:17:32: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 244 (Sarco) Day 15793, 12:26:34: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 244 (Sarco) Day 15793, 13:11:16: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 13:16:21: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 246 (Sarco) Day 15793, 13:34:25: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 13:38:14: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 14:02:59: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 16:54:51: Lorgar froze Sarco - Lvl 248 (Sarco) Day 15793, 16:57:24: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 15793, 17:25:12: Lorgar froze Baryonyx - Lvl 157 (Baryonyx) Day 15793, 17:46:46: Lorgar froze Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 15793, 17:56:48: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 15! Day 15793, 18:19:17: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 15793, 18:51:21: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 157 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 15793, 18:58:02: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 15793, 19:43:28: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 15793, 19:52:54: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 211 (Sarco) Day 15793, 20:04:13: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 20:49:13: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 216 (Sarco) Day 15793, 22:50:02: Lorgar froze [M] 179 - Lvl 216 (Sarco) Day 15793, 23:05:32: Lorgar froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 15793, 23:27:49: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 15794, 02:35:58: Lorgar froze Eidolon - Lvl 181 (Argentavis) Day 15794, 04:04:25: Your Sarco - Lvl 223 (Sarco) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 15794, 04:24:34: Lorgar froze Eidolon - Lvl 181 (Argentavis) Day 15794, 05:22:27: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.9x! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15872, 16:37:33: Lorgar claimed 'Baby Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 15876, 06:01:45: Juvenile Dimetrodon - Lvl 129 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 15885, 02:27:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15885, 02:27:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16018, 11:41:01: Dung Beetle - Lvl 46 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 16043, 11:05:31: Pachy - Lvl 22 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 16071, 23:18:05: Your Billy - Lvl 168 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 16098, 17:14:16: Dung Beetle - Lvl 60 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 16105, 07:01:31: Your Yuna - Lvl 219 (Diplocaulus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 16140, 21:02:49: Baryonyx - Lvl 102 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 16140, 21:04:16: PERFECT F - Lvl 266 (Rex) starved to death! Day 16169, 06:20:12: Dimetrodon - Lvl 144 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 16169, 06:20:23: [M] 127 - Lvl 160 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 16185, 18:56:45: Anurama - Lvl 142 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blanco - Lvl 199 (Argentavis)'! Day 16185, 22:55:17: Anurama - Lvl 142 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eidolon - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)'! Day 16186, 07:07:06: Anurama - Lvl 142 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 251 (Sarco)'! Day 16186, 07:11:56: Anurama - Lvl 142 (Irrenanstalt) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 179 - Lvl 216 (Sarco)'! Day 16198, 22:34:39: [F] 74 - Lvl 107 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 16217, 12:39:37: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16217, 12:40:50: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 209 - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16217, 12:54:25: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WEIGHT MUTATION - Lvl 288 (Rex)'! Day 16217, 13:02:15: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Preston - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16217, 13:44:42: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16217, 13:53:49: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cassiopeia - Lvl 270 (Rex)'! Day 16217, 14:03:45: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco)'! Day 16217, 14:07:56: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 244 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16217, 14:21:31: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT M - Lvl 341 (Rex)'! Day 16217, 14:49:04: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Euphrati - Lvl 201 (Megalodon)'! Day 16218, 04:23:50: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 04:24:43: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 04:25:29: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 04:35:45: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 265 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 04:48:34: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 264 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 05:06:33: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 05:17:10: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PEFECT F - Lvl 328 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 05:36:52: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFET F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 05:42:39: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 16218, 05:48:53: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16220, 02:11:13: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16242, 06:34:38: Tilly - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 16242, 06:40:58: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:46:14: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:47:08: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:47:30: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:48:01: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:59:40: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 06:59:58: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 07:00:33: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 07:00:56: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 16242, 07:11:23: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 183 - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 07:12:01: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 119 - Lvl 119 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 07:12:33: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 146 - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 07:26:41: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 207 Big Momma - Lvl 283 (Sarco)'! Day 16242, 07:31:02: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 248 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 16242, 07:42:19: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 154 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 08:17:10: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 142 - Lvl 142 (Sarco)'! Day 16242, 08:19:03: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 221 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 08:22:54: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 159 - Lvl 159 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 08:23:03: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry - Lvl 205 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 08:25:02: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 193 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 08:26:45: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 279 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 08:28:29: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bod - Lvl 227 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 08:32:02: kokow22 - Lvl 166 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 127 - Lvl 151 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 16242, 08:54:59: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16242, 09:00:50: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 143 - Lvl 143 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 09:01:02: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 95 - Lvl 95 (Baryonyx)'! Day 16242, 09:04:15: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140F - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16242, 09:13:40: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 187 breeder - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 16242, 09:20:27: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] 192 mutant - Lvl 192 (Sarco)'! Day 16242, 09:26:13: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base 250 F - Lvl 286 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 16242, 09:37:56: Catya - Lvl 157 (House of Dyason) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cobbler - Lvl 176 (Carbonemys)'! Day 16242, 09:50:30: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 139 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 09:53:20: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 179 - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16242, 10:05:24: Raven - Lvl 155 (Tribe of Raven) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16261, 11:21:08: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Polly - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16261, 11:21:24: Human - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wolly - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16262, 14:03:06: Tribemember Yuna - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 16369, 06:45:49: Abi - Lvl 42 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Billy Jnr - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 16398, 14:34:39: dia - Lvl 157 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 213 (Megalodon)'! Day 16398, 14:36:39: dia - Lvl 157 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] 198 - Lvl 198 (Megalodon)'! Day 16468, 01:14:47: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 16468, 01:15:32: Lorgar's '[F] 148 twin - Lvl 148 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16477, 19:25:02: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 199 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 17777, 06:46:09: dia - Lvl 161 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 231 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23658, 08:23:30: Tribemember Lorgar - Lvl 1 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1107331858,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 26641, 04:01:29: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 26641, 04:25:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 2 was killed!"] "tribeid":1107105410,"tribe":"Tribe of Helga logs":["Day 36454, 11:35:24: Helga was added to the Tribe! Day 36454, 12:22:50: Tribemember Helga - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 36454, 19:07:37: Carbonemys - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36618, 06:41:43: Tribemember Helga - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 36902, 02:19:01: Tribemember Helga - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 37626, 11:17:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1103686085,"tribe":"Tribe of Chonk logs":["Day 27330, 11:13:35: Chonk was added to the Tribe! Day 27330, 11:18:54: Lord Purple was added to the Tribe by Chonk! Day 27330, 16:05:56: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 27330, 17:35:01: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 346 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27330, 20:05:06: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 27331, 07:12:29: Lord Purple froze Otter - Lvl 195 (Otter) Day 27331, 07:16:41: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 27331, 07:33:52: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27331, 09:00:03: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 346 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27728, 22:08:04: Chonk froze Poseidon - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 27729, 05:57:22: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27729, 06:15:34: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27729, 06:43:40: Chonk froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27729, 07:17:55: Chonk froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27729, 07:24:43: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27729, 09:04:26: Chonk froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 359 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27729, 10:14:20: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27729, 12:03:18: Lord Purple claimed 'Emo 1 - Lvl 144 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27729, 12:09:44: Lord Purple froze Emo 1 - Lvl 144 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27729, 13:37:27: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27729, 14:37:58: Tribemember Chonk - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 27729, 17:39:37: Lord Purple froze Poseidon - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 27729, 22:40:09: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 05:18:56: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27730, 05:47:10: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 05:59:45: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 08:05:05: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 08:25:36: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 08:28:45: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 08:46:50: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 08:51:59: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 10:24:34: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 10:58:30: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 12:02:23: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 12:20:22: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 12:30:24: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 15:49:55: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 16:23:52: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 17:59:25: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 27730, 18:10:43: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 282 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 21:49:13: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 282 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 22:25:27: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 282 (Desmodus) Day 27730, 22:44:41: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 27731, 00:03:48: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 282 (Desmodus) Day 27731, 09:47:15: Chonk froze Bruce - Lvl 284 (Desmodus) Day 27731, 12:46:54: Chonk froze Flash - Lvl 350 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27731, 12:51:57: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 439 (Shadowmane) Day 27732, 10:08:33: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 27732, 10:15:22: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 440 (Shadowmane) Day 28329, 01:22:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28329, 01:22:12: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28391, 23:48:50: Tribemember Lord Purple - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 28392, 04:14:25: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 442 (Shadowmane) Day 29097, 21:11:19: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane) Day 29098, 16:03:47: Tribemember Lord Purple - Lvl 128 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 95! Day 29098, 16:51:26: Tribemember Lord Purple - Lvl 128 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 29098, 23:28:12: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 399 (Shadowmane) Day 29099, 00:25:15: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29100, 10:24:14: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 403 (Shadowmane) Day 29100, 15:42:15: Tribemember Lord Purple - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 29100, 15:42:15: Your Tribe killed Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (Tribe of Chonk)! Day 29100, 17:56:34: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 403 (Shadowmane) Day 29100, 19:02:35: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29449, 15:15:22: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29785, 14:22:36: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 418 (Shadowmane) Day 30327, 10:50:18: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 435 (Shadowmane) Day 30408, 03:59:30: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ste's Pick Up - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)'! Day 30799, 13:46:39: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 437 (Shadowmane) Day 31267, 01:10:42: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 437 (Shadowmane) Day 31909, 06:07:49: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 437 (Shadowmane) Day 32477, 02:11:22: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 443 (Shadowmane) Day 32477, 02:39:57: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32547, 22:21:55: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33469, 03:36:03: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 448 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 05:52:05: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33469, 06:54:41: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 448 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 08:39:17: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33469, 14:49:16: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33469, 15:27:17: Lord Purple froze GIGA - Lvl 378 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 33469, 16:00:56: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 447 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 16:13:16: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33469, 16:42:34: Lord Purple froze GIGA - Lvl 378 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 33469, 19:05:14: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 447 (Shadowmane) Day 33469, 19:08:37: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33470, 00:59:13: Lord Purple froze GIGA - Lvl 378 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 33470, 01:39:09: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 447 (Shadowmane) Day 33470, 03:29:40: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33486, 09:05:05: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33488, 17:41:29: Lord Purple froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 33488, 19:16:11: Lord Purple froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 33488, 21:16:06: Lord Purple froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 33488, 23:11:30: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33489, 16:57:50: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33489, 19:54:23: Lord Purple froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 33489, 22:10:56: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 448 (Shadowmane) Day 33490, 02:43:16: Lord Purple froze MoonFire - Lvl 448 (Shadowmane) Day 33490, 06:53:42: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33607, 11:36:16: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33607, 13:34:59: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33607, 16:02:41: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 449 (Shadowmane) Day 33607, 17:14:37: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33607, 21:53:24: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33655, 18:55:44: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33655, 20:12:12: Lord Purple froze Dreamfyre - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 33655, 21:03:20: Lord Purple froze Viserys - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33655, 23:29:45: Lord Purple was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1103156111,"tribe":"No name logs":["Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Castoroides - Lvl 284 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 286 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Misiu - Lvl 308 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 271 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 22 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 142 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Bazylica - Lvl 113 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 142 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Ste's Pick Up - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Clifford - Lvl 280 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Kukulkan - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'RoseGent - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Agent Tannis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 132 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'AnkiProzaURL - Lvl 152 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 163 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Tricek - Lvl 80 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Viadro Małe - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 156 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Opał - Lvl 74 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Doda - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Daeodon - Lvl 209 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 256 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 110 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31782, 19:56:33: 's 'Jaws - Lvl 157 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Male 0 - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 148 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 168 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 136 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:07:28: 's 'Male 0 - Lvl 156 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 193 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 156 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 155 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Adolescent Bejbe - Lvl 175 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 157 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 178 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 178 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 148 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 174 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 145 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Baryonyx - Lvl 145 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 192 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 03:08:20: 's 'Baby Pelagornis - Lvl 174 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 31783, 05:40:51: Alexi uploaded a Phiomia: Pepe - Lvl 169 Day 31783, 05:41:41: Alexi uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 146 Day 31783, 06:27:41: Alexi uploaded a Argentavis: AC-130 - Lvl 293 Day 31783, 23:30:32: Alexi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 161 (Dung Beetle) Day 31783, 23:40:37: Alexi demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 31783, 23:54:15: Alexi demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 31784, 00:00:59: Alexi demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 31784, 15:29:06: Alexi froze True Survival - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 31798, 07:52:39: Alexi demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 31798, 14:43:43: Alexi froze True Survival - Lvl 283 (Argentavis) Day 31803, 08:12:03: Alexi froze True Survival - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 31845, 09:32:53: Alexi froze Resorcer - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 31845, 13:25:24: Alexi froze True Survival - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 31845, 13:38:08: Alexi froze Resorcer - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 31849, 04:53:15: Alexi claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 31849, 05:33:36: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 31849, 08:36:28: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 31849, 08:40:47: Alexi froze Miko - Lvl 250 (Maewing) Day 31975, 16:13:41: Alexi downloaded a dino: Miko - Lvl 289 Day 31975, 18:01:51: Daniells froze Miko - Lvl 289 (Maewing) Day 31988, 08:52:30: Alexi froze Pierdek - Lvl 239 (Gasbags) Day 31988, 08:57:59: Alexi froze Ziółko - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32062, 07:47:24: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 08:39:33: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 09:49:04: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 10:28:26: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 10:56:01: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 11:19:46: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 11:49:44: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 12:09:32: Alexi froze Rozpieralanka - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 32062, 18:50:49: Alexi froze Bolo - Lvl 349 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 32063, 05:30:17: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32063, 05:49:49: Alexi froze Bolo - Lvl 361 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 32063, 09:03:00: Alexi froze Otter - Lvl 196 (Otter) Day 32063, 09:07:47: Alexi froze Miko - Lvl 297 (Maewing) Day 32169, 11:34:09: Your Cage tame (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 32237, 16:02:47: Alexi froze Miko - Lvl 298 (Maewing) Day 32364, 23:09:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32364, 23:09:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32864, 09:16:46: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32864, 13:47:20: Alexi froze Smerf - Lvl 283 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 32864, 14:09:49: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 347 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33298, 19:56:30: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 364 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34186, 06:31:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34378, 11:18:08: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35182, 15:17:40: Alexi claimed 'BBM - Lvl 293 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:21:12: Alexi froze BBM - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 15:24:05: Alexi claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:27:42: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 15:30:35: Alexi claimed 'Bane of arthropods V - Lvl 301 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 15:34:26: Alexi froze Bane of arthropods V - Lvl 301 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 15:35:41: Alexi claimed 'Pumba - Lvl 259 (Daeodon)'! Day 35182, 15:39:44: Alexi froze Pumba - Lvl 259 (Daeodon) Day 35182, 15:40:21: Alexi claimed 'Dorito - Lvl 194 (Tapejara)'! Day 35182, 15:43:47: Alexi froze Dorito - Lvl 194 (Tapejara) Day 35182, 15:48:49: Alexi claimed 'Sweet Watermelon - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 35182, 15:52:55: Alexi froze Sweet Watermelon - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur) Day 35182, 15:53:33: Alexi claimed 'Hope - Lvl 254 (Parasaur)'! Day 35182, 15:57:58: Alexi froze Hope - Lvl 254 (Parasaur) Day 35182, 16:02:24: Alexi claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:05:55: Alexi claimed 'Charlie Watts - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:07:20: Alexi claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:11:10: Alexi unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:13:41: Alexi unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35182, 16:17:38: Alexi froze Charlie Watts - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus) Day 35182, 16:19:51: Alexi claimed 'Turkie - Lvl 309 (Argentavis)'! Day 35182, 16:39:35: Alexi froze Turkie - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 35182, 16:44:36: Alexi claimed 'Rex - Lvl 250 (Rex)'! Day 35182, 16:52:25: Alexi unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 250 (Rex)'! Day 35182, 16:53:28: Alexi claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 292 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 16:54:10: Alexi claimed 'Capybara - Lvl 291 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 16:54:59: Alexi claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 16:58:53: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:02:43: Alexi froze Capybara - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:06:36: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 292 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:07:06: Alexi claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:10:41: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:12:28: Alexi claimed 'Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino)'! Day 35182, 17:16:06: Alexi froze Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino) Day 35182, 17:17:46: Alexi claimed 'Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:18:17: Alexi claimed 'DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:19:21: Alexi claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium)'! Day 35182, 17:22:56: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:26:39: Alexi froze Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 17:30:38: Alexi froze DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 35182, 20:53:54: Alexi claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 35182, 20:59:18: Alexi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 35183, 01:00:15: Alexi Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 35183, 01:04:57: Alexi demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 35183, 01:22:53: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 35183, 04:31:24: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36346, 05:56:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1101212726,"tribe":"Tribe of Archer logs":["Day 26290, 10:08:16: Archer was added to the Tribe! Day 26290, 13:22:12: Tribemember Archer - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 26290, 15:23:06: Tribemember Archer - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 26290, 15:36:18: Tribemember Archer - Lvl 8 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 26307, 09:17:23: Your 'Bed (Sleeping Bag)' was destroyed! Day 26307, 09:17:49: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26307, 09:20:27: Tribemember Archer - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1096278015,"tribe":"Tribe of Andaz logs":["Day 36715, 07:34:27: Andaz was added to the Tribe! Day 36715, 10:01:36: Andaz demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 36716, 12:20:52: Andaz demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 36716, 12:23:44: Andaz demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 36738, 13:43:54: Andaz demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 36777, 01:55:18: Andaz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37356, 16:08:31: Dani - Lvl 101 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yogi - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37395, 11:55:32: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37493, 05:11:27: Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 37650, 12:05:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37934, 19:45:57: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41513, 01:37:14: Tribemember Andaz - Lvl 51 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30!"] "tribeid":1095136789,"tribe":"Shopkeeps logs":["Day 32356, 17:36:29: jeanie was added to the Tribe! Day 32357, 11:25:43: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 12:18:52: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 12:35:03: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 12:39:52: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 12:57:45: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 13:14:03: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 13:32:50: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 13:52:19: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 13:55:25: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 14:24:49: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 14:29:06: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 14:32:36: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 14:44:50: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32357, 14:52:57: jeanie demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 32380, 03:06:41: Tribemember jeanie - Lvl 25 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 1.0x! Day 32380, 04:01:16: Tribemember jeanie - Lvl 25 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 32380, 07:31:36: Tribemember jeanie - Lvl 64 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 80! Day 32380, 10:25:08: Tribemember jeanie - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 32380, 13:03:53: jeanie demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 32380, 21:02:18: jeanie claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 32381, 02:39:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 32382, 17:50:31: treetrunks was added to the Tribe by jeanie! Day 32382, 21:10:08: Tribemember treetrunks - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 32382, 21:48:38: Tribemember treetrunks - Lvl 13 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 32383, 08:54:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 32397, 08:18:29: Tribemember treetrunks - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 32397, 09:04:44: Glorbo Florbo was added to the Tribe by jeanie! Day 32397, 12:28:32: Tribemember Glorbo Florbo - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 32397, 14:07:24: Tribemember Glorbo Florbo - Lvl 24 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 32397, 16:55:59: Tribemember Glorbo Florbo - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 32558, 16:01:09: Tribemember jeanie - Lvl 78 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 32696, 02:44:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32804, 06:39:52: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33263, 13:55:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34177, 07:48:04: jeanie was removed from the Tribe! Day 34177, 07:48:04: Tribe Owner was changed to treetrunks! Day 34177, 18:34:54: Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 34933, 15:36:07: Tribemember treetrunks - Lvl 26 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1093855057,"tribe":"Tribe of Sabiutza logs":["Day 16385, 06:06:31: Sabiutza was added to the Tribe! Day 16385, 06:09:00: Songoku was added to the Tribe by Sabiutza! Day 16385, 06:15:19: Songoku was removed from the Tribe! Day 16385, 06:40:41: Sabiutza froze Alpinista - Lvl 290 (Thylacoleo) Day 16385, 07:54:40: Sabiutza froze Alpinista - Lvl 290 (Thylacoleo) Day 16385, 08:47:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 16385, 08:47:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 16385, 09:52:52: Sabiutza froze Vampirina - Lvl 296 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16576, 11:18:01: Sabiutza froze Good Looking Dissapointm - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 16576, 13:04:39: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Sabiutza' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 20:03:17: Sabiutza froze PoPo 5.0 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 16576, 21:24:51: Sabiutza froze Good Looking Dissapointm - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 16749, 14:50:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1089376693,"tribe":"The Mighty Centurions logs":["Day 42956, 05:45:38: Slugcat was added to the Tribe! Day 42956, 05:48:45: Bob \\o/ was added to the Tribe by Slugcat! Day 42956, 12:23:23: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)! Day 42956, 12:34:28: Bob \\o/ froze 33M - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 42956, 13:22:49: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 42956, 13:25:32: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43053, 10:28:37: Bob \\o/ froze Bob's II - Lvl 202 (Otter) Day 43053, 10:36:22: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 348 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43054, 16:17:10: Slugcat Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 43054, 16:20:58: Slugcat froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur) Day 43054, 18:46:20: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43054, 20:12:05: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 348 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43247, 11:40:32: Bob \\o/ froze 5% Shitty - Lvl 196 (Yutyrannus) Day 43247, 14:53:05: Bob \\o/ froze Shadow - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43247, 15:11:19: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43247, 16:35:23: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43247, 18:35:44: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus) Day 43247, 19:00:35: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 257 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 00:12:18: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 277 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43248, 01:13:28: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 257 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 02:46:09: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 03:31:21: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 04:07:24: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 04:29:07: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 04:59:22: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 08:30:07: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43248, 10:45:55: Slugcat froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 261 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 16:54:27: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 280 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43248, 19:37:25: Bob \\o/ froze 5% Shitty - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus) Day 43248, 23:23:30: Bob \\o/ froze Vanilla Ice - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 43249, 08:01:19: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex II - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:04:09: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri I - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 08:07:08: Slugcat froze Boss Dino IV - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:09:08: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri III - Lvl 284 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 08:12:20: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Dino V - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:15:06: Slugcat froze Boss Rex X - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:15:46: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex I - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:18:56: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri IV - Lvl 276 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 08:20:12: Slugcat froze Boss Rex VIII - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:23:58: Bob \\o/ froze Br F - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:26:16: Slugcat froze Boss Rex XI - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 43249, 08:39:54: Slugcat froze Boss Teri VI - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 08:47:13: Slugcat froze Boss Theri II - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 08:50:46: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex IX - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 43249, 09:01:07: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex V - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 43249, 11:35:15: Bob \\o/ froze Vanilla Ice - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 43249, 14:57:05: Bob \\o/ froze 5% Shitty - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 43249, 15:05:07: Slugcat froze Boss Rex X - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:09:57: Slugcat froze Boss Teri VI - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 15:17:49: Slugcat froze Boss Dino IV - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:20:10: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex XI - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:21:58: Slugcat froze Boss Rex I - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:23:15: Bob \\o/ froze Br F - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:28:14: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri IV - Lvl 276 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 15:30:08: Slugcat froze Boss Theri III - Lvl 284 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 15:31:19: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex IX - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:34:28: Slugcat froze Boss Rex II - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:34:40: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex III - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:38:42: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Rex VIII - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:38:47: Slugcat froze Boss Rex VII - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:41:52: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri I - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 15:45:28: Bob \\o/ froze 5%Shitter - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 43249, 15:47:54: Slugcat froze Boss Rex V - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:49:18: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Theri II - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur) Day 43249, 15:50:37: Slugcat froze Boss Rex VI - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 43249, 15:53:41: Bob \\o/ froze Boss Pig - Lvl 236 (Daeodon) Day 43249, 15:55:30: Slugcat froze Boss Piggy - Lvl 279 (Daeodon) Day 43249, 16:12:33: Bob \\o/ froze Shadow - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43249, 16:16:09: Slugcat froze Boolean - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43250, 05:14:39: Bob \\o/ froze Shadow - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43542, 21:18:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1088411104,"tribe":"Tribe of wakka logs":["Day 41791, 18:52:38: wakka was added to the Tribe! Day 41791, 19:35:09: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 41791, 23:44:14: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 41792, 05:37:39: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 41792, 09:20:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 41792, 12:45:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41792, 12:59:34: wakka Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41792, 14:08:46: wakka Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41792, 15:46:57: wakka Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 41793, 05:28:25: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 39 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 50! Day 41793, 05:32:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 50! Day 41795, 19:41:03: wakka claimed '1st Motorized Brigade - Lvl 140 (Parasaur)'! Day 41795, 19:42:10: wakka claimed '2nd Assault Brigade - Lvl 86 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41795, 20:03:49: wakka claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41796, 16:11:10: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 41797, 02:54:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 149 (Paraceratherium)! Day 41797, 03:28:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 41797, 04:55:54: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41797, 04:57:21: wakka demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 41797, 04:58:30: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41797, 19:19:42: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 69 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 115! Day 41797, 19:33:34: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 69 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 115! Day 41797, 21:18:41: wakka Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41798, 09:35:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 171 (Castoroides)! Day 41798, 09:50:02: wakka demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 41798, 12:00:55: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41798, 13:54:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 43 (Baryonyx)! Day 41799, 16:36:55: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:37:50: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:38:41: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:39:31: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:40:47: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:42:28: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:43:14: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41799, 16:44:11: wakka demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41809, 06:56:36: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 74 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 80! Day 41809, 08:43:16: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 74 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 5! Day 41812, 06:41:18: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41812, 20:55:22: wakka Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 37 (Pachy)! Day 41812, 22:04:57: Your Pachy - Lvl 37 (Pachy) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 140! Day 41813, 02:14:36: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 41813, 13:19:57: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 41813, 19:09:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 137 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 41814, 05:45:50: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41814, 13:53:50: wakka Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 37 (Therizinosaur)! Day 41814, 18:38:18: wakka Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 41818, 08:00:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 120! Day 41818, 08:05:25: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 87 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 120! Day 41818, 16:30:27: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 41819, 13:04:09: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41819, 19:24:44: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41820, 02:04:33: wakka Tamed a Spino - Lvl 59 (Spino)! Day 41820, 02:27:25: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41845, 11:13:08: wakka Tamed a Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino)! Day 41845, 20:27:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 79 (Sarco)! Day 41845, 20:32:42: wakka Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 41860, 22:34:11: wakka demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 41861, 12:49:25: wakka Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41861, 15:28:28: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 41862, 21:46:05: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 96 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 41863, 02:38:42: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)! Day 41863, 10:48:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 41864, 16:14:57: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 124 (Pteranodon) Day 41864, 16:40:53: wakka Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41864, 16:46:40: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41864, 21:29:49: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 41865, 14:56:28: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)! Day 41870, 08:06:31: wakka Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 171 (Dodo)! Day 41870, 10:07:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 41870, 11:00:27: wakka Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 41871, 05:59:34: wakka Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 41871, 14:23:50: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) Day 41871, 14:30:18: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 41871, 14:40:19: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 41871, 19:52:23: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41871, 20:44:34: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41871, 20:52:30: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41872, 00:53:06: wakka Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)! Day 41872, 01:01:29: wakka froze Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) Day 41872, 06:54:55: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 41872, 07:19:34: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 41872, 07:42:49: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 41872, 12:33:20: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 41872, 12:49:35: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 41872, 17:35:20: wakka Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 41883, 07:00:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 41883, 13:38:47: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 41883, 15:19:25: wakka Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 41883, 20:14:45: wakka froze Spino - Lvl 91 (Spino) Day 41886, 08:41:01: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 98 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 41887, 23:39:21: Your Castoroides - Lvl 199 (Castoroides) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 42056, 06:00:53: Spino - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 42081, 11:25:39: wakka froze Spino - Lvl 104 (Spino) Day 42081, 13:46:53: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 42081, 15:34:11: wakka froze Spino - Lvl 109 (Spino) Day 42082, 01:41:03: wakka Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 14 (Baryonyx)! Day 42082, 11:12:07: wakka Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 7 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 42082, 11:33:00: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 7 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42082, 12:51:12: wakka Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 14 (Phiomia)! Day 42082, 13:12:45: Your Phiomia - Lvl 14 (Phiomia) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 42082, 14:31:23: wakka Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 42082, 14:35:39: wakka froze Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) Day 42082, 16:44:18: wakka Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 58 (Stegosaurus)! Day 42082, 16:49:25: wakka froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 58 (Stegosaurus) Day 42083, 09:38:40: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 42083, 18:25:03: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 42083, 22:50:18: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon) Day 42083, 22:56:15: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 42083, 23:03:34: wakka froze Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis) Day 42084, 00:19:50: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 42097, 16:46:27: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 101 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 42097, 17:46:56: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 42097, 17:55:12: wakka froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 42097, 17:58:38: wakka froze Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis) Day 42097, 22:00:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 42098, 04:40:29: wakka froze Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 42098, 06:22:30: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 101 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 42098, 08:31:32: wakka Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 42098, 16:20:39: wakka Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus)! Day 42098, 16:29:52: wakka froze Doedicurus - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus) Day 42098, 19:29:00: wakka froze Argentavis - Lvl 42 (Argentavis) Day 42102, 06:17:18: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 17 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42102, 09:59:52: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42102, 11:08:23: wakka froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42103, 00:48:02: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42103, 00:49:06: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42103, 00:50:31: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42103, 00:52:07: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42103, 00:54:56: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42103, 00:56:10: wakka demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 42107, 04:35:33: wakka claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 18 (Argentavis)'! Day 42107, 14:35:17: wakka claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 36 (Spino)'! Day 42107, 14:47:25: wakka demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 42108, 03:02:44: wakka demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42119, 10:06:38: Juvenile Spino - Lvl 36 (Spino) starved to death! Day 42121, 12:38:46: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 102 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 5! Day 42121, 14:46:59: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 102 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42202, 07:24:40: Tribemember wakka - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 42256, 13:18:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42399, 07:21:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42423, 07:08:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42502, 00:57:08: Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 42587, 10:06:24: Dodo - Lvl 31 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42606, 19:09:20: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 42675, 08:58:50: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42709, 07:17:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42714, 17:39:58: Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 42723, 14:17:42: Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 42723, 14:27:58: Dodo - Lvl 47 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42747, 08:33:08: Dodo - Lvl 91 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42747, 08:48:37: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42795, 20:19:42: Dodo - Lvl 101 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 42795, 22:18:04: Dilophosaur - Lvl 102 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 42796, 03:09:01: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 42796, 03:18:56: Dilophosaur - Lvl 77 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 42796, 04:02:33: Dilophosaur - Lvl 94 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 42796, 06:20:30: Argentavis - Lvl 24 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 42842, 16:22:54: Argentavis - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 42872, 08:49:27: Argentavis - Lvl 45 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 42910, 16:59:37: Pteranodon - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42980, 12:43:35: Baryonyx - Lvl 21 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 42980, 16:11:56: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42992, 04:32:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43121, 17:37:17: Phiomia - Lvl 45 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 43121, 17:37:34: Parasaur - Lvl 95 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 43121, 17:41:53: Stegosaurus - Lvl 58 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 43150, 07:20:55: 2nd Assault Brigade - Lvl 117 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 43151, 05:54:20: Pteranodon - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 43151, 06:15:52: Dilophosaur - Lvl 145 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 43168, 00:04:08: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 210 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43225, 13:45:49: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 106 (Sarco)'! Day 43225, 13:47:30: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 191 (Raptor)'! Day 43225, 13:50:20: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 71 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43225, 13:51:45: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 72 (Baryonyx)'! Day 43225, 13:53:03: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 119 (Spino)'! Day 43225, 13:59:45: rex - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 196 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 43225, 15:12:26: rex - Lvl 2 (the monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43225, 16:36:49: kayla - Lvl 5 (the monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 47 (Spino)'! Day 43225, 16:53:39: kayla - Lvl 5 (the monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1st Motorized Brigade - Lvl 166 (Parasaur)'! Day 43233, 02:51:52: Pteranodon - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 43280, 19:54:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43347, 14:16:39: Dodo - Lvl 190 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 43437, 04:22:37: Argentavis - Lvl 49 (Argentavis) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1087567469,"tribe":"The Comet logs":["Day 32948, 09:35:41: Requis was added to the Tribe! Day 32948, 09:41:51: Humphry was added to the Tribe by Requis! Day 32948, 09:46:43: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 3 was killed by Humphry - Lvl 1 (Tribe of Requis)! Day 32948, 09:46:43: Your Tribe killed Requis - Lvl 3 (Tribe of Requis)! Day 32948, 18:19:57: Humphry Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Parasaur)! Day 32948, 23:14:07: Tribemember Humphry - Lvl 11 was killed by Requis - Lvl 15 (The Comet)! Day 32948, 23:14:07: Your Tribe killed Humphry - Lvl 11 (The Comet)! Day 32949, 01:17:12: Tribemember Humphry - Lvl 11 was killed by Requis - Lvl 16 (The Comet)! Day 32949, 01:17:12: Your Tribe killed Humphry - Lvl 11 (The Comet)! Day 33098, 08:27:56: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33239, 21:08:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33345, 17:48:19: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 33345, 17:49:33: Tribemember Humphry - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 33745, 11:44:03: seppe - Lvl 1 (Tribe of seppe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giga N- - Lvl 66 (Parasaur)'! Day 34115, 07:53:33: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1086593958,"tribe":"Highland Scavengers logs":["Day 40570, 13:10:56: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 40570, 13:23:17: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 40571, 22:53:54: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'oxy mut1 - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40571, 22:58:33: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 524 (Mantis)'! Day 40585, 01:44:17: Your OG F - Lvl 250 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40585, 01:44:17: Your Tribe killed OG F - Lvl 250 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40585, 02:23:06: Your OG M - Lvl 251 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40585, 02:23:06: Your Tribe killed OG M - Lvl 251 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40585, 05:38:56: Bumbo Baggins demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 40585, 05:46:37: Bumbo Baggins demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 40585, 05:48:37: Bumbo Baggins demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 40585, 06:00:24: Bumbo Baggins demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 40585, 06:04:29: Bumbo Baggins demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 40585, 08:25:33: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 40585, 08:29:44: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 40585, 08:31:32: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 40585, 09:48:18: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 40596, 10:46:09: Tribemember Buffalo Bob - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 40625, 06:55:41: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 40625, 07:05:22: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 40625, 07:06:37: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'boss 10 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:14:29: Bumbo Baggins froze boss 10 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 40625, 07:15:30: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'boss rex 3 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:19:17: Bumbo Baggins froze boss rex 3 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 40625, 07:21:01: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Heavy hitter boss 5 - Lvl 452 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:22:47: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Heavy Hitter boss 4 - Lvl 426 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:26:36: Bumbo Baggins froze Heavy Hitter boss 4 - Lvl 426 (Rex) Day 40625, 07:40:12: Bumbo Baggins froze Heavy hitter boss 5 - Lvl 452 (Rex) Day 40625, 07:56:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Yutyrannus) Day 40625, 07:57:59: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'boss rex 2 - Lvl 392 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:58:51: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Boss 6 - Lvl 365 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 07:59:27: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'boss 8 - Lvl 421 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 08:00:20: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Boss rex1? - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 40625, 08:18:23: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 269 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 40625, 08:18:48: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 40625, 08:19:41: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 40625, 08:35:41: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 40625, 08:36:08: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 40625, 08:38:10: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Painful - Lvl 158 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 40625, 10:22:10: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'boss 7 - Lvl 361 (Rex)'! Day 40625, 19:05:06: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40625, 20:29:13: Bumbo Baggins froze boss rex 2 - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 40625, 20:58:43: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40625, 22:01:20: Bumbo Baggins froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 40625, 22:08:30: Bumbo Baggins froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 40625, 22:34:11: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40625, 23:10:42: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus) Day 40625, 23:16:35: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 269 (Yutyrannus) Day 40625, 23:34:21: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus) Day 40625, 23:51:07: Bumbo Baggins froze Boss rex1? - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 40626, 05:32:08: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 40626, 05:47:55: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 40626, 06:59:56: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'F Perfect S&C - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40626, 07:56:51: Bumbo Baggins froze F Perfect S&C - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 40626, 09:39:01: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 40626, 09:53:42: Bumbo Baggins froze boss 7 - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 40626, 10:13:42: Bumbo Baggins froze boss rex 2 - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 40626, 18:44:49: Bumbo Baggins froze boss rex 2 - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 40626, 18:50:02: Bumbo Baggins froze boss 7 - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 40626, 18:55:59: Bumbo Baggins froze Heavy hitter boss 5 - Lvl 452 (Rex) Day 40626, 19:05:30: Bumbo Baggins froze Heavy Hitter boss 4 - Lvl 426 (Rex) Day 40626, 19:14:07: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus) Day 40626, 19:18:24: Bumbo Baggins froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 269 (Yutyrannus) Day 40627, 11:58:45: Buffalo Bob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake) Day 40627, 12:23:34: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 12:30:41: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 12:35:18: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 12:43:17: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 12:49:54: Buffalo Bob froze Tek Rex - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 13:17:50: Buffalo Bob froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Yutyrannus) Day 40627, 13:24:03: Buffalo Bob froze boss 10 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 13:39:49: Buffalo Bob froze boss rex 3 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 13:56:39: Buffalo Bob froze Boss rex1? - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 40627, 14:02:57: Buffalo Bob froze Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus) Day 40627, 14:10:45: Buffalo Bob froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 40627, 14:18:45: Buffalo Bob froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 40627, 14:31:08: Buffalo Bob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 40627, 14:36:10: Buffalo Bob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 40627, 14:47:19: Buffalo Bob froze Gen1 F - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 40627, 14:53:11: Buffalo Bob froze Gen1 F - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 40627, 15:01:17: Buffalo Bob froze oxy mut1 - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 40627, 15:22:28: Buffalo Bob froze Gen1 M - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon) Day 40627, 15:35:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 15:35:18: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 15:39:41: Your Stamina - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 15:39:41: Your Tribe killed Stamina - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 16:32:41: Your Parasonic - Lvl 165 (Parasaur) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 16:32:41: Your Tribe killed Parasonic - Lvl 165 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 16:35:55: Your Dumbo - Lvl 57 (Parasaur) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 16:35:55: Your Tribe killed Dumbo - Lvl 57 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 17:02:12: Your Moschops - Lvl 161 (Moschops) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 17:02:12: Your Tribe killed Moschops - Lvl 161 (Moschops) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 17:10:28: Your Raptor - Lvl 57 (Raptor) was killed by Buffalo Bob - Lvl 101 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40627, 17:10:28: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 57 (Raptor) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins)! Day 40628, 06:27:43: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 40628, 06:31:34: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 40628, 07:02:35: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 40628, 07:03:53: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 40629, 12:46:36: Buffalo Bob demolished a 'Wood Elevator Track'! Day 40645, 20:54:09: Buffalo Bob claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40647, 13:16:15: Buffalo Bob claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 40647, 17:17:09: Buffalo Bob froze Carrie - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40648, 00:57:15: Buffalo Bob froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 40648, 06:16:16: Bumbo Baggins froze Carrie - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40665, 11:26:52: Bumbo Baggins froze Carrie - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40666, 08:27:56: Bumbo Baggins froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 40666, 10:36:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 40666, 10:41:42: Bumbo Baggins froze boss 10 - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 40668, 11:13:31: Tent (Locked) (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins) destroyed your 'Tent (Locked) '! Day 40668, 18:44:11: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 40669, 11:42:36: Buffalo Bob was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bumbo Baggins! Day 40669, 15:39:00: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 40669, 20:22:17: Bumbo Baggins froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40671, 04:26:23: Bumbo Baggins froze Elijah - Lvl 364 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 40671, 05:11:49: Bumbo Baggins froze Gen1 F - Lvl 266 (Therizinosaur) Day 40671, 05:38:41: Bumbo Baggins froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 40671, 06:08:45: Bumbo Baggins froze F Perfect S&C - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 40671, 06:33:11: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 40671, 07:11:03: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 40671, 08:03:52: Bumbo Baggins froze Mantis - Lvl 524 (Mantis) Day 40671, 08:16:04: Bumbo Baggins froze m1 - Lvl 288 (Managarmr) Day 40671, 08:34:42: Bumbo Baggins froze Neptune - Lvl 98 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40671, 08:51:04: Bumbo Baggins froze Storm - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40671, 08:58:56: Bumbo Baggins froze Krampus - Lvl 422 (Reaper King) Day 40671, 09:13:27: Bumbo Baggins froze Raptor - Lvl 248 (Raptor) Day 40671, 09:22:13: Bumbo Baggins froze Raptor - Lvl 127 (Raptor) Day 40671, 09:33:08: Bumbo Baggins froze Raptor - Lvl 276 (Raptor) Day 40671, 09:40:45: Bumbo Baggins froze Gen1 F - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 40671, 09:46:24: Bumbo Baggins froze Gen2 M - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 40671, 09:51:34: Bumbo Baggins froze Gen2 M - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) Day 40671, 10:08:32: Bumbo Baggins froze Castoroides - Lvl 141 (Castoroides) Day 40671, 10:41:42: Bumbo Baggins froze ss7 - Lvl 180 (Andrewsarchus) Day 40671, 15:25:11: Buffalo Bob froze Carrie - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40671, 16:34:43: Bumbo Baggins froze Yoink! - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40676, 04:16:15: Bumbo Baggins froze t2 - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40676, 13:03:20: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40676, 14:38:11: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 225 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40699, 23:58:04: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40719, 13:49:35: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'naegood - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40719, 14:05:01: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'BigDaddy - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40719, 14:23:27: Bumbo Baggins claimed '준하 노태일 - Lvl 265 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 40719, 14:31:03: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'blue - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 40719, 16:49:09: Bumbo Baggins froze 준하 노태일 - Lvl 265 (Carnotaurus) Day 40719, 23:23:03: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40721, 03:34:00: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40722, 20:06:34: Bumbo Baggins froze Krampus - Lvl 422 (Reaper King) Day 40738, 10:01:35: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 10:07:36: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:12:03: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:28:31: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:42:16: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 12:11:00: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'hp 1120 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 15:00:58: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 15:16:09: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 15:57:39: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 16:05:11: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 16:53:47: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 17:00:26: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 17:12:30: Bumbo Baggins froze hp 1120 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 40738, 21:35:03: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 21:37:18: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 21:46:15: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 21:50:42: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 21:52:53: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40739, 00:22:37: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40739, 00:24:19: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40739, 00:25:54: Bumbo Baggins claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40740, 08:34:30: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40740, 09:15:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 09:27:32: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 09:39:55: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 09:43:46: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 10:07:04: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 10:17:02: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 10:36:55: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 10:45:40: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 12:52:37: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 13:08:39: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 13:16:50: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 13:27:50: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 13:35:12: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 13:45:34: Bumbo Baggins froze Deinonychus - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 40740, 18:32:09: Your BigDaddy - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) was killed by Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers)! Day 40740, 18:32:09: Your Tribe killed BigDaddy - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) (Highland Scavengers)! Day 40740, 19:42:16: Bumbo Baggins froze Holla - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 40741, 12:39:31: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40741, 13:11:56: Bumbo Baggins froze Gen1 M - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 40741, 13:16:37: Bumbo Baggins froze naegood - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 40741, 17:14:36: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40741, 17:16:26: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40741, 17:34:29: Bumbo Baggins froze pet jack - Lvl 240 (Sinomacrops) Day 40742, 08:30:46: Your Deputy Bum Bum - Lvl 72 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 150! Day 40743, 12:39:59: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 40743, 12:41:48: Buffalo Bob froze Taylor Swift - Lvl 255 (Gacha) Day 40743, 12:50:01: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 34 (Gacha) Day 40743, 12:51:58: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 40743, 13:16:32: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 40743, 14:28:23: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40744, 00:12:34: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40744, 00:30:03: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40746, 06:06:08: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 89 (Gacha) Day 40746, 06:13:37: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 89 (Gacha) Day 40746, 06:22:57: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 89 (Gacha) Day 40746, 06:30:49: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 89 (Gacha) Day 40746, 18:55:31: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 42 (Gacha) Day 40746, 21:36:57: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 91 (Gacha) Day 40746, 21:51:27: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 91 (Gacha) Day 40746, 22:01:15: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 42 (Gacha) Day 40746, 22:22:13: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 42 (Gacha) Day 40747, 00:56:33: Bumbo Baggins froze Taylor Swift - Lvl 256 (Gacha) Day 40747, 01:08:12: Bumbo Baggins froze Taylor Swift - Lvl 256 (Gacha) Day 40747, 02:06:29: Bumbo Baggins froze Taylor Swift - Lvl 256 (Gacha) Day 40747, 03:49:35: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 40747, 08:39:54: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 92 (Gacha) Day 40747, 09:25:27: Bumbo Baggins froze Taylor Swift - Lvl 256 (Gacha) Day 40771, 04:23:00: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40771, 14:37:04: Buffalo Bob Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 40771, 14:49:01: Buffalo Bob froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 40771, 15:02:05: Buffalo Bob Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 7 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 40771, 15:45:25: Buffalo Bob froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 8 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 40771, 16:57:02: Buffalo Bob froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 15 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 40773, 08:25:45: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40785, 02:19:39: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40785, 04:02:10: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 40785, 05:14:11: Bumbo Baggins froze pet jack - Lvl 242 (Sinomacrops) Day 40785, 05:21:13: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40785, 20:47:11: Bumbo Baggins froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 162 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40786, 00:15:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40787, 09:23:53: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 202 (Gacha) Day 40787, 09:30:11: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 37 (Gacha) Day 40787, 19:59:46: Bumbo Baggins froze Obsidian/Oil M - Lvl 38 (Gacha) Day 40787, 20:19:07: Bumbo Baggins froze Metal/Oil/Silica F - Lvl 92 (Gacha) Day 40787, 20:49:53: Bumbo Baggins froze Black Pearl/Gas F - Lvl 261 (Gacha) Day 40787, 21:28:48: Bumbo Baggins froze Red Sap/Silica F - Lvl 203 (Gacha) Day 40787, 21:48:19: Bumbo Baggins froze Sulfur/Oil F - Lvl 200 (Gacha) Day 40789, 04:50:26: Your Deputy DumDum - Lvl 131 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 40789, 10:10:16: Buffalo Bob froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 40789, 10:23:23: Buffalo Bob froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 40789, 11:00:34: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:00:34: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Wooden Bench'! Day 40789, 11:00:34: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Wooden Table'! Day 40789, 11:00:34: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:22:07: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:39:49: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:44:09: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:44:12: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40789, 11:44:12: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 40789, 11:57:26: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 40789, 17:15:38: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40792, 07:28:02: Bumbo Baggins Tamed an Otter - Lvl 67 (Otter)! Day 40794, 22:19:15: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 40794, 22:24:37: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus) Day 40794, 22:49:19: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus) Day 40794, 23:00:46: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus) Day 40794, 23:50:36: Buffalo Bob froze Smash - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 40795, 00:00:15: Buffalo Bob froze Horus - Lvl 276 (Griffin) Day 40795, 00:08:38: Buffalo Bob froze Yolk - Lvl 389 (Argentavis) Day 40795, 00:19:08: Buffalo Bob froze Lemonade - Lvl 386 (Argentavis) Day 40795, 00:39:37: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) Day 40795, 00:48:20: Buffalo Bob froze hp 1120 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus) Day 40795, 01:25:32: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40795, 02:02:10: Buffalo Bob froze Flutter By - Lvl 99 (Sinomacrops) Day 40795, 02:12:00: Buffalo Bob froze WaterMelon - Lvl 156 (Sinomacrops) Day 40795, 06:49:16: Buffalo Bob froze Cutie Pie - Lvl 108 (Sinomacrops) Day 40795, 07:00:20: Buffalo Bob froze pet jack - Lvl 243 (Sinomacrops) Day 40813, 01:32:48: Buffalo Bob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 378 (Shadowmane) Day 40813, 03:54:02: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 40813, 04:26:28: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 40813, 10:18:34: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 40813, 10:31:57: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 40813, 10:41:31: Buffalo Bob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus) Day 40816, 11:05:59: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40816, 11:52:31: Buffalo Bob froze pet jack - Lvl 246 (Sinomacrops) Day 40817, 02:33:39: Buffalo Bob froze boss rex 2 - Lvl 392 (Rex) Day 40817, 15:08:31: Buffalo Bob froze Elijah - Lvl 365 (X-Rock Elemental) Day 40817, 18:05:33: Buffalo Bob froze Cutie Pie - Lvl 128 (Sinomacrops) Day 40817, 18:12:17: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40819, 06:29:59: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) Day 40819, 06:36:07: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 97 (Snow Owl) Day 40819, 08:16:14: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 40819, 08:30:07: Bumbo Baggins froze pet jack - Lvl 246 (Sinomacrops) Day 40819, 08:51:24: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40820, 04:11:12: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40839, 10:43:12: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40844, 02:03:48: Bumbo Baggins froze Obsidian/Crystal M - Lvl 92 (Gacha) Day 40844, 06:54:16: Bumbo Baggins froze Flutter By - Lvl 133 (Sinomacrops) Day 40844, 07:58:07: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40862, 14:31:45: Bumbo Baggins froze pet jack - Lvl 253 (Sinomacrops) Day 40862, 14:57:42: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 316 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40866, 06:31:21: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40885, 21:08:17: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40885, 23:18:35: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40891, 10:21:14: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40893, 06:49:54: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40893, 09:41:10: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40893, 18:43:32: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41051, 20:36:18: Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 41056, 07:30:45: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 322 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41057, 23:25:00: Otto - Lvl 67 (Otter) starved to death! Day 41081, 18:14:46: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41081, 20:11:37: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41132, 23:46:08: Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 41153, 00:40:49: Metal/Silica F - Lvl 68 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 41200, 13:08:19: Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 41212, 06:10:31: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 328 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41276, 13:34:19: Dodo - Lvl 87 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 41314, 09:13:38: Dodo - Lvl 92 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 41342, 00:15:38: Sulfur/Clay M - Lvl 153 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 41342, 00:15:49: Snow Owl - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 41458, 21:20:54: Red Sap/Silica F - Lvl 225 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 41489, 23:05:52: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41507, 12:52:52: Chunky - Lvl 153 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 41517, 05:45:22: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41517, 05:45:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41517, 05:45:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41517, 05:45:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41545, 06:52:22: Bumbo Baggins froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41545, 07:54:10: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 328 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41669, 16:48:51: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss 8 - Lvl 421 (Rex)'! Day 41669, 16:56:17: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 104 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss 6 - Lvl 365 (Rex)'! Day 41719, 18:23:58: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 337 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41720, 08:10:15: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 337 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41731, 15:45:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41963, 04:51:49: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 118 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42324, 15:20:47: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42370, 17:16:58: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jenny LongLegs - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42370, 17:46:59: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FartFace - Lvl 100 (Phiomia)'! Day 42370, 18:35:23: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Painful - Lvl 176 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 42370, 20:09:14: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 42371, 00:54:06: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 42371, 02:45:36: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 42371, 06:39:06: Rupert - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WaterMelon - Lvl 187 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42590, 01:19:04: Your 'Beer Barrel' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1081374366,"tribe":"Twonky logs":["Day 12825, 13:25:58: piles froze Daenerys - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12825, 13:31:59: piles froze Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 12825, 14:43:56: piles froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12825, 17:39:39: piles froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 191 (Mosasaurus) Day 12834, 06:39:48: Daeodon - Lvl 243 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 12834, 07:20:34: piles froze Daenerys - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12834, 07:41:19: piles froze Feebie - Lvl 323 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12834, 07:50:23: piles froze Feebie - Lvl 323 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12835, 05:30:52: Your Chadrick - Lvl 171 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 05:30:52: Your Tribe killed Chadrick - Lvl 171 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 05:33:03: Your Chadmorty - Lvl 171 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 05:33:03: Your Tribe killed Chadmorty - Lvl 171 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 05:34:20: Your Surf's - Lvl 147 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 05:34:20: Your Tribe killed Surf's - Lvl 147 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 06:12:18: Your Happy Feet - Lvl 182 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 06:12:18: Your Tribe killed Happy Feet - Lvl 182 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 07:03:24: Tribemember B-Dazzle - Lvl 54 was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 07:03:24: Your Tribe killed B-Dazzle - Lvl 54 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 07:56:19: OCplayer1 froze Oppenheimer - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12835, 08:41:43: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 12835, 08:42:30: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 12835, 08:45:18: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 12835, 08:47:09: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 12835, 08:53:32: OCplayer1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12835, 08:56:35: OCplayer1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12835, 09:02:52: OCplayer1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12835, 09:04:23: OCplayer1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12835, 09:33:19: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 169 (Kairuku)'! Day 12835, 09:34:31: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 166 (Kairuku)'! Day 12835, 09:35:08: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 173 (Kairuku)'! Day 12835, 09:37:28: OCplayer1 froze Baby Kairuku - Lvl 173 (Kairuku) Day 12835, 09:38:56: OCplayer1 froze Baby Kairuku - Lvl 166 (Kairuku) Day 12835, 09:40:48: Your Baby Kairuku - Lvl 169 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 09:40:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Kairuku - Lvl 169 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 09:42:40: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 215 (Kairuku)'! Day 12835, 09:44:35: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 182 (Kairuku)'! Day 12835, 09:46:08: Your Baby Kairuku - Lvl 182 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 09:46:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Kairuku - Lvl 182 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 09:46:32: Your Baby Kairuku - Lvl 215 (Kairuku) was killed by OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 (Twonky)! Day 12835, 09:46:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Kairuku - Lvl 215 (Kairuku) (Twonky)! Day 12835, 15:40:11: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12835, 15:42:42: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 12846, 07:07:42: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) starved to death! Day 12863, 17:31:07: NotDeclan claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium)'! Day 12863, 17:34:36: NotDeclan froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 12867, 14:10:44: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 14:13:05: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:02:02: piles froze Eva - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl) Day 12867, 16:27:40: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:27:48: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:37:14: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:37:42: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:43:24: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:43:42: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:46:17: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:53:20: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:53:44: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:56:38: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 16:57:05: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:03:45: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:07:20: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:07:53: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:13:23: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:26:19: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 17:26:48: piles froze Blue - Lvl 240 (Sarco) Day 12867, 18:05:49: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 18:06:32: piles froze Blue - Lvl 242 (Sarco) Day 12867, 18:17:34: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 18:50:45: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 18:51:51: piles froze Blue - Lvl 246 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:20:54: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:23:02: piles froze Blue - Lvl 246 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:28:51: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:30:16: piles froze Blue - Lvl 246 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:31:59: Your Blue - Lvl 246 (Sarco) was killed! Day 12867, 19:52:21: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 19:57:31: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 20:21:36: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 20:47:29: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 20:58:18: NotDeclan froze Simon - Lvl 236 (Sarco) Day 12867, 21:24:21: NotDeclan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:26:00: NotDeclan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:26:55: NotDeclan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:28:05: NotDeclan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:29:01: NotDeclan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:31:33: piles demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:32:45: piles demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:34:03: piles demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12867, 21:35:17: piles demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12868, 02:47:13: piles claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco)'! Day 12868, 02:48:41: piles claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco)'! Day 12868, 02:54:30: piles froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) Day 12868, 02:58:40: piles froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) Day 12868, 03:30:53: Your Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) was killed by NotDeclan - Lvl 123 (Twonky)! Day 12868, 03:30:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) (Twonky)! Day 12868, 03:32:22: Your Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) was killed by NotDeclan - Lvl 123 (Twonky)! Day 12868, 03:32:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Sarco - Lvl 154 (Sarco) (Twonky)! Day 12868, 07:20:51: piles froze Athena - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 12868, 07:22:28: piles froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 12868, 07:37:44: Your Roach - Lvl 274 (Equus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 12868, 09:50:16: piles froze Tim Reborn - Lvl 279 (Raptor) Day 12868, 09:58:16: piles froze Riley - Lvl 279 (Carnotaurus) Day 12868, 10:12:51: piles froze Ovi - Lvl 209 (Oviraptor) Day 12868, 10:20:52: piles froze Ovi - Lvl 209 (Oviraptor) Day 12868, 10:22:13: piles froze Mastodon - Lvl 294 (Mammoth) Day 12868, 10:33:50: piles froze Peter - Lvl 150 (Griffin) Day 12868, 10:48:24: piles froze Ice Storm - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 12868, 11:06:56: piles froze Ice Storm - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 12868, 12:24:10: piles froze Gimpasaur - Lvl 160 (Lystrosaurus) Day 12868, 12:26:02: piles froze Wee guy - Lvl 181 (Lystrosaurus) Day 12868, 13:05:04: piles froze Riblet - Lvl 273 (Beelzebufo) Day 12868, 13:23:19: piles claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12868, 13:24:46: piles froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 14:31:35: piles froze Betsy - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12868, 15:19:18: piles froze Viserion - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 12868, 18:01:36: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 18:03:32: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 18:05:25: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 18:07:17: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 20:21:52: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12868, 20:31:34: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12917, 07:28:45: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12917, 08:12:21: piles froze Ozzy - Lvl 254 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12917, 09:56:38: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12917, 11:10:57: piles claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 138 (Sarco)'! Day 12917, 11:13:34: piles froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 138 (Sarco) Day 12917, 11:35:41: piles froze Stone - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 12917, 11:47:11: piles froze Stone - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 12917, 11:51:57: piles froze Daenerys - Lvl 314 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12917, 12:15:24: Your Baby Sarco - Lvl 138 (Sarco) was killed! Day 12917, 12:15:24: Baby Sarco - Lvl 138 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 12917, 12:37:04: piles froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12919, 05:51:04: piles froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12919, 08:09:05: piles froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12920, 01:14:08: piles froze Ozzy - Lvl 255 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12934, 17:47:18: piles froze Viserion - Lvl 253 (Ice Wyvern) Day 12935, 06:21:14: piles claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 12935, 06:22:44: piles froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12935, 09:47:27: piles froze Baby CARE FOR WHEN AROUND BAS - Lvl 170 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12936, 18:23:56: piles froze Daenerys - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12936, 19:39:41: piles froze Deep Sea King - Lvl 285 (Mosasaurus) Day 12936, 19:58:42: piles froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 191 (Mosasaurus) Day 12936, 23:05:57: piles froze Deep Sea King - Lvl 294 (Mosasaurus) Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12947, 03:54:09: Gacha - Lvl 241 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 12947, 03:54:09: Pumba - Lvl 262 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 12974, 07:30:24: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 12974, 08:59:16: piles claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco)'! Day 12974, 09:04:20: piles froze Baby Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12974, 11:26:44: piles froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12987, 04:12:51: piles froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12987, 07:03:54: piles froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12987, 07:06:29: piles froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12987, 09:26:48: piles froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12987, 09:54:10: piles froze Baby CARE FOR WHEN AROUND BAS - Lvl 170 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12987, 09:58:31: piles froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 170 (Sarco) Day 12996, 18:45:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12996, 18:45:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13015, 06:48:03: NotDeclan claimed 'METALOLOL - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13015, 06:50:27: NotDeclan unclaimed 'METALOLOL - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13015, 06:50:54: NotDeclan claimed 'ZHOPA - Lvl 162 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13015, 06:52:53: NotDeclan unclaimed 'ZHOPA - Lvl 162 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13015, 06:53:22: NotDeclan claimed 'ZHOZHA - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13015, 06:55:43: NotDeclan unclaimed 'ZHOZHA - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13192, 14:45:17: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13237, 11:26:15: OCplayer1's 'Juvenile Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13273, 07:16:11: Baaaatman - Lvl 82 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13350, 13:07:02: Dodo - Lvl 51 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13356, 08:05:36: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'A-10 Thunderbolt - Lvl 259 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 13356, 08:15:21: Dodo - Lvl 70 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13356, 08:34:09: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eva - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13356, 08:41:28: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zeus - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13356, 08:44:04: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Odin - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13356, 08:56:15: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Viserion - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 13356, 08:57:14: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feebie - Lvl 323 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13356, 09:29:19: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 175 (Quetzal)'! Day 13356, 09:56:06: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight Quetz - Lvl 213 (Quetzal)'! Day 13356, 10:22:24: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aurora - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 13356, 14:32:31: sandwich - Lvl 93 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Manqueen - Lvl 287 (Managarmr)'! Day 13357, 06:52:31: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 233 (Gacha)'! Day 13357, 07:52:23: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sleepy - Lvl 231 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 13357, 08:07:35: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rocky Ballboa - Lvl 290 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13357, 08:25:21: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13357, 08:34:37: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Burn - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13357, 08:34:50: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 188 (Quetzal)'! Day 13357, 08:41:29: Maji - Lvl 157 (Overwhelming Potato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Progenitor - Lvl 91 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13363, 09:44:49: Snow Owl - Lvl 199 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13363, 11:08:04: sandwich - Lvl 94 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shredmaster General - Lvl 369 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13363, 12:25:05: sandwich - Lvl 94 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect F 1 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13363, 12:26:25: sandwich - Lvl 94 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect M 1 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13363, 19:41:51: sandwich - Lvl 107 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drake - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13363, 19:48:50: sandwich - Lvl 107 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Iron Man - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13363, 21:25:17: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Hoff - Lvl 227 (Quetzal)'! Day 13363, 21:28:32: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Camel - Lvl 253 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 13363, 21:31:52: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Edward - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13363, 21:34:03: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 239 (Gacha)'! Day 13363, 21:39:03: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daniel - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13363, 21:41:01: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daniella - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13363, 21:42:51: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simon - Lvl 238 (Sarco)'! Day 13363, 21:44:11: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shakira - Lvl 203 (Sarco)'! Day 13363, 21:45:18: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winston - Lvl 216 (Sarco)'! Day 13363, 21:47:14: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Koko - Lvl 219 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 13363, 21:49:21: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leslie - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 13363, 21:49:57: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bic - Lvl 243 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 21:50:16: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Guin - Lvl 236 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 21:57:29: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 309 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 13363, 21:58:00: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wimpy - Lvl 208 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 21:58:40: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Up - Lvl 175 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 21:59:01: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ulate - Lvl 204 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 21:59:25: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ejac - Lvl 212 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:00:32: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gimpy - Lvl 200 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:01:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sofabed - Lvl 179 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:02:16: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pimpy - Lvl 192 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:02:45: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simpy - Lvl 167 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:04:56: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 261 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13363, 22:16:19: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chair - Lvl 194 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:17:25: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uku - Lvl 238 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:18:22: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uwu - Lvl 238 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:18:43: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 166 (Kairuku)'! Day 13363, 22:20:24: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diceros - Lvl 202 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 13363, 22:23:55: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 13363, 22:24:43: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 13363, 22:26:56: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slothy Boi - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 13363, 22:39:40: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect F 2 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13363, 22:45:03: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect F 3 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13363, 22:46:16: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13363, 23:01:13: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daenerys - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13363, 23:07:37: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betsy - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13363, 23:16:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jeremy - Lvl 326 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13363, 23:19:22: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Billy Big Bollocks - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13363, 23:46:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Natasha - Lvl 252 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 13363, 23:54:45: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13363, 23:55:29: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13363, 23:56:05: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame '269 (Dont Level) - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13363, 23:59:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13364, 00:04:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 285 (Mammoth)'! Day 13364, 00:05:09: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manuel - Lvl 256 (Mammoth)'! Day 13364, 00:06:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mastodon - Lvl 295 (Mammoth)'! Day 13364, 00:12:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Riblet - Lvl 273 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 13364, 00:13:20: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dough Dick - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13364, 00:18:40: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovi - Lvl 209 (Oviraptor)'! Day 13364, 00:19:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:19:44: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 188 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:21:00: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 134 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:21:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:22:07: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 188 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:22:47: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 183 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:23:10: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baaarbra - Lvl 217 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:24:08: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:24:26: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 144 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:25:28: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis)'! Day 13364, 00:32:42: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morellatops - Lvl 216 (Morellatops)'! Day 13364, 00:33:58: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roo - Lvl 249 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13364, 00:35:14: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 194 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13364, 00:36:19: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 188 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13364, 00:37:02: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Miley - Lvl 190 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13364, 00:37:52: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jonny sins - Lvl 176 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13364, 00:38:38: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Riley - Lvl 282 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13364, 00:39:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tim Reborn - Lvl 282 (Raptor)'! Day 13364, 00:43:02: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rico - Lvl 178 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13364, 00:43:28: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 264 (Baryonyx)'! Day 13364, 00:45:34: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creme Brule - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 00:53:48: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rammstein - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13364, 00:55:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mark - Lvl 195 (Equus)'! Day 13364, 00:56:18: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delphine - Lvl 210 (Equus)'! Day 13364, 00:57:29: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sand spike - Lvl 128 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 13364, 01:01:11: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'i <3 sperm - Lvl 186 (Carbonemys)'! Day 13364, 01:01:53: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Iron On Her Hip - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13364, 01:04:06: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 173 (Kairuku)'! Day 13364, 01:05:47: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13364, 01:07:54: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 179 (Direwolf)'! Day 13364, 01:08:13: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 215 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13364, 01:08:44: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shaggy Dog - Lvl 279 (Direwolf)'! Day 13364, 01:10:34: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 210 (Direwolf)'! Day 13364, 01:10:59: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wulfrik - Lvl 210 (Direwolf)'! Day 13364, 01:11:39: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gimp - Lvl 206 (Direwolf)'! Day 13364, 02:05:26: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Colour Mut Red - Lvl 207 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:06:18: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:08:48: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hamilton - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13364, 02:09:38: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:10:08: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hedgewig - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:11:43: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:12:04: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:23:08: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Storm - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:24:09: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aoooooga - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 13364, 02:29:59: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:30:29: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robin - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:30:56: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Colour Mut Blue - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:36:06: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Puffin - Lvl 117 (Tapejara)'! Day 13364, 02:38:55: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:40:59: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame '209 - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:42:49: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:47:25: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame '209 - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13364, 02:48:47: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sunfyre - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 03:08:53: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tesla - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 03:13:52: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 03:47:15: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Amber (Not Heard) - Lvl 236 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 03:48:48: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 150 (Griffin)'! Day 13364, 03:53:49: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fireball - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 04:05:29: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 04:06:36: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 04:08:22: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aquamarine - Lvl 231 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 04:11:34: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Athena - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 13364, 04:13:02: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paul - Lvl 298 (Argentavis)'! Day 13364, 04:13:36: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13364, 04:16:44: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BawbagMcgee - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13364, 04:19:56: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13364, 04:22:01: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Darwin - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 13364, 04:23:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13364, 04:24:05: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentina - Lvl 199 (Argentavis)'! Day 13364, 04:32:56: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snake - Lvl 212 (Moschops)'! Day 13364, 04:33:49: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diego - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13364, 04:35:11: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharptooth - Lvl 258 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13364, 04:49:26: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fido - Lvl 184 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 13364, 04:59:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13364, 05:11:28: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13364, 05:15:55: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13364, 05:36:01: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pink - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)'! Day 13364, 05:40:31: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 13364, 05:42:04: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Mama - Lvl 265 (Rex)'! Day 13364, 05:42:26: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big big choongus - Lvl 89 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13364, 07:56:10: sandwich - Lvl 107 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 269 (Megalodon)'! Day 13364, 10:40:03: sandwich - Lvl 107 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Syia - Lvl 209 (Kairuku)'! Day 13365, 02:15:52: sandwich - Lvl 108 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 229 (Gacha)'! Day 13365, 02:36:58: sandwich - Lvl 108 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 224 (Megalodon)'! Day 13365, 02:42:16: sandwich - Lvl 108 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 196 (Megalodon)'! Day 13365, 03:37:48: Bob - Lvl 26 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 13365, 03:38:02: sandwich - Lvl 108 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Olivia - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13365, 07:16:31: sandwich - Lvl 108 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venus - Lvl 227 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13365, 13:08:46: Tribemember piles - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 13365, 13:14:43: Tribemember NotDeclan - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 13365, 13:23:28: Tribemember Cock Slammer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 13365, 13:38:05: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 13367, 00:48:38: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr tickles - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13367, 00:48:59: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scary Terry - Lvl 190 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13367, 01:58:08: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 109 (Shinehorn)'! Day 13367, 05:39:00: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gimpasaur - Lvl 160 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13367, 05:39:09: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wee guy - Lvl 181 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13367, 05:48:22: sandwich - Lvl 111 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wee Pal - Lvl 104 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13367, 07:56:06: Tribemember Synth - Lvl 61 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 115! Day 13399, 16:31:45: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 13399, 16:31:51: Vik - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13413, 18:35:03: Kyle - Lvl 74 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cumious George - Lvl 119 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 13425, 05:11:58: Dung Beetle - Lvl 59 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13428, 08:48:13: Dung Beetle - Lvl 66 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13428, 09:05:12: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13428, 09:11:15: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paula - Lvl 111 (Diplodocus)'! Day 13428, 11:08:52: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RoadHog - Lvl 216 (Daeodon)'! Day 13454, 03:52:44: Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13481, 07:58:26: Clive....sh - Lvl 83 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13495, 14:34:11: Dung Beetle - Lvl 71 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13549, 14:03:28: Kieth - Lvl 137 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13591, 15:13:26: Dung Beetle - Lvl 94 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13635, 13:50:55: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zoomer - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 13635, 13:51:01: Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Markov - Lvl 294 (Rex)'! Day 13635, 13:51:18: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kekadoodle - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 13635, 13:51:59: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melee (Dont Level) - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 13635, 14:12:07: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry Killer - Lvl 264 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 13635, 14:12:51: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Salad - Lvl 293 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 13635, 14:28:21: SoruNesa - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Twat face jr - Lvl 193 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 13635, 14:34:15: Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mcjagger - Lvl 267 (Dodo)'! Day 13635, 14:46:03: Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'theodore - Lvl 82 (Dodo)'! Day 13635, 14:50:13: Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 185 (Dodo)'! Day 13635, 14:50:21: Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SoruNesa) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 111 (Dodo)'! Day 13650, 08:14:08: Dung Beetle - Lvl 104 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13674, 16:39:50: Dung Beetle - Lvl 135 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13674, 17:34:49: Oriana - Lvl 97 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 202 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13700, 01:59:37: 's 'Mek - Lvl 149 (Mek)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13700, 01:59:37: 's 'H S W M - Lvl 251 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13700, 01:59:37: 's 'Basil - Lvl 204 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13700, 11:58:20: 's 'Baby CARE FOR WHEN AROUND BAS - Lvl 170 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13700, 11:58:20: 's 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13710, 11:12:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13762, 11:53:35: Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14486, 16:26:44: Beelzebufo - Lvl 179 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 14572, 17:21:41: Beelzebufo - Lvl 180 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 20149, 10:12:19: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 1 was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 90! Day 20149, 10:35:57: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 1.1x! Day 20149, 11:03:56: OCplayer1 was removed from the Tribe! Day 20149, 11:03:56: Tribe Owner was changed to NotDeclan! Day 20149, 22:02:24: NotDeclan was removed from the Tribe! Day 20149, 22:02:24: Tribe Owner was changed to Ehmm! Day 20741, 17:24:02: B-Dazzle was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1081156717,"tribe":"Rex Offenders logs":["Day 23526, 01:20:56: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 417 (Voidwyrm) Day 23526, 03:04:54: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23526, 03:48:13: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 417 (Voidwyrm) Day 23526, 04:55:59: Tasha froze Overseer 4 - Lvl 369 (Rex) Day 23526, 05:01:37: Tasha froze Overseer 8 - Lvl 365 (Rex) Day 23526, 05:07:12: Tasha froze Overseer 6 - Lvl 368 (Rex) Day 23526, 05:14:54: Tasha froze Overseer 3 - Lvl 369 (Rex) Day 23526, 05:30:02: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23526, 07:36:43: Tasha froze Overseer 1 - Lvl 375 (Rex) Day 23526, 07:46:22: Tasha froze Overseer 5 - Lvl 369 (Rex) Day 23526, 07:52:38: Tasha froze Overseer 2 - Lvl 367 (Rex) Day 23526, 07:57:12: Tasha froze Overseer 7 - Lvl 369 (Rex) Day 23526, 09:32:28: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 399 (Voidwyrm) Day 23526, 09:35:02: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 417 (Voidwyrm) Day 23526, 20:18:04: Tasha froze Army F 11 - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 23526, 20:23:43: Tasha froze Army F 7 - Lvl 362 (Rex) Day 23526, 20:40:15: Tasha froze Army M 5 - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 23526, 20:53:28: Tasha froze Army F 1 - Lvl 349 (Rex) Day 23526, 21:01:45: Tasha froze Army M 8 - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 23526, 21:14:16: Tasha froze Army M 3 - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 23527, 00:05:42: TinTin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 337 (Yutyrannus) Day 23527, 09:19:37: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 334 (R-Direwolf) Day 23527, 12:51:41: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 335 (R-Direwolf) Day 23527, 16:51:32: TinTin froze Dotty Dog - Lvl 335 (R-Direwolf) Day 23527, 16:55:15: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 342 (Pteranodon) Day 23527, 18:19:51: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 342 (Pteranodon) Day 23527, 19:04:38: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23527, 20:44:23: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23528, 12:07:52: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23528, 12:40:31: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 342 (Pteranodon) Day 23528, 13:10:05: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23528, 13:36:35: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 342 (Pteranodon) Day 23528, 13:52:24: Tasha froze Honey - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 23541, 18:14:07: TinTin claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 192 (Oviraptor)'! Day 23541, 18:17:00: TinTin froze Oviraptor - Lvl 192 (Oviraptor) Day 23541, 18:20:09: TinTin froze Oviraptor - Lvl 275 (Oviraptor) Day 23542, 01:03:32: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23542, 05:22:22: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23542, 10:36:38: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23542, 10:50:52: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23542, 13:57:51: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23542, 16:24:56: TinTin claimed 'Woodi - Lvl 100 (Castoroides)'! Day 23542, 16:33:21: TinTin claimed 'Birdi - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 23542, 16:59:13: TinTin froze Woodi - Lvl 100 (Castoroides) Day 23542, 17:04:47: TinTin froze Birdi - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 23543, 01:47:43: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23543, 02:31:49: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23543, 12:25:38: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23543, 14:49:56: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23543, 18:47:19: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23543, 20:04:14: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23543, 21:02:39: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23543, 22:22:03: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23543, 23:12:33: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23543, 23:34:42: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23544, 01:21:47: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23544, 01:42:06: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23544, 02:19:14: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23544, 02:38:42: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23544, 05:23:33: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23544, 05:30:43: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23544, 14:48:38: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23544, 15:37:33: TinTin froze CanCanet - Lvl 432 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 23544, 21:29:24: Your Army M 3 - Lvl 363 (Rex) was killed! Day 23544, 23:44:54: Tasha froze Overseer 4 - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 23544, 23:46:08: TinTin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 23544, 23:50:40: Tasha froze Overseer 2 - Lvl 368 (Rex) Day 23544, 23:57:19: Tasha froze Overseer 7 - Lvl 371 (Rex) Day 23544, 23:59:53: TinTin froze Overseer 1 - Lvl 376 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:06:46: Tasha froze Army M 5 - Lvl 349 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:10:23: TinTin froze Overseer 6 - Lvl 369 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:12:13: Tasha froze Army M 8 - Lvl 349 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:16:26: TinTin froze Army F 7 - Lvl 364 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:27:47: Tasha froze Overseer 3 - Lvl 371 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:34:28: TinTin froze Overseer 8 - Lvl 366 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:37:06: Tasha froze Overseer 5 - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:40:48: TinTin froze Hierophant Green - Lvl 353 (Yutyrannus) Day 23545, 00:46:06: Tasha froze Army F 11 - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 23545, 00:52:59: Tasha froze Army F 1 - Lvl 351 (Rex) Day 23545, 11:38:17: TinTin froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 330 (Mosasaurus) Day 23545, 11:49:04: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23545, 13:06:25: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 321 (Mosasaurus) Day 23545, 16:23:01: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 23545, 19:51:08: TinTin froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 330 (Mosasaurus) Day 23545, 20:13:53: TinTin froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (Mosasaurus) Day 23545, 20:32:24: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23545, 22:11:43: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 321 (Mosasaurus) Day 23545, 22:36:42: Tasha froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23546, 07:56:11: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 319 (Mosasaurus) Day 23546, 08:33:02: Tasha froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 301 (Mosasaurus) Day 23546, 08:41:51: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 23546, 11:46:42: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:21:11: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:31:40: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:35:08: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:43:14: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:52:38: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 12:56:44: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 13:00:15: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 13:03:44: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 13:07:47: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 13:11:37: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 13:48:45: Tasha froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 16:22:15: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 16:30:32: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 16:40:25: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:01:24: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:06:45: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:15:28: TinTin froze Juvenile Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:21:00: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:28:31: TinTin froze Juvenile Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:32:56: TinTin froze Juvenile Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:37:29: TinTin froze Juvenile Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:43:33: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 17:53:27: Tasha froze Boss 10 - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 18:07:34: TinTin froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 19:07:31: Tasha froze Boss 14 - Lvl 317 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 21:27:10: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 21:31:48: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 21:36:18: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 21:59:18: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:04:24: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:11:13: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:15:36: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:30:37: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 23546, 22:36:59: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 23546, 22:40:34: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:45:10: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:51:25: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 22:55:49: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:08:27: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:17:16: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:32:17: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:36:12: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:39:45: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:47:02: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:51:08: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:54:56: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23546, 23:59:26: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:04:12: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:13:00: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:16:50: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:20:23: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:23:53: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23547, 00:27:22: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 19:33:26: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 289 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 19:45:20: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 19:51:16: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 250 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 19:55:22: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:03:37: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:12:56: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 252 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:15:45: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:18:44: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:22:12: Tasha froze Boss 14 - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:28:11: Tasha froze Boss 13 - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:41:45: Tasha froze Boss 8 - Lvl 323 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:48:10: Tasha froze Boss 9 - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 20:54:40: Tasha froze Boss 4 - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:23:34: TinTin froze Boss 15 - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:30:06: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:32:57: Tasha froze Boss 10 - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:34:26: TinTin froze Boss 11 - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:41:11: Tasha froze Boss 12 - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:45:08: Tasha froze Boss 5 - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 21:52:50: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 22:02:00: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 22:04:07: Tasha froze Boss 2 - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 22:15:48: Tasha froze Boss 1 - Lvl 339 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 22:18:01: TinTin froze Boss 3 - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 23549, 22:27:30: Tasha froze Boss 7 - Lvl 355 (Therizinosaur) Day 23550, 00:36:02: Tasha froze Boss 6 - Lvl 358 (Therizinosaur) Day 23550, 01:16:45: Tasha froze Honey - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 23550, 04:38:53: TinTin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 341 (Yutyrannus) Day 23550, 05:25:55: TinTin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 23550, 06:19:59: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 350 (R-Velonasaur) Day 23550, 06:34:19: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 252 (Therizinosaur) Day 23550, 06:48:55: TinTin froze Skinny - Lvl 252 (Therizinosaur) Day 23550, 08:39:58: TinTin froze Skinny - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur) Day 23550, 11:10:40: Your Boss 2 - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23550, 16:44:22: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23551, 00:15:07: TinTin froze Skinny - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 03:14:44: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 233 (R-Velonasaur) Day 23551, 03:18:42: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 239 (R-Velonasaur) Day 23551, 03:28:01: TinTin froze Honey - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 23551, 05:05:51: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 233 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 23551, 05:56:39: Your Boss 12 - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23551, 06:42:39: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 142 was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23551, 07:37:47: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 350 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 23551, 08:58:30: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23551, 09:21:17: TinTin froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 356 (R-Velonasaur) Day 23551, 09:25:57: Tasha froze Boss 9 - Lvl 329 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:26:15: TinTin froze Boss 4 - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:32:47: TinTin froze Boss 6 - Lvl 358 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:33:59: Tasha froze Boss 7 - Lvl 355 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:39:32: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 298 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:39:36: TinTin froze Boss 6 - Lvl 358 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:47:31: Tasha froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 23551, 09:47:36: TinTin froze Boss 3 - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:50:26: Tasha froze Boss 15 - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:53:44: Tasha froze Boss 8 - Lvl 323 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:56:00: TinTin froze Boss 1 - Lvl 339 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 09:57:34: Tasha froze Boss 10 - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 10:02:08: Tasha froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 348 (R-Velonasaur) Day 23551, 10:04:33: TinTin froze Boss 14 - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 10:10:10: Tasha froze Boss 11 - Lvl 318 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 10:25:54: Tasha froze Boss 13 - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) Day 23551, 10:37:12: TinTin froze Hierophant Green - Lvl 353 (Yutyrannus) Day 23551, 10:48:59: TinTin froze Honey - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 23551, 12:51:04: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23551, 13:10:23: TinTin froze Mraize - Lvl 366 (Pteranodon) Day 23573, 01:51:03: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 02:00:58: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 276 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 02:05:26: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 05:33:39: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 06:21:23: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 06:27:08: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 06:27:27: TinTin froze Army F 2 - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 23573, 06:57:52: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:04:29: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:11:39: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:16:34: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:20:11: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:26:29: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:34:14: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:38:04: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:42:00: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:46:37: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 07:50:26: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 08:03:47: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 08:13:45: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 08:19:22: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 08:27:41: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 08:31:09: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 10:43:55: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 11:29:56: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 11:35:53: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 11:39:43: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 11:42:55: Tasha froze Adolescent Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 13:01:42: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 13:14:22: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 16:19:42: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 16:23:01: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 16:31:55: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 16:37:17: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 17:22:08: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 17:32:38: Tasha froze Adolescent Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 17:58:41: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 20:36:17: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 20:42:50: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:03:14: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:09:15: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:14:46: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:23:37: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:49:41: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 21:53:31: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:00:16: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:08:48: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:13:42: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:18:10: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:22:59: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:29:06: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:33:25: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:48:24: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:52:52: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 22:57:37: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23573, 23:02:11: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 02:38:10: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 02:48:31: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 02:55:40: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 03:03:40: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 03:08:16: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 03:52:15: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 04:04:47: Tasha froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 11:50:11: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 11:55:01: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 11:59:24: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:02:12: Tasha froze Good Female - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:05:07: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:08:15: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:18:59: Tasha froze Breed Female - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:24:33: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:28:22: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:31:26: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:34:19: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:37:08: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 12:56:02: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 23574, 15:06:32: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 418 (Voidwyrm) Day 23574, 15:27:02: TinTin froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 23574, 15:30:18: TinTin froze Hierophant Green - Lvl 353 (Yutyrannus) Day 23574, 18:43:32: Tasha froze Lucifer - Lvl 369 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23574, 20:10:12: TinTin froze Overseer 5 - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:13:51: TinTin froze Army F 7 - Lvl 364 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:17:18: TinTin froze Overseer 7 - Lvl 371 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:23:32: TinTin froze Army F 1 - Lvl 351 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:28:37: TinTin froze Overseer 8 - Lvl 366 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:39:24: TinTin froze Overseer 4 - Lvl 370 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:43:55: TinTin froze Jet - Lvl 319 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23574, 20:49:09: TinTin froze Lighter - Lvl 316 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23574, 20:49:17: Tasha froze Mazukine - Lvl 337 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23574, 20:54:23: Tasha froze Army F 11 - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 23574, 20:57:06: TinTin froze Honey - Lvl 343 (Snow Owl) Day 23640, 10:42:59: Lilith was removed from the Tribe by TinTin! Day 23640, 11:25:33: TinTin froze Bulbdog - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 23641, 07:45:32: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 23641, 07:54:42: Tasha froze Castoroides - Lvl 253 (Castoroides) Day 23641, 08:52:16: Tasha froze Cannon Fodder - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 09:22:22: Tasha froze Cannon Fodder - Lvl 339 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 10:50:45: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 10:53:35: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 10:56:51: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 10:59:44: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 285 (Therizinosaur) Day 23641, 11:02:30: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 17:45:07: Tasha froze Boss 9 - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 17:48:07: Tasha froze Boss 3 - Lvl 338 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 17:52:53: Tasha froze Boss 6 - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 17:55:51: Tasha froze Boss 4 - Lvl 345 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:03:15: Tasha froze Boss 1 - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:08:18: Tasha froze Boss 14 - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:11:02: Tasha froze Boss 10 - Lvl 325 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:14:02: Tasha froze Boss 7 - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:18:36: Tasha froze Boss 8 - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:24:47: Tasha froze Boss 11 - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:33:27: TinTin froze Hierophant Green - Lvl 354 (Yutyrannus) Day 23643, 18:34:06: Tasha froze Boss 13 - Lvl 344 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:37:47: Tasha froze Boss 15 - Lvl 325 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:50:31: Tasha froze Cannon Fodder - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:53:36: Tasha froze Cannon Fodder - Lvl 339 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 18:57:11: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 19:00:13: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 19:03:04: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 19:05:57: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 19:10:57: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 285 (Therizinosaur) Day 23643, 19:22:27: TinTin froze Honey - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 23644, 00:51:00: Your Cannon Fodder - Lvl 339 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23644, 00:52:52: Your Cannon Fodder - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23644, 01:38:36: Your Boss 8 - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 01:39:56: Your Boss 3 - Lvl 338 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 01:41:16: TinTin froze Hierophant Green - Lvl 356 (Yutyrannus) Day 23644, 01:47:45: Your Boss 4 - Lvl 345 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23644, 01:48:52: Your Boss 13 - Lvl 344 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 01:50:10: Your Boss 9 - Lvl 333 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23644, 01:59:27: Your Boss 11 - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 02:43:30: Your Boss 14 - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 23644, 03:11:16: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 04:28:03: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 05:09:07: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 05:14:46: Your Boss 1 - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 05:56:15: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 153 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 23644, 06:03:28: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 285 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 06:09:26: Your Boss 6 - Lvl 362 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 06:15:31: Your Boss 7 - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 06:29:43: Your Boss 15 - Lvl 325 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 07:06:39: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 07:12:19: Your Boss 10 - Lvl 325 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 07:17:43: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 147 was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23644, 08:20:41: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 08:23:35: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 08:26:56: TinTin froze Honey - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 23644, 08:32:34: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 08:35:46: TinTin froze Spanners - Lvl 419 (Voidwyrm) Day 23644, 08:39:23: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 287 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:08:37: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:11:25: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 298 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:14:59: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:17:20: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:18:07: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:20:48: TinTin froze Good Female - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:21:04: Tasha froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:24:40: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:28:30: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:32:12: Tasha froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 341 (Yutyrannus) Day 23644, 09:32:43: TinTin froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 281 (Therizinosaur) Day 23644, 09:47:43: TinTin froze Bulbdog - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 23644, 10:03:06: TinTin froze Zippy - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 23756, 04:31:04: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 118 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 23853, 15:39:59: Tasha froze M 2H - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 23853, 16:00:00: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 23853, 16:13:24: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 23853, 16:18:07: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 24453, 15:04:08: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24722, 08:52:06: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27330, 17:16:32: Boss 5 - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1080551630,"tribe":"Tribe of Oh jeez logs":["Day 20482, 11:43:21: Oh jeez was added to the Tribe! Day 20482, 11:52:40: CJ was added to the Tribe by Oh jeez! Day 20483, 06:05:36: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20483, 06:25:26: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20483, 09:07:44: Oh jeez Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 14 (Mesopithecus)! Day 20483, 13:36:01: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 21 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 20483, 14:16:17: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 20483, 14:26:37: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 20483, 14:36:34: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 20483, 15:05:03: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 20483, 15:16:56: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 20483, 16:06:46: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 20483, 16:45:54: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 1.1x! Day 20483, 17:22:33: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 20483, 17:39:28: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 20484, 03:28:42: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 20484, 03:29:28: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 20484, 04:46:05: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 20484, 05:00:03: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 20484, 07:23:25: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 20484, 07:49:38: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 20484, 09:09:21: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 20484, 10:02:00: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 23 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 20484, 15:02:01: Oh jeez Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 20485, 08:10:27: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 46 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 20485, 08:20:45: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 36 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 20485, 11:13:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 20485, 11:54:54: Your Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 20485, 13:45:09: Oh jeez Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 20485, 15:41:25: CJ Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 20486, 04:51:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20486, 05:50:18: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 20486, 07:52:52: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 37 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 140! Day 20486, 08:47:11: Your Parasaur - Lvl 24 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 20486, 08:48:17: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 52 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 20486, 11:12:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 20494, 01:25:30: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 55 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 20494, 04:39:13: Your Nigel - Lvl 14 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 20494, 06:23:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20494, 12:40:57: Oh jeez Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 20494, 13:53:21: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 158 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 20494, 14:56:53: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 60 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 20494, 15:07:47: Your Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 20494, 18:37:56: Oh jeez Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)! Day 20495, 00:21:19: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 20495, 07:32:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 7 (Therizinosaur)! Day 20495, 14:12:04: Oh jeez Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 173 (Iguanodon)! Day 20498, 13:12:12: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 20500, 00:24:58: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 43 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 20500, 01:26:20: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 43 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 145! Day 20500, 02:59:24: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 20500, 09:09:37: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 20506, 01:48:23: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 45 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 125! Day 20517, 19:23:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)! Day 20517, 20:42:36: Oh jeez Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 20518, 03:21:39: Oh jeez claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20518, 06:30:47: Your Moschops - Lvl 43 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 20518, 06:36:45: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 20518, 08:00:24: Your Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 20518, 08:00:24: Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20518, 12:23:53: Oh jeez demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20519, 06:05:33: Oh jeez Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 105 (Triceratops)! Day 20530, 13:54:29: CJ Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 20531, 18:13:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 58 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 20531, 18:28:54: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 68 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 20531, 19:36:34: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 55 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 60! Day 20532, 06:09:02: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 55 was killed by Oh jeez - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 06:09:02: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 06:26:19: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 69 was killed by CJ - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 06:26:19: Your Tribe killed Oh jeez - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 06:57:46: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 55 was killed by Oh jeez - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 06:57:46: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20532, 09:06:51: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 55 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x! Day 20542, 06:44:14: CJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 106 (Pteranodon)! Day 20547, 21:46:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 20554, 12:08:43: Oh jeez Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor)! Day 20555, 04:58:11: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 20555, 06:04:25: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 20555, 07:01:29: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 35! Day 20555, 08:00:57: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 20555, 08:22:35: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 20555, 08:46:40: Your Gabey Boi Junior the 2nd - Lvl 121 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 20555, 12:42:00: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 20556, 00:26:34: Oh jeez Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 20556, 02:08:21: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 20556, 04:45:46: Tribemember Oh jeez - Lvl 78 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 70! Day 20571, 14:43:20: Oh jeez Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon)! Day 20571, 18:05:05: Your Raptor - Lvl 165 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 20571, 21:22:30: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 20572, 05:53:39: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by Oh jeez - Lvl 79 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 05:53:39: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 08:09:01: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by Oh jeez - Lvl 79 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 08:09:01: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 08:20:56: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by Oh jeez - Lvl 79 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 08:20:56: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Oh jeez)! Day 20572, 08:30:56: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 20572, 10:11:04: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 20575, 04:31:58: Oh jeez demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 20576, 00:08:25: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 20576, 10:30:46: Oh jeez froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 20576, 10:52:34: Oh jeez froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 54 (Therizinosaur) Day 20576, 14:21:49: Oh jeez froze Pteranodon - Lvl 62 (Pteranodon) Day 20576, 14:27:08: CJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 20595, 20:30:22: Oh jeez froze Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 20596, 08:27:37: Oh jeez froze Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 20663, 09:43:09: Your Little Charlotte - Lvl 14 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 95! Day 20902, 08:20:25: CJ was removed from the Tribe! Day 20903, 11:07:08: Your Stubby - Lvl 87 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 20903, 11:07:08: Stubby - Lvl 87 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21149, 00:53:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21211, 02:52:36: Dorthea - Lvl 49 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 21435, 07:30:32: Iguanodon - Lvl 204 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 21513, 13:08:48: Chis93 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winston - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 21680, 12:24:47: Gustavo - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21785, 07:42:54: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1077519181,"tribe":"Tribe of fa logs":["Day 26278, 11:13:19: fa was added to the Tribe! Day 26278, 12:21:34: Tribemember fa - Lvl 6 was killed by easucks - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26278, 13:16:02: Tribemember fa - Lvl 6 was killed by Blaku - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26278, 15:34:28: Tribemember fa - Lvl 7 was killed by Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26358, 20:57:44: Tribemember fa - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1073840047,"tribe":"Tesco's Finest logs":["Day 16576, 07:47:21: Muzz was added to the Tribe! Day 16576, 08:03:20: AmberSpectre added 'Tesco's Finest' Tribe to DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 16576, 09:58:29: AmberSpectre added 'The river city' Tribe to DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 16576, 10:59:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tesco's Finest' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 11:01:24: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 13:04:39: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Sabiutza' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 19:46:10: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 16576, 21:17:19: Muzz froze Banshee-44 - Lvl 265 (Yutyrannus) Day 16576, 21:39:50: Muzz froze Osiris - Lvl 243 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16576, 21:48:48: Muzz uploaded a Yutyrannus: Banshee-44 - Lvl 265"] "tribeid":1073792481,"tribe":"Tribe of MistaRose logs":["Day 13364, 05:42:04: Subraka claimed 'Big Mama - Lvl 265 (Rex)'! Day 13364, 05:42:26: Subraka claimed 'big big choongus - Lvl 89 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13364, 19:23:12: Subraka uploaded a Phiomia: 135 - Lvl 232 Day 13364, 19:25:57: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 13377, 18:01:45: Your Cookie - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 13377, 18:16:45: Your Red Tips - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 13377, 18:24:04: Your ankyinodsaur - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 13411, 18:58:14: Snake - Lvl 212 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 13423, 19:20:24: Tribemember Subraka - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13423, 19:46:19: Tribemember Subraka - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 13423, 20:20:24: Tribemember Subraka - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 13424, 09:43:08: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 368 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13424, 14:32:16: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 368 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13424, 15:44:14: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 13426, 14:35:22: Billy Big Bollocks - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 13427, 14:56:02: Rexy - Lvl 179 (Rex) starved to death! Day 13427, 19:39:59: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 05:06:23: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 06:24:11: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 07:38:14: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 07:56:58: Subraka froze Natasha - Lvl 252 (Bloodstalker) Day 13428, 08:17:35: Subraka froze Daenerys - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 08:19:58: Subraka froze Betsy - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 08:33:34: Subraka froze Jeremy - Lvl 326 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 08:59:12: Subraka froze Edward - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 13428, 09:05:12: Subraka claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13428, 09:08:24: Subraka froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus) Day 13428, 09:11:15: Subraka claimed 'Paula - Lvl 111 (Diplodocus)'! Day 13428, 09:49:42: Subraka froze Hedgewig - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 09:53:31: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 09:55:42: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:05:32: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:08:22: Subraka froze Colour Mut Red - Lvl 207 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:10:31: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:13:33: Subraka froze Robin - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:16:40: Subraka froze Colour Mut Blue - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:19:09: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:24:26: Subraka froze 209 - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:25:52: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 200 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:28:22: Subraka froze 209 - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:30:24: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:32:06: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 10:37:37: Subraka froze Sunfyre - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13428, 10:51:53: Subraka froze Ice Storm - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 11:00:44: Subraka froze Peter - Lvl 150 (Griffin) Day 13428, 11:08:52: Subraka claimed 'RoadHog - Lvl 216 (Daeodon)'! Day 13428, 11:11:11: Subraka froze RoadHog - Lvl 216 (Daeodon) Day 13428, 15:37:54: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 16:22:46: Subraka claimed 'Currucu Jr - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 13428, 16:32:00: Subraka froze Currucu Jr - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 13428, 16:34:13: Subraka froze Ice Storm - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 13428, 16:42:42: Subraka froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13428, 17:16:28: Subraka froze Snow Owl - Lvl 300 (Snow Owl) Day 13454, 03:49:58: Koko - Lvl 219 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 13481, 02:12:40: Therizinosaur - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 13495, 14:34:05: Baaarbra - Lvl 217 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13519, 19:18:44: Gacha - Lvl 239 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 13522, 12:51:25: trapper - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 13522, 23:06:47: Your [D] Berk - Lvl 205 (Brontosaurus) was killed! Day 13552, 18:05:28: Your Raptor - Lvl 197 (Raptor) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 13562, 00:04:35: k2 - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 13562, 00:53:12: Your Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 13563, 18:14:21: Your Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 13566, 15:09:13: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13566, 15:46:24: MistaRose froze Big Boi - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 13566, 16:14:05: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13566, 16:29:18: MistaRose froze Big Boi - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 13566, 16:56:45: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13566, 17:25:40: MistaRose froze Big Boi - Lvl 352 (Basilosaurus) Day 13566, 19:15:13: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13575, 07:53:30: Subraka froze F R 140 - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 13575, 07:55:06: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) Day 13575, 07:56:57: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 228 (Raptor) Day 13575, 07:57:42: Subraka claimed 'M R 150 - Lvl 224 (Raptor)'! Day 13575, 07:59:01: Subraka froze M R 150 - Lvl 224 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:00:34: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:03:16: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 237 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:07:28: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:09:16: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 228 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:10:36: Subraka claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 236 (Raptor)'! Day 13575, 08:17:49: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 236 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:19:30: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:22:43: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor) Day 13575, 08:26:08: Subraka froze Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor) Day 13575, 09:06:11: Subraka froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13576, 18:44:15: Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13588, 16:19:30: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13588, 17:52:55: MistaRose froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 301 (Basilosaurus) Day 13588, 18:02:28: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13588, 19:13:30: MistaRose froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 302 (Basilosaurus) Day 13588, 20:06:20: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 13:37:03: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 14:27:05: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 15:05:43: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 15:15:19: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 15:32:55: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 15:42:06: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 17:00:18: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13589, 17:34:42: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 337 (Managarmr) Day 13590, 11:22:38: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 114 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:23:39: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 167 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:24:34: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 134 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:25:28: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 107 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:27:35: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 114 (Megalania) Day 13590, 11:29:13: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 134 (Megalania) Day 13590, 11:30:46: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 167 (Megalania) Day 13590, 11:33:48: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 107 (Megalania) Day 13590, 11:35:27: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 159 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:37:43: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 159 (Megalania) Day 13590, 11:45:37: Subraka claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 167 (Megalania)'! Day 13590, 11:51:39: Subraka froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 167 (Megalania) Day 13590, 12:09:51: Subraka claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13590, 12:10:16: Subraka claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13590, 12:17:03: Subraka froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 13590, 12:18:58: Subraka froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 13590, 12:20:55: Subraka froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 309 (Dimetrodon) Day 13591, 15:13:29: Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13618, 10:12:18: Ovis - Lvl 134 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13630, 06:39:36: Your Queen jr - Lvl 170 (Rex) was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 80! Day 13635, 11:41:32: Jayus froze NightShade - Lvl 280 (Snow Owl) Day 13635, 11:57:10: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth) Day 13635, 12:01:21: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 348 (Spino) Day 13635, 12:04:10: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 348 (Spino) Day 13635, 12:07:20: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 366 (Spino) Day 13635, 12:09:59: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 365 (Spino) Day 13635, 12:22:22: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 12:25:56: Jayus froze NightShade - Lvl 280 (Snow Owl) Day 13635, 12:37:39: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 12:43:28: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 12:48:53: MistaRose froze Spare rex 2 - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 13:42:44: Nati was added to the Tribe by MistaRose! Day 13635, 14:45:50: Your Mammoth - Lvl 301 (Mammoth) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 13635, 14:55:14: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 13635, 15:18:44: Jayus froze NightShade - Lvl 280 (Snow Owl) Day 13635, 15:46:21: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 303 (Mammoth) Day 13635, 17:37:20: Subraka froze Tek Giganotosaurus - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 17:48:24: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 17:53:29: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 17:57:28: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 18:02:06: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 18:07:59: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 19:03:27: MistaRose froze Tonk - Lvl 389 (Mammoth) Day 13635, 19:58:11: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 13635, 23:09:56: Your Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13635, 23:12:38: Your Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13635, 23:27:25: Your Mammoth - Lvl 295 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13635, 23:29:40: Your Mammoth - Lvl 308 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13635, 23:30:03: Your Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13635, 23:53:40: Your Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13636, 00:04:15: Your Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13636, 00:04:49: Your Mammoth - Lvl 307 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13636, 00:19:41: Your Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13636, 00:20:00: Your Mammoth - Lvl 307 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13636, 01:52:12: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 01:58:15: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 305 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 02:03:27: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 02:16:38: MistaRose froze Tonk - Lvl 389 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 02:21:04: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 291 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 06:58:11: Nati froze Aurora - Lvl 240 (Managarmr) Day 13636, 08:29:01: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 332 (Spino) Day 13636, 08:30:38: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 365 (Spino) Day 13636, 08:32:09: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 366 (Spino) Day 13636, 08:34:02: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 348 (Spino) Day 13636, 08:35:43: MistaRose froze Spino - Lvl 348 (Spino) Day 13636, 08:58:32: MistaRose froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13636, 09:14:13: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 09:15:55: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 09:19:50: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 09:22:27: MistaRose froze Spare rex 2 - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 11:43:00: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 386 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 11:45:12: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 13:07:25: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 13:09:01: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 13:11:17: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 309 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 15:05:02: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 294 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 15:36:40: MistaRose froze Tonk - Lvl 389 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 16:09:51: Nati froze Aurora - Lvl 240 (Managarmr) Day 13636, 16:22:17: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 16:25:59: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 16:34:04: Subraka froze Velonasaur - Lvl 320 (Velonasaur) Day 13636, 16:48:55: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 16:53:48: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 17:03:59: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 17:43:09: Subraka froze Tek Giganotosaurus - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 17:55:32: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 13636, 18:24:44: MistaRose froze Tonk - Lvl 389 (Mammoth) Day 13636, 18:28:04: Subraka froze Terrorchicken - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 13636, 18:31:04: Subraka froze Grinnypig - Lvl 283 (Daeodon) Day 13636, 18:44:01: Subraka froze Tickle Rick - Lvl 315 (Therizinosaur) Day 13636, 19:16:30: Jayus froze NightShade - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 13636, 21:00:44: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 00:49:50: Tribemember Jayus - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 620! Day 13637, 00:50:26: Your Samantha - Lvl 174 (Otter) was killed! Day 13637, 01:25:42: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 08:33:44: Subraka claimed 'BossRex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13637, 08:34:58: Subraka froze BossRex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 13:16:32: Tribemember Jayus - Lvl 122 was killed by MistaRose - Lvl 132 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 13:16:32: Your Tribe killed Jayus - Lvl 122 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 13:56:59: Subraka froze BossRex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 14:13:47: Tribemember Nati - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 13637, 14:19:07: Tribemember Nati - Lvl 122 was killed by Jayus - Lvl 122 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 14:19:07: Your Tribe killed Nati - Lvl 122 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 15:47:13: Tribemember Nati - Lvl 122 was killed by Jayus - Lvl 122 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 15:47:13: Your Tribe killed Nati - Lvl 122 (Tribe of MistaRose)! Day 13637, 16:09:18: Your Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) was killed! Day 13637, 16:38:15: Tribemember Jayus - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 13637, 16:46:34: Tribemember Nati - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 13637, 18:45:03: Subraka froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13637, 18:52:11: Subraka froze Terrorchicken - Lvl 325 (Yutyrannus) Day 13637, 18:58:05: Jayus froze Aurora - Lvl 241 (Managarmr) Day 13637, 19:01:19: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 19:22:40: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 19:41:46: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 19:49:58: Subraka froze Velonasaur - Lvl 320 (Velonasaur) Day 13637, 19:59:54: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 13637, 20:12:44: Subraka froze Grinnypig - Lvl 283 (Daeodon) Day 13637, 20:14:11: Jayus froze R.I.P - Lvl 241 (Otter) Day 13637, 20:17:39: Subraka froze Tickle Rick - Lvl 315 (Therizinosaur) Day 13637, 20:19:14: Tribemember Subraka - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 13637, 20:19:15: Jayus froze NightShade - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 13638, 01:02:26: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 309 (Mammoth) Day 13638, 01:07:11: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 307 (Mammoth) Day 13638, 01:12:14: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 386 (Mammoth) Day 13638, 01:20:00: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 13638, 01:23:56: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 306 (Mammoth) Day 13638, 01:32:10: Tribemember Subraka - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 13643, 08:28:47: Subraka froze Tex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 08:30:37: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 291 (Mammoth) Day 13643, 08:36:30: Subraka froze Mammoth - Lvl 294 (Mammoth) Day 13643, 08:42:53: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 08:44:16: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 08:45:42: Subraka froze Battle Tek - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 08:48:38: Subraka froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13643, 08:50:34: Subraka froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13643, 09:19:07: Subraka froze Tonk - Lvl 389 (Mammoth) Day 13643, 10:22:56: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 10:34:34: Subraka froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 13643, 10:48:19: Subraka froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13643, 11:15:24: Subraka froze X-Otter - Lvl 211 (X-Otter) Day 13650, 08:14:03: Ovis - Lvl 188 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13650, 08:14:07: Ovis - Lvl 199 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13650, 08:14:11: Baryonyx - Lvl 264 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 13674, 11:25:23: Allosaurus - Lvl 193 (Allosaurus) starved to death! Day 13710, 11:12:56: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13743, 05:06:16: Your SAP - Lvl 248 (Gacha) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 13746, 18:41:16: big big choongus - Lvl 89 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 13762, 11:53:23: Ovis - Lvl 183 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13769, 06:31:54: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Hoff - Lvl 227 (Quetzal)'! Day 13769, 06:42:06: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13769, 06:45:46: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame '269 (Dont Level) - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13769, 06:56:18: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13769, 07:08:05: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 07:11:48: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creme Brule - Lvl 278 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 07:53:29: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Puffin - Lvl 117 (Tapejara)'! Day 13769, 07:57:07: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13769, 08:00:39: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13769, 08:02:31: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 13769, 08:23:38: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect F 2 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 08:26:47: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfect F 3 - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 08:35:32: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 08:41:54: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 08:52:29: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 261 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13769, 08:57:23: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daniella - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13769, 09:10:11: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daniel - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13769, 09:13:03: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Mama - Lvl 265 (Rex)'! Day 13769, 09:32:08: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovi - Lvl 209 (Oviraptor)'! Day 13769, 09:39:12: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Riblet - Lvl 273 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 13769, 09:50:41: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 188 (Ovis)'! Day 13769, 09:51:10: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 144 (Ovis)'! Day 13769, 10:07:21: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:13:51: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Burn - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:19:22: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Amber (Not Heard) - Lvl 236 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:22:58: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BawbagMcgee - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:34:52: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:38:28: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:38:53: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aquamarine - Lvl 231 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 10:41:28: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fireball - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 12:18:59: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tesla - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13769, 17:06:04: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dough Dick - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13769, 17:10:58: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mastodon - Lvl 295 (Mammoth)'! Day 13769, 17:22:13: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manuel - Lvl 256 (Mammoth)'! Day 13769, 17:30:36: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 285 (Mammoth)'! Day 13769, 17:39:23: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shakira - Lvl 203 (Sarco)'! Day 13769, 17:42:02: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simon - Lvl 238 (Sarco)'! Day 13769, 17:49:51: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paula - Lvl 111 (Diplodocus)'! Day 13769, 17:55:24: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winston - Lvl 216 (Sarco)'! Day 13769, 18:16:18: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leslie - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 13769, 18:16:28: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slothy Boi - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 13769, 18:28:52: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 13769, 18:43:14: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 13769, 18:49:19: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diceros - Lvl 202 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 13769, 18:55:22: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 309 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 13769, 19:02:35: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 166 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:05:02: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ejac - Lvl 212 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:10:45: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Up - Lvl 175 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:13:15: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bic - Lvl 243 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:18:19: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Camel - Lvl 253 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 13769, 19:20:34: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uku - Lvl 238 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:26:05: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simpy - Lvl 167 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:28:06: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Guin - Lvl 236 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:32:09: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ulate - Lvl 204 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:34:15: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pimpy - Lvl 192 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:36:59: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chair - Lvl 194 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:40:27: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sofabed - Lvl 179 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:43:21: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gimpy - Lvl 200 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:44:58: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wimpy - Lvl 208 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:47:58: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uwu - Lvl 238 (Kairuku)'! Day 13769, 19:58:16: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13770, 17:29:40: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morellatops - Lvl 216 (Morellatops)'! Day 13770, 17:31:48: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roo - Lvl 249 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13770, 17:36:52: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 194 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13770, 17:38:44: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 188 (Procoptodon)'! Day 13770, 17:41:45: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Miley - Lvl 190 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13770, 17:43:41: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jonny sins - Lvl 176 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13770, 17:49:16: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Riley - Lvl 282 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13770, 17:51:30: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rico - Lvl 178 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13770, 17:54:44: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tim Reborn - Lvl 282 (Raptor)'! Day 13770, 17:57:31: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pink - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)'! Day 13770, 18:03:36: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rammstein - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13770, 18:07:31: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mark - Lvl 195 (Equus)'! Day 13770, 18:10:42: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delphine - Lvl 210 (Equus)'! Day 13770, 18:15:30: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sand spike - Lvl 128 (Thorny Dragon)'! Day 13770, 18:18:50: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'i <3 sperm - Lvl 186 (Carbonemys)'! Day 13770, 18:23:06: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Iron On Her Hip - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13770, 18:45:11: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aoooooga - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 13770, 19:12:05: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 173 (Kairuku)'! Day 13770, 19:14:31: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fido - Lvl 184 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 13770, 19:22:26: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diego - Lvl 217 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13770, 19:24:47: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharptooth - Lvl 258 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13770, 19:29:55: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 215 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13770, 19:31:49: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 179 (Direwolf)'! Day 13770, 19:31:57: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shaggy Dog - Lvl 279 (Direwolf)'! Day 13770, 19:39:12: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 210 (Direwolf)'! Day 13770, 19:40:56: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wulfrik - Lvl 210 (Direwolf)'! Day 13770, 19:45:09: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gimp - Lvl 206 (Direwolf)'! Day 13771, 05:42:35: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13771, 05:45:26: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Darwin - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 13771, 05:51:34: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paul - Lvl 298 (Argentavis)'! Day 13771, 05:55:07: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Athena - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 13771, 06:00:10: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13771, 06:02:39: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13771, 06:06:39: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentina - Lvl 199 (Argentavis)'! Day 13771, 06:17:23: Oriana - Lvl 122 (Sanctuary) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hamilton - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13803, 01:21:23: BadBanny - Lvl 124 (Независимый Эксперт) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13856, 14:10:30: HAMMER - Lvl 18 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13966, 16:38:39: SiusiakByka - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 13979, 16:28:00: Joker - Lvl 100 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 234 (Allosaurus)'! Day 14014, 05:51:52: Joker - Lvl 101 (Mother of Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14217, 05:40:52: Rex - Lvl 81 (Rex) starved to death! Day 14340, 05:46:39: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14340, 05:46:39: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14340, 05:46:39: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14502, 19:47:05: Paraceratherium - Lvl 195 (Paraceratherium) starved to death! Day 14958, 00:34:01: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 14958, 06:52:24: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 14958, 07:29:56: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jenufa Tribe. Day 14958, 07:30:57: MistaRose added 'Tribe of Jenufa' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:31:46: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 14958, 07:35:16: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 14958, 07:35:55: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Ugg Tribe. Day 14958, 07:36:35: MistaRose added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:37:01: MistaRose added 'Ugg' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:38:57: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of EcStAsY Tribe. Day 14958, 08:01:43: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Of Light Tribe. Day 14958, 08:03:21: MistaRose added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:22:29: MistaRose - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of EcStAsY Tribe. Day 14958, 08:23:50: MistaRose added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 10:16:43: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14958, 10:28:43: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14958, 10:29:51: MistaRose froze M 21 - Lvl 493 (Mantis) Day 14958, 10:51:09: MistaRose froze Tek Rex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 10:53:21: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 11:45:38: MistaRose froze M 21 - Lvl 493 (Mantis) Day 14958, 14:18:12: MistaRose froze Reaper King - Lvl 231 (Reaper King) Day 14958, 14:19:49: MistaRose froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 14958, 14:23:06: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 346 (Managarmr) Day 15313, 05:25:19: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15322, 00:21:19: MistaRose froze old alpha - Lvl 375 (Yutyrannus) Day 15322, 03:47:01: MistaRose froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 313 (Yutyrannus) Day 15322, 06:02:43: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 315 (Managarmr) Day 15447, 21:10:18: MistaRose froze Mammoth - Lvl 388 (Mammoth) Day 15448, 00:03:27: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 317 (Managarmr) Day 15489, 20:10:54: MistaRose froze X-Otter - Lvl 341 (X-Otter) Day 15490, 06:52:50: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 07:50:16: MistaRose froze Battle Tek - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 08:50:00: MistaRose froze [SC] StinkyPinky - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15490, 08:59:06: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 319 (Managarmr) Day 15490, 09:14:32: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 319 (Managarmr) Day 15843, 06:44:55: Your 'Dragon Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16334, 07:33:55: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 370 (Managarmr) Day 16334, 09:43:17: MistaRose Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 209 (Pelagornis)! Day 16334, 10:06:30: MistaRose froze Pelagornis - Lvl 209 (Pelagornis) Day 16334, 10:11:05: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 370 (Managarmr) Day 16728, 15:44:30: Amaxione froze Bella - Lvl 173 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16728, 15:51:48: Tribemember Amaxione - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16728, 21:10:38: Amaxione was removed from the Tribe! Day 16920, 18:20:59: Josh - Lvl 121 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18040, 18:08:46: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1069903346,"tribe":"月牙湾 logs":["Day 24082, 14:16:31: NathanJames was added to the Tribe! Day 24082, 19:40:48: NathanJames Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys)! Day 24092, 23:38:53: Tribemember NathanJames - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 24140, 03:15:54: Your 浆果一号 - Lvl 33 (Moschops) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24532, 14:45:34: 老龟 - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1066506903,"tribe":"fred logs":["Day 25268, 15:00:39: freds375 was added to the Tribe! Day 25269, 18:00:12: freds375 claimed 'Cranky - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25269, 18:12:04: freds375 unclaimed 'Cranky - Lvl 80 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 25564, 22:37:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25564, 22:37:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25848, 18:02:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25848, 18:02:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25848, 18:02:42: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25864, 01:21:18: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25864, 02:13:09: Tribemember freds375 - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1065477549,"tribe":"Grogu Gang logs":["Day 19768, 18:08:13: Zappie was added to the Tribe! Day 19768, 18:46:45: Human was added to the Tribe by Zappie! Day 19768, 19:43:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by Zappie - Lvl 6 (gang gang ca$h money)! Day 19768, 19:43:27: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 1 (gang gang ca$h money)! Day 19768, 20:23:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 4 was killed by Zappie - Lvl 7 (gang gang ca$h money)! Day 19768, 20:23:00: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 4 (gang gang ca$h money)! Day 19768, 21:12:39: Human Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 19768, 22:35:46: Zappie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 17 (Dodo)! Day 19768, 22:45:26: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo)! Day 19769, 00:10:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 19769, 00:56:05: Zappie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 115 (Dodo)! Day 19769, 01:30:15: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 9 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 10! Day 19769, 01:41:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 19769, 06:01:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 95! Day 19769, 06:04:19: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 12 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 95! Day 19769, 06:14:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 19769, 06:44:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 19769, 07:21:31: Zappie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 19769, 08:03:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19769, 08:13:39: Your Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19769, 08:15:51: Your AAAAAA - Lvl 115 (Dodo) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19769, 08:17:19: Your Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19769, 08:21:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 60! Day 19769, 09:30:07: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 19769, 10:01:13: Human claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19769, 10:09:10: Your Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 19769, 10:32:03: Human claimed 'SS WHEREUAT (Raft)'! Day 19769, 17:18:11: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 19770, 03:11:30: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 19770, 05:44:39: Zappie claimed 'Czarna Perła (Raft)'! Day 19770, 06:05:37: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 19770, 06:22:57: Zappie claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 19770, 07:08:37: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 19770, 07:11:39: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 19770, 07:18:55: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 19770, 10:21:51: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 111 (Dodo)! Day 19770, 10:42:06: Zappie claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 19770, 10:49:46: Zappie claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 19771, 19:36:15: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 19772, 00:11:21: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 19772, 00:43:37: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 19772, 13:11:30: Zappie Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19772, 17:16:51: Zappie froze Argentavis - Lvl 404 (Argentavis) Day 19773, 13:21:00: Zealous Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 74 (Diplodocus)! Day 19773, 18:42:43: Zealous Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 21 (Carbonemys)! Day 19773, 19:26:37: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 64 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 19773, 20:54:48: Your slow - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 19775, 04:19:12: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 19775, 04:43:00: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 19776, 20:06:29: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 67 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 110! Day 19776, 20:47:03: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 67 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 70! Day 19777, 20:59:51: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 91 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 19778, 02:42:03: Zappie Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 101 (Doedicurus)! Day 19778, 07:26:21: Zappie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19778, 11:42:41: Zappie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19788, 14:42:02: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 19788, 18:55:49: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 19789, 06:05:21: Zappie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19789, 06:06:11: Zappie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19789, 07:57:54: Your Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 19789, 09:41:52: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 19789, 14:53:51: Zappie Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 172 (Triceratops)! Day 19790, 08:07:14: Zealous Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 188 (Stegosaurus)! Day 19791, 02:25:43: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 19792, 04:52:06: Zappie demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 19793, 09:59:55: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 78 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 90! Day 19793, 13:20:40: Zealous Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 47 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 19793, 20:03:56: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 34 (Dodo)! Day 19794, 11:30:24: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 19794, 12:55:16: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 19835, 19:09:45: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19835, 19:09:48: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19835, 19:30:55: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 82 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 40! Day 19836, 02:53:09: Zealous Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 88 (Raptor)! Day 19846, 01:46:23: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 83 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 30! Day 19846, 03:26:03: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 83 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 19846, 06:04:17: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 90 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 19862, 20:24:36: Zealous Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 52 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 19864, 11:46:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 249 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 19871, 16:46:44: Zealous claimed 'Rescue Argy - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 19871, 16:47:10: Zealous claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 19871, 16:48:54: Zealous claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19871, 16:51:03: Zealous claimed 'Anger Management - Lvl 107 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19871, 16:52:13: Zealous claimed 'Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex)'! Day 19871, 16:53:00: Zealous claimed 'Rock and Stone - Lvl 207 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19871, 16:53:56: Zealous claimed 'Creepy Uncle - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19872, 01:34:26: Zealous Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 19872, 01:46:51: Zealous unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)'! Day 19872, 02:11:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 156 (Doedicurus)! Day 19872, 06:05:37: Zealous Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 19872, 06:17:44: Zealous unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)'! Day 19872, 06:38:13: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 19872, 07:26:12: Zealous Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19872, 07:38:39: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19872, 08:10:37: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 19872, 08:17:12: Zealous unclaimed 'dd - Lvl 24 (Dodo)'! Day 19872, 08:19:40: Zealous unclaimed 'Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)'! Day 19872, 10:04:12: Zealous Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19872, 10:14:58: Zealous Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19872, 10:32:34: Zealous Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 18 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19872, 10:56:33: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19872, 11:01:03: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 18 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19872, 11:07:40: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19872, 16:31:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19872, 18:54:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 181 (Dodo)! Day 19872, 19:23:53: Zealous Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 27 (Carbonemys)! Day 19872, 19:42:28: Zealous unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 27 (Carbonemys)'! Day 19872, 21:52:32: Your Dodo - Lvl 181 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19873, 01:41:45: Zealous Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 47 (Megalodon)! Day 19873, 07:55:51: Your Mommy - Lvl 52 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 19873, 09:02:23: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 131 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19873, 10:52:07: Zealous Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 74 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19873, 11:29:26: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 74 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19873, 15:38:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19873, 19:03:18: Zealous Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 112 (Carbonemys)! Day 19873, 20:52:05: Zealous unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 114 (Carbonemys)'! Day 19874, 05:59:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 84 (Raptor)! Day 19874, 07:33:18: Zealous claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 74 (Achatina)'! Day 19874, 07:47:49: Zealous claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 124 (Achatina)'! Day 19874, 07:49:44: Zealous claimed 'Baby Achatina - Lvl 102 (Achatina)'! Day 19874, 12:23:26: Zealous unclaimed 'Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 74 (Achatina)'! Day 19874, 19:33:02: Zealous unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)'! Day 19882, 00:58:57: Zealous claimed '+2 Speed - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19882, 01:50:24: Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 102 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 19882, 01:50:31: Juvenile Achatina - Lvl 124 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 19882, 08:43:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 171 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19882, 09:34:49: Zealous unclaimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 172 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 19882, 10:13:36: Zealous claimed 'Stupid - Lvl 174 (Rex)'! Day 19882, 11:45:04: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 96 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 19882, 22:31:20: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 97 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 19882, 23:42:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 19883, 02:07:56: Zealous unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 9 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19883, 10:45:36: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 19883, 19:18:58: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 97 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 19883, 19:52:07: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 97 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 19884, 11:23:33: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 19884, 17:30:24: Zealous claimed 'betty - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19884, 17:31:18: Zealous claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19884, 17:38:58: Zealous claimed 'Red - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19884, 23:28:56: Zealous claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 165 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 19884, 23:29:58: Zealous claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 113 (Triceratops)'! Day 19884, 23:32:00: Zealous claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 153 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19884, 23:37:56: Zealous claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara)'! Day 19884, 23:39:21: Zealous claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19884, 23:40:35: Zealous claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 236 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19884, 23:41:29: Zealous claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 155 (Castoroides)'! Day 19885, 04:31:17: Zealous claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 197 (Argentavis)'! Day 19885, 14:31:39: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo)! Day 19885, 15:39:06: Zealous unclaimed 'Geoff - Lvl 90 (Dodo)'! Day 19886, 14:32:46: Zealous Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 112 (Carbonemys)! Day 19886, 19:40:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 47 (Megalodon)! Day 19887, 05:01:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 19888, 15:31:26: Zealous unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19892, 11:11:43: Your Dodo - Lvl 111 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 19910, 10:41:34: Your Triceratops - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) was killed by +2 Speed - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) (Grogu Gang)! Day 19910, 10:41:34: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) (Grogu Gang)! Day 19910, 14:17:47: Zappie claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 107 (Argentavis)'! Day 19910, 14:37:10: Zappie froze Rex - Lvl 145 (Rex) Day 19910, 14:45:28: Zappie froze Creepy Uncle - Lvl 169 (Therizinosaur) Day 19911, 00:07:34: Zappie froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 170 (Carnotaurus) Day 19911, 00:18:19: Zappie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 236 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19911, 11:45:30: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 97 was killed by +2 Speed - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) (Grogu Gang)! Day 19911, 11:45:30: Your Tribe killed Zappie - Lvl 97 (Grogu Gang)! Day 19911, 13:21:56: Zappie froze Argentavis - Lvl 404 (Argentavis) Day 19911, 13:25:53: Zealous froze +2 Speed - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19911, 22:29:51: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 75 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 19915, 14:00:02: Zealous Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 19916, 06:29:42: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 102 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 19916, 23:41:53: Zealous froze +2 Speed - Lvl 266 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 19961, 01:53:54: Your Dodo - Lvl 17 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 19962, 06:34:44: Zealous froze Stupid - Lvl 179 (Rex) Day 19963, 09:27:39: Zealous claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 217 (Triceratops)'! Day 19963, 09:36:57: Zealous claimed 'Tipsy - Lvl 25 (Triceratops)'! Day 19963, 19:04:45: Zealous Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19963, 19:16:53: Zealous froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19963, 21:33:09: Zealous froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 114 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19964, 17:45:35: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 108 was killed by +2 Speed - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) (Grogu Gang)! Day 19964, 17:45:35: Your Tribe killed Zealous - Lvl 108 (Grogu Gang)! Day 19964, 20:38:56: Zealous froze Argentavis - Lvl 98 (Argentavis) Day 19965, 04:11:44: Zealous froze Argentavis - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) Day 19978, 15:14:55: Zealous froze Argentavis - Lvl 201 (Argentavis) Day 19978, 15:20:16: Zealous froze Tapejara - Lvl 154 (Tapejara) Day 19979, 01:35:49: Zealous Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo)! Day 19986, 13:12:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 19986, 19:57:06: Red - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19988, 13:52:00: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 116 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 75! Day 19988, 17:45:39: Zealous froze Argentavis - Lvl 102 (Argentavis) Day 20031, 14:21:40: Your Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 20070, 18:34:23: Zappie froze Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 20071, 06:16:11: Zappie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20071, 06:18:37: Zappie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20071, 06:20:23: Zappie claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 20071, 06:21:45: Zappie claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 72 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20071, 06:33:19: Zappie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20071, 06:43:27: Zappie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20071, 21:36:13: Zealous claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 20072, 03:39:29: Zealous demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20072, 03:40:54: Zealous demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20072, 19:44:03: Zappie froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 20117, 19:32:01: Castoroides - Lvl 155 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 20117, 20:28:16: Your scorpio - Lvl 79 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 65! Day 20121, 03:32:55: Zealous froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 20126, 12:58:22: Zealous claimed 'CARAPKA - Lvl 56 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20225, 06:00:47: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 72 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 20227, 08:14:10: Tipsy - Lvl 25 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20312, 17:15:04: Zealous claimed 'New Papa Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20312, 18:15:08: Zealous claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20312, 18:44:37: Zealous claimed 'Pappy Deinon - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 18:48:19: Zealous claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 18:59:28: Zealous claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 19:31:56: Zealous froze Pappy Deinon - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) Day 20312, 19:40:14: Zealous froze Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) Day 20312, 19:48:21: Zealous froze Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 20312, 20:30:21: Zealous claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20312, 23:14:43: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20337, 11:19:35: Your Megalodon - Lvl 60 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 20337, 19:07:09: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 20 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 20345, 10:41:36: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 153 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 20358, 09:09:02: Triceratops - Lvl 115 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20417, 23:50:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20429, 08:53:03: CARAPKA - Lvl 56 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 20464, 11:46:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20464, 11:46:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20464, 11:46:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20473, 20:31:16: Anger Management - Lvl 107 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 20501, 20:17:18: Argentavis - Lvl 111 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 20528, 20:04:55: betty - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20550, 22:18:56: Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 20606, 02:04:54: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20655, 15:03:02: Zealous's 'Pappy Deinon - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20670, 09:57:25: Raptor - Lvl 108 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 20713, 09:00:40: SpiritD - Lvl 121 (Tribe of SpiritD) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 20723, 10:35:04: Mart - Lvl 123 (Dominion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 348 (Argentavis)'! Day 20737, 10:06:12: dodo 1 - Lvl 59 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 20741, 14:13:30: SKiLLz - Lvl 133 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 20760, 18:29:47: plod - Lvl 78 (Tribe of plod) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20894, 01:14:33: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20894, 01:29:40: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 155 (Tapejara)'! Day 20894, 01:35:40: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thor - Lvl 294 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20894, 01:39:43: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 150 (Rex)'! Day 20894, 01:53:35: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 122 (Rex)'! Day 20894, 01:59:19: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stupid - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 20894, 02:07:10: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 102 (Argentavis)'! Day 20894, 02:27:09: Chis93 - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 277 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 20894, 02:38:38: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big chunky girl - Lvl 113 (Diplodocus)'! Day 20894, 03:00:58: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 20894, 03:02:03: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rescue Argy - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 20894, 03:18:26: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20894, 04:04:36: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 76 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 20894, 04:06:15: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20894, 04:15:50: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 20894, 04:17:23: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 20894, 04:19:25: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 221 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20894, 04:21:38: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 174 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20894, 04:25:11: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 114 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20894, 04:27:03: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)'! Day 20894, 04:29:01: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20894, 04:29:50: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 148 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20894, 04:32:13: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 404 (Argentavis)'! Day 20894, 05:28:52: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 161 (Dodo)'! Day 20894, 06:00:03: Aditzu - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Creepy Uncle - Lvl 171 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20900, 02:48:04: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus)'! Day 20913, 01:13:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20913, 01:13:27: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20913, 01:13:27: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20952, 11:53:12: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21096, 08:39:45: Iona - Lvl 49 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock and Stone - Lvl 207 (Doedicurus)'! Day 21176, 08:40:24: Savage - Lvl 121 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 21176, 19:31:21: 's 'Juvenile Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21196, 07:09:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21234, 13:33:20: Carbonemys - Lvl 119 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 21290, 15:47:58: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21478, 00:34:42: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21487, 15:09:56: Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 21577, 01:08:53: Goku - Lvl 23 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Czarna Perła (Raft)'! Day 21727, 10:50:45: NanoBastardo - Lvl 122 (Average Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'New Papa Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 21814, 18:56:48: Tribemember Zealous - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 22035, 05:31:55: Human - Lvl 48 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS WHEREUAT (Raft)'! Day 22262, 07:50:14: Tribemember Zappie - Lvl 100 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1063004235,"tribe":"Tribe of Woody logs":["Day 19749, 19:51:15: Woody was added to the Tribe! Day 19749, 19:53:38: Human was added to the Tribe by Woody! Day 19749, 20:47:10: Tribemember Woody - Lvl 3 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 19750, 00:13:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 19819, 17:11:22: Tribemember Woody - Lvl 7 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 19819, 17:15:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 19899, 23:52:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20015, 07:19:44: woods pet - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1059086666,"tribe":"Forever Arklone logs":["Day 24966, 16:46:43: Yuki demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 24966, 16:48:38: Yuki demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 24966, 18:00:18: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 139 (Sabertooth) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 24966, 19:28:22: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 24967, 23:40:03: Yuki Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)! Day 24968, 00:16:55: Yuki Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 24968, 15:41:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 169 (Sabertooth)! Day 24969, 01:37:44: Yuki Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 24982, 06:03:43: Yuki Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 44 (Kairuku)! Day 24983, 02:54:18: Yuki froze Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 24986, 23:41:23: Yuki froze Tek Rex - Lvl 250 (Tek Rex) Day 24987, 00:28:39: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 24987, 02:15:43: Yuki froze Tek Rex - Lvl 258 (Tek Rex) Day 24987, 13:39:14: Yuki demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 24990, 18:37:07: Yuki froze Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex) Day 24990, 19:08:24: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 24990, 19:35:59: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 25002, 21:22:11: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 25004, 03:47:48: Yuki downloaded a dino: Equus - Lvl 209 Day 25004, 03:55:02: Yuki froze Equus - Lvl 209 (Equus) Day 25004, 05:25:36: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 238 (Maewing) Day 25005, 08:53:23: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing) Day 25055, 07:51:48: Yuki claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25055, 07:58:38: Yuki claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 212 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25055, 09:19:20: Yuki claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 130 (Procoptodon)'! Day 25055, 14:30:25: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 25056, 03:08:00: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 222 (Dire Bear) Day 25056, 05:58:15: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 25056, 20:34:58: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 266 (Dire Bear) Day 25056, 22:39:34: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 266 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 01:05:10: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 25057, 01:19:58: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 268 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 02:52:29: Tribemember Yuki - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 25057, 03:18:30: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 269 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 04:15:02: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 25057, 06:08:43: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 25057, 06:29:56: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 277 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 06:54:58: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 25057, 09:40:08: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 277 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 12:20:34: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 245 (Maewing) Day 25057, 13:04:51: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 277 (Dire Bear) Day 25057, 16:20:48: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 25059, 17:16:50: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 25061, 13:04:01: Yuki froze Triceratops - Lvl 136 (Triceratops) Day 25061, 20:35:58: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 25062, 02:06:45: Your Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 25062, 02:54:41: Yuki froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 89 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 25062, 11:58:26: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 25063, 15:45:14: Yuki froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25063, 19:09:39: Yuki froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 244 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25063, 19:51:39: Yuki froze Gacha - Lvl 173 (Gacha) Day 25063, 20:00:19: Yuki froze Gacha - Lvl 116 (Gacha) Day 25063, 20:27:34: Yuki froze Gacha - Lvl 116 (Gacha) Day 25078, 23:33:03: Yuki froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 244 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25079, 02:20:23: Yuki froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 245 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25079, 10:30:46: Yuki froze Come arañas - Lvl 143 (Procoptodon) Day 25079, 17:38:54: Your Come arañas - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon) was killed by Yuki - Lvl 106 (Forever Arklone)! Day 25079, 17:38:54: Your Tribe killed Come arañas - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon)! Day 25079, 19:23:56: Tribemember Yuki - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 25079, 20:42:07: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 25079, 23:30:57: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 230 (Maewing) Day 25081, 08:02:20: Yuki claimed 'Baby Procoptodon - Lvl 116 (Procoptodon)'! Day 25081, 08:42:53: Yuki claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25081, 09:22:16: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 277 (Dire Bear) Day 25081, 10:38:39: Yuki claimed 'Rex - Lvl 130 (Rex)'! Day 25081, 11:37:12: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25081, 12:26:16: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 277 (Dire Bear) Day 25081, 17:11:37: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25081, 18:26:57: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25081, 19:14:24: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 278 (Dire Bear) Day 25081, 19:28:31: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25081, 20:55:52: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 279 (Dire Bear) Day 25081, 21:56:38: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25081, 22:08:08: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 279 (Dire Bear) Day 25082, 09:29:53: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 25082, 12:21:33: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 280 (Dire Bear) Day 25082, 15:54:10: Yuki froze Gacha - Lvl 122 (Gacha) Day 25082, 17:48:22: Yuki froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 246 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25082, 17:59:52: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 25084, 19:47:11: Yuki froze Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25085, 09:39:55: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 25085, 16:28:39: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 280 (Dire Bear) Day 25085, 16:42:19: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 25097, 21:56:15: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 284 (Dire Bear) Day 25097, 22:26:17: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 25098, 05:53:33: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 284 (Dire Bear) Day 25098, 07:46:32: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 284 (Dire Bear) Day 25098, 08:26:41: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 284 (Dire Bear) Day 25098, 11:40:02: Yuki froze Procoptodon - Lvl 127 (Procoptodon) Day 25098, 18:33:58: Yuki froze Procoptodon - Lvl 133 (Procoptodon) Day 25103, 21:42:14: Yuki froze Osaka - Lvl 284 (Dire Bear) Day 25103, 21:59:33: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 25129, 14:25:06: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 25130, 18:24:18: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)'! Day 25130, 18:25:23: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)'! Day 25130, 20:19:28: Yuki claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 25131, 10:56:48: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 25132, 05:59:05: Yuki froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 25133, 11:21:12: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr)'! Day 25133, 11:22:23: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr)'! Day 25133, 11:29:40: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25133, 11:34:09: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25133, 12:10:33: Yuki froze Gacha - Lvl 187 (Gacha) Day 25175, 17:21:08: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25175, 17:25:17: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 06:52:29: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 06:59:31: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 12:58:52: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr)'! Day 25176, 16:05:27: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 18:33:52: Yuki claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing)'! Day 25176, 18:42:26: Yuki claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 214 (Maewing)'! Day 25176, 22:18:54: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 22:28:46: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25176, 22:34:19: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25177, 04:41:28: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25177, 04:48:00: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25177, 04:56:00: Yuki froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 25181, 05:10:04: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 214 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 25197, 11:28:13: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 231 (Dire Bear) Day 25197, 12:21:14: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 25197, 13:10:23: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 25197, 13:34:14: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 236 (Dire Bear) Day 25197, 14:52:13: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 25197, 16:24:59: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 233 (Managarmr) Day 25198, 05:40:27: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 234 (Managarmr) Day 25199, 14:34:55: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr)'! Day 25199, 14:36:31: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr)'! Day 25199, 14:44:17: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25199, 14:47:13: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25199, 14:48:19: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr)'! Day 25199, 14:57:24: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 213 (Managarmr) Day 25200, 02:26:52: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 25200, 12:46:09: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 259 (Managarmr) Day 25200, 16:45:45: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25200, 16:56:39: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25200, 17:48:14: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 261 (Managarmr) Day 25200, 20:10:53: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25200, 22:51:37: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25200, 23:04:08: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25200, 23:21:48: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25201, 17:30:17: Yuki froze Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 89 (Pachyrhinosaurus) Day 25201, 17:33:24: Yuki froze Triceratops - Lvl 136 (Triceratops) Day 25202, 10:05:49: Yuki froze Maewing - Lvl 278 (Maewing) Day 25257, 16:56:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25319, 13:38:23: Ola k ase - Lvl 31 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 25319, 15:51:46: Yuki froze Eva - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 25319, 18:16:57: Yuki froze Eva - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus) Day 25319, 19:07:21: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25319, 19:08:14: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25320, 08:25:32: Yuki froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 25320, 08:56:57: Yuki froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 25320, 09:00:16: Yuki froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 25320, 09:13:44: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 262 (Managarmr) Day 25320, 10:07:32: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 263 (Managarmr) Day 25322, 08:16:11: Yuki froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 25322, 11:11:14: Yuki claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex)'! Day 25322, 15:51:36: Yuki froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25399, 15:09:50: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25399, 15:09:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25405, 09:58:11: Yuki froze Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 25405, 11:51:20: Yuki froze Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 25405, 12:57:01: Yuki froze Eva - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 25405, 19:03:28: Yuki claimed 'Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:03:56: Yuki claimed 'stam dam male - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:06:36: Yuki claimed 'Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:09:18: Yuki claimed 'f/w hp - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:11:24: Yuki claimed 'HP - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 23:11:20: Yuki froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 25405, 23:15:37: Yuki froze f/w hp - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 25405, 23:21:14: Yuki froze stam dam male - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 25405, 23:34:09: Yuki froze Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 25405, 23:43:28: Yuki froze HP - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 25406, 02:04:56: Yuki froze Deinonychus - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus) Day 25406, 08:03:07: Yuki froze Gemela 1 - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 25406, 14:39:05: Yuki froze Eva - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 25406, 14:44:47: Yuki froze Deinonychus - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus) Day 25406, 14:47:59: Yuki froze Eva - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 25406, 15:22:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 25406, 22:14:46: Yuki froze Gemela 2 - Lvl 236 (Managarmr) Day 25406, 22:20:19: Yuki froze Manola - Lvl 229 (Managarmr) Day 25407, 00:58:06: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25407, 01:05:32: Yuki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 25407, 01:45:32: Yuki claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)'! Day 25407, 01:59:38: Yuki froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 202 (Managarmr) Day 25407, 02:18:49: Yuki claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 25407, 02:29:09: Yuki froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 25407, 02:36:51: Yuki froze HP - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 25407, 02:45:50: Yuki froze stam dam male - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 25407, 11:16:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 201 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 25462, 00:18:56: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 25464, 07:55:53: Yuki froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 201 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 25612, 07:48:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25657, 10:52:13: Yuki froze Kairuku - Lvl 76 (Kairuku) Day 25657, 10:56:19: Yuki froze Otter - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 25657, 11:09:59: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 25657, 11:17:04: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 241 (Dire Bear) Day 25657, 11:21:29: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 246 (Dire Bear) Day 25657, 11:24:25: Yuki froze Dire Bear - Lvl 239 (Dire Bear) Day 25706, 21:21:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25754, 05:30:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25889, 16:16:24: Moschops - Lvl 80 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25891, 09:50:17: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26265, 15:27:41: Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 26326, 20:20:19: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 26405, 14:13:37: Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 26520, 16:08:00: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26520, 16:14:15: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26520, 16:14:46: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 109 (Doedicurus)'! Day 26520, 16:15:36: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 26520, 16:15:58: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 26520, 16:16:36: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26520, 16:17:28: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 26520, 16:18:33: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 255 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 26520, 16:19:09: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Quetzal - Lvl 251 (R-Quetzal)'! Day 26520, 16:20:14: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Horseluisa - Lvl 232 (Equus)'! Day 26520, 16:22:27: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr)'! Day 26520, 16:27:05: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manolo - Lvl 240 (Managarmr)'! Day 26520, 16:28:36: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gemela 1 - Lvl 286 (Managarmr)'! Day 26520, 16:30:45: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)'! Day 26520, 16:32:50: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zorro Mistico - Lvl 253 (Managarmr)'! Day 26520, 16:36:28: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 26520, 16:38:40: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 239 (Managarmr)'! Day 26520, 16:39:52: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26520, 16:59:23: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 26520, 17:06:39: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pegomastax - Lvl 63 (Pegomastax)'! Day 26520, 17:07:51: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 66 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 26520, 17:08:18: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paco - Lvl 228 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 26520, 17:09:19: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo)'! Day 26520, 17:27:48: Tribemember Yuki - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 26521, 02:40:11: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 262 (Dire Bear)'! Day 26521, 02:41:00: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 02:43:08: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 26521, 02:52:02: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 221 (Dire Bear)'! Day 26521, 02:52:33: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Come arañas II - Lvl 142 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26521, 02:53:22: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Procoptodon - Lvl 209 (R-Procoptodon)'! Day 26521, 02:54:00: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26521, 02:54:25: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 144 (Procoptodon)'! Day 26521, 02:55:26: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 26521, 02:56:17: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 230 (Raptor)'! Day 26521, 02:58:04: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 155 (Raptor)'! Day 26521, 03:03:57: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Danonino - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:05:10: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:05:34: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:06:33: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:07:11: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:33:11: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 258 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26521, 03:34:08: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eva - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26521, 03:34:44: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alberto - Lvl 194 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26522, 00:24:44: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 185 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26534, 07:29:40: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27099, 09:41:37: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1058802173,"tribe":"Already Dead logs":["Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21856, 06:50:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21858, 03:52:10: 人類 - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21918, 21:20:15: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:23:39: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:25:31: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:26:24: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:27:04: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:28:08: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:31:30: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek.G-Rex - Lvl 164 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21918, 21:32:12: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex)'! Day 22012, 06:05:23: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 89 (Tek Rex)'! Day 22012, 06:26:09: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 227 (Tek Rex)'! Day 22012, 06:41:00: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 06:46:03: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:01:59: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:06:06: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:22:53: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:26:25: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:35:39: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 07:41:57: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 22012, 08:00:39: dia - Lvl 181 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22068, 07:03:52: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22422, 21:51:34: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22465, 04:02:12: Tribemember .pnkz - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22465, 04:13:47: Tribemember Groli - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1057871572,"tribe":"Cool bois logs":["Day 18528, 21:33:14: Hazzaboi123 was added to the Tribe! Day 18528, 21:41:38: sprxy_eu was added to the Tribe by Hazzaboi123! Day 18528, 21:59:00: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 18529, 06:45:03: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 18529, 08:20:52: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 18529, 09:47:32: sprxy_eu was removed from the Tribe! Day 18529, 13:10:10: sprxy_eu was added to the Tribe by Hazzaboi123! Day 18529, 22:18:55: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 18529, 22:20:55: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 18530, 02:34:53: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 18530, 04:40:26: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 23 was killed by sprxy_eu - Lvl 25 (Cool bois)! Day 18530, 04:40:26: Your Tribe killed Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 23 (Cool bois)! Day 18530, 06:52:10: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 25 was killed by Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 23 (Cool bois)! Day 18530, 06:52:10: Your Tribe killed sprxy_eu - Lvl 25 (Cool bois)! Day 18530, 08:26:09: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 18530, 09:47:19: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 18530, 15:37:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18531, 04:33:25: sprxy_eu Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)! Day 18531, 10:23:14: sprxy_eu Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)! Day 18531, 13:34:27: Your Hazzas tech parasaur - Lvl 217 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18532, 08:57:25: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18532, 08:58:08: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18532, 10:06:04: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 18532, 10:32:03: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18532, 10:36:11: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18532, 11:28:52: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 18532, 11:30:22: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 18532, 11:31:07: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 18533, 12:48:51: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 18534, 03:21:20: Hazzaboi123 claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18534, 03:30:18: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18535, 00:05:14: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18536, 12:47:02: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18536, 14:51:11: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18536, 14:52:53: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18536, 14:54:05: Hazzaboi123 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18537, 02:20:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 18537, 06:56:57: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus)! Day 18537, 08:08:23: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 18537, 12:27:02: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 18537, 13:31:18: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 59 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18537, 16:40:56: Hazzaboi123 claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 18537, 16:43:02: Hazzaboi123 claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 18537, 16:45:24: Hazzaboi123 claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 18539, 06:39:09: Juvenile Harry's lyth - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 18539, 06:39:11: Juvenile seth's lyth - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 18544, 02:29:05: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 18544, 09:06:18: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 18544, 21:03:37: Hazzaboi123 froze Hazzas PT - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 18544, 21:05:56: Hazzaboi123 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 7 (Argentavis)! Day 18544, 21:27:17: Hazzaboi123 froze Hazzaz arge - Lvl 7 (Argentavis) Day 18545, 11:47:05: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 18545, 17:42:33: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 65 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 18546, 04:50:38: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 37 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 18546, 05:00:34: Your seths pt 2 - Lvl 150 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 18546, 05:11:48: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 65 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 18546, 05:26:09: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 37 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 18546, 07:18:53: Hazzaboi123 froze Seth's Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) Day 18546, 09:34:51: Hazzaboi123 froze Hazzaz arge - Lvl 7 (Argentavis) Day 18546, 22:09:43: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 38 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.8x! Day 18547, 01:21:48: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 18550, 08:50:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 18550, 12:22:05: sprxy_eu Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon)! Day 18550, 13:45:30: Your hazzas stego - Lvl 40 (Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 18550, 13:45:30: Your Tribe killed hazzas stego - Lvl 40 (Stegosaurus) (Cool bois)! Day 18550, 19:53:13: sprxy_eu claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18551, 10:23:56: Hazzaboi123 claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18551, 11:13:55: sprxy_eu unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18551, 11:14:33: sprxy_eu claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18551, 11:19:11: sprxy_eu unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18551, 11:19:32: sprxy_eu claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18551, 15:43:37: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 18551, 16:38:51: sprxy_eu demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 18555, 15:17:55: Your breed a - Lvl 65 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 18555, 15:49:11: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 70 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 10! Day 18555, 17:13:41: Your fucking gay level - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 25! Day 18555, 21:22:18: Hazzaboi123 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 18561, 01:09:31: Your harrys freind - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 18575, 05:00:23: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 23 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 18601, 15:24:08: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 18874, 13:53:27: Your scrap - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 70! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18993, 00:52:02: Your shared lyth - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 18993, 00:52:02: shared lyth - Lvl 39 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 19047, 11:55:39: hazzzzzzzazzzzzzzzzzzzzz - Lvl 32 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 19280, 07:50:58: seths pt - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19403, 12:17:41: hazzas freind - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19403, 12:18:03: BLUE - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19422, 10:48:20: hazzas baby pet - Lvl 60 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 19493, 03:10:28: Your Hazzas PT - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19632, 03:45:14: hazzzzaz fend - Lvl 73 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 19632, 03:45:56: Seth's Parasaur - Lvl 54 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19687, 14:00:23: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 04:33:52: hazzas trike - Lvl 51 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19970, 17:05:07: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19990, 23:35:24: Tribemember sprxy_eu - Lvl 48 was killed by Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 72 (Cool bois)! Day 19990, 23:35:24: Your Tribe killed sprxy_eu - Lvl 48 (Cool bois)! Day 22215, 11:18:55: Tribemember Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 72 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1057470463,"tribe":"Tribe of Isla logs":["Day 36407, 12:04:56: Isla was added to the Tribe! Day 36407, 12:31:12: Thistletickle was added to the Tribe by Isla! Day 36407, 23:33:09: Thistletickle demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36408, 01:55:53: Thistletickle Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 36408, 09:35:42: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 36408, 20:08:32: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36408, 20:36:56: Your Ptera - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36408, 21:13:57: Thistletickle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 36409, 01:34:53: Your The Boy - Lvl 28 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 105! Day 36409, 01:36:46: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 105! Day 36409, 02:23:46: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 36409, 02:35:05: Your glider - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 36409, 04:41:58: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 36410, 01:10:45: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 23 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 35! Day 36410, 10:16:11: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36410, 10:21:11: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36413, 07:36:49: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 34 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 36413, 07:44:34: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 36413, 08:55:44: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36413, 16:21:41: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 35 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 20! Day 36413, 20:25:30: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 95! Day 36413, 21:13:07: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 36413, 21:46:39: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 36413, 23:27:28: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 36414, 00:17:24: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 36414, 01:28:09: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 94 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 36414, 06:29:07: Isla Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 36414, 07:33:37: Thistletickle Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)! Day 36415, 04:13:07: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 44 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 36415, 07:06:20: Isla Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 36415, 09:58:36: Isla Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 78 (Carbonemys)! Day 36415, 16:02:12: Isla Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 36428, 01:26:05: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 49 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 02:02:35: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 95 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 03:59:40: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 49 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 04:04:38: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 95 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 05:53:32: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 49 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 06:26:13: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 95 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 07:01:42: Triceratops - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 36428, 07:01:42: Triceratops - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 36428, 07:01:45: Triceratops - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 36428, 07:41:54: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 95 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36428, 10:39:12: Thistletickle Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 77 (Triceratops)! Day 36428, 14:12:04: Isla Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5 (Therizinosaur)! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36457, 12:31:04: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 36457, 16:34:14: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 70! Day 36457, 16:48:39: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 36457, 17:47:53: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18! Day 36457, 19:49:48: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 125! Day 36458, 01:35:17: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 70! Day 36458, 03:04:54: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 36458, 04:04:08: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 70! Day 36458, 04:55:36: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 36458, 05:25:55: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 90! Day 36458, 06:07:30: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 65! Day 36458, 08:45:43: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 36458, 09:16:22: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 36458, 09:23:57: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 36458, 11:10:44: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 60 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 36458, 11:45:59: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 36458, 12:20:35: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 60 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 36458, 12:41:30: Your Ptera - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 25! Day 36458, 13:28:45: Thistletickle claimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36458, 13:53:49: Thistletickle unclaimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36458, 14:03:07: Thistletickle claimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36458, 15:24:40: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 10! Day 36458, 15:35:01: Thistletickle unclaimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36458, 23:54:01: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 96 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 36459, 01:22:30: Isla Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 55 (Pteranodon)! Day 36459, 03:52:40: Thistletickle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 36460, 11:32:36: Thistletickle Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 36460, 12:52:04: Isla claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36460, 14:51:05: Thistletickle Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 69 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 36460, 17:19:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 36460, 18:12:44: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 36461, 11:51:43: Your Boulder - Lvl 77 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Thistletickle - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36461, 11:51:43: Your Tribe killed Boulder - Lvl 77 (Ankylosaurus) (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36461, 11:57:47: Your Flaps - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 110! Day 36461, 12:05:51: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 36461, 13:38:27: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 90! Day 36461, 16:28:59: Isla claimed 'Titan Killer - Lvl 170 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 36461, 17:58:44: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 36461, 18:09:42: Isla claimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36461, 19:20:35: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 75! Day 36461, 19:47:25: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36461, 20:16:55: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 36461, 21:30:33: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 36462, 03:17:14: Isla unclaimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36464, 05:44:43: Thistletickle demolished a 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) '! Day 36466, 04:55:16: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 73 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 36476, 01:33:32: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 36476, 02:09:55: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 36476, 16:56:10: Isla Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 36477, 01:04:54: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 36477, 03:14:45: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 36477, 04:04:09: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 36477, 05:18:03: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 85! Day 36477, 06:07:50: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 97 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 36479, 15:06:18: Thistletickle demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36479, 22:27:46: Your Ptera - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 36482, 05:01:00: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 80 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 36482, 13:51:13: Isla unclaimed 'Carbo - Lvl 104 (Carbonemys)'! Day 36483, 21:47:23: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 36483, 23:02:38: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 36484, 12:33:56: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 36484, 13:03:15: Thistletickle demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36486, 22:25:38: Thistletickle demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 36487, 07:52:46: Thistletickle claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 79 (Parasaur)'! Day 36489, 16:22:44: Your Flaps II - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 36501, 22:25:58: Your Para - Lvl 73 (Parasaur) was killed by Thistletickle - Lvl 85 (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36501, 22:25:58: Your Tribe killed Para - Lvl 73 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36502, 19:21:33: Thistletickle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 36503, 15:42:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 36503, 15:49:51: Therizinosaur - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Holiday Tree'! Day 36503, 15:52:26: Therizinosaur - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36503, 19:58:12: Your Ptera - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 36503, 19:58:46: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 99 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 36503, 21:11:06: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 99 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 80! Day 36503, 21:53:03: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 36503, 22:52:29: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 99 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 36504, 01:05:24: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 99 was killed by Thistletickle - Lvl 89 (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36504, 01:05:24: Your Tribe killed Isla - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36504, 08:30:53: Isla Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon)! Day 36504, 23:38:50: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 36505, 02:40:03: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 91 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 36505, 04:32:43: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 36505, 08:47:19: Your Ptera - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 36505, 10:39:29: Isla Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 59 (Argentavis)! Day 36505, 12:05:39: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 125! Day 36505, 14:58:35: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 36505, 15:45:25: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 36505, 16:30:08: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 40! Day 36505, 18:12:22: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 36505, 19:24:16: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 40! Day 36505, 21:02:54: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 36505, 22:18:55: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 36507, 13:10:43: Isla Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 65 (Argentavis)! Day 36507, 17:51:39: Thistletickle Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 36508, 00:39:18: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 36508, 13:16:38: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 36508, 16:58:45: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 30! Day 36508, 18:12:01: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 36508, 18:58:59: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 36509, 06:01:56: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 100 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 36527, 23:17:56: Your Dilo - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Thistletickle - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36527, 23:17:56: Your Tribe killed Dilo - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Isla)! Day 36528, 20:20:47: Thistletickle Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 12 (Doedicurus)! Day 36654, 06:32:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36701, 15:14:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36701, 15:14:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36780, 16:42:34: Your Him - Lvl 159 (Parasaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 36787, 00:51:29: Your Argen - Lvl 70 (Argentavis) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 50! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36843, 22:57:01: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37085, 10:11:57: Anklo - Lvl 56 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 37117, 12:19:03: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 37117, 12:28:39: Human - Lvl 7 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37143, 21:06:40: Human - Lvl 23 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Birb - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 37143, 21:09:21: Human - Lvl 23 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Air One - Lvl 68 (Argentavis)'! Day 37143, 21:12:42: Human - Lvl 23 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Titan Killer - Lvl 204 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 37143, 21:14:49: Human - Lvl 23 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Runner - Lvl 97 (Parasaur)'! Day 37143, 21:16:24: Human - Lvl 23 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cera - Lvl 120 (Triceratops)'! Day 37145, 15:01:39: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smasher - Lvl 21 (Doedicurus)'! Day 37145, 15:18:26: Human - Lvl 28 (Kodak Black) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Theri - Lvl 44 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37152, 10:52:34: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37319, 22:14:53: Jeyda - Lvl 112 (Ardent) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37420, 00:03:54: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 37427, 06:17:41: Tribemember Isla - Lvl 101 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 37427, 12:18:26: Tribemember Thistletickle - Lvl 98 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 37436, 19:37:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37583, 09:16:38: William - Lvl 64 (Tribe of William) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uber - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37697, 20:59:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37697, 20:59:12: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1055548112,"tribe":"Impulse logs":["Day 15695, 16:56:07: Rhaelie was added to the Tribe! Day 15695, 16:57:53: Nefro was added to the Tribe by Rhaelie! Day 15696, 06:25:49: Rhaelie froze 130lvl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 15696, 06:27:19: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 00:51:17: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 02:25:15: Rhaelie froze 130lvl - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 02:33:20: Zenalis added 'Impulse' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15697, 02:52:54: Bengelchen added 'Impulse' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 14:49:30: Rhaelie froze NO15 - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 16:25:16: Tribemember Nefro - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 15697, 16:34:08: Rhaelie froze Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 17:20:16: Rhaelie froze no12 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 19:22:29: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) Day 15697, 19:49:24: Rhaelie uploaded a Snow Owl: 130lvl - Lvl 254 Day 15725, 09:54:38: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 344 (Snow Owl) Day 15739, 14:19:49: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 345 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 12:59:08: ViceFusion added 'Impulse' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 14:15:11: Rhaelie froze Sakura - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 16018, 15:05:00: Rhaelie froze Sakura - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 16018, 19:47:12: Nefro froze Ryu - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 16018, 19:48:19: Rhaelie froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 19:52:51: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 20:10:44: Rhaelie froze Sakura - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 16018, 20:18:52: Rhaelie froze Ollie - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 21:14:24: Rhaelie froze Ollie - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 16213, 06:38:25: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 375 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16213, 08:59:55: Rhaelie Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium)! Day 16213, 09:01:52: Rhaelie froze Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium) Day 16213, 09:11:11: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 16213, 09:11:20: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 375 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16277, 03:59:53: Nefro froze Kraken - Lvl 361 (Tusoteuthis) Day 16277, 06:01:18: Nefro froze Snow Owl - Lvl 359 (Snow Owl) Day 19747, 22:55:43: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 20190, 18:04:22: Nefro Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 20190, 18:10:21: Nefro froze Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis) Day 20190, 18:33:38: Nefro uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 14 Day 20190, 18:36:45: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 397 (Snow Owl) Day 23915, 17:29:31: Rhaelie Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23915, 17:33:31: Rhaelie froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 23915, 18:15:06: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 23915, 18:42:44: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 24797, 15:50:58: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance!"] "tribeid":1054820572,"tribe":"House Grimwood logs":["Day 23940, 05:26:03: Lambo was added to the Tribe! Day 23940, 10:18:21: Tribemember Lambo - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 23941, 04:34:32: Tribemember Lambo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 23941, 15:12:22: Lambo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 23941, 15:17:04: Lambo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 23941, 18:39:27: Tribemember Lambo - Lvl 40 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 65! Day 23941, 22:54:25: Lambo froze Raptor - Lvl 97 (Raptor) Day 23941, 22:58:13: Lambo froze Raptor - Lvl 60 (Raptor) Day 23942, 02:03:43: Lambo froze Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor) Day 23942, 05:26:03: Lambo froze Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor) Day 23942, 21:08:26: Lambo uploaded a Raptor: Raptor - Lvl 60 Day 23942, 21:18:25: Lambo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1051889770,"tribe":"Tribe of the DinoNerds logs":["Day 26239, 10:04:26: DinoDuDe was added to the Tribe! Day 26239, 13:56:20: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 26239, 14:09:44: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 10 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 26239, 18:19:39: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 26239, 19:13:34: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 40! Day 26239, 20:13:12: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 150! Day 26239, 20:34:09: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 26239, 21:41:30: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 26239, 22:44:39: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26240, 00:09:36: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 26240, 01:12:12: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 0.9x! Day 26240, 03:49:15: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 26240, 06:05:12: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 26240, 08:17:22: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 26240, 18:14:05: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 26262, 04:26:11: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26262, 06:47:54: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 26262, 14:18:24: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 26262, 16:46:15: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 26263, 04:29:13: DinoDuDe Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 52 (Moschops)! Day 26263, 07:39:25: DinoDuDe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 50 (Parasaur)! Day 26263, 17:42:41: DinoDuDe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 26263, 21:51:03: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 46 (Parasaur)'! Day 26265, 06:09:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)! Day 26278, 05:43:31: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 26278, 10:16:31: DinoDuDe froze Baby zues - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26278, 11:23:48: DinoDuDe froze Juvenile zues - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26279, 10:16:00: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 26279, 14:15:36: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26279, 14:20:31: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26279, 14:23:15: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26279, 14:24:22: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26279, 14:25:47: DinoDuDe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26279, 20:53:07: DinoDuDe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 01:57:28: DinoDuDe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 02:15:50: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 02:33:03: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 02:42:57: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 03:53:05: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 04:00:34: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 04:11:11: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 04:29:40: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 04:43:21: DinoDuDe froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 05:07:10: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 10:30:43: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 10:35:00: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 10:42:54: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 11:34:58: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent zues - Lvl 179 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26280, 15:20:32: DinoDuDe froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26287, 10:04:35: DinoDuDe froze Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 26287, 10:10:13: DinoDuDe froze Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 26287, 10:16:56: DinoDuDe froze Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 26304, 14:17:51: DinoDuDe froze zues - Lvl 195 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26379, 15:19:02: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 26427, 12:41:42: DinoDuDe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 14 (Iguanodon)! Day 26427, 18:17:32: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 54 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 26454, 01:50:24: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26471, 19:14:56: Your Preston - Lvl 57 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 26557, 20:59:59: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26557, 20:59:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26641, 10:55:42: plegic - Lvl 43 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26641, 10:55:44: mossy - Lvl 66 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 26644, 09:46:20: Your iggy - Lvl 14 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 26645, 06:46:33: windshear - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27011, 03:31:56: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27011, 03:38:07: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27011, 03:38:28: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27011, 03:41:52: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'zues - Lvl 202 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 27011, 03:46:58: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27088, 17:33:30: penut - Lvl 46 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28572, 16:03:33: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 54 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 28908, 11:09:22: Tribemember DinoDuDe - Lvl 55 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1051418472,"tribe":"FUKBOI logs":["Day 34340, 06:14:01: Kurt... was added to the Tribe! Day 34340, 06:16:10: Lilith was added to the Tribe by Kurt...! Day 34340, 06:40:43: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 34340, 06:47:22: Kurt... froze 140 m - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 34340, 07:07:23: Lilith froze [223] 2 - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 34340, 07:16:43: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 34340, 08:42:38: Your Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34340, 08:42:38: Your Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 34340, 09:24:35: Lilith froze [223] Big Bertha - Lvl 308 (Yutyrannus) Day 34340, 09:28:04: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:28:28: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:31:12: Kurt... froze [223] 3 - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:32:35: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:33:57: Kurt... froze [223] 2 - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:36:09: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:36:41: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:39:28: Kurt... froze K3 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:39:31: Lilith froze K5 - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:44:25: Kurt... froze K1 - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:45:21: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:47:04: Kurt... froze K4 - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:52:04: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:54:44: Kurt... froze K2 - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:55:12: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 282 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:57:41: Kurt... froze K3 - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 34340, 09:58:35: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 34340, 11:14:49: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 34383, 03:00:29: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34383, 03:49:31: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 09:22:06: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34383, 12:05:18: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 18:09:08: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 34383, 18:15:15: Lilith froze Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 34383, 18:45:29: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34383, 19:20:42: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 04:24:38: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 07:33:47: Kurt... downloaded a dino: 50 Drill - Lvl 75 Day 34384, 08:00:14: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 08:00:37: Kurt... uploaded a Tek Stryder: 50 Drill - Lvl 75 Day 34384, 09:19:05: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 09:42:18: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 11:42:06: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 306 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 13:09:13: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 13:12:05: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 323 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 14:17:17: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 14:33:05: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 323 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 14:48:12: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 323 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 14:50:32: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 15:28:04: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 15:46:14: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 323 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 17:39:39: Lilith froze [194] Goose - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 17:52:27: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 18:32:37: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 19:44:17: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 19:45:27: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34384, 19:50:09: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 21:41:24: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 22:05:13: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34384, 23:20:09: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 01:10:48: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 02:22:43: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 05:23:28: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 05:38:32: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 325 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 07:15:20: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 08:27:40: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 09:27:05: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 10:09:19: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 11:23:52: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 11:45:37: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 12:02:47: Kurt... froze Dire Bear - Lvl 330 (Dire Bear) Day 34385, 13:00:25: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34385, 20:37:31: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 34385, 20:50:07: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34385, 22:27:55: Your K1 - Lvl 295 (Rex) was killed! Day 34385, 22:40:59: Your K2 - Lvl 284 (Rex) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 100! Day 34385, 22:43:06: Your Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 34386, 00:03:13: Lilith froze [223] Big Bertha - Lvl 311 (Yutyrannus) Day 34386, 00:09:28: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:11:44: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:14:49: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:15:21: Kurt... froze K5 - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:18:51: Kurt... froze K4 - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:20:28: Lilith froze K3 - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:22:49: Kurt... froze [223] 3 - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:27:11: Lilith froze Rex - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:31:13: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:35:03: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:41:12: Lilith froze [223] 2 - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:43:48: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:46:01: Lilith froze K3 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 34386, 00:49:49: Kurt... froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 34386, 01:23:32: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 34386, 01:27:11: Kurt... froze Yukidaruma-OniiChan - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 34682, 19:39:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34682, 19:39:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37270, 22:28:50: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1049334219,"tribe":"SUPREME MEME logs":["Day 27798, 08:15:06: Big Hans was added to the Tribe! Day 27798, 08:40:26: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 334 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28151, 20:02:14: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28176, 09:42:40: Big Hans froze HP fem - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 28176, 12:34:59: Your KeemStar - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 10! Day 28176, 14:32:59: Big Hans froze HP fem - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 28176, 17:12:17: Big Hans froze HP fem - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 28271, 07:01:00: Big Hans froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 186 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28470, 21:24:42: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28724, 20:28:21: FentJ was added to the Tribe by Big Hans! Day 28724, 22:49:01: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 06:03:59: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 337 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 06:04:07: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 07:02:54: Big Hans froze Cave guy Acen - Lvl 373 (Rex) Day 28725, 07:48:44: Big Hans froze Cave guy Acen - Lvl 373 (Rex) Day 28725, 09:03:08: Big Hans froze Cave guy Acen - Lvl 373 (Rex) Day 28725, 09:41:50: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28725, 13:45:12: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 13:54:13: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 337 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 14:51:43: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 15:52:21: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 280! Day 28725, 16:01:00: Your Sarco - Lvl 358 (Sarco) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 290! Day 28725, 18:22:16: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28725, 20:51:41: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28725, 21:26:16: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28725, 22:32:13: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28725, 23:39:38: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28726, 00:03:01: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 00:15:40: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 00:56:32: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28726, 02:00:36: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28726, 04:17:57: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 05:46:55: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 08:09:15: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28726, 08:30:38: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 08:35:33: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 09:01:56: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 09:22:41: FentJ froze Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) Day 28726, 09:43:20: Your Sarco - Lvl 342 (Sarco) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 28726, 10:53:59: FentJ froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 331 (R-Reaper King) Day 28726, 13:15:01: FentJ froze Raven - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29120, 07:55:23: Big Hans froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30217, 01:27:09: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30217, 01:27:09: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30287, 22:03:51: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30287, 22:03:51: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1046321132,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve logs":["Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20511, 15:24:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20624, 15:51:15: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20624, 15:51:18: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20624, 15:51:24: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20625, 11:42:38: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20724, 03:31:55: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20794, 23:32:01: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22464, 21:32:52: Steve Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 136 (Iguanodon)! Day 22465, 00:45:13: Steve was removed from the Tribe! Day 22465, 00:45:13: Tribe Owner was changed to Vimes! Day 23502, 19:58:12: Tasha added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23502, 20:04:09: Tasha added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to boss fights Alliance! Day 23524, 06:17:52: Tasha added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to boss fights Alliance!"] "tribeid":1043253377,"tribe":"Xantiem logs":["Day 41935, 09:04:48: Xantiem was added to the Tribe! Day 41935, 09:06:56: Xantiem Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 41935, 12:34:01: Xantiem Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 41935, 13:56:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 41935, 17:17:13: Xantiem Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 41952, 00:20:05: Xantiem claimed 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 41952, 05:53:12: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41956, 20:41:28: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 41956, 20:48:27: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 41957, 00:33:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) was killed by Xantiem - Lvl 36 (Xantiem)! Day 41957, 00:33:14: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 8 (Pteranodon) (Xantiem)! Day 41976, 01:09:33: Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 41976, 01:09:33: Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 41976, 01:09:33: Your DoDoers - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 41976, 01:09:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 41976, 01:53:53: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42006, 01:18:35: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 32 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 42006, 06:45:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 42006, 12:12:32: Xantiem Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 42006, 14:17:27: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 46 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 42082, 08:23:52: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 10 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 42083, 17:40:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 54 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 42102, 18:03:57: Xantiem Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 42102, 18:19:10: Your Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 42102, 23:08:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 42171, 04:23:53: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 47 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 42171, 06:35:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 71 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 42171, 07:52:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 20 (Sarco)! Day 42171, 08:57:29: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 42171, 21:09:31: Xantiem Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 59 (Castoroides)! Day 42173, 05:21:27: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 42173, 08:12:09: Xantiem claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 149 (Tapejara)'! Day 42173, 08:18:46: Xantiem claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 42173, 08:24:05: Xantiem claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 30 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 42173, 21:01:51: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 30 (Brontosaurus) Day 42173, 21:07:14: Xantiem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 42173, 21:13:04: Xantiem froze Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara) Day 42173, 21:17:43: Xantiem froze Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 42173, 21:25:49: Xantiem froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 77 (Tek Parasaur) Day 42173, 21:30:05: Xantiem froze Castoroides - Lvl 59 (Castoroides) Day 42173, 21:35:26: Xantiem froze Sarco - Lvl 27 (Sarco) Day 42174, 13:37:12: Kentrosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42174, 15:11:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 121 (Doedicurus)! Day 42174, 16:01:50: Xantiem froze Doedicurus - Lvl 129 (Doedicurus) Day 42174, 17:45:36: Xantiem Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 119 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 42174, 17:58:00: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 120 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42174, 18:09:55: Xantiem demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 42175, 05:20:55: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 129 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42175, 20:14:26: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 42175, 22:45:39: Xantiem froze Doedicurus - Lvl 136 (Doedicurus) Day 42175, 23:01:03: Xantiem froze Castoroides - Lvl 71 (Castoroides) Day 42176, 00:33:44: Xantiem froze Castoroides - Lvl 71 (Castoroides) Day 42176, 02:54:16: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 132 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42189, 18:46:55: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 64 (Brontosaurus) Day 42189, 22:45:57: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 66 (Brontosaurus) Day 42189, 23:37:40: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 66 (Brontosaurus) Day 42190, 02:30:18: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 152 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42190, 03:16:28: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 66 (Brontosaurus) Day 42198, 20:34:49: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42198, 20:38:30: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42198, 20:39:48: Xantiem demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 42199, 05:39:55: Xantiem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 42202, 02:03:10: Xantiem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) Day 42202, 02:07:38: Xantiem froze Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara) Day 42202, 02:12:07: Xantiem froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 77 (Tek Parasaur) Day 42202, 02:16:44: Xantiem froze Sarco - Lvl 27 (Sarco) Day 42202, 02:21:24: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 152 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42202, 02:36:07: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 76 (Brontosaurus) Day 42218, 17:36:17: Xantiem Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 42260, 17:47:56: Xantiem froze Moschops - Lvl 28 (Moschops) Day 42260, 17:52:17: Xantiem froze Castoroides - Lvl 96 (Castoroides) Day 42260, 17:58:02: Xantiem froze Castoroides - Lvl 96 (Castoroides) Day 42260, 18:01:52: Xantiem froze Doedicurus - Lvl 174 (Doedicurus) Day 42285, 09:29:32: Xantiem froze Doedicurus - Lvl 183 (Doedicurus) Day 42310, 05:34:26: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 76 (Brontosaurus) Day 42317, 06:22:28: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 192 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42317, 08:06:01: Xantiem Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 82 (Beelzebufo)! Day 42331, 23:42:47: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42332, 00:21:51: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 87 (Beelzebufo) Day 42332, 02:05:01: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 96 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 42332, 03:22:32: Xantiem froze Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara) Day 42332, 08:42:18: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 89 (Beelzebufo) Day 42332, 10:41:37: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 89 (Beelzebufo) Day 42332, 11:26:03: Purlovia - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 42332, 11:28:00: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 42332, 12:16:28: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 91 (Beelzebufo) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 285! Day 42332, 12:27:28: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 42332, 13:00:28: Xantiem froze Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon) Day 42332, 14:07:22: Xantiem froze Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara) Day 42333, 04:42:42: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42333, 07:25:39: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42338, 12:49:27: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42338, 18:30:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros)! Day 42339, 12:19:05: Xantiem froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42339, 17:00:55: Xantiem froze Megaloceros - Lvl 82 (Megaloceros) Day 42339, 17:10:20: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 42339, 19:18:37: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 98 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 42339, 21:18:38: Xantiem froze Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara) Day 42340, 14:49:26: Xantiem Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 111 (Beelzebufo)! Day 42340, 15:15:46: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 111 (Beelzebufo) Day 42340, 16:13:42: Xantiem froze Megaloceros - Lvl 90 (Megaloceros) Day 42358, 00:34:59: Xantiem froze Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 42358, 12:39:48: Xantiem downloaded a dino: Brood Mother Lirix - Lvl 122 Day 42358, 19:05:09: Xantiem Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon)! Day 42378, 22:17:28: Xantiem froze Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 42389, 09:01:59: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42389, 09:08:05: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 42411, 11:13:33: Xantiem froze 43 Melee - Lvl 216 (Otter) Day 42411, 11:17:01: Xantiem froze 44 HP - Lvl 207 (Otter) Day 42411, 11:49:31: Xantiem froze 44 HP - Lvl 207 (Otter) Day 42411, 12:54:03: Xantiem froze 43 Melee - Lvl 216 (Otter) Day 42411, 13:27:19: Xantiem froze Doedicurus - Lvl 185 (Doedicurus) Day 42411, 16:19:22: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 240 (Otter)'! Day 42411, 16:24:15: Xantiem froze Baby motter 1 - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42411, 16:25:03: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 240 (Otter)'! Day 42411, 16:30:54: Xantiem froze Baby motter 2 - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42411, 16:44:01: Xantiem froze 44 HP - Lvl 207 (Otter) Day 42411, 16:48:20: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 240 (Otter)'! Day 42411, 16:53:03: Xantiem froze Baby motter 3 - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42411, 17:38:41: Xantiem froze Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 42412, 08:15:41: Xantiem Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 42412, 08:20:41: Xantiem froze Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops) Day 42412, 18:40:43: Xantiem Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus)! Day 42412, 18:51:48: Xantiem froze Desmaurauder - Lvl 89 (Stegosaurus) Day 42412, 20:17:31: Xantiem froze Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis) Day 42413, 11:49:16: Xantiem froze Desmodus - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 42413, 14:16:01: Xantiem froze Royal - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42413, 21:29:50: Xantiem Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 42414, 01:03:03: Xantiem froze Royal - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42415, 10:16:11: Xantiem froze The Polymer Gal - Lvl 114 (Moschops) Day 42415, 10:26:07: Xantiem froze Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops) Day 42415, 16:49:37: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42415, 17:25:24: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42415, 17:37:00: Xantiem froze Juvenile 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 17:42:21: Xantiem froze Juvenile 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 17:48:21: Xantiem froze Juvenile 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 19:06:32: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 172 (Beelzebufo) Day 42415, 19:46:00: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 173 (Beelzebufo) Day 42415, 22:38:42: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 22:49:29: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 22:55:03: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 22:59:30: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 23:04:35: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42415, 23:50:25: Xantiem froze Adolescent 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42416, 00:11:08: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42416, 00:54:59: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42416, 01:51:22: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 241 (Otter) Day 42416, 01:57:50: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42416, 02:02:08: Xantiem froze 44hp 43 mel - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 42428, 05:35:04: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 106 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 42428, 06:32:37: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 106 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 42428, 08:22:53: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 266 (Otter) Day 42428, 08:27:55: Xantiem froze 44hp 43 mel - Lvl 266 (Otter) Day 42428, 08:33:50: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 266 (Otter) Day 42430, 14:17:33: Xantiem froze 50 Weight - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 42430, 15:13:32: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 175 (Beelzebufo) Day 42431, 07:54:27: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42432, 07:53:46: Xantiem froze mysterymisery - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42432, 08:57:46: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 105 (Brontosaurus) Day 42432, 09:28:44: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 105 (Brontosaurus) Day 42432, 11:53:08: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 105 (Brontosaurus) Day 42432, 15:05:00: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42432, 15:07:40: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 42432, 18:17:24: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42432, 18:20:26: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 42432, 19:40:28: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42432, 19:47:10: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 42432, 19:51:48: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 271 (Otter) Day 42432, 21:34:39: Xantiem froze 43 weight - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42460, 23:48:41: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 42460, 23:48:41: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 42460, 23:48:41: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 42460, 23:48:41: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 42460, 23:58:28: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 42461, 01:43:54: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 42461, 02:06:44: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 291 (Otter) Day 42461, 05:53:09: Xantiem froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 105 (Brontosaurus) Day 42461, 15:43:23: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42461, 15:52:07: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 42461, 16:16:03: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42461, 16:22:51: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 42461, 18:23:05: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42461, 18:34:11: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 42461, 18:54:08: Xantiem claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 42461, 18:56:56: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 42461, 19:17:10: Xantiem froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 42461, 19:31:52: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) was killed by Xantiem - Lvl 109 (Xantiem)! Day 42461, 19:31:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)! Day 42461, 20:08:08: Xantiem froze 44hp 43mel - Lvl 292 (Otter) Day 42462, 07:14:24: Xantiem froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 42462, 07:19:40: Xantiem froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 42462, 07:23:40: Xantiem froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 42462, 07:43:11: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 180 (Beelzebufo) Day 42462, 10:14:41: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 181 (Beelzebufo) Day 42462, 10:39:50: Xantiem froze 44hp 43 mel - Lvl 266 (Otter) Day 42462, 13:43:35: Xantiem froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 181 (Beelzebufo) Day 42462, 14:03:08: Xantiem froze Royal - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42509, 06:08:53: Titanoboa - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Plant Species X'! Day 42525, 20:32:53: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 42526, 00:04:09: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 42626, 09:03:22: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 111 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 42756, 22:01:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42756, 22:01:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42784, 16:29:37: POLYMER - Lvl 49 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 42794, 22:11:28: Tribemember Xantiem - Lvl 111 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 42807, 12:42:50: Xantiem froze 47 HP - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 42807, 13:02:10: Xantiem froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 42808, 00:05:09: Xantiem froze Gen2 M - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 43114, 02:20:58: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43114, 02:20:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's '47 HP - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's '44hp 43mel - Lvl 292 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 181 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's '50 Weight - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's 'The Polymer Gal - Lvl 114 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's 'Sillica Pearls - Lvl 28 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's 'Obsidian - Lvl 105 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43177, 01:04:20: 's '43 Melee - Lvl 216 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43756, 19:28:45: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43756, 19:28:45: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43939, 18:31:15: Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 43939, 18:52:51: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brood Mother Lirix - Lvl 125 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 43939, 19:07:36: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gen2 M - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 43939, 19:12:57: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 153 (Tapejara)'! Day 43939, 19:35:47: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis)'! Day 43939, 20:06:14: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'homebase (Motorboat)'! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44042, 16:19:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44066, 12:27:34: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44270, 02:44:14: Your Desmaurauder - Lvl 102 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44270, 03:01:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44270, 03:27:59: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 145 (Megaloceros) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 44270, 04:53:08: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 190 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 44270, 05:08:04: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44270, 05:26:59: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 77 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44270, 05:44:17: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44270, 06:23:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 44273, 06:40:58: Your Jerboa - Lvl 13 (Jerboa) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 125! Day 44273, 07:20:52: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 44344, 12:11:21: Dimorphodon - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 44956, 02:05:34: Your Castoroides - Lvl 119 (Castoroides) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 100! Day 44961, 18:32:52: Your Sarco - Lvl 27 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1040585894,"tribe":"Tribe of Viperion logs":["Day 16701, 07:22:28: Viperion was added to the Tribe! Day 16701, 07:24:23: Kyanite was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 16701, 10:19:23: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 110! Day 16701, 10:26:07: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 16739, 18:37:54: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 16754, 10:26:43: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 1 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 16791, 10:57:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16794, 10:45:15: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 16794, 10:57:39: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 16794, 11:06:12: Human was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 16794, 11:30:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 16794, 11:30:27: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 23 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 35! Day 16794, 11:41:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 16794, 11:54:42: Human claimed 'Gift from kingsun - Lvl 296 (Purlovia)'! Day 16794, 12:01:50: Viperion Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 16794, 12:49:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 16794, 13:02:28: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16794, 13:29:10: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 24 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16794, 13:48:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16794, 14:02:13: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 24 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16794, 14:06:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 15! Day 16794, 14:15:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 16794, 14:24:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 16794, 15:06:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 16794, 16:01:19: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon)! Day 16794, 16:22:28: Your pussito - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16794, 16:22:28: Your Tribe killed pussito - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16794, 16:22:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 16794, 16:27:31: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 16794, 16:28:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 16794, 16:42:07: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 16797, 12:52:02: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 1 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 100! Day 16797, 13:09:58: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 1 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 16797, 14:44:06: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 16797, 14:46:39: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 16797, 15:02:33: Your Gift from kingsun - Lvl 296 (Purlovia) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 16797, 15:20:52: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 7 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 16797, 15:32:28: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 16797, 15:55:03: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 7 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 16797, 16:06:56: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 16797, 19:29:26: Kyanite demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 16797, 19:34:27: Kyanite demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 16797, 20:37:41: Kyanite demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16797, 20:39:13: Kyanite demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16797, 20:41:10: Kyanite demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16798, 08:57:12: Kyanite claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16798, 11:11:03: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16810, 16:26:07: Your bob - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16811, 08:31:10: Tyrone was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 16811, 08:59:27: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 41 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 08:59:27: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 09:59:34: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 35 was killed by Tyrone - Lvl 1 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 09:59:34: Your Tribe killed Kyanite - Lvl 35 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 10:47:00: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 1 was killed by Viperion - Lvl 42 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 10:47:00: Your Tribe killed Tyrone - Lvl 1 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 10:51:32: Tyrone was removed from the Tribe by Viperion! Day 16811, 11:36:30: Tribe of Tyrone tribe was merged in by Tyrone! Day 16811, 11:36:30: Tyrone was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 16811, 12:41:20: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16811, 15:19:36: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 44 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 16811, 15:29:29: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 16811, 16:06:11: Viperion Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 13 (Triceratops)! Day 16811, 16:07:56: Tyrone Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 16811, 17:11:06: Human claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16811, 17:18:57: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 16811, 17:19:03: Your phillasocphicus - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 0.9x! Day 16811, 17:34:42: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16811, 17:47:42: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 16811, 18:16:52: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 16811, 18:34:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 16811, 18:36:28: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 16811, 18:46:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 16811, 18:58:10: Viperion Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 216 (Pachy)! Day 16811, 19:05:59: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 16811, 20:30:06: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed by Kyanite - Lvl 36 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 20:30:06: Your Tribe killed Tyrone - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 16811, 23:33:50: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 16812, 04:54:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 16812, 06:08:07: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 16812, 06:24:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 5! Day 16812, 07:00:05: Your Topsy - Lvl 17 (Triceratops) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 16812, 08:11:50: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 16812, 12:35:01: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 16812, 13:59:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 7 (Diplodocus)! Day 16812, 15:15:40: Kyanite demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16812, 16:35:48: Viperion Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 16812, 16:45:43: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 133 (Iguanodon)! Day 16812, 17:40:01: Viperion Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 55 (Stegosaurus)! Day 16937, 20:11:47: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 16 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 16943, 22:14:47: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 16943, 22:19:50: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 16985, 23:59:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16985, 23:59:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17105, 09:40:37: pachy - Lvl 227 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 17153, 13:56:16: Osas - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robo Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17153, 14:01:05: Osas - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robo Pateish - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17155, 15:30:16: Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegen - Lvl 57 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 17155, 15:32:25: Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17155, 15:34:54: Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 9 (Diplodocus)'! Day 17155, 15:36:00: Laco - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 134 (Iguanodon)'! Day 17167, 03:32:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17334, 09:47:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20336, 23:04:19: Tribemember Tyrone - Lvl 16 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 35! Day 20337, 01:37:51: Tyrone was removed from the Tribe! Day 24605, 17:36:57: Viperion claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24605, 17:52:27: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 25973, 09:09:04: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36512, 16:16:20: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 55 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75!"] "tribeid":1040562000,"tribe":"Tribe of EcStAsY logs":["Day 12284, 01:41:27: EcStAsY was added to the Tribe! Day 12284, 01:47:05: DuoMog added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 06:09:17: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 06:50:17: DuoMog added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 10:10:17: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 10:14:12: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 10:42:07: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 12368, 06:52:21: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 354 (Snow Owl) Day 12381, 13:41:03: DuoMog added 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 14:10:31: DuoMog added 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 14:54:32: DuoMog added 'Friendly Dodos' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 16:26:05: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 12381, 18:58:37: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 12381, 18:58:46: Tribemember EcStAsY - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 12381, 21:10:17: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 357 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 22:19:22: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 14232, 04:47:45: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Broodmother Alliance! Day 14914, 11:40:54: EcStAsY froze Alpha Krake - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14914, 11:55:38: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 14945, 02:23:44: EcStAsY froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 329 (Thylacoleo) Day 14945, 03:52:17: EcStAsY froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 329 (Thylacoleo) Day 14945, 05:06:46: EcStAsY froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 329 (Thylacoleo) Day 14945, 06:45:24: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 14958, 03:43:27: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 43 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 03:47:00: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 03:49:36: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 68 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 03:52:45: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 69 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 03:55:43: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 24 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 03:59:05: EcStAsY claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 04:14:22: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 43 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 04:17:15: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 68 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 04:19:56: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 69 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 04:23:18: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 24 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 04:26:09: EcStAsY unclaimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 14958, 06:27:40: Your Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania) was killed! Day 14958, 06:27:40: Juvenile Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 14958, 08:23:50: MistaRose added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 10:26:07: Your Knight Series NO 12F - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14958, 10:32:35: Your Knight Series No 3F - Lvl 424 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14958, 10:56:54: EcStAsY froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 243 (Yutyrannus) Day 14958, 11:03:26: EcStAsY froze Chosen M 2 - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 11:06:27: EcStAsY froze Knight Series NO 11F - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 11:46:54: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 331 (Snow Owl) Day 14958, 14:24:28: EcStAsY froze Chosen M 2 - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:27:05: EcStAsY froze Knight Series NO 11F - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:34:44: EcStAsY froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 246 (Yutyrannus) Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1040537221,"tribe":"Yggdrasil logs":["Day 11765, 00:53:11: Legend27 was added to the Tribe! Day 11765, 01:00:21: Wortnik added '111' Tribe to Wibble Alliance! Day 11765, 01:06:45: Wortnik added 'Tribe of KonoDioDa' Tribe to Wibble Alliance! Day 11765, 01:44:32: Legend27 claimed 'F277 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11765, 05:14:56: Your F277 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 11765, 06:18:16: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11765, 07:20:05: Legend27 froze The Slime knight - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 11765, 07:55:24: Legend27 froze Mint - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 11859, 02:23:23: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 11859, 04:23:59: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 11872, 13:28:20: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 11874, 08:38:30: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 11874, 09:20:01: EcStAsY was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11874, 09:21:27: Tribe of KonoDioDa tribe was merged in by KonoDioDa! Day 11874, 09:21:27: KonoDioDa was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11874, 09:28:40: SIMPLE HUMAN was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11874, 09:30:29: CyberTribe tribe was merged in by Cyberdyne88! Day 11874, 09:30:29: Cyberdyne88 was added to the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11874, 11:27:02: Legend27 unclaimed 'Knight #13 - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11874, 11:27:33: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Knight #13 - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11874, 11:30:52: Legend27 unclaimed 'Knight #4 - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11874, 11:33:40: EcStAsY claimed 'Knight #4 - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11874, 12:02:50: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11874, 12:44:08: Legend27 froze Knight #11 - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:45:09: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex 1 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:45:58: Legend27 froze Knight #5 - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:48:00: Legend27 froze Knight #3 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:50:05: Legend27 froze Knight #2 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:52:20: Legend27 froze Knight #7 - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 12:57:45: Legend27 froze Knight #13 - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:00:01: Legend27 froze Knight #12 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:02:06: Legend27 froze Knight #10 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:04:12: Legend27 froze Mutant :D - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:06:08: Legend27 froze Knight #6 - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:09:31: Legend27 froze Knight #4 - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:19:56: Legend27 froze Dakota - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:21:26: Legend27 froze Knight #1 - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:23:56: Legend27 froze Knight #17 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:26:51: Legend27 froze Knight #15 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:31:23: Legend27 froze Knight #9 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:38:06: Legend27 froze Knight #14 - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 13:40:29: Legend27 froze Knight #16 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 14:11:08: SIMPLE HUMAN downloaded a dino: swagon - Lvl 319 Day 11874, 15:07:27: Legend27 froze Juicy baby - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 11874, 16:21:06: Legend27 froze Knight #17 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 11874, 17:23:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11874, 17:36:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11874, 18:10:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze swagon - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 11874, 19:02:53: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 11875, 07:35:48: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 280 (Snow Owl) Day 11875, 07:59:41: KonoDioDa uploaded a Snow Owl: Sterile - Lvl 280 Day 11875, 12:35:21: KonoDioDa downloaded a dino: Sterile - Lvl 280 Day 11875, 14:24:20: KonoDioDa froze Manyy - Lvl 260 (Mammoth) Day 11875, 14:34:18: Cyberdyne88 was removed from the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11875, 14:34:54: SIMPLE HUMAN was removed from the Tribe by Legend27! Day 11875, 18:38:43: KonoDioDa froze Manyy - Lvl 262 (Mammoth) Day 11876, 18:46:35: Legend27 froze Hulk - Lvl 314 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11876, 18:49:31: KonoDioDa froze Argena's daughter 2 - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 11876, 18:50:20: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 11876, 19:02:32: KonoDioDa froze Argiko Carriera - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) Day 11876, 19:16:19: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 11876, 19:26:19: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11885, 08:58:19: KonoDioDa was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Legend27! Day 11885, 09:20:22: Legend27 froze President - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 11886, 00:47:01: KonoDioDa downloaded a dino: Sterile - Lvl 283 Day 11887, 03:03:29: KonoDioDa froze Legend's Daughter - Lvl 305 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11889, 08:35:54: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 11889, 09:41:04: KonoDioDa froze Doediii - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus) Day 11889, 10:43:00: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 11903, 12:08:12: Legend27 froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 219 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11903, 15:47:12: ElecTroN removed 'MOMO' Tribe from Wibble Alliance! Day 11903, 17:02:31: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11904, 00:23:27: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11904, 02:26:17: KonoDioDa froze Legend's Daughter - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11914, 17:42:54: EcStAsY froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11914, 18:34:15: EcStAsY froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11914, 18:37:54: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 03:04:39: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 03:07:58: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 04:03:20: Your Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:03:20: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:03:20: Your Megalania - Lvl 18 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:03:20: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 18 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:03:25: Your Megalania - Lvl 104 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:03:25: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 104 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:04:50: Your Megalania - Lvl 109 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:04:50: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 109 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:04:56: Your Megalania - Lvl 91 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:04:56: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 91 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:05:02: Your Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:05:02: Your Tribe killed Spino - Lvl 127 (Spino) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:05:09: Your Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:05:09: Your Tribe killed Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:07:27: Your Megalania - Lvl 32 (Megalania) was killed by Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:07:27: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 32 (Megalania) (Yggdrasil)! Day 11932, 04:27:19: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11932, 05:09:31: KonoDioDa froze Icy - Lvl 240 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11932, 05:55:21: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 09:58:21: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11932, 13:38:38: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11932, 14:48:40: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 15:01:38: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 16:31:19: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 16:32:52: KonoDioDa froze Mutant :D - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 16:44:37: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 17:37:51: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 17:45:23: KonoDioDa froze Sterile - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl) Day 11932, 18:11:41: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 18:13:10: KonoDioDa froze Mutant :D - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 19:51:37: KonoDioDa froze Mutant :D - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 19:53:11: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 19:54:43: KonoDioDa froze Knight #2 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11932, 19:56:58: KonoDioDa froze Knight #1 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 11938, 13:32:08: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11940, 15:44:08: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11940, 16:33:07: Tribemember KonoDioDa - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 11941, 12:03:53: Wortnik added 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe to Wibble Alliance! Day 11941, 18:19:20: Tribemember Legend27 - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11942, 05:18:32: KonoDioDa froze Toxica - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11942, 06:42:09: Legend27 froze Knight #15 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 06:48:54: KonoDioDa froze Toxica - Lvl 248 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11942, 12:36:42: Legend27 froze Knight #6 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:39:57: Legend27 froze Knight #9 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:41:51: Legend27 froze Knight #3 - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:43:39: Legend27 froze Knight #14 - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:46:15: Legend27 froze Knight #13 - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:49:31: Legend27 froze Dakota - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:51:45: Legend27 froze Knight #12 - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:54:56: Legend27 froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 12:59:04: Legend27 froze Knight #11 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:05:25: Legend27 froze Knight #15 - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:07:40: Legend27 froze Knight #1 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:10:04: Legend27 froze Knight #17 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:17:24: Legend27 froze Mutant :D - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:19:19: Legend27 froze Knight #7 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:21:18: Legend27 froze Knight #4 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:23:39: Legend27 froze Knight #2 - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:27:55: Legend27 froze Knight #16 - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:29:23: Legend27 froze Knight #5 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:43:53: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:45:45: KonoDioDa froze Mutant :D - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 13:56:03: Legend27 froze Knight #10 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 16:54:49: Legend27 froze Daeodon - Lvl 162 (Daeodon) Day 11942, 19:03:00: Legend27 claimed 'Brenton - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11942, 19:04:55: Legend27 claimed 'Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl)'! Day 11942, 19:25:01: Legend27 froze Dakota - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:26:25: Legend27 froze Knight #13 - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:27:57: Legend27 froze Knight #3 - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:29:18: KonoDioDa froze Mutant :D - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:33:56: Legend27 froze Juicy baby - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 11942, 19:36:05: Legend27 froze Knight #5 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:39:41: KonoDioDa froze Knight #4 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:42:04: Legend27 froze Knight #14 - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:45:53: Legend27 froze Knight #11 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:47:51: Legend27 froze Knight #4 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:49:35: Legend27 froze Knight #10 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:51:34: Legend27 froze Knight #6 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:54:31: KonoDioDa froze {Kono} Knight#19 - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 19:56:00: Legend27 froze Knight #16 - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:00:15: Legend27 froze Knight #15 - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:03:14: Legend27 froze Knight #7 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:05:21: Legend27 froze Knight #12 - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:06:47: Legend27 froze Knight #9 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:10:40: Legend27 froze Knight #17 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:12:03: Legend27 froze Knight #1 - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 20:14:02: Legend27 froze Knight #2 - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 11942, 22:44:00: Legend27 froze Brenton - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11942, 22:49:31: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11943, 02:29:38: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 11943, 02:31:27: KonoDioDa uploaded a Snow Owl: Sterile - Lvl 287 Day 11962, 03:26:11: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 354 (Snow Owl) Day 11976, 07:14:41: KonoDioDa froze Argena's daughter 2 - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 11976, 07:25:11: KonoDioDa froze Manyy - Lvl 273 (Mammoth) Day 11976, 07:43:59: KonoDioDa froze Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 11976, 07:47:19: KonoDioDa froze Anky - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11976, 08:06:54: KonoDioDa froze Icy - Lvl 248 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11987, 07:04:13: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 11987, 07:16:17: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 12065, 11:18:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12065, 11:18:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12074, 08:41:43: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12093, 09:29:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12107, 08:36:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12107, 08:36:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12125, 09:39:34: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12145, 07:35:29: EcStAsY froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 332 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12145, 08:25:45: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 12274, 18:56:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12274, 18:56:30: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12274, 18:56:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12274, 18:56:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12274, 18:56:30: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12283, 20:12:20: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 20:16:34: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12283, 20:18:30: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 12283, 20:23:15: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 00:41:52: EcStAsY froze Snow Owl - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 12284, 00:50:20: EcStAsY froze Tek Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 00:59:54: EcStAsY was removed from the Tribe! Day 12381, 13:50:05: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Wibble Alliance! Day 12428, 11:45:21: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12490, 23:30:42: Legend27 froze Francis - Lvl 361 (Snow Owl) Day 12822, 18:19:53: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 13600, 10:59:10: KonoDioDa froze The Blind One - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 13757, 08:40:01: DrugsOnLos was added to the Tribe by KonoDioDa! Day 13757, 09:30:27: KonoDioDa froze (breeding) male - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 13757, 14:22:33: DrugsOnLos was promoted to a Tribe Admin by KonoDioDa! Day 13757, 17:06:40: KonoDioDa froze [KONO] The big Boi - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 13757, 17:08:41: KonoDioDa froze Base M H1 - Lvl 243 (Mammoth) Day 13757, 17:11:01: KonoDioDa froze [KONO] FIREBlood - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13757, 17:13:08: KonoDioDa froze Red Feather - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake) Day 13757, 17:20:53: KonoDioDa froze (J.N) Millo - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus) Day 13757, 17:25:50: KonoDioDa froze [KONO] The big Boi - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 14083, 09:34:28: Tribemember DrugsOnLos - Lvl 5 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 14270, 02:59:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15199, 01:18:10: AbgrundOFallen froze [KONO] FIREBlood - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20197, 08:09:25: Legend27 froze Albert - Lvl 395 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1040364887,"tribe":"Hog off logs":["Day 16672, 20:26:43: Hog was added to the Tribe! Day 16673, 09:31:12: Josh added 'Hog off' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 16673, 18:18:53: Hog demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 16674, 10:52:36: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 16675, 01:45:59: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 36 (Argentavis)! Day 16675, 11:39:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 34 (Doedicurus)! Day 16676, 07:24:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)! Day 16682, 14:10:06: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16683, 05:42:20: Hog Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 138 (Argentavis)! Day 16683, 07:20:55: Hog Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 16691, 11:41:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 7 (Argentavis)! Day 16702, 11:00:18: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 100 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 16702, 22:02:26: Hog froze Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides) Day 16703, 11:27:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 16704, 16:59:09: Your Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 16705, 08:00:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 133 (Brontosaurus)! Day 16730, 17:29:47: Hog Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 16730, 17:32:12: Hog Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16738, 08:28:50: Hog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) Day 16739, 10:37:30: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 16739, 12:16:12: Hog froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16741, 12:18:41: Hog Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16741, 12:18:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 29 (Direwolf)! Day 16743, 08:47:01: Hog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) Day 16743, 08:56:57: Hog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon) Day 16743, 09:06:07: Hog froze Argentavis - Lvl 65 (Argentavis) Day 16743, 09:27:37: Hog froze Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis) Day 16743, 09:35:16: Hog froze Argentavis - Lvl 27 (Argentavis) Day 16743, 09:46:06: Hog froze Raptor - Lvl 35 (Raptor) Day 16743, 09:51:50: Hog froze Raptor - Lvl 60 (Raptor) Day 16743, 09:59:11: Hog froze Raptor - Lvl 75 (Raptor) Day 16743, 10:08:33: Hog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) Day 16743, 13:37:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 67 (Direwolf)! Day 16743, 13:59:18: Hog froze Direwolf - Lvl 67 (Direwolf) Day 16743, 16:21:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 22 (Direwolf)! Day 16744, 08:22:41: Hog demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 16744, 20:23:41: Hog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 16744, 20:30:26: Hog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 16744, 23:35:43: Hog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 16745, 18:44:46: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16750, 13:18:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 16752, 22:38:23: Hog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 16752, 23:33:38: Hog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 16753, 10:06:40: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:07:50: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:09:15: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:39:41: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:40:39: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:41:22: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:43:21: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16753, 10:44:00: Hog demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 16754, 09:14:18: Hog unclaimed 'Chillzz - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16754, 09:31:47: Hog claimed 'Chillzz - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16754, 15:44:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 16754, 17:27:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)! Day 16754, 22:09:11: Hog Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 36 (Therizinosaur)! Day 16754, 22:26:08: Hog Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 7 (Stegosaurus)! Day 16755, 12:39:28: Hog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 100 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16755, 19:32:16: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16758, 12:11:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 137 (Beelzebufo)! Day 16759, 05:27:36: Hog froze Chillzz - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16760, 13:07:48: Hog froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 48 (Therizinosaur) Day 16764, 11:46:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 7 (Doedicurus)! Day 16764, 11:58:46: Hog froze Doedicurus - Lvl 7 (Doedicurus) Day 16764, 12:36:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus)! Day 16764, 13:25:52: Hog froze Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus) Day 16766, 11:43:52: Hog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 181 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16766, 11:46:54: Hog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 181 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16766, 11:49:35: Hog froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 148 (Beelzebufo) Day 16770, 23:07:21: Hog claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo)'! Day 16770, 23:09:42: Hog claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo)'! Day 16770, 23:11:11: Hog claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)'! Day 16770, 23:27:25: Your Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16770, 23:27:25: Baby Dodo - Lvl 26 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16770, 23:32:19: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16770, 23:32:19: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16770, 23:34:09: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 101 (Dodo)'! Day 16773, 17:22:43: Hog claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 12 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16773, 18:39:18: Hog claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16773, 19:13:49: Hog claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 87 (Dodo)'! Day 16773, 22:44:38: Hog claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)'! Day 16780, 18:17:31: Hog Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 16794, 12:15:25: Hog froze Argentavis - Lvl 33 (Argentavis) Day 16808, 19:01:58: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo)'! Day 16808, 19:05:35: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo)'! Day 16808, 19:07:34: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 69 (Dodo)'! Day 16808, 19:37:20: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 69 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16808, 19:37:20: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 69 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16808, 19:39:30: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16808, 19:39:30: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 71 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16808, 19:39:56: Your Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16808, 19:39:56: Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16811, 15:57:51: Hog froze Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 16811, 15:59:33: Hog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 139 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16811, 16:02:53: Hog froze Doedicurus - Lvl 19 (Doedicurus) Day 16812, 11:49:47: Hog Tamed a Rex - Lvl 14 (Rex)! Day 16832, 21:18:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16851, 07:01:59: Hog Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16851, 07:15:14: Hog Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 119 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16851, 08:19:16: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)'! Day 16851, 08:19:48: Hog claimed 'Juvenile Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo)'! Day 16851, 14:47:06: Hog claimed 'OmegaLUL - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16851, 14:47:24: Hog claimed 'Brotus - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16851, 14:47:33: Hog claimed 'Big Ears - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16851, 14:47:43: Hog claimed 'Delta - Lvl 206 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16851, 14:48:10: Hog claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 158 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:48:37: Hog claimed 'Mrs Killer - Lvl 164 (Raptor)'! Day 16851, 14:48:58: Hog claimed 'Xobith lvl 145 - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16851, 14:49:17: Hog claimed 'Baby killer - Lvl 120 (Raptor)'! Day 16851, 14:49:46: Hog claimed 'Rawr - Lvl 220 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:50:07: Hog claimed 'Lonely - Lvl 159 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:50:26: Hog claimed 'Doctor Bitey - Lvl 151 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:50:42: Hog claimed 'Crisps - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:51:00: Hog claimed 'Darth Vader - Lvl 234 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:51:09: Hog claimed 'Sausage - Lvl 158 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 14:51:50: Hog claimed 'Mrs Bitey - Lvl 277 (Sarco)'! Day 16851, 14:53:05: Hog claimed 'Blue - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 16851, 16:08:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex)! Day 16851, 16:27:15: Hog froze Delta - Lvl 206 (Carnotaurus) Day 16851, 16:28:53: Hog froze Big Ears - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus) Day 16851, 16:33:07: Hog claimed 'Smelly - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 16851, 16:38:39: Hog froze Mrs Bitey - Lvl 277 (Sarco) Day 16851, 16:40:54: Hog froze Blue - Lvl 235 (Raptor) Day 16851, 16:55:57: Hog froze Brotus - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus) Day 16851, 17:54:10: Hog froze Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex) Day 16851, 18:12:00: Hog froze OmegaLUL - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus) Day 16851, 18:13:40: Hog froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 158 (Therizinosaur) Day 16851, 18:16:46: Hog froze Xobith lvl 145 - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 16851, 18:21:15: Hog claimed 'Pooper - Lvl 188 (Phiomia)'! Day 16851, 18:26:23: Hog claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 153 (Triceratops)'! Day 16851, 18:27:44: Hog froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 158 (Therizinosaur) Day 16851, 18:29:23: Hog froze Triceratops - Lvl 153 (Triceratops) Day 16852, 04:49:17: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 74 (Allosaurus)! Day 16852, 05:00:53: Hog froze Baby killer - Lvl 122 (Raptor) Day 16852, 05:05:17: Hog froze Pooper - Lvl 188 (Phiomia) Day 16852, 05:09:23: Hog froze Mrs Killer - Lvl 164 (Raptor) Day 16852, 06:20:22: Hog froze Allosaurus - Lvl 74 (Allosaurus) Day 16852, 07:24:15: Tribemember Hog - Lvl 118 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 115! Day 16925, 08:51:51: Sir Elias Quinn added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 16948, 22:42:22: Sparky II - Lvl 252 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 16995, 11:22:19: Josh added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 17000, 10:53:02: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17013, 00:05:38: Smelly - Lvl 136 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17027, 19:11:30: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17027, 19:11:30: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17059, 18:53:01: Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17063, 13:46:51: Lonely - Lvl 159 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17063, 13:46:55: Doctor Bitey - Lvl 151 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17066, 06:13:33: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17066, 18:59:05: Dilophosaur - Lvl 15 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17076, 16:20:16: Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17089, 08:19:07: Your Sausage - Lvl 158 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 17090, 07:30:48: Your Crisps - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 35! Day 17091, 20:10:57: Rawr - Lvl 220 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17102, 15:01:25: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17107, 01:27:58: Dilophosaur - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17107, 09:58:10: Raptor - Lvl 60 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 17130, 14:57:03: Raptor - Lvl 35 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 17135, 20:05:22: Castoroides - Lvl 70 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 17136, 00:26:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 17144, 09:15:56: Doedicurus - Lvl 27 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17144, 09:16:08: Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 17151, 08:50:56: Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 17151, 08:51:03: Direwolf - Lvl 53 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 17162, 09:36:09: Darth Vader - Lvl 234 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 17174, 11:02:58: Stegosaurus - Lvl 32 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 17174, 11:03:26: Direwolf - Lvl 60 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 17177, 13:01:52: rrran - Lvl 171 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17194, 21:59:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17194, 21:59:54: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17194, 21:59:54: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17194, 21:59:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17217, 19:58:10: Raptor - Lvl 75 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 17217, 19:58:11: Argentavis - Lvl 33 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 17217, 19:58:11: Pteranodon - Lvl 51 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17217, 19:58:12: Doedicurus - Lvl 34 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17230, 13:32:37: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)'! Day 17230, 13:54:51: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs Bitey - Lvl 277 (Sarco)'! Day 17230, 13:58:43: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 66 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17230, 14:06:46: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:10:48: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Xobith lvl 145 - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:14:06: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OmegaLUL - Lvl 167 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:19:46: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 158 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17230, 14:24:40: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 134 (Rex)'! Day 17230, 14:30:29: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 153 (Triceratops)'! Day 17230, 14:34:29: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 75 (Allosaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:36:22: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:40:12: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brotus - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:42:06: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Ears - Lvl 161 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:43:11: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 17230, 14:46:11: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby killer - Lvl 122 (Raptor)'! Day 17230, 14:47:33: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs Killer - Lvl 164 (Raptor)'! Day 17230, 14:48:55: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delta - Lvl 206 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17230, 14:52:36: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pooper - Lvl 188 (Phiomia)'! Day 17248, 09:20:15: Argentavis - Lvl 57 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 17254, 08:21:33: Daz - Lvl 161 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 119 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 17272, 05:09:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17272, 18:11:35: Argentavis - Lvl 81 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 17303, 19:42:45: Direwolf - Lvl 102 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 17303, 19:42:46: Pteranodon - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17305, 11:37:24: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 17305, 16:33:05: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17305, 17:31:31: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BrightY - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17306, 13:38:04: Argentavis - Lvl 35 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 17316, 19:21:21: Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17316, 23:39:06: Dodo - Lvl 101 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17316, 23:53:30: Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 17325, 09:31:34: Doedicurus - Lvl 25 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17341, 11:18:49: Doedicurus - Lvl 101 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17363, 12:13:58: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium)'! Day 17363, 12:14:11: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 171 (Megatherium)'! Day 17363, 12:15:36: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17363, 12:43:50: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chillzz - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17363, 12:44:02: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 124 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17363, 12:44:40: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 192 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17363, 12:45:13: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 145 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17363, 12:45:22: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 166 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 17363, 14:37:04: Tribemember Hog - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 17363, 15:12:59: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 182 (Argentavis)'! Day 17369, 08:19:10: wildy - Lvl 122 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 87 (Dodo)'! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 06:57:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17543, 15:02:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17543, 15:02:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18337, 20:10:34: Tribemember Hog - Lvl 118 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 18507, 10:29:29: Hazzaboi123 - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22698, 20:00:14: Daz - Lvl 181 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24797, 15:39:18: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 25008, 06:32:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25008, 06:37:37: Tribemember Hog - Lvl 118 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18! Day 25178, 20:57:10: Tribemember Hog - Lvl 118 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26266, 08:21:38: sir elias quinn added 'Tek Tribe' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26335, 20:46:17: sir elias quinn added 'Frequencerz' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26402, 04:17:51: Josh removed 'Tribe of Human' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance!"] "tribeid":1036795418,"tribe":"Tribe Of Nordid logs":["Day 23075, 03:02:23: Ziggy was added to the Tribe! Day 23660, 00:10:58: Tribemember Ziggy - Lvl 2 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5!"] "tribeid":1036174841,"tribe":"unga bunga logs":["Day 35052, 06:26:53: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 06:30:46: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 06:42:58: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 06:46:57: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 06:51:09: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 06:56:28: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 08:46:22: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 293 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35052, 14:56:09: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 15:51:25: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 35052, 16:43:07: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 293 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35052, 17:51:47: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 35053, 01:28:21: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35053, 02:25:37: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 35053, 03:03:42: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35053, 04:00:32: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 35053, 07:18:05: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 35053, 09:11:51: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35054, 06:03:30: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 06:13:27: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 06:21:40: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 06:41:06: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 06:45:08: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 06:52:50: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 07:11:05: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 07:16:27: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 07:28:04: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 07:36:21: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 08:02:10: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 08:06:30: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 08:17:14: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 08:35:36: xmossy unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35054, 09:06:18: xmossy claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane)'! Day 35054, 09:12:52: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:31:39: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:35:18: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:43:41: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:47:44: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:51:15: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:55:14: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 35054, 09:59:16: xmossy froze G combat Y2 - Lvl 325 (Yutyrannus) Day 35056, 03:42:57: xmossy claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35056, 03:44:42: xmossy claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35056, 03:49:06: xmossy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 35056, 03:51:30: xmossy claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35056, 04:11:55: xmossy froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35056, 04:16:52: xmossy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35056, 04:22:25: xmossy froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35056, 04:27:29: xmossy froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35056, 06:12:11: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35056, 06:55:01: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 317 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35065, 23:23:11: xmossy froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35066, 00:24:43: xmossy froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35066, 00:39:35: xmossy froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 09:59:47: xmossy froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 10:03:43: xmossy froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 13:43:59: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 14:31:11: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 18:12:59: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 18:19:08: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 19:06:37: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 19:10:42: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 19:14:05: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35069, 23:57:29: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 00:01:47: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 05:26:21: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 05:29:37: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 06:28:42: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 10:53:00: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 11:06:56: xmossy froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 11:27:14: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 317 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35070, 14:39:37: xmossy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 14:46:02: xmossy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35070, 14:50:09: xmossy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35072, 13:11:45: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 13:45:01: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 13:52:04: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:01:06: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:04:44: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:08:48: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:12:27: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:15:49: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:21:12: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:25:08: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 14:29:05: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 15:41:15: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 15:44:54: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 15:48:34: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 15:52:40: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 16:01:02: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35072, 16:41:35: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35088, 17:54:28: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35097, 20:45:09: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha) Day 35097, 21:03:48: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 64 (Gacha) Day 35097, 21:10:29: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) Day 35097, 21:15:15: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha) Day 35097, 21:25:26: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 35097, 22:47:23: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35097, 23:42:46: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35097, 23:47:58: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 260 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35097, 23:55:31: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 01:06:04: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 01:38:17: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 02:32:33: xmossy downloaded a dino: Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 Day 35098, 02:52:43: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 35098, 03:37:13: xmossy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35098, 07:01:13: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 07:12:45: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 07:24:25: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 09:22:56: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 339 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35098, 09:59:22: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 35099, 02:01:13: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 35118, 13:19:45: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35120, 16:29:31: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:36:05: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:41:23: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:46:20: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:49:37: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:53:31: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 16:57:39: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 17:01:24: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 17:04:33: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35120, 17:12:10: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35121, 06:57:46: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35121, 15:19:40: Your Giganotosaurus - Lvl 230 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 35121, 15:21:32: xmossy claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 35121, 15:32:37: xmossy froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35121, 15:41:29: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 339 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35122, 02:30:53: xmossy froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35123, 04:49:54: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35123, 04:56:33: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35124, 10:51:42: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35124, 10:55:13: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35124, 10:58:43: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35124, 15:34:24: xmossy froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 76 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35124, 20:28:57: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 64 (Gacha) Day 35125, 00:56:44: xmossy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha)'! Day 35125, 09:19:41: xmossy froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha) Day 35147, 07:19:48: xmossy froze Gacha - Lvl 64 (Gacha) Day 35147, 09:04:48: xmossy froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 86 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35147, 10:39:22: xmossy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha)'! Day 35147, 10:40:14: xmossy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha)'! Day 35147, 10:46:01: xmossy claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha)'! Day 35147, 11:12:02: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) was killed by xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga)! Day 35147, 11:12:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) (unga bunga)! Day 35147, 11:15:11: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha) was killed by xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga)! Day 35147, 11:15:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha) (unga bunga)! Day 35147, 16:39:02: Baby Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 35147, 20:08:03: xmossy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 321 (Therizinosaur) Day 35147, 21:44:38: xmossy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 321 (Therizinosaur) Day 35148, 05:27:20: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 05:31:15: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 05:59:51: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 339 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 08:48:22: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 269 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 08:54:13: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 08:58:18: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 09:25:07: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 09:31:00: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 09:34:49: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 10:11:14: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35148, 11:35:35: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 35148, 11:40:50: xmossy froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35168, 11:19:06: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35214, 18:15:59: xmossy froze 196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 35214, 18:24:51: xmossy froze 1920stam F - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 35214, 18:29:40: xmossy froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 35236, 13:15:57: xmossy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 35236, 13:29:03: xmossy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur) Day 35261, 19:07:53: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35296, 04:24:41: xmossy froze G combat 2 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 04:42:07: xmossy froze G combat 11 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 05:07:56: xmossy froze G combat 15 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 05:36:34: xmossy froze G combat 15 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 05:51:11: xmossy froze G combat 7 2.0 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 06:04:39: xmossy froze G combat 13 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 06:31:09: xmossy froze G combat 17 2.0 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 06:43:40: xmossy froze G combat 12 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 06:57:48: xmossy froze G combat 4 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 07:09:46: xmossy froze G combat 8 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 07:23:22: xmossy froze G combat 1 2.0 - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 07:51:43: xmossy froze G combat 6 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 08:09:11: xmossy froze G combat 5 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 08:22:29: xmossy froze G combat 10 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 08:34:39: xmossy froze G combat 3 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 08:47:54: xmossy froze G combat 19 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 09:02:51: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 09:15:48: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 09:33:08: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 35296, 09:49:39: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 35331, 17:00:55: xmossy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35331, 18:43:56: xmossy froze G combat 2 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 01:40:31: xmossy froze G combat 4 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 01:47:16: xmossy froze G combat 12 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:02:16: xmossy froze G combat 6 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:14:43: xmossy froze G combat 5 - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:20:44: xmossy froze G combat 17 2.0 - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:27:02: xmossy froze G combat 10 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:33:50: xmossy froze G combat 7 2.0 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:43:05: xmossy froze G combat 13 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:50:30: xmossy froze G combat 8 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 02:57:00: xmossy froze G combat 11 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 03:03:04: xmossy froze G combat 15 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 03:11:47: xmossy froze Optimus Prime - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 03:16:57: xmossy froze G combat 3 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 03:22:11: xmossy froze G combat 1 2.0 - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 35332, 05:37:42: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35332, 15:40:07: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 15:44:47: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 15:48:57: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 15:56:49: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 16:03:24: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 16:17:04: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 16:22:37: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 16:26:56: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 323 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 16:44:05: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 18:24:29: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 18:40:10: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 18:45:48: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 18:51:41: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 18:56:22: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 19:12:40: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 20:06:55: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 20:11:47: xmossy froze Shadowmane - Lvl 323 (Shadowmane) Day 35332, 20:16:58: xmossy froze G combat Y2 - Lvl 337 (Yutyrannus) Day 35332, 20:22:39: xmossy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35332, 20:54:45: xmossy froze big boy - Lvl 299 (Poison Wyvern) Day 35368, 17:52:06: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 35368, 18:01:29: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 35388, 21:18:23: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35388, 21:18:27: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35404, 08:16:01: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35553, 03:57:07: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35676, 05:23:55: Gacha - Lvl 148 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 35676, 05:23:57: Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 35721, 01:06:10: xmossy froze 1H - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 35721, 03:37:36: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 35721, 04:00:27: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 35721, 04:09:48: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 35721, 04:21:55: xmossy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex) Day 35721, 07:18:54: xmossy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 343 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35721, 08:36:43: Your Achatina - Lvl 54 (Achatina) was killed! Day 35721, 08:36:43: Achatina - Lvl 54 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 35795, 14:36:45: Achatina - Lvl 104 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 35912, 13:02:19: Achatina - Lvl 36 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35919, 20:42:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36027, 11:06:30: Achatina - Lvl 58 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 36191, 03:09:14: Achatina - Lvl 111 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 36222, 01:26:02: Achatina - Lvl 68 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 36433, 06:38:16: Achatina - Lvl 99 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 36433, 10:00:19: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 230 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 36433, 10:01:16: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 343 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 36433, 10:02:12: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 36433, 10:21:01: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 207 (Gacha)'! Day 36433, 10:30:55: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'airbus airlines - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 36433, 10:44:30: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 219 (Gacha)'! Day 36433, 10:51:18: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36433, 11:03:57: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36433, 11:08:42: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36433, 11:13:22: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)'! Day 36433, 11:35:39: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36433, 11:38:01: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'perfect female - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36433, 12:01:43: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B F - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36433, 12:12:49: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '2 M - Lvl 257 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36433, 12:38:24: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'perfect F - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36433, 13:03:32: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36433, 13:18:56: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 268 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 36433, 13:52:05: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 174 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36434, 00:11:22: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 00:18:35: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 00:30:32: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 00:35:30: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 00:40:13: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 00:47:01: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36434, 01:11:09: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 36434, 01:21:13: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 36434, 01:25:52: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 294 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 36434, 02:17:31: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 02:25:18: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 02:32:15: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 02:39:36: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 02:45:42: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 08:50:55: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '1H - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 08:55:53: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:00:29: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B F - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:03:51: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:20:08: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:24:13: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:28:58: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:33:39: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:37:17: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:41:01: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:49:41: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:54:18: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36434, 09:58:14: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36440, 23:33:32: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36452, 14:35:08: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:35:44: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:36:31: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:36:53: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:37:27: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:38:00: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:38:22: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:41:02: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:41:50: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:48:59: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:54:16: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36452, 14:58:49: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36600, 01:16:21: Achatina - Lvl 133 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 36692, 18:38:33: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 247 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 36692, 18:52:45: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 217 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 36711, 22:17:08: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 191 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36711, 22:18:01: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 78 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36711, 22:18:39: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 138 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36711, 22:19:12: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 176 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36711, 22:20:10: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 138 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 36720, 06:37:33: Tribemember xmossy - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 36720, 07:27:36: Tribemember xmossy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Sabertooth - Lvl 322 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 67 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 200 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 322 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:05:08: 's '1920stam F - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 208 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 257 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 259 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Coelacanth - Lvl 150 | 1.8x (Coelacanth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Coelacanth - Lvl 60 | 1.4x (Coelacanth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 142 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 09:23:11: 's 'jeff - Lvl 166 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'G combat Y2 - Lvl 337 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'G combat 1 2.0 - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'G combat 7 2.0 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'G combat 6 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'G combat 19 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 323 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 257 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36720, 11:13:53: 's 'drago combat 2 - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36722, 00:02:07: Tribemember Book - Lvl 104 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36725, 08:36:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36806, 01:38:34: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37033, 13:33:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41636, 08:56:55: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41636, 08:56:55: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1033714099,"tribe":"인간석기 의 부족 logs":["Day 40065, 12:58:46: 인간석기 was added to the Tribe! Day 40065, 15:03:29: Your Raptor - Lvl 306 (Raptor) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 130! Day 40065, 15:34:21: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 40071, 13:52:19: 인간석기 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane)'! Day 40071, 15:09:51: 인간석기 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1032095752,"tribe":"Tribe of Lyra logs":["Day 25981, 02:50:15: Lyra was added to the Tribe! Day 25981, 03:00:08: SausageGoblr added 'Tribe of Lyra' Tribe to The Lag Alliance Alliance! Day 25982, 06:53:07: Lyra froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25982, 07:19:31: Lyra froze Unicorn - Lvl 67 (Unicorn) Day 25982, 11:23:47: Lyra froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25983, 21:12:28: Lyra froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25986, 12:44:34: Lyra froze Unicorn - Lvl 77 (Unicorn) Day 25986, 15:59:18: Lyra froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26009, 15:06:38: Lyra froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 26011, 19:57:33: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26020, 18:03:55: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26028, 11:50:04: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26028, 13:32:20: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 26028, 14:56:14: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 26028, 15:15:13: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 26028, 15:28:39: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26028, 15:43:03: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimetrodon - Lvl 50! Day 26028, 15:54:04: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10! Day 26028, 16:39:23: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26028, 16:50:24: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 26028, 17:03:38: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26028, 19:25:54: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 26028, 20:21:55: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 26028, 21:11:26: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 26028, 23:09:23: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 26030, 14:42:47: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 75! Day 26030, 15:28:36: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26030, 16:42:04: Tribemember Lyra - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26030, 22:44:10: Lyra froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 250 (Carnotaurus) Day 26031, 01:57:17: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26031, 02:38:09: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26057, 17:56:16: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26151, 06:02:23: Lyra froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26179, 20:43:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1020757429,"tribe":"Tribe of Monkeyville logs":["Day 32122, 03:18:21: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:23:44: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:29:33: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:40:24: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:45:41: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:55:02: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 03:59:50: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:05:04: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:10:18: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:15:29: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:21:04: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:27:06: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:40:22: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:46:16: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:51:39: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 04:57:18: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 05:10:56: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 05:20:00: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 06:28:19: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 08:27:13: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 08:30:56: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 08:46:01: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 32122, 08:46:01: Your Tribe killed XLuna - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 32122, 09:12:21: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 09:17:03: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 09:44:19: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 09:48:19: XLuna froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 10:01:25: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 10:06:06: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 10:35:20: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 10:39:05: XLuna froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 10:52:36: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 11:12:01: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 11:38:17: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 11:41:55: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:16:04: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:21:09: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:24:47: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:28:04: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:33:39: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:37:31: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 13:56:32: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 14:01:24: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 14:06:49: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 14:18:08: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 14:23:26: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32122, 15:16:31: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 15:58:49: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:02:17: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:13:07: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:16:29: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:20:03: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:23:29: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:27:12: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:31:31: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 16:35:54: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 17:12:14: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:03:27: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:11:36: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:16:44: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:20:22: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:23:53: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:28:12: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 18:42:12: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32122, 19:03:04: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:31:27: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:35:59: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:40:31: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:44:46: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:50:26: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 20:55:58: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 21:00:14: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 22:08:57: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32122, 23:43:12: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:00:52: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:08:06: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:12:57: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:29:17: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:36:04: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 00:41:27: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 02:53:45: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 03:02:47: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 03:56:31: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 04:07:35: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 04:12:43: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 04:17:26: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 04:23:43: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 04:29:27: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 05:31:39: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 05:58:34: XLuna froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32123, 06:27:14: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 06:30:52: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 06:34:48: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 06:39:10: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:09:01: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:16:54: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:21:22: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:25:44: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:30:03: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:37:11: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:42:29: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:47:13: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:53:21: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 09:56:55: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:00:18: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:03:47: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:07:47: XLuna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:13:19: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:17:05: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:20:22: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:23:40: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:26:58: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 10:30:13: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 11:20:39: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 11:24:14: XLuna froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32123, 11:46:19: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 237 (Maewing) Day 32123, 13:38:47: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32123, 13:51:20: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 237 (Maewing) Day 32127, 03:27:22: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32127, 12:30:00: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32127, 17:47:27: ngyoromo froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 85 (Brontosaurus) Day 32131, 19:04:21: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32131, 20:43:37: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 247 (Maewing) Day 32133, 02:05:15: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 151 Day 32133, 02:09:05: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 151 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 02:30:41: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 151 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 05:41:51: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 151 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 06:09:46: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32133, 11:53:29: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 175 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 12:34:17: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32133, 15:43:49: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 185 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 17:25:48: XLuna froze Tek Rex - Lvl 185 (Tek Rex) Day 32133, 20:46:51: Tribemember XLuna - Lvl 113 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 32133, 23:18:46: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32134, 00:47:09: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32134, 01:14:51: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 250 (Maewing) Day 32135, 01:53:05: XLuna froze Argentavis - Lvl 182 (Argentavis) Day 32135, 04:21:48: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 32136, 03:53:27: XLuna froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 32136, 04:01:02: XLuna froze monkey man mike - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 32136, 04:19:03: XLuna froze ssssssssssssssssss - Lvl 91 (Rex) Day 32136, 12:15:40: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32136, 12:36:51: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 32136, 12:56:42: ngyoromo froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 92 (Brontosaurus) Day 32136, 14:28:01: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32136, 15:00:13: ngyoromo froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 94 (Brontosaurus) Day 32136, 15:38:37: ngyoromo froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 94 (Brontosaurus) Day 32136, 17:18:59: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32137, 02:04:13: XLuna froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 97 (Brontosaurus) Day 32137, 02:18:48: XLuna froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 97 (Brontosaurus) Day 32137, 07:34:27: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32137, 10:19:22: XLuna froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32137, 10:29:29: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32137, 11:21:19: XLuna froze Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 32137, 11:38:36: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32138, 00:57:50: XLuna downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 271 Day 32138, 01:05:57: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32138, 01:06:37: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32138, 06:05:59: XLuna froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 85 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32138, 12:52:55: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 32138, 12:55:51: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 165 (Maewing) Day 32138, 13:23:46: ngyoromo Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus)! Day 32138, 17:04:24: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32138, 17:32:47: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 32139, 04:04:02: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 32139, 09:46:50: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 32140, 07:28:15: XLuna froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 (Stegosaurus) Day 32140, 07:32:11: XLuna froze Triceratops - Lvl 226 (Triceratops) Day 32140, 08:14:50: XLuna uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 226 Day 32140, 08:15:46: XLuna uploaded a Stegosaurus: Stegosaurus - Lvl 34 Day 32140, 08:17:58: XLuna downloaded a dino: MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 22 Day 32140, 08:18:46: Could not find Spawn Location for Gigant, Destroying... Day 32140, 08:32:10: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 23 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32140, 08:35:37: XLuna downloaded a dino: mosnter muncher - Lvl 67 Day 32140, 08:40:31: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 23 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32140, 08:43:39: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32140, 09:17:20: XLuna froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) Day 32140, 09:20:18: XLuna froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 (Carnotaurus) Day 32140, 09:44:13: XLuna downloaded a dino: Triceratops - Lvl 226 Day 32140, 09:46:36: XLuna uploaded a Carnotaurus: Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 Day 32140, 09:47:34: XLuna uploaded a Carnotaurus: Carnotaurus - Lvl 86 Day 32140, 09:48:33: XLuna uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 226 Day 32140, 10:28:53: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32140, 10:39:05: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 32140, 21:43:42: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 167 (Maewing) Day 32141, 05:09:29: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32141, 05:44:13: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 168 (Maewing) Day 32141, 11:23:00: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 87 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32141, 12:04:08: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32141, 13:51:45: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 96 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32141, 14:36:20: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32141, 18:34:00: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 113 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32142, 00:00:40: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 256 (Maewing) Day 32142, 11:53:24: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 172 (Maewing) Day 32142, 17:10:17: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 32142, 22:58:00: ngyoromo froze Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis) Day 32142, 23:17:43: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 172 (Maewing) Day 32143, 20:52:53: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 32143, 20:52:53: Your Tribe killed ngyoromo - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 32143, 23:35:13: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 174 (Maewing) Day 32144, 01:07:45: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 32144, 08:39:42: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 32144, 10:26:06: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 32144, 11:56:35: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 32144, 19:51:57: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 32156, 13:13:00: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 32156, 21:25:25: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 184 (Maewing) Day 32157, 00:17:25: XLuna froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32157, 01:51:16: XLuna uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 152 Day 32157, 02:41:16: XLuna uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 153 Day 32157, 02:42:38: XLuna uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 163 Day 32157, 02:44:29: XLuna uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 287 Day 32157, 02:49:33: XLuna uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 201 Day 32157, 02:54:03: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32157, 19:37:44: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 267 (Maewing) Day 32161, 03:16:09: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 115! Day 32161, 04:20:22: XLuna froze L-Wing B4 - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 32161, 18:57:05: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32161, 19:11:48: XLuna froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 153 (Maewing) Day 32162, 23:34:12: XLuna froze Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 32162, 23:38:10: XLuna froze monkey man mike - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32162, 23:54:55: XLuna uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 244 Day 32162, 23:56:09: XLuna uploaded a Rex: monkey man mike - Lvl 269 Day 32163, 00:20:21: XLuna froze garry glitter - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 32163, 00:32:07: XLuna froze mosnter muncher - Lvl 113 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32163, 01:00:32: XLuna uploaded a Giganotosaurus: mosnter muncher - Lvl 113 Day 32163, 01:02:37: XLuna uploaded a Rex: garry glitter - Lvl 226 Day 32163, 01:31:22: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 31 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32163, 02:28:35: XLuna froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 148 (Thorny Dragon) Day 32163, 02:57:32: XLuna uploaded a Giganotosaurus: MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 31 Day 32163, 03:03:37: XLuna froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 155 (Maewing) Day 32165, 00:57:58: Maewing - Lvl 29 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 32165, 05:04:35: XLuna froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 157 (Maewing) Day 32165, 23:31:35: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 192 (Maewing) Day 32166, 15:38:24: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32166, 16:10:30: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32166, 16:14:18: ngyoromo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32167, 13:48:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 32167, 16:32:42: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 159 (Maewing) Day 32168, 10:35:55: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 160 (Maewing) Day 32168, 14:29:45: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B3 - Lvl 160 (Maewing) Day 32169, 13:01:24: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 - Lvl 94 (Maewing) Day 32169, 13:19:47: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32169, 16:52:52: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 32172, 20:42:28: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32186, 00:25:44: ngyoromo froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 97 (Brontosaurus) Day 32186, 00:52:09: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 198 (Maewing) Day 32187, 09:50:07: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 200 (Maewing) Day 32191, 06:13:42: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 88 (Maewing) Day 32210, 14:32:57: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32210, 16:16:04: ngyoromo froze Bellend - Lvl 100 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32210, 17:04:08: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32210, 18:13:55: ngyoromo froze Bellend - Lvl 125 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32210, 19:21:54: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 32210, 19:25:30: ngyoromo - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with the creed Tribe. Day 32210, 19:27:44: ngyoromo - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with the creed Tribe. Day 32210, 19:33:31: ngyoromo - Lvl 114 requested an Alliance with the creed Tribe. Day 32210, 19:43:51: ngyoromo froze Bellend - Lvl 125 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32228, 06:56:12: XLuna froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32228, 08:32:44: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 117 (Maewing) Day 32228, 11:40:16: XLuna downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 Day 32228, 11:43:12: XLuna froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32228, 23:34:04: XLuna uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 Day 32229, 00:29:04: XLuna froze Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 32229, 00:40:18: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32229, 00:57:31: XLuna uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 314 Day 32229, 01:07:37: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 117 (Maewing) Day 32231, 16:44:51: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 119 (Maewing) Day 32235, 11:46:44: XLuna froze Azure - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake) Day 32236, 19:18:26: XLuna froze Azure - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake) Day 32237, 20:35:00: XLuna froze Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 32237, 20:40:41: XLuna froze Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 32237, 23:11:32: XLuna froze Azure - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 32239, 15:46:32: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32240, 22:37:55: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 34 (Velonasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 32241, 00:00:40: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32241, 06:31:23: Your Kaprosuchus - Lvl 68 (Kaprosuchus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 32241, 06:51:36: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 280 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32241, 18:11:24: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 32242, 05:26:03: ngyoromo froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32242, 05:32:56: ngyoromo froze Argentavis - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) Day 32242, 05:46:54: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 32242, 05:57:12: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 32244, 16:37:48: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 88 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 16:40:38: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 72 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 16:43:41: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 68 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 16:46:35: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 68 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 16:49:53: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 87 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 16:53:43: XLuna froze Bellend - Lvl 151 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32244, 17:48:35: ngyoromo uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 Day 32244, 18:42:12: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 274 Day 32244, 18:46:09: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 290 Day 32244, 19:03:59: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 253 Day 32244, 19:15:43: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 271 Day 32244, 19:22:13: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 268 Day 32244, 19:33:57: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 264 Day 32244, 19:47:05: XLuna downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 258 Day 32244, 19:53:00: XLuna downloaded a dino: got bitches - Lvl 250 Day 32244, 20:01:27: XLuna downloaded a dino: Rex - Lvl 257 Day 32244, 20:10:56: XLuna downloaded a dino: steve jobs - Lvl 315 Day 32244, 20:15:21: XLuna downloaded a dino: Jeffrey Epstein - Lvl 290 Day 32244, 20:21:42: XLuna downloaded a dino: Tek Rex - Lvl 286 Day 32244, 20:42:18: XLuna downloaded a dino: big chicken - Lvl 185 Day 32245, 01:21:02: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 268 Day 32245, 01:22:13: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 264 Day 32245, 01:23:25: XLuna uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 258 Day 32245, 01:24:41: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 274 Day 32245, 01:25:57: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 254 Day 32245, 01:27:33: XLuna uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 257 Day 32245, 01:28:49: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Jeffrey Epstein - Lvl 290 Day 32245, 01:30:16: XLuna uploaded a Yutyrannus: big chicken - Lvl 186 Day 32245, 01:31:53: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 290 Day 32245, 01:33:13: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 286 Day 32245, 01:34:39: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 271 Day 32245, 01:35:57: XLuna uploaded a Tek Rex: steve jobs - Lvl 315 Day 32245, 01:38:46: XLuna uploaded a Rex: got bitches - Lvl 250 Day 32245, 03:02:22: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 88 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:09:10: XLuna froze MONKEY CRUNCHER - Lvl 72 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:15:06: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 68 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:23:48: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 70 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:29:05: XLuna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 87 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:34:59: XLuna froze Bellend - Lvl 151 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32245, 03:44:30: XLuna froze Azure - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 32245, 05:39:37: XLuna froze Azure - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 32245, 05:54:23: ngyoromo downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 Day 32245, 08:28:09: ngyoromo uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 Day 32260, 07:29:56: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 129 (Maewing) Day 32260, 09:07:47: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 32260, 09:14:21: ngyoromo downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 Day 32260, 09:14:58: ngyoromo downloaded a dino: baskin - Lvl 281 Day 32260, 10:22:07: XLuna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32260, 16:53:35: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 32313, 12:02:47: Anything was added to the Tribe by ngyoromo! Day 32313, 15:14:38: ngyoromo froze Bellend - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32313, 15:21:25: Tribemember Anything - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 32313, 17:42:55: ngyoromo froze baskin - Lvl 281 (Poison Wyvern) Day 32313, 18:40:18: Tribemember Anything - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 32313, 18:45:36: Your Bellend - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 32313, 20:22:47: Tribemember Anything - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 32313, 22:19:08: Tribemember ngyoromo - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 32314, 02:12:26: Tribemember Anything - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 32319, 02:52:24: Your ssssssssssssssssss - Lvl 91 (Rex) was killed by ngyoromo - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeyville)! Day 32319, 02:52:24: Your Tribe killed ssssssssssssssssss - Lvl 91 (Rex)! Day 32319, 03:26:58: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 32359, 20:30:07: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 65! Day 32412, 07:21:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32446, 13:50:20: Doedicurus - Lvl 65 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 32459, 14:25:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32495, 10:47:59: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD - Lvl 27 (Kaprosuchus) starved to death! Day 32566, 08:49:36: mike the monke - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 32613, 18:15:42: Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32625, 03:03:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32909, 01:01:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32980, 00:21:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32987, 06:53:07: Beelzebufo - Lvl 71 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 32987, 06:53:31: Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 33089, 12:59:23: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 33183, 03:42:58: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 03:46:03: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baskin - Lvl 281 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 03:48:18: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis)'! Day 33183, 03:51:17: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 191 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33183, 03:57:07: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33183, 04:06:56: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur)'! Day 33183, 05:18:13: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis)'! Day 33183, 05:29:18: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 56 (Tapejara)'! Day 33183, 05:34:43: Lui - Lvl 98 (Upper Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 33263, 13:55:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33263, 13:55:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33263, 13:55:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1020286011,"tribe":"The Reapers' Bones logs":["Day 28434, 14:04:34: The Stranger was added to the Tribe! Day 28462, 21:41:32: Your Wilson Reborn - Lvl 71 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 28589, 02:25:27: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28730, 20:37:21: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31176, 13:09:09: Tribemember The Stranger - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1683993327,"tribe":"Obunga" "tribeid":625970625,"tribe":"Xatori" "tribeid":508178022,"tribe":"ph3on1x" "tribeid":53524466,"tribe":"Human" "tribeid":708184019,"tribe":"Tribe of Harvey" "tribeid":271209613,"tribe":"Tribe of Leai" "tribeid":83737761,"tribe":"Tribe of Luna" "tribeid":175560305,"tribe":"Tribe of Haaaaaaaaaaa" "tribeid":1326052305,"tribe":"People's Tribe of Island" "tribeid":1164736637,"tribe":"jeff" "tribeid":1058321610,"tribe":"Kaos" "tribeid":584897146,"tribe":"Tribe of Tum" "tribeid":346276188,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":173357043,"tribe":"Tribe of BO" "tribeid":233993578,"tribe":"Tribe of NINO" "tribeid":405801678,"tribe":"Tribe of Człowiek" "tribeid":815642493,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":774214241,"tribe":"Tribe of Joe Rogan 2nd" "tribeid":892016097,"tribe":"Tribe of Aranes" "tribeid":113972326,"tribe":"Tribe of sama" "tribeid":546382981,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":550317514,"tribe":"Tribe of JJ" "tribeid":798516714,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":729727704,"tribe":"Tribe of Człowiek" "tribeid":721562288,"tribe":"Tribe of Eris" "tribeid":840295574,"tribe":"Tribe of Perriña" "tribeid":185644973,"tribe":"Tribe of Porsaga" "tribeid":647858003,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":6767038,"tribe":"Tribe of cyberfa1ry" "tribeid":232625108,"tribe":"Tribe of VicenteChotu" "tribeid":694356491,"tribe":"Tribe of Tartalon" "tribeid":361690675,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":642116971,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":832530347,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":842227604,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":197329466,"tribe":"Tribe of habibi" "tribeid":995727733,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":47584117,"tribe":"Tribe of Peemrapat" "tribeid":197033472,"tribe":"Tribe of na79" "tribeid":290787913,"tribe":"Tribe of tyzer" "tribeid":674997965,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":582431671,"tribe":"Tribe of Louis" "tribeid":159144108,"tribe":"Tribe of Lengoy" "tribeid":325659384,"tribe":"Tribe of Deinosauros" "tribeid":347861960,"tribe":"Tribe of Ente" "tribeid":646233731,"tribe":"Tribe of Yoked" "tribeid":710298026,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":223954604,"tribe":"Tribe of grit" "tribeid":996911487,"tribe":"Tribe of Rick Sanchez" "tribeid":942041348,"tribe":"Tribe of Exauray" "tribeid":95205049,"tribe":"Tribe of Eve" "tribeid":466082785,"tribe":"Tribe of Boggie" "tribeid":713257816,"tribe":"Tribe of General44" "tribeid":249326330,"tribe":"Tribe of Razor" "tribeid":798661058,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":250405137,"tribe":"Tribe of Benedictum" "tribeid":352774494,"tribe":"Tribe of Bingo" "tribeid":514611800,"tribe":"Tribe of Parko" "tribeid":670736173,"tribe":"Tribe of Urdnot Wrex" "tribeid":993032838,"tribe":"Tribe of Tyrone" "tribeid":513953727,"tribe":"Tribe of Troy" "tribeid":636024158,"tribe":"Tribe of Amy" "tribeid":551832539,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":343247148,"tribe":"Tribe of Angry" "tribeid":361942050,"tribe":"Tribe of Jethro" "tribeid":763226085,"tribe":"Tribe of Jackson" "tribeid":253099454,"tribe":"Tribe of nug2" "tribeid":956461469,"tribe":"Tribe of MIKE" "tribeid":163180809,"tribe":"Tribe of Robin" "tribeid":533995632,"tribe":"Tribe of DaChefAmDorf" "tribeid":900605248,"tribe":"Tribe of Carl" "tribeid":175459546,"tribe":"Tribe of Imriela" "tribeid":853239285,"tribe":"Tribe of Jakubek" "tribeid":283793248,"tribe":"Tribe of Piwon" "tribeid":711839508,"tribe":"Tribe of new astra" "tribeid":31218675,"tribe":"Tribe of karl" "tribeid":52393545,"tribe":"Tribe of Martain Games" "tribeid":278067891,"tribe":"Tribe of ratty" "tribeid":702940436,"tribe":"Tribe of AzzA81" "tribeid":885742225,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":132268856,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":30664591,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":85856428,"tribe":"Tribe of Beerai" "tribeid":531947877,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":495310404,"tribe":"Tribe 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"tribeid":774828134,"tribe":"Tribe of Nora" "tribeid":879027884,"tribe":"Tribe of ShamRockSilvers" "tribeid":384520956,"tribe":"Tribe of ID7" "tribeid":89964798,"tribe":"Tribe of Wigle" "tribeid":259642657,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":685124879,"tribe":"Tribe of Rreaper" "tribeid":20021305,"tribe":"Tribe of pink" "tribeid":592110002,"tribe":"Tribe of themack" "tribeid":974896983,"tribe":"Tribe of uwu" "tribeid":718419625,"tribe":"Tribe of testing1" "tribeid":116314800,"tribe":"Tribe of Senator Legweak" "tribeid":996801647,"tribe":"Tribe of Scott" "tribeid":826063545,"tribe":"Tribe of chiptastic" "tribeid":85993149,"tribe":"Tribe of craigyb" "tribeid":820922993,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":522680749,"tribe":"Tribe of Dom" "tribeid":737809282,"tribe":"Tribe of Goonball" "tribeid":333859878,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":498917473,"tribe":"Tribe of FruitSoup" "tribeid":310870677,"tribe":"Tribe of XxITzDavexX" "tribeid":80619503,"tribe":"Tribe of MrG" "tribeid":971159834,"tribe":"Tribe of B KING" "tribeid":778046396,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":596457068,"tribe":"Tribe of 9kirito9" "tribeid":203887506,"tribe":"Tribe of Al" "tribeid":157013478,"tribe":"Tribe of Tonk" "tribeid":261363162,"tribe":"Tribe of Archimedes" "tribeid":834932494,"tribe":"Tribe of KillerToxic28" "tribeid":383258109,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":768116588,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":330834076,"tribe":"Tribe of Hendo" "tribeid":71435426,"tribe":"Tribe of Chippy" "tribeid":941991288,"tribe":"Tribe of Katie" "tribeid":202154271,"tribe":"Tribe of dee" "tribeid":820540822,"tribe":"Tribe of Rissa" "tribeid":335371525,"tribe":"Tribe of Lurch" "tribeid":614402572,"tribe":"Tribe of Humanaa" "tribeid":407028478,"tribe":"Tribe of SILENT" "tribeid":530996116,"tribe":"Tribe of Owocowy" "tribeid":493816207,"tribe":"Tribe of Sugartits" "tribeid":623149589,"tribe":"Tribe of Loco" "tribeid":126115100,"tribe":"Tribe of snoopdog" "tribeid":287655881,"tribe":"Tribe of Pleb" "tribeid":428974767,"tribe":"Tribe of Jason" "tribeid":724801856,"tribe":"Tribe of Social Anarchist" "tribeid":151213924,"tribe":"Tribe of Bex" "tribeid":864475704,"tribe":"Tribe of Egg" "tribeid":81956412,"tribe":"Tribe of StalkinNinja" "tribeid":549736576,"tribe":"Tribe of Dog" "tribeid":216083607,"tribe":"Tribe of Kris" "tribeid":904721693,"tribe":"Tribe of jopie" "tribeid":503421101,"tribe":"Tribe of Boobette" "tribeid":196841848,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":252641145,"tribe":"Tribe of Boris" "tribeid":602108134,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":280174246,"tribe":"Tribe of Nar" "tribeid":708201923,"tribe":"Tribe of MIKATANA 2" "tribeid":298203343,"tribe":"Tribe of Peasy" "tribeid":840166830,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":464708403,"tribe":"Tribe of Boris Johnson" "tribeid":179106157,"tribe":"Tribe of Lizzie" "tribeid":866742706,"tribe":"Tribe of CHOGO" "tribeid":721585108,"tribe":"Tribe of TomS" 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"tribeid":555713953,"tribe":"Tribe of Jobeck" "tribeid":419480422,"tribe":"Tribe of Rickies" "tribeid":945726142,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":859901026,"tribe":"Tribe of jack" "tribeid":390791005,"tribe":"Tribe of Gebo" "tribeid":861517325,"tribe":"Tribe of Arnav" "tribeid":824711306,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":782694955,"tribe":"Tribe of Zarko" "tribeid":343931061,"tribe":"Tribe of nova" "tribeid":752795661,"tribe":"Tribe of Jzx" "tribeid":533889049,"tribe":"Tribe of tono" "tribeid":596748320,"tribe":"Tribe of Leon" "tribeid":678495509,"tribe":"Tribe of CraZy" "tribeid":352895502,"tribe":"Tribe of Steampunk" "tribeid":164783560,"tribe":"Tribe of Koqu" "tribeid":844804171,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":603326473,"tribe":"Tribe of greg" "tribeid":798447402,"tribe":"Tribe of Lyra" "tribeid":898519936,"tribe":"Tribe of yo" "tribeid":857274249,"tribe":"Tribe of racco" "tribeid":993576831,"tribe":"Tribe of HumanLes" "tribeid":655120228,"tribe":"Tribe of whitewolf" 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"tribeid":63797183,"tribe":"Tribe of Альфа" "tribeid":38298272,"tribe":"Tribe of tiguira" "tribeid":408186287,"tribe":"Tribe of Gencho" "tribeid":457149335,"tribe":"Tribe of Slug" "tribeid":829689502,"tribe":"Tribe of merto" "tribeid":7621780,"tribe":"Tribe of gigachad" "tribeid":94989409,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":758120209,"tribe":"Tribe of cepa" "tribeid":96301303,"tribe":"Tribe of tiny tim" "tribeid":109646872,"tribe":"Tribe of Extz" "tribeid":926866396,"tribe":"Tribe of Pixie" "tribeid":155809018,"tribe":"Tribe of Xantium" "tribeid":388625189,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":789078389,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":919788945,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":450561455,"tribe":"Tribe of TUZUKULENTOPOT0" "tribeid":752214130,"tribe":"Tribe of Wilfrido" "tribeid":285435217,"tribe":"Tribe of lucas" "tribeid":731080226,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":854027432,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":603148802,"tribe":"Tribe of MOTYZ" "tribeid":802149960,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":404161485,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":790714815,"tribe":"Tribe of RedX" "tribeid":526586231,"tribe":"Tribe of Fenrir" "tribeid":755682515,"tribe":"Tribe of 中国人" "tribeid":404872049,"tribe":"Tribe of KushThang" "tribeid":682329430,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":838212461,"tribe":"Tribe of gavrosha" "tribeid":715192438,"tribe":"Tribe of dario" "tribeid":681784421,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类" "tribeid":494389643,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":509101927,"tribe":"Tribe of Sharx" "tribeid":254282220,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":842719543,"tribe":"Tribe of V99" "tribeid":1918725607,"tribe":"Tribe of Ollie logs":["Day 31933, 10:46:02: Ollie was added to the Tribe! Day 31934, 09:13:22: Tribemember Ollie - Lvl 3 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1918537513,"tribe":"Lads on Tour logs":["Day 14716, 23:37:19: EddieBoy was added to the Tribe! Day 14718, 09:58:39: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 14718, 16:14:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 127 (Brontosaurus)! Day 14720, 02:26:34: EddieBoy demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14729, 10:04:00: EddieBoy claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 130 (Megalania)'! Day 14729, 10:22:22: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Megalania - Lvl 130 (Megalania)'! Day 14730, 07:50:27: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14731, 19:24:52: EddieBoy Tamed an Equus - Lvl 160 (Equus)! Day 14733, 11:58:50: EddieBoy claimed 'Rex 224 Gamma Boss - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 14733, 12:04:04: EddieBoy froze Rex 224 Gamma Boss - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 14733, 12:45:28: Daz added 'Lads on Tour' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 14733, 18:06:02: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Rex 224 Gamma Boss - Lvl 319 (Rex)'! Day 14733, 21:10:46: EddieBoy claimed 'Egg Run Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 86 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14734, 03:45:48: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14734, 06:56:29: EddieBoy froze Baby Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14734, 06:59:36: EddieBoy froze Baby Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14734, 09:23:37: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14734, 10:05:29: EddieBoy claimed 'Proky-Bear - Lvl 306 (Daeodon)'! Day 14734, 11:46:32: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14734, 11:51:40: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14734, 23:55:17: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14735, 00:07:21: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14735, 07:52:06: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14735, 07:55:31: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Sparko - Lvl 15 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14735, 09:53:14: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Proky-Bear - Lvl 306 (Daeodon)'! Day 14742, 21:32:51: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14743, 06:54:25: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14743, 20:15:37: Your Sparko - Lvl 30 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 14744, 08:44:14: EddieBoy Tamed an Otter - Lvl 7 (Otter)! Day 14748, 18:19:18: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 122 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 14757, 23:36:05: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14758, 01:06:29: EddieBoy claimed 'Proky-Bear - Lvl 308 (Daeodon)'! Day 14758, 09:48:07: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 09:50:45: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 09:52:49: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 09:54:56: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 09:57:06: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 14:39:59: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 14:42:11: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 19:39:09: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14758, 20:19:00: barry was added to the Tribe by EddieBoy! Day 14759, 19:30:40: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14759, 19:34:46: EddieBoy froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14760, 00:39:40: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14760, 06:40:03: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14760, 14:07:07: EddieBoy Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 52 (Quetzal)! Day 14760, 14:34:08: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 52 (Quetzal)'! Day 14760, 18:49:36: EddieBoy Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 44 (Quetzal)! Day 14760, 19:16:34: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 44 (Quetzal)'! Day 14761, 05:58:31: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14761, 06:00:17: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14761, 06:09:59: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14761, 06:22:08: EddieBoy froze Baby Spark - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14761, 06:24:14: EddieBoy froze Baby Chongo - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14761, 06:26:13: EddieBoy froze Baby Flicker - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14761, 06:33:13: Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14774, 17:46:26: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Proky-Bear - Lvl 308 (Daeodon)'! Day 14774, 23:49:33: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14774, 23:54:20: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14774, 23:58:52: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14775, 05:28:37: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Chongo - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14775, 05:31:32: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14775, 10:39:49: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Mongo - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14775, 10:43:14: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Chongo - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14775, 10:50:17: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14775, 10:53:18: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Chongo - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14775, 11:51:30: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14775, 11:53:34: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Mongo - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14775, 11:55:58: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Chongo - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14775, 15:28:41: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Mongo - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14775, 19:54:36: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14775, 19:56:33: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14776, 02:00:56: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14776, 02:05:18: EddieBoy froze Adolescent Bongo - Lvl 60 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14776, 11:57:01: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14783, 22:36:56: Your Otter - Lvl 8 (Otter) was killed! Day 14783, 22:36:56: Otter - Lvl 8 (Otter) starved to death! Day 14784, 08:55:09: EddieBoy Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 29 (Ovis)! Day 14784, 19:19:59: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 119 (Manta) Day 14784, 19:56:48: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 120 (Manta) Day 14831, 12:28:42: EddieBoy Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 126 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 14831, 14:03:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 217 (Megaloceros)! Day 14831, 14:47:12: EddieBoy Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 209 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 14831, 18:45:14: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 162 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14831, 19:03:00: Your Baby Baby Monke - Lvl 162 (Gigantopithecus) was killed! Day 14831, 19:03:00: Baby Baby Monke - Lvl 162 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 14858, 19:56:39: Pelagornis - Lvl 104 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 14858, 23:01:01: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 173 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14859, 08:28:54: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 184 (Manta) Day 14859, 09:26:42: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 184 (Manta) Day 14872, 16:06:30: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 185 (Manta) Day 14872, 18:51:29: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 14873, 16:42:53: EddieBoy froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 14873, 17:51:34: EddieBoy froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 14873, 20:13:05: EddieBoy froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 129 (Managarmr) Day 14874, 02:52:53: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 158 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14874, 04:21:16: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Baby Jake's Monkey - Lvl 158 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14874, 09:32:32: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 186 (Manta) Day 14875, 06:07:04: EddieBoy froze Managarmr - Lvl 161 (Managarmr) Day 14884, 16:13:00: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 188 (Manta) Day 14884, 16:15:27: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 188 (Manta) Day 14885, 02:12:59: EddieBoy Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 164 (Sabertooth)! Day 14898, 19:22:51: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 188 (Manta) Day 14899, 08:20:51: EddieBoy - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Wang Tribe. Day 14899, 11:35:04: EddieBoy froze Plesio - Lvl 240 (Plesiosaur) Day 14909, 23:37:15: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 173 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14909, 23:43:35: EddieBoy claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 187 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14910, 01:14:00: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 187 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14910, 01:16:51: EddieBoy unclaimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 173 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 14981, 00:48:09: EddieBoy froze Manta - Lvl 207 (Manta) Day 15074, 20:40:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15158, 20:00:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15158, 20:00:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15167, 05:20:01: dia added 'lost soulz' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15167, 10:02:33: Sheep - Lvl 39 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 15174, 17:54:02: EddieBoy's 'Plesio - Lvl 240 (Plesiosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15206, 11:47:18: EddieBoy's 'Manta - Lvl 207 (Manta)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15297, 09:01:11: Pegomastax - Lvl 53 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15339, 10:59:05: Snow Owl - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15339, 10:59:08: Meso - Lvl 65 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 15339, 11:04:33: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argy - Lvl 264 (Argentavis)'! Day 15339, 11:07:19: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vlad - Lvl 257 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15339, 11:08:50: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 226 (Managarmr)'! Day 15339, 11:15:34: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 180 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 15339, 11:19:50: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kong - Lvl 224 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 15339, 11:20:25: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Monke - Lvl 141 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 15339, 11:22:06: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yuty - Lvl 239 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 15339, 11:29:35: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Horsey - Lvl 188 (Equus)'! Day 15339, 11:30:44: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pela - Lvl 247 (Pelagornis)'! Day 15339, 11:31:23: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trike - Lvl 95 (Triceratops)'! Day 15339, 11:31:49: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedi - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus)'! Day 15339, 11:32:23: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 321 (Direwolf)'! Day 15339, 14:10:00: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby Monke - Lvl 186 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 15339, 14:26:06: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Casto - Lvl 119 (Castoroides)'! Day 15339, 14:28:32: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bongo - Lvl 108 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 15339, 14:30:06: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diablo - Lvl 101 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15339, 14:32:17: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pego - Lvl 66 (Pegomastax)'! Day 15339, 14:33:57: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 111 (Mammoth)'! Day 15339, 14:36:41: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 190 (Rex)'! Day 15339, 14:38:39: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thyla - Lvl 71 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 15339, 14:40:20: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rek - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15339, 14:44:26: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 173 (Sabertooth)'! Day 15339, 15:05:16: SKiLLz - Lvl 122 (Tribe of SKiLLz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chongo - Lvl 151 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 15375, 16:02:24: Your Raptor - Lvl 165 (Raptor) was killed! Day 15375, 16:03:26: Your Megaloceros - Lvl 232 (Megaloceros) was killed! Day 15375, 16:04:19: Your Ankylo - Lvl 123 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 15375, 16:04:36: Your Bear - Lvl 89 (Dire Bear) was killed! Day 15375, 16:06:06: Your Mongo - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern) was killed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15502, 12:47:13: Daz added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15516, 02:58:32: Tribemember barry - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 15516, 03:03:03: Tribemember EddieBoy - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 15675, 13:30:57: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15675, 13:30:57: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15675, 13:30:57: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16479, 02:46:59: Craig - Lvl 118 (Tribe Of The Fallen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 44 (Megalodon)'! Day 16798, 19:30:46: dia removed 'The river city' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1918426371,"tribe":"Mango's logs":["Day 32113, 11:34:29: Jerako was added to the Tribe! Day 32113, 17:07:33: Tribemember Jerako - Lvl 20 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 32113, 18:14:43: Tribemember Jerako - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 32113, 21:11:34: Tribemember Jerako - Lvl 20 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 32730, 18:58:03: Tribemember Jerako - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1917683176,"tribe":"Tribe of Igloo4Life logs":["Day 35604, 14:20:53: Igloo4Life was added to the Tribe! Day 35604, 14:29:23: BOLLUX was added to the Tribe by Igloo4Life! Day 35604, 16:38:09: BOLLUX was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Igloo4Life! Day 35604, 21:08:48: Igloo4Life Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 35604, 21:41:34: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 35605, 01:05:17: Your SmallPenguinWithBigDream - Lvl 31 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 35605, 01:05:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35605, 01:05:17: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35605, 01:05:26: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 11 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 35605, 11:33:48: BOLLUX demolished a 'Sleepinator (Sleeping Bag)'! Day 35605, 11:36:14: BOLLUX demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35605, 12:18:13: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:19:31: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:20:29: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:21:26: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:22:21: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:23:14: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:24:09: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 12:25:14: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35605, 18:17:09: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 23 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 35605, 20:22:00: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 35606, 00:28:39: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35606, 07:42:22: Igloo4Life demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 35606, 17:28:16: BOLLUX demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35606, 18:43:39: BOLLUX claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35607, 00:07:09: Igloo4Life claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35627, 09:16:37: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 35628, 01:59:27: Igloo4Life Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 35628, 18:04:15: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 56 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 35629, 04:51:37: BOLLUX Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 53 (Castoroides)! Day 35630, 03:53:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 35630, 15:20:51: BOLLUX Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 52 (Stegosaurus)! Day 35630, 15:25:52: Igloo4Life Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 35630, 15:26:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 35631, 03:02:34: Igloo4Life Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 35631, 06:09:27: Your Threenetope(s) - Lvl 76 (Triceratops) was killed by Igloo4Life - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Igloo4Life)! Day 35631, 06:09:27: Your Tribe killed Threenetope(s) - Lvl 76 (Triceratops) (Tribe of Igloo4Life)! Day 35741, 07:08:38: Hwawei - Lvl 30 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35777, 16:55:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35810, 10:59:54: BOLLUX was removed from the Tribe! Day 35810, 12:03:23: Tribe of BOLLUX tribe was merged in by BOLLUX! Day 35810, 12:03:23: BOLLUX was added to the Tribe by Igloo4Life! Day 35810, 12:09:41: BOLLUX was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Igloo4Life! Day 36053, 02:20:41: BOLLUX Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 36053, 22:10:56: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 36054, 00:12:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 36102, 14:23:39: Igloo4Life Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 36102, 17:22:04: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 36103, 03:28:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 26 (Sarco)! Day 36103, 04:13:04: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 36105, 02:42:28: Igloo4Life claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36105, 02:57:39: Igloo4Life claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 179 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36120, 15:09:32: BOLLUX demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 36120, 15:12:21: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:13:34: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:14:28: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:15:16: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:17:29: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:18:25: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36120, 15:19:50: BOLLUX demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 36122, 16:17:14: Igloo4Life Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 44 (Argentavis)! Day 36122, 20:09:02: Igloo4Life Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 36122, 23:10:52: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 36129, 20:24:39: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 36131, 09:30:42: Igloo4Life demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 36141, 04:49:36: BOLLUX claimed 'Dave - Lvl 103 (Triceratops)'! Day 36141, 04:50:34: BOLLUX claimed 'dilo1 - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 36141, 04:51:03: BOLLUX claimed 'dilo2 - Lvl 178 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 36142, 08:33:40: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 72 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 36142, 10:58:32: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 72 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 15! Day 36145, 15:40:37: BOLLUX Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 36170, 15:23:03: Your Sarco - Lvl 52 (Sarco) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 36170, 15:23:32: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 76 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 36170, 16:00:30: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 76 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 36247, 07:40:33: Igloo4Life claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36248, 21:03:25: Igloo4Life claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36249, 10:10:26: Igloo4Life froze Juvenile Pollux's Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 36249, 10:27:20: Igloo4Life froze Juvenile Pollux's Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 36250, 00:07:46: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36250, 00:42:17: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36266, 03:17:47: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 76 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 36266, 06:37:03: Igloo4Life froze RAF Penguin - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 36266, 06:55:29: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 36266, 07:18:30: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 93 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.1x! Day 36266, 07:21:40: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 36266, 09:38:49: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 36266, 22:07:50: Igloo4Life froze Adolescent Pollux's Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 36266, 22:14:45: Igloo4Life froze Adolescent Pollux's Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 36267, 02:08:06: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 36267, 23:54:09: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 36268, 09:42:31: Igloo4Life Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 184 (Brontosaurus)! Day 36268, 10:47:34: Igloo4Life froze Gerald - Lvl 184 (Brontosaurus) Day 36268, 10:51:25: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 36289, 20:19:13: Igloo4Life froze BigChomper - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 36289, 21:21:40: Igloo4Life froze Gerald - Lvl 192 (Brontosaurus) Day 36289, 23:28:43: Igloo4Life froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 232 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36290, 07:50:40: Igloo4Life froze ArgBark - Lvl 50 (Argentavis) Day 36290, 12:36:26: Igloo4Life froze Sven - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 36290, 19:20:07: BOLLUX froze Terry - Lvl 97 (Castoroides) Day 36290, 19:50:02: BOLLUX froze Hwawei - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) Day 36290, 23:37:51: Igloo4Life froze ArgBark - Lvl 50 (Argentavis) Day 36292, 08:03:30: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 36292, 09:01:33: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 36292, 09:26:13: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 36295, 02:26:16: Igloo4Life froze Sven - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 36295, 02:32:42: Igloo4Life froze Pteranodon - Lvl 109 (Pteranodon) Day 36379, 17:52:44: BOLLUX Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus)! Day 36431, 08:32:42: Hwawei - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 36461, 13:19:13: Igloo4Life froze RAF Penguin - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon) Day 36461, 13:24:08: Igloo4Life froze Sven - Lvl 104 (Argentavis) Day 36461, 13:27:43: Igloo4Life froze Feaces - Lvl 168 (Dung Beetle) Day 36461, 13:32:03: Igloo4Life froze Jelly - Lvl 41 (Dilophosaur) Day 36461, 13:36:16: Igloo4Life froze Dave - Lvl 132 (Triceratops) Day 36461, 13:41:29: Igloo4Life froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 132 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36461, 13:51:49: Igloo4Life froze Sterono - Lvl 95 (Stegosaurus) Day 36461, 13:59:18: Igloo4Life froze Peanut - Lvl 214 (Dilophosaur) Day 36461, 14:04:34: Igloo4Life froze Stubby - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 36461, 16:05:22: Igloo4Life froze (Do not kill) - Lvl 49 (Dodo) Day 36462, 19:46:27: Igloo4Life demolished a 'charcoal (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 36462, 22:43:10: Igloo4Life demolished a 'flint (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 36517, 15:36:35: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 109 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:36:35: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 100 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:37:32: Your Dwayne - Lvl 78 (Doedicurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:39:34: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 85 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:42:08: Your Squiggle - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:49:51: Your Gerald - Lvl 217 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36517, 15:52:26: Your BigChomper - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 36519, 12:49:50: BOLLUX froze Terry - Lvl 107 (Castoroides) Day 36520, 16:11:03: BOLLUX froze Stubby - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 36578, 19:09:37: Igloo4Life froze Sven - Lvl 114 (Argentavis) Day 36579, 08:51:51: Igloo4Life Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 135 (Doedicurus)! Day 36579, 09:05:22: Igloo4Life froze Coffee - Lvl 135 (Doedicurus) Day 36580, 15:52:03: Igloo4Life froze RAF Penguin - Lvl 112 (Pteranodon) Day 36598, 01:20:00: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 36600, 11:27:04: Igloo4Life Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 7 (Quetzal)! Day 36600, 12:42:06: Igloo4Life froze Pretzel - Lvl 8 (Quetzal) Day 36600, 12:50:25: Igloo4Life froze Pretzel - Lvl 8 (Quetzal) Day 36601, 07:07:59: BOLLUX Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon)! Day 36603, 04:58:20: Igloo4Life froze RAF Penguin - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) Day 36605, 11:40:31: Igloo4Life froze Coffee - Lvl 179 (Doedicurus) Day 36605, 11:57:36: Igloo4Life froze Terry - Lvl 126 (Castoroides) Day 36620, 14:59:43: Igloo4Life Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 36625, 23:27:27: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 36627, 09:10:44: Igloo4Life froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 171 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36627, 09:28:10: Igloo4Life froze Terry - Lvl 128 (Castoroides) Day 36627, 17:18:55: Igloo4Life Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 36713, 05:08:31: BOLLUX demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:17:34: BOLLUX demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:18:31: BOLLUX demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:25:40: BOLLUX demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:27:30: BOLLUX demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:30:02: BOLLUX demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:30:55: BOLLUX demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 36713, 10:34:13: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 36713, 19:44:01: BOLLUX claimed 'phoenix - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 36713, 20:26:26: BOLLUX demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36713, 20:31:37: BOLLUX demolished a 'Bed'! Day 36713, 20:33:15: BOLLUX demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 36721, 03:16:39: Igloo4Life demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36721, 03:19:44: Igloo4Life demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36721, 03:22:43: Igloo4Life demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 36891, 09:11:18: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37068, 19:53:33: Tribemember BOLLUX - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37080, 22:52:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37262, 23:03:44: Pretzel - Lvl 50 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37380, 00:18:25: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stubby - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex)'! Day 37380, 00:54:27: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'phoenix - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 37380, 01:51:39: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 142 (Castoroides)'! Day 37380, 02:36:09: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coffee - Lvl 196 (Doedicurus)'! Day 37380, 03:14:54: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sven - Lvl 119 (Argentavis)'! Day 37380, 05:24:32: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ArgBark 2 - Lvl 94 (Argentavis)'! Day 37381, 21:12:54: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RAF Penguin - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37381, 21:32:59: Sandra - Lvl 106 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 168 (Triceratops)'! Day 37442, 10:41:59: Johnson - Lvl 112 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37448, 07:03:52: Sandra - Lvl 112 (OnlyFans - Guys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flamingo - Lvl 31 (Dodo)'! Day 37450, 10:07:41: Tribemember Igloo4Life - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37579, 01:53:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37651, 06:31:54: 's 'Peanut - Lvl 214 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37999, 00:35:07: Polly - Lvl 49 (Dimorphodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1916845844,"tribe":"a1 god logs":["Day 22271, 18:05:12: a1 was added to the Tribe! Day 22272, 05:20:05: a1 demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 22272, 05:21:14: a1 demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 22272, 05:51:22: a1 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 22272, 05:52:21: a1 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 22272, 05:53:27: a1 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 22272, 05:54:46: a1 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 22272, 06:31:16: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 22272, 06:32:31: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 22272, 13:51:16: a1 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 22272, 14:00:12: a1 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 22273, 04:06:38: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 22273, 04:11:24: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 22273, 04:19:44: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 22273, 04:20:58: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 22273, 04:22:33: a1 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 22274, 09:26:40: a1 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22274, 09:27:29: a1 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22274, 12:09:01: a1 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 22274, 20:50:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)! Day 22361, 00:45:14: a1 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo)! Day 22361, 06:16:53: Tribemember a1 - Lvl 67 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 22361, 07:44:01: Tribemember a1 - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 22362, 07:38:55: a1 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 146 Day 22362, 07:39:36: a1 downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 219 Day 22363, 03:15:57: Tribemember a1 - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 22653, 00:28:36: Dodo - Lvl 7 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22833, 15:03:18: Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22833, 15:27:43: Dodo - Lvl 46 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 22841, 04:35:47: Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 22970, 13:35:39: DuoMog - Lvl 171 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23249, 18:53:45: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23249, 18:53:45: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23399, 06:14:12: Doedicurus - Lvl 76 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 23533, 01:09:03: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23533, 01:09:03: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23595, 13:51:28: Alex - Lvl 21 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 146 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24022, 17:00:42: tulipa - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1911573131,"tribe":"Stonghold logs":["Day 23072, 18:07:25: Your Lara - Lvl 269 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:07:25: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:08:56: Your Mal 14 - Lvl 339 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:08:56: Your Mal 12 - Lvl 300 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:09:43: Your Mal 15 - Lvl 339 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:10:06: Your Mal 16 - Lvl 353 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:16:24: Your Mal 24 - Lvl 311 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:18:24: Your Mal 23 - Lvl 351 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:22:15: Your Mal 5 - Lvl 351 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:30:29: Your Mal 3 - Lvl 360 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23072, 18:32:13: Your Mal 22 - Lvl 368 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:32:13: Your Mal 7 - Lvl 373 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:33:25: Your Mal 4 - Lvl 352 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23072, 18:36:01: Your Mal 20 - Lvl 353 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23072, 18:39:01: Your Mal 6 - Lvl 354 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23072, 18:39:47: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23073, 01:02:45: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23073, 01:57:16: selone froze HELLFIRE - Lvl 349 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23075, 10:36:33: selone froze HELLFIRE - Lvl 349 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23076, 09:12:52: selone froze Shadow6 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 09:22:04: selone froze newshadow32 - Lvl 336 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 09:45:48: selone froze shadow15 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 09:49:29: selone froze shadow19 - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 10:03:11: selone froze shadow9 - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 10:27:35: selone froze shadow4 - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 12:06:38: selone froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23076, 13:23:36: selone froze HELLFIRE - Lvl 349 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23076, 15:14:34: Your Shadow12 - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:17:21: Your shadow13 - Lvl 205 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:17:56: Your shadow24 - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:17:56: Your shadow23 - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:18:31: Your shadow11 - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:19:42: Your shadow20 [Clone] - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:22:38: Your Shadow6 - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 15:27:54: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23076, 16:30:00: selone froze shadow21 - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 16:34:48: selone froze shadow21 - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 16:40:51: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 23076, 17:37:42: selone froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23076, 20:36:01: selone froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23167, 22:12:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow9 - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:17:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow14 - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:24:54: selone froze newshadow3 - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:25:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow14 - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:29:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow25 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:35:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow20 - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:35:42: selone froze shadow19 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:38:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow3 - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:41:19: selone froze shadow18 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:43:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze Rose - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 22:56:57: selone froze Rose [Clone] - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 23:14:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow15 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 23:26:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadow8 - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 23:27:30: selone froze shadow21 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 23:31:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze Loki - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23167, 23:49:04: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:00:46: selone froze shadow16 - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:07:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow5 - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:27:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow4 - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:28:26: selone froze shadow26 - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:35:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow1 - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 00:58:18: selone froze shadow22 - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 23168, 01:45:30: selone froze fem 3 - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23168, 02:03:07: selone froze Warlock - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23168, 02:10:58: selone froze LUNA - Lvl 330 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23256, 06:56:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23256, 08:44:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Homer - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23256, 11:37:51: wild wendy windbreaker froze Homer - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23256, 14:25:45: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23256, 14:26:38: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 23256, 14:49:16: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23256, 17:13:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23284, 19:06:32: wild wendy windbreaker froze Runaround 2 - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 23285, 10:18:45: selone froze Homer - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23285, 13:05:58: wild wendy windbreaker froze Homer - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23285, 13:50:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze Homer - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23285, 17:28:23: selone froze Homer - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23285, 19:47:28: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 23285, 19:49:17: Your Homer - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 23286, 01:35:17: selone froze Mal 4 - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23286, 05:10:06: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23286, 05:40:38: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23286, 06:52:39: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23286, 07:39:51: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23287, 06:20:20: selone demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23287, 06:22:14: selone demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23287, 10:53:14: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 23289, 22:37:47: selone demolished a 'Metal Double Doorframe'! Day 23289, 22:39:27: selone demolished a 'Metal Double Doorframe'! Day 23290, 15:18:05: selone froze Dark Elvira - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23291, 00:37:41: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23291, 11:02:36: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23292, 03:55:22: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23292, 11:50:55: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23299, 04:20:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23299, 10:15:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23299, 10:51:04: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 90! Day 23299, 13:17:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fem 4 - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23299, 18:36:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fem 4 - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23299, 19:10:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23307, 00:04:57: selone froze Runaround 2 - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 23307, 01:30:08: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23307, 09:13:16: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23307, 14:23:31: selone froze Runaround 2 - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 23307, 18:48:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fem 4 - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23307, 20:01:46: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23307, 21:02:26: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 23307, 21:22:29: selone froze Runaround 2 - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 23307, 22:30:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23308, 08:08:00: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23308, 10:16:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23308, 15:15:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fem 4 - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23308, 15:30:43: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23308, 15:30:43: Your Tribe killed selone - Lvl 121 (Stonghold)! Day 23308, 19:25:39: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 23308, 23:07:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23309, 11:04:11: selone froze Warlock - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23309, 13:47:52: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23309, 14:03:05: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23309, 14:11:56: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23309, 18:05:52: selone froze Sparks - Lvl 285 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23310, 09:04:52: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23310, 10:03:21: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23310, 21:42:02: selone froze Fishylips - Lvl 318 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 23310, 22:57:41: wild wendy windbreaker froze fish1 - Lvl 242 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 23311, 13:10:17: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23311, 15:11:12: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 23311, 16:26:53: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23312, 02:11:01: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23312, 03:18:19: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23312, 03:45:17: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23312, 06:13:18: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23312, 09:41:40: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23313, 22:06:59: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 75! Day 23314, 01:44:53: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23314, 12:02:00: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23315, 04:09:41: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23315, 09:51:24: selone froze Charlie - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 23315, 15:45:15: selone froze Warlock - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23315, 16:19:15: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23315, 17:03:02: selone froze Sparks - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23316, 05:19:51: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23316, 08:20:58: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23316, 22:38:23: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23317, 18:22:13: selone froze Fishylips - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 23317, 22:50:23: selone froze Fishylips - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 23318, 06:06:11: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23325, 07:54:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fishylips - Lvl 320 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 23325, 12:19:42: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by Sparks - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 23325, 12:19:42: Your Tribe killed wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 (Stonghold)! Day 23325, 14:46:05: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23325, 16:03:21: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23330, 09:20:32: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 317 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23330, 22:52:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23330, 23:17:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23332, 01:59:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow18 - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 23332, 02:05:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze shadow22 - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane) Day 23332, 10:19:36: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 23332, 10:46:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 23332, 10:47:40: Your newshadow3 - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 23332, 10:48:11: Your shadow16 - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23332, 10:48:26: Your shadow14 - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 23332, 10:48:43: Your shadow26 - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 23332, 11:25:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23332, 13:07:30: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 23332, 14:05:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23332, 14:10:21: selone froze Fem 4 - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23332, 14:14:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Warlock - Lvl 321 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23377, 23:24:33: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23378, 00:38:11: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23401, 05:50:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Mal 1 - Lvl 233 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23419, 07:06:29: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23419, 08:28:41: selone froze Hellboy - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24005, 01:12:08: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24005, 01:12:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24291, 08:42:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wisey - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24416, 17:46:25: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wisey - Lvl 354 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24515, 10:37:21: selone froze HELLFIRE - Lvl 353 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24739, 09:32:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 08:00:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 08:44:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 24746, 08:59:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 24746, 09:13:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24746, 10:28:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 10:41:51: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 405! Day 24746, 11:18:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 14:43:30: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24746, 14:50:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 17:08:54: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 17:53:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 21:19:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24746, 22:20:58: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 380! Day 24747, 00:37:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24747, 01:09:07: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 180! Day 24747, 02:06:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24747, 02:12:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24747, 05:25:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24747, 06:07:30: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 206 (Beelzebufo) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 275! Day 24747, 06:10:05: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 121 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 355! Day 24747, 06:51:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 24747, 06:56:13: wild wendy windbreaker froze old wiseone - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24794, 02:35:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24797, 16:20:56: CaS added 'Stonghold' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 16:42:55: CaS added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 18:52:54: CaS added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 19:33:12: CaS added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 22:19:34: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'wendys boss 2 - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 22:20:36: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Wendys boss - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 23:05:45: selone claimed 'sel2 - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 23:08:26: selone claimed 'sel 1 - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24798, 00:34:48: CaS added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 08:04:03: selone froze sel 1 - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 08:14:24: selone froze sel2 - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 08:41:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 08:44:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wendys boss - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 09:15:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24798, 09:46:20: selone froze sel2 - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 09:52:22: selone froze sel2 - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 10:03:18: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 371 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24820, 21:25:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 24821, 20:35:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 24821, 23:34:36: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24821, 23:45:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Otter - Lvl 221 (Otter) Day 24980, 19:49:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25076, 17:29:42: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 17:46:35: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 17:47:31: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 18:16:40: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 18:50:23: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 18:51:34: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 19:11:01: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 25076, 19:16:19: wild wendy windbreaker unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25076, 19:25:49: wild wendy windbreaker froze Tango - Lvl 239 (Desmodus) Day 25332, 04:06:06: Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 26257, 00:08:04: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL - Lvl 371 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26379, 10:45:36: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26379, 11:10:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26443, 02:10:30: selone froze old man's desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 26443, 02:16:18: selone froze old man'sfjordhawk - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 26443, 02:21:53: selone froze Rex - Lvl 101 (Rex) Day 26443, 02:26:42: selone froze OLD MAN'S SARCO - Lvl 142 (Sarco) Day 26443, 02:45:21: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26493, 04:00:44: selone demolished a 'Industrial Forge (Locked) '! Day 26493, 04:03:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26493, 06:33:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 26493, 07:09:28: selone froze do not use Sliver Rider - Lvl 329 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26493, 08:10:02: selone froze do not use Sliver Rider - Lvl 329 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26493, 09:50:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX- Drac -Xx - Lvl 250 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26493, 09:54:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26583, 22:45:34: selone froze Mal 9 - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus) Day 26583, 22:50:38: selone froze PErfecto - Lvl 242 (Direwolf) Day 26583, 23:00:32: selone froze 202 M - Lvl 355 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26583, 23:09:16: selone froze Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 26583, 23:17:51: selone froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26584, 01:03:17: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26584, 06:36:46: selone froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26584, 10:11:23: selone froze 202 M - Lvl 355 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26613, 06:32:47: sir elias quinn added 'Stonghold' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 26613, 14:46:36: wild wendy windbreaker froze old man'sfjordhawk - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 26613, 14:52:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26621, 06:19:55: selone froze do not use Sliver Rider - Lvl 329 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26621, 14:44:43: selone froze old man'sfjordhawk - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 26621, 16:02:12: selone froze old man'sfjordhawk - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 26621, 16:12:08: selone froze do not use Sliver Rider - Lvl 329 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26895, 11:46:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26895, 16:28:54: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26895, 19:06:48: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 7 (Argentavis)! Day 26895, 19:20:31: wild wendy windbreaker froze Argentavis - Lvl 7 (Argentavis) Day 26895, 20:03:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 26896, 01:42:21: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26896, 03:44:56: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 26896, 06:25:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 26896, 07:14:36: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26896, 07:38:15: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26898, 11:08:09: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 26898, 15:05:52: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 26899, 11:54:34: Timmy was added to the Tribe by wild wendy windbreaker! Day 26899, 15:35:01: Timmy froze Fem 6 - Lvl 353 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26899, 15:40:41: Timmy froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26899, 17:40:22: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27031, 13:46:54: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27174, 21:39:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27286, 07:13:07: Tribemember Timmy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 27286, 11:34:02: Timmy froze Griffin - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 27287, 04:41:37: Timmy froze Kiryu - Lvl 407 (Voidwyrm) Day 28051, 21:30:35: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 217 (Terror Bird)! Day 28051, 21:56:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze Terror Bird - Lvl 217 (Terror Bird) Day 28051, 23:57:05: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 194 (Terror Bird)! Day 28052, 00:07:55: wild wendy windbreaker froze Terror Bird - Lvl 194 (Terror Bird) Day 28052, 01:01:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Medusa - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28320, 17:52:21: Timmy froze Otter - Lvl 367 (Otter) Day 28320, 22:14:20: Timmy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:22:43: Timmy froze The Trio 1 - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:29:55: Timmy froze HP5 F - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:36:30: Timmy froze The Trio 3 - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:42:45: Timmy froze HP5 F - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:48:21: Timmy froze Green Tail - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 22:54:03: Timmy froze Green Back - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 23:00:07: Timmy froze The Trio 2 - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 23:08:04: Timmy froze Cam - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 23:14:26: Timmy froze Teal - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28320, 23:26:15: Timmy froze Nip - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 28321, 03:05:00: Timmy froze Goldilocks - Lvl 374 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28321, 07:15:53: Timmy froze Goldilocks - Lvl 374 (Giganotosaurus) Day 28322, 01:48:47: Timmy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28322, 02:25:23: Timmy froze The Trio 1 - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 02:30:49: Timmy froze Teal - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 03:24:29: Timmy froze HP5 F - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 03:29:23: Timmy froze Green Back - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 03:34:14: Timmy froze Cam - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 03:39:45: Timmy froze HP5 F - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 03:46:02: Timmy froze Green Tail - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 04:20:11: Timmy froze Nip - Lvl 288 (Deinonychus) Day 28322, 04:28:42: Timmy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 04:49:28: Timmy froze The Trio 2 - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 04:54:00: Timmy froze The Trio 3 - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 28322, 05:27:08: Timmy froze Otter - Lvl 367 (Otter) Day 28322, 06:18:51: Timmy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28437, 00:06:24: selone froze OLD MAN'S ARGENTAVIS - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 28437, 00:33:30: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 218 (Fjordhawk) Day 28621, 16:57:54: Timmy froze Kiryu - Lvl 414 (Voidwyrm) Day 28621, 17:35:05: Timmy was removed from the Tribe! Day 28927, 16:52:54: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Luna - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 16:54:08: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Salus - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 16:56:03: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Sol - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 16:57:25: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Summanus - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 16:57:58: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Opis - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 17:08:46: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Flora - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 17:26:07: wild wendy windbreaker froze Summanus - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:30:54: wild wendy windbreaker froze Opis - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:33:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Flora - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:36:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sol - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:38:49: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Fides - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane)'! Day 28927, 17:42:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fides - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:46:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze Luna - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 17:58:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Salus - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 18:04:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Luna - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 28927, 19:04:31: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Privateer - Lvl 330 (Argentavis)'! Day 28927, 19:05:24: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Falcon - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 28927, 19:12:28: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Stuka - Lvl 316 (Argentavis)'! Day 28927, 19:20:08: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'York - Lvl 243 (Dunkleosteus)'! Day 28927, 19:22:16: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Grampus - Lvl 120 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 28927, 19:29:55: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Botha - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 28927, 19:35:06: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 28927, 19:41:57: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Dragonfly - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 28927, 19:50:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze Dragonfly - Lvl 205 (Megatherium) Day 28927, 20:01:58: wild wendy windbreaker froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 28927, 20:09:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze Falcon - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 28927, 20:18:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Privateer - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 28927, 20:31:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze Stuka - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 28927, 21:00:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Grampus - Lvl 120 (Basilosaurus) Day 28927, 21:11:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze York - Lvl 243 (Dunkleosteus) Day 28927, 21:36:35: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Ra - Lvl 292 (Velonasaur)'! Day 28927, 21:41:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze Ra - Lvl 292 (Velonasaur) Day 28927, 22:09:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze Botha - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 28928, 00:36:12: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a R-Snow Owl: Windtaker - Lvl 337 Day 30072, 15:53:36: selone froze 0LD MAN'S HELLBOY - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30072, 16:06:02: selone froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 218 (Fjordhawk) Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1911507010,"tribe":"Pepegasus logs":["Day 31907, 10:41:52: Nariki was added to the Tribe! Day 31907, 13:01:06: GreenHoonGranny was added to the Tribe by Nariki! Day 31907, 13:24:51: Nariki Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 111 (Pteranodon)! Day 31907, 17:01:11: GreenHoonGranny was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Nariki! Day 31907, 18:03:58: Nariki Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 7 (Pegomastax)! Day 31908, 12:43:33: GreenHoonGranny Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)! Day 31909, 08:34:39: GreenHoonGranny Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 31909, 09:07:19: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 45 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 31909, 09:31:52: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 45 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 31909, 12:39:45: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 45 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 31909, 20:47:30: Tribemember GreenHoonGranny - Lvl 55 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31909, 21:08:37: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31909, 22:09:16: Tribemember GreenHoonGranny - Lvl 55 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 125! Day 31909, 23:16:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 214 (Sarco)! Day 31910, 00:16:55: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 50 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 105! Day 31910, 04:32:25: Nariki Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax)! Day 31910, 07:55:44: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 50 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 31910, 08:08:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)! Day 31910, 10:46:49: Tribemember GreenHoonGranny - Lvl 59 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40! Day 31910, 11:16:44: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 80! Day 31910, 11:33:30: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 80! Day 31910, 22:28:42: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31910, 23:00:30: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 31911, 07:30:46: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31911, 07:41:03: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31911, 09:33:34: Your Perry - Lvl 113 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31911, 10:53:02: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31911, 13:53:00: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31911, 16:35:40: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 53 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 31916, 02:27:16: Nariki Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 31916, 10:05:27: Nariki Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)! Day 31918, 03:23:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)! Day 31918, 07:48:20: Nariki Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon)! Day 31919, 16:10:46: GreenHoonGranny uploaded a Parasaur: Parry - Lvl 201 Day 31919, 16:45:28: GreenHoonGranny uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 190 Day 31919, 16:55:01: GreenHoonGranny uploaded a Sarco: Sarcophag - Lvl 242 Day 31920, 03:03:01: Nariki froze Pteranodon - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 31920, 03:13:58: Nariki froze Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 31920, 06:11:44: GreenHoonGranny uploaded a Carnotaurus: Carnotaurus - Lvl 150 Day 31920, 06:26:24: Nariki froze Elfi - Lvl 175 (Triceratops) Day 32081, 02:43:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32223, 00:58:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32223, 00:58:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32223, 00:58:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32307, 06:20:22: Pegomastax - Lvl 7 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 32347, 16:16:52: Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 32358, 08:32:26: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32358, 08:39:36: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 32376, 18:28:17: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 32376, 18:31:58: Nariki froze Dirty Speed - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32391, 15:12:07: Nariki froze Dirty Speed - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32396, 07:32:34: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 25 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32396, 07:34:11: Nariki claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 25 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32396, 07:41:14: Nariki froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 25 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32396, 08:22:03: Nariki froze stam weight oxy male - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32400, 11:26:38: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32416, 03:28:26: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32447, 05:50:14: Nariki froze all- food male - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32475, 17:01:02: Nariki froze Speederidoo - Lvl 298 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32496, 22:42:28: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 32506, 21:32:47: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32790, 17:34:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32790, 17:34:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32963, 14:47:47: Jaz - Lvl 67 (Tribe of Jaz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Greg - Lvl 136 (Raptor)'! Day 33003, 16:18:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33033, 08:21:44: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 33074, 15:48:26: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33287, 06:13:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33287, 06:13:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33547, 11:35:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1911250908,"tribe":"We need a canoe logs":["Day 19965, 04:06:15: Noble was added to the Tribe! Day 19965, 04:07:31: Goosen was added to the Tribe by Noble! Day 19965, 05:04:59: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 238 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19965, 08:37:34: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 09:29:56: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 12:54:37: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 14:32:33: Noble Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 26 (Tek Raptor)! Day 19965, 14:39:14: Noble froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 26 (Tek Raptor) Day 19965, 14:49:48: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 17:16:37: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 18:43:06: Noble froze Megachelon - Lvl 270 (Megachelon) Day 19965, 18:52:18: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 245 (Dinopithecus) Day 19965, 19:36:46: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 240 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19965, 19:52:39: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19965, 22:56:33: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 248 (Dinopithecus) Day 19965, 23:23:52: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19965, 23:31:58: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 248 (Dinopithecus) Day 19965, 23:34:29: Noble froze Megachelon - Lvl 270 (Megachelon) Day 19966, 02:05:45: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 240 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19966, 06:14:36: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 251 (Dinopithecus) Day 19966, 06:26:31: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19966, 08:07:22: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 251 (Dinopithecus) Day 19966, 08:18:37: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 251 (Dinopithecus) Day 19966, 10:26:21: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 282 (Velonasaur) Day 19966, 11:58:00: Noble froze Daeodon - Lvl 284 (Daeodon) Day 19966, 12:23:26: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 252 (Dinopithecus) Day 19966, 13:00:03: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 19966, 13:21:55: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur) Day 19966, 13:44:59: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur) Day 19966, 14:16:07: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur) Day 19966, 14:39:54: Noble froze Daeodon - Lvl 284 (Daeodon) Day 19966, 14:42:07: Goosen froze [G] Bart Chimpson - Lvl 252 (Dinopithecus) Day 19966, 15:28:35: Noble froze Daeodon - Lvl 284 (Daeodon) Day 19966, 15:29:05: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 19966, 15:52:38: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19966, 17:49:11: Noble claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19966, 17:52:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 19966, 23:10:43: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19967, 05:01:21: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19967, 12:12:35: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19967, 12:15:08: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 19967, 20:02:23: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20008, 15:24:41: Lembon was added to the Tribe by Noble! Day 20008, 16:02:01: Lembon froze Griffin - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 20008, 16:39:22: Noble froze Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur) Day 20008, 17:38:11: Lembon froze Velonasaur - Lvl 279 (Velonasaur) Day 20008, 20:05:33: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 112 Day 20008, 20:06:02: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 150 Day 20008, 20:06:33: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 104 Day 20008, 20:06:55: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 201 Day 20008, 20:07:40: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 244 Day 20008, 20:08:09: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 93 Day 20008, 20:08:36: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 154 Day 20008, 20:09:08: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 90 Day 20008, 20:09:36: Goosen downloaded a dino: Megatherium - Lvl 201 Day 20008, 22:57:18: Your Megatherium - Lvl 201 (Megatherium) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20008, 23:39:51: Your Megatherium - Lvl 94 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 20009, 01:20:14: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 201 (Megatherium) Day 20009, 01:20:43: Noble froze Daeodon - Lvl 288 (Daeodon) Day 20009, 01:26:25: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 201 (Megatherium) Day 20009, 01:30:12: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 20009, 02:02:37: Noble froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Spino) Day 20009, 02:13:18: Your Megatherium - Lvl 90 (Megatherium) was killed by Noble - Lvl 122 (We need a canoe)! Day 20009, 02:13:18: Your Tribe killed Megatherium - Lvl 90 (Megatherium) (We need a canoe)! Day 20009, 02:31:28: Noble uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 112 Day 20009, 02:33:21: Noble uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 150 Day 20009, 02:34:23: Noble uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 154 Day 20009, 02:35:19: Noble uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 105 Day 20009, 03:09:25: Goosen froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Spino) Day 20009, 03:50:12: Noble froze Snow Owl - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 20009, 04:00:19: Lembon froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 262 (Yutyrannus) Day 20009, 04:21:30: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 249 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20009, 04:29:13: Lembon froze Griffin - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 20087, 17:05:54: Noble froze Megachelon - Lvl 277 (Megachelon) Day 20087, 17:27:32: Noble froze Megachelon - Lvl 277 (Megachelon) Day 20087, 17:30:25: Noble froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20218, 11:05:05: Goosen claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20218, 11:09:27: Goosen froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur) Day 20218, 11:42:24: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 20218, 13:00:38: Goosen uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 Day 20218, 13:05:03: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20218, 21:42:30: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 260 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20219, 05:05:26: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 05:38:08: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 226 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 07:21:30: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 10:01:01: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 10:45:08: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 11:10:18: Goosen claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 311 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 20219, 11:11:12: Goosen claimed '1st Gen Mam - Lvl 270 (Megatherium)'! Day 20219, 11:15:17: Goosen froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 311 (Beelzebufo) Day 20219, 11:20:33: Goosen froze 1st Gen Mam - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 11:46:56: Goosen froze 1st Gen Mam - Lvl 271 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 11:53:14: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 11:57:45: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 12:11:17: Goosen froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 334 (Beelzebufo) Day 20219, 16:55:52: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 265 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 18:49:31: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 18:57:31: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 19:19:58: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 19:29:56: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 238 (Megatherium) Day 20219, 19:45:20: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 20220, 00:56:31: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 242 (Megatherium) Day 20220, 03:07:22: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 246 (Megatherium) Day 20220, 04:28:35: Goosen froze Megatherium - Lvl 246 (Megatherium) Day 20220, 05:59:05: Goosen froze [G] Cold Snake - Lvl 261 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20230, 08:58:49: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 115! Day 20230, 09:55:13: Your Owlbert Flynstein - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 115! Day 20230, 10:01:10: Your [Nob]Spino - Lvl 334 (Aberrant Spino) was killed! Day 20230, 10:02:53: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 20230, 14:58:19: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 20230, 18:10:02: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20230, 21:32:12: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 20231, 15:43:42: Noble froze Icealotl - Lvl 275 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20232, 06:43:10: Noble Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 20232, 06:56:54: Noble froze Icealotl - Lvl 275 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20232, 13:05:32: Noble froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20232, 13:51:49: Noble froze Icealotl - Lvl 275 (Ice Wyvern) Day 20377, 07:21:59: Goosen froze [G] Vladimir Hootin - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20377, 07:22:42: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 256 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20377, 07:27:39: Lembon froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20377, 07:29:54: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 131 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 07:36:57: Goosen froze Rock Drake - Lvl 169 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 08:00:00: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 131 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 08:06:28: Goosen froze Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 09:23:45: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 131 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 10:53:18: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 138 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 10:55:25: Goosen froze Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 12:31:14: Goosen froze [G] Vladimir Hootin - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20377, 14:10:25: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 139 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 17:48:54: Tribemember Lembon - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20377, 17:56:26: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 140 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 18:18:16: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20377, 19:42:23: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 140 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 19:57:31: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20377, 20:08:46: Goosen froze Rock Drake - Lvl 173 (Rock Drake) Day 20377, 22:05:16: Tribemember Lembon - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 20377, 22:29:10: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20377, 23:36:27: Tribemember Lembon - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 80! Day 20378, 01:08:55: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20378, 02:59:36: Noble froze Rock Drake - Lvl 141 (Rock Drake) Day 20378, 03:19:29: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by Lembon - Lvl 121 (We need a canoe)! Day 20378, 03:19:29: Your Tribe killed Noble - Lvl 122 (We need a canoe)! Day 20378, 07:32:38: Noble froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 254 (R-Reaper King) Day 20378, 07:41:02: Goosen froze [G] Vladimir Hootin - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20378, 08:11:43: Noble froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20378, 09:34:18: Goosen froze Rock Drake - Lvl 173 (Rock Drake) Day 20378, 13:09:32: Your [G] Mr Steal Yo Pearl - Lvl 91 (Aberrant Otter) was killed! Day 20378, 13:09:32: [G] Mr Steal Yo Pearl - Lvl 91 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 20378, 13:45:49: Your Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 13:52:13: Your Megatherium - Lvl 252 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 13:52:13: Your Megatherium - Lvl 275 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 13:52:13: Your Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 13:54:57: Your Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 14:09:18: Your Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 14:31:58: Your Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 14:42:13: Your Megatherium - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 15:18:34: Your 1st Gen Mam - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 15:26:44: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 295 (Yutyrannus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20378, 15:36:02: Tribemember Lembon - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20378, 15:57:41: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 122 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 20378, 17:23:07: Tribemember Noble - Lvl 122 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 17:23:47: Your R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20378, 18:01:19: Goosen froze [G] Vladimir Hootin - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20378, 18:04:22: Goosen froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20378, 18:09:54: Goosen froze Owlivia Rodrigo - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20676, 21:11:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20991, 16:56:02: Radar - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megachelon - Lvl 292 (Megachelon)'! Day 21243, 10:21:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1910301783,"tribe":"Tribe of budan logs":["Day 37772, 05:21:10: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 37772, 05:50:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 3 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 37772, 11:12:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 37772, 13:42:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 9 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 1.0x! Day 37804, 09:39:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 37804, 09:56:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 37819, 19:35:35: Human demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 37820, 05:35:42: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 37820, 07:33:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 21 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 50! Day 37825, 20:18:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 37826, 04:37:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 22 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 37826, 22:18:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 37840, 19:12:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 120! Day 37840, 21:37:07: Human Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 14 (Pachy)! Day 37842, 07:03:36: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 37846, 16:59:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 55! Day 37846, 19:16:11: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys)! Day 37865, 12:16:57: Human demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37874, 22:51:53: Your wayne - Lvl 31 (Pachy) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 37874, 22:52:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 37874, 23:26:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 38029, 14:18:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38094, 15:50:10: Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38114, 10:54:41: Your bruce - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38171, 18:26:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38171, 18:26:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38284, 07:41:31: Your dave - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39050, 13:57:26: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1907708323,"tribe":"DingleBerry logs":["Day 29404, 05:19:20: Slinky was added to the Tribe! Day 29404, 05:44:47: Jeff was added to the Tribe by Slinky! Day 29404, 13:37:38: Jeff Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 29404, 15:50:29: Jeff Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 102 (Parasaur)! Day 29404, 16:03:46: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 29405, 15:43:28: Slinky demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29406, 07:41:59: Jeff Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 29406, 14:42:42: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 29407, 03:25:19: Jeff demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 29407, 08:04:12: Your tweety - Lvl 26 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 29407, 08:09:55: Your steve-o - Lvl 111 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 29407, 08:09:55: Your Parasaur - Lvl 97 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 29407, 08:13:21: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29407, 08:13:21: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 46 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 29407, 08:13:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29407, 15:59:20: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 29408, 05:10:59: Jeff Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 215 (Triceratops)! Day 29454, 03:35:46: Slinky claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 143 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 29454, 04:17:31: Slinky claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 95 (Raptor)'! Day 29454, 10:20:03: Slinky claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 29454, 14:51:35: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 29454, 14:55:48: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29454, 16:16:58: Jeff demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 29454, 16:18:59: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 29476, 15:44:11: Jeff Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 29477, 23:45:38: Slinky Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 171 (Argentavis)! Day 29478, 06:36:57: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 150 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Slinky - Lvl 75 (DingleBerry)! Day 29478, 06:36:57: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 150 (Tek Parasaur) (DingleBerry)! Day 29546, 15:12:28: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 75 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 135! Day 29546, 15:52:05: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 75 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 135! Day 29546, 16:15:00: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 68 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 135! Day 29547, 06:59:33: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 69 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 75! Day 29547, 18:17:17: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29548, 21:51:56: Slinky Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 29627, 14:03:56: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29888, 02:29:32: Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 29925, 02:13:56: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29925, 02:16:28: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29926, 06:07:44: Slinky Tamed a Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)! Day 29942, 20:13:40: Slinky Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 171 (Doedicurus)! Day 29943, 17:37:03: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 78 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 29944, 08:46:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 29944, 08:46:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 29944, 08:46:37: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 29944, 08:49:10: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 29944, 13:30:09: Slinky Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus)! Day 29945, 19:06:46: Jeff demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 29946, 02:37:56: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:39:12: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:40:35: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:43:06: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:51:24: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:52:34: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:55:20: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 02:56:36: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:01:31: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:08:24: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:09:36: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:11:25: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:33:04: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:34:17: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:36:07: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:38:58: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 03:44:10: Jeff demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 29946, 13:34:09: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:35:10: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:36:03: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:36:57: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:42:03: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:43:02: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 13:46:43: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 14:25:00: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 16:18:37: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:20:01: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:21:01: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:22:01: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:22:55: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:26:52: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:28:04: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:29:33: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:30:53: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:32:04: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:34:03: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:35:06: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:36:16: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:37:43: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:38:36: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 16:43:18: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 29946, 18:04:36: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 18:06:21: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 18:08:20: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 18:10:16: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 29946, 21:47:52: Slinky Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 135 (Castoroides)! Day 29947, 09:58:58: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 90 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 30348, 20:34:26: Jeff demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 30348, 20:35:48: Jeff demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 30348, 20:37:00: Jeff demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 30348, 20:38:37: Jeff demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 30547, 19:24:30: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30772, 17:02:32: Your tweety - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 30777, 03:28:07: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:40: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:40: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:44: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:48: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:48: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30777, 03:33:52: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 30796, 12:17:08: Your chicken - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 30820, 15:35:40: Eve - Lvl 69 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fat lard - Lvl 265 (Triceratops)'! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30830, 08:22:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30981, 00:14:11: Hunter - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 131 (Raptor)'! Day 31175, 16:27:06: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 31175, 16:35:17: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 142 (Castoroides)'! Day 31175, 16:37:27: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)'! Day 31175, 16:38:10: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 180 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31175, 16:38:33: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 199 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31175, 16:39:36: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 239 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 31175, 16:42:23: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Bird - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)'! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31232, 05:43:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33003, 03:12:33: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 33003, 04:13:29: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 96 was killed!"] "tribeid":1906292549,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек logs":["Day 36279, 18:53:14: Человек was added to the Tribe! Day 36279, 19:24:30: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 36279, 19:32:38: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 8 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 36279, 20:02:36: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 36281, 13:20:08: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1904981679,"tribe":"哈哥的部落 logs":["Day 26453, 07:23:17: 哈哥 was added to the Tribe! Day 26453, 09:11:15: 哈哥 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 26640, 16:50:35: Tribemember 哈哥 - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26668, 03:19:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1904525385,"tribe":"Tribe of Grum logs":["Day 19048, 11:19:17: Grum was added to the Tribe! Day 19048, 19:07:19: Grum Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 19071, 12:46:00: Grum demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 19071, 12:47:31: Grum demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 19179, 21:58:54: Grum Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 19228, 05:24:57: Grum Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 119 (Moschops)! Day 19338, 07:00:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19404, 17:00:25: Moschops - Lvl 76 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19593, 04:49:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19701, 03:21:16: Moschops - Lvl 147 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19899, 23:52:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19994, 07:47:03: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20182, 18:03:47: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20182, 18:03:47: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20276, 18:40:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20558, 18:51:43: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20641, 10:47:41: Jesus - Lvl 43 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 300 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20649, 15:22:19: Osas - Lvl 124 (BOLARKS CREW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22749, 19:33:04: Tribemember Grum - Lvl 97 was killed!"] "tribeid":1903984649,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 21943, 07:18:30: Requis froze 240F Boss - Lvl 339 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 07:21:25: Requis froze 240F Boss - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 07:25:42: Requis froze 240M Boss - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 07:29:18: Requis froze 240M Boss (Breeder) - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 07:32:14: Requis froze 240M Boss - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 07:41:12: Requis froze 240F Boss - Lvl 340 (Megatherium) Day 21943, 10:11:25: Requis froze 201M Boss - Lvl 310 (Daeodon) Day 21943, 14:53:11: Your Dodo - Lvl 123 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 30! Day 21949, 13:28:16: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21949, 14:26:19: Requis froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 299 (Beelzebufo) Day 21949, 15:58:08: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 21949, 18:00:58: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 420! Day 21994, 16:58:32: Requis froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex) Day 21994, 17:01:10: Requis froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex) Day 22017, 05:05:21: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 299 (Beelzebufo) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 295! Day 22045, 15:35:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22139, 06:38:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22257, 14:01:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22304, 21:00:55: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22304, 21:00:55: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22422, 21:51:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22422, 21:51:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22457, 10:01:51: Pink Egg - Lvl 78 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 22527, 06:23:56: Tribemember Requis - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22570, 14:38:27: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex)'! Day 22570, 14:38:50: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bootyanus - Lvl 243 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 22570, 14:39:24: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame '240M Boss - Lvl 259 (Megatherium)'! Day 22570, 14:39:39: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'not boss - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 22570, 14:40:06: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'strong not boss - Lvl 240 (Megatherium)'! Day 22570, 14:40:45: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22570, 14:41:28: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 22570, 14:41:48: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sid (not boss) - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 22570, 14:42:51: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beaver - Lvl 235 (Castoroides)'! Day 22570, 14:43:45: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stanky Anky - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22570, 14:44:32: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hedwig - Lvl 328 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 22570, 14:45:38: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue EGG - Lvl 260 (Doedicurus)'! Day 22570, 14:46:32: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'definitely not boss - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)'! Day 22570, 14:48:57: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'God Anky - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22570, 14:50:04: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HANSEL - Lvl 281 (Argentavis)'! Day 22570, 14:56:03: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22570, 15:01:12: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22570, 15:15:26: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22570, 15:17:11: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'God Orca - Lvl 177 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22570, 15:17:42: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ORCA - Lvl 184 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22570, 15:18:51: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BBC - Lvl 184 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22570, 15:22:04: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 228 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 22570, 15:22:16: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 22570, 16:32:49: A Tree - Lvl 122 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'not boss - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)'! Day 22572, 13:35:18: steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve - Lvl 121 (LELLLL) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ligma - Lvl 122 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 22572, 14:48:51: Tribemember Rikishi - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22588, 08:18:02: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22649, 13:50:48: Steve - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'God Frog - Lvl 340 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 22743, 09:35:04: chi-chi - Lvl 123 (Z Fighters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22824, 11:17:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23950, 08:10:15: Giga Chad - Lvl 18 (Chads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23950, 15:00:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 24139, 10:01:55: swalsp - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's '240F Boss - Lvl 339 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's '240M Boss - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's '240M Boss - Lvl 339 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's '240F Boss - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 24875, 00:41:14: 's 'Jim Carrey's Killer - Lvl 281 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25262, 02:03:14: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1!"] "tribeid":1903321128,"tribe":"Tribe of M2 logs":["Day 44988, 13:45:27: M2 was added to the Tribe! Day 44988, 13:46:11: Human was added to the Tribe by M2! Day 44988, 13:47:20: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by M2! Day 44988, 15:00:04: Your Test - Lvl 18 (Dodo) was killed by Human - Lvl 6 (Tribe of M2)! Day 44988, 15:00:04: Your Tribe killed Test - Lvl 18 (Dodo) (Tribe of M2)! Day 44988, 17:43:47: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 44989, 07:22:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 44989, 15:09:05: M2 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 45001, 05:32:03: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 45001, 05:42:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 33 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 1.0x! Day 45001, 06:21:31: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 45001, 07:53:10: Tribemember Human - Lvl 33 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 45001, 10:12:49: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 45001, 11:36:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 35 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 45001, 15:10:53: M2 Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 7 (Sarco)! Day 45001, 16:40:12: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 45001, 17:15:05: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 45011, 14:15:29: M2 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 45011, 14:36:47: M2 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 45011, 19:18:46: Your Thomas - Lvl 14 (Triceratops) was killed by M2 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of M2)! Day 45011, 19:18:46: Your Tribe killed Thomas - Lvl 14 (Triceratops) (Tribe of M2)! Day 45034, 04:49:57: Tribemember Human - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 45034, 07:23:46: Tribemember Human - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 45034, 08:03:09: Human Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 45035, 02:53:49: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 33 (Beelzebufo)! Day 45035, 07:07:31: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor)! Day 45053, 09:46:42: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 61 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 15! Day 45053, 18:01:38: Your Pterry - Lvl 42 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 115! Day 45053, 18:09:09: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 115! Day 45053, 21:44:28: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 61 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 45! Day 45057, 18:01:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 47 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 70! Day 45057, 20:45:54: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)! Day 45059, 07:23:23: M2 demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 45059, 09:27:49: M2 Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 149 (Stegosaurus)! Day 45073, 05:03:51: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 68 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 45073, 06:26:04: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 68 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 45073, 10:26:38: Your FROGGLESS - Lvl 87 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 45073, 13:59:53: M2 Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55 (Carnotaurus)! Day 45073, 19:38:20: Your Justice F - Lvl 64 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 45073, 19:39:22: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 69 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 45075, 06:23:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 45075, 11:49:54: Your Beezle - Lvl 52 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 40! Day 45075, 11:51:21: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 145! Day 45075, 12:06:52: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 50! Day 45077, 20:48:33: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 45077, 22:15:40: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 45077, 23:07:46: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 45078, 01:15:22: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 45078, 02:45:31: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 45078, 03:13:35: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 71 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 150! Day 45082, 20:56:22: Your Triceratops - Lvl 36 (Triceratops) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 65! Day 45083, 05:24:16: Human Tamed a Spino - Lvl 77 (Spino)! Day 45083, 08:29:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 45083, 09:05:00: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 78 (Beelzebufo)! Day 45083, 09:53:47: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 45083, 10:46:49: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 45083, 12:40:38: Your Spike - Lvl 82 (Spino) was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 90! Day 45083, 13:30:25: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 45083, 13:40:35: Therizinosaur - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 45083, 14:06:19: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 70! Day 45083, 14:36:23: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 45083, 14:47:11: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 45083, 15:39:58: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 45083, 16:06:05: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 70! Day 45083, 18:21:07: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 74 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 45083, 18:24:08: Human demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 45083, 19:24:42: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 74 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 55! Day 45083, 21:27:00: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 74 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 75! Day 45097, 13:38:45: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 45097, 14:35:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 14 (Pachy)! Day 45097, 22:20:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 45127, 10:19:09: Human claimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 104 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45127, 13:06:45: Human unclaimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45127, 13:07:54: Human claimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45127, 13:18:23: Human unclaimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45130, 00:56:08: Human claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 45130, 06:49:33: Human unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 45130, 14:08:46: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 45130, 14:28:00: Your Beezle 2.0 - Lvl 93 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 45130, 14:36:34: Your Blue - Lvl 91 (Raptor) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 45130, 14:58:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 45130, 15:53:01: Human claimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45130, 16:36:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 15! Day 45130, 16:48:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 67 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 45130, 18:11:03: Human unclaimed 'Chilling In The Name Of - Lvl 105 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 45130, 18:48:22: Human Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 59 (Mesopithecus)! Day 45153, 12:31:02: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 45153, 13:07:24: M2 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 45154, 11:58:19: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 45154, 17:29:15: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 45173, 20:23:39: M2 Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 18 (Beelzebufo)! Day 45174, 06:40:48: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 30! Day 45174, 07:06:47: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 65! Day 45174, 07:33:50: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 45174, 07:43:43: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 45174, 09:04:37: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 45174, 10:22:35: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55! Day 45174, 10:47:26: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 65! Day 45174, 11:51:46: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 115! Day 45174, 12:53:59: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 65! Day 45174, 13:22:04: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 10! Day 45174, 13:43:25: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 70! Day 45174, 15:22:17: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 65! Day 45174, 19:07:57: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 40! Day 45177, 10:45:18: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 52 (Beelzebufo)! Day 45198, 14:50:53: Tribemember M2 - Lvl 84 was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1903005913,"tribe":"Tribe of dia logs":["Day 34273, 14:31:25: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34273, 15:11:03: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 34273, 18:01:38: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 34273, 23:38:54: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 489 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34274, 06:29:52: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34274, 06:33:25: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 34277, 01:58:36: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 34277, 02:03:18: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34296, 13:04:40: dia Tamed a Rex - Lvl 167 (Rex)! Day 34296, 13:14:13: dia unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 167 (Rex)'! Day 34296, 13:18:17: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 489 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34296, 19:50:59: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 34296, 19:57:25: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34299, 14:31:27: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34321, 05:51:26: dia froze mouser - Lvl 378 (Snow Owl) Day 34321, 05:58:26: dia froze mouser - Lvl 378 (Snow Owl) Day 34645, 23:27:03: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 489 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34646, 00:02:16: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 34646, 02:51:18: dia froze Megawolf - Lvl 551 (Direwolf) Day 34720, 03:48:05: dia unclaimed '230 - Lvl 310 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 34720, 17:04:00: dia froze Megawolf - Lvl 603 (Direwolf) Day 34721, 05:15:55: dia froze Fred - Lvl 610 (Ferox) Day 34721, 05:59:44: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34744, 17:46:34: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 616 (Tek Rex) Day 34744, 18:09:01: dia froze vvvvvvvvvvv - Lvl 616 (Tek Rex) Day 34744, 18:18:48: dia froze Fred - Lvl 610 (Ferox) Day 34744, 20:16:18: dia froze Megawolf - Lvl 603 (Direwolf) Day 34744, 20:19:49: dia froze 230 - Lvl 404 (Gigantopithecus) Day 34747, 22:09:31: dia froze Emily - Lvl 425 (Brontosaurus) Day 34747, 23:17:24: dia froze Emily - Lvl 425 (Brontosaurus) Day 34820, 18:27:00: dia froze Didi - Lvl 194 (Dodo) Day 34935, 07:02:31: dia froze Speedrav - Lvl 461 (Ravager) Day 34935, 12:03:13: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 34935, 12:12:03: dia froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34935, 13:07:21: dia claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing)'! Day 34935, 13:11:55: dia froze Baby 233 - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 34984, 14:28:37: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 34984, 14:37:51: dia froze Baby 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34984, 16:11:38: dia froze Baby 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34984, 16:14:46: dia froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 34984, 20:43:50: dia froze Baby 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35035, 09:52:09: dia froze Doedicurus - Lvl 413 (Doedicurus) Day 35035, 10:17:41: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 35035, 10:22:16: dia froze Baby 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35056, 12:14:05: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 35056, 12:19:44: dia froze Baby 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35057, 10:50:14: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 402 (Desmodus) Day 35059, 06:48:37: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 35059, 23:54:57: dia froze 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35060, 00:03:57: dia froze 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35060, 00:16:41: dia froze 313 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35060, 11:21:49: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 35066, 07:35:32: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 35066, 16:26:16: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 35067, 06:48:34: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 402 (Desmodus) Day 35067, 07:58:51: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 35067, 08:02:24: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 35067, 11:39:37: dia froze Fenrir - Lvl 355 (Fenrir) Day 35067, 13:49:11: dia froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 35067, 13:53:30: dia froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 35067, 13:58:04: dia froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 35067, 14:03:37: dia froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 35069, 19:30:30: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 315 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 35069, 19:34:10: dia froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 315 (Dinopithecus) Day 35069, 19:35:32: dia claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 35069, 19:44:23: dia froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 35070, 19:45:29: dia froze nightmare - Lvl 217 (Hesperornis) Day 35072, 05:22:42: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 98 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35072, 05:32:44: dia froze WC44 [Daz] - Lvl 43 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35072, 05:41:43: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 35072, 05:45:20: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 35092, 06:54:03: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 134 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35092, 09:42:54: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 134 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35092, 10:28:22: dia froze Fenrir - Lvl 357 (Fenrir) Day 35112, 16:20:11: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 513 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35170, 20:01:00: dia downloaded a dino: alf - Lvl 363 Day 35170, 20:13:00: dia froze alf - Lvl 363 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 35170, 20:15:13: dia downloaded a dino: 225 - Lvl 338 Day 35170, 20:19:33: dia froze 225 - Lvl 338 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 35189, 15:25:26: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 276 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35334, 22:45:03: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 285 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35361, 17:21:23: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35365, 19:33:56: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 503 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35365, 21:05:03: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 469 (Thylacoleo) Day 35366, 04:35:42: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35366, 10:25:23: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 35366, 15:10:37: dia Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35366, 15:17:00: dia unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 207 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35367, 18:41:41: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 35368, 02:07:41: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35435, 07:07:14: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35671, 18:10:17: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 285 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35671, 20:22:21: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 285 (Rhyniognatha) Day 35671, 22:14:15: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35672, 00:09:55: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 490 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35672, 00:24:35: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 35692, 00:15:11: Phoenix - Lvl 152 (Phoenix) starved to death! Day 35876, 21:13:13: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 490 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35902, 11:54:51: Megalodon - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 35902, 11:54:51: Megalodon - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 35908, 07:49:59: Your 'Bee Hive (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 35938, 13:19:07: rr - Lvl 295 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 36091, 12:08:48: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 490 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36091, 12:27:30: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 516 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36431, 19:23:06: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) '! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36431, 19:26:53: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof'! Day 36446, 23:29:15: dia froze deadpool 018 - Lvl 469 (Allosaurus) Day 36446, 23:32:58: dia froze deadpool 010 - Lvl 469 (Allosaurus) Day 36446, 23:39:32: dia froze deadpool 01 - Lvl 470 (Allosaurus) Day 36447, 02:14:10: dia froze 253 - Lvl 441 (Allosaurus) Day 36447, 11:13:06: dia froze vicky209 - Lvl 209 (Baryonyx) Day 36447, 11:16:04: dia froze victor217 - Lvl 217 (Baryonyx) Day 36448, 10:29:38: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 572 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36448, 14:28:25: dia froze Basilisk - Lvl 370 (Basilisk) Day 36449, 05:15:24: dia froze 253 - Lvl 444 (Allosaurus) Day 36449, 05:18:36: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 444 (Allosaurus) Day 36449, 05:35:26: dia froze 253 - Lvl 444 (Allosaurus) Day 36449, 10:32:13: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 504 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36449, 13:55:03: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 504 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36449, 14:15:57: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 617 (Tek Rex) Day 36449, 14:19:07: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 630 (Tek Rex) Day 36449, 14:24:51: dia froze 441 - Lvl 630 (Tek Rex) Day 36449, 14:30:30: dia froze 252g - Lvl 463 (Yutyrannus) Day 36449, 14:56:11: dia froze greenspeed1 - Lvl 464 (Yutyrannus) Day 36449, 14:59:09: dia froze Greengirl2 - Lvl 464 (Yutyrannus) Day 36449, 17:20:22: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 490 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36449, 18:38:24: dia froze Greg - Lvl 456 (Daeodon) Day 36571, 14:07:10: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 516 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36571, 17:47:02: dia froze Snotty - Lvl 377 (Rock Drake) Day 36571, 19:56:09: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 573 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36571, 20:07:50: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 342 (Otter) Day 36573, 14:27:11: dia froze doctor owl - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 36616, 12:07:34: Phoenix - Lvl 329 (Phoenix) starved to death! Day 36710, 20:09:22: dia Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops)! Day 36710, 20:22:05: dia froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 37021, 04:06:09: dia froze Dia's Owl - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 37021, 04:13:57: dia froze Snow Owl - Lvl 148 (Snow Owl) Day 37021, 14:00:21: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 504 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37021, 14:33:22: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37143, 22:22:36: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37179, 19:11:00: Megalodon - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Lamp Post (Locked) '! Day 37309, 17:36:25: Megalodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 37309, 17:46:32: Megalodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 37309, 17:46:36: Megalodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 37309, 17:46:36: Megalodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 37330, 17:54:45: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 507 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37330, 18:57:07: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 507 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37331, 04:55:46: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37332, 09:44:55: dia Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 37467, 21:48:35: Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 352 (Aberrant Anglerfish) starved to death! Day 37510, 22:47:11: 100 mick - Lvl 288 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 37519, 19:21:55: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37611, 07:47:35: Manta - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Cannon (Locked) '! Day 37619, 15:39:27: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37667, 06:03:45: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37667, 08:03:59: dia froze Rolland - Lvl 376 (Doedicurus) Day 37680, 23:42:41: Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 357 (Aberrant Anglerfish) starved to death! Day 37783, 12:28:31: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 138 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37783, 12:46:52: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 285 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37927, 04:43:16: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 491 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37927, 05:08:37: dia froze Gandalf - Lvl 491 (Giganotosaurus) Day 37927, 06:04:22: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 37995, 16:55:43: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 432 (Snow Owl) Day 38086, 00:06:14: Megalodon - Lvl 75 destroyed your 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 38253, 19:56:56: Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 377 (Aberrant Anglerfish) starved to death! Day 38374, 20:19:39: dia claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38374, 20:22:59: dia claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38374, 20:25:03: dia claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38374, 20:27:10: dia claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38375, 18:45:38: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 38375, 18:48:30: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 38375, 19:03:23: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 38375, 19:06:22: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 38830, 14:16:05: dia froze Bluest blue ever! - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38830, 17:31:26: dia froze Bluest blue ever! - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38830, 17:35:47: dia froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38830, 18:09:34: dia froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 389 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39221, 18:03:20: doctor owl - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 39318, 13:23:49: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 138 (Rhyniognatha) Day 39318, 19:45:20: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 138 (Rhyniognatha) Day 39318, 22:02:07: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 344 (Rhyniognatha) Day 39318, 23:45:11: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 39322, 20:00:54: dia froze Cheeky Chicken - Lvl 631 (Therizinosaur) Day 39322, 22:08:15: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 39323, 07:24:40: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 344 (Rhyniognatha) Day 39323, 15:50:19: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 39323, 16:31:16: dia demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39785, 00:21:38: Your 'Tek Remote Camera' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39865, 12:16:51: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 507 (Giganotosaurus) Day 39865, 16:04:05: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 507 (Giganotosaurus) Day 39865, 16:54:48: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40831, 19:47:06: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 512 (Giganotosaurus) Day 40831, 20:31:49: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41406, 19:14:34: dia claimed 'flappy brird - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41406, 19:48:31: dia unclaimed 'flappy brird - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41407, 08:30:35: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 41407, 08:44:37: dia froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus) Day 41408, 05:53:33: dia froze Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus) Day 41408, 06:07:36: dia froze Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus) Day 41408, 20:46:02: dia froze 264 - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 41408, 23:05:40: dia froze 264 - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 41409, 00:29:16: dia froze 264 - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 41409, 05:00:29: dia froze 264 - Lvl 264 (Bulbdog) Day 41409, 08:34:13: dia froze Cheeky Chicken - Lvl 631 (Therizinosaur) Day 41409, 12:56:52: dia froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 41409, 14:42:10: dia froze Cheeky Chicken - Lvl 631 (Therizinosaur) Day 41412, 05:18:36: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41412, 20:42:19: dia Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 41412, 20:51:36: dia froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 41413, 16:42:07: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41413, 18:33:11: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41437, 07:28:41: dia froze Carbonemys - Lvl 224 (Carbonemys) Day 41437, 07:38:27: dia froze Carbonemys - Lvl 202 (Carbonemys) Day 41437, 07:45:18: dia froze WC217 H50 - Lvl 217 (Carbonemys) Day 41437, 07:51:05: dia froze Carbonemys - Lvl 194 (Carbonemys) Day 41437, 13:40:41: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41552, 16:44:23: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41552, 20:41:04: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41559, 12:03:47: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41577, 14:24:34: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41582, 08:26:01: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41582, 10:14:48: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41582, 12:32:23: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41582, 13:32:54: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 41582, 16:17:31: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 41582, 16:48:51: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 41602, 14:52:39: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 01:24:55: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus) Day 41603, 02:03:44: dia froze new - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 02:08:28: dia froze Drsgonfood5 - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 02:28:49: dia froze Dragonfood6 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 02:37:57: dia froze Dragonfood2 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 02:42:41: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 04:37:01: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41603, 09:36:32: dia froze new - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 09:40:47: dia froze Dragonfood6 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 09:48:03: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 09:54:12: dia froze Drsgonfood5 - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 10:02:23: dia froze Dragonfood2 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41603, 13:39:29: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 345 (Otter) Day 41603, 15:44:37: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 41605, 08:16:59: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 41605, 10:00:33: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 41809, 17:55:08: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus) Day 41809, 18:07:58: dia froze Drsgonfood5 - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41809, 18:11:05: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41809, 18:17:00: dia froze Dragonfood6 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41809, 18:19:57: dia froze Dragonfood2 - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 41809, 18:27:16: dia froze new - Lvl 374 (Deinonychus) Day 41918, 07:08:50: Electrophorus - Lvl 37 (Electrophorus) starved to death! Day 42098, 19:54:20: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 327 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 42119, 14:11:14: dia froze Wendy - Lvl 417 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42119, 14:58:49: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 42222, 16:45:39: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 42222, 17:46:03: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 376 (Deinonychus) Day 42222, 22:49:06: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42222, 23:37:35: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 42223, 15:23:09: dia froze 220 Ringo - Lvl 346 (Rhyniognatha) Day 42244, 16:42:03: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 615 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:42:34: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:45:32: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:52:05: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 18:37:57: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus) Day 42245, 20:00:07: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 548 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 20:23:28: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 630 (Tek Rex) Day 42246, 02:00:26: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 517 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42246, 16:51:48: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 42246, 17:23:55: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 469 (Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 17:52:24: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 469 (Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 18:48:35: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 469 (Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 20:39:50: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 42246, 21:30:10: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 42246, 22:30:58: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42247, 01:14:24: dia unclaimed 'ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42247, 04:34:10: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 04:44:23: dia froze 441 - Lvl 631 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 05:03:57: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 05:14:59: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 09:52:52: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 09:59:24: dia froze Reddington - Lvl 535 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:07:55: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:33:47: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:38:55: dia froze 441 - Lvl 632 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:43:50: dia claimed 'ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42247, 10:49:45: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus) Day 42247, 12:00:03: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 42285, 11:26:31: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 42285, 12:08:07: dia froze Shinehorn - Lvl 22 (Shinehorn) Day 42285, 13:14:02: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 42293, 16:19:52: dia froze Shadowmane - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 42293, 16:22:44: dia froze Shadowmane - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 42293, 17:43:25: dia froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 224 (R-Gasbags) Day 42293, 17:46:25: dia froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 209 (R-Gasbags) Day 42293, 18:06:45: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 42295, 05:38:11: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 42604, 18:58:40: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 42605, 19:42:41: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 616 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 19:46:41: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 19:49:31: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 455 (Yutyrannus) Day 42605, 19:54:33: dia froze 441 - Lvl 632 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:01:10: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 620 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:10:53: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 616 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:15:00: dia froze Reddington - Lvl 535 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 21:43:58: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 42606, 07:42:10: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 42723, 15:34:26: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 42795, 22:26:46: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42796, 01:45:45: dia froze weight - Lvl 414 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 01:50:10: dia froze WC224 M54 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 04:11:19: dia froze Seabreeze - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 04:46:54: dia froze Seabreeze - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42908, 14:33:21: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing) Day 42908, 15:29:19: dia unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing)'! Day 42908, 16:35:19: dia froze Seabreeze - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42908, 22:15:24: dia froze Reddington - Lvl 535 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 22:27:11: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 22:39:11: dia froze 441 - Lvl 632 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 22:46:21: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 623 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 22:58:14: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 618 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 23:02:46: dia froze Tek Rex - Lvl 645 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 23:12:01: dia froze ready2 - Lvl 455 (Yutyrannus) Day 43168, 00:05:08: Your Megalodon - Lvl 287 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 75! Day 43924, 19:06:20: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:09:18: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:18:29: dia froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:21:19: dia froze Alpha green F - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:24:24: dia froze 251g - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:27:17: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:30:06: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:36:44: dia froze 251 - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 43924, 19:54:50: dia froze Parasaur - Lvl 309 (Parasaur) Day 43924, 20:09:27: dia froze phantom - Lvl 311 (Tropeognathus) Day 43924, 20:15:54: dia froze Fenrir - Lvl 358 (Fenrir) Day 43924, 20:21:51: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 43924, 20:26:26: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 43924, 20:51:16: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 345 (Maewing) Day 43924, 20:58:49: dia froze 241 - Lvl 241 (Megaloceros) Day 43924, 21:02:56: dia froze Evie - Lvl 377 (Equus) Day 43924, 21:12:51: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:16:36: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 123 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:38:54: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 274 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:42:37: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:46:13: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:50:23: dia froze Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:54:15: dia froze JAKE! - Lvl 82 (Dodo) Day 43924, 21:58:31: 's 'Didi - Lvl 194 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 43924, 22:44:50: dia froze HSOFWM SP41 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 43924, 22:48:38: dia froze HSOFWM SP41 - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 43924, 22:52:23: dia froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 313 (Dinopithecus) Day 43924, 23:12:27: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 351 (Maewing) Day 43924, 23:30:56: dia froze new - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 43924, 23:57:05: dia froze 270 [Clone] - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 43925, 00:00:46: dia froze 270 - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 43925, 00:04:25: dia froze 270 - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 43925, 00:08:39: dia froze 270 [Clone] - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 43925, 00:17:40: dia froze Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal) Day 43925, 00:57:46: dia froze Bulbdog - Lvl 300 (Bulbdog) Day 43925, 01:06:46: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:10:47: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:14:59: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:19:38: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:36:17: dia froze Allosaurus - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:40:48: dia froze ally2 - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:44:23: dia froze ally1 - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:48:05: dia froze sharon - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 01:51:44: dia froze goodgirl1 - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 02:02:08: dia froze ally3 - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 02:06:20: dia froze 257 - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 02:13:19: dia froze 257 - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 02:56:03: dia froze 257 - Lvl 257 (Allosaurus) Day 43925, 03:00:20: dia froze bluey - Lvl 434 (Thylacoleo) Day 43925, 03:06:54: dia froze Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 224 (Aberrant Purlovia) Day 43925, 03:26:45: dia froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 43925, 04:23:24: dia froze Electrophorus - Lvl 139 (Electrophorus) Day 43925, 04:29:16: dia froze Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 251 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 43925, 04:33:48: dia froze Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 29 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 43925, 04:39:49: dia froze Electrophorus - Lvl 132 (Electrophorus) Day 43925, 04:44:19: dia froze Electrophorus - Lvl 209 (Electrophorus) Day 43925, 04:57:15: dia froze Electrophorus - Lvl 217 (Electrophorus) Day 43925, 05:01:11: dia froze mefr - Lvl 117 (Electrophorus) Day 43925, 05:56:23: dia froze 202 bluey - Lvl 202 (Megalodon) Day 43925, 06:01:53: dia froze Aberrant Anglerfish - Lvl 125 (Aberrant Anglerfish) Day 43925, 06:07:17: dia froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 261 (Tusoteuthis) Day 43925, 06:34:49: dia froze Anglerfish - Lvl 705 (Anglerfish) Day 43925, 08:04:33: dia froze 272 - Lvl 272 (Ovis) Day 43925, 08:07:25: dia froze 270 - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 44583, 04:53:53: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 517 (R-Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1901622930,"tribe":"Tribe of Tobster logs":["Day 44871, 14:58:40: Tobster was added to the Tribe! Day 44871, 15:00:32: Ashy was added to the Tribe by Tobster! Day 44872, 08:11:19: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 98 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44872, 17:29:05: Tobster froze Sarco - Lvl 226 (Sarco) Day 44872, 17:57:49: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44872, 23:47:43: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44873, 08:13:48: Tobster claimed 'hp/stam male - Lvl 107 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 08:40:03: Tobster froze hp/stam male - Lvl 141 (Therizinosaur) Day 44873, 08:41:35: Tobster claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 08:47:01: Tobster froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 92 (Therizinosaur) Day 44873, 08:49:34: Tobster claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 08:54:16: Tobster unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 21 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 44873, 09:04:36: Tobster claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)'! Day 44873, 09:10:42: Tobster unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 120 (Triceratops)'! Day 44873, 09:11:21: Tobster claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 16 (Triceratops)'! Day 44873, 09:17:08: Tobster unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 33 (Triceratops)'! Day 44873, 09:59:24: Tobster claimed '[MT] Rolly Poly - Lvl 146 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44873, 10:12:46: Tobster claimed '[MT] Streamline - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44873, 11:16:18: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44873, 11:18:16: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44873, 11:20:16: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44874, 21:23:18: Tobster froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44874, 21:31:08: Tobster froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 131 (Therizinosaur) Day 44874, 21:34:38: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44874, 21:35:38: Tobster froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 44874, 21:44:20: Tobster froze Knife Claws - Lvl 145 (Therizinosaur) Day 44874, 21:57:51: Tobster froze Sarco - Lvl 227 (Sarco) Day 44874, 22:43:44: Tobster froze Rocky - Lvl 148 (Doedicurus) Day 44874, 22:48:42: Tobster froze Skylar - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 44874, 22:52:36: Tobster froze [MT] Streamline - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 44874, 23:04:16: Tobster froze Argentavis - Lvl 157 (Argentavis) Day 44874, 23:08:05: Tobster froze Peeping Tina - Lvl 165 (Argentavis) Day 44874, 23:29:53: Tobster demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 44874, 23:30:50: Tobster demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 44874, 23:39:12: Tobster froze Blue Capped Redcoat - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) Day 44874, 23:44:18: Tobster froze Parasaur - Lvl 221 (Parasaur) Day 44874, 23:50:58: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44874, 23:52:46: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44874, 23:54:16: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44874, 23:55:40: Ashy demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44884, 20:06:10: Ashy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 252 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44886, 02:48:15: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44887, 18:27:28: Tobster claimed 'Deku Midoriya, PLUS ULTR - Lvl 165 (Phiomia)'! Day 44887, 18:32:29: Tobster claimed 'John Pork - Lvl 112 (Quetzal)'! Day 44887, 19:24:57: Tobster froze John Pork - Lvl 112 (Quetzal) Day 44888, 03:12:29: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44888, 04:04:18: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44888, 18:06:54: Tobster froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44888, 18:12:31: Tobster froze Knife Claws - Lvl 156 (Therizinosaur) Day 44888, 18:18:24: Tobster froze Parasaur - Lvl 234 (Parasaur) Day 44888, 18:31:56: Tobster froze Sarco - Lvl 228 (Sarco) Day 44888, 19:00:34: Tobster froze Rocky - Lvl 158 (Doedicurus) Day 44933, 19:23:43: Tobster demolished a 'Stone (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 44934, 12:56:10: Ashy demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 44936, 02:37:41: Tribemember Ashy - Lvl 98 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 44936, 20:48:32: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 109 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44955, 11:13:26: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44956, 05:42:26: Ashy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 109 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44956, 14:50:41: Ashy froze Peeping Tina - Lvl 166 (Argentavis) Day 44956, 14:54:35: Ashy froze Argentavis - Lvl 158 (Argentavis) Day 44956, 14:58:49: Ashy froze Blue Capped Redcoat - Lvl 188 (Argentavis) Day 44956, 15:02:37: Ashy froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 44956, 16:06:18: Ashy froze Skylar - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 44957, 07:36:34: Tobster downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 Day 44957, 07:37:08: Tobster downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 245 Day 44957, 07:52:15: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 109 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44957, 08:03:16: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44957, 08:06:16: Ashy froze Aqua - Lvl 153 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44957, 21:43:07: Ashy froze Rocky - Lvl 174 (Doedicurus) Day 44957, 21:49:02: Ashy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 263 (Ankylosaurus) Day 44958, 06:22:42: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44959, 00:02:38: Ashy froze Aqua - Lvl 163 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 44959, 00:09:46: Tobster froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1901382358,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 34907, 19:16:00: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 34907, 19:51:27: Pure aryan was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 34907, 20:49:25: Pure aryan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 41 (Argentavis)'! Day 34907, 22:52:17: Pure aryan claimed 'The Pretender - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34907, 23:15:37: Pure aryan froze The Pretender - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 34908, 03:13:55: Pure aryan froze Ju 87 \"Stuka\" - Lvl 342 (Desmodus) Day 34908, 03:15:42: Human froze WIGGER - Lvl 303 (Fire Wyvern) Day 35213, 01:39:06: Argentavis - Lvl 41 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 35235, 21:42:16: Pure aryan froze XXI U-boat \"Elektroboot\" - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 35236, 07:26:25: Pure aryan froze Ju 87 \"Stuka\" - Lvl 343 (Desmodus) Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1900869219,"tribe":"Tribe of donkey logs":["Day 26289, 05:51:23: donkey was added to the Tribe! Day 26289, 06:29:19: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26289, 06:46:50: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26289, 07:22:27: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 3 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26289, 09:10:01: Great was added to the Tribe by donkey! Day 26289, 11:59:49: Tribemember Great - Lvl 8 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 70! Day 26289, 13:28:15: Tribemember Great - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26289, 14:10:47: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:15:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:16:38: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:21:09: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:29:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:38:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 26289, 14:41:06: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 10 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 26289, 15:44:49: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 10 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 26289, 16:23:26: Tribemember Great - Lvl 11 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 26289, 18:28:05: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26290, 20:04:40: donkey Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 13 (Triceratops)! Day 26291, 00:29:43: donkey Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Parasaur)! Day 26291, 03:21:20: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26291, 03:22:48: Tribemember Great - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 26291, 03:24:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 26291, 03:24:27: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26291, 03:24:34: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26291, 03:36:27: Your toe nail - Lvl 13 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 26291, 03:41:39: Your toe toe toe - Lvl 141 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 26291, 05:01:05: Great Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 26291, 10:36:34: donkey demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 26291, 16:31:46: Great Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus)! Day 26291, 21:08:58: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 40 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 26291, 22:16:49: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 40 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 26292, 03:24:12: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 44 was killed by Great - Lvl 36 (Tribe of donkey)! Day 26292, 03:24:12: Your Tribe killed donkey - Lvl 44 (Tribe of donkey)! Day 26315, 21:59:56: Your Raptor - Lvl 85 (Raptor) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 5! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26572, 18:50:22: BIG NIG - Lvl 22 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26917, 17:14:08: Tribemember donkey - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 26917, 17:21:11: Tribemember Great - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1898042994,"tribe":"Tribe of EyeHavePhalange logs":["Day 29187, 10:09:02: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29192, 13:01:43: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29192, 13:24:58: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29195, 13:17:54: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29195, 14:43:25: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 289 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29195, 16:12:47: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29208, 01:38:40: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29208, 02:30:36: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29210, 16:44:08: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29211, 00:16:18: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29220, 13:20:16: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29220, 14:31:08: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 309 (Mosasaurus) Day 29220, 16:25:40: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 309 (Mosasaurus) Day 29220, 17:26:03: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29220, 17:50:49: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29231, 20:03:51: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29231, 20:39:24: Geaux froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 260 (Basilosaurus) Day 29231, 21:40:31: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 29231, 23:04:53: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29234, 09:21:07: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 29234, 10:27:59: Geaux froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 265 (Basilosaurus) Day 29234, 11:58:35: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 29234, 12:26:57: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29234, 12:33:06: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 29239, 02:01:25: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 29239, 02:32:50: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29241, 11:03:26: Geaux froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 265 (Basilosaurus) Day 29241, 11:26:24: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 29242, 00:23:11: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 29242, 06:01:50: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29242, 19:02:45: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29243, 06:18:32: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29243, 11:03:42: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29243, 11:17:56: Geaux claimed 'Farmer - Lvl 164 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:18:41: Geaux claimed 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:19:52: Geaux claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:20:46: Geaux claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29243, 11:26:32: Geaux claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:27:52: Geaux claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:28:41: Geaux claimed 'Trey - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:29:26: Geaux claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:30:01: Geaux claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:30:38: Geaux claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 29243, 11:31:52: Geaux claimed 'Staro - Lvl 72 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29243, 11:32:29: Geaux claimed 'HeavySpeed - Lvl 265 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29243, 11:37:29: Geaux claimed 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29243, 11:37:59: Geaux claimed 'Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 29243, 11:41:13: Geaux claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 247 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 29243, 11:58:45: Geaux froze HeavySpeed - Lvl 265 (Astrodelphis) Day 29243, 12:10:21: Geaux claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal)'! Day 29243, 12:24:55: Geaux froze Staro - Lvl 72 (Astrodelphis) Day 29243, 13:21:18: Geaux claimed 'Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 309 (Maewing)'! Day 29243, 13:33:16: Geaux froze Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 29243, 13:52:21: Geaux froze n.1 - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 13:56:05: Geaux froze n.2 - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 15:53:50: Geaux claimed 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 29243, 15:58:59: Geaux froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 219 (Astrodelphis) Day 29243, 16:30:15: Geaux froze n.3 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 16:33:52: Geaux froze n.4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 16:37:48: Geaux froze n.5 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 16:44:13: Geaux froze n.6 - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 29243, 19:27:51: Geaux froze Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 29243, 19:31:20: Geaux froze Coffe - Lvl 285 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 29243, 19:39:23: Geaux froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 247 (Andrewsarchus) Day 29243, 19:59:04: Geaux froze Quetzal - Lvl 199 (Quetzal) Day 29243, 21:55:29: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29244, 02:48:20: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29244, 03:21:13: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29253, 00:45:17: EyeHavePhalanges froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 29253, 02:16:27: EyeHavePhalanges claimed 'Pinky - Lvl 269 (Castoroides)'! Day 29253, 02:21:33: EyeHavePhalanges unclaimed 'Pinky - Lvl 269 (Castoroides)'! Day 29253, 02:24:17: EyeHavePhalanges claimed 'Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29253, 02:34:20: EyeHavePhalanges claimed 'Terrys chocolate orange - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 29253, 02:42:59: EyeHavePhalanges froze Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf) Day 29253, 02:48:57: EyeHavePhalanges froze Terrys chocolate orange - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf) Day 29253, 17:07:08: EyeHavePhalanges froze Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (Snow Owl) Day 29253, 17:11:43: EyeHavePhalanges froze Welp -_- - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29253, 18:10:27: EyeHavePhalanges froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 29262, 02:10:05: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29262, 11:07:45: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 280 (Daeodon) Day 29262, 11:15:37: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 337 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29262, 14:15:20: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 280 (Daeodon) Day 29262, 14:19:00: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 344 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29262, 18:24:24: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29263, 02:47:53: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29263, 04:39:19: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29263, 08:19:57: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29263, 09:57:18: Your n.2 - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:57:18: Your Tribe killed n.2 - Lvl 123 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 09:57:18: Your n.3 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:57:18: Your Tribe killed n.3 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 09:57:21: Your n.4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:57:21: Your Tribe killed n.4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 09:57:24: Your n.1 - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:57:24: Your Tribe killed n.1 - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 09:57:47: Your n.5 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:57:47: Your Tribe killed n.5 - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 09:59:35: Your n.6 - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29263, 09:59:35: Your Tribe killed n.6 - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus)! Day 29263, 11:34:49: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29287, 23:10:56: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 29288, 02:11:05: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29288, 06:59:03: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 281 (Daeodon) Day 29288, 07:02:57: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29288, 13:00:56: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 63 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 13:05:42: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 63 (Megalania) Day 29288, 13:08:39: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 35 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 13:13:32: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 35 (Megalania) Day 29288, 13:16:41: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 64 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 13:21:22: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 64 (Megalania) Day 29288, 13:24:35: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 75 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 13:28:57: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 75 (Megalania) Day 29288, 13:48:38: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 45 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 13:53:16: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 45 (Megalania) Day 29288, 13:56:20: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 79 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 14:00:27: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 79 (Megalania) Day 29288, 14:03:47: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 64 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 14:06:39: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 75 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 14:08:55: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 75 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29288, 14:08:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 75 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29288, 14:09:46: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 64 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29288, 14:09:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 64 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29288, 14:40:42: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 38 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 14:45:16: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 38 (Megalania) Day 29288, 14:48:35: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 14:52:47: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania) Day 29288, 14:56:43: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 15:00:52: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania) Day 29288, 15:03:40: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 72 (Megalania)'! Day 29288, 15:07:39: Geaux froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 72 (Megalania) Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 72 (Megalania) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 72 (Megalania)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 38 (Megalania) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 38 (Megalania)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania) was killed by Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29288, 16:25:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)! Day 29288, 18:19:02: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29289, 18:47:45: EyeHavePhalanges froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 29289, 22:26:44: EyeHavePhalanges Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 209 (Baryonyx)! Day 29290, 12:00:59: EyeHavePhalanges froze Baryonyx - Lvl 209 (Baryonyx) Day 29290, 12:35:18: EyeHavePhalanges froze Welp -_- - Lvl 257 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29290, 13:57:33: EyeHavePhalanges froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 29301, 21:20:07: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 29301, 22:13:10: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29334, 05:15:44: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 29334, 05:37:28: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29384, 01:50:17: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 29384, 05:11:31: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29394, 03:22:19: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29394, 06:34:23: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 29394, 07:16:33: Geaux froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 265 (Basilosaurus) Day 29394, 08:00:31: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 309 (Mosasaurus) Day 29394, 09:04:49: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 29394, 09:40:11: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 309 (Mosasaurus) Day 29394, 10:29:10: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 29394, 11:01:41: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 309 (Mosasaurus) Day 29394, 12:17:13: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29403, 02:22:04: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 29403, 03:15:48: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 29403, 03:41:31: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 29403, 03:59:18: Geaux froze 35h40m - Lvl 310 (Mosasaurus) Day 29403, 04:21:33: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29403, 07:26:36: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 233 (Daeodon) Day 29403, 07:35:10: Geaux froze Grave Digger - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 29403, 07:57:58: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29408, 23:16:05: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 29409, 04:02:38: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 10:39:00: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 10:42:46: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 10:56:17: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 11:25:47: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 12:15:40: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 29409, 12:48:00: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 29410, 02:03:33: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 29410, 02:50:00: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29410, 08:50:57: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29420, 05:57:12: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 29420, 08:44:53: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 29420, 10:46:11: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 29420, 10:58:55: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 29420, 11:29:54: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 230 (Deinonychus) Day 29420, 12:29:38: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29428, 03:32:34: EyeHavePhalanges claimed 'Megalodon - Lvl 240 (Megalodon)'! Day 29428, 05:39:18: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 06:51:31: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 08:42:53: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 11:29:47: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 11:34:07: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 11:39:25: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 11:49:42: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 11:56:09: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:10:10: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:17:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:23:51: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:24:21: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 12:31:00: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:36:09: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:45:35: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 12:53:45: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 13:01:05: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 13:11:33: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 13:20:41: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 15:53:06: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:03:18: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:10:26: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:21:31: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:34:53: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:43:28: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 16:51:42: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 16:52:16: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 17:00:19: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 17:08:49: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 17:15:45: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 17:38:40: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 17:46:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 18:20:46: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 19:45:56: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 250 (Daeodon) Day 29428, 19:55:28: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29428, 22:12:08: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 22:21:35: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 22:28:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 22:45:40: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 22:55:18: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:04:38: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:15:29: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:28:17: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:38:00: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:49:40: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29428, 23:58:54: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 00:07:43: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 00:18:35: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 00:27:41: Geaux froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 294 (Yutyrannus) Day 29429, 00:33:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 01:10:42: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 01:14:24: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29429, 01:33:44: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 04:10:30: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29429, 10:54:26: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29429, 13:23:10: EyeHavePhalanges froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 278 (Yutyrannus) Day 29429, 15:28:35: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29429, 16:41:28: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 16:48:17: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 16:55:57: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:07:27: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:15:41: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:22:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:28:29: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:35:39: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:43:45: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:50:20: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 17:56:24: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 18:02:18: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 18:10:37: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 18:19:43: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 18:26:43: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 18:32:53: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 19:14:53: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 20:26:32: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29429, 21:08:55: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29429, 23:58:36: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 00:48:46: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29430, 01:27:39: Geaux froze Daeodon - Lvl 250 (Daeodon) Day 29430, 02:27:38: EyeHavePhalanges froze Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus) Day 29430, 02:58:51: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 230 (Deinonychus) Day 29430, 03:51:41: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29430, 06:58:19: Geaux froze Gamma Test - Lvl 236 (Deinonychus) Day 29430, 07:03:39: EyeHavePhalanges froze Deinonychus - Lvl 201 (Deinonychus) Day 29430, 08:05:45: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29430, 10:37:03: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29430, 10:41:50: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 29430, 11:47:18: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 11:51:00: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 11:54:21: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 11:59:45: Geaux froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 284 (Yutyrannus) Day 29430, 12:03:23: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:06:45: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:10:16: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:13:43: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:17:06: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:21:15: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:24:58: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:28:55: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:32:25: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:34:10: EyeHavePhalanges froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 29430, 12:35:55: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:39:23: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:42:49: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 12:46:26: Geaux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 29430, 14:03:31: EyeHavePhalanges froze Daeodon - Lvl 251 (Daeodon) Day 29430, 14:12:33: EyeHavePhalanges froze Blooby - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 29430, 17:26:12: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 307 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29466, 07:20:30: Geaux froze Mule - Lvl 261 (Gasbags) Day 29466, 10:16:19: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29466, 10:45:49: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed by Granger - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29466, 10:45:49: Your Tribe killed Yutyrannus - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)! Day 29466, 10:53:55: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29466, 18:08:15: Geaux froze Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis) Day 29466, 20:56:16: Geaux froze Mule - Lvl 261 (Gasbags) Day 29466, 21:34:55: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29477, 11:38:27: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29477, 12:12:30: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29493, 07:03:32: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 308 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29591, 10:42:34: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29610, 06:11:37: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:12:39: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:13:36: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 62 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:14:51: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 59 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:16:19: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 45 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:17:36: Geaux claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 74 (Megalania)'! Day 29610, 06:32:15: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 45 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 45 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:20: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 74 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 74 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:27: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 59 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:27: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 59 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:40: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:40: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:41: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 62 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 62 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:56: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania) was killed by Geaux - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 06:32:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 54 (Megalania) (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange)! Day 29610, 12:47:16: Geaux froze 32h34m - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 29610, 14:40:01: Geaux froze Granger - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29635, 11:05:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29635, 11:05:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29909, 23:20:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29980, 19:27:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29980, 19:27:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30067, 00:36:52: Andrew - Lvl 137 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30203, 16:50:01: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Farmer - Lvl 164 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30203, 17:02:20: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 247 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 30203, 17:23:12: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Filipadubudoo - Lvl 246 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 30305, 11:24:41: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:26:12: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 88 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:27:15: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 92 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:28:49: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 76 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:30:23: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 30305, 11:31:23: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 48 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:34:23: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalania - Lvl 58 (Megalania)'! Day 30305, 11:35:20: mememem - Lvl 13 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 29 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 30358, 19:11:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30440, 22:26:17: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30440, 22:29:18: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30440, 22:47:58: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30476, 22:18:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30537, 19:51:22: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 241 (Megalodon)'! Day 30783, 02:13:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1897314906,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 26278, 08:10:21: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 26278, 08:22:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26278, 10:00:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26278, 11:48:00: Human Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 26278, 13:05:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26279, 00:36:19: Your life saver - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 0.9x!"] "tribeid":1896812309,"tribe":"Banana Bois logs":["Day 34623, 00:14:52: Aids was added to the Tribe! Day 34623, 14:03:21: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 9 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 5! Day 34623, 14:29:48: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 34623, 15:42:08: AP510 was added to the Tribe by Aids!"] "tribeid":1893372909,"tribe":"Byqi: Generacja 4 logs":["Day 18330, 15:23:00: Rydelsiarz was added to the Tribe! Day 18330, 15:30:25: Tic^Tac was added to the Tribe by Rydelsiarz! Day 18330, 16:18:35: Tic^Tac Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 18330, 18:23:48: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 18330, 21:21:09: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18330, 21:22:30: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18331, 06:03:06: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 14 (Mesopithecus)! Day 18331, 13:47:09: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 18331, 21:56:36: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 142 (Pachy)! Day 18332, 05:19:25: Rydelsiarz claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 18332, 06:49:51: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 40 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 174! Day 18332, 13:42:38: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 18332, 16:42:30: Tic^Tac Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 259 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 18332, 20:01:44: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 53 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 80! Day 18332, 21:31:59: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 53 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 80! Day 18332, 23:12:59: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 53 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 10! Day 18332, 23:15:42: Your Arka Noego (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 18332, 23:19:41: Your Dodo - Lvl 40 (Dodo) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 80! Day 18333, 00:44:25: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 53 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 80! Day 18347, 11:21:21: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18347, 12:00:18: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18347, 12:01:00: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18347, 12:01:41: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18347, 12:49:48: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 58 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 18347, 13:04:07: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 18347, 13:43:27: Your Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 18347, 16:40:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 18347, 18:31:50: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 18347, 21:06:22: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 186 (Triceratops)! Day 18402, 19:43:14: Tic^Tac Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 18402, 22:23:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 18403, 09:22:09: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 18403, 10:10:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 210 (Sarco)! Day 18403, 11:40:16: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)! Day 18403, 14:31:39: Rydelsiarz claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 18403, 21:21:34: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 18403, 21:52:32: Rydelsiarz Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 18403, 22:39:57: Rydelsiarz froze Adolescent Judasz - Lvl 201 (Raptor) Day 18403, 22:50:08: Rydelsiarz froze Adolescent Judasz - Lvl 201 (Raptor) Day 18403, 23:32:32: Rydelsiarz froze Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo) Day 18404, 03:02:45: Your Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 18404, 03:04:21: Your Dodo - Lvl 53 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 18404, 07:14:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)! Day 18404, 08:05:37: Rydelsiarz froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus) Day 18404, 13:25:17: Rydelsiarz froze Lucyferqa - Lvl 211 (Carnotaurus) Day 18404, 15:17:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops)! Day 18404, 15:48:10: Rydelsiarz froze Triceratops - Lvl 165 (Triceratops) Day 18404, 16:49:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)! Day 18404, 17:13:02: Rydelsiarz froze Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) Day 18404, 17:47:45: Rydelsiarz froze Lucyferqa - Lvl 218 (Carnotaurus) Day 18404, 22:46:09: Rydelsiarz claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)'! Day 18404, 22:47:33: Rydelsiarz claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 167 (Triceratops)'! Day 18405, 15:20:28: Rydelsiarz froze Adolescent Katolik - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) Day 18405, 15:24:51: Rydelsiarz froze Adolescent Katolik - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) Day 18416, 18:24:02: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:24:28: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:24:51: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:25:11: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:25:38: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:26:01: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:26:40: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:27:04: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18416, 18:27:35: Rydelsiarz demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 18417, 09:53:08: Rydelsiarz froze Lucyferqa - Lvl 223 (Carnotaurus) Day 18417, 10:40:45: Rydelsiarz froze Zbawiciel - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) Day 18417, 14:34:26: Rydelsiarz froze Samson - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) Day 18417, 18:54:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 186 (Paraceratherium)! Day 18417, 19:47:49: Rydelsiarz froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 187 (Paraceratherium) Day 18417, 20:19:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18417, 21:06:44: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 93 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 18417, 21:08:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 18429, 16:00:50: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 18429, 16:15:18: Rydelsiarz froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 18429, 20:32:35: Tic^Tac demolished a 'Bed'! Day 18429, 23:15:10: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 18430, 15:24:34: Rydelsiarz froze Zbawiciel - Lvl 211 (Triceratops) Day 18431, 00:04:50: Rydelsiarz claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 18431, 05:41:20: Rydelsiarz froze Zbawiciel - Lvl 212 (Triceratops) Day 18431, 08:08:18: Rydelsiarz froze Lucyferqa - Lvl 230 (Carnotaurus) Day 18431, 08:12:35: Rydelsiarz froze Grzmociur - Lvl 203 (Paraceratherium) Day 18431, 08:15:54: Rydelsiarz froze Noe - Lvl 290 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 18431, 08:19:17: Rydelsiarz froze Salomon - Lvl 87 (Moschops) Day 18431, 08:28:14: Rydelsiarz froze Papiez - Lvl 227 (Triceratops) Day 18459, 00:22:19: Tic^Tac froze Szatan To Gej - Lvl 249 (Sarco) Day 18459, 00:34:44: Tic^Tac froze Birb - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 18459, 00:47:42: Tic^Tac froze Judasz - Lvl 223 (Raptor) Day 18459, 00:54:09: Tic^Tac froze sw. Elzbieta - Lvl 241 (Raptor) Day 18459, 01:12:27: Tic^Tac froze Abraham - Lvl 169 (Pachy) Day 18459, 03:56:44: Tic^Tac froze Szymon z Cyreny - Lvl 228 (Parasaur) Day 18459, 04:02:33: Tic^Tac froze sw. Józef - Lvl 216 (Raptor) Day 18459, 04:34:39: Tic^Tac froze Katolik - Lvl 189 (Triceratops) Day 18459, 04:42:51: Tic^Tac froze Proboszcz - Lvl 197 (Triceratops) Day 18459, 04:48:37: Tic^Tac froze Biskup - Lvl 190 (Triceratops) Day 18459, 09:01:04: Rydelsiarz froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 18486, 16:59:36: Rydelsiarz Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 18598, 20:50:31: Essiur - Lvl 32 (Otter) starved to death! Day 18671, 01:20:15: Salomon - Lvl 89 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 18772, 17:31:53: Your 'Scarecrow' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18975, 12:16:17: Jahwe - Lvl 44 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 18975, 12:30:27: Mojzesz - Lvl 73 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19079, 03:01:08: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19113, 03:00:59: Ragnar - Lvl 24 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Czarna Perła (Raft)'! Day 19487, 21:23:55: Szymon z Cyreny - Lvl 228 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19640, 10:25:07: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19640, 10:25:07: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19640, 10:25:07: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19705, 00:53:34: Abraham - Lvl 172 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 19827, 09:14:52: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 19827, 09:15:38: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Birb - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 19827, 09:16:31: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Szatan To Gej - Lvl 251 (Sarco)'! Day 19827, 09:19:22: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grzmociur - Lvl 210 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 19827, 09:22:58: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Judasz - Lvl 227 (Raptor)'! Day 19827, 09:26:35: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Papiez - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 19827, 09:27:13: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Biskup - Lvl 193 (Triceratops)'! Day 19827, 09:28:57: Boyle - Lvl 123 (The Lads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Proboszcz - Lvl 200 (Triceratops)'! Day 19827, 11:55:53: Tribemember Rydelsiarz - Lvl 98 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 19827, 12:11:45: Tribemember Tic^Tac - Lvl 70 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 19827, 12:35:10: Your Samson - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 20519, 14:16:09: Michał Anioł - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 20644, 11:23:14: Jesus - Lvl 56 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Noe - Lvl 294 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 20644, 11:30:12: Jesus - Lvl 56 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Katolik - Lvl 193 (Triceratops)'! Day 20664, 08:08:57: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sw. Józef - Lvl 220 (Raptor)'! Day 20664, 08:09:16: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sw. Elzbieta - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 20664, 08:09:41: Human - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lucyferqa - Lvl 252 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 20810, 22:48:12: Zbawiciel - Lvl 219 (Triceratops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1893171785,"tribe":"Wang logs":["Day 15634, 10:00:32: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 256 (Griffin)'! Day 15634, 10:00:48: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium)'! Day 15634, 10:01:45: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT M - Lvl 341 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:02:03: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:03:24: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Preston - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15634, 10:04:52: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:05:20: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:05:38: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:05:55: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PEFECT F - Lvl 328 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:07:38: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:08:24: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:09:49: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:13:31: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ROCK GOLEM - Lvl 215 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15634, 10:14:19: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15634, 10:17:54: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WEIGHT MUTATION - Lvl 288 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:24:12: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFET F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:24:29: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:25:00: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:25:22: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:26:14: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:26:39: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:27:12: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:27:28: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:28:04: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:29:08: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:29:53: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15634, 10:30:07: Lorgar - Lvl 105 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15647, 14:11:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15657, 13:21:35: Velonasaur - Lvl 101 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 15678, 14:38:56: Lorgar - Lvl 122 (Word Bearers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 15697, 08:36:15: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 132 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15697, 08:41:37: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'STAM MUTATION - Lvl 132 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15697, 08:42:04: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H S M - Lvl 142 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15697, 08:42:16: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 101 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15697, 08:43:24: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] - Lvl 205 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15697, 08:44:02: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 15697, 08:44:34: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H M - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15697, 08:48:54: TheDODOKnight - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 52 (Velonasaur)'! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 07:00:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15876, 06:26:35: Batman - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15876, 07:17:23: Tribemember Marksy - Lvl 131 was killed! Day 15876, 08:16:13: Tribemember Edek655 - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 15982, 17:29:05: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15982, 17:29:05: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16798, 19:30:46: dia removed 'The river city' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1892040270,"tribe":"Tribu de barthalan logs":["Day 23593, 08:54:13: barthalan claimed 'Tuggle - Lvl 329 (Bulbdog)'! Day 23593, 09:03:08: barthalan froze Tuggle - Lvl 330 (Bulbdog) Day 23593, 09:20:23: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23593, 09:22:36: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23593, 09:29:09: barthalan claimed 'Treek - Lvl 235 (Bulbdog)'! Day 23593, 11:16:12: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 55! Day 23593, 11:36:15: Your Treek - Lvl 235 (Bulbdog) was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 55! Day 23593, 13:08:34: barthalan claimed 'Achatina - Lvl 255 (Achatina)'! Day 23593, 13:09:41: barthalan claimed 'Achatina - Lvl 247 (Achatina)'! Day 23593, 13:45:32: barthalan froze Achatina - Lvl 281 (Achatina) Day 23593, 16:02:49: barthalan claimed 'Mash - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 23593, 19:39:44: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23593, 20:09:19: barthalan claimed 'Pinky Wangs - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23593, 22:58:40: barthalan uploaded a Bulbdog: sully - Lvl 330 Day 23593, 23:02:26: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23685, 14:45:11: thefurge200 Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle)! Day 23685, 14:49:52: thefurge200 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 67 (Dung Beetle) Day 23685, 17:00:24: barthalan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 368 (Thylacoleo) Day 23685, 17:43:25: thefurge200 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 288 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 01:18:05: barthalan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 368 (Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 01:41:16: thefurge200 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 288 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 04:25:03: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23686, 04:32:47: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23686, 07:52:49: barthalan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 368 (Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 08:06:04: thefurge200 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 294 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23686, 15:16:09: Your boss #17 - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:18:05: Your boss #15 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:19:07: Your boss #13 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:23:16: Your boss #19 - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:25:14: Your boss #18 - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:26:10: Your boss #14 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:29:53: Your boss #16 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:38:05: Your boss #11 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 15:51:36: Your boss #12 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:01:00: Your boss #10 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:20:42: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:21:15: Your boss #9 - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23686, 16:21:43: Your boss #8 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:22:36: Your boss #7 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23686, 16:25:10: Your boss #1 - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:28:37: Your boss #5 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23686, 16:32:48: Your boss #4 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 23686, 16:35:14: Your boss #6 - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:36:13: Your boss #2 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:40:51: Your boss #3 - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:48:20: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 16:48:20: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 23686, 17:52:23: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23686, 18:45:16: barthalan claimed 'Reaper King - Lvl 348 (Reaper King)'! Day 23686, 20:03:03: barthalan froze Reaper King - Lvl 349 (Reaper King) Day 23686, 20:09:47: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23686, 20:54:59: barthalan froze Reaper King - Lvl 349 (Reaper King) Day 23686, 21:42:53: thefurge200 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23686, 22:16:12: thefurge200 uploaded a Pteranodon: Pinky Wangs - Lvl 216 Day 23686, 22:19:22: thefurge200 downloaded a dino: Pinky Wangs - Lvl 198 Day 23707, 12:59:30: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23707, 13:08:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23707, 16:02:32: barthalan froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 23707, 16:31:12: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23707, 18:36:03: barthalan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 288 (R-Gasbags) Day 23709, 14:10:13: barthalan claimed 'buttercup - Lvl 215 (Shinehorn)'! Day 23709, 14:36:22: barthalan claimed 'Vulture - Lvl 214 (Vulture)'! Day 23709, 14:48:56: barthalan froze Vulture - Lvl 249 (Vulture) Day 23709, 15:06:53: barthalan uploaded a Shinehorn: buttercup - Lvl 240 Day 23709, 15:07:54: barthalan uploaded a Vulture: Vulture - Lvl 249 Day 23709, 15:57:02: barthalan froze Pinky Wangs - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 23709, 16:29:27: barthalan froze Pinky Wangs - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 23709, 21:00:19: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan)! Day 23709, 21:00:19: Your Tribe killed thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan)! Day 23710, 02:18:45: Your Scout - Lvl 15 (Scout) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 45! Day 23710, 09:57:40: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23710, 10:04:01: thefurge200 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 242 (Astrodelphis) Day 23780, 18:40:52: Mammoth - Lvl 113 (Mammoth) starved to death! Day 23806, 08:43:26: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23875, 14:21:29: Doedicurus - Lvl 168 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 23901, 19:04:20: Doedicurus - Lvl 100 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 23944, 01:40:24: barthalan claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23944, 01:43:19: barthalan unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys)'! Day 23944, 09:46:48: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23944, 16:47:27: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23944, 19:52:06: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23944, 23:59:38: barthalan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 368 (Thylacoleo) Day 23945, 06:43:47: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 23946, 01:53:44: barthalan froze boss #13 - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:05:37: barthalan froze boss #17 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:12:24: barthalan froze boss #4 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:18:56: barthalan froze boss #19 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:28:23: barthalan froze boss #14 - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:34:24: barthalan froze boss #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:40:01: barthalan froze boss #12 - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:47:14: barthalan froze boss #7 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 02:54:43: barthalan froze boss #15 - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:02:48: barthalan froze boss #20 - Lvl 308 (Yutyrannus) Day 23946, 03:22:29: barthalan froze boss #6 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:29:01: barthalan froze boss #18 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:35:23: barthalan froze boss #8 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:45:21: barthalan froze boss #2 - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:53:15: barthalan froze boss #16 - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 03:58:55: barthalan froze boss #9 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 04:04:53: barthalan froze boss #5 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 04:16:00: barthalan froze boss #11 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 04:26:28: barthalan froze boss #1 - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 23946, 04:33:51: barthalan froze boss #3 - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 23949, 02:06:39: Castoroides - Lvl 153 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 23966, 11:03:54: Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24015, 05:59:46: Achatina - Lvl 273 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 24016, 01:41:12: Mash - Lvl 134 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 24059, 23:49:10: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24089, 06:04:57: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 124 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 24107, 05:59:07: barthalan claimed '39H - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 24107, 06:44:13: barthalan claimed 'Tumeric - Lvl 193 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 24107, 06:49:55: barthalan claimed 'Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)'! Day 24107, 07:14:06: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24107, 07:16:16: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24107, 07:37:01: barthalan claimed 'Poo Creator 2 - Lvl 58 (Phiomia)'! Day 24107, 08:28:48: barthalan claimed 'Penny - Lvl 143 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 24107, 08:33:20: barthalan claimed '43M!! - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24107, 08:44:34: barthalan claimed 'eeee - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 24107, 09:51:50: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24134, 18:22:11: Penny - Lvl 143 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 24154, 02:55:42: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24185, 11:54:55: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24228, 09:58:00: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24272, 14:57:09: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24366, 20:50:07: barthalan claimed 'Bronty - Lvl 326 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 24366, 20:51:46: barthalan claimed 'Oops - Lvl 142 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 24366, 21:01:32: barthalan froze Bronty - Lvl 326 (Brontosaurus) Day 24366, 21:37:23: barthalan claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24366, 23:54:28: barthalan froze Bronty - Lvl 326 (Brontosaurus) Day 24367, 06:34:05: barthalan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24367, 23:57:57: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24368, 00:06:57: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24368, 01:31:54: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 24368, 06:03:20: barthalan froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 24368, 07:45:48: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24368, 09:08:11: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24368, 09:15:54: barthalan claimed 'Angel - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 09:21:37: barthalan froze Angel - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 24368, 09:58:30: thefurge200 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 10:06:21: thefurge200 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 11:15:45: thefurge200 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 11:20:53: thefurge200 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 12:04:19: barthalan claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24368, 22:36:51: barthalan froze Aquila - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 24369, 01:21:08: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24369, 05:02:23: barthalan froze Aquila - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 24369, 06:08:21: barthalan froze Aquila - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 24369, 16:09:11: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24369, 18:48:56: thefurge200 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by barthalan! Day 24370, 00:47:16: thefurge200 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24377, 06:01:01: barthalan froze Bronty - Lvl 326 (Brontosaurus) Day 24377, 06:06:01: barthalan froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 24377, 06:13:30: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24392, 11:43:51: thefurge200 uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 313 Day 24412, 12:33:40: Poo Creator 2 - Lvl 82 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 24416, 15:44:37: Achatina - Lvl 281 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 24434, 09:17:17: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 362 (Reaper King) Day 24434, 10:01:57: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24434, 14:02:18: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 362 (Reaper King) Day 24434, 14:12:15: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24434, 16:50:44: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24492, 18:29:06: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Ice Wyvern) Day 24492, 21:56:00: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 362 (Reaper King) Day 24585, 23:13:14: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 24624, 13:59:02: barthalan claimed '[M]4HP - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24624, 14:06:50: barthalan claimed 'Trial - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24624, 14:16:33: barthalan claimed 'Weight - Lvl 308 (Argentavis)'! Day 24624, 14:54:49: barthalan claimed 'Boppy - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 19:57:11: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24772, 14:06:41: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 24772, 14:31:50: barthalan froze Weight - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 24813, 01:36:04: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 195 (Spino)'! Day 24914, 10:59:48: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 24961, 18:33:06: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24961, 19:41:43: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 00:50:45: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 00:59:34: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 02:07:38: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 02:57:10: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 06:13:14: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 24962, 11:29:02: Your Boppy - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 24962, 20:12:35: barthalan froze Sharkbait2 - Lvl 314 (Megalodon) Day 24962, 22:35:03: Your Trial - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 24963, 00:15:50: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 295 (Basilosaurus) Day 24963, 13:12:40: Your [M]4HP - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 24963, 13:38:20: barthalan froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 337 (Tusoteuthis) Day 24963, 13:43:58: thefurge200 froze Sharkbait2 - Lvl 315 (Megalodon) Day 24963, 15:39:38: barthalan froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 337 (Tusoteuthis) Day 24963, 16:43:19: thefurge200 froze Sharkbait2 - Lvl 315 (Megalodon) Day 25041, 07:13:06: Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25099, 22:20:07: barthalan froze Snow Owl - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 25234, 01:41:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25234, 01:41:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25234, 01:41:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25364, 00:22:04: Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 143 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25415, 06:45:05: 39H - Lvl 253 (Rex) starved to death! Day 25457, 11:17:40: eeee - Lvl 209 (Rex) starved to death! Day 25691, 01:39:56: Xantium - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '43M!! - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 25751, 22:18:49: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Molly - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 25818, 00:30:56: Xantium - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tumeric - Lvl 193 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 25885, 04:56:54: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 25885, 11:02:07: thefurge200 froze Managarmr - Lvl 330 (Managarmr) Day 25973, 03:20:39: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26139, 16:34:33: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26166, 13:35:24: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 315 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26830, 08:26:50: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 288 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26855, 08:43:00: barthalan froze male - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 26855, 10:16:45: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 288 (Ice Wyvern) Day 26967, 22:21:17: thefurge200 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 27186, 06:27:57: thefurge200 froze magnum - Lvl 288 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27672, 02:24:52: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27672, 16:56:42: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 27867, 10:44:14: thefurge200 froze Managarmr - Lvl 361 (Managarmr) Day 27867, 15:55:13: thefurge200 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 27867, 16:30:48: thefurge200 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 371 (Snow Owl) Day 27867, 19:12:12: thefurge200 Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27867, 20:41:24: thefurge200 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 371 (Snow Owl) Day 27867, 20:46:21: thefurge200 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 373 (Snow Owl) Day 27867, 22:08:22: thefurge200 demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 27867, 22:19:26: thefurge200 uploaded a Giant Queen Bee: Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 Day 27893, 00:44:19: thefurge200 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 27893, 03:20:32: thefurge200 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 305 (Basilosaurus) Day 27893, 05:02:31: thefurge200 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 27893, 05:37:06: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 27893, 06:32:31: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 28840, 11:01:27: Human - Lvl 27 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29061, 16:51:25: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30018, 09:56:18: Daniells - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 305 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31337, 15:49:26: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31337, 21:32:55: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 31338, 04:26:38: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 40! Day 31338, 16:03:41: thefurge200 froze Maewing - Lvl 127 (Maewing) Day 31338, 19:27:18: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31338, 21:07:05: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31339, 00:02:48: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31339, 00:27:58: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31339, 05:11:47: barthalan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 31339, 09:44:07: thefurge200 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 31339, 09:52:43: thefurge200 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 31339, 09:56:02: thefurge200 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 31339, 13:30:04: thefurge200 claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 297 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31339, 15:18:27: thefurge200 claimed 'Repro Femelle - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31339, 15:20:51: thefurge200 claimed 'Repro Male - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31339, 16:54:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) was killed by barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan)! Day 31339, 16:54:29: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) (Tribu de barthalan)! Day 31339, 17:02:57: thefurge200 claimed 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 157 (Zomdodo)'! Day 31339, 17:07:05: thefurge200 claimed 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 157 (Zomdodo)'! Day 31339, 17:08:49: barthalan claimed 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 153 (Zomdodo)'! Day 31339, 17:09:27: barthalan claimed 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 163 (Zomdodo)'! Day 31339, 17:09:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 31339, 17:53:15: thefurge200 froze Maewing - Lvl 136 (Maewing) Day 31339, 19:03:47: barthalan uploaded a Zomdodo: Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 170 Day 31339, 19:07:04: barthalan uploaded a Zomdodo: Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 175 Day 31339, 19:19:38: barthalan uploaded a Pteranodon: Repro Femelle - Lvl 370 Day 31339, 19:59:28: thefurge200 uploaded a Pteranodon: Repro Male - Lvl 375 Day 31339, 20:00:47: thefurge200 uploaded a Zomdodo: Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 172 Day 31339, 20:02:03: thefurge200 uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 301 Day 31500, 15:44:53: barthalan downloaded a dino: flash - Lvl 297 Day 31500, 18:57:39: barthalan claimed 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31500, 18:59:36: barthalan claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31500, 19:48:46: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 48 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:49:33: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 92 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:50:23: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:50:46: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 88 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:51:27: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 58 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:54:06: barthalan claimed 'Tyr Son of Forg - Lvl 62 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31500, 19:56:42: barthalan claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 76 (Megalania)'! Day 31500, 19:57:12: barthalan claimed 'Shit Brick - Lvl 118 (Phiomia)'! Day 31503, 23:38:41: barthalan uploaded a Rock Drake: Tyr Son of Forg - Lvl 62 Day 31504, 02:39:35: barthalan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31504, 02:51:19: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31504, 06:02:35: barthalan uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 Day 31504, 06:03:29: barthalan uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 88 Day 31504, 06:04:32: barthalan uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 92 Day 31504, 06:05:36: barthalan uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 77 Day 31504, 06:06:30: barthalan uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 48 Day 31504, 06:37:35: barthalan uploaded a Tek Stryder: lassie - Lvl 169 Day 31504, 06:42:42: barthalan uploaded a Megalania: Megalania - Lvl 76 Day 31504, 17:55:59: barthalan uploaded a Pteranodon: flash - Lvl 363 Day 31709, 15:07:30: barthalan claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 202 (Tapejara)'! Day 31709, 15:08:17: barthalan claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31709, 15:09:01: barthalan claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 31709, 15:11:01: barthalan claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 209 (Tapejara)'! Day 31709, 15:12:51: barthalan claimed 'Chalicotherium - Lvl 217 (Chalicotherium)'! Day 31709, 15:15:06: barthalan claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 263 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31709, 15:19:09: barthalan claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 31709, 15:19:50: barthalan claimed 'Kangurilla - Lvl 42 (Procoptodon)'! Day 31709, 15:23:52: barthalan claimed 'Alpha Leo - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31709, 15:24:34: barthalan claimed 'Thyllo - Lvl 185 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31709, 15:25:24: barthalan claimed 'Thylla - Lvl 186 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 31709, 15:26:20: barthalan claimed 'BUBU - Lvl 305 (Doedicurus)'! Day 31709, 15:26:39: barthalan claimed 'Bobek - Lvl 235 (Castoroides)'! Day 31709, 15:27:37: barthalan claimed 'Ichi - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 31709, 15:28:34: barthalan claimed 'Poczwarka - Lvl 251 (Pelagornis)'! Day 31709, 16:05:10: barthalan froze Kangurilla - Lvl 42 (Procoptodon) Day 31709, 16:26:33: barthalan claimed 'Taxi - Lvl 279 (Tapejara)'! Day 31709, 16:43:17: barthalan claimed 'Anka - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31709, 16:55:40: barthalan claimed 'Bianka - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31709, 17:03:19: barthalan claimed 'Tramwaj - Lvl 208 (Tapejara)'! Day 31709, 17:25:43: barthalan claimed 'Ten Jedyny - Lvl 70 (Unicorn)'! Day 31709, 18:11:19: barthalan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 31709, 18:11:28: barthalan claimed 'Ósemka - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 31709, 18:59:47: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31709, 20:45:47: barthalan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31709, 22:32:12: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 178 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31709, 22:33:09: barthalan claimed 'Baśka - Lvl 269 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31709, 22:35:26: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 146 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31709, 22:35:48: barthalan claimed 'Bazyl - Lvl 306 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31709, 22:37:18: barthalan claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 143 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 31709, 22:42:15: barthalan claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 203 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 31709, 22:43:48: barthalan claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 221 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 31709, 22:44:09: barthalan claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 207 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 31709, 22:57:20: barthalan froze Bazyl - Lvl 306 (Basilosaurus) Day 31709, 23:02:27: barthalan froze Baśka - Lvl 269 (Basilosaurus) Day 31710, 00:57:54: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31710, 02:41:39: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 31713, 05:24:32: barthalan claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops)'! Day 31713, 05:26:22: barthalan claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops)'! Day 31713, 05:29:44: barthalan claimed 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 194 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 31713, 05:30:54: barthalan claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 203 (Raptor)'! Day 31713, 05:32:37: barthalan claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 31713, 05:34:02: barthalan claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 213 (Phiomia)'! Day 31713, 05:38:30: barthalan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 05:51:45: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 31713, 05:51:45: Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 31713, 06:22:30: barthalan uploaded a Raptor: Raptor - Lvl 203 Day 31713, 06:37:12: barthalan uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 94 Day 31713, 06:40:38: Your Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31713, 08:28:40: barthalan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 08:37:45: barthalan claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 08:55:35: barthalan claimed 'Argentynawis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 10:37:34: barthalan claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31713, 11:15:44: barthalan claimed 'Don Flamingo - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 11:41:29: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31713, 13:05:24: barthalan uploaded a Unicorn: Ten Jedyny - Lvl 103 Day 31713, 13:06:08: barthalan uploaded a Argentavis: Argentynawis - Lvl 253 Day 31713, 13:06:56: barthalan uploaded a Tapejara: Tapejara - Lvl 209 Day 31713, 13:13:48: barthalan uploaded a Argentavis: Ichi - Lvl 289 Day 31713, 13:14:45: barthalan uploaded a Argentavis: Ósemka - Lvl 218 Day 31713, 13:15:26: barthalan uploaded a Tapejara: Taxi - Lvl 279 Day 31713, 13:18:50: barthalan uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 161 Day 31713, 13:19:40: barthalan uploaded a Chalicotherium: Chalicotherium - Lvl 217 Day 31713, 13:20:55: barthalan uploaded a Tapejara: Tapejara - Lvl 202 Day 31713, 13:31:10: barthalan uploaded a Pelagornis: Poczwarka - Lvl 251 Day 31713, 13:32:09: barthalan uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Anka - Lvl 278 Day 31713, 13:33:03: barthalan uploaded a Doedicurus: BUBU - Lvl 305 Day 31713, 13:33:59: barthalan uploaded a Procoptodon: Kangurilla - Lvl 42 Day 31713, 13:34:53: barthalan uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 134 Day 31713, 13:36:18: barthalan uploaded a Castoroides: Bobek - Lvl 235 Day 31713, 13:37:06: barthalan uploaded a Thylacoleo: Alpha Leo - Lvl 280 Day 31713, 13:38:21: barthalan uploaded a Thylacoleo: Thyllo - Lvl 185 Day 31713, 13:44:33: barthalan uploaded a Pteranodon: Bianka - Lvl 291 Day 31713, 14:12:30: barthalan unclaimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 31713, 14:53:04: barthalan froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 263 (Stegosaurus) Day 31713, 14:56:16: barthalan unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 14:59:08: barthalan unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 15:04:32: barthalan unclaimed 'Tramwaj - Lvl 208 (Tapejara)'! Day 31713, 15:07:19: barthalan unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31713, 15:07:52: barthalan claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31713, 15:10:37: barthalan unclaimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 31713, 15:39:47: barthalan froze Thylla - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo) Day 31713, 15:56:33: barthalan froze Don Flamingo - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) Day 31713, 16:01:40: barthalan claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 191 (Pelagornis)'! Day 31713, 16:15:53: barthalan claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 185 (Pelagornis)'! Day 31713, 16:16:41: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31713, 16:35:04: barthalan claimed 'Siódemka - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 16:45:29: barthalan froze Siódemka - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 31713, 16:51:54: barthalan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 17:04:57: barthalan claimed 'Macaw - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 19:41:01: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31713, 19:54:12: barthalan claimed 'Chicken Little - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 20:14:19: barthalan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 31713, 20:26:01: barthalan froze mon ptera !!!!! - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon) Day 31713, 20:32:19: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 253 (Argentavis) Day 31713, 20:45:55: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 146 (Basilosaurus) Day 31713, 20:50:58: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 143 (Basilosaurus) Day 31713, 20:59:12: barthalan froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 221 (Beelzebufo) Day 31713, 21:02:49: barthalan froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 207 (Beelzebufo) Day 31714, 02:35:46: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 253 (Argentavis) Day 31714, 06:21:22: barthalan froze mon ptera !!!!! - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon) Day 31784, 00:52:32: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 31918, 20:17:31: Your Phiomia - Lvl 213 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 31933, 10:41:12: Megalania - Lvl 58 (Megalania) starved to death! Day 31947, 13:22:18: Your Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 32000, 07:48:23: Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 32010, 02:14:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32136, 12:30:57: Pelagornis - Lvl 185 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 32145, 11:59:30: Your Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 157 (Zomdodo) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 32308, 11:13:13: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shit Brick - Lvl 118 (Phiomia)'! Day 32331, 00:07:40: Camron - Lvl 107 (the creed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 178 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 32336, 11:49:16: Johnny Bravo - Lvl 108 (Phonky Tribu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 32336, 12:10:42: Johnny Bravo - Lvl 108 (Phonky Tribu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chicken Little - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 32336, 12:16:12: Johnny Bravo - Lvl 108 (Phonky Tribu) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 32424, 15:11:17: FlacidNoodles - Lvl 112 (BigMonkeyGaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Macaw - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 32615, 20:43:38: Pelagornis - Lvl 191 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 32640, 05:43:25: Beelzebufo - Lvl 203 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 33328, 13:06:42: H-Rex - Lvl 101 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34292, 13:39:34: Your Paraceratherium - Lvl 194 (Paraceratherium) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70!"] "tribeid":1891656332,"tribe":"Tribe of MrDerpyShark21 logs":["Day 31023, 03:24:27: MrDerpyShark21 was added to the Tribe! Day 31023, 04:30:02: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 31023, 04:45:23: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 12 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 31023, 07:01:04: Dallas was added to the Tribe by MrDerpyShark21! Day 31023, 11:16:19: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 31023, 14:05:48: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 43 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 31023, 14:24:43: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 46 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 70! Day 31023, 17:05:46: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 46 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31023, 17:24:30: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 46 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31023, 18:19:19: MrDerpyShark21 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 112 (Parasaur)! Day 31023, 20:23:23: Your Parasaur - Lvl 118 (Parasaur) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 31023, 20:24:17: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 46 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 31023, 23:26:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31024, 03:14:35: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 51 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 03:21:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 31024, 05:19:04: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 51 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 09:03:35: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 09:07:12: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 54 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 09:15:06: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 09:20:14: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 31024, 11:24:09: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31024, 14:11:07: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 51 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 31025, 10:44:45: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 55 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 31025, 11:38:27: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31025, 14:32:48: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was destroyed! Day 31025, 14:46:52: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was destroyed! Day 31025, 14:46:52: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was destroyed! Day 31025, 14:53:51: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was destroyed! Day 31026, 13:22:06: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 59 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 45! Day 31026, 13:48:50: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 59 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 31026, 17:51:24: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 60 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 31026, 21:24:11: Dallas Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 31026, 22:30:02: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 60 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 31027, 01:02:29: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 60 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 31027, 06:33:22: Dallas Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 31027, 10:37:48: Dallas Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 209 (Phiomia)! Day 31027, 10:47:30: Your Triceratops - Lvl 11 (Triceratops) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 110! Day 31027, 15:37:24: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 64 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 100! Day 31027, 16:10:32: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 31028, 03:45:55: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 71 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 31029, 16:17:25: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 59 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 31029, 20:19:26: MrDerpyShark21 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 193 (Raptor)! Day 31047, 17:28:19: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 60 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 60! Day 31047, 18:05:46: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 73 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 130! Day 31047, 23:43:16: Dallas claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops)'! Day 31048, 10:56:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 194 (Paraceratherium)! Day 31048, 13:44:19: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 74 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 25! Day 31048, 17:44:04: Dallas froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops) Day 31048, 17:48:15: Dallas froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops) Day 31094, 09:14:17: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 75! Day 31094, 10:11:02: MrDerpyShark21 claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops)'! Day 31094, 11:28:26: MrDerpyShark21 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 31094, 18:20:52: MrDerpyShark21 Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 79 (Sarco)! Day 31094, 19:30:37: MrDerpyShark21 Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur)! Day 31094, 19:51:43: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 74 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 31094, 20:33:08: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 75 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 31094, 23:16:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 52 (Sarco)! Day 31095, 01:27:55: Dallas Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31095, 02:13:52: Dallas froze Sarco - Lvl 79 (Sarco) Day 31095, 02:42:50: Dallas claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops)'! Day 31095, 02:49:12: Dallas froze Baby Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) Day 31095, 07:50:47: Dallas froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) Day 31095, 07:55:40: Dallas froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) Day 31095, 07:58:59: Dallas froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) Day 31392, 08:37:14: Your Sarco - Lvl 52 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 31392, 08:55:23: Your Sarco - Lvl 79 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 31397, 18:27:47: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31401, 15:37:23: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31409, 03:48:38: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31409, 04:32:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 31504, 17:36:03: Your Triceratops - Lvl 111 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31681, 14:30:23: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31713, 05:24:32: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 83 (Triceratops)'! Day 31713, 05:26:22: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops)'! Day 31713, 05:29:44: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 194 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 31713, 05:30:54: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 203 (Raptor)'! Day 31713, 05:32:37: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 31713, 05:34:02: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 213 (Phiomia)'! Day 31713, 05:38:30: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31713, 10:37:34: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31884, 16:43:28: Tribemember Dallas - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 31884, 16:52:14: Tribemember MrDerpyShark21 - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 31916, 02:43:11: Your Triceratops - Lvl 154 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31986, 10:29:28: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32270, 08:18:02: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32270, 08:18:02: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1891199470,"tribe":"Tribe of Small Child logs":["Day 20337, 12:35:00: Small Child was added to the Tribe! Day 20337, 13:23:04: Small Child - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tree Huggers Island Tribe. Day 20337, 13:33:16: Small Child - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tree Huggers Island Tribe. Day 20337, 13:35:03: Small Child added 'Tree Huggers Island' Tribe to Boss Fights Alliance! Day 20337, 15:04:40: Small Child froze Fenrir - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 20338, 03:30:31: Small Child claimed 'boss fight 2.1 - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20338, 05:58:27: Small Child froze Nala - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 20338, 06:06:37: Small Child froze Fenrir - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 20338, 08:07:50: Small Child - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 20338, 08:11:03: Small Child added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Fights Alliance! Day 20338, 08:15:38: Small Child - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 20338, 08:17:32: Small Child added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Boss Fights Alliance! Day 20338, 11:08:16: Small Child unclaimed 'boss fight 2.1 - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20398, 20:35:13: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 354 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20398, 20:57:59: Small Child froze Robin - Lvl 354 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20399, 01:46:37: Small Child froze Nala - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 20399, 03:09:54: Small Child froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 310 (Basilosaurus)"] "tribeid":1890520722,"tribe":"Savages logs":["Day 21554, 18:09:02: Savage claimed 'Argentavis 001 F - Lvl 137 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:12:49: Savage froze Argentavis 001 F - Lvl 137 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 18:46:29: Savage claimed 'S217 2G Finny - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:49:15: Savage claimed 'S217 Finny - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:53:05: Savage froze S217 Finny - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 18:53:56: Savage claimed 'S-Fluffy - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 18:58:14: Savage froze S-Fluffy - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 19:03:08: Savage froze S217 2G Finny - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 19:04:35: Savage claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 19:12:51: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 19:13:33: Savage claimed 'LIL Gray 192 - Lvl 309 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 19:56:50: Savage froze LIL Gray 192 - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 21554, 20:09:18: Savage claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 21554, 20:40:59: Savage claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 261 (Direwolf)'! Day 21554, 20:45:34: Savage claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 252 (Direwolf)'! Day 21554, 20:52:27: Savage froze Direwolf - Lvl 252 (Direwolf) Day 21554, 20:59:00: Savage froze Direwolf - Lvl 261 (Direwolf) Day 21554, 21:07:15: Savage claimed 'Kairuku - Lvl 128 (Kairuku)'! Day 21554, 21:14:08: Savage froze Kairuku - Lvl 128 (Kairuku) Day 21554, 21:54:45: Savage froze [G] Admiral Ankbar - Lvl 236 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 21555, 02:04:50: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 21555, 03:09:07: Savage froze BP - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 21555, 03:23:35: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21555, 09:43:18: Savage froze One - Lvl 356 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21555, 19:28:16: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21556, 04:30:44: Savage froze Meatz - Lvl 334 (Tusoteuthis) Day 21556, 07:08:27: Savage froze One - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 21556, 07:14:12: Savage froze Four - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 21556, 07:24:41: Savage froze Nine - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 21556, 07:32:30: Savage froze Five - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 21556, 07:57:12: Savage froze Fifteen - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 21556, 08:01:08: Savage froze Bobby - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 21556, 12:35:03: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21557, 12:20:42: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21557, 13:39:09: Savage froze Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 21557, 20:23:24: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21558, 03:31:43: Savage froze Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 21558, 15:19:40: Savage froze Bobby - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 21558, 16:38:57: Savage froze Bobby - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 21558, 16:45:14: Your Ichthyornis - Lvl 36 (Ichthyornis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 21558, 17:16:10: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis) Day 21558, 17:23:02: Savage froze Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 21559, 08:16:07: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 264 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21560, 11:21:35: Savage froze Eleven - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21560, 11:33:52: Savage froze Fifteen - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 21560, 11:40:04: Savage froze Ten - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 11:47:55: Savage froze Sixteen - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 21560, 11:53:10: Savage froze Twelve - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21560, 11:58:28: Savage froze Seventeen - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 21560, 12:03:40: Savage froze Howler - Lvl 282 (Yutyrannus) Day 21560, 12:08:46: Savage froze Four - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 12:29:24: Savage froze Eighteen - Lvl 326 (Rex) Day 21560, 12:34:49: Savage froze Fourteen - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 21560, 12:42:20: Savage froze Two - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:01:38: Savage froze One - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:14:33: Savage froze Six - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:25:40: Savage froze Seven - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:30:09: Savage froze Nine - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:35:11: Savage froze Thirteen - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 21560, 13:40:14: Savage froze Twenty - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 21560, 13:46:04: Savage froze Five - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:50:34: Savage froze Three - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 13:55:20: Savage froze Eight - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21560, 14:24:06: Savage froze One - Lvl 356 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21560, 16:29:40: Savage froze Cave Mate - Lvl 279 (Velonasaur) Day 21560, 16:45:22: Savage froze Vacuum - Lvl 299 (Daeodon) Day 21560, 16:55:33: Savage froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21561, 00:46:16: Savage froze Dimo 002 - Lvl 196 (Dimorphodon) Day 21561, 01:19:49: Savage froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 21561, 02:43:26: Tribemember Savage - Lvl 122 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 195! Day 21561, 03:44:25: Tribemember Savage - Lvl 122 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 195! Day 21561, 09:14:38: Savage uploaded a Giganotosaurus: One - Lvl 356 Day 21561, 10:25:55: Savage uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Audacity - Lvl 264 Day 21578, 11:18:17: Savage froze With Love - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 21578, 13:53:26: Savage froze Eight - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21578, 14:46:55: Savage froze Twenty - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21580, 02:30:45: Savage froze Carlie - Lvl 317 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21580, 02:35:44: Savage froze One - Lvl 356 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21580, 04:10:16: Savage claimed 'Samira - Lvl 291 (Spino)'! Day 21580, 04:20:55: Savage claimed 'Rab - Lvl 241 (Rex)'! Day 21580, 04:27:34: Savage claimed 'Aimee - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 21580, 04:33:40: Savage claimed 'Zod - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 21580, 04:36:58: Savage claimed 'Mindy - Lvl 302 (Mammoth)'! Day 21580, 04:51:18: Savage froze Samira - Lvl 291 (Spino) Day 21580, 04:58:11: Savage froze Mindy - Lvl 302 (Mammoth) Day 21580, 05:04:41: Savage froze Zod - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 21580, 05:10:38: Savage froze Rab - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 21580, 05:18:52: Savage froze Aimee - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 21580, 06:00:11: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21580, 13:12:10: Savage froze Two - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 13:23:59: Savage froze Howler - Lvl 284 (Yutyrannus) Day 21580, 13:28:55: Savage froze Eleven - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21580, 13:55:10: Savage froze Twelve - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21580, 14:06:06: Savage froze Thirteen - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 21580, 14:10:37: Savage froze Fourteen - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 21580, 15:53:34: Savage froze Fifteen - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 21580, 16:05:24: Savage froze Sixteen - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 21580, 19:07:15: Savage froze One - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:13:30: Savage froze Three - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:23:53: Savage froze Four - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:27:55: Savage froze Five - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:32:07: Savage froze Seventeen - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21580, 19:36:30: Savage froze Eighteen - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 21580, 19:40:33: Savage froze Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 21580, 19:48:30: Savage froze Six - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:52:42: Savage froze Seven - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 19:56:40: Savage froze Eight - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 20:14:09: Savage froze Nine - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 20:18:15: Savage froze Ten - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 21580, 20:25:45: Savage froze Twenty - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21580, 21:38:49: Savage froze Boss Bhabi - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 21580, 21:46:21: Savage froze With Love - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 21581, 02:14:19: Savage froze Field Medic - Lvl 280 (Daeodon) Day 21581, 02:21:38: Savage froze Carlie - Lvl 317 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21581, 02:26:18: Savage froze Boss Bhabi - Lvl 280 (Velonasaur) Day 21581, 02:31:11: Savage froze Eight - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 02:36:09: Savage froze Eleven - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21581, 02:41:15: Savage froze One - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 02:46:24: Savage froze One - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 02:51:51: Savage froze Thirteen - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 21581, 02:56:48: Savage froze Three - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 03:01:39: Savage froze Twelve - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21581, 03:06:41: Savage froze Four - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 03:11:42: Savage froze Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 21581, 03:22:10: Savage froze Sixteen - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 21581, 03:27:51: Savage froze Ten - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 03:33:04: Savage froze Howler - Lvl 284 (Yutyrannus) Day 21581, 03:38:14: Savage froze Eighteen - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 21581, 03:43:32: Savage froze Bobby - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 03:48:42: Savage froze Six - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 03:53:36: Savage froze Seven - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 04:00:11: Savage froze Seventeen - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21581, 04:06:07: Savage froze Twenty - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 21581, 04:11:08: Savage froze With Love - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 21581, 04:16:39: Savage froze Two - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 04:23:05: Savage froze Five - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 04:28:23: Savage froze Fifteen - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 21581, 04:33:27: Savage froze Fourteen - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 21581, 04:38:39: Savage froze Nine - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 21581, 13:03:28: Savage froze One - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21581, 14:54:04: Savage froze Eighteen - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your One - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Two - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Six - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Ninteen - Lvl 322 (Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Seven - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Fourteen - Lvl 331 (Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Twenty - Lvl 330 (Rex) was killed! Day 21581, 21:26:00: Your Howler - Lvl 284 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 21612, 13:57:51: Your 8489565 - Lvl 45 (Ichthyornis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21612, 13:58:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21612, 14:00:41: Your Argentavis - Lvl 15 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21612, 14:01:16: Your 544548 - Lvl 45 (Ichthyornis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21612, 14:02:40: Your 8548798598 - Lvl 46 (Ichthyornis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21612, 14:03:03: Your wesdsd - Lvl 153 (Sabertooth) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 25! Day 21627, 13:13:28: ddw - Lvl 71 (Ichthyornis) starved to death! Day 21634, 09:45:58: Nami - Lvl 335 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 21696, 20:31:18: Savage uploaded a Sabertooth: Thundercat - Lvl 328 Day 21696, 22:08:20: Savage uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Audacity - Lvl 265 Day 21804, 17:13:30: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21805, 03:22:25: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21805, 03:27:56: Savage froze Froggo - Lvl 291 (Beelzebufo) Day 21805, 06:04:50: Savage froze This time baby - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 21805, 07:03:21: Savage froze Froggo - Lvl 291 (Beelzebufo) Day 21805, 07:31:39: Savage froze Froggo - Lvl 291 (Beelzebufo) Day 21805, 16:28:27: Savage claimed 'Mungo - Lvl 230 (Megatherium)'! Day 21805, 16:33:04: Savage froze Mungo - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 21805, 17:39:49: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21824, 15:37:10: Savage claimed 'Sap Oil - Lvl 207 (Gacha)'! Day 21824, 16:10:17: Savage claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21824, 16:11:01: Savage claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21824, 18:02:26: Savage claimed 'Achatina - Lvl 99 (Achatina)'! Day 21824, 18:08:09: Savage froze Achatina - Lvl 99 (Achatina) Day 21824, 18:09:17: Savage claimed 'Achatina - Lvl 122 (Achatina)'! Day 21824, 18:15:55: Savage froze Achatina - Lvl 122 (Achatina) Day 21824, 18:17:22: Savage claimed 'Achatina - Lvl 122 (Achatina)'! Day 21824, 18:21:52: Savage froze Achatina - Lvl 122 (Achatina) Day 21824, 20:00:26: Savage claimed 'Tina - Lvl 186 (Achatina)'! Day 21824, 20:06:58: Savage froze Tina - Lvl 186 (Achatina) Day 21824, 20:27:35: Savage froze Snow Owl - Lvl 173 (Snow Owl) Day 21824, 20:33:25: Savage froze Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (Snow Owl) Day 21825, 01:12:38: Savage froze Sap Oil - Lvl 208 (Gacha) Day 21825, 06:06:13: Savage froze Old M Breeder - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 21825, 06:10:00: Savage froze Nomad - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 21825, 06:14:14: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 21825, 06:17:59: Savage froze Charlotte - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21825, 06:21:42: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21825, 07:31:42: Savage froze Pack Mule 3.0 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 21825, 07:59:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 21825, 07:59:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 21825, 07:59:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 21825, 09:03:28: Savage froze Charlotte - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21825, 16:20:29: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21825, 17:12:09: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21825, 22:04:47: Savage froze Froggo - Lvl 306 (Beelzebufo) Day 21825, 22:13:00: Savage froze Charlotte - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21825, 23:19:31: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21842, 05:28:09: Savage claimed 'Gringo! - Lvl 120 (Ferox)'! Day 21842, 10:46:37: Savage claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21842, 10:49:05: Savage claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21842, 10:58:38: Savage claimed 'Seinonychus - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21842, 11:03:04: Savage claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21842, 11:04:51: Savage claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21842, 11:13:40: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:14:22: Savage claimed 'ghosteee 29m - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:15:02: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:15:40: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:16:19: Savage claimed '27m - Lvl 192 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:17:18: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:21:14: Savage claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:21:56: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 11:22:15: Savage claimed 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 21842, 12:19:43: Savage froze Seinonychus - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 21842, 12:22:39: Savage claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21842, 12:26:21: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) Day 21842, 12:30:58: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) Day 21842, 12:38:27: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) Day 21842, 13:04:45: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:16:42: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:22:15: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:30:24: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 192 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:40:10: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:45:32: Savage froze Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 13:56:25: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 14:01:05: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 14:06:30: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 21842, 14:12:58: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex) Day 21842, 14:20:02: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex) Day 21842, 14:25:14: Savage froze Bodyguard - Lvl 202 (Tek Rex) Day 21842, 14:40:22: Savage claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 167 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21842, 14:41:04: Savage claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 167 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21842, 14:44:57: Savage unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 167 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21842, 14:48:59: Savage unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 167 (Carbonemys)'! Day 21842, 15:30:25: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21843, 13:14:16: Savage froze Pack Mule 3.0 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 21843, 13:18:38: Savage froze Pack Mule 4.0 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 21843, 16:50:12: Savage claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 187 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 21843, 16:54:58: Savage froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 187 (Dimorphodon) Day 21843, 18:22:38: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21843, 22:11:19: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21844, 01:33:13: Savage froze Pack Mule 4.0 - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 21844, 01:42:36: Savage froze Gringo! - Lvl 120 (Ferox) Day 21844, 08:10:25: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21844, 17:45:23: Savage froze Froggo - Lvl 314 (Beelzebufo) Day 21844, 17:51:10: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21844, 19:04:48: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21987, 10:38:49: Savage froze Facebook - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 21987, 10:42:41: Savage froze Instagram - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 21987, 10:46:25: Savage froze Whatsapp - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 21987, 10:50:29: Savage froze Metaverse - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 21987, 12:19:52: Aditzu added 'Savages' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21987, 23:15:15: Savage froze Whatsapp - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 21987, 23:20:32: Savage froze Facebook - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 21987, 23:27:15: Savage froze Instagram - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 21988, 12:10:37: Aditzu added 'Fluffy Kittens' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21988, 15:56:08: Savage froze Pocket Giga Babes - Lvl 248 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21989, 02:20:04: Savage froze Whatsapp - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:29:14: Savage froze Facebook - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:37:42: Savage froze Metaverse - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 21989, 02:46:50: Savage froze Instagram - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 21989, 04:13:24: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21989, 05:24:03: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22009, 07:56:27: Your Argentavis - Lvl 94 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 22009, 09:55:09: Your Argentavis - Lvl 166 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 22018, 17:51:54: Savage froze {COA} Rafa - Lvl 195 (Purlovia) Day 22018, 17:57:18: Savage froze Scrub - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 22018, 18:09:55: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 203 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 18:21:24: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 224 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 18:30:48: Savage froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 256 (Megalosaurus) Day 22018, 18:38:25: Savage froze Scrub - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 22018, 18:46:25: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 224 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 19:03:18: Savage froze Rock Drake - Lvl 120 (Rock Drake) Day 22018, 19:14:15: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 185 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 19:21:07: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 201 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 19:29:02: Savage froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 154 (R-Reaper King) Day 22018, 19:37:22: Savage froze Scrub - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 22018, 19:51:22: Savage froze Scrub - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 22018, 19:58:26: Savage froze Arms - Lvl 243 (Carnotaurus) Day 22018, 20:07:49: Savage froze Scrub - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 22018, 20:19:09: Savage froze Beta - Lvl 233 (Carnotaurus) Day 22018, 20:31:28: Savage froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 202 (Aberrant Spino) Day 22018, 20:37:50: Savage froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 228 (Carnotaurus) Day 22018, 21:32:44: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22149, 02:21:00: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22271, 23:03:37: Savage downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 189 Day 22272, 00:44:53: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 283 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22276, 13:50:39: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 22276, 13:51:54: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from Cool Kids Alliance! Day 22281, 06:29:36: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22347, 21:54:31: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22348, 18:20:01: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 411 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22348, 18:28:09: Savage froze Test 2 - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 22348, 22:08:49: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 411 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22349, 09:00:11: Your Eight - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 22349, 09:02:28: Your Nine - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 22349, 09:11:32: Your Seven - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Overseer - Lvl 1! Day 22349, 10:30:03: Your Four - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 22349, 10:45:35: Your Eighteen - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) was killed by an Overseer - Lvl 1! Day 22349, 10:45:59: Your Five - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Overseer - Lvl 1! Day 22349, 10:47:07: Your One - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Defense Unit - Lvl 124! Day 22349, 12:29:48: Savage froze Seventeen - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 22349, 12:34:49: Savage froze Fifteen - Lvl 406 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 12:39:37: Savage froze Two - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 12:44:06: Savage froze Thirteen - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 12:48:06: Savage froze Twelve - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 12:51:50: Savage froze Six - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 13:04:44: Savage froze Eleven - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 13:08:38: Savage froze Ten - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 13:14:58: Savage froze Aimee - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 22349, 13:19:42: Savage froze Three - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 22349, 13:25:52: Savage froze C A T S C A N ********** - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 22349, 13:30:41: Savage froze Sixteen - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 22349, 14:20:42: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22372, 01:32:08: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 412 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22423, 14:42:05: Your Argentavis - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 22583, 20:39:22: Savage froze C A T S C A N ********** - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 22583, 21:42:04: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 287 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22584, 03:03:02: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 03:18:04: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 03:28:07: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 03:37:41: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:00:59: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:03:05: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:17:13: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:19:05: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:21:30: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:23:28: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Shakedown Tribe. Day 22584, 04:24:32: Savage added 'Shakedown' Tribe to Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 04:32:53: Savage - Lvl 155 requested an Alliance with Whats the Craic Lads' Tribe. Day 22584, 04:35:21: Savage added 'Whats the Craic Lads'' Tribe to Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 08:33:07: Savage froze C A T S C A N ********** - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 22584, 08:39:28: Savage froze Shadowmane - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 22584, 08:47:50: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 412 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22584, 09:05:13: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from Alex and Co Alliance! Day 22584, 09:59:12: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 287 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22584, 15:24:17: Savage Tamed a Compy - Lvl 44 (Compy)! Day 22584, 16:11:39: Savage unclaimed 'Compy - Lvl 45 (Compy)'! Day 22584, 16:28:26: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 287 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22659, 05:56:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22695, 21:21:19: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 289 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22695, 22:00:47: Savage froze Robin - Lvl 412 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23107, 23:00:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23548, 04:39:40: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23965, 17:40:00: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 296 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24292, 17:13:34: Savage unclaimed 'Adopt don't shop - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 24292, 17:16:06: Savage unclaimed 'Looking for a home - Lvl 250 (Rex)'! Day 24292, 17:18:21: Savage unclaimed 'Suga - Please adopt - Lvl 168 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 24657, 14:50:47: Fluffy Kittens tribe was merged in by Velvetkitten! Day 24657, 14:50:47: Velvetkitten was added to the Tribe by Savage! Day 24657, 14:54:57: Velvetkitten was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Savage! Day 24657, 14:56:07: Tank Smith was demoted from Tribe Admin by Savage! Day 24657, 14:56:48: Olivia was demoted from Tribe Admin by Savage! Day 24657, 15:33:07: Savage froze Audacity - Lvl 298 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24657, 15:35:02: Velvetkitten froze Mania - Lvl 239 (Managarmr) Day 24657, 17:19:11: Velvetkitten froze Mania - Lvl 239 (Managarmr) Day 25301, 16:44:09: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 369 (Griffin) Day 25739, 17:36:58: Velvetkitten froze Glenn Quagmire - Lvl 325 (Griffin) Day 26315, 13:39:03: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 198 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Tek Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28636, 08:40:55: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30967, 00:06:32: Savage claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30967, 00:59:52: Savage downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 Day 30990, 23:41:30: Savage uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 40 Day 31323, 20:34:47: Savage claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31323, 20:57:40: Savage froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31323, 23:21:26: Your Pack Mule 2 - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 50! Day 31324, 04:43:24: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31329, 04:40:47: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31329, 05:07:53: Savage claimed 'grumpy - Lvl 69 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 31329, 05:19:00: Savage froze grumpy - Lvl 69 (Paraceratherium) Day 31329, 05:42:22: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 196 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 31817, 18:22:33: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32049, 02:45:16: Sugartits - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32287, 17:07:01: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 233 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32383, 18:10:43: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 371 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32383, 20:03:33: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 371 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32383, 22:51:25: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 371 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32384, 04:05:44: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 372 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32384, 06:06:07: Savage froze Out for Blood - Lvl 372 (Tusoteuthis) Day 32384, 07:06:07: Savage claimed 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32384, 07:09:43: Savage froze F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 32384, 08:26:55: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32384, 08:53:48: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1889972161,"tribe":"A Long Ride logs":["Day 16574, 13:15:40: Wyvern Eater >-.-< was added to the Tribe! Day 16574, 13:36:44: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16575, 17:31:32: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16575, 18:33:41: Wyvern Eater >-.-< claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 109 (Megalania)'! Day 16575, 18:36:09: Wyvern Eater >-.-< claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 99 (Megalania)'! Day 16575, 18:37:49: Wyvern Eater >-.-< claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 53 (Megalania)'! Day 16575, 18:39:07: Wyvern Eater >-.-< claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 61 (Megalania)'! Day 16575, 18:39:32: Wyvern Eater >-.-< claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 103 (Megalania)'! Day 16575, 18:41:32: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 61 (Megalania) was killed by Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 61 (Megalania) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:32: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 53 (Megalania) was killed by Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 53 (Megalania) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:36: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 103 (Megalania) was killed by Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 103 (Megalania) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:45: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 99 (Megalania) was killed by Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 99 (Megalania) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:46: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 109 (Megalania) was killed by Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) (A Long Ride)! Day 16575, 18:41:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 109 (Megalania) (A Long Ride)! Day 16576, 08:39:55: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16576, 09:51:57: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tesco's Finest Tribe. Day 16576, 09:52:58: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with The island slideshow Tribe. Day 16576, 09:55:23: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Alsuperhero1 Tribe. Day 16576, 09:56:03: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 09:56:23: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16576, 09:59:19: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tesco's Finest Tribe. Day 16576, 10:05:12: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 16576, 10:06:36: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 10:32:36: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16576, 10:42:37: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16576, 10:51:13: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16576, 10:52:08: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'The river city' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 10:58:47: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tesco's Finest Tribe. Day 16576, 10:59:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tesco's Finest' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 11:00:16: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Sanctuary Tribe. Day 16576, 11:01:24: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 11:05:53: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 12:11:52: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 13:01:05: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Sabiutza Tribe. Day 16576, 13:03:01: Wyvern Eater >-.-< - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Sabiutza Tribe. Day 16576, 13:04:39: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Sabiutza' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 13:23:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 14:58:32: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Alpha - Lvl 503 (Rex) Day 16576, 15:02:03: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 485 (Rex) Day 16576, 18:22:37: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 485 (Rex) Day 16576, 19:30:37: Your Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 485 (Rex) was killed! Day 16576, 19:43:43: Your Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 497 (Rex) was killed! Day 16576, 19:44:56: Your Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) was killed! Day 16576, 20:06:32: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:09:30: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:12:17: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 499 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:14:01: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 497 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:16:38: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:18:19: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:20:05: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 444 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:22:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 497 (Rex) Day 16576, 20:25:12: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Crew - Lvl 517 (Rex) Day 16576, 22:07:41: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Snow Owl - Lvl 401 (Snow Owl) Day 16576, 22:18:32: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Deconstruction Alpha - Lvl 503 (Rex) Day 16576, 23:13:58: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16577, 06:16:22: Wyvern Eater >-.-< froze Destello Dorado - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17097, 09:34:16: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17264, 14:38:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1889255900,"tribe":"Fluffy Kittens logs":["Day 21957, 21:06:28: Velvetkitten was added to the Tribe! Day 21966, 06:18:03: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21966, 07:13:09: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21966, 14:00:27: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:07:00: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:22:26: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 437 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:29:16: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:37:18: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:45:35: Velvetkitten froze BOSS - Lvl 440 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 16:44:48: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21966, 17:53:51: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21988, 12:00:34: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 21988, 12:10:37: Aditzu added 'Fluffy Kittens' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21988, 13:00:55: Velvetkitten claimed 'Otter [Clone] - Lvl 126 (Otter)'! Day 21989, 02:54:17: Velvetkitten froze Geralt - Lvl 405 (Shadowmane) Day 21989, 05:52:46: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 376 (Griffin) Day 22024, 10:01:42: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 22276, 13:50:39: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 23126, 23:30:10: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 23206, 09:42:23: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 23206, 10:05:40: Velvetkitten froze Birdie - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 23206, 10:20:31: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 23206, 11:02:44: Velvetkitten froze \"Hide\" and Seek - Lvl 410 (Therizinosaur) Day 23206, 11:18:28: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 25700, 11:00:36: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 25700, 13:33:49: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance!"] "tribeid":1886848907,"tribe":"Tribe of nogre logs":["Day 26788, 02:05:52: nogre was added to the Tribe! Day 26855, 04:29:23: Tribemember nogre - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1886418797,"tribe":"Племя игрока drish logs":["Day 38472, 07:32:18: drish demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38472, 08:05:00: drish demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38472, 08:06:12: drish demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38472, 08:09:31: drish demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38472, 08:10:43: drish demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38489, 18:56:42: Tribemember drish - Lvl 59 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 10! Day 38489, 19:21:41: drish Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 38489, 20:49:12: Your Triceratops - Lvl 30 (Triceratops) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38489, 20:50:06: Tribemember drish - Lvl 59 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 01:34:19: Spino - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38490, 01:41:47: Tribemember drish - Lvl 60 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 02:37:18: Tribemember drish - Lvl 60 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 09:40:29: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 10:21:02: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 38490, 11:36:58: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 12:37:27: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 38490, 16:50:05: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 5! Day 38490, 20:53:28: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 72! Day 38490, 23:09:53: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 38491, 00:51:11: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 38491, 01:38:18: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 38491, 04:35:12: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 38491, 06:19:58: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 10! Day 38491, 09:19:54: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 38491, 10:24:11: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 38492, 06:51:13: Raptor - Lvl 30 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38492, 06:55:13: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 38492, 19:39:12: drish demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38492, 19:40:32: drish demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38492, 20:55:53: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 38492, 22:30:49: Dilophosaur - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 38492, 22:44:25: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 23 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 5! Day 38493, 01:19:43: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38493, 02:36:04: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38493, 04:08:25: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 38493, 04:08:25: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:08:25: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38493, 04:09:19: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:09:19: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:13:32: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 04:13:32: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 04:15:09: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 04:16:09: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 04:16:09: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 04:16:09: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38493, 04:19:24: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:20:18: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:21:07: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 04:21:07: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 05:04:20: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 05:07:02: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 05:07:57: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 05:08:51: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 05:10:39: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 05:11:38: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 38493, 05:11:38: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38493, 05:16:14: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38493, 05:58:58: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 06:10:16: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38493, 06:10:16: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:10:49: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 38493, 06:10:51: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38493, 06:33:51: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:33:51: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:34:27: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:34:27: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 06:34:31: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 06:34:32: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:35:07: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 38493, 06:35:40: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 38493, 06:35:40: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 06:36:24: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 08:14:02: Tribemember drish - Lvl 61 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 105! Day 38493, 11:38:15: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 11:39:00: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38493, 12:03:21: Troodon - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38493, 12:06:18: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 38493, 12:33:35: Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 12:44:22: Troodon - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 12:44:57: Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38493, 12:46:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 38493, 12:46:48: Troodon - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 13:14:03: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 38493, 13:44:05: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 38493, 13:45:13: Troodon - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38493, 14:01:47: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38493, 14:16:14: Troodon - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38493, 14:17:30: Troodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 38493, 14:21:45: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 38493, 18:55:10: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 38493, 19:33:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 38493, 19:53:56: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38493, 20:38:20: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 38493, 21:57:23: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 38494, 00:44:39: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 38513, 16:44:41: Tribemember drish - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 38513, 21:28:12: drish Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 77 (Raptor)! Day 38514, 04:17:19: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 38514, 04:58:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 38514, 04:59:02: Troodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 38514, 05:20:19: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 38514, 05:29:59: Your Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 38514, 05:45:08: Troodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38514, 05:45:12: Troodon - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38514, 05:45:40: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 38514, 05:57:29: Your eeeeees - Lvl 77 (Raptor) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 38514, 06:53:09: Dilophosaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38514, 07:09:21: Dilophosaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38514, 07:09:45: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 80! Day 38514, 07:18:57: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38514, 08:34:48: Tribemember drish - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 45! Day 38514, 09:23:21: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 38514, 09:31:10: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 38514, 09:45:22: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 38514, 10:22:00: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38514, 10:22:59: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 38514, 10:26:21: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38514, 11:09:21: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 38514, 11:11:11: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 38514, 12:15:28: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 38514, 12:31:51: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 105! Day 38514, 14:29:37: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 38514, 14:42:26: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 38514, 18:56:58: drish Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 38514, 22:28:55: Raptor - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38514, 22:38:24: Your ees - Lvl 25 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38514, 22:43:20: Tribemember drish - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38515, 05:00:47: Carbonemys - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38515, 06:22:42: Tribemember drish - Lvl 65 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 140! Day 38515, 21:49:19: drish Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur)! Day 38519, 04:00:02: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 65 (Pteranodon)! Day 38537, 17:28:02: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 38537, 18:30:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 75! Day 38537, 19:33:32: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 38537, 20:14:07: Your ogggggg - Lvl 69 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 38537, 20:23:32: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38537, 21:12:51: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 38538, 07:52:09: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 38538, 08:29:03: Tribemember drish - Lvl 67 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 38538, 10:34:12: drish Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 38538, 13:45:01: drish Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 98 (Triceratops)! Day 38538, 22:52:05: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon)! Day 38540, 15:25:09: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 38540, 18:05:07: drish Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 35 (Tek Raptor)! Day 38541, 13:08:19: Your turbo - Lvl 41 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 38541, 13:11:21: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 38541, 13:54:55: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 38541, 15:07:25: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 5! Day 38541, 17:30:04: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 38559, 08:23:10: Tribemember drish - Lvl 69 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 38560, 17:54:35: Your flash - Lvl 41 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 38560, 17:56:57: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38560, 18:12:16: drish demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38560, 18:38:41: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38560, 19:46:15: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38560, 20:12:42: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38560, 20:47:36: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 5! Day 38560, 21:27:03: Tribemember drish - Lvl 70 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 105! Day 38560, 22:02:51: drish Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 67 (Carnotaurus)! Day 38562, 09:13:33: drish Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 38563, 17:31:09: drish Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 38563, 19:34:55: drish Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)! Day 38580, 02:10:17: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 38581, 23:56:57: drish Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 6 (Stegosaurus)! Day 38582, 12:45:34: drish Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 208 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 38583, 01:27:47: Tribemember drish - Lvl 75 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 105! Day 38588, 06:48:36: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 38588, 09:37:41: Therizinosaur - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38588, 10:30:18: Your tik tak - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 38588, 10:32:06: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 38588, 10:55:56: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 38588, 11:06:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 38588, 12:53:04: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 38588, 13:35:15: Tribemember drish - Lvl 76 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 38589, 13:22:47: Tribemember drish - Lvl 77 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 38589, 13:40:30: Tribemember drish - Lvl 77 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 38589, 18:58:22: Tribemember drish - Lvl 77 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38603, 17:16:12: drish Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 38603, 17:34:55: Your dfede - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 38603, 20:44:15: drish Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 134 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 38604, 03:30:58: drish claimed 'Baby Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 156 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38604, 08:29:29: drish demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 38608, 04:35:35: drish demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38608, 05:00:18: drish demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38608, 05:02:22: drish demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38608, 05:13:54: drish demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 38608, 16:38:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 38608, 22:56:43: drish Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 70 (Castoroides)! Day 38609, 09:59:08: Your eess - Lvl 70 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 38610, 11:06:48: Tribemember drish - Lvl 80 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 38610, 11:52:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 80 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 38610, 12:34:53: Your kasteritossssss - Lvl 78 (Castoroides) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 38610, 23:15:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 80 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 38611, 03:08:00: Castoroides - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38611, 03:10:09: Tribemember drish - Lvl 80 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 38611, 06:48:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 38612, 13:18:43: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 121 (Pteranodon)! Day 38613, 01:37:09: drish Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 74 (Castoroides)! Day 38633, 21:36:20: Tribemember drish - Lvl 84 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 38633, 21:59:39: Tribemember drish - Lvl 84 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 38633, 22:29:52: Tribemember drish - Lvl 84 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 38634, 13:11:25: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon)! Day 38635, 02:51:24: Tribemember drish - Lvl 86 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 38635, 03:46:32: Tribemember drish - Lvl 86 was killed by a Dimetrodon - Lvl 20! Day 38635, 10:39:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 119 (Sarco)! Day 38635, 17:36:18: Tribemember drish - Lvl 86 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 38636, 03:05:27: Your Sarco - Lvl 122 (Sarco) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 115! Day 38636, 13:37:23: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 70! Day 38636, 14:01:37: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 35! Day 38636, 18:13:31: Your tukar - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 38636, 21:16:33: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 115! Day 38636, 21:37:54: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 10! Day 38636, 22:59:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 38637, 02:48:35: Your tip - Lvl 105 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 125! Day 38637, 03:17:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 125! Day 38637, 04:09:41: Tribemember drish - Lvl 87 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 38657, 04:53:53: Your obshora - Lvl 7 (Moschops) was killed! Day 38657, 04:53:53: obshora - Lvl 7 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 38657, 05:52:14: drish Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 38657, 06:22:08: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 38657, 09:18:30: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 6 (Pteranodon)! Day 38657, 12:25:50: drish claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 17 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38657, 19:49:26: drish claimed 'Baby Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 157 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 38657, 20:11:17: Your kastiritiosassssss - Lvl 83 (Castoroides) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 38658, 02:44:15: Your tiiiiinininininini - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) was killed by drish - Lvl 90 (Племя игрока drish)! Day 38658, 02:44:15: Your Tribe killed tiiiiinininininini - Lvl 19 (Pteranodon) (Племя игрока drish)! Day 38658, 11:54:03: Your tuop - Lvl 12 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 38658, 12:09:49: Tribemember drish - Lvl 90 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 85! Day 38658, 14:35:53: Tribemember drish - Lvl 90 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 38658, 20:39:39: Your taran - Lvl 127 (Triceratops) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 85! Day 38658, 22:26:24: Tribemember drish - Lvl 90 was killed by a Beelzebufo - Lvl 65! Day 38660, 10:20:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 38660, 17:01:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 38660, 17:55:11: drish Tamed a Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex)! Day 38680, 16:30:37: drish demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38680, 16:36:48: drish demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 38681, 15:27:36: Tribemember drish - Lvl 94 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 35! Day 38681, 18:35:47: Your you - Lvl 165 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed! Day 38682, 14:51:32: Tribemember drish - Lvl 94 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 10! Day 38705, 07:38:19: Tribemember drish - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 38706, 08:51:16: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38706, 08:59:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 7 (Castoroides)! Day 38706, 09:58:20: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 38706, 11:18:22: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38706, 11:58:34: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 38706, 14:03:00: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38706, 14:38:49: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 38706, 15:24:00: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38729, 14:47:23: Your rubi - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38729, 15:29:43: Your Castoroides - Lvl 10 (Castoroides) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38729, 15:51:43: Your ms honey - Lvl 50 (Rex) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38729, 15:57:05: Your turbo - Lvl 180 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38729, 15:59:39: Tribemember drish - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 38730, 12:19:39: drish Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 57 (Castoroides)! Day 38730, 15:38:22: drish Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 67 (Castoroides)! Day 38731, 01:06:12: drish Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 31 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 38731, 05:25:21: drish claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 60 (Castoroides)'! Day 38731, 19:06:20: Your Juvenile god boy - Lvl 60 (Castoroides) was killed! Day 38731, 19:06:20: Juvenile god boy - Lvl 60 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 38731, 20:22:26: Your miss kluv - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 38731, 20:28:22: Your tu sso fast - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 38744, 10:06:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 38746, 13:41:16: drish demolished a 'Refining Forge (Unlocked) '! Day 38747, 00:20:56: drish Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 38747, 01:50:09: drish Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 38747, 14:35:29: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 126 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 38748, 06:11:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 7 (Brontosaurus)! Day 38749, 18:44:14: Tribemember drish - Lvl 97 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 38749, 21:11:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 90! Day 38750, 00:23:03: Tribemember drish - Lvl 97 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 38750, 01:44:50: Tribemember drish - Lvl 97 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 90! Day 38750, 16:14:35: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 38750, 19:25:50: Tribemember drish - Lvl 97 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 15! Day 38750, 20:25:01: Tribemember drish - Lvl 97 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 60! Day 38750, 20:27:57: Your ttugt - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 60! Day 38751, 01:37:22: drish Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 13 (Sarco)! Day 38754, 05:35:12: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 38754, 08:33:31: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 38813, 03:15:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38820, 18:40:22: drish Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 38824, 21:08:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 22 (Dire Bear)! Day 38824, 22:03:56: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 38847, 06:30:23: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 38847, 07:24:56: Your ms fly - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 38847, 08:10:15: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 38847, 10:01:07: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 38847, 12:24:53: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 38847, 13:23:14: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 100! Day 38847, 14:21:18: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 38847, 15:56:09: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 102! Day 38847, 16:54:12: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 38847, 17:14:50: drish claimed 'Scalple - Lvl 306 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 38847, 18:02:38: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 38847, 19:49:25: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10! Day 38847, 20:17:25: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 38848, 01:21:38: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 38848, 04:38:11: Tribemember drish - Lvl 100 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 38848, 06:49:27: drish Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)! Day 38848, 19:51:34: drish Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 19 (Argentavis)! Day 38851, 07:52:46: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 38869, 16:16:53: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 5! Day 38871, 01:01:36: drish Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 41 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 38871, 04:25:47: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 120! Day 38871, 05:30:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)! Day 38871, 15:50:11: drish Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 78 (Sarco)! Day 38878, 19:35:51: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 38878, 20:15:34: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 38894, 01:41:25: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 38908, 08:35:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38955, 17:24:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38955, 17:24:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38955, 17:24:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38979, 10:57:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39050, 13:57:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39084, 19:15:10: ugyhfuirhfy - Lvl 86 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39120, 16:08:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39128, 04:05:30: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39131, 06:02:39: ofigel - Lvl 57 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39168, 02:26:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39462, 05:34:47: Penny - Lvl 119 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ms biggs - Lvl 19 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39476, 23:48:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39567, 07:50:49: Your baby - Lvl 30 (Argentavis) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 39581, 15:04:35: bell - Lvl 72 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ms gemadia - Lvl 78 (Sarco)'! Day 39581, 15:07:49: bell - Lvl 72 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tignb - Lvl 45 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39587, 23:30:42: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ms tea - Lvl 42 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39587, 23:32:10: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fly good - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39587, 23:33:59: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'elish - Lvl 40 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39587, 23:35:00: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'srek - Lvl 66 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39587, 23:47:10: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'vggvu - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39588, 00:09:52: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39588, 00:23:23: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wick - Lvl 85 (Castoroides)'! Day 39588, 00:25:12: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gena - Lvl 30 (Sarco)'! Day 39608, 14:09:19: bell - Lvl 77 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39613, 13:34:16: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 23 (Dire Bear) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 39633, 17:02:08: bell - Lvl 93 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'super fly - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39633, 18:31:40: bell - Lvl 93 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'timon - Lvl 173 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39761, 07:56:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39771, 13:33:54: 인간 - Lvl 15 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ghgbtghthgb - Lvl 144 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 39771, 13:34:01: 인간 - Lvl 15 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'killock - Lvl 220 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 39771, 16:58:11: 인간 - Lvl 18 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gentelimen - Lvl 17 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 39833, 19:57:06: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 39840, 17:11:41: Merlin - Lvl 54 (Lost Souls) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39840, 17:15:39: Merlin - Lvl 54 (Lost Souls) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39998, 09:09:05: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40022, 01:48:06: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40022, 01:48:06: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41037, 06:53:23: Nova - Lvl 74 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 148 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41168, 07:22:21: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 41168, 10:25:59: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 41168, 11:10:22: Tribemember drish - Lvl 101 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x! Day 42072, 18:35:18: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 43623, 09:56:48: THE MAN - Lvl 76 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'es - Lvl 69 (Castoroides)'!"] "tribeid":1885663936,"tribe":"Tribe of Jaz logs":["Day 32663, 13:42:17: Jaz was added to the Tribe! Day 32663, 13:49:34: Chris was added to the Tribe by Jaz! Day 32663, 17:38:15: Jaz Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 32664, 05:43:24: Chris Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 32664, 13:50:00: Chris Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 108 (Parasaur)! Day 32664, 19:26:19: Jaz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 57 (Pteranodon)! Day 32688, 06:36:26: Chris Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 116 (Pteranodon)! Day 32705, 15:11:03: Jaz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 32706, 03:19:58: Jaz Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 163 (Raptor)! Day 32706, 09:45:02: Chris Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 67 (Stegosaurus)! Day 32706, 15:13:29: Jaz Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 115 (Iguanodon)! Day 32713, 13:26:54: Jaz Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 32713, 16:39:45: Tribemember Chris - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 32713, 16:42:13: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 15! Day 32732, 14:25:04: Jaz Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 32732, 16:25:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32732, 16:25:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32733, 03:54:05: Jaz Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 32733, 19:36:52: Chris demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32733, 22:55:57: Chris unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 132 (Argentavis)'! Day 32733, 22:56:43: Chris claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 132 (Argentavis)'! Day 32734, 00:38:58: Jaz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 32760, 04:39:43: Jaz Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)! Day 32779, 02:43:54: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 32885, 09:14:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32885, 09:14:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32963, 14:47:47: Jaz claimed 'Greg - Lvl 136 (Raptor)'! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33027, 08:52:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33287, 06:13:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33429, 04:35:11: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33618, 12:11:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33618, 12:11:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33680, 05:15:59: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 33680, 05:17:21: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 34120, 08:13:39: KFC - Lvl 47 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 34180, 08:58:20: Blobin was added to the Tribe by Jaz! Day 34180, 09:25:09: Chris was removed from the Tribe by Jaz! Day 34180, 18:50:35: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 34180, 18:51:16: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 34180, 19:00:28: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 34180, 19:01:19: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 34180, 19:08:58: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 34180, 20:03:17: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 34180, 20:32:15: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 34180, 20:35:18: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 34180, 20:36:28: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 34180, 21:01:28: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 34180, 21:03:18: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 34180, 21:04:32: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 34180, 21:06:23: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 34180, 21:08:04: Blobin demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 34180, 21:49:29: Blobin Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 34319, 05:40:10: fat bastard - Lvl 39 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 34410, 19:47:12: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 34410, 21:44:07: Tribemember Blobin - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 34777, 10:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34777, 10:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34777, 10:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34812, 10:16:04: Morde - Lvl 65 (Sapiens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34812, 10:25:32: Morde - Lvl 65 (Sapiens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 221 (Triceratops)'! Day 34812, 10:35:19: Morde - Lvl 65 (Sapiens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jackling - Lvl 163 (Argentavis)'! Day 34812, 10:35:38: Morde - Lvl 65 (Sapiens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Even prettier girl - Lvl 159 (Argentavis)'! Day 34879, 05:12:00: FeeFee - Lvl 112 (Cheezits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pretty girl - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 34879, 05:30:14: FeeFee - Lvl 112 (Cheezits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Greg - Lvl 171 (Raptor)'! Day 34948, 20:04:24: Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35005, 13:14:24: Ark airlines - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 35071, 22:41:40: Pretty Boy - Lvl 116 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 35120, 11:48:49: Vaunie - Lvl 44 (Odd Socks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 97 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 35120, 11:50:02: Vaunie - Lvl 44 (Odd Socks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry - Lvl 181 (Parasaur)'! Day 35120, 11:51:00: Vaunie - Lvl 44 (Odd Socks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggy - Lvl 145 (Iguanodon)'! Day 35222, 05:36:50: Star Man - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35316, 18:56:35: Pinkshinyultrablast - Lvl 23 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1885076836,"tribe":"Tribe of BotZ logs":["Day 31615, 02:10:15: Bot Aimz was added to the Tribe! Day 31615, 06:10:40: Bot Aimz Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 31615, 16:42:37: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 31615, 16:44:01: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 31616, 07:50:51: Bot Aimz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 31617, 08:28:51: Bot Aimz claimed 'Argos - Lvl 144 (Argentavis)'! Day 31619, 13:55:54: Nstickey was added to the Tribe by Bot Aimz! Day 31619, 13:59:29: Nstickey was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bot Aimz! Day 31619, 22:38:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31619, 22:40:37: Tribemember Nstickey - Lvl 8 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31619, 22:43:36: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31619, 22:47:13: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 31619, 22:54:42: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31619, 22:55:09: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 31619, 23:06:05: Nstickey was removed from the Tribe! Day 31620, 00:13:18: nstickey was added to the Tribe by Bot Aimz! Day 31620, 00:26:58: nstickey was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bot Aimz! Day 31620, 09:19:23: Bot Aimz Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 31621, 02:49:07: Bot Aimz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon)! Day 31621, 18:15:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31621, 18:21:20: Your Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 31621, 21:37:16: Tribemember nstickey - Lvl 32 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 31622, 06:31:09: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 31622, 06:54:28: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 31622, 08:59:23: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 09:01:08: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 09:02:45: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 09:03:54: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 09:52:04: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 11:53:44: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31622, 14:32:06: Bot Aimz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 55 (Pteranodon)! Day 31623, 17:24:49: Bot Aimz Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 31624, 11:52:55: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 31624, 14:56:26: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31624, 15:19:47: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31624, 15:20:54: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31624, 19:19:56: Bot Aimz Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 67 (Mesopithecus)! Day 31625, 03:37:03: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 31625, 09:15:41: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31625, 09:16:55: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 31625, 12:10:50: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 31625, 12:12:11: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 31627, 08:24:27: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31628, 14:29:46: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 171 (Argentavis) Day 31629, 15:10:41: Bot Aimz downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 129 Day 31629, 15:11:14: Bot Aimz downloaded a dino: Argos - Lvl 159 Day 31629, 15:18:51: Bot Aimz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 129 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31629, 15:29:56: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 159 (Argentavis) Day 31629, 16:09:43: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 105 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31629, 16:19:27: Bot Aimz froze Moschops - Lvl 113 (Moschops) Day 31629, 16:31:10: Bot Aimz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 31629, 18:29:47: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 31630, 02:58:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 55 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 31630, 06:18:41: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 155 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31641, 10:56:57: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 121 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31642, 07:13:41: Bot Aimz Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 130 (Brontosaurus)! Day 31642, 07:20:46: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 130 (Brontosaurus) Day 31643, 06:48:31: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 141 (Brontosaurus) Day 31643, 07:19:33: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31661, 12:37:11: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 137 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31661, 14:36:18: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 189 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31663, 03:08:34: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex) Day 31663, 06:08:59: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 159 (Argentavis) Day 31663, 06:48:36: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 138 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31663, 08:20:12: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31664, 21:40:45: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 138 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31665, 06:23:22: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus) Day 31665, 08:15:23: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 140 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31665, 12:10:00: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 140 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31666, 00:09:36: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 31666, 00:22:08: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31667, 07:59:01: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 159 (Argentavis) Day 31667, 11:38:29: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31667, 14:35:55: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31667, 14:51:27: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 174 (Argentavis) Day 31667, 17:30:46: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31667, 19:10:21: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31667, 19:18:14: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 174 (Argentavis) Day 31668, 09:22:23: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31668, 10:23:43: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 31668, 13:27:26: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31668, 16:00:05: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 145 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31668, 16:03:54: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 174 (Argentavis) Day 31669, 07:24:16: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 05:07:05: Bot Aimz downloaded a dino: Phiomia - Lvl 215 Day 31671, 05:07:51: Bot Aimz downloaded a dino: Stu - Lvl 191 Day 31671, 05:12:39: Bot Aimz froze Phiomia - Lvl 215 (Phiomia) Day 31671, 05:18:43: Bot Aimz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 31671, 12:22:32: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 178 (Brontosaurus) Day 31674, 06:58:29: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) '! Day 31674, 10:37:39: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 145 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31674, 11:14:45: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 31675, 05:03:03: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31677, 23:55:37: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31678, 03:43:24: Bot Aimz demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 31678, 09:08:27: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31678, 14:19:01: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31678, 14:30:41: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 176 (Argentavis) Day 31690, 13:28:46: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31690, 14:40:17: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 152 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31690, 15:02:00: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) Day 31690, 19:08:37: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31690, 22:20:35: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 152 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31690, 22:33:26: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) Day 31691, 13:05:22: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31691, 22:58:06: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex)'! Day 31691, 23:04:30: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31692, 04:55:11: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31692, 05:50:40: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31692, 05:53:43: Bot Aimz froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31692, 10:45:13: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31692, 18:27:04: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31692, 18:30:41: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31692, 18:34:43: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31693, 06:07:07: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31693, 06:20:42: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31693, 06:25:16: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31693, 06:29:50: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31693, 06:34:47: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31693, 15:53:12: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31693, 15:57:46: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31693, 16:05:45: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31693, 20:51:20: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Stu imp - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 31694, 08:49:40: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31694, 12:17:13: Bot Aimz froze Stu imp - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 31694, 20:52:42: Bot Aimz froze Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 31694, 21:03:17: Bot Aimz froze Moschops - Lvl 113 (Moschops) Day 31694, 22:17:24: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 136 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31695, 22:20:34: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 140 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31700, 02:36:57: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 149 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31700, 04:04:54: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 149 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31710, 05:30:05: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 151 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31710, 07:17:19: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 31710, 07:23:04: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 31710, 12:13:26: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Brontosaurus) Day 31710, 14:53:12: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 31718, 15:56:49: Bot Aimz froze Stu - Lvl 196 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31718, 16:07:38: Bot Aimz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 129 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31720, 02:52:25: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31720, 03:03:40: Bot Aimz froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31720, 07:04:37: Bot Aimz froze Trash - Lvl 170 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31720, 12:05:26: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 31720, 12:09:06: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 31737, 12:05:04: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) starved to death! Day 31737, 16:41:16: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 31737, 16:43:33: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 31737, 16:49:30: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31737, 16:56:19: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31737, 18:07:24: Bot Aimz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31737, 19:21:25: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 198 (Brontosaurus) Day 31737, 21:42:22: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31738, 00:24:58: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31738, 00:33:04: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31745, 10:17:19: Bot Aimz froze Stu imp - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 31745, 13:57:05: Bot Aimz froze Metal Flint - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31745, 14:01:30: Bot Aimz froze Argos - Lvl 186 (Argentavis) Day 31746, 05:44:46: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 05:51:37: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 06:01:07: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 06:04:48: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 10:39:38: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 10:45:30: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 10:50:29: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31746, 15:26:49: Bot Aimz froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 31749, 05:18:54: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 31749, 05:22:44: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 31777, 21:45:03: Bot Aimz claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 31777, 22:05:53: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31790, 14:04:19: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31790, 14:07:44: Bot Aimz froze Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31790, 14:39:11: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Brontosaurus) Day 31791, 00:36:26: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31791, 00:43:59: Bot Aimz froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31815, 10:48:07: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31815, 10:48:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31815, 10:48:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31815, 16:21:09: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31826, 03:53:09: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 31826, 04:02:28: Bot Aimz froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 32128, 09:48:54: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32284, 05:32:19: Mesopithecus - Lvl 95 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 32368, 12:15:25: Bot Aimz froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 241 (Brontosaurus) Day 32369, 08:08:29: Bot Aimz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 241 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Metal Flint - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Argos - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Trash - Lvl 171 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 129 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Stu - Lvl 196 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 113 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32898, 15:38:32: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 215 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 33155, 15:23:06: Tribemember Bot Aimz - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33476, 12:07:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33511, 03:29:39: Vhalla - Lvl 68 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stu imp - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 33512, 01:52:44: Vhalla - Lvl 73 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 33512, 01:54:25: Vhalla - Lvl 73 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 33512, 01:55:41: Vhalla - Lvl 73 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33784, 03:25:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33796, 15:19:05: Tribemember nstickey - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 34068, 01:00:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1884403477,"tribe":"Night Owl logs":["Day 18575, 10:50:31: Earthlink was added to the Tribe! Day 18575, 15:36:31: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 18576, 04:49:29: Earthlink Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 18577, 19:18:55: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 18623, 06:57:51: Earthlink demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18623, 07:04:41: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18623, 07:06:37: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 18623, 07:07:37: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 18623, 07:08:50: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18623, 07:09:43: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18623, 07:10:37: Earthlink demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18623, 07:15:23: Earthlink demolished a 'Scarecrow'! Day 18623, 10:22:06: Your Moschops - Lvl 154 (Moschops) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 18623, 22:17:48: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 18626, 17:18:42: Earthlink froze Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) Day 18627, 16:11:12: Earthlink froze Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) Day 18627, 22:56:43: Earthlink downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 Day 18627, 23:05:23: Earthlink froze Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) Day 18628, 13:58:46: Earthlink Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 18628, 15:53:23: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 79 (Triceratops) Day 18629, 01:18:42: Earthlink froze Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon) Day 18629, 02:29:55: Earthlink uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 145 Day 18629, 18:01:41: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 18629, 19:16:39: Earthlink downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 Day 18645, 17:53:44: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) Day 18646, 11:30:49: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 84 (Triceratops) Day 18646, 11:34:26: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 18647, 05:42:14: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 72 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 18647, 06:06:22: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 18647, 06:40:36: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18647, 09:22:57: Earthlink demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18647, 09:25:02: Earthlink demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18647, 09:27:44: Earthlink demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18647, 09:30:03: Earthlink demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 18647, 09:48:00: Earthlink demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18651, 10:49:56: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 18651, 17:04:43: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18652, 18:31:13: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18653, 14:49:34: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18653, 18:39:00: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 99 (Triceratops) Day 18653, 20:26:50: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 18654, 00:31:36: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18655, 14:19:57: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 196 (Doedicurus) Day 18655, 17:31:58: Earthlink demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18691, 20:30:16: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 18691, 20:35:41: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18691, 20:40:00: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 18691, 20:46:10: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18692, 15:24:44: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18731, 20:01:39: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 18731, 20:53:53: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18731, 21:22:50: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 18731, 22:03:49: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18731, 22:08:21: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus) Day 18731, 22:40:17: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 18731, 23:56:05: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18732, 01:08:31: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 18757, 17:35:14: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 143 (Triceratops) Day 18757, 17:38:07: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 18757, 17:45:05: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 18757, 18:04:42: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 18757, 18:08:10: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18757, 18:11:14: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18757, 18:41:03: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 18830, 03:26:19: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 18830, 04:20:28: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 154 (Triceratops) Day 18830, 04:30:53: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18830, 04:42:58: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 274 (Doedicurus) Day 18830, 05:28:53: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18831, 10:30:22: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18831, 10:58:25: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 18831, 11:45:21: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 18831, 12:21:19: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18832, 10:31:34: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18832, 11:31:55: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 84 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 10! Day 18832, 16:53:51: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 18973, 15:58:35: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18973, 16:01:48: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 290 (Doedicurus) Day 18973, 16:04:45: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 203 (Doedicurus) Day 18973, 16:09:12: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 288 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18973, 16:12:16: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 315 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18973, 16:36:26: Earthlink froze Triceratops - Lvl 169 (Triceratops) Day 18973, 18:30:57: Earthlink froze Yesness - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus) Day 18973, 18:34:47: Earthlink froze Deinonychus - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus) Day 18973, 18:37:40: Earthlink froze lizzie V2 - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 18973, 18:40:36: Earthlink froze Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 18973, 18:43:17: Earthlink froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 18973, 18:52:25: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 19090, 17:41:59: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19090, 17:45:09: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 320 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19090, 17:48:37: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 19090, 19:00:56: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 301 (Argentavis) Day 19160, 12:04:46: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19160, 12:07:52: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19160, 12:10:53: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 303 (Argentavis) Day 19160, 18:27:58: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 19369, 17:12:46: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 303 (Argentavis) Day 19560, 09:33:22: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 19560, 10:23:20: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19560, 10:47:34: Earthlink froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 19852, 18:53:24: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19958, 16:23:25: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 85 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 19958, 18:05:17: Earthlink froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 19958, 18:39:54: Earthlink froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 355 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19958, 18:43:51: Earthlink froze Argentavis - Lvl 335 (Argentavis) Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 335 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 355 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 224 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'lizzie V2 - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Yesness - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 169 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 290 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'fast boi 2 - Lvl 287 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:28:27: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20448, 10:39:20: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:41:11: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:42:14: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:43:20: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:45:14: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:46:58: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:49:50: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:50:54: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:52:18: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:54:32: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:55:49: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:57:12: Earthlink demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 20448, 10:58:39: Earthlink demolished a 'Electric Junction Box'! Day 20448, 10:59:50: Earthlink demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 20448, 11:19:46: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 20761, 16:28:45: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21281, 10:56:05: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 21770, 04:19:28: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 21770, 06:14:08: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21770, 07:10:04: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21770, 07:55:44: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21778, 18:13:07: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21778, 20:47:25: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21794, 04:24:28: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 21794, 04:53:59: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.8x! Day 21794, 06:56:19: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 21794, 07:45:04: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 21797, 20:03:26: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 25! Day 23031, 04:14:25: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 23031, 06:50:16: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 23211, 09:19:05: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 23211, 10:28:56: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 23211, 11:16:48: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 1.0x! Day 23211, 11:56:07: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 23211, 13:30:47: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 23211, 13:49:36: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 23211, 14:14:32: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 10! Day 23211, 14:27:46: Tribemember Earthlink - Lvl 86 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1882211503,"tribe":"Tribe of CHOPPY logs":["Day 24036, 17:11:23: CHOPPY was added to the Tribe! Day 24036, 17:16:49: Wobbly was added to the Tribe by CHOPPY! Day 24037, 00:25:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24037, 01:41:00: Tribemember Wobbly - Lvl 7 was killed by CHOPPY - Lvl 9 (Tribe of CHOPPY)! Day 24037, 01:41:00: Your Tribe killed Wobbly - Lvl 7 (Tribe of CHOPPY)! Day 24091, 04:03:06: Tribemember Wobbly - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 24179, 00:28:35: Tribemember CHOPPY - Lvl 15 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 125! Day 24194, 04:11:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1882117214,"tribe":"Tribe of Pops Ab logs":["Day 35123, 15:28:38: Pops Ab was added to the Tribe! Day 35123, 17:41:18: Tribemember Pops Ab - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 35124, 06:17:32: Tribemember Pops Ab - Lvl 11 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 35124, 07:09:14: Tribemember Pops Ab - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 35124, 07:33:48: Tribemember Pops Ab - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 35125, 17:50:22: Pops Ab uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 262 Day 35423, 09:47:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35423, 09:47:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1881997648,"tribe":"Tribe of 人类 logs":["Day 24847, 22:46:11: 人类 was added to the Tribe! Day 24847, 22:48:45: 猫仔骨 was added to the Tribe by 人类! Day 24848, 20:00:31: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 37 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 24863, 03:53:26: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 38 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 24863, 11:31:22: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 38 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 24863, 14:11:31: Ash was added to the Tribe by 人类! Day 24863, 14:54:12: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 24863, 15:56:18: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 24863, 16:23:48: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 24864, 03:30:41: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 13 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 24864, 04:22:57: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 24864, 05:12:29: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 24864, 05:22:05: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 13 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 24864, 07:18:44: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 14 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 24864, 11:52:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 66 (Carnotaurus)! Day 24865, 06:07:57: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24865, 06:09:15: 人类 Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus)! Day 24865, 06:13:19: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 48 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24865, 06:14:18: Tribemember 猫仔骨 - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24865, 07:41:04: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 24872, 07:13:52: 人类 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 24872, 07:54:54: 猫仔骨 Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 24872, 08:47:08: Your GREEN - Lvl 14 (Triceratops) was killed! Day 24872, 08:56:08: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 24872, 08:57:33: Your Dragon - Lvl 29 (Triceratops) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 24872, 09:13:32: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 25112, 04:20:00: Tribemember 人类 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25343, 01:05:20: Tribemember 猫仔骨 - Lvl 39 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 25343, 02:22:27: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 25406, 07:31:14: 11 - Lvl 26 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 25494, 06:09:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25494, 06:09:14: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25777, 19:23:24: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25777, 19:23:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26067, 00:30:57: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 76 (Carnotaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1881024347,"tribe":"Tribe of Overdrive logs":["Day 20059, 20:25:24: Overdrive was added to the Tribe! Day 20059, 20:46:30: Sir Tea was added to the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 20060, 10:11:06: Sir Tea froze Fuyumi - Lvl 169 (Managarmr) Day 20060, 10:18:55: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20518, 07:05:10: Overdrive froze Drake - Lvl 195 (Rock Drake) Day 20610, 03:08:27: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 200 (Rock Drake) Day 20813, 19:51:27: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 269 (Managarmr) Day 20814, 06:09:15: Overdrive froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 265 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20814, 08:05:51: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20814, 08:52:40: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20814, 09:28:30: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20814, 10:17:36: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 20814, 10:57:29: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 20815, 00:12:06: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 276 (Managarmr) Day 20815, 02:35:11: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20815, 06:41:11: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 276 (Managarmr) Day 20815, 16:37:51: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 285 (Managarmr) Day 20815, 17:13:20: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20815, 17:53:46: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20815, 22:42:35: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20828, 12:46:21: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20828, 14:21:48: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 230 (Baryonyx) Day 20828, 14:47:19: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 20828, 22:06:43: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20829, 10:22:10: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20829, 14:51:25: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 20829, 15:49:56: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20829, 23:59:52: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake) Day 20830, 02:01:47: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20830, 05:58:43: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake) Day 20830, 06:18:12: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20830, 18:31:00: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 226 (Rock Drake) Day 20831, 09:46:21: Overdrive froze Rudie - Lvl 355 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20831, 15:47:17: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 229 (Rock Drake) Day 20831, 17:20:05: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20832, 04:20:53: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake) Day 20832, 05:18:56: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 242 (Baryonyx) Day 20832, 13:03:56: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake) Day 20835, 16:38:34: Overdrive froze Vlad - Lvl 289 (Managarmr) Day 20836, 01:14:04: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 259 (Baryonyx) Day 20836, 03:56:25: Overdrive froze Vlad - Lvl 289 (Managarmr) Day 20836, 05:07:05: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 259 (Baryonyx) Day 20836, 08:40:39: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake) Day 20836, 13:40:58: Overdrive froze Baryonyx - Lvl 259 (Baryonyx) Day 20836, 19:14:44: Overdrive froze Drake1 - Lvl 232 (Rock Drake) Day 20836, 22:15:29: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 20838, 23:46:34: Overdrive froze Charlie - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 20839, 17:28:27: Overdrive Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 20840, 17:40:12: Overdrive Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 112 (Brontosaurus)! Day 20840, 17:57:47: Overdrive froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 112 (Brontosaurus) Day 20840, 19:44:12: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 289 (Managarmr) Day 20848, 15:46:42: Overdrive Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 20848, 16:00:47: Overdrive froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 20848, 16:25:07: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 293 (Managarmr) Day 20849, 10:25:23: Overdrive froze Charlie - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 20850, 20:31:10: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20855, 06:25:45: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20855, 16:00:50: Overdrive froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 20855, 17:31:54: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20855, 17:51:51: Overdrive was removed from the Tribe! Day 20855, 17:51:51: Tribe Owner was changed to Sir Tea! Day 20857, 04:08:48: Overdrive was added to the Tribe by Sir Tea! Day 20857, 14:41:31: Overdrive froze Rock Drake - Lvl 213 (Rock Drake) Day 20857, 14:49:06: Overdrive froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20857, 14:54:41: Overdrive froze Megalania - Lvl 40 (Megalania) Day 20857, 15:00:42: Overdrive froze Maewing - Lvl 201 (Maewing) Day 20857, 15:08:05: Overdrive froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 151 (Brontosaurus) Day 20857, 15:27:19: Overdrive froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 20857, 15:41:34: Overdrive froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 232 (Tek Quetzal) Day 20857, 15:52:20: Overdrive froze Megalania - Lvl 145 (Megalania) Day 20857, 15:58:35: Overdrive froze Doedicurus - Lvl 323 (Doedicurus) Day 20857, 17:18:24: Overdrive froze Windybops - Lvl 263 (R-Gasbags) Day 20857, 17:24:36: Overdrive froze Charlie - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 20859, 20:42:00: Overdrive froze mana2 - Lvl 295 (Managarmr) Day 20859, 22:27:15: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20859, 23:57:49: Overdrive froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 232 (Tek Quetzal) Day 21168, 13:35:53: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 21168, 13:47:17: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 21168, 14:51:54: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 21168, 15:14:42: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 21168, 17:18:10: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 21168, 17:28:07: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 21169, 02:15:56: Overdrive froze Emerald - Lvl 217 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21285, 09:51:48: Overdrive froze Emerald - Lvl 218 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21285, 11:00:44: Sir Tea froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21350, 15:24:41: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 21350, 16:03:39: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 21350, 16:56:41: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 122 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 21350, 19:53:32: Overdrive froze Gigadygigady - Lvl 307 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21353, 13:07:26: Overdrive froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 272 (Tusoteuthis) Day 21353, 13:51:49: Overdrive froze Pandora - Lvl 364 (Managarmr) Day 21354, 19:30:43: Overdrive froze Olivia - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 21354, 23:07:06: Overdrive froze Emerald - Lvl 226 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21355, 15:59:38: Overdrive claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 21355, 21:58:25: Overdrive unclaimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 21356, 00:48:12: Overdrive froze Emerald - Lvl 226 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22013, 13:48:58: Overdrive froze Holly - Lvl 108 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22013, 18:28:25: Overdrive froze Rudie - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22014, 00:50:58: Overdrive froze Holly - Lvl 127 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22014, 04:36:22: Overdrive froze Holly - Lvl 127 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22014, 05:39:25: Overdrive was removed from the Tribe! Day 23004, 00:34:59: Overdrive was added to the Tribe by Sir Tea! Day 23004, 09:06:52: Overdrive froze BOSS2 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23004, 09:17:37: Overdrive froze BOSS4 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23004, 09:25:50: Overdrive froze BOSS1 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23004, 09:32:32: Sir Tea froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 199 (Tropeognathus) Day 23004, 09:45:09: Overdrive froze BOSS3 - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 23004, 09:52:50: Overdrive froze Harry - Lvl 368 (Yutyrannus) Day 23004, 14:13:37: Overdrive froze Nemesis - Lvl 293 (Tropeognathus) Day 23004, 15:10:34: Sir Tea froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 199 (Tropeognathus) Day 23799, 11:25:45: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 23799, 11:37:03: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 23800, 03:50:37: Overdrive froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23800, 05:37:29: Overdrive demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 23800, 05:41:29: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 23800, 05:48:27: Overdrive demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 23800, 07:52:48: Overdrive froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 258 (Tropeognathus) Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27070, 07:56:09: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 08:06:26: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 12:02:04: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 12:17:22: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 14:32:19: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 14:50:02: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 15:52:40: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 16:10:46: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 27070, 16:10:46: Your Tribe killed Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 27070, 16:23:13: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 16:33:33: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 17:09:12: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 17:20:48: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 18:03:57: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 18:32:18: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 19:50:19: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 27070, 20:06:10: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 27070, 21:28:46: Overdrive uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Zappa - Lvl 321 Day 27071, 00:47:25: Overdrive downloaded a dino: Zappa - Lvl 302 Day 27071, 01:36:07: Overdrive uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Zappa - Lvl 302 Day 27283, 11:53:43: Overdrive froze Ruby - Lvl 289 (Astrodelphis) Day 27284, 19:39:42: Overdrive froze Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27285, 06:22:42: Overdrive froze Petal - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 27285, 06:35:59: Your Suzie - Lvl 207 (Woolly Rhino) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27285, 06:35:59: Your Tribe killed Suzie - Lvl 207 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 27286, 05:26:52: Your burt - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:26:52: Your Tribe killed burt - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:26:52: Your pob - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:26:52: Your Tribe killed pob - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:27:01: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 272 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:27:01: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 272 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:29:36: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:29:36: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:29:51: Your Deino - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:29:51: Your Tribe killed Deino - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:30:11: Your serv - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:30:11: Your Tribe killed serv - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:30:23: Your petra - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:30:23: Your Tribe killed petra - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:30:26: Your nerv - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:30:26: Your Tribe killed nerv - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 05:31:57: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) was killed by Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 27286, 05:31:57: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)! Day 27286, 19:45:58: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Overdrive)! Day 27286, 19:45:58: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 27287, 00:54:20: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 27287, 02:52:27: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27287, 03:31:10: Overdrive froze Griffin - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 27287, 05:47:24: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 27287, 06:08:41: Overdrive froze Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27287, 07:32:57: Overdrive froze Zappa - Lvl 375 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 27287, 09:16:14: Overdrive froze Ruby - Lvl 290 (Astrodelphis) Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28447, 07:25:44: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28620, 08:59:58: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 320 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 28620, 08:59:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 28620, 09:05:17: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 320 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28620, 15:19:30: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 320 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 28620, 15:19:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 28620, 15:51:53: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 28620, 17:45:44: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 320 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 28620, 17:45:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 28620, 19:04:49: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 198 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 28620, 19:35:23: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 198 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28621, 15:58:49: Overdrive froze ssssss - Lvl 39 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28621, 16:43:00: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 198 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28621, 18:01:12: Timmy was added to the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 28621, 18:52:23: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 28621, 21:33:48: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 320 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28621, 22:26:07: Timmy froze Kiryu - Lvl 414 (Voidwyrm) Day 28622, 05:48:30: Timmy froze Kiryu - Lvl 414 (Voidwyrm) Day 28919, 23:37:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28923, 09:16:57: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 09:41:36: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 13:16:08: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 13:23:17: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 14:20:04: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 14:29:59: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 16:56:39: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 17:04:10: Overdrive froze eee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 17:40:21: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 17:48:55: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 21:15:38: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28923, 21:25:02: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28923, 22:50:25: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 321 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29521, 17:15:13: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 29521, 20:53:24: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 29522, 12:35:34: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29522, 23:28:18: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29522, 23:40:20: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 02:21:43: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 02:32:38: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 05:17:40: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 05:27:49: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 10:00:14: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 10:09:52: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 11:16:18: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 11:26:35: Overdrive froze EE - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 15:07:52: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 15:18:47: Overdrive froze EEE - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 16:12:44: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 29523, 16:19:48: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 29523, 17:26:15: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29524, 00:16:37: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29971, 09:56:46: Overdrive froze Luna - Lvl 373 (Astrodelphis) Day 29971, 13:23:49: Overdrive froze Dracula - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 29971, 17:48:31: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29971, 17:48:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 29971, 17:54:38: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29972, 07:48:21: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29972, 07:48:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 29972, 07:56:32: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29972, 10:14:00: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 29972, 10:46:09: Overdrive froze ssssssssss - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29972, 11:22:19: Overdrive froze ssssssssss - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 29972, 15:15:06: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 30571, 11:14:39: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31137, 14:21:21: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31569, 00:49:36: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 00:56:09: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 06:24:35: Overdrive froze Cosmos - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31569, 08:11:08: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 08:19:11: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 09:25:56: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 09:53:14: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 11:15:59: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 11:22:28: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 14:26:09: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 14:32:38: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 15:19:11: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 15:37:33: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 16:35:41: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 16:41:44: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 19:04:23: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 19:28:41: Overdrive froze Ewww - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31569, 21:08:41: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 21:18:15: Your Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 31569, 21:47:15: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31569, 21:54:33: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 02:44:23: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 02:55:09: Overdrive froze EE - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 04:27:03: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 04:53:31: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 11:48:30: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 11:55:43: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 12:22:09: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 12:29:05: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 16:23:50: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 16:59:56: Overdrive froze eeee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 18:42:50: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 18:50:47: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31570, 19:36:06: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31570, 19:43:55: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31571, 12:30:25: Overdrive froze Cosmos - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31571, 12:48:50: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31571, 12:57:54: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31571, 15:29:59: Overdrive froze Cosmos - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 31571, 17:10:17: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31571, 17:18:12: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31571, 20:06:09: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31571, 20:14:27: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31572, 00:30:35: Overdrive Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 31572, 00:40:44: Overdrive froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 31572, 01:28:52: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 385 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 31572, 03:04:51: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 385 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 31868, 03:46:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32258, 21:36:49: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32259, 03:39:26: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 399 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 32304, 21:13:27: Overdrive froze Vince - Lvl 372 (Tropeognathus) Day 32304, 23:30:34: Overdrive froze ss - Lvl 326 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32305, 14:25:50: Overdrive froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 32305, 15:50:06: Overdrive froze Vince - Lvl 372 (Tropeognathus) Day 32312, 12:12:52: Overdrive froze ss - Lvl 326 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32312, 12:21:22: Overdrive froze Vince - Lvl 372 (Tropeognathus) Day 32312, 19:22:56: Overdrive froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 32312, 19:56:28: Overdrive froze Vince - Lvl 372 (Tropeognathus) Day 32398, 06:52:08: Overdrive froze R-Brontosaurus - Lvl 377 (R-Brontosaurus) Day 32398, 12:51:34: Overdrive froze Pteranodon - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 32398, 13:06:22: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 403 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 32521, 15:10:49: Overdrive froze Zappa - Lvl 381 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32814, 10:10:43: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34720, 13:33:26: Overdrive froze Hendrix - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 34721, 00:46:59: Overdrive froze Fury - Lvl 404 (R-Reaper King) Day 34721, 02:31:49: Overdrive froze Hendrix - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 34721, 07:06:27: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 107 (Fjordhawk) Day 34721, 07:11:05: Overdrive froze Zappa - Lvl 381 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35013, 23:06:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35423, 09:47:34: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37118, 08:26:01: Overdrive froze for lionmaiden - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37118, 08:31:08: Overdrive was removed from the Tribe! Day 37118, 08:31:08: Tribe Owner was changed to Sir Tea!"] "tribeid":1880547082,"tribe":"Desert Rat logs":["Day 23780, 23:01:14: Mojo was added to the Tribe! Day 23780, 23:17:09: chi-chi added 'Desert Rat' Tribe to Boss Fights Alliance! Day 23781, 02:21:04: Mojo unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 342 (Rex)'! Day 23781, 02:44:40: Mojo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 23781, 02:49:23: Mojo froze Pondus III - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1879356268,"tribe":"bazinga logs":["Day 22132, 20:38:56: twitten was added to the Tribe! Day 22132, 21:51:51: Tribemember twitten - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 22132, 23:33:59: Tribemember twitten - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 22133, 01:46:07: Tribemember twitten - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 1.0x! Day 22133, 03:25:35: Tribemember twitten - Lvl 5 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 23240, 12:58:06: twitten froze Crystallyn - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23240, 13:11:45: twitten froze Spastic - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops)"] "tribeid":1877642005,"tribe":"Gajalaka Tribe logs":["Day 27036, 09:49:22: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 241 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 27036, 10:01:37: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 233 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 27036, 10:11:30: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 237 (Pelagornis)'! Day 27036, 10:31:24: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 175 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27036, 10:31:51: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27036, 10:34:25: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 213 (Megatherium)'! Day 27036, 10:34:52: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zagreus 2 - Lvl 206 (Megatherium)'! Day 27036, 10:35:23: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zagreus - Lvl 219 (Megatherium)'! Day 27036, 10:36:09: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 198 (Megatherium)'! Day 27036, 10:49:02: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buster - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 27036, 11:18:13: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 255 (Megatherium)'! Day 27036, 13:13:07: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 192 (Megatherium)'! Day 27037, 07:11:44: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tincey - Lvl 121 (Raptor)'! Day 27040, 11:25:39: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hicktus - Lvl 117 (Phiomia)'! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27208, 13:38:43: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DeathWing - Lvl 157 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27459, 06:05:36: Burt The Hurt - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27515, 12:09:23: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28778, 04:24:24: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33371, 08:59:37: Renegade Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 33371, 09:44:53: Renegade Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 33371, 11:54:38: Renegade Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 33523, 19:07:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33619, 13:55:34: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33768, 20:24:47: Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 33823, 16:44:42: Renegade froze Sugar - Lvl 236 (Maewing) Day 33823, 16:49:09: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 33825, 04:49:16: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 33825, 05:21:01: Zeffner claimed 'Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx)'! Day 33825, 05:24:06: Zeffner froze Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx) Day 33825, 06:56:45: Zeffner froze Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx) Day 33825, 18:21:50: Renegade froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 327 (Tusoteuthis) Day 33825, 19:07:19: Zeffner froze Squidward - Lvl 316 (Tusoteuthis) Day 33825, 19:28:45: Renegade froze Sugar - Lvl 238 (Maewing) Day 33825, 19:34:52: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 203 (Otter) Day 33825, 19:41:48: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 33862, 08:05:44: Zeffner froze Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx) Day 33862, 08:09:40: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 33869, 16:54:24: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33869, 21:41:07: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 33869, 21:51:52: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 33870, 18:51:49: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33871, 03:16:43: Zeffner froze Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx) Day 33871, 05:23:07: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33890, 14:54:00: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 33890, 16:02:04: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 33890, 17:59:59: Your Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 180! Day 33890, 20:44:37: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 33893, 08:31:06: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33893, 09:16:13: Zeffner froze Gypsy - Lvl 274 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33893, 10:08:26: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33895, 09:11:59: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 33895, 13:02:36: Varos was added to the Tribe by Zeffner! Day 33895, 16:35:16: Renegade claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 56 (Tapejara)'! Day 33895, 16:51:05: Renegade unclaimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 58 (Tapejara)'! Day 33895, 17:42:28: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33895, 17:47:15: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 114 was killed by Jormungandr - Lvl 256 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 33895, 17:47:15: Your Tribe killed Varos - Lvl 114 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 33895, 19:06:07: Khan froze Jormungandr - Lvl 256 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33895, 19:27:19: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33895, 19:38:58: Renegade froze Cloud Stalker - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 33895, 23:08:37: Renegade froze Cloud Stalker - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 33896, 02:10:34: Your r8 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 02:32:20: Your healer - Lvl 229 (Daeodon) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 02:32:31: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 02:49:19: Your Raider 2 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 02:58:35: Your Raider 4 - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 03:04:52: Your r7 - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 03:26:43: Your Support - Lvl 280 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 03:35:59: Your r5 - Lvl 277 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 03:35:59: Your Raider 8 - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33896, 04:35:02: Zeffner froze Raider 12 - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 04:42:08: Zeffner froze Raider 9 - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 04:42:56: Varos froze r4 - Lvl 301 (Megatherium) Day 33896, 04:47:26: Zeffner froze Raider 10 - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 04:49:49: Varos froze Raider 6 - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 04:52:05: Zeffner froze Raider 11 - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 04:56:31: Varos froze r1 - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 33896, 04:56:37: Zeffner froze Raider 13 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 33896, 05:01:47: Varos froze Support 2 - Lvl 261 (Yutyrannus) Day 33896, 05:09:11: Varos froze r2 - Lvl 287 (Megatherium) Day 33896, 05:15:36: Varos froze r3 - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 33896, 05:21:07: Zeffner froze r6 - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 33896, 06:58:34: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33896, 08:09:29: Renegade froze Cloud Stalker - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 33896, 08:18:23: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33943, 13:05:48: Carbonemys - Lvl 23 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1877623748,"tribe":"Tribe of Rin logs":["Day 36900, 07:46:39: Rin was added to the Tribe! Day 36900, 07:49:48: Mykhailo was added to the Tribe by Rin! Day 36900, 15:16:27: Tribemember Mykhailo - Lvl 3 was killed by Rin - Lvl 6 (Tribe of Rin)! Day 36900, 15:16:27: Your Tribe killed Mykhailo - Lvl 3 (Tribe of Rin)! Day 36900, 22:54:12: Tribemember Mykhailo - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 36901, 00:20:00: Tribemember Mykhailo - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 36901, 01:39:46: Tribemember Mykhailo - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 36970, 16:28:47: Tribemember Mykhailo - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 37003, 09:46:26: Tribemember Rin - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37484, 06:38:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1877145175,"tribe":"Tribe of SKID logs":["Day 21115, 10:23:01: SKID was added to the Tribe! Day 21115, 10:23:35: Human was added to the Tribe by SKID! Day 21115, 10:36:17: Tribemember Human - Lvl 2 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 21115, 10:37:49: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 2 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 21115, 11:47:52: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 3 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 21115, 14:28:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 57 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 54! Day 21115, 15:24:30: Tribemember Human - Lvl 57 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 21115, 15:27:44: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 21115, 15:40:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 57 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 70! Day 21115, 16:09:52: Tribemember SKID - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 21115, 18:53:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed!"] "tribeid":1876491354,"tribe":"Two Man Dino Hoarders logs":["Day 12153, 05:37:13: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 12153, 06:05:44: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 12153, 06:33:03: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 12153, 06:59:06: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 291 (Beelzebufo) Day 12153, 10:07:54: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 277 (Sarco) Day 12153, 12:14:41: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 279 (Sarco) Day 12153, 13:11:18: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 299 (Sarco) Day 12153, 16:03:12: TrapsterJ Tamed a Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino)! Day 12153, 16:05:06: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 12153, 16:07:26: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 300 (Sarco) Day 12153, 17:51:33: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 173 (Spino)'! Day 12153, 20:05:29: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 173 (Spino) Day 12154, 14:49:34: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 173 (Spino) Day 12155, 17:08:40: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 12155, 19:22:19: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon) Day 12155, 19:24:12: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon) Day 12155, 19:25:54: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon) Day 12156, 00:15:15: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon) Day 12156, 14:41:00: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 200 (Spino) Day 12156, 18:18:53: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 233 (Spino) Day 12156, 18:40:35: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 12156, 19:14:24: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 236 (Spino) Day 12157, 13:40:45: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 237 (Spino) Day 12164, 13:10:06: TrapsterJ froze Definitely a Rottweiler - Lvl 268 (Direwolf) Day 12164, 16:40:12: TrapsterJ froze Definitely a Rottweiler - Lvl 269 (Direwolf) Day 12164, 19:33:13: TrapsterJ froze Definitely a Rottweiler - Lvl 272 (Direwolf) Day 12183, 15:33:25: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 238 (Spino) Day 12184, 05:49:47: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 240 (Spino) Day 12186, 11:49:07: zomB froze Sour Bum - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 12222, 16:54:46: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12222, 17:40:40: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 240 (Spino) Day 12222, 19:40:09: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 240 (Spino) Day 12223, 05:15:27: TrapsterJ Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 12223, 09:19:43: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 12223, 09:42:20: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 303 (Sarco) Day 12223, 11:43:44: TrapsterJ froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 236 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12223, 11:56:34: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 244 (Spino) Day 12223, 13:42:20: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 304 (Sarco) Day 12223, 15:00:20: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 304 (Sarco) Day 12223, 15:19:47: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12223, 15:33:53: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12223, 16:06:25: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12223, 16:38:29: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12223, 18:49:51: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 12223, 20:08:59: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 12223, 20:27:48: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 12223, 21:17:59: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 12223, 21:56:53: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 316 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 00:25:30: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 02:40:02: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 04:15:53: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 05:18:54: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 05:58:47: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 06:22:24: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12224, 07:32:00: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12224, 10:25:36: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 245 (Spino) Day 12224, 11:00:34: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 246 (Spino) Day 12224, 14:40:18: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 288 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12224, 15:23:39: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 246 (Spino) Day 12224, 17:05:26: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 289 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12224, 18:33:28: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 290 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12224, 19:48:34: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 247 (Spino) Day 12224, 20:06:51: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 290 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12225, 09:02:02: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 318 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 09:52:22: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 319 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 10:03:32: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 10:23:14: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 11:45:06: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 322 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 12:48:50: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 13:25:54: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 12225, 13:36:18: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 12236, 07:47:24: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 247 (Spino) Day 12236, 08:41:12: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 251 (Spino) Day 12236, 09:21:12: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 252 (Spino) Day 12236, 16:08:41: TrapsterJ froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 300 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 12236, 21:42:30: TrapsterJ froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 300 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 12237, 11:35:24: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 175 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12237, 15:59:59: TrapsterJ claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 145 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 12237, 18:44:52: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 175 (Snow Owl) Day 12237, 18:58:38: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 12237, 19:08:55: TrapsterJ froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 12238, 15:44:14: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 266 (Spino) Day 12238, 15:50:52: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 266 (Spino) Day 12238, 15:59:18: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 266 (Spino) Day 12239, 11:54:01: TrapsterJ froze green redwagon - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 06:43:59: TrapsterJ unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 145 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 12240, 06:55:21: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 279 (Spino) Day 12240, 08:33:21: TrapsterJ Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 12241, 01:38:24: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 12241, 03:43:40: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 12241, 14:42:53: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 287 (Spino) Day 12242, 03:06:07: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 295 (Spino) Day 12242, 20:12:23: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 295 (Spino) Day 12251, 19:36:40: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 295 (Spino) Day 12252, 06:51:52: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 298 (Spino) Day 12252, 13:47:50: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 301 (Spino) Day 12252, 17:16:12: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 303 (Spino) Day 12254, 11:55:38: TrapsterJ froze Snow Owl - Lvl 184 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 19:52:36: TrapsterJ Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur)! Day 12255, 19:56:54: TrapsterJ froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur) Day 12255, 22:40:34: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12256, 09:27:49: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 12256, 09:32:26: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 12256, 10:26:13: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 45! Day 12256, 12:48:27: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12256, 22:34:40: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 12257, 14:04:01: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 177 (Therizinosaur) Day 12294, 19:05:44: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 291 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12295, 05:31:10: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12295, 06:54:22: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 293 (Beelzebufo) Day 12295, 07:40:58: TrapsterJ froze Daeodon - Lvl 264 (Daeodon) Day 12295, 09:00:24: TrapsterJ unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12295, 10:26:43: TrapsterJ claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12295, 17:22:55: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 296 (Beelzebufo) Day 12298, 08:13:41: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12298, 22:00:24: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 304 (Spino) Day 12299, 00:58:48: TrapsterJ froze Spinoffs - Lvl 304 (Spino) Day 12299, 03:24:42: Your Spinoffs - Lvl 305 (Spino) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 270! Day 12299, 04:07:25: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 110! Day 12299, 04:57:31: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 308 (Sarco) Day 12299, 05:36:51: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 270! Day 12299, 06:26:41: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 252 (Baryonyx) Day 12299, 07:01:34: Your Dundee - Lvl 308 (Sarco) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 200! Day 12299, 07:31:28: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 260! Day 12299, 08:21:35: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 252 (Baryonyx) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 160! Day 12299, 08:23:41: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 160! Day 12306, 13:56:07: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco)'! Day 12306, 14:14:26: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 178 (Spino)'! Day 12306, 14:30:40: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco)'! Day 12306, 16:03:01: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 178 (Spino) Day 12306, 16:09:28: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 12306, 16:11:11: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 12306, 18:27:38: TrapsterJ claimed 'Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha)'! Day 12307, 00:05:36: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 178 (Spino) Day 12307, 00:10:00: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 178 (Spino) Day 12307, 02:21:14: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha) Day 12307, 04:27:59: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Sarco - Lvl 222 (Sarco) Day 12307, 12:13:13: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Spino - Lvl 178 (Spino) Day 12307, 15:27:13: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha) Day 12307, 15:28:54: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha) Day 12307, 16:15:12: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 296 (Beelzebufo) Day 12307, 16:27:43: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 12307, 17:42:30: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 12307, 23:37:28: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 301 (Beelzebufo) Day 12308, 02:02:00: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 301 (Beelzebufo) Day 12308, 02:12:52: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 12308, 05:49:30: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 302 (Beelzebufo) Day 12308, 05:53:20: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 12308, 06:26:21: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 302 (Beelzebufo) Day 12308, 06:28:36: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 12308, 12:14:44: Tribe of Mark tribe was merged in by Mark! Day 12308, 12:14:44: Mark was added to the Tribe by TrapsterJ! Day 12308, 16:55:28: Mark froze 229 F - Lvl 257 (Tek Parasaur) Day 12308, 18:07:49: Mark demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:10:13: Mark demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:11:23: Mark demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:12:20: Mark demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 12308, 18:13:32: Mark demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:15:55: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:38:36: Mark demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:39:46: Mark demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:57:17: Mark demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 12308, 18:58:26: Mark demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:06:41: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:27:27: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:28:55: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:30:15: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:31:59: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:34:06: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 19:50:48: Mark demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12308, 22:21:31: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur)'! Day 12308, 22:26:52: TrapsterJ froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur) Day 12309, 04:57:12: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 201 (Spino) Day 12309, 08:46:15: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 12309, 09:17:47: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 210 (Spino) Day 12309, 20:06:42: Tribemember Mark - Lvl 74 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 12310, 01:04:46: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 308 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 160! Day 12322, 01:26:49: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino)'! Day 12322, 08:59:01: TrapsterJ froze Allo Allo What do we hav - Lvl 302 (Allosaurus) Day 12322, 10:23:06: TrapsterJ froze Allo Allo What do we hav - Lvl 302 (Allosaurus) Day 12322, 13:07:54: TrapsterJ froze Allo Allo What do we hav - Lvl 303 (Allosaurus) Day 12322, 14:14:10: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 342 (Rex) Day 12322, 16:37:01: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 343 (Rex) Day 12322, 18:42:23: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 12322, 18:49:49: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 12322, 19:11:37: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 12322, 20:02:25: TrapsterJ froze Guilt Trip - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 12322, 21:36:17: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 12322, 22:13:11: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 302 (Beelzebufo) Day 12323, 04:32:51: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 04:54:47: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 303 (Beelzebufo) Day 12323, 06:40:06: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 08:14:20: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 08:28:30: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 08:32:37: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 09:42:19: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 10:04:25: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 12323, 11:01:29: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 12323, 13:29:56: TrapsterJ unclaimed 'Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino)'! Day 12323, 14:25:29: TrapsterJ claimed 'Spino - Lvl 225 (Spino)'! Day 12323, 14:38:16: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 226 (Spino) Day 12323, 15:51:48: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino)'! Day 12323, 19:56:53: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12323, 20:15:32: TrapsterJ froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 01:34:34: TrapsterJ froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 01:39:15: TrapsterJ froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 01:43:47: TrapsterJ froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 06:08:00: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 07:24:15: TrapsterJ froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur) Day 12324, 08:27:51: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 08:29:29: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 08:31:10: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 08:32:52: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 08:35:41: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12324, 13:06:22: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12325, 10:49:29: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 163 (Spino)'! Day 12325, 10:54:05: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 163 (Spino) Day 12325, 18:44:58: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12325, 19:08:31: TrapsterJ froze Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 12326, 01:01:09: TrapsterJ froze Snow Owl - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 12326, 04:33:23: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 241 (Spino) Day 12326, 04:47:49: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 241 (Spino) Day 12326, 08:27:04: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 247 (Spino) Day 12326, 15:34:13: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 162 (Spino)'! Day 12338, 09:45:58: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 158 (Spino)'! Day 12338, 09:46:45: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 163 (Spino)'! Day 12338, 09:50:09: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 173 (Spino)'! Day 12338, 09:56:44: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12338, 10:04:15: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino)'! Day 12338, 10:50:11: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 173 (Spino) Day 12338, 11:06:16: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 158 (Spino) Day 12338, 11:20:32: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12339, 20:00:39: Mark Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 12339, 20:10:18: Mark froze Helen - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12339, 22:32:45: Mark froze Helen - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12339, 22:42:40: Tribemember Mark - Lvl 79 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 12341, 05:39:14: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 295 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12341, 05:54:43: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 295 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12341, 10:30:07: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 296 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12341, 13:21:13: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 296 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12341, 14:15:45: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 296 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12350, 03:08:09: Mark demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12350, 03:09:50: Mark demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12351, 06:20:32: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino)'! Day 12351, 06:24:05: TrapsterJ froze Baby Spino - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12351, 07:24:27: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 239 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 12351, 14:59:47: TrapsterJ Tamed a Spino - Lvl 142 (Spino)! Day 12351, 15:02:55: Your Spino - Lvl 142 (Spino) was killed by TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12351, 15:02:55: Your Tribe killed Spino - Lvl 142 (Spino) (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12351, 15:20:01: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 250 (Spino) Day 12351, 16:56:16: TrapsterJ froze Snow Owl - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 12352, 03:00:30: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 161 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:02:07: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 161 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:06:03: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 158 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:08:52: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 159 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:12:11: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 154 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:15:35: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 150 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 03:17:35: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 150 (Spino)'! Day 12352, 05:24:51: Your Baby Mutation Baby Male - Lvl 161 (Spino) was killed by TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12352, 05:24:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Mutation Baby Male - Lvl 161 (Spino) (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12352, 09:56:38: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 175 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12352, 10:56:44: Your Juvenile Spino - Lvl 150 (Spino) was killed by TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12352, 10:56:44: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Spino - Lvl 150 (Spino) (Two Man Dino Hoarders)! Day 12353, 17:54:56: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 270 (Spino) Day 12353, 18:12:58: TrapsterJ unclaimed 'Sarco - Lvl 249 (Sarco)'! Day 12354, 05:18:51: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 276 (Spino) Day 12354, 06:30:50: TrapsterJ claimed 'Sarco - Lvl 285 (Sarco)'! Day 12414, 12:21:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12414, 12:21:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12436, 15:58:22: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12442, 11:54:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12498, 12:35:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12537, 06:52:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12537, 06:52:55: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12537, 06:52:55: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12630, 23:31:50: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12670, 08:42:56: TrapsterJ froze The 145 Divine - Lvl 239 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12670, 09:32:17: TrapsterJ froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 143 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12670, 09:35:17: TrapsterJ froze Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 12670, 09:46:00: TrapsterJ froze Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 12670, 10:00:49: TrapsterJ froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 304 (Beelzebufo) Day 12670, 13:38:09: TrapsterJ claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12670, 14:50:34: TrapsterJ froze Snow Owl - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 12670, 15:01:46: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:05:45: TrapsterJ froze Female Mutation - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:07:19: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 161 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:09:04: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 150 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:10:28: TrapsterJ froze Baby Female - Lvl 163 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:12:02: TrapsterJ froze Original Female - Lvl 179 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:17:44: TrapsterJ froze Female Mutation - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:19:38: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 158 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:21:28: TrapsterJ froze Male - Lvl 218 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:23:20: TrapsterJ froze Baby Female - Lvl 173 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:25:39: TrapsterJ froze Baby Female - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:27:48: TrapsterJ froze Baby Female - Lvl 163 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:32:40: TrapsterJ froze Baby Female - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:35:53: TrapsterJ froze Mutated Baby Male - Lvl 160 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:37:56: TrapsterJ froze Male Baby - Lvl 162 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:39:50: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 158 (Spino) Day 12670, 15:43:34: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 154 (Spino) Day 12670, 16:13:07: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 159 (Spino) Day 12670, 16:17:22: TrapsterJ froze Sarco - Lvl 245 (Sarco) Day 12670, 16:18:46: TrapsterJ froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 12670, 16:21:04: TrapsterJ froze The Diciple #2 - Lvl 284 (Allosaurus) Day 12670, 16:23:09: TrapsterJ froze The Disciple #1 - Lvl 238 (Allosaurus) Day 12670, 16:33:58: TrapsterJ froze Sarco - Lvl 224 (Sarco) Day 12677, 07:31:12: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12677, 07:31:12: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12677, 07:31:12: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12698, 07:51:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12710, 10:29:02: Mark's 'Helen - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12842, 15:41:31: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12856, 15:36:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12856, 15:36:35: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12856, 15:36:35: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12870, 15:33:39: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12878, 23:44:49: Dimorphodon - Lvl 72 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 12906, 18:54:16: Dimorphodon - Lvl 94 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 13171, 16:32:36: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13273, 06:49:00: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 297 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 07:53:24: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 09:57:27: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 10:16:00: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 11:08:50: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 11:26:50: TrapsterJ froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 12:42:38: TrapsterJ froze Daeodon - Lvl 278 (Daeodon) Day 13273, 12:46:43: TrapsterJ froze Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha) Day 13273, 13:08:36: TrapsterJ froze Resident Sleeper - Lvl 167 (Megalosaurus) Day 13273, 13:10:04: TrapsterJ froze Lightweight Drinker - Lvl 243 (Megalosaurus) Day 13273, 13:31:53: TrapsterJ froze Lightweight Drinker - Lvl 243 (Megalosaurus) Day 13273, 13:33:20: TrapsterJ froze Rolling Thunder - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13273, 17:00:03: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Wall Sign'! Day 13398, 12:11:31: Your Definitely a Rottweiler - Lvl 278 (Direwolf) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 13618, 13:30:43: Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 13618, 17:49:12: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino)'! Day 13618, 17:56:48: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13618, 18:03:13: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bert - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13618, 18:04:13: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13618, 18:05:47: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13618, 18:12:42: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame '0-60 in 6.9 secs - Lvl 246 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13618, 18:40:57: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13618, 18:51:27: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Bird - Lvl 238 (Quetzal)'! Day 13619, 13:28:29: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 257 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13619, 14:34:45: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Guilt Trip - Lvl 344 (Rex)'! Day 13619, 14:49:02: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allo Allo What do we hav - Lvl 304 (Allosaurus)'! Day 13619, 14:54:28: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor from Utah, USA - Lvl 272 (Raptor)'! Day 13619, 15:08:12: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 266 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 13619, 15:31:25: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 91 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13619, 16:43:59: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 285 (Sarco)'! Day 13619, 16:52:58: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mutated Therino - Lvl 175 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13619, 17:10:09: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium)'! Day 13620, 11:32:56: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 201 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13626, 10:17:45: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13634, 13:20:46: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 247 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13634, 13:24:26: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 13634, 13:25:49: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 13634, 13:31:43: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The OG Guard Dog - Lvl 123 (Rex)'! Day 13634, 13:36:48: Dragon - Lvl 137 (Droogn) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13635, 01:22:28: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame '229 F - Lvl 262 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 13635, 02:48:53: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King Louie - Lvl 295 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 13644, 15:01:23: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Worth? - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13704, 10:54:42: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13704, 10:54:42: 's 'Spino - Lvl 161 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13704, 10:54:42: 's 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 15 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13704, 10:56:47: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 285 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 13730, 04:51:03: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Original Male - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13730, 04:52:28: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Original Female - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13730, 04:54:24: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13730, 05:32:04: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 13785, 20:05:22: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 278 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 13794, 08:16:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13794, 08:16:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13901, 15:59:05: Tribemember Mark - Lvl 80 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 13962, 09:24:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13962, 09:24:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22053, 10:44:26: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1874821204,"tribe":"Tribe of Armed logs":["Day 26452, 15:46:22: Armed was added to the Tribe! Day 26452, 15:49:27: Glenn Quagmire was added to the Tribe by Armed! Day 26452, 18:49:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26718, 06:37:57: Tribemember Glenn Quagmire - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 26718, 06:40:21: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed! Day 26786, 09:57:54: Your Phiomia - Lvl 44 (Phiomia) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 26894, 18:52:14: Tribemember Armed - Lvl 9 was killed!"] "tribeid":1872476271,"tribe":"Tribe of DinoFodder logs":["Day 25390, 22:31:12: DinoFodder was added to the Tribe! Day 25390, 23:54:19: Human was added to the Tribe by DinoFodder! Day 25391, 11:34:36: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 9 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 95! Day 25391, 11:56:26: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 9 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 95! Day 25391, 18:01:14: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 22 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 25392, 19:33:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25393, 04:02:27: DinoFodder Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25393, 05:37:56: DinoFodder Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 25393, 05:58:59: DinoFodder Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 82 (Dimorphodon)! Day 25393, 14:16:31: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25393, 14:16:31: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25393, 14:40:38: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 64 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 125! Day 25394, 07:15:30: DinoFodder Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 22 (Phiomia)! Day 25394, 09:54:45: DinoFodder Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25394, 16:51:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 25413, 01:41:15: Human demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 25413, 08:27:59: DinoFodder Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25413, 20:06:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 25413, 21:32:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 25413, 21:49:43: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 25414, 01:19:03: DinoFodder was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1871769555,"tribe":"Boggy Boys logs":["Day 42244, 11:42:41: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 11:45:45: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 11:48:30: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 12:18:14: Boyle froze 295 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 42244, 12:29:17: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 320 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42244, 17:46:41: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:49:36: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:52:35: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) Day 42244, 17:56:00: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 07:53:41: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42245, 07:58:15: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 08:00:55: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 08:03:50: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 08:06:41: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) Day 42245, 11:04:20: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42245, 13:32:52: Boyle froze Shadowmane - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 42245, 18:18:49: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42246, 16:50:08: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42246, 17:21:56: Boyle froze h38 s30 w35 m36 - Lvl 349 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 17:41:28: Boyle froze h38 s30 w35 m36 - Lvl 349 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 18:43:52: Boyle froze h38 s30 w35 m36 - Lvl 349 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42246, 19:53:21: Boyle froze h38 s30 w35 m36 - Lvl 349 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42247, 01:14:44: Boyle claimed 'ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42247, 09:50:08: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 09:55:35: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:00:24: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:31:22: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) Day 42247, 10:41:52: Boyle unclaimed 'ready2 - Lvl 451 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42247, 13:47:21: Boyle froze Manny - Lvl 281 (Mammoth) Day 42247, 13:50:47: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42247, 14:45:07: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42261, 23:01:04: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 322 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42262, 03:53:42: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42262, 12:03:56: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 322 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42262, 12:21:03: Boyle claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 42262, 12:25:15: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 42262, 13:47:24: Boyle claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 42262, 13:51:13: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42262, 13:51:30: Boyle claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 42262, 13:55:40: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42263, 12:36:14: Boyle froze 207 - Lvl 207 (Desmodus) Day 42263, 12:39:30: Boyle froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 42263, 15:11:32: Boyle froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 42263, 18:45:23: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42263, 18:50:30: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42263, 22:34:29: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42264, 01:19:06: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42264, 01:24:22: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42264, 01:29:05: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42264, 04:14:03: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42264, 05:14:32: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42264, 12:36:04: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 320 (Maewing) Day 42264, 12:44:20: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42264, 12:47:11: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42264, 13:02:20: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 42264, 13:10:09: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42264, 13:16:07: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 297 (Snow Owl) Day 42293, 18:31:51: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 42293, 18:34:41: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 42293, 18:37:38: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42293, 18:40:28: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 42293, 19:05:44: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 42293, 19:08:34: Boyle froze Shadowmane - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane) Day 42293, 19:56:45: Boyle claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane)'! Day 42293, 20:06:21: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 42293, 20:09:07: Boyle froze Shadowmane - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 42294, 03:33:11: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42294, 07:39:31: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 324 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42294, 07:54:49: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42294, 08:17:12: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 325 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42294, 12:09:48: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42294, 12:46:41: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42294, 23:26:22: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42294, 23:31:05: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 330 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42295, 02:52:27: Boyle froze Baby Boyle - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 42295, 06:19:36: Boyle froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 42295, 08:05:14: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 42295, 15:29:42: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42295, 15:32:28: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42295, 15:35:15: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 42295, 22:21:53: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 42295, 23:28:15: Boyle froze Adolescent Boyle - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 42295, 23:35:12: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 42426, 03:50:49: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 330 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42426, 04:01:13: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 42426, 12:28:39: Boyle froze Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) Day 42426, 12:38:02: Boyle froze Velonasaur - Lvl 234 (Velonasaur) Day 42426, 21:21:10: Boyle froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 42426, 22:22:59: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 331 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42427, 16:45:23: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl) Day 42427, 22:10:37: Boyle froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42462, 12:07:30: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 331 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42595, 13:44:12: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 338 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42595, 14:21:47: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:24:30: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:27:18: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:30:16: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:33:06: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:35:58: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 14:38:51: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 42595, 19:20:40: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42596, 07:43:36: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 42596, 08:47:21: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 42596, 11:08:58: Boyle froze Juvenile Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42596, 19:19:27: Boyle froze Adolescent Boyle - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 42597, 00:03:03: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 42602, 12:12:14: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42602, 21:37:27: Boyle froze Iron-Mike - Lvl 325 (Ankylosaurus) Day 42602, 21:45:57: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42603, 21:01:46: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 42604, 02:20:39: Boyle froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 338 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42604, 02:52:20: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 218 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42604, 09:04:16: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 09:13:23: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 09:18:27: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 09:28:59: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 09:32:21: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 42604, 14:02:28: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 240 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42604, 14:57:19: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 240 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42604, 22:13:31: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 240 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42605, 06:00:33: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 256 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42605, 08:46:21: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:35:21: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:39:09: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:42:38: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:50:53: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex) Day 42605, 20:56:59: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 42606, 00:30:43: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 257 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42606, 00:37:10: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 42648, 07:34:55: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42653, 02:44:18: Boyle froze OSD - Lvl 407 (Argentavis) Day 42653, 16:24:17: Boyle froze 55h 55s 57m - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 42653, 16:27:03: Boyle froze 55s 57w - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 42653, 17:01:27: Boyle froze 55h 55s 57m - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 42653, 20:08:14: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 42744, 21:27:40: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42747, 15:53:25: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42748, 07:08:12: Boyle - Lvl 161 requested an Alliance with The Empire Tribe. Day 42748, 07:09:21: Boyle - Lvl 161 requested an Alliance with The Empire Tribe. Day 42748, 07:15:04: Boyle - Lvl 161 requested an Alliance with The Empire Tribe. Day 42748, 07:18:30: Boyle added 'The Empire' Tribe to The Boys Alliance! Day 42748, 09:42:31: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42748, 14:21:08: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42749, 00:17:00: Boyle froze Polly 34m - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 42749, 00:20:34: Boyle froze Tina 34W - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42749, 02:29:19: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42749, 03:38:58: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 42762, 14:18:48: Boyle demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right'! Day 42762, 19:05:38: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42762, 19:09:23: Boyle froze Manny - Lvl 333 (Mammoth) Day 42762, 23:02:56: Boyle Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 119 (Phiomia)! Day 42762, 23:07:30: Boyle froze Phiomia - Lvl 119 (Phiomia) Day 42763, 00:54:45: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42763, 05:07:30: Boyle froze Boy 7 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42763, 08:25:20: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42763, 08:30:19: Boyle froze Baby Perf F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 42763, 10:10:33: Boyle froze Baby Perf F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 42763, 10:25:09: Boyle froze Pure Female - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 42763, 10:38:15: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42763, 10:45:26: Boyle froze Baby PERF M - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex) Day 42763, 17:21:37: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42765, 20:05:36: Boyle froze Boy 7 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42765, 20:32:12: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42767, 17:25:39: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42767, 17:29:25: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42767, 17:29:29: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42767, 17:32:29: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42767, 17:35:16: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42767, 17:39:26: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42767, 18:43:53: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42768, 19:55:05: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 19:57:51: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 20:01:00: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 20:03:51: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 20:06:44: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 20:11:08: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 42768, 20:59:10: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42769, 04:12:49: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42769, 18:20:38: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 42769, 18:24:33: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42769, 20:54:59: Boyle froze Desmodus - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 42770, 02:37:08: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 02:40:38: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 02:47:17: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 03:00:36: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 06:27:01: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42770, 06:30:02: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 06:32:11: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42770, 06:34:52: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 07:07:41: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 07:11:32: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42770, 11:22:17: Boyle froze Desmodus - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 42770, 15:19:07: Boyle froze Juvenile perf F - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42770, 15:22:24: Boyle froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42772, 11:54:40: Boyle froze Juvenile perf F - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42772, 11:58:58: Boyle froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42793, 13:27:53: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42794, 05:48:15: Boyle froze perf F - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42794, 06:58:27: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 340 (Maewing) Day 42794, 08:49:14: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 42794, 08:52:43: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 42794, 10:08:14: Boyle froze Bat - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 42794, 11:22:40: Boyle froze Bat - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 42794, 13:47:31: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42794, 15:08:15: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 42794, 19:59:56: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42794, 20:15:47: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42794, 20:44:48: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 42795, 17:21:55: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 42795, 18:29:23: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42795, 18:32:15: Boyle froze Manny - Lvl 340 (Mammoth) Day 42795, 18:50:02: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 42795, 18:52:55: Boyle froze perf F - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42795, 18:57:28: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42795, 19:01:09: Boyle froze 55h 55s 57m - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 42795, 19:55:10: Boyle froze 55s 57w - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 02:27:35: Boyle froze Polly 34m - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 02:31:15: Boyle froze Tina 34W - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 05:15:34: Boyle froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 05:46:38: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42796, 05:50:04: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42796, 05:56:03: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 307 (Argentavis)'! Day 42796, 05:59:29: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 42797, 00:46:20: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 42823, 20:05:38: Adolescent Breeding Male - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 42839, 01:46:05: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42839, 04:20:55: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42839, 07:34:24: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 42839, 08:46:55: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42839, 08:50:12: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42840, 11:35:07: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 14:17:46: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42840, 14:21:15: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 14:25:24: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42840, 14:28:40: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 14:29:28: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42840, 14:32:21: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 14:37:47: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis)'! Day 42840, 14:41:12: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 15:11:29: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 15:52:18: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42840, 15:57:08: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42840, 16:28:51: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 42840, 16:57:29: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:00:10: Boyle froze WC224 M54 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:08:14: Boyle froze weight - Lvl 414 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:11:16: Boyle froze liz - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:13:59: Boyle froze Miss forklift - Lvl 399 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:28:05: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:31:11: Boyle froze perf F - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:34:30: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:37:11: Boyle froze 55h 55s 57m - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:39:59: Boyle froze Tina 34W - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 17:44:07: Boyle froze Polly 34m - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 42840, 21:13:16: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42840, 22:12:34: Boyle froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42840, 22:22:56: Boyle froze Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) Day 42840, 22:26:32: Boyle froze Velonasaur - Lvl 298 (Velonasaur) Day 42840, 23:02:30: Boyle froze Speed - Lvl 323 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42840, 23:12:21: Boyle claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur)'! Day 42840, 23:17:29: Boyle froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur) Day 42841, 01:32:21: Boyle froze Megachelon - Lvl 388 (Megachelon) Day 42841, 04:16:40: Boyle froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur) Day 42842, 00:28:31: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 42842, 00:34:50: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42842, 01:10:31: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 01:14:01: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 01:18:28: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 01:22:27: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 04:37:15: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42842, 04:40:44: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42842, 04:41:22: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42842, 04:45:38: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:04:18: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42843, 12:52:24: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42843, 12:58:56: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 08:13:49: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42862, 08:16:37: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42862, 08:20:39: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42862, 08:53:40: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:01:59: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:04:51: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:07:48: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:16:07: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:20:50: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:28:19: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:31:12: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 09:41:18: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42862, 10:12:48: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 12:11:31: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42862, 14:12:49: Boyle froze Doedicurus - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus) Day 42862, 14:24:14: Boyle froze Manny - Lvl 343 (Mammoth) Day 42862, 14:53:53: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42862, 14:56:38: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42862, 14:59:33: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42862, 15:02:14: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42864, 03:33:58: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42864, 05:29:58: Boyle froze 203 Boyle - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 42864, 05:39:41: Boyle froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42866, 07:36:19: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42866, 07:37:04: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42866, 07:39:45: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42866, 07:42:30: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42866, 13:29:11: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42867, 08:57:46: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42867, 12:08:22: Boyle froze 203 Boyle - Lvl 317 (Basilosaurus) Day 42867, 14:19:54: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42867, 14:23:24: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42867, 15:46:59: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 15:49:44: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 16:08:42: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 16:14:46: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 17:02:58: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 17:42:37: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 17:46:14: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 17:51:38: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42867, 19:13:22: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42899, 20:58:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42907, 18:41:06: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42907, 18:45:08: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42907, 18:47:53: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42907, 18:51:29: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42907, 18:52:14: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42907, 18:55:38: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42907, 18:58:20: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42907, 19:00:36: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42907, 19:03:53: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42907, 19:57:15: Boyle froze Bat - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 42907, 20:36:03: Boyle froze Speed - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42908, 04:07:35: Boyle froze Bat - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 42908, 06:32:16: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42908, 12:41:26: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 13:49:09: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42908, 13:51:53: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 13:52:21: Boyle claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 42908, 13:55:07: Boyle froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42908, 15:30:02: Boyle claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing)'! Day 42909, 05:06:04: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42909, 05:09:51: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42909, 05:13:25: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42909, 05:17:36: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42910, 13:56:29: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 14:02:53: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 15:21:55: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42910, 15:24:42: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42910, 15:25:14: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 42910, 15:28:47: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42910, 15:36:56: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42910, 15:41:41: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42910, 15:42:13: Boyle claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)'! Day 42910, 15:44:51: Boyle froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42910, 16:49:59: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42910, 17:39:30: Boyle froze Speed - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42910, 22:55:12: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 22:58:53: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 23:19:14: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 23:33:28: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 23:41:20: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42910, 23:47:06: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 42911, 01:04:48: Boyle froze Bat - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 42912, 00:59:55: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42912, 01:03:26: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42912, 01:07:27: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 42912, 01:11:59: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 42983, 15:58:37: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43057, 12:20:06: Boyle froze Shadowmane - Lvl 417 (Shadowmane) Day 43077, 05:27:34: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 43077, 07:22:14: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 322 (Snow Owl) Day 43128, 11:42:17: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43246, 17:30:18: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 43246, 21:22:35: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 328 (Snow Owl) Day 43343, 19:09:50: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43559, 10:10:01: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43700, 21:57:55: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 43701, 02:34:06: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 43701, 03:17:17: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 43932, 01:21:29: Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 44200, 18:17:29: Boyle froze Moschops - Lvl 297 (Moschops) Day 44200, 18:21:33: Boyle froze Berty - Lvl 315 (Bulbdog) Day 44200, 18:25:44: Boyle froze Patricia - Lvl 107 (Dodo) Day 44200, 18:33:47: Boyle froze Patricia - Lvl 107 (Dodo) Day 44200, 18:36:35: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:39:24: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:43:14: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:46:01: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:53:54: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:56:53: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 18:59:44: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 19:02:31: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 19:05:29: Boyle froze Argentavis - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 44200, 19:08:45: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 341 (Maewing) Day 44200, 19:19:47: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:22:41: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:26:45: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:30:29: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:33:15: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:37:56: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:40:47: Boyle froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 44200, 19:49:10: Boyle froze superotter - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 44892, 13:55:04: Boyle froze Boyle - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus)"] "tribeid":1869684088,"tribe":"VT logs":["Day 27944, 02:53:06: Lola was added to the Tribe! Day 27983, 16:07:42: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27983, 16:13:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 27983, 16:21:52: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 27983, 16:23:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 28057, 17:53:50: Tribemember Lola - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 28092, 13:54:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28130, 09:23:34: Mesopithecus - Lvl 32 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29108, 23:06:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1868191102,"tribe":"yeet logs":["Day 13824, 23:32:39: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13824, 23:55:45: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 00:08:28: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 06:05:37: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 06:07:44: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:10:10: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 06:12:47: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:15:00: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:17:03: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:18:53: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:20:34: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:22:27: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:24:11: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:26:03: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:28:21: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:30:24: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:32:10: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 06:33:58: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 08:46:11: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 08:53:43: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 09:41:52: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 09:42:51: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 10:22:11: Jade froze Rex F04 JKV - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 13825, 11:35:21: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 11:35:44: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 11:36:17: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13825, 11:50:57: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 11:54:15: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 12:00:43: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 12:02:23: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 12:04:34: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 12:06:44: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 12:11:24: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 12:17:52: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 14:51:32: Jade froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 14:55:26: Jade froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 14:59:35: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 15:02:22: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 15:05:02: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 15:08:16: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 15:11:12: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 15:15:44: Jade froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 17:11:24: Jade froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 19:41:36: Jade froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13825, 20:19:40: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 20:22:28: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 20:24:40: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 20:32:42: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 13825, 20:36:46: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 13827, 01:57:28: Jade claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 177 (Managarmr)'! Day 13827, 02:04:46: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 177 (Managarmr) Day 13827, 06:44:17: Your Baby Managarmr - Lvl 177 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 13827, 06:44:17: Baby Managarmr - Lvl 177 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 13827, 09:16:33: Jade demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 13827, 12:04:55: Jade demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 13827, 12:05:40: Jade demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13827, 14:59:36: whats up bruh demolished a 'Greenhouse Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 13827, 16:10:53: Jade froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 16:12:26: Jade froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 16:28:46: whats up bruh demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 13827, 16:34:16: whats up bruh demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 13827, 17:19:22: Jade demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 13827, 18:58:39: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:00:25: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:02:07: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:03:54: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:05:30: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:05:48: Jade demolished a 'Greenhouse Double Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 13827, 19:06:48: Jade demolished a 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe'! Day 13827, 19:07:01: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:07:29: Jade demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 13827, 19:08:07: Jade demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left'! Day 13827, 19:09:10: Jade demolished a 'Greenhouse Ceiling'! Day 13827, 19:13:44: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 19:15:18: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13827, 23:48:52: whats up bruh claimed 'Rex F02 JKV - Lvl 316 (Rex)'! Day 13828, 00:05:23: Jade demolished a 'whats up bruhs other box (Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13828, 00:10:50: Jade demolished a 'whats up bruhs stuff (Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13828, 05:55:57: Jade demolished a 'Metal Door Frame'! Day 13828, 05:57:17: Jade demolished a 'Metal Door (Locked) '! Day 13828, 05:57:50: Jade demolished a 'Metal Door Frame'! Day 13828, 05:58:38: Jade demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13828, 05:59:06: Jade demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13828, 05:59:33: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 06:00:14: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 06:00:53: Jade demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13828, 06:01:59: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 06:02:36: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 06:03:22: Jade demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13828, 06:03:53: Jade demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13828, 06:04:38: Jade demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13828, 07:33:31: Jade demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13828, 07:34:07: Jade demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 13828, 08:00:19: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 08:01:24: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 08:02:02: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 08:02:32: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 08:13:20: Jade demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 13828, 09:52:56: Jade demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 13828, 10:15:44: Jade demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 13828, 10:16:35: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 10:17:08: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 10:18:30: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 10:37:33: Jade demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13828, 11:06:49: Jade demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 13828, 11:22:24: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 11:23:38: Jade demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 13828, 11:24:30: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 11:25:04: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 11:29:13: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 11:32:43: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 13828, 11:43:07: whats up bruh demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 13828, 11:44:24: whats up bruh demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 13828, 12:51:56: whats up bruh claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 168 (Kairuku)'! Day 13828, 12:54:24: whats up bruh claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku)'! Day 13828, 12:57:43: whats up bruh claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku)'! Day 13828, 13:37:04: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 13:37:37: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 13:38:07: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 13:39:16: Jade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13828, 14:42:34: Jade demolished a 'Building stuff (Large Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 13828, 15:35:46: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:38:57: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:40:42: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:42:41: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:44:22: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:46:05: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:47:39: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:49:13: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:50:43: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 15:51:21: Jade demolished a 'Animal related stuff (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13828, 15:52:28: whats up bruh froze Juvenile Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 16:44:32: Jade demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 13828, 17:56:59: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 17:59:20: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:00:48: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:02:29: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:06:38: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:08:30: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:10:04: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 168 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:12:31: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 168 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:14:14: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 168 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:16:07: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:17:40: whats up bruh froze Adolescent Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku) Day 13828, 18:19:51: Jade demolished a 'bruhs box 4 (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13828, 18:21:10: Jade demolished a 'bruhs box 3 (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 13837, 17:53:55: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 13837, 22:46:12: Jade froze Rex F02 JKV - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 13838, 06:25:05: Jade claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr)'! Day 13838, 08:40:20: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13838, 08:50:27: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 08:54:09: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 08:56:54: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 08:58:09: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 84 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13838, 09:04:32: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:07:57: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:10:25: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:12:55: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:15:14: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:17:42: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 09:23:16: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13838, 09:40:56: Jade claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 58 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13838, 15:11:30: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13838, 15:21:02: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 58 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:24:47: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:26:47: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 84 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:29:49: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:32:40: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:34:28: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:36:53: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:39:19: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:41:24: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:43:23: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:45:14: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:47:32: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 15:49:16: Jade froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) Day 13838, 16:50:43: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 22 (Compy)! Day 13838, 16:51:46: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)! Day 13838, 16:53:05: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)! Day 13838, 16:54:43: Jade froze Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) Day 13838, 16:56:11: Jade froze Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) Day 13838, 17:24:55: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 109 was killed by Midnight - Lvl 313 (Lightning Wyvern) (yeet)! Day 13838, 17:24:55: Your Tribe killed Jade - Lvl 109 (yeet)! Day 13838, 17:24:56: Your Compy - Lvl 22 (Compy) was killed by Midnight - Lvl 313 (Lightning Wyvern) (yeet)! Day 13838, 17:24:56: Your Tribe killed Compy - Lvl 22 (Compy) (yeet)! Day 13838, 18:21:55: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)! Day 13838, 18:22:07: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 149 (Compy)! Day 13838, 18:33:45: Your Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) was killed by Jade - Lvl 109 (yeet)! Day 13838, 18:33:45: Your Tribe killed Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) (yeet)! Day 13838, 19:28:07: Jade froze Midnight - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13838, 19:58:37: Jade Tamed a Compy - Lvl 209 (Compy)! Day 13838, 20:08:13: Your Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) was killed by Jade - Lvl 109 (yeet)! Day 13838, 20:08:13: Your Tribe killed Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) (yeet)! Day 13838, 20:40:21: Jade froze Adolescent {M} Mana - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) Day 13840, 12:42:58: Adolescent {M} Mana - Lvl 142 (Managarmr) starved to death! Day 13858, 06:34:38: Jade froze Jade's Mana - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 08:44:49: Jade claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr)'! Day 13858, 08:46:35: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 09:01:55: Jade claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr)'! Day 13858, 09:03:38: Jade froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 09:06:18: Jade froze Jade's Mana - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:09:00: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:10:33: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:15:48: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 160 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:18:00: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:20:51: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13858, 13:24:21: Jade froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13870, 16:12:25: Jade froze Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13870, 16:16:59: Jade froze Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13870, 23:32:34: Jade froze Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr) Day 13870, 23:38:24: Jade froze Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr) Day 13924, 18:03:19: Jade Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 116 (Terror Bird)! Day 13924, 18:05:16: Jade froze Terror Bird - Lvl 116 (Terror Bird) Day 13924, 19:24:32: Jade claimed 'Baby Compy - Lvl 152 (Compy)'! Day 14064, 08:19:35: Argentavis - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 14091, 07:18:51: Jade was removed from the Tribe by Jade! Day 14091, 07:29:41: Your Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) was killed! Day 14091, 07:29:41: Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy) starved to death! Day 14091, 10:04:22: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 14106, 23:06:36: Argentavis - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 14153, 04:43:13: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 14190, 13:38:26: tek kaos - Lvl 139 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14237, 11:55:03: Dilophosaur - Lvl 87 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 14248, 09:47:18: Compy - Lvl 152 (Compy) starved to death! Day 14248, 13:15:40: red nees - Lvl 107 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 14251, 22:30:53: Hoot Hoot No.2 - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14270, 02:59:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14270, 02:59:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14270, 02:59:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14306, 11:52:01: Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14307, 14:49:54: Omaga - Lvl 141 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 14315, 14:29:41: Your Compy - Lvl 209 (Compy) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 14360, 08:53:11: Deinonychus - Lvl 58 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14360, 08:54:14: teky - Lvl 287 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14385, 09:09:28: Therizinosaur - Lvl 117 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 14385, 09:09:30: Avacado - Lvl 145 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 14401, 10:54:42: snaptrap - Lvl 204 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 14433, 14:13:20: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gaspar - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14433, 14:25:17: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jade's Mana - Lvl 223 (Managarmr)'! Day 14433, 14:29:02: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky - Lvl 251 (Managarmr)'! Day 14433, 14:29:52: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 268 (Argentavis)'! Day 14433, 14:30:06: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tigress - Lvl 257 (Sabertooth)'! Day 14433, 14:30:17: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14433, 14:31:37: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 143 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:31:52: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flappy tits - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14433, 14:32:15: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 215 (Snow Owl)'! Day 14433, 14:32:37: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium)'! Day 14433, 14:32:51: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{M}Megatherium - Lvl 336 (Megatherium)'! Day 14433, 14:34:01: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lawnmower - Lvl 298 (Megatherium)'! Day 14433, 14:35:26: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eleshell - Lvl 188 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:35:38: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sleepyhollow 2 - Lvl 185 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:36:04: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'feather - Lvl 207 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:36:16: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blue 3 - Lvl 205 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:37:22: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'xd lol - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:37:54: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'o shuddup xd - Lvl 197 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:38:11: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Base number 3 - Lvl 89 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 14433, 14:38:31: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sky - Lvl 167 (Raptor)'! Day 14433, 14:39:04: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 111 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 14433, 14:40:16: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 14:40:59: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:41:13: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:41:28: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'green back - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:41:38: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'white boi jr. - Lvl 175 (Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:41:53: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 14:42:26: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex F04 JKV - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:42:43: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 14:42:52: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 84 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 14:43:29: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 164 (Managarmr)'! Day 14433, 14:44:29: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 165 (Managarmr)'! Day 14433, 14:47:32: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex F02 JKV - Lvl 316 (Rex)'! Day 14433, 14:49:49: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 133 (Terror Bird)'! Day 14433, 14:50:01: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 149 (Compy)'! Day 14433, 14:54:01: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crystan - Lvl 136 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 14:54:17: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue - Lvl 284 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 14:54:36: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bloody - Lvl 257 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 14:54:51: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rose - Lvl 189 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 14:58:03: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 92 (Argentavis)'! Day 14433, 15:03:38: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Midnight - Lvl 314 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14433, 15:48:37: Deinonychus - Lvl 61 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14433, 16:25:09: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 56 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 16:25:54: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 97 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 16:28:44: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 16:33:22: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14433, 20:57:29: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)'! Day 14433, 20:58:18: Joanna - Lvl 123 (Of Light) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BlackTail Jr. - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 14433, 23:55:01: Tribemember whats up bruh - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14434, 02:26:38: Tribemember shadow - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 14434, 02:38:03: Tribemember ICE - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14438, 09:54:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14473, 02:53:59: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 14474, 07:51:49: Your baby penguin thing - Lvl 90 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 14474, 07:53:32: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14474, 12:23:00: Your Kairuku - Lvl 231 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 14474, 13:39:50: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 14474, 15:52:17: Your Kairuku - Lvl 217 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 14474, 18:50:28: Your Kairuku - Lvl 84 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 60! Day 14474, 18:59:15: Your Kairuku - Lvl 198 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 14474, 19:21:45: Your Kairuku - Lvl 231 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 14474, 20:32:16: Your mutation - Lvl 128 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 14474, 21:20:28: Your Kairuku - Lvl 183 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 14474, 21:50:29: Your baby mother of penguins - Lvl 191 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 14475, 03:51:37: Your Kairuku - Lvl 188 (Kairuku) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 95! Day 14482, 07:37:28: Tribemember shadow - Lvl 23 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 14499, 18:54:20: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baby green head - Lvl 119 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:19:27: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 215 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:20:22: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 98 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:21:56: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 215 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:22:21: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 231 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:23:36: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 192 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:28:09: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 221 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 19:28:25: LARIMARA - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 168 (Kairuku)'! Day 14499, 20:00:17: LARIMARA - Lvl 27 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mother of penguins - Lvl 254 (Kairuku)'! Day 14542, 18:00:21: black - Lvl 201 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 14544, 08:10:52: Patience - Lvl 105 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kairuku - Lvl 178 (Kairuku)'! Day 14544, 11:29:56: Patience - Lvl 105 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'green head - Lvl 137 (Kairuku)'! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14604, 19:41:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's 'Spino - Lvl 193 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's '{F}Solider 1 - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's 'Ivy - Lvl 206 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's 'Spino - Lvl 140 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's 'glacierae lil black - Lvl 85 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's 'Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14697, 17:13:58: 's '{F}Solider 2 - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14782, 18:48:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14897, 17:12:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 15005, 04:02:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15005, 04:02:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15005, 04:02:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15005, 04:02:15: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15005, 04:02:15: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15172, 19:59:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15172, 19:59:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15172, 19:59:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15172, 19:59:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15341, 05:25:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 19:40:11: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16066, 12:41:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17368, 15:28:35: Tribemember whats up bruh - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 17925, 11:32:27: Jade claimed 'wyoming - Lvl 271 (Bulbdog)'! Day 17925, 11:33:19: Jade claimed 'wendell - Lvl 255 (Bulbdog)'! Day 17925, 12:34:06: Jade unclaimed 'wyoming - Lvl 334 (Bulbdog)'! Day 17925, 12:38:47: Jade unclaimed 'wendell - Lvl 319 (Bulbdog)'! Day 17925, 14:28:51: Jade Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 17942, 03:58:41: Your Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 18079, 23:48:50: Tribemember shadow - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 18080, 00:53:24: shadow claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18080, 02:32:38: Tribemember shadow - Lvl 23 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 60! Day 18093, 15:17:37: Tribemember shadow - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 18093, 15:26:25: shadow was removed from the Tribe! Day 18453, 20:41:29: Harvey - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18644, 13:12:43: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 20174, 10:16:30: Tribemember whats up bruh - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 24725, 09:07:46: Tribemember Jade - Lvl 113 was killed!"] "tribeid":1867669862,"tribe":"Tribe of Pro body logs":["Day 32164, 21:22:11: Pro body was added to the Tribe! Day 32164, 21:23:59: Tomathy was added to the Tribe by Pro body! Day 32164, 22:07:22: Tribemember Tomathy - Lvl 4 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 32164, 22:19:55: Tribemember Pro body - Lvl 4 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 32165, 01:13:17: Pro body claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 112 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32165, 01:52:44: Tribemember Tomathy - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32165, 02:22:00: Tribemember Pro body - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 32330, 12:00:07: Tribemember Pro body - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1862589553,"tribe":"The Badgers logs":["Day 33701, 19:47:09: John was added to the Tribe! Day 33701, 23:29:26: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33701, 23:40:20: Amroth was added to the Tribe by John! Day 33701, 23:45:04: Amroth froze Wymroth - Lvl 125 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33702, 11:08:40: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33702, 17:17:31: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 293 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33726, 05:45:39: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33726, 21:08:28: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33734, 08:28:41: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33751, 19:30:54: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33776, 09:45:13: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33801, 08:06:52: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33905, 09:36:15: John froze Bagoly - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1862042158,"tribe":"The Gentlemen logs":["Day 11249, 12:31:22: Sir cumcision downloaded a dino: Blueboi 2.0 - Lvl 324 Day 11249, 13:43:02: Sir cumcision froze Blueboi 2.0 - Lvl 324 (Rock Drake) Day 11250, 14:39:57: Sir cumcision froze Terry - Lvl 299 (Bloodstalker) Day 11251, 00:26:52: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11251, 00:59:29: Sir cumcision froze Grim - Lvl 328 (Reaper King) Day 11252, 21:56:36: Sir cumcision froze Grim - Lvl 299 (Reaper King) Day 11276, 17:13:50: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Kairuku - Lvl 70 (Kairuku)'! Day 11276, 17:20:47: Sir cumcision froze Baby Kairuku - Lvl 70 (Kairuku) Day 11277, 13:59:13: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 195 (Reaper King) Day 11277, 16:47:37: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11277, 19:24:44: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 273 (Reaper King) Day 11278, 02:59:35: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11278, 11:13:46: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11278, 12:08:52: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon)'! Day 11278, 12:11:58: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon)'! Day 11278, 12:14:56: Sir cumcision froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11278, 12:21:32: Sir cumcision froze Baby Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11278, 13:58:11: Sir cumcision froze Small Fry - Lvl 203 (Megalodon) Day 11278, 18:08:05: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11278, 18:38:03: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 214 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11278, 18:49:07: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11278, 21:25:35: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 214 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11278, 23:02:29: Sir cumcision froze Roll Rat - Lvl 168 (Roll Rat) Day 11278, 23:51:44: Sir cumcision froze Roll Rat - Lvl 168 (Roll Rat) Day 11279, 01:26:56: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 214 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 01:36:31: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 08:11:17: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 08:45:57: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 274 (Reaper King) Day 11279, 09:27:03: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 10:41:17: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 10:43:48: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 10:58:36: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 11:03:59: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 11:42:40: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 12:45:49: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 14:31:47: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11279, 14:58:24: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 14:59:54: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 15:01:27: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11279, 15:24:08: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 15:28:48: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 253 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11279, 18:05:40: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 274 (Reaper King) Day 11279, 21:37:47: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 253 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11280, 01:45:24: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11280, 02:00:17: Sir cumcision froze Megalodon - Lvl 156 (Megalodon) Day 11280, 06:25:32: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 275 (Reaper King) Day 11280, 07:12:21: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon) was killed! Day 11280, 07:12:21: Dimorphodon - Lvl 7 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 11280, 09:04:57: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11280, 10:06:57: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 275 (Reaper King) Day 11280, 11:29:44: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11280, 12:10:07: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 253 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11280, 12:40:44: Sir cumcision froze Eredin - Lvl 254 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11280, 13:18:22: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 275 (Reaper King) Day 11280, 13:56:05: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11280, 17:18:28: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 244 (Reaper King) Day 11280, 19:39:13: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 244 (Reaper King) Day 11280, 22:21:06: Your Imprint6 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 22:22:37: Your Imprint3 - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 23:07:58: Your Imprint2 - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 23:07:58: Your Reaper King - Lvl 276 (Reaper King) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 23:12:51: Your Reaper King - Lvl 218 (Reaper King) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 23:26:18: Your Grim - Lvl 328 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11280, 23:32:56: Your Blasta - Lvl 275 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11280, 23:33:25: Your Reaper King - Lvl 273 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11280, 23:41:20: Your Reaper King - Lvl 244 (Reaper King) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11280, 23:49:04: Your Reaper King - Lvl 235 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11280, 23:57:04: Your Reaper King - Lvl 195 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11280, 23:58:50: Your King - Lvl 271 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11281, 00:01:45: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 11281, 00:07:04: Your Grim - Lvl 300 (Reaper King) was killed! Day 11281, 01:28:58: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 11281, 04:44:35: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 280 (Reaper King) Day 11281, 04:56:44: Sir cumcision froze Imprint5 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 11281, 06:41:25: Sir cumcision froze Imprint5 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 11293, 08:28:46: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 281 (Reaper King) Day 11293, 10:33:04: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11293, 10:44:00: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11293, 11:42:42: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11295, 09:03:15: Sir cumcision froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11295, 09:16:40: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11295, 11:28:22: Sir cumcision froze Lilly - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 11302, 23:15:52: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 138 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 11302, 23:20:26: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 138 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11307, 09:31:23: Sir cumcision froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 230 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11307, 10:57:32: Sir cumcision froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 230 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11308, 02:02:44: Sir cumcision froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 230 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11308, 02:04:44: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 215 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 11308, 03:12:57: Sir cumcision froze Baby X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 215 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11308, 08:52:27: Your 'Delivery Crate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11310, 20:21:16: Sir cumcision froze Terry - Lvl 299 (Bloodstalker) Day 11319, 10:13:07: Sir cumcision froze Aberrant Dire Bear - Lvl 151 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11319, 13:46:02: Sir cumcision froze Aberrant Dire Bear - Lvl 151 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11337, 07:44:22: Sir cumcision froze MooMoo - Lvl 224 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11337, 14:45:37: Sir cumcision froze Fraust - Lvl 159 (Tapejara) Day 11337, 17:52:28: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Microraptor - Lvl 86 (Microraptor)'! Day 11337, 17:54:19: Sir cumcision froze Baby Microraptor - Lvl 86 (Microraptor) Day 11337, 17:59:18: Sir cumcision froze Baby Microraptor - Lvl 86 (Microraptor) Day 11337, 18:25:16: Sir cumcision froze Baby Microraptor - Lvl 86 (Microraptor) Day 11348, 18:04:19: Sir cumcision froze Baby Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11348, 23:17:16: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11349, 22:53:11: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11351, 10:59:40: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11351, 13:39:32: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11351, 13:41:05: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 11351, 13:59:14: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) Day 11353, 02:59:31: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 259 (Snow Owl) Day 11364, 00:03:49: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 11364, 10:55:21: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Reaper King - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11364, 12:37:08: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11364, 12:38:11: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 12:38:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:11:46: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11364, 14:12:21: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 20 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11364, 14:12:52: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11364, 14:13:42: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:13:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:14:13: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:14:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 55 (Rock Drake) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:14:28: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 20 (Rock Drake) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 132 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 14:14:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 20 (Rock Drake) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11364, 15:21:04: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 185 (Reaper King) Day 11364, 15:24:51: Sir cumcision froze Blueboi 2.0 - Lvl 340 (Rock Drake) Day 11364, 17:39:31: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 247 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11364, 22:42:46: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 251 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11364, 22:59:00: Sir cumcision froze Daeodon - Lvl 163 (Daeodon) Day 11364, 23:42:29: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 264 (Snow Owl) Day 11372, 06:52:44: Your Dodo - Lvl 109 (Dodo) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10! Day 11375, 06:23:53: Sir cumcision froze Blueboi 2.0 - Lvl 340 (Rock Drake) Day 11400, 14:37:30: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11408, 16:01:33: Sir cumcision froze Lucifer - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11408, 16:06:53: Sir cumcision froze Moo - Lvl 229 (Ovis) Day 11433, 19:42:33: Sir cumcision froze Astrocetus - Lvl 120 (Astrocetus) Day 11434, 05:13:10: Sir cumcision froze Astrocetus - Lvl 120 (Astrocetus) Day 11434, 07:05:56: Sir cumcision froze Astrocetus - Lvl 120 (Astrocetus) Day 11434, 07:14:36: Sir cumcision froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11434, 10:32:15: Sir cumcision froze Baby Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 10:34:22: Sir cumcision froze Baby Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 10:36:06: Sir cumcision froze Baby Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 10:37:56: Sir cumcision froze Baby Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 10:39:50: Sir cumcision froze Baby Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 13:46:16: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11434, 13:47:38: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 19:40:03: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 19:44:22: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 21:03:44: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 21:24:46: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 21:29:44: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11435, 21:40:02: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11436, 04:54:25: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11436, 05:11:53: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11451, 07:54:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11451, 07:54:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11458, 18:40:03: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 19:43:49: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 20:35:15: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 20:46:18: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 21:02:52: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 22:07:53: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11458, 23:50:44: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 00:23:17: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 00:28:17: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 00:32:09: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 00:51:24: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 00:57:00: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 01:01:21: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 01:15:14: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 05:34:38: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 05:40:18: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 05:53:50: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 06:40:09: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 06:59:41: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 07:54:42: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 08:04:07: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 08:09:41: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 08:54:48: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 08:59:12: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Reaper King - Lvl 210 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 10:12:35: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 10:21:04: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 10:22:46: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 10:27:59: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 11:19:26: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 11:29:20: Sir cumcision froze Adolescent fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 13:30:18: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Featherlight - Lvl 24 (Featherlight)'! Day 11459, 13:32:01: Sir cumcision froze Baby Featherlight - Lvl 24 (Featherlight) Day 11459, 13:38:44: Sir cumcision froze Baby Featherlight - Lvl 24 (Featherlight) Day 11459, 15:24:45: Your Baby Featherlight - Lvl 24 (Featherlight) was killed! Day 11459, 15:24:45: Baby Featherlight - Lvl 24 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 11459, 16:38:37: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 213 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 16:40:28: Sir cumcision froze fanncy - Lvl 200 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 16:42:15: Sir cumcision froze fancylad33 - Lvl 160 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 17:26:00: Sir cumcision froze Prettylad - Lvl 175 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 17:27:40: Sir cumcision froze BlueBalls - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern) Day 11459, 18:46:43: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 213 (Reaper King) Day 11459, 20:06:21: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 213 (Reaper King) Day 11460, 03:41:36: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 213 (Reaper King) Day 11460, 05:44:25: Sir cumcision claimed 'Fly like a Butter Cookie - Lvl 314 (Argentavis)'! Day 11460, 06:01:36: Sir cumcision unclaimed 'Fly like a Butter Cookie - Lvl 314 (Argentavis)'! Day 11460, 07:28:39: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 11465, 06:34:49: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 06:40:22: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 06:42:52: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 06:45:18: Sir cumcision froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 11465, 06:46:35: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 06:49:32: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 06:52:44: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 06:52:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:00:29: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:00:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Poison Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:02:33: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 07:04:51: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:04:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:07:30: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 07:16:13: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:16:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:26:54: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:26:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:47:04: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 07:47:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 08:30:01: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 10 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 08:30:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11465, 13:09:29: Sir cumcision claimed 'Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 13:10:01: Sir cumcision claimed 'Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 13:14:41: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:14:41: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:15:36: Sir cumcision claimed 'Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 13:18:33: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:18:33: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:19:31: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:19:31: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:19:31: Your Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 10 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:19:31: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 10 (Lightning Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:20:24: Sir cumcision claimed 'Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11465, 13:24:48: Your Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11465, 13:24:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11470, 07:41:35: Litle - Lvl 129 (Hyaenodon ) starved to death! Day 11483, 08:08:11: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 11499, 10:37:50: Kuzco - Lvl 8 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11529, 21:01:08: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 02:16:40: Sir cumcision froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 246 (Bloodstalker) Day 11530, 05:16:42: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 05:39:47: Sir cumcision froze Bebe - Lvl 189 (Beelzebufo) Day 11530, 07:06:04: Sir cumcision froze Bebe - Lvl 189 (Beelzebufo) Day 11530, 07:19:35: Sir cumcision froze Bebe - Lvl 189 (Beelzebufo) Day 11530, 08:05:54: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 08:42:06: Sir cumcision froze Nibbler - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 11530, 08:59:06: Sir cumcision froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 246 (Bloodstalker) Day 11530, 09:34:55: Sir cumcision froze Nibbler - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 11530, 09:50:26: Sir cumcision froze Nibbler - Lvl 223 (Megalodon) Day 11530, 11:02:31: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 12:13:26: Sir cumcision froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 246 (Bloodstalker) Day 11530, 16:03:13: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 16:14:29: Sir cumcision froze Bebe - Lvl 189 (Beelzebufo) Day 11530, 18:49:31: Sir cumcision froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 248 (Bloodstalker) Day 11530, 19:15:13: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11530, 19:59:40: Sir cumcision froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 248 (Bloodstalker) Day 11531, 04:25:14: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11531, 05:22:55: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tikaani Tribe. Day 11531, 05:37:30: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Mad Lads Tribe. Day 11531, 05:38:20: Sir cumcision added 'Tribe of Mad Lads' Tribe to aaaaaaaaasssss Alliance! Day 11531, 05:42:37: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tikaani Tribe. Day 11531, 05:45:56: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tikaani Tribe. Day 11531, 05:46:42: Sir cumcision added 'Tribe of Tikaani' Tribe to aaaaaaaaasssss Alliance! Day 11531, 07:10:02: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 292 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 07:12:15: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 254 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 07:15:25: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 265 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 07:18:03: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 194 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 07:20:02: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 254 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 07:22:14: Sir cumcision froze Imprint5 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 11531, 09:46:25: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 294 (Reaper King) Day 11531, 14:31:16: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 294 (Reaper King) Day 11610, 07:46:15: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 272 (Reaper King) Day 11610, 08:06:16: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11610, 08:10:56: Sir cumcision froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 297 (Tropeognathus) Day 11628, 20:08:58: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 299 (Snow Owl) Day 11642, 10:37:14: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 10:49:12: Sir cumcision froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 12:04:16: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 170 (Reaper King) Day 11642, 12:05:47: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 165 (Reaper King) Day 11642, 12:18:49: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 165 (Reaper King) Day 11642, 12:54:39: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 12:57:43: Sir cumcision froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 13:24:10: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 13:29:10: Sir cumcision froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 181 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 13:36:04: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 13:38:35: Sir cumcision froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 14:01:41: Sir cumcision froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 18:05:59: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 18:11:04: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 18:17:29: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 18:51:04: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 18:54:02: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 18:56:23: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 19:00:21: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 19:13:49: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 19:46:19: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11642, 19:49:06: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11642, 19:51:41: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11643, 03:12:37: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11643, 04:50:41: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11643, 05:30:47: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11643, 06:09:57: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11643, 06:13:02: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11646, 08:04:04: Sir cumcision froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11646, 08:08:11: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 11646, 10:18:58: Sir cumcision froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11646, 12:06:42: Sir cumcision froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11650, 12:24:25: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11650, 13:57:56: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11650, 14:50:50: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11650, 15:43:16: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 165 (Reaper King) Day 11650, 15:52:46: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11651, 06:53:31: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11651, 14:43:12: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 301 (Reaper King) Day 11651, 16:12:23: Sir cumcision froze Reaper King - Lvl 277 (Reaper King) Day 11651, 16:18:31: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Dinobots Tribe. Day 11651, 16:19:47: Sir cumcision added 'Dinobots' Tribe to arseee Alliance! Day 11651, 16:25:57: Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 requested an Alliance with Dinobots Tribe. Day 11651, 16:26:52: Sir cumcision added 'Dinobots' Tribe to aaaaaaaaasssss Alliance! Day 11651, 18:35:07: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 302 (Reaper King) Day 11651, 22:21:47: Sir cumcision froze Fuckface - Lvl 272 (Bloodstalker) Day 11658, 23:50:34: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 11659, 03:39:09: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 11659, 05:23:26: Sir cumcision froze Neon - Lvl 267 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11659, 08:15:07: Sir cumcision uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 242 Day 11665, 17:45:35: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11665, 18:12:40: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11665, 18:33:02: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11665, 18:47:05: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11665, 18:57:46: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11665, 19:04:41: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 (The Gentlemen)! Day 11665, 19:04:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (The Gentlemen)! Day 11665, 20:03:41: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11665, 20:06:59: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11666, 18:25:59: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11666, 19:14:38: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11666, 19:18:35: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11666, 19:28:58: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11667, 09:33:23: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11667, 09:34:06: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11667, 10:00:40: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11667, 10:14:13: Sir cumcision unclaimed 'Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11667, 10:59:45: Sir cumcision froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11667, 11:09:13: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11667, 11:12:02: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11667, 11:16:18: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11707, 12:28:04: Scully84 removed 'Dinobots' Tribe from aaaaaaaaasssss Alliance! Day 11726, 16:38:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11734, 22:56:02: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11734, 23:08:41: Sir cumcision unclaimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 11735, 03:49:52: Sir cumcision froze Izzy - Lvl 265 (Megalania) Day 11735, 07:33:43: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 11735, 08:09:43: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 218 (Gacha)'! Day 11735, 08:17:37: Sir cumcision froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 218 (Gacha) Day 11735, 09:33:12: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Unicorn - Lvl 53 (Unicorn)'! Day 11735, 09:35:05: Sir cumcision froze Baby Unicorn - Lvl 53 (Unicorn) Day 11735, 09:49:04: Sir cumcision uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 279 Day 11751, 04:52:18: Asbel added 'KGY' Tribe to Lads Alliance! Day 11804, 16:46:04: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 11804, 19:14:53: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 11804, 23:10:55: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 319 (Reaper King) Day 11805, 01:46:33: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 319 (Reaper King) Day 11805, 15:21:13: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 319 (Reaper King) Day 11805, 16:39:56: Scully84 removed 'Dinobots' Tribe from arseee Alliance! Day 11805, 16:54:47: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 11823, 17:03:57: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11823, 17:03:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11896, 10:15:25: Your Hyaenodon - Lvl 144 (Hyaenodon ) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 11914, 03:08:41: jeff - Lvl 122 (jeff) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11919, 23:19:20: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 11928, 06:57:59: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 11928, 09:52:57: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 11928, 10:29:10: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 11945, 11:42:01: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11947, 16:23:55: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 291 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11947, 16:54:36: Sir cumcision froze Baby Reaper King - Lvl 165 (Reaper King) Day 11948, 00:02:51: Sir cumcision froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11948, 05:27:41: Sir cumcision claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 192 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11948, 08:13:10: Sir cumcision froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 192 (Doedicurus) Day 11962, 13:12:21: Sir cumcision uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 293 Day 11962, 14:35:50: Tribemember Sir cumcision - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 11987, 12:54:12: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 11992, 05:43:07: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 11995, 18:23:47: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12072, 07:49:40: GRIFF - Lvl 261 (Griffin) starved to death! Day 12106, 06:38:04: Sir cumcision froze Mule - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 12123, 05:59:11: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12158, 13:14:21: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12158, 18:29:50: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12172, 05:18:50: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 18:51:14: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 21:26:48: Sir cumcision - Lvl 153 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 12283, 23:01:48: DuoMog added 'The Gentlemen' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 01:47:05: DuoMog added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 06:18:49: Sir cumcision froze Dracu - Lvl 330 (Reaper King) Day 12284, 06:50:17: DuoMog added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 06:57:32: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12479, 06:53:55: Sir cumcision froze Snow Owl - Lvl 358 (Snow Owl) Day 12635, 07:18:58: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14232, 04:47:45: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Broodmother Alliance!"] "tribeid":1860112846,"tribe":"Tribe of olo logs":["Day 29805, 08:37:06: olo was added to the Tribe! Day 29805, 08:39:07: Alf was added to the Tribe by olo! Day 29805, 08:40:22: Alf was promoted to a Tribe Admin by olo! Day 29805, 09:39:25: Alf Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 29805, 17:38:36: olo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 29805, 18:35:06: Alf Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 29805, 20:20:19: Tribemember olo - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 29805, 20:24:16: Your Moschops - Lvl 17 (Moschops) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 29805, 20:28:04: Your temporary - Lvl 25 (Raptor) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 29806, 00:43:05: Alf Tamed a Compy - Lvl 59 (Compy)! Day 29806, 16:19:06: Tribemember olo - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 40! Day 29806, 16:36:50: Tribemember olo - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 70! Day 29806, 17:55:13: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 29826, 08:47:53: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 29826, 09:46:15: Tribemember olo - Lvl 35 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 90! Day 29826, 09:49:40: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 29841, 20:18:51: Your Moschops - Lvl 49 (Moschops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 30406, 01:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30406, 01:47:08: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31237, 05:20:08: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31294, 10:25:29: distraction - Lvl 59 (Compy) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1857794976,"tribe":"High Life logs":["Day 38202, 11:09:46: KOSA was added to the Tribe! Day 38202, 13:04:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)! Day 38202, 13:38:31: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 38203, 03:15:45: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 115 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 70! Day 38203, 07:54:07: KOSA Tamed a Rex - Lvl 10 (Rex)! Day 38203, 07:57:35: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 10 (Rex) Day 38203, 10:14:31: KOSA claimed 'Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 38203, 10:21:04: KOSA claimed 'Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 10:22:46: KOSA claimed 'Grey - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 10:45:00: KOSA froze Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 38203, 10:54:10: KOSA froze Grey - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 38203, 10:59:37: KOSA claimed 'Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 157 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 38203, 11:11:36: KOSA claimed 'Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 11:34:10: KOSA unclaimed 'Chicken Little - Lvl 267 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 11:45:27: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex) Day 38203, 11:51:39: KOSA unclaimed 'Justin Timberlake - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 38203, 11:56:00: KOSA froze Imogen-Cambell Wareham - Lvl 157 (Yutyrannus) Day 38203, 12:54:24: KOSA uploaded a Thylacoleo: Sandy Cheeks - Lvl 264 Day 38204, 08:21:04: KOSA claimed 'Slimer - Lvl 180 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 38204, 08:55:49: KOSA froze Slimer - Lvl 180 (Paraceratherium) Day 38204, 09:23:06: KOSA uploaded a Paraceratherium: Slimer - Lvl 180 Day 38204, 09:24:16: KOSA uploaded a Argentavis: Grey - Lvl 250 Day 38210, 00:37:42: KOSA froze pink - Lvl 380 (Managarmr) Day 38258, 22:36:28: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38258, 23:01:40: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) was killed by KOSA - Lvl 116 (High Life)! Day 38258, 23:01:40: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)! Day 38259, 05:21:37: KOSA Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 38259, 06:08:16: KOSA froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 38259, 06:28:39: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38259, 13:33:16: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 362 (Managarmr) Day 38259, 13:57:07: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 362 (Managarmr) Day 38276, 17:52:41: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 38276, 23:50:09: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 38277, 14:59:42: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 368 (Managarmr) Day 38280, 18:14:55: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 368 (Managarmr) Day 38298, 16:50:36: KOSA Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 44 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 38298, 16:54:05: KOSA froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 44 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38298, 19:18:27: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 358 (Shadowmane) Day 38353, 22:15:18: KOSA froze boss - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus) Day 38354, 05:11:54: JACHU was added to the Tribe by KOSA! Day 38354, 06:33:35: Your Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38354, 08:33:06: KOSA froze boss - Lvl 250 (Deinonychus) Day 38354, 08:37:11: JACHU froze DEINO BOSS - Lvl 265 (Deinonychus) Day 38354, 09:45:55: JACHU froze eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 323 (Managarmr) Day 38378, 06:44:05: KOSA froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 38416, 05:07:37: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 05:27:28: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 09:01:21: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 14:22:29: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 16:15:55: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 16:44:53: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 17:10:54: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38416, 17:54:39: KOSA froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 38422, 07:13:32: JACHU froze fiolet - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 38423, 13:23:40: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 391 (Managarmr) Day 38423, 15:04:43: JACHU froze fiolet - Lvl 315 (Managarmr) Day 38425, 01:11:22: JACHU froze eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 191 (Sinomacrops) Day 38425, 02:03:02: JACHU froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 276 (Dinopithecus) Day 38425, 06:07:41: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38425, 08:52:01: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 392 (Managarmr) Day 38445, 07:39:40: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38445, 12:37:25: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38445, 19:11:27: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 38445, 21:32:38: KOSA froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 335 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38446, 03:46:33: KOSA claimed 'Audi RS6 - Lvl 192 (Argentavis)'! Day 38446, 03:53:07: KOSA unclaimed 'Audi RS6 - Lvl 192 (Argentavis)'! Day 38446, 04:00:38: KOSA claimed 'Chicken - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 38446, 04:04:23: KOSA unclaimed 'Chicken - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 38446, 04:05:51: KOSA claimed 'Wood Machine - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 38446, 04:11:12: KOSA froze Wood Machine - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur) Day 38446, 04:24:12: KOSA claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 196 (Featherlight)'! Day 38446, 04:43:07: KOSA froze Featherlight - Lvl 196 (Featherlight) Day 38446, 04:48:40: KOSA claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 265 (Featherlight)'! Day 38446, 05:17:58: KOSA claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 226 (Featherlight)'! Day 38446, 05:54:05: KOSA uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 226 Day 38446, 05:58:47: KOSA uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 265 Day 38446, 06:03:47: KOSA uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 196 Day 38446, 16:28:58: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 392 (Managarmr) Day 38459, 10:19:59: Your Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38459, 10:20:14: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 38459, 11:56:46: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:06:00: JACHU froze 43 40 - Lvl 327 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:17:04: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:25:45: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:30:02: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:37:23: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:41:04: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:44:58: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:49:40: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:53:36: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 38459, 12:58:35: JACHU froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (Yutyrannus) Day 38459, 13:03:09: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 38459, 13:07:22: JACHU froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 38459, 13:31:27: JACHU froze fiolet - Lvl 315 (Managarmr) Day 38460, 06:06:23: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 392 (Managarmr) Day 38460, 15:09:16: KOSA froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 38460, 18:31:46: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 38460, 23:28:23: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 38461, 03:24:18: KOSA froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 38461, 03:38:20: KOSA froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 38461, 03:41:54: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 38461, 07:35:32: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 38461, 10:44:58: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38461, 12:13:23: KOSA froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 38461, 12:21:31: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 393 (Managarmr) Day 38461, 16:02:02: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 38461, 17:01:45: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 38461, 22:08:05: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 38467, 09:45:46: Your Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 9 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 38467, 09:47:23: KOSA claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 9 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 38467, 10:15:14: KOSA froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 38467, 10:24:03: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38467, 10:33:25: KOSA froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 9 (Rhyniognatha) Day 38467, 14:01:46: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 394 (Managarmr) Day 38467, 15:32:12: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 394 (Managarmr) Day 38467, 16:20:02: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 394 (Managarmr) Day 38467, 19:02:16: KOSA froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 38470, 19:00:56: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:04:00: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:06:45: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:10:05: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:13:05: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:16:20: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:19:43: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:23:04: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:26:29: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:34:14: KOSA froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:37:34: KOSA froze 43 40 - Lvl 327 (Rex) Day 38470, 19:42:04: KOSA froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (Yutyrannus) Day 38470, 21:29:06: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 394 (Managarmr) Day 38482, 23:08:26: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 395 (Managarmr) Day 38483, 00:33:11: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 395 (Managarmr) Day 38483, 03:35:20: KOSA froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 38483, 03:44:03: KOSA froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 38483, 03:53:41: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 395 (Managarmr) Day 38495, 18:54:36: Tribemember JACHU - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 38513, 02:09:41: Tribemember JACHU - Lvl 115 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 38513, 17:55:34: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38513, 19:09:27: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38513, 19:19:00: KOSA froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 38513, 20:25:03: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 402 (Managarmr) Day 38513, 23:32:00: KOSA froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38515, 07:59:55: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 38515, 12:12:04: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 38515, 13:39:27: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 38515, 13:42:14: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 403 (Managarmr) Day 38605, 10:20:40: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 13:44:00: Your Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 13:59:31: Your Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 38605, 14:03:06: Your Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:04:52: Your Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:07:29: Your 43 40 - Lvl 337 (Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 38605, 14:11:18: Your Rex - Lvl 300 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:14:12: Your Rex - Lvl 313 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:17:40: Your Rex - Lvl 318 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:19:52: Your Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:24:13: Your Rex - Lvl 322 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 14:24:13: Your Rex - Lvl 325 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38605, 15:00:30: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 38605, 15:42:48: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 15:48:50: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 15:52:59: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 15:56:36: KOSA froze 46 42 - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 16:04:21: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 16:09:46: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 16:14:16: KOSA froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 38605, 16:19:06: KOSA froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (Yutyrannus) Day 38605, 23:14:48: KOSA froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 38606, 01:41:24: KOSA froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 38614, 02:01:10: World barrier destroyed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 332' at X=280434.313 Y=346161.469 Z=-40573.891! Day 38614, 02:06:20: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 10! Day 38614, 05:36:10: Your Bloodstalker - Lvl 194 (Bloodstalker) was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 10! Day 38614, 05:37:01: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by an Alpha Tusoteuthis - Lvl 10! Day 38614, 09:51:00: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 38637, 23:48:30: KOSA froze boss - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 38638, 00:13:20: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 404 (Managarmr) Day 38638, 18:00:37: KOSA claimed 'Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 220 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 38638, 18:07:14: KOSA froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 220 (R-Reaper King) Day 38638, 18:36:40: KOSA froze boss - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38765, 16:10:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38804, 02:45:08: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 38804, 06:22:37: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 38804, 13:28:59: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 38813, 03:15:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38932, 01:02:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38944, 18:31:02: KOSA froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 38944, 19:24:55: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr) Day 38945, 15:04:16: KOSA froze Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr) Day 39084, 12:02:28: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 39084, 14:22:23: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 39084, 17:32:49: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 39084, 18:59:36: KOSA claimed 'Mega 2 - Lvl 180 (Megalodon)'! Day 39084, 19:03:47: KOSA froze Mega 2 - Lvl 180 (Megalodon) Day 39084, 19:58:51: KOSA claimed 'Cole - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39084, 20:06:50: KOSA froze Cole - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 39084, 20:17:45: KOSA claimed 'Coca Cola - Lvl 285 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39084, 20:48:55: KOSA froze Coca Cola - Lvl 285 (Thylacoleo) Day 39084, 21:35:55: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 39085, 02:36:58: KOSA froze Desmodus - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 39085, 07:30:17: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 40! Day 39085, 10:19:17: Your Mega 2 - Lvl 183 (Megalodon) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 30! Day 39085, 10:19:21: Tribemember KOSA - Lvl 116 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 170! Day 39381, 09:26:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39381, 09:26:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39517, 17:08:56: Shadowmane - Lvl 273 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 39720, 21:09:37: Johnson - Lvl 114 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coca Cola - Lvl 285 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39720, 21:10:13: Johnson - Lvl 114 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cole - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 39751, 06:11:03: bell - Lvl 96 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr)'! Day 39751, 14:42:36: bell - Lvl 96 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 39808, 16:48:34: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39974, 15:21:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39974, 15:21:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39974, 15:21:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39974, 15:21:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39974, 15:21:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1857689336,"tribe":"Tribe of Valerioeus logs":["Day 20497, 08:29:43: Valerioeus was added to the Tribe! Day 20497, 08:30:33: nug was added to the Tribe by Valerioeus! Day 20497, 08:54:43: OBCT was added to the Tribe by Valerioeus! Day 20497, 11:14:14: Valerioeus froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 20497, 11:28:10: Valerioeus froze cutierannus - Lvl 185 (Yutyrannus) Day 20497, 13:14:26: nug froze wubaluba - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 20497, 13:15:30: OBCT froze 7 Dwarf - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 20497, 13:19:57: nug froze cutierannus - Lvl 185 (Yutyrannus) Day 20497, 13:43:07: nug froze Fire Male 1 - Lvl 126 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20497, 14:31:39: OBCT froze 7 Dwarf - Lvl 226 (Snow Owl) Day 20497, 14:54:34: Valerioeus froze Heamoglobin - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20502, 17:05:02: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 20502, 18:16:50: Valerioeus was removed from the Tribe by Scully84! Day 20502, 18:18:28: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 20502, 18:18:28: Tribe Owner was changed to nug!"] "tribeid":1857204077,"tribe":"Tribe of sniffurmum logs":["Day 22748, 21:54:03: sniffurmum was added to the Tribe! Day 22749, 01:33:14: sniffurmum Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 22749, 12:04:40: Your tyson - Lvl 25 (Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 22792, 13:27:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22821, 17:34:14: Tribemember sniffurmum - Lvl 41 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 22821, 18:43:56: sniffurmum Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 19 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22821, 20:07:09: Tribemember sniffurmum - Lvl 41 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 22822, 01:18:47: Tribemember sniffurmum - Lvl 42 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 22822, 02:34:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 22822, 07:40:34: Your tyson - Lvl 19 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 22822, 09:05:17: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 70! Day 22822, 09:53:54: sniffurmum Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 22822, 10:15:52: Your Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 70! Day 22822, 10:22:42: Tribemember sniffurmum - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1856971244,"tribe":"Corp logs":["Day 31152, 07:47:06: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 274 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 31152, 09:16:58: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wildcat - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31255, 20:05:25: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31324, 01:15:04: Otter - Lvl 200 (Otter) starved to death! Day 31324, 01:15:06: yell473/218 - Lvl 218 (Otter) starved to death! Day 31330, 18:56:24: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 31330, 19:01:57: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 31330, 19:03:18: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 31338, 23:27:50: Tribemember Wunt - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31339, 00:02:48: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31539, 16:47:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31539, 16:47:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31539, 16:47:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31625, 23:44:14: Doedicurus - Lvl 41 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 31884, 08:13:10: Grog - Lvl 94 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 229 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33345, 12:07:43: Tribemember Cowboy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 33618, 22:10:07: handi was removed from the Tribe by Wunt! Day 33618, 22:11:06: Cowboy was removed from the Tribe by Wunt! Day 33619, 06:37:28: Wunt Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 33619, 11:32:44: Wunt Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 13 (Pteranodon)! Day 33639, 21:06:09: Wunt demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33639, 21:07:30: Wunt demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33639, 21:09:24: Wunt demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 33639, 21:30:27: Wunt claimed 'BEZOS JEFF - Lvl 106 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 33639, 21:31:58: Wunt claimed 'Lusty - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 33639, 21:34:48: Wunt claimed 'Trusty - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 33639, 21:40:17: Wunt claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 85 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33640, 01:01:14: Wunt claimed 'Pelagornis - Lvl 106 (Pelagornis)'! Day 33640, 06:42:33: Wunt demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 33640, 06:43:28: Wunt demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 33653, 14:49:53: Deadeye was added to the Tribe by Wunt! Day 33653, 18:40:50: Deadeye claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor)'! Day 33667, 09:29:46: Wunt claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 169 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 33667, 19:01:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 14 (Rex)! Day 33667, 20:11:34: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 33667, 21:34:44: Your Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 33669, 00:57:54: Wunt claimed 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 55 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33669, 10:06:24: Wunt Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)! Day 33669, 10:14:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 66 (Pteranodon)! Day 33670, 02:49:42: Wunt claimed '196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex)'! Day 33670, 02:53:39: Wunt claimed 'Flap-Slap 223 - Lvl 304 (Argentavis)'! Day 33670, 02:55:43: Wunt claimed '196(1) - Lvl 279 (Rex)'! Day 33670, 02:56:42: Wunt claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33670, 02:57:26: Wunt claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33670, 03:02:15: Wunt claimed 'Big tasty with bacon - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 33670, 03:04:53: Wunt claimed 'LIKKLE NARSTIE - Lvl 333 (Argentavis)'! Day 33670, 03:06:19: Wunt claimed '212 - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 33670, 03:10:30: Wunt claimed 'Heavy - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)'! Day 33670, 04:29:53: Wunt claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33670, 05:17:12: Wunt claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33670, 12:45:08: Tribemember Deadeye - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 33671, 12:50:25: Wunt demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33671, 12:55:54: Wunt demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33671, 12:57:49: Wunt demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33671, 18:04:32: Wunt froze Rex - Lvl 14 (Rex) Day 33671, 19:34:41: Wunt froze 196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 33671, 20:13:08: Your jeff - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon) was killed by Wunt - Lvl 121 (Corp)! Day 33671, 20:13:08: Your Tribe killed jeff - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon) (Corp)! Day 33671, 20:29:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) was killed by Wunt - Lvl 121 (Corp)! Day 33671, 20:29:53: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) (Corp)! Day 33672, 14:54:58: Your jim - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by Wunt - Lvl 121 (Corp)! Day 33672, 14:54:58: Your Tribe killed jim - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) (Corp)! Day 33674, 00:04:34: Wunt claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 33674, 12:34:52: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 33675, 09:44:44: Wunt froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 33676, 06:28:19: Wunt froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 33677, 19:31:14: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 33678, 05:35:51: Wunt froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 33714, 22:11:40: Wunt claimed 'Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 167 (Raptor)'! Day 33714, 22:17:05: Wunt froze Juvenile Raptor - Lvl 167 (Raptor) Day 33715, 03:10:30: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 33716, 01:44:39: Wunt froze 196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 33716, 03:04:58: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) Day 33736, 05:50:12: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 33746, 08:54:11: BOB - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 33769, 04:06:05: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 302 (Argentavis) Day 33769, 09:16:41: Wunt unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 171 (Raptor)'! Day 33769, 11:34:08: Wunt unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon)'! Day 33769, 11:54:24: Wunt - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of seppe Tribe. Day 33769, 12:02:24: Wunt - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of seppe Tribe. Day 33769, 13:11:36: Wunt - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of seppe Tribe. Day 33769, 13:14:49: Wunt - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of seppe Tribe. Day 33769, 13:41:23: Wunt - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of seppe Tribe. Day 33769, 13:42:47: Wunt added 'Tribe of seppe' Tribe to corp Alliance! Day 33772, 10:17:50: Dumbledork was added to the Tribe by Wunt! Day 33772, 11:07:46: Dumbledork demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33772, 11:08:44: Dumbledork demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33772, 15:25:45: Dumbledork demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 33772, 15:26:42: Dumbledork demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 33772, 20:02:11: Dumbledork demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 33772, 20:03:18: Dumbledork demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 33773, 01:24:06: Dumbledork demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33773, 01:25:27: Dumbledork demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33773, 01:29:56: Dumbledork demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33773, 03:14:38: Dumbledork demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 33774, 22:43:32: Tribemember Dumbledork - Lvl 68 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85! Day 33775, 03:55:04: Wunt Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 14 (Yutyrannus)! Day 33775, 04:10:53: Wunt froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 14 (Yutyrannus) Day 33775, 08:25:27: Wunt Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)! Day 33775, 08:35:02: Wunt froze Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 33775, 09:10:24: Wunt froze 2640hp M - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 33775, 14:21:39: Dumbledork demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33775, 14:23:00: Dumbledork demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33775, 14:24:12: Dumbledork demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33775, 18:00:19: Dumbledork demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 33775, 18:01:05: Dumbledork demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 33775, 20:08:51: Wunt froze 2640hp M - Lvl 202 (Direwolf) Day 33776, 03:18:13: Wunt froze Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor) Day 33776, 03:23:40: Wunt froze Trusty - Lvl 262 (Raptor) Day 33798, 00:13:44: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 33798, 03:00:06: Wunt demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 33798, 04:38:16: Wunt Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 33798, 04:42:22: Wunt froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 164 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33799, 16:13:13: Dumbledork claimed 'Deirdre - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus)'! Day 33799, 20:11:21: Dumbledork Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 59 (Moschops)! Day 33800, 14:22:53: Dumbledork froze Moschops - Lvl 59 (Moschops) Day 33800, 14:29:22: Dumbledork froze Deirdre - Lvl 165 (Doedicurus) Day 33812, 15:08:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 33812, 15:24:55: Dumbledork froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 33813, 12:49:59: Dumbledork froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 33813, 16:08:17: Wunt claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 33813, 16:49:47: Wunt froze Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 33814, 07:27:17: Wunt claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 33814, 07:41:12: Wunt froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33814, 08:22:33: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 33814, 08:26:10: Wunt froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33815, 04:33:01: Dumbledork froze Deirdre - Lvl 167 (Doedicurus) Day 33815, 04:37:58: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33815, 12:23:35: Dumbledork froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 33815, 16:48:08: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33815, 19:38:19: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 196 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33815, 20:12:35: Dumbledork Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia)! Day 33815, 20:18:49: Dumbledork froze Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia) Day 33817, 10:54:06: Wunt froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33817, 11:18:40: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 33817, 11:24:00: Wunt froze Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33819, 11:33:07: Dumbledork Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 33819, 11:36:18: Dumbledork froze Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 33819, 15:40:26: Dumbledork froze Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia) Day 33824, 14:12:28: Dumbledork Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 33824, 14:27:23: Dumbledork froze 1920stam F - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 33825, 07:13:37: Dumbledork Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 156 (Mammoth)! Day 33825, 07:55:44: Dumbledork froze Moomoo - Lvl 156 (Mammoth) Day 33825, 16:31:29: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33826, 07:23:26: Dumbledork froze Moomoo - Lvl 172 (Mammoth) Day 33840, 19:34:10: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 33840, 21:41:38: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 33840, 21:47:53: Wunt froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 33841, 10:23:08: Wunt froze 196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 33841, 10:28:32: Wunt froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 33842, 08:22:17: Tribemember Dumbledork - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33843, 21:12:21: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33844, 03:17:31: Dumbledork demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 33844, 03:18:55: Dumbledork demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 33844, 13:11:57: Wunt froze Don - Lvl 310 (Argentavis) Day 33844, 23:06:45: Dumbledork froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 33845, 00:02:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 119 (Dire Bear)! Day 33845, 01:03:37: Dumbledork froze Dire Bear - Lvl 119 (Dire Bear) Day 33845, 01:41:15: Dumbledork froze Dire Bear - Lvl 119 (Dire Bear) Day 33889, 20:37:42: Wunt Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 11 (Dodo)! Day 33890, 00:51:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33890, 06:53:47: Dumbledork froze 7260hp1764st730w249dmg F - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 33890, 18:33:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 33890, 18:46:43: Dumbledork froze 7260hp1764st730w249dmg F - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 33890, 19:06:00: Dumbledork froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 33890, 21:27:37: Wunt Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)! Day 33890, 21:34:51: Wunt froze Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf) Day 33891, 03:07:31: Dumbledork froze Dire Bear - Lvl 171 (Dire Bear) Day 33891, 04:33:11: Dumbledork froze Dire Bear - Lvl 171 (Dire Bear) Day 33891, 12:45:23: Dumbledork Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 194 (Mammoth)! Day 33891, 12:56:56: Dumbledork froze MaaMaa - Lvl 194 (Mammoth) Day 33891, 17:13:06: Your Dodo - Lvl 11 (Dodo) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 10! Day 33891, 20:40:41: Dumbledork Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 33973, 10:01:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34057, 12:02:49: Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 34105, 20:50:39: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34105, 20:52:44: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34105, 20:54:04: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 34105, 21:44:09: Your Heavy - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34263, 17:47:05: Moschops - Lvl 59 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 34285, 05:53:37: Your Don - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 34285, 07:04:35: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 34330, 06:43:12: Wunt froze 196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34422, 16:14:11: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34427, 18:42:26: Yutyrannus - Lvl 36 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 34462, 03:52:28: FeeFee - Lvl 112 (Cheezits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zero - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34469, 23:38:16: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34469, 23:38:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34469, 23:38:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34469, 23:38:16: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34480, 23:42:12: shara west - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Bilbo Baggins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stegy - Lvl 130 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 34483, 16:36:58: Your ana - Lvl 333 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 34484, 14:07:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 34504, 08:34:19: Your Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 34508, 05:08:20: Dumbledork's 'MaaMaa - Lvl 194 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34508, 05:08:20: Dumbledork's 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 34520, 10:01:59: yeet man - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 44 (Rex)'! Day 34520, 10:05:56: yeet man - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '196(1) - Lvl 347 (Rex)'! Day 34520, 10:18:58: yeet man - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 101 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 34520, 10:24:38: yeet man - Lvl 93 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '212 - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 34523, 06:45:42: yeet man - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dud - Lvl 304 (Argentavis)'! Day 34524, 06:01:54: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '2640hp M - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)'! Day 34524, 06:03:28: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 119 (Pelagornis)'! Day 34524, 06:03:56: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 226 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 34524, 06:05:34: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trusty - Lvl 262 (Raptor)'! Day 34524, 08:36:16: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34534, 18:20:54: yeet man - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 34602, 16:12:12: yeet man - Lvl 103 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lusty - Lvl 201 (Raptor)'! Day 34682, 19:39:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34682, 19:39:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34730, 03:52:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34793, 00:49:52: Tribemember Dumbledork - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34919, 09:15:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34978, 11:13:17: xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame '196(2) - Lvl 347 (Rex)'! Day 34978, 11:20:21: xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1920stam F - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 34978, 11:26:02: xmossy - Lvl 130 (unga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 35013, 23:06:28: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35013, 23:06:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35052, 08:26:32: Deirdre - Lvl 170 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 35099, 02:30:17: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Moomoo - Lvl 185 (Mammoth)'! Day 35099, 02:30:57: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 164 (Phiomia)'! Day 35099, 02:34:57: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)'! Day 35193, 21:10:46: slimeshark - Lvl 18 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35235, 21:46:32: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35495, 13:37:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35912, 13:13:40: Tribemember Wunt - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1856725920,"tribe":"Astrobrite logs":["Day 35317, 09:06:54: Pinkshinyultrablast was added to the Tribe! Day 35321, 13:35:08: Pinkshinyultrablast Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 119 (Dimorphodon)! Day 35345, 02:25:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 35369, 07:52:24: Pinkshinyultrablast Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35370, 04:02:18: Pinkshinyultrablast Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 179 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35458, 12:45:16: Moschops - Lvl 46 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 35587, 14:15:17: Your Moschops - Lvl 187 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36105, 02:42:28: Igloo4Life - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Igloo4Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36105, 02:57:39: Igloo4Life - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Igloo4Life) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 179 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36111, 06:49:48: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36111, 07:24:48: Tribemember Pinkshinyultrablast - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 36182, 16:48:07: W4YN3 - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36251, 10:40:43: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36435, 07:05:28: Dimorphodon - Lvl 119 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 36548, 18:45:54: Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1850174951,"tribe":"Tribe of A Tree logs":["Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24618, 22:36:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24624, 13:59:02: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M]4HP - Lvl 259 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24624, 14:06:50: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trial - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24624, 14:16:33: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight - Lvl 308 (Argentavis)'! Day 24624, 14:54:49: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boppy - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 08:27:51: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 08:28:50: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 08:34:38: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 08:47:57: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 09:29:48: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 09:32:59: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 09:38:31: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 09:55:29: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 10:11:52: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 10:15:20: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 10:26:53: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 10:30:13: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 10:42:23: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 10:44:34: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 10:53:24: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 10:54:49: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:27:17: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:41:59: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:49:34: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Holy - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:57:01: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:58:57: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 11:59:48: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 12:03:32: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 12:26:24: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Effy - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 13:25:20: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M]1D - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 13:33:57: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24629, 14:00:55: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 122 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 100! Day 24629, 14:02:47: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:06:53: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:12:27: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:18:15: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:34:24: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:37:43: Tribemember A Tree - Lvl 123 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 100! Day 24629, 14:38:12: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:43:48: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:50:16: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:53:53: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 14:59:44: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 15:04:28: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24629, 15:45:42: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24629, 16:32:13: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24629, 16:41:21: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24629, 16:41:53: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24629, 16:48:01: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24629, 17:32:58: Alex - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24647, 22:34:17: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 05:02:34: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meta - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 05:28:02: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 05:58:27: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 06:16:42: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 06:31:47: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 06:32:13: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 07:01:12: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 07:10:42: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 07:36:59: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 07:54:14: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 07:55:30: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24648, 08:34:24: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 24760, 21:37:10: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24760, 21:37:10: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24760, 21:37:10: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24760, 21:37:10: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24760, 21:37:10: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29403, 16:21:29: Tribemember Slinky - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 29403, 16:48:04: Slinky was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1847181083,"tribe":"Tribe of OLO logs":["Day 29523, 14:28:22: OLO was added to the Tribe! Day 29523, 17:11:32: OLO froze Griffin - Lvl 253 (Griffin) Day 29524, 13:03:57: OLO froze Griffin - Lvl 253 (Griffin)"] "tribeid":1846857309,"tribe":"The Third Ark logs":["Day 20029, 20:09:41: Gen was added to the Tribe! Day 20029, 20:25:45: Te0zBoovii was added to the Tribe by Gen! Day 20030, 00:36:50: Tribemember Te0zBoovii - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 20030, 10:40:55: Gen froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 20030, 10:43:54: Tribemember Te0zBoovii - Lvl 98 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 20030, 10:51:02: Gen froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 166 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1845532365,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve2 logs":["Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26599, 00:40:31: Megalodon - Lvl 35 (Megalodon) starved to death! Day 26662, 15:46:26: OIK,OK, - Lvl 29 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 26669, 07:59:02: erdsfsd - Lvl 61 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 26669, 07:59:06: Dilophosaur - Lvl 66 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26675, 23:06:06: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26699, 14:20:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26706, 15:00:40: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BIG BOI RAPER 2 - Lvl 44 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 26706, 15:01:55: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dont even look at it TOB - Lvl 195 (Raptor)'! Day 26706, 15:02:15: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lil noobey boobey - Lvl 58 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 26706, 15:12:25: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 69 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 26706, 15:18:57: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 64 (Triceratops)'! Day 26706, 15:21:03: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DECENT FOR A SHITE DINO - Lvl 241 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26706, 15:26:07: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)'! Day 26706, 15:40:28: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 40 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 26706, 15:51:35: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 26706, 16:16:16: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 55 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26706, 16:16:44: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big boi don a telio - Lvl 101 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26706, 16:17:34: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sdads - Lvl 165 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26706, 16:54:31: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'beast be careful - Lvl 226 (Megalodon)'! Day 26709, 07:53:47: Raptor - Lvl 39 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26752, 17:04:13: Dilophosaur - Lvl 48 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26761, 19:53:58: RAPPPPPPY - Lvl 22 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 26786, 04:19:22: ssssssss - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26786, 04:20:09: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 35 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 26789, 00:12:20: Dire Bear - Lvl 68 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 26789, 01:03:28: Dilophosaur - Lvl 98 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26789, 01:05:35: Dilophosaur - Lvl 88 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 26803, 07:58:27: decent - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26803, 07:58:40: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 53 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 26852, 14:12:08: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mufasa - Lvl 231 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26854, 09:46:08: Carnotaurus - Lvl 36 (Carnotaurus) starved to death! Day 26854, 09:46:46: WD - Lvl 52 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26865, 15:35:29: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26877, 12:00:00: Pteranodon - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26877, 12:00:03: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 54 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 26877, 12:20:14: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'weight moi cunt - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 12:48:57: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sulllly - Lvl 270 (Megatherium)'! Day 26877, 13:11:48: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'heavy cunt no touch - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:21:57: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ratty catty likes scatty - Lvl 237 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26877, 13:36:32: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'good boi stamina - Lvl 143 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 13:56:20: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gen 6 neek - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 26877, 15:08:55: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 109 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 15:19:00: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 105 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 15:59:22: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rat rape - Lvl 136 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 16:02:32: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big boy roy 50 4 - Lvl 203 (Allosaurus)'! Day 26877, 16:14:12: Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sobes t dead beat dad - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 26949, 09:14:20: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26987, 08:29:52: Tribemember R4ENSPRAY - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 26987, 09:22:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27265, 20:34:29: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1844275143,"tribe":"Tribu de Alex logs":["Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30311, 13:36:17: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30441, 22:45:50: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 157 (Zomdodo)'! Day 30441, 23:02:00: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 157 (Zomdodo)'! Day 30441, 23:07:35: Tribemember Alex - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 30442, 00:04:06: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30442, 00:31:15: Tribemember Kira049 - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30594, 02:05:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30603, 01:35:40: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 30986, 10:53:25: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 153 (Phiomia)'! Day 30986, 10:59:28: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 351 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 30986, 11:18:28: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saco - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31174, 09:07:42: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 31339, 13:30:04: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 297 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 31339, 15:18:27: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Repro Femelle - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31339, 15:20:51: thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Repro Male - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31339, 17:08:49: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 153 (Zomdodo)'! Day 31339, 17:09:27: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zomdodo [Clone] - Lvl 163 (Zomdodo)'!"] "tribeid":1843882336,"tribe":"Tribe of cocopop logs":["Day 33298, 19:30:33: cocopop was added to the Tribe! Day 33298, 19:38:03: cocopop froze HamLightning - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33298, 21:17:33: cocopop froze poison iven - Lvl 293 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33298, 21:26:01: Silent Wolf tribe was merged in by Wolf! Day 33298, 21:26:01: Wolf was added to the Tribe by cocopop! Day 33298, 22:49:04: Wolf froze [ Z ] - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 33299, 15:55:51: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 368 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33299, 16:04:33: cocopop froze Peeping Tom - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 33299, 21:12:48: cocopop froze boos 14 - Lvl 363 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:22:45: cocopop froze boss 3 - Lvl 339 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:28:05: cocopop froze boss 17 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:32:56: cocopop froze boss 15 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:39:36: cocopop froze boss 18 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:44:25: cocopop froze boss 4 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:49:22: cocopop froze boss 13 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 21:55:56: cocopop froze boss 10 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:01:08: cocopop froze boos 1 - Lvl 339 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:10:18: cocopop froze boos 16 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:14:57: cocopop froze boss 2 - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:19:37: cocopop froze boss 7 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:25:18: cocopop froze boss 11 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:29:59: cocopop froze boss 6 - Lvl 340 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:34:45: cocopop froze boss 8 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:39:37: cocopop froze boss 12 - Lvl 339 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:44:31: cocopop froze boss 19 - Lvl 342 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 22:53:12: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 339 (Yutyrannus) Day 33299, 23:00:03: cocopop froze boss 9 - Lvl 363 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 23:12:54: cocopop froze i beat a boss with no sa - Lvl 368 (Megatherium) Day 33299, 23:22:55: Wolf froze cool - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33299, 23:45:06: Wolf froze cool - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 33299, 23:48:03: cocopop froze poison iven - Lvl 293 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33483, 15:06:35: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 368 (Giganotosaurus) Day 33483, 15:11:12: cocopop froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 33625, 09:28:35: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33863, 16:00:13: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34145, 10:14:37: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 34381, 07:39:56: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 384 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34381, 09:25:36: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 34381, 10:19:32: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 332 (Managarmr) Day 34381, 13:09:27: cocopop froze cool - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34381, 16:01:29: cocopop froze cool - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34381, 21:37:08: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34382, 23:00:39: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 34383, 00:40:38: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 09:14:43: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 34383, 11:16:00: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 12:04:25: cocopop froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 373 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 34383, 17:08:46: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 21:59:23: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34383, 23:45:35: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34384, 05:15:49: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus) Day 34385, 00:00:15: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 34793, 22:46:02: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 35006, 22:40:53: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 35163, 17:13:01: cocopop froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 82 (Sinomacrops) Day 35219, 15:29:28: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35219, 17:07:11: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35219, 20:08:19: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35219, 21:31:47: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35220, 03:16:52: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35220, 04:59:29: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35233, 15:53:58: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35233, 17:12:36: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35233, 18:01:15: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35235, 06:24:14: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 389 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35235, 07:49:23: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 389 (Giganotosaurus) Day 35235, 09:30:09: cocopop froze lit bich - Lvl 341 (Managarmr) Day 35244, 00:19:33: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35244, 13:52:47: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35245, 09:39:13: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 35270, 03:45:24: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 336 (Desmodus) Day 35409, 12:53:40: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 35533, 11:07:15: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 35630, 01:11:31: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 35859, 06:36:07: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 35860, 05:01:20: cocopop froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 377 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 35860, 08:49:13: cocopop claimed 'Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35860, 10:39:17: cocopop froze Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 35860, 18:31:31: cocopop froze Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon) Day 35860, 23:49:27: cocopop froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 390 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 35861, 01:58:22: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 36005, 12:20:33: cocopop uploaded a Pteranodon: Armstrong Whitworth - Lvl 301 Day 36185, 19:53:12: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 36185, 20:10:55: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 36185, 20:54:15: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 269 (Sinomacrops) Day 36185, 20:58:36: cocopop froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 230 (Sinomacrops) Day 36667, 22:39:32: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 269 (Sinomacrops) Day 36948, 14:02:35: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 269 (Sinomacrops) Day 37088, 09:42:06: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 269 (Sinomacrops) Day 37450, 08:53:59: cocopop froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 37450, 08:58:06: cocopop froze Tek Rex - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 37450, 09:05:29: ArticWolf added 'Tribe of cocopop' Tribe to Ally Alliance! Day 37450, 09:09:44: ArticWolf added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to Ally Alliance! Day 37451, 13:11:50: cocopop froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 37451, 16:32:16: cocopop froze Tek Rex - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 37590, 15:01:51: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37710, 14:47:19: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37710, 16:11:59: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37711, 05:38:36: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 37711, 07:24:37: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 133 was killed! Day 37711, 07:41:18: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 133 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 37711, 08:50:11: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37711, 08:55:34: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 133 was killed! Day 37711, 09:53:00: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 37711, 13:08:00: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 418 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37712, 08:05:38: cocopop froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 392 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 37714, 08:57:50: cocopop froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 392 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 37716, 14:26:23: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37756, 13:11:08: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 418 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37756, 14:38:06: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 146 was killed! Day 37756, 16:39:59: cocopop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37756, 16:53:12: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37756, 17:24:05: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 418 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37757, 00:20:17: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37757, 03:05:42: cocopop froze boss 3 - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 37757, 05:09:38: cocopop froze boss 3 - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 37757, 05:46:59: cocopop froze boss 3 - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 37757, 08:21:58: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 418 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37757, 08:48:48: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 295 (Maewing) Day 37757, 19:44:58: cocopop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37757, 23:36:56: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 418 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 37758, 00:05:27: cocopop froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 37779, 12:11:44: cocopop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37847, 12:32:17: cocopop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 174 (Brontosaurus) Day 37847, 13:37:51: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37847, 15:30:20: cocopop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 228 (Brontosaurus) Day 37847, 19:03:23: cocopop froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 228 (Brontosaurus) Day 37847, 19:08:14: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37850, 15:03:53: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 37850, 15:53:03: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 37850, 17:42:20: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 37850, 18:30:23: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 37850, 21:29:32: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 37850, 23:54:44: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 37851, 00:45:39: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 317 (Shadowmane) Day 37851, 08:24:32: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 37851, 14:32:34: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37851, 18:08:52: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 37851, 18:45:47: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 37851, 20:55:22: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37851, 22:22:42: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 37852, 07:32:52: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 296 (Maewing) Day 37946, 07:52:57: cocopop froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 396 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38275, 13:33:02: cocopop froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1842551330,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr Smith logs":["Day 37336, 13:07:29: Mr Smith was added to the Tribe! Day 37336, 13:08:46: Mrs Smith was added to the Tribe by Mr Smith! Day 37336, 13:21:29: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37344, 22:49:16: Mr Smith uploaded a Tek Stryder: Easy 20 - Lvl 102 Day 37345, 17:19:25: Mr Smith downloaded a dino: Easy 20 - Lvl 102 Day 37345, 19:35:23: Mr Smith uploaded a Tek Stryder: Easy 20 - Lvl 103 Day 37353, 06:25:48: Your R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 145 (R-Giganotosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 37353, 06:33:18: Mrs Smith claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 37353, 07:10:55: Mr Smith downloaded a dino: Easy 20 - Lvl 103 Day 37353, 19:53:24: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37353, 19:57:40: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37353, 20:01:19: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37353, 20:05:24: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 02:06:50: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 02:12:04: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 02:17:09: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 11:50:15: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 11:54:00: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 11:57:29: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 12:01:23: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 12:05:14: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37354, 21:07:57: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37355, 03:40:27: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37355, 03:47:33: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37355, 11:14:51: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 04:05:17: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 05:26:24: Your R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 144 (R-Giganotosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 37356, 05:28:22: Mr Smith claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 37356, 08:50:01: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 08:54:58: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 09:54:42: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 10:01:13: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 14:30:43: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 19:32:57: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 19:41:07: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 19:53:38: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 19:58:11: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 23:10:22: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 23:18:28: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37356, 23:25:06: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:29:45: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:35:39: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:41:20: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:46:41: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:52:33: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 04:58:03: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:03:14: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:08:28: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:14:00: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:18:18: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:22:23: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 05:26:28: Mrs Smith froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 13:50:16: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 17:07:11: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 21:56:34: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:02:48: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:07:47: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:13:16: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:18:31: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:23:58: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37357, 22:29:15: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 04:18:54: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 04:24:37: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 04:29:38: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 13:33:17: Mrs Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 18:07:41: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 18:11:29: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37358, 23:23:16: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Rhyniognatha - Lvl 2 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37360, 06:12:30: Mr Smith froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 5 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37360, 06:21:22: Mr Smith froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 5 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37360, 08:04:25: Mrs Smith froze .+*+.Fast Rescue.+*+. - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37360, 08:05:54: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37360, 08:22:10: Mr Smith uploaded a Tek Stryder: Easy 20 - Lvl 110 Day 37362, 09:05:10: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37374, 22:45:39: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37375, 22:42:48: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37378, 17:47:10: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37381, 03:32:15: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37383, 14:59:22: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37392, 18:54:13: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37402, 01:22:14: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37404, 08:35:28: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37421, 06:20:50: Mr Smith froze Gordon - Lvl 332 (Fire Wyvern) Day 37421, 11:56:24: Mrs Smith froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 17 (Rhyniognatha) Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37721, 14:14:39: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38313, 23:26:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1842099173,"tribe":"Warlocks logs":["Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41612, 12:36:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41898, 23:52:38: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41898, 23:52:38: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41898, 23:52:38: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41898, 23:52:38: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41898, 23:52:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 118 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 41 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Shitty Arse - Lvl 77 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Megaloceros - Lvl 129 (Megaloceros)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 74 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'F 194 - Lvl 194 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'HELP ME IM A SHIT REX - Lvl 218 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Chbebosaurus 2000 - Lvl 178 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Salgueule - Lvl 66 (Bulbdog)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 245 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Amarnaths female - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'ゴロン族 - Lvl 242 (Roll Rat)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's '191 F - Lvl 260 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Drongo - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Flash - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Peppa Pig - Lvl 111 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Plumard - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Turkish Airlines - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Soldat3 - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:05:35: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 243 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 198 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Hp Mam - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Barry - Lvl 274 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'M104/9 - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'F36/1 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 151 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'READU - Lvl 117 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 87 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 29 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:06:48: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 334 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 322 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'ER79-544L712-1U - Lvl 227 (Enforcer)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 202 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Burn Baby Burn! - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 348 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:14:48: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 215 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 267 (X-Rock Elemental)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Rock Drake [Clone] - Lvl 225 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 65 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Basilisk - Lvl 224 (Basilisk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Red Male Mate - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 31 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Quetzal - Lvl 192 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Quetzal - Lvl 149 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 178 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'its glow time - Lvl 148 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Spino - Lvl 247 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 102 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Pain in the Ass - Lvl 261 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Anglerfish - Lvl 194 (Anglerfish)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 221 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 48 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Titan destroyer - Lvl 85 (Tapejara)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'mr crabs - Lvl 214 (Karkinos)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Anglerfish - Lvl 67 (Anglerfish)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's ''clean\" fm H36 F42 - Lvl 221 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Troodon - Lvl 202 (Troodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:15:33: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 142 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Reaper King - Lvl 247 (Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 72 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 177 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Rock Drake [Clone] - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 50 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 31 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Pain in the Ass - Lvl 261 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Troodon - Lvl 120 (Troodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 143 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Yutyrannus [Clone] - Lvl 268 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'high weight 1 - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 33 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'crystal - Lvl 33 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 38 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 184 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 184 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'fuur - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'fiber storage - Lvl 171 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 184 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Rex - Lvl 307 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 269 (X-Rock Elemental)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Bombardier - Lvl 257 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Magma Grandpa - Lvl 240 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Ahaha it's a giraffe ! - Lvl 193 (Paraceratherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Gecko - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 09:16:50: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 42175, 11:14:30: Tribemember ArticWolf - Lvl 168 was killed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42185, 00:30:53: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1841039977,"tribe":"Tribe of Da Bob logs":["Day 24586, 03:27:32: Da Bob was added to the Tribe! Day 24586, 05:54:39: Tribemember Da Bob - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 24586, 07:30:16: Human was added to the Tribe by Da Bob! Day 24586, 07:45:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 24586, 08:24:54: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 24586, 09:14:10: Tribemember Da Bob - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24586, 12:33:38: Tribemember Da Bob - Lvl 38 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.8x! Day 24586, 21:37:01: Tribemember Da Bob - Lvl 44 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 125!"] "tribeid":1839832377,"tribe":"Tribe of Jerry logs":["Day 21213, 15:01:23: Jerry was added to the Tribe! Day 21213, 15:02:57: Tom was added to the Tribe by Jerry! Day 21213, 16:18:07: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 3 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 21213, 16:30:41: Tribemember Jerry - Lvl 6 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 21213, 17:27:54: Tribemember Jerry - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 70! Day 21213, 20:19:51: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 21213, 20:34:00: Tribemember Jerry - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 21213, 23:07:31: Tribemember Jerry - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 21214, 02:43:47: Tribemember Jerry - Lvl 15 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 21214, 02:49:07: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1838656454,"tribe":"Tribe of FriendDearist logs":["Day 41126, 10:25:04: FriendDearist was added to the Tribe! Day 41126, 10:26:44: Tribe of Human tribe was merged in by Human! Day 41126, 10:26:44: Human was added to the Tribe by FriendDearist! Day 41126, 14:50:38: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 41126, 15:19:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 1.1x! Day 41126, 15:54:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 41126, 19:35:49: Tribemember FriendDearist - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 41127, 05:52:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 95! Day 41127, 06:23:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 17 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 41127, 07:11:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 105 | 0.9x! Day 41127, 10:01:03: Tribemember FriendDearist - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 41127, 13:14:12: Tribemember FriendDearist - Lvl 30 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 41318, 10:22:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41334, 00:00:24: Tribemember FriendDearist - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 41707, 19:42:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41707, 19:42:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41746, 00:13:07: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 23 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 42304, 06:46:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43772, 19:18:42: GameNation - Lvl 11 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS SAILTOPIA (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1837497537,"tribe":"SpiltMILK logs":["Day 18444, 16:32:00: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 272 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:37:50: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 252 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:40:45: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 247 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:43:20: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 272 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:49:36: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 218 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:52:40: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 16:59:30: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:01:03: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 285 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:02:27: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 247 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:04:07: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 252 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:11:22: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 238 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:14:17: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 273 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:16:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 238 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:18:58: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 220 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:20:31: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:31:30: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:33:16: Boom froze DOGSH#T - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18444, 17:41:22: Boom froze ARTIE - Lvl 38 (Otter) Day 18444, 17:43:08: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 156 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18447, 08:34:29: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 08:40:35: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 18447, 08:42:09: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 222 (Yutyrannus) Day 18447, 10:11:16: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 163 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18447, 12:13:27: Boom froze ARTIE - Lvl 47 (Otter) Day 18447, 13:27:27: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:29:05: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 3 - Lvl 239 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:37:46: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 279 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:41:41: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 273 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:44:29: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:47:08: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 279 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:49:54: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:52:13: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 13:56:32: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18447, 14:25:35: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 163 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18448, 06:08:46: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 164 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18448, 08:02:06: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18448, 08:04:41: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 164 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18457, 10:06:34: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18457, 10:15:29: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 165 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18457, 11:17:07: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18457, 13:12:47: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18457, 20:02:48: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18457, 21:29:46: Boom unclaimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 18457, 22:33:12: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 05:32:32: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 223 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:22:41: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 277 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:26:26: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 256 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:28:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 259 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:31:03: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 249 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:34:22: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 254 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:52:29: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 08:58:13: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 274 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:02:57: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 257 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:06:33: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 279 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:09:36: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:21:41: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 259 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:24:59: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 225 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:27:53: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:33:40: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 227 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 09:59:25: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 255 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 10:01:43: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 1 - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 10:07:13: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 268 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 10:18:04: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 10:21:52: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 281 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 10:25:17: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (Yutyrannus) Day 18458, 13:15:28: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 18458, 16:11:19: Boom froze ARTIE - Lvl 51 (Otter) Day 18470, 00:30:31: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (Yutyrannus) Day 18470, 00:41:59: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 264 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 00:48:30: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 00:52:40: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 232 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 00:57:53: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:01:56: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:06:13: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:19:06: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:29:52: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 275 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:34:00: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 284 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:38:04: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:42:11: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 257 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:46:07: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 01:54:35: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 263 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 05:50:52: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 05:53:55: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 211 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 05:57:31: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 05:59:37: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:02:50: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 233 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:11:01: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:12:47: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:17:57: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 263 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:19:57: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:22:56: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:25:44: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:27:31: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 284 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 06:30:45: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 265 (R-Reaper King) Day 18470, 07:35:24: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 187 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18471, 19:23:03: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18471, 19:50:34: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18471, 21:05:20: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 18471, 22:42:10: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 18471, 23:15:11: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18472, 00:00:20: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 18472, 01:47:54: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 18472, 03:41:42: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18472, 04:37:32: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18472, 07:58:31: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 121 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18472, 08:44:08: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 121 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18472, 05:21:59: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 18472, 05:36:48: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 18472, 07:30:20: Boom froze Draco - Lvl 258 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18472, 10:40:22: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18472, 11:00:06: Boom froze Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 18472, 13:48:39: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 211 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:00:06: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:01:59: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:04:08: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 211 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:05:57: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:07:40: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:12:11: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 233 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:15:04: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (Yutyrannus) Day 18472, 15:16:36: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:18:09: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:23:00: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 263 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:25:00: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:26:33: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:32:59: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 284 (R-Reaper King) Day 18472, 15:41:05: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18472, 16:45:15: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18483, 16:39:09: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18483, 18:42:04: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 285 (R-Reaper King) Day 18483, 19:31:55: Boom froze Argentavis - Lvl 333 (Argentavis) Day 18484, 01:57:09: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 3 - Lvl 242 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 02:03:22: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 1 - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 02:09:21: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 05:00:07: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 259 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 05:07:24: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 05:22:24: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 05:23:54: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 230 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 05:25:39: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 256 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 06:18:58: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18484, 07:55:26: Your 'Remote Activation Keypad (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 18484, 09:55:56: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 266 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 09:58:37: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 259 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 10:00:59: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 3 - Lvl 242 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 10:04:50: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 230 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:24:15: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:25:56: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:27:27: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 235 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:30:29: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:32:37: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:34:16: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 285 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:36:06: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:38:13: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 211 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:44:00: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:45:49: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 256 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:47:22: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:49:02: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 1 - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:50:43: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:52:14: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:53:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18484, 11:55:16: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 233 (Yutyrannus) Day 18484, 12:32:07: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18484, 12:50:10: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18485, 17:38:05: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 1 - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 17:43:24: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 17:53:37: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 234 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 17:56:30: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 213 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:10:41: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 285 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:13:05: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 258 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:14:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:16:57: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:35:44: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:37:14: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 235 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:39:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 224 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:47:33: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:53:56: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:55:35: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:57:24: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 256 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 19:59:16: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 18485, 20:04:41: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 276 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:08:11: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 262 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:12:19: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:14:50: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 281 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:16:36: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 270 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:18:32: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 281 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:20:16: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 281 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 20:22:05: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 289 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 21:01:19: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 285 (R-Reaper King) Day 18485, 21:42:41: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18485, 22:48:13: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18488, 02:51:11: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 8 - Lvl 313 (R-Reaper King) Day 18488, 02:55:20: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 277 (Yutyrannus) Day 18488, 06:25:48: Boom froze 140 - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18500, 17:16:42: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 280 (R-Reaper King) Day 18500, 18:35:02: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18500, 19:26:41: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18505, 02:30:37: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18505, 06:02:37: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18523, 05:56:22: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18523, 06:28:55: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 18523, 06:35:25: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18526, 10:55:10: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 3 - Lvl 246 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 10:58:27: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:02:08: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 1 - Lvl 261 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:13:34: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 4 - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:17:22: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 5 - Lvl 312 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:21:48: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 6 - Lvl 315 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:40:06: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 9 - Lvl 315 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:43:02: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 8 - Lvl 313 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:46:27: Boom froze BOSS FIGHT 7 - Lvl 316 (R-Reaper King) Day 18526, 11:50:43: Boom froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 278 (Yutyrannus) Day 18526, 14:38:30: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18527, 06:41:33: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 262 (R-Reaper King) Day 18527, 06:50:40: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18530, 16:43:20: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 340 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18530, 16:52:12: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 297 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18530, 17:11:45: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18710, 17:58:01: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18710, 19:58:12: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18710, 22:01:44: Boom froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18710, 22:42:59: Boom froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 93 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18711, 03:47:51: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 250 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 18711, 04:12:24: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18711, 04:53:55: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 18711, 05:00:50: Boom froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 176 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18711, 06:03:25: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18943, 06:02:49: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 128 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18943, 06:16:36: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 98 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19302, 18:03:35: Tribemember Boom - Lvl 121 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19468, 14:52:43: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19510, 10:50:56: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 19510, 14:54:15: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19894, 06:18:34: Boom froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20134, 19:00:56: Osas - Lvl 124 (BOLARKS CREW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 341 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20190, 21:00:43: Boom froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20569, 17:01:29: Boom froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20878, 08:12:28: Boom demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 20878, 09:27:27: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20960, 00:17:51: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21017, 04:12:44: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 21048, 05:24:28: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21098, 13:39:03: Boom froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21329, 19:00:10: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 19:06:52: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 19:11:19: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 19:18:34: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 20:05:18: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 20:14:28: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 20:49:23: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 20:54:40: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 20:59:42: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21329, 21:04:58: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 00:58:56: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 01:20:10: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 01:25:14: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 01:58:12: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 02:03:39: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 02:13:50: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 02:21:55: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 02:28:19: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 02:44:36: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 03:12:39: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 03:30:15: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 03:35:48: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 03:42:56: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 03:55:06: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 04:13:43: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 04:45:36: Boom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 06:11:07: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 06:52:39: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 06:59:48: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 07:49:23: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 08:06:00: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 08:17:43: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 08:47:50: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 08:59:01: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 09:14:35: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 09:35:05: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 11:49:30: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 12:47:57: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 13:29:52: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 13:36:57: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 13:45:11: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 13:52:56: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 13:58:36: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 14:24:48: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 15:56:32: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 16:04:04: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 16:13:20: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 16:34:50: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 18:30:28: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 18:34:02: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 18:37:37: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 18:47:30: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 18:59:52: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 19:32:29: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 19:51:02: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21330, 20:27:32: Boom froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:27:55: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 381 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21331, 15:43:16: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:46:15: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:49:10: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:52:57: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:56:32: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 15:59:37: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:05:28: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:08:46: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:12:02: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:23:46: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:33:15: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:36:50: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:39:57: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:44:52: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:47:59: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:51:55: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 16:56:26: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:02:54: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:06:48: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:10:09: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:20:32: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:23:29: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:26:55: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:30:13: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:35:29: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 17:38:56: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 21:28:41: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21331, 23:57:47: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21332, 03:14:43: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21332, 04:18:50: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21332, 05:52:45: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21332, 06:30:37: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21332, 08:12:48: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21332, 18:22:55: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 21332, 18:38:14: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21335, 02:37:26: Boom demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 21353, 05:23:02: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 21353, 05:27:33: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21353, 05:31:50: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 21353, 05:40:33: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21353, 05:46:21: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21353, 06:54:15: Boom froze Harry [Clone] - Lvl 229 (Yutyrannus) Day 21353, 09:25:23: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 383 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21353, 11:41:46: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21354, 08:06:29: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 383 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 14:39:24: Boom froze BigBoiMK2 - Lvl 397 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 15:23:04: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 368 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 15:26:42: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 306 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 15:39:15: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 381 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 16:07:56: Boom froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 383 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21354, 19:02:10: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21354, 19:06:15: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 21355, 02:08:45: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21355, 02:47:20: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 02:48:55: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 21355, 02:50:12: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 02:51:43: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:07:59: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:09:34: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:11:43: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 21355, 03:12:44: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 21355, 03:13:43: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Overdrive Tribe. Day 21355, 03:15:22: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:16:25: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:17:31: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:43:03: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:44:15: Boom - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Jesus Tribe. Day 21355, 03:46:15: Boom added 'Tribe of Jesus' Tribe to BOSSFIGHT Alliance! Day 21355, 10:04:21: Boom unclaimed 'R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 147 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21355, 12:02:33: Boom claimed 'R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 147 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21355, 15:58:45: Boom unclaimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 21355, 20:26:34: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 21355, 20:27:19: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 21355, 21:59:14: Boom claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 21355, 23:40:52: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21355, 23:45:14: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 21355, 23:50:41: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 00:03:33: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 311 (R-Reaper King) Day 21356, 00:13:57: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 00:19:22: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 00:27:39: Boom froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 373 (R-Reaper King) Day 21356, 00:37:42: Boom froze Harry [Clone] - Lvl 316 (Yutyrannus) Day 21356, 00:53:54: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 00:58:40: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 01:19:50: Boom froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 21356, 01:54:30: Boom froze R-Snow Owl [Clone] - Lvl 147 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21356, 02:02:06: Boom froze BigBoiMK2 - Lvl 397 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 21356, 02:48:21: Boom froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 411 (Voidwyrm) Day 21379, 00:24:58: Boom froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 258 (Shadowmane) Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21927, 06:40:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21927, 06:40:47: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22399, 06:46:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1837439612,"tribe":"Tribe of Jeti logs":["Day 11775, 07:34:12: Jeti was added to the Tribe! Day 11775, 07:36:38: Ginger was added to the Tribe by Jeti! Day 11775, 09:26:41: Your Panda - Lvl 24 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 09:28:14: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 11 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 09:31:13: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 46 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 09:43:28: Jeti demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 11775, 09:44:23: Jeti demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11775, 09:44:58: Jeti demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 11775, 09:49:25: Jeti demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11775, 09:57:29: Your Legend - Lvl 32 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 09:57:57: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 46 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 10:23:18: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 11775, 11:34:51: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 47 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 11775, 13:14:33: Ginger demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 11775, 17:09:12: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 11775, 18:25:34: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 11775, 19:30:00: Jeti Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 11775, 21:15:30: Your Leguano - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 11775, 21:57:21: Jeti Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 11776, 05:30:31: Jeti Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 11776, 06:39:02: Jeti Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 6 (Triceratops)! Day 11776, 12:33:55: Your Helix - Lvl 64 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 11777, 20:39:23: Your Ludwig - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 11786, 13:07:10: Jeti Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 11786, 13:17:42: Jeti Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 44 (Dodo)! Day 11786, 13:25:43: Jeti Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 44 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 11786, 13:53:53: Jeti Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo)! Day 11788, 20:11:11: Your 980 - Lvl 12 (Triceratops) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 11788, 23:41:09: Ginger demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 11789, 00:59:45: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11789, 02:15:53: Jeti demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 11789, 08:32:24: Ginger demolished a 'Wood Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 11789, 08:53:15: Your Troya - Lvl 50 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 11789, 09:33:39: Jeti Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20 (Stegosaurus)! Day 11789, 10:40:02: Jeti demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 11789, 12:44:20: Jeti Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 11789, 15:02:23: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 11789, 16:03:58: Ginger demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 11789, 17:36:36: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 11790, 14:08:31: Your Lantern - Lvl 25 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 25! Day 11797, 18:12:18: Your Choppie - Lvl 24 (Moschops) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 11797, 18:16:10: Your Lizzo - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 11797, 18:50:48: Your Core - Lvl 94 (Dodo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 11798, 14:37:15: Your Joline - Lvl 48 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 11875, 10:10:56: Tribemember Jeti - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11879, 15:09:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11967, 21:30:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11967, 21:30:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12135, 07:12:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12302, 17:27:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12302, 17:27:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12302, 17:27:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12484, 12:33:34: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26315, 21:58:30: Tribemember Ginger - Lvl 41 was killed!"] "tribeid":1836796533,"tribe":"BumzVille logs":["Day 21921, 21:05:28: Barbie Doll was added to the Tribe! Day 21922, 02:25:05: Your Moschops - Lvl 89 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 22517, 10:34:40: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22800, 20:39:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22800, 20:39:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1832710897,"tribe":"Tribe of yapper logs":["Day 27489, 20:24:30: yapper was added to the Tribe! Day 27785, 04:21:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27935, 07:38:25: Tribemember yapper - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30!"] "tribeid":1830958392,"tribe":"Tribe of AHMED logs":["Day 26877, 13:45:12: AHMED was added to the Tribe! Day 27042, 10:03:23: Tribemember AHMED - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1826541783,"tribe":"Despicable me logs":["Day 28914, 06:21:05: Gru was added to the Tribe! Day 28914, 06:31:23: RapBin was added to the Tribe by Gru! Day 28914, 07:42:01: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 28914, 07:46:39: Tribemember Gru - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 28914, 10:25:37: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 28914, 14:56:51: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 13 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 28914, 15:49:45: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 13 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.0x! Day 28914, 16:30:20: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 28914, 18:53:59: RapBin Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 28914, 20:23:01: RapBin Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 28915, 00:40:40: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 81 (Moschops)'! Day 28915, 00:44:34: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 81 (Moschops)'! Day 28915, 00:47:19: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 81 (Moschops)'! Day 28915, 01:45:02: Your Baby BOB 1 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) was killed! Day 28915, 01:45:02: Baby BOB 1 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28915, 01:45:15: Your Baby BOB 2 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) was killed! Day 28915, 01:45:15: Baby BOB 2 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28915, 01:45:25: Your Baby BOB 3 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) was killed! Day 28915, 01:45:25: Baby BOB 3 - Lvl 81 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28927, 09:39:54: RapBin Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur)! Day 28927, 12:34:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 12 (Pteranodon)! Day 28928, 12:24:00: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 116 (Moschops)'! Day 28929, 06:59:08: Your Ben - Lvl 32 (Dodo) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 34 (Despicable me)! Day 28929, 06:59:08: Your Tribe killed Ben - Lvl 32 (Dodo) (Despicable me)! Day 28929, 20:55:01: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)'! Day 28929, 21:16:28: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)'! Day 28930, 03:26:18: Your BOBINA - Lvl 45 (Moschops) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 39 (Despicable me)! Day 28930, 03:26:18: Your Tribe killed BOBINA - Lvl 45 (Moschops) (Despicable me)! Day 28930, 03:38:36: Your Juvenile BOB 2 - Lvl 134 (Moschops) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 39 (Despicable me)! Day 28930, 03:38:36: Your Tribe killed Juvenile BOB 2 - Lvl 134 (Moschops) (Despicable me)! Day 28930, 13:21:05: RapBin Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 28930, 23:39:23: RapBin Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 28931, 00:38:15: RapBin Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 97 (Pachy)! Day 28931, 06:04:30: RapBin claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 28931, 10:51:31: RapBin Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 28931, 17:37:48: RapBin Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 119 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28931, 22:03:09: Your TEKY - Lvl 147 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 46 (Despicable me)! Day 28931, 22:03:09: Your Tribe killed TEKY - Lvl 147 (Tek Parasaur) (Despicable me)! Day 28931, 22:34:40: RapBin Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 71 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 28936, 18:20:18: Your ee - Lvl 31 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 28941, 01:56:21: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 54 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 28941, 04:29:04: Your Killer - Lvl 171 (Moschops) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 28952, 19:31:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 28954, 02:31:34: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)'! Day 28954, 04:03:45: Your parry - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 56 (Despicable me)! Day 28954, 04:03:45: Your Tribe killed parry - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) (Despicable me)! Day 28954, 09:18:10: RapBin Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 93 (Dodo)! Day 28954, 11:24:05: RapBin demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 28954, 13:16:52: RapBin Tamed an Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter)! Day 28954, 22:48:54: RapBin demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28958, 03:00:05: Adolescent Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 29002, 09:43:21: Your Parasaurus rex - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 29031, 01:23:53: RapBin claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)'! Day 29031, 03:17:14: RapBin demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 29031, 04:17:03: Your Baby BABY 1 - Lvl 134 (Moschops) was killed by RapBin - Lvl 61 (Despicable me)! Day 29031, 04:17:03: Your Tribe killed Baby BABY 1 - Lvl 134 (Moschops) (Despicable me)! Day 29034, 21:18:58: Your Rap - Lvl 122 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 29035, 01:20:21: Your WHY... - Lvl 139 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 29035, 01:38:48: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 29051, 23:32:30: CUMALAOA - Lvl 15 (Otter) starved to death! Day 29085, 08:54:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29117, 00:10:07: Your DODO - Lvl 93 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 65! Day 29119, 03:48:25: Your Pachy - Lvl 97 (Pachy) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 29241, 10:51:50: BABY 1 - Lvl 149 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 29321, 14:59:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29379, 17:50:40: BOB - Lvl 172 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 29627, 14:03:56: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29627, 14:03:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29627, 14:03:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29844, 02:42:26: Tribemember RapBin - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 29844, 02:49:38: Tribemember Gru - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30193, 10:40:03: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30484, 20:20:47: Bobina - Lvl 156 (Moschops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1825414617,"tribe":"Men logs":["Day 24586, 19:39:54: Josiah was added to the Tribe! Day 24586, 22:55:25: Josiah demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 24587, 04:53:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24587, 08:14:42: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 72 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 24587, 10:58:09: Gerald was added to the Tribe by Josiah! Day 24587, 19:20:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 61 (Stegosaurus)! Day 24587, 20:59:16: Josiah demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 24587, 21:01:48: Josiah demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 24587, 22:51:15: Tribemember Gerald - Lvl 19 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 15! Day 24587, 23:04:42: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 74 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 15! Day 24588, 14:35:09: Josiah demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24588, 14:36:07: Josiah demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 24588, 15:08:25: Gerald Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 24589, 13:12:54: Gerald Tamed a Spino - Lvl 74 (Spino)! Day 24603, 14:59:40: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 80 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 95! Day 24604, 01:48:35: Josiah Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 24604, 03:42:10: Josiah Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)! Day 24604, 09:35:25: Your Robert - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 24604, 10:46:44: Josiah Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 74 (Mesopithecus)! Day 24605, 02:45:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 36 (Baryonyx)! Day 24605, 05:22:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 74 (Sarco)! Day 24605, 07:05:20: Josiah Tamed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 22 (Kaprosuchus)! Day 24605, 07:11:29: Josiah Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 108 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24605, 13:43:06: Your Kaprosuchus - Lvl 22 (Kaprosuchus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 80! Day 24605, 15:52:23: Josiah demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24605, 16:58:48: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 137 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 24673, 18:31:03: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 36 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Dimetrodon - Lvl 15! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24697, 11:44:19: Josiah Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 22 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24697, 12:11:46: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 22 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 80! Day 24697, 12:53:52: Josiah Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 17 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24697, 13:07:14: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 17 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Dimetrodon - Lvl 45! Day 24697, 13:35:59: Josiah Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24701, 11:57:38: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 93 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 24701, 12:23:12: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 93 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 45! Day 24701, 13:13:37: Your 'Wooden Bench' was destroyed! Day 24701, 13:25:51: Your Satsuma - Lvl 87 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35! Day 24701, 14:46:27: Your Gilbert - Lvl 109 (Spino) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35! Day 24701, 14:47:07: Tribemember Josiah - Lvl 93 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35! Day 24707, 03:33:00: Your Argentavis - Lvl 30 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35! Day 24707, 06:22:13: Your Oswald - Lvl 135 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 24707, 07:43:25: Your Bronson - Lvl 147 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 35! Day 25012, 13:35:08: Your Sarco - Lvl 87 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 25028, 17:56:17: Your Beelzebufo - Lvl 77 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 25212, 02:03:52: Mesopithecus - Lvl 74 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25281, 09:29:23: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25975, 11:53:02: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25975, 12:11:46: Tribemember Gerald - Lvl 44 was killed!"] "tribeid":1823470128,"tribe":"Tribe of Juvernón logs":["Day 25651, 09:10:10: Juvernón was added to the Tribe! Day 25651, 09:12:03: Waltuh was added to the Tribe by Juvernón! Day 25651, 11:23:03: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 25651, 12:29:48: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 8 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 25651, 15:25:07: Waltuh Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 25651, 19:13:12: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 25651, 22:52:35: Waltuh Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 25652, 04:19:05: Juvernón demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 25652, 04:32:39: Juvernón demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 25652, 04:34:29: Juvernón demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 25652, 04:35:45: Juvernón demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 25652, 08:50:25: Tribemember Juvernón - Lvl 31 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 120! Day 25652, 09:05:25: Your NAMAST3 - Lvl 78 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 09:37:38: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 26 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 09:40:56: Tribemember Juvernón - Lvl 31 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 09:49:03: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 26 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 10:23:41: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 25652, 12:57:57: Tribemember Juvernón - Lvl 33 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 12:58:32: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 27 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 13:06:29: Tribemember Juvernón - Lvl 33 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 25652, 13:14:09: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 25652, 13:51:00: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 27 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 35! Day 25665, 04:39:21: Tribemember Juvernón - Lvl 35 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 1.0x! Day 25665, 04:55:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 171 (Parasaur)! Day 25665, 10:37:17: Juvernón Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25665, 13:07:40: Juvernón Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 113 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25666, 05:51:42: Juvernón Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 25666, 22:51:48: Juvernón Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 163 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 25672, 15:38:37: Juvernón Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 156 (Raptor)! Day 25896, 01:45:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25896, 01:45:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26056, 12:24:29: Holly - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 26067, 03:05:48: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26067, 03:21:20: Your Juan Bolsa - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 26067, 04:02:43: Your Raptor - Lvl 171 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 26067, 08:51:28: Your Parasaur - Lvl 187 (Parasaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 10! Day 26093, 11:34:21: Tribemember Waltuh - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 26290, 14:04:05: Your Margarethe Ziegler - Lvl 136 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 26291, 09:27:00: Your Werner Ziegler - Lvl 176 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26328, 18:48:48: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 26328, 19:08:33: Kira049 - Lvl 128 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Don Eladio - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 26910, 10:39:46: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1820669701,"tribe":"The Stream City logs":["Day 26479, 16:30:35: Sam Sam froze Snow Owl - Lvl 126 (Snow Owl) Day 26479, 16:54:07: Sam Sam froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 26479, 17:04:30: Human froze wyv - Lvl 243 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26480, 02:46:00: Human froze Groudon - Lvl 156 (Magmasaur) Day 26480, 02:58:31: Human froze Charizard - Lvl 115 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26480, 03:06:27: Human froze Pidgeotto - Lvl 65 (Argentavis) Day 26480, 03:21:36: Human froze Onix - Lvl 108 (Doedicurus) Day 26480, 20:53:34: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon) Day 26480, 21:03:27: Human froze Sky - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 26480, 21:08:09: Human froze Geb - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 26481, 05:32:04: Human froze wyv - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26482, 18:56:26: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 116 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26482, 21:16:09: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 116 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26482, 21:23:47: Sam Sam froze Hedwig - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 26483, 01:30:33: Human froze wyv - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26483, 04:55:11: Human froze wyv - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26483, 18:55:46: Human froze WEIGHT GODS PLEASE - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 03:36:45: Human froze Pidgeotto - Lvl 65 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 06:05:56: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (Snow Owl) Day 26484, 06:34:41: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 26484, 07:37:01: Human froze wyv - Lvl 252 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26484, 07:43:49: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 85 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 08:25:49: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 08:39:26: Human froze WEIGHT GODS PLEASE - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 16:57:07: Human froze Groudon - Lvl 187 (Magmasaur) Day 26484, 17:12:21: Human froze WEIGHT GODS PLEASE - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 17:16:33: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 26484, 19:07:04: Human froze Mobile House - Lvl 232 (Paraceratherium) Day 26484, 20:10:44: Human froze wyv - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26485, 15:09:21: Human froze WEIGHT GODS PLEASE - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 26485, 15:23:59: Human froze Mobile House - Lvl 232 (Paraceratherium) Day 26485, 15:56:29: Human froze Mobile House - Lvl 232 (Paraceratherium) Day 26485, 19:18:06: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 26485, 19:22:11: Human froze Pidgeotto - Lvl 68 (Argentavis) Day 26485, 22:05:55: Human froze Shieldon - Lvl 86 (Triceratops) Day 26485, 22:11:14: Human froze wyv - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26485, 23:57:38: Human claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26486, 00:12:32: Human froze Baby PT - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon) Day 26496, 21:18:38: Human claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26496, 21:26:59: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26497, 11:09:57: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 118 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26497, 22:51:27: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26498, 06:46:24: Human froze wyv - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26499, 03:26:06: Tribemember Human - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 26499, 04:42:46: Human froze Wy - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26499, 07:47:55: Human froze Wy - Lvl 95 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26499, 07:51:37: Human froze wyv - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26499, 14:11:17: Human froze Onix - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 26499, 14:16:09: Human froze Jess M - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur) Day 26499, 14:23:30: Human froze Wy - Lvl 124 (Poison Wyvern) Day 26499, 14:28:17: Human froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus) Day 26499, 14:32:24: Human froze Other Other Thing - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) Day 26499, 14:48:02: Human froze TherFem - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 26499, 14:51:34: Human froze Therboi - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 26499, 14:55:22: Human froze Wolverine Chicken - Lvl 270 (Therizinosaur) Day 26499, 15:03:09: Human froze Kyogre - Lvl 268 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 26499, 15:50:47: Human demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 26500, 08:28:53: Human demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 26500, 11:34:53: JimmySaville was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 26500, 14:43:26: Human froze Onix - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 26500, 18:15:37: Tribemember JimmySaville - Lvl 14 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 26501, 00:35:20: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 26501, 00:40:05: Human froze Tyrantrum - Lvl 54 (Rex) Day 26501, 01:07:10: Human froze Tyrantrum - Lvl 54 (Rex) Day 26501, 01:18:35: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 26501, 01:23:05: Human froze Buckbeak - Lvl 213 (Griffin) Day 26501, 05:15:20: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 26501, 08:15:03: Tribemember JimmySaville - Lvl 58 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 15! Day 26502, 00:50:57: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26502, 01:07:01: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl) Day 26502, 01:14:25: Human froze Onix - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 26502, 01:20:48: Human froze Jess M - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur) Day 26503, 07:15:56: Sam Sam froze Steelix - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26503, 12:49:42: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 119 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26503, 23:45:26: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 103 was killed by Human - Lvl 121 (The Stream City)! Day 26503, 23:45:26: Your Tribe killed Sam Sam - Lvl 103 (The Stream City)! Day 26504, 01:04:15: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 26504, 11:16:43: Human froze wyv - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26504, 11:23:31: Human froze Onix - Lvl 113 (Doedicurus) Day 26504, 11:27:48: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26504, 11:38:33: Human froze Jess M - Lvl 80 (Therizinosaur) Day 26520, 15:34:58: Your Baby JIM IS SUS - Lvl 82 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 26520, 15:34:58: Baby JIM IS SUS - Lvl 82 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 26521, 00:15:25: Sam Sam froze Other Dino Thing - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 26521, 00:25:22: Sam Sam froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 108 (Deinonychus) Day 26521, 00:32:34: Sam Sam froze Other Other Thing - Lvl 97 (Deinonychus) Day 26521, 01:40:51: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26521, 03:12:25: Human froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 26521, 03:17:56: Human froze Other Other Thing - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 26521, 03:38:19: Human froze wyv - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26521, 13:38:20: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 26521, 14:48:56: Human froze wyv - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26523, 21:21:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 45! Day 26523, 22:27:59: Sam Sam froze Venumoth - Lvl 130 (Lymantria) Day 26524, 21:56:26: Human froze Jess M - Lvl 84 (Therizinosaur) Day 26524, 22:01:22: Human froze Onix - Lvl 117 (Doedicurus) Day 26524, 22:06:58: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 26524, 22:12:14: Human froze Charizard - Lvl 119 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26524, 22:18:15: Human froze wyv - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26524, 22:24:31: Human froze Pidgeotto - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 26524, 22:29:09: Human froze WEIGHT GODS PLEASE - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 26524, 22:34:37: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 95 (Argentavis) Day 26529, 06:22:25: Human froze Spearow - Lvl 95 (Argentavis) Day 26549, 06:55:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26549, 10:53:16: Sam Sam froze Geb - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 26549, 11:12:00: Human froze Dung - Lvl 250 (Dung Beetle) Day 26549, 11:24:58: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 123 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26549, 11:48:43: Human froze Dung - Lvl 250 (Dung Beetle) Day 26550, 03:49:55: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 26551, 05:19:25: Human froze wyv - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26551, 08:03:31: Sam Sam froze Geb - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 26551, 12:52:06: Sam Sam froze Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus) Day 26551, 13:03:57: Sam Sam froze Equus - Lvl 26 (Equus) Day 26551, 13:12:06: Human claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 140 (Magmasaur)'! Day 26551, 15:54:03: Human froze Baby Groudon 2 - Lvl 140 (Magmasaur) Day 26573, 10:10:42: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 26573, 11:17:19: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 26573, 11:48:27: Human froze PiginWithWeight? - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 26575, 08:16:44: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26575, 09:08:30: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26575, 11:13:26: Human froze Charizard - Lvl 126 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26575, 11:17:02: Human froze Jess M - Lvl 88 (Therizinosaur) Day 26575, 11:21:51: Human froze Onix - Lvl 122 (Doedicurus) Day 26575, 11:31:23: Human froze wyv - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26575, 12:23:10: Human demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 26575, 13:08:16: Human froze TherFem - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 26575, 13:11:44: Human froze Therboi - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 26575, 13:24:19: Human froze Other Other Thing - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 26575, 13:28:16: Human froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 108 (Deinonychus) Day 26575, 16:14:05: Human claimed 'Baby Equus - Lvl 74 (Equus)'! Day 26575, 16:18:59: Human froze Baby Tings - Lvl 74 (Equus) Day 26575, 17:32:06: Human froze Crobat - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 26575, 17:40:00: Human froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 109 (Dimorphodon) Day 26575, 18:19:23: Human froze wyv - Lvl 270 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26594, 16:58:12: Sam Sam froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) Day 26599, 23:50:17: Sam Sam claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26600, 00:07:29: Sam Sam froze Baby baby female - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus) Day 26600, 00:13:33: Sam Sam froze Other Other Thing - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 26600, 00:17:00: Sam Sam froze Other Other Other Other - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26704, 16:16:47: Human froze PiginWithWeight? - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) Day 26704, 16:37:10: Human froze Geb - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 26705, 07:50:56: Human froze Baby Groudon 2 - Lvl 140 (Magmasaur) Day 26705, 09:04:21: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26705, 09:36:44: Human froze wyv - Lvl 286 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26705, 09:41:51: Human froze Steelix - Lvl 116 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26785, 01:14:46: Human froze TherFem - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 26785, 01:19:33: Human froze Therboi - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 26785, 02:29:11: Human claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 26785, 02:35:22: Human froze Baby BABY DECENT THER - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 26785, 03:31:28: Human claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26785, 03:39:30: Human froze Baby REX - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex) Day 26785, 03:40:02: Human claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26785, 03:45:58: Human froze Baby OTHER REX - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26807, 14:25:59: Your Aerodactyl - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 75! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27139, 18:30:20: Not Sam - Lvl 34 (Equus) starved to death! Day 27147, 15:41:47: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27147, 15:41:47: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27289, 05:26:00: Your 'Dragon Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27289, 05:26:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27289, 05:26:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27418, 20:54:54: Teagan - Lvl 82 (Equus) starved to death! Day 27421, 10:10:28: Jim - Lvl 64 (Tapejara) starved to death! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27572, 19:22:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27667, 10:58:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27714, 05:49:10: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29408, 08:08:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 29921, 15:50:50: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 105 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 105! Day 32192, 04:03:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 32261, 11:00:18: Tribe Owner was changed to JimmySaville!"] "tribeid":1820664119,"tribe":"Misfits logs":["Day 15475, 19:48:17: Vi was added to the Tribe! Day 15475, 19:52:28: LOKI added 'Misfits' Tribe to ark Alliance! Day 15476, 07:50:28: Vi uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Ash - Lvl 158 Day 15501, 19:17:28: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 162 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15502, 05:36:21: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15502, 06:31:28: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 15502, 06:54:26: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15502, 07:48:11: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 15502, 07:55:46: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 15502, 07:58:39: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:00:35: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:03:55: Vi froze Gd1 - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:06:37: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:09:03: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:11:31: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:14:57: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:17:02: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:21:02: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:23:28: Vi froze 8h 325m - 2 - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:26:59: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:30:04: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:31:51: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:34:20: Vi froze 7h 325m - 2 - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:37:37: Vi froze 8h 325m - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:39:45: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:42:30: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:44:38: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 258 (Yutyrannus) Day 15584, 02:34:28: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15584, 14:52:28: Vi froze 8h 325m - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 15584, 14:54:27: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 15584, 14:56:28: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 15584, 14:58:27: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:00:20: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:02:13: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:04:11: Vi froze 8h 325m - 2 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:06:11: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:09:28: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:12:12: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:14:08: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:16:04: Vi froze 7h 325m - 2 - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:18:01: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:32:19: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:34:21: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:37:04: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:39:03: Vi froze Gd1 - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:41:07: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 15584, 15:43:37: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 15584, 16:16:19: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 15584, 16:22:39: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15586, 06:09:01: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 197 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15586, 07:09:41: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 221 (Basilosaurus) Day 15586, 15:47:44: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15586, 20:02:15: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 276 (Thylacoleo) Day 15586, 22:34:32: Vi froze Glowtail - Lvl 156 (Glowtail) Day 15596, 10:53:05: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15596, 14:13:55: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo) Day 15596, 15:33:21: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15597, 10:59:52: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15597, 14:34:01: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 15597, 14:37:53: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:42:50: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:46:01: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:48:10: Vi froze 7h 325m - 2 - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:51:45: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:53:51: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15597, 14:57:07: Vi froze 8h 325m - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:00:01: Vi froze 8h 325m - 2 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:02:06: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:04:02: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:06:16: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:08:30: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:11:43: Vi froze Gd1 - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:14:24: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:19:01: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:22:03: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:24:11: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:26:26: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 15597, 15:29:05: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 15597, 16:05:40: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 15668, 19:34:54: Vi claimed 'Fire Bitch - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15668, 19:37:59: Vi unclaimed 'Fire Bitch - Lvl 289 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15668, 22:06:36: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 15669, 04:30:37: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15671, 20:54:09: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:03:37: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:11:57: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:19:57: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:27:58: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:38:28: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:46:19: Vi froze Gd1 - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 15671, 21:54:14: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:04:32: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:12:26: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:19:09: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:32:24: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:41:40: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:50:31: Vi froze 8h 325m - 2 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15671, 22:57:08: Vi froze 8h 325m - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 15671, 23:03:00: Vi froze 7h 325m - 2 - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15671, 23:08:50: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 15671, 23:14:55: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 15671, 23:24:46: Vi froze 7h 325m - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15672, 00:44:10: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus) Day 15680, 23:57:56: Your Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex) was killed! Day 15680, 23:58:36: Your Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) was killed! Day 15681, 00:00:17: Tribemember Vi - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15681, 00:30:32: Vi froze Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 15681, 00:38:53: Vi uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 286 Day 15681, 00:51:53: Vi uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 289 Day 15681, 00:56:14: Vi froze Grey - Lvl 285 (Thylacoleo) Day 15740, 13:01:46: Vi froze Mehan - Lvl 216 (Megatherium) Day 15740, 21:25:53: Vi froze Mehan - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 15741, 04:14:04: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 292 (Basilosaurus) Day 15741, 05:31:59: Vi froze Mehan - Lvl 232 (Megatherium) Day 15771, 02:05:59: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15771, 09:04:21: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 305 (Basilosaurus) Day 15771, 09:21:41: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15777, 08:04:08: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:06:55: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:09:42: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 278 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:11:49: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:13:52: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:19:48: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 295 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:21:59: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:24:02: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:26:43: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:30:19: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:33:00: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:35:04: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:37:15: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:39:56: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:42:22: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 293 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:44:57: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 283 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:46:51: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 279 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:49:27: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 288 (Therizinosaur) Day 15777, 08:59:24: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 304 (Yutyrannus) Day 15777, 10:47:31: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 304 (Yutyrannus) Day 15777, 10:49:15: Vi froze Pork - Lvl 308 (Daeodon) Day 15780, 07:15:10: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15780, 12:04:11: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 313 (Basilosaurus) Day 15780, 12:24:55: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15780, 12:38:30: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15780, 12:52:20: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15780, 13:09:07: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15795, 10:32:21: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 15795, 14:45:09: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 216 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15880, 06:05:24: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 15880, 08:10:17: Vi froze Gee - Lvl 371 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15880, 08:52:05: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15880, 13:44:13: Vi froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 15880, 19:06:55: Vi froze Bazza - Lvl 317 (Basilosaurus) Day 15880, 19:30:16: Vi froze Ash - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15891, 07:10:30: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:12:48: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 294 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:15:38: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:17:56: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:21:02: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:23:09: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:27:08: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:29:09: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 299 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:33:28: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:36:25: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:39:10: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 289 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:42:05: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:44:33: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 290 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:46:42: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:49:11: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 304 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:51:48: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:53:50: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 07:55:49: Vi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 307 (Therizinosaur) Day 15891, 10:36:27: Vi froze Pork - Lvl 318 (Daeodon) Day 15891, 10:56:07: Vi froze Pork - Lvl 318 (Daeodon) Day 15891, 10:57:33: Vi froze Comrad - Lvl 314 (Yutyrannus) Day 16317, 15:44:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16582, 13:39:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1820414280,"tribe":"FSM logs":["Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36535, 17:53:10: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36783, 05:17:09: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1817264038,"tribe":"Tribe of AlfDaisy logs":["Day 33375, 21:39:02: Alfie was added to the Tribe! Day 33495, 12:26:08: Alfie froze F4 [AL] - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34697, 12:39:45: Annie was added to the Tribe by Alfie! Day 34697, 12:43:04: Annie was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Alfie! Day 34697, 14:09:36: Annie froze M1 [D] - Lvl 302 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39713, 19:49:28: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1815532677,"tribe":"Tribe of Bee logs":["Day 22810, 05:33:59: Bee was added to the Tribe! Day 22810, 06:57:53: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 5 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 22810, 08:30:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo)! Day 22810, 10:09:27: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 22810, 11:56:54: Bee Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 22810, 19:29:06: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 20 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 70! Day 22810, 19:30:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22810, 19:33:32: Your Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 70! Day 22811, 17:31:51: Your Dodo - Lvl 70 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 22812, 01:03:37: Bee Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 22812, 03:40:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 22812, 19:17:04: Bee demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22830, 21:44:03: Bee demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 22830, 21:52:58: Bee demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 22830, 21:53:55: Bee demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 22830, 21:54:52: Bee demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 22831, 17:51:38: Bee Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)! Day 22932, 09:57:28: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23178, 21:09:10: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23334, 16:30:48: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 23334, 16:38:35: Your Triceratops - Lvl 132 (Triceratops) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23462, 04:43:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23523, 16:49:20: Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 23591, 21:42:51: Tribemember Bee - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 24052, 06:55:42: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1815169373,"tribe":"Gliepowitze logs":["Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'C4 Charge' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 11:31:54: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 24044, 14:15:46: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 24044, 14:17:02: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 14:19:39: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:20:57: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 14:22:33: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:23:49: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:29:11: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:30:16: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:32:06: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:34:22: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 14:35:54: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 14:47:16: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:48:28: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:50:52: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 14:55:36: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 15:03:31: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 15:10:36: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 15:11:38: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 24044, 15:13:24: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 15:14:40: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 15:32:13: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 15:33:26: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 15:34:43: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 15:36:05: Kloppy demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 24044, 16:14:49: Kloppy demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 24044, 19:54:59: Kloppy uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 165 Day 24044, 21:05:57: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 24044, 21:12:06: Kloppy downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 301 Day 24044, 22:21:41: Kloppy uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 301 Day 32232, 08:55:00: Kloppy froze Transport - Lvl 411 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32250, 09:03:17: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl) Day 32273, 10:37:12: Kloppy froze SnowDragon - Lvl 472 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1812298509,"tribe":"Tribe of Risky logs":["Day 26472, 05:17:49: Risky was added to the Tribe! Day 26472, 05:18:30: R33BOOSTED was added to the Tribe by Risky! Day 26472, 06:21:43: R33BOOSTED was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Risky!"] "tribeid":1809260440,"tribe":"Tribe of Wetto logs":["Day 22295, 15:58:00: Wetto was added to the Tribe! Day 22295, 16:21:51: Tribemember Wetto - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 22295, 17:51:28: Teapot was added to the Tribe by Wetto! Day 22295, 22:20:33: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 22295, 22:37:38: Tribemember Wetto - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 22296, 00:58:56: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 5 was killed by Wetto - Lvl 14 (Tribe of Wetto)! Day 22296, 00:58:56: Your Tribe killed Teapot - Lvl 5 (Tribe of Wetto)! Day 22296, 04:25:17: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 22296, 20:23:07: Wetto Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 22296, 22:40:48: Wetto Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 153 (Raptor)! Day 22297, 00:44:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)! Day 22297, 02:41:02: Wetto unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 9 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22297, 15:02:15: Wetto demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 22297, 17:46:35: Wetto demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 22297, 19:04:20: Wetto demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22298, 01:16:38: Wetto Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 22308, 16:49:13: Your Parasaur - Lvl 16 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 22314, 06:29:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22337, 05:50:07: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 22420, 00:58:50: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 22420, 01:10:59: Tribemember Wetto - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 22446, 12:51:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22483, 13:11:37: Your Gary jackson - Lvl 157 (Raptor) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 22501, 21:43:19: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22501, 21:50:10: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 22501, 21:59:04: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 15! Day 22503, 14:50:46: Teapot demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 22503, 14:53:54: Teapot demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23084, 08:04:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23454, 12:06:31: Tribemember Teapot - Lvl 68 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1808586029,"tribe":"Tribe of Liv logs":["Day 19306, 16:19:10: Liv was added to the Tribe! Day 19306, 16:26:08: Dixxy Normus was added to the Tribe by Liv! Day 19306, 16:28:28: Dixxy Normus was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Liv! Day 19306, 16:54:02: Liv Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 19306, 16:58:00: Tribemember Dixxy Normus - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 19306, 16:59:12: Tribemember Liv - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 19306, 17:02:34: Your dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 19306, 17:20:29: Liv Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 6 (Dodo)! Day 19306, 17:52:32: Your killer - Lvl 6 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.8x! Day 19306, 17:52:51: Tribemember Liv - Lvl 3 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 19306, 18:19:03: Tribemember Dixxy Normus - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 19306, 18:28:55: Tribemember Liv - Lvl 3 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 100! Day 19306, 19:13:28: Liv Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo)! Day 19306, 22:42:34: killer was added to the Tribe by Liv! Day 19306, 22:48:26: killer was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Liv! Day 19307, 08:11:18: killer demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 19307, 09:23:56: killer demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19307, 19:58:23: Your DIXXY - Lvl 11 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 19307, 21:33:40: Liv Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 21 (Triceratops)! Day 19308, 01:59:47: Tribemember Dixxy Normus - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 19308, 07:04:49: Tribemember Dixxy Normus - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 19315, 16:09:48: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19315, 16:59:13: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 00:53:47: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 00:55:21: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 00:58:14: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 01:00:00: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 01:00:33: killer Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 19316, 01:02:50: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19316, 11:53:18: killer demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 19526, 23:52:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19963, 09:27:39: Zealous - Lvl 107 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 217 (Triceratops)'! Day 19963, 09:36:57: Zealous - Lvl 107 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tipsy - Lvl 25 (Triceratops)'! Day 19966, 17:49:11: Noble - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Noble) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19966, 17:51:36: Tribemember Dixxy Normus - Lvl 26 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1808550264,"tribe":"Tribe of ajiMAN logs":["Day 26284, 00:01:32: ajiMAN was added to the Tribe! Day 26284, 06:33:14: KIRAERMAN was added to the Tribe by ajiMAN! Day 26284, 08:45:01: ヒト was added to the Tribe by ajiMAN! Day 26284, 09:43:19: Tribemember KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 was killed by ヒト - Lvl 7 (Tribe of ajiMAN)! Day 26284, 09:43:19: Your Tribe killed KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 (Tribe of ajiMAN)! Day 26284, 09:54:23: Tribemember KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 26284, 11:26:40: ajiMAN Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 116 (Dodo)! Day 26284, 11:50:16: Tribemember ヒト - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 26284, 12:05:11: KIRAERMAN Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 23 (Dodo)! Day 26284, 12:19:17: Tribemember KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 110! Day 26284, 12:33:43: Tribemember KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 26284, 14:07:30: Your yakitori - Lvl 116 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 26284, 14:11:47: Tribemember KIRAERMAN - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26286, 14:28:16: Tribemember ajiMAN - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 26288, 02:19:12: Your KIMU - Lvl 23 (Dodo) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 70!"] "tribeid":1807655536,"tribe":"Tribo de Miranda17 logs":["Day 23831, 10:21:07: Miranda17 was added to the Tribe! Day 23919, 20:49:50: Tribemember Miranda17 - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24566, 07:32:33: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed!"] "tribeid":1807366854,"tribe":"The Boomerz logs":["Day 28271, 19:04:23: J-Dizzle was added to the Tribe! Day 28271, 19:07:38: Rambuh was added to the Tribe by J-Dizzle! Day 28271, 19:10:48: Rambuh was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J-Dizzle! Day 28271, 20:12:48: NUBZ was added to the Tribe by J-Dizzle! Day 28271, 20:16:06: NUBZ was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J-Dizzle! Day 28272, 12:25:29: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 309 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28272, 12:36:06: NUBZ froze Venom - Lvl 245 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28272, 13:03:52: NUBZ froze Venom - Lvl 245 (Poison Wyvern) Day 28272, 14:22:23: Rambuh froze Zeus - Lvl 86 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28482, 18:39:27: J-Dizzle claimed 'Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 149 (Magmasaur)'! Day 28482, 18:53:24: J-Dizzle unclaimed 'Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 149 (Magmasaur)'! Day 28482, 19:00:40: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28482, 19:03:38: J-Dizzle downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 178 Day 28483, 01:52:28: Rambuh froze Silva - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28483, 09:47:05: J-Dizzle froze watergun - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28485, 13:43:08: J-Dizzle froze Magmasaur - Lvl 219 (Magmasaur) Day 28605, 18:51:37: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28605, 18:52:15: Rambuh froze Purple Haze - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops) Day 28605, 18:56:05: Rambuh froze Jade - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28768, 09:29:29: J-Dizzle froze jd - Lvl 244 (Sinomacrops) Day 28768, 09:32:59: J-Dizzle froze I Squirt a little - Lvl 257 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 29405, 06:21:12: Zax - Lvl 68 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 179 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 29485, 23:44:16: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29485, 23:44:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1806448751,"tribe":"Tribe Of The Lost logs":["Day 28617, 12:19:22: Blue was added to the Tribe! Day 28617, 14:17:05: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 49 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10! Day 28617, 14:50:24: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 50 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 1.0x! Day 28617, 17:25:19: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 28617, 17:47:22: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 52 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55! Day 28618, 01:39:30: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 28618, 02:28:09: Blue Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 28618, 03:47:23: Blue claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28618, 05:04:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 28618, 05:18:17: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 60 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 28618, 05:57:04: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 60 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 70! Day 28618, 06:42:53: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 28618, 16:32:37: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 28618, 16:54:51: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 28619, 01:40:13: Blue claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28619, 08:07:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 193 (Raptor)! Day 28619, 08:59:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 28619, 19:17:20: Blue claimed 'попугай Вити - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28619, 20:03:20: Blue claimed 'Pearl - Lvl 130 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28620, 20:52:51: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 28621, 11:01:05: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 28621, 11:11:40: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 28621, 11:13:38: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:14:45: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:16:24: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28621, 11:17:43: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:19:20: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:20:20: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 28621, 11:22:28: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:23:29: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:24:19: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:30:39: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:31:46: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28621, 11:32:54: Blue demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 28622, 09:43:29: Blue Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 46 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28624, 07:14:39: Blue Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 140 (Castoroides)! Day 28624, 07:24:41: Blue froze Castoroides - Lvl 140 (Castoroides) Day 28625, 13:12:15: Blue Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 28626, 21:19:03: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:21:03: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:22:24: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:23:27: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:24:53: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:25:54: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:27:14: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:28:16: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:29:38: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:30:50: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:32:35: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:33:43: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:34:44: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:48:23: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:49:49: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:50:44: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:51:43: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 21:52:44: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:12:20: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:13:57: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:16:49: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:19:00: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:20:02: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:21:03: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:22:08: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:24:10: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:25:10: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:27:14: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:38:27: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:39:34: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28626, 22:40:40: Blue demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 28627, 19:21:56: Blue froze Pearl - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 28629, 07:59:26: Blue downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 233 Day 28629, 08:04:16: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 233 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28636, 19:21:46: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 236 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28636, 22:44:58: Blue froze Pearl - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 28638, 04:06:53: Blue froze Pearl - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 28638, 05:10:02: Blue downloaded a dino: Ravager - Lvl 200 Day 28638, 05:10:42: Blue downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 257 Day 28638, 05:11:20: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:12:51: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:22:20: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:23:19: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:23:24: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:23:28: Could not find Spawn Location for Spino, Destroying... Day 28638, 05:28:11: Blue downloaded a dino: Aberrant Spino - Lvl 142 Day 28638, 05:34:57: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 148 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28638, 18:04:15: Blue froze Pearl - Lvl 215 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 28640, 03:45:26: Blue claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28640, 12:55:43: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 13:12:31: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 13:16:44: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 17:51:33: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 17:55:06: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 22:57:37: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 23:03:40: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 23:09:12: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 23:14:00: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28640, 23:22:50: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 02:15:09: Blue claimed 'Air Lingus - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28641, 05:10:07: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 05:16:28: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 09:43:45: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 09:47:06: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:21:13: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:25:34: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:28:56: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:32:28: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:35:35: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:38:47: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 14:42:00: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:15:26: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:19:58: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:23:32: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:26:42: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:30:58: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28641, 19:34:01: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28642, 01:12:32: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28642, 17:39:12: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 248 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28642, 20:04:03: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 248 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28642, 22:13:03: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 28643, 03:04:51: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 251 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28643, 04:17:18: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 251 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28643, 05:54:01: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 252 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28643, 08:43:18: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 252 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28643, 08:51:21: Blue claimed 'Asclepius - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 28643, 09:46:26: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 28643, 09:58:22: Your Asclepius - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 28643, 10:21:22: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 28644, 05:51:15: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28644, 05:53:42: Blue demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28644, 05:54:59: Blue demolished a 'Standing Torch (Unlocked) '! Day 28644, 05:58:18: Blue demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28644, 05:59:59: Blue demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 28644, 12:57:05: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28644, 13:29:45: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28645, 09:11:36: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:12:32: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:13:23: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:14:17: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:15:06: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:15:51: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:17:34: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:20:59: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:21:41: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:22:31: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:23:14: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:24:02: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:24:46: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:25:39: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:26:30: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:27:39: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:28:32: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:33:44: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:35:06: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:36:22: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 09:39:52: Blue demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 28645, 13:04:02: Blue claimed 'Finders Keepers - Lvl 225 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28645, 13:24:39: Blue froze Finders Keepers - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake) Day 28645, 16:39:11: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 252 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28646, 03:01:42: Blue froze Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 256 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 28646, 06:39:20: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28647, 02:51:55: Blue froze Pearl - Lvl 217 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 28648, 06:39:38: Blue downloaded a dino: chomp - Lvl 231 Day 28648, 06:40:18: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:41:24: Blue downloaded a dino: Castoroides - Lvl 259 Day 28648, 06:42:00: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:42:40: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:46:40: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:47:14: Blue downloaded a dino: CHEEF - Lvl 230 Day 28648, 06:48:08: Blue downloaded a dino: Pearl - Lvl 168 Day 28648, 06:49:11: Blue downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 280 Day 28648, 06:49:54: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:50:41: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:57:48: Blue downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 176 Day 28648, 06:58:29: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28648, 06:59:10: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 28648, 07:04:21: Blue downloaded a dino: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 188 Day 28648, 07:04:52: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28648, 07:05:21: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 28648, 07:09:27: Blue downloaded a dino: max level - Lvl 261 Day 28648, 07:56:01: Blue froze CHEEF - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28648, 13:18:11: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28649, 20:58:46: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28650, 17:57:49: Blue downloaded a dino: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 178 Day 28650, 18:10:38: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28650, 21:09:06: Blue froze Megalodon - Lvl 218 (Megalodon) Day 28667, 19:52:38: Blue claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)'! Day 28667, 21:46:25: Blue claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 28667, 21:50:02: Blue froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 06:47:26: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 06:52:36: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 06:56:18: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 06:59:45: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 11:27:15: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 11:31:48: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 11:38:19: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 15:35:08: Blue froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 28668, 16:10:54: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 16:17:01: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 16:20:41: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 16:24:00: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 16:27:25: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28668, 21:04:21: Blue froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28669, 02:52:13: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28669, 02:57:57: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28669, 07:59:23: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28669, 08:05:07: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28669, 21:41:38: Blue froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28671, 16:47:03: Blue claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 28671, 16:50:00: Blue froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 02:40:58: Blue froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28672, 08:39:38: Blue froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 23:24:32: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 23:28:52: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 23:32:53: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 23:38:51: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28672, 23:43:02: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28673, 00:02:21: Blue froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 184 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28674, 04:09:55: Blue Tamed a Plesiosaur - Lvl 149 (Plesiosaur)! Day 28674, 04:19:04: Blue froze Plesiosaur - Lvl 149 (Plesiosaur) Day 28674, 11:48:17: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 189 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28674, 14:24:17: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 194 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28692, 07:56:20: Blue claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 28692, 08:00:18: Blue froze Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 28692, 21:58:20: Blue froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 28694, 04:38:23: Blue froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 28694, 04:42:58: Blue froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 28696, 18:09:15: Blue froze Rex - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 28697, 02:14:40: Blue froze Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 28697, 10:36:00: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 244 (Aberrant Spino) Day 28697, 11:14:21: Blue froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 244 (Aberrant Spino) Day 29101, 05:17:19: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29410, 08:25:59: Pachy - Lvl 26 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 29428, 03:32:34: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 114 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 240 (Megalodon)'! Day 29431, 04:57:23: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 29431, 04:59:32: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 29431, 05:00:46: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'max level - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 29431, 05:01:21: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29431, 05:02:21: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29431, 05:05:16: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 266 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 29431, 05:06:34: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 148 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 29431, 05:07:11: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake)'! Day 29431, 05:14:36: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 29431, 05:21:20: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'chomp - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 29431, 05:22:20: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big fella - Lvl 180 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 29431, 05:37:50: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pearl - Lvl 219 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29431, 05:52:03: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'попугай Вити - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29431, 05:53:31: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Air Lingus - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29431, 05:56:58: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 271 (Rex)'! Day 29431, 09:54:23: Zax - Lvl 98 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29528, 06:16:58: Doedicurus - Lvl 69 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29580, 10:58:35: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29687, 14:30:16: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 80 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 29862, 17:29:30: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29862, 17:29:30: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29901, 11:28:52: Castoroides - Lvl 169 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 29944, 16:22:45: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus)'! Day 29944, 16:30:33: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CHEEF - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 29944, 18:46:54: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 265 (Castoroides)'! Day 29967, 12:10:55: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 256 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 29967, 12:23:35: Alexi - Lvl 112 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 200 (Ravager)'! Day 30072, 13:35:04: Your Raptor - Lvl 229 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 30203, 19:13:06: Alexxe - Lvl 122 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plesiosaur - Lvl 149 (Plesiosaur)'! Day 31001, 02:08:19: jopie - Lvl 24 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1805670159,"tribe":"Tribe of popeye logs":["Day 35293, 18:04:29: popeye was added to the Tribe! Day 35293, 18:06:12: Garbo was added to the Tribe by popeye! Day 35294, 00:37:18: Garbo demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 35294, 00:39:46: Garbo demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 35294, 02:41:16: Tribemember popeye - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 35294, 04:50:02: Tribemember Garbo - Lvl 18 was killed by popeye - Lvl 15 (Tribe of popeye)! Day 35294, 04:50:02: Your Tribe killed Garbo - Lvl 18 (Tribe of popeye)! Day 35294, 05:02:01: Tribemember popeye - Lvl 15 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 35294, 11:17:33: popeye Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 48 (Parasaur)! Day 35294, 13:07:42: Garbo Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 16 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 35294, 14:32:23: Your Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) was killed by popeye - Lvl 18 (Tribe of popeye)! Day 35294, 14:32:23: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) (Tribe of popeye)! Day 35294, 23:29:32: popeye Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 35295, 18:19:51: Incredible Hulk was added to the Tribe by popeye! Day 35295, 18:22:53: Incredible Hulk was promoted to a Tribe Admin by popeye! Day 35295, 19:57:56: Tribemember Incredible Hulk - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 35295, 23:10:03: Your NotTheOneIWanted - Lvl 20 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 35295, 23:55:02: Tribemember Incredible Hulk - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 35296, 01:37:16: jasmin was added to the Tribe by popeye! Day 35296, 06:16:28: Garbo was promoted to a Tribe Admin by popeye! Day 35296, 08:42:54: Tribemember Incredible Hulk - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 35296, 15:46:44: Garbo Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 139 (Triceratops)! Day 35313, 21:15:36: Tribemember jasmin - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 35382, 18:08:50: Tribemember popeye - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 35434, 06:58:19: Your penisaur - Lvl 79 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 10! Day 35575, 15:34:56: Tribemember Incredible Hulk - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 35883, 01:43:52: Chessy - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spikey Penisaur - Lvl 143 (Triceratops)'! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35903, 17:32:37: Tribemember Garbo - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 35950, 18:10:05: clive - Lvl 113 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1801521935,"tribe":"Tribe of Boson logs":["Day 26453, 18:03:16: Boson was added to the Tribe! Day 26453, 20:18:58: Tribemember Boson - Lvl 4 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 26454, 00:21:57: Tribemember Boson - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 26640, 08:46:34: Tribemember Boson - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1798649888,"tribe":"Tribe of Vandal logs":["Day 26279, 10:12:55: Vandal was added to the Tribe! Day 26279, 10:25:54: zhnez was added to the Tribe by Vandal! Day 26279, 11:46:42: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 7 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 36! Day 26279, 11:48:31: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 7 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 36! Day 26279, 12:04:19: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 7 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 26279, 12:14:34: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 7 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 15! Day 26279, 14:04:36: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 7 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 70! Day 26279, 14:34:23: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 26280, 11:16:52: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26281, 00:13:23: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26281, 02:20:17: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 20 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26281, 10:14:51: Vandal Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26281, 11:58:38: Your Black Anton - Lvl 9 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 26281, 12:01:34: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 21 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 80! Day 26281, 14:24:58: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 26281, 14:49:31: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 26281, 16:29:56: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 26287, 23:03:10: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 26288, 03:31:06: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 25 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 26288, 16:16:23: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 26288, 18:39:47: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 26298, 08:57:16: Vandal Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys)! Day 26298, 09:39:54: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 26298, 19:33:20: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 31 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 26300, 12:05:50: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 29 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 5! Day 26300, 12:29:04: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 5! Day 26301, 08:07:44: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 33 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 26301, 08:23:40: Your Рафаэль - Lvl 23 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 110! Day 26301, 09:30:54: Vandal Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Parasaur)! Day 26301, 18:20:48: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 41 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 26301, 18:21:20: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 35 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 26301, 18:25:00: Your Made In Heaven - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 15! Day 26301, 18:58:46: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 26301, 20:26:38: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 26306, 09:04:20: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 37 was killed by Vandal - Lvl 44 (Tribe of Vandal)! Day 26306, 09:04:20: Your Tribe killed zhnez - Lvl 37 (Tribe of Vandal)! Day 26306, 15:37:43: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 39 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 26306, 16:54:49: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 26306, 21:38:58: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 26306, 22:26:03: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 39 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 26307, 10:15:48: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 49 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 26307, 15:50:52: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 49 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 26307, 16:32:42: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 49 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 26331, 00:51:36: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 39 was killed by Vandal - Lvl 50 (Tribe of Vandal)! Day 26331, 00:51:36: Your Tribe killed zhnez - Lvl 39 (Tribe of Vandal)! Day 26331, 07:55:07: Vandal Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 42 (Parasaur)! Day 26331, 08:09:52: Your BEGUN - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 26331, 09:49:49: Vandal Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 26331, 10:09:12: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 26331, 10:23:40: Your Whiter - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 26331, 10:28:41: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 26331, 10:47:26: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 26331, 11:09:41: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 26331, 11:24:49: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 50! Day 26331, 13:02:26: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 26347, 08:04:55: Vandal Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 26358, 12:24:48: Vandal Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26358, 12:59:05: Vandal Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26406, 08:19:19: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26406, 08:21:22: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26406, 08:37:21: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26406, 09:00:49: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26406, 10:12:13: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 26428, 08:42:38: Vandal Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 208 (Parasaur)! Day 26428, 10:46:58: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26428, 10:52:19: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26428, 10:54:08: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26428, 10:55:57: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26428, 11:01:37: Vandal demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 26429, 03:16:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26429, 03:17:25: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 26429, 13:53:45: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 26454, 04:10:59: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 26454, 19:19:21: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 26454, 19:24:49: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 26454, 20:41:46: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 26454, 20:45:17: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 26454, 22:15:21: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26454, 22:47:37: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 26454, 22:50:31: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 26454, 23:15:59: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 26454, 23:17:42: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 26454, 23:38:12: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 26454, 23:53:32: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 26455, 00:26:04: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 10! Day 26455, 00:26:54: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 26455, 00:49:26: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 35! Day 26455, 00:57:16: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 26455, 01:12:23: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 26455, 01:32:40: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 20! Day 26455, 02:50:22: Vandal demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26662, 08:22:49: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26662, 08:22:52: Tribemember zhnez - Lvl 42 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26662, 08:23:17: Your 'Wooden Chair' was destroyed! Day 26662, 11:14:21: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26662, 11:14:24: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26662, 12:01:07: Your 'Плотик (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 26662, 12:51:21: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26682, 16:09:12: Мелкий хелпер) - Lvl 58 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26875, 09:18:04: Dio - Lvl 21 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27052, 03:48:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27068, 20:23:43: Gerald - Lvl 96 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 27650, 08:54:54: крабсбургер - Lvl 31 (Tribe of крабсбургер) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MADE IN HEAVEN - Lvl 218 (Parasaur)'! Day 31470, 15:09:29: Tribemember Vandal - Lvl 64 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 105!"] "tribeid":1797560381,"tribe":"Tribe of Alsuperhero1 logs":["Day 16576, 09:09:23: Alsuperhero1 was added to the Tribe! Day 16576, 09:17:54: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16576, 09:56:03: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 10:06:36: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 10:52:08: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'The river city' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 10:59:31: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tesco's Finest' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 11:01:24: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 13:04:39: Wyvern Eater >-.-< added 'Tribe of Sabiutza' Tribe to Island Bosses Alliance! Day 16576, 14:59:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 16576, 20:48:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 16576, 21:30:03: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16648, 09:43:05: Alsuperhero1 froze wiggles - Lvl 186 (Karkinos) Day 16648, 17:40:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16648, 18:06:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 190 (Bloodstalker) Day 16650, 18:47:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 16650, 18:49:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 16650, 18:51:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Mantis - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 16651, 15:12:57: Alsuperhero1 froze Mantis - Lvl 221 (Mantis) Day 16651, 15:23:07: Alsuperhero1 froze Succ - Lvl 195 (Bloodstalker) Day 16664, 13:58:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 16664, 17:47:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 16670, 18:10:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 16670, 18:15:56: Alsuperhero1 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16671, 11:36:43: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Managarmr - Lvl 215 (Managarmr) Day 16671, 11:39:17: Alsuperhero1 froze Succ - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker) Day 16671, 18:07:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 16671, 19:55:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Vanilla ice - Lvl 222 (Managarmr) Day 16671, 19:58:29: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 16675, 15:44:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 16675, 15:48:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Vanilla ice - Lvl 222 (Managarmr) Day 16687, 15:50:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Succ - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker) Day 16687, 17:57:06: Alsuperhero1 froze Succ - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker) Day 16691, 06:52:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 228 (Dire Bear) Day 16691, 10:09:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 16691, 10:12:05: Alsuperhero1 froze Dr. Hoo - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16750, 15:35:26: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16758, 18:28:12: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16772, 07:17:28: Raven added 'Tribe of Alsuperhero1' Tribe to tester Alliance! Day 16772, 09:12:38: Your Boss girl - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 16773, 19:27:40: Your Boss boy - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 16773, 19:29:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 16773, 19:34:39: Your THONK - Lvl 343 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed! Day 16773, 19:36:11: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 16774, 07:17:04: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16774, 07:20:23: Alsuperhero1 froze Chomp - Lvl 254 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16774, 07:23:30: Alsuperhero1 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16777, 05:31:40: Alsuperhero1 froze Hesperornis - Lvl 36 (Hesperornis) Day 16777, 05:39:45: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16777, 09:34:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 16778, 06:45:03: Alsuperhero1 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 230 (Astrodelphis) Day 16778, 09:16:44: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 16778, 11:37:06: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 16778, 15:29:59: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 16778, 16:10:19: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 16778, 16:20:00: Alsuperhero1 froze Ma boi - Lvl 204 (Maewing) Day 16788, 17:28:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Gallimimus - Lvl 208 (Gallimimus) Day 16788, 17:40:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Ma boi - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 16857, 19:59:55: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 16858, 12:35:11: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Basilosaurus - Lvl 233 (Basilosaurus) Day 16858, 22:43:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 233 (Basilosaurus) Day 16858, 23:20:08: Alsuperhero1 froze Shawn - Lvl 343 (Voidwyrm) Day 16859, 16:48:08: Alsuperhero1 Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo)! Day 16859, 16:50:46: Alsuperhero1 froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo) Day 16859, 17:27:00: Alsuperhero1 froze Shawn - Lvl 343 (Voidwyrm) Day 16869, 18:16:31: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 16874, 10:27:27: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16874, 23:42:54: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16874, 23:50:21: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16875, 05:30:52: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16875, 10:18:30: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16875, 10:20:39: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 16895, 13:47:08: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16895, 19:35:20: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 16895, 19:37:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King) Day 16895, 19:39:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16895, 19:42:01: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16895, 19:46:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Ma boi - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 16898, 18:15:36: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16898, 20:39:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 254 (Tek Rex) Day 16898, 20:44:17: Alsuperhero1 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16903, 16:25:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16903, 20:23:09: Alsuperhero1 froze Direwolf - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 16903, 23:11:08: Alsuperhero1 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16904, 06:58:18: Alsuperhero1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16922, 11:00:09: Alsuperhero1 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 192 (Magmasaur) Day 16922, 14:14:47: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 16922, 14:18:16: Alsuperhero1 froze Ma boi - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 16946, 19:22:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 213 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 16947, 03:24:32: Alsuperhero1 froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 217 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 16947, 03:38:03: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 16947, 13:28:48: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16947, 13:30:36: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16947, 13:49:38: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 16947, 13:50:46: Alsuperhero1 froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 16947, 17:14:07: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16948, 11:15:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16948, 12:59:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16949, 05:51:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 16949, 06:07:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 16949, 06:20:02: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 16949, 08:31:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 16949, 09:07:10: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 17014, 23:14:11: Alsuperhero1 claimed 'angela - Lvl 334 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 17015, 04:20:20: Alsuperhero1 unclaimed 'angela - Lvl 334 (Aberrant Anglerfish)'! Day 17015, 06:02:48: Alsuperhero1 froze The Flash - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17026, 16:16:23: Alsuperhero1 froze The Flash - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17062, 03:41:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 03:46:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 03:52:42: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 07:01:33: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 17062, 07:05:26: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 07:11:38: Alsuperhero1 froze Juvenile Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 11:42:49: Alsuperhero1 froze Adolescent Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 19:40:40: Alsuperhero1 froze Uranus - Lvl 217 (Astrodelphis) Day 17062, 19:42:37: Alsuperhero1 froze Aberrant Araneo - Lvl 225 (Aberrant Araneo) Day 17062, 19:45:26: Alsuperhero1 froze Maewing - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 17062, 20:00:13: Alsuperhero1 froze Shawn - Lvl 353 (Voidwyrm) Day 17081, 20:21:11: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 128 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 17081, 22:51:37: Alsuperhero1 uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 318 Day 17110, 22:28:36: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 17110, 23:00:32: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 17110, 23:23:44: Alsuperhero1 froze The Flash - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17256, 06:02:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 328 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17257, 01:47:25: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 328 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17257, 07:26:22: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 07:34:34: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 07:40:04: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 08:20:24: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 08:23:58: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 09:15:29: Alsuperhero1 froze Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 17257, 09:31:14: Tribemember Alsuperhero1 - Lvl 128 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 195! Day 17257, 10:36:03: Your Marshadow - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 190! Day 17257, 11:01:29: Alsuperhero1 froze Chomp - Lvl 322 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17257, 11:07:07: Alsuperhero1 froze red white n' blue - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17257, 11:14:45: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 328 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17329, 15:17:50: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 328 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17431, 23:57:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17437, 11:37:55: Mianthra - Lvl 63 (Side Tracked) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17495, 11:56:08: Alsuperhero1 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 340 (Dire Bear) Day 17495, 12:02:41: Alsuperhero1 froze Chomp - Lvl 323 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 17495, 12:08:38: Alsuperhero1 froze Volzone - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17668, 19:15:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25700, 11:02:54: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from tester Alliance!"] "tribeid":1795963354,"tribe":"incrivel mundo de emy logs":["Day 42109, 19:34:43: Emy was added to the Tribe! Day 42109, 23:14:29: Emy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 72 (Parasaur)! Day 42110, 09:36:16: Emy Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 42110, 11:20:14: Emy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 11 (Dodo)! Day 42110, 12:19:18: Your Alastor - Lvl 30 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 42344, 08:11:29: coleguinha - Lvl 80 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 42399, 07:21:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42399, 07:21:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42467, 14:56:01: Emy Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 42515, 04:28:41: Your Dodo - Lvl 15 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 5! Day 42515, 10:23:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 7 (Brontosaurus)! Day 42515, 12:32:04: Emy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 42733, 02:46:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42876, 01:59:55: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43167, 19:54:39: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'curosinha - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43167, 19:58:03: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jim Rhodes - Lvl 38 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 43167, 20:08:54: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sophia - Lvl 10 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 43167, 20:12:32: Tribemember Emy - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 43167, 20:38:41: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'veneninho - Lvl 116 (Dilophosaur)'!"] "tribeid":1795559748,"tribe":"black dads logs":["Day 23897, 23:11:52: daddy was added to the Tribe! Day 23916, 20:56:51: Tribemember daddy - Lvl 8 was killed!"] "tribeid":1795239728,"tribe":"KAOS3 logs":["Day 29917, 19:16:48: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 29918, 06:43:14: Fruj froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1794853443,"tribe":"Wonkru logs":["Day 20142, 12:09:22: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 20142, 12:10:22: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 20142, 12:11:34: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 188 (Megatherium)'! Day 20142, 12:12:27: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 20142, 12:14:23: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Prof - Lvl 250 (Castoroides)'! Day 20142, 12:15:42: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bof - Lvl 292 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20142, 12:16:21: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daeodon - Lvl 294 (Daeodon)'! Day 20142, 12:18:04: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joyeux - Lvl 265 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20142, 12:18:51: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Atchoum - Lvl 269 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20142, 12:25:16: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zeus - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 20142, 12:35:48: Zuokas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SPAWN - Lvl 281 (Argentavis)'! Day 20149, 13:22:19: TiiteAnge froze Brown - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 20149, 14:29:25: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 370 (Reaper King) Day 20149, 18:09:30: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 370 (Reaper King) Day 20149, 19:17:12: TiiteAnge froze Belle - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 20149, 19:19:08: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'First - Lvl 171 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 172 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 41 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:54:31: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Linf Spino - Lvl 378 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Griffin - Lvl 272 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Spino - Lvl 249 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 150 - 28 Hp - - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 164 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 150 - Lvl 236 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 135 - HP 23 - Lvl 202 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M 140 - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M-135 - FOOD 31 - Lvl 202 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M-150-hp27 mel25 - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 130 - 25 degat - Lvl 184 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M 150 - 29HP - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 145 - 29 HP - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M - 130 - Dégat 29 - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 140 - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 70 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 354 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 70 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F 145 - 29 poid - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M 145 - 30 stam - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'f -135 - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'F - 125 - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M - 135 - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 03:57:02: 's 'M - 145 - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20478, 09:19:40: Protocore froze Rock Drake - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 20478, 13:39:40: Linfar froze TiiteAnge - Lvl 277 (Aberrant Spino) Day 20478, 14:10:05: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 20478, 14:13:06: Your Belle - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 20478, 14:22:03: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 20478, 14:38:23: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 20478, 14:53:40: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 20478, 15:32:37: TiiteAnge froze Blue - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 20478, 19:46:09: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 20478, 20:09:31: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 20479, 00:09:37: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 346 (Griffin) Day 20479, 00:22:21: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by Protocore - Lvl 121 (Wonkru)! Day 20479, 00:22:21: Your Tribe killed TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 (Wonkru)! Day 20479, 00:34:19: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 370 (Reaper King) Day 20479, 01:20:31: Protocore froze Soren - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 20479, 01:33:08: TiiteAnge froze Blue - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 20480, 15:51:49: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 346 (Griffin) Day 20480, 16:00:31: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 370 (Reaper King) Day 20480, 16:03:43: TiiteAnge froze Brown - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 20480, 16:04:23: Linfar froze Griffin - Lvl 346 (Griffin) Day 20480, 16:15:10: Protocore froze Reaper King - Lvl 370 (Reaper King) Day 20480, 19:30:23: Protocore froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 127 (Dinopithecus) Day 20737, 00:07:05: Featherlight - Lvl 156 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 20831, 08:33:15: Featherlight - Lvl 194 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23217, 20:50:54: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 23217, 21:38:18: Tribemember Protocore - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 29031, 11:21:50: Tribemember TiiteAnge - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 32921, 18:59:48: TiiteAnge was removed from the Tribe! Day 32921, 18:59:48: Tribe Owner was changed to Protocore!"] "tribeid":1793227283,"tribe":"Zolo Adventure logs":["Day 25341, 19:26:58: Yanno was added to the Tribe! Day 25345, 01:56:39: Yanno froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 25369, 18:47:53: Yanno froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 25369, 18:50:59: Yanno downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 75 Day 25369, 20:14:51: Yanno uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 79 Day 25391, 03:17:19: Yanno downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 89 Day 25391, 03:58:24: Yanno uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 25683, 06:35:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1792382064,"tribe":"Tribe of boneless1 logs":["Day 35810, 10:57:41: boneless was added to the Tribe! Day 35810, 10:59:54: BOLLUX was added to the Tribe by boneless! Day 35810, 11:55:35: BOLLUX was removed from the Tribe! Day 35810, 14:14:57: Tribemember boneless - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 0.9x!"] "tribeid":1792033854,"tribe":"Tribe of big logs":["Day 12283, 21:51:54: big was added to the Tribe! Day 12283, 22:57:39: DuoMog added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12283, 23:01:48: DuoMog added 'The Gentlemen' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 01:47:05: DuoMog added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 06:02:37: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 06:25:38: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 06:50:17: DuoMog added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12284, 07:01:23: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 12284, 09:55:35: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 12381, 14:10:31: DuoMog added 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 14:54:32: DuoMog added 'Friendly Dodos' Tribe to Broodmother Alliance! Day 12381, 15:04:11: u2 was added to the Tribe by big! Day 12381, 15:15:31: u2 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by big! Day 12381, 15:53:26: Your Killer - Lvl 134 (Dodo) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 12381, 16:17:39: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 12381, 16:19:49: u2 froze Yep. - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 12381, 17:44:14: u2 froze Yep. - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 12381, 18:26:58: u2 froze Yep. - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 12381, 19:27:21: big froze Rawr xD - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 12381, 20:05:22: u2 froze Yep. - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 12381, 21:51:42: u2 froze [Fin] Rose Drake - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 12382, 15:42:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:32: Your 'u2 (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:32: Your 'big (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:36: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:42:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was destroyed! Day 12382, 15:46:28: big froze Farmer Maggy - Lvl 106 (Magmasaur) Day 12382, 15:54:06: big demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12382, 15:54:43: big demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12382, 18:54:48: big froze Hoodini - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 12382, 19:41:55: big froze Hoodini - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 12392, 17:42:54: u2 froze [Fin] Rose Drake - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 12505, 18:54:34: u2 froze Envy - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 12505, 19:24:19: u2 Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)! Day 12505, 19:26:47: u2 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo) Day 12505, 19:43:11: u2 froze Envy - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 12506, 08:53:45: u2 froze Envy - Lvl 334 (Snow Owl) Day 12697, 16:47:07: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12697, 17:29:56: u2 claimed 'Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12697, 18:17:39: u2 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:31:21: u2 froze F 177 - Lvl 250 (Managarmr) Day 12699, 10:25:34: Your Citral - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 12699, 10:25:34: Tribemember u2 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12699, 16:20:00: Tribemember u2 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12699, 21:46:50: Tribemember u2 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12699, 10:23:36: Tribemember u2 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12698, 18:50:23: u2 froze F 177 - Lvl 250 (Managarmr) Day 12710, 14:21:22: u2 froze Citral - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12710, 14:23:57: u2 claimed 'Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12710, 15:29:13: u2 froze Citral - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12711, 02:23:15: u2 claimed 'Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12711, 07:07:33: u2 froze Johnny - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12711, 07:14:25: u2 froze Boss Rex #12 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:16:29: u2 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:18:37: u2 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:20:28: u2 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:24:38: u2 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:30:34: u2 froze Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:32:57: u2 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:35:29: u2 froze Boss Rex #9 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:38:59: u2 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:41:52: u2 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:43:52: u2 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 08:33:33: u2 froze F 177 - Lvl 254 (Managarmr) Day 13234, 16:03:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13234, 16:03:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14232, 04:47:45: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Broodmother Alliance! Day 15781, 09:43:37: u2 froze Smokey - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15781, 10:55:10: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 12:13:29: Cyberdyne88 added 'Dinobots' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 18:16:40: u2 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 449 (Tek Rex) Day 16001, 17:00:05: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16004, 05:43:26: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16004, 10:05:35: u2 froze Battle Queen - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:38:03: u2 froze Ellie - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16004, 10:41:27: u2 froze Battle Queen - Lvl 409 (Tek Rex) Day 17680, 09:18:09: mini was added to the Tribe by big! Day 17680, 11:13:08: mini was promoted to a Tribe Admin by big! Day 17680, 12:08:08: big froze captain - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 17680, 12:09:10: mini froze gerald not the hamster - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 24797, 18:52:54: CaS added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24797, 19:33:12: CaS added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 00:27:55: mini unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24798, 00:34:48: CaS added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 00:51:38: mini claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24798, 08:01:45: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 24798, 08:04:35: mini froze Shadowmane - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane)"] "tribeid":1791771308,"tribe":"Big Beautiful Bois logs":["Day 42941, 13:22:00: Chosef Chungstar froze Adolescent Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 42941, 13:26:43: Chosef Chungstar froze Adolescent Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 42941, 13:45:24: Chosef Chungstar froze Scizor - Lvl 311 (Mantis) Day 42941, 13:59:10: Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 162 (Tusoteuthis) starved to death! Day 42941, 15:24:07: Chosef Chungstar froze Scizor - Lvl 312 (Mantis) Day 42941, 17:06:05: Chosef Chungstar froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 42941, 17:08:44: Chosef Chungstar froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 42941, 17:11:34: Chosef Chungstar froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 42941, 17:15:05: Chosef Chungstar froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 42941, 17:18:47: Chosef Chungstar froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 42941, 17:29:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42941, 17:36:09: Chosef Chungstar froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl) Day 42941, 17:48:19: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 42941, 17:53:45: Chosef Chungstar froze Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 42941, 17:59:24: Chosef Chungstar froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42941, 18:02:40: Chosef Chungstar froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 42941, 20:14:15: Chosef Chungstar froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 42941, 22:55:20: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 42941, 23:00:10: Chosef Chungstar froze Baby trough - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 42941, 23:05:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 42952, 13:56:17: OCplayer1 froze Zilla - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus) Day 43106, 13:27:23: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 43219, 17:26:50: Mantis - Lvl 217 (Mantis) starved to death! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43233, 05:46:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43519, 02:30:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43519, 02:30:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43519, 02:30:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43590, 13:40:49: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43629, 02:10:51: Dont Kill This Sheep - Lvl 134 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 43629, 02:15:25: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:16:35: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:16:50: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:18:13: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:18:55: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PM - H43 S42 M44 [Clone] - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:20:24: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:21:00: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:21:51: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 43629, 02:27:45: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 43629, 02:32:26: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43629, 03:02:26: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wyvern food - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43629, 03:07:20: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 03:09:01: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis)'! Day 43629, 03:09:25: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 243 (Ovis)'! Day 43629, 03:09:59: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 236 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 43629, 03:17:42: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 217 (Quetzal)'! Day 43629, 03:18:47: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal)'! Day 43629, 03:22:09: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 181 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 43629, 03:51:12: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame '288% melee - Lvl 212 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 05:18:56: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43629, 06:07:14: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)'! Day 43629, 06:30:12: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:30:29: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H24 S45 M28 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:30:46: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S-660 - Lvl 201 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43629, 06:34:43: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame '24H 45S 32M - Lvl 207 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 43673, 12:16:44: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 134 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 43673, 12:19:31: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 422 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:26:43: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:31:20: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 194 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 43673, 12:35:18: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 43673, 12:43:27: THE MAN - Lvl 111 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mosasaurus - Lvl 224 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 43792, 09:26:00: Northius G2 - Lvl 152 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)'! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43828, 07:28:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43899, 17:59:55: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43939, 14:54:54: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 111 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Underwater Mine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44115, 04:38:07: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44186, 14:55:20: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45153, 13:57:28: Parasaur - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1791570122,"tribe":"Tribe of kokow22 logs":["Day 14363, 12:04:34: kokow22 was added to the Tribe! Day 14363, 12:05:30: Kurt... was added to the Tribe by kokow22! Day 14363, 12:53:35: Kurt... was promoted to a Tribe Admin by kokow22! Day 14363, 12:56:56: J.a.n.n.i was added to the Tribe by Kurt...! Day 14363, 13:49:18: Kurt... froze Adolescent Fly-T - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex) Day 14363, 14:09:28: kokow22 froze MULE - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 14363, 15:13:46: Kurt... froze No.9 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 15:15:08: Kurt... froze no.3 - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 16:36:15: DuoMog The 2nd was added to the Tribe by kokow22! Day 14363, 17:57:35: DuoMog The 2nd froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) Day 14363, 18:00:17: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 14363, 18:01:49: Kurt... froze No.6 - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:05:31: Kurt... froze No.1 - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:06:32: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 229 (Yutyrannus) Day 14363, 18:07:48: Kurt... froze No. 2 Needs leveling - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:10:08: Kurt... froze No.8 - Lvl 252 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:12:03: Kurt... froze No.19 - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:15:42: Kurt... froze No.11 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:18:19: Kurt... froze No.17 - Lvl 242 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:19:43: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNNNNN BBBBB - Lvl 271 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:23:18: Kurt... froze No.15 - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:25:35: Kurt... froze No.4 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:26:52: kokow22 froze no6 - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 14363, 18:28:05: Kurt... froze No.9 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:37:49: Kurt... froze No. 13 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:39:22: Kurt... froze No.12 - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:41:23: Kurt... froze No.16 - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:43:24: Kurt... froze No.18 - Lvl 242 (Megatherium) Day 14363, 18:49:50: Kurt... froze Baby-T - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) Day 14363, 18:53:13: Kurt... froze GOD - Lvl 317 (Managarmr) Day 14363, 19:10:59: kokow22 froze MULE - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 14363, 19:19:02: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14363, 19:37:06: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14376, 09:10:59: Screpzy was added to the Tribe by Kurt...! Day 14376, 11:27:17: Kurt... froze No.11 - Lvl 257 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:28:42: Kurt... froze No.4 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:30:05: Kurt... froze No.12 - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:31:32: Kurt... froze No.6 - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:32:55: Kurt... froze No. 2 Needs leveling - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:35:41: Kurt... froze No.18 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:36:25: kokow22 froze no6 - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 14376, 11:37:46: Kurt... froze No.8 - Lvl 257 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:39:10: Kurt... froze no.3 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:40:54: Kurt... froze [SC] Megamind - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:42:24: Kurt... froze No.20 - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:43:14: Screpzy froze [SC] Fluffy - Lvl 278 (Yutyrannus) Day 14376, 11:45:21: Kurt... froze No.15 - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:50:59: Kurt... froze No.1 - Lvl 274 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:53:30: Kurt... froze No.9 - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:55:13: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNNNNN BBBBB - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:56:47: Kurt... froze No.19 - Lvl 249 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 11:59:50: Kurt... froze No.14 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 12:01:32: Kurt... froze No.17 - Lvl 244 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 12:03:02: Kurt... froze No. 13 - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 12:04:27: Kurt... froze No.16 - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 14376, 13:00:01: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 14376, 13:12:41: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 353 (Snow Owl) Day 14406, 11:15:07: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 14406, 11:17:37: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 14417, 11:53:27: J.a.n.n.i froze Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 14417, 13:13:43: MisterB was added to the Tribe by kokow22! Day 14417, 13:15:17: Shauna was added to the Tribe by kokow22! Day 14417, 13:40:48: Gregory Snape was added to the Tribe by Kurt...! Day 14417, 14:39:05: Tribemember J.a.n.n.i - Lvl 104 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14417, 14:40:37: Tribemember Gregory Snape - Lvl 94 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14417, 14:51:03: Your M 12 21 - 2 - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14417, 14:59:24: Your F 12 24 - Lvl 232 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14417, 15:00:17: Your TNG Lucky Boy - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14417, 15:20:43: Kurt... froze TNG Girl Two - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:22:42: Kurt... froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:24:11: Screpzy froze M 12 23 - 2 - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:24:12: Kurt... froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 241 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:25:41: Kurt... froze TNG Girl One - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:25:44: Screpzy froze F 12 23 - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 15:30:47: Kurt... froze M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 231 (Yutyrannus) Day 14417, 17:17:07: Kurt... froze Baby-T - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 17:20:03: Kurt... froze Jam-Lid - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 17:25:49: Kurt... froze [SC] Green Arrow - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:18:05: Kurt... froze no1 - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:19:32: Kurt... froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:21:49: Kurt... froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 305 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:22:02: kokow22 froze no8 - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:26:00: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:29:31: kokow22 froze no10 - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:45:09: Kurt... froze NO15 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:47:30: Kurt... froze no9 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:54:15: Kurt... froze no19 - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:54:54: MisterB froze Ms Egg Crack - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 14417, 18:56:22: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNN AAA - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 18:57:55: Gregory Snape froze Bottle Brush - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 14417, 19:12:01: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNNNNN BBBBB - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 14417, 19:51:19: Kurt... froze Lizardborg - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 20:08:30: Kurt... froze no5 - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 20:10:28: Kurt... froze no14 - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 20:11:51: Kurt... froze no6 - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 14417, 20:13:14: Kurt... froze no2 - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:28:10: kokow22 froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:32:38: Kurt... froze no9 - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:36:46: Kurt... froze Lizardborg - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:37:56: kokow22 froze NO15 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:38:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 2 - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 04:44:39: DuoMog The 2nd froze M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 234 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 04:46:27: Kurt... froze no2 - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:50:36: Kurt... froze no6 - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:54:19: kokow22 froze no5 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:54:36: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl Two - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 04:54:44: Kurt... froze no1 - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 04:59:12: Kurt... froze [SC] Green Arrow - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:05:39: Kurt... froze no19 - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:07:30: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 3 - Lvl 255 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 05:09:46: Kurt... froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:11:12: kokow22 froze Baby-T - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:15:21: DuoMog The 2nd froze TNG Girl One - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 05:17:38: Kurt... froze Jam-Lid - Lvl 305 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:19:09: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 05:20:20: Kurt... froze MAINNNNNN AAA - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:23:54: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 256 (Yutyrannus) Day 14418, 05:37:41: Kurt... froze no3 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 14418, 05:43:24: Gregory Snape froze Bottle Brush - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 05:52:21: Shauna froze Feathers - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 06:02:37: Screpzy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 06:04:55: MisterB froze Ms Egg Crack - Lvl 240 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 06:06:24: Kurt... froze 'clean' fm H36 F42 - Lvl 286 (Daeodon) Day 14418, 06:09:55: Screpzy froze [SC] Hooters - Lvl 356 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 06:12:04: kokow22 froze MULE - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 14418, 06:28:41: Kurt... froze zzzzzzzzzzz - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 14418, 07:03:11: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 274 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14446, 05:17:15: Your TNG Girl One - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 14446, 05:38:09: Your F 12 21 - 1 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14446, 05:40:11: Your M 12 23 - 1 - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14446, 05:42:27: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14446, 05:42:28: Tribemember DuoMog The 2nd - Lvl 124 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14446, 06:34:03: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 14446, 07:22:52: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 138 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 5! Day 14446, 07:49:49: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 138 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 1.0x! Day 14446, 08:15:03: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14501, 16:45:49: Tribemember Shauna - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 14501, 17:13:34: Shauna froze Feathers - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 14501, 17:24:54: Kurt... froze Lizardborg - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 14501, 17:44:37: Kurt... froze zzzzzzzzzzz - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 14501, 17:47:54: Caulkinator added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14501, 17:49:29: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 14501, 17:50:04: Kurt... froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 14501, 17:50:10: Caulkinator added 'Equinox' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14501, 18:57:58: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 14501, 21:06:58: Shauna froze Lizardborg - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 14501, 21:25:20: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 01:28:17: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 01:35:38: MisterB froze Spock - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 02:24:15: kokow22 froze no19 - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 08:03:14: Kurt... froze MAIN ZZZZ - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 08:04:46: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 08:06:00: Shauna froze Lizardborg - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 08:08:13: MisterB froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 08:50:13: Shauna froze Bottle Brush - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 09:01:08: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 14502, 09:08:49: Caulkinator added 'Children of the Bean' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:11:17: Caulkinator added 'Tribe of Titanic' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:14:36: Cinder removed 'Equinox' Tribe from boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:16:44: MisterB froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 09:43:34: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 09:54:17: Shauna froze Feathers - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 11:37:03: Kurt... froze MAIN ZZZZ - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 11:44:32: MisterB froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 11:51:45: Shauna froze Lizardborg - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 11:52:30: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 13:21:29: MisterB froze Spock - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 13:26:47: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 17:04:03: Kurt... froze MAIN ZZZZ - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 17:06:05: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 17:07:17: MisterB froze Ms Ronk - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 17:08:15: DuoMog The 2nd froze F 12 23 - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 14502, 17:08:39: Shauna froze Lizardborg - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 17:50:10: Shauna froze Bottle Brush - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 18:02:35: Kurt... froze zzzzzzzzzzz - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 18:04:45: MisterB froze Spock - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 14502, 18:31:17: Shauna froze Bottle Brush - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 18:34:15: MisterB froze Twoglet - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 14502, 19:55:48: DuoMog The 2nd froze Poison - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14674, 20:27:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14743, 05:29:21: Kurt... froze Mercy Main - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 14944, 22:58:17: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 223 (Thylacoleo) Day 14945, 02:54:26: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 154 was killed! Day 14945, 03:39:48: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 330 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 14945, 03:59:10: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 154 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 14945, 09:50:34: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 329 (Thylacoleo) Day 14957, 20:03:38: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 14957, 20:05:30: kokow22 downloaded a dino: [SB] Blazer - Lvl 234 Day 14957, 20:07:52: kokow22 froze no1 - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 07:36:35: MistaRose added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 07:37:01: MistaRose added 'Ugg' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:03:21: MistaRose added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:23:50: MistaRose added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 09:12:21: kokow22 froze Baby-T - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 10:09:50: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 154 was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14958, 14:17:46: kokow22 froze no9 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:19:20: kokow22 froze no14 - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:20:51: kokow22 froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:22:57: kokow22 froze NO15 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:25:53: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:32:51: kokow22 froze no1 - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:34:48: kokow22 froze [SC] Green Arrow - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:45:11: kokow22 froze no3 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:46:46: kokow22 froze no5 - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:48:21: kokow22 froze no10 - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:49:53: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:53:06: kokow22 froze Baby-T - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 14:58:30: kokow22 froze no6 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 15:27:03: kokow22 froze [SB] Blazer - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15224, 02:41:47: MisterB froze Tummy Tum Tum - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 04:13:09: MisterB froze MisterB - M260 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 15224, 04:17:26: MisterB froze Tummy Tum Tum - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 05:39:19: Your MisterB - M260 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 15224, 05:59:33: Your lyckey - Lvl 286 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15224, 06:04:39: Tribemember MisterB - Lvl 153 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15224, 06:42:10: MisterB froze Tummy Tum Tum - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 15224, 08:26:25: MisterB froze Tummy Tum Tum - Lvl 301 (Snow Owl) Day 15313, 05:25:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15313, 05:25:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15447, 21:01:46: kokow22 froze kolorek - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 15447, 21:39:23: kokow22 froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15476, 08:53:42: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15476, 09:35:39: kokow22 froze no2 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15489, 15:03:22: kokow22 froze [SB] Electro Wizard - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15489, 15:07:56: kokow22 froze [SC] StinkyPinky - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15489, 15:17:32: kokow22 froze Bully - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 15489, 18:43:58: kokow22 claimed 'Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex)'! Day 15489, 18:45:10: kokow22 froze Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 15489, 19:35:44: kokow22 froze Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex) Day 15490, 05:54:44: Your Rex - Lvl 338 (Rex) was killed by an Overseer - Lvl 1! Day 15490, 06:16:55: Your Bully - Lvl 269 (Rex) was killed by an Overseer - Lvl 1! Day 15490, 06:51:41: kokow22 froze no9 - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 15490, 08:00:09: kokow22 froze no9 - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 15502, 12:47:13: Daz added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15502, 13:21:07: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 15502, 17:29:32: kokow22 froze no14 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 15503, 07:07:05: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15503, 08:01:35: kokow22 froze no12 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 15503, 08:09:13: kokow22 froze no14 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 15503, 09:09:18: kokow22 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 15533, 19:22:17: Gregory Snape froze Wingy - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 15546, 00:26:14: kokow22 froze Jarmo - Lvl 354 (Yutyrannus) Day 15546, 00:37:07: kokow22 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon) Day 15571, 16:31:14: kokow22 unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15571, 20:21:40: kokow22 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15571, 21:07:03: kokow22 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) Day 15572, 06:17:19: kokow22 froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 317 (Beelzebufo) Day 15572, 06:58:15: kokow22 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 15582, 07:56:35: kokow22 claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 343 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15582, 11:55:55: kokow22 unclaimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 345 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 15582, 12:40:17: kokow22 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 268 (Pteranodon) Day 15695, 17:32:06: kokow22 froze Dori - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 15695, 19:23:29: kokow22 froze no6 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 15696, 02:38:14: kokow22 froze Dori - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 15696, 06:20:17: kokow22 froze no6 - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex) Day 15696, 08:27:38: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15696, 18:31:37: kokow22 froze Dori - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 15696, 18:36:15: kokow22 - Lvl 141 requested an Alliance with High Commander Tribe. Day 15696, 18:37:03: kokow22 added 'High Commander' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 15696, 23:40:15: Zenalis added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15696, 23:51:15: Bengelchen added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 00:07:49: Bengelchen added 'Of Light' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 02:33:20: Zenalis added 'Impulse' Tribe to Boss Alliance! Day 15697, 02:52:54: Bengelchen added 'Impulse' Tribe to BossFight Alliance! Day 15697, 03:57:42: kokow22 froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 07:08:52: kokow22 unclaimed 'Yutti - Lvl 362 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 15697, 14:46:49: kokow22 froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 15697, 16:51:37: kokow22 froze Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis) Day 15697, 19:20:09: kokow22 froze Dori - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) Day 15697, 19:25:35: kokow22 froze Kokow Beast - Lvl 405 (Tek Rex) Day 15741, 06:19:46: kokow22 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 350 (Thylacoleo) Day 15741, 16:30:18: Tribemember kokow22 - Lvl 146 was killed! Day 15741, 17:54:59: kokow22 was removed from the Tribe! Day 15741, 17:54:59: Tribe Owner was changed to Kurt...! Day 15803, 18:29:23: Daz added 'Tribe of Elias ;-)' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 16798, 19:30:46: dia removed 'The river city' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 16925, 08:55:31: Daz added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 18040, 18:08:46: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 18415, 16:31:21: MisterB froze Sprout - M259 - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 18415, 16:33:43: MisterB was removed from the Tribe! Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 20500, 06:09:00: Gregory Snape froze Barnyard 2 - Lvl 414 (Snow Owl) Day 21162, 11:32:50: Gregory Snape was removed from the Tribe! Day 25700, 11:05:58: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:41:54: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1791504343,"tribe":"Tribu de Finot logs":["Day 22760, 12:00:47: Finot was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1787706380,"tribe":"BOLARKS CREW logs":["Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27808, 18:17:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27873, 10:23:46: Tribemember Osas - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 27873, 11:20:27: Tribemember Osas - Lvl 126 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 28509, 17:44:46: Human - Lvl 22 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28574, 17:54:10: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 26 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30004, 10:53:10: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30595, 06:07:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 31518, 01:30:50: Tribemember DanoElNegro - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 31518, 01:59:12: Tribemember DanoElNegro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1787492240,"tribe":"Stamm von Blah logs":["Day 24779, 03:43:08: Blah was added to the Tribe! Day 24779, 08:06:38: Blah Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 112 (Parasaur)! Day 24780, 03:56:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 24780, 10:00:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon)! Day 24782, 21:46:07: Blah froze Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) Day 24798, 12:40:25: Your Parasaur - Lvl 115 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 24926, 11:03:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25092, 03:10:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25375, 23:18:04: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25572, 00:26:32: Blah's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 25659, 14:13:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25659, 14:13:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25692, 14:01:33: Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25706, 21:21:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25706, 21:21:45: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25706, 21:21:45: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25880, 15:37:28: Tribemember Blah - Lvl 87 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 40! Day 25973, 08:50:52: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28555, 07:52:18: Tribemember Blah - Lvl 87 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 28555, 21:47:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28556, 03:41:19: Blah Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)! Day 28566, 15:25:28: Blah froze Pteranodon - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29438, 17:59:35: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29438, 17:59:35: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1787118397,"tribe":"Cosmic chaos logs":["Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21219, 21:17:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21234, 12:47:06: wildy - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '149 - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21234, 12:49:26: wildy - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21234, 12:56:56: wildy - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21234, 13:02:47: wildy - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '159 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21261, 09:39:27: ediOO11 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 290 (Bulbdog)'! Day 21261, 09:41:48: ediOO11 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 253 (Deinonychus)'! Day 21261, 09:46:02: ediOO11 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'maln - Lvl 288 (Bulbdog)'! Day 21261, 09:53:41: ediOO11 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 310 (Bulbdog)'! Day 21416, 04:36:27: Daemonia - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21541, 02:59:01: Cosmic claimed '107 - Lvl 107 (Raptor)'! Day 21541, 07:55:20: Cosmic Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 21558, 22:14:55: Your mossy - Lvl 25 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 21558, 23:58:08: Your 107 - Lvl 191 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 22257, 14:01:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22257, 14:01:37: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22257, 14:01:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22257, 14:01:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22552, 00:38:41: Tribemember Cosmic - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 22645, 16:21:50: barthalan - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25700, 12:09:13: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Hentai noodles Alliance! Day 35596, 09:38:32: Cosmic Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35596, 20:01:30: Cosmic Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35596, 22:10:47: Cosmic Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 21 (Raptor)! Day 35597, 05:13:32: Cosmic demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35597, 07:50:21: Cosmic Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax)! Day 35597, 11:14:39: Cosmic Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35598, 18:30:33: Cosmic Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36079, 18:51:56: Dilophosaur - Lvl 25 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 36180, 08:24:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36195, 12:51:51: Dilophosaur - Lvl 25 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 36264, 12:20:30: Pegomastax - Lvl 32 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 36264, 12:52:15: Johnson - Lvl 65 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 34 (Raptor)'! Day 36329, 11:23:06: Johnson - Lvl 97 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36488, 09:34:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36637, 04:18:44: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '90 - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 37142, 16:52:34: Tribemember Cosmic - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1787110870,"tribe":"Naked Friends logs":["Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44543, 17:00:30: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44567, 13:08:15: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44567, 13:08:15: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44567, 13:08:15: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44594, 11:05:54: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44829, 16:58:51: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44964, 01:43:04: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 44964, 01:57:11: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argen Breed F Hp Sta Dmg - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 44964, 02:07:05: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argen Breed F Hp Sta Dmg - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 44964, 02:23:08: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jason - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 44964, 04:27:59: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 135 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 10! Day 44964, 04:29:50: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pickle The 2nd - Lvl 174 (Argentavis)'! Day 44964, 04:32:59: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 44964, 05:27:12: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 208 (Quetzal)'! Day 44964, 05:47:08: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'vip - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44964, 05:51:27: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 202 (Tapejara)'! Day 44964, 05:56:15: Humano - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 164 (Tapejara)'!"] "tribeid":1781774067,"tribe":"Eclectics logs":["Day 35886, 22:01:36: Chessy was added to the Tribe! Day 35907, 01:10:43: Chalicotherium - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35907, 01:47:03: Tribemember Chessy - Lvl 54 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 35907, 02:01:18: Your ESP - Lvl 207 (Triceratops) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 35907, 02:15:04: Tribemember Chessy - Lvl 54 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 35907, 07:11:13: Tribemember Chessy - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 36488, 09:34:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36488, 09:34:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1775968491,"tribe":"YubYub logs":["Day 41319, 05:51:11: Barty was added to the Tribe! Day 41319, 09:40:12: Barty froze Moschops - Lvl 220 (Moschops) Day 41320, 09:46:28: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 41320, 12:31:28: Barty froze Pteranodon - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 41320, 15:21:51: Barty froze Argentavis - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) Day 41320, 15:55:34: Barty demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 41320, 16:41:33: Barty froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 174 (Dimorphodon) Day 41337, 06:04:52: Barty demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41337, 07:48:59: Barty froze Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1775738387,"tribe":"Tribe of noped logs":["Day 24013, 21:28:13: noped was added to the Tribe! Day 24013, 21:30:10: Bordeleaux was added to the Tribe by noped! Day 24013, 22:42:48: Bordeleaux froze BJ 180m L - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24013, 23:10:56: noped froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24170, 11:46:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24311, 17:34:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24311, 17:34:28: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24902, 18:40:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25186, 18:07:46: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1775698395,"tribe":"The Arcana Family logs":["Day 25012, 13:59:16: Aphrody was added to the Tribe! Day 25068, 11:04:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25210, 10:28:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25234, 01:41:20: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25234, 01:41:20: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25462, 04:35:04: Dimetrodon - Lvl 27 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 25517, 20:52:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25517, 20:52:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25535, 01:16:51: Paris - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25753, 08:02:43: SausageGoblr - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The Noob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tuy - Lvl 160 (Argentavis)'! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26298, 01:56:32: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26309, 13:30:39: Tribemember Aphrody - Lvl 76 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 40!"] "tribeid":1771317330,"tribe":"Nygusy logs":["Day 37465, 06:43:47: Karyna was added to the Tribe! Day 37465, 07:28:14: ALBUS was added to the Tribe by Karyna! Day 37465, 11:10:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 205 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 37465, 17:24:06: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 37465, 17:50:24: Your Parasaur - Lvl 115 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 37465, 18:07:00: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 37465, 18:32:03: ALBUS - Lvl 55 (Nygusy) destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37466, 05:53:10: Karyna Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 37467, 04:13:26: ALBUS claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 76 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37467, 16:48:28: Karyna claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37467, 18:19:51: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by Karyna - Lvl 24 (Nygusy)! Day 37467, 18:19:51: Your Tribe killed ALBUS - Lvl 63 (Nygusy)! Day 37467, 21:02:10: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 37467, 21:38:59: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 120! Day 37468, 00:19:24: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 37468, 03:02:16: Tribemember Karyna - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 37468, 03:35:33: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 37468, 05:55:46: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 60! Day 37468, 06:40:49: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 37468, 07:10:24: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 37468, 07:39:41: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 37468, 08:14:29: ALBUS was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Karyna! Day 37468, 08:42:27: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 63 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 45! Day 37469, 22:22:59: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 37470, 16:12:17: Karyna Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 119 (Argentavis)! Day 37471, 01:55:43: Karyna demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 37471, 01:58:32: Karyna demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 37472, 03:31:13: Tribemember Karyna - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 37474, 03:54:12: Karyna claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 114 (Argentavis)'! Day 37475, 23:05:05: Karyna claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 97 (Argentavis)'! Day 37477, 10:53:17: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 78 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 90! Day 37477, 11:37:10: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 78 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 37478, 08:12:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 7 (Rex)! Day 37488, 17:23:42: ALBUS Tamed a Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex)! Day 37501, 16:57:43: ALBUS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 31 (Rex)'! Day 37502, 23:06:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 16 (Quetzal)! Day 37514, 19:08:58: Adolescent Rex - Lvl 31 (Rex) starved to death! Day 37515, 00:20:03: ALBUS claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 103 (Argentavis)'! Day 37524, 18:24:09: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 103 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 37524, 18:43:53: ALBUS unclaimed 'Diplodocus - Lvl 77 (Diplodocus)'! Day 37524, 19:20:26: ALBUS claimed 'Diplodocus - Lvl 77 (Diplodocus)'! Day 37524, 19:36:59: Your Parasaur - Lvl 81 (Parasaur) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 5! Day 37524, 19:37:55: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 37524, 19:38:59: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 19:40:14: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 19:42:32: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 19:43:47: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 19:51:23: ALBUS demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 37524, 19:54:10: ALBUS demolished a 'Bed'! Day 37524, 19:56:08: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 19:58:22: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 37524, 19:58:56: Your Rex - Lvl 52 (Rex) was killed! Day 37524, 20:01:10: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 20:02:53: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 37524, 20:04:43: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 37524, 20:06:19: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 20:07:51: ALBUS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 37524, 20:12:34: Your Rex - Lvl 35 (Rex) was killed! Day 37524, 20:30:48: ALBUS demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 37524, 20:42:11: ALBUS demolished a 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) '! Day 37524, 20:43:49: ALBUS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37524, 20:47:09: ALBUS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37524, 21:45:06: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 77 (Diplodocus) was killed! Day 37524, 22:13:29: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 233 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 5! Day 37525, 00:17:44: ALBUS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37525, 01:11:47: Tribemember Karyna - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 37525, 02:09:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 37525, 02:27:02: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 51 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 37525, 03:10:11: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 165 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 37525, 06:41:25: Your Argentavis - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 37525, 07:34:10: Your Quetzal - Lvl 19 (Quetzal) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 37525, 07:39:40: Your Argentavis - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 37525, 09:49:47: ALBUS unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 37525, 09:59:44: ALBUS claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 37525, 10:42:16: Your Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 37525, 10:42:16: Tribemember ALBUS - Lvl 106 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 37674, 05:34:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38359, 08:05:10: Jeyda - Lvl 112 (Ardent) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38363, 01:39:00: Jeyda - Lvl 112 (Ardent) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39269, 12:48:31: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41319, 21:29:41: Argentavis - Lvl 109 (Argentavis) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1771096971,"tribe":"Tribe of Cheesy logs":["Day 17873, 15:39:15: Cheesy was added to the Tribe! Day 17873, 15:40:53: 123 was added to the Tribe by Cheesy! Day 17873, 16:07:27: 123 froze Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 17873, 19:35:07: Cheesy froze Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 17874, 15:03:53: Cheesy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17874, 22:51:54: Cheesy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17875, 09:16:54: Cheesy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17876, 13:27:23: 123 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17904, 07:45:58: Cheesy froze SKiLLz - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 17970, 19:43:59: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Cheesy' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 20:12:27: 123 froze Cheesy-Weight 8k - Lvl 380 (Argentavis) Day 17970, 20:24:32: 123 froze Crixo - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 17970, 20:55:38: 123 froze Crixo - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 17971, 00:47:25: Cheesy unclaimed 'Cheesy-Thor - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17971, 03:34:05: Cheesy claimed 'Cheesy-Thor - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17971, 03:46:23: 123 froze Cheesy-Weight 8k - Lvl 380 (Argentavis) Day 17971, 11:08:29: Cheesy froze Cheesy-SKiLLz - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 11:33:11: Cheesy froze Cheesy-Thor - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17971, 19:53:27: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17972, 07:36:13: Cheesy froze Skillz - Lvl 470 (Tek Rex) Day 17972, 07:37:45: Cheesy froze D1 [Bear] - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 17972, 09:10:44: Cheesy froze Cheesy-Thor - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17981, 16:39:29: Cheesy froze New SKiLLz - Lvl 262 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17983, 19:42:18: Cheesy froze New SKiLLz - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17983, 20:13:37: Tribe of SKiLLz tribe was merged in by Scully84! Day 17983, 20:13:37: Scully84 was added to the Tribe by Cheesy! Day 17983, 20:17:20: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 17984, 07:16:47: Skillz froze Cheesy-Weight - Lvl 380 (Argentavis) Day 17984, 17:13:47: SKiLLz froze Cheesy-Weight - Lvl 380 (Argentavis) Day 17984, 17:15:40: SKiLLz froze New SKiLLz - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17984, 19:45:49: SKiLLz froze New SKiLLz - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17984, 22:06:27: SKiLLz froze Cheesy-Weight - Lvl 380 (Argentavis) Day 17995, 18:32:23: 123 claimed 'Croco - Lvl 155 (Sarco)'! Day 17995, 18:35:59: 123 claimed 'F22 - Lvl 146 (Raptor)'! Day 17995, 21:46:36: 123 froze Managarmr - Lvl 323 (Managarmr) Day 18028, 17:49:56: 123 froze Managarmr - Lvl 323 (Managarmr) Day 18040, 07:05:13: 123 froze 123 Main M - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 18198, 18:02:51: 123 was removed from the Tribe! Day 18204, 13:55:34: F22 - Lvl 146 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 18233, 05:54:35: Your Croco - Lvl 162 (Sarco) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 18414, 14:42:58: NiBanNeko - Lvl 52 (No Tames Allowed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21232, 17:01:09: Requis - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1771063453,"tribe":"Tribe of crimson logs":["Day 42202, 08:06:23: crimson was added to the Tribe! Day 42202, 08:07:30: Mr Hands was added to the Tribe by crimson! Day 42202, 09:40:41: Tribemember Mr Hands - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 1.1x! Day 42202, 10:28:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur)! Day 42491, 18:03:07: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42502, 06:04:03: Tribemember crimson - Lvl 10 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 30! Day 43049, 00:21:21: Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1767680798,"tribe":"Tribe of dgptrader logs":["Day 20854, 15:03:13: dgptrader was added to the Tribe! Day 20854, 15:13:37: shark_jaw72 was added to the Tribe by dgptrader! Day 20854, 16:46:36: Tribemember shark_jaw72 - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 20854, 16:51:46: Tribemember dgptrader - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 20854, 18:04:00: Tribemember shark_jaw72 - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 20854, 20:02:31: Tribemember shark_jaw72 - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 21779, 08:40:22: Tribemember dgptrader - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1767255113,"tribe":"Tribe of RazerXGaming logs":["Day 26283, 05:49:49: RazerXGaming was added to the Tribe! Day 26283, 05:56:00: Tribemember RazerXGaming - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 26283, 08:29:55: Tribemember RazerXGaming - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26291, 07:41:31: Tribemember RazerXGaming - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1766791015,"tribe":"Dragons logs":["Day 22409, 01:50:13: Your Achatina - Lvl 150 (Achatina) was killed! Day 22409, 01:50:13: Achatina - Lvl 150 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22410, 15:08:41: wildy froze Diesel Random - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 10:58:30: wildy froze Seeds - Lvl 267 (Iguanodon) Day 22471, 11:40:46: wildy froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 22471, 11:44:02: wildy froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 22471, 11:50:51: wildy froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 22471, 11:53:41: wildy froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon) Day 22471, 12:28:39: wildy froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 243 (Dung Beetle) Day 22471, 13:32:42: wildy froze Griffon - Lvl 258 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:35:31: wildy froze Griffin - Lvl 245 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:38:22: wildy froze Griffin - Lvl 301 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:44:43: wildy froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:47:30: wildy froze Griffin - Lvl 237 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:50:14: wildy froze Griffin - Lvl 261 (Griffin) Day 22471, 13:58:16: wildy froze Ember - Lvl 283 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22471, 14:08:01: wildy froze DMG - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22471, 14:11:08: wildy froze Bolt - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22471, 14:34:40: wildy froze 4.2K - Lvl 226 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 14:37:45: wildy froze 6.7K - Lvl 332 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 14:40:53: wildy froze 7.3K - Lvl 319 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 14:48:45: wildy froze 7.5k - Lvl 301 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 14:52:01: wildy froze 4.6k - Lvl 168 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 14:55:42: wildy froze 5K - Lvl 345 (Quetzal) Day 22471, 15:12:23: wildy froze Tinker - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 15:15:08: wildy froze Twinkle - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 15:50:44: wildy froze Weight - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 16:23:02: wildy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 316 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:30:26: wildy froze Twitter - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:35:32: wildy froze Spare - Lvl 391 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:39:24: wildy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:46:54: wildy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 381 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:49:51: wildy froze Spare - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 16:52:53: wildy froze Spare - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 17:05:01: wildy froze Luxy - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 17:59:54: wildy froze Fritz - Lvl 404 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22471, 18:02:41: wildy froze Mocarzyk - Lvl 326 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22471, 18:09:08: wildy froze aiguille - Lvl 362 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22471, 18:14:48: wildy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22471, 19:01:29: wildy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22471, 19:04:39: wildy froze Spare - Lvl 403 (Snow Owl) Day 22471, 19:11:50: wildy froze Damage - Lvl 313 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 19:22:03: wildy froze Weight - Lvl 329 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 19:25:16: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 19:36:04: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 19:38:59: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 22471, 19:44:21: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 22497, 08:40:30: Snow Owl - Lvl 67 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 22665, 07:45:06: Achatina - Lvl 304 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22670, 16:27:07: Achatina - Lvl 159 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22692, 04:40:55: Achatina - Lvl 154 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22718, 05:49:15: Eleshell - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22759, 01:38:22: Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 22761, 03:50:26: Achatina - Lvl 117 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22807, 18:08:33: Achatina - Lvl 235 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22811, 20:36:25: Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 22832, 09:36:52: Element Gacha [Clone] - Lvl 289 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 22858, 03:31:06: Minnie - Lvl 61 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 22861, 08:09:00: Microraptor - Lvl 42 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 22882, 10:58:18: [MMV] - Lvl 100 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 22882, 13:37:40: Bulbdog - Lvl 63 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 22904, 21:21:46: Achatina - Lvl 157 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22933, 09:59:39: Poly - Lvl 255 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22935, 00:14:54: Mesopithecus - Lvl 149 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 22949, 22:43:43: pearls, black pearls - Lvl 211 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 22955, 08:51:09: Achatina - Lvl 225 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 22975, 09:38:18: Bulbdog - Lvl 116 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22989, 17:58:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23003, 00:56:59: Compy - Lvl 7 (Compy) starved to death! Day 23025, 21:49:19: Achatina - Lvl 201 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23026, 05:19:58: Achatina - Lvl 179 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23048, 02:44:25: Albitura - Lvl 169 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23048, 02:44:57: Olly - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23048, 02:45:06: Dung Beetle - Lvl 141 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23053, 07:08:57: Oviraptor - Lvl 64 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 23067, 06:13:44: Achatina - Lvl 148 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23069, 13:31:56: pinky - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23103, 06:32:07: Bulbdog - Lvl 101 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 23116, 00:40:10: Chitin - Lvl 172 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23116, 04:22:15: Billy - Lvl 166 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 23118, 20:58:20: Diesel Island - Lvl 461 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23126, 04:37:49: Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy) starved to death! Day 23159, 18:07:33: Pegomastax - Lvl 135 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 23160, 06:56:52: Dilophosaur - Lvl 128 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23193, 18:07:19: Mesopithecus - Lvl 209 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23241, 15:51:34: Compy - Lvl 52 (Compy) starved to death! Day 23242, 07:12:37: Achatina - Lvl 161 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23262, 23:36:04: Compy - Lvl 59 (Compy) starved to death! Day 23264, 11:57:15: Achatina - Lvl 141 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23264, 15:09:46: Oviraptor - Lvl 103 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23273, 11:18:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23275, 02:37:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame '7D15H - Lvl 96 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 23275, 02:42:22: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 297 (Megalodon)'! Day 23275, 02:44:54: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SharkBait - Lvl 299 (Megalodon)'! Day 23275, 02:49:25: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 231 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 23275, 02:51:15: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 203 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 23275, 02:52:12: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Level HP - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 23275, 02:56:19: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 220 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 23275, 03:08:53: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharky - Lvl 294 (Megalodon)'! Day 23275, 03:09:37: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 351 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 23275, 03:13:08: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 323 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 23275, 03:15:02: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 301 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 23275, 03:19:06: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 209 (Anglerfish)'! Day 23275, 04:20:05: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 196 (Anglerfish)'! Day 23275, 04:20:49: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 212 (Anglerfish)'! Day 23275, 04:22:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharkbait2 - Lvl 308 (Megalodon)'! Day 23285, 19:17:11: Kairuku - Lvl 101 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23285, 19:17:11: Kairuku - Lvl 99 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23285, 19:17:15: Kairuku - Lvl 104 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23285, 19:17:31: 10.4K - Lvl 387 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 23291, 16:00:56: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 322 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 23291, 16:02:24: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Edward - Lvl 323 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23291, 16:02:55: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Power - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23291, 16:03:47: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 167 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 23291, 16:23:23: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 350 (Pelagornis)'! Day 23291, 16:28:06: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 228 (Pelagornis)'! Day 23291, 16:37:18: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 102 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 23291, 17:28:18: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WEIGHT MELEE - Lvl 270 (Castoroides)'! Day 23291, 17:29:03: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poly - Lvl 194 (Castoroides)'! Day 23291, 17:29:24: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phil - Lvl 164 (Phiomia)'! Day 23291, 17:30:33: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 254 (Equus)'! Day 23291, 23:49:17: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tree house - Lvl 219 (Parasaur)'! Day 23292, 00:43:18: Kairuku - Lvl 99 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23292, 00:44:25: Kairuku - Lvl 101 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23299, 05:33:21: Poly - Lvl 190 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23306, 16:31:01: Current Gen F - Lvl 86 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 23307, 02:49:35: swalsp - Lvl 98 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 307 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23310, 13:59:23: Your Dimetrodon - Lvl 150 (Dimetrodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60! Day 23310, 15:13:53: Your Dimetrodon - Lvl 130 (Dimetrodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60! Day 23324, 08:08:22: TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anglerfish - Lvl 217 (Anglerfish)'! Day 23333, 21:55:55: Poop Roller 2000 - Lvl 234 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23334, 14:11:09: Mesopithecus - Lvl 218 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23347, 20:36:53: Shinehorn - Lvl 279 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 23348, 01:12:36: Microraptor - Lvl 240 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 23355, 09:55:38: Mesopithecus - Lvl 290 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23371, 11:59:55: Dung Beetle - Lvl 213 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23373, 18:44:29: King Kong - Lvl 294 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23395, 01:47:34: Vulture - Lvl 149 (Vulture) starved to death! Day 23398, 03:44:06: Pegomastax - Lvl 165 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 23398, 16:41:49: Dimorphodon - Lvl 161 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 23428, 10:03:39: Achatina - Lvl 245 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23430, 13:41:43: Achatina - Lvl 189 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 23445, 08:35:38: Kairuku - Lvl 106 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 23447, 18:41:23: Winnie - Lvl 269 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 23453, 21:40:10: Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 23455, 06:31:24: Bulbdog - Lvl 337 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 23472, 01:28:54: Metal - Lvl 271 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 23499, 10:20:55: Dodo - Lvl 164 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 23499, 10:46:31: Your Weight - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 23499, 11:15:01: 's 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 240 (Dinopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:15:01: 's 'olly2 - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:15:01: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Seeds - Lvl 267 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 250 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Griffin - Lvl 245 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's '7.3K - Lvl 319 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Twitter - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Mocarzyk - Lvl 326 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:19:07: 's 'Weight - Lvl 329 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Diddy wing - Lvl 282 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Maggie - Lvl 283 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 188 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'speed - Lvl 379 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23499, 11:30:09: 's 'Hyde - Lvl 198 (Ferox)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23501, 14:03:58: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 269 (Direwolf)'! Day 23501, 14:04:36: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mjoll - Lvl 331 (Direwolf)'! Day 23501, 14:08:03: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Current Gen M - Lvl 210 (Direwolf)'! Day 23501, 14:08:45: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 97 (Oviraptor)'! Day 23501, 14:09:23: Blue - Lvl 312 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23501, 14:10:03: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 200 (Oviraptor)'! Day 23501, 14:14:08: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23501, 14:16:33: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulture - Lvl 202 (Vulture)'! Day 23501, 14:24:24: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Repair - Lvl 352 (Argentavis)'! Day 23501, 14:24:50: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 354 (Argentavis)'! Day 23501, 14:56:29: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 173 (Shinehorn)'! Day 23501, 15:01:24: TinTin - Lvl 139 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 275 (Oviraptor)'! Day 23501, 15:07:52: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 305 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 23501, 15:22:05: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 265 (Procoptodon)'! Day 23501, 15:23:20: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 113 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 229 (Procoptodon)'! Day 23501, 19:24:13: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 337 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 23501, 19:25:56: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 256 (Achatina)'! Day 23501, 19:28:24: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PT Pooper - Lvl 338 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 23501, 19:29:36: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 261 (Achatina)'! Day 23501, 19:30:40: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 274 (Achatina)'! Day 23501, 19:41:11: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23501, 19:44:28: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23501, 19:49:01: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23501, 20:20:14: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 171 (Achatina)'! Day 23501, 20:23:35: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 23501, 20:23:53: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 297 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 23501, 20:30:48: swalsp - Lvl 104 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peanut - Lvl 278 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 23541, 18:14:07: TinTin - Lvl 140 (Rex Offenders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 192 (Oviraptor)'! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23593, 13:08:34: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 255 (Achatina)'! Day 23593, 13:09:41: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Achatina - Lvl 247 (Achatina)'! Day 23593, 13:46:14: Hide (Full) - Lvl 280 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 23709, 14:10:13: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'buttercup - Lvl 215 (Shinehorn)'! Day 23709, 14:36:22: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulture - Lvl 214 (Vulture)'! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24605, 17:36:57: Viperion - Lvl 55 (Tribe of Viperion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 25501, 11:44:58: Carbonemys - Lvl 323 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 29843, 03:07:00: wildy downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 149 Day 29844, 07:11:34: wildy uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 173 Day 29912, 08:39:02: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 128 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 29912, 12:23:19: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 128 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 29912, 14:14:02: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 128 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 29912, 14:42:47: wildy downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 164 Day 29912, 14:43:33: wildy downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 143 Day 29912, 17:04:12: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 128 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 29912, 22:00:03: wildy uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 174 Day 29912, 22:02:43: wildy uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 151 Day 43291, 03:39:19: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 228 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1764040533,"tribe":"Tribe of Unga logs":["Day 38423, 05:54:51: Unga was added to the Tribe! Day 38423, 06:53:57: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38423, 10:41:17: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38423, 11:32:10: Unga uploaded a Tek Stryder: (COA) TERMINATOR - Lvl 245 Day 38423, 12:05:14: Unga uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 Day 38425, 00:42:43: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 273 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38439, 13:02:15: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 274 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38493, 23:06:58: Yhhez was added to the Tribe by Unga! Day 38493, 23:17:56: Laggy was added to the Tribe by Unga! Day 38494, 01:16:25: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38494, 02:40:03: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38494, 02:40:03: Your Tribe killed Laggy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38494, 04:50:30: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 38494, 07:01:18: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 38494, 10:35:27: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38494, 10:39:04: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38494, 10:50:58: Laggy froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38494, 12:51:50: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38494, 13:15:23: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38494, 17:03:15: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38495, 00:49:34: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 312 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38495, 02:07:37: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 03:02:41: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 312 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38495, 05:10:02: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 06:20:18: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 07:59:12: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 09:17:00: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 10:17:46: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 38495, 11:07:48: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 38495, 12:29:03: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38495, 12:57:00: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38495, 13:14:25: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38495, 13:46:39: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 38495, 13:59:50: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38495, 14:01:31: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 14:11:43: Unga froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38495, 14:14:50: Unga froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38495, 17:49:28: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 18:14:19: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 38495, 20:19:02: Yhhez froze Arnold - Lvl 315 (Managarmr) Day 38495, 22:52:44: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38496, 00:04:11: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38496, 01:04:04: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38496, 01:24:43: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38509, 08:43:55: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38509, 08:52:01: Yhhez froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 319 (Basilosaurus) Day 38509, 09:10:47: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38509, 10:19:36: Yhhez froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 319 (Basilosaurus) Day 38509, 15:39:05: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38509, 20:00:05: Yhhez froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 38510, 06:12:19: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38510, 12:12:08: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 334 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38510, 13:13:21: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38510, 13:20:56: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 337 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38510, 13:34:58: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 337 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38510, 17:07:37: Tribemember Yhhez - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 38510, 18:21:25: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 338 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38510, 19:08:49: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38510, 23:45:23: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 38511, 01:31:17: Yhhez froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 38511, 02:23:08: Yhhez froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38511, 03:17:28: Unga froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38511, 04:32:38: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38512, 05:14:03: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38512, 15:29:04: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 38512, 15:53:05: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 38512, 16:00:54: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 38512, 17:31:08: Unga froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo) Day 38512, 17:36:39: Unga froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo) Day 38513, 07:14:15: Tribemember Yhhez - Lvl 113 was killed by Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38513, 07:14:15: Your Tribe killed Yhhez - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38513, 08:16:27: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by Yhhez - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38513, 08:16:27: Your Tribe killed Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 38513, 08:29:04: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 38513, 09:19:13: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38513, 10:02:46: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38513, 10:19:20: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38616, 17:03:45: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 17:10:40: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 19:29:42: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 20:22:02: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 20:54:17: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 21:46:36: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 22:46:39: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38616, 22:59:06: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 256 (Megatherium) Day 38617, 05:24:55: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 38617, 05:39:48: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 38617, 06:11:29: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 38617, 12:37:02: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38617, 17:25:46: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 38617, 18:15:08: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38630, 15:20:44: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38630, 15:31:10: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 258 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 17:18:06: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 17:29:30: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 38630, 19:35:32: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 20:01:55: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 20:08:23: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 20:22:53: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 21:01:54: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 21:08:23: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 21:44:23: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 21:51:32: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38630, 23:35:30: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 02:53:13: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 06:04:07: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 06:27:36: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 06:53:36: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 38631, 07:23:30: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 07:34:42: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38631, 16:07:03: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38656, 13:55:21: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38656, 16:24:04: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 17:29:26: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 18:00:23: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 18:00:46: Unga froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38656, 18:25:25: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 259 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 19:48:07: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 19:54:41: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 20:05:59: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38656, 20:18:56: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38657, 01:02:28: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38657, 01:36:00: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 03:26:14: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38657, 10:18:21: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 12:31:19: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38657, 12:39:17: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38657, 13:19:58: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 13:43:31: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 14:52:37: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 14:53:22: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38657, 15:15:45: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38657, 15:36:12: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 38657, 15:40:44: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38657, 17:21:16: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38657, 18:30:10: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38657, 18:36:09: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38657, 20:52:25: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38657, 21:46:33: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 230 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38658, 00:08:12: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38658, 02:14:07: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 269 (Megatherium) Day 38658, 02:49:53: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 230 (Giganotosaurus) Day 38658, 02:55:42: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 38658, 05:45:07: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38658, 11:20:39: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 338 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38658, 12:39:26: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 38658, 13:39:26: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 38658, 13:48:03: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38658, 16:43:12: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38658, 19:18:47: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38659, 04:48:32: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 38659, 05:41:40: Unga claimed 'Baryonyx - Lvl 276 (Baryonyx)'! Day 38659, 05:54:31: Unga froze Baryonyx - Lvl 276 (Baryonyx) Day 38659, 06:52:16: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 341 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38659, 10:35:17: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38659, 13:19:59: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 343 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38659, 13:54:59: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 273 (Megatherium) Day 38659, 13:57:04: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38659, 17:41:43: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 38659, 18:15:06: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38678, 07:46:52: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38678, 09:49:29: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38678, 10:40:48: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 343 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38678, 12:45:30: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 343 (Tusoteuthis) Day 38679, 02:04:06: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38679, 05:34:55: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 38870, 01:47:35: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 39269, 10:27:16: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39269, 14:19:27: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40045, 18:56:38: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40045, 18:56:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40045, 18:56:38: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40045, 18:56:38: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40077, 08:25:28: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 105! Day 40554, 14:28:13: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1763445853,"tribe":"The Weierdos logs":["Day 20902, 08:09:19: Evelynn was added to the Tribe! Day 20902, 08:20:25: CJ was added to the Tribe by Evelynn! Day 20902, 08:20:34: CJ was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Evelynn! Day 20903, 14:58:46: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 70 was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 62 (The Weierdos)! Day 20903, 14:58:46: Your Tribe killed CJ - Lvl 70 (The Weierdos)! Day 20903, 18:05:05: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 20903, 19:29:06: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 62 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 1.0x! Day 20903, 20:25:04: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 20904, 08:09:56: CJ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 20904, 10:21:17: CJ demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 20904, 15:28:02: CJ claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20904, 18:30:49: Evelynn froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20904, 19:22:11: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 20904, 22:58:30: Evelynn demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20905, 18:09:12: CJ froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20905, 18:49:02: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20905, 20:14:04: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20905, 21:21:21: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 45! Day 20905, 22:06:33: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20906, 00:01:02: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20906, 00:44:28: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20906, 05:05:52: CJ froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20906, 07:30:20: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dodo - Lvl 20! Day 20906, 10:07:29: CJ froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20908, 17:05:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys)! Day 20908, 18:42:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 20909, 05:01:50: Evelynn froze Carbonemys - Lvl 138 (Carbonemys) Day 20909, 12:50:36: Evelynn froze Carbonemys - Lvl 140 (Carbonemys) Day 20909, 14:17:52: Evelynn froze Carbonemys - Lvl 140 (Carbonemys) Day 20909, 16:36:19: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 20909, 17:29:49: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 20910, 21:07:06: Evelynn froze Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 20929, 02:14:27: Evelynn froze Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur) Day 20929, 04:42:45: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 20929, 13:47:22: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 20930, 00:20:17: Evelynn froze Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 20930, 03:54:54: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 20930, 13:06:57: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 20968, 02:17:14: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 20968, 12:45:02: Evelynn froze Baby C0R - Lvl 19 (Deinonychus) Day 20968, 16:51:16: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake)'! Day 20968, 16:54:26: Evelynn froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 90 (Rock Drake) Day 20968, 18:33:29: Aditzu added 'The Weierdos' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 20968, 23:34:09: Evelynn demolished a 'Charlotte's bed (Bed)'! Day 20969, 01:11:58: Evelynn froze Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon) Day 20969, 01:17:06: Evelynn froze Parasaur - Lvl 106 (Parasaur) Day 20969, 01:24:27: Evelynn froze Velonasaur - Lvl 270 (Velonasaur) Day 20969, 01:31:50: Evelynn froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20969, 02:09:48: Evelynn froze Parasaur - Lvl 106 (Parasaur) Day 20969, 04:21:51: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 20969, 04:55:01: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 75 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 5! Day 20969, 07:35:56: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 20970, 19:24:45: CJ Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 20971, 08:26:45: CJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 21020, 09:33:34: Your Breakfast - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by CJ - Lvl 72 (The Weierdos)! Day 21020, 09:33:34: Your Tribe killed Breakfast - Lvl 22 (Dodo) (The Weierdos)! Day 21020, 17:45:04: Evelynn froze Pepene - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) Day 21020, 19:33:44: Tribemember CJ - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 21020, 22:44:19: Evelynn froze Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 21020, 22:58:42: CJ froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21296, 00:56:06: Evelynn demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 21296, 01:00:17: Evelynn demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 21296, 01:02:59: Evelynn demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 21296, 01:05:19: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:07:32: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:08:48: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:11:00: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:12:18: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:13:40: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:14:56: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:18:21: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:20:02: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:30:18: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:32:03: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 01:33:28: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21296, 05:22:39: Evelynn froze Argy - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 21596, 01:38:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21596, 01:38:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21596, 01:38:14: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23992, 06:45:46: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 280 (Griffin) Day 24423, 09:27:58: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops) Day 24423, 09:32:18: Evelynn froze Deinonychus - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus) Day 25700, 11:00:36: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 35656, 12:04:27: Evelynn demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35657, 03:46:04: Evelynn Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 82 (Iguanodon)! Day 35658, 00:34:05: Evelynn demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 35658, 14:13:57: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 106 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 150! Day 35659, 18:27:44: Evelynn Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 35659, 20:58:18: Evelynn Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 111 (Raptor)! Day 35659, 21:16:02: Evelynn Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 44 (Raptor)! Day 35660, 04:07:50: Evelynn Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 35660, 06:22:20: Your Raptor - Lvl 33 (Raptor) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (The Weierdos)! Day 35660, 06:22:20: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 33 (Raptor) (The Weierdos)! Day 35669, 10:33:56: Your Raptor - Lvl 57 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35669, 10:36:21: Your Raptor - Lvl 125 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35669, 10:44:04: Your Raptor - Lvl 132 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35669, 14:08:46: Evelynn Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 35669, 16:31:30: Evelynn Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 52 (Mesopithecus)! Day 35669, 20:06:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 11 (Pteranodon) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (The Weierdos)! Day 35669, 20:06:14: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 11 (Pteranodon) (The Weierdos)! Day 35669, 20:11:36: Evelynn Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 35670, 15:07:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 35670, 15:17:58: Evelynn Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 35671, 05:44:42: Evelynn Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 35671, 18:22:45: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 35671, 18:26:02: Evelynn demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 35673, 22:26:04: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 35675, 13:48:43: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 35675, 14:49:29: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 35676, 02:44:06: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 35676, 03:06:03: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 35676, 05:15:08: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 35677, 05:37:54: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 35677, 06:12:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 35677, 07:22:30: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 35677, 07:55:37: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 35677, 08:21:56: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 35677, 11:31:17: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 35677, 14:09:12: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 35679, 19:45:00: Evelynn uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 261 Day 35680, 02:24:17: Evelynn downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 250 Day 35680, 02:24:54: Evelynn downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 224 Day 35681, 11:16:01: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 35681, 11:20:06: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 35681, 11:30:55: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 44 (Argentavis) Day 35692, 23:51:28: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 35693, 01:57:49: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 35695, 16:45:33: Evelynn claimed 'Lil C - Lvl 222 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35695, 16:49:26: Evelynn unclaimed 'Lil C - Lvl 222 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 35695, 17:52:53: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 31 (Sinomacrops) Day 35696, 05:45:09: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 35696, 06:19:39: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 263 (Maewing) Day 35696, 18:36:17: Evelynn claimed 'Shenron - Lvl 232 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35696, 19:38:45: Evelynn unclaimed 'Shenron - Lvl 232 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35718, 08:44:22: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 260 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 35718, 08:49:53: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 35718, 13:36:45: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 35718, 14:19:16: Evelynn claimed 'Nanny Mae - Lvl 256 (Maewing)'! Day 35718, 16:17:01: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 31 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 35718, 16:35:56: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 35718, 17:49:23: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 35718, 19:01:14: Evelynn unclaimed 'Nanny Mae - Lvl 258 (Maewing)'! Day 35719, 02:59:50: Evelynn unclaimed 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 85 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 35720, 04:56:09: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 04:57:43: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 04:59:47: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:01:16: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:02:39: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:03:59: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:05:55: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:07:24: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 05:09:13: Evelynn demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35720, 06:29:16: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 35720, 06:36:29: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 35720, 06:40:57: Evelynn froze Argentavis - Lvl 44 (Argentavis) Day 35720, 06:53:30: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe! Day 35720, 06:53:30: Tribe Owner was changed to CJ! Day 35720, 10:16:01: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35741, 17:56:48: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus) was killed!"] "tribeid":1762986539,"tribe":"wanna be friends??? logs":["Day 15191, 17:59:49: Keigo was added to the Tribe! Day 15191, 18:01:58: Nati was added to the Tribe by Keigo! Day 15191, 20:31:49: Keigo Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 15191, 21:00:09: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 7 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 145! Day 15191, 22:02:58: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 15191, 23:39:14: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 15192, 00:05:53: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.8x! Day 15192, 03:12:20: Keigo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 15194, 11:10:11: Nati Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 15194, 14:29:53: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 15194, 16:20:50: Keigo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 44 (Moschops)! Day 15194, 17:04:59: Keigo claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)'! Day 15194, 17:13:49: Keigo - Lvl 17 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 15194, 17:17:53: Keigo - Lvl 17 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 15194, 17:18:27: Keigo - Lvl 17 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 15194, 17:19:05: Keigo added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 15194, 18:44:05: Keigo claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 69 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 15194, 19:10:04: Nati claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15195, 01:18:21: Keigo claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15195, 11:08:35: Nati Tamed an Otter - Lvl 37 (Otter)! Day 15196, 09:11:44: Keigo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 158 (Argentavis)'! Day 15196, 11:27:29: Your sammy - Lvl 47 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 15196, 11:49:53: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 107 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 15196, 13:00:18: Nati claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 43 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 15196, 16:32:50: Keigo Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 15196, 17:50:33: Keigo unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 15196, 18:07:41: Keigo claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 15196, 21:26:13: Keigo claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15196, 21:28:03: Keigo claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15196, 21:37:53: Keigo froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15196, 21:44:08: Keigo froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 05:58:23: Nati unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 15197, 09:55:21: Keigo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 10:43:09: Nati Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo)! Day 15197, 10:47:01: Nati froze Doodoo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) Day 15197, 11:10:35: Nati froze Doodoo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) Day 15197, 12:10:04: Keigo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 12:11:49: Keigo froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 14:34:28: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 37 was killed by Nati - Lvl 35 (wanna be friends??? - Friends)! Day 15197, 14:34:28: Your Tribe killed Keigo - Lvl 37 (wanna be friends??? - Friends)! Day 15197, 15:30:06: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 15:33:46: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 16:27:27: Nati froze Spitz - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) Day 15197, 16:30:16: Keigo claimed 'oscar - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15197, 16:31:48: Keigo unclaimed 'oscar - Lvl 245 (Snow Owl)'! Day 15197, 18:22:53: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 18:24:49: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 18:26:26: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15197, 18:29:00: Keigo froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 15198, 12:53:01: Keigo froze Snow Owl - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 15199, 05:38:04: Keigo froze Managarmr - Lvl 338 (Managarmr) Day 15205, 01:32:11: Nati froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 01:43:42: Nati froze (breeding) male - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 06:15:56: Nati froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 06:49:12: Nati froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 08:50:51: Nati froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 08:52:46: Nati froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 16:03:04: Keigo froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 15205, 18:34:06: Keigo froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 15205, 19:03:33: Nati froze Adolescent Snow Owl - Lvl 139 (Snow Owl) Day 15205, 23:08:34: Keigo froze Owlbert Einstein - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 15206, 03:29:28: Nati froze Floof - Lvl 142 (Snow Owl) Day 15222, 12:34:05: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 15235, 16:51:56: Tribemember Nati - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 15236, 10:25:00: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 15299, 05:25:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15330, 05:45:49: Floof - Lvl 143 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15350, 00:08:31: Sir Otterton The Third - Lvl 57 (Otter) starved to death! Day 15360, 17:24:24: ele gacha [Clone] - Lvl 281 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 15379, 09:35:08: Snow Owl - Lvl 165 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15383, 05:24:21: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15387, 20:22:21: Bart - Lvl 34 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 15481, 12:09:31: Parry - Lvl 90 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 15545, 17:05:25: My secret Crush - Lvl 49 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 15549, 16:49:23: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15557, 09:42:13: Pixie - Lvl 93 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yin-Yang - Lvl 369 (Argentavis)'! Day 15557, 09:45:03: Pixie - Lvl 93 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doodoo - Lvl 152 (Dodo)'! Day 15557, 09:51:39: Pixie - Lvl 93 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Discount Quetz - Lvl 250 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15557, 09:52:25: Pixie - Lvl 93 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sky - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15557, 11:25:42: Pixie - Lvl 93 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning - Lvl 338 (Managarmr)'! Day 15731, 12:02:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15731, 12:02:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16444, 08:59:27: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 17743, 22:33:20: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 22125, 06:42:42: Tribemember Keigo - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1759898074,"tribe":"Chuckle Brothers logs":["Day 2894, 08:19:44: William demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2894, 08:19:59: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2894, 08:20:20: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2894, 08:20:24: Paul Chuckle demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2894, 08:20:39: Paul Chuckle demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2894, 08:20:41: William demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2894, 08:20:56: William demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2894, 09:11:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 2894, 09:11:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 2894, 09:30:29: Your Barry Chuckle - Lvl 172 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 2894, 11:08:06: Paul Chuckle unclaimed 'Basic Ass Nigga - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2894, 11:11:27: Paul Chuckle claimed 'Basic Ass Nigga - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2894, 13:51:32: Tribemember William - Lvl 98 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 90! Day 2894, 14:12:02: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 95 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 95! Day 2894, 14:13:40: Tribemember Paul Chuckle - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 2894, 14:33:23: Tribemember Paul Chuckle - Lvl 73 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 60! Day 2894, 14:33:32: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 2895, 14:51:41: Tribemember William - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 2895, 18:04:02: William Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 180 (Sabertooth)! Day 2895, 18:05:34: William demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2895, 18:05:58: William demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2895, 19:17:12: William demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2895, 19:27:11: Ling Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon)! Day 2895, 19:36:25: Tribemember William - Lvl 98 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 30! Day 2895, 19:38:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 14 (Dimorphodon)! Day 2896, 04:09:26: Andy was added to the Tribe by Ling! Day 2896, 04:14:15: Andy was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Ling! Day 2896, 04:33:19: Your Basic Ass Nigga - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 75! Day 2896, 05:29:45: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 2896, 05:56:50: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 2896, 06:31:20: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 4 was killed by BigManTyrone - Lvl 59 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 06:31:20: Your Tribe killed Andy - Lvl 4 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 06:47:03: Ling claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 2896, 07:35:18: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 7 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 120! Day 2896, 07:44:43: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 7 was killed by BigManTyrone - Lvl 59 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 07:44:43: Your Tribe killed Andy - Lvl 7 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 07:49:06: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 7 was killed by BigManTyrone - Lvl 59 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 07:49:06: Your Tribe killed Andy - Lvl 7 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 10:13:00: William claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 2896, 10:49:23: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 14 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 2896, 11:34:31: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 2896, 12:08:32: William Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)! Day 2896, 13:08:53: Ling claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 30 (Dire Bear)'! Day 2896, 13:30:17: William claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2896, 14:25:52: Tribemember William - Lvl 98 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 80! Day 2896, 14:45:37: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2896, 15:26:08: Andy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)'! Day 2896, 17:26:44: Ling Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 28 (Terror Bird)! Day 2896, 18:23:33: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 96 was killed by William - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 18:23:33: Your Tribe killed Ling - Lvl 96 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 18:25:27: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 96 was killed by William - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 18:25:27: Your Tribe killed Ling - Lvl 96 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2896, 19:47:35: Andy demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 2897, 04:29:33: Tribemember William - Lvl 99 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 2897, 05:23:03: Tribemember William - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 2897, 05:42:33: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 20 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 95! Day 2897, 06:09:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2897, 06:15:54: Cuntlord Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 2897, 06:34:30: Andy demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2897, 10:35:06: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 2897, 11:10:49: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:11:17: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:49:55: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:50:19: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:50:45: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:51:01: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:51:21: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:51:45: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:52:13: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:52:33: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 11:52:55: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 12:19:16: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 56 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 75! Day 2897, 13:23:34: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:23:52: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:24:06: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:24:35: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:24:48: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:25:03: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:25:21: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:25:39: Cuntlord Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 2897, 13:25:50: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:26:02: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:26:25: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:26:43: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:27:23: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:28:07: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:28:27: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:28:51: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:29:11: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 13:51:20: Ling demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2897, 15:45:05: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:45:19: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:46:07: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:46:36: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:47:05: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:47:26: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:47:52: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:48:09: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:48:45: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:49:03: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 15:49:22: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2897, 16:01:55: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2897, 20:02:39: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2898, 09:05:44: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2898, 09:06:01: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2898, 09:06:17: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2898, 09:06:42: Ling demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 2898, 09:53:22: Ling demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2898, 10:06:39: Ling demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2898, 10:23:10: Ling demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2898, 10:24:07: Ling demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2898, 13:28:38: Ling demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 2898, 13:28:49: Ling demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 2898, 15:35:54: Cuntlord Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 2899, 03:26:18: Ling demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 2899, 03:39:16: Ling demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 2899, 03:41:57: Ling demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 2899, 06:03:28: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:05:03: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:21:51: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:26:48: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:27:15: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:27:44: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:28:25: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:28:55: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:29:10: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:30:42: Cuntlord demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 2899, 06:37:39: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:37:58: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:38:19: Cuntlord demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 2899, 06:38:39: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2899, 06:39:41: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 06:40:11: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 06:41:08: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 06:42:15: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 06:42:53: Cuntlord demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2899, 06:43:17: Cuntlord demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2899, 06:43:32: Cuntlord demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2899, 07:05:49: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 09:26:44: Cuntlord Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 7 (Raptor)! Day 2899, 11:41:36: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 11:42:33: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 11:43:45: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2899, 11:44:39: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:44:54: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:45:10: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:45:25: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:47:47: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:48:02: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:48:56: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:49:09: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:49:25: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:49:40: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:51:11: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:51:21: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:51:45: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:52:06: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 11:59:03: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2899, 13:08:26: Your Lizardboi2.0 - Lvl 44 (Moschops) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 60! Day 2899, 13:15:59: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 2899, 15:02:32: Cuntlord Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)! Day 2899, 15:26:49: Cuntlord Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)! Day 2899, 15:44:15: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 2899, 15:46:32: Your Spittoboy - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 2899, 15:48:45: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 2899, 15:51:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 2899, 19:06:14: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2900, 18:30:58: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 50! Day 2900, 18:31:54: Your Barry the goddess - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 50! Day 2900, 19:11:19: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 15! Day 2900, 19:18:50: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 15! Day 2900, 19:19:56: Your Beasty boy - Lvl 10 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 2900, 19:28:52: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 2900, 19:29:52: Your Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 2900, 19:35:36: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 2900, 19:40:36: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 63 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 2900, 22:51:45: Cuntlord demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 2901, 03:48:37: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 03:57:10: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:06:30: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:09:27: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:28:54: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:34:54: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:44:51: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 04:47:37: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:00:50: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:15:43: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:16:12: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:19:08: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:19:23: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:20:32: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:21:36: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:24:49: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 05:30:32: Cuntlord demolished a 'Thatch 2 (Large Storage Box) (Unlocked) '! Day 2901, 05:30:51: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2901, 15:21:39: William claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)'! Day 2901, 17:42:39: BigManTyrone Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon)! Day 2901, 18:36:19: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 2901, 18:44:20: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 2901, 18:51:42: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 2901, 18:59:58: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 2901, 19:07:55: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 2901, 19:56:04: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 64 was killed by BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 19:56:04: Your Tribe killed Cuntlord - Lvl 64 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 19:57:59: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed by Ling - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 19:57:59: Your Tribe killed BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 19:59:35: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 64 was killed by Ling - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 19:59:35: Your Tribe killed Cuntlord - Lvl 64 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 20:02:27: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed by William - Lvl 99 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 20:02:27: Your Tribe killed BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 20:03:28: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 64 was killed by Ling - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 20:03:28: Your Tribe killed Cuntlord - Lvl 64 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2901, 22:21:02: Ling was removed from the Tribe by William! Day 2901, 22:49:04: Ling was added to the Tribe by William! Day 2901, 22:59:46: Ling was promoted to a Tribe Admin by William! Day 2901, 23:16:38: William was removed from the Tribe by Ling! Day 2901, 23:33:27: William was added to the Tribe by Ling! Day 2901, 23:37:19: William was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Ling! Day 2902, 06:40:25: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 98 was killed by Cuntlord - Lvl 64 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2902, 06:40:25: Your Tribe killed Ling - Lvl 98 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2902, 08:49:30: Ling claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 189 (Argentavis)'! Day 2902, 10:06:28: Your beta bitch - Lvl 102 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 10! Day 2902, 13:46:15: William Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 12 (Terror Bird)! Day 2903, 11:28:29: William demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 2903, 17:53:05: William demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2903, 17:56:25: William demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2903, 17:56:54: William demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2903, 17:57:10: William demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2904, 10:51:57: Tribemember William - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 2904, 10:54:56: William demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2904, 12:08:46: William demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor (Unlocked) '! Day 2904, 12:10:18: William demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 2904, 12:12:37: William demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 2904, 13:25:40: William demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 2904, 13:25:55: William demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 2904, 13:26:15: William demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 2905, 20:02:03: Cuntlord Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (Yutyrannus)! Day 2906, 06:56:09: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 66 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 2906, 09:34:45: Tribemember William - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2906, 10:34:43: Tribemember William - Lvl 106 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 2906, 13:14:50: William Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 74 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2906, 13:25:16: William demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2906, 13:28:29: William demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2906, 13:29:20: William demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2906, 13:31:22: William demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2907, 05:25:21: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:25:45: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:26:08: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:26:42: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:27:21: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:27:40: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:27:56: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:28:16: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:28:29: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:28:52: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:29:13: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:29:33: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:30:13: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:30:37: William demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 2907, 05:30:52: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:31:07: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:31:35: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:31:51: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:32:16: William demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2907, 05:32:30: William demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 2907, 05:33:05: William demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2907, 06:27:25: Cuntlord Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 134 (Stegosaurus)! Day 2907, 08:13:08: William Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax)! Day 2907, 08:18:43: William Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 22 (Diplodocus)! Day 2907, 08:34:59: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 68 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 130! Day 2907, 09:36:50: William Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax)! Day 2907, 09:50:53: William Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 2907, 10:15:19: Tribemember William - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 2907, 10:48:10: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 2907, 11:12:39: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 2907, 11:21:40: Tribemember William - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 2907, 13:46:15: Cuntlord Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 2908, 19:13:15: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 2908, 19:13:37: Cuntlord demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 2908, 20:22:37: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2908, 20:23:01: Cuntlord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2908, 23:30:40: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 72 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 2909, 08:35:09: Your DVA - Lvl 15 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 10! Day 2909, 08:41:12: Your Lesley - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax) was killed by William - Lvl 107 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2909, 08:41:12: Your Tribe killed Lesley - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax) (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2909, 08:41:41: Your Nightnurse - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by William - Lvl 107 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2909, 08:41:41: Your Tribe killed Nightnurse - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2909, 09:48:04: Cuntlord demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 2909, 11:16:54: Cuntlord demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 2909, 11:18:54: Cuntlord demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 2909, 11:21:52: Cuntlord demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 2909, 13:07:58: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 2909, 16:29:18: William Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 104 (Therizinosaur)! Day 2909, 17:44:15: Cuntlord Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 2913, 18:47:52: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 63 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 5! Day 2914, 06:24:44: Andy demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 2914, 06:24:58: Andy demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 2916, 07:59:52: William claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 2916, 08:01:02: William claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 2917, 05:32:52: Tribemember William - Lvl 108 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 85! Day 2917, 05:39:24: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 77 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 2917, 05:49:06: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 77 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 2917, 05:53:33: Tribemember William - Lvl 108 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 2917, 05:59:11: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 2917, 07:00:02: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 77 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 2917, 08:57:23: Cuntlord Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 2917, 09:15:15: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 78 was killed by William - Lvl 109 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2917, 09:15:15: Your Tribe killed Cuntlord - Lvl 78 (Chuckle Brothers)! Day 2917, 10:51:26: Your Hedwig - Lvl 27 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10! Day 2917, 11:00:38: Cuntlord claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 190 (Argentavis)'! Day 2917, 19:24:13: Tribemember William - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 2942, 15:06:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 2944, 23:06:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2961, 10:03:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2961, 10:03:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2961, 10:03:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2969, 12:48:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2977, 15:29:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2988, 14:21:48: John'sABitch - Lvl 104 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 2994, 02:10:06: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 02:10:06: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2997, 10:00:20: BIGBOIIIII - Lvl 99 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 3011, 07:34:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3019, 10:16:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3027, 12:56:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3027, 12:56:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3035, 15:37:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3035, 15:37:00: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3035, 15:37:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3035, 15:37:00: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3045, 15:21:42: #1 Fly - Lvl 22 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 3057, 13:01:08: BitchStopStealingMyShitA - Lvl 48 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 3057, 13:01:25: Monka - Lvl 31 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 3057, 17:45:40: Tribemember William - Lvl 109 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 3066, 05:43:34: Lil Bitch - Lvl 45 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 3081, 05:41:52: Dire Bear - Lvl 43 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 3081, 05:41:52: Whitey - Lvl 68 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 3096, 15:32:55: Dire Bear - Lvl 58 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 3096, 15:32:55: Leah Bear - Lvl 60 (Dire Bear) starved to death! Day 3103, 14:10:22: Bouldaboy - Lvl 46 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 3106, 12:16:01: NigNogGollyWog - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 3112, 19:42:29: Justin - Lvl 76 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 3121, 08:42:31: Egg Layer - Lvl 48 (Terror Bird) starved to death! Day 3121, 08:42:34: Egg Accelerator - Lvl 21 (Terror Bird) starved to death! Day 3122, 08:02:13: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3124, 15:42:46: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dick tickler - Lvl 116 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 3124, 15:43:52: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'majestic dick - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 15:59:17: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Batch 2 - Lvl 51 (Dire Bear)'! Day 3124, 16:00:40: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gud Boi XX - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:07:00: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Matilda - Lvl 182 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:08:38: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'donkey kong - Lvl 221 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 3124, 16:09:26: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'barrel of laughs - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 3124, 16:11:19: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Half Decent Boi - Lvl 216 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:14:34: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tinie Tempah - Lvl 123 (Doedicurus)'! Day 3124, 16:15:22: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thing 1 - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:17:26: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shitter - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 3124, 16:18:29: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Smoke - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 3124, 16:19:29: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lil Wayne - Lvl 167 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 3124, 16:20:35: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lil Nig - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:23:24: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black Lightning - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:27:38: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Khye - Lvl 167 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 3124, 16:28:42: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fucking idiot - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 3124, 16:29:49: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby Hedwig - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:33:41: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'It will live here - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3124, 16:35:05: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Good Name - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3124, 16:40:18: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Starfox - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 16:47:20: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'a spikey boi - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3124, 17:47:39: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Eira - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 3124, 17:48:12: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boxxy - Lvl 172 (Rex)'! Day 3124, 17:52:55: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trump - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3124, 19:15:15: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hedwig - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 3127, 07:45:37: Tribemember Paul Chuckle - Lvl 73 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 40! Day 3127, 10:53:41: Tribemember Taurz - Lvl 15 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 3127, 15:13:01: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dogo - Lvl 227 (Carbonemys)'! Day 3127, 15:15:02: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barry bumpa - Lvl 34 (Diplodocus)'! Day 3127, 15:16:41: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BTEC Argentavis - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 3127, 15:16:53: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tootha - Lvl 215 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3127, 15:17:52: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bessy - Lvl 259 (Argentavis)'! Day 3127, 15:17:59: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frug - Lvl 135 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 3127, 15:18:40: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Noot Noot - Lvl 82 (Kairuku)'! Day 3128, 08:05:45: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berrybursta - Lvl 155 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 3128, 08:17:12: Tribemember BigManTyrone - Lvl 61 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 3130, 11:57:54: evillwar87twitch - Lvl 91 (Cheesy Pasta) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'absolute unit - Lvl 177 (Spino)'! Day 3133, 15:34:09: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3133, 15:34:09: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3133, 15:34:09: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3133, 15:34:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3228, 15:06:38: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 3228, 15:12:49: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DecentBoi - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3228, 16:54:43: Mathias Baker - Lvl 122 (Invictus Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thing 2 - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 3239, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3239, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3239, 18:56:53: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3239, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3239, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3246, 05:45:07: Tribemember Cuntlord - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 3252, 06:01:24: rickest rick - Lvl 99 (arkful dodger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Selena - Lvl 173 (Castoroides)'! Day 3337, 20:08:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3946, 09:17:55: DuoMog - Lvl 152 (DuoTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BTEC Floatation Device (Raft)'! Day 22484, 01:16:52: Tribemember Ling - Lvl 99 was killed!"] "tribeid":1757646583,"tribe":"Tribe of Siness logs":["Day 33656, 08:29:33: Siness was added to the Tribe! Day 33656, 08:53:35: offe added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to BOSS Alliance! Day 33657, 06:50:09: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33657, 12:05:41: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 33657, 15:04:36: Siness froze Eight - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 33798, 21:03:40: Siness froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 33798, 21:32:21: Siness froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 33798, 23:12:49: Siness froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 33798, 23:37:32: Siness froze Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (Snow Owl) Day 33798, 23:42:46: Siness froze Eight - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 00:43:16: Siness claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur)'! Day 33799, 00:48:10: Siness claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 191 (Tek Rex)'! Day 33799, 00:57:34: Siness claimed 'baskin - Lvl 282 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 02:06:56: Siness uploaded a Poison Wyvern: baskin - Lvl 282 Day 33799, 03:22:47: Xantium added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to alpha destroyers Alliance! Day 33799, 03:56:01: Rinwood was added to the Tribe by Siness! Day 33799, 07:00:53: Rinwood froze Boss Killer - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 07:46:20: Siness froze Eight - Lvl 418 (Tek Rex) Day 33799, 08:04:02: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 33799, 08:07:24: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 33799, 08:13:18: Siness downloaded a dino: baskin - Lvl 282 Day 33799, 10:02:29: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 33799, 18:10:44: Siness claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 18:13:50: Siness claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 18:18:36: Siness claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 33799, 19:08:35: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 33799, 19:56:54: Tribemember Rinwood - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 33800, 00:18:00: Rinwood froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33800, 00:25:06: Rinwood froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33800, 00:30:22: Rinwood froze Tek Rex - Lvl 191 (Tek Rex) Day 33800, 00:36:58: Rinwood froze Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur) Day 33800, 00:45:27: Rinwood froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33800, 01:40:36: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 33800, 01:52:35: Siness froze baskin - Lvl 282 (Poison Wyvern) Day 33822, 01:35:55: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 274 (Snow Owl) Day 34059, 08:05:04: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 328 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34076, 09:30:34: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 303 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1757497349,"tribe":"Tribe of DA BABY logs":["Day 20336, 13:14:42: DA BABY was added to the Tribe! Day 20336, 20:50:44: Tribemember DA BABY - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 20336, 21:24:07: Tribemember DA BABY - Lvl 10 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 10! Day 20337, 00:06:32: Tribemember DA BABY - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 20629, 16:17:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1753280142,"tribe":"the monkeys logs":["Day 43225, 14:31:55: rex was added to the Tribe! Day 43225, 14:44:22: kayla was added to the Tribe by rex! Day 43225, 15:12:26: rex claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43225, 16:36:49: kayla claimed 'Spino - Lvl 47 (Spino)'! Day 43225, 16:53:39: kayla claimed '1st Motorized Brigade - Lvl 166 (Parasaur)'! Day 43225, 17:02:03: Tribemember rex - Lvl 2 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 5! Day 43225, 19:27:12: Your Sarco - Lvl 106 (Sarco) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 90! Day 43317, 21:48:08: Tribemember kayla - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 43471, 10:55:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43614, 09:48:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43644, 06:05:31: Your 1st Motorized Brigade - Lvl 166 (Parasaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 40! Day 43766, 21:54:22: tps chiken - Lvl 84 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 43903, 05:04:01: Jeff - Lvl 102 (marvel tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43936, 06:27:45: Baryonyx - Lvl 91 (Baryonyx) starved to death! Day 43936, 07:40:02: Jeff - Lvl 105 (marvel tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 43936, 07:52:30: Jeff - Lvl 105 (marvel tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44033, 15:18:33: Jeff - Lvl 105 (marvel tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tps spino - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 44033, 15:19:38: Jeff - Lvl 105 (marvel tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 47 (Spino)'! Day 44472, 12:56:14: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44865, 21:21:11: Tribemember rex - Lvl 12 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 44910, 22:08:50: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 109 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 196 (Paraceratherium)'!"] "tribeid":1751564117,"tribe":"Tribe of SARKAY logs":["Day 23659, 10:18:36: SARKAY was added to the Tribe! Day 23659, 10:20:55: DJURO was added to the Tribe by SARKAY! Day 23659, 10:23:09: DJURO was promoted to a Tribe Admin by SARKAY! Day 23659, 13:43:53: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23659, 14:46:43: Tribemember SARKAY - Lvl 20 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23659, 15:47:14: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 26 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 23659, 15:54:37: Tribemember SARKAY - Lvl 24 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 23660, 03:38:18: SARKAY demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:39:20: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:39:30: SARKAY demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:40:21: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:40:38: SARKAY demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:41:32: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:41:39: SARKAY demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:42:50: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:47:20: DJURO demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23660, 03:57:44: DJURO demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23660, 17:42:57: SARKAY Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 23660, 21:28:38: Your first dino - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by SARKAY - Lvl 42 (Tribe of SARKAY)! Day 23660, 21:28:38: Your Tribe killed first dino - Lvl 74 (Dodo) (Tribe of SARKAY)! Day 23661, 02:51:41: Tribemember SARKAY - Lvl 43 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 95! Day 23661, 04:57:40: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 23661, 08:04:58: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 23661, 09:56:44: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23661, 10:17:32: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 23661, 11:21:01: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23661, 13:23:47: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23661, 14:35:02: Tribemember SARKAY - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23864, 09:48:31: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 23864, 10:00:30: Tribemember SARKAY - Lvl 45 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23864, 18:03:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23864, 18:04:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23901, 07:49:35: Tribemember DJURO - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24561, 10:04:22: Kira049 - Lvl 105 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24566, 13:20:54: Kira049 - Lvl 113 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1750515870,"tribe":"Clan of Monarchy logs":["Day 35691, 14:27:15: Monarch was added to the Tribe! Day 35691, 17:43:47: SIDEARMS was added to the Tribe by Monarch! Day 35691, 23:32:35: Tribemember SIDEARMS - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 35692, 00:05:27: Tribemember SIDEARMS - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 35692, 00:59:19: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35692, 05:16:07: Tribemember SIDEARMS - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 35788, 15:53:24: Tribemember SIDEARMS - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 35848, 19:13:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36076, 12:07:45: Tribemember Monarch - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1748651935,"tribe":"House of Buzoku logs":["Day 18415, 16:39:28: MisterB was added to the Tribe! Day 18415, 19:39:57: MisterB froze Sprout - M259 - Lvl 412 (Snow Owl) Day 18741, 18:48:55: MisterB froze Sprout - M259 - Lvl 413 (Snow Owl) Day 19377, 13:45:15: MisterB froze Sproutless - Lvl 407 (Snow Owl) Day 19798, 04:27:53: MisterB froze Sprout - M259 - Lvl 413 (Snow Owl) Day 21162, 11:32:50: Gregory Snape was added to the Tribe by MisterB! Day 21162, 11:53:15: Gregory Snape was removed from the Tribe! Day 21162, 12:07:45: Gregory Snape was added to the Tribe by MisterB! Day 21162, 16:01:12: MisterB claimed 'Barnyard 2 - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21162, 16:31:08: MisterB froze Disposable Tipex - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 21162, 16:37:13: MisterB froze Sprout - M259 - Lvl 414 (Snow Owl) Day 21162, 16:38:25: Gregory Snape froze Barnyard 2 - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23375, 03:22:20: MisterB froze Sproutless - Lvl 436 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1746133331,"tribe":"Tribe of zanyDruid logs":["Day 27092, 14:18:03: zanyDruid was added to the Tribe! Day 27092, 18:25:33: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 7 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 115! Day 27092, 18:59:56: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 7 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 25! Day 27093, 15:39:42: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 27110, 18:59:21: zanyDruid demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 27115, 11:51:08: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 44 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 110! Day 27115, 16:44:32: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 44 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 65! Day 27115, 17:36:30: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 44 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 65! Day 27116, 00:18:08: zanyDruid Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 27116, 14:38:09: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 48 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.8x! Day 27116, 14:57:51: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 48 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 27131, 11:36:05: zanyDruid Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 190 (Carbonemys)! Day 27133, 13:17:39: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Tek Parasaur) was killed! Day 27138, 19:54:43: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 27139, 13:56:12: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 64 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 27139, 16:21:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 27140, 00:12:09: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 27140, 09:42:36: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27289, 05:26:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27431, 02:39:50: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27431, 02:39:50: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27431, 02:39:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27737, 19:56:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27737, 19:56:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27737, 19:56:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27737, 19:56:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27935, 13:55:12: Alexxe - Lvl 90 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'opium - Lvl 209 (Carbonemys)'! Day 28343, 09:32:27: Tribemember zanyDruid - Lvl 68 was killed!"] "tribeid":1744067793,"tribe":"FAITHLESS logs":["Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41326, 22:17:31: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41350, 19:17:44: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41398, 12:07:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41588, 16:20:52: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41684, 00:19:25: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41684, 00:19:25: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41736, 03:15:27: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41736, 11:23:54: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41736, 11:40:09: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41736, 11:42:26: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41893, 16:28:24: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 123 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 41904, 20:54:57: FullWinter - Lvl 27 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 102 (Triceratops)'!"] "tribeid":1743707371,"tribe":"Elite Noobs logs":["Day 17914, 21:17:09: Velvetkitten was added to the Tribe! Day 17914, 21:29:41: Sylock was added to the Tribe by Velvetkitten! Day 17915, 07:30:39: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 17915, 08:46:58: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 90 (Snow Owl) Day 17915, 09:55:29: Sylock froze Thelma - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 17915, 09:56:01: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 288 (Thylacoleo) Day 17915, 10:19:04: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 90 (Snow Owl) Day 17916, 07:22:40: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 17916, 15:26:03: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 17916, 18:15:01: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 17916, 18:15:59: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 17916, 22:59:10: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 292 (Thylacoleo) Day 17916, 23:13:14: Velvetkitten froze Thelma - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 17916, 23:26:39: Velvetkitten froze Snow Owl - Lvl 98 (Snow Owl) Day 17917, 01:30:58: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 101 (Snow Owl) Day 17941, 08:47:19: Velvetkitten froze Shadow - Lvl 260 (Thylacoleo) Day 17941, 08:49:04: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 17942, 09:08:13: Velvetkitten Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 17942, 10:03:26: Velvetkitten froze Pearl - Lvl 38 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17942, 10:43:20: Tribemember Sylock - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 17942, 12:08:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor)! Day 17942, 12:19:45: Velvetkitten froze Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor) Day 17942, 12:57:43: Velvetkitten Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)! Day 17942, 13:02:05: Velvetkitten froze Stonie - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) Day 17942, 13:08:00: Velvetkitten froze Stonie - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) Day 17942, 15:33:07: Velvetkitten Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)! Day 17942, 15:40:41: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 17942, 15:43:21: Velvetkitten froze Shadow - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 17942, 16:13:01: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 17942, 21:50:03: Tribemember Sylock - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 17943, 06:16:02: Sylock claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17943, 06:29:35: Velvetkitten Tamed an Otter - Lvl 155 (Otter)! Day 17943, 07:19:57: Sylock Tamed an Otter - Lvl 59 (Otter)! Day 17943, 09:44:50: Velvetkitten froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 17965, 01:28:13: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 107 (Snow Owl) Day 17966, 10:53:16: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 17966, 16:25:49: Velvetkitten froze Gaurd Dog - Lvl 220 (Raptor) Day 17967, 10:00:10: Velvetkitten demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17971, 08:22:07: Velvetkitten claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17971, 19:26:44: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 305 (Thylacoleo) Day 17971, 19:28:10: Velvetkitten froze Shadow - Lvl 269 (Thylacoleo) Day 17971, 19:35:51: Velvetkitten froze Gaurd Dog - Lvl 226 (Raptor) Day 17971, 19:45:09: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) Day 17971, 19:46:52: Velvetkitten froze Wedgehig - Lvl 104 (Snow Owl) Day 17972, 02:25:05: Velvetkitten Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 89 (Therizinosaur)! Day 17972, 02:35:32: Velvetkitten froze Teri - Lvl 89 (Therizinosaur) Day 17972, 03:53:02: Velvetkitten froze Maximus - Lvl 75 (Otter) Day 17972, 05:15:04: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 111 (Snow Owl) Day 17972, 05:40:52: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 112 (Snow Owl) Day 17977, 23:26:21: Velvetkitten froze Wedgehig - Lvl 104 (Snow Owl) Day 17978, 01:33:26: Velvetkitten froze Teri - Lvl 113 (Therizinosaur) Day 17978, 05:22:32: Velvetkitten claimed 'reggie - Lvl 21 (Sarco)'! Day 17978, 05:24:49: Velvetkitten froze reggie - Lvl 21 (Sarco) Day 17978, 05:28:55: Velvetkitten claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17978, 07:47:02: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 119 (Snow Owl) Day 17978, 07:50:06: Velvetkitten froze Otto - Lvl 172 (Otter) Day 17985, 03:38:30: Velvetkitten Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides)! Day 17985, 03:47:01: Velvetkitten froze Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides) Day 17985, 07:12:58: Velvetkitten claimed 'she-zeus - Lvl 127 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17985, 07:17:03: Velvetkitten unclaimed 'she-zeus - Lvl 127 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17985, 10:53:50: Tribemember Sylock - Lvl 42 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 120! Day 17985, 11:06:07: Your Maximus - Lvl 77 (Otter) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 120! Day 17993, 09:22:40: Velvetkitten froze What up bishes - Lvl 143 (Managarmr) Day 17993, 09:32:14: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 310 (Thylacoleo) Day 17993, 09:49:17: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 130 (Snow Owl) Day 17993, 09:53:16: Velvetkitten froze Wedgehig - Lvl 106 (Snow Owl) Day 17993, 09:55:49: Velvetkitten froze Shadow - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 17993, 09:58:40: Velvetkitten froze Otto - Lvl 186 (Otter) Day 17993, 10:35:23: Velvetkitten froze Snowie - Lvl 130 (Snow Owl) Day 18001, 01:43:57: Velvetkitten froze Icy - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 18006, 14:52:33: Velvetkitten froze Foxy - Lvl 316 (Thylacoleo) Day 18006, 15:35:39: Velvetkitten froze Icy - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 18006, 16:31:34: Velvetkitten froze Otto - Lvl 186 (Otter) Day 18006, 16:33:19: Velvetkitten froze Icy - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 18013, 23:23:22: Velvetkitten froze Otto - Lvl 192 (Otter) Day 18013, 23:28:07: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 18026, 07:09:01: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 267 (Griffin) Day 18036, 16:05:01: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 274 (Griffin) Day 18038, 10:08:57: Velvetkitten froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 18178, 09:54:33: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 18208, 20:49:41: Adam was added to the Tribe by Velvetkitten! Day 18209, 00:19:50: Velvetkitten froze Ginger - Lvl 237 (Thylacoleo) Day 18209, 04:46:43: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18209, 05:44:15: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18209, 06:41:01: Velvetkitten froze Adam >.< - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 18209, 07:38:38: Velvetkitten froze Adam >.< - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 18209, 07:45:06: Velvetkitten froze Adam >.< - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 18209, 08:33:00: Velvetkitten froze Adam >.< - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 18209, 09:49:22: Adam froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 18209, 09:49:33: Velvetkitten froze Stewie Griffin - Lvl 291 (Griffin) Day 18223, 12:56:58: Velvetkitten was removed from the Tribe! Day 18223, 12:56:58: Tribe Owner was changed to Sylock! Day 18223, 12:59:50: Adam was removed from the Tribe! Day 20522, 23:35:41: Tribemember Sylock - Lvl 42 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1743492709,"tribe":"Tribe of Sw logs":["Day 18461, 07:55:11: Sw was added to the Tribe! Day 18461, 07:57:16: Tribe of Tws tribe was merged in by Tws! Day 18461, 07:57:16: Tws was added to the Tribe by Sw! Day 18461, 08:57:30: Tribemember Tws - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 18461, 09:01:34: Tribemember Sw - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 18461, 09:24:40: Tribemember Tws - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 18461, 09:30:30: Tribemember Tws - Lvl 1 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 18461, 18:03:17: Tribemember Tws - Lvl 14 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 18461, 18:22:25: Tribemember Sw - Lvl 14 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 5! Day 18461, 19:03:27: Tribemember Sw - Lvl 14 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 18462, 05:22:29: Sw demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18462, 05:22:57: Sw demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18462, 07:07:16: Sw demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18462, 07:07:47: Sw demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 18462, 08:10:57: Sw demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 18462, 08:11:32: Sw demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 18462, 14:14:22: Tribemember Sw - Lvl 30 was killed by Tws - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Sw)! Day 18462, 14:14:22: Your Tribe killed Sw - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Sw)! Day 18587, 09:40:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19031, 20:43:11: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20227, 12:02:45: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20227, 12:20:18: Tribemember Tws - Lvl 30 was killed!"] "tribeid":1742177818,"tribe":"Stamm von MOMO logs":["Day 24582, 07:46:23: MOMO was added to the Tribe! Day 24582, 11:53:23: MOMO froze Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 24582, 14:25:52: MOMO froze Deinonychus - Lvl 81 (Deinonychus) Day 24582, 14:56:39: MOMO froze meliodas - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1740284982,"tribe":"Bob cult logs":["Day 23950, 12:21:25: Bob was added to the Tribe! Day 23950, 14:15:59: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 23950, 14:34:41: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 23950, 17:10:17: Tribemember Bob - Lvl 8 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1740204191,"tribe":"Friendly Dodos logs":["Day 12588, 01:20:44: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:22:16: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:23:24: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:26:15: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:34:28: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:36:12: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:37:47: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:38:54: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:40:06: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 01:41:20: Dudnik Prime claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12588, 02:18:55: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 12588, 02:18:55: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 12588, 02:20:28: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 12588, 02:20:28: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 12588, 02:20:43: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 12588, 02:20:43: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 12588, 02:20:49: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 12588, 02:20:49: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 12588, 02:20:58: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 12588, 02:20:58: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:25: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:27: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:27: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:43: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) was killed by [N] Shock - Lvl 309 (Lightning Wyvern) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:21:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) (Friendly Dodos)! Day 12588, 02:39:37: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Shock - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12593, 07:11:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12607, 07:09:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12660, 16:26:48: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Reaper - Lvl 351 (Reaper King) Day 12716, 14:44:11: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12739, 18:12:00: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Reaper - Lvl 355 (Reaper King) Day 12739, 18:45:22: Dudnik Prime froze Monster - Lvl 292 (Achatina) Day 12739, 18:47:36: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Poli - Lvl 308 (Achatina) Day 12739, 18:54:16: Dudnik Prime froze Daj Mi w Wage - Lvl 270 (Achatina) Day 12755, 07:37:26: Achatina - Lvl 137 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 12755, 07:37:36: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12772, 14:54:58: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12782, 06:31:06: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12794, 05:34:24: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12794, 05:34:25: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12808, 04:57:16: Achatina - Lvl 119 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 12808, 04:57:36: Ovis - Lvl 71 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 12822, 14:33:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 12861, 13:37:44: Achatina - Lvl 171 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12884, 16:06:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12898, 16:29:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12898, 16:29:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12898, 16:29:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12898, 16:29:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12912, 16:56:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12933, 18:30:51: [K]-KARINA - Lvl 150 (Equus) starved to death! Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12940, 17:50:43: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12947, 07:12:46: F EGGS - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12947, 07:12:46: M 18280HP - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12954, 18:01:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12954, 18:01:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12954, 18:01:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12954, 18:01:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12981, 10:04:22: Amaxione - Lvl 107 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 13018, 07:54:16: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 130 (Achatina) Day 13018, 07:55:41: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 145 (Achatina) Day 13018, 07:57:08: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 175 (Achatina) Day 13018, 07:58:30: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 123 (Achatina) Day 13018, 08:00:06: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 123 (Achatina) Day 13018, 08:02:12: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 235 (Achatina) Day 13018, 08:04:49: Dudnik Prime froze Achatina - Lvl 108 (Achatina) Day 13018, 08:33:28: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 212 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:34:56: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:36:32: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:37:59: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:39:38: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 269 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:41:07: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:45:16: Dudnik Prime froze [N] EGGS - Lvl 295 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:46:40: Dudnik Prime froze [N] MAX STAT - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:48:08: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 240 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:49:51: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:51:21: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:52:51: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:56:56: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:58:19: Dudnik Prime froze EGGS - Lvl 225 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 08:59:40: Dudnik Prime froze F ALPHA FEMALE - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 13018, 10:00:30: Dudnik Prime froze F MIDDAYPURPLE - Lvl 269 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:02:09: Dudnik Prime froze [N] MIDNIGHTPURPLE - Lvl 269 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:03:48: Dudnik Prime froze F 18kHP 180ME - Lvl 272 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:05:16: Dudnik Prime froze F 18kHP 170ME - Lvl 283 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:06:48: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Smerfetka - Lvl 293 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:08:31: Dudnik Prime froze F 18kHP 170ME - Lvl 283 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:12:42: Dudnik Prime froze F 18kHP 924WG 170M - Lvl 285 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:14:18: Dudnik Prime froze F 18kHP 170ME - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13018, 10:19:39: Dudnik Prime froze Oviraptor - Lvl 111 (Oviraptor) Day 13018, 10:47:25: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Reaper - Lvl 364 (Reaper King) Day 13018, 11:42:47: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Owl-action - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 13018, 18:38:32: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:40:00: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:41:50: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:43:17: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:44:39: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:46:02: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:49:04: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:50:52: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:52:19: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:53:48: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:55:10: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 18:58:04: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:02:08: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:04:03: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:06:43: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:08:07: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:09:38: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:11:23: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:14:24: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:15:53: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:17:29: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:18:58: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:20:23: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:21:45: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:25:08: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:26:38: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:28:13: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:29:41: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:31:12: Dudnik Prime froze F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 13018, 19:57:40: Dudnik Prime froze [N] Shock - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13018, 21:08:54: Dudnik Prime froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13018, 21:12:18: Dudnik Prime froze KRZEMIEN - Lvl 299 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13018, 21:16:06: Dudnik Prime froze LUBIE GRUZ - Lvl 317 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13052, 20:56:26: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13052, 20:56:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 21:42:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 21:42:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 21:42:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 21:42:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 21:42:10: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13109, 00:27:30: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13160, 11:15:34: Console Pesant - Lvl 155 (Angry Marines) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 13276, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13352, 07:09:23: [D] 125 - Lvl 187 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 13355, 12:46:50: SLIMOK - Lvl 106 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13363, 19:27:18: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[D] Berk - Lvl 205 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13363, 19:30:37: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SAP - Lvl 248 (Gacha)'! Day 13363, 19:33:23: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'k2 - Lvl 219 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13363, 19:40:54: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:41:13: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F R 140 - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:41:32: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:42:03: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:42:25: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:43:00: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:43:24: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 228 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:44:08: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 237 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:44:30: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 235 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:44:57: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 197 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:45:09: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 19:45:47: Subraka - Lvl 123 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 228 (Raptor)'! Day 13363, 20:06:07: SLIMOK II - Lvl 98 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 13384, 05:14:26: SLIMOK V - Lvl 85 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 13384, 10:03:04: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ja Swiece - Lvl 258 (Bulbdog)'! Day 13436, 19:24:07: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[N] - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13482, 07:52:32: SLIMOK VI - Lvl 115 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 13512, 08:58:30: Dung Beetle - Lvl 131 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13522, 05:45:20: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[K]W1 - Lvl 227 (Equus)'! Day 13522, 21:01:05: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle) was killed! Day 13522, 22:07:12: Your Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 13523, 02:43:00: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 17 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 13523, 09:22:53: 's '[KK] MAGMUS II - Lvl 262 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13523, 09:22:53: 's 'BLACK/SILICA PEARL - Lvl 202 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13523, 09:22:53: 's '[KK] PANI GIGA - Lvl 356 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13523, 09:22:53: 's 'GNATEK - Lvl 237 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13523, 09:22:53: 's 'EK24-414A334-4Y - Lvl 90 (Enforcer)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13523, 11:38:41: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 111 (Oviraptor) was killed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Artifact Pedastal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13531, 00:22:54: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13535, 14:15:15: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[N] - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13535, 14:21:14: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[N] - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13535, 14:23:39: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13535, 14:27:01: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RSAP BSAP GGEM SALT - Lvl 273 (Gacha)'! Day 13535, 14:35:04: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[N] - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13535, 14:44:08: Scully84 - Lvl 172 (Dinobots) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[D] - Lvl 203 (Gacha)'! Day 13535, 14:56:58: 's 'F OMEGA MUT 478ME 2M - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:56:58: 's 'F OMEGA MUT 478ME 2M - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:56:58: 's '180 - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:58:42: 's 'F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:58:42: 's 'F OMEGA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:58:42: 's 'F GAMMA ZERO B+RO + - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:59:04: 's 'F 18kHP 180ME - Lvl 272 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:59:04: 's 'EGGS - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 14:59:04: 's '[N] Franca - Lvl 363 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:17:53: 's '[G]Niechciana - Lvl 224 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:18:19: 's '[G] Clown - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:18:19: 's '[G]Samiec A - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:18:19: 's '[G]Sowa Samica v2 - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:18:46: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:18:46: 's '[G]Krysztal - Lvl 194 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:19:03: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:19:03: 's 'r2 - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:19:03: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:19:03: 's '[G] Odpad xD - Lvl 188 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:05: 's 'Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:28: 's 'Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:28: 's 'Baby Megalosaurus - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:28: 's 'Baby Megalosaurus - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:28: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 249 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:36: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:36: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:36: 's 'Alfa K - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:20:36: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 205 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:26: 's '308DMG - Lvl 199 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:26: 's '[D] - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:26: 's '[D] Flipek - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:26: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 207 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:42: 's '[D] - Lvl 226 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:42: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 126 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:42: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:21:42: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:46:48: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 311 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:46:48: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 172 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:46:48: 's '300DMG 2500HP 880ST - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:46:48: 's 'RERE - Lvl 50 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:48:12: 's '[N] BULBAZAUR 3 - Lvl 276 (Bulbdog)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 15:48:12: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 167 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13535, 18:19:55: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SLIMOK IV - Lvl 146 (Achatina)'! Day 13535, 18:28:17: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SLIMOK III - Lvl 208 (Achatina)'! Day 13548, 14:40:13: 's 'Daj Mi w Wage - Lvl 270 (Achatina)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:40:13: 's 'Aberrant Lystrosaurus - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:40:13: 's 'F ALPHA ZERO - Lvl 195 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:40:13: 's 'F ALPHA ST+ - Lvl 197 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:40:13: 's 'Griffin - Lvl 318 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:26: 's '[N] Shock - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:26: 's '[N] Weight Monster - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:26: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:26: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 202 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:26: 's '[N] Honey - Lvl 269 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:59: 's 'Aberrant Otter - Lvl 207 (Aberrant Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:59: 's 'F HP ST WG ME - Lvl 171 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:59: 's 'SULF BCRY OIL SALT - Lvl 197 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:41:59: 's '[N] Kivi - Lvl 243 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'F BETA ZERO BRS - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'F BETA ZERO - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'F BETA ZERO BRB - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'F BETA ZERO BBO - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'F BETA ZERO B+RO - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:42:46: 's 'M BETA ZERO Mr Black - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:14: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 14 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:14: 's '[N] ALPHA ARMY LEADER - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:29: 's '[N] Cavenger - Lvl 288 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:29: 's '[N] - Lvl 309 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:29: 's 'F HP ME - Lvl 192 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:39: 's 'F ALPHA ZERO - Lvl 247 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:39: 's 'F ALFA - Lvl 240 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:39: 's 'M HP ST FD WG - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:43:39: 's 'F HP ST OX WG - Lvl 239 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:44:45: 's 'LUBIE GRUZ - Lvl 317 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:44:45: 's 'K 355DMG - Lvl 318 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:44:45: 's '123 - Lvl 293 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:44:45: 's '[K]BOLT - Lvl 90 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:45:43: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 229 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:45:43: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 298 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:45:43: 's 'Equus - Lvl 129 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:46:41: 's 'Juvenile K MOS - Lvl 175 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13548, 14:46:41: 's 'Equus - Lvl 37 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13549, 16:17:17: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 176 (Oviraptor)'! Day 13549, 16:31:41: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[D] ZZZZZ - Lvl 269 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 13549, 17:09:21: sandwich - Lvl 122 (Meal) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[D] Medic v2 - Lvl 352 (Daeodon)'! Day 13549, 20:10:34: Tribemember Dufus - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 13549, 22:46:36: Tribemember Dufus - Lvl 127 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 13550, 05:03:08: Tribemember Niespecjalny - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 13550, 09:47:14: Tribemember Kudlaty - Lvl 122 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 13552, 09:27:47: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 176 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13552, 09:31:20: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame '110 - Lvl 164 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 09:45:41: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 222 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 09:51:06: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame '95 - Lvl 142 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 09:53:51: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 194 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 09:56:03: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'k bird - Lvl 136 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 10:01:45: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 314 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13552, 10:02:15: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WOZIGNOJ - Lvl 231 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13552, 10:14:22: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 122 (Oviraptor)'! Day 13552, 10:23:53: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 13552, 10:25:53: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 13552, 10:30:00: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 145 (Argentavis)'! Day 13552, 10:42:54: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 231 (Raptor)'! Day 13552, 10:43:26: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 210 (Raptor)'! Day 13552, 10:49:30: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovi - Lvl 109 (Oviraptor)'! Day 13552, 11:08:32: Cinder - Lvl 122 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 140 - Lvl 209 (Featherlight)'! Day 13552, 12:28:35: HexedKarma - Lvl 111 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 59 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 13552, 13:23:23: Your 150 - Lvl 321 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Doedicurus - Lvl 80! Day 13552, 18:19:21: Your F 394RG - Lvl 217 (Featherlight) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 13562, 01:20:15: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Prezent :) - Lvl 118 (Ovis)'! Day 13562, 01:21:36: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 132 (Ovis)'! Day 13562, 01:22:30: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nikigo tu nie ma :P - Lvl 103 (Kairuku)'! Day 13562, 01:23:00: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EXP - Lvl 280 (Aberrant Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13562, 01:38:00: Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[G]Dima - Lvl 279 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13563, 12:25:20: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 111 (Oviraptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 13563, 17:22:29: Tribemember Silver - Lvl 122 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 18! Day 13563, 17:24:58: Your M R 120 - Lvl 179 (Raptor) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 13563, 17:27:25: Tribemember Dudnik Prime - Lvl 127 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 18! Day 13565, 05:54:47: 's '[P] - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13565, 05:54:47: 's '[P] - Lvl 230 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13575, 07:57:42: Subraka - Lvl 126 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M R 150 - Lvl 224 (Raptor)'! Day 13575, 08:10:36: Subraka - Lvl 126 (Tribe of MistaRose) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 236 (Raptor)'! Day 13630, 18:01:08: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 167 (Featherlight)'! Day 14232, 04:47:45: Quagmire removed 'Tribe of Battlefox' Tribe from Broodmother Alliance! Day 14716, 17:38:05: beti - Lvl 227 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 16158, 02:48:39: Tribemember Dufus - Lvl 127 was killed!"] "tribeid":1738355627,"tribe":"CyberTribe logs":["Day 12352, 16:08:34: Cyberdyne88 was added to the Tribe! Day 12352, 16:11:05: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 12352, 16:24:29: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 12352, 16:59:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12353, 12:09:41: Cyberdyne88 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 12353, 12:55:27: Cyberdyne88 demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 12353, 14:59:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12366, 08:18:07: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12655, 09:26:31: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 12687, 18:53:02: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 12687, 19:47:31: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 356 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12687, 22:48:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 356 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12688, 02:05:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 388 (Snow Owl) Day 12697, 16:46:12: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 12697, 16:47:07: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12697, 17:29:06: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12697, 18:28:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:31:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:33:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #6 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:36:36: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 12697, 18:37:56: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:39:36: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:40:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #19 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:42:22: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:47:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:49:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #9 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:53:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:55:17: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:57:55: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 18:59:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:01:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:02:25: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:04:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:05:51: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:07:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #12 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:09:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12697, 19:49:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 388 (Snow Owl) Day 12699, 10:25:34: Your Chris - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 12699, 10:25:34: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 12699, 13:50:09: Cyberdyne88 froze Hedwig - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl) Day 12699, 16:08:04: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 12699, 16:43:19: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 12699, 17:37:56: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 12699, 10:23:36: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 12710, 11:05:56: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 388 (Snow Owl) Day 12710, 14:16:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12710, 14:23:04: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 414 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12711, 01:51:03: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12711, 07:10:07: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 356 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12711, 07:18:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:20:03: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:21:38: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 407 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:24:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:28:01: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 12711, 07:32:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #6 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:35:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:38:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 422 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 07:41:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #19 - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex) Day 12711, 08:46:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 388 (Snow Owl) Day 12806, 09:46:46: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12806, 14:25:03: Cyberdyne88 Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 12806, 14:29:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 12806, 14:44:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 320 (Thylacoleo) Day 12806, 14:57:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12806, 15:00:01: Cyberdyne88 uploaded a Thylacoleo: Thylacoleo - Lvl 320 Day 12806, 15:41:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 320 (Thylacoleo) Day 12806, 15:42:46: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 357 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15285, 05:18:22: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15558, 07:15:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Angelina - Lvl 368 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15558, 08:35:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Angelina - Lvl 383 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15558, 09:37:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 15568, 16:31:41: Your Angelina - Lvl 383 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 180! Day 15568, 19:42:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 15569, 06:07:38: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 15574, 12:02:34: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 216 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 15574, 12:07:27: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 216 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 15574, 12:11:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 216 (Mosasaurus) Day 15574, 12:14:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 216 (Mosasaurus) Day 15574, 14:27:29: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 222 (Mosasaurus)'! Day 15574, 14:31:07: Cyberdyne88 froze Baby Mosasaurus - Lvl 222 (Mosasaurus) Day 15574, 14:59:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 15778, 07:59:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 15779, 01:17:07: Cyberdyne88 froze M3 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 15779, 01:21:09: Cyberdyne88 froze M3 - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 15779, 01:24:34: Cyberdyne88 froze M2 - Lvl 287 (Megatherium) Day 15779, 02:36:34: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Tribe of big' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15779, 02:36:34: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Tribe of big' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15779, 02:42:17: Cyberdyne88 was removed from the Tribe! Day 15779, 18:01:24: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 15779, 18:06:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15779, 18:25:12: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 15779, 18:43:48: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 15779, 18:46:59: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 15779, 18:52:42: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 15779, 19:01:59: Cyberdyne88 removed 'CyberTribe' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15779, 19:09:46: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 15779, 19:11:00: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 15779, 19:11:48: Cyberdyne88 added 'DuoTribe' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15779, 19:17:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 15779, 20:00:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 452 (Tek Rex) Day 15779, 20:18:56: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 423 (Snow Owl) Day 15781, 09:57:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 15781, 10:37:55: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Sexy GGs Tribe. Day 15781, 10:39:01: Cyberdyne88 added 'Sexy GGs' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 10:45:34: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:46:51: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:47:43: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:50:14: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:52:38: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:54:33: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Tribe of big Tribe. Day 15781, 10:55:10: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 12:11:45: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 172 requested an Alliance with Dinobots Tribe. Day 15781, 12:13:29: Cyberdyne88 added 'Dinobots' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 18:18:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 440 (Tek Rex) Day 15781, 18:19:34: Cyberdyne88 froze M3 - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:21:12: Cyberdyne88 froze M2 - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:23:01: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 453 (Tek Rex) Day 15781, 18:24:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 439 (Tek Rex) Day 15781, 18:28:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 452 (Tek Rex) Day 15781, 20:19:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 15977, 07:25:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 07:46:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 08:46:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 08:53:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 11:23:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 11:48:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 12:18:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 13:15:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15977, 14:13:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 15989, 14:33:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 379 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15989, 15:12:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 15989, 19:10:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Josephine - Lvl 345 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15989, 20:06:03: Cyberdyne88 froze Josephine - Lvl 346 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15989, 21:04:17: Cyberdyne88 froze Josephine - Lvl 346 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15989, 23:53:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Josephine - Lvl 346 (Tusoteuthis) Day 15990, 00:04:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 15990, 18:10:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 16002, 13:42:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 366 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 16004, 04:56:22: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Bulbdog - Lvl 231 (Bulbdog)'! Day 16004, 05:06:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Bulbdog - Lvl 231 (Bulbdog) Day 16004, 05:45:58: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16004, 06:18:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Theri #1 - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 16004, 06:30:02: Cyberdyne88 froze 23hp 38melee - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 06:31:22: Cyberdyne88 froze Male 4 #2 - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 07:41:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16004, 09:42:35: Your Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16004, 09:42:37: Your Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 16004, 10:08:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:09:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Code 2 - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:10:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Main breade code 8 - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:15:09: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Theri #3 - Lvl 316 (Therizinosaur) Day 16004, 10:17:40: Cyberdyne88 froze 23hp 38melee - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:23:25: Cyberdyne88 froze Rex - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 16004, 10:25:44: Cyberdyne88 froze Code 6 Main male - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:29:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 361 (Yutyrannus) Day 16004, 10:32:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:34:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:36:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:40:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Code 5 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:43:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Male 4 #2 - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) Day 16004, 10:45:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Theri #1 - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 16004, 10:50:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Theri #2 - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 16004, 11:38:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 10:32:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 11:01:58: ViceFusion added 'CyberTribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:01:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 12:07:28: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Roxanne' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:10:04: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:59:08: ViceFusion added 'Impulse' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 14:18:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 14:27:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 16:38:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 445 (Tek Rex) Day 16018, 16:47:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 19:37:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Nancy - Lvl 321 (Deinonychus) Day 16018, 21:38:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 16046, 09:37:58: ViceFusion added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 10:40:08: ViceFusion added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:11:54: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of The Hidden lake' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:17:58: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 14:35:01: ViceFusion added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 22:14:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 445 (Tek Rex) Day 16047, 01:56:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 424 (Snow Owl) Day 16047, 02:16:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 426 (Snow Owl) Day 16295, 05:31:50: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Sexy GGs' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 16295, 05:31:50: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Sexy GGs' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 16295, 05:32:22: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Tribe of big' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 16295, 05:32:22: Cyberdyne88 removed 'Tribe of big' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 16295, 05:33:04: Cyberdyne88 removed 'CyberTribe' Tribe from BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16796, 16:05:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Sparky - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16796, 22:16:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 427 (Snow Owl) Day 16796, 22:52:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 427 (Snow Owl) Day 16798, 21:27:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #20 - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 02:59:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 427 (Snow Owl) Day 16799, 04:07:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #1 - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 06:02:38: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Shadow #1 - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16799, 07:05:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #3 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:07:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #19 - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:09:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #13 - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:10:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #16 - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:12:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #2 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:14:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #7 - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:15:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #15 - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:19:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #10 - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:22:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #9 - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:24:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #8 - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:26:59: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #18 - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:43:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #14 - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:49:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #6 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:53:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #12 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 07:56:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #4 - Lvl 368 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 08:02:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #20 - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 08:03:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Shadow #5 - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 16799, 08:06:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 370 (Yutyrannus) Day 16824, 06:56:48: Cyberdyne88 froze 0 - M - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 17613, 11:01:55: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17650, 07:36:44: Cyberdyne88 froze Sam - Lvl 372 (Griffin) Day 24205, 14:37:35: Cyberdyne88 froze Sparky - Lvl 397 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24205, 17:20:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Emily - Lvl 371 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24205, 19:11:09: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 455 (Snow Owl) Day 25967, 00:24:00: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1737688593,"tribe":"Duo Tribe logs":["Day 28528, 03:43:19: DuoMog froze M WE OX SP ST - Lvl 281 (Dilophosaur) Day 28528, 03:53:01: DuoMog froze M HP SP ST - Lvl 259 (Dilophosaur) Day 28528, 03:57:45: DuoMog froze M SP ST ME - Lvl 275 (Dilophosaur) Day 28528, 04:08:45: DuoMog froze M WE OX SP ST FO - Lvl 305 (Dilophosaur) Day 28528, 04:14:19: DuoMog froze F WE OX SP ST FO - Lvl 287 (Dilophosaur) Day 28622, 18:15:49: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28624, 07:30:46: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 427 (Reaper King) Day 28742, 15:42:39: DuoMog froze F 10k 372 - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 28742, 15:46:19: DuoMog froze M 11k 366 - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 28742, 15:51:57: DuoMog froze X-Rex - Lvl 282 (X-Rex) Day 28742, 15:58:00: DuoMog froze M 10k 372 1014 - 1 - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 28742, 16:06:14: DuoMog froze Baby M 002 - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 28742, 16:11:53: DuoMog froze M 4 - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) Day 28742, 16:21:14: DuoMog froze F Blue Tum Three - Lvl 175 (Therizinosaur) Day 28742, 16:30:36: DuoMog froze F Nearly Green - Lvl 143 (Therizinosaur) Day 28742, 16:34:03: DuoMog froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 195 (Therizinosaur) Day 28742, 18:37:31: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28744, 09:39:19: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28913, 19:36:30: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 45 (Dodo) Day 28913, 19:40:12: DuoMog froze F 0727 - 1 - Lvl 220 (Dodo) Day 28913, 19:43:25: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 58 (Dodo) Day 28913, 19:47:19: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 123 (Dodo) Day 28913, 19:56:57: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 96 (Dodo) Day 28913, 20:03:38: DuoMog froze M 0802 - 1 - Lvl 231 (Dodo) Day 28913, 20:08:14: DuoMog froze Ovi - Lvl 106 (Oviraptor) Day 28913, 20:13:30: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 197 (Dodo) Day 28913, 20:42:38: DuoMog froze F HP WE OX SP ST FO - Lvl 262 (Kairuku) Day 28913, 21:26:11: DuoMog froze M 1 - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 28913, 21:47:12: DuoMog froze F Red Sides - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 28913, 23:10:31: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28914, 22:21:01: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Lightening Val - Lvl 270 Day 28932, 07:53:23: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29078, 06:18:19: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 177 was killed by Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 29078, 06:18:19: Your Tribe killed DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe)! Day 29078, 07:14:57: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29078, 07:22:43: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 29520, 21:14:27: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29520, 23:43:30: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29520, 23:43:34: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29520, 23:43:38: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29520, 23:43:42: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 29737, 15:44:49: DuoMog downloaded a dino: ichy - Lvl 159 Day 29737, 16:23:55: DuoMog uploaded a Tek Stryder: ichy - Lvl 159 Day 29783, 15:51:47: DuoMog claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)'! Day 29783, 16:22:45: DuoMog froze Crisp - Lvl 201 (Triceratops) Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30244, 12:02:46: DuoMog froze F WE OX ST ME - Lvl 267 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:07:28: DuoMog froze F OX SP ME FO - Lvl 280 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:10:31: DuoMog froze F HP OX ST FO - Lvl 254 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:13:41: DuoMog froze Melval - Lvl 225 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:17:12: DuoMog froze F WE OX SP ST FO - Lvl 281 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:25:07: DuoMog froze F HP OX SP ST FO - Lvl 276 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:28:12: DuoMog froze F OX SP ST ME FO - Lvl 275 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:31:05: DuoMog froze F HP OX ST FO - Lvl 254 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 12:34:01: DuoMog froze F WE OX ST ME FO - Lvl 283 (Dilophosaur) Day 30244, 13:01:21: DuoMog froze Crisp - Lvl 201 (Triceratops) Day 30244, 13:38:44: DuoMog froze Tinto's Fire - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30547, 19:24:30: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30547, 19:24:30: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30575, 04:03:25: DuoMog demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 30575, 04:59:25: DuoMog froze Stacy - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 30575, 05:03:33: DuoMog froze Sammy - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 30575, 05:07:23: DuoMog froze Sinter - Lvl 223 (Sinomacrops) Day 30575, 05:17:51: DuoMog froze I can't really think of - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 30575, 05:42:07: DuoMog froze M 3 - Lvl 279 (Tek Rex) Day 30575, 05:51:20: DuoMog froze M 2 - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 30575, 05:55:26: DuoMog froze HP - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 30575, 05:58:45: DuoMog froze Daddy Stats - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) Day 30575, 06:02:07: DuoMog froze Mummy Stats - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 30575, 06:05:31: DuoMog froze Red Girl - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 30763, 15:56:42: DuoMog froze F GWR - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 15:59:54: DuoMog froze Argentavis - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:02:58: DuoMog froze BW - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:06:39: DuoMog froze Blue - Lvl 198 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:09:50: DuoMog froze Sanguinius - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:18:39: DuoMog froze Rrran Gennn - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:23:32: DuoMog froze Red - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 30763, 16:32:06: DuoMog froze Ernie - Lvl 266 (Dinopithecus) Day 30763, 16:35:30: DuoMog froze Faith 02 - Lvl 449 (Tek Rex) Day 31070, 17:42:52: DuoMog claimed 'Prawieczapla - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31237, 05:49:45: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 177 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 31237, 07:12:34: DuoMog froze iceberg - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32069, 13:17:08: DuoMog froze Prawieczapla - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 32069, 14:01:37: DuoMog froze X-Paraceratherium - Lvl 217 (X-Paraceratherium) Day 32069, 14:06:01: DuoMog froze Mum Chocolate - Lvl 224 (X-Paraceratherium) Day 32069, 14:09:52: DuoMog froze Dad Chocolate - Lvl 224 (X-Paraceratherium) Day 32069, 15:02:29: DuoMog froze Maggy - Lvl 239 (Magmasaur) Day 32069, 15:05:47: DuoMog froze Magmy - Lvl 245 (Magmasaur) Day 32069, 15:27:06: DuoMog froze flamethrower - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32069, 15:35:27: DuoMog froze Hightun - Lvl 160 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32069, 15:38:42: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 427 (Reaper King) Day 32069, 15:38:44: DuoMog froze Lightnum - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32069, 15:45:55: DuoMog froze iceberg - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 32069, 16:48:19: DuoMog froze Ecstatic - Lvl 311 (Reaper King) Day 32069, 17:09:14: DuoMog froze F 12 23 - Lvl 391 (Yutyrannus) Day 32069, 17:13:11: DuoMog froze Therie - Lvl 169 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 17:48:31: DuoMog froze Merry - Lvl 122 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 17:55:33: DuoMog froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 195 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 17:59:29: DuoMog froze Rrran's Theri - Lvl 185 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 18:06:42: DuoMog froze Easter Theri 2018 - Lvl 137 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 18:30:08: DuoMog froze Rrran's Red Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 32069, 18:38:18: DuoMog froze Faith 03 - Lvl 440 (Tek Rex) Day 32069, 18:51:07: DuoMog froze Ferry - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 18:56:50: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 427 (Reaper King) Day 32069, 18:58:13: DuoMog froze Ferry - Lvl 160 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 19:03:50: DuoMog froze WildDad - Lvl 319 (Dinopithecus) Day 32069, 19:30:34: DuoMog froze helldog(pack)(friend) - Lvl 294 (Ravager) Day 32069, 19:33:49: DuoMog froze Pop Rav(pack)(friend) - Lvl 295 (Ravager) Day 32069, 19:35:55: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 427 (Reaper King) Day 32069, 19:36:48: DuoMog froze lovedog(pack)(friend) - Lvl 299 (Ravager) Day 32069, 19:44:38: DuoMog froze Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) Day 32069, 19:54:22: DuoMog froze Duononychus - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) Day 32069, 19:57:41: DuoMog froze Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus) Day 32069, 20:01:22: DuoMog froze Digitree - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus) Day 32069, 20:15:18: DuoMog froze F Valentine 140 - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 32069, 20:23:09: DuoMog froze Green Anky - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 32070, 00:18:07: DuoMog froze Mae Too - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 32070, 00:22:41: DuoMog froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 32070, 01:48:40: DuoMog froze Big Ben - Lvl 132 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32070, 01:53:17: DuoMog froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 124 (Giganotosaurus) Day 32070, 07:56:52: DuoMog demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 32070, 14:00:24: DuoMog demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 32070, 16:31:56: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 436 (Reaper King) Day 32084, 17:17:27: Your 'Greenhouse Window (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 32085, 07:35:08: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 436 (Reaper King) Day 32086, 15:02:30: DuoMog froze M WE SP ST - Lvl 259 (Dilophosaur) Day 32086, 15:05:18: DuoMog froze Pet Dog - Lvl 103 (Dilophosaur) Day 32091, 07:26:53: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 436 (Reaper King) Day 32091, 07:38:10: DuoMog froze Sis - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 32091, 07:41:10: DuoMog froze Duo Crops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 32091, 07:47:05: DuoMog froze Sinom - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 32091, 07:50:11: DuoMog froze Samocrops - Lvl 220 (Sinomacrops) Day 32091, 08:02:04: DuoMog froze Lystrop - Lvl 133 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:05:05: DuoMog froze Lyssy - Lvl 133 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:07:56: DuoMog froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 137 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:10:59: DuoMog froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 175 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:18:42: DuoMog froze Christmas Lystro - Lvl 128 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:23:28: DuoMog froze Dad - Lvl 269 (Kairuku) Day 32091, 08:29:34: DuoMog froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 157 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 08:33:28: DuoMog froze Laggo - Lvl 109 (Kairuku) Day 32091, 08:42:22: DuoMog froze Laddo - Lvl 124 (Kairuku) Day 32091, 08:47:03: DuoMog froze Ferox - Lvl 42 (Ferox) Day 32091, 08:50:03: DuoMog froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 32091, 08:58:24: DuoMog froze Troodon - Lvl 235 (Troodon) Day 32091, 09:07:29: DuoMog froze Troodon - Lvl 230 (Troodon) Day 32091, 09:11:29: DuoMog froze Troodon - Lvl 234 (Troodon) Day 32091, 09:15:44: DuoMog froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 205 (Lystrosaurus) Day 32091, 09:20:54: DuoMog froze Doo - Lvl 147 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:28:20: DuoMog froze M 0804 - 2 - Lvl 264 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:29:30: Tribemember rrran - Lvl 187 was killed! Day 32091, 09:31:38: DuoMog froze F 0804 - 1 - Lvl 201 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:36:00: DuoMog froze Duh! - Lvl 116 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:39:13: DuoMog froze Christmas Dodo - Lvl 117 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:49:31: DuoMog froze Dooo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:52:51: DuoMog froze Danny - Lvl 117 (Dodo) Day 32091, 09:55:55: DuoMog froze F 0806 - 5 - Lvl 250 (Dodo) Day 32091, 10:01:57: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo) Day 32091, 10:10:06: DuoMog froze Ovi - Lvl 106 (Oviraptor) Day 32091, 10:13:18: DuoMog froze Fenrir - Lvl 225 (Fenrir) Day 32091, 10:32:06: DuoMog froze Griffin - Lvl 258 (Griffin) Day 32091, 10:42:29: DuoMog froze Bloodeye - Lvl 353 (Bloodstalker) Day 32091, 10:52:35: DuoMog froze Four Eyes - Lvl 167 (Bloodstalker) Day 32091, 11:42:09: DuoMog froze Otter - Lvl 111 (Otter) Day 32091, 11:45:20: DuoMog froze Muzzy - Lvl 310 (Otter) Day 32091, 11:52:07: DuoMog froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 281 (Tropeognathus) Day 32091, 18:46:41: DuoMog froze super frog - Lvl 142 (Beelzebufo) Day 32091, 18:55:31: DuoMog froze taxed - Lvl 323 (Featherlight) Day 32091, 19:03:05: DuoMog froze Jerboa - Lvl 96 (Jerboa) Day 32091, 19:08:34: DuoMog froze Volcanboa - Lvl 20 (Jerboa) Day 32091, 19:15:25: DuoMog froze Christmas Pego - Lvl 75 (Pegomastax) Day 32091, 19:19:54: DuoMog froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 167 (Dimorphodon) Day 32091, 19:22:53: DuoMog froze Pegomastax - Lvl 7 (Pegomastax) Day 32091, 19:25:53: DuoMog froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 87 (Archaeopteryx) Day 32091, 19:32:34: DuoMog froze Mum - Lvl 269 (Kairuku) Day 32091, 19:35:51: DuoMog froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 112 (Archaeopteryx) Day 32091, 19:38:51: DuoMog froze Archaeopteryx - Lvl 85 (Archaeopteryx) Day 32091, 19:43:00: DuoMog froze Hesperornis - Lvl 108 (Hesperornis) Day 32091, 19:51:36: DuoMog froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 93 (Mesopithecus) Day 32091, 20:20:08: DuoMog froze Jerboa - Lvl 96 (Jerboa) Day 32092, 17:33:05: DuoMog froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 93 (Mesopithecus) Day 32093, 13:42:33: DuoMog demolished a 'Plant Species X'! Day 32094, 11:08:03: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32094, 15:12:57: DuoMog demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 32110, 18:03:29: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 177 was killed by rrran - Lvl 187 (Duo Tribe)! Day 32110, 18:03:29: Your Tribe killed DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe)! Day 32111, 15:09:49: rrran froze Clasper - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 32111, 15:16:25: rrran froze F Brown White - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur) Day 32112, 14:36:14: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 436 (Reaper King) Day 32112, 14:45:30: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32112, 20:32:49: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32113, 15:22:48: rrran froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32113, 20:22:54: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 436 (Reaper King) Day 32113, 21:35:47: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32114, 09:45:15: rrran claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 225 (Dodo)'! Day 32114, 11:03:53: DuoMog claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 32114, 11:23:38: DuoMog claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 32114, 12:05:57: DuoMog claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake)'! Day 32134, 13:10:41: DuoMog froze Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 32134, 13:18:05: DuoMog froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 32134, 13:23:36: DuoMog froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 32134, 13:49:51: DuoMog froze Dodo - Lvl 225 (Dodo) Day 32237, 00:52:33: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 32237, 01:08:35: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 32237, 06:46:48: Your Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 32237, 06:59:39: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 32250, 19:59:49: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 Day 32250, 20:00:39: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 198 Day 32250, 20:01:10: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 Day 32250, 20:01:41: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 32250, 21:32:07: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Lightening Val - Lvl 270 Day 32664, 01:14:21: DuoMog froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 63 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32664, 01:24:03: DuoMog froze 17H22S19M16W23F23Ox Bgel - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 33089, 03:43:17: DuoMog claimed '42melee - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 33089, 04:12:20: DuoMog froze TateFans - 42 Melee - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 33089, 04:17:32: DuoMog claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 248 (Allosaurus)'! Day 33089, 04:30:55: DuoMog froze TateFans - Allo lvl 248 - Lvl 248 (Allosaurus) Day 33089, 08:58:03: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 33089, 09:26:28: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 33089, 09:27:37: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 33089, 09:42:00: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 33089, 10:00:23: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 33348, 10:41:07: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 10:44:43: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 11:05:46: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 11:16:20: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 479 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 11:30:06: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 478 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 11:40:40: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 11:49:15: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 12:02:22: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 12:40:46: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 493 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 12:59:37: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 497 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 13:09:20: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 473 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 13:22:44: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 473 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 13:43:48: kokow22 froze perfect - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 14:33:36: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 15:04:45: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 495 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 15:39:40: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 15:52:52: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 16:59:08: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 17:13:42: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 17:35:35: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 17:55:45: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 19:06:49: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 19:36:14: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 495 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 19:47:57: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 19:52:28: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 20:09:02: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 21:03:39: kokow22 froze A!2 - Lvl 394 (Argentavis) Day 33348, 21:35:26: kokow22 froze Arki - Lvl 408 (Argentavis) Day 33348, 21:56:15: kokow22 froze Argentavis - Lvl 411 (Argentavis) Day 33348, 22:19:10: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 501 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 22:38:02: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 495 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 23:03:22: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 466 (X-Argentavis) Day 33348, 23:20:24: kokow22 froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 503 (X-Argentavis) Day 33465, 10:19:07: kokow22 froze Pinky - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 15:07:12: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 512 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 15:15:05: kokow22 froze boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 503 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 15:20:45: kokow22 froze boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 497 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 16:54:11: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 498 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 18:00:25: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 501 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 18:59:11: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 496 (Tek Rex) Day 33465, 19:16:04: kokow22 froze Odin - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 33466, 03:01:08: Johnny Bravo added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to Kokow Alliance! Day 33466, 05:51:57: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 512 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 05:58:06: kokow22 froze boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 503 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:04:30: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 496 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:07:56: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 498 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:11:47: kokow22 froze boss fighter 2.1 - Lvl 497 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:15:35: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:18:51: kokow22 froze no3 - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:28:22: kokow22 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 501 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 06:31:56: kokow22 froze Baby-T - Lvl 463 (Tek Rex) Day 33466, 09:42:43: kokow22 froze [SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33554, 21:22:39: DuoMog froze Crystal One - Lvl 184 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33554, 21:42:58: DuoMog froze Crystal Three - Lvl 198 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33554, 21:53:32: DuoMog froze Crystal Two - Lvl 199 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33555, 00:42:13: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34365, 04:17:36: kokow22's '[SC] Goku Black - Lvl 344 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 35924, 21:07:41: DuoMog claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 308 (Argentavis)'! Day 35924, 21:25:09: DuoMog froze Argentavis - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 36551, 03:29:17: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 36551, 03:29:17: Tribe Owner was changed to Larkfields! Day 36551, 04:13:30: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 36573, 01:58:06: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 177 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 36586, 16:10:02: DuoMog claimed 'Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36590, 13:05:45: DuoMog froze M Gen 2 - Lvl 424 (Yutyrannus) Day 36590, 13:08:45: DuoMog froze F 12 23 - Lvl 408 (Yutyrannus) Day 36590, 13:12:40: DuoMog froze Baby Y. - Lvl 393 (Yutyrannus) Day 36599, 21:21:30: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 36599, 21:21:30: Tribe Owner was changed to Larkfields! Day 36599, 21:32:35: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 36600, 16:50:27: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36600, 21:11:40: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36632, 17:10:12: DuoMog downloaded a dino: (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 515 Day 36632, 17:10:52: Could not find Spawn Location for Rex, Destroying... Day 36632, 17:13:39: DuoMog downloaded a dino: (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 516 Day 36632, 17:18:05: DuoMog downloaded a dino: (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 516 Day 36632, 17:22:03: DuoMog froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 36632, 17:25:21: DuoMog froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 3 - Lvl 516 (Tek Rex) Day 36632, 17:28:52: DuoMog froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 515 (Tek Rex) Day 36632, 18:51:20: DuoMog downloaded a dino: Baby Y. - Lvl 393 Day 36632, 18:54:25: DuoMog downloaded a dino: F 12 23 - Lvl 408 Day 36632, 19:27:06: DuoMog downloaded a dino: M Gen 2 - Lvl 424 Day 36669, 02:34:23: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37761, 03:34:21: DuoMog froze M Gen 2 - Lvl 424 (Yutyrannus) Day 37761, 03:38:02: DuoMog froze F 12 23 - Lvl 408 (Yutyrannus) Day 37761, 03:42:25: DuoMog froze Baby Y. - Lvl 393 (Yutyrannus) Day 37761, 03:51:21: DuoMog froze Red - Lvl 270 (Tek Rex) Day 37761, 03:55:56: DuoMog froze M 2 - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) Day 37761, 04:14:32: DuoMog froze F Valentine 140 - Lvl 359 (Therizinosaur) Day 37761, 04:18:32: DuoMog froze F Red Sides - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 37761, 04:23:12: DuoMog froze Harry - Lvl 107 (Triceratops) Day 37761, 04:47:06: DuoMog froze X-AnkyBoy - Lvl 363 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 37761, 04:58:04: DuoMog froze Ray - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 38009, 13:21:56: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 38009, 13:21:56: Tribe Owner was changed to Larkfields! Day 38009, 15:42:45: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 38878, 19:35:51: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 38878, 19:35:51: Tribe Owner was changed to Larkfields! Day 38878, 20:15:34: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 38887, 10:03:08: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 38887, 10:03:08: Tribe Owner was changed to Larkfields! Day 38887, 14:00:17: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 39269, 09:32:14: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 09:51:01: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor) Day 39269, 10:27:16: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39269, 10:30:26: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 39269, 10:51:31: DuoMog claimed 'RAPPER - Lvl 254 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 10:54:13: DuoMog froze RAPPER - Lvl 254 (Raptor) Day 39269, 11:12:42: DuoMog claimed 'INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 11:17:22: DuoMog froze INSANE1 - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) Day 39269, 11:23:37: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 11:27:02: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 239 (Raptor) Day 39269, 11:27:57: DuoMog claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 11:31:16: DuoMog froze Pteranodon - Lvl 140 (Pteranodon) Day 39269, 11:52:26: DuoMog claimed 'Odin - Lvl 290 (Sabertooth)'! Day 39269, 11:55:49: DuoMog froze Odin - Lvl 290 (Sabertooth) Day 39269, 11:57:02: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 250 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:00:25: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 250 (Raptor) Day 39269, 12:01:12: DuoMog claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:04:17: DuoMog froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 187 (Tek Raptor) Day 39269, 12:05:30: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:08:57: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 244 (Raptor) Day 39269, 12:18:25: DuoMog claimed 'aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39269, 12:21:48: DuoMog froze aw - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) Day 39269, 12:23:42: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 253 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:26:20: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 253 (Raptor) Day 39269, 12:27:38: DuoMog claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 304 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 12:30:11: DuoMog froze Raptor - Lvl 304 (Raptor) Day 39437, 09:28:41: DuoMog demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39437, 09:30:18: DuoMog demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 39438, 09:37:32: DuoMog Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis)! Day 39747, 03:38:22: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 40435, 19:28:43: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40435, 19:31:47: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40435, 19:33:28: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40435, 19:36:05: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40435, 19:38:47: DuoMog claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40435, 19:41:27: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40455, 08:51:35: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 87 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightening Val - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 41341, 00:07:22: Brontosaurus - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 41557, 20:43:11: rrran froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 281 (Tropeognathus) Day 41558, 02:46:19: rrran froze F Blue Tum Three - Lvl 175 (Therizinosaur) Day 41558, 02:51:53: rrran froze F Nearly Green - Lvl 143 (Therizinosaur) Day 41558, 02:57:13: rrran froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 195 (Therizinosaur) Day 41558, 03:02:42: rrran froze Clasper - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur) Day 41558, 03:07:23: rrran froze F Brown White - Lvl 201 (Therizinosaur) Day 41735, 12:07:15: DuoMog froze Magmy - Lvl 336 (Magmasaur) Day 41738, 10:32:37: rrran Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 224 (Dilophosaur)! Day 41738, 11:27:35: rrran froze spiny - Lvl 224 (Dilophosaur) Day 41738, 18:52:17: DuoMog froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 167 (Dimorphodon) Day 41738, 19:30:02: DuoMog froze Christmas Pego - Lvl 75 (Pegomastax) Day 41739, 04:57:32: rrran froze Pelagornis - Lvl 188 (Pelagornis) Day 41739, 12:05:33: rrran froze Ferox - Lvl 42 (Ferox) Day 41739, 12:11:48: rrran froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 41739, 15:51:52: rrran froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 41739, 15:56:20: rrran froze Ferox - Lvl 42 (Ferox) Day 41740, 14:56:21: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 15:21:24: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 15:38:08: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 15:44:34: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 15:48:08: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 15:52:27: rrran froze crazy bat - Lvl 126 (Onyc) Day 41740, 19:50:46: DuoMog froze Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 42007, 07:39:36: rrran demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42578, 08:03:33: DuoMog froze Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 42934, 10:55:17: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 456 (Reaper King) Day 42935, 09:05:39: rrran downloaded a dino: levaithan - Lvl 456 Day 42936, 12:53:56: rrran froze X-Rex - Lvl 20 (X-Rex) Day 42936, 12:57:43: rrran froze X-Rex - Lvl 29 (X-Rex) Day 42959, 01:20:48: rrran froze OG female - Lvl 29 (X-Rex) Day 42959, 01:25:20: rrran froze OG male - Lvl 20 (X-Rex) Day 42959, 03:01:31: rrran froze levaithan - Lvl 456 (Reaper King) Day 42959, 16:42:37: rrran froze OG 0 speed - Lvl 15 (X-Rex) Day 42959, 16:48:41: rrran froze wynaut - Lvl 22 (X-Rex) Day 43701, 17:39:20: rrran froze flamethrower - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43701, 18:03:48: rrran froze Blazing - Lvl 396 (Fire Wyvern) Day 43722, 19:46:00: rrran claimed 'Jeff's Raft Base (Raft)'! Day 43722, 20:02:56: Your Jeff's Raft Base (Raft) was destroyed! Day 44594, 11:24:35: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 197 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1736538006,"tribe":"Tribe of Blaku logs":["Day 26123, 17:40:48: Blaku was added to the Tribe! Day 26123, 17:43:06: easucks was added to the Tribe by Blaku! Day 26123, 17:55:36: Florian was added to the Tribe by Blaku! Day 26124, 00:09:44: Blaku claimed '[Swim] Petrie - Lvl 147 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26124, 00:14:01: easucks claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 123 (Triceratops)'! Day 26124, 00:19:58: easucks claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 135 (Parasaur)'! Day 26124, 00:32:10: easucks claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 45 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26124, 10:34:18: easucks Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon)! Day 26124, 15:39:07: Bigus was added to the Tribe by Blaku! Day 26124, 16:09:45: Blaku claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26124, 17:52:57: Your Juvenile Petra - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 26124, 17:52:57: Juvenile Petra - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26125, 08:32:38: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 36 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 25! Day 26125, 08:44:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur)! Day 26125, 09:10:19: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 36 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 26125, 09:22:27: Blaku Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 26127, 10:37:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 26127, 15:02:19: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 26127, 17:51:16: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 43 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 80! Day 26127, 19:31:22: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 43 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 80! Day 26127, 23:34:08: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.0x! Day 26128, 02:52:24: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 26128, 05:33:37: Bigus Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 113 (Baryonyx)! Day 26128, 08:25:18: Bigus Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 26128, 13:14:04: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 45 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 26128, 14:52:26: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 45 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 26128, 17:27:48: Bigus Tamed a Spino - Lvl 20 (Spino)! Day 26128, 18:12:20: Bigus Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 59 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 26136, 13:12:02: Blaku Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 14 (Brontosaurus)! Day 26136, 18:39:24: Blaku claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26137, 07:56:12: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 63 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 35! Day 26137, 11:06:17: Blaku claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26137, 15:04:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 126 (Iguanodon)! Day 26161, 17:41:38: easucks claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26161, 18:41:05: Your Ichto (Jeje) - Lvl 60 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 10! Day 26162, 12:27:28: easucks demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26162, 12:38:55: Your Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon) was killed by easucks - Lvl 81 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26162, 12:38:55: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 100 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26239, 06:03:09: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 51 was killed by Blaku - Lvl 66 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26239, 06:03:09: Your Tribe killed Bigus - Lvl 51 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26239, 13:42:27: Blaku claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26239, 15:45:33: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 26239, 18:16:38: Bigus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 105 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26239, 22:49:00: Bigus was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Blaku! Day 26239, 23:04:17: Blaku - Lvl 68 requested an Alliance with Frequencer Tribe. Day 26239, 23:05:35: Bigus - Lvl 53 requested an Alliance with Frequencer Tribe. Day 26239, 23:08:09: Blaku added 'Frequencer' Tribe to Ark Alliance! Day 26240, 08:33:58: Bigus froze Petrus - Lvl 93 (Pteranodon) Day 26259, 19:02:56: easucks Tamed a Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)! Day 26260, 12:48:37: easucks Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 26262, 12:16:22: Blaku claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26265, 18:20:09: Tribemember easucks - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 26265, 19:59:19: Tribemember easucks - Lvl 89 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 30! Day 26266, 00:08:05: Tribemember easucks - Lvl 90 was killed by Blaku - Lvl 68 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26266, 00:08:05: Your Tribe killed easucks - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 26266, 02:02:39: easucks claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 49 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26277, 15:28:46: Your Petrus - Lvl 94 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 26278, 07:10:10: easucks demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26278, 07:10:56: easucks demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26278, 07:19:06: easucks demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26278, 12:21:34: Your Tribe killed fa - Lvl 6 (Tribe of fa)! Day 26278, 13:16:02: Your Tribe killed fa - Lvl 6 (Tribe of fa)! Day 26278, 14:48:20: easucks claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26278, 15:34:28: Your Tribe killed fa - Lvl 7 (Tribe of fa)! Day 26278, 20:28:08: Blaku froze Bronto (Basti) - Lvl 39 (Brontosaurus) Day 26278, 21:45:11: Blaku froze Bronto (Basti) - Lvl 39 (Brontosaurus) Day 26278, 23:34:37: Blaku froze Rex - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 26279, 02:03:17: Blaku froze Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 08:52:24: easucks froze Deinonychus - Lvl 56 (Deinonychus) Day 26280, 18:05:39: Blaku Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)! Day 26280, 20:42:36: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 74 was killed! Day 26281, 18:01:32: easucks Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 8 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 26281, 20:25:18: easucks froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 233 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 26283, 08:26:21: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 130 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 26283, 16:40:14: Your Leo - Lvl 175 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 26283, 18:01:13: Your Paramasulasuklasu - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 26285, 02:02:38: Your Triceratops - Lvl 160 (Triceratops) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 26301, 20:11:41: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 10 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26302, 04:47:48: easucks Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 26302, 11:35:09: easucks Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 26328, 16:58:48: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26336, 03:27:16: Tribemember Bigus - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 26355, 06:13:30: Your Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 26359, 20:51:18: Tribemember Florian - Lvl 33 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 26387, 15:04:06: Your Spino (Jeje) - Lvl 36 (Spino) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 55! Day 26387, 15:34:12: Your Rapi (Jeje) - Lvl 99 (Raptor) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 40! Day 26387, 15:45:58: Your Rapilo - Lvl 29 (Raptor) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 55! Day 26387, 16:49:36: Your Herbert - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 40! Day 26390, 22:57:25: Your Bary (Jeje) - Lvl 138 (Baryonyx) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 40! Day 26463, 10:06:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26628, 17:39:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26723, 05:53:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26761, 14:34:38: Deinonychus - Lvl 65 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 26807, 20:27:54: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 26854, 09:06:24: Bronto (Basti) - Lvl 51 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 26910, 10:39:46: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26910, 10:39:46: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26910, 10:39:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26910, 10:39:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27011, 22:28:09: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27011, 22:33:40: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus)'! Day 27017, 21:54:22: Pteranodon - Lvl 116 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27040, 13:11:08: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'willy - Lvl 90 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 27040, 13:11:35: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 197 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 13:11:58: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 83 (Argentavis)'! Day 27040, 13:12:58: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27040, 13:14:10: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27040, 13:15:03: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter (Basti) - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27040, 15:01:07: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 27040, 15:04:40: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex)'! Day 27089, 16:13:02: Tribemember easucks - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27171, 07:59:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27502, 01:37:40: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27607, 01:28:03: Blaku was removed from the Tribe! Day 27607, 01:28:03: Tribe Owner was changed to easucks!"] "tribeid":1736117791,"tribe":"Cool Tribe logs":["Day 28766, 14:26:31: Nalite was added to the Tribe! Day 28766, 14:40:46: CheekyPizza was added to the Tribe by Nalite! Day 28766, 23:32:24: CheekyPizza Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 97 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28767, 02:28:29: Nalite Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 28767, 06:48:32: Nalite Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 58 (Dodo)! Day 28767, 10:16:51: CheekyPizza Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 28787, 02:35:40: Dino Dudes tribe was merged in by Ginge! Day 28787, 02:35:40: Ginge was added to the Tribe by Nalite! Day 28787, 03:37:06: Nalite Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon)! Day 28787, 10:52:23: Nalite Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 104 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28787, 15:55:00: CheekyPizza Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon)! Day 28787, 16:16:19: Ginge Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 14 (Carbonemys)! Day 28787, 17:11:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 28788, 10:06:34: Nalite Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 7 (Iguanodon)! Day 28788, 20:49:58: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 36 was killed by CheekyPizza - Lvl 36 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28788, 20:49:58: Your Tribe killed Nalite - Lvl 36 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28788, 20:50:51: Tribemember CheekyPizza - Lvl 36 was killed by Ginge - Lvl 76 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28788, 20:50:51: Your Tribe killed CheekyPizza - Lvl 36 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28789, 07:25:54: Nalite Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 6 (Beelzebufo)! Day 28790, 00:42:10: CheekyPizza demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 28790, 00:59:27: CheekyPizza demolished a 'Wood Window (Locked) '! Day 28790, 10:11:43: CheekyPizza demolished a 'Wood Window (Locked) '! Day 28790, 10:31:18: Tribemember CheekyPizza - Lvl 47 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 75! Day 28790, 13:12:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 44 (Carnotaurus)! Day 28908, 08:08:04: Tribemember CheekyPizza - Lvl 50 was killed by Nalite - Lvl 51 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28908, 08:08:04: Your Tribe killed CheekyPizza - Lvl 50 (Cool Tribe)! Day 28909, 14:58:33: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 62 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 115! Day 28934, 20:59:28: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 104 (Argentavis)! Day 28935, 09:56:10: Nalite Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 20 (Triceratops)! Day 28936, 02:55:40: CheekyPizza Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 28936, 05:16:14: Nalite Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus)! Day 29085, 08:54:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29090, 17:24:46: Nalite Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 112 (Moschops)! Day 29091, 12:10:42: Nalite Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 68 (Castoroides)! Day 29227, 03:31:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29238, 11:16:05: Strawberry - Lvl 65 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 29404, 12:40:00: Potato - Lvl 122 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 29415, 05:15:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29428, 19:13:23: Grape - Lvl 57 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 29476, 02:47:13: Lime - Lvl 58 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29495, 13:38:24: Classsy - Lvl 27 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 29588, 18:05:05: Flappy - Lvl 61 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29594, 23:18:27: Stoned - Lvl 39 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 29658, 16:05:46: Jumpy - Lvl 31 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 29667, 19:08:29: PaCk MuLe - Lvl 43 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 29686, 13:55:15: Kiwi - Lvl 35 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 29686, 13:55:17: Stompy - Lvl 129 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29697, 12:12:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29709, 03:34:46: Human - Lvl 99 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Damn! - Lvl 81 (Castoroides)'! Day 29843, 16:16:00: Tribemember Nalite - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 29843, 17:36:40: Tribemember CheekyPizza - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 29843, 18:01:43: Tribemember Ginge - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 29854, 21:47:41: Feathers - Lvl 60 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 30042, 09:03:08: Lemon - Lvl 136 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 30296, 20:02:06: Green - Lvl 162 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 30441, 04:20:58: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 69 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 30441, 04:30:50: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 30664, 22:21:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30664, 22:21:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30948, 11:05:11: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1734395689,"tribe":"TBP logs":["Day 27295, 10:07:01: Legion was added to the Tribe! Day 27295, 10:24:44: Karikama was added to the Tribe by Legion! Day 27297, 17:10:47: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 27298, 15:45:29: Legion froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27344, 23:24:39: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27344, 23:29:30: Legion froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 27345, 01:45:09: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27345, 06:42:10: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:42:51: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:46:37: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:47:23: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:48:26: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:49:33: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:50:32: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:51:22: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 06:52:09: Legion demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 27345, 07:53:53: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27345, 20:58:20: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27346, 05:19:55: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27348, 08:55:13: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27348, 10:25:04: Legion froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 27454, 17:33:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27966, 06:39:18: Ginger - Lvl 40 (Tribe of Ginger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27966, 07:59:52: Arms - Lvl 52 (Tribe of Human No. 18457) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1732475667,"tribe":"Tribe of McSquizzy logs":["Day 34339, 22:27:25: McSquizzy was added to the Tribe! Day 34339, 22:28:43: Day was added to the Tribe by McSquizzy! Day 34340, 00:07:18: Day uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 271 Day 34340, 00:27:51: McSquizzy froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35488, 04:03:00: Star Man - Lvl 128 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1731979869,"tribe":"Tribe of mr6 logs":["Day 35060, 12:10:04: mr6 was added to the Tribe! Day 35226, 19:27:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35347, 09:01:25: Moschops - Lvl 76 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35352, 06:35:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35367, 05:26:20: Tribemember mr6 - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 35375, 22:23:33: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35375, 22:23:33: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35859, 16:18:58: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35924, 21:07:41: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 308 (Argentavis)'! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35943, 14:02:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1727874577,"tribe":"Saiyans logs":["Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Poly,Oil,Pear,Wood - Lvl 219 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 80 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 25 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 88 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Pelagornis - Lvl 218 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 112 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Sam - Lvl 322 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Basilisk - Lvl 289 (Basilisk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 274 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Alpha Theri - Lvl 402 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Oviraptor - Lvl 113 (Oviraptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'F_Max_WGHT - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'MaxHP&Stam - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'MaxDMG - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 233 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 212 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Baby Gems and silk - Lvl 219 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'HpGen1 - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'F MeleeGen1 - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 183 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'F hp+stam+dmg - Lvl 216 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Max stam+Wght - Lvl 232 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 231 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Wght gen1 - Lvl 97 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'wght - Lvl 212 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Max WGHT - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'F Stam+ Wght - Lvl 244 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Low lvl with no wasted s - Lvl 6 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Baby Backup base male - Lvl 203 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 197 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Max Stam - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 5 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 177 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Base Male wws - Lvl 256 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Low lvl - Lvl 15 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Baby Backup Perfect Base male - Lvl 208 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 82 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 37 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:49:57: 's 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female WWS and low Stam - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female with 1sp and 2o2 - Lvl 152 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 183 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Juvenile HP+Melee mut - Lvl 212 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 171 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 161 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 167 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 196 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 160 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 136 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 132 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 25 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female with 1speed and 2 - Lvl 42 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female - Lvl 257 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 121 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Max Stam - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female imperfect - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Female - Lvl 253 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Max HP - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 61 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M max stam 0 ox - Lvl 189 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 191 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 141 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 141 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 141 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M hp+wght - Lvl 182 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 189 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M max wght+dmg - Lvl 137 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M hp+dmg 0 ox - Lvl 175 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M stam+wght 0 ox - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'M wght+dmg 0 ox - Lvl 108 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Max dmg - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Base Male WWS - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Wght - Lvl 220 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Male low lvl - Lvl 18 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Base male WWS and LowSta - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 177 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Max dmg - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 82 (R-Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Kinda base male - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Max DMG male - Lvl 242 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 194 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 134 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30510, 12:51:28: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 30555, 20:56:41: Goku froze Cannonball - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus) Day 31114, 13:04:14: Goku claimed 'Max Hp - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Diagonal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34138, 22:31:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37135, 04:52:26: Goku froze Cannonball - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus) Day 37135, 05:08:51: Goku froze Cannonball - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus) Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38540, 15:56:32: Bright - Lvl 5 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38765, 16:10:31: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38813, 17:07:53: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 225 (Fjordhawk) Day 38813, 17:16:51: Goku froze Max Stam - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 38813, 17:26:16: Goku froze Max Hp - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 38813, 17:33:00: Goku froze Max Wght - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 38813, 17:39:26: Goku froze For boss v2 - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus) Day 38813, 20:13:44: Goku froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 39303, 09:36:04: Goku claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 39303, 12:48:28: Goku froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 39935, 19:05:00: 인간 - Lvl 109 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 43940, 03:16:07: Tribemember Goku - Lvl 124 was killed!"] "tribeid":1727071820,"tribe":"Tribe of HimathyJr logs":["Day 33276, 19:33:04: HimathyJr was added to the Tribe! Day 33276, 19:34:51: Human was added to the Tribe by HimathyJr! Day 33277, 06:00:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 49 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 33277, 10:10:51: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 33277, 10:12:44: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 33277, 13:19:02: HimathyJr demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 33277, 13:25:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 33277, 13:25:18: Pteranodon - Lvl 183 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 33277, 13:57:51: HimathyJr demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 33278, 14:24:31: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 56 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 33278, 23:44:43: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 33279, 00:05:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 55 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 33279, 01:19:53: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33279, 22:04:28: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 33279, 22:29:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 22:50:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 22:55:19: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 22:56:47: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 22:58:27: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:11:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:12:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:24:38: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 10! Day 33279, 23:40:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:41:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:49:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:52:12: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33279, 23:53:41: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 00:04:18: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33280, 00:26:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 00:27:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 58 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 33280, 01:12:31: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 33280, 01:41:52: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 01:45:29: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 33280, 02:15:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 58 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 33280, 02:22:13: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 40! Day 33280, 02:40:15: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 02:43:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 04:00:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 33280, 04:13:27: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33280, 04:14:34: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33280, 04:15:43: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 33280, 04:16:06: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33280, 04:34:33: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 33280, 04:53:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 58 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 33280, 06:38:04: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 33280, 06:48:37: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 33280, 07:44:38: Tribemember Human - Lvl 59 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 40! Day 33280, 07:50:21: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 62 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 40! Day 33280, 08:33:08: Tribemember Human - Lvl 59 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 40! Day 33280, 09:12:46: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 09:39:19: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 09:43:21: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 09:45:12: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 09:54:45: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 09:58:29: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 10:03:18: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 33280, 10:05:39: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33280, 10:06:34: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33280, 10:07:43: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33280, 13:30:07: HimathyJr demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 33280, 16:09:01: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33280, 16:18:41: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 33280, 17:50:03: HimathyJr demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 33280, 17:50:49: HimathyJr demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 33280, 19:39:50: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 33280, 22:48:20: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 33571, 04:17:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33571, 04:17:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33642, 04:01:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33878, 17:22:20: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33926, 01:39:47: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33965, 18:59:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 60 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 34162, 14:09:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34209, 20:42:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34219, 17:06:32: Tribemember HimathyJr - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1724989329,"tribe":"Stone Wranglers logs":["Day 21424, 09:24:59: Daemonia was added to the Tribe! Day 21447, 03:25:16: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 03:26:47: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 03:47:03: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 04:03:11: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 04:28:59: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 04:59:44: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:03:24: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:21:33: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:23:07: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:24:22: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:25:35: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:44:07: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:45:22: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:46:51: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 05:48:50: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 06:26:19: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:24:08: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:28:02: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:29:56: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:31:33: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:32:57: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21447, 07:33:58: Daemonia demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 21914, 18:04:53: Chunk - Lvl 186 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22044, 14:18:51: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22328, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22328, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22328, 13:04:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22328, 13:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22352, 06:18:30: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22475, 14:27:42: Slinky - Lvl 98 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22475, 14:30:41: Slinky - Lvl 98 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nipper - Lvl 284 (Raptor)'! Day 22475, 14:31:32: Slinky - Lvl 98 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 93 (Pelagornis)'! Day 22475, 14:32:14: Slinky - Lvl 98 (Tribe of A Tree) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22475, 17:44:27: Tribemember Daemonia - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 22611, 21:51:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1722505211,"tribe":"Tribe of GigaChad logs":["Day 17970, 18:51:09: GigaChad was added to the Tribe! Day 17970, 18:53:08: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of GigaChad' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:13:30: Dalton343 added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:43:59: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Cheesy' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17971, 10:57:16: GigaChad froze Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 11:05:25: GigaChad froze hypers - Lvl 313 (Snow Owl) Day 18334, 11:18:37: Boom added 'Tribe of GigaChad' Tribe to BOSSFIGHT Alliance! Day 18334, 11:20:20: Boom added 'Rex Offenders' Tribe to BOSSFIGHT Alliance! Day 18334, 12:27:28: Tribemember GigaChad - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 18334, 14:23:45: Your Yutybob - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Dragon (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 18444, 12:48:35: Tribemember GigaChad - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18444, 13:12:14: Tribemember GigaChad - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 19000, 12:37:39: Steve - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 21355, 03:46:15: Boom added 'Tribe of Jesus' Tribe to BOSSFIGHT Alliance!"] "tribeid":1721018603,"tribe":"Tribe of Jebediah Kerman logs":["Day 29520, 12:29:21: Jebediah Kerman was added to the Tribe! Day 29520, 12:31:50: Justin Timberlake was added to the Tribe by Jebediah Kerman! Day 29520, 18:10:55: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 6 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55! Day 29520, 19:04:12: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 29520, 19:58:43: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 29520, 20:57:31: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 29520, 22:40:58: Jebediah Kerman Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 82 (Sarco)! Day 29521, 00:00:11: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 0.9x! Day 29521, 00:13:40: Tribemember Justin Timberlake - Lvl 21 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 29521, 02:37:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 29521, 04:28:56: Tribemember Justin Timberlake - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 29521, 04:49:24: Tribemember Justin Timberlake - Lvl 21 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 29521, 05:28:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by Justin Timberlake - Lvl 21 (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29521, 05:28:26: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29521, 05:46:18: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 29521, 06:44:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 7 (Tapejara)! Day 29521, 10:31:49: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 17 was killed by Justin Timberlake - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29521, 10:31:49: Your Tribe killed Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 17 (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29521, 10:50:44: Your Tapejara - Lvl 8 (Tapejara) was killed by Justin Timberlake - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29521, 10:50:44: Your Tribe killed Tapejara - Lvl 8 (Tapejara) (Tribe of Jebediah Kerman)! Day 29673, 15:55:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30244, 16:14:31: Your aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 88 (Sarco) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 65! Day 31229, 22:52:55: Tribemember Jebediah Kerman - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 34054, 13:27:12: Tribemember Justin Timberlake - Lvl 30 was killed!"] "tribeid":1718071054,"tribe":"Sapiens logs":["Day 34812, 03:19:52: Morde was added to the Tribe! Day 34812, 10:16:04: Morde claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 34812, 10:25:32: Morde claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 221 (Triceratops)'! Day 34812, 10:35:19: Morde claimed 'Jackling - Lvl 163 (Argentavis)'! Day 34812, 10:35:38: Morde claimed 'Even prettier girl - Lvl 159 (Argentavis)'! Day 34812, 12:18:45: Morde uploaded a Argentavis: Jackling - Lvl 163 Day 34812, 12:19:51: Morde uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 157 Day 34812, 12:20:38: Morde uploaded a Argentavis: Even prettier girl - Lvl 159 Day 34812, 12:21:22: Morde uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 221"] "tribeid":1713006164,"tribe":"Tribe of Zenalis logs":["Day 32045, 13:19:48: Zenalis was added to the Tribe! Day 32045, 13:22:49: rosi was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 32045, 18:35:17: rosi froze Ryuk - Lvl 269 (R-Reaper King) Day 32045, 20:24:23: Zenalis Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus)! Day 32045, 20:38:24: Zenalis froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 32045, 23:36:55: rosi froze momo - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 32046, 00:02:49: Zenalis froze [G2] Conte - Lvl 307 (Desmodus) Day 32199, 08:58:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1711576037,"tribe":"Tribe of Nat logs":["Day 39561, 19:12:39: Nat was added to the Tribe! Day 39561, 21:19:01: Nat claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39562, 00:07:56: Nat claimed 'lois - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39562, 00:58:02: Nat claimed 'Feathers - Lvl 52 (Argentavis)'! Day 39562, 05:35:57: Nat uploaded a Argentavis: Feathers - Lvl 53 Day 39563, 13:20:55: Nat claimed 'dmg mut - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39563, 13:50:00: Nat claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39563, 13:53:56: Nat claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39563, 14:49:33: Nat claimed 'Featherlight - Lvl 159 (Featherlight)'! Day 39563, 15:43:14: Nat claimed 'KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 39563, 15:54:59: Nat claimed 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 39563, 15:56:57: Nat claimed 'spiderfood 2 - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 39563, 18:38:40: Nat claimed 'Petra - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39563, 22:45:46: Nat uploaded a Rex: spiderfood 2 - Lvl 278 Day 39563, 22:47:07: Nat uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 Day 39563, 22:48:22: Nat uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 100 Day 39563, 22:49:32: Nat uploaded a Rex: KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 Day 39563, 22:51:24: Nat uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 226 Day 39563, 22:56:28: Nat uploaded a Pteranodon: dmg mut - Lvl 191 Day 39563, 23:22:51: Nat uploaded a Pteranodon: lois - Lvl 201 Day 39564, 01:11:56: Nat claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39564, 01:24:42: Nat claimed 'new breeding male - Lvl 145 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39564, 02:56:12: Nat uploaded a Tek Parasaur: new breeding male - Lvl 145 Day 39564, 02:57:51: Nat uploaded a Tek Parasaur: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 Day 39564, 04:48:46: Nat uploaded a Pteranodon: Petra - Lvl 282 Day 39564, 05:09:49: Nat uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 159 Day 40731, 10:54:59: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43651, 18:51:36: THE MAN - Lvl 100 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1711329396,"tribe":"7UP logs":["Day 32515, 16:44:58: offe was added to the Tribe! Day 32515, 17:56:40: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32543, 13:52:49: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32543, 14:28:36: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 239 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32543, 15:35:59: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32864, 03:47:18: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 32864, 15:12:08: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 32865, 22:13:26: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 414 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 32866, 00:02:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 32867, 11:07:53: Your BOSS 5 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 500! Day 32867, 11:10:31: Your BOSS 11 - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32867, 11:13:12: Your BOSS 2 - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32867, 11:45:55: offe froze BOSS 4 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 11:50:29: offe froze BOSS 7 - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 11:56:49: offe froze BOSS 13 - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:02:25: offe froze BOSS 8 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:07:40: offe froze BOSS 9 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:13:03: offe froze BOSS 6 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:17:46: offe froze BOSS 14 - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:23:26: offe froze BOSS 1 - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:27:25: offe froze BOSS 12 - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:31:52: offe froze BOSS 10 - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:36:47: offe froze BOSS 3 - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 32867, 12:54:35: offe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) Day 32867, 13:09:57: offe froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32869, 15:21:25: offe claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 32 (Megalania)'! Day 32869, 15:28:04: Your Baby Megalania - Lvl 32 (Megalania) was killed by offe - Lvl 127 (Tribe of offe)! Day 32869, 15:28:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Megalania - Lvl 32 (Megalania) (Tribe of offe)! Day 32869, 15:30:23: offe claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 46 (Megalania)'! Day 32869, 15:33:54: offe froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 46 (Megalania) Day 32869, 15:35:52: offe claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 85 (Megalania)'! Day 32869, 15:39:34: offe froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 85 (Megalania) Day 32869, 15:41:51: offe claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 62 (Megalania)'! Day 32869, 15:45:25: offe froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 62 (Megalania) Day 32869, 15:47:21: offe claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)'! Day 32869, 15:50:53: offe froze Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania) Day 32869, 16:02:50: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 32872, 17:26:44: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 32873, 07:04:58: offe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) Day 32873, 07:08:27: offe froze BOSS 7 - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:20:11: offe froze BOSS 12 - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:25:31: offe froze BOSS 4 - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:32:10: offe froze BOSS 14 - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:36:53: offe froze BOSS 3 - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:42:07: offe froze BOSS 9 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:47:08: offe froze BOSS 8 - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:52:01: offe froze BOSS 10 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 07:56:10: offe froze BOSS 1 - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 08:00:50: offe froze BOSS 6 - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 08:05:12: offe froze BOSS 13 - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 32873, 08:24:37: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 33274, 03:56:35: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 33625, 19:45:28: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 33626, 03:33:47: offe froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 297 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 33626, 04:35:52: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 33655, 18:27:50: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33655, 18:51:21: offe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 360 (Yutyrannus) Day 33655, 18:58:01: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33655, 19:13:32: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 19:16:44: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 19:33:02: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 19:39:18: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 19:45:58: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 19:50:58: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 20:01:33: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Chonk Tribe. Day 33655, 22:50:21: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33656, 04:22:56: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with The Lonely Ranger Tribe. Day 33656, 04:25:28: offe added 'The Lonely Ranger' Tribe to BOSS Alliance! Day 33656, 05:28:29: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33656, 07:28:51: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33656, 07:52:18: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33656, 08:36:14: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33656, 08:41:26: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33656, 08:46:08: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33656, 08:51:04: offe - Lvl 152 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Siness Tribe. Day 33656, 08:53:35: offe added 'Tribe of Siness' Tribe to BOSS Alliance! Day 33656, 19:53:06: offe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 360 (Yutyrannus) Day 33657, 08:06:05: offe froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 360 (Yutyrannus) Day 33657, 08:34:16: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33719, 13:27:43: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane) Day 33795, 18:03:10: offe froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 1.6x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 33795, 23:10:00: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 33795, 23:50:44: offe froze M-H38 S34 W38 M42 - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33796, 04:24:19: offe claimed 'Argenta - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 33796, 04:32:45: offe froze Argenta - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 33796, 05:08:43: offe froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 75 | 1.5x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 33796, 08:33:06: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 33832, 00:54:28: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 33866, 08:55:18: offe froze Main one - Lvl 341 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 33866, 11:10:02: offe froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 264 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 33866, 12:36:27: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 376 (Shadowmane) Day 33974, 22:28:43: offe froze Main - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 33975, 00:09:43: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33975, 00:52:29: offe froze Main - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 33975, 12:26:17: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33985, 10:56:07: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 34564, 13:55:01: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34643, 09:41:07: Henne - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 35132, 06:02:54: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1711105835,"tribe":"Tribe of Spartan logs":["Day 23195, 15:49:12: Spartan was added to the Tribe! Day 23195, 23:00:53: Spartan froze Triceratops - Lvl 41 (Triceratops) Day 23195, 23:55:31: Spartan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 23196, 00:24:18: Spartan Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 59 (Argentavis)! Day 23196, 11:39:52: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 59 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23197, 01:03:52: Spartan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 73 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23197, 01:15:13: Spartan froze Argentavis - Lvl 83 (Argentavis) Day 23211, 05:01:49: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 23211, 06:10:23: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 120! Day 23211, 08:41:56: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 94 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 70! Day 23211, 10:25:59: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 94 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 23211, 11:47:27: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 23211, 19:45:48: Spartan froze Pteranodon - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 23212, 07:14:11: Spartan froze Argentavis - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 23212, 18:23:23: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 23329, 10:31:00: Your Argentavis - Lvl 100 (Argentavis) was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 12! Day 23665, 20:40:07: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 23665, 20:59:04: Tribemember Spartan - Lvl 95 was killed!"] "tribeid":1707558025,"tribe":"Cheezits logs":["Day 35892, 08:23:58: FeeFee froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35892, 12:19:36: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35892, 12:20:17: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35892, 12:21:05: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35892, 19:21:02: FeeFee froze Kehlani - Lvl 119 (Allosaurus) Day 35892, 21:39:20: FeeFee Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35892, 21:46:19: FeeFee froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur) Day 35893, 00:50:53: FeeFee froze Piggy:3 - Lvl 30 (Daeodon) Day 35893, 01:18:21: FeeFee froze Fluffy - Lvl 33 (Purlovia) Day 35893, 10:28:08: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 35893, 10:38:34: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 35893, 10:47:50: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 204 (Raptor) Day 35893, 10:59:00: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 35893, 11:05:46: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 165 (Raptor) Day 35893, 11:18:03: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor) Day 35893, 11:28:08: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 35893, 11:37:01: FeeFee froze Raptor - Lvl 182 (Raptor) Day 35893, 12:02:43: FeeFee froze Greg - Lvl 191 (Raptor) Day 35893, 12:09:30: FeeFee froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 68 (Tek Raptor) Day 35893, 13:02:46: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35893, 17:39:09: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35893, 17:44:38: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 45 (Magmasaur) Day 35893, 18:20:18: FeeFee demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 35893, 18:59:52: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:00:57: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:01:45: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:03:18: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:04:02: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:04:57: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:05:42: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:07:13: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:08:01: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:09:25: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:10:16: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:11:03: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:12:04: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 19:12:59: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35893, 22:55:01: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35893, 23:10:16: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 45 (Magmasaur) Day 35894, 10:11:48: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35894, 12:30:36: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 45 (Magmasaur) Day 35894, 14:43:51: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 45 (Magmasaur) Day 35894, 14:48:32: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 45 (Magmasaur) Day 35894, 19:05:14: FeeFee froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 35896, 13:01:15: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35914, 10:28:56: FeeFee claimed 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 10:33:08: FeeFee unclaimed 'Bley - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 11:22:03: FeeFee unclaimed 'Lightning McQueen - Lvl 315 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 11:26:20: FeeFee claimed 'Bley - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 12:15:53: FeeFee claimed 'Mushu - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 12:19:28: FeeFee unclaimed 'Pyro - Lvl 153 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 12:50:30: FeeFee unclaimed 'Mushu - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 12:51:19: FeeFee claimed 'Pyro - Lvl 153 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 35914, 12:54:45: FeeFee froze Pyro - Lvl 153 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 35914, 13:05:44: FeeFee claimed 'Shenron2.0 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35914, 14:00:10: FeeFee unclaimed 'Shenron2.0 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake)'! Day 35914, 19:45:45: FeeFee froze baby G - Lvl 127 (Sinomacrops) Day 35914, 20:38:21: FeeFee claimed 'Mavis - Lvl 290 (Maewing)'! Day 35914, 20:49:39: FeeFee unclaimed 'Mavis - Lvl 290 (Maewing)'! Day 35934, 05:21:26: Ita froze Flutter - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 35983, 22:10:34: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35984, 10:31:03: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 35984, 19:54:02: FeeFee downloaded a dino: Bley - Lvl 288 Day 35987, 23:57:16: FeeFee froze BellyBerry - Lvl 215 (Basilosaurus) Day 35988, 02:28:33: Tribemember Ita - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 35989, 03:31:25: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 289 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36033, 19:24:06: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 293 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36034, 18:22:09: FeeFee demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 36034, 20:24:31: Tribemember FeeFee - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 36041, 14:14:07: FeeFee claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36041, 14:21:24: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 36041, 15:01:00: FeeFee froze Spunge - Lvl 67 (Parasaur) Day 36042, 16:54:14: FeeFee Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 79 (Paraceratherium)! Day 36042, 17:03:19: FeeFee froze Stanky - Lvl 79 (Paraceratherium) Day 36055, 10:47:25: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 322 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36056, 09:03:24: Tribemember FeeFee - Lvl 114 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 36056, 10:50:52: FeeFee froze BellyBerry - Lvl 263 (Basilosaurus) Day 36056, 10:59:44: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36056, 17:14:34: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 296 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36057, 01:27:05: FeeFee froze BellyBerry - Lvl 264 (Basilosaurus) Day 36057, 07:39:16: FeeFee claimed 'Baby Bloodstalker - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 36057, 07:49:48: FeeFee froze Baby SpookySpider - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker) Day 36057, 08:27:18: FeeFee claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing)'! Day 36057, 08:32:36: Your Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) was killed by FeeFee - Lvl 114 (Cheezits)! Day 36057, 08:32:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) (Cheezits)! Day 36058, 03:28:26: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 36058, 03:30:07: FeeFee demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 36058, 03:34:36: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 36058, 05:20:38: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 36058, 09:33:52: FeeFee froze Adolescent SpookySpider - Lvl 182 (Bloodstalker) Day 36058, 13:07:29: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 36058, 13:30:47: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 36058, 23:41:05: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 36059, 00:46:14: FeeFee demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 36059, 00:47:34: FeeFee demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 36059, 01:09:15: FeeFee demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 36059, 08:50:00: FeeFee froze Fluffy - Lvl 48 (Purlovia) Day 36059, 09:33:32: FeeFee froze Rat - Lvl 128 (Pegomastax) Day 36059, 09:37:17: FeeFee froze Fluffy - Lvl 48 (Purlovia) Day 36059, 12:09:00: FeeFee froze Frozen Wing - Lvl 133 (Dimorphodon) Day 36059, 12:18:12: FeeFee froze Frozen Wing - Lvl 133 (Dimorphodon) Day 36059, 12:19:36: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 36059, 12:22:07: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 36059, 21:27:43: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 297 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36068, 12:56:58: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 322 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36069, 01:20:51: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36079, 19:15:07: FeeFee froze Frolice - Lvl 165 (Sarco) Day 36079, 19:35:56: FeeFee froze Sailor - Lvl 80 (Spino) Day 36079, 19:43:56: FeeFee froze froggo - Lvl 156 (Beelzebufo) Day 36079, 20:59:49: FeeFee froze Soph - Lvl 171 (Stegosaurus) Day 36079, 21:05:37: FeeFee froze Yorkie - Lvl 111 (Stegosaurus) Day 36079, 21:35:31: FeeFee froze Fluffy - Lvl 48 (Purlovia) Day 36080, 09:02:11: FeeFee Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 190 (Carnotaurus)! Day 36080, 09:15:25: FeeFee froze Boris - Lvl 190 (Carnotaurus) Day 36080, 10:16:18: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 205 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 10:55:35: FeeFee froze Seaouid - Lvl 150 (Baryonyx) Day 36080, 12:03:30: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36080, 12:45:07: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 206 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 13:25:44: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 206 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 13:53:15: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 206 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 14:43:49: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 206 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 15:24:24: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 206 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 19:26:31: FeeFee froze Trooter - Lvl 209 (Tek Rex) Day 36080, 20:06:46: FeeFee claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 212 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 36080, 20:13:04: FeeFee froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 227 (Carnotaurus) Day 36125, 00:53:45: FeeFee froze Flutter - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36125, 01:33:08: FeeFee froze Flutter - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36125, 12:30:57: FeeFee froze Flutter - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36125, 13:08:03: FeeFee downloaded a dino: Heffy - Lvl 2 Day 36125, 13:08:34: FeeFee downloaded a dino: Zion - Lvl 1 Day 36125, 13:13:12: FeeFee froze Heffy - Lvl 2 (Jerboa) Day 36125, 16:11:37: FeeFee claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 36125, 16:17:02: FeeFee froze Baby Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36126, 11:59:28: FeeFee froze Juvenile Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36126, 16:27:52: FeeFee froze Juvenile Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36126, 21:12:10: FeeFee froze Adolescent Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36127, 08:03:04: FeeFee froze Adolescent Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36127, 08:06:51: FeeFee froze Adolescent Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36127, 08:10:22: FeeFee froze Adolescent Dry Bones - Lvl 142 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36128, 05:25:41: FeeFee Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 117 (Megatherium)! Day 36128, 05:34:46: FeeFee froze BEB - Lvl 117 (Megatherium) Day 36128, 10:42:09: Your Dry Bones - Lvl 148 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 36134, 21:35:48: Tribemember FeeFee - Lvl 114 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 100! Day 36135, 00:28:24: FeeFee froze mea - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36183, 20:02:58: FeeFee claimed 'Diplodocus - Lvl 58 (Diplodocus)'! Day 36183, 20:08:21: FeeFee froze Diplodocus - Lvl 75 (Diplodocus) Day 36183, 22:27:44: FeeFee Tamed an Archaeopteryx - Lvl 54 (Archaeopteryx)! Day 36183, 22:45:32: FeeFee froze Mvro - Lvl 54 (Archaeopteryx) Day 36184, 03:56:56: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36184, 04:33:21: FeeFee froze Charlie 2 - Lvl 230 (Carnotaurus) Day 36184, 05:16:54: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36185, 07:06:34: FeeFee Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 114 (Ichthyornis)! Day 36185, 07:22:16: FeeFee froze Ethelion - Lvl 114 (Ichthyornis) Day 36186, 10:28:55: Ita demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 36186, 16:19:15: FeeFee Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 74 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 36186, 16:53:24: FeeFee froze Haerin - Lvl 75 (Giganotosaurus) Day 36186, 19:24:10: Ita Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 59 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 36186, 19:34:25: FeeFee froze Ren - Lvl 59 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 36204, 19:13:03: FeeFee froze mea - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36205, 07:59:53: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36205, 16:54:32: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36206, 10:58:05: FeeFee froze Aki - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36206, 12:23:39: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36206, 16:59:43: FeeFee froze Dunkee - Lvl 163 (Dunkleosteus) Day 36253, 22:16:18: FeeFee Tamed a Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)! Day 36253, 22:44:03: FeeFee froze Argent - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 36254, 02:18:03: FeeFee demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 36254, 05:56:19: FeeFee claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 182 (Rex)'! Day 36254, 06:02:02: FeeFee froze Baby Biatrice - Lvl 182 (Rex) Day 36254, 06:25:18: FeeFee froze Baby Biatrice - Lvl 182 (Rex) Day 36254, 06:57:30: FeeFee froze Baby Biatrice - Lvl 182 (Rex) Day 36306, 12:30:43: Ita froze Morph - Lvl 289 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:33:33: Ita froze Bluey - Lvl 142 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:36:22: Ita froze Zach - Lvl 231 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:39:14: Ita froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:42:40: Ita froze Iris - Lvl 245 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:54:26: Ita froze Moss - Lvl 267 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:57:04: Ita froze Ocean's Flame Successor - Lvl 204 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 12:59:57: Ita froze Ocean's Love Successor - Lvl 134 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:03:33: Ita froze Magma - Lvl 304 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:06:47: Ita froze Ocean's Passion - Lvl 162 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:12:30: Ita froze Ocean's Love - Lvl 163 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:15:29: Ita froze Ocean's Flame - Lvl 149 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:19:00: Ita froze Ocean's Life - Lvl 179 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:21:46: Ita froze Ocean's Femboy - Lvl 281 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:24:36: Ita froze Ocean's Twin Flame - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:30:25: Ita froze Ocean's Twin Flame - Lvl 247 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:33:31: Ita froze Ocean - Lvl 178 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:37:53: Ita froze Lauv - Lvl 267 (Dimorphodon) Day 36306, 13:40:53: Ita froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 36306, 13:43:43: Ita froze Polypoites - Lvl 184 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:49:16: Ita froze Apollo - Lvl 221 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:52:06: Ita froze Phthia - Lvl 220 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:55:56: Ita froze Laodokos - Lvl 226 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 13:58:37: Ita froze Chrysalis - Lvl 289 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 14:03:48: Ita froze Pyro - Lvl 52 (Dilophosaur) Day 36306, 14:12:48: Ita froze SpookySpider - Lvl 204 (Bloodstalker) Day 36306, 14:25:38: Ita froze Iono - Lvl 247 (Rock Drake) Day 36306, 14:30:17: Ita froze Oranglafla - Lvl 69 (Magmasaur) Day 36306, 14:34:55: Ita froze Molten Flow - Lvl 80 (Magmasaur) Day 36306, 14:42:18: Ita froze Kehlani - Lvl 119 (Allosaurus) Day 36306, 14:48:30: Ita froze Ali - Lvl 126 (Allosaurus) Day 36306, 14:52:49: Ita froze Piggy:3 - Lvl 45 (Daeodon) Day 36306, 14:56:00: Ita froze Diode - Lvl 153 (Sabertooth) Day 36306, 14:58:38: Ita froze Shira - Lvl 125 (Sabertooth) Day 36306, 15:01:20: Ita froze Arcadia - Lvl 170 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 36306, 15:06:42: Ita froze Ren - Lvl 59 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 36306, 15:09:34: Ita froze Aki - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36306, 15:12:19: Ita froze Richard - Lvl 131 (Doedicurus) Day 36306, 15:17:22: Ita froze Dragoon - Lvl 151 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36306, 15:23:18: Ita froze Trooter - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex) Day 36306, 15:30:57: Ita froze NegasonicTeenageWarhead - Lvl 131 (Tek Rex) Day 36306, 15:34:59: Ita froze Trooter - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex) Day 36306, 16:14:13: Ita froze Swamp Foot - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:17:11: Ita froze Rex - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:23:10: Ita froze Tropicus - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:29:59: Ita froze Argent - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:33:34: Ita froze Joker - Lvl 157 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:41:39: Ita froze Frosty - Lvl 144 (Rex) Day 36306, 16:58:18: Ita froze Grandpa - Lvl 165 (Mammoth) Day 36306, 17:02:20: Ita froze Oliver Tree - Lvl 121 (Therizinosaur) Day 36306, 17:10:35: Ita froze Pearl - Lvl 252 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36306, 17:15:08: Ita froze Bley - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36306, 17:21:48: Ita froze PurpBoBurp - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 36306, 17:27:24: Ita froze Yuuta - Lvl 231 (Yutyrannus) Day 36306, 17:32:38: Ita froze melt - Lvl 213 (Moschops) Day 36306, 17:35:29: Ita froze Lil Guy - Lvl 65 (Dung Beetle) Day 36306, 17:38:36: Ita froze Sliver - Lvl 198 (Lystrosaurus) Day 36306, 17:45:08: Ita froze Lagoon - Lvl 124 (Triceratops) Day 36306, 17:47:54: Ita froze Iluna - Lvl 133 (Iguanodon) Day 36306, 17:51:49: Ita froze Theodore Robot - Lvl 305 (Tek Parasaur) Day 36306, 17:54:38: Ita froze Yorkie - Lvl 111 (Stegosaurus) Day 36306, 17:59:09: Ita froze Soph - Lvl 171 (Stegosaurus) Day 36306, 18:10:15: Ita froze Fluffy - Lvl 53 (Purlovia) Day 36306, 18:13:01: Ita froze Rat - Lvl 128 (Pegomastax) Day 36306, 18:15:46: Ita froze Mvro - Lvl 61 (Archaeopteryx) Day 36306, 18:20:22: Ita froze Chad - Lvl 133 (Mesopithecus) Day 36306, 18:23:33: Ita froze Ethelion - Lvl 123 (Ichthyornis) Day 36306, 18:30:50: Ita froze Sprinkles - Lvl 157 (Unicorn) Day 36306, 18:33:42: Ita froze Tusia - Lvl 93 (Megaloceros) Day 36306, 18:37:26: Ita froze White death - Lvl 112 (Compy) Day 36306, 18:40:24: Ita froze Andominous - Lvl 297 (Compy) Day 36306, 18:44:40: Ita froze Mold - Lvl 136 (Compy) Day 36306, 23:00:55: Ita froze Flutter - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 36306, 23:04:33: Ita froze felon - Lvl 125 (Castoroides) Day 36306, 23:08:34: Ita froze Lass - Lvl 113 (Castoroides) Day 36306, 23:13:06: Ita froze BEB - Lvl 126 (Megatherium) Day 36306, 23:19:13: Ita froze Lava - Lvl 122 (Compy) Day 36306, 23:26:39: Ita froze Jeff - Lvl 117 (Compy) Day 36306, 23:37:34: Ita froze Demoness - Lvl 153 (Diplodocus) Day 36306, 23:46:33: Ita froze froggo - Lvl 156 (Beelzebufo) Day 36306, 23:50:53: Ita froze Sally - Lvl 117 (Sarco) Day 36306, 23:55:54: Ita froze Sailor - Lvl 80 (Spino) Day 36307, 00:03:57: Ita froze Frolice - Lvl 166 (Sarco) Day 36307, 03:38:18: Ita froze Iono - Lvl 177 (Dilophosaur) Day 36307, 03:42:01: Ita froze Peenk - Lvl 76 (Dilophosaur) Day 36307, 03:47:02: Ita froze Gwen - Lvl 119 (Dilophosaur) Day 36307, 03:50:33: Ita froze Aqua - Lvl 117 (Dilophosaur) Day 36307, 04:01:31: Ita froze Stanky - Lvl 95 (Paraceratherium) Day 36307, 04:09:19: Ita froze Gregory Gator - Lvl 202 (Sarco) Day 36307, 04:13:10: Ita froze Seaouid - Lvl 161 (Baryonyx) Day 36307, 04:25:57: Ita froze Cristine - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus) Day 36307, 04:35:55: Ita froze Boney - Lvl 217 (Raptor) Day 36307, 04:41:34: Ita froze Frog - Lvl 166 (Raptor) Day 36307, 04:52:29: Ita froze Chaser - Lvl 179 (Raptor) Day 36307, 04:56:00: Ita froze Femboy - Lvl 299 (Raptor) Day 36307, 05:51:09: Ita froze Greg - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 36307, 05:53:57: Ita froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 74 (Tek Raptor) Day 36307, 05:56:52: Ita froze Charlie 2 - Lvl 236 (Carnotaurus) Day 36307, 07:17:47: Ita froze Rawr X3 - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) Day 36307, 07:20:27: Ita froze eee - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon) Day 36307, 07:27:15: Ita froze Grey Wing - Lvl 156 (Argentavis) Day 36307, 07:32:41: Ita froze Jaffa - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 36307, 07:43:56: Ita froze Rolex - Lvl 188 (Argentavis) Day 36307, 07:47:18: Ita froze Frosty - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl) Day 36307, 07:55:58: Ita froze Frolice - Lvl 166 (Sarco) Day 36307, 07:59:00: Ita froze Pearl - Lvl 252 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36796, 13:40:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37199, 19:37:57: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37263, 03:58:54: Haerin - Lvl 114 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 37285, 21:30:08: Heffy - Lvl 8 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 37310, 13:55:56: Zion - Lvl 13 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 37351, 21:37:09: Gwen but Dimorphodon - Lvl 115 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 37356, 05:14:48: Shaow - Lvl 17 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 37379, 07:19:59: Happy Feet - Lvl 79 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37494, 08:41:13: Frozen Wing - Lvl 133 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37507, 22:40:10: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37519, 11:32:20: mea - Lvl 315 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37547, 16:07:18: Cheezit - Lvl 127 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 37548, 20:39:42: Lord Purple - Lvl 136 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bley - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 37548, 20:46:39: Lord Purple - Lvl 136 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red Belly - Lvl 262 (Rex)'! Day 37548, 21:06:00: Lord Purple - Lvl 136 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Long Neck Mcjohn - Lvl 129 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 37548, 21:26:50: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FlyerTroon - Lvl 241 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 37548, 23:15:23: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 37549, 00:03:41: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Negation - Lvl 312 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37549, 00:05:48: ArticWolf - Lvl 168 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maxmillen - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37595, 08:00:22: Cosmo - Lvl 172 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Frosty - Lvl 95 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Rawr X3 - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Cristine - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Sally - Lvl 117 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'BEB - Lvl 126 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Tusia - Lvl 93 (Megaloceros)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Fluffy - Lvl 53 (Purlovia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'PurpBoBurp - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Kehlani - Lvl 119 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Spunge - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:57:58: 's 'Anglerfish - Lvl 180 (Anglerfish)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Pearl - Lvl 252 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Chaser - Lvl 179 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Gwen - Lvl 119 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 157 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Trooter - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Chrysalis - Lvl 289 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Apollo - Lvl 221 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'Ocean's Femboy - Lvl 281 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37612, 18:58:44: 's 'porpol - Lvl 105 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37775, 02:06:21: Tribemember Ita - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 37775, 02:32:04: Tribemember FeeFee - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37792, 15:52:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38076, 23:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38076, 23:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38076, 23:56:56: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38076, 23:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1707320891,"tribe":"Mainland logs":["Day 25436, 05:04:32: SwimArtifact was added to the Tribe! Day 25436, 05:56:49: Tribe of Mummy tribe was merged in by Mummy! Day 25436, 05:56:49: Mummy was added to the Tribe by SwimArtifact! Day 25436, 13:52:49: SwimArtifact Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 25436, 14:38:50: Mummy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 25437, 03:57:55: Mummy Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 43 (Iguanodon)! Day 25437, 05:54:02: Mummy Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 44 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 25438, 20:01:32: SwimArtifact Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 44 (Phiomia)! Day 25439, 05:46:04: SwimArtifact Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 25454, 00:25:58: SwimArtifact Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 104 (Dodo)! Day 25454, 00:50:18: SwimArtifact Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 25454, 01:14:56: SwimArtifact Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 25454, 04:14:19: SwimArtifact Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)! Day 25454, 09:18:07: SwimArtifact Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25454, 14:29:00: SwimArtifact Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)! Day 25454, 15:44:54: SwimArtifact Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 25454, 20:21:20: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25454, 20:22:38: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 25455, 16:45:09: Mummy downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 36 Day 25455, 16:45:43: Mummy downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 73 Day 25455, 18:24:16: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 25455, 20:38:31: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 25455, 22:14:43: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 25455, 22:16:25: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 25456, 05:23:39: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 25456, 05:24:59: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 25456, 05:26:11: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 25456, 08:48:25: Mummy uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 75 Day 25456, 08:49:22: SwimArtifact uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 44 Day 25459, 13:06:22: SwimArtifact downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 142 Day 25459, 13:06:40: Mummy downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 Day 25459, 13:06:50: SwimArtifact downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 44 Day 25460, 09:42:23: Tribemember Mummy - Lvl 61 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 25460, 11:06:58: SwimArtifact froze Pteranodon - Lvl 46 (Pteranodon) Day 25460, 17:32:35: Tribemember Mummy - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 25460, 17:59:35: Mummy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 25460, 18:07:08: SwimArtifact froze ASEXUALITY MATTERS - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 25460, 18:51:51: SwimArtifact froze Pteranodon - Lvl 47 (Pteranodon) Day 25460, 19:23:36: Tribemember Mummy - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 25460, 19:36:44: SwimArtifact demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 25460, 22:45:39: Tribemember Mummy - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 25478, 15:03:42: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25478, 15:07:26: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25479, 05:07:07: SwimArtifact froze Larry - Lvl 49 (Moschops) Day 25479, 05:12:07: SwimArtifact froze Larry - Lvl 49 (Moschops) Day 25479, 05:15:49: SwimArtifact froze Gretta - Lvl 106 (Moschops) Day 25479, 05:23:27: SwimArtifact froze Gretta - Lvl 106 (Moschops) Day 25479, 06:08:11: SwimArtifact froze Parasaur - Lvl 38 (Parasaur) Day 25479, 06:13:10: SwimArtifact froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 43 (Ankylosaurus) Day 25479, 07:41:47: SwimArtifact froze Phiomia - Lvl 64 (Phiomia) Day 25479, 09:30:08: SwimArtifact froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 (Dilophosaur) Day 25479, 09:43:33: SwimArtifact froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) Day 25479, 19:47:13: SwimArtifact froze Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 25479, 20:26:53: SwimArtifact froze Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 25479, 21:55:41: SwimArtifact Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 74 (Diplodocus)! Day 25479, 22:01:15: SwimArtifact froze Diplodocus - Lvl 74 (Diplodocus) Day 25579, 23:06:48: Larry - Lvl 49 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25612, 07:48:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25641, 00:11:11: Garry - Lvl 62 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25665, 08:32:12: Gretta - Lvl 106 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 25754, 05:30:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25772, 12:37:59: Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 25777, 19:23:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25777, 19:23:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25811, 12:03:15: Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25816, 06:28:54: Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25836, 12:33:33: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 74 (Diplodocus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 25836, 13:36:04: Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 25900, 12:08:04: Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 25915, 01:29:03: Parasaur - Lvl 38 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26006, 07:15:25: Big Balls Boy - Lvl 76 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 26019, 17:48:46: Phiomia - Lvl 64 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26061, 15:24:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26070, 09:32:31: jess - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)'! Day 26077, 09:17:24: Pteranodon - Lvl 49 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26103, 23:06:12: Snazzy Pants - Lvl 67 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 26116, 11:08:39: Pteranodon - Lvl 50 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 26123, 18:24:32: CumHead - Lvl 104 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 26123, 20:15:20: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 26124, 00:09:44: Blaku - Lvl 9 (Tribe of Blaku) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Swim] Petrie - Lvl 147 (Pteranodon)'! Day 26124, 00:14:01: easucks - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Blaku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 123 (Triceratops)'! Day 26124, 00:19:58: easucks - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Blaku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 135 (Parasaur)'! Day 26124, 00:32:10: easucks - Lvl 11 (Tribe of Blaku) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 45 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26354, 23:38:10: Tribemember SwimArtifact - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 26368, 22:50:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26368, 22:50:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26368, 22:50:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26368, 22:50:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26652, 08:43:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1706321295,"tribe":"Viper logs":["Day 13900, 13:10:03: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 13:15:12: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 13:17:14: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:37:04: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:38:50: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:41:37: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:43:33: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:51:50: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13900, 15:54:15: Star froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 13901, 12:33:27: Cody demolished a 'Wardrums'! Day 13901, 14:22:28: Cody froze baby - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 13901, 19:35:39: Cody froze baby - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 13902, 05:49:23: Tribemember cx - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 13902, 06:18:31: Cody froze baby - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 13902, 10:52:35: Cody froze Male Breed [DONT LEVEL] - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13902, 18:07:08: RAQUESE Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 113 (Quetzal)! Day 13902, 18:11:10: Star froze thick - Lvl 113 (Quetzal) Day 13902, 19:42:58: Star froze thick - Lvl 113 (Quetzal) Day 13903, 00:07:54: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 02:51:13: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 02:58:02: RAQUESE froze ARGY(JACK) - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 18:13:46: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 18:23:11: Cody demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 13903, 18:42:08: Cody demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 13903, 22:10:02: Star froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 38 (Carnotaurus) Day 13903, 22:31:35: Star froze Argy (Cody) - Lvl 57 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 22:40:46: Star froze Star - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 23:15:01: Star froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 13903, 23:48:42: Star froze Ptera (Cody) - Lvl 160 (Pteranodon) Day 13903, 23:56:10: Star froze thick - Lvl 116 (Quetzal) Day 13904, 03:36:43: Cody froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 13904, 03:40:54: Cody froze BREEDER (M,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13904, 05:33:19: Star froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 13904, 06:50:17: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 13904, 07:22:11: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 13908, 10:41:40: Star froze Woody - Lvl 174 (Therizinosaur) Day 13909, 11:36:35: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 13909, 13:34:20: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 13909, 22:16:27: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 13910, 07:20:59: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 13910, 12:20:18: RAQUESE Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 103 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 13910, 15:44:51: Star claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13910, 20:12:22: Star froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13910, 22:55:29: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13911, 01:45:42: Star froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13911, 12:14:14: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 210 (Snow Owl) Day 13911, 15:57:14: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13911, 18:50:10: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 13911, 18:55:52: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 13912, 08:12:28: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13912, 12:59:55: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 13912, 13:01:54: Star froze ARGY(JACK) - Lvl 133 (Argentavis) Day 13912, 13:32:03: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13912, 15:12:31: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13912, 15:50:10: Star Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 20 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 13912, 15:52:15: Star froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 20 (Tek Quetzal) Day 13912, 16:41:04: Star froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 20 (Tek Quetzal) Day 13912, 16:44:14: Star unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13912, 17:19:17: Star claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13912, 17:26:06: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 13912, 17:56:47: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 13912, 18:11:01: Cody claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13912, 18:11:46: Cody claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13912, 18:42:08: Cody froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 13912, 22:59:43: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 05:18:09: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 05:18:22: Cody froze baby - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 13913, 06:34:06: RAQUESE froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 08:57:23: RAQUESE froze Adolescent OWL(jack) - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 10:38:35: Tribemember cx - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 13913, 10:50:04: Tribemember cx - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 13913, 10:55:12: Tribemember cx - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 13913, 11:32:40: RAQUESE demolished a 'Bear Trap'! Day 13913, 12:18:24: Your Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 13913, 13:11:15: Tribemember cx - Lvl 42 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 13913, 14:46:27: RAQUESE froze OWL(cody) - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 14:50:19: RAQUESE froze OWL(jack) - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 16:18:50: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 16:25:17: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) Day 13913, 17:17:24: Tribemember Star - Lvl 98 was killed by Cody - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 13913, 17:17:24: Your Tribe killed Star - Lvl 98 (Viper)! Day 13913, 17:40:57: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 18:12:59: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 19:05:11: Cody froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 20:13:40: Star claimed 'Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl)'! Day 13913, 20:18:30: Star froze Baby Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13914, 02:40:00: Star froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13914, 04:18:42: Star froze Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl) Day 13914, 04:20:48: Cody froze Snow Owl (Cody) - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) Day 13914, 17:27:58: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 13914, 17:33:48: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 13914, 17:40:21: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 13918, 16:31:03: Your OWL(jack) - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 13918, 18:25:52: Your Argy (Cody) - Lvl 62 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 13939, 19:46:27: RAQUESE froze Juvenile Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (Snow Owl) Day 13940, 07:11:05: Star claimed 'Tribe Ride 3 - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 13940, 07:30:35: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 13940, 14:18:33: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 13940, 14:29:54: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 178 (Snow Owl) Day 13940, 14:30:42: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 13940, 16:12:22: Star Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 37 (Iguanodon)! Day 13940, 16:14:11: Star froze Iguanodon - Lvl 37 (Iguanodon) Day 13940, 21:40:16: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 13945, 23:13:28: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 201 (Snow Owl) Day 13957, 15:58:07: RAQUESE claimed 'Carl - Lvl 204 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13957, 16:16:52: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 222 (Snow Owl) Day 13957, 22:45:09: Cody claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 13957, 22:48:38: Cody froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13957, 23:08:56: Cody froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 01:47:14: Cody froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 05:15:31: Cody froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 05:26:09: Cody froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 08:05:34: Cody froze Juvenile BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 10:19:37: Cody froze Juvenile BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 10:21:16: Cody froze Juvenile BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 10:22:59: Cody froze Juvenile BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 12:38:16: Star froze Adolescent BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 14:52:55: Cody froze Adolescent BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 17:17:53: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 307 (Snow Owl) Day 13958, 18:39:22: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 293 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13958, 19:15:52: Cody froze BREEDER (M,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 19:17:27: Cody froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13958, 19:52:17: Cody claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 13958, 20:10:29: Cody froze Baby Argy (Cody) - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 13967, 19:27:14: Tribemember Pluto - Lvl 31 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 13967, 20:59:10: Tribemember RAQUESE - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 13967, 21:07:43: Tribemember cx - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 13967, 21:26:07: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13967, 21:27:31: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13968, 14:22:20: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13968, 14:35:51: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 13968, 18:11:54: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 13968, 21:00:08: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 13969, 07:32:15: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13970, 10:20:49: RAQUESE froze snow owl(jack) - Lvl 230 (Snow Owl) Day 13972, 09:39:54: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 13972, 10:28:54: Cody froze guy fawks - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13972, 12:26:35: Cody demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 13972, 12:33:11: Cody demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 13972, 14:59:55: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 13972, 15:42:38: RAQUESE claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13972, 15:46:34: RAQUESE claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13972, 16:00:53: RAQUESE claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 13972, 16:48:36: RAQUESE froze Baby fire - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13972, 17:23:04: RAQUESE froze Baby fire - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13972, 17:25:07: RAQUESE froze Baby poison - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13972, 17:26:35: RAQUESE froze Baby acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13973, 05:30:49: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13985, 09:06:37: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 10:50:10: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 11:14:38: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 11:46:17: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 12:27:12: Star claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13985, 12:30:01: Star froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13985, 12:45:11: Star froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13985, 12:55:08: Cody froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 13:12:37: Cody uploaded a Snow Owl: Owl Capone - Lvl 255 Day 13985, 13:16:50: Star uploaded a Snow Owl: Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 Day 13985, 17:58:01: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 18:51:21: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 18:55:01: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13985, 19:55:25: Star froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13985, 20:09:34: Star froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13986, 03:29:37: Star froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13986, 04:43:58: Cody froze ARGY(JACK) - Lvl 135 (Argentavis) Day 13986, 04:52:12: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 05:00:30: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 05:20:04: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 299 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13986, 05:22:28: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 05:42:20: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 05:44:01: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 15:43:56: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13986, 18:20:33: RAQUESE froze Juvenile acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13986, 22:56:43: RAQUESE froze guy fawks - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13986, 23:20:09: RAQUESE froze BREEDER (F,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 13986, 23:25:42: RAQUESE froze BREEDER (M,W) [DONT LVL] - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13987, 01:29:45: RAQUESE froze Adolescent acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13987, 01:40:32: RAQUESE froze Adolescent acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13987, 06:08:54: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13987, 06:09:33: RAQUESE froze Adolescent acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13987, 08:29:22: RAQUESE froze Adolescent acdc - Lvl 175 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13987, 14:51:05: Star froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13987, 15:09:05: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 13987, 15:10:35: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13987, 15:15:58: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 13987, 15:31:45: RAQUESE froze acdc - Lvl 214 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13987, 15:35:28: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 13988, 06:48:04: Star froze acdc - Lvl 235 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13988, 06:51:58: Star froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 06:58:11: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 13988, 07:18:15: Cody froze Baby poison - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13988, 07:18:55: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 13988, 07:20:57: Cody froze Baby Argy (Cody) - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 13988, 07:24:07: Cody froze guy fawks - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 07:27:57: Cody froze guy fawks - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 08:14:50: Star claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13988, 08:17:07: Cody froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 13988, 08:19:10: Star froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 13988, 09:05:36: Star froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 09:07:25: Star froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 15:54:30: Star froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 15:56:46: Star froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 20:40:39: Star froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13988, 20:52:22: Star froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13994, 09:53:59: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 06:01:41: Star froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13995, 06:03:13: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 09:43:49: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 11:48:31: Star froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13995, 12:39:19: RAQUESE froze acdc - Lvl 244 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13995, 12:42:41: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 15:29:32: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 13995, 16:52:24: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 17:31:28: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13995, 18:23:30: Star froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13995, 19:49:28: Star claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13995, 19:51:05: Star froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13995, 22:04:32: Star claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 13995, 22:09:38: Star froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13995, 23:28:31: Star froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13996, 04:01:37: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 263 (Snow Owl) Day 13996, 04:07:35: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 310 (Snow Owl) Day 13996, 06:17:08: Tribemember RAQUESE - Lvl 110 was killed by acdc - Lvl 245 (Lightning Wyvern) (Viper)! Day 13996, 06:17:08: Your Tribe killed RAQUESE - Lvl 110 (Viper)! Day 13996, 06:39:06: RAQUESE froze ARGY(JACK) - Lvl 136 (Argentavis) Day 13996, 09:46:28: Star froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13997, 06:50:48: Star froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13997, 10:59:34: Tribemember Star - Lvl 122 was killed by acdc - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) (Viper)! Day 13997, 10:59:34: Your Tribe killed Star - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 13997, 13:52:28: Star froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13997, 18:26:21: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 136 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13997, 23:10:34: Star froze acdc - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14008, 06:18:28: Tribemember RAQUESE - Lvl 110 was killed by acdc - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (Viper)! Day 14008, 06:18:28: Your Tribe killed RAQUESE - Lvl 110 (Viper)! Day 14008, 06:44:02: RAQUESE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 124 (Pteranodon) Day 14008, 12:30:23: RAQUESE froze Pteranodon - Lvl 124 (Pteranodon) Day 14010, 10:32:31: Cody claimed 'Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14010, 10:36:11: Cody froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 10:52:56: RAQUESE froze acdc - Lvl 258 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 11:02:05: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 14010, 11:07:00: Star froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 11:13:14: Star froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 11:15:04: Star froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 11:16:55: Star froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14010, 11:58:00: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14010, 12:08:41: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14010, 22:15:44: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 14011, 14:46:45: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 186 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14011, 15:32:25: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14012, 10:00:19: Tribemember Star - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 55! Day 14012, 10:08:42: Cody froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14012, 13:02:38: Tribemember Star - Lvl 122 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) (Viper)! Day 14012, 13:02:38: Your Tribe killed Star - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 14012, 15:06:06: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14012, 15:21:30: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14012, 15:49:25: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14012, 15:52:39: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 14013, 01:11:18: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14013, 02:29:18: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14013, 06:18:40: Cody claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14013, 07:01:42: Cody froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 07:02:26: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14013, 08:09:02: Cody claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14013, 08:18:50: Star froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 08:24:19: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 311 (Snow Owl) Day 14013, 08:31:16: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 08:33:33: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 08:40:36: Star froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 47 (Tek Quetzal) Day 14013, 08:42:53: Star froze thick - Lvl 150 (Quetzal) Day 14013, 09:37:41: Star froze Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis) Day 14013, 09:46:22: Star unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 14013, 10:15:14: Star froze Argy (CODY) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 14013, 10:25:11: Star unclaimed 'Argy (CODY) - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)'! Day 14013, 10:48:35: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 11:50:45: Star froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 53 (Carnotaurus) Day 14013, 11:52:11: Star froze Parasaur - Lvl 50 (Parasaur) Day 14013, 12:03:08: Star unclaimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 50 (Parasaur)'! Day 14013, 12:04:50: Star unclaimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 53 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 14013, 12:11:19: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 14013, 17:09:43: Star claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14013, 17:11:55: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 17:13:25: Star claimed 'Alfons - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14013, 17:16:35: Star claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14013, 18:02:14: Star froze Alfons - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 14013, 18:07:25: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 18:09:03: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14013, 18:11:37: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14015, 05:38:19: Star froze Alfons - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 14015, 06:31:56: Star froze Alfons - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 14015, 06:40:02: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 14015, 07:02:52: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14015, 07:11:35: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14015, 07:13:23: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14023, 12:16:00: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14023, 12:25:27: Star unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14023, 12:26:56: Star froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 57 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14023, 12:34:35: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 14023, 12:36:18: Star froze Owl Capone - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 14023, 12:45:38: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 14023, 13:04:59: Star froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14043, 07:52:25: Star Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 14043, 08:01:00: Cody froze Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor) Day 14043, 10:07:06: Star unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14043, 11:14:13: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 14043, 12:44:40: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14043, 12:54:26: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 14043, 13:36:09: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 267 (Snow Owl) Day 14043, 15:01:44: Star demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14043, 15:32:13: Cody demolished a 'Unorganised (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14043, 17:11:18: Tribemember Tommie - Lvl 51 was killed by Star - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 14043, 17:11:18: Your Tribe killed Tommie - Lvl 51 (Viper)! Day 14044, 13:27:33: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 14044, 13:30:42: Cody froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 14044, 13:36:24: Star froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 14044, 14:15:24: Star froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14044, 14:19:33: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 14044, 15:03:25: Star froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 231 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14044, 15:24:17: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14044, 16:22:11: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 314 (Snow Owl) Day 14044, 17:19:44: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 232 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14045, 05:44:03: Tribemember Star - Lvl 122 was killed by Cody - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 14045, 05:44:03: Your Tribe killed Star - Lvl 122 (Viper)! Day 14045, 07:21:11: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 14045, 07:26:31: Cody froze Iguanodon - Lvl 70 (Iguanodon) Day 14067, 18:41:58: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 14068, 03:09:14: Cody froze War Bird (Star) - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 14068, 03:13:33: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 14078, 19:20:53: MONKEY - Lvl 139 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 14129, 23:04:30: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14164, 05:38:09: Cody froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 05:40:05: Cody froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 06:51:28: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 07:00:49: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14164, 07:19:14: Cody froze Iguanodon - Lvl 70 (Iguanodon) Day 14164, 07:36:33: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 10:35:19: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 271 (Snow Owl) Day 14164, 10:40:02: Star froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 10:49:09: Cody claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14164, 10:50:24: Cody claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14164, 10:51:13: Cody claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14164, 10:52:32: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14164, 11:17:10: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14164, 13:05:16: Star froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 13:06:13: Cody froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 13:07:13: Star froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 13:08:22: Cody froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 15:42:01: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 15:44:12: Cody froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 15:46:09: Cody froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 17:53:03: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 17:55:47: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 17:58:44: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 18:00:49: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 20:09:38: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 20:12:06: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 14164, 20:13:48: Cody froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) Day 14185, 07:14:10: Your Woody - Lvl 176 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Thunder Struck - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) (Viper)! Day 14185, 07:14:10: Your Tribe killed Woody - Lvl 176 (Therizinosaur) (Viper)! Day 14185, 08:06:38: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14185, 09:30:25: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 14185, 09:36:24: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14220, 12:44:45: Cody froze Deinonychus (Cody) - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 13:07:18: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 13:39:28: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 14220, 13:39:50: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 14220, 14:16:20: Cody froze Deinonychus (Cody) - Lvl 125 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 14:20:58: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 15:40:57: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 14220, 15:41:13: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 272 (Snow Owl) Day 14220, 16:02:13: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 17:16:56: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 17:22:00: Cody froze Deinonychus (Cody) - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) Day 14220, 18:20:22: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 14265, 11:14:02: Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 14333, 19:59:02: Star froze Deinonychus (Star) - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 14333, 21:29:29: Star froze Dr.Whoo - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 14334, 01:46:51: Star froze Thunder Struck - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14410, 17:08:37: Cody froze Owl Capone - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 14410, 17:12:26: Cody froze Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 14410, 17:16:46: Cody froze Deinonychus (Jack) - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 14759, 13:42:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14759, 19:20:52: Your Star - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 70! Day 14759, 19:35:18: Your Ptera (Cody) - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 70! Day 14759, 19:48:54: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14760, 02:26:58: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 14760, 07:09:22: Smaug - Lvl 41 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARGY(JACK) - Lvl 152 (Argentavis)'! Day 14760, 07:15:45: Smaug - Lvl 41 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 100 (Raptor)'! Day 14760, 07:17:20: Smaug - Lvl 41 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nutsack - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14760, 07:21:34: Smaug - Lvl 41 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tribe Ride 3 - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 14760, 07:54:43: Smaug - Lvl 41 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'i can swim (Raft)'! Day 14760, 11:46:09: Smaug - Lvl 44 (Tribe of MaltMeister) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Star - Lvl 292 (Argentavis)'! Day 14760, 13:00:22: Tribemember RAQUESE - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 14760, 13:08:34: Tribemember Star - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14760, 13:15:33: Tribemember Cody - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 14804, 10:57:23: Tribemember Cody - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 15327, 05:28:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15494, 06:47:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20762, 16:52:08: Tribemember Cody - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 20762, 17:03:22: Cody was removed from the Tribe! Day 20762, 17:03:22: Tribe Owner was changed to Tommie!"] "tribeid":1703935259,"tribe":"Tribe of Caro logs":["Day 36827, 02:46:28: Caro was added to the Tribe! Day 36827, 03:03:15: Caro was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1702126478,"tribe":"Bash Brothers logs":["Day 26284, 15:53:51: Fubarforce was added to the Tribe! Day 26284, 18:41:13: Megagnome was added to the Tribe by Fubarforce! Day 26284, 18:52:57: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 26284, 19:06:54: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 10 was killed by Megagnome - Lvl 10 (Bash Brothers)! Day 26284, 19:06:54: Your Tribe killed Fubarforce - Lvl 10 (Bash Brothers)! Day 26284, 20:20:03: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 10 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 26284, 20:38:32: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 10 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 26284, 20:48:13: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 10 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 125! Day 26285, 02:33:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26285, 02:38:31: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 11 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 26285, 02:45:11: Tribemember Megagnome - Lvl 13 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 26285, 03:38:25: Tribemember Fubarforce - Lvl 11 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 26581, 12:28:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1701532729,"tribe":"Tribe of Davies logs":["Day 32495, 17:47:00: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32495, 18:32:14: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32495, 18:39:45: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32495, 19:04:55: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32495, 19:12:59: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32496, 02:21:32: Stenhouse froze Tek Rex - Lvl 214 (Tek Rex) Day 32496, 06:25:56: Stenhouse froze Tek Rex - Lvl 214 (Tek Rex) Day 32496, 07:02:58: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32496, 14:21:08: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 262 (Brontosaurus) Day 32496, 18:42:06: Stenhouse froze Tek Rex - Lvl 214 (Tek Rex) Day 32496, 20:04:42: Stenhouse uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 Day 32496, 21:48:38: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) Day 32496, 21:59:54: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) Day 32496, 22:11:47: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) Day 32496, 22:42:30: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) Day 32496, 23:43:39: Davies froze 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) Day 32497, 05:30:07: Your 61 - Lvl 273 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 22 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32497, 05:34:32: Davies claimed 'Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 22 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 32497, 05:39:24: Davies froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 22 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32497, 08:23:23: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32501, 22:03:13: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis) Day 32501, 22:08:19: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis) Day 32501, 22:13:57: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 72 (Hesperornis) Day 32501, 23:03:14: Your Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 8 (Rhyniognatha) was killed by Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32501, 23:03:14: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 8 (Rhyniognatha)! Day 32501, 23:10:55: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32517, 12:10:59: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32520, 21:38:47: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis) Day 32520, 21:43:46: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 72 (Hesperornis) Day 32520, 21:48:39: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis) Day 32521, 12:59:59: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 28 (Hesperornis) Day 32521, 13:02:57: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32521, 21:31:13: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 338 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32532, 08:13:27: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32541, 08:29:53: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 394 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32546, 13:49:12: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 395 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32549, 14:01:36: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 395 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32558, 11:17:35: Davies froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 264 (Brontosaurus) Day 32558, 13:57:21: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 87 (Hesperornis) Day 32558, 14:01:36: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 87 (Hesperornis) Day 32558, 14:05:17: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 93 (Hesperornis) Day 32559, 03:12:13: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 395 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32560, 17:22:06: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 395 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32564, 21:41:39: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 399 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32566, 10:41:17: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 401 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32566, 19:44:27: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 401 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32571, 00:17:14: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32571, 02:33:10: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32571, 06:03:41: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 401 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32571, 13:03:10: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 401 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32575, 02:44:52: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 404 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32575, 03:17:53: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 404 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32575, 11:47:21: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 405 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32575, 13:20:56: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 405 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32582, 07:17:41: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 405 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32582, 10:57:48: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 405 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32582, 16:55:37: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 96 (Hesperornis) Day 32582, 16:59:59: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 90 (Hesperornis) Day 32582, 17:03:49: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 89 (Hesperornis) Day 32582, 17:17:03: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 89 (Hesperornis) Day 32582, 17:25:51: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 405 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32586, 14:27:00: Your dead meat 2 - Lvl 210 (Parasaur) was killed by Thor - Lvl 406 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32586, 14:27:00: Your Tribe killed dead meat 2 - Lvl 210 (Parasaur)! Day 32586, 18:22:04: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32587, 10:19:24: Davies froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 266 (Brontosaurus) Day 32587, 22:30:06: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32588, 11:04:34: Davies claimed 'Tramwaj - Lvl 208 (Tapejara)'! Day 32588, 20:34:30: Davies claimed 'Green - Lvl 140 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 32588, 20:36:00: Davies claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 97 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 32588, 20:37:33: Davies claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 235 (Mammoth)'! Day 32589, 05:26:41: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32589, 06:39:19: Davies froze Green - Lvl 276 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32589, 22:05:50: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32591, 05:38:11: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32591, 06:16:21: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32593, 18:43:39: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32612, 17:23:42: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 90 (Hesperornis) Day 32612, 17:27:42: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 96 (Hesperornis) Day 32612, 18:50:17: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 89 (Hesperornis) Day 32612, 19:56:12: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 407 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32613, 18:23:17: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 410 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32613, 20:43:29: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 410 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32613, 21:12:56: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 276 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32614, 03:48:58: Davies froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 245 (Basilosaurus) Day 32614, 04:15:01: Stenhouse froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 164 (Basilosaurus) Day 32614, 05:04:11: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 410 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32614, 05:11:30: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 277 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32615, 06:09:08: Davies froze bary4 - Lvl 231 (Baryonyx) Day 32615, 07:30:23: Davies froze bary4 - Lvl 231 (Baryonyx) Day 32615, 07:33:11: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 410 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32616, 19:36:31: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32616, 19:36:31: Your Tribe killed Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32617, 07:55:51: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32617, 14:48:50: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 241 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32617, 17:56:40: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 314 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32617, 17:59:57: Stenhouse froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 318 (Yutyrannus) Day 32618, 05:23:21: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 245 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32618, 05:29:26: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32637, 03:23:21: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32637, 05:23:54: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 320 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32638, 06:59:01: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32638, 07:22:10: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 245 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32638, 11:33:11: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 324 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32639, 12:41:33: Your Megalania - Lvl 65 (Megalania) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32639, 12:41:33: Your Tribe killed Megalania - Lvl 65 (Megalania)! Day 32639, 14:37:05: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32639, 14:38:15: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32639, 17:34:32: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32639, 17:41:39: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32639, 18:21:24: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 125! Day 32639, 21:16:51: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 325 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32639, 23:20:11: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 245 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32639, 23:34:37: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32640, 06:00:38: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32640, 07:50:50: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 327 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32640, 07:58:43: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 253 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32640, 10:45:07: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 327 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32640, 12:11:32: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 327 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32640, 14:11:07: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 263 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32640, 14:24:58: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 263 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32640, 16:40:36: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32640, 18:29:45: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32640, 19:50:46: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 89 (Hesperornis) Day 32640, 19:54:31: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 96 (Hesperornis) Day 32640, 21:15:52: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 90 (Hesperornis) Day 32641, 01:01:25: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32641, 01:35:04: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32642, 18:47:15: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32643, 03:01:00: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 32643, 06:06:00: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32643, 08:00:18: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 275 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32643, 15:05:01: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32650, 12:22:05: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32658, 21:18:29: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32660, 01:20:56: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 275 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32660, 04:14:38: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32660, 06:08:24: Your Tramwaj - Lvl 227 (Tapejara) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 32660, 06:08:24: Your Tribe killed Tramwaj - Lvl 227 (Tapejara) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32660, 06:16:14: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 279 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32660, 12:48:56: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32660, 12:52:52: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 89 (Hesperornis) Day 32660, 12:56:28: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 90 (Hesperornis) Day 32660, 12:59:55: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 96 (Hesperornis) Day 32661, 00:08:16: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed by Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32661, 00:08:16: Your Tribe killed Davies - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32661, 10:19:45: Stenhouse froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 32661, 14:02:33: Your 244 start - Lvl 305 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32661, 14:18:33: Your Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32661, 14:20:19: Your Rex - Lvl 334 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32661, 14:21:18: Your Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32661, 14:26:04: Your Base Male - Lvl 335 (Rex) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32661, 16:15:11: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 343 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:15:15: Stenhouse froze Rex - Lvl 336 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:19:07: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:24:58: Davies froze rex 9 - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:27:19: Stenhouse froze rex 13 - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:29:19: Davies froze Chadette - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:32:55: Davies froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 32661, 16:33:30: Stenhouse froze Rex - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:38:01: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 279 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32661, 16:39:36: Stenhouse froze Rex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:42:04: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:47:02: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:51:20: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 32661, 16:52:15: Stenhouse froze rex 8 - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 32661, 17:02:48: Stenhouse froze Rex - Lvl 345 (Rex) Day 32661, 18:52:27: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 332 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32661, 19:36:00: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32661, 19:40:29: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32661, 20:39:45: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32662, 13:44:39: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 280 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32662, 19:01:53: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32664, 16:57:52: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32665, 14:52:33: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32668, 06:09:39: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32682, 18:07:03: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32683, 12:05:39: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32688, 21:20:52: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32706, 07:52:06: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32706, 23:29:40: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32709, 06:53:10: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32709, 22:03:02: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32709, 23:11:46: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32710, 03:37:02: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 411 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32711, 05:20:27: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 125! Day 32711, 11:35:01: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32711, 11:39:54: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 112 (Hesperornis) Day 32711, 11:44:12: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32712, 11:18:14: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32712, 11:39:21: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 112 (Hesperornis) Day 32712, 11:43:11: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32712, 11:46:57: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32712, 11:54:01: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32724, 07:54:38: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32727, 03:59:51: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32730, 08:46:56: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32732, 23:50:51: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32737, 13:25:22: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32746, 11:05:59: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 412 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32747, 03:21:39: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32748, 15:37:59: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 112 (Hesperornis) Day 32748, 15:41:55: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32748, 15:47:19: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32749, 16:23:05: Davies froze Hesperornis - Lvl 105 (Hesperornis) Day 32749, 16:55:22: Your Mammoth - Lvl 235 (Mammoth) was killed by Thor - Lvl 414 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32749, 16:55:22: Your Tribe killed Mammoth - Lvl 235 (Mammoth) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32749, 16:59:11: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 97 (Tek Stryder) was killed by Thor - Lvl 414 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 32749, 16:59:11: Your Tribe killed Tek Stryder - Lvl 97 (Tek Stryder) (Tribe of Davies)! Day 32749, 19:58:22: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 414 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32752, 19:55:22: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 339 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32753, 17:35:25: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 415 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32754, 14:31:06: Davies froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 166 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32754, 15:02:42: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 415 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32759, 05:34:56: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 415 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32759, 07:35:42: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32779, 10:31:46: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 416 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32779, 12:10:19: Davies froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 32779, 14:58:50: Davies froze Velonasaur - Lvl 281 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32779, 15:48:10: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 416 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32779, 15:55:37: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 416 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32779, 19:23:02: Davies demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 32780, 05:17:42: Davies froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 132 (Tek Quetzal) Day 32780, 06:07:35: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 416 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32782, 00:47:50: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 219 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32782, 07:28:47: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 416 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 32782, 07:47:01: Stenhouse froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 32782, 07:50:09: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32826, 08:15:42: Davies claimed 'gacha - Lvl 285 (Gacha)'! Day 32826, 08:28:41: Davies froze gacha - Lvl 287 (Gacha) Day 32826, 19:36:05: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 235 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32826, 19:42:52: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 235 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32826, 23:16:32: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32826, 23:28:18: Stenhouse froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 197 (Sinomacrops) Day 32827, 09:10:12: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32827, 09:24:01: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 236 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32828, 16:22:46: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32828, 16:47:06: Stenhouse froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 237 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32828, 22:42:46: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32828, 23:14:49: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 237 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32829, 00:59:59: Your Chadette - Lvl 341 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 01:01:32: Your Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) was killed! Day 32829, 01:03:45: Your Rex - Lvl 323 (Rex) was killed! Day 32829, 01:25:54: Your Rex - Lvl 250 (Rex) was killed! Day 32829, 01:26:22: Your Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 01:52:39: Your Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 01:58:25: Your Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:00:59: Your Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) was killed! Day 32829, 02:07:08: Your Rex - Lvl 348 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:43:40: Your Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:44:26: Your Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:47:17: Your Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:48:33: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 32829, 02:50:08: Your Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 02:52:27: Your Rex - Lvl 339 (Rex) was killed! Day 32829, 03:00:09: Your Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 03:19:57: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Pteranodon - Lvl 140! Day 32829, 03:25:50: Your Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 32829, 03:28:08: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 32829, 03:28:23: Your Velonasaur - Lvl 281 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 32829, 05:26:42: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 32829, 07:07:58: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 344 (Rex) Day 32829, 07:13:29: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32829, 07:39:19: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 32829, 07:42:11: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 237 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32890, 11:50:51: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 11:54:47: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 11:55:27: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 11:59:49: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:00:27: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:05:14: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:07:20: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:10:48: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:12:33: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:14:51: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:17:06: Davies claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:19:44: Davies froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 223 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:22:28: Davies claimed '39hp 42melee - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 32890, 12:27:02: Davies froze 39hp 42melee - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 32890, 12:30:55: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:06:46: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:08:40: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:13:36: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:16:22: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:19:15: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:23:33: Davies claimed '37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:26:15: Davies froze 37hp 39melee - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:28:20: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:35:25: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:36:57: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:41:57: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:43:12: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:47:18: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:48:55: Davies claimed 'Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 32890, 13:55:41: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 32890, 13:59:59: Davies claimed '44hp 40 melee base M - Lvl 264 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:06:55: Davies claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:07:33: Davies claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:08:32: Davies claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:09:05: Davies claimed '44hp 40 melee base F - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:09:23: Davies claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:11:17: Davies claimed 'Army - Lvl 239 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32890, 14:11:38: Davies claimed 'Loupette - Lvl 275 (Direwolf)'! Day 32890, 14:15:45: Davies froze Loupette - Lvl 275 (Direwolf) Day 32890, 14:18:45: Davies claimed '149 31stam - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:19:10: Davies claimed '22 18 32 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:19:29: Davies claimed '22hp 18melee - Lvl 122 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:20:06: Davies claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:20:38: Davies claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:21:52: Davies claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:23:03: Davies claimed '22hp 18 melee - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:24:41: Davies claimed 'Male stud - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32890, 14:27:55: Davies claimed '[224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 32890, 14:29:46: Davies claimed 'Mamy - Lvl 197 (Mammoth)'! Day 32890, 14:30:33: Davies claimed 'Pokebol - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 32890, 14:31:39: Davies claimed '[227] Weight - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 32890, 14:38:13: Davies claimed '[227] Speed - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 32890, 14:41:07: Davies claimed '22 18 32 - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 32890, 14:43:07: Davies claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 32890, 14:44:03: Davies claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 32890, 14:52:11: Davies claimed 'Neon Beaver - Lvl 262 (Castoroides)'! Day 32890, 15:00:38: Davies froze Neon Beaver - Lvl 262 (Castoroides) Day 32890, 15:14:28: Davies claimed 'fly - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 32890, 15:16:34: Stenhouse froze 22 18 32 - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus) Day 32890, 15:23:33: Stenhouse claimed 'Bucky - Lvl 208 (Castoroides)'! Day 32891, 07:16:08: Stenhouse froze Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 32891, 09:59:49: Stenhouse froze Griffin - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 32891, 11:17:11: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32891, 12:58:14: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 252 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32956, 09:00:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32970, 10:09:19: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 360 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32970, 20:00:15: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32971, 08:20:43: Stenhouse froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 250 (Basilosaurus) Day 32971, 14:00:17: Stenhouse froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 253 (Basilosaurus) Day 32971, 16:34:53: Stenhouse froze Griffin - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 32971, 18:06:49: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32971, 19:22:55: Stenhouse froze Griffin - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 32972, 07:35:48: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 32972, 09:28:26: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 270 (R-Velonasaur) Day 32972, 12:45:58: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 296 (Rhyniognatha) Day 32972, 13:26:31: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 361 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33074, 15:48:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33080, 12:55:24: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 296 (Rhyniognatha) Day 33080, 15:27:52: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:37:34: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:41:52: Davies froze rex 2 - Lvl 321 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:45:45: Davies froze rex4 - Lvl 340 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:49:43: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:54:09: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) Day 33080, 15:58:06: Davies froze rex4 - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:01:56: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 326 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:06:23: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:10:59: Davies froze rex3 - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:16:39: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 348 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:20:46: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:24:34: Davies froze best male - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:29:46: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:33:41: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:37:44: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:41:59: Davies froze rex3 - Lvl 334 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:47:17: Davies froze Rex - Lvl 330 (Rex) Day 33080, 16:52:07: Davies froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 300 (R-Velonasaur) Day 33080, 16:58:44: Davies froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 296 (Rhyniognatha) Day 33089, 02:17:43: Your Mamy - Lvl 197 (Mammoth) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 70! Day 33089, 21:56:57: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33090, 03:58:00: Your Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 03:58:32: Your Rex - Lvl 348 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 04:05:27: Your Rex - Lvl 331 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 04:07:19: Your Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 04:07:25: Your Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 04:13:04: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 309 (R-Velonasaur) was killed! Day 33090, 04:14:58: Your Rex - Lvl 327 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 04:20:48: Your Rex - Lvl 322 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 04:41:57: Tribemember Davies - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 04:52:23: Your rex 2 - Lvl 321 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 05:33:42: Your Boss - Lvl 304 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 33090, 05:33:54: Your rex3 - Lvl 334 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 05:34:35: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your Rex - Lvl 326 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your Rex - Lvl 332 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your Rex - Lvl 330 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your rex4 - Lvl 332 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your Rex - Lvl 330 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your best male - Lvl 330 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your rex3 - Lvl 334 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your Rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:38:13: Your rex4 - Lvl 340 (Rex) was killed! Day 33090, 05:55:48: Tribemember Stenhouse - Lvl 113 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 85! Day 33090, 06:51:39: Stenhouse froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33090, 06:53:23: Davies froze Thor - Lvl 419 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 33239, 21:08:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33252, 20:29:32: Stenhouse froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops) Day 33252, 23:33:51: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33253, 08:54:57: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33253, 22:25:08: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33256, 06:13:12: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 33275, 21:01:37: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 150! Day 33275, 21:02:38: Your Bucky - Lvl 208 (Castoroides) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 33275, 21:03:12: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 33275, 21:15:48: Your [224] 39hp - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 5! Day 33275, 21:21:58: Your 149 31stam - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1700866990,"tribe":"Dinkle, Festus and Conti logs":["Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 22:04:50: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20130, 04:00:59: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Teresa - Lvl 296 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:02:19: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:04:17: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Festus - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:05:22: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonald - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:06:17: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marsh Bird - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:07:01: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 66 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20130, 04:12:41: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Ivy - Lvl 200 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 20130, 04:18:06: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Amber - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 20130, 05:20:43: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sir Shittus - Lvl 216 (Phiomia)'! Day 20130, 05:50:40: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20130, 05:51:02: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonnie - Lvl 207 (Castoroides)'! Day 20130, 05:51:22: Zuokas - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Penetrololinato) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'STONE BIDEN - Lvl 154 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20227, 14:04:43: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pretty Bad Fire - Lvl 92 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20227, 14:06:18: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry - Lvl 90 (Parasaur)'! Day 20227, 14:47:25: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Suck it Ethan - Lvl 14 (Raptor)'! Day 20227, 14:53:36: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doe Biden - Lvl 57 (Dodo)'! Day 20227, 14:55:46: wildy - Lvl 123 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joe - Lvl 95 (Dodo)'! Day 20227, 15:52:55: Tribemember Festus - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 20227, 16:18:29: Tribemember Dinklebot - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 20227, 16:33:35: Tribemember To Be Continued - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20582, 11:02:42: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Small Elevator Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20928, 17:11:20: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21808, 22:40:01: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22966, 03:41:13: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24727, 16:13:26: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 25257, 16:56:01: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26758, 13:32:23: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 252 (Griffin) Day 26758, 15:14:34: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 26758, 15:20:24: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26775, 00:16:46: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 26775, 02:14:41: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 26775, 02:19:00: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26775, 05:12:54: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 26775, 08:40:37: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 26775, 08:43:15: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26778, 12:13:52: MeatLoaf was added to the Tribe by Dinklebot! Day 26778, 12:43:32: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin) Day 26778, 13:37:54: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 26778, 13:40:51: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26799, 14:45:42: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 26799, 18:07:10: Dinklebot froze Professional Metal Carri - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 26799, 18:12:35: Dinklebot froze Metal Maam - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26807, 20:00:37: Dinklebot froze Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 26854, 12:25:16: Dinklebot Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 26854, 12:35:52: Dinklebot froze Breeding Female - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26854, 14:46:09: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 286 (Griffin) Day 26892, 19:19:32: Dinklebot Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 67 (Daeodon)! Day 26892, 19:24:00: Dinklebot froze Healer - Lvl 67 (Daeodon) Day 26892, 19:54:58: Dinklebot froze Gromulous - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28187, 05:21:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28482, 18:39:27: J-Dizzle - Lvl 103 (The Boomerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal Ma'am Prime - Lvl 149 (Magmasaur)'!"] "tribeid":1698445911,"tribe":"Haz logs":["Day 26289, 05:37:16: Haz was added to the Tribe! Day 26296, 21:05:40: Tribemember Haz - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 26296, 22:01:28: Tribemember Haz - Lvl 7 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 80! Day 26296, 23:17:47: Tribemember Haz - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 26328, 18:44:26: Tribemember Haz - Lvl 7 was killed!"] "tribeid":1695661192,"tribe":"Tribe of Dias logs":["Day 23876, 23:11:51: Dias was added to the Tribe! Day 23876, 23:21:10: hug was added to the Tribe by Dias! Day 23877, 06:34:57: Tribemember Dias - Lvl 7 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 23877, 06:43:20: Tribemember Dias - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 23877, 07:44:20: Tribemember Dias - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 23877, 07:44:39: Tribemember hug - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 23877, 12:53:48: Dias Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23877, 15:20:55: Your Jubileu - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 23878, 23:46:48: Tribemember hug - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 23895, 03:24:15: hug was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Dias! Day 23895, 04:13:28: Max was added to the Tribe by Dias! Day 23895, 07:21:19: Tribemember hug - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 23895, 13:39:10: Max Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 23952, 05:59:18: Tribemember hug - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 23963, 17:30:07: Max Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 50 (Triceratops)! Day 23963, 23:51:52: hug demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23963, 23:58:01: hug demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23964, 05:12:26: hug Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 23964, 06:07:21: Tribemember hug - Lvl 36 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 23964, 06:14:43: Your Seixo Paulo - Lvl 14 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 23964, 06:50:10: Max Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23964, 10:28:57: Tribemember Max - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 23964, 11:52:26: Tribemember hug - Lvl 36 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 23964, 12:16:24: Tribemember hug - Lvl 36 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23964, 15:51:44: Max Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)! Day 23964, 17:42:45: Tribemember Max - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23964, 18:23:11: Tribemember Max - Lvl 25 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 23964, 18:52:32: Tribemember Max - Lvl 25 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23964, 18:52:32: Tribemember hug - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 23964, 19:24:19: Tribemember hug - Lvl 36 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23965, 00:23:30: hug Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 185 (Raptor)! Day 23965, 02:07:21: Tribemember hug - Lvl 41 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 40! Day 23965, 05:17:50: Max Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon)! Day 23965, 21:43:03: Tribemember hug - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 23966, 01:14:00: hug Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 63 (Carnotaurus)! Day 23966, 10:42:54: Max Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 110 (Sarco)! Day 23967, 08:52:04: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 70 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 23967, 12:25:36: Tribemember hug - Lvl 65 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 23967, 14:11:51: hug demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 23968, 10:24:27: Max Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur)! Day 23968, 13:03:09: Max was promoted to a Tribe Admin by hug! Day 23968, 15:36:59: Tribemember Max - Lvl 45 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 23969, 07:59:34: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23969, 07:59:34: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23969, 15:56:34: Your Quem entrar é gay (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 23969, 16:18:38: Dias claimed 'Black Pearl (Raft)'! Day 23969, 16:31:11: Dias unclaimed 'Black Pearl (Raft)'! Day 23969, 16:50:17: Dias claimed 'Black Pearl (Raft)'! Day 23969, 20:13:34: Max Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 14 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23970, 09:51:27: Max Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23991, 13:48:01: Max demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 23991, 13:53:19: Max demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 23992, 06:00:33: Tribemember hug - Lvl 72 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 0.8x! Day 23992, 07:54:45: Tribemember hug - Lvl 72 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23992, 16:00:44: Your piriqito - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 120! Day 23993, 13:20:23: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 23993, 14:01:19: Tribemember Max - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 23993, 14:05:25: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 23993, 14:29:04: Tribemember Max - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 23993, 14:31:40: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 23993, 14:41:21: Tribemember Max - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 23993, 15:16:48: Tribemember Max - Lvl 61 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 35! Day 23993, 15:31:11: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23993, 16:50:10: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 60! Day 23994, 04:53:27: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 23994, 04:53:27: Your Tribe killed hug - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 23994, 06:43:51: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 110! Day 23994, 07:39:28: Max Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 118 (Phiomia)! Day 23994, 08:48:54: Max demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 23994, 08:50:15: Max demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 23994, 16:07:39: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 110! Day 23994, 16:31:40: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 110! Day 23994, 19:47:57: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 23994, 21:29:22: Max Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 151 (Carnotaurus)! Day 23996, 19:26:51: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 65! Day 23996, 20:34:15: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 23997, 02:20:01: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 65! Day 23997, 06:52:34: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 24018, 10:39:06: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24018, 11:03:00: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24018, 12:36:04: Tribemember hug - Lvl 74 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24018, 13:24:03: Your TOURO - Lvl 151 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24019, 17:16:51: hug Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 88 (Therizinosaur)! Day 24019, 19:59:29: Tribemember Dias - Lvl 31 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 80 | 0.9x! Day 24019, 19:59:32: diogo was added to the Tribe by hug! Day 24019, 22:12:40: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24020, 14:21:41: Tribemember diogo - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 24020, 15:35:16: diogo uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 95 Day 24039, 19:34:38: Tribemember hug - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 24039, 20:59:54: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24041, 12:26:58: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 24042, 06:49:59: tulipa was added to the Tribe by hug! Day 24042, 10:52:02: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24042, 10:59:07: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 19 was killed by Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 10:59:07: Your Tribe killed tulipa - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 11:14:05: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 19 was killed by Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 11:14:05: Your Tribe killed tulipa - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 11:41:18: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 19 was killed by Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 11:41:18: Your Tribe killed tulipa - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 12:36:25: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by tulipa - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 12:36:25: Your Tribe killed Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 12:41:17: Tribemember hug - Lvl 86 was killed by tulipa - Lvl 19 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 12:41:17: Your Tribe killed hug - Lvl 86 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 13:00:58: Tribemember hug - Lvl 86 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 24042, 13:36:37: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 24042, 13:46:04: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by tulipa - Lvl 20 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 13:46:04: Your Tribe killed Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 13:52:15: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by tulipa - Lvl 20 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 13:52:15: Your Tribe killed Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 16:11:10: Tribemember Max - Lvl 62 was killed by tulipa - Lvl 20 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 16:11:10: Your Tribe killed Max - Lvl 62 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 16:55:41: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 20 was killed by hug - Lvl 86 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 16:55:41: Your Tribe killed tulipa - Lvl 20 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24042, 23:02:18: Max claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24043, 17:46:05: Tribemember Max - Lvl 64 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 35! Day 24044, 07:34:37: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 125! Day 24044, 17:12:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 24044, 19:41:07: tulipa Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 24044, 23:32:35: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 24045, 00:02:59: Tribemember Max - Lvl 66 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 24045, 15:37:51: Max Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo)! Day 24046, 06:13:53: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24046, 06:58:51: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 24046, 07:21:17: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 60! Day 24046, 09:00:44: Tribemember hug - Lvl 86 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 24065, 15:07:05: hug Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 24066, 00:55:15: hug claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)'! Day 24066, 00:57:01: hug claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 24066, 08:10:36: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24066, 08:11:36: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 65 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24066, 08:17:53: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24066, 09:44:06: hug unclaimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24066, 09:45:40: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24066, 09:50:08: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) was killed by hug - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24066, 09:50:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24066, 09:54:16: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 65 (Therizinosaur) was killed by hug - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24066, 09:54:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 65 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24066, 19:55:43: tulipa uploaded a Argentavis: anita - Lvl 160 Day 24067, 03:28:01: Tribemember hug - Lvl 94 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 24069, 16:43:50: hug was demoted from Tribe Admin by Max! Day 24069, 17:34:16: Max uploaded a Argentavis: agente.avis - Lvl 211 Day 24084, 19:10:02: Tribemember hug - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 24088, 15:29:22: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24088, 15:30:29: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24088, 15:54:14: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) was killed by hug - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24088, 15:54:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24088, 15:57:06: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) was killed by hug - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24088, 15:57:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24088, 16:11:30: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24088, 16:13:17: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24088, 16:14:55: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24088, 16:46:41: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) was killed by hug - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24088, 16:46:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) (Tribe of Dias)! Day 24091, 09:41:50: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24091, 12:14:40: hug uploaded a Therizinosaur: do hugo - Lvl 109 Day 24091, 12:16:16: hug uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 203 Day 24091, 12:59:00: hug was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Max! Day 24112, 16:25:09: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24112, 16:26:36: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24112, 16:27:39: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24112, 16:32:00: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24112, 16:52:25: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24114, 20:02:23: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24114, 20:02:23: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24114, 20:02:23: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24114, 20:02:23: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24114, 20:02:23: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24136, 18:04:40: hug demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 24136, 22:36:14: hug froze MELHO CAO DE SEMPE - Lvl 240 (Dilophosaur) Day 24136, 22:45:48: hug froze Chifruda - Lvl 85 (Triceratops) Day 24136, 23:23:51: hug froze PEDRAFORTE - Lvl 171 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24137, 00:24:38: hug froze PEDRAFRACO - Lvl 38 (Ankylosaurus) Day 24137, 04:23:40: hug uploaded a Ankylosaurus: PEDRAFRACO - Lvl 38 Day 24137, 04:24:59: hug uploaded a Dilophosaur: MELHO CAO DE SEMPE - Lvl 240 Day 24137, 04:26:57: hug uploaded a Triceratops: Chifruda - Lvl 85 Day 24137, 04:31:52: hug uploaded a Ankylosaurus: PEDRAFORTE - Lvl 171 Day 24137, 04:34:07: Your Parasaur - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 24137, 04:36:03: hug uploaded a Raptor: TOMAS TURBANDO - Lvl 215 Day 24137, 04:39:46: hug uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 72 Day 24137, 04:41:13: hug uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 Day 24137, 04:42:22: hug uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 111 Day 24137, 05:18:04: hug uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 218 Day 24137, 05:45:32: hug uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 177 Day 24137, 05:54:36: hug froze therezinho - Lvl 117 (Therizinosaur) Day 24137, 06:44:36: hug froze MAQUINA DE ADUBO - Lvl 140 (Phiomia) Day 24137, 06:47:52: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 73 (Therizinosaur) Day 24137, 07:45:31: hug froze Linda - Lvl 64 (Parasaur) Day 24137, 11:44:18: hug froze therezinho - Lvl 117 (Therizinosaur) Day 24137, 11:48:48: hug froze hugo ele quase acordo - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 24137, 11:56:03: hug uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 73 Day 24184, 09:52:25: Tribemember hug - Lvl 95 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 24185, 19:17:24: Tribemember Max - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24246, 10:02:12: Your kritina - Lvl 35 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 24288, 02:08:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24288, 02:08:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24288, 02:08:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24724, 16:40:32: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black Pearl (Raft)'! Day 24724, 16:57:41: Your 2 black pearl (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24737, 06:45:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24771, 22:08:34: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 68 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24973, 18:22:09: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25021, 03:16:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25062, 15:46:58: dentinho - Lvl 162 (Sarco) starved to death! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1695346736,"tribe":"Dinobots logs":["Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Crystal F13 - Lvl 206 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Crystal M23 - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Crystal M5 - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal F2 - Lvl 144 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal M3 - Lvl 87 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal M4 - Lvl 22 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal M1 - Lvl 156 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal M6 - Lvl 120 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'B Crystal F3 - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal M1 - Lvl 95 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal M4 - Lvl 95 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal F2 - Lvl 20 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal M2 - Lvl 164 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal M5 - Lvl 107 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal F1 - Lvl 232 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal F4 - Lvl 233 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal F3 - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'E Crystal M6 - Lvl 167 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Toxic - Lvl 189 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 128 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 111 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 76 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gianna-Jake - Lvl 385 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 294 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Lusy - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 161 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '® 34/42 - Lvl 383 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '® Organic Poly machine [Clone] - Lvl 225 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mk1-245F - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 127 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'boss 6 - Lvl 338 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Rex - Lvl 364 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Spino - Lvl 203 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Spino - Lvl 197 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Spino - Lvl 251 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 127 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Spino - Lvl 231 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Spino - Lvl 205 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 213 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'MR KFC - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'ZENA - Lvl 222 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'ANGERBODA - Lvl 318 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'FENRIR - Lvl 341 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 274 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 300 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'whew - Lvl 326 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 271 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 277 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'MR GREEN - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'miss green - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'hatch alarm - Lvl 278 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 355 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'AMMO GIRL - Lvl 395 (X-Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 232 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 208 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 334 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 277 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '1040 hatch - Lvl 256 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 22 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 24 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 279 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 291 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 295 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 277 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 281 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '920 htach - Lvl 244 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 239 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'wild - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'best f - Lvl 246 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'MR CAPONE - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'CHUNG LEI - Lvl 398 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 206 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'vera - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 199 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 216 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 212 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'miss white - Lvl 341 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 195 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 164 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 238 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 277 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 277 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 291 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 76 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '® Berry machine - Lvl 339 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'carrie - Lvl 365 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'PRE OP - Lvl 352 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 353 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'miss jooliee - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 271 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'O... - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'ERZA - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 226 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 191 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Otter - Lvl 203 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'sharon stone - Lvl 290 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 324 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'THELMA - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'LOUISE - Lvl 330 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'david - Lvl 338 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'othello - Lvl 327 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'migdf - Lvl 338 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'euyreigt - Lvl 341 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'willy - Lvl 338 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'gker - Lvl 340 (X-Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'wild - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'wild f - Lvl 219 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '920 hatch - Lvl 248 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 261 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '1040hp 278dmg hatch - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'wild m - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'bad - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'STAM - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'wild m - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Defender of the Realm - Lvl 348 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 64 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 185 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 294 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 102 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 316 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 267 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 230 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 236 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 399 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'GIGATRON - Lvl 388 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 229 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 277 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:21:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20502, 18:28:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 21162, 15:10:13: Scully84 unclaimed 'Barnyard 2 - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21162, 15:12:19: Scully84 claimed 'Barnyard 2 - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21162, 15:15:09: Scully84 unclaimed 'Barnyard 2 - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 00:27:24: Scully84 unclaimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 01:07:58: Scully84 claimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 01:12:12: Scully84 unclaimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 01:21:24: Scully84 claimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 01:24:57: Scully84 unclaimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 02:34:52: Scully84 claimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 02:45:31: Scully84 unclaimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 03:16:57: Scully84 claimed 'Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 21232, 04:18:09: Scully84 froze Hedwig - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21990, 10:53:30: Scully84 froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 333 (Yutyrannus) Day 21990, 10:57:16: Scully84 froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 21990, 11:00:48: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:15:17: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:18:44: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:21:59: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:29:52: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:32:59: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:38:52: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:42:42: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:46:19: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:52:53: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:56:06: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 11:59:27: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:05:48: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:09:22: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:13:06: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:19:31: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:23:13: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:26:44: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 21990, 12:31:11: Scully84 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 22388, 16:32:54: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 22388, 17:22:17: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 22508, 20:19:50: Scully84 froze Storage - Lvl 420 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22695, 11:41:14: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 22695, 11:56:18: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 22808, 09:45:57: Scully84 froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 10 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22808, 10:17:35: Scully84 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 79 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22901, 18:52:28: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 22901, 20:43:01: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 23049, 20:41:08: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 23049, 21:05:39: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 23193, 14:04:07: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 23193, 14:20:42: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 23217, 21:20:21: Scully84 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 607 (Shadowmane) Day 23241, 14:47:51: Scully84 froze Ghost (Failed) - Lvl 607 (Shadowmane) Day 23241, 16:03:45: Scully84 froze M34/F34/H32 - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 23241, 16:08:08: Scully84 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 425 (Shadowmane) Day 23241, 16:13:42: Scully84 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 194 (Magmasaur) Day 23241, 16:42:54: Scully84 froze Managarmr - Lvl 291 (Managarmr) Day 24207, 04:22:35: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 24207, 05:30:05: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 24608, 19:38:18: Björnen Scully froze BM 12 - Lvl 390 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 20:44:40: Björnen Scully froze BM 5 (H) - Lvl 369 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 20:48:11: Björnen Scully froze BM 11 - Lvl 364 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 20:52:46: Björnen Scully froze BM 15 - Lvl 372 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 20:59:46: Björnen Scully froze BM5 - Lvl 387 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:03:50: Björnen Scully froze BM 4 - Lvl 364 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:07:26: Björnen Scully froze BM11 - Lvl 386 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:11:11: Björnen Scully froze BM2 - Lvl 385 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:18:49: Björnen Scully froze BM 13 - Lvl 396 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:22:22: Björnen Scully froze BM 8 - Lvl 381 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:25:50: Björnen Scully froze BM1 - Lvl 382 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:29:56: Björnen Scully froze BM 14 - Lvl 401 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:38:42: Björnen Scully froze BM9 - Lvl 382 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:42:19: Björnen Scully froze BM 3 - Lvl 384 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:45:54: Björnen Scully froze BM 16 - Lvl 401 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:49:27: Björnen Scully froze BM4 - Lvl 379 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 21:54:27: Björnen Scully froze BM12 - Lvl 382 (Megatherium) Day 24608, 22:24:23: Björnen Scully froze Astrocetus - Lvl 210 (Astrocetus) Day 24680, 01:18:39: Tribemember Björnen Scully - Lvl 206 was killed! Day 24797, 07:29:34: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 24797, 15:31:34: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from duojay Alliance! Day 24797, 15:49:45: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 24797, 21:56:15: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'sel2 - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 21:59:34: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'sel 1 - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 22:15:30: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Wendys boss - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 22:18:16: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'wendys boss 2 - Lvl 340 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24797, 22:41:19: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'BOSS 1 - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24797, 22:47:35: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'BOSS MAN - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24798, 00:40:02: Björnen Scully claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24798, 00:44:09: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24798, 02:50:34: Björnen Scully froze Leech - Lvl 480 (Deinonychus) Day 24798, 04:56:42: Björnen Scully froze Sleipnir - Lvl 287 (Unicorn) Day 24798, 07:27:57: Björnen Scully froze Leech - Lvl 480 (Deinonychus) Day 24798, 08:34:55: Björnen Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 14:36:16: Björnen Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 14:43:56: Björnen Scully froze Pepper - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 14:47:40: Björnen Scully froze Salt - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24820, 14:59:20: Björnen Scully froze Ghost (Failed) - Lvl 607 (Shadowmane) Day 24820, 15:08:29: Björnen Scully froze Leech - Lvl 480 (Deinonychus) Day 24820, 15:26:43: Björnen Scully froze Leech - Lvl 480 (Deinonychus) Day 24821, 04:31:59: Björnen Scully froze Ghost (Failed) - Lvl 607 (Shadowmane) Day 24821, 19:33:30: Björnen Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 19:45:59: Björnen Scully froze Pepper - Lvl 601 (Tek Rex) Day 24821, 21:15:53: Björnen Scully froze Ghost (Failed) - Lvl 607 (Shadowmane) Day 24987, 19:36:53: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 25078, 05:09:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 25314, 22:14:37: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 25389, 14:08:20: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 25389, 14:28:58: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 25604, 15:50:18: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 25604, 16:23:56: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 25697, 02:36:43: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 25697, 03:38:15: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 25743, 16:41:20: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 25743, 16:41:20: Tribe Owner was changed to Jay! Day 25769, 03:17:44: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 25785, 04:51:05: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 25785, 05:17:22: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26027, 22:36:56: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 04:46:34: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:09:12: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:35:02: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:43:01: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:19:22: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:29:54: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:59:30: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 07:25:33: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 08:04:51: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26169, 03:58:28: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26169, 05:09:10: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26240, 01:41:47: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26286, 12:25:57: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26286, 16:19:26: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 26357, 20:19:22: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26357, 20:47:33: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26357, 22:52:49: Björnen Scully froze female - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 26357, 22:58:23: Björnen Scully froze female - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 26357, 23:08:22: Björnen Scully froze Tek Rex - Lvl 454 (Tek Rex) Day 26358, 11:00:57: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26358, 11:12:26: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26408, 16:01:15: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 124 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 26408, 16:02:55: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26408, 16:16:40: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26900, 08:28:21: Björnen Scully froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 367 (Voidwyrm) Day 26926, 13:59:18: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26926, 18:29:37: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26972, 05:29:51: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 29266, 20:09:50: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 29266, 21:21:15: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 29266, 21:32:04: Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 31738, 14:44:40: Scully froze Lilith - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 31738, 15:07:32: Scully froze Doomsday - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus) Day 31738, 15:17:05: Scully froze Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex) Day 33300, 12:57:27: Your Rex - Lvl 367 (Rex) was killed! Day 33300, 12:57:32: Your Rex - Lvl 362 (Rex) was killed! Day 33655, 06:53:16: Tribemember Scully - Lvl 212 was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33713, 03:24:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33913, 03:19:56: Scully froze Artemis - Lvl 421 (Yutyrannus) Day 33913, 03:24:51: Scully froze Grimlock - Lvl 607 (Tek Rex) Day 33913, 03:29:37: Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 661 (Shadowmane) Day 35699, 05:57:48: Scully froze Johnny 5 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)"] "tribeid":1692703903,"tribe":"Tribe of kieran logs":["Day 24415, 07:45:16: kieran was added to the Tribe! Day 24415, 07:48:08: Human was added to the Tribe by kieran! Day 24415, 10:48:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 35! Day 24415, 13:11:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 24415, 17:44:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon)! Day 24415, 19:26:14: kieran claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 70 (Raptor)'! Day 24416, 07:12:00: Human Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 50 (Carbonemys)! Day 24416, 11:14:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 40! Day 24416, 11:16:48: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24416, 11:25:16: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24416, 14:44:21: kieran Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)! Day 24416, 21:47:31: kieran Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 26 (Triceratops)! Day 24417, 06:19:19: Tribemember kieran - Lvl 34 was killed by Human - Lvl 33 (Tribe of kieran)! Day 24417, 06:19:19: Your Tribe killed kieran - Lvl 34 (Tribe of kieran)! Day 24417, 07:12:22: Tribemember kieran - Lvl 35 was killed by Human - Lvl 33 (Tribe of kieran)! Day 24417, 07:12:22: Your Tribe killed kieran - Lvl 35 (Tribe of kieran)! Day 24425, 19:07:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 24490, 22:30:00: Your Parasaur - Lvl 123 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 24513, 07:47:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24584, 16:24:11: Your Raptor - Lvl 76 (Raptor) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 55! Day 24592, 02:13:58: Your Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 24713, 14:25:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24713, 14:25:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24726, 04:35:03: Your boris the tortoise - Lvl 55 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wardrums' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1692454621,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve logs":["Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36772, 17:26:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Male 32Melee - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Fighting Mom 4 - Lvl 220 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Fighting Mom 6 - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Purple Pony - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Fenrir - Lvl 337 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 177 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 327 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 198 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 240 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 306 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Dad ? - Lvl 246 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 305 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 197 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 37627, 10:12:46: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 143 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38219, 05:26:54: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41887, 22:26:40: Tribe of Human tribe was merged in by Human! Day 41887, 22:26:40: Human was added to the Tribe by Steve! Day 41888, 05:01:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 41888, 06:23:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 41888, 07:21:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 17 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 41888, 07:25:25: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 142 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 30! Day 41888, 12:12:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 41888, 12:36:11: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 142 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 75! Day 41888, 16:20:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 20 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 41888, 17:10:38: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41888, 17:14:04: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 41888, 17:17:30: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 41888, 17:19:59: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 41888, 17:23:22: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Staircase'! Day 41888, 17:28:10: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 41888, 17:29:32: Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 41889, 13:41:40: Human Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 64 (Castoroides)! Day 41889, 23:25:38: Triceratops - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41889, 23:25:47: Triceratops - Lvl 10 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 41890, 02:03:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 41890, 05:04:31: Your Castoroides - Lvl 71 (Castoroides) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 41890, 05:26:29: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 144 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 41890, 05:35:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 41890, 06:56:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 41890, 17:09:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 48 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 41890, 18:03:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 48 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 20! Day 41890, 20:38:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 48 was killed by Steve - Lvl 146 (Tribe of Steve)! Day 41890, 20:38:31: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Steve)! Day 41890, 23:12:56: Human Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 41891, 04:32:31: Steve Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)! Day 41891, 08:26:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 59 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 41891, 11:01:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 59 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 41891, 20:46:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 179 (Sarco)! Day 41892, 13:15:07: Brontosaurus - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 41892, 13:15:07: Brontosaurus - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 41892, 13:59:01: Brontosaurus - Lvl 125 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 41892, 14:00:27: Brontosaurus - Lvl 125 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 41892, 14:01:56: Brontosaurus - Lvl 125 destroyed your 'Weapons (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 41892, 14:01:56: Brontosaurus - Lvl 125 destroyed your 'Plants (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 41892, 14:10:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 149 (Triceratops)! Day 41892, 22:01:37: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 98 (Beelzebufo)! Day 41893, 14:24:44: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 41893, 19:18:58: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 41895, 04:50:10: Human Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)! Day 41895, 06:56:31: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 146 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 41895, 06:59:19: Your Goku - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 41906, 15:31:37: Human unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 162 (Argentavis)'! Day 41906, 17:44:17: Human unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)'! Day 41906, 17:48:00: Human unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 158 (Argentavis)'! Day 41906, 18:07:04: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 41910, 02:34:20: Steve was removed from the Tribe! Day 41910, 02:34:20: Tribe Owner was changed to Lucci!"] "tribeid":1690059515,"tribe":"BigMonkeyGaming logs":["Day 32286, 22:37:16: FlacidNoodles was added to the Tribe! Day 32286, 22:39:52: Sam Sam was added to the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 32287, 02:27:41: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32287, 02:58:23: Sam Sam froze Deliveroo - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 32289, 13:03:38: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32289, 13:42:42: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32289, 15:19:22: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32326, 02:11:15: Sam Sam froze Speedy - Lvl 253 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32326, 09:43:27: Sam Sam froze Speedy - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32356, 06:03:26: Sam Sam froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 32356, 07:31:26: Sam Sam froze speed pod - Lvl 230 (Maewing) Day 32424, 15:11:17: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Macaw - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 32424, 15:19:44: FlacidNoodles froze Macaw - Lvl 298 (Argentavis) Day 32424, 15:50:16: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32469, 13:11:51: FlacidNoodles uploaded a Argentavis: Macaw - Lvl 298 Day 32469, 13:56:00: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32645, 13:40:41: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33177, 05:44:16: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34044, 08:58:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42774, 03:30:23: FlacidNoodles froze SCARY - Lvl 176 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1689618170,"tribe":"FKN logs":["Day 28533, 08:43:18: Mint was added to the Tribe! Day 28533, 08:45:52: PICKLETICKLER was added to the Tribe by Mint! Day 28533, 08:47:37: PICKLETICKLER was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Mint! Day 28533, 09:11:47: PICKLETICKLER froze male breeder - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 28533, 11:36:39: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 99 was killed by PICKLETICKLER - Lvl 95 (FKN)! Day 28533, 11:36:39: Your Tribe killed Mint - Lvl 99 (FKN)! Day 28533, 11:41:34: Tribemember PICKLETICKLER - Lvl 95 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 135! Day 28533, 11:54:17: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 99 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 135! Day 28533, 12:43:12: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 99 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 28533, 13:42:40: PICKLETICKLER froze male breeder - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 28533, 14:40:30: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) Day 28556, 11:08:41: PICKLETICKLER froze main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 28557, 11:21:39: PICKLETICKLER uploaded a Pteranodon: main breeder 1 melee - Lvl 257 Day 28571, 23:07:42: Mint froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 28571, 23:44:19: Mint froze Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 28572, 01:45:20: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 28572, 09:29:29: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 28572, 10:54:13: Mint froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 28572, 12:21:05: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 28572, 12:58:05: Mint froze Miguel 2.0 - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 28582, 11:33:10: Mint froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 246 (Basilosaurus) Day 28582, 11:46:15: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28583, 09:15:34: Mint Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus)! Day 28583, 09:22:31: Mint froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus) Day 28583, 09:48:42: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28602, 02:39:52: Mint Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus)! Day 28602, 05:12:32: Mint froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 82 (Brontosaurus) Day 28602, 05:31:18: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29242, 19:48:45: Human - Lvl 78 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29485, 23:44:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29768, 07:18:41: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32802, 16:31:51: cocopop - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'!"] "tribeid":1687002700,"tribe":"Tribe of lilmisshypa logs":["Day 19327, 13:40:06: lilmisshypa was added to the Tribe! Day 19327, 13:43:13: Peewee was added to the Tribe by lilmisshypa! Day 19327, 23:44:28: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19327, 23:46:16: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19327, 23:47:47: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19327, 23:49:07: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19327, 23:50:29: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19327, 23:51:55: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19328, 14:02:39: Tribemember lilmisshypa - Lvl 32 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 19328, 15:23:28: Tribemember lilmisshypa - Lvl 32 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 19328, 15:26:24: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19328, 15:26:27: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19328, 20:15:35: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 19328, 23:48:37: lilmisshypa demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 19329, 01:11:55: Tribemember lilmisshypa - Lvl 35 was killed by Peewee - Lvl 31 (Tribe of lilmisshypa)! Day 19329, 01:11:55: Your Tribe killed lilmisshypa - Lvl 35 (Tribe of lilmisshypa)! Day 19329, 08:39:21: Peewee Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 19329, 12:09:01: Tribemember lilmisshypa - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 19330, 19:04:51: lilmisshypa Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 19331, 18:27:30: lilmisshypa Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 19351, 20:50:29: Your Ducky - Lvl 17 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 19491, 07:41:24: Your Peter - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 50! Day 19514, 23:35:56: Your Athena - Lvl 147 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 90! Day 19640, 10:25:07: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19984, 19:00:23: Tribemember Peewee - Lvl 36 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 19984, 19:01:33: Tribemember lilmisshypa - Lvl 54 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1686926964,"tribe":"British Empire Part II logs":["Day 24066, 18:46:58: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 204 (Megatherium)'! Day 24066, 18:47:47: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mummy Bear - Lvl 134 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 18:48:18: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Biggest Beta 206 - Lvl 206 (Rex)'! Day 24066, 18:48:41: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Puppy - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 24066, 18:50:31: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sparticus - Lvl 183 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 18:50:53: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chesire - Lvl 176 (Sabertooth)'! Day 24066, 18:53:03: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 186 (Megatherium)'! Day 24066, 18:59:16: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cave runner - Lvl 249 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 18:59:57: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joes - Lvl 181 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 19:00:26: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '181 T M - Lvl 196 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 19:01:06: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baby Bear - Lvl 176 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 19:01:26: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daddy Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 19:02:01: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 186 (Dire Bear)'! Day 24066, 19:07:14: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24066, 19:08:29: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonnie - Lvl 298 (Argentavis)'! Day 24066, 19:11:58: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '3-1 pool m - Lvl 299 (Argentavis)'! Day 24067, 05:59:46: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Taloola - Lvl 293 (Rex)'! Day 24067, 08:00:17: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '3-1 pool F - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 24067, 08:06:59: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Darren G - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:20:04: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 145 (Megatherium)'! Day 24109, 08:34:44: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24109, 08:36:10: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roxy - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:37:59: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 24109, 08:39:27: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yamza - Lvl 191 (Argentavis)'! Day 24109, 08:41:06: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woods - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24109, 08:42:25: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 184 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24109, 08:43:40: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24109, 08:56:02: Bravoc1 - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R kid - Lvl 191 (Argentavis)'! Day 24131, 09:22:09: Dike - Lvl 52 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 24260, 14:23:30: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 102 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24260, 21:28:53: DooDoo - Lvl 117 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24335, 09:38:51: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24416, 18:55:40: Bacon - Lvl 35 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 190 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 24416, 19:07:14: Bacon - Lvl 35 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Craig - Lvl 157 (Sarco)'! Day 24416, 19:07:52: Bacon - Lvl 35 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chardonnay - Lvl 169 (Sarco)'! Day 24416, 19:11:07: Bacon - Lvl 35 (Peu Squad) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Susan - Lvl 172 (Sarco)'! Day 24566, 14:46:49: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24611, 11:55:16: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24684, 08:13:56: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 151 (Megatherium)'! Day 24684, 08:56:49: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peppa - Lvl 118 (Phiomia)'! Day 24684, 09:01:25: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 197 (Doedicurus)'! Day 24684, 15:52:41: Tribemember Maggy T - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 24684, 16:31:10: Tribemember Mo Salad - Lvl 122 was killed!"] "tribeid":1683967785,"tribe":"Tribe of StalkinNinja logs":["Day 20525, 19:13:13: StalkinNinja was added to the Tribe! Day 20525, 19:22:10: Ginge was added to the Tribe by StalkinNinja! Day 20525, 19:47:53: StalkinNinja Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 20525, 23:27:38: StalkinNinja demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 20526, 00:19:52: StalkinNinja demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 20526, 00:21:20: StalkinNinja demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 20526, 05:16:47: Ginge claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Parasaur)'! Day 20526, 05:26:18: StalkinNinja Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 20526, 12:01:23: Your Canoe (Canoe) was destroyed! Day 20526, 12:23:39: StalkinNinja demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 20526, 13:40:41: StalkinNinja uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 72 Day 20526, 14:14:54: Ginge uploaded a Parasaur: Parasaur - Lvl 35 Day 20527, 15:54:47: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 23 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1682275661,"tribe":"Tribe of Jesus logs":["Day 21488, 05:22:27: Aditzu added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21488, 19:58:36: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 399 (Voidwyrm) Day 21492, 00:22:03: Chis93 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21492, 11:11:47: ediOO11 demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 21492, 11:16:41: ediOO11 froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 21492, 11:21:54: Chis93 froze Ariana - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 21492, 11:43:01: Chis93 froze Boss 1 - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 21492, 12:04:04: Chis93 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 21492, 16:10:13: ediOO11 froze BASE F MALE - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 21493, 09:25:21: ediOO11 froze Pink - Lvl 335 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 21493, 09:29:19: ediOO11 froze Raimbow - Lvl 344 (Argentavis) Day 21493, 16:09:47: ediOO11 froze deram - Lvl 332 (Rock Drake) Day 21493, 23:07:36: ediOO11 froze Juvenile Remus 2 - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21493, 23:11:45: ediOO11 froze Juvenile Ryuga - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21494, 00:44:28: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 145 (Aberrant Otter) Day 21507, 20:36:48: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 147 (Aberrant Otter) Day 21512, 21:01:30: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 296 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21512, 21:01:39: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 400 (Voidwyrm) Day 21513, 13:08:48: Chis93 claimed 'Winston - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 21513, 13:12:47: Chis93 froze Winston - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 21513, 16:32:00: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21513, 17:51:21: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21514, 08:23:09: Aditzu was demoted from Tribe Admin by ediOO11! Day 21514, 08:24:22: Chis93 was demoted from Tribe Admin by ediOO11! Day 21514, 10:43:05: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21514, 14:19:19: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21515, 06:28:33: Chis93 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by ediOO11! Day 21515, 06:29:02: Aditzu was promoted to a Tribe Admin by ediOO11! Day 21515, 13:43:41: Chis93 froze BasiloKiss - Lvl 60 (Basilosaurus) Day 21515, 14:12:15: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21515, 14:12:22: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21516, 13:14:09: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21516, 13:20:45: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21516, 17:10:28: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 356 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21516, 18:11:05: ediOO11 froze Raimbow - Lvl 345 (Argentavis) Day 21516, 22:09:48: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 147 (Aberrant Otter) Day 21516, 22:20:39: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 149 (Aberrant Otter) Day 21555, 18:56:16: HABARNAM - Lvl 135 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 21561, 18:47:54: Chis93 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 164 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21562, 12:40:20: Chis93 froze BasiloKiss - Lvl 80 (Basilosaurus) Day 21562, 12:46:22: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 300 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21588, 02:15:13: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 02:19:41: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 02:23:31: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 02:28:28: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 02:33:07: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 02:37:13: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 02:41:09: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 02:45:01: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 02:49:02: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 02:52:49: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 02:57:06: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 155 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 03:00:48: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 155 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 03:04:54: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 100 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 03:08:49: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 100 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21588, 03:14:45: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21588, 03:18:52: Chis93 froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21608, 22:40:29: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21608, 22:40:33: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21608, 22:40:54: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21608, 22:41:15: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21608, 22:41:51: Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 21611, 00:34:41: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 302 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21611, 13:26:37: Chis93 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21611, 15:31:57: Chis93 froze BasiloKiss - Lvl 87 (Basilosaurus) Day 21636, 10:34:11: Chis93 froze Winston - Lvl 183 (Triceratops) Day 21636, 10:40:36: Chis93 froze Twin 1 - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 21636, 14:13:46: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 304 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21643, 08:53:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21680, 12:14:16: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 21737, 23:21:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21770, 19:58:43: Aditzu froze Perfect mom - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21770, 20:47:01: Aditzu froze perfect dad - Lvl 209 (Mammoth) Day 21771, 10:17:44: ediOO11 claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21771, 10:38:46: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 310 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21771, 11:14:34: ediOO11 claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 21771, 17:13:48: ediOO11 claimed 'Creme Brulee - Lvl 204 (Argentavis)'! Day 21823, 10:07:21: ediOO11 froze Derien - Lvl 333 (Rock Drake) Day 21889, 07:54:41: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 357 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21889, 11:34:12: ediOO11 froze Derien - Lvl 333 (Rock Drake) Day 21890, 04:08:05: ediOO11 demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 21909, 14:37:02: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21909, 14:42:59: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21909, 14:48:58: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) Day 21909, 15:08:58: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Anabel - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 21909, 15:08:58: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21909, 15:10:59: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Anabel - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 21909, 15:10:59: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 146 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21909, 15:11:17: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Anabel - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 21909, 15:11:17: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 21909, 15:23:03: Aditzu froze Anabel - Lvl 259 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 21910, 01:27:54: Aditzu froze Bass-A-Lue - Lvl 114 (Enforcer) Day 21919, 11:12:05: Chis93 froze Pink - Lvl 335 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 21966, 14:51:09: Aditzu froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 314 (Yutyrannus) Day 21966, 15:01:21: Aditzu froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 314 (Yutyrannus) Day 21966, 15:05:10: Aditzu froze Eren - Lvl 367 (R-Reaper King) Day 21966, 15:09:14: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 16:44:37: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 21966, 18:16:07: Aditzu froze Boss 1 - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 21983, 09:56:56: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 21983, 10:04:35: Aditzu froze ASH - Lvl 243 (Aberrant Otter) Day 21987, 06:39:55: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Sexy Boys Tribe. Day 21987, 06:42:00: Aditzu added 'Sexy Boys' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21987, 09:36:35: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 21987, 11:23:37: Aditzu claimed 'GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin)'! Day 21987, 11:38:10: Aditzu unclaimed 'GoldieLox - Lvl 330 (Griffin)'! Day 21987, 12:18:05: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Savages Tribe. Day 21987, 12:19:52: Aditzu added 'Savages' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21987, 14:53:39: Aditzu froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 315 (Yutyrannus) Day 21988, 05:28:59: Aditzu froze Ariana - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 21988, 06:00:19: Aditzu claimed 'Ferox - Lvl 122 (Ferox)'! Day 21988, 06:33:47: Aditzu unclaimed 'Ferox - Lvl 122 (Ferox)'! Day 21988, 12:04:43: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Fluffy Kittens Tribe. Day 21988, 12:07:46: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Fluffy Kittens Tribe. Day 21988, 12:09:46: Aditzu - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Fluffy Kittens Tribe. Day 21988, 12:10:37: Aditzu added 'Fluffy Kittens' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21989, 03:07:50: Aditzu froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 315 (Yutyrannus) Day 21989, 03:17:31: Aditzu froze ASH - Lvl 246 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22012, 16:20:45: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 186 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22057, 22:01:10: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 188 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22057, 23:47:56: Chis93 froze Cara-Mult - Lvl 278 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22078, 05:49:36: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 49 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 22107, 15:56:11: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 190 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22107, 17:27:54: Chis93 froze MiniMe - Lvl 190 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22107, 17:39:41: Chis93 froze Oterina_1 - Lvl 153 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22107, 21:06:25: Chis93 claimed 'Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 128 (Aberrant Otter)'! Day 22107, 22:42:33: Chis93 froze Cara-Mult - Lvl 280 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22108, 00:33:26: Chis93 froze Juvenile test - Lvl 128 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22153, 18:39:53: Chis93 froze YUTY DO FUDE - Lvl 321 (Yutyrannus) Day 22154, 07:36:38: Chis93 froze LeaderSquid - Lvl 283 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22154, 09:36:49: Chis93 froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 294 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22154, 09:40:41: Chis93 froze LeaderSquid - Lvl 283 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22154, 16:02:26: Chis93 froze LeaderSquid - Lvl 292 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22155, 23:27:11: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 22155, 23:43:56: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 22176, 18:44:34: Chis93 froze LeaderSquid - Lvl 293 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22191, 17:23:46: Chis93 claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 336 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 22191, 17:28:23: Chis93 froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 336 (Basilosaurus) Day 22191, 18:21:04: Chis93 froze LeaderSquid - Lvl 293 (Tusoteuthis) Day 22238, 14:53:32: Bulz - Lvl 83 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Parasaur)'! Day 22275, 13:57:52: Chis93 froze Pink - Lvl 351 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 22275, 21:12:21: Chis93 froze Noe - Lvl 396 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 22276, 04:20:40: Chis93 froze Debra - Lvl 326 (Doedicurus) Day 22282, 21:53:12: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 408 (Voidwyrm) Day 22291, 08:43:32: Your Gacha - Lvl 100 (Gacha) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 95! Day 22307, 09:40:12: Chis93 froze 149 - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 22307, 17:10:16: Chis93 froze Derien - Lvl 333 (Rock Drake) Day 22307, 17:42:28: Chis93 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 323 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22307, 17:58:56: Chis93 froze Afra - Lvl 357 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22307, 20:46:56: Chis93 froze Raimbow - Lvl 345 (Argentavis) Day 22308, 06:53:23: Chis93 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22308, 06:57:45: Chis93 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22308, 07:09:02: Chis93 froze Winston - Lvl 183 (Triceratops) Day 22308, 22:11:30: Chis93 froze Raimbow - Lvl 351 (Argentavis) Day 22309, 01:48:43: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 238 (Dodo) Day 22309, 01:58:16: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 57 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:04:30: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 177 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:08:26: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:17:36: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:22:06: Aditzu froze Ela - Lvl 64 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:27:16: Aditzu froze AIA - Lvl 49 (Dodo) Day 22309, 02:53:27: Aditzu froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 02:57:46: Aditzu froze Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:02:04: Aditzu froze wa - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:06:42: Aditzu froze TUCA_3 - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:12:32: Aditzu froze Eye - Lvl 250 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:17:32: Aditzu froze TUCOI - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:22:33: Aditzu froze 150 - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:36:01: Aditzu froze 145 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:40:43: Aditzu froze 159 - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:50:13: Aditzu froze Deinonychus - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 03:54:32: Aditzu froze Seny - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 04:10:47: Aditzu froze TUCA_4 - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 04:14:52: Aditzu froze TUCA_2 - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 04:19:47: Aditzu froze TUCA_1 - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 04:27:50: Aditzu froze 149 - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 22309, 07:20:37: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 120 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:24:28: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:27:56: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 155 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:32:16: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 164 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:36:26: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:41:29: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 116 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:46:13: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 07:57:28: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:00:55: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:10:25: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:13:37: Aditzu froze wa - Lvl 99 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:21:02: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:29:02: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 234 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:32:41: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:34:14: Chis93 froze Winston - Lvl 183 (Triceratops) Day 22309, 08:39:51: Chis93 froze Katolik - Lvl 269 (Triceratops) Day 22309, 08:45:41: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 101 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:50:24: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:53:53: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 106 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:57:33: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 174 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 08:57:46: Chis93 froze Sebastian - Lvl 253 (Triceratops) Day 22309, 09:00:29: Aditzu froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 195 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22309, 09:37:03: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 09:45:02: Aditzu froze Terminator - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 09:48:04: Aditzu froze Rexy - Lvl 399 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 09:51:48: Aditzu froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 09:57:07: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 10:03:38: Aditzu froze H/F/M - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 10:07:37: Aditzu froze Tr (baseF) - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 10:16:17: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 10:20:03: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 10:22:56: Aditzu froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 22309, 14:31:34: Aditzu froze ASH - Lvl 306 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22309, 14:37:05: Aditzu froze Daeodon - Lvl 201 (Daeodon) Day 22309, 14:53:06: Aditzu froze Creme Brulee - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 22309, 14:57:51: Aditzu froze Olivia - Lvl 135 (Snow Owl) Day 22309, 15:01:10: Aditzu froze Androx - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22309, 15:04:17: Aditzu froze DAVE - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22309, 19:38:47: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 22332, 17:47:36: Aditzu Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22332, 18:31:21: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 22335, 11:26:58: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 22341, 13:56:51: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 330 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22342, 14:34:10: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 330 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22343, 09:18:26: Chis93 froze Metal-Silk-CongGas - Lvl 131 (Gacha) Day 22343, 09:22:52: Chis93 froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 121 (Gacha) Day 22343, 09:28:30: Chis93 froze Sulf-SilicaPearl-Crystal - Lvl 33 (Gacha) Day 22343, 09:58:58: Chis93 froze Polymer-Clay-Oil - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 22343, 12:16:05: Chis93 froze Polymer-Clay-Oil - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 22343, 12:21:18: Chis93 froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 122 (Gacha) Day 22343, 12:26:39: Chis93 froze Metal-Silk-CongGas - Lvl 131 (Gacha) Day 22366, 17:39:57: Chis93 demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 22367, 09:37:12: Chis93 froze Raimbow - Lvl 352 (Argentavis) Day 22368, 06:35:45: Chis93 froze Sap-Crystal-ConGas-Sand - Lvl 120 (Gacha) Day 22368, 07:18:50: Chis93 froze BlackPearl-Crystal-Silk - Lvl 32 (Gacha) Day 22368, 08:19:31: Chis93 froze RedCristalizedSap-ConGas - Lvl 92 (Gacha) Day 22368, 08:45:09: Chis93 froze BlackPearl-Crystal-Silk - Lvl 85 (Gacha) Day 22368, 11:51:03: Chis93 froze Polymer-Clay-Oil - Lvl 239 (Gacha) Day 22368, 12:41:26: Chis93 froze Metal-Silk-CongGas - Lvl 165 (Gacha) Day 22368, 12:46:28: Chis93 froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 155 (Gacha) Day 22377, 03:05:49: Your AIA - Lvl 49 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 100! Day 22377, 06:55:15: Aditzu Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22388, 08:46:03: Chis93 froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 168 (Gacha) Day 22388, 08:58:27: Chis93 froze Metal-Silk-CongGas - Lvl 178 (Gacha) Day 22388, 22:30:20: Chis93 froze Noe - Lvl 398 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 22389, 02:37:11: Chis93 froze Pink - Lvl 353 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 22389, 05:36:40: Chis93 froze Debra - Lvl 328 (Doedicurus) Day 22390, 10:57:49: Chis93 froze Raimbow - Lvl 352 (Argentavis) Day 22391, 09:24:37: Chis93 Tamed an Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus)! Day 22391, 09:38:34: Chis93 froze Equus - Lvl 22 (Equus) Day 22392, 20:34:37: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 330 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22434, 11:46:31: Your Dodo - Lvl 57 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 22541, 01:48:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22579, 01:41:10: Chis93 froze Calutu-Cocosat - Lvl 46 (Equus) Day 22580, 12:00:12: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22654, 23:29:43: Chis93 froze Arkangel Flame - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22659, 05:56:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22762, 08:00:36: Your Dodo - Lvl 177 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 22762, 10:07:08: Tribemember Leaf - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 22789, 01:48:34: Aditzu froze OWO - Lvl 76 (Dilophosaur) Day 22789, 01:59:32: Aditzu froze Amir - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 22789, 02:03:26: Aditzu froze Twin 1 - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 22789, 02:07:54: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 22789, 02:15:32: Aditzu froze ELSY - Lvl 223 (Achatina) Day 22789, 03:08:36: Aditzu froze Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo) Day 22789, 03:23:24: Aditzu froze Ela - Lvl 64 (Dodo) Day 22789, 03:30:13: Aditzu froze TURET 2 - Lvl 134 (Dilophosaur) Day 22789, 04:01:36: Aditzu demolished a 'Industrial Grinder (Locked) '! Day 22789, 04:57:46: Aditzu froze DUNG VICK - Lvl 107 (Dung Beetle) Day 22789, 05:01:43: Aditzu froze 83 - Lvl 179 (Achatina) Day 22789, 05:13:11: Aditzu froze BasiloKiss - Lvl 112 (Basilosaurus) Day 22789, 05:17:34: Aditzu froze GreatOne - Lvl 339 (Basilosaurus) Day 22789, 05:23:00: Aditzu froze Charli - Lvl 126 (Basilosaurus) Day 22789, 05:45:48: Aditzu froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 111 (Basilosaurus) Day 22789, 05:50:05: Aditzu froze Al_lu_Jesus - Lvl 78 (Basilosaurus) Day 22789, 11:02:19: Aditzu froze CHichi - Lvl 131 (Compy) Day 22789, 11:08:29: Aditzu froze Bulbdog - Lvl 315 (Bulbdog) Day 22789, 11:12:06: Aditzu froze Derin - Lvl 198 (Compy) Day 22789, 11:17:06: Aditzu froze Sansan - Lvl 262 (Aberrant Otter) Day 22810, 07:00:06: Your Dodo - Lvl 238 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 20! Day 22873, 17:16:00: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 22873, 18:24:01: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 22873, 18:52:48: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 22873, 19:14:14: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23157, 18:51:50: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23157, 18:55:52: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23157, 19:14:23: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23157, 19:48:29: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23157, 20:02:49: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23157, 20:15:14: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23286, 02:20:27: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23286, 02:37:24: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23474, 08:08:04: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23474, 08:32:58: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23520, 21:40:20: Mali froze Sappho - Lvl 312 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23595, 14:30:04: swalsp - Lvl 118 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23676, 12:53:55: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23676, 13:03:14: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23794, 16:05:40: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 23794, 16:13:39: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 23897, 08:15:10: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 24530, 20:37:06: Tribemember Mali - Lvl 88 was killed by Aditzu - Lvl 127 (Tribe of Jesus)! Day 24530, 20:37:06: Your Tribe killed Mali - Lvl 88 (Tribe of Jesus)! Day 24530, 22:53:56: Aditzu froze BlackPearl-Crystal-Silk - Lvl 32 (Gacha) Day 24530, 23:05:49: Aditzu froze Sulf-SilicaPearl-Crystal - Lvl 37 (Gacha) Day 24530, 23:13:32: Aditzu froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 168 (Gacha) Day 24770, 18:17:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 24815, 14:47:07: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 14:50:03: Aditzu froze Twin 2 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 15:42:15: Aditzu claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane)'! Day 24815, 15:47:21: Aditzu froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 15:52:06: Aditzu froze Anra - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 15:59:06: Aditzu froze Sasha - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 17:43:14: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 24815, 20:32:46: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24815, 20:52:24: Aditzu claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24815, 20:59:00: Aditzu froze Baby OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24816, 03:25:38: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24816, 03:32:24: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24816, 03:38:45: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24816, 04:50:17: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24816, 05:03:59: Aditzu froze Juvenile OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24816, 08:12:39: Aditzu froze Juvenile OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24816, 08:17:10: Aditzu froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 197 (Shadowmane) Day 24835, 22:53:20: Aditzu froze BlackPearl-Crystal-Silk - Lvl 85 (Gacha) Day 24836, 05:18:03: Aditzu froze Juvenile OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24836, 11:20:09: Aditzu froze Juvenile OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 24836, 17:25:27: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 24836, 17:34:32: Aditzu froze Sebastian - Lvl 253 (Triceratops) Day 24837, 01:01:17: Aditzu froze Polymer-Silk-Clay-Salt - Lvl 267 (Gacha) Day 24982, 03:35:18: Aditzu downloaded a dino: Bulbdog - Lvl 79 Day 24982, 03:36:51: Aditzu downloaded a dino: BATMAN - Lvl 279 Day 24982, 03:45:46: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 24982, 04:30:26: Aditzu froze Bulbdog - Lvl 82 (Bulbdog) Day 25049, 22:22:32: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Generator (Locked) '! Day 25049, 22:38:53: Aditzu demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 25049, 23:08:27: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Ceiling'! Day 25049, 23:16:39: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Railing'! Day 25049, 23:18:11: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Railing'! Day 25049, 23:19:17: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Railing'! Day 25049, 23:20:30: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Railing'! Day 25049, 23:34:51: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:37:34: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:39:07: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:42:29: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:44:04: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:45:48: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25049, 23:52:05: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Triangle Roof'! Day 25050, 05:19:33: Aditzu demolished a 'Tek Generator (Locked) '! Day 25076, 14:54:28: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 25076, 16:01:02: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 25076, 18:43:20: Aditzu demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 25076, 19:17:51: Aditzu claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 22 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 25245, 02:59:50: Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25501, 21:51:09: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 370 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25520, 10:01:56: Aditzu demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 25520, 11:53:32: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 25520, 11:55:29: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 25520, 11:57:57: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 25520, 12:09:43: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 25520, 14:06:25: Aditzu uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 54 Day 25520, 15:23:30: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 25520, 16:00:57: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 357 (Argentavis) Day 25520, 16:40:44: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 25520, 16:45:08: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 370 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25520, 17:20:07: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 25520, 17:42:10: Aditzu downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 54 Day 25520, 17:45:30: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 370 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25520, 23:40:01: Aditzu uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 Day 25521, 00:58:00: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 25521, 01:39:40: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 357 (Argentavis) Day 25521, 01:54:32: Aditzu downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 Day 25521, 04:07:15: ediOO11 froze Juvenile OwO - Lvl 150 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 05:15:30: ediOO11 froze baterie - Lvl 428 (Voidwyrm) Day 25521, 06:12:08: ediOO11 froze Ember - Lvl 304 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 06:32:44: ediOO11 froze Ice - Lvl 339 (Ice Wyvern) Day 25521, 07:01:37: ediOO11 froze Safir - Lvl 183 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 07:21:48: ediOO11 froze AQUA - Lvl 234 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 07:50:29: ediOO11 froze FireFly - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 08:17:57: ediOO11 froze SIN - Lvl 340 (Poison Wyvern) Day 25521, 09:11:12: ediOO11 froze Sandrox - Lvl 239 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25521, 09:17:23: ediOO11 froze Safir - Lvl 183 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 25521, 20:54:33: Tribemember ediOO11 - Lvl 122 was killed by Aditzu - Lvl 127 (Tribe of Jesus)! Day 25521, 20:54:33: Your Tribe killed ediOO11 - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Jesus)! Day 25521, 23:03:21: ediOO11 froze Afra - Lvl 370 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 25700, 11:00:36: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 26027, 22:39:55: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 04:38:31: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:12:40: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:32:35: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 05:49:06: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:15:59: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:31:12: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 06:58:17: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26028, 07:28:11: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 26028, 08:02:07: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 26045, 06:37:31: Tribemember Jesus - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26045, 06:41:44: Tribemember Aditzu - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 26045, 06:46:58: Tribemember ediOO11 - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 26045, 06:58:51: Tribemember Chis93 - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 26987, 00:35:39: Tribemember Mali - Lvl 88 was killed!"] "tribeid":1681645870,"tribe":"Tribe of Legallois17 logs":["Day 23832, 13:01:14: Legallois17 was added to the Tribe! Day 23832, 13:05:07: Potatoe Waffle was added to the Tribe by Legallois17! Day 23832, 18:20:35: Tribemember Legallois17 - Lvl 9 was killed by Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 5 (Tribe of Legallois17)! Day 23832, 18:20:35: Your Tribe killed Legallois17 - Lvl 9 (Tribe of Legallois17)! Day 23832, 18:34:55: Tribemember Legallois17 - Lvl 9 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 75 | 1.1x! Day 23833, 01:41:19: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 9 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 23833, 01:41:39: Tribemember Legallois17 - Lvl 11 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 23844, 00:20:33: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 23948, 12:10:42: Tribemember Potatoe Waffle - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24005, 01:12:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1680866863,"tribe":"marvel tribe logs":["Day 37071, 13:50:39: VLacey was added to the Tribe! Day 37071, 14:27:41: Jeff was added to the Tribe by VLacey! Day 37071, 15:31:22: Jeff Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 37071, 15:48:24: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 72 (Dodo)! Day 37071, 22:18:13: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 20 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x! Day 37071, 22:36:38: Your baddy - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 145! Day 37071, 22:57:11: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 20 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 37071, 23:57:45: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 30 (Dodo)! Day 37072, 03:40:21: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 37072, 05:04:26: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 20 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 37084, 15:45:11: Your BADY 2 - Lvl 32 (Dodo) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.1x! Day 37084, 17:27:00: Jeff demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 37085, 12:01:01: VLacey Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 37085, 12:28:53: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 5 (Dodo)! Day 37085, 14:52:54: VLacey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 88 (Pteranodon)! Day 37085, 18:20:18: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 37085, 20:29:57: VLacey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon)! Day 37086, 09:14:08: Your phoenix - Lvl 21 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 37086, 09:15:50: Your speedygonzallas - Lvl 19 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 37087, 00:55:13: Jeff demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 37087, 03:02:34: Jeff demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 37087, 12:10:27: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 43 (Dodo)! Day 37087, 13:59:24: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 222 (Dodo)! Day 37087, 21:36:33: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 37087, 22:31:36: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 10! Day 37087, 23:39:34: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 37088, 01:29:31: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 37088, 02:36:58: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 37109, 15:02:03: Jeff demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 37109, 15:03:29: Jeff demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 37111, 14:52:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 21 (Triceratops)! Day 37111, 15:39:09: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 37111, 15:40:29: Jeff demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 37111, 17:42:43: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 65 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 37111, 18:07:31: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 65 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 37116, 03:48:02: Your [J] Tank - Lvl 28 (Triceratops) was killed by Jeff - Lvl 66 (marvel tribe)! Day 37116, 03:48:02: Your Tribe killed [J] Tank - Lvl 28 (Triceratops) (marvel tribe)! Day 37116, 11:56:10: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 37116, 15:18:21: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 67 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37116, 15:42:18: Jeff Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 52 (Sarco)! Day 37116, 16:21:52: Your [J] Slipgator - Lvl 52 (Sarco) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 37116, 16:31:53: Your [J] Pheonix - Lvl 16 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 37141, 08:34:21: Jeff Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 37141, 10:04:00: Jeff Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys)! Day 37141, 12:55:40: Jeff Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Parasaur)! Day 37141, 14:45:09: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 37141, 15:22:53: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 37141, 15:51:24: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 37211, 01:56:59: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 47 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 10! Day 37223, 13:04:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37237, 16:15:30: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 116 (Pteranodon)! Day 37238, 03:41:17: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 24 (Raptor)! Day 37238, 09:15:46: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37279, 05:44:00: dummy - Lvl 14 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37308, 13:12:00: FRIEND - Lvl 18 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37356, 13:12:39: Your stupid - Lvl 79 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37365, 17:39:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37389, 10:51:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37389, 10:51:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37493, 20:03:54: Durp - Lvl 84 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 37548, 20:26:05: bady 3 - Lvl 28 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 37570, 08:33:20: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 37570, 18:59:49: VLacey Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 37570, 19:40:01: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 6 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37570, 20:50:18: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 37583, 15:51:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 37588, 09:17:27: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 37588, 20:54:52: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 37589, 16:54:21: VLacey Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37589, 18:05:28: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 37595, 11:09:55: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 67 (Raptor)! Day 37595, 11:18:40: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 37616, 18:18:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 112 (Sarco)! Day 37637, 20:32:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 37637, 22:56:56: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37638, 05:17:37: Jeff Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)! Day 37662, 14:53:10: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 88 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 37662, 16:45:26: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 156 (Raptor)! Day 37687, 13:15:48: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 37 (Raptor)! Day 37687, 15:32:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 112 (Pachy)! Day 37687, 16:14:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 89 (Pachy)! Day 37687, 17:07:41: Your Charlie - Lvl 39 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 37687, 17:17:03: Your Willow - Lvl 89 (Pachy) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 37687, 17:17:38: Your Spike - Lvl 113 (Pachy) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 37777, 02:57:49: Jeff Tamed a Spino - Lvl 20 (Spino)! Day 37777, 11:44:09: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 37 (Raptor)! Day 37778, 13:12:08: Jeff Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 134 (Tek Raptor)! Day 37778, 16:14:54: Jeff Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 37778, 17:39:16: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 95 (Raptor)! Day 37913, 13:28:00: Jeff Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 170 (Tek Raptor)! Day 37913, 20:14:10: VLacey Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 125 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 37914, 04:13:59: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 148 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37914, 11:00:15: VLacey claimed 'Moschops - Lvl 66 (Moschops)'! Day 37915, 01:02:38: Your [J] Mavrick - Lvl 55 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 37915, 01:03:37: Your Rooster - Lvl 44 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 37915, 01:05:02: Your [J] Iceman - Lvl 47 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 80! Day 37915, 01:12:55: Your Viper - Lvl 52 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 37915, 20:50:41: VLacey Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 12 (Argentavis)! Day 37915, 21:21:55: Your Argentavis - Lvl 12 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 37915, 22:26:42: VLacey Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 19 (Argentavis)! Day 37916, 11:48:04: Jeff Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 134 (Tek Raptor)! Day 37916, 14:10:15: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 37916, 18:37:55: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 37917, 03:50:32: Jeff Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 37917, 04:28:56: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 37917, 05:19:03: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 59 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 110! Day 37923, 00:08:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 37923, 00:57:43: Jeff Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 7 (Pachy)! Day 37923, 02:44:39: Your Spike - Lvl 7 (Pachy) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 37938, 00:30:07: Jeff Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 37938, 04:46:45: Jeff Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 14 (Pachy)! Day 37938, 06:26:17: Jeff Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 37938, 13:14:40: Jeff Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 37986, 08:53:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 37986, 08:55:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 18 (Megalodon)! Day 37986, 18:14:14: Your Megan - Lvl 15 (Megalodon) was killed by Jeff - Lvl 97 (marvel tribe)! Day 37986, 18:14:14: Your Tribe killed Megan - Lvl 15 (Megalodon) (marvel tribe)! Day 37990, 18:19:19: Your Dory - Lvl 24 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 30! Day 37990, 18:20:02: Your Jaws - Lvl 22 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 37991, 10:44:26: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 52 (Carnotaurus)! Day 37991, 21:30:20: Jeff Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 37 (Megalodon)! Day 37993, 10:21:06: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 127 (Raptor)! Day 37993, 11:44:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 67 (Stegosaurus)! Day 38056, 22:55:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 59 (Megalodon)! Day 38057, 01:04:58: Jeff Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 38057, 01:52:09: Your Megalodon - Lvl 23 (Megalodon) was killed by Jeff - Lvl 98 (marvel tribe)! Day 38057, 01:52:09: Your Tribe killed Megalodon - Lvl 23 (Megalodon) (marvel tribe)! Day 38057, 12:06:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 7 (Megalodon)! Day 38058, 05:14:17: Jeff Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 38080, 16:36:55: Jeff Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 38103, 09:53:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 38103, 14:19:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 38103, 14:56:29: Your Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 38108, 09:44:16: Your Jeff's Taming Boat (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 38247, 14:30:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 38247, 17:49:36: Jeff Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 79 (Megalodon)! Day 38248, 14:15:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 44 (Sarco)! Day 38270, 09:27:32: Jeff Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 89 (Sabertooth)! Day 38271, 15:47:42: Your [J] Zippy - Lvl 173 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 35! Day 38271, 15:48:47: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 101 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 75! Day 38272, 01:33:44: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 101 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 120! Day 38410, 18:59:04: Your Bruce - Lvl 30 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 38527, 08:46:53: Mossy - Lvl 112 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38718, 07:11:08: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38850, 03:04:32: curly - Lvl 55 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 38873, 16:48:37: goofy - Lvl 71 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Single Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39016, 13:09:49: Dumbo - Lvl 260 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 39016, 13:45:44: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Onix - Lvl 193 (Raptor)'! Day 39016, 13:47:01: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delta - Lvl 169 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 13:47:39: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cyclone - Lvl 203 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 14:35:52: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Viper - Lvl 165 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39016, 15:02:58: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggy - Lvl 106 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39016, 15:12:37: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Batman - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39016, 21:05:05: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 183 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39016, 21:06:33: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[J] Horns - Lvl 188 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39016, 21:09:32: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lois - Lvl 170 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39016, 21:34:21: DODY - Lvl 55 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 39104, 23:43:09: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 39105, 04:18:13: Curly - Lvl 63 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 39243, 17:01:31: Your Gatorade - Lvl 60 (Sarco) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 39286, 13:38:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39562, 00:58:02: Nat - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feathers - Lvl 52 (Argentavis)'! Day 39571, 13:31:27: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39571, 13:31:27: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39572, 13:50:03: Eris - Lvl 44 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[J] Twister - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39572, 14:05:35: llaceysgaming boy - Lvl 91 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 39572, 20:36:31: Eris - Lvl 47 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Striker - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39575, 09:58:00: Eris - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Falcon - Lvl 57 (Argentavis)'! Day 39575, 10:04:45: Eris - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stewie - Lvl 102 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39577, 07:48:29: Eris - Lvl 63 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'llaceysgaming girl - Lvl 270 (Dodo)'! Day 39577, 07:54:27: Eris - Lvl 63 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nala - Lvl 104 (Sabertooth)'! Day 39577, 20:58:57: Your Ripster - Lvl 44 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 75! Day 39579, 01:20:44: Eris - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[J] Carnage - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39579, 01:51:50: Eris - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie - Lvl 152 (Raptor)'! Day 39579, 02:49:40: Eris - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Razor - Lvl 128 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39579, 03:17:34: Eris - Lvl 64 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 46 (Argentavis)'! Day 39579, 03:53:30: Spike - Lvl 43 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 39596, 23:50:17: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[J] Jade - Lvl 101 (Triceratops)'! Day 39597, 00:01:47: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slasher - Lvl 53 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39597, 00:12:56: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wolverine - Lvl 53 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39597, 00:24:16: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sundown - Lvl 130 (Raptor)'! Day 39597, 00:35:30: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goose - Lvl 92 (Raptor)'! Day 39597, 00:35:55: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phoenix - Lvl 118 (Raptor)'! Day 39597, 00:43:16: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[J] Ducky - Lvl 112 (Parasaur)'! Day 39597, 00:51:56: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Echo - Lvl 107 (Raptor)'! Day 39597, 01:01:04: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brian - Lvl 82 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39597, 01:24:43: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jeff's Raft Base (Raft)'! Day 39597, 01:44:40: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whiplash - Lvl 92 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 39597, 02:00:39: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toro - Lvl 82 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39597, 02:12:00: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Little Finger - Lvl 62 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39597, 02:30:42: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stubby - Lvl 53 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39597, 04:01:51: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Neon - Lvl 31 (Megalodon)'! Day 39597, 04:49:14: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Riptide - Lvl 57 (Spino)'! Day 39597, 05:23:24: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megan - Lvl 84 (Megalodon)'! Day 39597, 05:54:03: Eris - Lvl 67 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spit - Lvl 94 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 40462, 08:04:50: Your [J] Donnatello - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 41406, 19:14:34: dia - Lvl 192 (Tribe of dia) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flappy brird - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 43048, 15:29:24: crunch - Lvl 112 (The Empire) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharpedo - Lvl 96 (Megalodon)'! Day 43223, 20:17:16: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 43651, 19:34:34: THE MAN - Lvl 100 (Top Tree Trundred) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slipgator - Lvl 155 (Sarco)'! Day 43903, 05:04:01: Jeff claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 124 (Doedicurus)'! Day 43903, 10:38:20: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 43903, 11:06:32: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 43903, 11:56:02: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 43903, 14:03:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 52 (Dodo)! Day 43903, 14:12:32: VLacey Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 11 (Dodo)! Day 43903, 17:41:19: Jeff Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 43903, 18:41:17: Your dont know still - Lvl 33 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 43903, 18:48:32: Your Dodo - Lvl 55 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 15! Day 43904, 20:08:01: VLacey Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 21 (Phiomia)! Day 43905, 07:11:05: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 43905, 15:40:20: Jeff Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 166 (Phiomia)! Day 43905, 18:21:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 82 (Phiomia)! Day 43905, 18:26:12: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 104 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 43905, 18:48:53: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 43905, 20:46:00: Jeff Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 13 (Phiomia)! Day 43926, 08:43:39: Your [MT] Blood - Lvl 38 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 43926, 21:13:31: Jeff Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 111 (Carnotaurus)! Day 43934, 15:45:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Parasaur)! Day 43934, 20:16:10: Jeff Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 43934, 20:21:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 43934, 23:13:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 43934, 23:23:15: Your [MT] Perry - Lvl 83 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 43934, 23:27:47: Your [MT] Streamline - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 43935, 02:48:45: Carnotaurus - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 43935, 23:05:53: Jeff Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 6 (Triceratops)! Day 43936, 05:38:59: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 7 (Raptor)! Day 43936, 05:43:13: Your Raptor - Lvl 7 (Raptor) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 43936, 05:43:15: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 105 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 43936, 07:40:02: Jeff claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 43936, 07:52:30: Jeff claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44033, 11:53:47: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 44033, 11:57:25: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 44033, 15:18:33: Jeff claimed 'tps spino - Lvl 121 (Spino)'! Day 44033, 15:19:38: Jeff claimed 'Spino - Lvl 47 (Spino)'! Day 44045, 22:22:09: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 44045, 23:16:22: Jeff Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 174 (Raptor)! Day 44210, 11:08:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44639, 03:23:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44873, 09:59:24: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Rolly Poly - Lvl 146 (Doedicurus)'! Day 44873, 10:12:46: Tobster - Lvl 94 (Tribe of Tobster) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Streamline - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44922, 11:54:48: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Charcoal - Lvl 64 (Spino)'! Day 44922, 11:58:43: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] River Monster - Lvl 122 (Spino)'! Day 44922, 12:05:43: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Delta - Lvl 177 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:06:24: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Echo - Lvl 25 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:11:40: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Speedy - Lvl 20 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:27:07: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Horns - Lvl 129 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 44922, 12:41:23: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Maverick - Lvl 204 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 12:53:54: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Spotty - Lvl 38 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:00:20: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Clifford - Lvl 28 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:02:46: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Collector - Lvl 16 (Triceratops)'! Day 44922, 13:06:12: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Bluey - Lvl 182 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:20:02: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Pumpkin - Lvl 97 (Phiomia)'! Day 44922, 13:24:54: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[MT] Phoenix - Lvl 20 (Raptor)'! Day 44922, 13:34:58: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'urhmmmm - Lvl 29 (Dodo)'! Day 44922, 14:58:33: Nova - Lvl 112 (Kingdom of Midnight) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'idk - Lvl 47 (Dodo)'! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44925, 00:22:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45024, 18:10:06: Tribemember Jeff - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 45024, 18:19:03: Tribemember VLacey - Lvl 62 was killed!"] "tribeid":1676564786,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 37680, 19:29:42: 인간 was added to the Tribe! Day 37680, 19:31:33: Tribe of 수현 tribe was merged in by 수현! Day 37680, 19:31:33: 수현 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 37680, 19:32:51: 수현 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 37680, 19:43:58: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 수현! Day 37680, 20:44:52: 인간 froze 다키 - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 37680, 21:40:50: 인간 froze 섀도우메이크 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37680, 21:42:18: 인간 froze op로 - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 37680, 22:35:19: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 37681, 04:24:00: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 37681, 06:36:57: Your M Rex1 M - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37681, 06:42:48: Your 유키 - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37681, 06:47:30: Your M Rex0 F - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37681, 06:48:14: Your M Rex0 F - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 37681, 06:49:33: Your 탄지로 - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 37681, 07:24:37: 인간 froze 기유 - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 07:35:18: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 37681, 07:39:28: 인간 froze op로 - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 07:43:22: 인간 froze op완성체 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 07:49:04: 인간 froze op - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 07:49:18: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 37681, 07:52:15: 인간 froze 살찐 소라카 - Lvl 309 (Daeodon) Day 37681, 07:55:36: 인간 froze 기지로 - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 07:58:33: 인간 froze 1972단 고음 - Lvl 192 (Yutyrannus) Day 37681, 08:01:28: 인간 froze 섀도우메이크 - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 08:09:16: 인간 froze 다키 - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 08:18:45: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 37681, 08:21:52: 인간 froze 시노부 - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 37681, 08:25:46: 인간 froze 힐노예 - Lvl 148 (Daeodon) Day 38262, 18:48:13: 인간 froze 김치찌개 - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 38266, 06:54:59: 인간 froze 2세대 젠이츠 - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 38294, 02:02:11: 인간 froze 2세대op - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 38295, 05:42:48: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38599, 18:03:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38606, 09:43:01: 인간 froze 2세대op - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 39832, 18:12:35: 수현 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1674917402,"tribe":"Tribe of Crisp logs":["Day 27589, 10:00:14: Crisp Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 14 (Sarco)! Day 27589, 10:32:31: Crisp froze Sarco - Lvl 14 (Sarco) Day 27589, 14:11:28: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 27589, 15:02:04: Crisp Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo)! Day 27589, 15:06:44: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo) Day 27590, 08:02:20: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis) Day 27590, 12:08:00: Crisp Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides)! Day 27590, 12:17:11: Crisp froze Castoroides - Lvl 37 (Castoroides) Day 27600, 19:06:24: Crisp Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 27600, 19:10:28: Crisp froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) Day 27600, 21:04:16: Crisp claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 34 (Spino)'! Day 27602, 17:47:37: Crisp claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino)'! Day 27609, 05:50:09: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 178 (Argentavis) Day 27609, 07:53:29: Crisp Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)! Day 27609, 08:09:54: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo) Day 27610, 18:45:10: Crisp Tamed a Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon)! Day 27610, 18:49:31: Crisp froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 22 (Dimetrodon) Day 27611, 02:13:53: Crisp Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco)! Day 27611, 02:18:03: Crisp froze Sarco - Lvl 209 (Sarco) Day 27614, 02:35:28: Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27614, 05:42:26: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 44 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27628, 14:11:27: Crisp Tamed a Spino - Lvl 122 (Spino)! Day 27628, 14:22:42: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 122 (Spino) Day 27628, 15:05:34: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino) Day 27628, 21:24:35: Crisp claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 75 (Spino)'! Day 27629, 10:24:27: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino) Day 27630, 21:34:47: Crisp Tamed a Paraceratherium - Lvl 29 (Paraceratherium)! Day 27630, 21:40:14: Crisp froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 29 (Paraceratherium) Day 27630, 23:30:28: Crisp claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino)'! Day 27652, 06:58:39: Adolescent Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino) starved to death! Day 27653, 11:13:50: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 27653, 20:10:35: Crisp Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)! Day 27653, 20:13:52: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis) Day 27654, 02:04:06: Crisp Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 112 (Allosaurus)! Day 27654, 02:12:41: Crisp froze Allosaurus - Lvl 112 (Allosaurus) Day 27654, 05:39:55: Crisp Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus)! Day 27654, 05:43:10: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus) Day 27654, 10:06:14: Crisp Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 134 (Direwolf)! Day 27654, 10:09:18: Crisp froze Direwolf - Lvl 134 (Direwolf) Day 27654, 10:28:04: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 27654, 14:02:22: Crisp Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth)! Day 27654, 14:08:23: Crisp froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 27654, 17:23:56: Crisp froze Sarco - Lvl 21 (Sarco) Day 27673, 09:39:17: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27673, 09:44:16: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur) Day 27673, 16:11:12: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27674, 06:16:46: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) Day 27674, 09:11:16: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 27674, 09:33:11: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27674, 09:34:31: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27674, 09:43:49: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27674, 09:50:01: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) Day 27674, 09:55:33: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) Day 27674, 10:01:03: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) Day 27674, 10:12:02: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27674, 10:14:59: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur) Day 27680, 18:24:21: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27680, 18:28:40: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 89 (Dilophosaur) Day 27680, 18:29:53: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27680, 18:34:36: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) Day 27680, 18:34:42: Crisp Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27680, 18:40:42: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur) Day 27681, 00:52:37: Crisp froze Sarco - Lvl 16 (Sarco) Day 27681, 01:53:33: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27681, 01:57:15: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 96 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27681, 01:59:57: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27681, 02:03:08: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 108 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27681, 02:08:50: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 27681, 07:37:43: Crisp froze Juvenile Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur) Day 27705, 05:18:39: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 27705, 07:02:54: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 101 (Spino) Day 27705, 20:05:12: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 27737, 04:29:51: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 101 (Spino) Day 27773, 23:05:45: Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 27794, 01:33:38: Crisp froze Shinehorn - Lvl 207 (Shinehorn) Day 27794, 01:48:51: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo) Day 27794, 01:57:44: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 94 (Otter) Day 27794, 02:04:57: Crisp froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 49 (Dimetrodon) Day 27794, 02:11:05: Crisp froze Direwolf - Lvl 140 (Direwolf) Day 27794, 02:16:32: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus) Day 27794, 02:25:11: Crisp froze Baryonyx - Lvl 14 (Baryonyx) Day 27794, 02:32:41: Crisp froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 167 (Tek Parasaur) Day 27794, 02:45:13: Crisp froze Parasaur - Lvl 68 (Parasaur) Day 27794, 02:51:09: Crisp froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur) Day 27794, 03:16:51: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 146 (Spino) Day 27794, 03:22:45: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 53 (Spino) Day 27794, 03:30:36: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 75 (Spino) Day 27794, 03:35:58: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 110 (Spino) Day 27794, 03:43:13: Crisp froze Allosaurus - Lvl 130 (Allosaurus) Day 27933, 10:56:14: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 151 (Spino) Day 27966, 09:32:14: Crisp froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 27966, 15:42:05: Crisp froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 27966, 19:55:29: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis) Day 28035, 22:12:03: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 129 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28036, 17:08:10: Your Sarco - Lvl 111 (Sarco) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28036, 17:12:42: Your Sarco - Lvl 111 (Sarco) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28036, 17:27:08: Your Spino - Lvl 130 (Spino) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28036, 17:27:13: Your Spino - Lvl 116 (Spino) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28054, 16:38:41: Tribemember Crisp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28086, 14:28:17: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 14 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 40! Day 28086, 14:29:51: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 37 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 28098, 13:14:02: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 205 (Doedicurus) Day 28098, 16:43:53: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus) Day 28100, 05:57:59: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis) Day 28102, 20:32:14: Crisp Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 22 (Megatherium)! Day 28102, 20:36:21: Crisp froze Megatherium - Lvl 22 (Megatherium) Day 28104, 11:15:34: Crisp Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 29 (Dire Bear)! Day 28104, 11:23:59: Crisp froze Dire Bear - Lvl 29 (Dire Bear) Day 28105, 19:40:26: Crisp Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 28105, 20:30:31: Crisp froze Icky - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28105, 21:32:46: Crisp froze Castoroides - Lvl 81 (Castoroides) Day 28105, 21:44:45: Crisp froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur) Day 28106, 19:32:40: Crisp froze Dire Bear - Lvl 34 (Dire Bear) Day 28107, 12:23:50: Crisp Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 28107, 12:30:45: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28107, 12:45:04: Crisp froze Icky - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28107, 13:27:09: Crisp froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 290 (Basilosaurus) Day 28107, 14:36:12: Crisp Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)! Day 28107, 14:43:36: Crisp froze Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon) Day 28107, 15:50:15: Tribemember Crisp - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 125! Day 28107, 16:22:09: Your Otter - Lvl 275 (Otter) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 125! Day 28107, 16:47:49: Crisp Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 28107, 16:53:31: Crisp froze Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon) Day 28108, 05:22:14: Crisp froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 28108, 05:33:28: Crisp froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 28108, 07:01:41: Crisp froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28108, 07:45:19: Crisp froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28108, 08:12:35: Crisp froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28108, 10:24:53: Crisp froze Dire Bear - Lvl 34 (Dire Bear) Day 28108, 14:10:35: Crisp Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)! Day 28108, 14:16:24: Crisp froze Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon) Day 28108, 18:30:41: Crisp Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 119 (Megalodon)! Day 28108, 18:37:51: Crisp froze Megalodon - Lvl 119 (Megalodon) Day 28109, 01:04:24: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 77 (Beelzebufo) Day 28109, 20:42:49: Crisp Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 28109, 20:48:54: Crisp froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 28109, 21:35:51: Crisp froze Dire Bear - Lvl 43 (Dire Bear) Day 28127, 05:57:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 70 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28131, 06:24:39: Crisp Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 28131, 06:30:16: Crisp froze Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops) Day 28133, 11:00:03: Tribemember Crisp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28222, 07:44:32: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 147 (Brontosaurus) Day 28263, 18:39:34: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus) Day 28263, 21:45:35: Crisp froze Castoroides - Lvl 118 (Castoroides) Day 28264, 10:36:17: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 87 (Beelzebufo) Day 28264, 18:37:43: Crisp froze Castoroides - Lvl 118 (Castoroides) Day 28265, 00:17:49: Crisp Tamed a Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex)! Day 28265, 00:23:41: Crisp froze Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex) Day 28289, 20:53:13: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 234 (Doedicurus) Day 28320, 08:18:57: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 151 (Brontosaurus) Day 28410, 14:33:01: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 28410, 14:37:43: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 107 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 28410, 14:57:56: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 28410, 15:00:34: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 28410, 15:01:00: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 28410, 15:02:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 28412, 06:31:38: Your Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 28428, 11:10:24: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 151 (Brontosaurus) Day 28437, 02:43:26: Your Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 28437, 06:27:18: Your Dodo - Lvl 88 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 28461, 19:35:38: Crisp Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 29 (Dire Bear)! Day 28461, 19:39:07: Crisp froze Dire Bear - Lvl 29 (Dire Bear) Day 28461, 21:30:44: Crisp Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 80 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28461, 21:34:36: Crisp froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 80 (Tek Raptor) Day 28462, 10:12:09: Crisp froze Doedicurus - Lvl 241 (Doedicurus) Day 28474, 18:29:39: Crisp froze Spino - Lvl 176 (Spino) Day 28474, 18:34:35: Crisp froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 144 (Lystrosaurus) Day 28474, 18:41:35: Crisp froze Rex - Lvl 162 (Rex) Day 28474, 18:59:57: Crisp froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 96 (Dimorphodon) Day 28474, 19:10:34: Crisp froze Sarco - Lvl 228 (Sarco) Day 28474, 19:15:57: Crisp froze Sabertooth - Lvl 74 (Sabertooth) Day 28474, 19:21:57: Crisp froze Megatherium - Lvl 46 (Megatherium) Day 28474, 19:28:16: Crisp froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo) Day 28474, 19:32:50: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 183 (Argentavis) Day 28474, 19:47:26: Crisp froze Compy - Lvl 209 (Compy) Day 28474, 19:51:41: Crisp froze Compy - Lvl 104 (Compy) Day 28474, 19:57:39: Crisp froze Compy - Lvl 7 (Compy) Day 28476, 08:38:18: Crisp froze Dodo - Lvl 190 (Dodo) Day 28476, 08:49:41: Crisp froze Dodo - Lvl 155 (Dodo) Day 28477, 00:24:56: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 158 (Brontosaurus) Day 28499, 15:44:12: Crisp froze Lexi - Lvl 297 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28499, 18:11:56: Crisp Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)! Day 28499, 18:17:05: Crisp froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus) Day 28500, 18:56:25: Crisp Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 28500, 20:26:54: Crisp froze Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor) Day 28500, 22:24:58: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 159 (Brontosaurus) Day 28547, 12:28:31: Crisp Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 125 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28547, 12:34:00: Crisp froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 125 (Tek Raptor) Day 28547, 15:19:30: Crisp Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 32 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28547, 15:21:43: Crisp Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 8 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28547, 15:29:27: Crisp froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 32 (Tek Raptor) Day 28547, 15:33:49: Crisp froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 8 (Tek Raptor) Day 28573, 14:22:34: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 162 (Brontosaurus) Day 28631, 19:42:03: Crisp Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 28631, 19:47:41: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28632, 11:22:24: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 164 (Brontosaurus) Day 28632, 12:28:22: Crisp froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) Day 28632, 12:53:06: Crisp froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus) Day 28680, 10:41:19: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 97 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28888, 21:59:07: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 97 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28903, 14:09:58: Crisp froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 86 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28927, 11:41:07: Crisp froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur) Day 28934, 21:25:40: Crisp froze Lexi - Lvl 299 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28934, 22:07:23: Crisp froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 290 (Basilosaurus) Day 28950, 08:48:25: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 100 (Argentavis) Day 28950, 08:53:40: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 78 (Argentavis) Day 28950, 08:58:04: Crisp froze Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis) Day 28950, 19:59:26: Crisp froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 75 (Therizinosaur) Day 29331, 22:14:12: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 287 (Otter) Day 29331, 22:26:07: Crisp froze Lexi - Lvl 300 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29331, 22:45:06: Crisp froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 181 (Tek Parasaur) Day 29331, 23:11:03: Crisp froze Oviraptor - Lvl 56 (Oviraptor) Day 29533, 05:49:27: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29533, 05:49:27: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29627, 14:03:56: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29686, 23:57:25: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 177 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 29686, 23:57:27: Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 29686, 23:57:29: Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 29686, 23:57:31: Dilophosaur - Lvl 90 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 78 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 100 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 190 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 155 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 14 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 96 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Sarco - Lvl 228 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Compy - Lvl 209 (Compy)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Compy - Lvl 104 (Compy)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Compy - Lvl 7 (Compy)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 87 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Castoroides - Lvl 118 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dire Bear - Lvl 43 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 119 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Cathrine - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Ferocious Fuchsia - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 14 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 22 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 52 (Ichthyosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Icky - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Spino - Lvl 22 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 137 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 53 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 82 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 126 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dimetrodon - Lvl 52 (Dimetrodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 59 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Hayley - Lvl 108 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Kaprosuchus - Lvl 82 (Kaprosuchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Diplocaulus - Lvl 74 (Diplocaulus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Danny - Lvl 66 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 130 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Spino - Lvl 110 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Spino - Lvl 53 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 68 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 167 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Baryonyx - Lvl 14 (Baryonyx)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 140 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Dimetrodon - Lvl 49 (Dimetrodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Otter - Lvl 94 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 74 (Beelzebufo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 207 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Spino - Lvl 101 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 29 (Paraceratherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 111 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 225 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 48 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 96 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 62 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 30 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Diplodocus - Lvl 62 (Diplodocus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Carbonemys - Lvl 230 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 23 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 43 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Iguanodon - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 7 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29688, 09:08:16: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 122 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29730, 11:17:46: Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 29730, 12:52:17: Dilophosaur - Lvl 82 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 29783, 15:51:47: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)'! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29815, 12:26:28: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29839, 03:16:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29839, 03:16:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29919, 09:29:31: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 227 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30098, 21:55:04: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30122, 12:59:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30537, 12:04:40: Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 30537, 12:04:40: Dilophosaur - Lvl 104 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 30537, 14:41:51: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 30537, 17:38:16: Crisp froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 164 (Brontosaurus) Day 30537, 18:16:46: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 102 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30537, 18:18:23: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30537, 18:20:05: Crisp claimed 'Baby Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 30537, 19:27:04: Crisp froze Lexi - Lvl 300 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30537, 20:59:33: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 30538, 03:58:18: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 227 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30648, 00:27:37: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 237 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30836, 21:49:44: Crisp claimed '223 W - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31033, 06:43:45: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 31176, 17:15:12: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 31338, 12:04:42: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 31528, 22:41:06: Dilophosaur - Lvl 153 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 31543, 09:18:26: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 31589, 17:39:59: Your Third Try Charm (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31690, 20:20:37: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 31690, 20:27:38: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 287 (Otter) Day 31858, 01:12:01: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 31858, 01:12:05: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 32023, 07:09:46: Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32023, 15:15:02: Dilophosaur - Lvl 102 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32037, 21:17:58: Dilophosaur - Lvl 97 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32038, 09:45:49: Dilophosaur - Lvl 160 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32064, 06:21:42: Dilophosaur - Lvl 172 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32065, 05:29:52: Dilophosaur - Lvl 145 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32065, 07:53:21: Dilophosaur - Lvl 160 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32065, 12:41:01: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 32065, 17:13:47: Dilophosaur - Lvl 146 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 32160, 03:20:52: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 223 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32161, 01:36:55: 223 W - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 32364, 19:28:13: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 244 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 32475, 16:37:47: Crisp froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 32780, 05:24:24: Tribemember Crisp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 32804, 14:35:20: Tribemember Crisp - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.8x! Day 32912, 14:00:42: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 244 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 32912, 19:18:29: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 33561, 18:59:17: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 33561, 19:12:55: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 34215, 09:27:30: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34215, 09:39:05: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 367 (Otter) Day 34971, 05:33:05: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 245 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34971, 05:49:49: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 368 (Otter) Day 35618, 07:55:41: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 263 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 35618, 08:06:11: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 36445, 15:18:51: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36445, 15:29:24: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 37019, 05:19:55: Triceratops - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 37311, 19:58:48: Triceratops - Lvl 115 destroyed your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 37311, 19:58:48: Triceratops - Lvl 115 destroyed your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 37311, 19:59:02: Triceratops - Lvl 115 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 37311, 19:59:05: Triceratops - Lvl 115 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 37311, 19:59:09: Triceratops - Lvl 115 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Unlocked) '! Day 37682, 02:28:52: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 37682, 02:38:17: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 38497, 10:05:26: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 38497, 10:11:48: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 39513, 07:31:36: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 39513, 08:05:28: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 39562, 10:44:26: Triceratops - Lvl 70 destroyed your 'Zipline Anchor'! Day 40458, 02:16:33: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 40458, 02:30:32: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41591, 17:10:22: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 41591, 17:21:55: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 42705, 08:16:45: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42705, 11:16:18: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 42705, 11:37:45: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 44069, 18:05:50: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 44069, 20:01:00: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter) Day 44695, 03:43:09: Crisp froze Peta - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 44695, 03:55:02: Crisp froze Otter - Lvl 382 (Otter)"] "tribeid":1673846098,"tribe":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA logs":["Day 16448, 19:04:12: Dumdumknight was added to the Tribe! Day 16448, 19:06:20: Ash was added to the Tribe by Dumdumknight! Day 16448, 19:46:23: Tribemember Dumdumknight - Lvl 2 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 45! Day 16448, 19:48:40: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 16448, 19:53:07: Tribemember Dumdumknight - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 16448, 20:01:09: Tribemember Dumdumknight - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 16448, 21:22:41: Tribemember Dumdumknight - Lvl 13 was killed by Ash - Lvl 20 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)! Day 16448, 21:22:41: Your Tribe killed Dumdumknight - Lvl 13 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)! Day 16448, 22:28:16: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 16448, 22:51:06: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 16448, 23:17:25: Tribemember Ash - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 17428, 19:54:43: Shiro - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Shiro) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 22713, 18:18:47: Tribemember Dumdumknight - Lvl 15 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1673740893,"tribe":"Sexy Boys logs":["Day 15779, 06:11:11: Dalton343 was added to the Tribe! Day 15779, 06:13:25: Dalton343 froze Daeodon - Lvl 287 (Daeodon) Day 15779, 06:14:50: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 284 (Megatherium) Day 15779, 06:16:21: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 15779, 06:49:52: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 304 (Megatherium) Day 15780, 05:51:20: Dalton343 froze Griffan - Lvl 269 (Griffin) Day 15781, 06:55:58: ttvClawkzAyoh was added to the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 15781, 09:58:01: ttvClawkzAyoh froze Shawty - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 15781, 10:39:01: Cyberdyne88 added 'Sexy GGs' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 10:55:10: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of big' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 11:08:05: Dalton343 froze Griffan - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 15781, 11:09:39: Dalton343 froze Griffan - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 15781, 12:13:29: Cyberdyne88 added 'Dinobots' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 15781, 13:46:30: ttvClawkzAyoh froze Griffan - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 15781, 16:50:40: Mickey was added to the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 15781, 16:56:01: Dalton343 froze Bloodlust - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15781, 16:57:23: Dalton343 froze Griffan - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 15781, 18:37:30: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:40:19: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:41:41: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:42:35: Mickey froze Dalton's Mega - Lvl 294 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:43:58: Mickey froze Boss Mega - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:45:26: Mickey froze Uterus - Lvl 280 (Yutyrannus) Day 15781, 18:45:35: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:47:09: Mickey froze Boss Mega - Lvl 288 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:47:16: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:48:38: Mickey froze Boss Mega - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:48:39: Dalton343 froze Boss Mega - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 18:50:42: Mickey froze Boss Mega - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 19:13:50: ttvClawkzAyoh froze Shawty - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 15781, 19:13:51: Mickey froze Bloodlust - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15781, 19:22:43: Mickey froze Bloodlust - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15781, 19:29:09: ttvClawkzAyoh froze Shawty - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 15781, 19:36:48: ttvClawkzAyoh froze Shawty - Lvl 279 (Griffin) Day 15781, 20:03:56: Tribemember ttvClawkzAyoh - Lvl 94 was killed by Mickey - Lvl 97 (Sexy GGs)! Day 15781, 20:03:56: Your Tribe killed ttvClawkzAyoh - Lvl 94 (Sexy GGs)! Day 15781, 20:17:20: Dalton343 froze Clawkz's Mega - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 15781, 20:48:07: Dalton343 froze E. rex sean - Lvl 240 (Poison Wyvern) Day 16136, 09:40:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16303, 16:38:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16303, 16:38:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16471, 01:48:46: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17456, 07:46:17: Dalton343 froze Blue Balls - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17456, 07:48:59: Mickey froze Ptyrone - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 17456, 08:17:42: Dalton343 froze Blue Balls - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17456, 09:22:20: Dalton343 froze Blue Balls - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17456, 10:06:29: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 17456, 10:14:31: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 17456, 10:16:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 17456, 10:22:11: Tribemember Mickey - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 17456, 10:24:01: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 265 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 17456, 10:24:01: Your Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) was killed! Day 17456, 10:53:23: Dalton343 froze Blue Balls - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17553, 11:40:44: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 278 (Shadowmane) Day 17553, 12:20:18: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17553, 13:43:48: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17553, 14:13:50: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17553, 14:54:26: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17553, 15:41:34: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17553, 19:23:22: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 17553, 23:03:46: Dalton343 froze Oil Pastle - Lvl 269 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17734, 07:36:23: Dalton343 froze many levels - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 17734, 08:20:41: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 17734, 08:26:21: Dalton343 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 17734, 08:27:52: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 17734, 10:13:06: Dalton343 froze many levels - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 17747, 17:21:40: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 17886, 07:33:49: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 07:36:54: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 08:06:27: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 08:45:04: Dalton343 froze Daltons Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) Day 17886, 09:29:12: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 14:39:55: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 14:42:52: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17886, 18:06:50: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Blue Tribe. Day 17886, 18:07:49: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Blue' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 20:01:33: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of soldier Tribe. Day 17886, 20:02:39: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of soldier' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 20:41:48: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 17886, 20:51:52: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 17886, 20:54:03: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 17886, 20:54:41: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17887, 06:54:37: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Enya Tribe. Day 17887, 06:55:42: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Enya' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17887, 06:58:24: Dalton343 unclaimed 'Boss Rex 5 - Lvl 302 (Rex)'! Day 17887, 07:03:57: Dalton343 claimed 'Boss Rex 5 - Lvl 302 (Rex)'! Day 17887, 07:06:10: Tribe of Enya tribe was merged in by Enya! Day 17887, 07:06:10: Enya was added to the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 17887, 08:39:35: Your Daltons Rex - Lvl 324 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 17887, 08:42:30: Your Bos Rex 11 - Lvl 302 (Rex) was killed! Day 17887, 08:48:35: Your Boss Rex 6 - Lvl 300 (Rex) was killed! Day 17887, 09:25:04: Enya froze Enya's bitch - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 17887, 09:30:43: Enya froze Boss Rex 8 - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 17887, 09:45:47: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 10 - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 17887, 09:47:47: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 9 - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 17887, 09:59:53: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 15 - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 17887, 10:01:35: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 7 - Lvl 323 (Rex) Day 17887, 10:07:30: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 12 - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 17887, 10:09:25: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 3 - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 17887, 10:15:20: Dalton343 froze Uterious - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 17887, 10:20:30: Enya froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17887, 10:29:24: Dalton343 froze Mickeys Rex - Lvl 331 (Rex) Day 17887, 10:38:03: Mickey froze many levels - Lvl 429 (Snow Owl) Day 17887, 10:50:56: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17939, 04:40:24: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17939, 08:41:33: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 17939, 17:32:14: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17939, 17:46:51: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 17939, 18:39:54: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17940, 04:06:01: Dalton343 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 17940, 04:20:33: Dalton343 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17940, 06:15:29: Dalton343 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17940, 07:04:22: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 04:40:01: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 263 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 05:22:07: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17967, 06:20:31: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 267 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 06:54:24: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 07:20:38: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 08:25:36: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17967, 09:13:27: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 291 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 11:12:00: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 11:36:57: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 11:53:26: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 12:11:28: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 12:27:13: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 13:33:08: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 293 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 14:15:22: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 15:15:40: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 15:36:57: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 15:48:32: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17967, 17:58:31: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17967, 18:01:07: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 18:10:28: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 18:21:04: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 18:29:38: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 19:31:29: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 19:39:43: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 20:39:47: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 17967, 22:27:00: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17968, 01:36:36: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 17968, 03:33:56: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17968, 05:35:20: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17968, 06:02:36: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 296 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17968, 06:03:58: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17968, 08:10:43: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17968, 21:12:21: Dalton343 claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 229 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 17968, 21:26:24: Dalton343 unclaimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 229 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 17968, 22:10:15: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 17969, 02:45:41: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 298 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17969, 07:28:30: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 17969, 09:06:27: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17969, 09:35:27: Dalton343 froze Blue Shadow - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 17970, 18:51:50: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of GigaChad Tribe. Day 17970, 18:53:08: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of GigaChad' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:12:23: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Salty Sea Dogs Tribe. Day 17970, 19:13:30: Dalton343 added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:42:47: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Cheesy Tribe. Day 17970, 19:43:59: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Cheesy' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 23:38:54: Zero was added to the Tribe by Dalton343! Day 17971, 06:12:12: Your rex - Lvl 329 (Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 17971, 06:16:16: Your Insomnia - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 17971, 06:38:29: Zero froze Boss Rex 8 - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 17971, 06:41:22: Dalton343 froze Mickeys Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 17971, 06:45:45: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 9 - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 17971, 06:53:39: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 9 - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 17971, 06:57:49: Dalton343 froze Enya's bitch - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 17971, 07:40:28: Dalton343 froze Mickeys Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 17971, 08:00:09: Dalton343 unclaimed 'Mercy - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 17971, 08:48:59: Dalton343 claimed 'Mercy - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 17971, 10:46:48: Enya froze Boss Rex 8 - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 17971, 10:50:42: Enya froze Enya's bitch - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 17971, 10:51:04: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 12 - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 17971, 10:53:06: Dalton343 froze Rex - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 17971, 10:58:27: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 7 - Lvl 326 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:00:10: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 9 - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:02:54: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 19 - Lvl 332 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:13:52: Dalton343 froze Uterious - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 17971, 11:16:17: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 15 - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:21:21: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 17 - Lvl 329 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:24:25: Dalton343 froze Mickeys Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 17971, 11:25:51: Enya froze Bogey - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17971, 11:41:46: Zero froze Smygol - Lvl 336 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17971, 11:47:42: Mickey froze many levels - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 17971, 12:06:48: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17971, 16:17:56: Dalton343 froze Mickeys Rex - Lvl 335 (Rex) Day 17971, 16:40:10: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17971, 17:47:47: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17971, 19:52:42: Dalton343 - Lvl 123 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ugg Tribe. Day 17971, 19:53:27: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17971, 22:38:59: Enya froze Boss Rex 10 - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 17971, 22:45:41: Enya froze Boss Rex 18 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 17972, 07:37:28: Enya froze Enya's bitch - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 17972, 07:37:47: Dalton343 froze Uterious - Lvl 325 (Yutyrannus) Day 17972, 07:39:37: Enya froze Boss Rex 18 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 17972, 08:01:05: Enya froze Boss Rex 10 - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 17972, 08:32:27: Enya froze Bogey - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 17972, 08:45:55: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 311 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17972, 08:47:52: Dalton343 froze Mercy - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18024, 21:19:27: Enya froze STONER BEATER 2000 - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18024, 21:28:52: Enya froze lickle - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 18025, 19:51:32: Tribemember Zero - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18026, 07:23:39: Enya froze Zeros Bummy 8 - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 18026, 07:29:08: Enya froze Enya's bitch - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 18026, 07:46:40: Enya froze Zeros Bummy 8 - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 18026, 14:48:20: Enya froze Zeros Bummy 8 - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 18026, 15:13:37: Enya froze Zeros Bummy 8 - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 18026, 15:14:59: Enya froze thara - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex) Day 18026, 15:53:15: Enya froze Bogey - Lvl 295 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 18026, 15:57:29: Enya froze Smygol - Lvl 339 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18035, 20:03:00: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 313 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18115, 18:03:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18199, 19:02:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18237, 17:52:13: Mickey froze Pacy Boi - Lvl 302 (Pteranodon) Day 18237, 19:34:55: Dalton343 froze Argentavis - Lvl 346 (Argentavis) Day 18332, 10:48:00: Dalton343 froze Purpular - Lvl 261 (Rock Drake) Day 18413, 14:27:45: Tribemember Zero - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 18457, 11:29:56: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18457, 11:40:41: Dalton343 froze Nightshade - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18577, 11:15:33: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 7 - Lvl 364 (Rex) Day 18578, 01:24:48: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 373 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18578, 09:56:01: Dalton343 froze GigaByte - Lvl 373 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18578, 10:11:34: Dalton343 froze Boss Rex 7 - Lvl 364 (Rex) Day 18578, 10:28:30: Dalton343 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 262 (Astrodelphis) Day 18625, 00:36:28: Dalton343 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 287 (Astrodelphis) Day 19220, 07:03:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19782, 02:14:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20384, 01:13:27: Dalton343 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 442 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20384, 07:42:44: Dalton343 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 442 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1672736499,"tribe":"Tribe of owly logs":["Day 19139, 06:16:02: owly was added to the Tribe! Day 19139, 06:24:43: Chervjak was added to the Tribe by owly! Day 19139, 15:46:01: owly Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19139, 17:34:01: Your plevaka - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Chervjak - Lvl 33 (Tribe of owly)! Day 19139, 17:34:01: Your Tribe killed plevaka - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of owly)! Day 19139, 19:36:22: owly Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 19140, 07:53:50: Chervjak demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19140, 07:55:08: Chervjak demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 19140, 08:02:02: Chervjak demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 19140, 08:03:45: Chervjak demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19140, 08:05:39: Chervjak demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19140, 08:07:13: Chervjak demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19140, 08:08:55: Chervjak demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19140, 08:10:13: Chervjak demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 19140, 11:41:21: Chervjak Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon)! Day 19205, 10:38:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19205, 18:42:14: owly demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 19206, 04:18:07: owly Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 19206, 06:18:52: Tribemember owly - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 19206, 06:46:29: Tribemember Chervjak - Lvl 52 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 70! Day 19206, 13:14:04: Chervjak Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 52 (Dimorphodon)! Day 19206, 13:17:50: Chervjak Tamed an Ichthyornis - Lvl 86 (Ichthyornis)! Day 19206, 14:31:21: Tribemember owly - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 19206, 18:56:18: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 19206, 23:21:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 19256, 20:58:41: owly Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 37 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 19257, 06:22:56: owly Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 44 (Doedicurus)! Day 19475, 23:27:39: Moschops - Lvl 157 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 19742, 18:14:59: Plevaka - Lvl 61 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 19742, 18:15:04: Blevaka - Lvl 52 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 19938, 01:07:50: Klevaka - Lvl 92 (Ichthyornis) starved to death! Day 20047, 02:33:46: kusaka - Lvl 51 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 20071, 06:11:28: Doedicurus - Lvl 63 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 20071, 06:16:11: Zappie - Lvl 99 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20071, 06:18:37: Zappie - Lvl 99 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20071, 06:20:23: Zappie - Lvl 99 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 188 (Argentavis)'! Day 20071, 06:21:45: Zappie - Lvl 99 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 72 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20117, 13:09:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 20126, 12:58:22: Zealous - Lvl 119 (Grogu Gang) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CARAPKA - Lvl 56 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20225, 05:59:22: BLIVAKA - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20371, 04:05:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20653, 07:46:48: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20715, 14:45:52: Tribemember Chervjak - Lvl 75 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 24583, 12:03:25: Tribemember owly - Lvl 97 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1669681078,"tribe":"survivors logs":["Day 22646, 09:03:44: ocina was added to the Tribe! Day 22646, 18:45:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 82 (Carnotaurus)! Day 22646, 19:14:18: ocina froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 82 (Carnotaurus) Day 22646, 19:47:41: ocina claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22646, 20:24:13: ocina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 7 (Parasaur)! Day 22647, 04:57:41: ocina froze Juvenile triturador de rocas - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22648, 07:00:48: ocina froze Juvenile triturador de rocas - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22648, 07:33:27: ocina Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 22648, 07:44:19: ocina Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)! Day 22648, 07:50:28: ocina froze Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops) Day 22648, 12:52:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 22648, 12:52:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 22648, 12:52:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 22649, 02:24:24: Adolescent triturador de rocas - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 22649, 03:43:54: ocina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 22649, 04:27:21: ocina Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Parasaur)! Day 22649, 07:50:33: ocina claimed 'Move to male - Lvl 309 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 22649, 09:29:31: Your sistema de alerta - Lvl 8 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 65! Day 22649, 10:00:37: ocina froze Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops) Day 22649, 10:25:19: ocina uploaded a Moschops: Moschops - Lvl 7 Day 22649, 12:10:21: ocina downloaded a dino: Moschops - Lvl 7 Day 22649, 12:34:34: ocina froze Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops) Day 22649, 14:03:36: ocina Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 22747, 05:28:42: Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 22889, 21:58:50: Your Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 22889, 22:17:53: Your Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 22912, 21:27:39: Your tipo cuerno - Lvl 87 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 95! Day 22942, 12:20:11: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22998, 10:57:27: pájaro volador - Lvl 269 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 23238, 11:13:42: Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23249, 18:53:45: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23249, 18:53:45: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23375, 03:08:18: ocina's 'Moschops - Lvl 7 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 23533, 01:09:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1665679694,"tribe":"Pumpkin shurts logs":["Day 32452, 23:17:23: Lennnnnny5 was added to the Tribe! Day 32452, 23:21:02: dave5 was added to the Tribe by Lennnnnny5! Day 32453, 11:16:53: dave5 froze niki man-vadge - Lvl 417 (Shadowmane) Day 32453, 19:22:11: Lennnnnny5 froze games the game - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 32453, 19:29:16: Lennnnnny5 froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 32453, 19:59:43: Lennnnnny5 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 32453, 20:30:36: dave5 froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 267 (Sinomacrops) Day 32453, 20:36:51: dave5 froze Griffin - Lvl 251 (Griffin) Day 32453, 20:55:13: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 35! Day 33036, 06:57:13: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 353 (Griffin) Day 33036, 07:51:43: Tribemember dave5 - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 33036, 10:27:06: dave5 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33036, 16:39:05: dave5 froze Sid Vicarious - Lvl 331 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33036, 17:49:47: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 353 (Griffin) Day 33248, 01:25:16: Lennnnnny5 froze Anklyosaur - Lvl 282 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33248, 01:40:45: Lennnnnny5 froze Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) Day 33248, 05:01:38: Tribemember Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 128 was killed by a Rhyniognatha - Lvl 80! Day 33248, 08:47:23: Lennnnnny5 froze Triceratops - Lvl 218 (Triceratops) Day 33248, 19:24:32: Lennnnnny5 froze Halaand - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 33248, 21:57:24: Tribemember Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 33249, 00:22:34: Lennnnnny5 froze Halaand - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 33280, 16:12:10: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 33280, 18:32:52: dave5 froze Sid Vicarious - Lvl 337 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33280, 18:33:51: Lennnnnny5 froze Anklyosaur - Lvl 290 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33281, 09:18:44: Tribemember Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 33281, 09:46:37: dave5 froze Sid Vicarious - Lvl 337 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 33281, 13:41:42: dave5 froze speedy - Lvl 354 (Griffin) Day 33300, 12:33:20: Lennnnnny5 froze Halaand - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 35234, 14:08:47: Star Man - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1665359786,"tribe":"Tribe of olo logs":["Day 30421, 12:35:00: olo was added to the Tribe! Day 30421, 13:06:04: Alf was added to the Tribe by olo! Day 30421, 13:06:55: Alf was promoted to a Tribe Admin by olo! Day 30421, 16:18:34: Tribemember olo - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 30421, 16:37:17: Tribemember olo - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 105! Day 30421, 18:22:22: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 31048, 17:11:39: Tribemember olo - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 38850, 03:12:36: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 47 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 120!"] "tribeid":1663341608,"tribe":"Tribe of FinesseLord logs":["Day 22975, 11:24:33: FinesseLord was added to the Tribe! Day 22975, 13:03:05: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 6 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 22976, 00:26:27: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 22976, 05:17:06: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 19 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 22976, 05:39:17: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 22982, 14:06:46: FinesseLord Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23077, 12:09:51: FinesseLord Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 23078, 16:51:06: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 23090, 16:23:29: FinesseLord demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23090, 16:58:38: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 16:59:41: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:00:37: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:01:49: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:02:46: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:05:43: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:11:36: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:12:45: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:15:54: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 23090, 17:36:46: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:38:49: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:40:16: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:42:53: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:45:37: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:46:43: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:50:25: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:51:22: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:52:43: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 17:53:40: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 18:09:35: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 19:08:57: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 23090, 19:10:35: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 23090, 19:48:43: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23090, 19:51:26: FinesseLord demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23100, 16:05:38: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 71 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 100! Day 23101, 04:44:20: FinesseLord Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 23115, 15:54:58: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 23117, 11:55:26: FinesseLord Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 23117, 13:04:21: Your Raptor - Lvl 17 (Raptor) was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 50! Day 23117, 18:59:15: FinesseLord Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 23117, 22:57:11: FinesseLord Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)! Day 23124, 10:45:21: FinesseLord claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 23124, 10:55:26: FinesseLord froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 00:18:24: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 10:29:06: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 10:33:43: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 11:06:26: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 11:10:34: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23125, 11:15:18: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 23146, 03:57:13: Your Triceratops - Lvl 28 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 23146, 13:52:01: FinesseLord Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 44 (Phiomia)! Day 23148, 08:49:00: FinesseLord froze Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis) Day 23149, 13:09:22: FinesseLord claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23149, 13:14:47: FinesseLord froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23149, 17:39:48: Your Phiomia - Lvl 44 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 23149, 22:36:17: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23150, 00:42:00: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23150, 07:28:04: FinesseLord claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 23150, 07:33:05: FinesseLord froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23150, 12:18:52: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Tesla - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23150, 12:44:12: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Britney Spears - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23162, 09:09:34: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Britney Spears - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23162, 12:48:31: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Tesla - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23162, 12:52:04: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Tesla - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23162, 16:52:14: FinesseLord claimed 'Travis - Lvl 187 (Argentavis)'! Day 23162, 19:13:07: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Tesla - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23162, 21:52:12: FinesseLord froze Adolescent Tesla - Lvl 100 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23168, 18:50:19: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23169, 06:19:56: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23169, 06:23:34: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23169, 06:28:02: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23169, 08:00:52: FinesseLord froze Juvenile Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23169, 17:41:33: FinesseLord Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 23353, 04:37:27: Your Parasaur - Lvl 18 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 70! Day 23391, 16:45:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23567, 20:22:51: Your Triceratops - Lvl 13 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23668, 22:28:34: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23878, 16:20:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 106 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23916, 18:48:47: Your Raptor - Lvl 100 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23946, 15:37:15: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23946, 15:40:25: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24018, 12:16:28: Your Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24586, 10:08:15: Steve - Lvl 69 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toxin - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 24586, 10:39:13: Steve - Lvl 69 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Storm - Lvl 152 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24595, 13:42:35: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24597, 05:55:17: jay.... - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hawkeye - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 24623, 10:33:11: Steve - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Steve1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24687, 08:00:11: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Travis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24879, 03:55:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24883, 02:44:49: Tribemember FinesseLord - Lvl 96 was killed!"] "tribeid":1662013496,"tribe":"Tribe of Human2 logs":["Day 36028, 10:44:01: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 36246, 21:34:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1657725673,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 36022, 16:44:34: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 36023, 00:03:15: Human Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)! Day 36023, 05:16:09: Your youtube - Lvl 8 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Human - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 36023, 05:16:09: Your Tribe killed youtube - Lvl 8 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Human1)! Day 36023, 06:21:05: Evelynn was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 36023, 06:22:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 36023, 06:22:02: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Human1)! Day 36023, 07:00:50: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe! Day 36255, 11:06:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1656814524,"tribe":"Tribe of The survivor logs":["Day 22959, 02:59:58: The survivor froze Juvenile Megatherium - Lvl 203 (Megatherium) Day 22959, 12:54:55: The survivor froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 195 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22959, 13:05:19: The survivor froze Adolescent 39S 40M - Lvl 240 (Velonasaur) Day 22959, 13:11:14: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22959, 14:06:22: The survivor froze Argentavis - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 22960, 18:49:31: spakkatron400 downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 Day 22961, 01:29:34: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 134 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 22961, 02:55:35: spakkatron400 froze Baby gal simo - Lvl 134 (Sinomacrops) Day 22971, 11:53:41: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22971, 12:11:53: The survivor claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22971, 12:22:48: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 22971, 12:25:48: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 22971, 12:28:34: The survivor froze All stats breeder - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22971, 12:36:21: The survivor froze all stats no colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22971, 12:39:02: The survivor froze breeder all stats - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 22971, 12:41:48: The survivor froze breeder all stats - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 22971, 13:40:22: Eve claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22971, 15:23:14: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22971, 17:23:15: Tribemember spakkatron400 - Lvl 77 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 75! Day 22971, 20:30:38: spakkatron400 froze Juvenile gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22971, 20:38:52: spakkatron400 froze Juvenile gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 00:37:12: The survivor froze use bred - Lvl 203 (Megatherium) Day 22972, 01:34:45: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:05:14: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:09:33: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) was killed by The survivor - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 22972, 02:09:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 22972, 02:12:07: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:28:18: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:49:04: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:52:07: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) was killed by The survivor - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 22972, 02:52:07: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 22972, 02:54:20: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 22972, 02:55:15: Eve froze Juvenile gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 03:07:13: Eve froze Juvenile gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 03:21:59: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 22972, 03:43:19: The survivor froze f breeder - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 22972, 03:46:50: The survivor froze Breeder - Lvl 232 (Rex) Day 22972, 03:52:21: The survivor froze REX breeder - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 22972, 04:17:12: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 22972, 04:21:13: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 22972, 04:26:06: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 22972, 04:31:20: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 22972, 07:53:41: spakkatron400 froze Procoptodon - Lvl 221 (Procoptodon) Day 22972, 08:07:45: The survivor froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:13:08: The survivor froze Juvenile gal wyv2 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:17:04: The survivor froze Juvenile gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:42:57: The survivor froze Juvenile Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:46:15: The survivor froze Juvenile Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:51:16: The survivor froze Juvenile Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 08:54:39: The survivor froze Juvenile Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 09:03:04: The survivor froze Juvenile Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 13:23:24: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 22972, 13:26:05: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 22972, 18:14:23: The survivor froze Adolescent Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 18:17:42: The survivor froze Adolescent Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 18:31:41: The survivor froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22972, 19:15:56: The survivor froze use - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22972, 22:54:25: The survivor claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 22972, 22:59:24: The survivor froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22972, 23:05:13: The survivor claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 22972, 23:06:37: The survivor claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 22973, 00:58:09: spakkatron400 froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 05:17:23: Eve froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 06:08:57: The survivor froze Juvenile Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops) Day 22973, 06:14:24: The survivor froze Juvenile Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops) Day 22973, 13:12:44: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv2 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 13:30:59: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv2 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 13:47:38: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv2 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:00:48: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:08:06: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:11:56: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:16:47: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:21:30: Eve froze Adolescent gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:48:29: Eve froze Adolescent Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 14:57:12: Eve froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 15:12:59: Eve froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 15:20:13: Eve froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 15:23:52: Eve froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 15:28:58: Eve froze Adolescent Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22973, 16:11:32: Eve claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 22973, 22:33:10: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 22974, 01:44:09: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22974, 02:03:00: The survivor froze Procoptodon - Lvl 258 (Procoptodon) Day 22974, 02:15:01: The survivor froze 39S 40M - Lvl 240 (Velonasaur) Day 22974, 02:19:35: The survivor froze 40 melle - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22974, 02:37:14: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22974, 04:33:06: The survivor froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 195 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22974, 10:06:43: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 171 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22977, 21:54:25: The survivor froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 22978, 00:08:20: The survivor froze GAL WYV4 - Lvl 85 (Poison Wyvern) Day 22978, 01:25:13: The survivor froze Eve Wyv - Lvl 156 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22978, 01:30:29: The survivor froze Eve Wyv1 - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22978, 02:49:19: The survivor froze gal wyv3 - Lvl 75 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22978, 02:58:39: The survivor froze Eve Wyv2 - Lvl 80 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22978, 03:05:52: The survivor froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22978, 04:47:04: The survivor froze Stats and colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22978, 07:22:37: The survivor froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 195 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22979, 01:58:22: The survivor froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 195 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22979, 02:20:46: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22979, 07:46:04: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 171 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22979, 07:52:03: spakkatron400 froze gal simo - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 22981, 04:11:14: spakkatron400 froze gal simo - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 22981, 04:57:05: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 171 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22981, 05:06:02: Eve froze Eve Wyv - Lvl 168 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22982, 20:43:00: Eve froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22983, 02:44:58: Eve claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 175 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 22983, 09:14:38: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 171 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22983, 09:20:19: spakkatron400 froze gal simo - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 22983, 09:22:28: Eve froze Eve Wyv - Lvl 169 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22984, 14:50:57: spakkatron400 downloaded a dino: gal wyv2 - Lvl 158 Day 22985, 00:12:15: Eve froze Eve Wyv - Lvl 174 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22985, 00:13:41: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 158 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22985, 00:22:52: spakkatron400 froze gal simo - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 22985, 00:31:30: Eve froze Eve Sino1 - Lvl 175 (Sinomacrops) Day 22985, 17:56:07: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv2 - Lvl 178 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22985, 18:38:36: Eve froze Eve Wyv - Lvl 174 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22985, 19:52:32: spakkatron400 froze Gal dino1 - Lvl 220 (Dinopithecus) Day 22985, 19:58:05: spakkatron400 froze gal dino2 - Lvl 224 (Dinopithecus) Day 22985, 20:16:00: spakkatron400 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 315 (Doedicurus) Day 22985, 20:28:00: spakkatron400 froze wazzock - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 22985, 20:49:15: spakkatron400 froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 22985, 20:54:52: spakkatron400 froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 22994, 02:54:41: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 232 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 22997, 01:58:22: Adolescent gal dino3 - Lvl 232 (Dinopithecus) starved to death! Day 22998, 09:20:51: The survivor froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 22998, 10:24:15: The survivor froze all stats no colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22998, 12:46:15: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 22998, 12:57:21: The survivor froze Baby breeder all stats colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22998, 13:27:14: The survivor claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 22998, 13:29:58: The survivor froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22998, 13:46:39: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 22998, 13:48:55: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 22998, 14:05:54: The survivor froze Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 22998, 14:13:18: The survivor froze Baby breeder rex all stat col - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 22998, 15:54:46: The survivor froze Argentavis - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 22999, 11:00:36: The survivor froze Daeodon - Lvl 259 (Daeodon) Day 22999, 13:24:20: The survivor froze Adolescent R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 22999, 14:01:25: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) was killed! Day 22999, 14:01:25: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) starved to death! Day 22999, 16:29:35: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23001, 20:14:05: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:19:27: The survivor froze REX breeder - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:22:49: The survivor froze Breeder - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:28:02: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:33:18: The survivor froze use bred - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 23001, 20:37:44: The survivor froze Use - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:44:53: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:49:03: The survivor froze f breeder - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:52:30: The survivor froze Male use - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:56:12: The survivor froze Use - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 23001, 20:59:52: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 23001, 21:05:38: The survivor froze use - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 23001, 21:14:55: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 23001, 21:18:26: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 23001, 21:41:37: The survivor froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 200 (Yutyrannus) Day 23002, 02:29:06: The survivor froze use bred - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 23002, 02:34:58: The survivor froze use - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 23002, 02:41:05: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 23002, 02:44:51: The survivor froze Breeder - Lvl 282 (Rex) Day 23002, 02:49:35: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:04:34: The survivor froze Use - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:17:08: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:20:37: The survivor froze f breeder - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:25:11: The survivor froze Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:28:36: The survivor froze Male use - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:32:32: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:41:43: The survivor froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 237 (Yutyrannus) Day 23002, 03:48:40: The survivor froze Use - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:52:09: The survivor froze breeder - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 23002, 03:56:12: The survivor froze REX breeder - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 23002, 06:08:22: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 181 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23002, 07:54:21: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 203 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23002, 08:10:23: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23027, 12:54:06: The survivor froze New rex breeder - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23027, 13:58:03: spakkatron400 claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 218 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 23027, 23:33:55: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23027, 23:40:06: The survivor froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 253 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23028, 00:20:18: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23028, 18:22:51: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23028, 19:06:12: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23029, 01:35:40: spakkatron400 froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 23029, 01:47:47: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23029, 01:58:12: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23029, 17:52:54: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 246 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23029, 18:05:14: The survivor froze Neybean v2 - Lvl 284 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23029, 18:07:15: spakkatron400 froze gal wyv1 - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23030, 17:30:24: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 264 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23042, 19:36:38: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23042, 20:55:36: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23042, 22:12:11: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23042, 23:05:35: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 23042, 23:22:44: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23042, 23:34:24: The survivor claimed 'Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 00:34:22: The survivor froze breeder all stats colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 00:44:35: The survivor froze New rex breeder - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 23043, 00:53:41: The survivor froze breeder rex all stat col - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 01:08:56: Your Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) was killed by The survivor - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 23043, 01:08:56: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 23043, 01:14:04: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 01:15:55: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 01:49:43: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 02:04:14: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 02:19:41: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 02:25:16: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) was killed by The survivor - Lvl 121 (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 23043, 02:25:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) (Tribe of The survivor)! Day 23043, 02:28:41: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 03:12:18: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 03:14:41: The survivor claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 23043, 04:06:00: The survivor froze Stats and colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 04:18:59: The survivor froze Baby boss use stats - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 04:24:08: The survivor froze Baby boss use stats - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 07:42:12: The survivor froze New rex breeder - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 23043, 07:49:56: The survivor froze Stats and colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 09:39:31: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23043, 09:48:01: The survivor froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 23043, 09:58:17: The survivor froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:01:54: The survivor froze Juvenile boss use stats - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:05:50: The survivor froze Juvenile boss use stats - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:09:05: The survivor froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:12:08: The survivor froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:16:20: The survivor froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex) Day 23043, 10:19:53: The survivor froze Juvenile boss use stats - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 23043, 11:04:01: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23044, 16:16:40: The survivor froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 23049, 20:42:59: Scully84 was added to the Tribe! Day 23049, 20:57:28: Scully84 was removed from the Tribe! Day 23065, 12:32:37: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 23065, 12:34:27: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 12:35:19: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 12:36:53: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 12:46:45: Your Dinopithecus - Lvl 218 (Dinopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 12:47:48: Your Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed! Day 23065, 12:48:00: Your Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed! Day 23065, 12:48:31: Your breeder rex all stat col - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed! Day 23065, 12:50:34: Your Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 12:50:34: Your breeder all stats colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 12:52:55: Your breeder - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 12:54:08: Your 'Spider Flag' was destroyed! Day 23065, 12:54:43: Your R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 199 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 13:03:41: Your R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 23065, 13:38:45: Your 'resources (Bed)' was destroyed! Day 23065, 13:40:37: Your Dinopithecus - Lvl 142 (Dinopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 13:41:18: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 13:41:54: Your gal dino2 - Lvl 246 (Dinopithecus) was killed! Day 23065, 13:45:00: Your Eve Dino2 - Lvl 217 (Dinopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 13:46:23: Your Gal dino1 - Lvl 245 (Dinopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 13:46:25: Your 'Greenhouse Window (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 15:17:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was destroyed! Day 23065, 15:43:13: Tribemember spakkatron400 - Lvl 98 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 15:43:19: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 15:43:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:00:15: Your 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:02:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:03:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:35: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:35: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:04:38: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:46: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:05:49: Your 'Stone Railing' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:59: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:06:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:07:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:07:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:07:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:08:18: Your 41melee 38stam - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:08:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:08:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:08:53: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:08:56: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:08:56: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:09:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:09:28: Tribemember The survivor - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:09:28: Tribemember Eve - Lvl 63 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:12:01: Your 31hp 32 stam 52melee - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 23065, 16:12:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:12:42: Your 'Wall Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:22:26: Your all stats and colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:22:29: Your breeder all stats - Lvl 231 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:23:04: Your all stats colour - Lvl 233 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:29:19: Your all stats no colour - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:30:33: Your All stats breeder - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:31:05: Your breeder all stats - Lvl 231 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:37:02: Your Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:40:04: Your 'Toilet (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:42:33: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:42:33: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:43:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:43:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:43:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:44:25: Your 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:45:00: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was destroyed! Day 23065, 16:45:35: Your 40 melle - Lvl 285 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:51:20: Your Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:51:52: Your Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 16:56:10: Your Argentavis - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 17:03:19: Your Eve Dino1 - Lvl 202 (Dinopithecus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 18:26:10: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 18:27:56: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 18:28:28: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 18:30:52: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 18:32:02: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23065, 18:41:36: Your Argentavis - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23065, 18:44:29: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23072, 18:28:49: Tribemember The survivor - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 23072, 19:27:18: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:27:18: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:27:57: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:27:57: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:30:03: Your 'Greenhouse Double Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:30:03: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:31:14: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:31:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:32:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:42:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:42:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:42:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:44:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:44:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:45:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:45:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:49:30: Your 'Industrial Grill (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23072, 19:49:30: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 23072, 20:20:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was destroyed! Day 23073, 03:01:21: The survivor froze Doedicurus - Lvl 319 (Doedicurus) Day 23073, 07:47:15: The survivor froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23073, 08:15:04: The survivor froze R-Quetzal - Lvl 227 (R-Quetzal) Day 23073, 12:32:53: The survivor froze R-Quetzal - Lvl 227 (R-Quetzal) Day 23073, 23:19:55: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:21:15: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:21:28: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:25:26: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:25:28: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:33:04: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23073, 23:39:38: Tribemember spakkatron400 - Lvl 98 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 23651, 05:59:34: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23651, 05:59:34: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23937, 16:16:37: Mensch - Lvl 69 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1656530758,"tribe":"Tribe of Christmas logs":["Day 36493, 06:23:33: Evelynn was added to the Tribe! Day 36493, 06:38:51: Johnson added 'Tribe of Christmas' Tribe to Posse 1 Alliance! Day 36493, 06:56:25: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 36493, 07:59:26: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 308 (Rock Drake) Day 36493, 14:14:28: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 36493, 15:13:42: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 278 (Bloodstalker) Day 36493, 18:32:44: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1656000339,"tribe":"OnlyFans logs":["Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39239, 05:28:48: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39243, 20:03:24: rabbit - Lvl 244 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 39245, 04:42:03: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 121 (Mammoth)'! Day 39245, 04:55:06: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Round Trip - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 05:13:49: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jupiter - Lvl 358 (Astrocetus)'! Day 39245, 06:36:57: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 06:38:25: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mustard - Lvl 255 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 07:19:08: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'healer - Lvl 321 (Daeodon)'! Day 39245, 08:02:03: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 363 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 08:12:20: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'in loving mammory - Lvl 312 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 08:28:17: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nickolas - Lvl 273 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 39245, 08:55:12: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Absinthe - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 08:59:50: Stinky - Lvl 169 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 39245, 09:29:59: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diserano - Lvl 312 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 09:43:15: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jaffa Cake - Lvl 363 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 10:00:10: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'magma lover - Lvl 238 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 10:12:43: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal Slave - Lvl 295 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39245, 10:16:52: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Red - Lvl 221 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:26:35: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chip - Lvl 223 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:28:00: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'blue - Lvl 204 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 10:58:50: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sky - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 11:19:09: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Laura - Lvl 241 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 11:58:35: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 12:05:25: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DaddyGotCash - Lvl 119 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 39245, 12:10:56: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Scaley Torch - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 39245, 12:26:55: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archie - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 12:33:37: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39245, 12:38:32: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Patrick Bamford - Lvl 94 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 13:04:04: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin)'! Day 39245, 13:24:20: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 146 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 13:38:26: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SaddleBags - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 39245, 13:49:53: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Very Lucky - Lvl 230 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 13:57:00: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 13:58:40: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'girly - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 39245, 14:06:01: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roxanne - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:06:41: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:14:43: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bitch - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:15:21: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 14:22:15: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rabbit 1 - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:25:14: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bingo - Lvl 85 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:28:51: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cha cha - Lvl 37 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:30:48: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:32:59: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39245, 14:36:26: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rabbits crap - Lvl 96 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39245, 14:40:26: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slag1 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 14:57:31: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedi - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 39245, 15:00:05: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:00:54: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:03:58: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 226 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:05:30: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 161 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:06:17: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 188 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:07:35: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 208 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:08:24: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 134 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:09:16: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'soldier - Lvl 218 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:09:30: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 158 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:09:57: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'back up meg - Lvl 145 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39245, 15:15:23: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 172 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39245, 15:19:23: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'for eggs - Lvl 211 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 15:28:24: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:29:39: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 108 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:31:07: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'main male - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:32:18: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'main female - Lvl 174 (Desmodus)'! Day 39245, 15:40:01: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 15:41:09: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)'! Day 39245, 16:00:23: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:01:10: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:01:45: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'new breeding male - Lvl 145 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39245, 16:03:38: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eggs - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 16:06:57: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'new male 41hp - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39245, 16:09:00: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 39245, 16:14:45: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lil C - Lvl 264 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 16:17:44: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SheHe2.0 - Lvl 210 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39245, 16:35:43: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 193 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39245, 16:41:40: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KINGY&ROACH - Lvl 307 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 16:50:54: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spiderfood 2 - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 39245, 17:13:16: Misha - Lvl 131 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Listerine - Lvl 288 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 39245, 18:25:36: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Donald Dump - Lvl 93 (Phiomia)'! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39262, 20:53:38: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39295, 21:07:10: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39295, 21:17:08: Your soldier - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39453, 07:20:59: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39524, 10:49:06: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39563, 13:20:55: Nat - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dmg mut - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39563, 13:50:00: Nat - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39563, 13:53:56: Nat - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39563, 14:49:33: Nat - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 159 (Featherlight)'! Day 39563, 18:38:40: Nat - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Petra - Lvl 280 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39634, 23:22:13: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39725, 21:01:10: Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39725, 21:01:12: RAF Penguin - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 39751, 17:17:02: bell - Lvl 96 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 29 (Allosaurus)'! Day 39751, 17:18:08: bell - Lvl 96 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 171 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39809, 17:42:34: 인간 - Lvl 54 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39809, 17:54:37: 인간 - Lvl 54 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 39836, 14:43:57: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'soldier - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39837, 10:27:48: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39888, 10:18:17: Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39936, 02:48:48: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 39936, 02:49:22: Deinonychus - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40055, 05:25:40: Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40055, 05:25:47: Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40150, 20:59:29: Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40176, 10:31:42: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 40177, 05:57:14: Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40178, 17:46:02: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 40178, 18:06:47: Johnson - Lvl 114 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eggs - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40178, 18:13:14: Johnson - Lvl 114 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'eggs - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40683, 22:17:52: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40719, 13:49:35: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'naegood - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40719, 14:05:01: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BigDaddy - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon)'! Day 40719, 15:50:01: Your soldier - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 40719, 16:10:58: Your eggs - Lvl 184 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 40719, 16:26:03: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 208 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 40719, 16:32:17: Your eggs - Lvl 156 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 40719, 16:53:39: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 40738, 10:01:35: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 10:07:36: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:12:03: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:28:31: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 11:30:50: Your SxRed - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 40738, 11:42:16: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40738, 12:11:00: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 (Highland Scavengers) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hp 1120 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 40769, 15:10:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 40769, 16:11:08: Tribemember Sandra - Lvl 114 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 40799, 02:07:49: Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40799, 02:08:41: Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40799, 02:08:48: Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 40799, 03:55:07: Your soldier - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 40799, 04:09:18: Your eggs - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 41126, 07:41:04: Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:19: Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:20: Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:20: Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:22: Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:23: Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41151, 08:42:25: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 41204, 10:24:40: Your eggs - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 80! Day 41497, 19:57:29: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Floating Love (Raft)'! Day 42243, 15:27:44: soldier - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1654334634,"tribe":"Demon Dinos logs":["Day 27964, 06:51:10: Demon was added to the Tribe! Day 27964, 08:50:20: Demon - Lvl 8 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Human No. 18457 Tribe. Day 27964, 08:59:25: Demon - Lvl 8 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Human No. 18457 Tribe. Day 27964, 09:20:43: Demon - Lvl 8 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Human No. 18457 Tribe. Day 27964, 09:24:50: Demon - Lvl 8 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Human No. 18457 Tribe. Day 27964, 21:07:13: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 60! Day 27965, 14:51:58: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 19 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 27966, 19:26:41: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 27966, 20:06:41: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 23 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 27966, 22:13:24: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27966, 22:16:23: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 23 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 5! Day 27983, 01:51:58: Tribemember Demon - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 28565, 11:02:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28565, 11:02:00: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1654262645,"tribe":"Tribe of SKiLLz logs":["Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1654177492,"tribe":"Tribe of TrapsterJ logs":["Day 28368, 18:07:32: TrapsterJ was added to the Tribe! Day 28368, 19:04:36: Your The OG - Lvl 32 (Raptor) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 28368, 19:04:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 28368, 19:11:29: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 23 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 28369, 00:43:53: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 24 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 28369, 01:47:27: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 28369, 03:03:30: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 28369, 03:20:58: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 28369, 04:13:28: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 45! Day 28369, 05:45:58: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 80! Day 28369, 06:49:59: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 28369, 11:24:55: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28369, 17:03:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 37 (Raptor)! Day 28369, 19:23:40: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 32 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 100! Day 28370, 01:39:18: TrapsterJ Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 148 (Dimorphodon)! Day 28370, 08:45:20: TrapsterJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28370, 12:37:51: TrapsterJ Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 28371, 00:31:00: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 5! Day 28371, 08:56:23: TrapsterJ Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 179 (Raptor)! Day 28371, 15:05:50: TrapsterJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 28371, 17:30:01: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 157 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 28372, 07:45:24: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 28372, 07:46:42: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 28372, 22:31:55: TrapsterJ Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 28372, 22:43:12: TrapsterJ froze AC-130 - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 28391, 16:56:01: TrapsterJ froze Raptor - Lvl 187 (Raptor) Day 28391, 22:20:50: TrapsterJ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 28391, 23:32:54: TrapsterJ froze Raptor - Lvl 188 (Raptor) Day 28392, 12:39:49: TrapsterJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 28392, 21:18:06: TrapsterJ froze Raptor - Lvl 191 (Raptor) Day 28393, 10:26:05: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 10:29:00: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 10:29:15: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 10:29:25: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 10:29:40: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 10:29:49: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 13:14:47: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 13:15:09: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 20:15:01: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 20:15:10: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 20:15:20: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 20:15:30: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28393, 23:13:30: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 28394, 17:23:32: Your Raptor - Lvl 50 (Raptor) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 28418, 02:27:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus)! Day 28418, 03:04:23: TrapsterJ froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) Day 28418, 04:08:51: TrapsterJ froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 226 (Carnotaurus) Day 28461, 16:08:15: TrapsterJ froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 229 (Carnotaurus) Day 28463, 08:45:52: TrapsterJ froze Raptor - Lvl 196 (Raptor) Day 28463, 09:22:52: TrapsterJ froze Triceratops - Lvl 71 (Triceratops) Day 28463, 11:22:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 28464, 11:48:16: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28464, 11:48:27: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28464, 11:48:38: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28464, 11:48:49: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28464, 11:49:01: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28464, 11:53:04: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28465, 06:45:55: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 267 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 28466, 06:10:44: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28466, 06:40:24: TrapsterJ Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 209 (Carnotaurus)! Day 28466, 06:56:23: TrapsterJ froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 209 (Carnotaurus) Day 28466, 06:58:16: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28466, 07:00:23: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28467, 15:26:45: TrapsterJ Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus)! Day 28467, 15:32:06: TrapsterJ froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 216 (Stegosaurus) Day 28485, 17:16:20: TrapsterJ Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 217 (Sarco)! Day 28485, 17:28:29: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 217 (Sarco) Day 28486, 15:46:13: TrapsterJ Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 28487, 08:49:04: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28487, 15:26:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28487, 15:26:23: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28487, 15:26:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28487, 15:26:23: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28487, 15:27:54: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28487, 15:27:54: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28489, 15:08:25: TrapsterJ Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 28489, 15:12:49: TrapsterJ froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 28490, 10:40:32: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 28490, 17:59:38: TrapsterJ Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus)! Day 28490, 23:39:22: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Carnotaurus - Lvl 221 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 28491, 02:03:27: TrapsterJ froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 276 (Carnotaurus) Day 28491, 02:07:57: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 28491, 12:17:09: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 28491, 12:20:47: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 28491, 18:47:52: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Carnotaurus - Lvl 221 (Carnotaurus) Day 28491, 18:51:17: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Carnotaurus - Lvl 221 (Carnotaurus) Day 28491, 18:54:41: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Carnotaurus - Lvl 221 (Carnotaurus) Day 28494, 00:49:28: TrapsterJ Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 28494, 01:08:29: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28494, 01:09:34: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28494, 01:18:02: TrapsterJ froze Aloe Blacc - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 28494, 08:21:30: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 28505, 14:07:33: TrapsterJ Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 202 (Dimorphodon)! Day 28505, 19:00:00: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 28505, 23:35:53: TrapsterJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 28505, 23:41:56: TrapsterJ froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28507, 06:22:14: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis)'! Day 28507, 10:50:00: TrapsterJ froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 28508, 05:40:40: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 28508, 07:33:02: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28508, 07:33:02: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28508, 07:33:02: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28508, 07:33:02: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28508, 07:33:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 28510, 04:16:51: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28510, 21:23:56: Your 'Chibis (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28510, 21:23:56: Your 'Gear (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28511, 18:40:45: TrapsterJ Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 28512, 06:12:10: TrapsterJ Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor)! Day 28512, 06:31:01: TrapsterJ froze U-tronaptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor) Day 28512, 06:59:32: TrapsterJ froze U-tronaptor - Lvl 262 (Tek Raptor) Day 28513, 00:01:17: TrapsterJ froze U-tronaptor - Lvl 268 (Tek Raptor) Day 28514, 16:37:56: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 250 (Sarco) Day 28514, 21:17:13: TrapsterJ Tamed a Liopleurodon - Lvl 7 (Liopleurodon)! Day 28515, 06:09:41: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 254 (Sarco) Day 28515, 13:06:14: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 259 (Sarco) Day 28515, 15:35:05: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28558, 18:14:57: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 259 (Sarco) Day 28558, 20:44:06: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 261 (Sarco) Day 28559, 07:48:22: TrapsterJ Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 184 (Baryonyx)! Day 28559, 07:59:03: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 184 (Baryonyx) Day 28577, 19:50:39: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28577, 20:54:27: TrapsterJ Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 183 (Thylacoleo)! Day 28577, 21:02:15: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 183 (Thylacoleo) Day 28578, 01:12:08: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 187 (Thylacoleo) Day 28578, 10:09:07: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 189 (Thylacoleo) Day 28578, 20:14:30: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28578, 20:14:30: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28578, 20:14:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28578, 22:02:35: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 196 (Thylacoleo) Day 28579, 03:59:07: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28579, 04:01:20: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 28579, 14:05:06: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 28579, 23:57:40: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo) Day 28604, 16:31:30: TrapsterJ Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 28604, 16:35:44: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 28604, 19:03:14: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 28604, 19:13:08: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 28605, 05:44:05: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 291 (Megatherium) Day 28605, 09:40:26: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 28605, 10:50:08: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 28628, 07:43:11: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 28628, 07:50:55: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 28628, 15:28:16: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 295 (Megatherium) Day 28628, 23:12:13: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 238 (Thylacoleo) Day 28628, 23:28:49: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 00:47:31: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 01:13:23: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 02:00:24: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 312 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 06:55:10: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 07:31:15: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 07:46:02: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 28629, 08:02:37: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 08:19:13: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28629, 08:31:38: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 28629, 10:21:59: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo) Day 28629, 10:29:11: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28651, 09:00:43: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28651, 09:00:54: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28651, 11:14:56: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28651, 13:26:20: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Gift Box (Locked) '! Day 28689, 10:32:26: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28689, 10:32:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28689, 10:32:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 28729, 17:34:44: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx) Day 28729, 18:17:31: TrapsterJ froze Barney - Lvl 288 (Carnotaurus) Day 28730, 06:56:49: TrapsterJ Tamed a Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino)! Day 28730, 07:13:21: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino) Day 28730, 07:17:52: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 203 (Baryonyx) Day 28754, 12:16:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28769, 15:19:05: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 28769, 15:38:07: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 28778, 04:24:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28778, 04:24:24: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28794, 07:41:17: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 07:46:40: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 204 (Baryonyx) Day 28794, 08:15:40: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 232 (Spino) Day 28794, 10:06:43: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 179 (Allosaurus)! Day 28794, 11:38:50: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 11:54:44: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 12:06:47: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 212 (Baryonyx) Day 28794, 13:40:58: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 240 (Spino) Day 28794, 15:18:29: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 262 (Spino) Day 28794, 15:30:23: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 18:34:23: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 325 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 19:22:40: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 325 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 19:47:21: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 20:11:16: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 28794, 20:26:57: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 28801, 18:36:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28801, 18:36:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28815, 17:57:35: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 262 (Spino) Day 28815, 18:19:58: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 213 (Baryonyx) Day 28815, 19:00:20: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 28815, 23:19:30: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 01:02:16: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 270 (Spino) Day 28816, 02:56:37: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 330 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 03:07:09: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 214 (Baryonyx) Day 28816, 04:24:11: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 226 (Baryonyx) Day 28816, 06:44:48: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 334 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 07:08:38: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 08:01:16: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 08:21:14: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 09:07:35: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 09:25:26: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 09:41:31: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 09:57:24: TrapsterJ froze Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium) Day 28816, 16:19:19: TrapsterJ Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon)! Day 28816, 16:29:52: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 28816, 20:09:11: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 28817, 06:04:59: TrapsterJ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28840, 19:55:51: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 270 (Spino) Day 28840, 19:59:50: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 226 (Baryonyx) Day 28841, 06:10:44: TrapsterJ Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)! Day 28841, 06:31:23: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus) Day 28841, 07:03:36: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 272 (Spino) Day 28841, 07:37:07: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 232 (Daeodon) Day 28841, 07:41:25: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28841, 13:47:24: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 231 (Baryonyx) Day 28841, 15:10:27: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 231 (Baryonyx) Day 28842, 02:07:48: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 28842, 02:08:55: TrapsterJ demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 28842, 20:19:04: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 240 (Daeodon) Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28872, 16:34:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28878, 06:44:19: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 28878, 07:20:19: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 28933, 16:21:21: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 274 (Spino) Day 28934, 08:12:04: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 290 (Daeodon) Day 28934, 09:47:10: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 274 (Spino) Day 28934, 14:42:30: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 276 (Spino) Day 28934, 21:20:55: TrapsterJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 28934, 21:55:35: TrapsterJ froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 28934, 22:48:39: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 277 (Basilosaurus) Day 28935, 00:39:20: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 290 (Daeodon) Day 28935, 01:52:18: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 232 (Baryonyx) Day 28935, 03:35:39: TrapsterJ froze Dundee - Lvl 267 (Sarco) Day 28935, 10:17:29: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 290 (Daeodon) Day 28936, 06:33:22: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 290 (Daeodon) Day 28937, 17:21:48: TrapsterJ Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 28937, 17:40:38: TrapsterJ froze 22,24,27,25 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 28937, 19:33:45: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 242 (Thylacoleo) Day 28937, 19:47:46: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28938, 07:06:38: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 317 (Basilosaurus) Day 28939, 06:04:57: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 321 (Basilosaurus) Day 28939, 06:10:07: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 290 (Daeodon) Day 28980, 23:35:05: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 277 (Spino) Day 28981, 07:55:34: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 295 (Spino) Day 28981, 10:55:17: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 295 (Spino) Day 28981, 18:58:26: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 298 (Spino) Day 28982, 00:45:18: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 301 (Spino) Day 28982, 04:47:54: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 331 (Basilosaurus) Day 28982, 06:06:43: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 297 (Daeodon) Day 28982, 06:26:17: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 28982, 08:06:23: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 277 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28982, 11:20:13: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 277 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28982, 18:07:52: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28983, 22:21:39: TrapsterJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 279 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28984, 02:43:31: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 301 (Spino) Day 28984, 13:43:01: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 309 (Spino) Day 28985, 03:09:54: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 332 (Basilosaurus) Day 28985, 03:19:49: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 322 (Spino) Day 28985, 15:04:11: TrapsterJ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon)! Day 29030, 07:00:29: TrapsterJ froze Baryonyx - Lvl 249 (Baryonyx) Day 29095, 12:21:37: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 328 (Spino) Day 29095, 15:01:39: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 328 (Spino) Day 29095, 15:08:44: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus) Day 29095, 16:53:29: TrapsterJ froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 76 (Lystrosaurus) Day 29095, 23:26:17: TrapsterJ froze Hunter Killer Drone - Lvl 257 (Dimorphodon) Day 29096, 01:48:04: TrapsterJ claimed 'Caraxes - Lvl 228 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29096, 04:00:37: TrapsterJ froze Spino - Lvl 328 (Spino) Day 29096, 04:32:32: TrapsterJ froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 268 (Thylacoleo) Day 29096, 14:45:27: TrapsterJ froze Caraxes - Lvl 244 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29132, 14:24:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29174, 04:46:36: TrapsterJ froze Man Bear Pig - Lvl 314 (Daeodon) Day 29179, 20:13:11: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29179, 20:13:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29179, 20:13:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29179, 20:13:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29274, 09:04:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29308, 15:56:13: TrapsterJ Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)! Day 29308, 20:26:09: TrapsterJ froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 215 (Basilosaurus) Day 29309, 00:32:57: TrapsterJ claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 229 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 29311, 03:29:04: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Willy - Lvl 229 (Basilosaurus) Day 29311, 13:02:01: TrapsterJ froze Adolescent Willy - Lvl 229 (Basilosaurus) Day 29311, 21:38:21: TrapsterJ froze Big Mama - Lvl 350 (Basilosaurus) Day 29311, 21:44:13: TrapsterJ froze Willy - Lvl 229 (Basilosaurus) Day 29334, 10:11:15: Your Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 29334, 10:13:10: Your Allosaurus - Lvl 198 (Allosaurus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 29334, 10:16:11: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 224 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 29334, 10:23:10: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 279 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 29446, 06:14:17: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 29455, 03:46:40: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 116 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 65! Day 29455, 04:41:57: TrapsterJ froze Willy - Lvl 302 (Basilosaurus) Day 29744, 16:25:59: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29744, 16:25:59: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29744, 16:25:59: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29744, 16:25:59: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29912, 14:01:47: Tribemember TrapsterJ - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30063, 01:53:10: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caraxes - Lvl 298 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 30063, 02:11:55: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 281 (Baryonyx)'! Day 30063, 02:33:18: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'U-tronaptor - Lvl 291 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 30077, 11:27:34: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 335 (Megatherium)'! Day 30077, 11:35:49: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Clifford - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 30077, 11:49:31: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 263 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 30077, 12:03:43: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aloe Blacc - Lvl 257 (Argentavis)'! Day 30077, 12:15:14: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chicken Little - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 30077, 12:30:50: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Macaw - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 30077, 12:33:35: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AC-130 - Lvl 287 (Argentavis)'! Day 30077, 12:37:18: Alexi - Lvl 113 (No name) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30146, 05:22:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30335, 05:22:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30335, 05:22:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30442, 04:43:43: Your Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 30515, 06:33:03: ShambolicGenius - Lvl 9 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30617, 16:07:36: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30788, 17:12:36: HUSH - Lvl 90 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30788, 17:14:01: HUSH - Lvl 90 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon)'! Day 30820, 00:05:18: HUSH - Lvl 98 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 31237, 07:26:20: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 31972, 21:27:26: AngryBabbu - Lvl 111 (Babbu's greasy tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barney - Lvl 290 (Carnotaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1654099865,"tribe":"Dawn Walkers logs":["Day 15300, 20:30:41: MysticJule froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 20:39:40: MysticJule froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 20:44:27: MysticJule froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 20:49:05: MysticJule froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 21:43:08: MysticJule froze Snail_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 21:47:55: MysticJule froze Leafie_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 21:52:48: MysticJule froze Grass_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 21:57:46: MysticJule froze BlackRuby_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 22:02:26: MysticJule froze Wingwon_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15300, 22:07:08: MysticJule froze Treeleaves_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15301, 00:59:47: MysticJule froze Greenie_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 13:18:35: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 15313, 13:54:46: MysticJule froze Gosja_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 13:57:52: MysticJule froze Death_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 14:03:40: MysticJule froze Yellosky_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 14:05:42: MysticJule froze Grenlife_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 16:52:39: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 16:53:02: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 16:53:26: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 16:53:47: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 16:54:31: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 16:54:53: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15313, 17:01:10: MysticJule froze Baby Golden storm_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 17:07:33: MysticJule froze Baby Purple death_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 17:12:47: MysticJule froze Baby Blu hurricane_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 17:20:34: MysticJule froze Baby Greenish vur_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 17:36:13: MysticJule froze Baby Grey smog_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15313, 17:40:12: MysticJule froze Baby Skurples_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 09:55:58: MysticJule froze Golden storm_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 10:12:58: MysticJule froze Purple death_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 10:17:22: MysticJule froze Blu hurricane_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 10:19:44: MysticJule froze Skurples_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 10:22:05: MysticJule froze Grey smog_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 11:25:16: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:28:11: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:31:06: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:34:34: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:38:12: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:41:25: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 11:43:10: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15327, 20:04:39: MysticJule froze Yellosky_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:06:36: MysticJule froze Grenlife_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:08:38: MysticJule froze Snail_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:10:45: MysticJule froze Treeleaves_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:12:35: MysticJule froze BlackRuby_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:14:57: MysticJule froze Banana_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:17:52: MysticJule froze Green Wraith_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:20:12: MysticJule froze Volcano_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:22:10: MysticJule froze Capri sun_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:27:44: MysticJule froze Neon_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:32:37: MysticJule froze Aqua_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:41:52: MysticJule froze Aqua_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:49:10: MysticJule froze Grass_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 20:54:29: MysticJule froze Wingwon_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 21:00:10: MysticJule froze Bell_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 21:06:03: MysticJule froze Blueheart_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 21:10:50: MysticJule froze Sky_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 21:20:44: MysticJule froze Saphire_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:15:32: MysticJule froze Juvenile Junk_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:20:50: MysticJule froze Juvenile Blue heart_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:26:07: MysticJule froze Juvenile Kluomen_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:31:46: MysticJule froze Juvenile Blupikle_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:36:31: MysticJule froze Juvenile Dark soul_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:42:12: MysticJule froze Juvenile Impostor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15327, 22:47:01: MysticJule froze Juvenile Blupekip_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 02:35:56: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 15344, 05:55:48: Your Sunrise_Myst - Lvl 192 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 06:03:07: Your Sunny_Myst - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 06:13:45: Your Bloodcell_Myst - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 07:52:37: Your Oceanwaves_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 07:59:26: Your Ohola_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 08:03:12: Your Ocean_Myst - Lvl 199 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 08:05:59: Your Crimson Fang_Myst - Lvl 164 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 08:08:16: Your Bolt_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 08:10:30: Your Crystal meth_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 08:16:15: Your Crystalbluey_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 08:45:49: Your Seanapper_Myst - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 08:56:32: Your Aqua_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 09:15:30: Your Kiriki_Myst - Lvl 192 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 09:24:41: Your Snack mack_Myst - Lvl 218 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 09:24:48: Your Sea_Myst - Lvl 184 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 09:47:15: Your Thundra_Myst - Lvl 176 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 09:49:21: Your Wraith_Myst - Lvl 166 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 10:08:29: Your Brighty bluey_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 10:10:05: Your Orange_Myst - Lvl 171 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 10:40:52: Your Martha_Myst - Lvl 171 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 10:43:50: Your Annabell_Myst - Lvl 177 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 11:35:15: Your Lighting_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 11:37:36: Your Rubyfang_Myst - Lvl 184 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 11:38:16: Your Typhoon_Myst - Lvl 191 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 11:40:32: Your Blue eyes_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 11:48:25: Your Ocean Crystal_Myst - Lvl 192 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 11:49:32: Your Monsoon_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 11:50:51: Your Scrab_Myst - Lvl 171 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 12:00:13: Your Oasis_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 12:10:03: Your Aurora_Myst - Lvl 172 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 12:11:41: Your Kasandra_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 12:29:58: Your Goremint_Myst - Lvl 147 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 12:42:18: Your Bluey_Myst - Lvl 169 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 12:45:35: Your Bloody_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 12:48:29: Your Monarch_Myst - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 12:51:30: Your Octopus_Myst - Lvl 219 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 13:29:48: Your Sky_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 14:09:44: Your Hulla_Myst - Lvl 186 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 14:11:38: Your Bloodwing_Myst - Lvl 147 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 14:28:09: Your Orange fire_Myst - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 14:33:09: Your Rose_Myst - Lvl 185 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 15344, 15:07:59: Your Kirishima_Myst - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 15344, 18:42:29: MysticJule froze Snek_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 18:44:28: MysticJule froze Bright pidgey_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 18:46:13: MysticJule froze Grey Wraith_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 18:48:10: MysticJule froze Sunshrike_Myst - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 20:31:30: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15344, 20:32:56: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15344, 20:33:57: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15344, 20:42:43: MysticJule froze Baby Green death_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 20:57:01: MysticJule froze Baby Lighting fury_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15344, 21:08:18: MysticJule froze Baby Icey_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 00:56:37: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 15360, 04:31:43: MysticJule froze Blupekip_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 04:38:17: MysticJule froze Junk_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 05:03:21: MysticJule froze Kluomen_Myst - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 05:10:12: MysticJule froze Green death_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 05:15:57: MysticJule froze Impostor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 07:39:14: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15360, 07:40:06: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15360, 07:40:30: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15360, 07:41:07: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15360, 07:41:36: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15360, 07:46:52: MysticJule froze Baby Fountain_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 07:52:14: MysticJule froze Baby Blueshine_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 07:57:46: MysticJule froze Baby Oceanman_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 08:01:38: MysticJule froze Baby Purple Strike_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15360, 08:06:44: MysticJule froze Baby Vomit_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 15:38:35: MysticJule froze Oceanman_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 17:19:57: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:20:36: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:31:36: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:32:15: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:33:04: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:34:23: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:35:01: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:35:44: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:36:45: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15369, 17:46:21: MysticJule froze Baby Skaza_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 17:52:26: MysticJule froze Baby Blufury_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 17:56:41: MysticJule froze Baby Analayir_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:01:06: MysticJule froze Baby Bolikef_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:05:25: MysticJule froze Baby Yuirlika_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:09:56: MysticJule froze Baby Coliker_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:14:00: MysticJule froze Baby Vulipor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:18:06: MysticJule froze Baby Hannalop_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15369, 18:34:19: MysticJule froze Baby Bulboria_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15371, 17:50:01: MysticJule froze Vulipor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15371, 17:52:18: MysticJule froze Coliker_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15371, 18:13:17: MysticJule froze Skaza_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15371, 18:17:07: MysticJule froze Blufury_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 14:39:13: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:40:20: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:41:08: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:42:04: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:42:52: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:44:37: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:46:17: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:47:00: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:48:14: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:49:01: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:49:39: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:50:05: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:51:02: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:51:45: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:52:16: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 14:56:26: MysticJule froze Baby Golden shrike_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:00:17: MysticJule froze Baby Tissue_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:05:18: MysticJule froze Baby Patch_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:09:26: MysticJule froze Baby Rirolo_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:15:29: MysticJule froze Baby Kloripor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:19:44: MysticJule froze Baby Jivol_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:23:54: MysticJule froze Baby Abba_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:28:25: MysticJule froze Baby Garivul_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:32:29: MysticJule froze Baby Bub_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:37:31: MysticJule froze Baby Xoilo_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:42:21: MysticJule froze Baby Ursula_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:46:27: MysticJule froze Baby Deruk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:50:52: MysticJule froze Baby Cuperk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 15:55:34: MysticJule froze Baby Smoile_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 16:19:38: MysticJule froze Baby Vulg_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15388, 18:10:19: MysticJule froze Bloody hell_Myst - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 15388, 23:29:51: MysticJule claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15388, 23:40:21: MysticJule froze Baby Kingy_Myst - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15416, 15:51:55: SmilePoneh claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 150 (Gacha)'! Day 15416, 15:53:59: SmilePoneh froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 150 (Gacha) Day 15416, 16:46:28: SmilePoneh froze Kaster - Lvl 294 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15460, 21:13:22: SmilePoneh froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15473, 17:24:33: SmilePoneh froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15481, 17:30:13: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 15482, 02:20:43: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 15482, 04:41:51: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 15642, 00:48:51: Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 15687, 16:22:42: Monke - Lvl 43 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 15703, 12:49:13: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15731, 12:02:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15731, 12:02:00: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15786, 12:39:24: Blizz - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) starved to death! Day 15789, 18:03:12: Crystal Fiber Flint - Lvl 152 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 15792, 13:30:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 59 (Spino)! Day 15792, 13:34:19: kingsun2004 Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)! Day 15792, 13:38:33: kingsun2004 froze golden - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 15792, 13:47:01: kingsun2004 froze Spino - Lvl 59 (Spino) Day 15792, 22:32:12: kingsun2004 froze Ruby - Lvl 382 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15967, 19:48:34: Your Cargo 2 - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 15976, 14:45:11: kingsun2004 froze Ruby - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16088, 07:43:35: kingsun2004 froze God - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 16088, 08:22:52: kingsun2004 froze Ruby - Lvl 386 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16184, 17:28:07: Wood boy - Farming Dino - Lvl 89 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 16219, 07:30:25: Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16253, 07:08:40: The Survivor_Myst - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16253, 07:08:42: Snow Owl - Lvl 190 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16253, 07:08:42: Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16257, 21:06:31: Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16339, 20:19:54: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 16339, 20:21:17: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16339, 20:21:26: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16340, 00:43:30: Bulb - Lvl 74 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 16348, 17:36:00: Bloody hell_Myst - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16356, 02:52:06: Snow Owl - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16356, 02:52:10: Winter - Lvl 236 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16356, 02:52:15: Teriyaki - Lvl 203 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16365, 10:20:19: Breeder 1 - Female - Lvl 29 (Ravager) starved to death! Day 16365, 10:20:26: Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16381, 00:25:22: Polymer Male_Myst - Lvl 26 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 16429, 21:51:49: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ob Crystal Wood Thatch F - Lvl 246 (Gacha)'! Day 16429, 21:57:22: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ban - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16429, 21:59:31: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vanessa_Myst - Lvl 214 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16429, 22:00:01: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Junior_Myst - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16429, 22:01:14: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cargo 1 - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 16429, 22:04:22: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pidgeotto - Lvl 313 (Argentavis)'! Day 16429, 22:07:11: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cargo 3 - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 16429, 22:17:06: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 116 (Rock Drake)'! Day 16429, 22:38:36: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beast_Myst - Lvl 198 (Rock Drake)'! Day 16429, 22:42:13: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 200 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 16429, 22:47:06: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinhead_Myst - Lvl 179 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16429, 22:55:05: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Edgy King_Myst - Lvl 302 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16429, 22:58:35: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spoile_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16429, 22:59:53: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Greenish vur_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16429, 23:04:29: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue heart_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16429, 23:10:55: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Screamer_Myst - Lvl 169 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 16429, 23:19:48: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stone Gorl - Lvl 163 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16429, 23:29:18: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pickie_Myst - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 16429, 23:31:01: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pixie_Myst - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 16430, 00:15:30: Polymer Fem_Myst - Lvl 26 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 16430, 00:59:21: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dido - Lvl 285 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16430, 01:17:06: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'picaro - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)'! Day 16430, 01:27:47: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kingy_Myst - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 01:35:53: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 01:39:31: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 38 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 01:42:09: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weighty Boy - Lvl 212 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 01:49:06: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mood_Myst - Lvl 181 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 01:49:36: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinkie_Myst - Lvl 223 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 01:49:57: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roger roger_Myst - Lvl 189 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 02:00:55: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 149 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 02:02:30: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pink Belly_Myst - Lvl 164 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 02:10:20: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 85 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 02:18:31: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'W00d_Myst - Lvl 226 (Mammoth)'! Day 16430, 02:22:53: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 231 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16430, 03:25:13: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 56 (Ravager)'! Day 16430, 03:34:14: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame '25k HP | 600+ DMG - Lvl 145 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16430, 03:48:27: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thunder_Myst - Lvl 218 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 03:53:47: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dark soul_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 03:59:30: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cuperk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 04:24:12: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deruk_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 04:28:53: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vulg_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16430, 04:32:36: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Golden shrike_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16435, 09:57:35: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cargo 4 - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 16435, 10:07:47: Laco - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Zeus) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gift from kingsun - Lvl 377 (Argentavis)'! Day 16435, 20:54:35: Waffle - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MysticJule - TekHexs - Lvl 228 (Daeodon)'! Day 16435, 21:13:55: Waffle - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gift from kingsun - Lvl 296 (Purlovia)'! Day 16435, 21:50:45: Waffle - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Xoilo_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16435, 22:10:01: Waffle - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ursula_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16435, 22:15:49: Waffle - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bub_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16435, 22:30:14: Human - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yuirlika_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16436, 19:04:22: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16436, 19:04:22: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16436, 19:04:22: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16436, 19:04:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16436, 19:04:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16453, 10:35:55: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky Pie - Lvl 117 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 16453, 11:04:07: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Icey_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:05:23: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blupikle_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:06:04: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulboria_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:08:34: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hannalop_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:09:18: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black Thunder_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:11:44: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lighting fury_Myst - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:11:54: Tribemember MysticJule - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 16453, 11:15:34: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Echo - Lvl 164 (Direwolf)'! Day 16453, 11:17:26: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'StellaClaw - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:18:35: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smaug - Lvl 331 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:43:08: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smoile_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:43:15: Tribemember TekHexs - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 16453, 11:44:57: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ocean wings_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 11:49:29: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bolikef_Myst - Lvl 258 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16453, 13:13:56: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kylo - Lvl 151 (Bulbdog)'! Day 16454, 13:18:56: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jivol_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 13:19:36: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Abba_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 13:21:18: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Patch_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 13:21:48: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kloripor_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 13:31:21: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vomit_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 13:52:12: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gift from kingsun - Lvl 218 (Purlovia)'! Day 16454, 16:37:23: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shit dispencer - Lvl 225 (Phiomia)'! Day 16454, 16:43:09: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fountain_Myst - Lvl 258 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 17:12:47: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purple Strike_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 19:57:43: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Analayir_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 19:58:02: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blueshine_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 20:08:17: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tissue_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 20:10:02: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Garivul_Myst - Lvl 240 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16454, 20:11:33: Human - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rirolo_Myst - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16610, 11:54:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16749, 19:04:10: Osas - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whale_Myst - Lvl 82 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23077, 06:26:04: Tribemember TekHexs - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 23117, 04:07:37: Tribemember TekHexs - Lvl 120 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1653852261,"tribe":"The Survey Specialists logs":["Day 23260, 13:15:30: BigDavey was added to the Tribe! Day 23260, 13:16:41: Jim was added to the Tribe by BigDavey! Day 23260, 18:35:58: Jim Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23260, 21:38:58: Jim was promoted to a Tribe Admin by BigDavey! Day 23334, 23:52:14: Tribemember Jim - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 23335, 00:10:31: Tribemember BigDavey - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 23438, 23:40:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23497, 15:53:03: John - Lvl 26 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 23886, 20:12:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23886, 20:12:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1653422887,"tribe":"Tribe of Vortex logs":["Day 41933, 20:08:02: Vortex was added to the Tribe! Day 41933, 20:09:57: Dick was added to the Tribe by Vortex! Day 41934, 22:07:00: Tribemember Dick - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 41935, 00:21:40: Tribemember Dick - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 41935, 02:54:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 42089, 15:24:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42232, 16:28:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42232, 16:28:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42561, 03:44:06: WREN - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)'! Day 42561, 03:46:06: WREN - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deamon - Lvl 180 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42604, 17:54:31: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon)'! Day 42725, 22:10:40: Tribemember Vortex - Lvl 52 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30!"] "tribeid":1651117087,"tribe":"Equinox logs":["Day 13942, 06:06:46: Cinder froze Baryonyx - Lvl 194 (Baryonyx) Day 13942, 06:08:31: Cinder froze Baryonyx - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx) Day 13942, 06:10:14: Cinder froze Baryonyx - Lvl 74 (Baryonyx) Day 13942, 06:24:47: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Ember - Lvl 84 Day 13942, 06:25:36: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Tiny (I) - Lvl 181 Day 13942, 06:26:02: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: (I Colours) - Lvl 37 Day 13942, 06:26:37: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 244 Day 13942, 06:27:03: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: ARRRRGEE (L) - Lvl 178 Day 13942, 06:28:33: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 284 Day 13942, 06:29:12: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: (I) - Lvl 338 Day 13942, 06:29:48: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Blaze - Lvl 76 Day 13942, 06:30:29: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 166 Day 13942, 06:30:58: Cinder uploaded a Snow Owl: Dont imprint - Lvl 242 Day 13942, 06:31:51: Cinder uploaded a Griffin: Raina - Lvl 240 Day 13942, 06:45:54: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Red Baron - Lvl 262 Day 13942, 07:03:17: Cinder uploaded a Argentavis: Loot Birb - Lvl 210 Day 13942, 07:54:35: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 147 Day 13942, 07:56:43: HexedKarma downloaded a dino: Alpha - Lvl 193 Day 13942, 07:57:29: HexedKarma uploaded a Griffin: (I) - Lvl 276 Day 13942, 07:58:34: Cinder uploaded a Deinonychus: Alpha - Lvl 193 Day 13942, 09:35:38: Cinder froze Oil Flint Wood - Lvl 164 (Gacha) Day 13942, 09:38:06: Cinder froze (I) - Lvl 292 (Megatherium) Day 13942, 10:21:00: Cinder froze Crystal - Lvl 172 (Argentavis) Day 13942, 10:22:30: Cinder uploaded a Dire Bear: Fiber - Lvl 164 Day 13942, 10:29:29: Cinder uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 184 Day 13942, 12:26:49: Cinder froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 236 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:12:26: Cinder froze Wilma - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:14:10: Cinder froze (I) - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:15:52: Cinder froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:17:35: Cinder froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:19:26: Cinder froze M Breeder - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:21:11: Cinder froze 4.6k hp 343m - Lvl 224 (Woolly Rhino) Day 13942, 13:23:38: Cinder froze 5.1hp 1k st 314m Male Br - Lvl 325 (Allosaurus) Day 13942, 13:25:35: Cinder froze 1k st - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 13942, 13:27:21: Cinder froze Weegee - Lvl 209 (Allosaurus) Day 13942, 13:30:01: Cinder froze 5.1k hp 313m - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 13942, 13:31:40: Cinder froze Allosaurus - Lvl 306 (Allosaurus) Day 13942, 13:33:20: Cinder froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 248 (Yutyrannus) Day 13942, 13:36:07: Cinder froze Ovi - Lvl 109 (Oviraptor) Day 13942, 14:58:19: Cinder froze Megaloceros - Lvl 194 (Megaloceros) Day 13942, 15:04:07: Cinder froze Carrier - Lvl 263 (Phiomia) Day 13942, 15:08:19: Cinder froze Oil - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13942, 15:12:44: Cinder froze Breeder M - Lvl 213 (Yutyrannus) Day 13942, 15:14:58: Cinder froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 13942, 15:17:52: Cinder froze Koda - Lvl 219 (Dire Bear) Day 13942, 15:21:53: Cinder froze Breeder M - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 13942, 15:33:59: Cinder froze Milly - Lvl 21 (Mesopithecus) Day 13942, 15:38:40: Cinder froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 7 (Mesopithecus) Day 13942, 15:43:42: Cinder froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 44 (Mesopithecus) Day 13942, 15:50:00: Cinder froze Clarice 1 - Lvl 217 (Mantis) Day 13942, 15:52:39: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis) Day 13942, 15:54:48: Cinder froze Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 13942, 16:24:09: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: k bird - Lvl 136 Day 13942, 16:24:36: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 222 Day 13942, 16:25:02: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: (I) - Lvl 194 Day 13942, 16:25:30: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 209 Day 13942, 16:25:58: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 194 Day 13942, 16:26:24: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Blue Breeder - Lvl 187 Day 13942, 16:26:50: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 147 Day 13942, 16:27:21: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Red Breeder - Lvl 203 Day 13942, 16:27:45: Cinder uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 Day 13942, 16:28:20: Cinder uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 184 Day 13942, 18:11:41: Cinder froze Megaloceros - Lvl 156 (Megaloceros) Day 13942, 18:13:08: Cinder froze Baby Alarm - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur) Day 13942, 18:18:49: Cinder froze Raptor - Lvl 328 (Raptor) Day 13942, 18:20:30: Cinder froze Raptor - Lvl 233 (Raptor) Day 13942, 18:25:10: Cinder froze Moschops - Lvl 193 (Moschops) Day 13942, 18:34:24: Cinder froze Striker - Lvl 247 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 18:37:29: Cinder froze Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 18:39:16: Cinder froze SaburToof - Lvl 118 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 18:41:21: Cinder froze Hide - Lvl 230 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 18:43:35: Cinder froze TM1 - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 18:45:24: Cinder froze TF1 - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth) Day 13942, 19:08:01: Cinder froze Ghost - Lvl 64 (Direwolf) Day 13942, 19:14:08: Cinder froze Direwolf - Lvl 39 (Direwolf) Day 13942, 20:28:27: Cinder uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 171 Day 13942, 20:31:24: Cinder uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 Day 13942, 21:10:52: Cinder downloaded a dino: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 Day 13943, 00:37:45: Cinder uploaded a Megaloceros: Megaloceros - Lvl 156 Day 13943, 06:48:21: Cinder froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13943, 07:18:48: HexedKarma uploaded a Featherlight: 95 - Lvl 142 Day 13943, 07:23:20: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 13943, 12:18:30: Cinder froze W1 - Lvl 215 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:20:13: Cinder froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:22:01: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 222 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:23:57: Cinder froze FW1 - Lvl 187 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:25:55: Cinder froze Breeder Male (C) - Lvl 213 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:27:36: Cinder froze Direwolf - Lvl 80 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:29:42: Cinder froze MW1 - Lvl 213 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:31:36: Cinder froze Breeder M - Lvl 224 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:33:29: Cinder froze Shadow (I) - Lvl 119 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:35:18: Cinder froze W5 - Lvl 169 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 12:36:58: Cinder froze W4 - Lvl 169 (Direwolf) Day 13943, 14:32:14: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 13943, 17:17:32: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 340 (Argentavis) Day 13960, 18:11:26: Cinder froze Best stats - Lvl 267 (Managarmr) Day 13980, 15:11:59: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr) Day 13980, 17:00:17: Cinder demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 13980, 17:16:00: Cinder froze Best stats - Lvl 281 (Managarmr) Day 14004, 18:04:06: Raddetta demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14004, 19:52:22: Raddetta froze Snow Ball (R) - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 14095, 10:21:51: jake - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Lexx) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14121, 19:27:14: Triceratops - Lvl 94 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 14126, 03:14:18: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 14134, 00:12:47: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 29 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 14149, 00:26:57: Dung Beetle - Lvl 177 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14165, 20:50:13: Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 14166, 10:10:50: Cinder froze Best stats - Lvl 293 (Managarmr) Day 14166, 12:38:01: Cinder froze Best stats - Lvl 293 (Managarmr) Day 14166, 14:10:59: HexedKarma froze Managarmr - Lvl 258 (Managarmr) Day 14166, 14:45:39: HexedKarma froze Managarmr - Lvl 258 (Managarmr) Day 14166, 20:12:35: HexedKarma froze Managarmr - Lvl 258 (Managarmr) Day 14265, 16:25:50: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 59 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 14275, 21:29:08: Cinder froze WOZIGNOJ - Lvl 231 (Dung Beetle) Day 14275, 22:10:21: Cinder uploaded a Dung Beetle: 145 - Lvl 314 Day 14275, 22:19:05: Cinder uploaded a Dung Beetle: WOZIGNOJ - Lvl 231 Day 14275, 22:25:33: Cinder froze 9.4k Hp 819 S 282 M M - Lvl 240 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14321, 05:20:58: HexedKarma froze Kalgorasz (I) - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14321, 05:34:40: HexedKarma froze Phiomia - Lvl 106 (Phiomia) Day 14321, 06:14:24: HexedKarma froze Kalgorasz (I) - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14321, 06:17:06: HexedKarma uploaded a Kairuku: Kairuku - Lvl 219 Day 14321, 10:51:08: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 211 (Managarmr) Day 14322, 17:55:07: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14322, 19:18:31: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14322, 19:52:17: Cinder froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 359 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14322, 20:25:01: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14322, 20:52:10: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14322, 23:57:17: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 02:09:45: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 10:31:41: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 11:33:51: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 225 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 11:38:39: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 11:43:40: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 12:12:18: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 12:18:17: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 12:47:15: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 12:51:53: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 13:08:52: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 13:30:38: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 13:35:38: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 13:41:22: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 13:48:27: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 14:12:15: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 14:22:32: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 14:44:15: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 15:14:24: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 15:16:23: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 15:39:08: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 15:48:18: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 15:57:09: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 16:14:49: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 16:23:53: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 16:32:16: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 16:42:44: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 16:43:25: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 17:01:52: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 17:08:45: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 303 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 18:59:03: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 230 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 19:03:41: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 230 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 19:10:07: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 19:36:18: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 230 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 19:38:40: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 19:43:00: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 19:54:42: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 20:01:11: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 230 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 20:05:08: Raddetta froze (C) - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 20:16:02: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 14323, 21:29:53: Raddetta uploaded a Managarmr: ManaFlare - Lvl 279 Day 14323, 22:04:12: Raddetta downloaded a dino: ManaFlare - Lvl 279 Day 14323, 22:46:51: Raddetta froze ManaFlare - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 14323, 23:18:04: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 315 (Megatherium) Day 14324, 01:17:39: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 233 (Managarmr) Day 14324, 03:07:26: HexedKarma Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 14324, 03:13:52: HexedKarma froze Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor) Day 14324, 03:37:54: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 233 (Managarmr) Day 14324, 06:06:14: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:06:45: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:06:45: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:06:46: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:07:47: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:07:47: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:09:09: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:09:53: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:09:53: Your Boss Fight F - Lvl 166 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:09:53: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:10:16: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:10:48: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:10:48: Your Boss Fight F - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:11:40: Your Boss Fight M - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:17:46: Your Boss Fight F - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megapithecus (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14324, 06:31:19: Tribemember Raddetta - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 14324, 07:30:40: Raddetta uploaded a Reaper King: (R) - Lvl 224 Day 14324, 07:35:38: Cinder froze (I) - Lvl 277 (Yutyrannus) Day 14324, 07:37:32: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 233 (Reaper King) Day 14324, 07:53:32: Cinder froze Managarmr - Lvl 233 (Managarmr) Day 14324, 08:04:29: HexedKarma froze Kalgorasz (I) - Lvl 261 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14501, 15:05:53: Cinder froze Stats M (C) - Lvl 214 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14501, 15:17:53: HexedKarma froze Stats M (I) - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14501, 17:50:10: Caulkinator added 'Equinox' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14501, 21:01:37: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 177 (Reaper King) Day 14501, 21:02:32: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 192 (Reaper King) Day 14502, 08:04:57: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 192 (Reaper King) Day 14502, 08:05:33: HexedKarma froze (I) - Lvl 177 (Reaper King) Day 14502, 09:01:37: HexedKarma froze Stats M (I) - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14502, 09:08:49: Caulkinator added 'Children of the Bean' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:11:17: Caulkinator added 'Tribe of Titanic' Tribe to boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:14:36: Cinder removed 'Equinox' Tribe from boss Alliance! Day 14502, 09:16:34: Cinder froze Stats M (C) - Lvl 214 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14674, 20:27:51: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14837, 12:22:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 12:02:23: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 12:02:23: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 12:02:23: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 12:02:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 12:02:23: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15019, 03:46:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15186, 19:53:40: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16367, 19:25:16: Cinder demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 16367, 19:42:13: Cinder Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 16377, 11:20:06: Eir i vest was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 16377, 11:33:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 16377, 12:56:26: Hexed was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 16377, 18:50:04: Cinder Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 16377, 20:59:44: Eir i vest was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Cinder! Day 16377, 21:00:43: Hexed was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Cinder! Day 16378, 05:54:48: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 24 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 16378, 06:39:03: Your Brianna - Lvl 17 (Raptor) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 16378, 08:42:27: Hexed Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 16378, 09:58:36: Cinder demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16378, 09:58:57: Cinder demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 16378, 14:50:22: Tribemember Eir i vest - Lvl 28 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 16378, 15:22:14: Tribemember Eir i vest - Lvl 31 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.0x! Day 16378, 16:10:25: Hexed Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 67 (Raptor)! Day 16378, 17:14:09: Your Brhianna - Lvl 67 (Raptor) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 16378, 19:22:51: Hexed Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 36 (Hyaenodon )! Day 16378, 23:05:27: Tribemember Eir i vest - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 16379, 03:29:45: Tribemember Eir i vest - Lvl 40 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 15! Day 16379, 08:13:19: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 16380, 07:15:26: Eir i vest Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 16380, 10:48:37: Hexed demolished a 'Rope Ladder'! Day 16380, 13:06:07: Cinder Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 16380, 21:27:40: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 49 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 16381, 07:53:10: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16381, 07:53:46: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16381, 07:54:47: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16381, 11:34:34: Hexed Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 59 (Mesopithecus)! Day 16391, 10:02:54: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 16391, 10:37:43: Cinder downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 208 Day 16391, 13:12:37: Cinder demolished a 'Bed'! Day 16391, 14:03:43: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 16392, 02:41:02: Cinder demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16392, 02:42:21: Cinder demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 16392, 02:44:08: Cinder demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 16392, 02:45:54: Cinder demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16392, 02:47:01: Cinder demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 16392, 02:48:22: Cinder demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 16392, 03:05:04: Cinder demolished a 'Bed'! Day 16392, 05:41:56: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 60 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 16392, 07:37:53: Hexed Tamed a Compy - Lvl 82 (Compy)! Day 16392, 11:21:17: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 315! Day 16392, 13:28:32: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 35! Day 16392, 14:43:34: Hexed Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 16392, 16:25:40: Hexed claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16393, 07:09:44: Hexed froze Adolescent (I) - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 16393, 07:16:31: Hexed froze Adolescent (I) - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon) Day 16394, 10:07:09: Cinder claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16394, 19:00:48: Cinder froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 16395, 05:46:25: Cinder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) Day 16395, 05:46:45: Hexed froze Teri (I) - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 16405, 17:36:52: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 16405, 19:14:45: \"human\" was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 16405, 20:29:57: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 34 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 16405, 21:12:30: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 100! Day 16406, 00:00:32: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 16406, 01:54:50: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 34 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 16406, 02:40:03: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 16406, 08:56:47: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 35 was killed by Cinder - Lvl 139 (Equinox)! Day 16406, 08:56:47: Your Tribe killed \"human\" - Lvl 35 (Equinox)! Day 16406, 10:12:04: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 16406, 11:30:42: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 36 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 16406, 14:56:28: \"human\" claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16407, 10:37:13: \"human\" demolished a 'Storage Box (Unlocked) '! Day 16408, 16:29:53: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 16410, 19:58:29: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 16410, 23:38:13: Cinder Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)! Day 16410, 23:42:33: Cinder froze Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis) Day 16411, 01:14:23: Cinder froze Weight - Lvl 179 (Argentavis) Day 16411, 01:21:50: Hexed froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16411, 06:54:49: Hexed froze Nigel - Lvl 31 (Unicorn) Day 16411, 06:57:50: Hexed froze Tracy - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 16411, 07:00:24: Hexed froze Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 16411, 18:03:37: Hexed Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 16411, 18:05:43: Hexed froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 16411, 18:39:53: Hexed froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 16411, 18:42:16: Hexed froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 16411, 18:44:14: Hexed froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 16435, 15:16:51: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 16445, 16:22:46: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 16445, 16:30:18: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 16447, 12:57:12: \"human\" Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 36 (Dodo)! Day 16447, 15:20:40: \"human\" Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 16447, 16:15:24: Your IGGY - Lvl 39 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 16447, 16:55:09: \"human\" Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 16451, 13:42:29: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 14:25:38: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 14:43:16: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 14:48:33: Cinder uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 Day 16451, 14:51:23: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 16451, 17:08:47: Cinder downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 Day 16451, 17:10:24: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 17:21:12: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 17:25:31: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 17:36:52: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16451, 17:46:05: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 16451, 17:47:09: Cinder uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 Day 16451, 20:02:35: Cinder downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 Day 16451, 20:04:30: Cinder froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 244 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16452, 00:39:16: Cinder froze Teri (I) - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 16452, 01:08:56: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 114 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 16452, 02:12:05: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 114 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 75! Day 16452, 09:42:25: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 16452, 11:46:43: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 243 (Pteranodon) Day 16454, 06:42:35: Hexed downloaded a dino: Mesopithecus - Lvl 200 Day 16455, 06:00:07: Your Gorno - Lvl 27 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16455, 06:01:26: Your Iggy - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16455, 06:04:34: Tribemember \"human\" - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16464, 17:16:37: Hexed uploaded a Pteranodon: Tracy - Lvl 238 Day 16465, 11:34:52: Hexed downloaded a dino: Tracy - Lvl 228 Day 16465, 12:22:35: Hexed froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16465, 12:57:34: Tribemember Hexed - Lvl 84 was killed! Day 16465, 13:50:31: Hexed froze Weight - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 16465, 20:00:31: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 16467, 22:06:51: Cinder froze (C) - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 16468, 18:05:34: Cinder froze Weight - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 16469, 07:45:23: Hexed froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 281 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16469, 07:53:02: Hexed froze Weight - Lvl 211 (Argentavis) Day 16490, 15:32:05: Broly (DBS) was added to the Tribe by Cinder! Day 16490, 20:20:09: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 20:20:44: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 20:21:35: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 20:22:08: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 20:49:48: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 20:51:08: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16490, 22:16:32: Broly (DBS) demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16491, 08:51:55: Cinder froze Juan Thrifty - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 16491, 09:01:25: Broly (DBS) froze Juan Thrifty - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 16491, 10:23:24: Cinder froze Juan Thrifty (C) - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 16491, 10:26:40: Cinder froze Juan Thrifty (C) - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 16491, 10:46:35: Tribemember Broly (DBS) - Lvl 55 was killed by Cinder - Lvl 138 (Equinox)! Day 16491, 10:46:35: Your Tribe killed Broly (DBS) - Lvl 55 (Equinox)! Day 16491, 11:16:56: Cinder froze Juan Thrifty (C) - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 16491, 17:55:44: Tribemember Cinder - Lvl 138 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 30! Day 16494, 12:33:25: Hexed froze (I) - Lvl 202 (Maewing) Day 16507, 13:39:48: Hexed froze Teri (I) - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 16507, 17:22:39: Hexed froze Triceratops - Lvl 157 (Triceratops) Day 16507, 17:28:44: Hexed uploaded a Triceratops: Triceratops - Lvl 157 Day 16507, 17:31:11: Hexed froze Teri (I) - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 16519, 11:14:34: Hexed froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 16519, 11:45:34: Hexed froze Teri (I) - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 16582, 13:39:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16582, 13:39:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16596, 12:46:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16603, 10:00:48: Hexed froze Nigel - Lvl 31 (Unicorn) Day 16603, 10:23:18: Hexed uploaded a Unicorn: Nigel - Lvl 31 Day 16603, 10:31:44: Hexed uploaded a Pteranodon: Teri (I) - Lvl 267 Day 16666, 05:37:14: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16666, 05:37:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16666, 05:37:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16685, 20:09:42: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16777, 12:33:44: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16832, 21:18:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16909, 08:02:53: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 121 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16951, 17:36:29: Logans best friend - Lvl 37 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Multi Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16958, 06:28:17: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16961, 16:41:56: Josh - Lvl 122 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracy - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16961, 16:42:12: Josh - Lvl 122 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16972, 16:26:06: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cindano (Raft)'! Day 16972, 16:26:58: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hextarmen (Raft)'! Day 16972, 16:27:26: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lusitania (Raft)'! Day 16972, 16:28:09: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frankie - Lvl 35 (Triceratops)'! Day 16972, 16:29:14: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pack Mule - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)'! Day 16972, 16:38:03: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sadie - Lvl 59 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 16972, 16:40:33: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mort - Lvl 53 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 16972, 16:40:46: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Valerie - Lvl 95 (Compy)'! Day 16972, 16:41:02: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King Julian - Lvl 76 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 16972, 17:17:31: Human - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 200 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 16973, 05:54:10: Tribemember Eir i vest - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17181, 00:25:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17261, 05:23:36: Osas - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17292, 12:35:45: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18311, 15:03:16: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27263, 23:41:15: Cinder froze Maewing - Lvl 242 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1648638374,"tribe":"Tribe of Sexy logs":["Day 42482, 04:07:44: Sexy was added to the Tribe! Day 42482, 04:09:15: stupi was added to the Tribe by Sexy! Day 42482, 05:41:40: Tribemember stupi - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 42482, 13:37:36: Sexy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 13 (Parasaur)! Day 42482, 17:06:24: stupi Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 42483, 05:16:12: Ichthyornis - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 42483, 10:48:19: Your Lule - Lvl 20 (Parasaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 1.0x! Day 42483, 14:14:30: Sexy demolished a 'Wooden Cage (Locked) '! Day 42487, 13:33:12: Sexy Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 96 (Parasaur)! Day 42502, 07:12:13: F0zTaRiaN was added to the Tribe by Sexy! Day 42502, 07:16:56: Tribe of DJURA1998666 tribe was merged in by DJURA1998666! Day 42502, 07:16:56: DJURA1998666 was added to the Tribe by Sexy! Day 42502, 07:38:10: Your Lule - Lvl 102 (Parasaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 10! Day 42502, 12:33:11: Tribemember F0zTaRiaN - Lvl 26 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 42502, 13:15:38: Tribemember Sexy - Lvl 43 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 42502, 15:25:10: Tribemember Sexy - Lvl 44 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 42502, 15:39:17: Tribemember F0zTaRiaN - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 42507, 11:22:14: Tribemember DJURA1998666 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 135! Day 42637, 17:37:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42661, 14:11:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42756, 22:01:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42899, 20:58:24: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42899, 20:58:24: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43049, 00:27:48: Tribemember DJURA1998666 - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 43151, 05:54:28: svetlana - Lvl 41 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43185, 13:18:03: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43225, 17:55:41: Tribemember stupi - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 43437, 08:39:04: Tribemember Sexy - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 43495, 07:08:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43722, 19:46:00: rrran - Lvl 197 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jeff's Raft Base (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1647371534,"tribe":"Tribe of ziko logs":["Day 23917, 07:19:28: ziko was added to the Tribe! Day 23917, 07:20:46: Tribe of Lbitri9 tribe was merged in by Lbitri9! Day 23917, 07:20:46: Lbitri9 was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23917, 09:49:43: XIDragonSlayerXI was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23917, 11:02:25: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 35! Day 23917, 11:31:00: iPredator was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23917, 11:41:30: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 23917, 12:09:53: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 23917, 12:27:20: ziko demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 23917, 12:28:57: ziko demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23917, 17:49:33: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 23917, 21:14:30: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 11 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 23917, 21:26:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23917, 22:33:24: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 28 (Iguanodon)! Day 23917, 23:56:49: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 11 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 23918, 02:24:34: iPredator demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 23918, 03:56:31: ziko demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 23918, 03:59:02: ziko demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23918, 08:37:37: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 19 was killed by ziko - Lvl 38 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23918, 08:37:37: Your Tribe killed XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 19 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23918, 10:11:25: Lbitri9 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 23918, 17:18:16: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 15 was killed by XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 21 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23918, 17:18:16: Your Tribe killed iPredator - Lvl 15 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23918, 17:38:10: XIDragonSlayerXI demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23918, 18:34:26: Lbitri9 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23918, 19:00:38: Lbitri9 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23918, 19:16:41: Lbitri9 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 99 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23918, 20:16:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 12 (Triceratops)! Day 23919, 08:58:32: NESQUIK01 was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23919, 09:03:16: GIGA was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23919, 09:36:57: L3ntiz was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23919, 11:21:58: Rachid was added to the Tribe by ziko! Day 23919, 12:58:04: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 1 was killed by Rachid - Lvl 1 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 12:58:04: Your Tribe killed GIGA - Lvl 1 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 13:37:23: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 1 was killed by ziko - Lvl 43 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 13:37:23: Your Tribe killed Rachid - Lvl 1 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 14:23:56: XIDragonSlayerXI Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 21 (Pachy)! Day 23919, 14:55:16: Tribemember L3ntiz - Lvl 8 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 11 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 14:55:16: Your Tribe killed L3ntiz - Lvl 8 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 14:59:38: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 1 was killed by ziko - Lvl 43 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 14:59:38: Your Tribe killed GIGA - Lvl 1 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 15:00:44: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 11 was killed by ziko - Lvl 43 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 15:00:44: Your Tribe killed NESQUIK01 - Lvl 11 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 15:56:31: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23919, 16:07:22: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 1 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 40! Day 23919, 16:10:46: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 1 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 23919, 17:04:55: L3ntiz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 23919, 19:10:54: NESQUIK01 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 23919, 20:25:40: Your daynasooros - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 14 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 20:25:40: Your Tribe killed daynasooros - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23919, 20:30:43: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23919, 21:53:07: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 23919, 22:16:00: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 13 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23920, 00:48:50: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 41 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 18 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23920, 00:48:50: Your Tribe killed XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 41 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23920, 03:08:57: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 23920, 06:16:20: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23920, 08:08:04: Tribemember GIGA - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23920, 09:24:53: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 23920, 10:07:52: ziko Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 23920, 10:34:45: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 45 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 23920, 10:57:27: Your Triceratops - Lvl 20 (Triceratops) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 23920, 11:04:23: Your Dragon junior - Lvl 21 (Pachy) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 23920, 11:07:04: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 45 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 23920, 11:09:48: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 38 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 23920, 16:47:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 23920, 18:13:55: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 23920, 19:58:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 13 (Parasaur)! Day 23920, 20:03:46: ziko Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 72 (Raptor)! Day 23920, 20:22:23: Lbitri9 Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 52 (Phiomia)! Day 23920, 23:10:19: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 49 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 110! Day 23920, 23:10:19: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 49 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 110! Day 23920, 23:11:10: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 27 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 110! Day 23920, 23:16:55: Your Canoe (Canoe) was destroyed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 110! Day 23920, 23:24:38: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 49 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.1x! Day 23921, 05:11:20: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 23921, 05:45:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 23921, 08:22:15: Your tita - Lvl 45 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 23921, 08:32:22: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 23921, 08:50:26: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) was killed by ziko - Lvl 49 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23921, 08:50:26: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 54 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23921, 09:28:00: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 34 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 35! Day 23921, 09:33:05: Your Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 30! Day 23921, 12:17:32: Lbitri9 Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 26 (Tek Raptor)! Day 23921, 12:53:54: Your Phiomia - Lvl 56 (Phiomia) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 110! Day 23921, 12:55:34: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 34 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23921, 13:18:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 23921, 16:08:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23921, 18:23:31: NESQUIK01 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 192 (Dilophosaur)! Day 23921, 19:01:49: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 50 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 115! Day 23921, 19:02:13: Your tayar - Lvl 79 (Raptor) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 23921, 21:33:22: Lbitri9 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 23921, 22:05:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 23921, 22:39:40: Lbitri9 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 23921, 23:13:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 23922, 03:46:22: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 55! Day 23923, 22:19:13: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 16 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 36 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23923, 22:19:13: Your Tribe killed Rachid - Lvl 16 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23924, 22:07:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 23925, 01:56:47: Lbitri9 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23925, 10:10:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 23925, 10:31:54: Lbitri9 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 23925, 13:46:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 23925, 13:57:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 21 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 23925, 14:28:25: Your Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 23925, 16:27:36: Lbitri9 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 5 (Argentavis)! Day 23939, 22:42:15: Lbitri9 Tamed a Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)! Day 23940, 04:44:26: Lbitri9 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 23941, 08:26:28: Lbitri9 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 23941, 18:41:27: Lbitri9 froze L9awad - Lvl 22 (Rex) Day 23941, 21:36:05: Lbitri9 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 23942, 16:03:02: Lbitri9 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 23942, 20:40:23: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 50 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 39 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23942, 20:40:23: Your Tribe killed ziko - Lvl 50 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23942, 21:40:24: Tribemember XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 49 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 39 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23942, 21:40:24: Your Tribe killed XIDragonSlayerXI - Lvl 49 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23943, 00:03:57: Lbitri9 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 23943, 01:05:29: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 23943, 08:12:44: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 23943, 08:48:48: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 18 was killed by NESQUIK01 - Lvl 40 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23943, 08:48:48: Your Tribe killed Rachid - Lvl 18 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23943, 08:53:20: Your Farfara - Lvl 40 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:53:20: Your Argentavis - Lvl 11 (Argentavis) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:53:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:53:49: Your Raptor - Lvl 23 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:53:49: Your Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:55:34: Your Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 30 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 08:57:20: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 43 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 45! Day 23943, 12:06:49: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 23943, 12:06:53: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 23943, 13:55:18: Lbitri9 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon)! Day 23943, 16:23:23: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 19 was killed by ziko - Lvl 50 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23943, 16:23:23: Your Tribe killed Rachid - Lvl 19 (Tribe of ziko)! Day 23943, 17:16:10: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 23952, 14:39:47: Tribemember Lbitri9 - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 23952, 14:41:12: Tribemember Rachid - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 23952, 15:08:42: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 23952, 15:22:26: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 24075, 20:28:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24185, 03:54:16: Your Bobbs - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24524, 14:20:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24529, 10:15:23: Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Gunga Ginga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LM9AWAD - Lvl 361 (Tek Rex)'! Day 24540, 22:08:22: Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Gunga Ginga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dqhdohi - Lvl 206 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 24540, 22:09:36: FartSmeller - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Gunga Ginga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'L9awad - Lvl 29 (Rex)'! Day 24610, 05:38:53: Mr Rex - Lvl 45 (peanut butter) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mikhi - Lvl 69 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24610, 06:36:51: Mr Rex - Lvl 45 (peanut butter) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'L9awad frayo - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24612, 17:22:24: Dilophosaur - Lvl 87 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 24638, 14:03:34: Mr Rex - Lvl 62 (peanut butter) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 44 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 24659, 12:58:39: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24660, 06:30:25: Tribemember L3ntiz - Lvl 20 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 5! Day 24701, 05:03:19: Mr Rex - Lvl 82 (peanut butter) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 154 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 24791, 16:14:12: Kira049 - Lvl 121 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'L9awad - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24831, 19:25:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31745, 07:05:13: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 50 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 5! Day 41305, 15:16:49: Tribemember NESQUIK01 - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1646244033,"tribe":"Tribe of con logs":["Day 33086, 23:33:06: con was added to the Tribe! Day 33086, 23:34:57: Jolt was added to the Tribe by con! Day 33088, 07:06:51: Tribemember con - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 33988, 10:59:07: Tribemember Jolt - Lvl 2 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1645758191,"tribe":"CrossBreeds logs":["Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38100, 16:24:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38103, 19:45:51: Sandra - Lvl 114 (OnlyFans - ) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 38103, 20:20:25: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38408, 18:11:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1644188098,"tribe":"Odd Socks logs":["Day 35117, 22:36:21: Deano was added to the Tribe! Day 35117, 22:47:08: Vaunie was added to the Tribe by Deano! Day 35117, 22:50:28: Vaunie was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Deano! Day 35118, 18:01:10: Vaunie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35118, 18:03:59: Deano demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 35119, 00:34:32: Tribemember Vaunie - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 35119, 02:09:52: Deano demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 35119, 02:14:22: Deano demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 35119, 15:53:31: Deano Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 35119, 21:03:27: Deano Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 35120, 11:48:49: Vaunie claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 97 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 35120, 11:50:02: Vaunie claimed 'Perry - Lvl 181 (Parasaur)'! Day 35120, 11:51:00: Vaunie claimed 'Iggy - Lvl 145 (Iguanodon)'! Day 35120, 17:25:47: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 35129, 08:08:26: Vaunie demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 35129, 08:39:49: Deano froze Moschops - Lvl 240 (Moschops) Day 35129, 11:34:09: Vaunie demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 35129, 18:49:56: Vaunie demolished a 'Wood Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 35129, 18:54:18: Vaunie demolished a 'Wooden Hatchframe'! Day 35129, 19:01:09: Vaunie demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 35129, 19:05:42: Vaunie demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 35129, 23:38:27: Vaunie downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 24 Day 35130, 01:20:02: Deano froze Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex) Day 35130, 02:56:59: Deano froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 62 (Brontosaurus) Day 35130, 04:49:48: Deano demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 35130, 04:51:54: Deano demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35130, 04:53:31: Deano demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 35130, 04:55:55: Deano demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:18:37: Vaunie demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:19:57: Vaunie demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:21:11: Vaunie demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:22:53: Vaunie demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:25:14: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 35130, 10:26:50: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 35130, 10:29:07: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:30:05: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:31:01: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:31:57: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:32:49: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:33:48: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:34:48: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:35:36: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 10:36:29: Vaunie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35130, 17:28:28: Deano demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 35711, 03:29:49: Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35713, 15:34:27: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 29 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 35713, 15:39:19: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 241 (Argentavis)'! Day 35713, 15:41:02: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 166 (Doedicurus)'! Day 35713, 15:42:33: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 106 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 35713, 15:44:29: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 152 (Iguanodon)'! Day 35713, 15:46:00: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 183 (Parasaur)'! Day 35732, 14:26:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35732, 14:26:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35732, 14:26:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35732, 14:26:13: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36014, 10:31:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36014, 10:31:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36014, 10:31:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36014, 10:31:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36041, 18:00:26: Tribemember Vaunie - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 36298, 19:08:51: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36298, 19:08:51: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36507, 23:55:09: Tribemember Deano - Lvl 96 was killed!"] "tribeid":1641496581,"tribe":"Tribe of nivadaspra logs":["Day 41432, 21:08:02: nivadaspra was added to the Tribe! Day 41432, 21:45:23: Youssef was added to the Tribe by nivadaspra! Day 41700, 19:22:17: Tribemember nivadaspra - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 41731, 15:45:11: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41731, 15:45:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41888, 07:33:08: Tribemember Youssef - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70!"] "tribeid":1641344828,"tribe":"Silent Wolf logs":["Day 22551, 10:30:34: Wolf claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 22551, 11:25:43: Wolf froze Argentavis - Lvl 327 (Argentavis) Day 22551, 11:33:03: Wolf froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) Day 22551, 11:35:48: Wolf froze Doedicurus - Lvl 121 (Doedicurus) Day 22551, 12:46:52: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 133 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22551, 14:28:04: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 133 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22552, 02:27:35: Wolf froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) Day 22552, 03:30:41: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22553, 03:30:01: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22555, 21:09:54: Wolf froze Boo - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22555, 21:33:06: Wolf froze Boo - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22555, 23:03:10: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22570, 17:25:33: Wolf froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22570, 17:37:03: Wolf claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22570, 17:39:48: Wolf froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22570, 21:44:59: Wolf froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 00:16:37: Wolf claimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 248 (Daeodon)'! Day 22571, 00:21:08: Wolf froze Daeodon - Lvl 248 (Daeodon) Day 22571, 07:52:56: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 07:56:36: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 08:00:07: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 08:04:26: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 17:34:57: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 17:38:44: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22571, 17:42:22: Wolf froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 09:33:01: Wolf froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 09:37:37: Wolf froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 09:41:41: Wolf froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 09:45:22: Wolf froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 14:12:44: Wolf froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22572, 21:43:32: Wolf froze Quetzal - Lvl 144 (Quetzal) Day 22573, 02:02:27: Wolf froze Daeodon - Lvl 248 (Daeodon) Day 22573, 06:08:26: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22573, 06:25:01: Wolf froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) Day 22595, 17:22:08: Wolf froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22595, 18:17:17: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22626, 02:35:12: Wolf unclaimed 'Daeodon - Lvl 248 (Daeodon)'! Day 22626, 03:46:19: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22626, 09:29:06: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22692, 12:16:53: Dilophosaur - Lvl 124 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 22795, 04:38:54: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22848, 02:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22871, 15:47:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22924, 12:33:10: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 22924, 12:33:10: Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 22937, 00:47:57: Deinonychus - Lvl 32 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23001, 04:28:57: Wolf froze Triceratops - Lvl 79 (Triceratops) Day 23001, 07:02:30: Wolf froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (Giganotosaurus) Day 23001, 07:57:25: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 23027, 05:26:51: Deinonychus - Lvl 62 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23027, 05:26:52: Quetzal - Lvl 144 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 23027, 05:26:54: Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23140, 16:21:38: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23140, 16:27:46: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23140, 18:36:42: Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23194, 10:44:27: Yutyrannus - Lvl 28 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 23194, 10:44:39: Yutyrannus - Lvl 24 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 23194, 10:44:53: Yutyrannus - Lvl 26 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 23305, 23:15:26: Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23305, 23:15:32: Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23379, 03:13:48: Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23379, 03:14:00: Dung Beetle - Lvl 95 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 23570, 19:01:28: Phiomia - Lvl 41 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 23618, 16:59:18: Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23618, 16:59:23: Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23618, 16:59:24: Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23674, 19:54:14: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23708, 20:49:10: Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23957, 20:00:53: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24093, 19:58:54: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 24111, 16:11:39: Soru - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 54 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24111, 16:12:19: Soru - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 81 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24111, 16:12:46: Soru - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Duke) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 83 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 24185, 03:04:09: Oviraptor - Lvl 40 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 24250, 20:25:01: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 122 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24477, 07:13:03: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24548, 06:49:35: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24659, 10:26:39: Tribemember Arrow - Lvl 78 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 33298, 21:21:01: Wolf froze [ Z ] - Lvl 283 (Griffin) Day 33298, 21:26:01: Wolf was removed from the Tribe! Day 33298, 21:26:01: Tribe Owner was changed to Arrow!"] "tribeid":1639975730,"tribe":"Tribe of Tatey logs":["Day 45010, 19:39:23: Tatey was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1639848487,"tribe":"Tribe of charlie+harry logs":["Day 23473, 02:45:53: charlie was added to the Tribe! Day 23473, 02:56:37: Human was added to the Tribe by charlie! Day 23473, 12:49:42: charlie demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23473, 18:05:40: charlie Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 23473, 22:37:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 104 (Parasaur)! Day 23475, 21:59:55: Your Parasaur - Lvl 41 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23477, 01:46:06: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23477, 02:05:09: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23477, 02:23:15: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 23477, 13:20:41: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 46 was killed by Human - Lvl 34 (Tribe of charlie)! Day 23477, 13:20:41: Your Tribe killed charlie - Lvl 46 (Tribe of charlie)! Day 23477, 13:20:56: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 111 (Raptor)! Day 23477, 18:03:07: charlie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 419 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23477, 21:08:50: charlie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 306 (Tek Rex)'! Day 23477, 21:25:23: charlie claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 23477, 21:33:00: charlie claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 23477, 22:12:49: charlie claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 23477, 22:13:48: charlie claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 23477, 22:34:52: charlie froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23477, 22:39:47: charlie froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23478, 03:27:22: charlie froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23478, 08:35:13: charlie froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23481, 03:30:36: charlie Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 119 (Moschops)! Day 23481, 09:45:09: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 23481, 22:59:23: charlie demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 23492, 15:19:48: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 67 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 23493, 00:11:25: charlie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 240 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23493, 00:16:15: charlie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23493, 00:40:37: charlie froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 23493, 00:44:43: charlie froze Argentavis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis) Day 23495, 21:12:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 44 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 23496, 13:54:29: Your Moschops - Lvl 135 (Moschops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23497, 11:28:04: charlie demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 23497, 11:29:06: charlie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23497, 11:29:56: charlie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23497, 11:33:57: charlie demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 23497, 11:34:44: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:35:34: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:36:40: charlie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23497, 11:37:29: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:38:21: charlie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23497, 11:39:06: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:39:54: charlie demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 23497, 11:40:50: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:41:37: charlie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 23497, 11:42:16: charlie demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 23497, 11:47:48: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:48:45: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:50:24: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:51:10: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:52:23: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:53:07: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:54:02: charlie demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:54:10: Human demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 23497, 11:56:19: Human demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 23497, 14:16:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 23497, 18:40:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 23498, 11:45:51: charlie Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 57 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 23498, 11:50:30: charlie froze Iron man - Lvl 57 (Ankylosaurus) Day 23498, 18:45:26: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 76 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 40! Day 23498, 21:00:20: charlie Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 23498, 21:06:46: charlie froze Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus) Day 23499, 18:43:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 60 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23499, 19:34:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 60 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 23499, 21:00:08: charlie Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 14 (Mesopithecus)! Day 23500, 02:44:43: charlie claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 23500, 02:55:12: charlie froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur) Day 23779, 21:08:56: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 23779, 21:14:50: Human froze Ice see you - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23779, 21:19:42: Human froze harry owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23919, 07:59:07: Mesopithecus - Lvl 20 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 24117, 07:19:48: Doedicurus - Lvl 47 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24255, 20:16:59: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24397, 04:41:57: Ice see you - Lvl 308 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 24438, 13:17:48: harry owl - Lvl 306 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 24483, 04:19:41: Iron man - Lvl 70 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 24560, 03:39:13: Eric dier - Lvl 131 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 24725, 18:34:39: emerson royal - Lvl 133 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 24921, 02:56:13: Therizinosaur - Lvl 42 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 25249, 08:48:14: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Harry Kane - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex)'! Day 25249, 09:05:54: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Son heung min - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 25249, 09:15:48: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 302 (Argentavis)'! Day 25249, 09:22:51: SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 326 (Argentavis)'! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25328, 15:31:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25360, 15:01:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 25360, 15:04:09: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 81 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 25635, 22:30:23: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26115, 16:48:03: Tribemember charlie - Lvl 81 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1637832812,"tribe":"Average Tribe logs":["Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40328, 03:45:40: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40612, 16:25:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40897, 21:25:12: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41764, 07:45:22: NanoBastardo was removed from the Tribe! Day 41958, 10:40:29: Dung Beetle - Lvl 45 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 41963, 05:57:09: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium)'! Day 41963, 06:02:35: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 41963, 06:05:24: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 41963, 06:13:49: Steve - Lvl 146 (Naked Friends) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium)'! Day 42327, 17:04:09: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42534, 12:19:36: Dung Beetle - Lvl 150 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 42784, 11:12:23: Tribemember Iona - Lvl 123 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1636396880,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr2H logs":["Day 35673, 21:51:13: Mr2H was added to the Tribe! Day 35673, 22:47:10: Tribemember Mr2H - Lvl 10 was killed!"] "tribeid":1635180042,"tribe":"Tribe of roids logs":["Day 44622, 17:52:43: roids was added to the Tribe! Day 44622, 17:56:20: making and more was added to the Tribe by roids! Day 44782, 01:37:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 44890, 06:38:26: making and more demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 44893, 17:20:02: making and more demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 44893, 21:28:13: Tribemember making and more - Lvl 33 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 100! Day 44894, 10:52:41: making and more Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)! Day 44910, 16:38:44: making and more Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 44912, 03:49:55: making and more Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 44934, 22:18:54: making and more claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 44937, 08:15:40: Tribemember making and more - Lvl 50 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 35! Day 44957, 00:07:59: making and more froze Moschops - Lvl 52 (Moschops) Day 44958, 11:38:07: making and more Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 44958, 12:14:07: making and more froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 44960, 11:23:27: Tribemember making and more - Lvl 62 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 44963, 15:41:33: Your Moschops - Lvl 61 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 44984, 12:36:09: Your Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 45115, 06:09:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 45139, 01:37:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1631940681,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 16588, 13:42:20: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 16588, 13:46:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 48 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 16589, 05:07:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 51 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 16589, 05:29:48: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 16589, 06:10:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 51 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 16589, 07:11:05: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 16589, 07:11:37: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 16589, 07:12:12: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 16589, 07:12:47: Human demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 16589, 09:31:52: Human Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)! Day 16589, 09:39:12: Human Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 148 (Dilophosaur)! Day 16589, 10:15:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 89 (Triceratops)! Day 16589, 12:09:29: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 16589, 20:04:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 54 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 16590, 18:32:54: Human froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 153 (Dilophosaur) Day 16590, 18:36:23: Human froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 16590, 19:06:13: Human froze Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 16590, 19:10:27: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) Day 16591, 02:53:44: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) Day 16591, 03:00:33: Human froze Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 16591, 05:14:35: Human froze Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 16591, 07:53:32: Tribemember Human - Lvl 65 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 125! Day 16591, 08:39:52: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 99 (Triceratops) Day 16591, 16:22:08: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis)! Day 16591, 16:26:47: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 16591, 16:39:02: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) Day 16591, 17:20:13: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) Day 16591, 18:02:41: Human froze Rex - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 16592, 05:17:50: Human froze Rex - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 16592, 07:11:13: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 16592, 07:15:25: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops) Day 16592, 07:18:39: Human froze Rex - Lvl 259 (Rex) Day 16599, 14:03:41: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 16599, 14:09:37: Human froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 16599, 15:12:23: Human froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 16605, 05:39:09: Human froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 16605, 06:09:05: Human froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 16605, 06:11:58: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 16605, 06:13:55: Human froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 16605, 09:07:19: Human froze Rex - Lvl 264 (Rex) Day 16605, 10:52:18: Human claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 118 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16605, 11:55:55: Human unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 118 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16614, 15:21:52: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 107 (Triceratops) Day 16614, 16:36:06: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 109 (Triceratops) Day 16615, 02:53:49: Human froze Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 16615, 07:39:09: Human Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 52 (Doedicurus)! Day 16615, 13:48:34: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) Day 16615, 13:53:18: Human froze Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 16616, 05:29:43: Human demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 16616, 05:30:17: Human demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16616, 05:30:45: Human demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 16616, 05:53:53: Human demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 16616, 05:54:39: Human demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 16616, 06:24:38: Human froze Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 16616, 10:57:22: Human froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 16616, 20:09:33: Human froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 16617, 08:49:38: Human claimed 'Terry - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16617, 09:03:08: Human claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 213 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16617, 09:32:50: Human froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 16617, 17:23:03: Human froze Terry - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur) Day 16617, 17:56:43: Human froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 16617, 19:23:24: Human froze Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 16618, 05:58:41: Human unclaimed 'Terry - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16618, 06:02:08: Human unclaimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16618, 08:12:47: Human unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16618, 12:58:03: Human froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus) Day 16618, 13:22:57: Human claimed 'Flash - Lvl 368 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 13:36:46: Human unclaimed 'Flash - Lvl 368 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 15:35:39: Human froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus) Day 16618, 15:48:11: Human claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 16:18:07: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 16:19:23: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 16:19:53: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 16:20:26: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 16:22:25: Human claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16618, 18:03:04: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:05:21: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:20:08: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:22:13: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:24:21: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:27:06: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:29:11: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16618, 18:31:16: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:19:04: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:24:52: Human froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:29:03: Human froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:31:08: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:34:37: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:36:23: Human froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:42:19: Human froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:46:09: Human froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 06:49:01: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16619, 08:57:54: Human froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 16619, 10:51:21: Human claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 120 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16619, 11:43:16: Human claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16619, 14:53:23: Human unclaimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 16619, 14:55:08: Human unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 120 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16619, 15:00:12: Human claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 120 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16619, 22:18:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 16620, 03:17:03: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 03:48:33: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 03:53:49: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 04:12:40: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 04:18:07: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 99 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 04:54:04: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16620, 06:37:24: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:37:54: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 62 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:39:21: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:41:04: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:42:10: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:43:00: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:47:01: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:49:12: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 06:57:16: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 112 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16620, 07:06:31: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 86 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16626, 07:48:01: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 07:49:46: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 86 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:00:01: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 30 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:09:15: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 31 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:11:20: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:19:36: Human froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 16626, 08:22:32: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:24:58: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 112 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:34:28: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:39:52: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 62 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:41:50: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 133 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:46:06: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 08:48:11: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 86 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 12:28:38: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 35 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 12:33:52: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 12:41:29: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 106 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 14:03:44: Human froze eee - Lvl 137 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16626, 18:50:00: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 16626, 18:50:29: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)'! Day 16626, 18:51:47: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex)'! Day 16626, 18:55:24: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 16626, 18:55:51: Human claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 16626, 19:23:10: Human froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:18:00: Human froze Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:19:48: Human froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:21:44: Human froze Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:23:33: Human froze Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:26:12: Human froze Rex - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 16628, 07:37:32: Human froze Rex - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 16628, 09:00:58: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 71 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 09:01:28: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 09:02:39: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 09:04:36: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 09:05:51: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 09:08:48: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 71 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Human - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 09:08:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 71 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 09:10:26: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Human - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 09:10:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 107 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 09:11:39: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Human - Lvl 99 (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 09:11:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 102 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Human)! Day 16628, 10:33:08: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16628, 10:35:35: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16628, 10:37:46: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16628, 10:40:00: Human froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16628, 14:20:46: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 14:21:38: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 63 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 14:23:42: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 14:24:58: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 14:25:46: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 79 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16628, 19:31:29: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 74 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:12:44: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:14:13: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 92 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:15:53: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 111 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:25:51: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:42:12: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:43:57: Human froze ee - Lvl 79 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16629, 19:45:29: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 63 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16630, 12:25:18: Human claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 16630, 12:30:46: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Human - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Human)! Day 16630, 12:30:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Human)! Day 16925, 08:51:51: Sir Elias Quinn added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 16995, 11:22:19: Josh added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 24797, 15:39:18: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance!"] "tribeid":1631178910,"tribe":"Gordon logs":["Day 36992, 10:13:41: Highlander was added to the Tribe! Day 36992, 11:24:29: Tribemember Highlander - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 36992, 11:51:11: Tribemember Highlander - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.1x! Day 36992, 12:20:20: Tribemember Highlander - Lvl 6 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 36993, 13:24:16: Highlander demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 36994, 13:32:07: Highlander Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 36994, 15:22:01: Highlander Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 14 (Moschops)! Day 37018, 16:11:36: Your Moschops - Lvl 63 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 37018, 18:43:16: Your Moschops - Lvl 19 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 37579, 01:53:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37579, 01:53:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37579, 01:53:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37762, 17:46:33: Tribemember Highlander - Lvl 38 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38171, 18:26:27: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1630933538,"tribe":"Tribe of soldier logs":["Day 17886, 20:00:12: soldier was added to the Tribe! Day 17886, 20:02:39: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of soldier' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 20:54:41: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 22:25:59: soldier froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17887, 06:55:42: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Enya' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17887, 09:16:15: soldier froze soldiers - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 17887, 09:34:18: soldier froze soldiers - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 17887, 10:04:22: soldier froze soldiers fire cunt - Lvl 254 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17925, 11:58:58: soldier froze soldiers fire cunt - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17925, 12:47:36: soldier froze male breeder - Lvl 268 (Argentavis) Day 17925, 14:45:43: soldier Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 17925, 15:01:07: soldier froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 17925, 15:14:19: soldier froze soldiers fire cunt - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17970, 12:04:53: Your Ovis - Lvl 240 (Ovis) was killed by soldier - Lvl 122 (Tribe of soldier)! Day 17970, 12:04:53: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 240 (Ovis) (Tribe of soldier)! Day 17970, 13:25:01: soldier Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 17970, 13:29:02: soldier froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17970, 14:02:59: soldier froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 21 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17970, 14:04:26: soldier froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17970, 14:07:00: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 278 (Managarmr) Day 17970, 19:13:30: Dalton343 added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:43:59: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Cheesy' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:44:19: soldier froze soldiers boss baby - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 17970, 19:48:05: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 06:40:24: soldier froze soldiers - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 07:37:55: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 07:41:21: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 07:44:05: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 08:57:14: soldier froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17971, 09:10:19: soldier froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17971, 10:43:19: soldier froze soldiers - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 10:58:48: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 19:04:37: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 17971, 19:53:27: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17972, 07:36:40: soldier froze soldiers - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex) Day 17972, 08:21:15: soldier froze Managarmr - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 18143, 16:38:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19511, 06:38:01: Linfar - Lvl 121 (Wonkru) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1628594033,"tribe":"The Dothraki Hoarde logs":["Day 34814, 02:11:14: Joshy froze Spitfire - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 34814, 02:16:34: Joshy froze Danny - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) Day 34814, 02:36:29: Joshy froze Roddy - Lvl 97 (R-Snow Owl) Day 34814, 06:02:03: Joshy claimed 'Vince - Lvl 58 (Desmodus)'! Day 34814, 06:39:53: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34814, 06:42:48: Joshy froze Baby wa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34814, 07:36:08: Joshy claimed 'Mini - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34814, 07:43:48: Joshy froze Mini - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 34816, 06:11:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 142 (Phiomia)! Day 34816, 07:46:04: Joshy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34836, 10:17:20: Joshy froze bronto - Lvl 110 (Brontosaurus) Day 34838, 19:14:30: Joshy demolished a 'Stone (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 34838, 19:15:15: Joshy demolished a 'Wood (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 34838, 19:15:57: Joshy demolished a 'Thatch (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 34872, 01:34:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34881, 03:31:14: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:32:21: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:33:30: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:34:31: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:35:32: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:36:27: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:37:32: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:38:31: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:39:30: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34881, 03:43:22: Joshy demolished a 'Elevator Track'! Day 34901, 19:29:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 14 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 34901, 19:34:23: Joshy Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 34901, 19:34:43: Joshy froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 14 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 34901, 19:45:58: Your Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 34902, 10:39:01: Joshy froze Phiomia - Lvl 155 (Phiomia) Day 34902, 13:16:23: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34902, 13:19:51: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34902, 13:21:36: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34902, 13:27:11: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34902, 15:28:29: Joshy froze P. Fiji - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34902, 15:31:13: Joshy froze Gigi - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34902, 16:02:30: Joshy froze Mini - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 34902, 18:44:11: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34902, 18:48:49: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34902, 19:02:40: Joshy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34902, 19:12:57: Joshy froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 34902, 20:13:19: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde)! Day 34902, 20:13:19: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)! Day 34902, 20:25:08: Your Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Joshy - Lvl 124 (The Dothraki Hoarde)! Day 34902, 20:25:08: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)! Day 34905, 17:45:54: Joshy froze Dopa - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 34905, 22:16:51: Joshy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 211 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34905, 22:38:46: Joshy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 211 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34906, 03:40:25: Joshy demolished a 'Tek Double Doorframe'! Day 34906, 03:59:08: Joshy demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 34910, 04:41:15: Joshy froze edwerd - Lvl 96 (Therizinosaur) Day 34910, 19:02:05: Joshy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 34910, 19:22:05: Joshy froze Spino X - Lvl 120 (Spino) Day 34910, 19:29:51: Joshy froze Spino VIII - Lvl 117 (Spino) Day 34910, 19:36:52: Joshy froze Spino IV - Lvl 131 (Spino) Day 34910, 19:55:51: Joshy froze SHITTO - Lvl 197 (Tek Rex) Day 34910, 20:36:35: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34910, 20:45:43: Joshy froze Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34931, 08:34:13: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34931, 08:38:41: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34931, 08:58:39: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34932, 00:35:35: Joshy demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 34955, 18:05:02: Gemma - Lvl 82 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 34955, 18:14:22: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34955, 21:34:21: Joshy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34955, 23:14:19: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34955, 23:18:07: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34955, 23:18:38: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34955, 23:24:45: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34978, 11:37:13: Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 34978, 11:37:13: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 34978, 11:37:13: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 34978, 12:02:22: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34978, 12:42:34: Joshy claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 34978, 22:17:22: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34978, 22:51:30: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34979, 15:51:55: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 34979, 15:56:08: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 34979, 16:10:32: Joshy froze Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35003, 09:28:00: Joshy Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 35003, 09:38:39: Joshy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus) Day 35003, 09:58:16: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35003, 10:02:23: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35005, 16:54:39: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35005, 19:21:20: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35005, 19:26:03: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35006, 22:34:06: Lena - Lvl 85 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35029, 14:59:55: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 35066, 15:28:10: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35066, 15:32:43: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35068, 23:03:38: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35069, 02:12:26: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35069, 02:17:44: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35069, 02:24:03: Your Roddy - Lvl 97 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 75! Day 35071, 11:23:26: Joshy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35097, 08:24:24: Joshy froze Musty - Lvl 278 (Raptor) Day 35097, 09:00:30: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35097, 09:03:54: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35097, 10:24:46: Joshy froze Musty - Lvl 278 (Raptor) Day 35099, 02:30:17: Joshy claimed 'Moomoo - Lvl 185 (Mammoth)'! Day 35099, 02:30:57: Joshy claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 164 (Phiomia)'! Day 35099, 02:34:57: Joshy claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)'! Day 35099, 03:01:18: Joshy froze Moomoo - Lvl 190 (Mammoth) Day 35211, 15:54:25: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35211, 15:58:32: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35212, 20:44:43: Your Phiomia - Lvl 164 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 35215, 00:05:47: Joshy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 35215, 00:12:29: Joshy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 35395, 18:06:08: Lana - Lvl 97 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35434, 05:46:32: Sara - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 35533, 14:28:01: Greta - Lvl 111 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 35533, 17:25:02: Joshy froze Grace - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 35533, 17:58:12: Joshy froze Spitfire - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon) Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35661, 12:10:06: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35745, 10:28:14: Joshy froze Spino IV - Lvl 131 (Spino) Day 35745, 10:36:09: Joshy froze Spino X - Lvl 120 (Spino) Day 36038, 03:50:04: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36038, 03:50:04: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36038, 03:50:04: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36225, 03:49:16: Mesopithecus - Lvl 51 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 36287, 15:04:42: Joshy's 'Spitfire - Lvl 271 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 36806, 00:38:13: Gogs - Lvl 211 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 36815, 17:56:44: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jayda - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36815, 17:59:41: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36815, 18:19:05: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vince - Lvl 69 (Desmodus)'! Day 36815, 18:20:41: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 171 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 36815, 18:28:33: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 154 (Desmodus)'! Day 36815, 18:29:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mani - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36815, 18:38:45: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 14 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 36815, 18:47:36: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bronto - Lvl 127 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 36815, 18:55:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voldy - Lvl 265 (Direwolf)'! Day 36815, 18:56:02: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lupin - Lvl 284 (Direwolf)'! Day 36815, 19:00:14: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHITTO - Lvl 197 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36815, 19:12:08: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36815, 19:15:53: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36815, 19:17:51: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36815, 19:18:57: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36815, 19:50:17: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36815, 20:32:22: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grace - Lvl 288 (Argentavis)'! Day 36815, 20:40:12: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chicco - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 36815, 21:03:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium)'! Day 36815, 22:40:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36816, 03:31:00: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36816, 04:42:54: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 343 (Argentavis)'! Day 36816, 04:51:22: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 36816, 05:18:16: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 326 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36816, 06:34:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 (CrossBreeds) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flame - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36820, 07:08:50: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36931, 07:51:12: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 08:04:38: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus)'! Day 36931, 08:10:55: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36931, 08:13:37: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 10:08:48: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36931, 12:37:30: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Foley - Lvl 320 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 14:36:25: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'edwerd - Lvl 102 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36931, 16:43:00: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Senna - Lvl 289 (Rex)'! Day 36931, 16:48:17: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 36942, 07:08:54: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Moomoo - Lvl 190 (Mammoth)'! Day 36942, 07:15:48: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino X - Lvl 120 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:19:34: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino IV - Lvl 131 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:24:05: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino VIII - Lvl 117 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:37:21: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36942, 07:51:39: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yoshi - Lvl 302 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 36942, 16:01:01: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36942, 16:39:27: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Norma - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36942, 16:48:50: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36942, 16:54:02: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Musty - Lvl 281 (Raptor)'! Day 36942, 17:37:34: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boho - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 36970, 09:53:58: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36970, 10:03:38: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36970, 10:07:50: W4YN3 - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 37050, 14:27:51: Mesopithecus - Lvl 113 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37104, 15:42:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37141, 21:48:31: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Durandalon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doug - Lvl 340 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 37141, 23:39:20: Your Phiomia - Lvl 162 (Phiomia) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37413, 03:58:04: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37419, 01:24:13: Tribemember Joshy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 37419, 15:11:58: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 187 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 38259, 07:55:30: Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 39059, 18:09:48: Tribemember Joshy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 39981, 01:36:46: Tribemember Joshy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 10! Day 42653, 11:44:17: Joshy was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1626500729,"tribe":"PANDA TRIBE logs":["Day 39186, 00:42:24: panda was added to the Tribe! Day 39186, 00:44:15: Kris was added to the Tribe by panda! Day 39186, 01:14:20: Kris was promoted to a Tribe Admin by panda! Day 39186, 03:41:22: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 39186, 04:57:16: Tribemember panda - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 39186, 06:50:08: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 1 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 39186, 06:52:17: Tribemember panda - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 39186, 09:17:54: Kris claimed 'rider of your mom - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39186, 10:01:23: Kris claimed 'Archangel - Lvl 369 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39186, 10:27:38: panda claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39186, 12:34:17: Tribemember panda - Lvl 7 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 39186, 13:10:07: Tribemember panda - Lvl 7 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 39186, 14:12:38: Tribemember panda - Lvl 7 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 39186, 14:55:59: Tribemember panda - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 39186, 15:16:56: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 10 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 39186, 16:02:39: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 39186, 17:38:38: Tribemember panda - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 39186, 17:49:21: Tribemember panda - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 39186, 17:52:56: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 11 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 39186, 17:58:44: Tribemember panda - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 39186, 18:33:39: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 39186, 18:45:37: Tribemember panda - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 39186, 19:01:44: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 39186, 19:12:36: Tribemember panda - Lvl 9 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 39186, 20:57:36: panda claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor)'! Day 39186, 21:03:39: Kris claimed 'ParaMount - Lvl 135 (Parasaur)'! Day 39187, 00:49:41: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 11 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 39187, 00:54:36: Tribemember panda - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 40 | 0.9x! Day 39187, 05:15:18: Tribemember panda - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 39187, 05:19:56: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 39204, 14:18:05: Kris was removed from the Tribe by panda! Day 39204, 14:24:13: Kris was added to the Tribe by panda! Day 39204, 18:17:11: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 39204, 20:25:22: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 39204, 21:44:44: Your Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 39204, 21:48:46: Tribemember panda - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 39205, 15:50:00: Kris demolished a 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) '! Day 39205, 17:50:58: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 21 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 39206, 04:00:11: Ichthyornis - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 39206, 05:08:29: Ichthyornis - Lvl 40 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 39206, 07:30:09: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 23 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 40! Day 39206, 12:12:39: Kris claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops)'! Day 39207, 05:44:01: Tribemember panda - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 39207, 18:05:02: Ichthyornis - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 39207, 18:11:10: Tribemember panda - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 39208, 06:49:25: panda demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 39208, 09:09:52: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 39208, 14:08:18: panda demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 39209, 02:03:01: Tribemember panda - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 39209, 10:12:48: Kris claimed 'Carl - Lvl 97 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39209, 19:42:22: Kris demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39227, 13:03:11: Tribemember panda - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 39227, 17:50:12: Tribemember panda - Lvl 38 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 10! Day 39227, 19:18:31: Kris claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 150 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 39232, 17:05:36: panda demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 39232, 17:29:46: Tribemember panda - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 39233, 01:56:12: panda demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39233, 01:59:04: panda demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39233, 02:01:32: panda demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39233, 02:03:11: panda demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39243, 15:41:20: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 35 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 45! Day 39560, 14:52:26: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39560, 14:52:26: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39560, 14:52:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39560, 14:52:26: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39594, 04:00:02: Tribemember panda - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 39809, 15:22:54: 인간 - Lvl 54 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rider of your mom - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex)'! Day 39845, 19:07:53: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Archangel - Lvl 374 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39856, 03:04:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39856, 03:04:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39856, 03:04:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39856, 03:04:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39897, 21:26:07: Bex - Lvl 74 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 154 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 39897, 21:51:46: Bex - Lvl 74 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carl - Lvl 99 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 39904, 12:19:02: Tribemember Kris - Lvl 35 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 39904, 12:50:58: Your TRY - Lvl 75 (Triceratops) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 39936, 01:20:40: 인간 - Lvl 110 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 40176, 20:04:51: TRUCK - Lvl 140 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 40446, 18:34:20: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40446, 18:34:20: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40446, 18:34:20: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1626240168,"tribe":"Tribe of vhe logs":["Day 29595, 04:44:49: vhe was added to the Tribe! Day 29595, 05:45:19: vhe froze Escort - Lvl 278 (Baryonyx) Day 29595, 07:21:06: vhe froze Scoliosis - Lvl 213 (Kaprosuchus) Day 29595, 08:03:34: vhe froze Lollipop - Lvl 211 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29689, 08:45:40: vhe froze Megalodon - Lvl 290 (Megalodon) Day 29689, 09:33:07: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29753, 23:18:22: vhe froze Megalodon - Lvl 303 (Megalodon) Day 29754, 02:32:23: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 29754, 08:05:04: vhe froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 285 (Basilosaurus) Day 29754, 08:38:31: vhe froze Jac Naylor - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 30051, 16:17:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1625977160,"tribe":"Tribe of Ugg logs":["Day 18676, 02:46:20: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 359 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18676, 03:21:12: Ugg claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 178 (Managarmr)'! Day 18676, 03:28:41: Ugg froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 178 (Managarmr) Day 18676, 03:33:42: Ugg froze Managarmr - Lvl 74 (Managarmr) Day 19014, 19:06:13: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed! Day 19014, 19:06:13: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 19014, 22:19:23: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 19014, 23:38:49: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 363 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19015, 00:04:16: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 363 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19015, 03:09:29: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 363 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19020, 21:54:15: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 364 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19036, 13:45:09: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 364 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19087, 00:25:26: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 365 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19087, 01:40:34: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 365 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19299, 11:10:34: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 368 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19300, 05:56:03: Ugg froze Panda Patrol - Lvl 514 (Tek Rex) Day 19300, 07:53:42: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 368 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19405, 06:17:37: Ugg claimed 'Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus)'! Day 19405, 06:20:03: Ugg claimed 'Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus)'! Day 19405, 06:27:45: Ugg claimed 'Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus)'! Day 19405, 06:45:40: Ugg froze Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus) Day 19405, 06:53:45: Ugg froze Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus) Day 19405, 07:04:58: Ugg froze Baby X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 206 (X-Dunkleosteus) Day 19405, 16:25:15: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19405, 21:12:35: Ugg Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 19405, 21:16:38: Ugg froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 19405, 22:06:54: Ugg froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 19405, 22:36:57: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 345 (Basilosaurus) Day 19405, 23:50:10: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19406, 07:03:46: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19567, 07:17:32: Ugg claimed 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus)'! Day 19567, 07:21:11: Ugg froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 19567, 09:28:08: Ugg claimed 'Baby Electrophorus - Lvl 117 (Electrophorus)'! Day 19567, 09:30:59: Ugg froze Baby Electrophorus - Lvl 117 (Electrophorus) Day 19567, 09:34:32: Ugg claimed 'Baby Electrophorus - Lvl 84 (Electrophorus)'! Day 19567, 09:38:49: Ugg froze Baby Electrophorus - Lvl 84 (Electrophorus) Day 19567, 16:42:44: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19567, 16:48:27: Ugg froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19567, 17:28:53: Ugg claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 19567, 17:32:14: Ugg froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (R-Velonasaur) Day 19567, 18:20:10: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 375 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19653, 06:13:33: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 375 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19653, 11:18:30: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 375 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19887, 20:35:45: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 20082, 06:45:02: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 85 (Rock Drake) Day 20082, 07:49:13: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20337, 07:36:22: Ugg claimed 'rex smaller - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20337, 12:34:20: Ugg froze rex smaller - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex) Day 20337, 22:13:27: Ugg froze Shadow - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 20338, 08:17:32: Small Child added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Boss Fights Alliance! Day 20338, 10:12:12: Ugg unclaimed 'rex smaller - Lvl 413 (Tek Rex)'! Day 20338, 12:42:31: Ugg froze Shadow - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 20338, 15:32:14: Ugg froze Shadow - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 20338, 15:51:15: Ugg froze Shadow - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane) Day 20338, 15:57:05: Ugg froze Cole - Lvl 384 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20355, 23:30:39: Ugg claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 217 (Triceratops)'! Day 20356, 00:16:17: Ugg froze Triceratops - Lvl 217 (Triceratops) Day 20990, 10:31:00: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 396 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20990, 18:47:25: Ugg Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 7 (Mesopithecus)! Day 20990, 18:58:40: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 418 (Shadowmane) Day 20990, 20:34:55: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 418 (Shadowmane) Day 20991, 01:49:48: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 396 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20991, 03:13:07: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 396 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20999, 11:04:40: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 20999, 13:37:39: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 20999, 17:50:57: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 397 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20999, 19:19:41: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 397 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21040, 16:12:40: Aditzu added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21040, 17:31:45: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 418 (Shadowmane) Day 21040, 17:52:14: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 467 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21041, 05:16:16: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 336 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21041, 06:54:21: Ugg froze Darkness - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21209, 04:57:51: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21209, 07:34:06: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 346 (Basilosaurus) Day 21209, 14:40:18: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21209, 23:14:24: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 419 (Shadowmane) Day 21210, 01:09:15: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21210, 05:55:36: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21210, 08:39:19: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:41:55: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:43:47: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:45:44: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:47:44: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:50:00: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 08:52:28: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 21210, 09:15:20: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 21210, 09:17:56: Ugg demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 21210, 11:45:22: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 419 (Shadowmane) Day 21210, 12:02:14: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21210, 16:56:57: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21211, 15:43:33: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21211, 15:48:11: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21211, 15:53:44: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21211, 16:03:39: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 530 (Tek Rex) Day 21212, 02:59:15: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Cool Kids Alliance! Day 21212, 07:11:27: dia added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Friends Alliance! Day 21212, 11:35:13: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 530 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 01:59:52: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 02:08:08: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 02:30:00: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 02:38:11: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 02:45:17: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 530 (Tek Rex) Day 21213, 09:17:11: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 417 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21355, 20:50:20: Ugg froze Lurch - Lvl 247 (Megatherium) Day 21356, 00:28:35: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 113 (Rock Drake) Day 21356, 00:43:13: Ugg froze Querida - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 21356, 03:21:52: Ugg froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 7 (Mesopithecus) Day 21356, 03:29:36: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 421 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21390, 21:09:42: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 421 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21501, 15:33:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21587, 13:37:48: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 424 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21588, 04:12:25: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 176 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 190! Day 21588, 04:12:27: Your RIP - Lvl 334 (Otter) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 190! Day 21588, 05:52:44: Ugg claimed 'Otter - Lvl 126 (Otter)'! Day 21588, 23:29:37: Tribemember Ugg - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 21589, 06:24:13: Ugg unclaimed 'Otter - Lvl 126 (Otter)'! Day 21589, 21:37:18: Ugg claimed 'Olga - Lvl 211 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 21589, 21:42:39: Ugg froze Olga - Lvl 211 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21590, 06:14:20: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 424 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21591, 00:22:04: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 313 (Otter) Day 21591, 00:31:29: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 424 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21733, 23:12:27: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 314 (Otter) Day 21733, 23:28:51: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 427 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21879, 21:52:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21879, 21:52:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21879, 21:52:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21914, 04:32:50: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21914, 17:48:23: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 21915, 02:10:51: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21915, 13:38:27: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21916, 00:05:31: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 21916, 02:01:22: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 02:58:27: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 03:07:12: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 531 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 03:16:04: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 03:30:01: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 03:42:19: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 500 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 07:24:55: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 13:18:23: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 531 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 14:10:51: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 14:40:29: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 16:16:04: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 501 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 17:42:02: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 486 (Tek Rex) Day 21916, 18:06:26: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 429 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21966, 08:59:50: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 09:05:00: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 501 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 13:58:08: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 489 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:12:37: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 503 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:23:56: Ugg froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 14:37:18: Ugg froze Tess - Lvl 531 (Tek Rex) Day 21966, 19:37:13: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 434 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21987, 06:42:00: Aditzu added 'Sexy Boys' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 21987, 12:19:52: Aditzu added 'Savages' Tribe to THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 22276, 13:50:39: Savage removed 'Savages' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 22332, 19:42:07: Ugg froze 149 - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 22332, 19:45:19: Ugg froze 145 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 22332, 19:49:35: Ugg froze 150 - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus) Day 22332, 19:53:34: Ugg froze 149 - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 22332, 22:16:51: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 441 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22393, 02:46:39: Ugg froze Cilla - Lvl 262 (Terror Bird) Day 22394, 12:28:38: Ugg froze Cilla - Lvl 289 (Terror Bird) Day 22394, 12:39:57: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 315 (Otter) Day 22394, 13:07:41: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 442 (R-Snow Owl) Day 22414, 20:55:11: Ugg downloaded a dino: FORGE 4 - Lvl 164 Day 22414, 22:31:32: Ugg downloaded a dino: CLONER SHARDS - Lvl 178 Day 22414, 22:55:14: Ugg downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 98 Day 22725, 15:45:37: Your CLONER SHARDS - Lvl 178 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 22747, 13:40:08: Ugg froze 252g - Lvl 437 (Yutyrannus) Day 22747, 21:18:46: Ugg froze Bonny - Lvl 340 (Otter) Day 22747, 21:22:46: Ugg froze Clyde - Lvl 365 (Otter) Day 22747, 22:51:47: Ugg froze Bonny - Lvl 356 (Otter) Day 22747, 22:56:36: Ugg froze Clyde - Lvl 375 (Otter) Day 22747, 23:48:28: Ugg froze [Ugg] - Lvl 225 (Beelzebufo) Day 22748, 00:33:51: Ugg froze [Ugg] - Lvl 225 (Beelzebufo) Day 22748, 00:47:24: Ugg froze Mindy - Lvl 23 (Mesopithecus) Day 22748, 01:13:09: Ugg froze Mindy - Lvl 23 (Mesopithecus) Day 22748, 01:50:37: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 442 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23073, 04:34:45: Ugg froze Bea Possitive - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 23114, 02:32:33: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23115, 12:07:02: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 446 (R-Snow Owl) Day 23115, 13:34:41: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 360 (Otter) Day 23797, 18:11:31: Ugg uploaded a Tek Stryder: Shadey - Lvl 164 Day 24332, 00:51:14: Ugg claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf)'! Day 24332, 00:56:35: Ugg froze Baby Direwolf - Lvl 434 (Direwolf) Day 24332, 02:16:13: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 360 (Otter) Day 24332, 02:27:44: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 451 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24794, 07:35:19: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 477 (Giganotosaurus) Day 24794, 07:52:23: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 452 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24797, 19:33:12: CaS added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 00:34:48: CaS added 'Tribe of Brewskii' Tribe to COA Alliance! Day 24798, 11:49:29: Ugg froze Him - Lvl 539 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 15:05:01: Ugg froze Her - Lvl 538 (Tek Rex) Day 24798, 16:08:24: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 452 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24957, 10:48:41: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 452 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25121, 11:29:16: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 453 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25130, 13:53:38: Ugg froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 233 (Dinopithecus) Day 25130, 14:39:04: Ugg froze Lil Red Devil - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 25131, 02:24:40: Ugg claimed 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 263 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 25131, 02:30:03: Ugg froze Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 263 (Dinopithecus) Day 25131, 04:16:45: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 453 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25180, 16:05:18: Ugg claimed '263 - Lvl 415 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 25180, 18:05:27: Ugg unclaimed '263 - Lvl 415 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 25180, 19:11:44: Ugg froze Bioboon - Lvl 328 (Dinopithecus) Day 25180, 21:03:12: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 453 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25700, 05:55:21: Ugg claimed 'M -1--45 - Lvl 313 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 25700, 06:01:07: Ugg claimed 'F 0--3-- - Lvl 274 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 25700, 06:34:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25700, 08:12:16: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 389 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25700, 08:15:57: Ugg unclaimed 'F 0--3-- - Lvl 274 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 25700, 08:19:16: Ugg unclaimed 'M -1--45 - Lvl 313 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 25700, 08:26:31: Ugg claimed 'M -1--45 - Lvl 313 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 25700, 08:30:24: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 389 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25700, 08:35:27: Ugg froze M -1--45 - Lvl 313 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25700, 11:00:36: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 25700, 11:01:26: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 11:02:09: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from Boss Battle Alliance! Day 25700, 11:04:34: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from dragon fun Alliance! Day 25700, 11:53:26: Ugg froze Mags - Lvl 346 (Argentavis) Day 25700, 11:59:32: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 12:17:37: Your Tribe killed Kentrosaurus - Lvl 154 (Kentrosaurus)! Day 25700, 12:19:16: Your Tribe killed ------ Sp- - Lvl 212 (Kentrosaurus)! Day 25700, 12:19:44: Your Tribe killed -----M Sp- - Lvl 230 (Kentrosaurus)! Day 25700, 12:20:23: Your Tribe killed -----M sp 34 - Lvl 239 (Kentrosaurus)! Day 25700, 12:34:10: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 394 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25700, 12:40:09: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 394 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 25700, 13:23:23: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Cool Kids Alliance! Day 25700, 13:33:49: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from THE IDIOTS Alliance! Day 25700, 13:37:59: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from DragonSlayers Alliance! Day 25700, 13:42:02: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Island Bosses Alliance! Day 25700, 13:44:25: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from dragon fun Alliance! Day 25700, 13:49:09: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Boss Battle Alliance! Day 25700, 13:53:11: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Boss Fights Alliance! Day 25700, 13:54:52: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Friends Alliance! Day 25700, 13:55:37: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from COA Alliance! Day 25700, 17:53:06: Daz added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Old Gits Alliance! Day 25700, 20:12:49: Ugg froze BEST - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 25700, 20:16:01: Ugg froze BEST - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 25700, 21:46:50: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25701, 03:28:33: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25701, 05:33:25: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 477 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25701, 05:36:10: Ugg removed 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe from Old Gits Alliance! Day 25701, 07:48:20: Ugg froze Sooty - Lvl 477 (Giganotosaurus) Day 25701, 08:17:47: Daz added 'Tribe of Ugg' Tribe to Old Gits Alliance! Day 25701, 10:15:27: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26105, 01:30:11: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 26105, 08:05:00: Ugg froze Mittens - Lvl 320 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 26105, 11:56:23: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 26105, 13:28:58: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 26105, 13:47:29: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 26105, 14:19:36: Ugg froze TeeBee - Lvl 422 (Terror Bird) Day 26106, 12:20:55: Ugg claimed 'Rex - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 26106, 12:29:08: Ugg unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 26106, 12:56:40: Ugg claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26106, 13:00:45: Ugg unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26106, 14:39:01: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 26106, 14:48:54: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26114, 10:40:44: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 220 (Rock Drake) Day 26114, 12:35:32: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 220 (Rock Drake) Day 26114, 12:43:14: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 220 (Rock Drake) Day 26114, 12:50:45: Ugg froze Rock Drake - Lvl 220 (Rock Drake) Day 26114, 12:54:16: Ugg froze keeper - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake) Day 26114, 14:43:28: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26150, 19:59:18: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26436, 10:21:17: Ugg froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26436, 10:24:20: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 379 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26436, 11:22:26: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26692, 11:28:08: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)'! Day 26692, 11:35:27: Ugg froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 26692, 11:37:37: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)'! Day 26692, 11:40:38: Ugg froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 26692, 11:44:14: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)'! Day 26692, 11:49:12: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)'! Day 26692, 11:56:34: Ugg froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 26692, 11:59:50: Ugg froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 26692, 13:18:53: Ugg claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis)'! Day 26692, 13:22:26: Ugg froze Baby Ovis - Lvl 270 (Ovis) Day 26692, 19:52:00: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26703, 20:25:34: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26704, 12:18:33: Ugg froze General Griff - Lvl 359 (Griffin) Day 26706, 13:22:03: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 454 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26706, 16:27:28: Ugg froze Wolfie - Lvl 466 (Direwolf) Day 26707, 01:37:24: Ugg froze Wolfie - Lvl 466 (Direwolf) Day 26709, 18:53:45: Ugg froze Alice - Lvl 429 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26709, 19:27:04: Ugg froze Wolfie - Lvl 466 (Direwolf) Day 26709, 21:39:25: Ugg froze Wolfie - Lvl 466 (Direwolf) Day 26710, 16:19:57: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 455 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26728, 05:17:43: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 455 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26728, 23:21:10: Ugg froze Alice - Lvl 429 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26729, 18:51:45: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26729, 19:00:28: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26874, 10:15:15: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26875, 15:36:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26876, 14:18:29: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26878, 13:17:49: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26880, 00:19:52: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26880, 09:58:01: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26894, 17:57:15: Ugg froze Buddy - Lvl 413 (Basilosaurus) Day 26896, 03:41:55: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26896, 08:17:08: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26896, 08:53:35: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26896, 09:00:13: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26896, 10:31:06: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26897, 18:53:29: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26897, 19:34:56: Ugg froze Ugg - Lvl 565 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 26898, 04:18:12: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26899, 11:59:32: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26899, 17:44:56: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26905, 08:37:17: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26905, 08:48:15: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26907, 10:56:33: Ugg Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 26907, 11:03:02: Ugg froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26907, 11:42:25: Ugg froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26924, 05:31:57: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26924, 10:22:09: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26924, 11:13:56: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26925, 10:11:22: Ugg Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 26925, 10:20:28: Ugg froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) Day 26937, 18:43:36: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 333 (Fjordhawk) Day 26937, 18:51:15: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26951, 06:59:46: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26972, 04:21:50: Ugg claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 190 (Zomdodo)'! Day 26972, 04:27:02: Ugg claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 250 (Zomdodo)'! Day 26972, 04:37:03: Ugg froze Zomdodo - Lvl 250 (Zomdodo) Day 26972, 04:37:53: Ugg claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 180 (Zomdodo)'! Day 26972, 04:41:05: Ugg claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 140 (Zomdodo)'! Day 26972, 04:47:45: Ugg froze Zomdodo - Lvl 140 (Zomdodo) Day 26972, 04:57:19: Ugg froze Zomdodo - Lvl 180 (Zomdodo) Day 26972, 05:08:23: Ugg froze Zomdodo - Lvl 190 (Zomdodo) Day 26972, 05:15:40: Ugg froze Cyanotosaurus - Lvl 473 (Giganotosaurus) Day 26972, 09:35:24: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26997, 21:48:11: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 456 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26997, 21:54:22: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 335 (Fjordhawk) Day 27743, 08:17:22: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 120 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 27754, 21:51:43: Ugg froze Coleleo - Lvl 457 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28131, 21:28:08: Ugg froze Jumping Jack Flash - Lvl 310 (Managarmr) Day 28462, 05:35:28: Ugg froze Her - Lvl 549 (Tek Rex) Day 28462, 10:18:16: Ugg froze Her - Lvl 549 (Tek Rex) Day 28462, 10:25:59: Ugg froze Him - Lvl 547 (Tek Rex) Day 28462, 14:35:58: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 490 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28555, 12:21:52: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 28923, 07:59:02: Ugg claimed 'Sisyphus - Lvl 201 (Purlovia)'! Day 28923, 08:03:49: Ugg froze Sisyphus - Lvl 201 (Purlovia) Day 28923, 08:16:45: Ugg claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 120 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 28923, 08:43:07: Ugg claimed 'Quince - Lvl 308 (Megatherium)'! Day 28923, 08:57:11: Ugg claimed 'Cherry - Lvl 340 (Megatherium)'! Day 28923, 09:15:45: Ugg froze Cherry - Lvl 340 (Megatherium) Day 28923, 09:32:54: Ugg claimed 'Alder - Lvl 306 (Megatherium)'! Day 28923, 10:05:02: Ugg claimed 'Odysseus - Lvl 194 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 28923, 10:11:55: Ugg froze Odysseus - Lvl 194 (Hyaenodon ) Day 28923, 10:59:07: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 491 (R-Snow Owl) Day 28923, 14:31:20: Ugg claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 28923, 14:50:08: Ugg froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Tek Parasaur) Day 28923, 17:00:03: Ugg claimed 'Geo's Lighter - Lvl 418 (Bulbdog)'! Day 28923, 17:05:38: Ugg froze Geo's Lighter - Lvl 418 (Bulbdog) Day 28923, 19:34:02: Ugg claimed 'Trajan - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 28923, 23:06:48: Ugg froze Trajan - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 28923, 23:47:45: Ugg claimed 'Parashot - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 28923, 23:55:33: Ugg froze Parashot - Lvl 269 (Tek Parasaur) Day 28924, 01:00:15: Ugg claimed 'Eques - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 28924, 01:06:39: Ugg froze Eques - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 28924, 02:25:16: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 491 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29098, 22:24:52: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 393 (Rock Drake) Day 29098, 23:24:24: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 491 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29171, 22:30:25: Ugg claimed 'Pingu - Lvl 124 (Kairuku)'! Day 29172, 01:12:41: Ugg froze Pingu - Lvl 124 (Kairuku) Day 29172, 01:21:54: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 492 (R-Snow Owl) Day 29467, 05:20:22: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 375 (Desmodus) Day 29687, 15:30:03: Daz added 'Bobby Boucher' Tribe to Old Gits Alliance! Day 29706, 16:30:11: Ugg claimed 'Dave - Lvl 249 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 29706, 16:36:11: Ugg claimed 'Archie - Lvl 235 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 29706, 16:39:30: Ugg froze Archie - Lvl 235 (Archaeopteryx) Day 29706, 16:43:10: Ugg froze Dave - Lvl 249 (Archaeopteryx) Day 29706, 17:55:08: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 393 (Rock Drake) Day 29706, 18:10:25: Ugg froze Dave - Lvl 249 (Archaeopteryx) Day 29706, 18:13:34: Ugg froze Archie - Lvl 235 (Archaeopteryx) Day 29706, 18:40:10: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 393 (Rock Drake) Day 30389, 04:42:46: Alder - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 30442, 12:55:42: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 419 (Desmodus) Day 30442, 14:30:06: Ugg froze Ugg - Lvl 565 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 30442, 14:48:53: Ugg froze B Possitive - Lvl 380 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 30442, 15:25:22: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 393 (Rock Drake) Day 30442, 17:50:20: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 492 (R-Snow Owl) Day 32972, 14:51:26: Quince - Lvl 308 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 35242, 18:52:42: Ugg froze Ugg - Lvl 565 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 40456, 17:29:18: Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 87 (Tribe of Bumbo Baggins) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40588, 23:51:15: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42324, 15:20:47: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1623371772,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 26733, 20:18:00: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 26733, 20:23:35: Tribe of Dwayne tribe was merged in by Eleana! Day 26733, 20:23:35: Eleana was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 26733, 20:26:05: Eleana was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human! Day 26734, 01:00:05: Human demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26734, 01:48:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 26734, 02:09:53: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 26734, 04:56:47: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 26734, 05:53:48: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 26734, 07:14:47: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 15! Day 26734, 07:38:26: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 26734, 10:35:08: Tribemember Human - Lvl 20 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 5! Day 26734, 14:59:30: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 26734, 22:05:54: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 20 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 26734, 22:14:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 26735, 00:30:13: Human demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 26735, 00:31:24: Human demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 26735, 00:32:34: Human demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 26805, 02:42:11: Your Penis - Lvl 14 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 30! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27200, 11:30:55: Tribemember Eleana - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 27200, 11:39:10: Tribemember Human - Lvl 26 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 27940, 14:02:55: Human - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1619781806,"tribe":"Tribe of Ark player logs":["Day 35621, 13:26:58: Equestrian_Gamer1234 was added to the Tribe! Day 35622, 02:36:24: Equestrian_Gamer1234 Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35622, 03:00:44: Equestrian_Gamer1234 Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35622, 03:04:38: Equestrian_Gamer1234 Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35622, 06:33:30: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 145! Day 35622, 07:05:02: Equestrian_Gamer1234 Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 121 (Carnotaurus)! Day 35622, 14:10:17: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer1234 - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 35622, 15:53:03: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer1234 - Lvl 65 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 35623, 14:19:03: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 5! Day 35623, 21:16:20: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 37 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 35669, 22:32:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35669, 22:44:12: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 35669, 22:56:15: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 131 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 35670, 11:16:06: Your Sarco - Lvl 117 (Sarco) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36227, 17:07:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37122, 04:19:25: pengin - Lvl 101 (cumberlandites) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 123 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 37122, 04:20:16: yami - Lvl 110 (cumberlandites) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flappy Bird - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 39917, 18:38:15: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer1234 - Lvl 67 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 55! Day 42795, 14:02:48: dzadzakiller - Lvl 112 (R.E.C.O) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1619738332,"tribe":"Tribe of J_ logs":["Day 12753, 18:36:08: J_ was added to the Tribe! Day 12753, 18:38:18: Tribe of Noodle tribe was merged in by Noodle! Day 12753, 18:38:18: Noodle was added to the Tribe by J_! Day 12753, 19:09:25: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12753, 19:14:11: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12754, 03:48:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12754, 03:55:15: Tribemember Noodle - Lvl 21 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 12754, 06:26:32: Noodle demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12754, 08:43:06: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12754, 09:01:16: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12754, 09:06:41: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12754, 09:43:40: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 09:44:45: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 09:45:18: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 09:45:59: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 09:46:42: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 09:47:25: J_ demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 12754, 11:16:02: J_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 12754, 12:31:12: J_ Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 104 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 12754, 13:15:03: Noodle was promoted to a Tribe Admin by J_! Day 12754, 13:50:36: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 21 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 12754, 15:42:30: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 22 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 12754, 17:53:51: Tribemember Noodle - Lvl 28 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 12754, 19:57:20: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 12755, 07:20:57: Noodle Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 12760, 18:02:00: Tribemember Noodle - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 12761, 19:34:11: Noodle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 12761, 20:34:11: Your Tranny - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 150! Day 12762, 01:30:13: Noodle demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12763, 18:45:15: Noodle Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 64 (Castoroides)! Day 12763, 19:04:12: Your Skunk - Lvl 64 (Castoroides) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 12763, 19:49:23: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 42 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 12763, 20:03:38: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12764, 01:05:54: Noodle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)! Day 12764, 01:18:12: Your Flappy - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 12764, 01:38:37: J_ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12764, 01:40:39: J_ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12764, 01:42:14: J_ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12764, 01:43:40: J_ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12764, 14:31:21: Noodle Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 12764, 15:51:39: J_ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 10 (Pteranodon)! Day 12764, 17:55:05: J_ Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 12765, 10:43:19: J_ demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 12765, 14:13:52: J_ Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 12765, 16:41:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 12765, 17:39:47: J_ Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 12766, 05:25:56: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 57 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 15! Day 12766, 07:25:15: Noodle Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 22 (Sarco)! Day 12778, 17:08:13: Noodle Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 67 (Castoroides)! Day 12778, 19:13:35: Noodle Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 74 (Castoroides)! Day 12779, 11:37:30: Noodle claimed '[g] - Lvl 201 (Argentavis)'! Day 12779, 11:40:03: Noodle claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12779, 18:50:30: J_ claimed 'Stam Burd - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12779, 19:33:41: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 12794, 02:10:04: J_ demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 12794, 19:56:24: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 12796, 19:26:03: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:26:33: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:27:06: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:27:36: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:28:19: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:28:49: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:29:21: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:29:59: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:30:31: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:31:35: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:32:03: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12796, 19:32:36: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 12804, 00:33:58: Noodle Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)! Day 12804, 10:14:00: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 12804, 10:14:47: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 12804, 10:15:49: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 12804, 10:16:31: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 12804, 13:59:28: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12804, 14:00:28: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12804, 14:01:26: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12804, 14:22:37: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 12804, 14:28:00: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 12804, 15:52:00: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:52:42: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:53:10: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:53:39: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:54:08: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:54:36: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:55:06: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:55:42: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 15:56:36: Noodle demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12804, 19:17:28: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12804, 19:19:42: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 12804, 19:22:41: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12806, 11:16:48: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 12806, 11:17:17: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 12806, 11:19:32: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 12806, 11:19:59: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12806, 11:20:36: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Left'! Day 12806, 11:21:21: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 12806, 11:23:15: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 12806, 11:23:43: Noodle demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 12806, 11:24:12: Noodle demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 12819, 16:59:04: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 13076, 16:42:29: Dilopho - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 13178, 14:30:21: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13178, 14:30:21: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13178, 14:30:21: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13178, 14:30:21: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13258, 13:12:29: Ptero - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 13267, 19:39:03: Misha - Lvl 124 (People's Tribe of Island) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Angie - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 13285, 10:57:54: Perry - Lvl 26 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 13335, 17:12:29: Your Sarco - Lvl 35 (Sarco) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 13335, 17:22:14: Your Terry - Lvl 102 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 13335, 17:23:47: Your Para - Lvl 42 (Parasaur) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 80! Day 13340, 16:05:05: Your Darren - Lvl 34 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 13341, 17:41:40: sandwich - Lvl 27 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fred - Lvl 234 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13341, 17:43:08: sandwich - Lvl 27 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beef - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13349, 16:40:09: sandwich - Lvl 49 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lycra - Lvl 143 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 13349, 16:40:20: sandwich - Lvl 49 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Danny - Lvl 156 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13349, 16:40:47: sandwich - Lvl 49 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ginger - Lvl 92 (Castoroides)'! Day 13349, 16:41:23: sandwich - Lvl 49 (Food People) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skunk II - Lvl 86 (Castoroides)'! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13361, 06:28:04: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13382, 12:40:56: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flappy II - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13383, 08:29:35: Tribemember J_ - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13564, 03:06:12: Tribemember Noodle - Lvl 88 was killed! Day 13579, 15:56:54: pp - Lvl 4 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 22791, 21:52:35: Noodle was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1616874009,"tribe":"Ugg logs":["Day 13383, 05:59:54: Pip was added to the Tribe! Day 13383, 06:10:21: Dragon added 'Ugg' Tribe to Boss Fight - Alp Alliance! Day 13383, 06:17:33: Dragon added 'Tribe of ArcticWolf' Tribe to Boss Fight - Alp Alliance! Day 13383, 07:56:49: Pip froze Sovereign - Lvl 304 (Velonasaur) Day 14958, 02:57:41: Pip froze Juvenile M224 - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14958, 06:03:48: Pip froze Juvenile F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14958, 06:39:26: Pip froze Juvenile M224 - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14958, 06:55:17: Pip froze Juvenile F220 - Lvl 220 (Daeodon) Day 14958, 06:57:15: Pip froze Juvenile M224 - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 14958, 07:37:01: MistaRose added 'Ugg' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:03:21: MistaRose added 'Of Light' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 08:23:50: MistaRose added 'Tribe of EcStAsY' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 14958, 11:01:13: Pip froze Femmina (m7 p6) - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 11:27:10: Pip froze Peach - Lvl 197 (Snow Owl) Day 15130, 20:57:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18040, 18:08:46: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 19375, 10:08:25: EcStAsY added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Boss Ally Alliance! Day 25700, 12:12:49: dia removed 'Tribe of dia' Tribe from Boss Ally Alliance!"] "tribeid":1610151494,"tribe":"Ashtar Command logs":["Day 35950, 06:44:40: Star Man froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35957, 22:52:55: Star Man claimed '744 - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 35958, 00:44:05: Star Man froze 744 - Lvl 266 (Argentavis) Day 35958, 07:23:00: Star Man unclaimed '744 - Lvl 266 (Argentavis)'! Day 35958, 09:53:35: Star Man froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 376 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 35985, 17:22:59: Star Man froze Starmane - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 36001, 22:59:06: Star Man froze Starmane - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 36002, 09:22:21: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 36002, 10:38:26: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 36002, 18:55:28: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 36002, 18:59:09: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 36002, 19:03:03: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 36002, 22:48:25: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 00:04:38: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 00:17:55: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 00:23:19: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 36003, 00:36:12: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36003, 00:53:32: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 36003, 03:58:42: Star Man unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex)'! Day 36003, 04:24:43: Star Man unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 326 (Rex)'! Day 36003, 05:15:12: Star Man froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 338 (Yutyrannus) Day 36003, 06:10:21: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 06:16:50: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 06:34:05: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 08:06:35: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36003, 10:23:03: Star Man claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 275 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36003, 10:27:28: Star Man downloaded a dino: Alba Stryder - Lvl 128 Day 36003, 10:40:47: Star Man unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 275 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36003, 10:50:27: Star Man unclaimed 'Alba Stryder - Lvl 128 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36003, 15:39:54: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 17:30:28: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 36003, 19:55:39: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 00:01:52: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 00:06:15: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 00:15:51: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 00:20:50: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 03:42:38: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36004, 06:11:05: Star Man unclaimed 'Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 5 (Karkinos)'! Day 36004, 06:22:41: Star Man unclaimed 'M-H30 S30 W25 M26 - Lvl 202 (Moschops)'! Day 36004, 06:54:30: Star Man claimed 'M-H30 S30 W25 M26 - Lvl 202 (Moschops)'! Day 36004, 08:08:39: Star Man froze M-H30 S30 W25 M26 - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 36004, 09:22:05: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 09:27:32: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 13:34:17: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 14:23:55: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 14:48:18: Star Man froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 338 (Yutyrannus) Day 36004, 15:12:16: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 16:04:11: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 36004, 16:27:43: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36004, 19:00:23: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36079, 20:45:22: Star Man froze Starmane II - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 36079, 21:42:03: Star Man froze Starmane II - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 36140, 02:07:08: Star Man froze Star Voidwyrm - Lvl 302 (Voidwyrm) Day 36140, 03:47:52: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 Day 36140, 04:37:11: Star Man froze Star Voidwyrm - Lvl 302 (Voidwyrm) Day 36140, 04:50:17: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 74 Day 36145, 20:13:09: Star Man froze Star Voidwyrm - Lvl 302 (Voidwyrm) Day 36145, 20:18:11: Star Man was removed from the Tribe! Day 36751, 00:35:29: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 129 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 120! Day 36754, 20:35:05: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 04:48:15: Star Man froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 04:59:15: Star Man froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 10:09:25: Star Man froze Juvenile Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 11:15:57: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 11:33:36: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 12:00:10: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36778, 13:02:13: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36779, 05:29:58: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36779, 06:27:21: Star Man froze Adolescent Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 36779, 07:17:07: Star Man froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 36783, 05:17:09: Star Man claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36783, 05:23:49: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 188 Day 36783, 06:06:46: Star Man claimed 'Army (needs more levels) - Lvl 304 (Megatherium)'! Day 36783, 06:11:07: Star Man froze Army (needs more levels) - Lvl 304 (Megatherium) Day 36783, 06:24:09: Star Man claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 36783, 06:32:10: Star Man uploaded a Megatherium: Army (needs more levels) - Lvl 304 Day 36783, 06:39:20: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 06:56:36: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 36783, 07:19:56: Star Man uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 310 Day 36783, 07:21:27: Star Man uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 07:30:07: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 07:31:55: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 07:32:10: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 07:34:40: Star Man claimed 'PM - H43 S42 M44 - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 07:40:31: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PM - H43 S42 M44 - Lvl 249 Day 36783, 07:41:32: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PF - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 07:59:09: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PF - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 08:00:07: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PF - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 08:03:23: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:06:46: Star Man unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:09:17: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:11:51: Star Man unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:13:27: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:16:29: Star Man unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:17:50: Star Man claimed 'HP mutation - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36783, 08:34:27: Star Man uploaded a Tek Rex: HP mutation - Lvl 328 Day 36783, 08:39:23: Star Man claimed '1H(45) 1M(46) - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 08:43:10: Star Man unclaimed '1H(45) 1M(46) - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 08:44:29: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36783, 09:06:17: Star Man claimed 'H39 S41 M43 - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36783, 09:06:57: Star Man claimed 'H44 S34 M40 - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36783, 09:18:02: Star Man uploaded a Therizinosaur: H44 S34 M40 - Lvl 258 Day 36783, 09:18:52: Star Man uploaded a Therizinosaur: H39 S41 M43 - Lvl 257 Day 36783, 09:35:01: Star Man claimed 'superior - Lvl 269 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36783, 09:38:37: Star Man claimed 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 224 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36783, 09:43:05: Star Man claimed 'Gigantopithecus - Lvl 224 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36783, 09:54:38: Star Man uploaded a Gigantopithecus: superior - Lvl 269 Day 36783, 10:07:01: Star Man uploaded a Gigantopithecus: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 224 Day 36783, 10:07:56: Star Man uploaded a Gigantopithecus: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 224 Day 36783, 10:10:41: Star Man claimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 271 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 36783, 10:16:35: Star Man uploaded a Dinopithecus: Dinopithecus - Lvl 271 Day 36783, 10:26:56: Star Man claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 36783, 10:35:45: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 36783, 11:26:36: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PF - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 11:28:23: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 Day 36783, 11:35:52: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 36783, 11:38:42: Star Man claimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 224 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 36783, 11:55:40: Star Man froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 224 (Dinopithecus) Day 36783, 13:05:59: Star Man uploaded a Dinopithecus: Dinopithecus - Lvl 224 Day 36783, 13:12:45: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36784, 00:06:02: Star Man claimed 'Male Sloth Parent 239 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium)'! Day 36784, 00:08:54: Star Man froze Male Sloth Parent 239 - Lvl 338 (Megatherium) Day 36784, 00:10:30: Star Man claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium)'! Day 36784, 00:10:56: Star Man claimed 'Female Parent Sloth - Lvl 239 (Megatherium)'! Day 36784, 00:13:57: Star Man froze Female Parent Sloth - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 36784, 00:18:43: Star Man froze Megatherium - Lvl 239 (Megatherium) Day 36784, 00:28:04: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:29:29: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:30:20: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:30:51: Star Man claimed 'Perfect Male - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:32:05: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:33:30: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:35:30: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:38:26: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 00:42:45: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 00:44:56: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:48:01: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 00:52:28: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 00:54:49: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36784, 00:57:34: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 01:01:48: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 01:05:37: Star Man froze Perfect Male - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 01:13:12: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 01:17:45: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 36784, 02:19:16: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36784, 02:22:20: Star Man froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 36784, 02:23:54: Star Man claimed '1H(45) 1M(46) - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36784, 02:26:52: Star Man froze 1H(45) 1M(46) - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 36784, 02:33:00: Star Man claimed 'H39 S41 M43 - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36784, 02:35:47: Star Man froze H39 S41 M43 - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) Day 36784, 03:07:35: Star Man claimed 'The One - Lvl 195 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36784, 03:26:14: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 36784, 05:41:50: Star Man claimed 'Pooper Trooper - Lvl 61 (Phiomia)'! Day 36784, 05:46:09: Star Man unclaimed 'Pooper Trooper - Lvl 61 (Phiomia)'! Day 36784, 05:54:15: Star Man unclaimed 'The One - Lvl 195 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36784, 06:23:18: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36784, 06:50:15: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 36803, 23:30:00: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36804, 16:16:39: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 129 was killed! Day 36804, 18:07:27: Star Man claimed 'The Beginning - Lvl 198 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:11:34: Star Man claimed 'Cum Shittington - Lvl 159 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:11:56: Star Man claimed 'The One - Lvl 195 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:23:41: Star Man unclaimed 'Cum Shittington - Lvl 159 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:32:20: Star Man unclaimed 'The Beginning - Lvl 198 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:52:43: Star Man claimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 224 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 36804, 18:55:23: Star Man unclaimed 'The One - Lvl 246 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36804, 19:29:39: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36804, 20:52:48: Star Man unclaimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 275 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 36804, 23:57:20: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 283 Day 36806, 01:38:34: Star Man claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 36806, 03:23:02: Star Man claimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 275 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 36806, 03:30:05: Star Man froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 275 (Dinopithecus) Day 36806, 03:32:37: Star Man claimed 'The One - Lvl 246 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36806, 03:35:35: Star Man froze The One - Lvl 246 (Gigantopithecus) Day 36806, 04:28:29: Star Man claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 36806, 06:40:30: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36809, 07:52:09: Star Man claimed 'The Beginning - Lvl 198 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36809, 08:25:22: Star Man claimed 'Cum Shittington - Lvl 159 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36809, 08:39:28: Star Man unclaimed 'The Beginning - Lvl 211 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36809, 13:30:00: Star Man uploaded a Gigantopithecus: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 209 Day 36820, 17:06:31: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36828, 11:59:48: Star Man downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 Day 36828, 12:03:21: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36828, 17:57:09: Star Man claimed 'The Beginning - Lvl 211 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 36828, 18:00:16: Star Man froze The Beginning - Lvl 211 (Gigantopithecus) Day 36828, 18:07:00: Star Man claimed 'Pooper Trooper - Lvl 61 (Phiomia)'! Day 36828, 18:10:15: Star Man froze Pooper Trooper - Lvl 61 (Phiomia) Day 36828, 18:20:02: Star Man unclaimed 'Pooper Trooper - Lvl 61 (Phiomia)'! Day 36828, 18:24:27: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36828, 18:26:39: Star Man froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 36829, 01:00:51: Star Man unclaimed 'Star Man Is Back - Lvl 46 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 36829, 04:57:25: Star Man froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 211 (Gigantopithecus) Day 36846, 12:21:52: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 135 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 36846, 18:32:28: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 306 (X-Argentavis) Day 36931, 06:26:39: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36931, 06:29:05: Star Man froze PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 36931, 07:05:11: Star Man froze Hydrogen - Lvl 99 (Fire Wyvern) Day 36931, 07:51:12: Star Man claimed 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 08:03:26: Star Man unclaimed 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 08:04:38: Star Man claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 114 (Doedicurus)'! Day 36931, 08:09:45: Star Man unclaimed 'PF - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36931, 08:10:55: Star Man claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 36931, 08:13:37: Star Man claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 08:16:57: Star Man unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 09:09:45: Star Man uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 114 Day 36931, 10:08:48: Star Man claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36931, 10:25:18: Star Man claimed 'Vince - Lvl 69 (Desmodus)'! Day 36931, 11:09:07: Star Man uploaded a Poison Wyvern: Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 Day 36931, 11:10:14: Star Man uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 Day 36931, 12:37:30: Star Man claimed 'Foley - Lvl 320 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 12:49:12: Star Man claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 343 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 12:55:26: Star Man unclaimed 'Foley - Lvl 320 (Argentavis)'! Day 36931, 13:55:44: Star Man uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 343 Day 36931, 14:36:25: Star Man claimed 'edwerd - Lvl 102 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36931, 14:41:37: Star Man unclaimed 'edwerd - Lvl 102 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 36931, 14:49:39: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 280 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36931, 14:51:51: Star Man claimed 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 15:03:03: Star Man unclaimed 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 15:57:28: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: PF - Lvl 280 Day 36931, 16:43:00: Star Man claimed 'Senna - Lvl 289 (Rex)'! Day 36931, 16:47:26: Star Man unclaimed 'Senna - Lvl 289 (Rex)'! Day 36931, 16:48:17: Star Man claimed 'Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 36931, 16:52:24: Star Man unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex)'! Day 36931, 16:56:21: Star Man claimed 'Rusty - Lvl 317 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 36931, 17:30:14: Star Man uploaded a Desmodus: Vince - Lvl 88 Day 36931, 17:31:12: Star Man uploaded a Tek Raptor: Rusty - Lvl 317 Day 36942, 07:08:54: Star Man claimed 'Moomoo - Lvl 190 (Mammoth)'! Day 36942, 07:11:06: Star Man froze Moomoo - Lvl 190 (Mammoth) Day 36942, 07:15:48: Star Man claimed 'Spino X - Lvl 120 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:18:05: Star Man froze Spino X - Lvl 120 (Spino) Day 36942, 07:19:34: Star Man claimed 'Spino IV - Lvl 131 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:21:50: Star Man froze Spino IV - Lvl 131 (Spino) Day 36942, 07:24:05: Star Man claimed 'Spino VIII - Lvl 117 (Spino)'! Day 36942, 07:27:16: Star Man froze Spino VIII - Lvl 117 (Spino) Day 36942, 07:37:21: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36942, 07:45:52: Star Man unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36942, 07:51:39: Star Man claimed 'Yoshi - Lvl 302 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 36942, 08:02:32: Star Man froze Yoshi - Lvl 302 (Carnotaurus) Day 36942, 13:25:31: Star Man froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Poison Wyvern) Day 36942, 16:01:01: Star Man claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 36942, 16:04:47: Star Man froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 36942, 16:39:27: Star Man claimed 'Norma - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36942, 16:45:05: Star Man unclaimed 'Norma - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)'! Day 36942, 16:48:50: Star Man claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 36942, 16:52:40: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 36942, 16:54:02: Star Man claimed 'Musty - Lvl 281 (Raptor)'! Day 36942, 16:59:40: Star Man froze Musty - Lvl 281 (Raptor) Day 36942, 17:02:06: Star Man claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 36942, 17:05:44: Star Man froze Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 17:14:29: Star Man claimed 'Foley - Lvl 320 (Argentavis)'! Day 36942, 17:18:00: Star Man froze Foley - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 17:19:57: Star Man claimed 'Chicco - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 36942, 17:22:16: Star Man froze Chicco - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 17:31:28: Star Man claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis)'! Day 36942, 17:34:39: Star Man froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 17:37:34: Star Man claimed 'Boho - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 36942, 17:40:44: Star Man froze Boho - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 18:27:17: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36942, 18:33:55: Star Man froze PF - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 36942, 18:35:57: Star Man claimed 'PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane)'! Day 36942, 18:38:18: Star Man froze PF - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 36942, 18:41:59: Star Man froze Boho - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 36942, 18:58:46: Star Man froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Poison Wyvern) Day 37681, 07:25:01: Diogo - Lvl 11 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38949, 16:28:08: khldhero11 was added to the Tribe by Star Man! Day 38949, 16:31:57: khldhero11 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Star Man! Day 38949, 17:54:41: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 17:56:08: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 353 (R-Reaper King) Day 38949, 17:58:52: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:03:58: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:08:19: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:12:32: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:16:02: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:22:03: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:29:41: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:33:30: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:38:23: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:42:16: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 18:48:07: khldhero11 froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 303 (R-Reaper King) Day 38949, 18:51:51: khldhero11 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) Day 38949, 19:09:02: Star Man froze Star Man - Lvl 390 (R-Snow Owl) Day 38949, 22:36:37: Tribemember khldhero11 - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 38950, 00:20:41: khldhero11 froze hero - Lvl 370 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38980, 04:59:01: khldhero11 claimed 'Perry - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38980, 05:01:00: khldhero11 claimed 'Pat - Lvl 77 (Iguanodon)'! Day 38980, 05:01:55: khldhero11 claimed 'Ray - Lvl 268 (Raptor)'! Day 38980, 05:04:19: khldhero11 claimed 'Ecchi - Lvl 141 (Equus)'! Day 38980, 05:04:57: khldhero11 claimed 'Gary - Lvl 100 (Carbonemys)'! Day 38980, 05:07:51: khldhero11 claimed 'Sam - Lvl 176 (Sarco)'! Day 38980, 06:23:08: khldhero11 claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops)'! Day 38980, 06:34:29: khldhero11 froze Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops) Day 38980, 10:07:56: khldhero11 froze Sam - Lvl 176 (Sarco) Day 38980, 11:05:11: khldhero11 uploaded a Sarco: Sam - Lvl 176 Day 38980, 11:08:48: khldhero11 froze hero - Lvl 370 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 38981, 19:05:16: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 355 (Shadowmane) Day 39016, 11:51:16: Ecchi - Lvl 141 (Equus) starved to death! Day 39018, 19:55:21: khldhero11 unclaimed 'Ray - Lvl 268 (Raptor)'! Day 39018, 19:57:14: khldhero11 unclaimed 'Pat - Lvl 77 (Iguanodon)'! Day 39018, 19:59:26: khldhero11 unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 55 (Triceratops)'! Day 39018, 20:01:40: khldhero11 unclaimed 'Gary - Lvl 100 (Carbonemys)'! Day 39018, 20:17:20: Tribemember khldhero11 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 39018, 20:25:58: Tribemember khldhero11 - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 39018, 20:45:24: Tribemember khldhero11 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 10! Day 39561, 21:19:01: Nat - Lvl 24 (Tribe of Nat) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39925, 09:59:11: Perry - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 40175, 22:37:31: Star Man unclaimed 'StaR-Reaper - Lvl 262 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 40176, 02:09:04: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 40176, 02:09:55: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 02:20:52: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 02:24:38: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 40176, 02:27:24: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 02:28:25: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 02:29:01: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 09:44:14: Star Man - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with The Johnsonators Tribe. Day 40176, 09:51:31: Star Man - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with The Johnsonators Tribe. Day 40176, 09:53:55: Star Man - Lvl 129 requested an Alliance with The Johnsonators Tribe. Day 40176, 09:55:32: Star Man added 'The Johnsonators' Tribe to The Empire Alliance! Day 40176, 10:31:42: Star Man claimed 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 40176, 11:04:21: Star Man unclaimed 'Free Please Take (Motorboat)'! Day 40176, 13:01:04: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 353 (R-Reaper King) Day 40176, 13:11:11: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 40176, 14:15:53: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 40176, 14:23:54: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 129 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 40176, 14:36:00: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 14:55:41: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 432 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 14:58:10: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 40176, 16:01:04: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 435 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 40176, 17:07:59: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 301 (R-Reaper King) Day 40176, 17:20:46: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 40176, 17:39:16: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 303 (R-Reaper King) Day 40176, 17:47:52: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 40176, 17:59:24: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 40176, 18:05:27: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 353 (R-Reaper King) Day 40176, 18:13:30: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 355 (Shadowmane) Day 40176, 18:19:03: Star Man froze Tek Rex - Lvl 433 (Tek Rex) Day 40470, 12:06:09: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40482, 15:04:03: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 40483, 01:10:48: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 129 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 40483, 05:24:27: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40483, 05:27:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40485, 23:51:11: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 40486, 00:23:43: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 40486, 01:15:37: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 40486, 05:09:17: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 40486, 05:38:19: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 40520, 19:40:20: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40520, 20:06:33: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40520, 21:52:17: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 358 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40521, 00:55:34: Star Man claimed 'big boy - Lvl 142 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 40521, 01:03:13: Star Man froze big boy - Lvl 142 (Brontosaurus) Day 40521, 02:53:13: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 40521, 05:14:06: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 358 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40521, 09:00:40: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 09:04:48: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 09:08:47: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 09:12:39: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 09:24:33: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 14:42:13: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 14:46:00: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 14:49:40: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 15:12:07: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 130 (R-Reaper King) Day 40521, 15:26:17: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 358 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40785, 14:09:06: Star Man claimed 'Riptide - Lvl 60 (Spino)'! Day 40785, 14:12:10: Star Man froze Riptide - Lvl 60 (Spino) Day 40785, 23:26:35: Star Man unclaimed 'Riptide - Lvl 60 (Spino)'! Day 40785, 23:44:31: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 40934, 22:17:26: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 40935, 02:38:16: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 03:35:29: Star Man froze Maewing [Clone] - Lvl 214 (Maewing) Day 40935, 03:55:20: Star Man froze R-Reaper King [Clone] - Lvl 198 (R-Reaper King) Day 40935, 06:58:44: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:02:51: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:06:56: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:14:56: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:18:59: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:22:32: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:26:19: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:30:31: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 07:44:22: Star Man froze Immy - Lvl 344 (R-Snow Owl) Day 40935, 09:39:14: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 40935, 14:24:25: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 41034, 15:08:29: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 144 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 35! Day 41034, 17:17:16: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 17:21:03: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 17:24:37: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 21:02:27: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 41034, 22:30:55: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 22:35:40: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 22:40:40: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 22:46:15: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 22:52:59: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41034, 23:05:05: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 125 (R-Reaper King) Day 41035, 01:05:25: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 41097, 02:39:55: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 41193, 12:12:47: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 169 (Desmodus) Day 42335, 17:27:43: Lydia - Lvl 132 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1609670864,"tribe":"LELLLL logs":["Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34257, 04:05:14: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34280, 18:51:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34544, 06:22:06: Tribemember Fragz - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 10! Day 35296, 09:59:11: Dodo - Lvl 246 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 39572, 16:55:53: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 39572, 17:19:04: bell - Lvl 71 (Tribu de bell) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rapper - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'!"] "tribeid":1603556812,"tribe":"태훈 왕국 logs":["Day 40121, 16:17:30: 인간 was added to the Tribe! Day 40121, 17:17:10: 인간 froze 젠이츠 - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 40121, 19:37:40: 인간 downloaded a dino: 아이스고드름 - Lvl 116 Day 40145, 08:38:08: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 40145, 08:56:03: 인간 froze 섀리트 - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 40145, 11:51:17: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 40162, 01:14:24: 인간 froze 섀리트 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 40162, 01:24:51: 인간 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1601530141,"tribe":"Tribe of ant logs":["Day 35340, 18:42:59: ant was added to the Tribe! Day 35341, 06:40:27: Tribemember ant - Lvl 16 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 20! Day 35341, 14:43:01: ant demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 35354, 01:07:52: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35354, 01:53:45: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35354, 07:35:47: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35354, 17:50:14: ant Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon)! Day 35362, 07:14:02: ant claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35362, 15:39:25: Tribemember ant - Lvl 26 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 35362, 16:06:13: Tribemember ant - Lvl 26 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 35362, 19:00:21: ant Tamed an Otter - Lvl 44 (Otter)! Day 35362, 22:11:35: ant claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35363, 11:54:21: Tribemember ant - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 35364, 00:56:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 19 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35364, 03:00:17: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35364, 03:47:41: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35364, 07:15:03: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35364, 07:17:24: ant demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 35364, 07:31:12: ant demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 35364, 07:58:12: ant demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35364, 07:59:17: ant demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35364, 08:00:24: ant demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35364, 08:01:22: ant demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 35364, 17:31:14: Tribemember ant - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 35364, 22:42:41: Tribemember ant - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 35378, 06:25:49: Tribemember ant - Lvl 35 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.9x! Day 35378, 06:59:46: Tribemember ant - Lvl 35 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55! Day 35378, 08:54:06: Tribemember ant - Lvl 36 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 35378, 09:59:13: Tribemember ant - Lvl 36 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 35410, 03:13:49: Tribemember ant - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 35410, 09:58:54: Tribemember ant - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 35410, 15:10:42: ant Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 35410, 19:24:52: ant Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 35410, 21:16:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 35411, 08:12:05: ant demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 35426, 07:29:51: Tribemember ant - Lvl 54 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 07:37:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 07:45:41: Tribemember ant - Lvl 54 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 09:04:33: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 15 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 09:04:53: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35426, 09:07:41: Your Triceratops - Lvl 63 (Triceratops) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 09:10:40: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 35 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 25! Day 35426, 09:37:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 35426, 10:41:44: Your Otter - Lvl 65 (Otter) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 35427, 13:54:46: Tribemember ant - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 35427, 15:26:22: Tribemember ant - Lvl 60 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35427, 15:43:30: Your Soar - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35428, 00:55:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 35428, 07:01:45: Tribemember ant - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35429, 07:52:35: Tribemember ant - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 35430, 01:01:43: ant Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus)! Day 35430, 11:27:14: ant Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 35430, 14:01:13: ant Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 35430, 16:40:41: ant Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 111 (Parasaur)! Day 35432, 04:26:20: Tribemember ant - Lvl 63 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 35432, 05:39:24: ant claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 310 (Argentavis)'! Day 35432, 06:13:07: ant froze Triceratops - Lvl 101 (Triceratops) Day 35433, 05:59:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 91 (Stegosaurus)! Day 35433, 14:09:16: ant claimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35433, 18:02:24: ant Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 29 (Pachy)! Day 35434, 22:43:23: Tribemember ant - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 105! Day 35435, 00:20:21: Tribemember ant - Lvl 66 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 45! Day 35435, 00:58:14: Tribemember ant - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 35435, 01:37:58: Tribemember ant - Lvl 66 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 80! Day 35450, 18:34:56: Tribemember ant - Lvl 68 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 10! Day 35720, 04:07:19: Tribemember ant - Lvl 69 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 35756, 07:54:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35788, 17:53:56: Your Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35812, 08:45:53: ant demolished a 'Bed'! Day 35903, 19:32:07: Pachy - Lvl 29 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 35938, 13:29:09: Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 36192, 13:27:55: Triceratops - Lvl 105 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 36222, 01:15:15: Brontosaurus - Lvl 34 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 36242, 16:15:28: Parasaur - Lvl 121 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36393, 14:36:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36396, 15:44:01: Johnson - Lvl 101 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36410, 19:47:47: ArticWolf - Lvl 152 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 311 (Argentavis)'! Day 36410, 19:51:03: ArticWolf - Lvl 152 (Warlocks) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hurricane - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon)'! Day 36421, 15:47:47: Stegosaurus - Lvl 96 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 36442, 12:45:10: Johnson - Lvl 108 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36489, 03:55:56: Tribemember ant - Lvl 70 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36677, 22:25:38: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41305, 12:04:25: Rycepud was added to the Tribe by ant! Day 41764, 04:29:11: Tribemember ant - Lvl 70 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1600955166,"tribe":"Tribe of Jonathan logs":["Day 32734, 16:08:35: Jonathan was added to the Tribe! Day 32734, 16:16:44: mits was added to the Tribe by Jonathan! Day 32734, 17:13:33: Tribemember mits - Lvl 1 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 30! Day 32734, 20:53:41: Tribemember mits - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 33180, 00:00:41: Tribemember mits - Lvl 1 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 33180, 00:01:42: Tribemember Jonathan - Lvl 5 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 65!"] "tribeid":1599968367,"tribe":"Tribe of Jammmerrrzzz logs":["Day 42229, 00:04:23: Jammmerrrzzz was added to the Tribe! Day 42229, 00:22:10: Castle View tribe was merged in by Jobey! Day 42229, 00:22:10: Jobey was added to the Tribe by Jammmerrrzzz! Day 42229, 01:08:33: Mortius was added to the Tribe by Jammmerrrzzz! Day 42229, 08:46:32: Mortius Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 42229, 09:18:28: Mortius Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 42229, 16:11:56: Tribemember Mortius - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 42229, 16:12:06: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 42229, 16:56:34: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 42229, 19:49:57: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 14 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 55! Day 42229, 19:55:19: Tribemember Mortius - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 42229, 21:09:19: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 14 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 42229, 22:09:41: Tribemember Mortius - Lvl 14 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 42230, 11:41:22: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 28 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 42230, 11:46:48: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 29 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 42230, 12:13:13: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 42230, 12:43:21: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 28 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 42230, 13:28:37: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 28 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18! Day 42230, 19:18:09: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 42245, 16:18:56: Your DJ - Lvl 18 (Dodo) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 75! Day 42245, 16:20:49: Your Bawbag - Lvl 18 (Dodo) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 75! Day 42375, 10:40:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42487, 17:05:21: Your Mr Flibble - Lvl 40 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 42518, 12:23:28: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42518, 12:23:28: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42518, 12:23:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42828, 10:08:37: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42828, 10:08:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 42828, 10:08:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 43098, 18:42:10: Tribemember Jobey - Lvl 31 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 43098, 18:54:36: Tribemember Jammmerrrzzz - Lvl 31 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1598637582,"tribe":"Tribe of Pyr logs":["Day 16788, 09:38:53: Pyr was added to the Tribe! Day 16788, 09:39:26: Human was added to the Tribe by Pyr! Day 16788, 12:17:10: Human froze CaveLady - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16788, 12:35:14: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16788, 13:34:28: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 238 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16788, 15:49:20: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16788, 15:53:33: Human froze Fister - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16793, 18:44:13: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 238 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16793, 18:46:05: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16794, 06:47:10: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16794, 06:53:45: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 247 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 08:29:07: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 253 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 13:37:38: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16794, 15:22:46: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 267 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 17:27:51: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 267 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 17:32:35: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 267 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 20:06:32: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16794, 22:48:52: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16794, 22:59:28: Pyr froze CaveLady - Lvl 271 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 16795, 10:03:13: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16870, 01:49:04: Human froze Fister - Lvl 418 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16896, 07:23:27: Jack froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 16896, 08:24:55: Jack froze Baby Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 08:27:20: Jack froze Baby Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 08:46:22: Jack froze Baby Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 13:08:47: Jack froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 304 (Yutyrannus) Day 16896, 14:04:30: Jack froze Daeodon - Lvl 309 (Daeodon) Day 16896, 14:16:24: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:18:04: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:19:45: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:21:27: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:23:25: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:25:20: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:27:14: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:29:06: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:30:58: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:33:05: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:34:53: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:36:40: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:38:43: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:40:53: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:43:31: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:45:23: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:47:10: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:48:59: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:50:46: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 14:52:39: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16896, 15:52:42: Jack froze Juvenile Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 18:10:35: Jack froze Adolescent Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 18:12:58: Jack froze Adolescent Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 18:14:46: Jack froze Adolescent Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16896, 18:18:45: Jack froze Adolescent Jack's - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 03:05:48: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 03:16:01: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 03:21:55: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 03:28:19: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 03:50:28: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 03:57:00: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 06:53:44: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 06:56:37: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 06:58:28: Jack froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 07:06:48: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 10:03:05: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 10:05:29: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 10:45:29: Jack froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 210 (R-Reaper King) Day 16897, 10:51:44: Jack froze Adolescent M Breeder - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 16897, 12:59:49: Tribemember Jack - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16897, 16:43:23: Baccy Tribe tribe was merged in by Ben! Day 16897, 16:43:23: Ben was added to the Tribe by Pyr! Day 16897, 17:36:16: Your Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 100! Day 16897, 21:34:55: Ben froze Daeodon - Lvl 309 (Daeodon) Day 16897, 23:37:48: Jack froze Wilbur - Lvl 216 (Daeodon) Day 16898, 02:10:17: Jack froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16898, 05:07:13: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:07:24: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16898, 05:09:51: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:10:52: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:14:17: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:14:38: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:16:27: Jack froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 304 (Yutyrannus) Day 16898, 05:18:13: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:18:14: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:18:15: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:19:56: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:20:01: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:21:40: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:22:07: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:22:32: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:23:24: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:23:36: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:23:57: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:25:17: Ben froze Rex - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:25:25: Jack froze Rex - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:25:28: Pyr froze Rex - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16898, 05:41:04: Ben froze Wilbur - Lvl 216 (Daeodon) Day 16898, 05:41:12: Jack froze PepPA - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 16898, 05:42:28: Pyr froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 314 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16898, 06:03:11: Jack froze Daeodon - Lvl 309 (Daeodon) Day 16898, 06:31:20: Jack froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 16898, 06:48:14: Jack froze Fister - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16965, 18:44:46: Pyr froze Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon) Day 16965, 19:11:06: Pyr froze Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon) Day 16965, 19:13:50: Pyr froze Megalodon - Lvl 238 (Megalodon) Day 16966, 07:59:32: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16975, 06:49:37: Tribemember Pyr - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 80! Day 16975, 10:21:17: Pyr froze Megalodon - Lvl 242 (Megalodon) Day 16975, 12:35:20: Pyr froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 293 (Basilosaurus) Day 16975, 14:13:24: Pyr froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 293 (Basilosaurus) Day 16975, 15:21:16: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16976, 18:22:46: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16976, 20:19:33: Pyr froze Gavin - Lvl 341 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 16977, 00:06:28: Pyr froze Gavin - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 16977, 02:14:04: Pyr froze Gavin - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 16977, 03:47:37: Your Gavin - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 16977, 03:57:10: Tribemember Pyr - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16977, 09:43:54: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16977, 11:41:22: Pyr froze Giganotosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16977, 11:49:27: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16977, 13:33:14: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16980, 12:31:01: Your Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 16980, 12:31:01: Your Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 16980, 12:39:59: Your Giganotosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 16980, 12:40:34: Tribemember Pyr - Lvl 121 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 16980, 15:41:19: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 307 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16990, 23:41:56: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) starved to death! Day 16995, 05:44:25: Pyr froze Boss - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 16995, 07:50:51: Pyr unclaimed 'Boss - Lvl 297 (Rex)'! Day 16995, 08:14:40: Pyr - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16995, 08:15:46: Pyr - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with The river city Tribe. Day 16995, 08:31:00: Josh added 'Tribe of Pyr' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 16995, 10:58:22: Pyr froze Boss - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 16995, 11:02:08: Pyr froze Boss - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 16995, 11:05:45: Pyr froze Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 16995, 11:09:40: Pyr froze Boss - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 16995, 11:11:26: Pyr - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 16995, 11:18:50: Pyr - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 16995, 11:20:04: Pyr - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of kokow22 Tribe. Day 16995, 11:22:19: Josh added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 16995, 12:20:02: Your Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16995, 12:42:59: Your Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) was killed! Day 16995, 12:44:50: Your Boss - Lvl 290 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 16995, 13:18:49: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 322 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:23:07: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:25:00: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:26:41: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:28:30: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:30:12: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:41:09: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:43:38: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 16995, 13:45:57: Jack froze Boss - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 16995, 14:10:58: Pyr froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 308 (Yutyrannus) Day 16995, 14:52:57: Ben froze Daddy - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16995, 15:29:58: Ben uploaded a Rex: Boss - Lvl 298 Day 16995, 17:19:21: Pyr froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16997, 01:01:39: Pyr froze Night[InsertNameHere] - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17013, 19:07:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17025, 09:33:09: Jack froze Fister - Lvl 420 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17153, 05:34:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17159, 05:06:32: Jack demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17159, 05:08:19: Jack demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 17159, 05:22:40: Jack demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 17159, 05:23:32: Jack demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 17159, 05:56:47: Jack was removed from the Tribe! Day 17682, 14:36:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24797, 15:39:18: DuoMog removed 'Duo Tribe' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 25700, 11:03:55: Daz removed 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 26266, 08:21:38: sir elias quinn added 'Tek Tribe' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26335, 20:46:17: sir elias quinn added 'Frequencerz' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26383, 19:26:04: Josh added 'The Stream City' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26402, 04:17:51: Josh removed 'Tribe of Human' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance!"] "tribeid":1597755002,"tribe":"Tribe of Chonk logs":["Day 34721, 05:50:07: Janus was added to the Tribe! Day 34721, 05:56:30: Asda was added to the Tribe by Janus! Day 34721, 10:13:41: Asda Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur)! Day 34721, 15:12:52: Asda Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 13 (Parasaur)! Day 34722, 18:52:52: Asda was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Janus! Day 34722, 21:19:15: Asda claimed 'Baby Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)'! Day 34722, 22:12:21: Asda demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 34723, 01:13:00: Tribemember Asda - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 34723, 03:40:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 34723, 06:17:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops)! Day 34723, 13:23:48: Janus Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon)! Day 34724, 04:12:09: Tribemember Janus - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 35177, 19:58:25: Cipek - Lvl 50 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35188, 16:03:07: Cipka - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35295, 10:43:45: Cipulek - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 35304, 21:33:53: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35304, 21:33:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 35316, 06:19:43: Tribemember Asda - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 35317, 02:50:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 35319, 17:51:34: SlenderJigga - Lvl 34 (Tribe of Flyerbek) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 72 (Triceratops)'! Day 35362, 22:11:35: ant - Lvl 27 (Tribe of ant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35579, 17:48:51: Camron - Lvl 112 (the creed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon)'! Day 35896, 05:22:21: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1597002765,"tribe":"Angry Marines logs":["Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16677, 00:34:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16878, 13:25:47: Console Peasant froze Hummingbird - Lvl 393 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17062, 17:09:39: Brock was removed from the Tribe! Day 19764, 15:20:33: Console Peasant froze Archangel - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 22363, 07:28:20: Console Peasant froze Phantom - Lvl 349 (Rock Drake) Day 33538, 01:23:44: Console Peasant froze Archangel - Lvl 365 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1596011484,"tribe":"Tribe of JAKE CHAN logs":["Day 19281, 08:49:33: JAKE CHAN was added to the Tribe! Day 19281, 08:55:34: Tribe of Samwidge tribe was merged in by Samwidge! Day 19281, 08:55:34: Samwidge was added to the Tribe by JAKE CHAN! Day 19281, 12:08:03: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 8 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 19281, 15:00:45: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 19282, 02:07:39: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 19282, 09:11:34: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 10 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 19282, 10:07:42: Samwidge Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 19282, 10:32:43: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 19282, 11:39:20: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 19282, 12:25:37: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 19282, 13:27:55: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 11 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 19283, 05:21:51: JAKE CHAN Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 19283, 15:07:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 19284, 01:44:30: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 40 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.8x! Day 19284, 12:14:42: Your Birdy Chan - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 19301, 18:37:03: Your Pogcopter - Reborn² - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 40! Day 19301, 18:41:26: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 45 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 70! Day 19301, 22:28:39: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19301, 23:40:44: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 19302, 09:39:34: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19302, 09:57:33: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19302, 18:36:44: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19302, 18:39:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 19302, 19:04:23: JAKE CHAN Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 19303, 06:56:40: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 19303, 15:10:44: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)! Day 19303, 15:40:22: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 19303, 15:42:01: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wooden Hatchframe'! Day 19303, 19:40:51: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19304, 12:16:38: Fishy-kun was added to the Tribe by JAKE CHAN! Day 19304, 13:29:19: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 25 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 19304, 15:16:05: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 25 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 55! Day 19304, 16:28:16: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 19304, 17:28:24: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 19304, 18:55:41: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 19304, 19:10:55: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 19305, 05:38:58: Samwidge demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 19305, 06:30:27: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 19305, 07:07:10: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 45! Day 19305, 10:08:27: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 141 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19305, 11:01:15: Samwidge demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 19306, 08:45:49: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 105! Day 19306, 09:08:12: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 66 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 100! Day 19306, 09:54:05: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 19306, 10:16:43: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 105! Day 19306, 10:51:42: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 29 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 19306, 13:15:39: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 19307, 15:08:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 108 (Thylacoleo)! Day 19323, 23:38:07: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 30 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 19324, 03:22:34: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19324, 11:18:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 19324, 11:56:49: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 10! Day 19325, 00:47:32: Fishy-kun demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19326, 00:21:40: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 19327, 02:02:15: Samwidge Tamed a Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)! Day 19341, 17:13:08: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 19341, 22:20:43: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 19366, 10:11:38: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 19374, 17:59:42: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)! Day 19374, 21:18:30: BigFinger was added to the Tribe by JAKE CHAN! Day 19374, 21:50:01: Tribemember BigFinger - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 19375, 12:53:19: Fishy-kun Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 37 (Quetzal)! Day 19376, 16:46:05: JAKE CHAN Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)! Day 19376, 17:04:45: Samwidge demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 19377, 19:01:45: Tribemember BigFinger - Lvl 62 was killed by JAKE CHAN - Lvl 82 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19377, 19:01:45: Your Tribe killed BigFinger - Lvl 62 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19378, 08:49:16: Your Wingyu Chan - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 19378, 09:05:49: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19396, 08:42:28: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 19396, 12:03:53: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 19396, 12:11:29: Tribemember BigFinger - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 19396, 21:06:57: Samwidge Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 19396, 23:04:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19396, 23:04:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 19397, 18:15:04: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 19398, 01:06:10: JAKE CHAN Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 86 (Thylacoleo)! Day 19398, 07:18:22: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 19398, 09:58:27: JAKE CHAN claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 97 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 19398, 18:28:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 22 (Microraptor)! Day 19398, 19:33:32: Samwidge Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 22 (Castoroides)! Day 19399, 12:43:01: JAKE CHAN Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 119 (Argentavis)! Day 19400, 18:53:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)! Day 19401, 15:26:31: Tribemember BigFinger - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 19401, 15:26:31: Your Tribe killed BigFinger - Lvl 82 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19420, 16:50:26: JAKE CHAN Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 89 (Yutyrannus)! Day 19420, 22:34:27: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 96 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 19432, 15:40:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19444, 04:53:04: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19444, 04:54:16: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 19444, 10:23:09: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 19444, 10:28:12: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 19444, 10:30:55: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 19444, 10:47:17: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 19444, 15:53:22: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 19444, 23:02:05: Ben was added to the Tribe by JAKE CHAN! Day 19444, 23:33:01: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 19444, 23:55:46: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 19445, 00:41:20: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 19445, 10:43:41: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 6 was killed by Fishy-kun - Lvl 70 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19445, 10:43:41: Your Tribe killed Ben - Lvl 6 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19492, 20:22:01: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 98 was killed by BigFinger - Lvl 84 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19492, 20:22:01: Your Tribe killed JAKE CHAN - Lvl 98 (Tribe of JAKE CHAN)! Day 19493, 17:25:12: JAKE CHAN Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 19510, 11:24:58: Your Castoroides - Lvl 40 (Castoroides) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 19510, 12:33:00: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 19511, 12:39:12: BigFinger Tamed an Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter)! Day 19511, 13:04:56: JAKE CHAN Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 19574, 03:14:16: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19574, 03:14:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19593, 04:49:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19616, 19:38:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19648, 01:50:24: OOTEE - Lvl 30 (Otter) starved to death! Day 19699, 02:56:47: Potter - Lvl 18 (Otter) starved to death! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19742, 19:26:57: JAKE CHAN Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 19742, 19:34:56: JAKE CHAN demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 19742, 22:25:21: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 104 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 50! Day 19743, 00:17:13: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 93 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 19790, 07:40:22: Samwidge demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 19790, 07:41:15: Samwidge demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 19790, 07:41:57: Samwidge demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19805, 15:29:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19923, 13:28:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20041, 09:27:36: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20041, 09:27:36: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20041, 09:27:36: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20088, 11:49:02: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20102, 16:28:48: Pognotfishadon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20154, 17:30:42: GIGACHAD - Lvl 61 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 20229, 21:10:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20313, 07:48:46: Lockhead AC-130 - Lvl 66 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 20364, 17:22:16: Microraptor - Lvl 48 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 20394, 17:17:50: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20535, 04:59:05: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20547, 12:12:08: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feather Rex chan - Lvl 121 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 20547, 12:22:29: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pogchomp - Death True² - Lvl 250 (Rex)'! Day 20547, 12:25:53: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beb Chan - Lvl 133 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20547, 12:26:31: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chan - Lvl 177 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20547, 12:34:13: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dawg - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)'! Day 20547, 12:34:47: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flap Chan - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 20547, 12:35:57: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe - Lvl 140 (Argentavis)'! Day 20547, 12:36:23: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Birdy Chan - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)'! Day 20547, 12:37:23: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alos - Lvl 231 (Allosaurus)'! Day 20547, 12:44:23: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chan's Bitch - Lvl 119 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 20547, 13:27:19: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bort chan - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 20547, 19:49:19: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pogcopter-Death Rebirth² - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)'! Day 20547, 19:56:57: jaxs - Lvl 122 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Whack chan - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 20641, 09:35:03: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 95 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 70! Day 20920, 03:59:58: Tribemember BigFinger - Lvl 89 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 20920, 04:13:25: Tribemember Fishy-kun - Lvl 73 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 20920, 05:32:10: Tribemember JAKE CHAN - Lvl 105 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 20980, 06:00:34: Osas - Lvl 124 (BOLARKS CREW) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drake - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 24791, 12:22:28: Tribemember Samwidge - Lvl 95 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1595322642,"tribe":"Hatter inc logs":["Day 22437, 10:22:29: Maddy was added to the Tribe! Day 22437, 17:41:45: Maddy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 22437, 19:20:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 22437, 19:30:18: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22450, 13:18:09: Maddy Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 149 (Raptor)! Day 22450, 14:03:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 149 (Raptor)! Day 22450, 21:30:00: Tribemember Maddy - Lvl 71 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 22450, 21:53:13: Your Reg - Lvl 177 (Sarco) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 22450, 21:55:49: Your Gypsy - Lvl 101 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 22450, 22:35:48: Tribemember Maddy - Lvl 71 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 22451, 01:09:16: Tribemember Maddy - Lvl 71 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 22452, 02:40:08: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon) Day 22452, 14:16:18: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 22453, 00:42:07: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 22453, 00:59:35: Maddy froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 22453, 01:17:01: Maddy froze Mammoth - Lvl 233 (Mammoth) Day 22453, 03:31:28: Maddy froze Mammoth - Lvl 237 (Mammoth) Day 22453, 05:37:48: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 22453, 06:53:30: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 22453, 10:52:12: Maddy froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 22453, 10:57:50: Maddy froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 22453, 11:01:10: Maddy froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 22454, 18:22:21: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 168 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22460, 07:32:15: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 22460, 07:46:54: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 22460, 09:41:50: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon) Day 22460, 11:01:03: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 177 (Pteranodon) Day 22461, 09:07:45: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 116 (Pteranodon) Day 22461, 09:45:25: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 22461, 09:59:26: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 176 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22461, 10:06:57: Maddy froze Mammoth - Lvl 243 (Mammoth) Day 22461, 10:13:51: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 180 (Pteranodon) Day 22475, 01:02:14: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 22476, 04:47:23: Maddy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22476, 04:52:23: Maddy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22476, 05:08:09: Maddy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22476, 05:10:01: Maddy claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 22476, 05:15:53: Maddy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 09:45:53: Maddy froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 18:39:39: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 18:45:11: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 18:48:51: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 18:52:24: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22478, 20:23:43: Maddy Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 120 (Baryonyx)! Day 22478, 20:36:18: Maddy froze Barry - Lvl 120 (Baryonyx) Day 22479, 00:27:31: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22490, 09:30:47: Your Dre - Lvl 167 (Raptor) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 22500, 22:51:17: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22500, 22:59:37: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22500, 23:05:54: Maddy froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22501, 07:08:48: Maddy froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22501, 16:13:14: Maddy froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22501, 20:54:02: Maddy froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22501, 21:00:10: Maddy froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22501, 21:05:32: Maddy froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22502, 07:07:25: Maddy froze Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 156 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22503, 05:19:34: Maddy froze Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22504, 21:56:14: Maddy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis)! Day 22504, 22:08:29: Maddy froze Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 22505, 07:51:17: Maddy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 22505, 07:57:54: Maddy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22505, 10:30:26: Your Mammoth - Lvl 279 (Mammoth) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 22506, 07:24:00: Maddy froze Barry - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx) Day 22506, 09:42:53: Maddy froze Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 213 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22506, 10:20:16: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 22507, 19:39:54: Maddy Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 171 (Mesopithecus)! Day 22523, 20:12:40: Human was added to the Tribe by Maddy! Day 22524, 04:48:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 22524, 05:59:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 140! Day 22524, 06:42:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 30! Day 22524, 06:57:34: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 224 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22524, 06:57:34: Your Tribe killed Ankylosaurus - Lvl 197 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22524, 07:06:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 140! Day 22524, 07:55:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 22524, 09:37:10: Human demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 22524, 12:41:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 224 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22524, 12:41:34: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 38 (Hatter inc)! Day 22524, 15:45:34: Maddy Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)! Day 22524, 15:54:20: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) Day 22524, 20:12:33: Tribemember Human - Lvl 43 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 22524, 21:59:55: Maddy Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)! Day 22524, 22:09:33: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops) Day 22525, 00:02:19: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 22525, 03:30:19: Maddy claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops)'! Day 22525, 03:35:39: Maddy froze Baby Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22525, 06:05:38: Maddy froze Baby Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22525, 06:49:15: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops) Day 22525, 06:53:11: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) Day 22525, 09:52:54: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) Day 22525, 20:48:46: Maddy Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22525, 21:02:54: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22525, 22:21:32: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 22525, 22:38:42: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22526, 04:14:46: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22526, 04:19:12: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22533, 09:52:09: Your Barry - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx) was killed by Maddy - Lvl 113 (Hatter inc)! Day 22533, 09:52:09: Your Tribe killed Barry - Lvl 142 (Baryonyx)! Day 22533, 10:18:04: Your Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) was killed by Maddy - Lvl 113 (Hatter inc)! Day 22533, 10:18:04: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis)! Day 22533, 10:55:20: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22533, 11:00:16: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22533, 11:03:48: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22533, 11:07:34: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22533, 15:11:03: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Maddy - Lvl 114 (Hatter inc)! Day 22533, 15:11:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 22533, 15:23:05: Maddy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22533, 15:53:36: Your Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops) was killed by Maddy - Lvl 114 (Hatter inc)! Day 22533, 15:53:36: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 171 (Triceratops)! Day 22533, 16:21:39: Maddy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 22533, 16:39:22: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22533, 16:50:02: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 155 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22544, 12:00:11: Your Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops) was killed by Maddy - Lvl 116 (Hatter inc)! Day 22544, 12:00:11: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)! Day 22544, 14:44:11: Maddy froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22545, 00:52:24: Maddy froze Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 22546, 03:00:27: Maddy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 234 (Doedicurus) Day 22546, 10:37:47: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) Day 22546, 19:16:29: Maddy Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops)! Day 22546, 19:22:32: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 201 (Triceratops) Day 22547, 11:33:01: Maddy froze Adolescent Mammoth - Lvl 230 (Mammoth) Day 22547, 16:41:03: Maddy froze Mammoth - Lvl 230 (Mammoth) Day 22548, 20:33:14: Maddy Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 187 (Sabertooth)! Day 22548, 20:43:30: Maddy froze Sabertooth - Lvl 187 (Sabertooth) Day 22549, 19:15:31: Maddy froze Sabertooth - Lvl 187 (Sabertooth) Day 22549, 20:42:31: Maddy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 242 (Doedicurus) Day 22549, 22:03:49: Maddy froze Triceratops - Lvl 154 (Triceratops) Day 22549, 22:16:12: Maddy froze Mammoth - Lvl 230 (Mammoth) Day 22550, 00:37:48: Maddy claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 22550, 00:48:46: Maddy froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 135 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22554, 04:58:43: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22554, 05:02:35: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22554, 05:06:39: Maddy demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 22554, 05:27:13: Maddy demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 22554, 05:33:16: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22554, 05:34:57: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22554, 05:37:16: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22554, 05:40:18: Maddy demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 22555, 14:50:31: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) Day 22555, 14:54:35: Maddy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 173 (Ankylosaurus) Day 22555, 15:50:50: Maddy froze DREAM - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 22555, 16:05:34: Maddy froze DATA - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur) Day 22555, 18:17:30: Maddy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 22555, 21:32:38: Maddy froze Snoop - Lvl 185 (Raptor) Day 22556, 02:45:57: Maddy froze Mesopithecus - Lvl 198 (Mesopithecus) Day 22604, 00:51:26: Maddy demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 22604, 00:54:44: Maddy demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 22604, 00:57:22: Maddy demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 22706, 10:36:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22753, 15:35:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22753, 15:35:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22810, 12:03:48: Your Bob - Lvl 258 (Mammoth) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 105! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 22895, 06:36:57: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23202, 13:17:38: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23216, 08:28:32: swalsp - Lvl 80 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 23242, 08:30:01: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 96 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alagos the 3rd - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 23242, 10:03:59: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 96 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus)'! Day 23242, 11:07:06: Tribemember Maddy - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 23474, 09:10:59: DuoMog - Lvl 171 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23568, 23:30:17: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23769, 09:33:04: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1592846110,"tribe":"Tribe of Shadow logs":["Day 38015, 14:47:36: Shadow was added to the Tribe! Day 38015, 16:42:00: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 38015, 16:45:06: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 225 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 75! Day 38015, 18:01:07: Shadow Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 38015, 20:33:04: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 18 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 38016, 01:10:43: Shadow Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur)! Day 38016, 13:46:31: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 66 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 38016, 14:20:20: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 66 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 38031, 11:16:48: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 38032, 02:57:07: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 38032, 03:21:40: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 38068, 00:53:36: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 16 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 38724, 15:06:41: King1nTheNorth - Lvl 93 (Moronic) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 145 (Argentavis)'! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38884, 06:20:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38884, 06:20:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38972, 05:13:53: alfie - Lvl 5 (Tribe of alfie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38972, 05:17:59: alfie - Lvl 5 (Tribe of alfie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops)'! Day 38972, 05:18:44: alfie - Lvl 5 (Tribe of alfie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 199 (Triceratops)'! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39026, 20:23:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40427, 18:46:29: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 69 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1589220849,"tribe":"Banana Bois logs":["Day 35415, 13:16:35: Aids was added to the Tribe! Day 35415, 13:21:20: Andrew2110 was added to the Tribe by Aids! Day 35415, 14:31:23: Aids demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 35415, 18:04:31: Your Phatphil - Lvl 46 (Moschops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35415, 18:05:06: Your Billy - Lvl 73 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35415, 18:07:47: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35415, 18:09:08: Tribemember Andrew2110 - Lvl 23 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35415, 18:11:49: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 35415, 18:24:36: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 27 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 35415, 23:17:18: Andrew2110 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 35416, 04:26:24: Aids Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 35416, 06:42:09: Aids Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 44 (Parasaur)! Day 35417, 19:12:53: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 35417, 19:15:40: Tribemember Andrew2110 - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 35417, 21:18:29: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 35418, 15:52:32: Tribemember Andrew2110 - Lvl 52 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 35419, 15:00:28: Andrew2110 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 35419, 15:27:43: Your Mr Mejo - Lvl 42 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 35419, 17:38:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 11 (Pteranodon) was killed by Andrew2110 - Lvl 57 (Banana Bois)! Day 35419, 17:38:39: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 11 (Pteranodon) (Banana Bois)! Day 35420, 04:40:16: Andrew2110 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 35420, 12:10:12: Andrew2110 froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur) Day 35420, 12:12:40: Aids froze Spunge - Lvl 67 (Parasaur) Day 35420, 12:15:57: Andrew2110 froze Pegomastax - Lvl 36 (Pegomastax) Day 35420, 12:17:01: Aids froze Gilbert - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) Day 35420, 12:33:10: Andrew2110 froze Obsidian Obtainer - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) Day 36000, 13:49:27: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36000, 13:49:27: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36000, 13:49:27: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36041, 14:14:07: FeeFee - Lvl 114 (Cheezits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 36041, 15:05:34: Tribemember Andrew2110 - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 36041, 15:35:14: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 51 was killed!"] "tribeid":1588951626,"tribe":"Tribe of beiltron logs":["Day 20193, 08:39:58: beiltron was added to the Tribe! Day 20193, 08:43:41: Krletes was added to the Tribe by beiltron! Day 20193, 08:45:22: Krletes was promoted to a Tribe Admin by beiltron! Day 20193, 09:07:36: Tribemember Krletes - Lvl 1 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 40! Day 21209, 04:01:08: Tribemember beiltron - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10!"] "tribeid":1587791596,"tribe":"Tribe of Sbeve logs":["Day 25009, 07:59:18: Sbeve was added to the Tribe! Day 25009, 08:12:22: steve was added to the Tribe by Sbeve! Day 25009, 08:43:38: Sbeve Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 115 (Dodo)! Day 25009, 09:14:30: Sbeve Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 100 (Dodo)! Day 25009, 09:21:23: steve Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 12 (Dodo)! Day 25009, 15:14:43: Sbeve claimed 'Dwight - Lvl 62 (Sarco)'! Day 25009, 15:45:29: Your beve - Lvl 12 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25009, 17:09:10: Your deve - Lvl 115 (Dodo) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 25009, 23:55:22: Tribemember steve - Lvl 21 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 25010, 02:13:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25010, 02:23:26: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 02:40:32: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 03:06:55: Your dweve - Lvl 77 (Sarco) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 03:10:30: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 03:29:51: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 03:52:07: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 04:09:51: Tribemember steve - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 25010, 04:13:51: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 28 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 40! Day 25010, 07:04:37: Tribemember steve - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 25010, 07:38:46: Your seve - Lvl 100 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 25010, 10:31:48: Tribemember steve - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 25010, 10:37:05: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 25010, 12:10:21: steve Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 25011, 11:25:38: Sbeve Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 25011, 12:07:26: steve Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 25011, 15:00:07: Sbeve Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 14 (Dimorphodon)! Day 25011, 15:40:50: Sbeve froze reve - Lvl 75 (Raptor) Day 25011, 15:45:44: Sbeve froze leve - Lvl 121 (Raptor) Day 25011, 19:16:28: steve claimed 'Romainian - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25011, 20:01:36: Sbeve froze peve - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 25012, 06:53:53: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 38 was killed by steve - Lvl 30 (Tribe of Sbeve)! Day 25012, 06:53:53: Your Tribe killed Sbeve - Lvl 38 (Tribe of Sbeve)! Day 25013, 00:22:36: Sbeve froze peve - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 25013, 03:36:35: Your meve - Lvl 45 (Moschops) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 25013, 04:09:14: Tribemember steve - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 25013, 04:19:52: Tribemember steve - Lvl 31 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 25014, 00:27:00: Tribemember steve - Lvl 35 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 25014, 19:41:45: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 25015, 02:15:37: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 25015, 08:36:58: steve Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 25015, 12:23:26: Sbeve was removed from the Tribe! Day 25015, 12:52:41: Your jeve - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 12:54:46: steve Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 89 (Moschops)! Day 25015, 13:17:54: Tribe of Sbeve1 tribe was merged in by Sbeve! Day 25015, 13:17:54: Sbeve was added to the Tribe by steve! Day 25015, 14:40:44: Your reve - Lvl 93 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 14:46:35: Your leve - Lvl 135 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 14:53:20: Your deve - Lvl 14 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 15:04:35: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 25015, 15:18:07: Your Moschops - Lvl 91 (Moschops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 15:23:45: Tribemember steve - Lvl 41 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 25015, 15:55:15: Tribemember steve - Lvl 41 was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 110 | 1.2x! Day 25246, 18:03:06: Tribemember steve - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25305, 00:14:18: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25612, 07:48:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25612, 07:48:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25896, 01:45:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25896, 01:45:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25973, 01:37:58: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sseve (Raft)'! Day 25973, 02:17:30: Tribemember Sbeve - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 26432, 19:00:52: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 117 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'peve - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1587384126,"tribe":"Tribe of Emil logs":["Day 22809, 21:17:21: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 21:29:23: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 21:50:34: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 22:00:16: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 22:05:37: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 22:14:56: Ben demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22809, 23:17:39: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 43 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 22810, 03:47:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 22810, 03:47:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 22810, 03:56:36: Emil demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22810, 03:58:21: Emil demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 22810, 05:11:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22810, 08:11:44: Ben Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 22811, 10:22:10: Ben Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 125 (Castoroides)! Day 22811, 12:12:13: Your jonny - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 10! Day 22815, 23:16:53: Emil Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 22816, 07:17:50: Emil demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 22816, 08:21:19: Emil demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 22816, 08:24:34: Emil demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 22816, 08:27:46: Emil demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 22816, 08:30:07: Emil demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 22816, 08:33:54: Emil demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 22816, 08:34:58: Emil demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 22816, 08:37:25: Emil demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 22816, 13:45:50: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:46:34: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:47:26: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:48:14: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:49:00: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:49:47: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:50:36: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:51:29: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 13:52:20: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:07:18: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:08:00: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:08:44: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:27:22: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:28:03: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:36:16: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 14:46:09: Emil demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 22816, 20:34:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 22817, 06:04:49: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 65 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 5! Day 22817, 08:37:14: Emil Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 67 (Triceratops)! Day 22817, 21:01:32: Emil Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 22830, 08:31:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)! Day 22832, 17:06:32: Ben Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 192 (Dodo)! Day 22834, 05:12:38: Your peter - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 22834, 05:12:38: Your Tribe killed peter - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 22834, 09:14:39: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 22834, 16:16:34: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22834, 16:32:54: Your Thorsten - Lvl 55 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 22834, 16:43:03: Your Dora - Lvl 84 (Triceratops) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 22834, 16:51:04: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22835, 02:09:51: Ben froze Triceratops - Lvl 229 (Triceratops) Day 22835, 02:25:12: Ben froze Triceratops - Lvl 46 (Triceratops) Day 22835, 02:36:07: Ben froze Manfred - Lvl 36 (Parasaur) Day 22835, 03:14:54: Ben froze Biboris - Lvl 146 (Castoroides) Day 22835, 05:25:27: Ben froze Freddyline - Lvl 201 (Dodo) Day 22835, 07:36:55: Emil claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 22835, 07:58:41: Emil froze Baby Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22835, 12:17:39: Emil froze Juvenile Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22838, 06:48:36: Ben froze Juvenile Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22838, 11:47:10: Emil froze Juvenile Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22838, 21:20:23: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 77 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 22839, 00:48:33: Ben froze Adolescent Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22839, 02:51:44: Ben froze Adolescent Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22839, 04:23:52: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22839, 06:01:19: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22839, 07:12:40: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22839, 10:57:17: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 22839, 13:19:53: Ben froze Adolescent Karl Heinz - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 22839, 13:31:49: Emil froze Biboris - Lvl 146 (Castoroides) Day 22839, 14:13:58: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22839, 14:52:22: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22839, 16:30:36: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 78 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 22840, 00:37:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 22840, 04:12:43: Emil demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 22853, 07:27:40: Emil froze Triceratops - Lvl 229 (Triceratops) Day 22853, 19:51:03: Emil Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 7 (Phiomia)! Day 22853, 21:19:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 119 (Triceratops)! Day 22853, 21:40:05: Emil Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 22 (Phiomia)! Day 22858, 08:33:28: Emil froze Karl Heinz - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 22858, 16:03:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 22859, 17:48:00: Emil Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 14 (Doedicurus)! Day 22864, 06:51:46: Emil Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur)! Day 22881, 08:52:39: Emil demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 08:54:33: Emil demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 08:56:49: Emil demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 09:51:53: Emil demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 09:56:32: Emil demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 09:57:56: Emil demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 10:14:42: Emil demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22881, 10:15:36: Emil demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 22882, 19:45:29: Emil Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 22882, 22:03:38: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 22883, 07:29:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 186 (Stegosaurus)! Day 22883, 21:04:32: Emil claimed 'Baby Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops)'! Day 22883, 21:54:00: Emil froze Baby Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22884, 01:48:54: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22884, 04:26:38: Emil froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22884, 04:31:23: Emil froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22885, 08:27:25: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22885, 20:58:17: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22885, 22:18:52: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 98 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 22885, 22:57:02: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 98 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 22885, 23:40:46: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22886, 01:20:22: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 22886, 03:02:17: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 22886, 03:29:51: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 22886, 07:25:53: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 124 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 22909, 21:59:53: Emil froze Juvenile Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22910, 09:33:46: Emil froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22910, 09:37:28: Emil froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22910, 14:53:10: Emil froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22910, 14:56:32: Emil froze Adolescent Triceratops - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 22933, 12:25:04: Emil demolished a 'Metal Triangle Roof'! Day 22933, 12:26:14: Emil demolished a 'Metal Triangle Roof'! Day 22934, 18:05:21: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 22934, 19:41:58: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 22934, 21:17:36: Emil demolished a 'Tek Forcefield (Locked) '! Day 22954, 06:45:53: Emil demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 22954, 06:59:07: Emil demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 22954, 07:10:28: Emil demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 22954, 07:33:37: Emil demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 22954, 09:56:29: Emil demolished a 'Rocket-Launcher Turret (Locked) '! Day 22974, 09:37:56: Emil demolished a 'Tek Transmitter (Locked) '! Day 22974, 10:38:16: Emil demolished a 'Industrial Cooker (Locked) '! Day 22974, 15:08:00: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 102 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 22983, 22:19:25: Emil demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left'! Day 22984, 00:07:57: Emil demolished a 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling'! Day 22984, 00:09:03: Emil demolished a 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling'! Day 22984, 00:59:21: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 22984, 13:24:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 22998, 00:10:25: Emil froze Pteranodon - Lvl 145 (Pteranodon) Day 22998, 00:25:07: Emil froze Pteranodon - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) Day 22998, 07:44:22: Emil froze Karl Heinz - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 22999, 16:03:25: Emil downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 192 Day 22999, 16:04:22: Emil downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 Day 22999, 16:04:48: Emil downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 137 Day 22999, 16:05:21: Emil downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 Day 22999, 16:10:58: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22999, 16:16:17: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22999, 16:20:48: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22999, 16:25:32: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23026, 21:01:38: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23026, 21:06:27: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 231 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23026, 21:11:32: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23026, 21:24:54: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23026, 21:26:52: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23026, 21:35:27: Emil froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 23026, 21:43:41: Emil froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 23075, 05:58:17: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23075, 06:05:52: Emil froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 23075, 08:30:02: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 23075, 09:33:34: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 23075, 10:04:34: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 23077, 22:41:52: Emil froze Rex - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 23077, 22:52:16: Emil froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23078, 02:07:22: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed by Emil - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23078, 02:07:22: Your Tribe killed Ben - Lvl 73 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23078, 02:10:26: Your Freddyline - Lvl 232 (Dodo) was killed by Emil - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23078, 02:10:26: Your Tribe killed Freddyline - Lvl 232 (Dodo)! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23131, 14:21:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23213, 18:46:10: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23213, 18:47:03: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23213, 18:47:57: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23213, 18:51:25: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23213, 19:23:20: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23213, 19:23:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23213, 19:38:01: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23213, 19:38:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23213, 19:43:14: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23213, 19:51:22: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23214, 02:01:32: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23214, 02:04:50: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23214, 02:04:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 04:03:19: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23238, 04:10:34: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 04:10:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 169 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 05:23:57: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23238, 05:24:45: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23238, 05:33:13: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23238, 05:44:05: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 05:44:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 23238, 05:57:47: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 05:57:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 06:56:38: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23238, 07:04:12: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23238, 07:04:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 05:15:42: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23336, 05:27:35: Emil froze Baby 1 Mutation W - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon) Day 23336, 05:43:14: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 05:43:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)! Day 23336, 05:49:40: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23336, 05:57:12: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 05:57:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 06:04:58: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23336, 06:05:42: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23336, 06:10:27: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23336, 06:22:38: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 06:22:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 06:31:24: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 06:31:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 23336, 06:38:42: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23336, 06:45:51: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 06:45:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 07:30:56: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23336, 07:37:36: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 07:37:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23336, 08:57:51: Emil demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 23355, 16:07:28: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23355, 16:11:49: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 16:11:49: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 17:09:37: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23355, 17:14:45: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 17:14:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 17:17:38: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23355, 17:22:30: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 17:22:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 201 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23355, 20:20:58: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23355, 20:54:00: Emil froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23355, 21:24:23: Emil froze Juvenile 1 Mutation W - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon) Day 23415, 08:40:52: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23425, 15:43:53: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23425, 15:46:14: Emil claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 23425, 16:01:23: Emil froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 23425, 16:04:43: Emil froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 23425, 18:34:47: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 18:42:25: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23425, 18:48:34: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 19:26:30: Emil froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23425, 19:32:57: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 19:37:41: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:37:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:41:17: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 19:42:17: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 19:48:51: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:48:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:48:52: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:48:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:50:55: Emil claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 23425, 19:54:20: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Emil - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 19:54:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 161 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23425, 22:15:52: Emil Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)! Day 23426, 13:18:22: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 115 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23426, 13:18:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 23426, 13:19:03: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 115 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23426, 13:19:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 23426, 13:26:26: Emil froze 1 Mutation W - Lvl 197 (Pteranodon) Day 23429, 21:53:16: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 54! Day 23496, 16:31:23: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 23647, 19:53:28: Emil froze 1 Mutation W - Lvl 258 (Pteranodon) Day 23677, 18:40:36: Tribemember Ben - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 23801, 12:11:30: Your Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) was killed by Emil - Lvl 115 (Tribe of Emil)! Day 23801, 12:11:30: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 24139, 06:45:41: Tribemember Emil - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 24212, 12:01:02: Manfred - Lvl 73 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24461, 07:27:58: Dödel - Lvl 50 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 24467, 13:23:49: Rotzbacke - Lvl 51 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 24467, 13:46:25: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24467, 13:49:50: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24467, 13:51:52: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24467, 14:03:51: Hollow - Lvl 1 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 308 (Rex)'! Day 24467, 14:10:38: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 24467, 18:36:11: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 220 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 24468, 08:13:38: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops)'! Day 24468, 10:06:24: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Biboris - Lvl 172 (Castoroides)'! Day 24468, 10:38:07: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Karl Heinz - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 24474, 15:09:08: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24474, 15:11:49: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24474, 15:12:53: Your Peter - Lvl 105 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 24491, 04:04:09: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Igor - Lvl 228 (Iguanodon)'! Day 24535, 03:11:25: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 24540, 18:45:53: Your Triceratops - Lvl 231 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24561, 11:18:03: Kira049 - Lvl 105 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24719, 01:33:44: Triceratops - Lvl 172 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 24736, 18:30:51: Hollow - Lvl 56 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 278 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24741, 12:37:09: Kacki ben - Lvl 42 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 24745, 17:21:24: Triceratops - Lvl 157 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 24776, 19:04:00: Hollow - Lvl 60 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kacki Emil - Lvl 57 (Phiomia)'! Day 24776, 19:12:07: Hollow - Lvl 60 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 163 (Triceratops)'! Day 24776, 19:31:25: Hollow - Lvl 60 (The Viking's) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1 Mutation W - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24973, 18:22:09: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24973, 18:22:09: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1582413292,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 41392, 08:07:52: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 41392, 08:21:04: Human was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 41392, 08:29:28: Human Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 41392, 08:43:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 41392, 08:50:29: Your ew - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 41456, 12:37:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 41558, 14:47:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1581227359,"tribe":"Tribe of plod logs":["Day 13155, 07:05:53: plod was added to the Tribe! Day 13155, 10:41:07: plod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 92 (Argentavis)'! Day 13155, 10:41:33: Tribemember plod - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 13155, 10:59:34: plod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 130 (Argentavis)'! Day 13155, 11:00:06: Tribemember plod - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 13156, 06:09:24: plod claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13156, 06:16:02: plod claimed 'Sledge - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13156, 06:16:36: plod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 283 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 06:18:24: plod claimed 'M Weight - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 06:18:38: plod claimed 'F Weight - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 06:28:32: plod claimed 'Fast boii - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13156, 06:46:03: plod claimed 'Argy - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 06:46:08: plod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 355 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 06:54:24: plod claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13156, 06:54:29: plod claimed 'Softy - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13156, 07:00:02: plod claimed 'Mace - Lvl 221 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13156, 07:02:20: plod claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 255 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13156, 07:04:56: plod claimed 'Carrier - Lvl 263 (Phiomia)'! Day 13156, 07:05:04: plod claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 216 (Castoroides)'! Day 13156, 07:10:12: plod claimed 'Alpha - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13156, 07:12:54: plod claimed 'Charlie - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13156, 07:13:08: Tribemember plod - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 13156, 07:24:21: plod claimed 'Bravo - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13156, 07:26:40: plod claimed 'Ravager - Lvl 268 (Ravager)'! Day 13156, 07:31:19: plod claimed 'Delta - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13156, 07:40:35: plod claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 13156, 08:13:15: plod claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 183 (Argentavis)'! Day 13156, 08:36:27: Tribemember plod - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 13156, 08:40:28: plod claimed 'Megaloceros - Lvl 156 (Megaloceros)'! Day 13156, 09:54:17: plod claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13156, 14:26:31: Tribemember plod - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 13156, 17:16:56: plod uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 195 Day 13157, 12:29:18: Tribemember plod - Lvl 64 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 40! Day 13157, 15:04:48: plod demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 13157, 15:11:10: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13157, 15:11:34: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 13157, 15:22:30: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 13157, 15:26:35: Tribemember plod - Lvl 64 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 75! Day 13157, 16:16:05: plod demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13157, 16:19:58: plod demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13157, 16:23:26: plod demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13157, 16:24:54: plod demolished a 'Large Wooden Wall'! Day 13157, 16:42:31: plod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 13157, 16:43:29: plod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 13157, 16:43:56: plod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 13157, 16:44:26: plod demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 13157, 17:03:10: Tribemember plod - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 13157, 17:30:39: plod downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 196 Day 13165, 18:20:59: Tribemember plod - Lvl 65 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 13170, 19:50:49: plod uploaded a Argentavis: M Weight - Lvl 253 Day 13318, 17:55:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13328, 08:35:01: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13501, 09:27:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13501, 09:27:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 10:09:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13529, 18:57:18: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 268 (Ravager)'! Day 13529, 18:59:23: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bravo - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13529, 18:59:48: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13529, 19:00:18: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alpha - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13529, 19:01:06: Human - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 250 (Castoroides)'! Day 13529, 19:02:14: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Delta - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13529, 19:07:32: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 255 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 13530, 04:28:39: Human - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 355 (Argentavis)'! Day 13530, 04:33:23: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 283 (Argentavis)'! Day 13530, 05:10:58: Human - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Weight - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 13538, 12:10:02: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sledge - Lvl 278 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13538, 12:10:25: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13538, 12:10:42: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13538, 12:11:33: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mace - Lvl 221 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13538, 12:12:48: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 13538, 12:14:08: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 156 (Megaloceros)'! Day 13538, 12:14:22: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carrier - Lvl 263 (Phiomia)'! Day 13538, 12:14:58: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 162 (Argentavis)'! Day 13538, 12:15:23: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 196 (Argentavis)'! Day 13538, 12:19:03: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argy - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)'! Day 13538, 13:32:12: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 71 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13538, 13:41:16: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fast boii - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13538, 13:42:40: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13538, 13:59:35: Cinder - Lvl 115 (Equinox) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Softy - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13634, 23:31:39: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aggy - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)'! Day 13634, 23:47:58: Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 92 (Argentavis)'! Day 13647, 21:23:13: Jamal - Lvl 123 (Immigrants R' Brexit) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13682, 10:47:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13687, 16:52:50: HAMMER - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canica Negra (Raft)'! Day 13696, 10:58:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13696, 10:58:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13864, 08:34:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14330, 14:41:20: Tribemember plod - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 5! Day 20737, 20:09:01: Tribemember plod - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 20738, 14:49:09: plod demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 20748, 14:17:42: plod Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 20749, 12:54:23: plod claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 183 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 20749, 13:11:03: plod claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20760, 02:50:55: Tribemember plod - Lvl 77 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 20760, 03:50:59: plod claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20760, 18:29:47: plod claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20761, 13:09:17: plod Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 20761, 16:38:59: plod claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 20928, 17:11:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20958, 20:05:27: Your Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21078, 04:36:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21156, 03:48:49: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 21361, 08:39:33: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21494, 12:40:39: Tribemember plod - Lvl 78 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 5! Day 21504, 16:46:57: Big___Joe - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 21576, 14:23:04: Goku - Lvl 10 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21666, 23:54:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21733, 18:36:24: Dilophosaur - Lvl 183 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 21950, 21:55:54: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21987, 00:00:48: Pteranodon - Lvl 117 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 22702, 00:37:23: Dog - Lvl 28 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1579590513,"tribe":"Tribe of T-Rex logs":["Day 22999, 10:54:51: T-Rex was added to the Tribe! Day 22999, 22:41:11: Tribemember T-Rex - Lvl 3 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 22999, 23:09:41: Tribemember T-Rex - Lvl 3 was killed!"] "tribeid":1579189118,"tribe":"Tribe of BeyondGirthy logs":["Day 38307, 17:51:51: BeyondGirthy was added to the Tribe! Day 38307, 18:03:36: zex was added to the Tribe by BeyondGirthy! Day 38307, 20:44:41: Tribemember zex - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1578944398,"tribe":"Tribe of Xpertale logs":["Day 31129, 11:59:47: Xpertale was added to the Tribe! Day 31129, 12:01:58: Alfie was added to the Tribe by Xpertale! Day 31129, 12:15:44: Manual was added to the Tribe by Xpertale! Day 31129, 12:53:55: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 31129, 15:03:31: Tribemember Manual - Lvl 7 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 31129, 23:58:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 139 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 31130, 01:07:58: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 16 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 31147, 20:56:31: Alfie Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 78 (Dilophosaur)! Day 31173, 13:28:44: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 24 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 31176, 06:35:51: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 148 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31455, 12:19:47: Tribemember Manual - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 31455, 12:25:03: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31738, 09:33:21: jim bob - Lvl 2 (the creed) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'coon - Lvl 79 (Dilophosaur)'!"] "tribeid":1577424716,"tribe":"Frequencerz logs":["Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32838, 02:02:33: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32861, 16:46:35: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33389, 04:26:28: Tribemember MasonAmazing - Lvl 82 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 33389, 06:29:08: Tribemember MasonAmazing - Lvl 82 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 33395, 15:56:46: Zax downloaded a dino: max is gay - Lvl 234 Day 33395, 18:52:04: Zax uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 237 Day 33414, 02:50:18: Zax froze max is gay - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33416, 08:08:38: Zax froze almost the best - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33437, 13:26:39: Zax froze almost the best - Lvl 264 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 33458, 06:01:43: Zax downloaded a dino: almost the best - Lvl 249 Day 33458, 09:28:08: Zax uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 266 Day 33725, 00:50:14: Zax froze Emo - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34013, 06:47:24: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 245 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34013, 08:29:04: ITS ME MAX was added to the Tribe by Zax! Day 34013, 16:20:35: MasonAmazing Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 134 (Quetzal)! Day 34013, 18:00:19: ITS ME MAX froze blue beetle - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34013, 18:02:31: MasonAmazing froze Emo - Lvl 293 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 34013, 18:06:34: Zax froze black tui ;) - Lvl 134 (Quetzal) Day 34013, 18:09:19: Zax uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 245 Day 34013, 19:01:14: Zax downloaded a dino: tristan - Lvl 235 Day 34013, 19:04:44: Zax uploaded a Quetzal: black tui ;) - Lvl 134 Day 34013, 19:08:16: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34013, 20:09:01: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34014, 00:18:50: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34014, 00:19:56: ITS ME MAX froze blue beetle - Lvl 258 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34014, 00:25:14: Zax downloaded a dino: black tui ;) - Lvl 129 Day 34014, 01:09:02: ITS ME MAX uploaded a Quetzal: black tui ;) - Lvl 129 Day 34014, 02:01:06: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34014, 04:43:53: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34025, 10:58:06: Zax froze tristan - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 34328, 02:53:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 34361, 20:24:22: Zax froze Emo - Lvl 300 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 35530, 05:32:07: Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1576518744,"tribe":"Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN logs":["Day 12212, 05:24:19: SIMPLE HUMAN was added to the Tribe! Day 12212, 05:27:42: Sufyaan added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Bosses Alliance! Day 12212, 05:32:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze snow owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 07:23:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 08:11:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 08:27:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 09:08:43: Sufyaan added 'Tribe of Jade' Tribe to Bosses Alliance! Day 12212, 09:25:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 10:13:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze snow owl - Lvl 315 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 10:32:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 11:32:13: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 135! Day 12212, 12:06:25: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 80! Day 12212, 12:26:34: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 261 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 12212, 13:34:27: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 12212, 15:19:42: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 12212, 15:36:15: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 5! Day 12212, 16:05:12: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 40! Day 12212, 18:31:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 320 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 18:42:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze trawgon - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 12212, 19:27:08: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 12212, 19:27:11: Your trawgon - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 12227, 14:22:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 12227, 14:26:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rexy - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 12227, 14:29:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon8 - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 12227, 14:32:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze breed tek rex 2 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 15:19:09: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12227, 16:08:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze breed tek rex 2 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:11:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon7 - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:13:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:15:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon 8 - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:17:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rex - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:19:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon6 - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:20:56: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Rexy - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:22:41: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon2 - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:31:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon2 - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:33:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon4 - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:36:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 292 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:41:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze teko - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:43:14: SIMPLE HUMAN froze tekwagon5 - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:44:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze rexwagon8 - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 12227, 16:47:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 290 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 16:49:09: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12227, 16:50:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 17:03:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 268 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 12227, 18:20:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 22:34:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 23:16:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 324 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 05:47:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 09:20:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze breed tek rex - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 12239, 10:58:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 18:36:11: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 12239, 19:31:07: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 122 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 10! Day 12240, 03:41:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 08:36:42: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12240, 10:30:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Rex - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:36:57: SIMPLE HUMAN froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 268 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 12240, 11:03:07: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 332 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 07:14:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 09:47:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 10:16:39: Cyberdyne88 added 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12241, 11:45:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze POPO2 - Lvl 259 (Poison Wyvern) Day 12241, 11:51:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 12:02:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 333 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 13:50:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Astrocetus - Lvl 25 (Astrocetus) Day 12253, 14:42:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 21:39:42: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 124 was killed by a Dunkleosteus - Lvl 40! Day 12253, 21:52:18: Your Nessie II - Lvl 318 (Mosasaurus) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 280! Day 12254, 01:06:48: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Snow Owl: green redwagon - Lvl 335 Day 12254, 07:07:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 12254, 07:11:52: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12254, 09:30:22: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 15:38:41: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 15:59:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Snow Owl - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 12254, 16:01:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 335 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 12:21:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 12314, 11:16:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 15:40:22: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 15:47:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 15:55:36: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 16:31:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 17:12:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 245 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 18:55:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 19:54:11: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 12314, 22:58:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 12315, 02:48:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 12315, 04:25:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 12315, 05:33:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 12315, 06:02:32: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 12315, 06:45:36: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) was killed! Day 12315, 06:56:35: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 124 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 12315, 07:18:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1575907718,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 35368, 08:13:56: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 35368, 13:40:20: Your Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo) was killed by Human - Lvl 16 (Tribe of Human)! Day 35368, 13:40:20: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 27 (Dodo) (Tribe of Human)! Day 35369, 02:50:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 35369, 03:37:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 35372, 06:24:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 35372, 08:23:34: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 75! Day 35708, 21:04:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36559, 11:08:02: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38111, 18:00:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 19 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 115!"] "tribeid":1575600891,"tribe":"Tribe of Nigerian Hulk logs":["Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27218, 14:13:19: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28975, 22:58:13: Geaux - Lvl 113 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 234 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 33825, 05:21:01: Zeffner - Lvl 113 (Gajalaka Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Graillounette - Lvl 333 (Baryonyx)'!"] "tribeid":1574301427,"tribe":"Tribe of alfie logs":["Day 38972, 00:35:01: alfie was added to the Tribe! Day 38972, 00:40:48: Human was added to the Tribe by alfie! Day 38972, 03:11:49: Tribemember alfie - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 1.0x! Day 38972, 05:13:53: alfie claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 38972, 05:17:59: alfie claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 85 (Triceratops)'! Day 38972, 05:18:44: alfie claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 199 (Triceratops)'! Day 38972, 05:26:08: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 1.0x! Day 38972, 05:49:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 38972, 06:45:09: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 38972, 06:51:56: Human claimed 'egg39827534546662 - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 38972, 06:58:30: Human claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops)'! Day 38972, 07:01:11: Human claimed 'Stig - Lvl 302 (Aberrant Stegosaurus)'! Day 38972, 07:17:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38972, 07:39:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38972, 07:58:14: Your Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 10! Day 38972, 08:02:27: Tribemember alfie - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 38972, 08:06:02: alfie was removed from the Tribe! Day 38972, 08:06:02: Tribe Owner was changed to Human! Day 39243, 23:00:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 39295, 18:29:02: Triceratops - Lvl 92 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 39562, 17:35:28: bell - Lvl 12 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'egg39827534546662 - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39570, 14:50:47: Your Triceratops - Lvl 208 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 39633, 19:15:09: Your Stig - Lvl 302 (Aberrant Stegosaurus) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 39840, 04:07:16: Merlin - Lvl 53 (Lost Souls) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1573830677,"tribe":"Tribe of DeeDee logs":["Day 26691, 04:31:11: DeeDee was added to the Tribe! Day 26805, 13:38:30: Tribemember DeeDee - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26879, 17:30:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27028, 12:28:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27903, 09:37:09: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1573476126,"tribe":"Tribe of John logs":["Day 26400, 09:45:33: John was added to the Tribe! Day 26400, 09:46:57: Human was added to the Tribe by John! Day 26411, 18:08:32: Tribemember John - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 27037, 13:45:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 1 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 85! Day 27322, 23:18:45: Tribemember John - Lvl 1 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1573306719,"tribe":"Tribe of Roxanne logs":["Day 16018, 12:05:34: Roxanne was added to the Tribe! Day 16018, 12:07:28: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Roxanne' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:10:04: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of Raven' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 12:59:08: ViceFusion added 'Impulse' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16018, 14:45:38: Roxanne froze Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 17:07:27: Roxanne froze Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 16018, 20:12:14: Roxanne froze Female - A | S | H - Lvl 347 (Rex) Day 16018, 21:27:58: Roxanne froze Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 16046, 09:33:28: Roxanne froze Rodrigo - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16046, 09:37:58: ViceFusion added 'Sanctuary' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 10:40:08: ViceFusion added 'The island slideshow' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:11:54: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of The Hidden lake' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 11:17:58: ViceFusion added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 14:35:01: ViceFusion added 'Duo Tribe' Tribe to BOSS FIGHT Alliance! Day 16046, 22:15:02: Roxanne froze Female - A | S | H - Lvl 349 (Rex) Day 16046, 22:19:42: Roxanne froze X-Otter - Lvl 275 (X-Otter) Day 16047, 00:38:17: Roxanne froze X-Otter - Lvl 275 (X-Otter) Day 16047, 00:41:56: Roxanne froze Rodrigo - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 16148, 03:03:41: Roxanne froze Clarisse - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 16193, 12:28:26: Roxanne claimed '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 402 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:28:44: Roxanne claimed 'khan - Lvl 274 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16193, 12:28:57: Roxanne claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 248 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16193, 12:29:11: Roxanne claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16193, 12:29:36: Roxanne claimed '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 399 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:29:47: Roxanne claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:30:06: Roxanne claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16193, 12:30:25: Roxanne claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16193, 12:30:46: Roxanne claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:31:02: Roxanne claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 195 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16193, 12:31:43: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 274 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:31:47: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 236 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:31:54: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 230 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:32:00: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 267 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:33:10: Roxanne claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16193, 12:33:28: Roxanne claimed 'Bloody Anky - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:33:42: Roxanne claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 304 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:33:53: Roxanne claimed 'vera - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16193, 12:34:04: Roxanne claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16193, 12:35:41: Roxanne claimed 'Mystic Meg - Lvl 225 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:36:06: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 102 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:36:26: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:36:31: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 198 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:37:12: Roxanne claimed 'Knight - Lvl 267 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:38:02: Roxanne claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:38:22: Roxanne claimed 'Defender of the Realm - Lvl 348 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:38:32: Roxanne claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:38:50: Roxanne claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 12:39:01: Roxanne claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:39:15: Roxanne claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:39:26: Roxanne claimed 'PRE OP - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:42:42: Roxanne claimed 'MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:43:57: Roxanne claimed 'Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:44:13: Roxanne claimed 'Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:44:54: Roxanne claimed 'Mk1-245F - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 16193, 12:45:12: Roxanne claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor)'! Day 16193, 12:46:18: Roxanne claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor)'! Day 16193, 12:52:20: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:52:30: Roxanne claimed 'wild m - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:52:48: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:53:07: Roxanne claimed 'wild - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:53:16: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:53:24: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:53:46: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:53:57: Roxanne claimed '1040hp 278dmg hatch - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:54:16: Roxanne claimed 'best f - Lvl 232 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:54:23: Roxanne claimed '1926hp333.8d - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:54:35: Roxanne claimed 'wild m - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:54:43: Roxanne claimed 'wild f - Lvl 219 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:55:05: Roxanne claimed 'STAM - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:55:14: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:55:21: Roxanne claimed 'wild - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 12:56:02: Roxanne claimed 'HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 13:02:09: Roxanne froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 16193, 13:03:31: Roxanne froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 246 (Thylacoleo) Day 16193, 13:04:22: Roxanne claimed 'sharon stone - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16193, 13:05:34: Roxanne froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) Day 16193, 13:07:20: Roxanne froze khan - Lvl 274 (Thylacoleo) Day 16193, 13:09:22: Roxanne froze 10K WEIGHT - Lvl 402 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 13:11:00: Roxanne froze 10K WEIGHT - Lvl 399 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 13:11:28: Roxanne claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 307 (Argentavis)'! Day 16193, 13:13:26: Roxanne froze Argentavis - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 13:15:35: Roxanne froze Bloody Anky - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 13:17:08: Roxanne froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 304 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 13:22:52: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 267 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 13:24:40: Roxanne froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 248 (Thylacoleo) Day 16193, 13:26:03: Roxanne froze sharon stone - Lvl 267 (Doedicurus) Day 16193, 13:27:36: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 274 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 13:28:58: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 236 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 13:30:39: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 230 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 13:35:07: Roxanne froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur) Day 16193, 13:37:26: Roxanne froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 16193, 13:39:59: Roxanne froze vera - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 16193, 13:42:15: Roxanne froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 13:45:49: Roxanne froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 13:48:13: Roxanne claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 16193, 13:48:20: Roxanne claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania)'! Day 16193, 13:48:38: Roxanne claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 24 (Megalania)'! Day 16193, 13:48:43: Roxanne claimed 'Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania)'! Day 16193, 13:50:11: Roxanne froze Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania) Day 16193, 13:51:44: Roxanne froze Megalania - Lvl 56 (Megalania) Day 16193, 13:53:37: Roxanne froze Megalania - Lvl 24 (Megalania) Day 16193, 13:55:00: Roxanne froze Megalania - Lvl 77 (Megalania) Day 16193, 13:58:28: Roxanne froze Doedicurus - Lvl 195 (Doedicurus) Day 16193, 14:03:28: Roxanne froze Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor) Day 16193, 14:05:48: Roxanne froze Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 14:08:12: Roxanne froze Defender of the Realm - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 14:09:37: Roxanne froze Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 14:10:59: Roxanne froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 16193, 14:12:30: Roxanne froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 14:13:57: Roxanne froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 14:15:20: Roxanne froze PRE OP - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16193, 14:15:57: Roxanne claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16193, 14:16:08: Roxanne claimed 'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16193, 14:16:28: Roxanne claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16193, 14:16:39: Roxanne claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16193, 14:18:50: Roxanne froze Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 16193, 14:19:35: Roxanne claimed 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 14:19:41: Roxanne claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 16193, 14:21:36: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 198 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:26:29: Roxanne froze MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:27:57: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:29:28: Roxanne froze MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:31:05: Roxanne froze Knight - Lvl 267 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:32:47: Roxanne froze Mk1-245F - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus) Day 16193, 14:34:56: Roxanne froze Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus) Day 16193, 14:37:10: Roxanne froze Oviraptor - Lvl 127 (Oviraptor) Day 16193, 14:38:53: Roxanne froze Mk1-245M - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus) Day 16193, 14:40:53: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 225 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:42:24: Roxanne froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 102 (Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:47:48: Roxanne claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 16193, 14:47:55: Roxanne claimed 'john wick - Lvl 223 (Dodo)'! Day 16193, 14:49:09: Roxanne froze Mystic Meg - Lvl 225 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 16193, 14:49:47: Roxanne claimed 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 16193, 14:51:28: Roxanne froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus) Day 16193, 14:52:49: Roxanne froze john wick - Lvl 223 (Dodo) Day 16193, 14:54:16: Roxanne froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 52 (Lystrosaurus) Day 16193, 14:57:18: Roxanne froze Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 16193, 14:58:45: Roxanne froze WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon) Day 16193, 15:00:13: Roxanne froze Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) Day 16193, 15:08:20: Roxanne claimed 'miss white - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16193, 15:10:01: Roxanne froze miss white - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur) Day 16193, 15:20:56: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 236 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:25:21: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:26:23: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:26:36: Roxanne claimed '920 htach - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:26:45: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:26:50: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:26:57: Roxanne claimed '920 hatch - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:27:21: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:27:37: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:27:43: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:27:49: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:27:56: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:28:01: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:28:14: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:28:22: Roxanne claimed 'bad - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:28:35: Roxanne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:32:06: Roxanne froze HP - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:34:57: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:36:25: Roxanne froze STAM - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:37:23: Roxanne claimed 'DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:39:28: Roxanne claimed '1040 hatch - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16193, 15:41:40: Roxanne froze wild m - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:44:47: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:49:10: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 236 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:50:32: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 15:58:15: Roxanne froze wild - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:00:30: Roxanne froze wild f - Lvl 219 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:04:47: Roxanne froze best f - Lvl 232 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:07:21: Roxanne froze wild m - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:08:40: Roxanne froze DMG - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:10:06: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 242 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:11:53: Roxanne froze wild - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:13:17: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:14:38: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:16:09: Roxanne froze 1040 hatch - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:17:37: Roxanne froze 1040hp 278dmg hatch - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:19:45: Roxanne froze 1926hp333.8d - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:23:42: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:25:04: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:26:30: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:28:25: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:29:50: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:32:07: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:33:32: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:35:07: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:37:50: Roxanne froze 920 hatch - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:39:29: Roxanne froze bad - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:42:21: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:44:40: Roxanne froze Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 16:46:03: Roxanne froze 920 htach - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus) Day 16193, 18:27:36: Roxanne froze Hamlet - Lvl 361 (X-Argentavis) Day 16216, 05:10:20: Roxanne froze Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 18578, 02:44:33: Roxanne froze Reihna - Lvl 421 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18578, 04:52:12: Roxanne froze Lyanna - Lvl 281 (Poison Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1572938865,"tribe":"Tribu de bell logs":["Day 39565, 02:19:01: bell was added to the Tribe! Day 39566, 01:21:52: Tribemember bell - Lvl 44 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 15! Day 39567, 00:50:46: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 39567, 09:55:54: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 39567, 10:56:54: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 110! Day 39567, 13:13:00: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 39567, 13:32:39: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 39567, 13:57:14: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 39567, 15:59:19: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 39567, 17:32:20: Tribemember bell - Lvl 68 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 35! Day 39567, 18:16:27: bell claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 342 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39567, 19:07:33: bell claimed 'Petra - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39567, 19:36:24: bell claimed 'Mega Terrance - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39567, 21:21:27: bell claimed 'SplashCarrot - Lvl 103 (Megalodon)'! Day 39567, 21:31:57: bell claimed 'Carrot Pie - Lvl 103 (Megalodon)'! Day 39569, 11:57:43: bell claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39569, 17:34:12: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 39572, 16:55:53: bell claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 39572, 17:07:33: bell claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 306 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:13:52: bell claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 242 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:19:04: bell claimed 'rapper - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:19:47: bell claimed 'PARRY - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39572, 17:21:32: bell claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor)'! Day 39572, 17:42:02: bell claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 122 (Triceratops)'! Day 39572, 17:49:41: bell claimed 'TEKKAS - Lvl 171 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 39572, 18:12:30: bell claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39572, 21:54:14: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 144 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 39581, 09:41:24: bell claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 39581, 09:56:09: Your Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 39581, 11:17:33: Your SplashCarrot - Lvl 107 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15! Day 39581, 15:04:35: bell claimed 'ms gemadia - Lvl 78 (Sarco)'! Day 39581, 15:07:49: bell claimed 'tignb - Lvl 45 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 39582, 10:43:15: bell Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor)! Day 39582, 11:04:28: bell Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 7 (Sarco)! Day 39582, 21:12:53: Your Raptor - Lvl 14 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 39582, 22:10:11: Your ms gemadia - Lvl 84 (Sarco) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 39582, 22:23:06: Tribemember bell - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 39582, 22:53:19: Your Argentavis - Lvl 38 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 39582, 23:31:33: Your tignb - Lvl 48 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 39584, 13:28:35: Your Sarco - Lvl 9 (Sarco) was killed by bell - Lvl 72 (Tribu de bell)! Day 39584, 13:28:35: Your Tribe killed Sarco - Lvl 9 (Sarco) (Tribu de bell)! Day 39584, 14:46:34: Tribemember bell - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 39586, 22:55:46: bell demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 39586, 22:57:10: bell demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 39587, 23:30:42: bell claimed 'ms tea - Lvl 42 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39587, 23:32:10: bell claimed 'fly good - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39587, 23:33:59: bell claimed 'elish - Lvl 40 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39587, 23:35:00: bell claimed 'srek - Lvl 66 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 39587, 23:36:17: bell claimed 'ms biggs - Lvl 19 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 39587, 23:47:10: bell claimed 'vggvu - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39588, 00:09:52: bell claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 39588, 00:23:23: bell claimed 'wick - Lvl 85 (Castoroides)'! Day 39588, 00:25:12: bell claimed 'gena - Lvl 30 (Sarco)'! Day 39588, 12:24:48: Tribemember bell - Lvl 77 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 39608, 10:02:41: Tribemember bell - Lvl 77 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 39608, 11:46:07: Tribemember bell - Lvl 77 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 40! Day 39608, 12:13:45: Tribemember bell - Lvl 77 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 25! Day 39608, 14:09:19: bell claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 64 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39609, 13:59:04: Tribemember bell - Lvl 78 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 39609, 16:11:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 68 (Spino)! Day 39609, 16:16:11: Tribemember bell - Lvl 78 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 40! Day 39609, 17:56:30: bell Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 74 (Carnotaurus)! Day 39609, 22:41:01: Tribemember bell - Lvl 78 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 39609, 23:36:36: bell Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 39611, 13:04:33: Tribemember bell - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 39611, 13:06:08: Your gena - Lvl 32 (Sarco) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 39611, 16:01:56: Your ms biggs - Lvl 26 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.0x! Day 39611, 18:29:06: Your elish - Lvl 49 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 35! Day 39613, 10:47:57: bell Tamed a Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)! Day 39613, 17:12:48: bell Tamed a Rex - Lvl 29 (Rex)! Day 39613, 17:21:33: bell Tamed an Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter)! Day 39613, 21:25:35: Tribemember bell - Lvl 83 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 39613, 21:25:38: Your Otter - Lvl 14 (Otter) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 39614, 11:07:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 56 (Spino)! Day 39614, 12:20:53: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 14 (Argentavis)! Day 39614, 19:05:48: bell Tamed a Rex - Lvl 67 (Rex)! Day 39615, 04:26:12: Your Argentavis - Lvl 17 (Argentavis) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 39615, 09:57:53: Your Spino - Lvl 74 (Spino) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 39633, 17:02:08: bell claimed 'super fly - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon)'! Day 39633, 18:31:40: bell claimed 'timon - Lvl 173 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 39633, 23:38:06: Tribemember bell - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 39634, 01:59:05: bell claimed 'Maria - Lvl 311 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 39634, 06:13:43: Tribemember bell - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 39634, 23:41:27: bell demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39634, 23:44:16: bell demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39634, 23:45:55: bell demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39634, 23:48:26: bell demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 39635, 11:44:04: bell froze Spino - Lvl 107 (Spino) Day 39636, 19:11:43: bell Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 39636, 20:46:32: bell Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops)! Day 39751, 04:19:14: Tribemember bell - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 39751, 06:11:03: bell claimed 'Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr)'! Day 39751, 06:50:59: bell froze Desmodus - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 39751, 09:19:05: bell froze Maria - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 39751, 12:23:18: bell froze Maria - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 39751, 14:42:36: bell claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 39751, 15:04:53: bell froze peti - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 39751, 15:52:05: bell claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 146 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39751, 16:07:17: bell claimed 'bingo - Lvl 85 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39751, 16:08:09: bell claimed 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39751, 16:10:15: bell claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39751, 16:12:42: bell claimed 'cha cha - Lvl 37 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39751, 16:13:55: bell claimed 'rabbit 1 - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 39751, 16:28:13: bell claimed 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 208 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 39751, 16:32:34: Tribemember bell - Lvl 96 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 39751, 16:50:01: bell claimed 'Rex - Lvl 138 (Rex)'! Day 39751, 16:57:57: bell claimed 'skankey - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 39751, 17:17:02: bell claimed 'Allosaurus - Lvl 29 (Allosaurus)'! Day 39751, 17:18:08: bell claimed 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 171 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 39751, 17:29:45: bell claimed 'Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 39751, 17:30:35: bell claimed 'for eggs - Lvl 211 (Spino)'! Day 39751, 17:31:41: bell claimed 'Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)'! Day 39837, 12:49:44: Your Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39903, 12:48:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40092, 12:24:57: Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 40201, 23:53:48: bell's 'peti - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 40202, 01:45:29: Tribemember bell - Lvl 96 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 110! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40257, 00:27:13: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40343, 13:52:33: Johnson - Lvl 114 (FAITHLESS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Tickle - Lvl 185 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 40343, 13:53:56: Johnson - Lvl 114 (FAITHLESS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 157 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 40666, 18:00:01: Your Desmodus - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 40666, 18:00:46: Tribemember bell - Lvl 96 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40779, 03:08:46: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40826, 18:01:09: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41078, 17:35:30: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41078, 18:12:16: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Megatherium - Lvl 208 (R-Megatherium)'! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41088, 12:58:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41126, 16:04:59: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maria - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 41126, 16:10:26: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rabbit 1 - Lvl 144 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41126, 16:12:12: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 161 (Rex)'! Day 41126, 16:18:02: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'for eggs - Lvl 229 (Spino)'! Day 41126, 16:18:42: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 279 (Spino)'! Day 41127, 06:45:54: salsi - Lvl 113 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'skankey - Lvl 240 (Rex)'! Day 41319, 20:25:34: Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 41339, 22:45:25: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cuellito - Lvl 110 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 41339, 22:46:33: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 242 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 22:47:07: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 306 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 22:51:03: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cup - Lvl 343 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41339, 22:54:35: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'chep - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41339, 22:57:15: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tetica - Lvl 188 (Megalania)'! Day 41339, 23:00:46: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'srek - Lvl 79 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 41339, 23:01:14: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 47 (Rex)'! Day 41339, 23:02:01: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ms tea - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41339, 23:02:50: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 87 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 41339, 23:03:22: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Matilda - Lvl 195 (Raptor)'! Day 41339, 23:05:12: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fly good - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41339, 23:27:10: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 407 (Managarmr)'! Day 41340, 00:45:02: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rapper - Lvl 251 (Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:45:35: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 238 (Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:46:05: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 110 (Spino)'! Day 41340, 00:51:49: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yukita - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 41340, 00:54:20: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TEKKAS - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 41340, 00:55:14: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)'! Day 41340, 05:28:35: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 126 (Rex)'! Day 41340, 05:31:22: Blaku - Lvl 84 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'vip - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 05:34:47: Wolfgang - Lvl 65 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 07:10:28: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cuki - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 41340, 07:55:56: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 131 (Triceratops)'! Day 41340, 08:00:04: Wolfgang - Lvl 66 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'timon - Lvl 180 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 41374, 15:52:40: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 41426, 20:32:02: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cha cha - Lvl 99 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41431, 18:38:54: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bingo - Lvl 92 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41431, 18:43:37: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 286 (Spino)'! Day 41431, 18:57:37: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 41 (Allosaurus)'! Day 41431, 19:02:13: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'booya - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 41483, 21:58:54: Lydia - Lvl 112 (Ashtar Confederacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 270 (Argentavis)'! Day 41632, 21:15:40: PARRY - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 41736, 12:49:00: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 41862, 19:24:00: vggvu - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 42204, 09:46:14: Carrot Pie - Lvl 107 (Megalodon) starved to death! Day 42602, 19:32:17: super fly - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1571527453,"tribe":"Tribe of Moneky-Jesus logs":["Day 23922, 12:49:44: Moneky-Jesus was added to the Tribe! Day 23922, 12:52:45: Mr.Ely was added to the Tribe by Moneky-Jesus! Day 23922, 14:41:12: Mr.Ely Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 23922, 15:23:12: Mr.Ely Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 119 (Moschops)! Day 23922, 18:20:46: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 7 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 5! Day 23923, 01:21:35: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 23923, 06:29:30: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 06:44:41: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 06:47:20: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 06:58:45: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 06:59:38: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:00:40: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:36:01: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:36:48: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:37:51: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:45:50: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 07:48:27: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 09:27:14: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 13:54:25: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 13:55:09: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 13:58:00: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:02:02: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:04:57: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:07:36: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:11:20: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:14:53: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:18:43: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:22:10: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:25:52: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:29:42: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:33:29: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 14:53:38: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 15:41:48: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 15:48:02: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 15:51:24: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 15:57:34: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:08:57: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:09:40: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:18:45: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:21:23: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:26:57: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:39:00: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:41:43: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:49:17: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:51:22: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:53:28: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 16:57:05: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 17:02:25: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 17:31:27: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 17:33:31: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 17:50:27: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 18:01:25: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 18:38:10: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 18:38:52: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 18:44:25: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 18:53:35: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:06:21: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:07:00: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:19:55: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:21:01: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:21:52: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:27:17: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 19:29:30: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23923, 21:11:27: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 23925, 00:58:07: Your polo - Lvl 149 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 105! Day 23925, 01:25:19: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 65 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 105! Day 23925, 12:07:31: Mr.Ely Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 149 (Iguanodon)! Day 23925, 12:09:06: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 67 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 23925, 13:01:56: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 67 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 23925, 13:57:03: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 23925, 18:41:19: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 23926, 09:05:45: Mr.Ely Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)! Day 23926, 10:41:34: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 126 (Iguanodon)! Day 23945, 11:02:08: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23946, 08:54:27: Mr.Ely Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 23946, 16:03:54: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 148 (Mesopithecus)! Day 23946, 19:25:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 23947, 19:30:02: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 71 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 70! Day 23950, 14:49:15: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 23950, 15:08:58: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 71 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 23950, 15:32:01: Your Mini-Monkey - Lvl 149 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 135! Day 23952, 11:12:01: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 23952, 11:15:47: Moneky-Jesus froze ororororor - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 23960, 19:44:16: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 23961, 09:39:26: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Bed'! Day 23961, 11:56:44: Mr.Ely Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 23966, 04:24:11: Mr.Ely froze oogway - Lvl 167 (Iguanodon) Day 23966, 04:34:48: Mr.Ely froze sun rise - Lvl 211 (Moschops) Day 23966, 04:42:33: Mr.Ely froze choppy - Lvl 165 (Moschops) Day 23966, 04:51:15: Mr.Ely froze serc - Lvl 157 (Raptor) Day 23966, 05:37:44: Mr.Ely froze Flying serc - Lvl 226 (Pteranodon) Day 23966, 09:36:41: Mr.Ely froze Flying serc - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 23966, 09:39:17: Moneky-Jesus froze pepo - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 23967, 09:00:15: Moneky-Jesus froze ororororor - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 23967, 09:03:43: Moneky-Jesus froze gasy gus - Lvl 140 (Iguanodon) Day 23967, 11:27:11: Moneky-Jesus froze pepo - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 23969, 06:14:22: Moneky-Jesus froze pepo - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 23972, 04:47:16: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 91 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 35! Day 23972, 08:26:12: Mr.Ely froze Gregor - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 24090, 15:51:46: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 24090, 17:31:30: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 24107, 05:55:59: Moschops - Lvl 52 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 24123, 05:15:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24264, 10:26:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24382, 15:51:27: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1571131474,"tribe":"Len's World logs":["Day 35957, 06:46:18: Len was added to the Tribe! Day 35958, 04:51:39: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 35960, 17:31:22: Len claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35960, 18:22:05: Len claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 35961, 00:13:42: Len froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 371 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37128, 17:33:39: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37451, 06:36:05: ALBUS - Lvl 25 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 37467, 16:48:28: Karyna - Lvl 24 (Nygusy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1569762780,"tribe":"Tribe of tjue logs":["Day 32972, 12:10:47: tjue was added to the Tribe! Day 32972, 12:18:59: Rode bultjes die kriebel was added to the Tribe by tjue! Day 32972, 16:43:30: Tribemember Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 was killed by tjue - Lvl 64 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 32972, 16:43:30: Your Tribe killed Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 32972, 20:18:42: Rode bultjes die kriebel Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35 (Dilophosaur)! Day 32985, 18:10:56: Your Rode Kanker - Lvl 35 (Dilophosaur) was killed by tjue - Lvl 68 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 32985, 18:10:56: Your Tribe killed Rode Kanker - Lvl 35 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of tjue)! Day 33061, 17:45:35: Tribemember Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 was killed by tjue - Lvl 71 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 33061, 17:45:35: Your Tribe killed Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 33061, 18:41:03: Tribemember Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 was killed by tjue - Lvl 71 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 33061, 18:41:03: Your Tribe killed Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 13 (Tribe of tjue)! Day 33061, 20:31:17: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 71 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 40! Day 33061, 22:28:33: Ching CHong was added to the Tribe by tjue! Day 33062, 01:48:25: Tribemember Ching CHong - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 33062, 05:42:03: Tribemember Ching CHong - Lvl 9 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 33062, 07:05:39: Tribemember Ching CHong - Lvl 9 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 33062, 07:21:21: Tribemember Ching CHong - Lvl 9 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 33062, 08:21:56: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 73 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 90! Day 33062, 08:36:16: Tribemember Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 33062, 08:54:42: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 73 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 80! Day 33062, 10:02:16: Tribemember tjue - Lvl 73 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 55! Day 33198, 05:48:26: Your meneer kanker - Lvl 84 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 33358, 05:15:38: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33414, 04:23:23: Tribemember Rode bultjes die kriebel - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1565784498,"tribe":"Yo y mis esbirros logs":["Day 28722, 16:00:47: Vasoira was added to the Tribe! Day 28722, 16:31:07: candido was added to the Tribe by Vasoira! Day 28722, 16:35:26: Tribemember candido - Lvl 2 was killed by Vasoira - Lvl 11 (Yo y mis esbirros)! Day 28722, 16:35:26: Your Tribe killed candido - Lvl 2 (Yo y mis esbirros)! Day 28722, 21:34:39: Tribemember candido - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 28723, 02:29:45: Tribemember candido - Lvl 9 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 125! Day 28723, 02:34:59: Tribemember Vasoira - Lvl 17 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 125! Day 28723, 03:16:06: Tribemember candido - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 28723, 04:55:42: Tribemember candido - Lvl 10 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 125! Day 28723, 05:45:27: Tribemember candido - Lvl 10 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 28723, 07:13:15: Tribemember Vasoira - Lvl 18 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 29014, 11:56:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29014, 11:56:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29014, 11:56:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1565486039,"tribe":"Dead By Princess logs":["Day 24320, 07:05:25: Raegharr was added to the Tribe! Day 24320, 07:13:03: Tribe of Elithium tribe was merged in by Elithium! Day 24320, 07:13:03: Elithium was added to the Tribe by Raegharr! Day 24320, 11:08:17: Elithium Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 112 (Dodo)! Day 24320, 16:17:16: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 24320, 16:28:00: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 40! Day 24321, 08:25:58: Elithium Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo)! Day 24321, 11:04:48: Elithium claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 114 (Dodo)'! Day 24321, 15:44:56: Elithium Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 24321, 18:48:20: Elithium Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24322, 05:48:06: Raegharr Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 24322, 14:31:47: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24322, 17:44:38: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24323, 09:33:13: Raegharr Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 24325, 10:17:22: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24325, 11:11:27: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 24325, 18:49:35: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 33 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 24326, 01:45:44: Elithium Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 35 (Castoroides)! Day 24326, 07:51:08: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 37 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 24326, 10:04:10: Elithium claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 54 (Dodo)'! Day 24327, 04:07:53: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 24327, 04:08:09: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 24327, 17:23:24: Juvenile uWu - Lvl 54 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24328, 00:16:03: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 33 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 5! Day 24392, 22:30:49: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 33 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 30! Day 24393, 04:22:02: Elithium claimed 'Baby Dodo - Lvl 117 (Dodo)'! Day 24393, 14:24:38: Your uwu 2.0 - Lvl 117 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 24395, 02:13:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 24395, 09:26:34: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 24395, 09:28:55: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 24395, 11:57:59: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 24395, 12:02:50: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 24395, 18:56:24: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 49 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 70! Day 24395, 22:34:27: Raegharr Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 131 (Carbonemys)! Day 24396, 00:48:59: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 49 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 24396, 00:52:20: Your Leonardo - Lvl 131 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 24396, 00:59:07: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 40 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 24396, 03:15:23: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 49 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 24396, 13:00:59: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 42 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 24396, 16:07:27: Raegharr Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 42 (Sarco)! Day 24397, 01:06:39: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 54 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 24397, 04:11:50: Elithium Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 27 (Raptor)! Day 24397, 10:18:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 67 (Raptor)! Day 24397, 10:22:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 24397, 10:27:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 44 (Raptor)! Day 24397, 11:42:45: Elithium Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 24397, 16:54:33: Raegharr claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 79 (Raptor)'! Day 24398, 04:23:52: Raegharr Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 7 (Pteranodon)! Day 24408, 20:52:21: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 24410, 05:51:35: Elithium Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 24410, 10:52:15: Your Google Chrome - Lvl 17 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 24410, 19:10:57: Elithium Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 81 (Mesopithecus)! Day 24411, 05:01:19: Your Eddie Munson - Lvl 38 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 24411, 13:22:59: Your Air Bus - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 35! Day 24411, 13:31:35: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 24412, 05:06:15: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 66 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24412, 05:43:54: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 66 was killed by Elithium - Lvl 54 (Dead By Princess)! Day 24412, 05:43:54: Your Tribe killed Raegharr - Lvl 66 (Dead By Princess)! Day 24412, 07:06:28: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 24412, 16:43:42: Raegharr demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 24412, 20:28:51: Elithium Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 24412, 20:31:17: Your Air France - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 24413, 00:14:07: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 67 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 24413, 02:36:18: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 24414, 06:22:42: Your Lucas - Lvl 96 (Raptor) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 45! Day 24414, 17:33:21: Elithium Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon)! Day 24415, 07:53:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 24415, 10:52:44: Elithium Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 24416, 13:05:56: Elithium was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Raegharr! Day 24416, 17:53:21: Tribemember Raegharr - Lvl 70 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 24418, 15:56:36: Your Avion de chasse - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 24418, 16:04:47: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 63 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 40! Day 24420, 18:48:57: Your Air max - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 24468, 08:08:10: Tribemember Elithium - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24571, 21:24:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24681, 01:49:13: Minicrotte - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 24705, 00:42:01: Your Dustin - Lvl 96 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24713, 14:25:25: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24726, 01:37:27: Your Multipla - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 24726, 05:55:19: Your Will - Lvl 66 (Raptor) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 24726, 06:02:39: Your Billy - Lvl 45 (Triceratops) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 24726, 10:49:20: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24726, 10:54:29: Your Steve - Lvl 97 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 24726, 11:16:08: Your Alexis - Lvl 112 (Dodo) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 24726, 12:00:01: Your Choupinette - Lvl 143 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 24726, 12:01:43: Your Jean Pierre - Lvl 114 (Dodo) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 24726, 15:11:21: Your 11 - Lvl 96 (Raptor) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 24874, 22:51:39: Your Blablacar - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 24934, 01:51:39: Paupiette - Lvl 53 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 24962, 23:03:08: Max - Lvl 88 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24997, 11:06:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25009, 15:14:43: Sbeve - Lvl 13 (Tribe of Sbeve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dwight - Lvl 62 (Sarco)'! Day 25392, 18:55:12: Mercedes - Lvl 40 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1564573857,"tribe":"Indecisive logs":["Day 22793, 17:19:35: Ene was added to the Tribe! Day 22794, 01:29:53: Ene demolished a 'Stone Staircase'! Day 22810, 04:35:51: Tribemember Ene - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 22810, 06:13:48: Tribemember Ene - Lvl 51 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 22836, 19:48:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 22836, 20:01:32: Ene unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)'! Day 22836, 22:49:07: Ene Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 22838, 02:15:53: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:17:13: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:18:31: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:19:43: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:20:57: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:22:09: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:23:49: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22838, 02:25:14: Ene demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 22851, 06:31:25: Ene Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 22853, 11:26:48: Ene Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 22861, 16:07:08: Ene Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)! Day 22908, 06:07:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 149 (Castoroides)! Day 23155, 06:51:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23351, 06:07:21: Tribemember Ene - Lvl 94 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 65! Day 23357, 07:48:34: Your Potato - Lvl 91 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 23360, 13:51:17: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 23360, 13:51:19: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23360, 13:51:22: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23360, 13:51:25: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23360, 13:51:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 23485, 18:36:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23509, 10:04:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23509, 10:04:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23540, 16:42:34: Triceratops - Lvl 57 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23580, 07:52:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23593, 16:02:49: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mash - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)'! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23793, 01:17:12: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23816, 16:50:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23863, 05:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 23954, 12:51:08: BAKER - Lvl 105 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bean - Lvl 164 (Castoroides)'! Day 23954, 13:06:15: BAKER - Lvl 105 (wayne crosbys rejects) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolo - Lvl 110 (Doedicurus)'!"] "tribeid":1564484592,"tribe":"Chads logs":["Day 23927, 16:17:01: Giga Chad was added to the Tribe! Day 23927, 16:53:08: steve jobs was added to the Tribe by Giga Chad! Day 23927, 16:58:26: Tribemember steve jobs - Lvl 4 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 23927, 17:49:06: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 4 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 23927, 18:00:53: Tribemember steve jobs - Lvl 5 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 23927, 19:09:52: Giga Chad Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23927, 20:38:48: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.0x! Day 23927, 23:06:18: Giga Chad Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 7 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23928, 04:15:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur)! Day 23928, 08:00:40: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 23938, 04:08:31: steve jobs demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 23938, 04:56:05: steve jobs demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 23938, 10:43:30: steve jobs demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 23938, 10:46:15: steve jobs demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Left'! Day 23938, 14:24:57: steve jobs demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23938, 14:25:46: steve jobs demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23938, 14:27:43: steve jobs demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23938, 14:30:44: steve jobs demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23938, 14:33:26: steve jobs demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 23938, 16:53:13: steve jobs Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 14 (Pteranodon)! Day 23949, 15:56:44: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 23 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 10! Day 23950, 05:28:47: Giga Chad Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23950, 05:30:04: Giga Chad Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23950, 05:43:56: Giga Chad Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 23950, 08:10:15: Giga Chad claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 23950, 08:53:24: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 18 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 23950, 12:17:21: Tribemember steve jobs - Lvl 38 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 70 | 0.9x! Day 23950, 12:42:37: Tribemember steve jobs - Lvl 39 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 23951, 09:40:32: Tribemember steve jobs - Lvl 39 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 23952, 03:34:26: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed! Day 24099, 13:07:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24114, 10:01:56: Your tod howard - Lvl 44 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 24241, 01:58:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24347, 10:32:05: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 19 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 30! Day 24397, 04:50:40: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 14 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 24398, 01:46:43: lil pump - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24534, 02:32:55: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 74 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 24534, 12:40:25: Josiah - Lvl 62 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 24673, 02:04:36: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 25115, 18:14:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1563520034,"tribe":"Tribe of Blaku logs":["Day 27607, 01:56:33: Blaku was added to the Tribe! Day 27607, 01:59:22: Tribe of Mensch tribe was merged in by HEHEHEHAW! Day 27607, 01:59:22: HEHEHEHAW was added to the Tribe by Blaku! Day 27607, 02:13:21: Tribemember HEHEHEHAW - Lvl 8 was killed by Blaku - Lvl 1 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 27607, 02:13:21: Your Tribe killed HEHEHEHAW - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Blaku)! Day 27772, 08:53:30: Tribemember HEHEHEHAW - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 27865, 17:23:55: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 27865, 17:46:19: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.8x! Day 27865, 20:26:45: Tribemember Blaku - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 27888, 23:09:01: Blaku Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 59 (Moschops)! Day 27889, 00:14:41: Blaku unclaimed 'Samuel - Lvl 59 (Moschops)'!"] "tribeid":1562392974,"tribe":"Tribe of rhys logs":["Day 40437, 03:20:40: rhys was added to the Tribe! Day 40475, 16:24:29: Tribemember rhys - Lvl 1 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 70!"] "tribeid":1560176575,"tribe":"Tribe of Rock On logs":["Day 25414, 01:11:26: Rock On was added to the Tribe! Day 25414, 01:19:03: Tribe of DinoFodder tribe was merged in by DinoFodder! Day 25414, 01:19:03: DinoFodder was added to the Tribe by Rock On! Day 25414, 09:19:31: DinoFodder was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Rock On! Day 25414, 12:49:37: Tribemember Rock On - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 25414, 14:06:02: Tribemember Rock On - Lvl 1 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.8x! Day 25414, 14:42:47: Tribemember Rock On - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 25427, 03:33:05: Your Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 25427, 04:00:14: Your Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 25437, 06:13:02: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 23 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 25437, 06:22:27: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 22 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25437, 06:30:45: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 25458, 13:19:22: Rock On demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 25557, 11:43:02: Tribemember Rock On - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 25564, 22:37:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25580, 01:56:22: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 90 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 26114, 00:10:53: _.samuu_.08 - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26283, 02:16:06: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 68 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 26628, 17:39:19: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 36457, 01:03:11: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 68 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.8x! Day 36458, 12:22:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 119 (Parasaur)! Day 36458, 14:33:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 36480, 21:27:41: DinoFodder Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 128 (Thylacoleo)! Day 36482, 03:51:55: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 36482, 06:18:44: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 87 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 75! Day 36482, 09:10:54: Your Parasaur - Lvl 240 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 36482, 10:48:19: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 87 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 35 | 0.9x! Day 36482, 12:28:11: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 87 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 75! Day 36482, 13:36:47: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 87 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 36482, 16:29:37: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 87 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 36483, 06:12:33: DinoFodder Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon)! Day 36483, 16:20:52: DinoFodder claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)'! Day 36487, 05:48:11: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 105 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 36487, 05:48:11: Doedicurus - Lvl 105 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 36487, 07:29:22: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 36487, 07:34:07: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 139 (Parasaur) Day 36487, 07:38:54: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 170 (Thylacoleo) Day 36488, 04:50:26: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 36490, 05:27:29: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 36490, 05:40:44: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 142 (Parasaur) Day 36504, 16:08:47: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 98 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 36504, 19:25:56: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 36504, 19:40:42: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 190 (Thylacoleo) Day 36515, 08:25:04: Raptor - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Holiday Tree'! Day 36531, 13:31:09: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 36531, 14:20:30: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (Thylacoleo) Day 36531, 18:05:52: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 36574, 06:12:29: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo) Day 36593, 05:44:35: DinoFodder downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 205 Day 36593, 05:45:42: DinoFodder downloaded a dino: Megalosaurus - Lvl 134 Day 36593, 05:50:46: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon) Day 36593, 05:53:48: DinoFodder froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 134 (Megalosaurus) Day 36593, 07:00:20: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 36593, 07:03:28: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 184 (Parasaur) Day 36597, 15:24:47: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 36598, 11:45:43: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 36598, 18:20:55: DinoFodder Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis)! Day 36598, 18:25:47: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 179 (Argentavis) Day 36598, 18:33:26: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (Thylacoleo) Day 36599, 05:32:14: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) Day 36599, 10:20:14: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (Thylacoleo) Day 36599, 12:11:33: DinoFodder Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 36599, 12:21:15: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 36599, 20:30:03: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 185 (Parasaur) Day 36599, 20:43:09: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 36622, 18:55:06: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 36623, 09:56:39: DinoFodder froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 173 (Megalosaurus) Day 36623, 11:25:11: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 189 (Parasaur) Day 36623, 12:08:16: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 36624, 09:46:07: DinoFodder froze Parasaur - Lvl 189 (Parasaur) Day 36624, 11:25:51: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 36626, 08:25:09: DinoFodder downloaded a dino: Megaloceros - Lvl 209 Day 36626, 09:35:17: DinoFodder froze Megaloceros - Lvl 209 (Megaloceros) Day 36626, 09:54:53: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 36747, 15:04:52: DinoFodder froze Megaloceros - Lvl 209 (Megaloceros) Day 36748, 16:49:54: DinoFodder froze Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 36748, 16:55:52: DinoFodder froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 220 (Thylacoleo) Day 37057, 06:49:13: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37181, 09:10:52: DinoFodder froze Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38124, 09:39:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38396, 00:40:29: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38396, 00:40:29: 's 'Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 38396, 00:40:29: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 39244, 15:21:44: Tribemember DinoFodder - Lvl 102 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30!"] "tribeid":1559874216,"tribe":"Tribe of Blue logs":["Day 17886, 07:54:22: Blue was added to the Tribe! Day 17886, 18:07:49: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Blue' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 20:02:39: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of soldier' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17886, 20:54:41: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17887, 06:55:42: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Enya' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17887, 08:54:22: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 17887, 09:56:55: Blue froze Waffle - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 17970, 17:28:48: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17970, 18:53:08: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of GigaChad' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:13:30: Dalton343 added 'Salty Sea Dogs' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17970, 19:43:59: Dalton343 added 'Tribe of Cheesy' Tribe to Boss Battle Alliance! Day 17971, 06:41:38: Blue froze Waffle - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 07:18:56: Blue froze Waffle - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 11:01:34: Blue froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 17971, 11:18:45: Blue froze Racer - Lvl 273 (Ice Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1559305486,"tribe":"Monkeys Fist logs":["Day 38555, 09:12:04: Mezakeen was added to the Tribe! Day 38555, 20:12:52: Mezakeen froze Obi - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 38556, 19:28:27: Mezakeen froze Grant - Lvl 198 (Argentavis) Day 38556, 19:31:33: Mezakeen froze Castoroides - Lvl 298 (Castoroides) Day 38556, 19:34:37: Mezakeen froze Rollout - Lvl 261 (Aberrant Doedicurus) Day 38556, 19:38:38: Mezakeen froze Aberrant Ankylosaurus - Lvl 263 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus) Day 38556, 19:43:54: Mezakeen froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 219 (Andrewsarchus) Day 38556, 19:51:57: Mezakeen froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 38556, 20:23:45: Mezakeen froze Ward - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39144, 09:36:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39428, 18:43:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39713, 19:49:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 40395, 23:15:11: Bulbdog - Lvl 85 (Bulbdog) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1559252969,"tribe":"Tribe of Oodazz logs":["Day 32635, 14:29:17: Oodazz was added to the Tribe! Day 32635, 14:33:07: Jaz was added to the Tribe by Oodazz! Day 32635, 14:48:30: Caz was added to the Tribe by Oodazz! Day 32635, 14:58:28: Tribemember Oodazz - Lvl 3 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 32635, 15:01:11: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 2 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 32635, 15:16:21: Tribemember Caz - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 32635, 19:23:20: Tribemember Caz - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 32635, 19:24:20: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 32636, 03:54:25: Tribemember Oodazz - Lvl 35 was killed by Caz - Lvl 32 (Tribe of Oodazz)! Day 32636, 03:54:25: Your Tribe killed Oodazz - Lvl 35 (Tribe of Oodazz)! Day 32636, 04:39:44: Tribemember Caz - Lvl 33 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 32636, 04:44:55: Tribemember Jaz - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 32636, 08:55:46: Tribemember Oodazz - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 32663, 13:40:13: Jaz was removed from the Tribe! Day 32814, 10:10:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32956, 09:00:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33345, 10:49:35: Tribemember Oodazz - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 33345, 11:08:35: Tribemember Caz - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35!"] "tribeid":1553398451,"tribe":"Tribe of крабсбургер logs":["Day 27628, 00:59:13: крабсбургер was added to the Tribe! Day 27628, 01:05:48: Tribe of magayska tribe was merged in by magayska! Day 27628, 01:05:48: magayska was added to the Tribe by крабсбургер! Day 27628, 06:26:09: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 27628, 06:26:09: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 27628, 10:13:59: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50! Day 27649, 03:55:37: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 27649, 06:00:02: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 27649, 06:17:01: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 13 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 27649, 15:15:50: magayska Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 6 (Dodo)! Day 27649, 15:35:08: magayska Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 27649, 15:55:40: Your Сашка - Lvl 6 (Dodo) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 90! Day 27650, 06:28:35: magayska Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 142 (Pachy)! Day 27650, 08:54:54: крабсбургер claimed 'MADE IN HEAVEN - Lvl 218 (Parasaur)'! Day 27726, 23:11:48: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 27727, 06:16:08: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 06:23:27: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 46 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 06:42:43: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 46 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 06:55:10: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 07:30:07: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 46 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 08:06:36: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 08:07:59: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 46 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 08:23:02: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 46 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27727, 09:06:40: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 10! Day 27727, 09:52:32: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 5! Day 27727, 12:12:49: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 38 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 27742, 14:41:27: magayska Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 27742, 23:20:19: magayska Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 27750, 07:02:51: magayska Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 120 (Pteranodon)! Day 27750, 14:40:04: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 41 was killed by magayska - Lvl 53 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27750, 14:40:04: Your Tribe killed крабсбургер - Lvl 41 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27750, 15:04:24: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 53 was killed by крабсбургер - Lvl 43 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27750, 15:04:24: Your Tribe killed magayska - Lvl 53 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27750, 20:43:06: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 43 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 27750, 22:35:17: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 43 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 27750, 23:28:15: magayska Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 66 (Pteranodon)! Day 27754, 21:40:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27754, 21:43:51: Your 'Cooking Pot (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 27755, 08:40:15: magayska claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27755, 08:44:52: крабсбургер claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27755, 08:49:36: крабсбургер claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27765, 10:55:27: Juvenile дезодорант - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27765, 10:55:27: Juvenile сушилка для стирки - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27765, 10:55:27: Juvenile Приёмный уебан 3 - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 27769, 12:14:49: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 58 was killed by magayska - Lvl 62 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27769, 12:14:49: Your Tribe killed крабсбургер - Lvl 58 (Tribe of крабсбургер)! Day 27769, 13:26:43: крабсбургер Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 72 (Megalodon)! Day 27769, 16:18:53: крабсбургер Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 101 (Megalodon)! Day 27770, 01:40:18: magayska demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 27790, 21:43:49: крабсбургер Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 18 (Dodo)! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28234, 11:31:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28317, 23:26:38: Your гидравлический прес - Lvl 112 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 30! Day 28318, 00:04:18: Your Шаштын барлык - Lvl 72 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 28479, 20:45:41: шуруповерт - Lvl 18 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28518, 04:50:16: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28557, 09:15:14: Vorty - Lvl 86 (Alpha Raptors) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Крылатый уебан - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28600, 14:58:06: батарея - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28600, 18:43:26: Your Женя - Lvl 91 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 28600, 22:49:29: Tribemember крабсбургер - Lvl 61 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 28600, 22:52:55: Tribemember magayska - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 28619, 19:17:20: Blue - Lvl 71 (Tribe Of The Lost) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'попугай Вити - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29108, 23:06:18: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29108, 23:06:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29359, 07:58:56: Красный хуеглот - Lvl 70 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 29406, 08:50:43: Zax - Lvl 68 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 29780, 04:01:51: Камнелом работает за отс - Lvl 142 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 31364, 17:58:46: Akane - Lvl 25 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'чайная ложечка - Lvl 238 (Parasaur)'!"] "tribeid":1550139604,"tribe":"Tribe of Bradderz901 logs":["Day 38085, 18:21:36: Bradderz901 was added to the Tribe! Day 38086, 10:30:48: Bradderz901 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 38087, 04:26:19: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 38087, 12:08:37: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 35 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 38088, 08:25:50: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 37 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 10! Day 38089, 01:48:42: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38089, 01:50:03: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 38089, 01:52:54: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38089, 01:54:20: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38089, 01:56:46: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38089, 01:58:05: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 38089, 02:07:19: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38089, 02:08:52: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 38089, 08:10:31: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 48 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 38089, 09:29:30: Your Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 38089, 16:10:40: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 38089, 17:29:13: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 38089, 18:09:12: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 5 | 1.0x! Day 38089, 19:11:58: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 38090, 11:26:12: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 52 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 125! Day 38090, 19:28:23: Castoroides - Lvl 70 destroyed your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 38091, 01:53:33: Bradderz901 Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides)! Day 38091, 08:17:11: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 38091, 08:27:06: Your woody - Lvl 31 (Castoroides) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40! Day 38091, 20:48:01: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 38094, 08:30:12: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 30! Day 38094, 23:54:22: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 38094, 23:54:22: Your Tribe killed Bradderz901 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of Bradderz901)! Day 38095, 19:07:27: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 62 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 38095, 21:36:56: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 176 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 38096, 00:09:34: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 38096, 08:25:00: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 64 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 38096, 09:32:50: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 64 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 70! Day 38108, 18:56:48: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 65 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 115! Day 38109, 10:07:01: Bradderz901 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 17 (Pteranodon)! Day 38110, 11:41:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38110, 13:14:51: Bradderz901 demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 38111, 12:34:19: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 73 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 38111, 13:59:04: Bradderz901 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 38111, 16:43:03: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 38111, 20:11:23: Bradderz901 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 38111, 20:13:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)! Day 38112, 11:07:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 89 (Sabertooth)! Day 38112, 11:07:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 59 (Sabertooth)! Day 38112, 11:18:50: Tribemember Bradderz901 - Lvl 74 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38112, 14:22:18: Your Raptor - Lvl 125 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 38112, 14:22:27: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 95 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 38112, 16:06:44: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 61 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 38114, 08:53:43: Bradderz901 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 38115, 10:50:08: Bradderz901 uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 206 Day 38115, 10:52:29: Bradderz901 uploaded a Pteranodon: please dont die - Lvl 227 Day 38115, 11:10:29: Bradderz901 uploaded a Argentavis: metal runner - Lvl 240 Day 38266, 14:04:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38694, 13:02:18: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38694, 13:02:18: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39003, 03:58:29: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39269, 09:32:14: DuoMog - Lvl 177 (Duo Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)'! Day 39269, 10:00:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 39286, 13:38:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1549550490,"tribe":"Black Water logs":["Day 29777, 08:25:56: LilConqueror froze Mountain Sound - Lvl 313 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29777, 08:31:29: LilConqueror froze Rise Above - Lvl 201 (Stegosaurus) Day 29777, 08:36:25: LilConqueror froze Rumblehorn - Lvl 237 (Triceratops) Day 29777, 08:41:37: LilConqueror froze Pools - Lvl 111 (Beelzebufo) Day 29777, 16:06:52: LilConqueror froze Smashy - Lvl 100 (Doedicurus) Day 29778, 10:45:16: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 268 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29779, 09:05:15: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 353 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29779, 23:07:11: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 353 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29780, 02:52:07: LilConqueror froze Smashy - Lvl 100 (Doedicurus) Day 29780, 04:19:38: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 268 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29780, 04:55:54: LilConqueror froze Mountain Sound - Lvl 313 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29780, 04:59:39: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 268 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29803, 01:22:33: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 353 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29803, 22:29:43: LilConqueror downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 194 Day 29803, 23:27:23: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 353 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29804, 00:31:03: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 196 (Sinomacrops) Day 29830, 23:40:28: LilConqueror Tamed a Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)! Day 29831, 00:03:46: LilConqueror froze Bismarck - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 29831, 03:23:27: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 355 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 29832, 23:11:21: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops) Day 30065, 20:41:11: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 358 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30081, 16:42:29: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 285 (Sinomacrops) Day 30180, 18:32:36: LilConqueror claimed 'Tyrunt - Lvl 255 (Rex)'! Day 30180, 18:43:31: LilConqueror froze Tyrunt - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 30180, 18:49:51: LilConqueror claimed 'Roxanne - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 30180, 18:54:53: LilConqueror froze Tyrunt - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 30180, 18:58:53: LilConqueror froze Roxanne - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 30180, 20:44:46: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 290 (Sinomacrops) Day 30180, 21:20:04: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 359 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30247, 08:27:09: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 359 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30247, 08:32:42: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 292 (Sinomacrops) Day 30275, 11:36:52: LilConqueror froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur) Day 30275, 20:46:23: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 360 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30276, 01:04:06: LilConqueror froze Cyan - Lvl 312 (Managarmr) Day 30325, 17:29:08: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 361 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 30325, 17:56:20: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 294 (Sinomacrops) Day 30488, 02:03:20: Therizinosaur - Lvl 147 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 30491, 01:24:17: LilConqueror froze Sharkey - Lvl 243 (Sinomacrops) Day 30491, 01:41:27: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 302 (Sinomacrops) Day 30491, 01:54:31: LilConqueror froze Cyan - Lvl 322 (Managarmr) Day 30769, 18:08:54: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31009, 07:21:22: LilConqueror froze Cyan - Lvl 322 (Managarmr) Day 31009, 09:41:06: LilConqueror claimed 'eee - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31009, 10:09:55: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31009, 13:05:59: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31095, 08:54:08: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31095, 15:33:31: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 302 (Sinomacrops) Day 31095, 15:38:18: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31095, 22:31:36: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31095, 22:35:05: LilConqueror downloaded a dino: Firnen - Lvl 176 Day 31095, 23:49:58: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31096, 10:10:51: LilConqueror froze Rise Above - Lvl 201 (Stegosaurus) Day 31096, 14:02:09: LilConqueror froze Vine - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 31096, 14:52:20: LilConqueror froze Vine - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 31096, 16:14:37: LilConqueror froze Vine - Lvl 341 (Thylacoleo) Day 31096, 18:39:00: LilConqueror froze Mountain Sound - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31097, 00:07:28: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31097, 00:15:33: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31097, 09:41:43: LilConqueror froze Flare - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31097, 09:44:01: LilConqueror downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 Day 31097, 09:46:30: LilConqueror downloaded a dino: Firnen - Lvl 188 Day 31097, 13:25:48: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 285 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31097, 13:30:09: LilConqueror froze Mountain Sound - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31097, 14:36:21: LilConqueror claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31097, 14:40:43: LilConqueror froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31097, 15:43:46: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31097, 15:48:47: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31097, 15:53:05: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31099, 14:12:57: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31265, 22:46:16: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31290, 08:59:19: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31293, 07:26:13: LilConqueror froze Megalodon - Lvl 247 (Megalodon) Day 31293, 11:14:29: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31293, 12:29:10: Tinyelephant claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31293, 12:35:51: Tinyelephant froze Baby mut2 - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 31294, 06:39:30: Tinyelephant froze Smashy - Lvl 176 (Doedicurus) Day 31294, 07:09:03: Tinyelephant froze Rise Above - Lvl 273 (Stegosaurus) Day 31294, 07:41:45: Tinyelephant froze Rumblehorn - Lvl 237 (Triceratops) Day 31294, 07:57:54: LilConqueror Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 127 (Therizinosaur)! Day 31294, 08:12:03: LilConqueror froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 127 (Therizinosaur) Day 31294, 09:54:43: LilConqueror froze Glisten - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31294, 12:07:00: LilConqueror froze Flare - Lvl 277 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31294, 12:45:47: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31294, 12:47:06: Tinyelephant froze Sharkey - Lvl 271 (Sinomacrops) Day 31294, 12:49:28: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31294, 12:53:52: Tinyelephant froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31294, 17:46:13: LilConqueror froze Roxanne - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 31294, 17:49:01: LilConqueror froze Bismarck - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 31294, 17:52:59: LilConqueror froze Tyrunt - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 31294, 20:36:53: Tinyelephant froze Empire - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 31294, 20:44:34: Tinyelephant froze Sharkey - Lvl 271 (Sinomacrops) Day 31294, 21:06:36: LilConqueror froze Cyan - Lvl 348 (Managarmr) Day 31294, 21:14:30: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31295, 08:03:37: Tinyelephant downloaded a dino: Snow Owl - Lvl 174 Day 31295, 08:10:00: Tinyelephant froze Snow Owl - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) Day 31295, 09:07:25: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31314, 09:16:30: LilConqueror froze Mountain Sound - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 31314, 12:18:06: LilConqueror froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur) Day 31314, 13:14:44: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 285 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31314, 16:59:13: LilConqueror froze Flare - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 31314, 17:26:45: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31316, 00:57:17: LilConqueror froze Monster energy - Lvl 267 (Baryonyx) Day 31316, 01:00:48: LilConqueror froze Baryonyx - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 31316, 05:43:41: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31316, 08:34:49: LilConqueror froze Megalodon - Lvl 305 (Megalodon) Day 31316, 09:49:13: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31430, 14:33:03: LilConqueror Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 111 (Basilosaurus)! Day 31430, 14:36:25: LilConqueror froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 111 (Basilosaurus) Day 31430, 16:23:24: LilConqueror froze Megalodon - Lvl 314 (Megalodon) Day 31430, 16:57:43: LilConqueror froze Pools - Lvl 192 (Beelzebufo) Day 31430, 18:15:09: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 326 (Sinomacrops) Day 31430, 21:21:51: LilConqueror froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 127 (Basilosaurus) Day 31431, 00:04:40: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 329 (Sinomacrops) Day 31450, 10:13:40: LilConqueror froze Crocodylan - Lvl 300 (Sarco) Day 31450, 12:01:09: LilConqueror froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 148 (Basilosaurus) Day 31450, 13:42:11: LilConqueror Tamed a Mosasaurus - Lvl 74 (Mosasaurus)! Day 31450, 13:50:48: LilConqueror froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 74 (Mosasaurus) Day 31450, 15:42:47: LilConqueror froze Crocodylan - Lvl 300 (Sarco) Day 31450, 17:58:52: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31451, 18:03:50: LilConqueror froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 81 (Mosasaurus) Day 31451, 19:31:37: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 31481, 08:29:24: LilConqueror froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 81 (Mosasaurus) Day 31481, 08:35:27: LilConqueror froze Megalodon - Lvl 314 (Megalodon) Day 31481, 10:17:53: LilConqueror froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 119 (Mosasaurus) Day 31481, 10:45:03: LilConqueror froze Leave her, Johnny - Lvl 168 (Basilosaurus) Day 31481, 11:06:32: Tinyelephant froze Randy Dandy O - Lvl 314 (Megalodon) Day 31481, 11:16:39: LilConqueror froze The Mariner's Revenge - Lvl 119 (Mosasaurus) Day 31481, 11:55:31: Tinyelephant froze mut1 - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake) Day 31481, 12:27:37: Tinyelephant froze mut1 - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake) Day 31481, 16:28:38: Tinyelephant froze mut1 - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake) Day 31481, 17:35:11: LilConqueror unclaimed 'mut1 - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake)'! Day 31481, 18:36:25: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 329 (Sinomacrops) Day 31481, 18:45:58: Tinyelephant froze Sharkey - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops) Day 31481, 18:49:46: LilConqueror froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 329 (Sinomacrops) Day 31482, 02:03:42: LilConqueror froze The Mariner's Revenge - Lvl 126 (Mosasaurus) Day 31482, 02:11:03: Tinyelephant froze Leave her, Johnny - Lvl 171 (Basilosaurus) Day 31482, 06:17:42: LilConqueror froze Bismarck - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 31482, 07:24:51: Tinyelephant froze January white - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 31482, 08:48:22: LilConqueror froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur) Day 31482, 08:52:15: LilConqueror froze Monster energy - Lvl 267 (Baryonyx) Day 31482, 09:01:47: LilConqueror froze Bang - Lvl 202 (Baryonyx) Day 31482, 09:54:59: LilConqueror froze Devil's Backbone - Lvl 161 (Therizinosaur) Day 31482, 13:18:13: Tinyelephant froze Sharkey - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops) Day 31482, 13:36:27: LilConqueror froze Iridescence - Lvl 350 (Managarmr) Day 31482, 14:08:02: Tinyelephant froze January white - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 31482, 14:28:23: LilConqueror froze Iridescence - Lvl 350 (Managarmr) Day 31482, 14:39:38: LilConqueror froze Ma Chao - Lvl 329 (Sinomacrops) Day 31589, 17:26:10: LilConqueror froze Smashy - Lvl 180 (Doedicurus) Day 31589, 17:33:04: LilConqueror froze Ma Chao - Lvl 332 (Sinomacrops) Day 31759, 15:02:58: LilConqueror froze Ma Chao - Lvl 332 (Sinomacrops) Day 32057, 10:35:23: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32067, 06:33:39: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32067, 06:37:32: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 288 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 32406, 00:27:46: LilConqueror froze Sharkey - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops) Day 32807, 01:53:10: LilConqueror froze F5 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:00:22: LilConqueror froze mut2 - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:11:49: LilConqueror froze F3 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:15:20: LilConqueror froze F6 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:24:39: LilConqueror froze F1 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:34:22: LilConqueror froze F4 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 32807, 02:39:54: LilConqueror froze F2 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 33256, 17:34:40: H-Rex - Lvl 99 (Tribe of kokow22) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 33321, 23:18:06: Tinyelephant froze Rise Above - Lvl 287 (Stegosaurus) Day 33633, 22:56:12: Tinyelephant froze F7 - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 34385, 15:06:34: LilConqueror froze Frostburn - Lvl 281 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 34435, 15:08:28: LilConqueror froze Ma Chao - Lvl 332 (Sinomacrops) Day 34954, 01:24:13: Tinyelephant froze Rise Above - Lvl 289 (Stegosaurus) Day 35285, 17:37:39: LilConqueror froze Rumblehorn - Lvl 237 (Triceratops) Day 35285, 19:37:09: LilConqueror froze Frostburn - Lvl 281 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 35695, 15:47:38: LilConqueror froze Shimmer - Lvl 307 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 36169, 14:01:40: LilConqueror froze Firnen - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 36169, 14:45:47: LilConqueror froze Rumblehorn - Lvl 237 (Triceratops) Day 36169, 15:33:45: LilConqueror froze Iridescence - Lvl 378 (Managarmr) Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37531, 15:37:08: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 37557, 14:15:12: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Empire - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake)'! Day 37557, 14:18:53: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flooficus maximus - Lvl 185 (Ovis)'! Day 37557, 14:19:16: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scissors - Lvl 208 (Ovis)'! Day 37557, 14:48:26: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uneven Odds - Lvl 268 (Raptor)'! Day 37568, 11:54:47: Bong - Lvl 100 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'North - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37568, 12:53:08: Bong - Lvl 100 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spirit of Freedom - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37568, 14:15:56: Johnson - Lvl 113 (The Johnsonators) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Around the Bend - Lvl 376 (Pteranodon)'! Day 37589, 18:34:32: Tribemember Tinyelephant - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 37759, 10:49:02: Dilophosaur - Lvl 35 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 37759, 11:06:13: Tribemember LilConqueror - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 35! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38741, 23:23:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1548061873,"tribe":"Ghumzy logs":["Day 30464, 17:23:33: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 30464, 17:38:53: ballsack was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 30465, 06:26:23: Camaroni was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 30465, 08:35:28: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 7 was killed by ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 08:35:28: Your Tribe killed Camaroni - Lvl 7 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 09:44:48: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 8 was killed by ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 09:44:48: Your Tribe killed Camaroni - Lvl 8 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 11:55:45: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 10 was killed by ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 11:55:45: Your Tribe killed Camaroni - Lvl 10 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 12:59:16: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 10 was killed by ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 12:59:16: Your Tribe killed Camaroni - Lvl 10 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 13:01:31: Tribemember ballsack - Lvl 23 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 27 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 13:01:31: Your Tribe killed ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 13:29:32: Tribemember ballsack - Lvl 23 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 27 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 13:29:32: Your Tribe killed ballsack - Lvl 23 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 14:12:16: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 11 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 28 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 14:12:16: Your Tribe killed Camaroni - Lvl 11 (Ghumzy)! Day 30465, 15:01:03: Tribemember ballsack - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 30465, 20:10:54: Tribemember ballsack - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 30537, 14:37:28: Tribemember Camaroni - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 30537, 18:28:56: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 30 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 110! Day 30537, 18:29:49: Tribemember ballsack - Lvl 23 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 110! Day 30617, 16:07:36: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31043, 00:27:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 33775, 07:00:47: Tribe Owner was changed to ballsack!"] "tribeid":1547264714,"tribe":"Tribe of The Noob logs":["Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28045, 07:28:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28046, 18:41:22: Alexxe - Lvl 121 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 251 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 28046, 19:08:58: Alexxe - Lvl 121 (Awkward) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 266 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 28068, 21:42:00: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28352, 16:37:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28352, 16:37:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28352, 16:37:58: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1544383712,"tribe":"Tribe of Mad Lads logs":["Day 11895, 05:40:23: Shemy froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 11895, 05:42:31: Shemy froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 11895, 06:26:03: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 11895, 06:28:09: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11895, 06:41:54: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 11895, 06:43:15: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 11895, 06:44:42: Your Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 240 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 11895, 07:06:03: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 250 (Otter) Day 11895, 07:21:48: Shemy claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 11895, 07:57:20: Shemy claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter)'! Day 11895, 07:58:06: Shemy claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter)'! Day 11895, 08:09:18: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:12:50: Shemy froze Baby Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:14:40: Shemy froze Baby Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:35:43: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:46:53: Shemy claimed 'Baby Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter)'! Day 11895, 08:48:37: Shemy froze Baby Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:50:53: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) Day 11895, 08:52:26: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11895, 10:33:22: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 11895, 11:41:57: Your Juvenile Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) was killed! Day 11895, 11:41:57: Juvenile Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) starved to death! Day 11895, 16:22:35: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter) Day 11895, 16:25:14: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter) Day 11895, 19:44:51: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 11895, 20:39:10: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 11895, 20:44:12: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 11896, 00:27:14: Shemy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 264 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 02:40:42: Shemy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 301 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 04:10:35: Shemy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 313 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 06:25:42: Shemy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 06:43:11: Shemy froze ST770 W450 M334 - Lvl 329 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 11:31:25: Shemy froze ST770 W450 M334 - Lvl 329 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 11:40:11: Shemy claimed 'Baby Castoroides - Lvl 234 (Castoroides)'! Day 11896, 11:45:19: Shemy froze Baby Castoroides - Lvl 234 (Castoroides) Day 11896, 11:48:52: Shemy froze Chip - Lvl 239 (Castoroides) Day 11896, 11:50:52: Shemy froze Chipster - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 11896, 12:13:10: Shemy claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 11896, 12:17:27: Shemy froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 14:09:01: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 11896, 14:40:40: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 11896, 14:47:34: Shemy froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11896, 18:58:45: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 262 (Spino) Day 11896, 19:56:32: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 11897, 06:17:31: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 307 (Doedicurus) Day 11897, 06:23:46: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 11897, 13:01:12: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11897, 13:41:14: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 11897, 13:46:43: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 299 (Basilosaurus) Day 11897, 13:57:24: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 11897, 14:21:33: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 279 (Snow Owl) Day 11897, 14:25:04: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 219 (Basilosaurus) Day 11898, 05:17:54: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 11898, 07:21:47: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 11898, 07:24:05: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 222 (Basilosaurus) Day 11898, 08:15:26: Shemy froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 11898, 08:27:18: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 11900, 22:34:38: Shemy froze Scully's MEHEHHE - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 11901, 05:18:53: Shemy froze Castoroides - Lvl 234 (Castoroides) Day 11901, 06:17:41: Shemy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11908, 09:48:12: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 260 (Otter) Day 11908, 09:53:17: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11908, 09:56:54: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 11908, 10:23:58: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 11908, 10:25:31: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 11908, 11:37:11: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11908, 11:39:24: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11908, 11:51:08: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 209 (Otter) Day 11908, 11:52:40: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 260 (Otter) Day 11908, 12:24:40: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 262 (Spino) Day 11908, 13:45:05: Shemy claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 220 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11908, 13:49:48: Shemy froze Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 220 (Doedicurus) Day 11908, 13:55:19: Shemy froze Castoroides - Lvl 234 (Castoroides) Day 11908, 14:03:46: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 11908, 14:05:45: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 11908, 16:24:54: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11910, 06:15:57: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11912, 08:14:05: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 11912, 08:17:19: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino) Day 11912, 08:39:15: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 08:41:20: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 08:43:35: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 09:34:25: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 11912, 09:34:53: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 11912, 09:35:29: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 11912, 09:36:08: Shemy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 11912, 09:40:44: Shemy claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 231 (Spino)'! Day 11912, 09:43:21: Shemy froze Baby Spino - Lvl 231 (Spino) Day 11912, 09:46:55: Shemy froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 09:49:11: Shemy froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 09:51:09: Shemy froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 09:56:35: Shemy froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11912, 10:04:44: Shemy claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino)'! Day 11912, 10:05:20: Shemy claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino)'! Day 11912, 10:05:46: Shemy claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino)'! Day 11912, 10:09:16: Shemy froze Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11912, 10:11:09: Shemy froze Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11912, 10:13:00: Shemy froze Baby Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11912, 13:33:54: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 282 (Spino) Day 11915, 18:22:24: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11915, 18:24:32: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11915, 18:26:33: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 11915, 18:29:44: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11915, 18:34:12: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 225 (Doedicurus) Day 11915, 19:33:41: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11916, 01:16:10: Shemy Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon)! Day 11916, 01:22:52: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) Day 11916, 09:02:10: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 350 (Basilosaurus) Day 11917, 00:40:32: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11917, 00:48:14: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) Day 11917, 05:58:05: Shemy Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)! Day 11917, 06:05:58: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon) Day 11917, 07:07:11: Shemy froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 350 (Basilosaurus) Day 11918, 05:35:38: Shemy claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 215 (Megalodon)'! Day 11918, 06:08:33: Shemy froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11918, 09:59:06: Shemy froze Chip - Lvl 239 (Castoroides) Day 11918, 10:01:19: Shemy froze Chipster - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 11918, 10:07:23: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 11918, 10:10:39: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 11918, 11:30:37: Shemy froze Juvenile Megalodon - Lvl 215 (Megalodon) Day 11918, 18:10:23: Shemy froze Black Pearl - Lvl 297 (Gacha) Day 11918, 22:03:59: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon) Day 11918, 22:09:44: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 209 (Megalodon) Day 11919, 09:05:45: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11919, 09:08:21: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 204 (Spino) Day 11919, 09:10:23: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 231 (Spino) Day 11919, 10:42:03: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 235 (Spino) Day 11919, 10:44:47: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 208 (Spino) Day 11919, 10:47:21: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 208 (Spino) Day 11919, 10:49:36: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 208 (Spino) Day 11919, 13:27:29: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon) Day 11919, 15:24:26: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 245 (Megalodon) Day 11919, 19:00:05: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 291 (Spino) Day 11919, 19:03:46: Shemy froze Megalodon - Lvl 246 (Megalodon) Day 11919, 21:24:49: Shemy froze Juvenile Mosasaurus - Lvl 206 (Mosasaurus) Day 11923, 17:43:52: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11923, 17:54:09: Shemy froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 212 (Mosasaurus) Day 11924, 23:20:38: Shemy froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 294 (Mosasaurus) Day 11927, 07:19:38: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (Snow Owl) Day 11928, 19:00:51: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 274 (Otter) Day 11930, 07:59:51: Shemy froze Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 207 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11930, 10:11:14: Shemy froze Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 207 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11930, 14:08:51: Fruj added 'Dinobots' Tribe to Smol Bean Alliance! Day 11935, 12:51:04: Shemy froze Spino - Lvl 297 (Spino) Day 11935, 13:12:14: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11935, 13:24:49: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 209 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11935, 17:39:30: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 11936, 06:23:18: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 317 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11936, 07:06:19: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 326 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11936, 16:52:05: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 327 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11936, 18:04:07: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 374 (Beelzebufo) Day 11936, 21:28:53: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 377 (Beelzebufo) Day 11937, 08:37:34: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 269 (Otter) Day 11938, 03:10:31: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 377 (Beelzebufo) Day 11938, 09:17:53: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 381 (Beelzebufo) Day 11939, 09:32:22: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 282 (Snow Owl) Day 11939, 09:46:38: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 277 (Otter) Day 11941, 12:39:57: Shemy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11942, 13:23:42: Shemy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11942, 13:24:30: Shemy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11942, 13:36:35: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11942, 13:39:25: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11942, 14:24:39: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11942, 14:26:37: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 67 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11942, 15:01:32: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 11943, 06:00:51: Shemy froze H13413 S984 W2848 M366 - Lvl 331 (Brontosaurus) Day 11943, 13:37:10: Shemy unclaimed 'Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter)'! Day 11943, 15:12:29: Shemy froze Mantis - Lvl 329 (Mantis) Day 11943, 16:09:13: Shemy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11943, 16:12:48: Shemy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11943, 16:14:44: Shemy unclaimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 11943, 16:24:34: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11943, 16:48:27: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11943, 17:08:25: Shemy froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11944, 15:28:38: Shemy froze Mantis - Lvl 330 (Mantis) Day 11951, 08:55:34: Shemy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11951, 10:39:01: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 381 (Beelzebufo) Day 11951, 10:43:47: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 271 (Otter) Day 11951, 13:22:18: Shemy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 383 (Beelzebufo) Day 11951, 15:00:52: Shemy froze Otter - Lvl 271 (Otter) Day 11952, 07:16:49: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 351 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11957, 12:30:02: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 312 (Doedicurus) Day 11957, 12:39:36: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 11957, 16:25:25: Shemy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11957, 16:30:00: Shemy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 71 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11957, 16:41:44: Shemy froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11958, 13:51:10: Tribemember Shemy - Lvl 139 was killed! Day 11958, 19:36:23: Shemy froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 361 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11958, 19:53:49: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 11962, 10:15:49: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 11962, 10:18:16: Shemy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 313 (Doedicurus) Day 12001, 08:31:05: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 316 (Snow Owl) Day 12001, 11:17:05: Shemy Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 12001, 14:57:22: Shemy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 12015, 18:14:58: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 12137, 15:51:21: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 12137, 19:05:57: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 357 (Therizinosaur) Day 12276, 17:38:30: Achatina - Lvl 98 (Achatina) starved to death! Day 12295, 13:19:57: Your Skorble - Lvl 22 (Pulmonoscorpius) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:19:57: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:24:24: Your Achatina - Lvl 213 (Achatina) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:25:28: Your skprblr - Lvl 11 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:26:03: Your skirbl - Lvl 24 (Argentavis) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:26:53: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 6 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:28:14: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 14 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:28:14: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:31:01: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 14 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:33:40: Your Achatina - Lvl 218 (Achatina) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:39:46: Your Pterno - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12295, 13:44:42: Your Silica Pearls - Lvl 225 (Gacha) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 12296, 12:25:18: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:25:45: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:26:10: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:26:38: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:27:05: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:27:30: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 12:28:12: Shemy demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 12296, 12:28:51: Shemy demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 12296, 12:29:19: Shemy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12296, 14:47:02: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 364 (Therizinosaur) Day 12344, 15:01:44: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12344, 15:01:44: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12516, 11:16:48: Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12512, 13:04:27: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12518, 10:19:51: Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12528, 00:39:47: Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12639, 08:56:56: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Element Dust M - Lvl 207 (Gacha)'! Day 12639, 09:00:19: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12639, 09:02:26: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ELEDM [Clone] - Lvl 204 (Gacha)'! Day 12639, 09:04:41: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sap F - Lvl 196 (Gacha)'! Day 12639, 09:08:25: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12639, 09:09:07: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12639, 09:15:19: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 383 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 12639, 09:17:47: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rockbiter - Lvl 217 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12639, 09:19:15: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12639, 09:26:32: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H3055 ST 1470 W675 M403 - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12639, 09:35:07: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Polymer M - Lvl 228 (Gacha)'! Day 12639, 09:35:27: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poly - Lvl 187 (Gacha)'! Day 12639, 09:43:59: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H13413 S984 W2848 M366 - Lvl 332 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 12639, 09:57:59: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 332 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 12639, 09:58:30: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 314 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12639, 09:58:46: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woodstock - Lvl 306 (Castoroides)'! Day 12639, 09:59:23: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 12639, 10:12:14: bolinoso - Lvl 124 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12649, 07:36:07: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12650, 15:12:51: Human - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scout - Lvl 319 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12650, 15:17:24: Osas - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12650, 15:55:36: Human - Lvl 74 (Tribe of Osas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12673, 08:15:14: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12673, 08:15:21: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12673, 08:15:35: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12673, 08:16:06: Ryan - Lvl 125 (404) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 187 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12682, 15:05:00: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 357 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 15:19:02: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 16:11:07: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 354 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 16:13:05: Shemy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 355 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 16:15:05: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 16:17:06: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 370 (Snow Owl) Day 12682, 16:19:20: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 377 (Therizinosaur) Day 13234, 09:05:25: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 386 (Therizinosaur) Day 13234, 09:46:51: Shemy froze Resource - Lvl 360 (Doedicurus) Day 13234, 10:08:04: Shemy froze Resource - Lvl 360 (Doedicurus) Day 13234, 10:31:15: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 366 (Argentavis) Day 13599, 07:09:31: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 390 (Snow Owl) Day 13663, 05:40:26: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 391 (Therizinosaur) Day 14050, 18:40:56: Fertiliser - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14621, 19:05:43: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 14681, 18:20:59: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14681, 20:32:35: Tribemember Shemy - Lvl 139 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 15508, 06:29:50: Your 'Automated Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15508, 06:29:50: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15508, 06:29:50: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15508, 06:29:50: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15508, 06:29:50: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15566, 06:07:47: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15574, 13:11:53: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15577, 11:39:59: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15589, 21:09:10: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15590, 03:44:23: Shemy froze Mantis - Lvl 395 (Mantis) Day 15590, 05:26:09: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15590, 09:04:05: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15593, 07:35:42: Shemy froze ST770 W450 M334 - Lvl 401 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15593, 09:03:34: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15607, 05:04:23: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15610, 11:49:00: Shemy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 440 (Tek Rex) Day 15610, 12:13:04: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 397 (Argentavis) Day 15613, 06:53:17: Shemy froze Argentavis - Lvl 397 (Argentavis) Day 15613, 20:12:17: Shemy froze Power - Lvl 411 (Therizinosaur) Day 15613, 20:17:03: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15613, 22:52:32: Shemy froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 395 (Brontosaurus) Day 15620, 09:07:23: Shemy froze Chip - Lvl 395 (Castoroides) Day 15620, 09:09:19: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 396 (Snow Owl) Day 15968, 18:26:46: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15968, 18:26:46: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16016, 08:38:31: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 397 (Snow Owl) Day 16258, 01:52:35: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 16259, 01:10:03: Shemy froze H3055 S1470 W675 M408 - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 16463, 12:31:15: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 16464, 01:38:54: Tribemember Shemy - Lvl 139 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16902, 13:34:12: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16944, 08:41:06: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17125, 07:28:12: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18311, 15:03:16: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20488, 01:45:42: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1543608647,"tribe":"Tribe of BettyKnocks logs":["Day 31671, 09:07:27: BettyKnocks was added to the Tribe! Day 31671, 10:34:15: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 10:38:36: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 10:42:42: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 10:46:32: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 10:51:28: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 10:55:45: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 11:00:16: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 31671, 11:57:30: BettyKnocks froze Speedy - Lvl 336 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 32223, 00:58:53: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32270, 08:18:02: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32364, 23:07:02: Paste (Sinomacrops)'s 'Bee - Lvl 299 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 32521, 20:27:41: Dung Beetle - Lvl 85 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32554, 03:33:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 32801, 08:26:15: Dung Beetle - Lvl 197 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 32947, 11:33:09: Sleeper - Lvl 207 (Equus) starved to death! Day 33140, 12:36:26: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paste - Lvl 338 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 33140, 12:42:22: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 323 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 33140, 12:47:32: Alfie - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Powder - Lvl 242 (Equus)'!"] "tribeid":1539732836,"tribe":"Tribe of Zax logs":["Day 26354, 04:04:36: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:05:28: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:06:29: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:07:26: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:09:18: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:10:13: Zax demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26354, 04:11:10: Zax demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26354, 04:12:04: Zax demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26354, 04:13:10: Zax demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26354, 04:14:07: Zax demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 26354, 06:24:15: Zax demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 26354, 06:25:05: Zax demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 26354, 06:25:52: Zax demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 26354, 06:45:47: Sil added 'Tribe of Zax' Tribe to Obelisk Gangster Alliance! Day 26354, 14:52:13: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 26354, 15:58:32: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 26354, 15:59:40: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 26354, 22:15:10: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 26354, 23:18:47: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26354, 23:32:24: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 95 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 26355, 02:47:16: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 26355, 11:19:31: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26355, 12:41:57: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26358, 02:37:39: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 26359, 08:34:52: Zax Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle)! Day 26359, 08:39:29: Zax froze poopo - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) Day 26360, 01:23:38: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 26360, 05:32:50: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26360, 05:47:38: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26360, 18:45:34: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26360, 19:09:23: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26361, 04:01:15: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26361, 09:15:54: Zax unclaimed 'travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26361, 09:19:45: Zax claimed 'travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26361, 09:22:00: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26361, 12:04:23: Zax demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 26374, 02:39:58: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26374, 03:02:17: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 99 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 26374, 07:30:36: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 26374, 08:28:06: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26374, 12:36:58: Zax Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 26374, 14:49:10: Zax demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26375, 09:45:24: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 99 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 26375, 17:27:44: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26376, 05:11:28: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26380, 02:58:21: Zax froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26383, 16:00:32: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26383, 21:59:32: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26383, 22:07:20: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26384, 00:23:22: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26399, 14:53:28: Zax demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26400, 14:45:58: Zax demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 26400, 14:56:35: Zax Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 25 (Sabertooth)! Day 26400, 15:55:31: Zax unclaimed 'saber - Lvl 25 (Sabertooth)'! Day 26401, 06:53:29: Zax Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus)! Day 26401, 16:30:44: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 26401, 16:50:10: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 26401, 18:57:59: Zax froze flyo - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 26401, 19:28:22: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 26402, 13:17:21: Zax claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 29 (Quetzal)'! Day 26402, 13:37:02: Zax unclaimed 'travello - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26402, 19:22:12: Zax claimed 'travello - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26402, 19:32:03: Zax froze Quetzal - Lvl 29 (Quetzal) Day 26402, 21:46:28: Zax froze travello - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26403, 12:21:44: Zax unclaimed 'flyo - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 26403, 12:24:15: Zax claimed 'flyo - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 26403, 12:27:26: Zax unclaimed 'flyo - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 26403, 13:13:30: Josh added 'Tribe of Zax' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26403, 17:15:05: Zax froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26403, 17:47:40: Zax froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26404, 18:07:38: Zax froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26404, 19:20:42: Zax froze Quetzal - Lvl 29 (Quetzal) Day 26404, 20:14:07: Zax froze travello - Lvl 140 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26405, 02:59:15: Zax froze Quetzal - Lvl 29 (Quetzal) Day 26405, 06:10:56: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 101 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 20! Day 26405, 12:31:52: Zax froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26405, 21:33:17: Zax froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26405, 21:52:04: Zax froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26406, 04:24:05: Zax froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26406, 08:45:26: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 209 (Achatina)! Day 26406, 09:17:24: Zax froze slave 1 - Lvl 209 (Achatina) Day 26406, 12:40:35: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 14 (Achatina)! Day 26406, 13:26:50: Zax froze slave 2 - Lvl 14 (Achatina) Day 26422, 06:46:04: Zax froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 26422, 16:44:06: Zax froze Quetzal - Lvl 29 (Quetzal) Day 26422, 17:50:47: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 26423, 18:24:15: Zax froze Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha) Day 26424, 02:12:44: Zax demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 26424, 02:14:19: Zax demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 26424, 02:15:41: Zax demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 26424, 02:17:04: Zax demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 26424, 04:58:11: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Metal Wall Left'! Day 26424, 04:59:08: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Metal Roof'! Day 26424, 05:00:01: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Metal Roof'! Day 26424, 05:01:11: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Metal Roof'! Day 26424, 05:02:14: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Metal Roof'! Day 26424, 07:13:33: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 26425, 10:40:10: Zax claimed 'ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis)'! Day 26426, 08:56:22: Zax froze Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha) Day 26426, 09:23:32: Zax froze Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha) Day 26426, 12:49:58: Zax froze Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha) Day 26428, 03:14:55: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 230 (Triceratops) Day 26428, 08:35:14: Zax claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)'! Day 26428, 08:44:26: Zax froze Baby gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 26428, 10:31:05: Zax froze Baby gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 26428, 17:29:02: Zax froze ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26428, 17:50:47: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 26428, 19:45:39: Zax froze ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26428, 20:04:57: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 26428, 22:42:45: Zax froze Juvenile gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 26430, 20:13:11: Zax Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 26430, 22:21:12: Zax demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26430, 22:44:16: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 26431, 04:25:07: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina)! Day 26431, 04:27:34: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 26431, 04:31:18: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 22 (Achatina) Day 26431, 05:20:50: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 26431, 08:38:51: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 59 (Achatina)! Day 26431, 08:56:46: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 59 (Achatina) Day 26431, 09:07:03: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina)! Day 26431, 09:39:42: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 67 (Achatina) Day 26431, 10:01:41: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 112 (Achatina)! Day 26431, 10:50:33: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 112 (Achatina) Day 26433, 06:27:06: Zax froze gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 26433, 07:12:54: Zax froze gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 26433, 09:00:26: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 122 (Achatina) Day 26433, 09:03:36: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 77 (Achatina) Day 26433, 09:09:06: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 69 (Achatina) Day 26433, 09:12:15: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 32 (Achatina) Day 26443, 18:39:27: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 127 (Achatina)! Day 26444, 00:10:40: Zax froze ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26444, 00:31:05: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26444, 04:26:13: Zax froze ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26444, 09:49:06: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26444, 11:07:35: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 30! Day 26444, 14:10:14: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 26444, 21:55:06: Zax froze ARGI - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26444, 23:07:11: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26445, 00:01:56: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) Day 26445, 00:24:37: Zax froze travello - Lvl 163 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26445, 06:38:13: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26445, 14:21:34: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 14 (Achatina)! Day 26445, 18:44:38: Zax claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur)'! Day 26445, 18:48:02: Zax froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26446, 00:27:41: Zax froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26446, 00:34:53: Zax froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26446, 19:32:09: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26447, 09:05:52: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 26448, 14:51:38: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26448, 21:38:52: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26449, 07:52:07: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26449, 07:55:28: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26449, 09:36:56: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26449, 10:12:42: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26451, 05:33:31: Zax Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 26451, 06:13:32: Zax demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26451, 06:14:46: Zax demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 26451, 07:04:13: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 26451, 07:23:15: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 26452, 03:44:52: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 08:21:44: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 09:11:47: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 09:47:58: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 09:52:59: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 10:36:09: Zax froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 16:24:47: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 239 (Triceratops) Day 26452, 16:55:50: Zax froze Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 26452, 17:13:07: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 26452, 20:30:23: Zax froze Magmasaur - Lvl 96 (Magmasaur) Day 26453, 07:28:26: Zax froze harvesto - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26453, 23:27:12: Zax demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 26456, 00:53:18: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 26456, 00:54:17: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 26456, 00:55:48: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26456, 00:56:45: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 26456, 00:58:51: Zax demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 26456, 01:00:11: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26456, 02:45:11: Zax demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26468, 23:51:37: Zax Tamed a Rex - Lvl 164 (Rex)! Day 26468, 23:57:44: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 26469, 01:48:27: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 164 (Rex) Day 26469, 05:24:29: Zax froze mino - Lvl 64 (Doedicurus) Day 26469, 05:31:16: Zax froze collecto - Lvl 75 (Moschops) Day 26469, 05:34:36: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 239 (Triceratops) Day 26469, 05:37:39: Zax froze ford fiesta - Lvl 220 (Sabertooth) Day 26469, 05:46:31: Zax froze Transporto - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 26469, 05:52:25: Zax froze emergenco - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 26469, 16:04:41: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina)! Day 26469, 18:02:56: Zax Tamed an Achatina - Lvl 59 (Achatina)! Day 26469, 19:19:02: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 59 (Achatina) Day 26469, 19:21:54: Zax froze Achatina - Lvl 29 (Achatina) Day 26470, 15:31:14: Your travello - Lvl 173 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 26470, 19:51:59: Zax froze emergenco - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon) Day 26472, 15:51:48: Zax froze transporto - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 26473, 19:56:20: Zax downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 Day 26473, 20:02:39: Zax froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26474, 06:07:21: Zax uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 41 Day 26474, 06:45:10: Zax downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 41 Day 26474, 07:06:11: Zax froze emergenco - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) Day 26474, 21:15:28: Zax Tamed a Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex)! Day 26474, 22:39:03: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex) Day 26475, 03:25:32: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex)'! Day 26475, 03:27:09: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex)'! Day 26475, 04:40:21: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex) Day 26475, 09:11:22: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26475, 17:18:58: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26476, 04:15:52: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26476, 05:12:06: Zax froze Golbat - Lvl 125 (Desmodus) Day 26476, 07:59:16: Zax froze Crobat - Lvl 161 (Desmodus) Day 26476, 12:32:12: Zax claimed 'Green Sonic - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26476, 13:18:39: Zax unclaimed 'Green Sonic - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 26476, 15:20:30: Your travello - Lvl 207 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 26476, 19:03:18: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26477, 06:21:45: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 115 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 30 | 1.1x! Day 26477, 11:09:59: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26477, 11:13:27: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26477, 17:51:51: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26477, 18:03:58: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26477, 18:55:32: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 116 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 18! Day 26479, 12:59:32: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 26499, 02:39:19: Zax froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26499, 04:47:46: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26499, 04:51:41: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26499, 07:04:20: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26499, 07:30:14: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26499, 07:35:38: Zax froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26499, 20:13:01: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 26499, 23:56:37: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 254 (Triceratops) Day 26500, 04:15:51: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26500, 04:21:12: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26500, 17:56:05: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26500, 17:59:44: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26501, 09:43:35: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26501, 09:49:53: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26501, 13:21:10: Zax froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26501, 16:16:24: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26501, 16:19:12: Zax froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26501, 17:49:00: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26501, 17:52:22: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26501, 18:20:21: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26501, 19:25:55: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex)'! Day 26501, 19:32:58: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26502, 03:07:30: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26502, 05:14:12: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26502, 05:17:26: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26502, 07:29:26: Zax froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 26502, 17:54:01: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26522, 08:49:23: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26522, 09:47:06: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26522, 09:50:30: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26522, 11:33:45: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex)'! Day 26522, 11:34:49: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26522, 11:39:03: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26522, 11:42:15: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26522, 11:58:01: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26522, 12:05:36: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26522, 12:12:06: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26522, 23:55:03: Zax Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo)! Day 26523, 00:03:33: Zax demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26523, 00:27:13: Zax froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo) Day 26523, 11:37:59: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26523, 11:49:16: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26523, 11:53:10: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26523, 12:01:14: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26523, 12:06:09: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26523, 12:08:55: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26525, 00:03:18: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26525, 01:23:47: Zax froze Golbat - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 26525, 04:13:53: Zax froze Golbat - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 26525, 09:37:07: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26525, 22:18:07: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26525, 22:22:51: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26525, 22:51:48: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26525, 23:23:55: Zax froze Zax - Lvl 157 (Thylacoleo) Day 26526, 00:45:24: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26526, 00:50:36: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26526, 03:41:31: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex)'! Day 26526, 05:18:04: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26526, 08:08:24: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 118 was killed! Day 26526, 11:07:18: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26526, 11:19:20: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26526, 12:08:08: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26546, 17:30:04: Zax froze Zax - Lvl 186 (Thylacoleo) Day 26546, 22:24:17: Zax froze Golbat - Lvl 184 (Desmodus) Day 26547, 08:36:20: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26547, 08:39:51: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26547, 08:43:26: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26547, 08:46:50: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26547, 10:24:27: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 144 (Rex) Day 26547, 10:27:24: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex) Day 26547, 12:16:31: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex) Day 26547, 13:10:53: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26547, 13:58:36: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26547, 15:03:23: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26547, 15:06:07: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 144 (Rex) Day 26547, 17:12:43: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex)'! Day 26547, 17:14:17: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)'! Day 26547, 17:16:04: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)'! Day 26547, 17:24:49: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26547, 22:11:43: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26547, 22:22:22: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26547, 22:27:02: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26548, 04:27:33: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26548, 06:29:33: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26548, 06:32:38: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26548, 06:35:29: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26549, 05:37:47: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 133 (Rex) Day 26549, 13:34:59: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26549, 13:38:33: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26549, 13:42:09: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26549, 13:46:42: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26549, 14:01:18: Zax froze transporto - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 26549, 15:29:21: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 56 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 26549, 17:58:50: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26549, 18:02:12: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26550, 01:10:19: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26550, 11:15:18: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26550, 11:19:07: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26550, 11:33:14: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26550, 11:35:58: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26550, 11:38:49: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26595, 13:36:40: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex) Day 26595, 14:32:39: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 143 (Rex) Day 26595, 16:02:46: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26595, 16:13:12: Zax froze Zax - Lvl 210 (Thylacoleo) Day 26595, 17:00:00: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26595, 17:03:24: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26595, 17:07:47: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26595, 17:12:14: Zax froze chompa - Lvl 181 (Rex) Day 26595, 17:25:00: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 144 (Rex) Day 26595, 19:54:59: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex)'! Day 26595, 19:56:07: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26595, 19:57:05: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26595, 19:58:11: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26595, 20:01:18: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26595, 20:05:04: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26595, 20:05:53: Zax claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26595, 20:08:49: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26595, 20:13:17: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26595, 20:16:12: Zax froze Baby Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26595, 21:50:52: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26595, 21:55:47: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26595, 22:02:59: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26595, 22:07:46: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26596, 09:42:46: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 09:45:26: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 09:50:21: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26596, 09:58:34: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 10:02:30: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 10:12:29: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 10:22:06: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26596, 10:24:58: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 158 (Rex) Day 26596, 10:27:45: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26596, 14:29:37: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 19:13:38: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 19:17:07: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 19:22:26: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 19:25:43: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26596, 19:30:40: Zax froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 00:45:22: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 00:49:40: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:21:30: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:27:37: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:30:52: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:37:20: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:40:32: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:43:39: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 06:48:50: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 10:57:58: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 11:10:48: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 11:14:08: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 11:17:38: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 11:48:16: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 120 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 26597, 14:14:38: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 14:17:42: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26597, 14:20:28: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 14:25:39: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 14:28:35: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26597, 14:50:40: Zax froze Zax - Lvl 211 (Thylacoleo) Day 26608, 08:05:44: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 08:09:11: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 08:14:35: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 09:22:16: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 272 (Triceratops) Day 26608, 12:14:14: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26608, 12:18:28: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 12:42:57: Zax froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:02:27: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:05:12: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:08:04: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:12:01: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:19:53: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex) Day 26608, 17:22:40: Zax froze Rex - Lvl 148 (Rex) Day 26609, 09:13:11: Zax froze emergenco - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) Day 26614, 19:29:52: Zax froze Zax - Lvl 211 (Thylacoleo) Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26785, 00:47:43: Zax froze mino - Lvl 78 (Doedicurus) Day 26785, 01:21:25: Tribemember Zax - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 26785, 02:06:04: Zax froze biggo - Lvl 289 (Triceratops) Day 26785, 04:10:51: Zax froze collecto - Lvl 75 (Moschops) Day 26903, 09:07:25: Zax was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1538491391,"tribe":"Tribe of the Pro2 logs":["Day 25549, 20:07:50: Sil was added to the Tribe! Day 25549, 22:03:46: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 25550, 01:37:41: SausageGoblr added 'Tribe of the Pro2' Tribe to The Lag Alliance Alliance! Day 25550, 07:47:49: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 25550, 10:04:05: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 57 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 25550, 10:33:02: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 25550, 10:56:03: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 57 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 25551, 23:45:45: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 25552, 03:47:40: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 59 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 30! Day 25552, 07:24:03: Sil froze Alpha - Lvl 102 (Rex) Day 25552, 08:02:59: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 25552, 11:53:04: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 59 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 25552, 14:55:55: Sil froze Alpha - Lvl 105 (Rex) Day 25552, 20:52:23: Sil froze Kama Kazi - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) Day 25553, 00:44:39: Sil froze Kama Kazi - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) Day 25553, 03:17:16: Sil Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 51 (Dodo)! Day 25553, 06:28:30: Sil demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 25553, 09:03:39: Sil froze Alpha - Lvl 106 (Rex) Day 25553, 17:08:00: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 25553, 17:22:03: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 25553, 19:25:24: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 25555, 12:38:31: Sil froze Alpha - Lvl 107 (Rex) Day 25556, 05:44:31: Sil Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus)! Day 25556, 05:56:31: Sil froze Doedicurus - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 25557, 08:59:30: Sil froze Doedicurus - Lvl 115 (Doedicurus) Day 25557, 16:58:09: Tribemember Sil - Lvl 67 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 145! Day 25558, 10:31:20: Sil froze Doedicurus - Lvl 120 (Doedicurus) Day 25559, 18:16:33: Sil froze Doedicurus - Lvl 120 (Doedicurus) Day 25571, 01:46:53: Sil Tamed a Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)! Day 25571, 02:00:32: Sil froze Echo - Lvl 22 (Rex) Day 25572, 08:01:28: Sil Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor)! Day 25572, 08:14:06: Sil froze Rappi - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 25572, 08:46:38: Sil froze Rappi - Lvl 195 (Raptor) Day 25572, 10:25:16: Sil Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 32 (Sabertooth)! Day 25572, 10:39:49: Sil froze Rody - Lvl 32 (Sabertooth) Day 25730, 13:21:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25761, 18:43:24: Sil froze Doedicurus - Lvl 156 (Doedicurus) Day 25761, 19:11:21: Sil unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 156 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25761, 19:36:27: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 25762, 09:20:43: Sil Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 26 (Tek Rex)! Day 25762, 09:30:58: Sil froze aaaaaa - Lvl 26 (Tek Rex) Day 25762, 11:11:32: Sil froze aaaaaa - Lvl 26 (Tek Rex) Day 25762, 17:21:26: Sil froze aaaaaa - Lvl 28 (Tek Rex) Day 25763, 05:25:00: Sil froze tuy - Lvl 161 (Argentavis) Day 25763, 18:29:59: Sil claimed 'AMMO GIRL - Lvl 413 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 25764, 08:01:05: Sil unclaimed 'AMMO GIRL - Lvl 414 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 25764, 16:18:52: Sil unclaimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 265 (Castoroides)'! Day 25764, 19:07:03: Your Cranky - Lvl 85 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 25764, 20:52:27: Sil unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25764, 21:06:59: Sil claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 265 (Castoroides)'! Day 25764, 21:43:59: Sil froze Flappy - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 25765, 10:40:42: Sil froze Flappy - Lvl 283 (Argentavis) Day 25765, 10:55:04: Sil froze Flappy - Lvl 283 (Argentavis) Day 25765, 14:12:21: Sil unclaimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 266 (Castoroides)'! Day 25765, 14:18:53: Sil claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 122 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25765, 15:01:59: Sil froze aaaaaa - Lvl 33 (Tek Rex) Day 25765, 16:50:51: Sil unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 122 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25765, 17:27:35: Sil claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 266 (Castoroides)'! Day 25765, 21:23:43: Sil unclaimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 267 (Castoroides)'! Day 25765, 21:30:34: Sil claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25765, 23:59:05: Sil unclaimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 25766, 00:23:46: Sil claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 267 (Castoroides)'! Day 25766, 01:39:29: Sil unclaimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 267 (Castoroides)'! Day 25766, 10:42:35: Sil froze aaaaaa - Lvl 38 (Tek Rex) Day 25766, 11:09:43: Sil froze Alpha - Lvl 124 (Rex) Day 25766, 11:19:43: Sil froze Echo - Lvl 60 (Rex) Day 25766, 11:50:11: Sil froze Beta - Lvl 222 (Deinonychus) Day 25766, 12:14:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 89 (Phiomia)! Day 25766, 15:05:19: Sil was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1537037050,"tribe":"Scout Regiment logs":["Day 19114, 12:15:36: Matty was added to the Tribe! Day 19114, 15:55:26: Your Moschops - Lvl 78 (Moschops) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19114, 16:38:24: Matty claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19114, 16:42:03: Matty claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 96 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:42:45: Matty claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia)'! Day 19114, 16:43:43: Matty claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19114, 16:44:15: Matty claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:44:36: Matty claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:45:37: Matty claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19114, 16:46:17: Matty claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19114, 16:47:42: Matty claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 19114, 16:48:43: Matty claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 174 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 19114, 16:49:24: Matty claimed 'sirShitalot - Lvl 200 (Parasaur)'! Day 19114, 17:25:01: Matty claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 172 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 17:25:58: Matty claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 202 (Raptor)'! Day 19114, 17:32:41: Matty claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 235 (Doedicurus)'! Day 19114, 17:47:40: Your Triceratops - Lvl 44 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19303, 01:19:03: sirShitalot - Lvl 206 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19512, 11:29:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 252 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 19562, 17:10:10: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 19684, 17:03:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 19701, 05:59:01: Your Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor) was killed! Day 19701, 05:59:55: Your Raptor - Lvl 96 (Raptor) was killed! Day 19701, 06:00:33: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 200 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 19701, 06:01:08: Your Raptor - Lvl 194 (Raptor) was killed! Day 19701, 06:01:36: Your Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor) was killed! Day 19701, 06:03:54: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 109 (Tek Raptor) was killed! Day 19701, 06:04:48: Your Raptor - Lvl 133 (Raptor) was killed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19765, 19:13:57: Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 19770, 19:09:50: jaxs - Lvl 121 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 240 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 19770, 19:10:30: jaxs - Lvl 121 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19787, 13:01:45: Doedicurus - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 22098, 17:12:09: Tribemember Matty - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1536788812,"tribe":"CLAN MCGREGOR logs":["Day 18137, 03:41:30: IAN MCGREGOR was added to the Tribe! Day 18137, 05:15:58: Hugh Mungus was added to the Tribe by IAN MCGREGOR! Day 18137, 06:52:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze amongas - Lvl 425 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18137, 07:54:46: Sir Elias Quinn added 'CLAN MCGREGOR' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 18137, 08:33:07: Sir Elias Quinn added 'Tribe of kokow22' Tribe to Tek Cave 2021 Alliance! Day 18138, 03:16:45: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'X-Argentavis - Lvl 339 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 18138, 05:17:44: Hugh Mungus froze Snow Owl - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 18138, 05:31:29: Hugh Mungus unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 460 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18138, 05:34:51: Hugh Mungus froze Tek Rex - Lvl 461 (Tek Rex) Day 18138, 06:10:07: IAN MCGREGOR froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 339 (X-Argentavis) Day 18138, 06:36:34: Hugh Mungus froze Owly - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 18138, 06:54:15: Hugh Mungus froze Snow Owl - Lvl 392 (Snow Owl) Day 18139, 19:40:19: Hugh Mungus froze Juvenile berd word - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 18139, 19:43:04: Hugh Mungus froze Juvenile berd word - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 18139, 19:46:22: Hugh Mungus froze Juvenile berd word - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 18140, 05:52:17: Hugh Mungus froze Juvenile berd word - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 18140, 05:56:26: Hugh Mungus froze Juvenile berd word - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 18140, 05:58:38: Hugh Mungus froze Magmasaur - Lvl 283 (Magmasaur) Day 18403, 11:17:31: Hugh Mungus froze Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 19503, 10:19:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1534886148,"tribe":"Tribe of aj logs":["Day 28467, 00:07:02: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 282 (Desmodus) Day 28486, 10:25:41: Tribemember Mini Elias 1 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28508, 16:17:40: Mini Elias 1 claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 22 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28508, 23:38:13: Tribemember Mini Elias 1 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 28509, 12:39:03: Tribemember Mini Elias 1 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.0x! Day 28676, 11:43:20: Element [Clone] - Lvl 85 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 28676, 11:43:22: Element [Clone] - Lvl 85 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 28801, 18:36:13: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28932, 13:47:36: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28932, 14:08:08: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane) Day 28933, 04:36:57: aj froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 353 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 28934, 14:55:32: aj froze Daeodon - Lvl 323 (Daeodon) Day 28934, 15:00:21: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:03:58: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:07:25: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:10:57: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:15:06: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:19:37: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:23:21: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:27:30: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:31:12: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:35:46: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:40:45: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:44:37: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:48:24: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:52:01: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:55:40: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 15:59:24: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 16:05:09: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 16:09:04: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 28934, 16:15:35: aj froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 327 (Yutyrannus) Day 28934, 20:14:09: aj froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 353 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 28934, 23:22:26: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28934, 23:35:47: aj froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 29024, 00:53:39: aj froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 357 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 29024, 12:13:41: aj froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 29048, 20:18:44: aj Tamed an Arthropluera - Lvl 194 (Arthropluera)! Day 29048, 20:21:27: aj froze Arthropluera - Lvl 194 (Arthropluera) Day 29049, 06:30:51: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 308 (R-Megatherium) Day 29049, 10:06:58: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 29049, 13:04:28: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 309 (R-Megatherium) Day 29052, 00:09:05: aj froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 29052, 18:33:48: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 29052, 21:34:22: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 309 (R-Megatherium) Day 29052, 22:48:35: aj froze Doedicurus - Lvl 318 (Doedicurus) Day 29053, 19:53:27: aj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 308 (Ankylosaurus) Day 29054, 01:08:42: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 29054, 20:21:41: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 311 (R-Megatherium) Day 29054, 20:40:24: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 311 (R-Megatherium) Day 29069, 07:11:56: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29069, 07:19:07: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29069, 07:33:05: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29069, 09:00:38: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29069, 14:06:49: aj froze R-Megatherium - Lvl 315 (R-Megatherium) Day 29069, 16:39:49: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29070, 09:45:21: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29070, 18:11:24: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:17:33: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:21:45: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:39:41: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:44:37: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:49:21: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 18:56:26: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:00:55: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:07:04: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:14:07: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:18:34: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:26:02: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:30:21: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:40:12: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:43:59: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:47:38: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:50:57: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 19:56:57: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 29070, 20:40:39: aj froze Daeodon - Lvl 323 (Daeodon) Day 29070, 20:45:07: aj froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) Day 29071, 08:45:53: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 08:51:01: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 08:55:56: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:00:41: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:05:41: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:14:07: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:17:42: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:21:16: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:27:25: aj froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 328 (Yutyrannus) Day 29071, 09:31:46: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:35:30: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:39:14: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:43:34: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:47:26: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:52:38: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 09:56:16: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 10:00:01: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 10:03:34: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29071, 10:07:18: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29072, 09:10:07: Tribemember aj - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 29076, 20:47:41: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 20:52:09: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 20:56:43: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:01:30: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:06:52: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:11:50: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:16:22: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:21:07: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 347 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:25:51: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:31:02: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:39:11: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:44:10: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:49:10: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:53:48: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 21:58:50: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 22:03:20: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 22:12:01: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 29076, 22:17:07: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 29077, 14:45:05: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 29077, 21:28:54: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 29077, 22:05:11: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29078, 00:10:04: aj froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 29078, 00:15:25: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 29143, 17:59:30: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 29143, 18:24:09: aj froze Doedicurus - Lvl 323 (Doedicurus) Day 29143, 19:06:08: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 29143, 19:59:37: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 29195, 09:57:01: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 29195, 12:03:55: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29195, 15:19:36: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 29195, 19:02:32: aj froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 359 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 29196, 04:59:35: aj froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 391 (Tusoteuthis) Day 29196, 15:39:08: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 29196, 15:54:22: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 345 (Tek Rex) Day 29196, 15:57:42: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 343 (Tek Rex) Day 29196, 16:03:24: aj froze Tek Rex - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 29196, 18:37:29: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29211, 13:17:46: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 29212, 01:41:12: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 29353, 20:50:59: aj froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 29354, 02:00:13: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Adobe Sloped Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29933, 14:05:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30240, 16:17:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30369, 20:14:57: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 39 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 31244, 15:23:30: aj claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 15:35:17: aj unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 15:38:16: aj claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 15:41:32: aj unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 15:43:22: aj claimed 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 15:56:49: aj unclaimed 'lassie - Lvl 169 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31244, 16:38:27: aj claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 175 (Argentavis)'! Day 31244, 16:44:32: aj froze Argentavis - Lvl 175 (Argentavis) Day 31244, 21:18:40: aj claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 31245, 01:12:29: aj uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 83 Day 31245, 03:54:23: aj uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 197 Day 35259, 21:49:25: Tribemember Mini Elias 1 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 0.9x! Day 35260, 01:59:23: Tribemember Mini Elias 1 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 35260, 05:42:03: Mini Elias 1 was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1531972740,"tribe":"Stamm von Shugal logs":["Day 21346, 11:43:31: Shugal was added to the Tribe! Day 21346, 11:52:07: Lynn was added to the Tribe by Shugal! Day 21346, 12:17:41: Shugal froze Dungeoncrawler - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 12:21:29: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 12:29:58: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 14:32:39: Shugal froze Dungeoncrawler - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 14:33:38: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 17:18:02: Shugal froze Dungeoncrawler - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 17:19:12: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 21346, 18:43:21: Tribemember Shugal - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 21346, 19:12:32: Your Bloodstalker - Lvl 286 (Bloodstalker) was killed! Day 21347, 00:12:12: Lynn froze Rock Drake - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 21347, 00:56:46: Tribemember Shugal - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 21347, 05:26:54: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 06:09:35: Shugal uploaded a Bloodstalker: - Lvl 315 Day 21347, 10:12:44: Shugal froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21347, 11:59:48: Shugal froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 12:05:11: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 13:02:20: Shugal froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 13:09:23: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 14:15:42: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 14:16:20: Shugal froze Shadowmane - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 14:34:29: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 18:37:50: Shugal froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21347, 18:55:06: Shugal froze Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 21347, 23:25:26: Shugal froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21348, 01:04:43: Lynn froze Rock Drake - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 21348, 02:44:33: Shugal froze Shadowmane - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 21348, 03:28:15: Shugal froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 21348, 03:33:27: Lynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 21349, 04:05:52: Bakuzu was added to the Tribe by Shugal! Day 21349, 06:26:53: Shugal froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 21349, 06:32:05: Shugal froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 21349, 06:35:27: Bakuzu froze Darkteria - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 21349, 06:35:46: Shugal froze Tek Rex - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex) Day 21349, 06:39:37: Shugal froze Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex) Day 21349, 07:15:40: Lynn froze Murska - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 21349, 07:18:38: Shugal froze Dungeoncrawler - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 22517, 10:34:40: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1531810147,"tribe":"Black geezer pub logs":["Day 25837, 02:01:07: Oddity was added to the Tribe! Day 25837, 02:02:33: Josh was added to the Tribe by Oddity! Day 25990, 15:57:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26424, 17:46:43: Tribemember Oddity - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 29520, 16:13:38: Tribemember Josh - Lvl 16 was killed!"] "tribeid":1528159822,"tribe":"Starfallen tribe logs":["Day 38304, 07:18:09: Splotch was added to the Tribe! Day 38304, 18:56:50: Splotch Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 139 (Raptor)! Day 38304, 23:02:52: Tribemember Splotch - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 38306, 10:57:07: Your shadow - Lvl 141 (Raptor) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 38326, 14:19:09: Splotch Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 38326, 17:21:06: Your Moschops - Lvl 72 (Moschops) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 10! Day 38461, 17:53:19: Moschops - Lvl 48 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 38510, 16:46:20: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38623, 11:17:06: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38908, 08:35:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38908, 08:35:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 38908, 08:35:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 39634, 17:27:02: Tribemember Splotch - Lvl 55 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1528109111,"tribe":"CyberTribe logs":["Day 12211, 07:51:26: Cyberdyne88 was added to the Tribe! Day 12211, 08:23:17: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12211, 15:16:09: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12211, 16:09:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12211, 16:27:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12211, 17:08:06: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12211, 17:26:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12211, 18:41:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12211, 18:44:38: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12211, 19:36:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12211, 22:06:41: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 12211, 23:00:44: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12212, 05:29:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 06:02:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 12212, 06:30:31: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 06:36:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 12212, 06:50:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 12212, 06:59:03: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 07:07:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 12212, 07:24:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 246 (Doedicurus) Day 12212, 07:33:01: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 07:45:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 07:51:44: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 08:01:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 08:56:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 11:49:25: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 287 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 12:06:07: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 12:42:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 288 (Sabertooth) Day 12212, 13:09:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 366 (Snow Owl) Day 12212, 15:04:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12213, 07:05:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12213, 11:33:36: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12224, 09:13:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 288 (Sabertooth) Day 12224, 09:39:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12224, 12:20:01: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12224, 14:22:16: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12224, 15:04:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12224, 16:35:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12224, 18:16:57: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 12224, 18:18:34: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 12224, 18:21:52: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 12224, 18:24:49: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with DuoTribe Tribe. Day 12224, 18:26:11: Cyberdyne88 added 'DuoTribe' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12224, 19:50:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 19:51:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #6 - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:02:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:04:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:06:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #9 - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:08:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #12 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:11:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:14:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:15:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:17:18: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:22:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:23:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:41:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 293 (Yutyrannus) Day 12224, 20:45:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:51:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 20:56:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 21:02:38: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 21:06:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12224, 21:17:05: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12225, 01:46:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12225, 05:40:03: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 288 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 06:08:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 288 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 06:51:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12225, 13:54:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12225, 14:23:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 15:25:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 291 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 15:41:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 15:48:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 15:54:16: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 16:06:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 16:17:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 16:26:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 16:50:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 17:22:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 18:06:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 18:09:51: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 18:11:18: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 18:20:17: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 18:26:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 18:52:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 19:15:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12225, 21:10:59: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12225, 22:45:59: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12226, 00:36:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) Day 12226, 02:08:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12226, 04:27:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12226, 09:07:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12226, 17:33:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12227, 04:05:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 04:57:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 13:25:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 13:51:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 14:05:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 14:46:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 15:00:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 15:29:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 16:02:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 16:27:56: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12227, 19:31:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12227, 22:02:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 12227, 22:39:22: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12228, 00:25:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 12:08:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 13:09:27: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12238, 13:41:38: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12238, 14:06:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12238, 14:59:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 15:06:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 16:08:31: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 17:11:46: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12238, 17:32:35: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12238, 18:49:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12238, 19:26:16: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12239, 03:50:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 06:50:22: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12239, 07:35:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12239, 07:39:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Sabertooth - Lvl 289 (Sabertooth) Day 12239, 07:42:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 17:10:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 19:46:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12239, 21:47:44: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12239, 22:17:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 07:40:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 08:35:36: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN Tribe. Day 12240, 08:36:42: Cyberdyne88 added 'Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12240, 10:24:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #19 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:25:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:27:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:28:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:29:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:31:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:32:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:35:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #9 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:37:06: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:38:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:41:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 294 (Yutyrannus) Day 12240, 10:43:12: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #12 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:44:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:48:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:49:30: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #6 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:50:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:53:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 10:54:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 11:03:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12240, 11:09:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 18:49:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 349 (Snow Owl) Day 12240, 21:07:36: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 298 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12241, 10:13:19: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with The Dothraki Hoarde Tribe. Day 12241, 10:15:21: Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with The Dothraki Hoarde Tribe. Day 12241, 10:16:39: Cyberdyne88 added 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe to Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12241, 12:38:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 19:11:37: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 19:13:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12241, 20:19:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 17:14:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 17:56:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 18:00:03: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 18:54:41: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 12253, 19:07:25: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 270! Day 12253, 20:04:02: Your Steve - Lvl 292 (Megalodon) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 190! Day 12253, 20:20:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 340 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12254, 07:18:49: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12254, 07:25:24: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 12254, 09:29:32: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 11:28:17: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 14:41:04: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 15:06:28: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:09:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:11:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:14:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #16 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:15:45: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #12 - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:17:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:20:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:22:23: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:23:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:25:13: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #9 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:27:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:30:49: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:32:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #19 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:33:59: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:35:21: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 294 (Yutyrannus) Day 12254, 15:36:42: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:41:04: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:42:26: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #6 - Lvl 389 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:43:20: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12254, 15:45:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #14 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:46:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #3 - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 15:50:07: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 16:01:34: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12254, 16:06:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 12254, 16:13:29: Cyberdyne88 froze Damon - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 07:43:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Damon - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 08:03:57: Cyberdyne88 froze Damon - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 08:36:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 09:08:20: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 09:11:11: Cyberdyne88 froze Damon - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12255, 20:59:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12280, 08:37:47: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12280, 13:50:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 16:53:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12283, 17:27:54: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12295, 21:51:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12296, 06:17:01: Cyberdyne88 demolished a 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe'! Day 12296, 06:39:41: Cyberdyne88 removed 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12296, 06:39:41: Cyberdyne88 removed 'The Dothraki Hoarde' Tribe from Boss Fight Alliance! Day 12296, 07:15:50: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12296, 09:01:16: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12309, 15:30:42: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 368 (Snow Owl) Day 12323, 13:28:52: Cyberdyne88 froze Spino - Lvl 308 (Spino) Day 12323, 14:41:16: Cyberdyne88 froze Spino - Lvl 308 (Spino) Day 12323, 17:25:53: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12323, 18:21:12: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 12323, 18:22:05: Cyberdyne88 unclaimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 12323, 19:21:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12338, 04:24:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12350, 09:45:09: Tribe of SIMPLE HUMAN tribe was merged in by SIMPLE HUMAN! Day 12350, 09:45:09: SIMPLE HUMAN was added to the Tribe by Cyberdyne88! Day 12350, 12:24:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 302 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12350, 12:26:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Giganotosaurus - Lvl 260 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12350, 15:18:15: Cyberdyne88 froze Chris - Lvl 302 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12350, 15:25:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Tek Giganotosaurus - Lvl 260 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12350, 18:53:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #19 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12350, 18:56:33: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #18 - Lvl 393 (Tek Rex) Day 12350, 21:39:19: Tribemember Cyberdyne88 - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 12351, 05:50:45: Cyberdyne88 claimed 'Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12351, 10:47:02: Cyberdyne88 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 321 (Snow Owl) Day 12351, 11:33:48: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #5 - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:40:32: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #11 - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:43:14: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 305 (Yutyrannus) Day 12351, 11:44:43: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:46:17: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #8 - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:49:18: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #7 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:50:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #10 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:54:08: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #13 - Lvl 392 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:57:36: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #4 - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 11:59:19: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #17 - Lvl 391 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 12:00:39: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #15 - Lvl 390 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 12:02:40: Cyberdyne88 froze Boss Rex #1 - Lvl 396 (Tek Rex) Day 12351, 12:29:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze green redwagon - Lvl 339 (Snow Owl) Day 12351, 12:51:10: Cyberdyne88 froze Kilgharrah - Lvl 342 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12351, 15:44:00: Cyberdyne88 froze Penny - Lvl 369 (Snow Owl) Day 12351, 20:47:01: Cyberdyne88 demolished a 'SIMPLE HUMAN (Large Storage Box) (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 12352, 02:00:31: SIMPLE HUMAN was removed from the Tribe by Cyberdyne88! Day 12352, 02:04:04: Cyberdyne88 was removed from the Tribe by Cyberdyne88! Day 12498, 12:35:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12523, 06:53:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13038, 20:33:30: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1527631566,"tribe":"Gang Shiet logs":["Day 24602, 06:31:37: Spoof was added to the Tribe! Day 24602, 06:38:04: Tribemember Spoof - Lvl 3 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 24602, 08:21:35: Tribemember Spoof - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 110! Day 24602, 09:26:37: Jamie was added to the Tribe by Spoof! Day 24602, 09:44:54: Jamie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 24602, 09:50:08: Spoof Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 24602, 12:51:54: Danny was added to the Tribe by Spoof! Day 24602, 16:46:26: Your Dingle - Lvl 17 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 24603, 02:14:33: Danny Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 14 (Dodo)! Day 24603, 03:20:03: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 24603, 03:35:57: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 24603, 05:13:11: Your Paul Marshall - Lvl 25 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 24603, 06:20:19: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 19 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 24603, 08:48:01: Danny Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 24603, 12:02:30: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24603, 12:07:45: Your Bugs Bunny - Lvl 79 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 24603, 12:28:06: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24603, 15:40:48: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 23 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 80! Day 24603, 16:06:23: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 24696, 13:58:24: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 24696, 16:24:00: Spoof Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 24696, 17:42:17: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 24696, 19:16:51: Jamie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 59 (Dodo)! Day 24698, 01:12:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 7 (Raptor)! Day 24698, 04:07:26: Tribemember Spoof - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 24698, 04:48:23: Your Shite - Lvl 10 (Raptor) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 24698, 06:38:18: Spoof Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)! Day 24698, 07:14:35: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 24698, 17:59:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Spino - Lvl 74 (Spino)! Day 24698, 18:39:37: Tribemember Danny - Lvl 24 was killed by Jamie - Lvl 38 (Gang Shiet)! Day 24698, 18:39:37: Your Tribe killed Danny - Lvl 24 (Gang Shiet)! Day 24698, 19:20:42: Spoof claimed 'Penny - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:27:04: Spoof claimed 'Goober - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:27:34: Spoof claimed 'Gavin - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24698, 19:30:08: Spoof claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 24698, 19:30:31: Spoof claimed 'maggy - Lvl 149 (Iguanodon)'! Day 24698, 19:30:59: Spoof claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 208 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 24698, 19:32:11: Spoof claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 122 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 24699, 10:56:44: Spoof demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 24699, 11:14:27: Spoof demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 24699, 11:15:28: Spoof demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24855, 11:47:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24913, 07:23:12: Tribemember Jamie - Lvl 43 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 25107, 20:05:44: Max Verstappen - Lvl 28 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25245, 22:20:56: pp - Lvl 100 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 25247, 17:24:22: Sir Lewis Hamilton - Lvl 69 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 25333, 21:28:20: Your maggy - Lvl 171 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75! Day 25361, 12:07:26: Your Goober - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 25361, 14:28:10: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 123 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 25386, 03:19:17: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 25386, 09:03:35: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John Matthews - Lvl 80 (Spino)'! Day 25387, 09:46:35: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gavin - Lvl 161 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25387, 09:59:00: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 208 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 25387, 10:03:12: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Penny - Lvl 277 (Pteranodon)'! Day 25387, 10:18:32: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berry good Berry nice - Lvl 96 (Triceratops)'! Day 25480, 13:42:22: Tribemember Spoof - Lvl 66 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 35! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25588, 14:55:59: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25872, 10:13:41: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1527059955,"tribe":"Peu Squad logs":["Day 24413, 02:39:07: Bacon was added to the Tribe! Day 24413, 02:46:15: BaNaVoBe was added to the Tribe by Bacon! Day 24413, 02:59:47: Tribemember Bacon - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 24413, 09:21:14: BaNaVoBe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 50 (Parasaur)! Day 24413, 10:00:52: BaNaVoBe was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Bacon! Day 24413, 10:25:53: Buutija was added to the Tribe by Bacon! Day 24413, 20:21:24: Bacon Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 21 (Pteranodon)! Day 24413, 23:40:25: BaNaVoBe claimed 'Argie - Lvl 97 (Argentavis)'! Day 24414, 01:25:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon)! Day 24414, 02:39:55: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 24414, 03:56:19: Bacon froze Baby STAN! - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24414, 11:47:29: Buutija demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 24414, 14:00:15: Tribemember Buutija - Lvl 19 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 5! Day 24414, 19:31:59: BaNaVoBe claimed 'Mr Roboto - Lvl 247 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 24415, 00:44:05: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 24415, 02:04:26: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 24415, 02:38:04: BaNaVoBe claimed 'Plz Dont Die - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24416, 18:55:40: Bacon claimed 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 190 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 24416, 19:07:14: Bacon claimed 'Craig - Lvl 157 (Sarco)'! Day 24416, 19:07:52: Bacon claimed 'Chardonnay - Lvl 169 (Sarco)'! Day 24416, 19:11:07: Bacon claimed 'Susan - Lvl 172 (Sarco)'! Day 24417, 00:18:04: Your Craig - Lvl 200 (Sarco) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 35! Day 24417, 08:17:06: BaNaVoBe claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 24417, 11:05:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 14 (Tapejara)! Day 24417, 12:06:41: Your Tapejara - Lvl 14 (Tapejara) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 24426, 08:08:33: Bacon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:11:33: Bacon claimed '37 weight - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:37:14: Bacon claimed 'pp - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 08:56:24: Bacon claimed '39M - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 09:04:14: Bacon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 09:15:57: Bacon claimed 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24426, 09:40:03: Bacon claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 151 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 24426, 10:09:39: Bacon claimed 'Nickel - Lvl 193 (Dimetrodon)'! Day 24426, 10:32:25: Bacon claimed 'Poo Creator 1 - Lvl 50 (Phiomia)'! Day 24426, 18:47:23: Bacon claimed 'HP - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 18:48:20: Bacon claimed 'stam dam male - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 18:48:50: Bacon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 18:49:10: Bacon claimed 'all stats female - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 18:49:35: Bacon claimed 'Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 19:07:28: Bacon claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon)'! Day 24426, 19:18:24: Bacon claimed 'f/w stam - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 19:18:53: Bacon claimed 'DAM - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 19:19:20: Bacon claimed 'STAM - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 24426, 19:19:42: Bacon claimed 'f/w hp - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 24435, 02:33:17: Bacon froze Juvenile STAN! - Lvl 100 (Poison Wyvern) Day 24435, 15:25:39: Bacon froze Plz Dont Die - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) Day 24435, 17:24:40: Bacon froze M 2H - Lvl 348 (Shadowmane) Day 24435, 21:33:27: Bacon froze 39M - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 24435, 21:40:39: Bacon froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 24435, 21:44:16: Bacon froze pp - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 24435, 21:55:30: Bacon froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 24435, 22:10:37: Bacon froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 24435, 22:14:48: Bacon froze 37 weight - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 24435, 22:21:12: Bacon froze Honey - Lvl 360 (Snow Owl) Day 24436, 00:25:54: Bacon froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 375 (Tusoteuthis) Day 24436, 00:53:47: Bacon froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 368 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 24436, 01:53:26: Bacon froze Support Woofle - Lvl 317 (R-Direwolf) Day 24436, 18:17:57: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 30! Day 24436, 19:28:17: Bacon uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 349 Day 24436, 19:33:14: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 80! Day 24436, 20:29:46: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 80! Day 24436, 22:11:15: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 5! Day 24437, 05:05:14: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 24437, 15:30:32: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 24437, 16:32:08: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 35! Day 24437, 16:56:00: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 24437, 18:07:24: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 24437, 19:25:00: Tribemember BaNaVoBe - Lvl 49 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 75! Day 24437, 23:44:08: BaNaVoBe froze Jet - Lvl 330 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24438, 00:16:28: BaNaVoBe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 24438, 00:17:36: BaNaVoBe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 24438, 02:05:42: BaNaVoBe froze Lighter - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24462, 10:07:04: Bacon downloaded a dino: Dracula - Lvl 350 Day 24483, 15:46:49: Tribemember Buutija - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 24483, 16:35:17: Tribemember Buutija - Lvl 46 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 75! Day 24483, 21:22:11: Tribemember Buutija - Lvl 46 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 24484, 08:48:50: Tribemember Buutija - Lvl 46 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 24484, 09:08:39: BaNaVoBe froze M 2H - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 24484, 11:46:16: Buutija froze Argie - Lvl 126 (Argentavis) Day 24484, 11:58:47: Buutija froze Argie - Lvl 126 (Argentavis) Day 24484, 12:02:52: Buutija froze Shadowmane - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 24484, 12:08:29: BaNaVoBe froze Jet - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24484, 12:15:47: BaNaVoBe froze M 2H - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 24485, 09:58:52: Your Poo Creator 1 - Lvl 74 (Phiomia) was killed! Day 24485, 09:58:52: Poo Creator 1 - Lvl 74 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 24485, 12:02:45: BaNaVoBe froze Jet - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24485, 12:27:20: Buutija froze Lighter - Lvl 329 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24487, 13:55:25: Buutija froze CORNO - Lvl 69 (Parasaur) Day 24487, 13:58:59: Buutija froze Mr Roboto - Lvl 260 (Tek Parasaur) Day 24487, 14:04:43: Buutija froze Chardonnay - Lvl 207 (Sarco) Day 24487, 14:06:52: BaNaVoBe froze The Gentleman - Lvl 381 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 24487, 14:13:32: Buutija froze Tickle Chicken - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 24487, 14:15:04: BaNaVoBe froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 197 (Therizinosaur) Day 24487, 14:22:55: Buutija froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 250 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 24487, 14:48:22: BaNaVoBe froze Susan - Lvl 216 (Sarco) Day 24487, 15:47:13: Buutija froze Lighter - Lvl 332 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24487, 16:14:16: BaNaVoBe froze Jet - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 24504, 13:04:17: Bacon uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 350 Day 24515, 18:11:16: Bacon uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 351 Day 24515, 18:17:34: Bacon downloaded a dino: Dracula - Lvl 351 Day 24515, 18:20:33: Bacon froze Dracula - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24516, 08:12:31: Bacon froze Dracula - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24517, 10:23:23: Bacon Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 37 (Quetzal)! Day 24517, 10:28:45: Bacon froze Quetzal - Lvl 37 (Quetzal) Day 24517, 10:57:51: Bacon uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 351 Day 24517, 15:27:22: Bacon froze Guardian Angel - Lvl 247 (Sinomacrops) Day 24517, 15:31:04: Bacon froze Dracula - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24537, 19:51:29: Bacon claimed 'Flappy bird 1 - Lvl 92 (Tapejara)'! Day 24537, 20:01:46: Bacon froze Flappy bird 1 - Lvl 99 (Tapejara) Day 24537, 20:20:29: Bacon froze Dracula - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 24610, 12:21:38: Your Ptero the first - Lvl 24 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 24689, 22:25:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24697, 22:02:13: Pteranodon - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 24784, 13:34:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24806, 16:32:22: Nickel - Lvl 193 (Dimetrodon) starved to death! Day 24864, 12:32:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:32:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:32:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:32:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:32:20: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:56:45: Your 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:56:48: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24864, 12:56:51: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 24875, 07:59:31: Buutija froze Cheepie - Lvl 304 (Sinomacrops) Day 24875, 08:04:00: Buutija froze Lighter - Lvl 333 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 25249, 10:28:05: TheMentalZz - Lvl 121 (Tribe of TheMentalZz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'f/w stam - Lvl 244 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:03:28: Yuki - Lvl 122 (Forever Arklone) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:03:56: Yuki - Lvl 122 (Forever Arklone) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam dam male - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:06:36: Yuki - Lvl 122 (Forever Arklone) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 267 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:09:18: Yuki - Lvl 122 (Forever Arklone) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'f/w hp - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 25405, 19:11:24: Yuki - Lvl 122 (Forever Arklone) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HP - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 25411, 12:10:27: Xantium - Lvl 108 (Tek Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hello - Lvl 208 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 25470, 13:42:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25470, 13:42:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25470, 13:42:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25470, 13:42:23: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 25480, 23:58:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 25676, 23:03:11: Daz - Lvl 186 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DAM - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 25676, 23:04:20: Daz - Lvl 186 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'all stats female - Lvl 265 (Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1526812731,"tribe":"Tribe of Blasey logs":["Day 26192, 16:22:42: Blasey was added to the Tribe! Day 26192, 16:23:45: yes was added to the Tribe by Blasey! Day 26193, 09:47:33: Blasey Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 13 (Phiomia)! Day 26193, 10:53:50: Tribemember Blasey - Lvl 13 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 25! Day 26193, 10:57:56: Your Jack Williams - Lvl 14 (Phiomia) was killed! Day 26193, 11:03:09: Tribemember yes - Lvl 13 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 26345, 08:16:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26424, 18:12:20: Tribemember Blasey - Lvl 18 was killed!"] "tribeid":1526052672,"tribe":"The Beach Bobs logs":["Day 26661, 11:53:59: TheDexicon was added to the Tribe! Day 26661, 12:02:33: Squidley was added to the Tribe by TheDexicon! Day 26661, 12:59:27: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 26661, 13:05:11: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 26661, 14:38:08: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 23 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 26661, 14:44:22: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 26661, 15:07:38: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 23 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 115! Day 26661, 15:32:25: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 23 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 26661, 15:58:19: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 23 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 40! Day 26661, 20:06:52: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 27 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 80! Day 26661, 20:21:01: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 35 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 26662, 03:37:37: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 36 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 26662, 08:30:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26662, 09:04:58: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 37 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 40! Day 26662, 09:41:22: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 38 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 1.0x! Day 26662, 10:42:49: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 38 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 26662, 12:17:44: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 47 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26662, 12:34:10: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 125! Day 26662, 13:42:21: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 47 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 26663, 03:31:24: Squidley demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26663, 03:33:07: Squidley demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26663, 03:35:21: Squidley demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26663, 03:38:58: Squidley demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 26663, 03:42:33: Squidley demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26663, 08:41:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26663, 08:41:59: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 26663, 08:47:24: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 26663, 09:01:34: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 52 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 26663, 10:13:34: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 52 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 26663, 10:31:04: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 26663, 10:46:02: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 26663, 11:47:15: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26663, 12:04:54: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 26663, 12:53:00: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 26663, 13:08:15: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 26663, 14:18:24: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 65! Day 26663, 17:09:14: TheDexicon demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26663, 17:13:58: TheDexicon demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26663, 21:22:12: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 26664, 19:07:05: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 51 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 26664, 20:00:17: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 26664, 23:35:50: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 59 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 80! Day 26665, 09:27:00: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 26665, 09:42:57: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 26665, 09:46:37: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 53 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 26665, 10:06:08: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 60 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 40! Day 26665, 14:57:20: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 60 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 135! Day 26665, 15:09:39: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 135! Day 26665, 16:11:58: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 26665, 17:40:04: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 55 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 10! Day 26666, 03:32:52: Squidley Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 80 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 26666, 07:36:56: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 26666, 09:28:37: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26666, 09:31:50: Your DiscoTek - Lvl 84 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 26666, 09:36:31: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26666, 09:53:46: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 70! Day 26666, 11:03:27: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 26666, 12:05:13: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 26666, 12:43:09: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 56 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 85! Day 26666, 17:50:49: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 26667, 01:41:01: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 26667, 04:51:36: Squidley Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 26667, 07:33:11: TheDexicon Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 26667, 20:56:57: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 65 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 26668, 01:51:37: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 61 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 35! Day 26668, 07:57:27: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 62 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 120! Day 26668, 10:09:06: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 26668, 14:19:33: TheDexicon Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26669, 02:47:00: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 26669, 07:33:51: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 62 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 26669, 15:49:40: Squidley Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus)! Day 26669, 16:45:54: Your Brunters - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 26669, 16:50:23: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 63 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 26669, 17:47:17: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 63 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 26669, 19:33:12: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 26669, 20:32:56: TheDexicon demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 26670, 04:36:56: Squidley froze AirSquid - Lvl 106 (Pteranodon) Day 26670, 13:40:06: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 64 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 26670, 17:35:00: TheDexicon demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 26680, 16:45:24: TheDexicon froze Miss whack - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26680, 20:40:20: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 26680, 23:13:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 74 (Brontosaurus)! Day 26681, 13:06:26: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 72 was killed! Day 26682, 05:01:03: TheDexicon froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 89 (Brontosaurus) Day 26682, 11:07:31: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 65 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 35! Day 26682, 13:28:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 26682, 14:07:35: Squidley Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 52 (Triceratops)! Day 26682, 16:20:03: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 16:21:00: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 16:23:05: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 16:24:31: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 16:26:01: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 16:27:23: Squidley demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 26682, 18:38:54: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 26683, 07:03:11: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 26683, 08:44:33: Your Sky Squid - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 26683, 08:47:34: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 66 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 10! Day 26683, 11:32:20: TheDexicon Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 26683, 11:39:21: TheDexicon froze Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 26683, 15:00:52: TheDexicon froze Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis) Day 26686, 22:26:39: TheDexicon froze Big boi - Lvl 27 (Triceratops) Day 26686, 22:35:53: TheDexicon froze Green one - Lvl 63 (Triceratops) Day 26687, 21:14:15: TheDexicon froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 26689, 15:55:41: TheDexicon froze Green one - Lvl 63 (Triceratops) Day 26689, 16:11:30: TheDexicon froze Big boi - Lvl 27 (Triceratops) Day 26689, 16:29:04: TheDexicon froze Miss whack - Lvl 248 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26689, 16:32:46: TheDexicon froze Argentavis - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 26689, 22:38:44: TheDexicon froze Big boi - Lvl 27 (Triceratops) Day 26689, 22:43:10: TheDexicon froze Green one - Lvl 63 (Triceratops) Day 26693, 17:22:13: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 26694, 00:12:57: Squidley Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur)! Day 26694, 03:01:42: Squidley Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 200 (Dilophosaur)! Day 26694, 05:27:05: Squidley Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 54 (Parasaur)! Day 26694, 06:23:06: Your Jimbo - Lvl 54 (Parasaur) was killed by Squidley - Lvl 68 (The Beach Bobs)! Day 26694, 06:23:06: Your Tribe killed Jimbo - Lvl 54 (Parasaur) (The Beach Bobs)! Day 26694, 09:17:08: Your Big boi - Lvl 39 (Triceratops) was killed by Squidley - Lvl 68 (The Beach Bobs)! Day 26694, 09:17:08: Your Tribe killed Big boi - Lvl 39 (Triceratops)! Day 26694, 11:28:45: Your Wee bud - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Squidley - Lvl 68 (The Beach Bobs)! Day 26694, 11:28:45: Your Tribe killed Wee bud - Lvl 59 (Dilophosaur) (The Beach Bobs)! Day 26703, 05:03:44: TheDexicon froze Argentavis - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 26714, 16:41:06: Tribemember Squidley - Lvl 68 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 5! Day 26714, 21:22:32: Squidley froze Lassy - Lvl 204 (Dilophosaur) Day 26714, 23:55:02: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 104 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 26715, 03:52:31: TheDexicon froze Green one - Lvl 70 (Triceratops) Day 26715, 03:58:04: TheDexicon froze Miss whack - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26715, 16:28:26: TheDexicon froze Miss whack - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26715, 16:41:58: Squidley froze Green one - Lvl 72 (Triceratops) Day 26716, 03:06:59: TheDexicon froze Miss whack - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26817, 15:59:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26864, 21:13:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27004, 20:56:45: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27312, 20:37:58: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27596, 11:44:05: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28462, 11:41:10: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (The river city) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28641, 02:15:09: Blue - Lvl 109 (Tribe Of The Lost) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Air Lingus - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1523993232,"tribe":"Tribe of Adacolb logs":["Day 18347, 13:34:55: Adacolb was added to the Tribe! Day 18347, 13:57:32: Tribemember Adacolb - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Day 18347, 14:51:21: Adacolb claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)'! Day 18347, 14:51:53: Adacolb claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 119 (Raptor)'! Day 18347, 16:13:19: Adacolb claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 89 (Raptor)'! Day 18362, 23:00:23: Your Raptor - Lvl 92 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 18362, 23:08:35: Your Raptor - Lvl 123 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 18375, 05:54:37: Adacolb Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 18375, 09:38:17: Tribemember Adacolb - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 18375, 14:17:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 181 (Stegosaurus)! Day 18375, 18:51:57: Your Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 18376, 06:27:39: Your Liss - Lvl 43 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Adacolb - Lvl 64 (Tribe of Adacolb)! Day 18376, 06:27:39: Your Tribe killed Liss - Lvl 43 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of Adacolb)! Day 18571, 12:57:32: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 18571, 13:19:09: Tribemember Adacolb - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 18767, 17:24:11: Your Terry - Lvl 38 (Triceratops) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18914, 00:35:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18927, 15:28:52: Pappy - Lvl 133 (Tribe of Booty - Booty bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 192 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 19196, 15:16:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19196, 15:16:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19196, 15:16:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19196, 15:16:53: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21539, 11:11:46: Kloppy - Lvl 168 (Gliepowitze) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1521009149,"tribe":"tribArkWorld logs":["Day 26105, 02:22:50: Tribemember SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 26142, 09:02:49: Boulette - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 26162, 22:59:24: Sac de vie - Lvl 188 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26262, 08:10:47: Rex - Lvl 154 (Rex) starved to death! Day 26262, 08:11:51: Sac de santé - Lvl 146 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 26268, 16:20:45: Daeodon - Lvl 141 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26321, 16:18:50: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26332, 11:12:38: Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 26416, 04:35:09: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26425, 02:38:12: I love BAIE - Lvl 93 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 26425, 02:38:23: Daeodon - Lvl 171 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 26439, 03:52:02: T-Rex - Lvl 24 (Rex) starved to death! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26439, 18:24:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26474, 18:32:08: FINALLY 37W 33S 32H 29D - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 26542, 23:44:45: Tankosaure - Lvl 127 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 26542, 23:45:11: Doedicurus - Lvl 179 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 26568, 00:15:28: Le gerrnoulle - Lvl 17 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 26588, 02:46:15: Beelzebufo - Lvl 22 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 26588, 02:46:40: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26605, 03:36:54: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26611, 03:39:07: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 326 (Argentavis)'! Day 26611, 03:45:51: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 26611, 04:17:03: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '200 pas lvl up - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 04:18:17: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 04:44:35: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '182 - Lvl 182 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 04:50:40: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '178 - Lvl 178 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 05:06:10: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26611, 05:11:07: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptek - Lvl 161 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 26611, 05:11:53: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptek 2 - Lvl 71 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 26611, 05:53:11: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 30 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 05:53:59: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 54 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:20:20: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 26 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:21:05: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 74 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:21:43: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:22:24: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 53 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:48:26: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 51 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 06:54:58: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 29 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 07:00:23: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 46 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 07:07:00: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 31 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 07:14:31: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Acynthe - Lvl 75 (Argentavis)'! Day 26611, 07:33:08: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triple 3/3 - Lvl 94 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 07:51:57: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex 142 pas up - Lvl 142 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 08:05:50: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '155 - Lvl 155 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 08:17:42: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arred - Lvl 65 (Argentavis)'! Day 26611, 08:26:50: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red Arrow - Lvl 136 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 08:53:20: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buster - Lvl 92 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 09:28:33: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '149 - Lvl 149 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 09:45:55: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triple 1/3 - Lvl 94 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 09:54:53: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '183 - Lvl 183 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 10:17:38: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 313 (Argentavis)'! Day 26611, 10:32:20: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '149 - Lvl 149 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 11:08:21: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 327 (Managarmr)'! Day 26611, 11:21:28: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 230 (Managarmr)'! Day 26611, 11:33:29: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame '174 - Lvl 174 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 13:08:21: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 294 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26611, 13:29:21: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Son heung min - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26611, 13:49:41: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Genése - Lvl 78 (Rex)'! Day 26611, 14:03:34: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belove - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26611, 14:38:27: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sidera - Lvl 123 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 26611, 14:48:00: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26611, 15:01:31: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26611, 15:12:20: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26611, 15:19:30: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diamond - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26611, 15:29:08: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26611, 15:47:38: Kira049 - Lvl 138 (Tribu de Alex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 251 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 26635, 17:00:21: Tribemember GAB_TOP_PVP - Lvl 70 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 40! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26746, 18:56:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26801, 19:09:15: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 26802, 18:51:20: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 26802, 20:12:01: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 26802, 22:46:59: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 26803, 02:13:20: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 26803, 02:44:04: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 0.9x! Day 26803, 03:30:17: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 10! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 139 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'F 37H 33D - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'Harry Kane - Lvl 421 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'M 33H 35M - Lvl 217 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'Wolf 127 - Lvl 194 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 150 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'elev 1.0 pas sup - Lvl 179 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 07:12:54: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 157 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 26803, 09:05:38: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 104 was killed by SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld)! Day 26803, 09:05:38: Your Tribe killed Aramart - Lvl 104 (tribArkWorld)! Day 26803, 16:53:40: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 26803, 17:12:15: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Parasaur)! Day 26803, 17:24:59: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 26803, 18:00:18: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 105 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 26803, 21:36:58: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 105 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 15! Day 26803, 21:59:48: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 105 was killed by SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 (tribArkWorld)! Day 26803, 21:59:48: Your Tribe killed Aramart - Lvl 105 (tribArkWorld)! Day 26804, 07:35:24: Aramart Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 26804, 17:41:55: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 44 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26804, 21:50:27: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 26805, 21:37:48: Your Argentavis - Lvl 53 (Argentavis) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 26806, 00:57:50: Aramart Tamed a Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex)! Day 26806, 02:31:54: SolaireFR - nain puissan froze Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 26806, 07:48:17: SolaireFR - nain puissan froze Rex - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 26806, 08:01:57: Aramart Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 26806, 08:31:49: SolaireFR - nain puissan froze 187 - Lvl 187 (Rex) Day 26806, 08:50:29: SolaireFR - nain puissan froze Argentavis - Lvl 68 (Argentavis) Day 26878, 12:07:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 22 (Doedicurus)! Day 26878, 14:11:23: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 26879, 03:23:04: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 26 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 26902, 01:28:07: Tribemember SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 26902, 04:32:30: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)! Day 26966, 10:16:32: Crisp - Lvl 107 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 27040, 17:15:22: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 112 (Direwolf)! Day 27040, 17:58:08: SolaireFR - nain puissan Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 142 (Direwolf)! Day 27041, 08:41:40: Tribemember SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27336, 12:42:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27620, 04:04:19: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27643, 18:43:10: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27927, 00:57:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28131, 20:57:20: Tribemember SolaireFR - nain puissan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 28177, 11:14:23: Tribemember Aramart - Lvl 106 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 28299, 08:23:55: Doedicurus - Lvl 32 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 28372, 11:36:55: Tek Quetzal - Lvl 30 (Tek Quetzal) starved to death! Day 28509, 08:08:31: Human - Lvl 21 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS Cutie Putie (Raft)'! Day 28531, 19:43:03: Parasaur - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28582, 06:24:04: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Renaissance - Lvl 192 (Argentavis)'! Day 28582, 06:33:34: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '133 - Lvl 133 (Argentavis)'! Day 28582, 06:38:43: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 70 (Argentavis)'! Day 28582, 06:43:55: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '142 - Lvl 142 (Direwolf)'! Day 28582, 06:45:47: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marchand de sable - Lvl 37 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 28582, 06:47:11: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '112 - Lvl 112 (Direwolf)'! Day 28582, 06:49:20: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 50 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 28582, 06:51:12: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame '187 - Lvl 187 (Rex)'! Day 28620, 02:58:04: Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28849, 02:13:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29156, 06:10:09: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29902, 09:43:50: Daniells - Lvl 71 (Paramaniacy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cage tame (Raft)'! Day 41484, 00:25:08: Tribemember GAB_TOP_PVP - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 41509, 18:23:38: Tribemember GAB_TOP_PVP - Lvl 70 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 75!"] "tribeid":1520863678,"tribe":"Tribe of Adam logs":["Day 26380, 11:18:48: Adam was added to the Tribe! Day 26380, 12:22:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys)! Day 26380, 14:35:07: Adam Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 52 (Therizinosaur)! Day 26380, 18:12:44: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 54 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x! Day 26380, 18:21:35: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 126 (Iguanodon)! Day 26380, 23:19:50: Adam claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26381, 03:47:44: Adam demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 26381, 06:05:45: Your Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Adam - Lvl 71 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26381, 06:05:45: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26400, 10:57:37: Adam claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26400, 10:58:38: Adam claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26401, 08:26:59: Adam demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26401, 08:27:55: Adam demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26401, 12:31:28: Adam Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 26401, 16:57:30: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Adam - Lvl 85 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26401, 16:57:30: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26401, 17:01:32: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Adam - Lvl 85 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26401, 17:01:32: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26401, 20:27:00: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) Day 26401, 21:42:06: Josh added 'Tribe of Adam' Tribe to The trafflers Alliance! Day 26402, 01:07:27: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) Day 26402, 04:17:51: Josh removed 'Tribe of Human' Tribe from The trafflers Alliance! Day 26402, 05:56:56: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 26497, 12:55:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 19 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 26497, 14:24:01: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 67 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 10! Day 26501, 11:40:23: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 215 (Doedicurus) Day 26501, 20:56:54: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 26501, 21:47:43: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 268 (Doedicurus) Day 26520, 09:49:02: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 271 (Doedicurus) Day 26520, 13:29:30: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26520, 14:48:31: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26520, 15:24:00: Adam Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 26520, 15:32:52: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26520, 17:27:29: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26520, 23:46:21: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26521, 06:02:30: Adam claimed 'Juvenile Ankylosaurus - Lvl 138 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 26521, 08:18:28: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26521, 23:22:01: Adam claimed 'Adams lighter - Lvl 288 (Bulbdog)'! Day 26522, 02:11:12: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26522, 18:37:58: Adam Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo)! Day 26522, 18:47:30: Adam froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 217 (Thylacoleo) Day 26523, 06:58:59: Adam claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 167 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 26523, 08:32:13: Adam froze Zax - Lvl 148 (Thylacoleo) Day 26523, 14:53:16: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 26525, 12:02:16: Adam froze Doedicurus - Lvl 271 (Doedicurus) Day 26525, 12:28:00: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 241 (Thylacoleo) Day 26525, 12:43:09: Adam froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 167 (Thylacoleo) Day 26525, 12:52:39: Adam froze Raptor - Lvl 233 (Raptor) Day 26525, 13:03:16: Adam froze Dia's child - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26526, 02:53:44: Adam claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 26526, 03:11:16: Adam claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 26526, 03:29:55: Adam froze Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 26526, 15:59:27: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26526, 16:05:17: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 26526, 20:57:46: Adam froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 32 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26526, 21:03:25: Adam froze Iguanodon - Lvl 177 (Iguanodon) Day 26526, 21:15:28: Adam froze Raptor - Lvl 163 (Raptor) Day 26526, 21:23:03: Adam froze Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor) Day 26526, 21:35:06: Your Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) was killed by Adam - Lvl 98 (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26526, 21:35:06: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Adam)! Day 26526, 21:43:01: Adam froze Carbonemys - Lvl 131 (Carbonemys) Day 26526, 21:56:31: Adam froze Raptor - Lvl 138 (Raptor) Day 26526, 23:59:31: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26527, 00:04:25: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26527, 00:11:39: Adam froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 167 (Thylacoleo) Day 26527, 00:16:49: Adam froze Dia's child - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26527, 00:22:02: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 26527, 00:27:47: Adam froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 26528, 23:39:02: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 98 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 26529, 01:31:43: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 98 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 26549, 04:49:34: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 26549, 05:08:57: Adam froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 167 (Thylacoleo) Day 26549, 06:45:54: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 26549, 06:57:14: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) Day 26598, 00:41:18: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 281 (Thylacoleo) Day 26669, 18:13:23: Adam Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 104 (Castoroides)! Day 26669, 18:34:14: Adam froze Castoroides - Lvl 104 (Castoroides) Day 26675, 23:06:06: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26684, 08:28:01: Adam froze Castoroides - Lvl 109 (Castoroides) Day 26684, 14:35:11: Adam froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) Day 26684, 16:03:20: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 26684, 18:58:55: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 26685, 02:03:52: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 293 (Thylacoleo) Day 26686, 21:21:54: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 294 (Thylacoleo) Day 26687, 09:05:52: Adam froze Adam - Lvl 297 (Thylacoleo) Day 26691, 01:18:12: Adam froze Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis) Day 26691, 05:06:05: Spooked was added to the Tribe by Adam! Day 26691, 14:12:31: Tribemember Spooked - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 85! Day 26716, 21:19:05: Adam claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur)'! Day 26717, 12:23:53: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26717, 12:27:19: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26717, 12:31:33: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26717, 14:24:32: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26717, 18:08:08: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 02:03:15: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 04:26:59: Adam froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 06:53:31: Adam froze Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 07:09:32: Adam froze Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 07:32:42: Adam froze Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 10:08:45: Adam froze Velonasaur - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 26718, 11:44:45: Adam froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 32 (Tek Parasaur) Day 26718, 19:51:33: Adam froze Velonasaur - Lvl 238 (Velonasaur) Day 26886, 18:36:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26981, 06:45:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27130, 09:53:07: Adam's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27194, 22:42:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27252, 11:59:06: Adam's 'Dia's child - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 27471, 18:54:16: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 291 (Velonasaur)'! Day 27471, 18:55:11: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 27471, 18:55:48: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)'! Day 27471, 18:56:38: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 318 (Argentavis)'! Day 27471, 18:57:19: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 121 (Castoroides)'! Day 27471, 18:57:43: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27471, 18:59:01: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 236 (Raptor)'! Day 27471, 18:59:40: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Adam - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 27471, 19:00:32: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spook - Lvl 244 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 27471, 19:01:51: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 190 (Raptor)'! Day 27471, 19:02:45: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 183 (Carbonemys)'! Day 27471, 19:03:23: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 183 (Iguanodon)'! Day 27471, 19:03:54: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 193 (Raptor)'! Day 27471, 19:04:10: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon)'! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27478, 10:09:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27484, 16:26:10: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Adams lighter - Lvl 288 (Bulbdog)'! Day 27484, 18:49:09: GeoTheRabbitGod - Lvl 121 (The Warren) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Falcon - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27761, 12:17:44: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27867, 03:31:53: Tribemember Spooked - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 27982, 13:18:31: Tribemember Adam - Lvl 108 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 28056, 14:23:34: Kai The Great - Lvl 5 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 28068, 21:42:00: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28068, 21:42:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1520605014,"tribe":"Tribe of Human No. 18457 logs":["Day 27871, 02:42:49: Human No. 184576 was added to the Tribe! Day 27871, 02:47:57: Arms was added to the Tribe by Human No. 184576! Day 27871, 11:42:08: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 27871, 11:53:49: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 120! Day 27871, 12:25:07: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 120! Day 27871, 18:55:43: thekingpatch was added to the Tribe by Human No. 184576! Day 27872, 00:47:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27872, 07:42:29: Homonculus was added to the Tribe by Human No. 184576! Day 27872, 08:09:07: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 7 was killed by Human No. 184576 - Lvl 23 (Tribe of Human No. 18457)! Day 27872, 08:09:07: Your Tribe killed Homonculus - Lvl 7 (Tribe of Human No. 18457)! Day 27872, 15:26:19: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 27872, 16:42:29: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 21 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 27872, 17:03:45: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 27872, 19:31:08: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 27872, 19:32:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 27872, 19:36:24: Tribemember thekingpatch - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 27872, 20:57:04: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 22 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 27872, 22:36:52: Tribemember thekingpatch - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 27894, 20:39:11: Arms demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 27895, 10:56:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 7 (Triceratops)! Day 27895, 12:02:16: Arms Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 14 (Triceratops)! Day 27895, 20:17:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys)! Day 27895, 20:34:28: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 22 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.0x! Day 27895, 21:24:18: Homonculus Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 27962, 18:40:16: Arms Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 62 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 27963, 10:51:57: Homonculus Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 27963, 12:28:13: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 33 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 10 | 1.0x! Day 27963, 13:24:08: Homonculus Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 12 (Pteranodon)! Day 27964, 03:35:54: Homonculus Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 24 (Iguanodon)! Day 27964, 07:30:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 58 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27964, 08:32:24: Your FlyBoy - Lvl 18 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 27964, 08:32:54: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 27964, 16:19:25: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 27965, 01:13:27: Arms Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)! Day 27965, 12:09:42: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 40 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 27965, 12:12:08: Your Toppy - Lvl 24 (Triceratops) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 10! Day 27965, 22:44:17: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 44 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 27966, 07:59:52: Arms claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 27983, 07:42:58: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 25 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 27987, 14:20:16: Homonculus Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 44 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27988, 00:29:17: Arms was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human No. 184576! Day 27988, 00:34:08: Homonculus was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human No. 184576! Day 27988, 00:42:18: thekingpatch was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human No. 184576! Day 27988, 14:05:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Parasaur)! Day 27988, 17:21:17: Homonculus Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 27988, 17:38:02: Homonculus Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 48 (Carbonemys)! Day 27989, 05:02:33: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 27989, 16:49:41: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 54 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 27989, 17:08:29: Your Tara - Lvl 84 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 30! Day 27990, 06:21:23: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 27990, 10:09:24: Your Dildo - Lvl 53 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 110! Day 27990, 17:44:08: Your Wandering Para 1 - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) was killed by Arms - Lvl 65 (Tribe of Human No. 18457)! Day 27990, 17:44:08: Your Tribe killed Wandering Para 1 - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) (Tribe of Human No. 18457)! Day 27991, 00:04:15: Arms Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27991, 00:16:21: Homonculus Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27991, 00:52:01: Your Dildo 3 - Lvl 14 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 27991, 00:53:55: Your Dildo 2 - Lvl 29 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 40! Day 27991, 07:47:12: Homonculus Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 59 (Stegosaurus)! Day 27991, 08:50:24: Homonculus Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27991, 09:36:01: Homonculus Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 12 (Parasaur)! Day 27991, 15:48:01: Homonculus Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 27992, 02:49:44: Homonculus Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon)! Day 28037, 05:47:28: Tribemember thekingpatch - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 28037, 06:25:46: Tribemember Arms - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 28038, 18:07:40: Your Terry - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 28038, 18:19:41: Your Tara with a D - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 28041, 11:43:01: Rare Flower Eater - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 28041, 18:16:28: Tribemember Human No. 184576 - Lvl 56 was killed! Day 28053, 01:13:18: Your Parasaur - Lvl 57 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 28102, 10:06:12: Your Turtorte - Lvl 58 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 28102, 10:20:27: Your Priscilla - Lvl 93 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 28102, 13:05:43: Your RoboSaurus - Lvl 52 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 28102, 13:07:13: Your StudFarm - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 28294, 08:55:08: Dildo 4 - Lvl 13 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28305, 10:38:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28305, 10:38:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28316, 17:46:09: Tribemember Homonculus - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 28407, 16:06:38: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 58 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 75! Day 28407, 21:54:54: Your Mike - Lvl 47 (Triceratops) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 20! Day 28602, 08:50:06: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 61 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Reginald Featherbottom I - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28602, 09:04:27: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 61 (Tribe of EyeHavePhalange) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SpikeTail - Lvl 71 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 28612, 16:54:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28612, 16:54:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28612, 16:54:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28612, 16:54:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28896, 08:24:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1519134922,"tribe":"Rogue Hunters logs":["Day 18763, 12:01:43: Lee was added to the Tribe! Day 18763, 13:37:24: Lee claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18765, 17:42:45: Tribemember Lee - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 18775, 06:58:49: R.H.G_Rob was added to the Tribe by Lee! Day 18784, 22:09:24: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18784, 22:59:02: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 18785, 03:51:48: R.H.G_Rob froze Pteranodon - Lvl 212 (Pteranodon) Day 18786, 17:08:34: R.H.G_Rob downloaded a dino: Rock Drake - Lvl 185 Day 18786, 17:12:07: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 18786, 17:19:50: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rock Drake: Rock Drake - Lvl 185 Day 18786, 17:20:46: R.H.G_Rob downloaded a dino: Rock Drake - Lvl 249 Day 18786, 17:23:56: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 18787, 05:20:45: Lee froze Ember - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 18787, 05:50:39: Lee froze Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 18788, 01:27:15: Lee Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 7 (Castoroides)! Day 18788, 01:32:34: Lee froze Castoroides - Lvl 7 (Castoroides) Day 18788, 05:16:27: Lee froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 18788, 14:34:45: Lee froze Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 18788, 21:24:43: Lee Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur)! Day 18788, 21:34:15: Lee froze theo - Lvl 14 (Therizinosaur) Day 18797, 08:44:48: R.H.G_Rob downloaded a dino: Rock Drake - Lvl 185 Day 18797, 08:56:47: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 249 (Rock Drake) Day 18807, 11:57:04: Lee claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 88 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 18807, 11:57:32: Lee claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 111 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 18807, 11:58:32: Lee claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops)'! Day 18807, 11:59:04: Lee claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 82 (Castoroides)'! Day 18807, 12:00:18: Lee claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 53 (Phiomia)'! Day 18807, 12:01:02: Lee claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18807, 12:01:44: Lee claimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 225 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 18807, 12:06:22: Lee froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 88 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18807, 13:31:29: Lee froze Castoroides - Lvl 82 (Castoroides) Day 18807, 14:20:26: Lee froze Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 18807, 14:59:24: Peter was added to the Tribe by Lee! Day 18807, 16:28:30: Lee froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 111 (Therizinosaur) Day 18807, 18:30:52: Lee froze Triceratops - Lvl 204 (Triceratops) Day 18807, 18:38:57: Lee unclaimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 53 (Phiomia)'! Day 18807, 18:47:52: Lee unclaimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18807, 18:54:29: Lee unclaimed 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 225 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 18809, 18:35:24: R.H.G_Rob froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18809, 18:46:35: Lee froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18810, 07:04:59: R.H.G_Rob froze Castoroides - Lvl 23 (Castoroides) Day 18811, 01:42:42: R.H.G_Rob froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 95 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18812, 23:05:08: Lee uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 196 Day 18812, 23:21:13: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 243 Day 18818, 10:12:12: R.H.G_Rob froze VoidStroke - Lvl 288 (Voidwyrm) Day 18836, 10:49:19: Peter froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 117 (Therizinosaur) Day 18836, 10:52:32: Peter froze Ember - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 18836, 11:00:42: Peter froze Rock Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 18836, 11:10:20: Peter froze Castoroides - Lvl 92 (Castoroides) Day 18836, 11:20:01: Peter froze theo - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur) Day 18836, 12:43:58: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Therizinosaur: Therizinosaur - Lvl 117 Day 18836, 12:48:03: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Tek Rex: Ember - Lvl 375 Day 18836, 12:49:44: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Rock Drake: Rock Drake - Lvl 250 Day 18836, 12:50:37: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Castoroides: Castoroides - Lvl 92 Day 18836, 12:51:39: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Therizinosaur: theo - Lvl 29 Day 18836, 13:00:44: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 66 Day 18836, 13:03:07: Peter froze Rocky - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 18863, 10:14:37: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 371 (Voidwyrm) Day 18863, 18:32:16: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 371 (Voidwyrm) Day 18884, 05:35:59: R.H.G_Rob froze Neo-Spacian Marine Dolph - Lvl 230 (Astrodelphis) Day 18908, 01:09:19: Lee froze Galaxy-Eyes Void Dragon - Lvl 379 (Voidwyrm) Day 18927, 19:26:33: R.H.G_Rob froze Sarco - Lvl 243 (Sarco) Day 18928, 00:05:08: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 00:05:10: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 00:54:02: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 01:06:04: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 02:13:32: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 02:56:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 06:50:47: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 07:24:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Sarco - Lvl 250 (Sarco) Day 18928, 10:29:01: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 10:30:32: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 11:05:18: Lee froze Sarco - Lvl 250 (Sarco) Day 18928, 14:54:05: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18928, 15:08:58: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18928, 15:11:43: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18928, 15:18:34: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18928, 15:20:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 16:03:45: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 19:58:52: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 20:15:49: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 20:17:33: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 20:40:09: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 20:41:20: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18928, 21:15:11: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 18928, 21:26:57: Tribemember Lee - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 130! Day 18928, 22:27:23: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18928, 22:45:10: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18928, 23:46:34: Lee froze Sarco - Lvl 251 (Sarco) Day 18929, 00:06:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 18929, 00:15:13: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18929, 00:35:23: Lee demolished a 'Bed'! Day 18929, 00:37:21: Lee demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 18929, 01:48:26: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18929, 04:32:56: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 18929, 05:01:58: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 18930, 13:38:06: R.H.G_Rob froze bby momma 3 bby 1 - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 18930, 13:43:44: R.H.G_Rob froze Bby momma 1 bby - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 18930, 13:44:46: Lee froze bby momma 3 bby - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 18930, 13:49:14: R.H.G_Rob froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 109 (Yutyrannus) Day 18930, 13:55:27: Lee - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Steve Tribe. Day 18930, 13:57:36: Lee added 'Tribe of Steve' Tribe to Hentai noodles Alliance! Day 18930, 16:59:16: Lee froze bby momma 3 bby - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 18931, 05:51:13: R.H.G_Rob was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Lee! Day 18931, 06:14:04: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with Cosmic chaos Tribe. Day 18931, 06:15:20: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 18931, 06:22:42: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with Tribe of dia Tribe. Day 18931, 06:24:20: R.H.G_Rob added 'Tribe of dia' Tribe to Hentai noodles Alliance! Day 18931, 06:25:44: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 122 requested an Alliance with Cosmic chaos Tribe. Day 18931, 06:27:21: R.H.G_Rob added 'Cosmic chaos' Tribe to Hentai noodles Alliance! Day 18931, 07:36:16: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 111 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 18931, 08:37:53: R.H.G_Rob froze bby momma 3 bby 1 - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 18931, 08:41:48: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 18931, 08:43:13: R.H.G_Rob froze Bby momma 1 bby - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 18931, 08:45:29: Lee froze bby momma 3 bby - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 18931, 10:50:12: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 18931, 11:17:33: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 18931, 12:44:14: Lee froze Lees Cave - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 18931, 14:18:14: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 18931, 14:35:09: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Cave - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 18976, 10:23:42: R.H.G_Rob froze Voidwyrm - Lvl 311 (Voidwyrm) Day 19000, 19:59:13: Lee froze Battle Maid - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 19000, 20:02:41: R.H.G_Rob froze bby momma 3 bby 1 - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 19000, 20:05:57: R.H.G_Rob froze bby momma 3 bby - Lvl 348 (Tek Rex) Day 19000, 20:08:51: Lee froze Bby momma 1 bby - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19000, 20:17:12: R.H.G_Rob froze Battlemane - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 19000, 20:36:48: R.H.G_Rob froze Battle Maid - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 19000, 21:41:56: Lee froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 19001, 08:47:47: Peter froze Rogue Shadow - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) Day 19001, 09:05:32: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 19001, 10:03:07: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 19001, 10:22:57: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane) Day 19023, 06:03:02: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19023, 08:14:29: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Voidwyrm - Lvl 313 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 19023, 21:14:38: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19024, 08:22:50: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19024, 09:56:22: Lee froze Galaxy-Eyes Void Dragon - Lvl 380 (Voidwyrm) Day 19024, 10:33:27: Lee froze Galaxy-Eyes Void Dragon - Lvl 380 (Voidwyrm) Day 19024, 20:38:58: Lee froze Spot - Lvl 260 (Astrodelphis) Day 19025, 00:25:39: Lee froze Spot - Lvl 260 (Astrodelphis) Day 19025, 06:44:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19025, 12:11:51: R.H.G_Rob froze USS Astrocetus - Lvl 62 (Astrocetus) Day 19025, 12:53:20: R.H.G_Rob froze Spot - Lvl 262 (Astrodelphis) Day 19025, 13:10:49: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 19025, 17:19:24: Tribemember Lee - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 19025, 18:24:15: Lee froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 19025, 19:15:23: R.H.G_Rob froze USS Astrocetus - Lvl 64 (Astrocetus) Day 19025, 19:37:03: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 19025, 21:05:19: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19025, 21:45:10: Lee froze Spot - Lvl 263 (Astrodelphis) Day 19025, 21:54:14: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) Day 19025, 22:27:51: Lee froze Galaxy-Eyes Void Dragon - Lvl 380 (Voidwyrm) Day 19046, 07:12:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 387 (Voidwyrm) Day 19046, 14:59:30: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 19046, 15:23:31: R.H.G_Rob froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 19046, 15:53:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 19046, 20:31:25: Peter froze MetalFang - Lvl 366 (Voidwyrm) Day 19046, 20:32:16: R.H.G_Rob froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 19046, 20:49:09: R.H.G_Rob froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 19047, 03:09:14: R.H.G_Rob froze Mek - Lvl 51 (Mek) Day 19047, 12:50:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 387 (Voidwyrm) Day 19047, 13:53:39: Lee froze Galaxy-Eyes Void Dragon - Lvl 382 (Voidwyrm) Day 19047, 15:30:03: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 387 (Voidwyrm) Day 19047, 21:45:08: Lee froze Battle Maid - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 19048, 07:14:22: Your bby momma 3 bby - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 19048, 07:44:03: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 370 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19048, 08:43:08: Your Battlemane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 19048, 08:49:02: Your Bby momma 1 bby - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19048, 08:59:46: Your bby momma 3 bby 1 - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19048, 09:19:21: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 367 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 19048, 10:18:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Battle Maid - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane) Day 19048, 10:24:58: R.H.G_Rob froze Battle Maid - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 19048, 12:23:35: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 19048, 15:04:32: R.H.G_Rob froze Puss - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 19048, 15:05:18: Lee froze Boots - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 19116, 05:29:10: Peter froze MetalFang - Lvl 369 (Voidwyrm) Day 19267, 11:31:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19267, 11:31:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19409, 02:04:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19701, 15:13:49: Kaczuchax - Lvl 50 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon)'! Day 19701, 15:17:59: Niko - Lvl 47 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 212 (Triceratops)'! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19711, 03:50:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20064, 06:20:25: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 407 (Voidwyrm) Day 20128, 07:50:28: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 20128, 08:20:04: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 407 (Voidwyrm) Day 20128, 09:56:53: R.H.G_Rob froze Jinx - Lvl 408 (Shadowmane) Day 20305, 17:30:09: R.H.G_Rob froze Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Lvl 412 (Voidwyrm) Day 21478, 00:34:42: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 24680, 19:30:05: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 24680, 22:05:27: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 24681, 03:28:52: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 24682, 03:23:45: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 24682, 07:14:32: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 24682, 08:34:23: R.H.G_Rob froze Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 24687, 08:00:11: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Travis - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 24687, 08:02:40: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 24687, 08:12:54: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 72! Day 24687, 08:44:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Travis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 24687, 12:35:38: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24688, 15:44:33: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Matt - Lvl 275 (Managarmr)'! Day 24688, 15:47:36: R.H.G_Rob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (R-Snow Owl) Day 24688, 16:30:00: R.H.G_Rob froze Matt - Lvl 279 (Managarmr) Day 25211, 20:35:04: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25364, 09:24:41: R.H.G_Rob froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 25364, 13:08:38: R.H.G_Rob froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 25364, 13:12:34: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25364, 13:26:49: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25365, 03:13:54: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25365, 05:13:27: R.H.G_Rob froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 25365, 07:18:57: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 25943, 08:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26250, 19:30:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1514736116,"tribe":"Alpha Raptors logs":["Day 28006, 07:59:06: Vorty was added to the Tribe! Day 28006, 08:16:40: Mint was added to the Tribe by Vorty! Day 28006, 09:57:12: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:26:51: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:27:46: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:28:47: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:29:50: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:30:53: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:31:57: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:33:00: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:34:37: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:35:41: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:36:44: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:37:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 186 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28006, 10:37:50: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:39:24: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:40:28: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:41:33: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:42:33: Vorty demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 10:59:15: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 11:00:41: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 11:01:43: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 11:06:01: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 11:16:51: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 10 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28006, 11:24:35: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 187 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28006, 11:53:52: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 11:54:51: Mint demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 28006, 12:40:34: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 14 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28007, 00:00:36: Vorty demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 28007, 06:19:50: Mint Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 14 (Parasaur)! Day 28007, 08:56:56: Mint Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 171 (Parasaur)! Day 28007, 12:38:10: Vorty demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28007, 12:39:08: Vorty demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 28008, 06:02:50: Mint Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 28008, 06:35:28: Mint Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax)! Day 28010, 19:18:57: Mint Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 28010, 19:33:42: Mint Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon)! Day 28010, 22:36:52: Your Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 28010, 22:51:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 104 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 35! Day 28010, 23:14:01: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 55 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 28011, 09:39:50: Mint Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 28015, 19:21:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 44 (Sarco)! Day 28016, 02:03:58: Mint Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 28016, 11:23:50: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 28016, 23:18:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 131 (Argentavis)! Day 28026, 16:30:32: Your Sarco - Lvl 47 (Sarco) was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 28030, 10:37:53: Your Parasaur - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed! Day 28033, 04:53:54: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) Day 28034, 12:18:40: Mint Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 202 (Beelzebufo)! Day 28034, 12:26:05: Mint froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 202 (Beelzebufo) Day 28056, 07:18:19: Mint froze Drake - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28057, 08:12:03: Mint froze Drake - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28058, 08:24:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28058, 08:24:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 28106, 21:05:41: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 28163, 12:52:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28210, 19:33:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28210, 19:33:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28305, 10:38:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28329, 01:22:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 28410, 13:30:47: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 28485, 09:51:56: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 68 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28485, 12:19:02: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 68 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28485, 13:18:43: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28485, 13:36:18: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28485, 13:48:46: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 28485, 14:28:31: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 28485, 17:41:06: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 70! Day 28485, 18:25:18: Vorty Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28485, 18:41:58: Vorty Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur)! Day 28486, 01:28:14: Mint Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 37 (Therizinosaur)! Day 28486, 04:05:39: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 28486, 04:35:28: Tribemember Mint - Lvl 69 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 28486, 16:59:36: Mint downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 180 Day 28486, 21:29:33: Mint Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 22 (Phiomia)! Day 28487, 07:07:29: Mint froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28488, 14:57:43: Mint froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28488, 16:09:58: Vorty downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 131 Day 28488, 16:10:39: Vorty downloaded a dino: 145f - Lvl 202 Day 28488, 16:11:15: Vorty downloaded a dino: 145m - Lvl 208 Day 28488, 18:34:25: Vorty froze 145f - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28488, 19:50:29: Vorty froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28488, 22:22:16: Mint froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28489, 12:57:44: Vorty froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28489, 20:39:41: Mint downloaded a dino: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 Day 28489, 20:43:52: Mint froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28500, 19:09:42: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 70 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 28500, 19:51:53: Vorty froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28501, 10:42:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus)! Day 28501, 10:43:49: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 70 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 25! Day 28501, 12:00:33: Vorty froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28501, 14:18:21: Mint froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus) Day 28501, 19:24:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 116 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 28501, 21:57:11: Mint froze Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis) Day 28505, 03:57:35: Mint froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28507, 06:10:49: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 45 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 28533, 08:38:38: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 28533, 08:41:37: Mint was removed from the Tribe! Day 28551, 14:40:48: Vorty froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 28551, 15:05:58: Vorty froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28552, 19:11:48: Vorty demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28552, 19:16:52: Vorty demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28552, 19:22:44: Vorty demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28552, 19:26:39: Vorty demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28552, 19:29:10: Vorty demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 28552, 20:18:56: Vorty froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28553, 12:49:06: Vorty froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 244 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 28553, 20:08:46: Vorty claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 28554, 02:10:53: Vorty froze Baby VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28554, 07:24:02: Vorty froze Juvenile VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28554, 16:44:06: Vorty froze Juvenile VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28554, 16:50:49: Vorty froze Juvenile VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28555, 07:28:30: Vorty froze Adolescent VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28555, 10:00:59: Vorty froze Adolescent VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28555, 10:05:24: Vorty froze Adolescent VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28555, 10:10:52: Vorty froze Adolescent VF - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28556, 09:54:32: Vorty froze VF - Lvl 245 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28557, 09:15:14: Vorty claimed 'Крылатый уебан - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon)'! Day 28568, 14:57:39: Vorty froze VF - Lvl 247 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28569, 23:31:50: Vorty froze VF - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28571, 05:12:09: Vorty demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 28571, 08:19:03: Vorty demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 28571, 10:20:51: Vorty demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 28571, 15:55:08: Vorty froze VF - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28573, 13:10:38: Vorty froze VF - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 28817, 05:27:02: Argentavis's 'Drake - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 28911, 19:46:13: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 7 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 29090, 17:15:55: Human - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 141 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29090, 17:16:52: Human - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon)'! Day 29090, 17:17:52: Human - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 156 (Argentavis)'! Day 29090, 17:18:20: Human - Lvl 17 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 168 (Raptor)'! Day 29093, 23:40:00: H-Rex - Lvl 13 (Tribe of H-Rex) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beelzebufo - Lvl 202 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 29268, 09:30:46: Your Крылатый уебан - Lvl 130 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 29268, 16:18:08: Your Phiomia - Lvl 24 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 29327, 11:39:06: Vorty's 'VF - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 29359, 15:37:26: Your ww - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 35! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29368, 21:13:56: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29505, 04:47:28: Cowboy - Lvl 112 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145f - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29505, 05:05:18: Cowboy - Lvl 112 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145m - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29505, 05:23:18: Cowboy - Lvl 112 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29505, 08:56:10: Cowboy - Lvl 112 (Tribe Of Sticks And Dung) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29509, 14:31:36: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29524, 15:44:48: ITS ME MAX - Lvl 102 (Frequencerz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 29569, 19:12:16: LilConqueror - Lvl 123 (Black Water) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 29594, 04:31:46: Human - Lvl 97 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 29673, 15:55:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 29791, 20:36:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30075, 07:43:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 30113, 23:58:00: Tribemember Vorty - Lvl 98 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 80! Day 30441, 14:29:36: Ethan - Lvl 102 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 30752, 20:17:26: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 116 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1513856696,"tribe":"CHADOSAURUS logs":["Day 31152, 02:39:21: Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 31152, 02:39:23: Pteranodon - Lvl 122 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 31152, 02:39:31: Danny - Lvl 81 (Rex) starved to death! Day 31152, 02:39:40: Safir - Lvl 84 (Rex) starved to death! Day 31152, 03:30:30: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lilith - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur)'! Day 31152, 03:33:25: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maradona - Lvl 267 (Sabertooth)'! Day 31152, 03:35:27: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 42 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 03:37:25: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 112 (Raptor)'! Day 31152, 03:43:53: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Christie - Lvl 162 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 31152, 03:46:55: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 88 (Raptor)'! Day 31152, 03:48:55: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doomsday - Lvl 130 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 31152, 03:51:24: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lyla Diggle - Lvl 183 (Triceratops)'! Day 31152, 03:52:13: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gros Porc - Lvl 111 (Phiomia)'! Day 31152, 03:53:08: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manfred - Lvl 133 (Mammoth)'! Day 31152, 03:54:38: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 31152, 03:58:54: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 124 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 31152, 04:02:20: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 162 (Raptor)'! Day 31152, 04:03:32: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sara - Lvl 69 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 04:08:10: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oxyn - Lvl 132 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 31152, 04:10:15: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Locéa - Lvl 110 (Megaloceros)'! Day 31152, 04:15:03: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roccea - Lvl 124 (Megaloceros)'! Day 31152, 04:20:20: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 46 (Rex)'! Day 31152, 05:17:14: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 79 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 31152, 06:33:26: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 123 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 31152, 06:34:31: Daz - Lvl 192 (Salty Sea Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 130 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31161, 06:58:59: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31265, 12:50:40: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 98 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31445, 02:36:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31504, 02:39:35: barthalan - Lvl 121 (Tribu de barthalan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 31504, 04:12:15: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31728, 21:13:50: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 31810, 14:44:45: Tribemember ramzez - Lvl 87 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 32358, 08:40:14: Your Adios amigos - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 40! Day 32713, 13:50:07: Tribemember Giga Chad - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 39560, 15:01:38: Tribemember ramzez - Lvl 87 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 55! Day 39560, 15:52:04: Tribemember ramzez - Lvl 87 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 10! Day 39560, 15:53:39: Tribemember lipoutou - Lvl 49 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 39560, 16:17:12: ramzez claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1510710327,"tribe":"Tribe of MeantyKatana logs":["Day 27560, 16:11:25: MeantyKatana was added to the Tribe! Day 27560, 16:14:28: DivineMoon was added to the Tribe by MeantyKatana! Day 27560, 16:17:39: DivineMoon was promoted to a Tribe Admin by MeantyKatana! Day 27561, 04:56:02: Tribemember MeantyKatana - Lvl 35 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 27561, 06:15:34: Tribemember MeantyKatana - Lvl 36 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 27561, 07:32:05: Tribemember MeantyKatana - Lvl 36 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 27561, 10:36:19: MeantyKatana Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 37 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27561, 12:27:55: DivineMoon Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur)! Day 27561, 12:31:45: DivineMoon Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 27561, 13:11:31: Tribemember DivineMoon - Lvl 33 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 27561, 13:45:19: Tribemember DivineMoon - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 27879, 17:28:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27921, 01:24:16: Your НАЗАРЧИК 2 - Lvl 31 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 5! Day 28320, 09:22:01: Dilophosaur - Lvl 40 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 28429, 13:53:36: Your НАЗАРЧИК - Lvl 67 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 1.1x!"] "tribeid":1507031910,"tribe":"Tribe of Keith logs":["Day 26710, 22:48:15: Keith was added to the Tribe! Day 26710, 22:51:44: donald duck was added to the Tribe by Keith! Day 26711, 00:18:08: Keith Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 125 (Dodo)! Day 26711, 06:17:39: donald duck Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 26711, 09:37:23: Tribemember donald duck - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20! Day 26711, 10:10:58: Tribemember donald duck - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 26711, 11:58:09: spnhd was added to the Tribe by Keith! Day 26711, 19:53:58: Keith Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 26712, 01:27:55: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x! Day 26712, 01:41:40: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 40! Day 26712, 03:57:21: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 26712, 04:05:18: donald duck Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 12 (Parasaur)! Day 26712, 04:41:51: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 26712, 05:20:36: Your Parry - Lvl 12 (Parasaur) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.9x! Day 26712, 06:00:26: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 26712, 06:45:41: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 26712, 07:00:02: donald duck was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Keith! Day 26712, 07:00:42: spnhd was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Keith! Day 26712, 07:22:25: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 26712, 09:52:43: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 29 was killed by Keith - Lvl 36 (Tribe of Keith)! Day 26712, 09:52:43: Your Tribe killed spnhd - Lvl 29 (Tribe of Keith)! Day 26712, 12:45:58: Keith Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 104 (Stegosaurus)! Day 26712, 16:37:21: Keith Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 107 (Pteranodon)! Day 26712, 23:12:29: Keith froze shemad4muts - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26712, 23:33:58: donald duck froze amoguns - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 26712, 23:52:49: Keith froze shemad4muts - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26713, 00:07:13: Keith froze pur - Lvl 283 (Thylacoleo) Day 26713, 01:00:38: Keith froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 330 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26715, 14:59:31: Keith froze amoguns - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 26715, 15:13:51: Keith froze Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 26715, 18:14:49: Keith froze shemad4muts - Lvl 211 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26732, 07:47:12: Keith demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26732, 07:48:42: Keith demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 26732, 15:40:13: Keith froze amoguns - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 26732, 22:06:58: Keith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26732, 22:08:24: Keith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 26732, 22:24:03: Keith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26732, 22:29:24: Keith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 03:58:43: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 26733, 08:17:59: Keith claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 26733, 08:31:03: Keith froze Baby Eryk - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26733, 09:40:06: Keith froze Baby Eryk - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 26733, 09:56:47: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 10:22:30: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 17:02:58: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 17:23:29: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 17:26:22: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26733, 18:06:27: Keith claimed 'BIG BOI RAPER 2 - Lvl 44 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 26733, 18:08:49: Keith claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)'! Day 26733, 18:10:11: Keith claimed 'DECENT FOR A SHITE DINO - Lvl 241 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 26733, 18:10:45: Keith claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 64 (Triceratops)'! Day 26733, 18:11:39: Keith claimed 'dont even look at it TOB - Lvl 195 (Raptor)'! Day 26733, 18:14:11: Keith claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 69 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 26733, 18:15:07: Keith claimed 'sdads - Lvl 165 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26733, 18:15:46: Keith claimed 'big boi don a telio - Lvl 101 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26733, 18:17:21: Keith claimed 'beast be careful - Lvl 226 (Megalodon)'! Day 26733, 18:23:36: Keith froze beast be careful - Lvl 232 (Megalodon) Day 26733, 18:25:51: Keith claimed 'BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 40 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 26733, 18:28:32: Keith claimed 'lil noobey boobey - Lvl 58 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 26733, 18:43:40: Keith claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 55 (Carbonemys)'! Day 26733, 18:54:55: Keith froze BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 47 (Brontosaurus) Day 26733, 19:28:03: Keith froze BIG BOI RAPER 2 - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) Day 26733, 21:02:55: Keith froze beast be careful - Lvl 232 (Megalodon) Day 26733, 21:35:36: Keith froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 331 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26733, 22:24:50: Keith froze pigeon - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl) Day 26734, 08:12:52: Keith froze Rex - Lvl 183 (Rex) Day 26734, 08:15:48: Keith froze Boris - Lvl 115 (Stegosaurus) Day 26734, 08:18:32: Keith froze Dylan - Lvl 131 (Dodo) Day 26734, 08:25:31: Keith froze pur - Lvl 286 (Thylacoleo) Day 26734, 08:28:19: Keith froze Mark - Lvl 57 (Moschops) Day 26734, 08:31:27: Keith froze BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 47 (Brontosaurus) Day 26734, 08:45:46: Keith froze BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 47 (Brontosaurus) Day 26734, 08:50:04: Keith froze Steve - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon) Day 26734, 08:54:30: Keith froze BIG BOI RAPER 2 - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) Day 26734, 08:59:57: Keith froze amoguns - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 26734, 09:09:29: Keith froze Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) Day 26734, 09:13:31: Keith froze Jeraldo - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26734, 18:56:41: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26734, 19:06:36: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26734, 22:54:44: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26734, 22:59:05: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26735, 10:23:14: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26735, 10:27:05: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26735, 11:12:59: Keith claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26735, 11:19:01: Keith froze Baby Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26735, 11:22:11: Keith claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 26735, 11:27:30: Keith froze Baby Tim - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26735, 12:00:06: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26735, 12:02:55: Keith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26735, 12:13:51: Keith froze Jeraldo - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26735, 12:17:26: Keith froze BRUCE the Yute - Lvl 51 (Brontosaurus) Day 26736, 06:53:29: Keith froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26736, 10:36:33: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26736, 10:42:23: Keith froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 26736, 19:29:04: Keith froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 26736, 22:54:26: Keith froze Juvenile Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26736, 23:18:15: Keith froze Juvenile Tim - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26736, 23:25:12: Keith froze Juvenile Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26736, 23:32:16: Keith froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 26737, 00:00:30: Keith froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26737, 00:06:38: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 229 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26737, 00:10:59: Keith froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26737, 17:39:17: Keith froze Juvenile Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26737, 18:31:31: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26737, 18:35:24: Keith froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 26737, 20:34:33: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 02:47:31: Keith froze Juvenile Tim - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26738, 03:23:24: Keith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 26738, 03:27:18: Keith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 26738, 03:50:55: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26738, 03:57:12: Keith froze Baby one - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 04:38:20: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26738, 04:40:43: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26738, 04:46:00: Keith froze Baby one - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 04:49:41: Keith froze Baby one - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 04:52:43: Keith claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26738, 04:58:11: Keith froze Baby one - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 06:27:53: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 08:23:25: Keith froze Juvenile one - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 08:36:47: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 08:37:47: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 09:00:08: Keith froze Adolescent Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26738, 09:51:12: Keith froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 10:33:08: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:33:55: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:34:57: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:35:45: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:36:54: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:38:06: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:40:22: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:41:12: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:42:09: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:43:03: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:43:47: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:44:37: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:45:41: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:46:34: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:47:25: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:48:12: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 10:49:06: Keith demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 26738, 13:06:06: Keith froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 13:11:51: Keith froze Juvenile one - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 13:49:14: Keith froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 14:25:30: Keith froze Juvenile breeder - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 16:50:50: Keith froze Adolescent Tim - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26738, 18:23:07: Keith froze Adolescent one - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26738, 22:37:14: Keith froze Adolescent breeder - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 00:12:34: Keith froze Adolescent breeder - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 01:23:24: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26739, 03:19:45: Keith froze one - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 03:36:14: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 05:10:16: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 05:20:26: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 05:25:27: Keith froze one - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 05:41:37: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 05:45:35: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 161 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 06:40:45: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 06:44:11: Keith froze breeder - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 26739, 10:35:52: Keith froze spiky-mic-spike face - Lvl 174 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26739, 10:43:21: Keith froze Frederick - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26739, 11:45:44: Keith froze Frederick - Lvl 91 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26739, 12:52:57: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 231 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26739, 13:44:35: Keith demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26739, 14:11:01: Keith demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 26739, 14:42:53: Keith froze spiky-mic-spike face - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26740, 07:48:47: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 232 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26784, 08:53:10: donald duck claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 26784, 13:26:24: donald duck froze Juvenile Danny - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 26784, 16:29:13: donald duck froze amoguns - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 26785, 05:59:12: donald duck froze amoguns - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 26786, 10:21:01: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26786, 11:45:24: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26786, 15:36:01: Keith froze FireFang - Lvl 245 (Fire Wyvern) Day 26934, 01:07:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 26943, 04:33:14: Tribemember spnhd - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 26943, 05:28:31: Tribemember Keith - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 27075, 18:02:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27383, 18:45:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 27950, 16:06:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":-2147483648,"tribe":"[ASV Abandoned]" "tribeid":2000000000,"tribe":"[ASV Unclaimed]"}]